#like fuck poor kid ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ i really hope he figures things out and is surrounded by good people
spaghett-onaplate ยท 2 months
honestly i'm so sad for this guy i met on the train earlier i wish we'd had more time to talk. and i hope he's able to figure it all out
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blorbocedes ยท 2 years
I am so sick of people having Max as the one who always gets manipulated. So we need balance in the universe, we need male manipulator Max right now!
So a conceptโ€ฆ. Charles cheating on Charlotte with Max and Max manipulating the hell out of that mouse (because I love that Carlando infidelity fic) by giving him false hope that they have a future together when really, Max is just passing his time. Then the cheating thing comes out to public and Ferrari being Ferrari, drop him (but don't worry about Max though, redbull have Jonathan). Now Charles has to do and be anything Max wants because that's the only person in his life that didn't leave him. Max's wag who shows up to every race in designer clothes to watch him win race after race and championship after championship? Max's little doll who poses with him at galas and at night has to bite into a pillow to hide whimpers because good dolls don't make noise? Max's little thing that he can alway Maxplain to? Max's toy that moves with his every command? Max's pet that follows him whenever, wherever? Max's loving husband who's always waiting for him on hands and knees (figuratively and literally)? All of them check. What can Charles do, refuse and have some dignity and be alone and have a healthy relationship with someone else ๐Ÿ™‚? Never, he can never leave Max (the mouse is way too deep into this) and betray the only one he has left and totally, absolutely loves him.
Maybe mpreg can come into play. Maybe if Charles just accepts that this is his life now, being an obedient husband and having his husband's kids, he could be happy with his Max and his chubby Leclerc-Verstappen babies. For more drama, what Max is cheating with some other younger driver that's being called future of f1 like Charles used to be and Charles knows but doesn't say anything? Like at the night of their wedding anniversary, Max comes home with a very visible hickey on his neck but Charles is okay with it because hey, at least Max came back for the dinner date. It has to mean he loves him, right? I mean what Charles' gonna do? Leave and get a divorce? Who else does he have left except his loving Dutch husband ๐Ÿ™‚?
(I swear I have nothing against Charles. It's just whenever I see someone with a chronic sad and โ˜น๐Ÿฅบ face getting fucked up constantly by their job, I am like "let me bully you too!")
oh my goodness poor Charles ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ Maxy getting manipulated is great, cause he's so shapely.... it's bread and butter a classic. but I'm not opposed to male manipulator max
I mean you've practically written the whole fic yourself ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ might as well finish the job hehe
for the first half of that -- max and charl cheating, max being the cold/manipulative one and charles getting kicked from ferawri and treating max as his only purpose is to get fucked by maxy waxy written by miss gardenia in a fic here
for the mpreg versions, we've talked about it a little in this tag~ maxy babytrapping his closest rival while poor charl is stuck birthing giant verstappen-leclerc babbies
If I had to write this, I'd keep Charles in f1 maybe ferrari demotes him to Alfa Romeo so he goes from fighting the championship to barely scrambling for points and the very clear demotion surrounding ~The Rumours~ (redbull getting away unscathed everyone say thank you jonathan) and there's tension with Pierre about the demoted to sister team that sucks narrative. or make him a reserve driver...... and everyone looks at him like They Know, and when he tries to go to the Redbull hospitality (which he could do as a driver no problem) they halt him like sorry, Max is a bit tired from the race~ can't have someone from a rivalling team lounging around
the end goal might be Charles!WAGism but he has to lose everything he's fighting for inch by inch, where his dependence on Max where his self esteem came from racing substitutes in....... Max is also. instead of being overtly manipulative, he just doesn't care about Charles like that, especially less now cause he's not a championship rival.... max has a championship to win, charles is an easy fuck who is all kinds of miserable....
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