#like do you know youre wearing shimazaki colors
grimalkinmessor · 28 days
10, 11, 12, 19, 42, and 45 for Shimateru? 🥺
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
The girls are fiiightiiiiing 💅✨
Nah but fr, fist fighting and sparring with their powers are a big point of quality time for them. It's how they met, it's how they "made up" (read: became attracted to each other), it's how they start and resolve arguments, it's how they let off steam, and oftentimes how they start sex. Fighting as foreplay my beloved 🙏
It's cathartic for both of them Shimazaki finds it fun, a way to let loose, and Teruki feels the same, but with more relief, because Shimazaki is the only person he can go all out against. Not because he's strong, but because he knows Shimazaki's not afraid of hitting back and giving as good as he gets.
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
Oohhh Shimazaki loves to use petnames for Teru, and Teru fucking hates it, especially in the beginning. Shimazaki's favorites to use are Kitten (and all it's variations), Sparky, and Sweetheart—all incredibly condescending. At first, anyway. He likes the way Teruki's aura flares when he says them, his little lightning bolt gets so pissed off >:3 He eventually adds on Lovely once they're closer and those nicknames don't sound quite so mean anymore; if anything, they're almost -gasp- affectionate? 👀
Teru himself has a few nicknames for Shimazaki that he uses later on, standard stuff like Love and Darling. He uses them sarcastically at first, much like Shimazaki, but then he too falls into the trap of affection 😔🙏 RIP unattached Teru he will be missed.
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
Ahh, not really? They've both been on their own so long that I don't see them ever really becoming codependent that way. They're people that like their space and need alone time, so they work pretty well together in that respect. So yes, fairly independent.
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
THIS one is fun, because while Teruki absolutely probably steals Shimazaki's leather jackets and pants from time to time, Shimazaki can't really,,,,,see, what he's picking up when he handles Teru's clothes. He can see the shape and cut of it due to Teruki's aura being all over it, but he can't exactly see the colors or designs on them. He has no way of knowing that Teru has the brightest, neon fashion sense known to man unless someone tells him, and you can bet your ass that absolutely no one is going to.
Shimazaki steals Teru's jackets and scarves and even his shirts sometimes, maybe a watch or two, and then you have this intimidating emo-looking guy waltzing around with a neon yellow scarf with like green triangles all over it. An inverted blacklight Hawaiian button-up. Occasionally a bright, hot pink wrist watch. Teruki actually thinks he looks nice though, is the thing, so I guess it works for them 😭
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Well, Teruki is kind of a runaway? At least in my head he is, rather than his parents just,,,voluntarily letting their fifteen year old live alone. So Shimazaki likely never really meets Teru's family, unless he decides to take advantage of Shimazaki's teleportation abilities and send messages to them back and forth that they can't technically track. Even then I think it would be kind of awkward for Shimazaki to interact with them given how genuinely worried they seem for their son—I think it would skeeve him out.
As for Shimazaki's family....well, I kind of have an angsty headcanon for him where his mother actually purposefully blinded him as a kid and that's what sparked his psychic awakening, so he's ALSO been a little vagabond skirting from town to town so he doesn't get put in the system, so he knows what it's like. His father was out of the picture and his mother is still in jail for, you know, maiming her kid so Shimazaki doesn't really have any family for Teru to meet now beyond the Ultimate Five, and even they don't really fuck with Shimazaki much because of how much of a dick he was 😅
I guess in that vein Teru's Meet My Parents meeting would probably just involve the Kageyama brothers, Reigen, Tome, and Dimple :')
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
Ack, this one is weird for me. Because again, they're fairly independent and that's because they're both very prideful and they both needed to know how to survive on their own, which they do and think they do well. It woul be hard for either of them to support the other because both of them think they don't need support.
I think the biggest thing that Shimazaki "supports" Teru through is sparring. When his anger issues start flaring up, when the guilt starts creeping in, when he feels Old Teru start bubbling back up in sneers and insults, he can count on Shimazaki to run him through the wringer until he feels right again. To take every bit of his rage and aggression without flinching back from him or thinking he's weak for it.
For Shimazaki, I think Teru mostly supports him physically. Leaning against him when he gets all quiet, dragging his hands along the walls and furniture in the apartment to make sure Shimazaki can see the shape and limits of them, holding his hand when they walk through large crowds, sometimes even combing his fingers through Shimazaki's hair when the man can't get to sleep.
Neither of them acknowledge that they're helping the other out loud, and neither of them acknowledge that they're being helped, because that shit Embarrassing™
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kesobun · 2 years
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a-partofthemob · 2 years
woop woop, im bored time for some: MINEGISHI HEADCANONS, why? because i love them, that's why.
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- their aura is green in color and has leaf like patterns with some flower designs speckled around, since their power is chlorokinesis the plants also take on their aura color
- their aura is very weak and not visible because of the amount of plants being controlled, psychic energy dispersion and all that. im making this one up because we didnt get to see their aura in canon lmao
- when minegishi gets sick or feels ill, their aura takes on a more yellow or brown color and the plants they control are easier to take down, more limp, or just plain wilting
- nobody knows if they can actually talk to plants or if they're just making it up
- they have sprayed shimazaki with a garden hose
- more than once
- had used a lawnmower as a weapon before and terrified everyone
- let's not talk about the time when they used a chainsaw
- and axe
- and scythe
- they wore an all black ensemble during the scythe days and scared the shit out of everyone, especially the lackeys
- whenever some battle goes down and minegishi gets called into the scene and pulls up wearing all black and wielding a scythe, you bet you’re ass people thought their time had finally come
- minegishi found this hilarious
- the others did not
- they can and will form a cactus on the place you sit and step don't test them
- found out about the Hanahaki Disease once and have tried to make it into a reality
- it was... not a pretty image
- you know the scene in encanto where mariano's nose got punched?
- yeah minegishi has done that
- their wardrobe is... something
- you've seen their shirt you can tell where i'm going with this
- likes light pastel colors and soft neons, also funky buttondowns because they seem to be the type to like funky buttondowns (i am too)
- so their light color scheme would definitely clash with their deadpan personality
- shimazaki doesn't know minegishi doesn't have any eyebrows either until hatori joked about it or just started poking randomly at their face because he was bored and going... "you dont have eyebrows??"
- "one wrong move and i'll shove a cactus up your ass"
- they were definitely an overalls kid
- i like the idea of minegishi having a collection of hairpins to get their hair out of their face so im sharing that image with you guys
- also think of post-wd minegishi, when they're a florist now, and compare that to herb cookie
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that's it adios, i’ll probably do more in the future but who knows?
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I'm going to ramble again to let out my frustrations and also to shut up my single braincell. Today's rambling is-
Among Us AU
That's right I'm going to ramble about this again. Since I've seen a few people starting to post about a Mob Psycho 100 Among Us AU and I'm just going to continue on what I started on a previous post.
So without further adou, I'm going to talk about the characters as Crewmates and as Imposters.
He usually mains green (I'm basing their colors on their outfits, and Mob's puppy hoodie is my fav) and his hat is the flower.
> As a Crewmate
Almost always a Crewmate
Tends to use the map to finds his tasks, mostly at Polus since ya know it's Polus
Often takes a while in card swiping at Admin
He can finish decently early with his tasks
Usually follows or sticks around people close to him
The others don't really think of it as sus since it's Mob
They all can vouch for his innocence and he does the same to them
Even though he barely talks in meetings
Mob is either the first or third one to die
Miraculously has never been killed in Electrical even if the Imposter is there
But he does usually gets killed in Reactor or Medbay (The Skeld)
In other instances he gets vibe checked in Decontamination or Office (Mira HQ and Polus)
When he gets killed by someone he's close to he's just
Mob : :(
Then follows the others that are still alive around
There was one time someone thought of him as sus since he was following others around
Since everyone (Reigen and the rest were in another Skeld and probably the only person who could vouch for Mob's got nae nae'd early on) was kinda convinced they yeeted him out the airlock
Spoiler Alert : He was not an Imposter
In another time some poor bastard tried to frame him for murder and said bastard was promptly yeeted out of ship
Also, he's almost everyone's go to alibi
> As an Imposter
People would say he would be a terrible Imposter but I'd think otherwise
Don't get me wrong I don't think he would be a bad or terrible Imposter, I'd say he'd be an okay and decent one
Even though he's almost always a Crewmate it doesn't mean that he's never an Imposter
Tends to team up with his fellow Imposter
But he rarely kills
He mostly sabotages and jams the doors a lot to distract the others
He's good at sabotaging things while his fellow Imposter has a nice body count
Vents when absolutely necessary
Example : Venting to Medbay to be as far away as possible from the body in Lower Engine
Mob still follows people around because he likes being with his friends regardless
The people he's with still vouch for his innocence
He's one of the characters that can make everyone have trust issues against one another
Body Count
Mob : 1
Other Imposter : 3
Mob only kills one person everytime he's an Imposter
The reasoning behind why Mob committed aliven't you may ask? Someone nearly got the whole group to vote out Ritsu for "acting sus"
Now that someone is on his hit list and Mob has a gun
The mentioned body in Lower Engine was that someone's body
It always 50/50 on whether they lose or win
He mains as pink (based on his tie but sometimes his color orange or white but that depends) and he wears the "DUM" sticky note on his head. Sometimes he has either the mini crewmates or the cyclops puppy by his side
> As a Crewmate
50% of the time he's a Crewmate
Can and will do his tasks fairly quick
He probably has memorized every map from The Skeld to Polus
Reigen sticks close to others and others stick close to him
You can find him usually with the following Crewmates
Serizawa (😏What if 👬 we 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kissed 😄😣in 🏥 MedBay and we're both Crewmates😻👨‍❤️‍👨)
Mob ("Listen Mob there's a trick to completing the wires fast-". Mob was going to say 'Huh, Shishou sure does like to talk wires a lot' but he accidentally electrocuted his hand while connecting one of the wires so it came out as, "Ssshut the fuck up Shishou.", Reigen did his task in silence.)
Teru (Father-Son bonding time in a place where someone is bound to kill you at any given moment :) )
Tome (Father-Daughter bonding time in a place where someone is bound to kill you at any given moment :) )
He's usually the first body you'd find in Electrical aka the Slaughter room
If he's not the first one to go he's immediately the most sus person in the group
He nearly had a premature airlock sendoff if it hadn't been for the skip votes
Acts sus as hell at times
But Serizawa and Mob can say he's clear
He always has his alibis ready when he accidentally splits off of the group
When he's dead he speedruns his tasks to either stay with his pet or follow around the ones still alive
He likes to talk shit about the Imposter that killed him a lot
Minegishi :*staring at the mini crewmate* Who could have done this
Serizawa : *really wants to comfort the little fella but can't* I don't know but what they did was cruel
Minegishi : Well, who ever killed Reigen-san we hope they get airlocked soon
Reigen❌ : hoe >:(
Overall, he's just a swell guy to be with in Among Us but he just really fucking sus no matter what
> As an Imposter
This is where the other 50% is
He's still sus as hell but it's like normal for everyone
Meaning this man can get away with a lot of murder
Like always Ritsu is always ready to vote him out the airlock
He vents a lot and knows when to just stay hidden or to pop out
For all we know Reigen's back is probably aching from carrying the other Imposter
This man has mastered the art of bullshit from working in customer service and perfected it as a conman
His alibis are solid
The strongest alibis he has are the ones with Mob and Serizawa
He sticks close to them a lot
He checks the cameras (The Skeld and Polus) and logs (Mira HQ). Always.
He doesn't have a regular killing place
If you're alone, it's free real estate
Imagine being one of the Crewmates on your way to Electrical from Navigation to fix the lights and then you hear someone trailing behind you. You try to go a bit faster but you can't. You're suddenly on the floor reaching out for someone and the last thing you hear is a gun firing.
Wanna know why Mob gets killed in Reactor? Reigen started it
It was an accident and also a very clean kill
Don't worry though, he suffered a lot of guilt killing his boy, even though after the whole ordeal Mob would be alive again in the lobby
This man has been yeeted out the airlock two times while being Imposter
One time by accidentally venting in front of Tome
And the other time when he and the other Imposter couldn't coordinate with a double kill
All in all, he's a great Imposter that makes you want to screm the you fucking called it at the very damn start
That's all I can ramble for now but I'll be making a part two with Ritsu, Teru, Shou, Tome, and Serizawa. But I might still split them :/
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justphilia · 4 years
So anyways, birthdays, my boy doesn’t do parties.
His family would get him a cake for after dinner and Reigen might, for once, let him have some frackin’ meat on his ramen.
Ritsu’s the only one that would get him gifts probably; froggy keychain, hoodies.
OH but that was BEFORE Shigeo unlocked the power of friendship, so now his birthday goes like this:
Dimple casually hovers over his face with a little party hat and Shigeo is too tired in the morning to deal with it probably, so he gets up and goes through Dimple.
Ritsu’s the first to say Happy Birthday because he is a good little brother, and his parents are like, “Happy birthday, Shige, we’ll get cake for dinner, alright?” As per tradition, y’know?
So my boys are walking to school, and neither of them are acknowledging the ghost in the party hat, and Dimple doesn’t seem too eager to tell them anyways because they already know why he’s wearing it.
And the moment they enter school, Shigeo’s suddenly getting random “Happy birthday”s from people he doesn’t even know, and he’s super confused. Until Mezato shows up and goes, “Oh dude, there’s like a birthday babies section in the school paper and let’s say I added yours.”
Even his teacher told him happy birthday and it’s so bizarre because Shigeo isn’t use to this much attention.
Then club rolls in and Shigeo suddenly finds himself being thrown in the air by his Body Improvement Club buddies, but it doesn’t last long because this is post-canon and the members are different.
Anyways, Teru decides to drop by while Shigeo is on his run with the fellas, and he’s holding like the biggest frog plush Shigeo has ever seen in his life. “Kageyama-kun, what a surprise!”
No, not what a surprise, he planned this. He walked his gay ass over just to hand the gift early.
“Welp, you already saw the gift, might as well take it,” Teru sighs, holding it up for Shigeo.
“Hanazawa-kun, I am on my run.”
“Oh, yeah- right—“
“How about you head over to my house and wait for me?”
Shigeo isn’t really expecting a party, but when he gets home, expecting to see Teru and maybe Reigen only with his family, he is met with a crowd of people. And he hasn’t even reached the front door yet.
Consisting of: Awakening Lab bunch, Reigen and his husband, Ex-Telepathy Club members, the actual Telepath Peach Boy, Camera Lady Mezato, Emi the Fanfic Writer, ginger gamer arsonist and his gay band; Paper Fan, Healer Hand, Constructor Man, Tiny Dolly Mukai and her Big Strong Mom, Probably Roommates But Definitely Co-Workers Sakurai and Koyama,
Mr Afraid Of A Water Bucket Terada, Muraki In A Suit part 2, Matsuo and Pudding-chan, Frat Chad Shimazaki and his partner Plant Guy Minegishi, Joseph From The Government (only here to watch over ex-Claw), Buff Boys and Tenga, Miss Tennis Lesbian and Miss Alien Lesbian, then finally, Minori pulls up behind Shigeo in a limo.
Kagey-mama low key stress from the amount of adults in the room who came for her 15-16(?)-year-old son’s birthday.
So anyways Teru’s kinda bummed out he’s not the only one who got Shigeo a very cool gift, because these fellas only knew one thing about Shigeo and it’s that he likes frogs and the color green. (Koyama deadass the only one who brought milk)
How they got invited? Dimple in a party hat ran around town collecting guests like he was playing Pokémon, because collecting people is his only specialty. I don’t even know how he got Tsubomi and a good chunk of the ex-Claw Members but whatever y’know?
So Shigeo’s having the time of his life and he’s smiling like, “Are y’all being nice people?”
“Pfft, I mean,” Shimazaki starts. Minegishi kicks him in the shin. Shimazaki nearly cries in blind. “YEP, definitely.”
Ritsu is beyond pissed off because THIS IS OUR SPECIAL TRADITION WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE.
Shou: Enters the chat.
Ritsu: Okay nevermind :)
Meanwhile Teru’s still thinking of the perfect gift and it isn’t helping that all the girls are surrounding Shigeo, gushing about his birthday and such.
Shigeo’s going to sleep comfy tonight with this many frog plus- Did Minori buy him a whole bed?
That’s it, I’m winning the best prize competition, whether they like it or not. Teru, honey, there’s no competition???
So after cake and ha ha party talk (yes how are you PUDDING-chan, oh wow Tsubomi you’ve gotten taller again, no Tenga this isn’t a secret gang, Joseph you can have some cake y’know), they all head home and Teru’s the last to leave while Ritsu’s trying to push all the gifts up the stairwell (not going well, cannot fit).
Shigeo’s like, “Well, we had fun didn’t we?”
“Yes, we did. Happy birthday, Shige,” Teru smooches Shigeo’s hand. “Goodnight!”
Shigeo’s red all over.
//Side note: I did a grammar check with this post using text-to-speech to read it out loud for me to read along with and it’s hilarious??
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nie7027 · 5 years
Super5 headcanons part 4
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3  Part 4   Part 5
And thats how they found themselves one saturday morning in the parking lot of the closest mall with no idea how to go about this
Hatori, who already regretted this, was regretting it even more when he noticed how crowded the place was "so... What do we do if someone recognizes him as the prime minister kidnapper? "
"We have come before and no one has recognized us so far..." said shibata a little hesitant "what makes you think this time it would be different?"
"Well i dont know...how about the fact it was internationally televised"
"So were you destroying that army helicopter" quipped Shimazaki from behind "if you are so scared you shouldnt have come"
"Who do you think is gonna pay for your shit dumbass?!"
"Did i ask you to do it?" Shimazakis glasses were obscuring his eyes but the glare was evident "I am the one forced to come. I DONT NEED YOU-"
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" Minegishi yelled before Shimazaki could say anything further "Hatori! we have gone through this before. Everything willl be fine and if it isnt then we'll deal with it and Shimazaki no one is forcing you to do this! we talked and you accepted, you cant turn back now"
When both of them kept quiet Minegishi thanked god(gods? Whoever was in charge of his stupid life) for it and rubbed his temples, a headache already threatenint its way
Although Shimazaki had been mostly right in saying they forced him to come they would never give him the reason
Besides its not like he couldnt transport away at any moment. If he was here it was because at some level he actually wanted and it was enough for them.
"Cmon guys, people are starting to stare" Shibata, bless him, decided to take charge at that instant and ushered them inside
"So...where do we start? " said Hatori wearily glancing at the different stores there were
"How about we start by replacing his jacket?" mused Shibata "i think its the item that attracts attention the most"
"Whats wrong with my jacket?"
"It has bullet holes"
"And scorching marks"
"Scorch marks? That fucking kid..."
"You didnt notice? It used to have blood stains too but they were gone after i washed it...was it even yours?"
"How would i know?"
The three men sighed at this before minegishi spoke "Okay...that settles it then. Well start by the jacket"
"Oh how about we get him a sweater? I actually need some myself and they are in offer!" said Hatori excitedly pointing at the store where he usually bought his
"Im sorry man but someone needs to tell you...your taste in sweaters suck" admitted Shibata making Shimazaki snicker
"Says the guy who only wears shorts and nike t shirts"
"So? Why does everybody need to know at all times?"
Minegishi, for the second time that day. interrupted the fight between his friends "Im sorry Hatori but Shibatas right"
"What?" asked Hatori feeling betrayed
"I mean...the pigeon sweater?"
"Oh for the lord of-You know what? FINE! Whatever! I dont care! But thats a start and none of you have a better idea." Hatori smirked knowing he was right when the others didnt said anything "Besides he is going to pick his clothes so you dont have to worry about my "horrible taste" and fuck you guys, that sweater was awesome"
Shimazaki watched amused the exchange that followed while they walked to the supoosed sweater store. It remind him of the reason he accepted coming.
He was getting used to these petty fights and actually found them kind of funny.
Maybe coming wasnt as bad of a idea as it felt at first
Maybe it was
"So do you like the burgundy one?" asked Shibata when he noticed Shimazaki finally picked something
"Whats burgundy?" replied Shimazaki who had only grabbed something that felt soft
"Its kind of like red...but darker"
"Shibata I dont know what red is"
"Oh...thats....thats sad man"
Minegishi facepalmed before picking more red sweaters and handing them to Shimazaki "Red is actually the color of the t shirt you are wearing so it's close to your current style. Here. These are red too just...try them out and see if you like any"
"I cant believe i forgot he cant see" said Shibata while Shimazaki went to dressing room
"It happens to best of us" responded Minegishi
Some minutes later Shimazaki returned with 2 sweaters including the burgundy he had picked
"So how did it go?" asked minegishi retrieving the sweaters from Shimazakis hands
"They felt soft"
"And....what?" this was new fo Shimazaki and he didnt know what answer were they expecting
"How did the fit? How did you feel the neck? The chest?"
" they just fitted"
"Really?" shibata checked the tags "these are two sizes apart. Didnt one feel too loose or too tight?"
Shimazaki tried to remember but he didnt actually paid attention to that.
Luckily for him Hatori decided that moment to come back.
"Hey guys how its going? I talked with the cashier and he said that theres a 2x1 offer. So we can-oh, you already got 2? How did you know?"
He wasnt expecting the others to shrug
"Okay..." continued Hatori "Are you finished? I already got mine"
"Do you want those?" Minegishi asked and sighed when the other man kept silence
Shimazaki didnt know. Sure, they have felt nice but so did his current clothes. Besides minegishi was asking if he "wanted" them and Shimazaki wasn't used to actually considering if he wanted them. Usually there wasnt many options.
"How did you pick your clothes?" tried Shibata
it was shimazakis turn to shrug "I just robbed them and kept what fitted"
"What? Who did you rob to get your current clothes" said Hatori surprised "i thought you had this aesthethic going"
" You know like bad boy style. Kinda like grease"
"Grease? The musical-"
"ANYWAY" interrupted Minegishi "we are barely starting. Lets try somewhere else"
After that they went to other stores to try other clothes but each time the same scene of shimazaki, being unconfortable and not caring that much for what they picked, repeated and Shibata was having none of that.
He pulled Shimazakis arm turning him back. "Okay, man. From the clothes you are wearing right now. Which one do you actually like?"
It took shimazaki a full minute to answer but he finally said "The jacket"
Without thinking it twice Shibata dragged him to the first leather jacket store he saw, the others following close behind and scanned the items looking for a model that resembled Shimazakis the most.
Minegishi who had been looking at the tags glanced back to shibata "Are you sure about this? These are really expensive"
Shibata didnt reply and kept looking until he found what he wanted and smiliing turned to shimazaki"Take off your jacket and try this"
Shimazaki did as he said (and almost suceed at hiding the apprehesion Shibata had seen before when handing his jacket) and frowned when he put on the other. "Did you just hand me back my jacket again?"
Shibatas smile grew wider "Nop"
Shimazaki didnt believe him so he started to feel around for the bullet holes he knew were in the back and "stared" in disbelief when he couldnt find any of them.
Shibata resisted the urge to laugh "If you dont believe me check the sides. It has pockets"
"Maybe i never noticed mine had pockets" said Shimazaki stuffing his hands into the new pockets
"Sure man" shibata looked at the others "What do you think?"
"What am i suppsed to think? He looks exactly the same" said Hatori "At least this one isnt falling apart"
" Are you sure? Did you looked at the price" asked Minegishi again
Shibata glanced back at a now pouting Shimazaki who still had his hands stuffed inside the pockets and nodded "Its not like i will be broke if I buy it"
Shibata returned Shimazaki his old jacket and after paying for the new one he and the others gathered around Shimazaki
"Now shimazaki. Your pants"
"What about them?"
" what dont you like about your pants?"
Shimazaki looked offended "who said i dont like my pants?"
"You. You said it was the jacket what you liked the most and not the pants so theres sometjing about tjem you dont like" pointed out Minegishi
"Is the tightness isnt it?" Hatori asked with a smirk
"I actually like the tightness" deadpanned shimazaki and then looked like something disgusting crossed his mind but Hatori started screaming
Minegishi covered hatoris mouth with his hand shutting him definitely "what did you think?"
"I liked shibatas clothes" Shimazaki reluctantly grumbled out
"I liked Minegishis socks too"
"Wha-When did you use my socks?"
Shimazaki shrugged "That week you were hiding with them"
"You little piece of-"
They went to buy those and other clothes they deemed necesary ("STOP BEING CHILDREN YOU TWO. HE NEEDS UNDERWEAR TOO" yelled an embarrased Minegishi after the others laughed at him for suggesting it). Trying to get at least 2 items of each type of clothes
Eventually Shimazaki admitted he had liked the sweaters he tried first too and Hatori gladly bought them even though none of them correctly fitted (one was too tight and one was too loose)
With bags in hands they set out to leave and were talking about what to eat when Hatori cut it "Hey guys. Before we go i need to go to the bethroom!"
"Cant you wait till we go to eat?"
"If i could i would"
"Ugh fine. Do you even know where the bathroom is?
"There are six. Two in each floor. the closest to us in the middle, we passed it some minutes ago." shimazaki unexpectly said
Minegishit, shibata and Hatori stared baffled at him.
"How do you know...?"
"Mental eye?" said Shimazaki like it was the most obvious thing in the world "Theres so many people that I basically can see a complete map of the mall"
"Yeah but how do you know when you are seeing a bathroom?" asked curiously Hatori
The three of them started laughing when Shimazaki refused to answer
While they waited for Hatori Shibata glanced around and almost smacked himself in the head when he noticed certain store.
With all the drama of the clothes Shibata had completely forgotten the real reason they were here. Luckily for him it was in front of them
Minegishi looked to where Shibata pointed and hummed "we could go look around while we wait"
"Why would we-" Shibata pulled again shimazakis arm not letting him finish his question and dragged him inside the store.
'Please let it be one of those stores please let it be one of those stores' kept repeating Shibata in his head until Minegishi pointed at one side of the store "Look, they have a pet zone"
Victory! "Lets go!"
Shimazaki followed Minegishi and Shibata to the far end of the store where a lots of kids were and stood awkwardly not knowing what to do when Shibata suddenly handed him a little ball of fur.
Heartbeats. Blood flowing. Breaths. Warm. Soft. Oh no.
When Hatori finally found them after searching for minutes it was to the scene of Shimazaki sitting on the floor the floor, face being licked by one of the five puppies sitting on his lap....Was he crying? (No he wasnt but it was close)
Minegishi and Hatori were loudly gasping while Shibata kept saying variations of "I told you guys!" "You didnt believe me"
It was a good day for Shibata.
At night Minegishi. And Shimazaki were facing a new problem he hadnt considered. Where would they put Shimazaki stuff?
"I thought you could use my wardrobe but its too small..." minegishi had forgotten how much of a space his uniforms occuped.
Shimazaki suddenly dissapeared and after some minutes teletransported back with some boxes and ignored when Minegishi asked him from where did he got them "People use boxes to store things. We can use them"
"I guess? But it will be a hassle to pile and unpile them whenever-I have an idea"
without further ado Minegishi activated his powers and with the plants and the boxes built and cabinet of sorts in tje licing room "This will have to do for a while"
They spent the rest of the night folding the clothes (more like Minegishi trying to teach Shimazaki how to do it) and then went to sleep.
Since Shimazaki was overpowered by a bunch of puppies(YEAH SHIBATA YOU WERE RIGHT WE WERE WRONG CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP), Hatori decided something must have broken inside him because he developed a new habit: He started to pet every dog he encountered
And "Encountered" was a way to put it
After the third scream that afternoon Hatori shaked his head while waiting for the man to come back
Hatori groaned dragging his hands along his face and then turned to walk away /flee the scene
" I knew we should have stayed back in the apartment playing videogames"
"I told you I didnt want to come" shimazaki whined
Hatori just glared at him and walked faster not caring whether the bastard followed him or not. Why was he stuck babysitting Shimazaki on his off day? Oh yeah, minegishi was working and Shibata...fuck shibata! How could he forget his wallet "well, you wouldnt have had to come if you had accepted to take him his wallet"
Shimazaki somewhat got offended by that "Iike some kind of delivery guy? What a waste of my powers. Besides if i had taken it to him he wouldnt have invited us to dinner"
"Okay. First of all delivery guys are the foundation of modern society and you should respect them and second SHIBATA DIDNT INVITE YOU YOU INVITED YOURSELF"
Shimazaki just shrugs "so? Its shibata! He always pays for me"
"Aaaand the manchild cant see why thats wrong" hatori mutters
"Hatori Im blind"shimazaki deadpans
Shimazaki who was clearly ignoring Hatori perks up "Hes coming"
"Who is-?" hatori doesnt need to ask once he sees shibata giant form turning the corner ahead
"Hi guys!" Shibata greets waving at them .
Hatori hesitantly waves back "Shibata? What are you doing here? Didnt you have a class?"
"Boss had an emergency and we had to close early"
"Oh damn i hope it wasnt something serious-"
"WHO CARES? CAN WE GO ALREADY?" shimazaki whines
Shibata laughs and pats him on the back "Shimazaki! buddy, Im glad you came!"
Hatori rolls his eyes "the only reason he came was the food. He didnt even want you bring your wallet to you which reminds me" he takes out the wallet and gives it to him " you left it on the kicthen counter"
Shibata takes it and smiles "thank you man, you are the best!...so where do you guys want go?"
Shimaza was already opening his mouth to declare what he wanted when hatori pointed at accusatory finger at him "oh no! Dont even dare! Minegishi and Shibata spoil you enough"
Shibata frowned at him "We dont spoil him-"
Hatori turned to look at him with a face that said 'You gotta be kidding me' "YES YOU DO! He picked the last two times and I already had to deal with his bullshit all day so today I get to pick where we go!" hatori crossed his arms "besides it was me who brought the wallet"
"What? No! The places you pick are lame." shimazaki explaimed "shibata tell him!"
"Im sorry bud, he has a point there. You picked the last two times and its only fair he gets to pick today"
Shibata had to resist the laugh at seeing shimazaki sulk and Hatori stuck his tongue out at him.
After hatori proclaimed where he wanted to got they started to walk in that direction. Shibata carefully observed Hatori.
"So...what did shimazaki do to make you mad like that?" asked Shibata after a few minutes of walking
"He scared three persons on our way here" mumbled Hatori while he texted on his phone
"Three persons?" shibata looked back at shimazaki who walked behing with his hands in his pockets "Why?!"
Shimazaki shrugged "Its not my fault people are so easy to scare"
Not undertanding shibata turned to hatori confused
Hatori sigued and without looking from his phone he replied "He is doing again that thing where he teleports to pet nearby dogs"
Shibata groaned "Buddy! We have told you already theres no need to teletransport, you can just walk up to them and ask the owner if you can pet their dog"
Shimazaki rolled his eyes "Wheres the fun in that?"
"The fun is in the fact i wouldnt have to run 3 different times in less than 1 hour because of you" hissed Hatori finnally pocketing his phone
"Besides" picked Shibata " You cant go around petting peoples dogs"
"Huh? Why not?" rebuked Shimazaki "All dogs like to be petted!"
"Because you have to ask the owners permission first you dingus! Some people dont like to be molested "
"And there are some special dogs who shouldnt be petted or they get distracted from their duty "
"Oh! I heart about that-"
"They are dogs" Shimazaki snapped "What duty could dogs possibly have?"
Both men turned to him surprised "You dont know? You must know"
"About what?" answered Shimazaki
"Service dogs? You know...Dogs that help blind people? "
Thats how they spend dinner explaining to shimazaki about service dogs
Later that night when a text from Minegishi saying "Who was the idiot who told Shimazaki about service dogs??" came they both ignored it
Feeling guilty for letting Minegishi crush Shimazakis dreams of having a dog after being the ones who told him in the first place, Hatori and Shibata arranged a day to accompany Shimazaki to pet dogs.
Susprinsingly the man had listened to them and stopped popping besides every person who walked their dog and instead waited for Hatori or Shibata to let him know when he could pet the dog.
Due to how complicated that was they soon found a solution: stray dogs were free of hassle even if they were more difficult to find.
"You know? The day he tries to keep one of them we will be in big trouble" mussed Hatori after Shimazaki dissapeared probably finding another stray
"i dont know. Minegishi was very harsh." Shibata laughed remebering that day " I doubt hell try it anytime soon"
Hatori hummed "Do you think hell stay there this time or wil he bring it-"
As in cue Shimazaki reappered, a dirty bundle of black hair in his arms "I got it! It was behind some trash bags"
Both men stared at the strange looking ball of fur, dread setting in their stomachs.
"S-Shimazaki...Buddy... I dont think thats a dog" said Shibata slowly backing away
"What do you mean-" the thing decided that moment to turn its head and reveal its masked eyes.
It was a raccoon.
It bit Shimazakis arm.
"AHHH STUPID SHIT" Shimazaki screamed and quickly trew the damn thing
"AHHHHHHHH" the damn thing, now a blur of claws and fangs, unfortunately landed on Hatoris head.
"Shimazaki help me here-AHHHH" screamed shibata when he tried to rip the beast from Hatoris face
Shimazaki just teleported away.
By the time the raccoon finally jumped and scurried away both Hatori and Shibata were covered in scratches and bleeding from different parts.
"He is gonna pay...Im gonna make him pay" muttered Hatori while cleaning his glasses.
"I think we should go to the hospital first..."
Originally shimazaki was gonna mistake a cat for a dog but a racoon sounded funnier.
Did you know you rarely see stray dogs in Japan because people immediately report them? Or at least thats what my japanese teachers told me.
I know this is like a month later but i had difficulties writing this...ngl the por reception the 3rd part had kinda bummed me BUT i love these guys too much and dont want to stop writing this so im okay now.
Besides in the meantime i wrote for my fics! College funds chapter 2 is up now and so is my newest fic Mother's day! You should check them out. Ive been writing a the good place au for mp100 too but i havent posted it yet.
Anyway! Hope you liked this (Dont listen to them Hatori, your sweater are great)and see you next part because where we will finally reach THE PRANK so be ready for it and some feels
(i was gonna include it in this part but it was already too large and i decided to rearrange some stuff)
Im posting this again because tumblr sucks and posted the first version as a quote that even i cant see
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osanajimi · 7 years
Get to Know Me...
Tagged by @maggiezw Gosh, this still gets me squealing whenever someone would remember of me, so thank you so much. Love and Peace~ v(^_^)v
Rules: Answer 30 Questions then tag 20 blogs
1. Nicknames: My nickname varies by quite a bit across the Net, but one that I wouldn’t mind to be known here is Noire. 
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: I do a balancing act between Libra and Scorpio, and I love it.
4. Height: 1.68 m
5. Time: 10.17
6. Birthday: October 
7. Favourite bands: Currently definitely Arashi, but back in the day, I was really into the groups who did anime OSTs, namely AKFG, Uverworld, SID, Orange Range, Kalafina and the like.  
8. Favourite solo artists: None that I follow now. Else, I was quite the Matsushita Yuya fan back in high school.
9. Song stuck in my head: Nulbarich’s New Era
10. Last movie watched: Train to Busan
11. Last show watched: An Australian documentary on mental health (does that count?)
12. When did I create my blog: Was it last year? I think it was last year (2016)
13. What do I post: Per my profile, mainly Arashi, then my oshi ex-AKB mem Shimazaki Haruka, followed by tiny amounts of whatever tickles my fancy. Also, maybe a bit of linguistics. 
14. Last thing googled: Shimazaki Haruka NTV live appearances
15. Do you have other blogs: No
16. Do you get asks: Don’t think so.
17. Why did you choose your url: Some attempt at incorporating the OSANM initials into a Japanese word (it’s supposed to mean ‘childhood friend’) to only realize later that I was missing a syllable. Oh well.
18. Following: 131
19. Followers: 62
20. Favorite colors: green, red, black, white
21. Average hours of sleep: varies greatly, but let’s say 8.
22. Lucky number: Always been attracted to numbers 3 and 4.
23. Instruments: None. 
24. What I am wearing: collared shirt, chinos
25. How many blankets I sleep with: none
26. Dream job: to work with books, maybe translations
27. Dream trip: something random like Mayonaka no Arashi. Last train to anywhere.
28. Favourite food: Chocolate
29. Nationality: SEA
30. Favourite song right now: “Happy End” by Back Number
Tagging: Okay, so like, I’ve gained a few followers recently, so if you’re willing to share a bit ‘bout yourselves, then maybe @mitsurine, @arashiobsessed, @anjerinfordream? No need to force yourselves though. 
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