#like genuinely i feel like the quality of the discourse and the quantity of different opinions and conversations has decreased so much
marinersubmariner · 2 years
This show has been so good and I’ve enjoyed it so much that part of me is actually mad about it, purely because it proves that Disney could have been giving us this level of quality THE WHOLE TIME and they DIDN’T. Which I realize is not a wholly rational complaint because it has different directors, writers, production teams, etc. and Disney/Lucasfilm isn’t a monolith no matter how much we imagine it to be. No franchise is uniformly consistent in quality and style. But the standard of the visuals and writing and just overall execution is so much higher than the other Disney+ series—NOT TO MENTION some of the movies—that I can’t help but feel cheated. Like they’ve been gorging us on subpar fast food and then wheel out a five-star meal and it’s like whoah whoah whoah hold on, you let us eat shit and made us think it was the best you had to offer while you were cooking THAT?
Of course nothing is ~flawless~ and I’m very excitable when it comes to impressive production design and cinematography. But the production design in particular has blown my mind!!! The sets and locations, the props, the costumes, getting to see more of these lived-in corners of the universe, and all of it filmed in a way that’s genuinely beautiful and cinematic—THAT’S what I want, not just from Star Wars tv shows but Star Wars in general! WORLDBUILDING!!!!!! YEAH!!!
It gives me a similar feeling to TLJ in that it uses the existing universe in ways that feel fresh simply by virtue of having a strong visual aesthetic and solid thematic viewpoint. It may still be a prequel but it adds to and shades in details and does its own thing in ways that actually seem new and expansive. It really feels like going into “a larger world” where the other shows and some of the movies’ constant callbacks and repetition have felt reductive and constricting. One of the things that still makes me so sad about TROS is that it felt like the world got smaller, in the ways it presented its story and the ways it concluded, and that is such a horrible place for Star Wars to be. It should be BIG! Mythically, emotionally, visually, hypothetically. It’s a galaxxyyyyyy, I want it to feel that way!
It is very funny to think about how I was excited for a Cassian show when they first announced it because I loved Cassian in Rogue One, but what I was imagining was more like “oh boy we’ll get to see Cassian and K2 becoming buddies yay” and not like “the grim realities of fomenting rebellion.” But I LOVE IT. It’s like a wholly different genre, and while I wouldn’t necessarily want all SW to be this serious because I do watch most of it with the mind of a child, I’m excited to get something like this as a facet of the overall franchise.
It’s concerning that I’ve seen comments to the effect of “nobody’s talking about this show, you’re all sleeping on how good it is” (I don’t know, I’ve ignored discourse about it and enjoyed it in isolation because I’m too irritable about fandom nowadays, and I cannot gauge the popularity of anything on the internet—I’m on tumblr where people still talk about Supernatural, I have no frame of reference). Because if it genuinely isn’t popular then Disney is absolutely gonna learn the wrong lesson and think nobody wants good quality Star Wars and decide crowd-pleasing garbage for an unpleasable crowd is the way to go. (that’s how we got TROS!!!!!!!!) I’m already bummed that the initial plans for a five-season show got cut down to two. Despite being a firm believer in quality over quantity, good quality never fails to make me want more. It’s the worst. :(
My only real complaint is that I wish there were more aliens. It’s mostly been a whole lot of humans and that’s the main thing that I’m iffy on. I saw a comment from Tony Gilroy that basically said they made it human-centric on purpose so that it feels grounded and relatable, which I get, it does make it feel more relevant to our real world. But I can’t see enough of an in-universe justification for it since this is supposed to be a galaxy-wide struggle, and one of the major things that separates the Rebellion from the Empire is the inclusion of other species.
It is absolutely WILD to me how much Maarva’s send-off was beat-for-beat something that would have worked for Leia. Off-screen death, a goodbye message to her son to affirm her love for him and alleviate his regret and encourage him to move forward and become who he should be, a rousing message as a respected and beloved leader to the masses spurring them to fight against the evil that has been allowed to fester through inaction. A HOLOGRAM CARRYING A MESSAGE OF THE REBELLION, I mean, COME ON. And it was so resonant, it worked so well! Imagine if Leia’s death had been this meaningful!!!! I know I’m too fixated on connecting unrelated things back to the Organa-Solo Massacre of 2K19 and that my mind immediately leapt there because it’s always there, but the counterpoint to TROS is so stark it’s genuinely impossible to ignore. HE WILL BE AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE FOR GOOD. THERE IS A WOUND THAT WON’T HEAL AT THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY. I’m gonna fuckin lose it
And I keep thinking how this show is so good at feeling truly tense and dark but also legitimately hopeful. It earns an emotional response because it all feels like it matters to the characters and the universe. The awful things that happen MATTER and are integral to moving forward. A dead character becomes a literal building block!!!!!! Symbolizing everyone in this story as simultaneously foundations for the future and makeshift blunt instruments in a fight!!!! Even while Cassian becomes a cog in a much larger machine too big to even perceive, constructing the building blocks of his own demise!!!!!!!!!!!! It feels so purposefully aimed toward telling a story with cohesive theming and messaging, not just throwing easter eggs at a wall.
It’s done such a good job of conveying scale and making the universe seem populated and alive, and I think the use of actual locations subliminally makes it feel like a real world in a way that the Volume and totally CG sets just don’t do. There is something oddly restrictive about cheap-looking visuals and obvious artificiality that makes a story look and feel small. There is so much in the other Disney+ series and even TROS that looks like a soundstage with bad lighting and it just yanks me right out of what’s supposed to be happening. Whereas everything in this show conveys a sense that it EXISTS and life is happening even beyond the edges of the frame. In any case, Rogue One is next to TLJ as the prettiest of the new era of movies, and I’m thrilled they put so much effort into maintaining its visual aesthetic.
It’s gotten to a point with Disney Star Wars that I recoil in disgust from the way fanservice is incorporated (or, you know, what they think fanservice is—the lowest common denominator “I understood that reference” shitty callbacks and cameos), and the complete lack of anything blatant like that in this show has been AMAZING. The post-credits stinger is the only part that got close to that type of thing and even that was effective because a) I think most people guessed they were building Death Star parts so it’s nice to confirm it, and b) I LOVE that perspective shift of being so entrenched in a ground-level story that then zooms way out to show a glimpse of the macro scale that is imperceptible to the people within the machine. You’ve been watching all these tiny moving parts adding up and working together and building toward something, only to see how truly small they are and how much of an uphill battle they have to match this inconceivably massive system they’re working against. It’s such a great gutpunch that I think it transcends the stupid “teehee hey nerds look it’s the Death Star like in the movie.”
What I loved about Rogue One and its depiction of the Rebellion was how much it emphasized the smallest actions of the individual as being important to the whole. The final relay race with the Death Star plans and how tenuous their success is; the entire climax of the film giving each character a linchpin moment where if they weren’t there, everything would have failed. It showed what a delicate chain reaction it was to ultimately get to Luke firing those torpedoes into the exhaust port. And now on Andor with its ensemble, once again there’s this great sense of all these small parts that are integral to the bigger picture that they’re a part of, and approaching something inevitable but doing so in a way that still feels precarious and uncertain.
Ironically without a Jedi storyline the concept of Empire vs. Rebellion = Sith vs. Jedi stands out even more prominently than in the stories where both aspects of the war are present. The conflict here is structured with such weight on fighting against darkness that it becomes glaringly obvious to extrapolate it into “JUST LIKE THE FORCE!!!” Of course Luthen’s speech brought this to the foreground, but Nemik and Maarva’s speeches really drove the point home. The light side and the dark side have obviously always been a metaphor made literal, but in a story that’s more centered on humanism than spiritualism it’s interesting that those concepts from the more fantastical side of things are still right there in the language, hidden in plain sight—like the Rebellion, like Luthen in the crowd passing unseen by the people who are hunting for him, like the shape of the Imperial insignia subtly repeating everywhere: all of it is apparent if you just know what to look for. “Oppression is the mask of fear.” Like. LITERALLY. THE MASK. OF FEAR. There is no Vader in this story and yet Vader is in this story. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. This narrative is haunted!!!!!!!
There wasn’t much spaceship stuff but the little we got was SO GOOD. The escape in The Eye and the visuals of the meteor shower were amazing, it was so stressful but totally thrilling at the same time. And of course Luthen running from the cops HOOHOHHOHOHO GOOD SHIT. Rogue One has THEEEE best space battle so getting to see that practical model-like lighting again is so cool, and it was just FUN fun in a little more of a traditional Star Wars way. Spinning! That’s a good trick! Also I got a kick out of Luthen’s phony “hi lol I’m just a regular guy! lol! sorry officer!” voice. Big Han “we’re all fine here :)” vibes
Something I’m delighted to now be able to say about Star Wars is that I love Mon Mothma’s lesbian cousin. :) The reveal that Vel is related to Mon gobsmacked me, I enjoyed the way they held that off for so long so your impression of Vel kept changing. “So she’s a grumpy gay freedom fighter. Oh she wears fancy clothes too? Oh her family is rich? OH SHE’S RELATED TO MON MOTHMA?!??” A wild ride!
BEEEEEEEEE new best droid friend!!!! Has a stutter, takes a lot of effort to do anything, has to spend huge amounts of time recharging at home: most relatable droid of all time??? LOOK AT IT IT’S GOT ANXIETY
😍 Brasso 😍
TV news!!!!
The living spaces oh my god I’m so excited. I know the Karns’ apartment is supposed to be kind of depressing but the modular design and ‘70s retrofuturistic accessories are SO GOOD. Syril’s sad little room with his action figures. Maarva’s house and her plants!!!!!!! Mon’s beautiful gilded cage of an apartment, aahhhhhhhh. By nature of being an adventure story there isn’t usually downtime in Star Wars to spend in homes or bedrooms, but it’s something I’m always wishing for so I’m particularly delighted that a longer-form series has finally allowed us to see more of those everyday details. SPACE HGTV
MONNNN MOTHMAAAAAAA. She’s the best and I am just so pumped that we’re finally getting more of her. It is, however, hilarious to think about her hair and wardrobe downgrade once she’s fully with the Rebellion.
The score has been great—between this and Mando and the final run of Clone Wars it’s awesome that the music is really getting outside the box in terms of what Star Wars can sound like. Synths!!!
Cassian with the sky kyber... matching crystal necklaces with Jyn........ ;____;
Those blue pelicans on Niamos!!!!! CREATURES
Andy Serkis was excellent but it was pretty bizarrely funny to hear Snoke’s voice making a good guy speech instead of a bad guy speech
“The first spark of the fire,” Canto Bight name drop... TLJ relevance for the sophisticated palate 🥂
One thing about Cassian Andor is that he’s always gonna have a shitty time at the beach
UGH I CAN’T BELIEVE WE HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR SEASON 2. I hope it maintains quality and I hope it doesn’t feel rushed with how they’re planning on covering the time period. Since they’re starting production now I think it’s unlikely that they’ll suddenly change course and give us an extra season, but... I really wish they would at least add one more season on there... but then even if they could do that it just makes it less likely that they would be able to keep up the quality and budget. I guess we’ve just gotta savor what we get. ;___;
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the urge to block every single person who liked this post is so strong
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brotheralyosha · 5 years
do you have any specific anti rupi kaur poetry opinions you wish to share? i just ask because I can't stand her poetry and it drives me crazy
Oh dear lord anon, I’ve kept quiet on my views of Rupi Kaur’s poetry for years because I wanted to avoid The Discourse - thank you for finally giving me an excuse!
Honestly, the best summation of my feelings on Rupi Kaur is in two very excellent articles. They’re both worth reading in their entirety, but I’ve included my favorite sections below.
No Filter, by Soraya Roberts
What is perhaps as consistent as the badness of Instapoetry—there are rare exceptions, Shire (who, it must be said, is more a Tumblr and Twitter poet, her Instagram being primarily made up of images and video) being one—is the general unwillingness to speak openly of its badness. Admirers focus on its genuine feeling, its emotional truth. Critics shrug it off, claiming it’s just not their thing. Which is basically how it was designed: Instagram was developed out of a project titled “Send the Sunshine” at Stanford’s Persuasive Technology Lab, not exactly a project intended to accommodate criticism. Though critical trepidation is a common consequence of the slippery definition of art—we once believed readymades sucked, too—part of this reluctance is also to do with the genre appealing predominantly to young women and haven’t young women been policed enough? Rupi Kaur herself wields this tack as a way to deflect excoriation, equating the criticism of her work to the criticism of marginalized demographics. Of the label “Instagram poet,” she told PBS, “A lot of the readers are young women who are experiencing really real things, and they’re not able to talk about it with maybe family or other friends, and so they go to this type of poetry to sort of feel understood and to have these conversations. And so, when you use that term, you invalidate this space that they use to heal and to feel closer to one another.” You also invalidate women of color as Kaur frames herself within a landscape of both female and immigrant oppression, a context in which judgment is tantamount to muting the disenfranchised. To the literary world, she has pronounced, “This is actually not for you. This is for that, like, seventeen-year-old brown woman in Brampton who is not even thinking about that space, who is just trying to live, survive, get through her day.” It is a savvy move, invalidating all manner of criticism before it has even been formulated.
But here it is: Her poetry, and much of Instapoetry, is poor. This poetry is not poor because it is genuine, it is poor because that is all it is. To do more than that, regardless of talent, requires time, and, by its very definition, Instapoetry has none. Ezra Pound’s epic collection of poems The Cantos took decades to complete. Maya Angelou has said she has found poetry the most challenging of all her professions: “When I come close to saying what I want to, I’m over the moon. Even if it’s just six lines, I pull out the champagne. But until then, my goodness, those lines worry me like a mosquito in the ear.” Even Rimbaud, who was already composing his best work in adolescence, conceded in his “Letter of the Seer,” “The poet makes himself a seer by a long, prodigious, and rational disordering of all the senses.” Time is what is required to think, the kind of thinking that allows the poet to imbue each individual word with a world of meaning. Harold Bloom described canonical writing as that which demands rereading, William Empson that it needs to work for readers with divergent opinions, provoking a variety of responses and interpretations. All of this implies a richness, a complexity, a variety of strata. The majority of Instapoetry has none of this. It is almost exclusively a banal vessel of self-care, equivalent to an affirmation, designed for young women of a certain privileged position and disposition, one that is entirely self-absorbed. The genre’s batheticisms remove specificity, to avoid alienation, supplanting them with the sort of platitude you find on a department store tea towel. Because this is what Instapoetry is—it is not art, it is a good to be sold, or, less, regrammed. Its value is quantity not quality.
The Problem with Rupi Kaur’s Poetry, by Chiara Giovanni
While more female South Asian voices are indeed needed in mainstream culture and media, there is something deeply uncomfortable about the self-appointed spokesperson of South Asian womanhood being a privileged young woman from the West who unproblematically claims the experience of the colonized subject as her own, and profits from her invocation of generational trauma. There is no shame in acknowledging the many differences between Kaur’s experience of the world in 2017 and that of a woman living directly under colonial rule in the early 20th century. For example: neither is any more “authentically” South Asian. But it is disingenuous to collect a variety of traumatic narratives and present them to the West as a kind of feminist ethnography under the mantle of confession, while only vaguely acknowledging those whose stories inspired the poetry.
Kaur’s strategic appeals to two different markets also inform the composition of her collection and her social media presence. While milk and honey contains several poems that, through coded words like “dishonor,” obliquely refer to Kaur’s cultural upbringing, that’s about as explicit as it gets: The poems are vague enough to provide identifiable prompts for readers from a variety of different cultural environments, including — in many cases — white Western readers. Thus the collection remains relatable — and, crucially, marketable — to a wider audience, while still retaining an element of culturally informed authenticity that forms much of Kaur’s brand. The few poems that specifically address race are positioned facing each other, a brief interlude in a collection that is otherwise devoid of racial politics, and once again addresses a white, Western audience in their appeal for recognition of South Asian beauty and resilience.
Thanks to this social media strategy of sharing pieces with little to no context, Kaur is able to target two demographics: white Westerners who might be disinclined to buy books by minority writers, and her loyal grassroots fan base that includes a large contingent of young people of color across the world. She is thus able to maintain her brand of authenticity and relatability, but in different ways for different groups; to her Western metropolitan audience, she is “the patron saint of millennial heartbreak,” while to her marginal readers she is a representation of their desire for diversity in the literary world, despite rarely touching upon race in her work. This is not to reinforce the often-damaging expectation that writers of color must write only about racism in order to be successful, only that Kaur claims to be documenting a specifically South Asian experience that never materializes.
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emeraldspiral · 6 years
Since Frozen 2 finally dropped a trailer I’m anticipating some crossover in the discourse surrounding it’s predecessor and Star Wars and how people feel about Hans/Anna and Reylo.
IDK how most Reylos feel about Hans, I know a lot of people were pissed he turned to be evil and have been clamoring for a redemption arc. But while I would agree that Hans doesn’t really do anything suspicious until the scene where he shows his true colors, the movie made it clear from the start that Anna was going to be proved wrong for getting engaged to a man she just met. It also fits better with the story’s main theme about understanding what true love is to have Hans be evil than to have him just not be the right man for Anna like Prince Edward from Enchanted.
If you really look at the endings to both movies, it’s clear neither is actually knocking the idea that you can fall in love in a short amount of time. With Enchanted, it was almost pushing in the opposite direction actually. Sure, Giselle spends more than a day getting to know the guy from Grey’s Anatomy, but it’s still only a few days. Meanwhile McDreamy dumps his longtime GF to be with her and the ex-GF herself ends up hooking up with the prince right after. It was as much about McDreamy realizing that if it took him that long to propose to Idina Menzel, then he’s probably only doing it because it’s a calculated risk he feels safe taking and not because there’s any real spark between them, as it was about Giselle learning to accept the imperfections of the real world.
Likewise, Anna doesn’t spend that much time with Kristoff, yet we’re to believe that they have genuinely fallen in love by the end of the movie. But how is that better just because they just aren’t getting married immediately? Is it really just the getting married that was the problem and not the thinking you can be in love after a day?
Yes, actually.
Because the problem with Hans and Anna was the quality of the time they spent together, not the quantity. All Hans and Anna did together before they got engaged was talk. Hans said all the right things to make Anna feel like he understood her and was crazy about her. But when it came time for Hans to prove himself with an act of love, it all turned out to be empty words. Kristoff on the other hand, was honest with Anna, even if it didn’t always make him look like the perfect dreamboat that Hans presented himself as. When push came to shove though, he proved that he genuinely cared about Anna by putting her needs before his own.
That’s what makes Frozen’s cautionary tale different from the proposed anti-Reylo cautionary tale. Frozen isn’t saying you’re dumb or destined for victimhood for choosing the wrong kind of guy. The whole point of Hans is that he seems perfect, quite the opposite of bad boy Kylo. Hans was never presented as a guy Anna thought she could help, only for him to prove he was beyond salvation and she shouldn’t have bothered. Anna didn’t get burned because she had foreknowledge of his flaws but chose to love him anyway. She got burned because she didn’t know anything of substance about his character.
This isn’t a purely paternalistic moral to teach either. Every day some unfortunate guy or girl gets tricked into loaning money to someone using a stock photo on their dating profile. People of both genders and all ages can benefit from a warning not to trust someone who hasn’t proved themselves to you.
So that’s my take on why Frozen’s romantic cautionary tale is just fine but an anti-Reylo cautionary tale would not be. Hans and Kylo are completely different characters. In fact, they’re polar opposites, so there’s completely different messages being sent by crafting the narrative around the heroine being wrong for loving them. With Anna, the message is just that real love is more than pretty words. With Rey, the message would be a five-car pileup of patronizing and cynical lessons encouraging judgement, hatred, dismissiveness, and bad faith and discouraging compassion, empathy, mercy, forgiveness, and reaching out.
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newbuildsurvey-blog · 5 years
What sort of survey should I have?
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On the off chance that you've had an offer acknowledged on a property, you'll be pondering whether you need a house survey and if so which one. We take a gander at various kinds of home surveys, home survey expenses and which sort of survey is directly for your property, where to locate a decent surveyor and - in particular - how to take advantage of your survey.
house survey
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What is a survey?
A property survey is a point by point examination of a property's condition. The surveyor assesses the property and lets you know whether there are auxiliary issues like shaky dividers or subsidence. They will feature any real fixes or adjustments required, for example, fixing the rooftop or fireplace chute. The report from the surveyor likewise gives master discourse on the property, from the sort of divider to the kind of coating.
What is a home loan valuation?
A home loan valuation isn't a survey – it is only a quick take a gander at a property to evaluate how much the property is value. It is required by your home loan bank to guarantee the property is adequate security for the credit. Your moneylender will demand utilizing an organization they trust and you should pay for it. The expense of a home loan valuation differs relying upon the size of the property (from around £350). A few banks toss in free valuations as a component of a home loan bargain; yet don't let that influence you. An arrangement with a lower financing cost is probably going to spare you unquestionably progressively after some time, regardless of whether you do need to pay more for the home loan valuation.
Who does a survey?
Property surveys ought to be done by qualified surveyors
Most qualified surveyors are individuals from the Imperial Establishment of Contracted Surveyors (RICS)
We prescribe utilizing a RICS qualified surveyor since they convey proficient repayment protection
On the off chance that you can get a nearby surveyor they are probably going to have a superior information of market esteems in the region
Similarly, on the off chance that you are purchasing an uncommon house, similar to a beacon or a stronghold, get a surveyor with involvement in that particular field
Survey expenses differ from organization to organization, and rely upon the size and area of the property.
In a flash find and think about statements from nearby qualified surveyors utilizing our discover a surveyor instrument
Do I have to get a survey?
No a property survey is discretionary. However, they can enable you to stay away from costly and undesirable amazements, similar to a sudden overhauling work, just as giving you significant serenity by disclosing to you that those hairline splits don't mean the house is tumbling down. Given the a huge number of pounds it expenses to purchase a property, a couple of hundred pounds on a survey to have the consolation of an autonomous, master surveyor investigating it feels like a wise speculation.
With the data from the survey you may reevaluate whether to purchase the property or utilize the fair-minded data you need to renegotiate the cost. In the event that you find for instance it needs £15,000 of rooftop fixes, it is sensible to request £15,000 off the cost. Then again, you may request that the dealer fix the issues before you purchase.
We would especially suggest a survey if:
you have a particular stresses over any piece of the property
you feel uncertain about what kind of condition the property is in
you are hoping to purchase an old or unordinary property
the property has a covered rooftop or is timber surrounded
the building is recorded
What kind of survey would it be a good idea for me to get?
There are various kinds of survey. What you pick relies upon the profundity of survey you need and your spending limit.
Condition Report (survey level one – £300 or more)
A Condition Report is the most fundamental survey you can get, and the least expensive. Expenses are £300 or more.
The report doesn't really expound so may leave you needing more:
It is intended to supplement the home loan valuation
It gives 'traffic light' signs with regards to the condition of different pieces of the property. Green methods all is well, orange is some reason for concern, and red methods genuine fixes are fundamental
It additionally furnishes you with an outline of the property's imperfections and potential dangers influencing the home
It does exclude any counsel nor a valuation
HomeBuyers Report (survey level two)
A HomeBuyers Report is a progressively point by point survey and the most prevalent choice as indicated by RICS. There are two choices in this classification – you can have a survey with or without a valuation:
HomeBuyers Report (survey just – £350 or more)
A HomeBuyers Report will reveal to you any undeniable serious issues – evident decay, subsidence, and so forth.
The expense of a HomeBuyers Report begins at £350.
Yet, the surveyor is non-nosy: they won't look behind furnishings, nor lift up wood planks or drill any gaps, so any report they draw up is restricted.
HomeBuyers Report (survey and valuation – £450 or more)
The HomeBuyers Report with survey and valuation incorporates the majority of the above highlights, in addition to a valuation and a protection restoration esteem (the amount you would get were the building to burn to the ground).
The expense of a Homebuyers Report with survey and valuation is £450 or more.
Home Condition Survey (£400-£900)
Offered by the Private Property Surveyors Affiliation (RPSA) as opposed to RICS, Home Condition Surveys are:
led by masters in private surveys and created in a predictable, purchaser well disposed organization
incorporate reasonable data, for example, broadband speed, moist appraisal and limit issues for the conveyancer to consider
reports are autonomously checked to guarantee consistency and quality
Home Condition Surveys cost between £400-£900 relying upon estimation of property
Building (survey level three – £500 or more)
Building surveys (by RICS surveyors) are progressively costly, however can be a beneficial speculation:
The cost of a building survey ranges from under £500 to about £2000 relying upon the size of the home
They are broad surveys and you will be given a point by point report toward the end
The surveyor will get into the storage room, check behind dividers, and look among floors or more roofs
It incorporates counsel on fixes, and gives evaluated timings and costs, and will disclose to you what will occur on the off chance that you don't do the fixes
Except if indicated, it likely wo exclude a protection restoration worth gauge, or a market valuation.
Get moment cites from sanctioned surveyors with our locate a neighborhood surveyor apparatus
Survey costs by sort of survey
RICS Condition Report (survey level one) £300 and upwards
RICS HomeBuyer Report (Survey just – survey level two) £350 and upwards
RICS HomeBuyer Report (Survey and Valuation – survey level two) £450 and upwards
RICS Building (survey level three) £500 and upwards
Home Condition Survey (offered by the Private Property Surveyors Affiliation (RPSA) as opposed to RICS £450 and upwards
New-build catching report £300-£600
Do I need a survey for a new build property?
For new build properties, we prescribe an expert catching survey is done. A catching survey will recognize imperfections or issues which need fixing before you move in. An expert catching survey should spot minor issues like an entryway that is skewed and getting on the floor covering to something increasingly genuine that could influence the structure of your home. These normally cost somewhere in the range of £300 and £600.
On the off chance that the new build you are purchasing is manufactured and prepared, you would in a perfect world do a catching survey before trade. On the off chance that it's off-plan, at that point attempt to do the survey pre-culmination when you will have all the more arranging capacity to get any issues fixed. This is expecting the engineer lets you on location, which frequently they don't, in which case get a catching survey completed at the earliest opportunity in the wake of moving in.
Given the quantity of protests and calls for assistance we get from guests to our site, the Mortgage holders Partnership is glad to have collaborated with a standout amongst other known catching reviewers in the UK, New Build Investigations. Not at all like numerous other catching organizations, they never work for engineers or builders so can hold their freedom. Get a free, no commitment quote from new build overseers here.
How would I locate a decent surveyor?
Going with the surveyor suggested by your bank, bequest specialist, contract loan specialist or other property master can wind up costing you more.
Get cites from a couple of nearby firms and look at.
We regularly hear protests that survey reports accompany such a significant number of provisos that it is hard to tell how to react to them; inquire as to whether you can see duplicates of past reports – will that kind of report be valuable for your circumstance?
Check your surveyor is an individual from the Imperial Organization of Contracted Surveyors (RICS) – the individual in question will have the letters MRICS or FRICS after his or her name. The RICS guarantees that every one of its individuals keep up proficient guidelines in their work. check my blog New Build Survey
In a flash find and look at statements from neighborhood surveyors utilizing our discover a surveyor instrument
How might I take advantage of my survey?
When you delegate your surveyor let them know whether there are a specific concerns you have about the property
Stroll through the house with them – ensure they take a gander at everything, move furniture and have a decent jab around
Pose inquiries – bring up things that stress you and ask over them. It's your home so you ought to comprehend everything
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atulme · 4 years
How we Understand the Digital Marketing!!!!
Digital Marketing
 This week by week blog ought to be intriguing for anybody associated with web based business and web based promoting either as scholastic or expert. The blog centers around vital and business instead of specialized issues of E-Commerce and on the points of view of the Marketing in a worldwide, computerized and Social Media ruled commercial center. In uncommon cases a few issues of more broad intrigue may be likewise examined. It is astonishing how an unfortunate emergency like the Coronavirus can move things: After talking for over 10 years about online training we at the University of Twente and numerous other of our partners overall changed to online instruction in multi week. Furthermore, the instructing as well as assessments arranged for the current week needed to go on. After an active difficult period stages and changing the tests to make them reasonable for understudies at home (with admittance to books, notes, outlines and Internet and even assistance from others) we had today the main such test with a class of 75 members. Things went in a way that is better than we had trusted and the understudies helped additionally with a genuine and expert mentality. We will continue chipping away at enhancements however this was a decent beginning, From today, following seven days of arrangements, the University of Twente is authoritatively back to the typical operational mode, with the distinction that no physical exercises are conceivable since all college structures are shut and individuals shouldn't be in the city.
How was my first functioning day following seven days of interruption that should give us an opportunity to change in accordance with our new online college reality? The day began with an online office meeting where pretty much all of the office partners took energetically part; we were all extremely happy to see each other again and offer a portion of our encounters and stories.
The remainder of the day was less wonderful, taking into account that the Coronavirus emergency, close to restricting our life and disturbing our day by day schedules, additionally constrained the BMS Lab to close and hit severely the neighborliness part. What two occasions have to do with me? A ton I am apprehensive since both my classes in the third quartile is legitimately identified with the BMS Lab and the vacationer segment! My Master understudies following the course, Advanced Topic in Digital Marketing is utilizing the BMS Lab hardware for their useful undertaking (testing the ease of use of Websites) and my understudies of the college class Digital Marketing is cooperating with genuine organizations (and this year it happens to be fundamentally organizations from the friendliness area in Twente) for their gathering venture: creating and executing a 3-week AdWords advertising effort.
 You can envision that my partners and I are quickly searching for choices since the ace understudies can't utilize the lab hardware for their tests and the accommodation business is shut so not generally inspired by web based publicizing since no client or potential client can utilize their administration. Finding and actualizing options for understudy ventures in the quartile, when just a month are left, isn't a simple business, I can let you know. Today I went through a large portion of the day noting messages of friendliness organizations who have inquiries regarding the estimation of the venture for them, attempting to convince them to remain ready. Likewise, understudy bunches email me the entire day with stresses over their activities. With two classes adding up to 27 undertaking gatherings and 17 outside accomplices, you can envision the volume of correspondence included. Close to this, the "typical" business must go on, just online which implies a great deal of making arrangements for doing things like talks, gatherings, venture recommendations, and so on in untested waters. Anyway, having endure the main day I am anxious about the possibility that that tomorrow won't be better. I realize that I am not by any means the only one confronting such a circumstance, so I wish to all in this position all the best and quality
 The 2020 BMS Faculty New Year's social affair
Early today the Faculty BMS had its yearly New Year gathering in the chamber of the Ravelijn building. After a discourse by the Dean, four extraordinary prizes were granted. Pleased that the collaboration grant was given to my associates of the BMS Lab: congrats for the incredible work and participation with us in Digital Marketing research
 The UT study Int. Business Administration is a Top report in 2020
The University of Twente study International Business Administration/IBA (along with 5 additional examinations) is one of the Top Studies in The Netherlands in 2020. Taking into account that the University of Twente is a specialized college this is an incredible accomplishment. The mystery is the emphasis and greatness on points using the one of a kind UT environment to its most extreme. Close to this, the UT is picked as the best specialized college of the Netherlands in 2020 (Source Keuzegids, 2020)
The University of Twente was articulated the best Technical University in the Netherlands for 2020
The difficult work pays off: in 2020 the University of Twente is the best specialized college in the Netherlands (despite the fact that not the most popular) and the International Business Administration is a Top-appraised program unexpectedly
 Digital Marketing subjects as per Google Scholar: Nanotechnology in dentistry, disease immature microorganisms and Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants
Like most specialists, I look at times how my exploration work performs versus crafted by individual scientists in the field. Google Scholar offers a simple to utilize apparatus for this reason: it permits you to see the quantity of references of your logical articles every year and altogether, the number references per article and your H-record. Measurements like references and H-list are significant markers of logical quality and exploration sway; they are additionally broadly utilized, among other rules, for advancements and selecting of scholastic staff.
While Google Scholar offers on a basic level a decent support of scholastics, I watch with disappointment for quite a while as of now the rankings in my area, specifically Digital Marketing. The issue: close to notable names in this field (like Prof. John Deighton from HBS and Prof Utpal Dholakia from Rice University) there are five people on that are absolutely obscure to me (and to the remainder of the analysts on Digital Marketing I assume). A more intensive gander at the distributions of these high-refered to people uncovers that their distributions are originating from absolutely inconsequential fields like medication and material science for instance. Indeed, even a blogger seems to involve a high situation in the rundown with distributions dating to 1993 when most presumably this individual was a little child!
Perhaps a fortuitous event yet all names being referred to appear to be basic Indian names; this carries me to the end that Google Scholar is including all distributions having as (co-)creator somebody with a similar name regardless of what the logical field is, and puts these people in the rundown without their insight or expectation yet acknowledging them for distributions that are not even theirs. In the Digital Marketing classification, 4 of the main 5 in the rundown are such mistaken cases (at the time this blog was published)!!!
I feel that the individuals who show up in these postings have never really, Google is answerable for this mistake. Close to the exceptionally terrible support of the scholastic network, the inconsistent data in Google Scholar can make additionally issues in scholarly evaluations and enlistment.
I am not mindful of the size of the issue in different orders, however I think it is a disgrace that Google permits something like this to occur. With all the exposure around the boundless prospects of their calculations, their AI advancements and the most recent about the acing of Quantum Computing I think that its fantastic that something so straightforward has gotten away from the consideration of their calculations or the guardians of such outcomes. I attempted to advise them by reaching the Google Scholar help work area yet no reaction after over a month. Likewise, alarming a global paper (who discovered this uncommon and vowed to act) and an innovation magazine didn't welcome any activity on their part up until now.
In my view, it would be simple for Google Scholar to dodge such blunders by putting a portion of their shrewd calculations to work, in particular to recognize such cases by essentially examining the substance of the articles and choose whether articles about Nanotechnology in dentistry, malignant growth foundational microorganisms or Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants have a place with the Digital Marketing area. Likewise, on account of normal names, an additional control layer could put the different creators to the right spaces. check this utilizing a portion of their innovation however clearly, they don't do that, making their outcomes dependable.
 As I referenced, I don't have the foggiest idea about the degree of the issue so if different partners know about this circumstance in their spaces can reach me. I likewise trust that Google perhaps will peruse this post and make a move
 The Cambridge Analytica case: Old News
I am truly shocked with the ongoing upheaval of outrage and disappointment following disclosures about the strategies of Cambridge Analytica in impacting the aftereffects of the American races and the Brexit choice with the conceivable resilience of Facebook.
This is in my view old news: In the winter of 2017 the case was at that point introduced to my Bachelor understudies by SocialInc in a visitor address and on June 2017 I examined the Cambridge Analytica's case in a discussion in June in the UT named "Algorithmic Marketing".
I was amazed till 2 days back that nobody appeared to stress over this story that was likewise broadly examined in different stages, for instance in the article in the Observer from May 2017, with an extremely realistic title (this article was additionally posted in our Smart Marketing Group Facebook bunch on 23 October 2017). Perhaps when the established press get a story and conclude that general society is ready to catch wind of it, the story arrives at the undeniably aloof, entranced public.
The inquiry is the thing that will occur starting now and into the foreseeable future: Is this the start of the finish of Facebook or even of the online media
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
Vinyl Corner : Morrissey 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain'
Vinyl Corner is a feature where we take a look at vinyl pressings of various albums and weigh them up to see just how good they sound, how well they're pressed and what sort of packaging to expect - as well as giving a brief overview of the music itself. This time we're taking in the latest offering from one of the most divisive yet enduring figures in alternative music history; love him or loathe him, you'll likely have an opinion one way or another. We're talking, of course, about Morrissey - and his latest album 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain'. The Music: Although Steven Patrick Morrissey has never been one to keep his views to himself, it has in recent years become increasingly difficult to separate the man from his work. Of course, that wouldn't be something that many felt the need to do had his views not become increasingly vitriolic and bitter over the course of the 2010s but, as it now stands, it's difficult to discuss his musical work without first prefixing some convoluted discourse on his worldview. While that's understandable - and, indeed, there's nothing good to be gained from sweeping his views under the carpet - it also shouldn't be allowed to skew perception of his music. It has, however, been easy to dismiss Morrissey's work of late - either on grounds of his politics for those so inclined or, more pertinently, the quality of his work. 2017's 'Low In High School' marked something of a stumble; despite a bold production style and a clutch of genuinely great songs, it was an inconsistent and messy collection that presented the listener with little reason to return to it after those few initial plays. Last year's 'Californian Son' did little to placate those concerns and, despite a few standout moments, its status as a collection of covers gave it the feel of a stopgap release more than a full-blown artistic statement. But the past is another country, as they say, and Morrissey's latest outing arrives in timely fashion, considering his long-term appeal to shut-ins and indie-introverts the world over. Not only that, but it also reconfirms him as an enduring talent. Though fundamentally not dissimilar to 'Low In High School' in certain respects - Joe Chiccarelli's punchy, boisterous production chief amongst them - 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain' is a far stronger collection of songs. Indeed, Morrissey is on better form lyrically than he has been in years; he's still eager to cook up as much controversy as any one album can hold, of course - but it would hardly be a Moz album if he weren't. More importantly, his signature wit remains unabated; there are some genuinely funny moments here on his thirteenth solo album and his voice remains as remarkably ageless as it has been across the entirety of his career. Long-time musical collaborators make a return here amongst a few new faces, and he sounds comfortable and confident amongst the musical backdrop his group have cooked up. He's not above a few missteps; 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain' isn't above the odd song that fails to fully convince but, in fairness to him, few artists three and a half decades into their careers are capable of crafting an album anywhere near this engaging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5hQh1QvPGg Perhaps better still is the fact that Morrissey has freshly regained his sense of adventure. If 'Low In High School' suffered from any one issue the most, then it was relative lack of imagination. Though not exactly formulaic, it did feel like the work of an artist looking back over his work with furrowed brow and wondering quite how he could recapture the magic. No such affectations are palpable here on 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain'. It's an album that sets his idiosyncratic croon to an urgent, surprisingly excitable backing of bristling synths and snappy drums, the rocking guitars that have come to define much of his output consigned to a more textural, ancillary status here. It's a marked shift and one that sets the album out as the most experimental Morrissey record in over a decade. His ability to balance a regained sense of exploratory vitality with a largely vivid, memorable set of songs has lent him not only his best album since 2014's mostly excellent 'World Peace Is None Of Your Business' but a return to form after the relative doldrums of his past two albums. The Pressing: As with 'Low In High School', this latest Morrissey effort comes in a range of different colour vinyl options. We're reviewing the standard black vinyl edition here but those so inclined should be able to hunt down one of the limited colour pressings without too much trouble. A quick glance at the matrices reveals that this vinyl edition of 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain' was pressed by Germany's ever-popular Optimal Media GmbH. They're one of the busiest pressing plants in the world, producing such a large quantity of new records that, whether you realise it or not, you probably own something manufactured by them if you've bought even a handful of albums pressed within the last decade. That voracious output does come at a cost, however, and Optimal Media's output can be frustratingly inconsistent in quality. Fortunately, precautions were evidently taken here as this is a quality pressing with excellent sound throughout. With 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain' clocking in at the best part of fifty minutes in length, there's an awful lot of music here to be squeezed onto just one disc. For an indication of the ideal amount of music to include on one disc, consider the fact that back when LPs were first invented it was advised that no more than 22 minutes of music should be included per side. Although a more cautious label might have been tempted to release 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain' as a double LP, the sound quality remains excellent throughout this pressing. The fidelity suffers none for the length of each side and the fat, angry synth-basslines roar with no less intensity here that they might have even if the album had been spread across two discs. The mastering, then, certainly impresses - and the extended side lengths offer a definite convenience, if nothing else. But that's not the whole story, of course; there's also the pressing quality to consider. Fortunately, that lives up to the high standard set by the mastering. Although Optimal Media pressings can sometimes suffer from intrusive crackle, the surfaces are consistently clean throughout our copy. The noise floor is low and imperfections such as crackling and popping are notable only by their absence. The record itself is roughly mid-weight; it certainly isn't a full 180 grams but nor does it feel lightweight when handled. Surfaces are also visually clean, being free of the fingerprints and scuffs that all too often appear on new releases. The Packaging: As with most Morrissey albums of recent times, the merits of 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain's artwork are very much up for debate. Those fond of album covers that consist in the vast majority of the artist's slightly blurry face will doubtless be thrilled but the rest of us may have our reservations. Qualms pertaining to the art direction aside, the packaging and presentation of Morrissey's latest is actually very impressive. The cover is a fairly standard non-gatefold design; it's nothing special in itself - although there's certainly nothing wrong with it - but the cardstock is reasonably solid and the spine benefits from clearly legible text that will help the album to be picked out on even the most crowded of shelves. More impressive by far are the inserts; the record itself is included in a printed card inner sleeve that gives full credits for each track. It's a welcome addition, of course, and it's printed on a nice quality cardstock but, as with any such sleeve, it doesn't provide a great deal of protection for the record. As always, therefore, we'd advise storing the LP in a polylined generic inner sleeve. Better yet is the inclusion a separate insert giving full lyrics to each song; say what you like about Morrissey, but his writing has always been a central aspect of his craft, so inserts such as these are little short of essential. A whopping-great barcode printed onto the back cover is a rather ugly inclusion and it would have been better placed as a sticker on the shrinkwrap but, even so, a definite degree of care has been put into the overall presentation of this release. Final Thoughts: 'I Am Not A Dog On A Chain' is an adventurous, engaging return to form. It's a record that will inspire controversy as sure as the sun is warm but, then again, would it really be a Morrissey album if it didn't? A high quality vinyl release is enough to ensure that those sufficiently impressed with this latest effort can enjoy it in real style. Enjoyed this feature? We're always looking for further albums to highlight on Vinyl Corner - and if you have a vinyl release that you'd love to see written about here, please get in touch at [email protected] - it would be great to hear from you! Read the full article
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