#like dteam just seem. so much more fun to hang out with than other ccs sorry 😭
dwtdog ¡ 3 months
Maybe I'm off base (but probably not) but from what I've gathered from the way CCs have talked about this "behind the scenes" stuff, it seems like the dteam's "crimes" were making mean-sounding jokes and being maybe a little overly familiar with strangers (i.e, treating their fellow CCs the way they would treat each other or their close friends, like Sapnap has straight up slapped George for being annoying and they both moved on), and rather than tell them that this made people uncomfortable, everyone decided to stew over it and bitch behind their backs
All this to say: COMMUNICATE
this is exactly what i think happens as well it's just small things that get blown up and passed around by bitter motherfuckers
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barbiegirldream ¡ 3 years
you’ve came across an issue i see in a large amount of dsmp creators or related creators as a whole. they try to be counterculture and act better than dream’s audience because they are “cringe” every bad attitude they see on twitter they equate to being “cringe dteam fan”. so they want to remove themselves from association to this fanbase to seem more normal, to seem more cool and legitimate around other creators.
so they pretend to disavow dream stans while also benefitting from the association to dream. they are on his server, or in proximity to its viewer base, he talks with them on twitter, and dream never talks bad about people. they’re friends behind the scenes yet publicly they take the stance of being “better than all that”. making jokes at his/our expense while still getting to be on dream’s good side. you want the antis to like you because they are Not Cringe but you also want dream to like you.
this does not work though, overall, because they fail to realize that a lot of the “cringe” fan base is their own. they’re running from the thing that made them successful to get more popularity points within cc circles. the fans you are embarrassed of still think you are on their side, that you must be talking about other people, so they’ll continue to keep up with new content regardless. that’s my analysis<3 great business strat, isolating people and appealing to “edgy” adult men.
oh but V we all see how well that goes i mean look at pdp 110 million subs hmmm an avg of what 4? mil views on each video. Like I need them to look at that and see the audience they are pandering too is not big. Even if they're complete sell out scum they should be realizing Dream hits million sub milestones one month to month a half and it's because he's kind. And I know his endless kindness is the ultimate weakness and probably what upsets so many of these gamer men. Because people like him and then they seem almost annoyed they do.
Idk i'm not gonna speculate on if anyone is just using him for clout or anything because when they talk about him you can hear the respect. Edit: Like V or I are not accusing Tommy or members of the SMP of using Dream for clout more people on the fringes who farm twitter interactions under Dream’s tweets and then also make fun of him or his fans when they don’t know him well. 
I just wish more people had the balls to be his friend in public. Like Train and Connor they've gone to bat for Dream when he wasn't there to do it himself. Connor called out his chat out for making fun of Dream's music. And when he found that Kayne remix of Mask he sent it to Dream and George because he thought they'd like it and they really did. Like that is an example of someone who I think legit does not like Dream’s or the Dream SMP’s fanbase but treats them with as much respect as they treat him and clearly is a good friend.
I only use Connor as an example cause he's a non Munchy MC guy so he met Dream recently and who also hangs out with edgy people and doesn't copy their humor because he's already hilarious and knows it.
I don't want to seem like I'm saying Dream needs better friends or anything like that but I think this is a legit phenomena you can see and I think there is a thing to be pointed out with say the british CCs taking the piss out of each other is their humor. but with Dream he's already put through so much shit it just comes across as them adding fuel to the fire or spitting on him and very rarely does their teasing land well.
yeah i just i don't know i don't want to go all shooters 4 dream against people he knows so I'll leave it there
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