#like feral the moment the email notif comes in
moonheavens · 10 months
Hi! I love in the centre of a circle so much and I can’t wait for the next chapter! While I wait for that, in the meantime, do you have any fic recommendations? Maybe you can share all the WIP’s you’re reading yourself?
aaah thank you so much <3 itcoac is my very first fic so I really appreciate it so much when people let me know they're enjoying it. you taking the time to come here & tell me this means a lot!
and as for recommendations, YES. always. I haven't read a lot of new stuff recently because of my holiday and I've been reading Names by rvltn909 which is ... very long ... but I can totally list some things!
please do note I only read Wolfstar or multi-ship Marauders fics, so these will all be about #them
recent favs & WIP's with links below the break <3
Finished fics I recently read & loved:
a sawn off shot-gun by dykesiriusblack / @dykefever (one shot, M)
night by night, I let you eat me alive by @emeryhall (one shot, E, read tags)
heaven is here (if you want it) by r33sespieces (chaptered, E)
oh your love is sunlight by b1ackcatchatsback (chaptered, E)
it can't be helped by moongnome (one shot, T)
red lips and rosy cheeks by @soloorganaas (chaptered, E)
honey sweet by @vajazzly (one shot, E)
the son and heir of nothing in particular by aeridi0nis (one shot, E)
WIP's I'm currently invested in (all chaptered obv):
back when we were dinosaurs by epicblueblanket / @kaaaaaaarf (E)
clear eyes, full hearts (can't lose either way) by @greyeyedmonster-18 (M)
disintegration by moonymoment / @mayescapade (E)
hey, sharpshooter by @tortoisebore (E)
let's play pretend by msalexwp (E)
on another ocean by @colgatebluemintygel (E)
ontogenesis by succulent_nurturer / @cuddlebugsirius (E)
rebel yell by @saintlupin (this one is jegulus, M)
staying strangers by 3amandcounting (M)
the missing link by keysie / @lostmykeysie (M)
waited all this time to call you mine by ziahra (T)
you know you love me by marylenelover (M)
you signed up for this by @solmussa (E)
you wouldn’t like me by @crushofdoves (E)
there's a couple more but they have either been filed away or are on long-term pause so just sharing the ones that are still being updated regularly! conscious there's a couple popular ones that you may know of already but they're still worth a shout-out imo!
hope there's something here for you (or anyone else who stumbles across this post) <3
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saintsenara · 2 months
Just wandering, how many asks do you get on an average day? ^^'
a lot - you'll all be able to be annoyed by me posting for the foreseeable future, certainly...
and i absolutely love it.
the questions/chat/unhinged ships you all send me are such a pleasure - i'm very grateful for this little fandom space and i'm having so much fun.
and i answer every ask i'm sent which isn't straight-up hate... eventually.
some catch me at the right moment in terms of free time/headspace to be answered there and then.
others are in the queue - which is always a pleasure for me when they appear on the dash and i get to remember what i've said [and catch all the typos...] - and so will pop up in the next few weeks/months.
others are currently sending me feral in the drafts - the questions you all send in about worldbuilding/canon/characterisation/ships etc. are so fucking interesting that i often end up starting a quick answer and then realising that i'd very much prefer to spend months writing a phd thesis on anything and everything...
and so i promise that - if you've asked me something non-horrible and i haven't responded - it's not because i'm ignoring it.
it's worth saying as well - i don't have phone pop-up notifications turned on and i don't get email notifications from tumblr, because i'm someone who can be prone to constant scrolling and so i try to make my phone as unappealing to me as possible. i check my notifications on tumblr manually - which means i might miss that asks/tags/replies etc. have come in if there have been a lot notes on a post.
so, to be clear - because i know people worry about things like this - if you've sent me something, tagged me in something, made me something, replied to something etc. and i've not responded and you'd like me to, i really won't be offended if you give me a nudge. i'm just happy to be involved.
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It Will Come Back S2 3
Warnings: Masturbation (F/M), 18+ minors DNI
Werewolf Stalker! Billy x Reader
A/N: I realized I won't have time to post this for a few days, so here she is now!!!! Please tell me your thoughts so I can survive not being able to write this weekend :))))
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Billy waits until you’re at work before he breaks into your apartment. He had elected not to bug your apartment when things were good between you, but now things are different. He reasons it’ll only be a few, just enough to make sure you’re okay, and maybe to watch you change. He leaves one in the living room, two in your bedroom, one in the kitchen and one pointed at your front door. God forbid you have a man over to try to get over him, Billy will be the first to know.
After he’s done, he takes the time to go through your laundry, tucking more panties and a t-shirt into this pockets. He must have a small pile of your panties by now, but your smell fades too fast for his liking, the need for more immediate. As he passes your bed, he runs his fingers across the comforter, remembering the night you’d fucked him for the first time.
He’d tucked you into bed after, stroking your hair to move it out of your face. You’d been entirely fucked out, pumped full of his come and bruised from his fingers digging into your skin. He’d been worried as he'd cleaned you up, still feeling the feral need to care for you because you were his. You are is, he reminds himself. You have to be.
Before you’d fallen asleep that night you’d mumbled something incomprehensible, and when he’d gently prompted you to say it again, you’d sighed and whispered, “Think I want you around forever, Bill.”
He doesn’t think you remember saying it, if you current attitude was any indication. Billy loves it when you’re a brat, when you push him for more, but when that sharp attitude is pointed at him for a bad reason? It’s jarring and painful.
He’d held onto your words that night as he’d sat awake, refusing to part with your peaceful body. He’d hoped they were true, that you’d forgive him for what he’d done. A part of him had felt guilty, dirty almost for biting you. Another part, the wild predator, was deeply satisfied. He was mated, claimed. All he had to do was stay that way.
And then it had fallen apart.
Billy leaves your apartment, shutting the door on the thoughts plaguing him. Billy isn’t one to dwell on the past when the future needs his attention. The only important thing is getting you back. With that, he goes downstairs to find the rental office of your building. -
You’re exhausted after work, brain absolutely fried. You’ve barely kicked off your shoes before you’re flopping onto the couch, eyes closing as you lean your head back. Your dozing is soon interrupted by the sound of an email notification on your phone. Sighing, you go to check it. It’s an email from your building manager confirming your rent has been paid. You cock your head, completely aware that you haven’t paid next month’s rent yet. And then it his you. Billy.
“I don’t need you to pay my rent.” You say.
He answers a second later.
“I want to take care of you.”
“You had your shot and you lost it.” You snap, eyebrows furrowing as you silently berate him.
“If you move in with me you’ll never have to pay rent again.” Billy goads.
“If I move in with you I’ll be paying with my sanity.” You retort.
“What are you doing tonight?” He asks, and you resolutely decide to ignore him.
Billy’s watching you sprawl across the couch, half dead to the world and you haven’t even had dinner. He worries you work too hard, coming home too late for his liking sometimes. It makes him ache, knowing you’re tired and over-worked. If things were exactly the way he wants them, you’d never work another day in your life. He’d come home to you every night, cook dinner with you, fuck you to sleep. His need for you hits him randomly, a great gust to the chest. It used to fill him with joy, so much he could burst at any moment. Now, he’s filled with the curdling feeling of guilt, like his insides are going rotten.
When you fall asleep on the couch he orders you dinner, the urge to care for you cresting in his chest.
After you grudgingly eat the dinner Billy sent, you shower and slip into bed early. Your brain is still sludge, but the delicious spread of Japanese food had helped a little. Now, you’re ready to let all the stress of the week go, and you sigh deeply as you slip your hand under the waistband of your cotton panties, desperate for some release.
At the first press of your fingers against your clit you gasp, pleasure already radiating through your body. Your eyes are shut tight, refusing to think of him. You’re not thinking of the way his hands feel, pressing firmly into your skin, parting your thighs for him. You’re not thinking of the way his tongue feels, swiping across your clit before sucking it between plush lips. And you’re definitely, positively, not thinking of his cock. The thickness, the way it stretches you just on this side of painfully, the burn making you clench and writhe. Of course you’re not.
Damn it.
“You thinking about me?” He purrs in your mind, and you’re suddenly very worried you just said some of that to him by accident.
“Never am.” You reply halfheartedly.
“You sure? Because I could have sworn you were touching yourself right now.”
“And you think it’s because of you? Get a grip, Russo.”
“Yeah I got a grip on something, sweetheart.”
“Ew, shut up.” You groan petulantly, trying to ignore the way your pussy throbs at the sound of his voice.
“Oh, come on, Y/N. Don’t stop on my account. Keep pressing on that pretty clit for me.”
You can’t let him get to you, you can’t.
“Stop talking to me.” You growl.
“Take me back.” He answers.
You’re giving in before you can stop it, rolling your clit under your fingers, choking back gasps as you begin to go faster.
“Never.” You tell him.
“But you’re gonna come for me, aren’t you?”
“No.” You gasp.
“Don’t want you.” You mewl, fingers slipping on your wetness.
“I don’t believe you. I know how wet you are, how badly you wanna be touched. You want me, baby.”
“You’re wrong.” You’re close, your peak approaching at light speed from hearing Billy’s voice like this for the first time in days.
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
“Come for me, Y/N. Make a fucking mess on those pretty sheets.”
You do a second later, hand soaked, wet spot spreading on the sheets beneath you.
“Wish that pussy was squeezing me.”
“I don’t.” You mumble, the argument not even sounding serious to you.
Billy disappears, probably to orgasm himself, and you have a second to be angry at yourself for letting him in again. Then you realize you didn’t really let him in, he invited himself. And yet, you haven’t come like that since the night in the park, and suddenly the Billy shaped hole in your life is gaping at you. You shut your eyes to ward against the feeling.
“You feel better?” Billy asks, finally returning.
“No.” You say honestly.
You look downright pitiful, eyes closed, you body curled into itself on your bed. Your sheets are white, the negative space building up around you until it’s overwhelming, how alone you are right then, how much Billy should be with you. He can’t even come down from the orgasm before he’s fretting, eyes glued to the screen where the feed from your bedroom displays you. You look so sad, so tired, and Billy realizes he did that to you. He hurt you like that.
It sits like a stone in his stomach, growing and growing until suddenly he’s grabbing the nearest trashcan and vomiting into it. it’s like all the bad feelings, the guilt, the frustration bubble to the surface and then they're coming out, the sickness needing to go somewhere after days inside of him.
It hits him then, like a cold rain on his face, that he must love you. He’s never loved anyone before, never felt this strongly about another human being, never wanted to be around someone as much as he needs to be around you. And that must be love, right? It must be the thing making him sick with worry, the thing driving him to get you back.
Love, love, love. It echoes in his mind as he sits on the floor, breath heaving as he recovers.
I love you, he thinks, but it doesn’t travel to you.
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4, 18, 22? From the writer questions?
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Tender. Nothing gets me more than the almost hand holding from two characters. The lingering touch. Wanting contact but being too afraid of hurting the other that they withdraw. Feeling too war torn and broken to be worthy of holding something so soft and gentle in their hands. And then when they do finally have their moment they're so SOFT and TENDER and I LOSE my MIND.
18. Chose a passage from your writing. Tell me the backstory of this moment. How did you come up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage
Kerri grabbed the dandelion from where it still rested atop the headboard of the bed she had used. She tried not to look too long at it, lest she be reminded of how it had felt to share that space with him. How it had felt to be close, to have held him the way she had. To share warmth with him.
Turning her back on it, spinning the dying dandelion between her fingers gently, she unplugged her phone from where it sat, charging, on the nightstand. As the screen lit up, before she noticed any of her unread emails or other various notifications, she saw the text message.
It was from the night he died--two days before. Checking the timestamp, she noticed that it had arrived before he left the room, while she was still prepping from her post. There was no text, only one image attachment.
Hands trembling, Kerri opened the message. A small noise broke from her throat at what looked back at her.
It was… it was her. And him.
The vibrant colors were impossible to misplace. The white painted railing of the bridge they stood on, the pond underneath them.
Even worse was the bright smile he was flashing in the photo next to her own—an echo of the laugh he’d pulled from her upon threatening to throw her into the pond.
She hadn’t cared, but he had wanted so badly to take that picture after picking the dandelion for her. Had wanted it to preserve the memory. Had wanted it because he wanted to see her happy.
Kerri's hands began trembling so much that she dropped the phone, eyes and throat burning.
No one was around to watch her sink to her knees. No one was around to comfort her, to say anything to her as she bowed over her thighs, buried her face in her hands, and wept at last.
The only thing that gets me more than tender encounters between characters is writing the moment one breaks. This passage is from a first draft, and hasn't been through rounds of edits yet, but the backstory on this is, essentially, that. The whole purpose of the project that this scene came from was to get to this moment for this character.
22. how organized are you with your writing? describe to me your organization method, if it exists. what tools do you use? notebooks? binders? apps?
So fucking organized my guy. I'm super into creating writer's notebooks right now as a way of keeping character charts, plotting worksheets, brain dumps, sketches, and the likes all in one place. I keep notebooks, electronic notebooks in Google Drive, binders, fucking everything. I even keep goddamn spreadsheets. I blame my three Virgo placements.
Writer questions!
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