#like genuinely one of the most scenes of all time to have the robot gf imprint hamuko's fingerprints in her heart
fellhellion · 5 months
i need to know the deep lore on why p3p allows you to have queer romance as femc when that one dev from the p2 duology was like yeah lol we included the jun romance to see if there was any money to court from fujo like fjkdhfjksjkd WHO WAS THIS FOR
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Heyo!! Can I request a Kuroo x male reader, where yn goes to give him a love letter one day, but he sees him with his new girlfriend??? And he’s like-sad and he tears up the note and he moves on??? But then one day kuroo asks to talk to him, and he confesses to reader, but since reader already moved on he doesn’t accept??? Angsty ending if you will 💔💔💔 thank you, Mr. Mizunetzu !!
Hi paola ily paola hee hee
Kuroo x reader - you did once...
⚠️Warnings - Kuroo gets a gf, angst, not so much of a good ending?
Pronouns- male, he/him
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You can find part two here!
“(Y/n), can I talk to you real quick?”
(Y/n) looked up from adjusting his loose kneepad, and wiped a bead of sweat rolling off his face. He turned his head to his teammates still on their diving punishment, and looked back at Kuroo. They just lost to another school again, but he got his punishment done rather early. “Mm? Okay..?”
He rose to his feet, following Kuroo out the gym door. The walk to a secluded place far, far away from the main gym was silent and awkward, not to mention suspicious. If Kuroo wasn’t one of his good friends, he would’ve thought he was about to be kidnapped. Or murdered.
Eventually, they stopped where the fenced pathway met the grass. Kuroo stopped ominously, further proving (Y/n’s) ‘serial killer’ theory. He turned around, facing (Y/n), and leaned on the railing.
(Y/n) stiffly held his hands behind his back. “So...” he rocked on his heels, trying to seem as casual as possible. “...what did you...need...?”
He was met with no response. Kuroo, instead, gripped the railing tighter, his knuckles turning a pale white. His eyes were downcast and he was sweating like crazy. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
(Y/n) stepped forward and crouched down, so he could see Kuroos face behind the mop that was his hair. He rested his palms on his knees, trying to decide what to say.
“...I...think your hair looks nice...today...”
If it’s one thing he hates, it’s awkward silence. Not to mention the suspense of waiting on someone to say someone possibly life changing. I mean, why else should he drag him out miles away from the gym during training camp?
“Uh-If we don’t hurry up, we’re gonna miss our next match-“
“I need to get something off my chest.”
(Y/n’s) throat closed up. It was simple. The secluded area, Kuroo flushed face, fiddling and chipping the rust off the railing. He didn’t know how he didn’t see it before. He’s been in this situation plenty of times, with girls he can’t even remember the face of. But oh how much he’d love to be in this situation a few months ago.
‘Just do it. just do it. God, just do it. Worse comes to worse, he’s straight. It’s not like he’s the type of person to de-friend someone because they like them!’
(Y/n) gripped the white envelope behind his back harshly, crinkling it on the corners. It had a red, heart shaped sticker on the seal flap, with the words ‘To Tetsu’ written in dark pink across the back.
Both Karasuno and Nekoma were bidding their new friends goodbye, all scattered across the parking lot of Karasuno. (Y/n) paced around awkwardly, looking for Kuroo’s familiar mop of black, messy hair. He was nervous, to say the least. Very nervous.
“Ne, Kenma,” (Y/n) placed a sweaty palm on Kenmas handheld game, pushing it down lightly and forcing him to look up.
“Have...have you seen Tetsurou? I need to give him something.”
Kenma hummed in acknowledgment, and nudged his head to the side. Sure enough, Kuroo was there, off in the distance and talking to someone he couldn’t make out. His back was facing towards them, and his hand was on his hip. (Y/n’s) heart pounded even more.
“Th..an..k...y-you...” (Y/n) gave a lopsided, very stressed out smile, and limped his way over to Kuroo. Kenmas eyes were drawn to the extremely obvious love-letter being wrinkled by (Y/n’s) sweaty hands. He pursed his lips.
He then looked up to the petite girl chatting with Kuroo. It wasn’t visible in (Y/n’s) line of sight, but it was to Kenma. He almost felt kind of bad.
(Y/n) stopped dead behind Kuroo, his eyes fixated on the ground as he ran through his memorized confession for the millionth time that day. He tapped on his shoulder, keeping the letter flush against his back with his other hand.
Kuroo turned around, and that was when his eyes landed on the brown-haired girl wearing an obviously oversized Nekoma jacket. From context of the scene, (Y/n) supposed it was Kuroo’s. He gripped the letter tighter.
The girl walked forward and extended her hand out. Her bubbly aura practically suffocated (Y/n). “Hi! You must be ‘(Y/n)’. Tetsu was just talking about you! You two are like—buddy buddies right?”
‘Tetsu.’ That was (Y/n’s) nickname for him. Only he got to call him ‘Tetsu’...and who gave her the right to call him by his first name?
(Y/n) glanced at Kuroo. Kuroo shoved his hands into his pocket and grinned. It wasn’t his usual shit-eater smirk, rather a genuine, lovesick dopey smile. A smile (Y/n’s) never seen before, not directed at him at least. It was a sight he wanted to burn into his mind, but at the same time, he wanted to slap that smile right off his face.
“(Y/n), this is Yumi-chan. She’s our new manager.”
Kuroo stepped behind Yumimite, and draped his arms around her dainty shoulders.
“She’s also my new girlfriend~”
“Oh-hush it, you!” Yumimite turned around and berated Kuroo with small punches, earning a playful chuckled from the Kuroo. (Y/n’s) grip on the wrinkled letter loosened.
“...ahaha! Congrats..! When...when did you two get together?” If (Y/n) was good at anything, he was good at pretending to be interested in something. Maybe he should’ve joined the drama club instead of the volleyball club.
“Mm. We got together just last week. She gave me a love letter.” Kuroo patted the girl on her head, ruffling her neat brown hair and making her blush red. It looked like it felt nice. He wondered how it would feel to have Kuroo’s undivided attention, to be pat on the head like a blushing schoolgirl. To be a small, pretty girl next to Kuroo, to have the ability to call him ‘his’. All his nervousness simmered away, replaced by a strange ache of numb.
“Well, that’s awesome dude! Honestly, I don’t know how you managed to snag a girlfriend before me...” (Y/n) slouched dramatically, quickly hooking the letter in the waistband of his volleyball shorts and tugging his shirt over it. “Especially such a cutie like her! I’m (L/n), by the way...”
Kuroo chuckled, slinging an arm around Yumimite. “Don’t go flirting with my girl now. You have plenty of girls practically throwing their panties at you.”
‘Yeah...but I’m gay, Tetsurou. For you no doubt! I-I love you-!’
(Y/n) almost wanted to yell that out. And he almost did. But he chose instead to keep silent and laugh in response.
(Y/n) bowed slightly. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you. I just wanted to say hi to Tets-uh, Kuroo...”
Kuroo tilted his head at the use of his last name, but brushed it off when Yumi hooked her arm in his. The couple bid their goodbyes, as they turned around and walked off. (Y/n) followed suite, turning around robotically and marching off.
Once he was a good enough distance away, he stopped behind a trash can and fished the letter out from his sweaty back.
He watched as the big pink words ‘To Tetsu’ bled and distort with every falling teardrop rolling down his cheeks. The water expanded and smudged the ink lighter and lighter until the words were practically indecipherable. You couldn’t tell it was a love letter anymore. Especially because (Y/n) ripped and trashed it up til it was a pile of pink and white paper shreds.
He tossed the stray flakes of soggy paper into the trash bin, watching as it fluttered and twirled tauntingly down the trash can. He quietly scrubbed at his red hot face, probably soaking his shirt with his salty tears. He rested his hands on the edges of the bin.
“Okay...” (Y/n) stretched up, spitting onto the concrete. “I...wonder...if my favorite ramen place is open...”
Strangely he didn’t feel devastated, or heartbroken at all. He just felt sort of numb. He didn’t feel the need to blast heartbreak music and cry out on his bed for hours on end. In fact, he was glad. Albeit a bit raw, and maybe a bit tired, but glad.
He got closure for the confusing feelings bubbling down his throat ever since he’d met Kuroo Tetsurou. He got his answer, and even if it wasn’t the preferred one, it was something.
The recovery process was easier than most people would think. It only took a couple long days to get him back to his prime condition. It was a given, since (Y/n) had so much other things to be worrying about. Midterms, volleyball practice, his friends. It’s a given that he would move on the things that was no longer on his priority list.
And Kuroo Tetsurou was no exception.
It was kind of pathetic to see such a high strung man like Kuroo so shaky and nervous. Though, he felt the same way three months ago, spending the whole golden week perfecting a letter he never got to read. What a hypocrite he was.
(Y/n) cleared his throat. “So...what did you wanna say?”
“I-just,” Kuroo swallowed thickly. “Ah-I...give me a second...”
“Okay, take you time, Kuroo~” he stood back up to his full height, and leaned on the rail across from him. It was obvious they weren’t gonna get anywhere. “So...hows ‘Yumi-chan’ doing?”
“Ah. We broke up. She’s gay. She has a girlfriend now.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. Though, good for her for snagging a girlfriend. No offense.” Kuroo mumbled out a ‘none taken.’ (Y/n) continued.
“Was that what you wanted to talk about? Her breaking up with you?”
“No! Actually, I broke up with her first. And it was...it was kinda mutual.” Kuroo sharply inhaled. “But it does have something to do with what I need to tell you.”
How could he be more obvious. (Y/n) forced a smile. It felt mandatory now. “Really? That’s interesting. Do tell.”
‘Please...Please don’t say it.’
“I broke up with her...because I had these...feelings.”
‘Please don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to read it. I don’t want to know it.’
“And you know how she’s gay? Well, I think I am too.”
‘No shit Sherlock. I don’t wanna hear it. You’ve been fiddling around with your hands like a schoolgirl. Stop it, so we can just be friends like we used to be. Don’t make it awkward. Don’t make me hear it. Please.’
‘Don’t make me look at your crestfallen face when I say no. It’s too much for even me to handle. I don’t want to see that.’
(Y/n) knitted his eyes shut. A fierce shudder threatened to rattle him and cover Kuroo’s mouth, but he kept still, as difficult as it was. He braced for impact.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
There it was.
(Y/n) pursed his lips and let his smile finally drop. Kuroo looked up from his trained gaze on the ground, only to be met with (Y/n’s) pitiful expression. (Y/n) never saw his face go from hopeful and love struck to devastated and heartbroken so fast.
(Y/n) cleared his throat. He was going to lay him down gently if it was the last thing he did. “...uh.”
He never said it’d be easy, though.
“If it makes you feel better...I did like you once, Tetsurou.” He only used his full first name during important situations, as he switched to using his last name instead of his first a long time ago. A lump grew in Kuroo’s throat.
Kuroo jabbed at his chest exasperatedly. “T-then what’s the problem?! We both-“
“The problem is I don’t love you. Not anymore.” Kuroo fell silent. He was so prepared to do anything it took to win over (Y/n), but after standing in front of him now, it was clear. Watching as he looked down at him with a pitying expression that made his brain go numb. He would get no where if he tried.
“...a-anymore? You liked me before? When!? Why didn’t I know?!” Kuroo grasped fistfuls of his black hair, a cold sweat condensing on his forehead. He was so animatedly desperate it was kind of sad.
“Not too long ago. Though, you kept me waiting since forever. And I thought I could wait forever.” A sorry chuckle emitted from (Y/n’s) lips. “I watched you go though girlfriend after girlfriend, Tetsurou. You even introduced me to Yumimite when I was going to confess to you. How do you think that felt? Even I got tired of waiting.”
“You...you were...” Kuroo had never felt so helpless. (Y/n) shrugged.
“I would give you the love letter I wrote for you that day, but it’s in a trash can somewhere. Ripped to shreds. And I don’t remember the words I wrote. I’m sorry, Tetsurou.” (Y/n) sighed and patted Kuroo on the head.
“You missed your chance...”
Kuroo’s eyes stung, threatening to unleash hell, but he promised himself he wouldn’t cry. No matter what. Instead, he rubbed the back of his neck and stood back up.
“I never stood a chance, did i?” Kuroo chuckled. It was a sad chuckle, one that made (Y/n) want to cry aswell.
“That’s the sad part.” (Y/n) pressed his lips into a fine line, turning it into a smile conotated with pity.
“You did once.”
Go sit there and stare at the wall in silence as you feel bad for Kuroo getting rejected by you. Go on, stare. Maybe then I’ll consider a part 2 (and if people comment or reblog asking for a part 2, hee hee.)
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diloph · 4 years
I recall Adam Malkovich being an Other M character. I take it you don't like him or Other M?
Oh boy, isn’t that a can of worms?
Yeah, having played Other M all the way through more than once, the shortcomings of the game are pretty much on display from the get-go. Lackluster voice-acting, confusing and sometimes nonsensical plot-points as well as baffling story structure; its only saving grace is its gameplay and even then, I’d only really enjoyed Samus’ mobility and physical ability to grapple/finish opponents.
Of note, the characterization of Samus is all over the place. As I’m going through the E-Manga right now and have seen other characters with similar, I’m not adverse to Samus having some form of PTSD from her traumatic backstory it’s just that it’s done in such a piss-poor manner that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
The Ridley confrontation is nonsensical, considering that she’s reduced him to a bloody smear several times over by now. On a ship where everything from Zebes seems to have been cloned (including the Metroids and an android emulating Mother Brain) Samus wasn’t even expecting him to appear in any capacity whatsoever?
I can understand her shock, fear and even hesitance to re-engage, but it’s never stopped her before; why did Meta Ridley not provoke the same reaction aboard the Orpheon, according to canon his first resurrection proper? Or to play into post-Other M events, such as Ridley’s return in Super/Proteus Ridley? Ridley-X?
Why does this appearance of Ridley reduce her to a frozen state?
Spoilers for when I get to it, but the E-Manga does this far better. That’s not to say that perhaps it goes too far as well, I’ve yet to have a good hard think about it, but the execution is far better than what happens in Other M and matches what had happened in the volume by that point. Samus’ life is hardship and suffering and it all comes to a head in those particular scenes.
But that confrontation in Other M is just the start of the odd decisions made that reduce Samus from the incredibly capable woman she’d been portrayed as up to that point, into a naive, shrinking character with nothing resembling her drive or will.
She becomes unable to make even the most minor decisions, especially if they fly in the face of common sense (a reoccurring theme with characters I dislike in “serious” works, as you might have noticed, so having one I like suddenly doing that almost seems like a challenge to get me to dislike them).
I’m supposed to believe that this woman left the Federation to become an independent bounty hunter? It extends beyond her character to even her design; she loses a foot and two inches of height so that she’s shorter than all these guys, all of her established muscle and tone evaporates and high-heels appear on the Zero Suit that, while skintight, was deliberately designed to NOT have them.
And, of course, her general (borderline suicidal) deference to Adam.
It’s so bad that I’ve genuinely come to believe that this version of Samus is a GF clone that was meant to act out her own Shadow Moses simulation, like Raiden did in MGS2, only for her to go rogue and save the day regardless.
As a matter of fact, the whole game feels like a bad attempt to emulate a Metal Gear game, with its rumination and navel gazing, but lacks the talent or focus to actually discuss the topics it wants to.
It’s badly done and what’s worse is, even in Metal Gear’s most nonsensical or badly written moments, they’re at least funny or tragic and Other M is neither.
Which brings me to Adam Malkovich.
Oh, Adam, Adam, Adam.
What the fuck am I meant to see in you? Samus’ dialogue tells us one thing, the actions, visual direction, the way in which he addresses Samus, orders her, controls her and ignores her tells us another.
We’re expected to root for this guy. To agree with Samus’ assessment of him. But all it does is further that idea that Samus is, in fact, an idiot who needs people more capable than her, to do everything for her.
Simply put, Samus, when not doing everything in her power to remember the Baby (another botched take on what was fondly remembered, the bond between her and the infant Metroid has now forever been tainted, even with Samus Returns’ efforts to save that whole thing) talks about Adam, how wonderful this commanding officer is, how patient and kind and caring and-
Yeah, no, he’s a dick and he acts like he can’t stand Samus’ very presence.
Without even going into the hated authorization mechanic, he never once looks at her with anything resembling warmth in his face; you could put that down to the models looking uncannily robotic to begin with, but Anthony Higgs seems to be the most expressive and can do... emotion. Even in dialogue and his VA’s recorded lines, there are no smiles, no change in inflection or in-jokes.
He comes off not as an aloof CO, but somebody who dislikes being in the same room as Samus herself.
And the big part is, for all Other M draws from previous canon and the E-Manga, now that I’ve read further ahead, guess what? Adam is a completely likable human being in it.
By that, I mean he’s an average filler manga character and not a raging asshole; he’s ranked higher than Samus, but is a bit accommodating towards her situation when they meet and later they do seem to have struck up something similar to the relationship stated in Other M.
He jokes with her, smiles, when she goes independent he goes out of his way to help her, she’s quick to remind him of her boundaries and his lack of control over her which he quickly agrees with. Samus and Adam have a much healthier working relationship there and the one in Other M is meant to reflect it? Rubbish.
In short, from what I’ve gathered, Other M was an attempt to canonize or at least further develop the E-Manga and completely shot itself in the foot by contradicting the E-Manga, prior Metroid canon, Samus’ character and archetype and ultimately, itself.
But hey, looking at it with the benefit of hindsight, at least we got a game to put up there with Hotel Mario and the CDI Zeldas that rounds out the embarrassing meme trifecta of Nintendo’s Big Three.
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I've just discovered there's people who hate Kakeru. Not dislike or don't get the hype about him but genuinely seem to hate him. Now obviously personal preferences are a thing but I seriously don't get where this hate could be coming from because with
1. Akito- phyically assaults people (including kids), held a teenager hostage for daiting & trying to take a box of her's that Akito already knew was empty & also stabbed someone after they tried to help her & left them to potentially die
2. Shigure- regularly makes perverted "jokes" about people who are underage (including the 16 year old girl who lives with him & cleans/cooks for him + he's family) & admits to manipulating everyone around him for he's own selfish goal regardless of how it could hurt others & that he dosn't really care about being kind even to the people he supposedly loves + he likes messing with people he knows are already terribly anxious & he also won in the end while never having to actually sacrifice anything important to him or really learn anything of value
3. Ayame- abounded he's brother to abuse till he was almost 30 & says various inappropriate things in front of & towards High Schoolers
4. Kagura- pretended to love someone 3 years younger then her who she saw as beneath her in a violent (though it was obviously in out-dated slap stick) way until she was like 18 & then slaps Tohru so hard she becomes uncounsious
5. Kureno- enabler of Akito despite no longer being supernaturally bound to her & knowingly fell for a High Schooler
6. Hatori- enabler of Akito & erasers people's memories when told to regardless of how he knows it'll hurt others
7. Katsuya- knowingly married (& later impregnated) isolated & homeless 15 year old Kyoko when he was in he's 20's after meeting her as a teacher in her middle school
8. Ren- everything about her
9. Kyo's sperm donor- everything about him
10. Momiji's parents- how they handled the situation
11. Machi's mum- raised her daughter like a robot, replaced her, insulted her entire personality, acussed her of attempted murder with bassically zero evidence, kicked her out of her home, cut her off from her sibling & only ocasnially calls to insult her leading to her developing a rather unhealthy coping mechanism to deal with her damaged mental health
12. Machi & Kakeru's dad- cheated on his wife, made he's kids fight over thier inheritance before getting another child & then treating the first two like they no longer exsisted
13. Kakeru's mum- took years to realise that she shouldn't use her child to get money/power from an affair
14. Haru- got a little too insistent about phyical affection from someone who he knows is super emotinally scarred (I still love him though just don't think certain scenes with Rin were handeld as delicately as they probably should have been) & can get rather harsh to random people when he goes dark (the worse case of this being when he grabbed Tohru's arm)
15. Rin's parents- belong in hell
16. The Sohma maids (especially the old one)- are part of the reason Akito became as messed up as she did + just straight up seem to not view kids or the zodiac as human beings with thier own feelings or rights
17. Uo's mum- straight up abounded her young daughter after getting into a new relationship
18. Yuki & Ayame's mum- narsastic, dismissive, controlling, litrually sold one of her kids to thier abuser in exchange for wealth/status, never apologised or even acknowledged what she had done
19. Akira- pursued a relationship pretty much out of pure lonleyness, went along with the suppression of Akito's biological gender, didn't do enough to protect Akito from he's wife's abuse (though in he's defense he was incredible sickly), last few things he told he's child before dying was that he was glad he had her as proof of he's relationship with Ren (AKA the person that had made it clear to Akito that she hated her guts) & that she was special due to being god & her bond with the zodiac was her birth right & would always be there (leading Akito to obviously feeling possessive & intilted over the zodiac & base her entire identity on her position as their god)
20. Kyoko- neglected infant Tohru for months due to her depression after Katuya's death & was even planning on killing herself to be with him again before finally coming to her senses (I love her & I tottally get why she did what she did but if it weren't for gramps little Tohru would have been in one hell of bad situation)
21. The Yuki Fan Club- just thier entire attitude towards Yuki & any girl that interacts with him (I get that it's obviously a delibretly over the top anime gag but irl the way they behave would be seriously disturbing & I'm pretty sure might even be illegal now what with all the photos taken of Yuki without he's knowledge)
22. The former school president- he's creepy fravriotisim towards Yuki (& later he's son) & he's flat out harrasing of anyone wearing the school uniform in a none tradishinal way or anyone with an unusual hair colour (despite him bassically admitting that the school officials had already said that Momiji, Haru & Kyo's appearances were ok)
23. Kimi- I like her & she's obviously iconic but honestly the way she treats Machi kind of borders on bullying sometimes for me
24. Hiro- he's a child & I like him but when we first met him you can't deny he was being a grade A shit to Tohru, Kisa & everyone else (& he fucks up again with Tohru during the beach arc)
25. Rin- love her so much but the first time she met Tohru she did try to kick her in the head while in her horse form which you know isn't great & she was rather antagonistic towards Yuki for no real vaild reason
26. Kyo- using Yuki as a scape goat he's entire life even when he knew none of the terrible things that had happened to him were actually he's fault, hurting Tohru in he's true form (I get that he wasn't in he's right mind & was suffering greatly but it still wasn't good) & rejecting Tohru after everything they had been through in the way that he did (again he wasn't in he's right mind & was suffering greatly but it's still an incredibly low blow & I think he knew that as he tragically wanted to hurt her, similar to what he did in the true form scene, badly enough that she would finally choose to give up on him)
27. The entire zodiac (outside of Kagura & maybe Momiji)- it is revealed that the zodiac are supernaturally inclined to look down on the cat & that they know about Kyo's tragic fate yet do not plan on trying to stop it from happening as he's suffering is thier one true reprieve in the curse as no matter what happens to them they will never be as "low down" as the cat yet once the curse finally breaks for everybody almost nobody even thinks to apologises to Kyo for how he was made to be an outsider since birth
28. Naohito- decides to hate Yuki out of jelousy because he has feelings for Motoko (who clearly has feelings for Yuki) despite Yuki showing no romantic feelings for Motoko & barley sharing any kind of connection with her at all which is obviously not fair as just because you happen to be liked by someone who is liked by someone else dosn't mean you should have to except being seen as a bad person (especially as in Yuki's case he never tried to encourage Motoko's obsession with him & in fact barley notices her exsistance as they aren't in any of the same social circles & she follows the ridiculous club rule of not speaking to him without another fan club member present)
29. Yuki- rather judgmental over how others choose to present themselves in regards to gender norms
30. Momiji- I love him but he did try to take advange of Tohru not knowing how old he really was to bath with her & did actually mange to use this fact to sleep along side her one night before she found out how old he actually was (now obviously Momiji is a wonderfully kind person & clearly would never actually do anything to hurt Tohru but let's be real if someone did that to you irl you'd be pretty creeped out & understandably have a hard time trusting them again)
31. Yuki & Ayame's father- has always been complety missing from he's kids lives (& even seemingly he's wive's) despite being mentioned to be still alive & well enough to work
32. Uo's dad- getting dumped for someone else must suck especially when your left with a young child & I know he did eventually clean up he's act but there's no changing the fact that he's years as an alcholic messed up Uo really bad & could have led to her death if Kyoko hadn't stepped in
33. Kazuma- I know he had good intentions & I love him but there's no denying that he did ignore Kyo's right to free will when he removed he's bracelet & though the plan ended up making he's life better if it had gone wrong in any way then Kyo had pretty much admitted (at least to himself) in S2E9 that he would have probably killed himself that night which would have clearly destroyed Tohru
34. Kyo's mum - she was obviously treated terribly by her husband & I do feel sorry for her but her way of dealing with the situation really damaged Kyo
Your really telling me that the character you have the most issues with is a boy who said a few horrible things to the MC when he was 15 in service of someone he loved who was in pain, got told by said loved one that what he'd said was wrong, felt bad about it, befriended a lonley teen that was close to the MC, quickly grew to genuinely care about them & made them come out of thier shell, wanted to help he's half sister but knew he wasn't really the right person for the job, realised that he's new friend was, encouraged the friend & he's sister's growing connection, learned how good of a person the MC has been to he's new friend, admits to he's friend that he'd been horrible to the MC in the past but just dosn't know how to go about rectifying it (especially as she dosn't seem to remember him), introduces he's friend to he's GF (further expanding the friend's positive social circle), finally bumps into MC alone & is shocked to find out that she dose now in fact remember him & even appoliges to him + thanks him for bringing her friend out of thier shell before he comes to he's senses & assures her that she has nothing to apologise for & then visits her in the hospital when she gets injured & even goes shopping for a gift to give her beforehand (even if he dosn't end up getting her something that actually fits her personality because well duh he dosn't really know anything about her).
Out of every questionably moral thing in the series this is really the hill you wanna die on?
I just honestly can't understand it. Sure he's not perfect but then no one in the series is. That's kind of the entire point of the story, that anyone can do things that hurt people but that it's what you choose to do going forward (even if it takes you a long time) that's important & Kakeru, eventually, chose to try to do the right thing. He tried to understand Yuki even though the guy didn't seem to like him at all, he chose to check up on Machi even though she seemingly hadn't made any sign of wanting to deepen thier sibling bond, he chose to finally talk to Tohru instead of continuing the ruse that he'd never spoken to her before, he chose to come clean about what happened to Yuki despite the potential of ending their friendship (& you can't tell me once he'd realised how much Yuki cared for Tohru the very real possibility that Yuki might hate him if he found out what he'd said to her wouldn't worry him at all) & he chose to visit Tohru in the hospital instead of just wishing Yuki luck or hoping Kormaki would go so he could avoid feeling uncomfortable.
You don't have to love him or even like him but I really don't think he deserves this amount of hate (especially incomparsion to some of the other characters I've listed).
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kaiayame · 6 years
post s8 thoughts
the good, the bad, the mixed. 
the good
the marketplace at the garrison in ep 1! i’m a sucker for a marketplace. and allura got to go shopping!!
romelle was back! her hair was cute. 
i think the tone of the first episode was actually a really smart one to start the season on. i’m glad they jumped a few months (or was it a year?) since the end of last season. 
pidge and allura got some good bonding time in general this season. pidge giving up her game for allura was cute. and then when they were together on that planet where the olkari had lived, that was strong. 
pidge being upset about the loss of the olkari, lamenting over “how much more they had to offer us” was solid. i think they spent too much time on it, but the sentiment of mourning all the good that a people could’ve given the universe if they hadn’t been lost was solid. 
omg listen. keith and lance. literally sat together. just the two of them. watching a FREAKING sunset. and keith, in my opinion, basically said the nicest things anyone has ever said about lance to his face, and it felt like a confession of feelings from keith’s end tbh. the writers did that. they know that they did that. and it happened. it was real and so, so soft. i had to stand up in front of the tv while i was watching, clutching a pillow and screaming a bit. 
i think the amount shiro and coran were utilized throughout the story felt balanced. shiro especially has dominated so much of the story over the seasons, and even tho i love him, it felt nice to kind of have him become somewhat less of a focus. 
i think the episode where they got trapped in the ship with the monster was fun! did you see how crazy lance went when keith got stuck in that room with it?? 
the carnival episode!!! I love a good carnival setting :) i like that they all wanted to get something for allura.
the day 47 episode was also cute, imo. I thought it was clever. I loved kinkade! the overall concept could’ve gone really badly but it felt creative enough to me. I wish it had focused more on just the paladins, but still.
all of the MFE pilots actually didn’t annoy me this season, yay. 
veronica and axca had super gay vibes.
keith and axca didn’t happen! *throws confetti*
lance got called a genius by his fellow paladins! and they meant it! 
we got to see them all in their under suits and out of their paladin armor!
that short bit where Hunk made the recovered alteans food from their home world? I think that was actually more powerful and potent than the writers even intended. I thought that was really well handled and not heavy handed and had a lot of weight to it. 
the bit before the final battle with keith and lance alone at the war room table...................... prime, prime content. THEY HELD. HANDS. there was a CLOSE UP. i’m still living off of it. another “lost my shit” moment. favorite scene of the entire season. 
there was some genuinely good moments of humor. keith had some especially funny moments, i laughed out loud a few times, tho i can’t name anything super specific atm.....
it was nice that they tried to really work in the idea that unity is what’s important, and the best unity is built through love, and differences shouldn’t tear us apart and we are always stronger together, etc etc.... i think that was obviously the writers referencing our society’s current climate to some extent, so i appreciated them at least trying to touch on that, however generic and vague it was. 
they had some good new outfits this season?? it was nice to see the paladins in so many different clothes. and a lot of the garments were really cute!!
i like how often keith urged them to not give up. I think that’s another strong theme that’s existed throughout the series. it just strikes a personal note with me. i like how far keith has come as a character in general.
pidge’s mom making that flower for allura?? very sweet. 
i liked all of lance’s reactions to anyone mentioning someone having an interest in keith, haha. Obviously, i’m projecting, but still. 
i think the concept of ALL realities being threatened was actually great, because otherwise idk why they would’ve brought up there being other realities in the first place. the significant level of what was at stake with that being what the paladins were dealing with was a good choice. 
keith turning down becoming the new head of the galra. phew, thank you @god.
as always, studio mir is the lord’s animation studio and so much of the visuals were so excellent. can’t wait to see their future projects.
and honestly, it’s been fun. it’s been a fun show. it’s had a ton of problems but i cannot deny that i have seriously enjoyed watching a lot of it as a whole. 
i guess technically they did end the show on a gay kiss. 
the bad 
i’m not even that personally upset but it just goes to show how important an ending is. how a story leaves you makes such a significant impression. it’s probably the most important part of a narrative and OMG THESE WRITERS DO NOT KNOW HOW TO WRAP THINGS UP AT ALL, IT’S SO FUNNYYYYY.
so anyway, yeah........ episode 13.......................... what. 
like wtf was ep 13. 
what even WAS THAT. PEOPLE got PAID to write THAT. 
lance became... altean? can that.... happen? also........... why???
and a farmer?? a simple life?? where did that even come from??? like sure, lance was homesick and missed rain one time. that doesn’t.... it just..... that doesn’t mean he should just be a random farmer?????? whose gf died, i guess??
and the fact that they didn’t even EXPLAIN why honerva & allura had to do whatever it is they did????? criminal. ridiculous. 
and all that aside, allura and coran’s relationship was so important and so special and the fact the she and him didn’t get a goodbye? garbage. unbelievable. 
and to add to that, all of her goodbyes were underwhelming. shiro being like “you don’t have to thank me for anything” umm, what. yes she does. you did a lot. wtf, what was with that?
like i love allura, but also, why was the ending SO FOCUSED on just her?? And by that, i mean including the choice to kill her off. VLD has always been about the group. It just was a weird vibe to end on for many, many reasons. The ending should’ve been about her and the rest of them recognizing how they were more than just friends or paladins. They were family... like ALL THE WRITERS HAD TO DO was have them all together at the end?? I’m not even joking. That needed to be the ending, point blank...... AND THEY COULDN’T EVEN DO THAT. WHYYYY
ok moving on but still related, I HATE slideshow endings like that, in pretty much anything that isn’t a documentary or historical drama. I feel like it’s such a cop out. Writers should find confidence and end their story on a specific note. Not a series of slides.
as i was watching ep 13, tbh, the title got me excited. “the end is the beginning” made me feel like they were somehow going to get thrust back in time for a brief second to the moment they all met at the garrison, or met allura and coran, and somehow that was going to get pulled into the finale as a way they could re-establish all the destroyed realities.... so i guess this is my own fault for just hoping for something that wasn’t there, but whatever.
i think lotor and zarkon also got some really undeserved positive recognition. like, they both killed a LOT of people... some things are just too little too late. 
lotor coming “back” was also like, half assed. it was weird. it would’ve made more sense for honerva to start jumping through different realities earlier in the season “looking” for a version of her son and husband that she could be with. 
too many big robots. like..... so many different kinds of big robots. i couldn’t care less. 
as always, a lot of the fight scenes were repetitive as hell. I wish they’d been more creative and written them taking on different approaches rather than just charging at the bad guys.  
sorry to hate on allurance, but like, neither lance or allura felt like their actual selves whenever they were together or trying to be a couple... it was weird and sad. Lance barely ever acted like himself this season. 
I thought they threw krolia around a bit too casually. Like she barely pops up and when she did it almost felt like the writers were like “oh yeah, i guess we should include her every now and then”
i thought allura being like “i don’t have a family” to lance was bullshit. like, hello, coran and romelle are right freaking there. more alteans are showing up every day. girl, what tf do you mean???
allura was also kind of excessively mean on multiple occasions?? she was cutting people off, being unreasonable, reckless, and kind of dark..... i didn’t really understand the sudden downfall of her character when she’d started out as this sort of insecure victim, but season after season became stronger and stronger and an awesome member of voltron. idk, it just felt out of place to make her a part of the problem for the final act. 
i wish i had......... cried. i wish they’d written at least one moment well enough that i actually got to experience at least a little bit of a tear.
adam didn’t magically come back from the dead. 
OMG and the kiss between shiro and random dude???? IT WAS SO SLOPPY, I WAS SO EMBARRASSED. it was obviously thrown in at the very last possible moment because they were trying to cover their own asses about the adam thing. like, what was with that bad animation....
epilogues in general are just........ so bad. no one should do them. stop.
omg they never explained the altean colonies... 
honestly, as we kept getting closer and closer to the last episode, i was like....... they do know this is the LAST season, right??? they’re kind of running out of time??
that black entity thing should’ve been fleshed out more and had more of an actual purpose, especially because they touched on it before with the paladins of old. 
i feel like the writers just threw so many things out there over 8 seasons and didn’t actually.... resolve most of them. like, they needed to edit down sooooo much of what they were trying to do. it would’ve been such a stronger series overall if they’d just FOCUSED on the actual compelling parts of this story and its characters.
i feel zero closure tbh, lol. whatever.
the mixed
overall, i was pretty engaged for the most part from episode to episode, but i did get pretty damn bored a few times.
oh god, the leaks were real. it’s good and bad. 
lance and allura still felt SOOOO forced and awkward but at least they tried to give them some actual substance.
like I said before, yay romelle was back! but boo, she wasn’t as quirky or funny anymore :(
Slav bothering everyone was still quite enjoyable to me. i wish shiro had gotten roped into that more, tho. Missed opportunity.
Atlas didn’t feel quite as dumb... but it was still kind of dumb.
i thought honerva honestly held up as a villain. Maybe not a FINAL season villain, but meh. her motivation seemed legit enough and the lengths she was willing to go after 10k years of pain seemed real. I just..... ugh, i wish they’d stuck to her just being evil. Or revengeful. Lok tried to do the same thing with kuvira right at the end. there just... wasn’t enough time to actually do that right, in either case. Or if they were going to do it, Honerva should’ve sacrificed just herself and allura should’ve left with all the other paladins, and that could’ve redeemed her character if that’s what they were going for.
the 2nd episode that focused just on honerva was... fine i guess, but i thought they didn’t define the mixing of timelines very well. it would jump from one clip to another and i didn’t realize fully that we’d gone back in time, or returned to the present, or were seeing this important thing before moving on to another. idk, the order just didn’t work for me. 
i’m glad allura got so much more focus but i feel like keith had so many important story points throughout every season and it felt weird that he was kind of just in the background for the most part of every episode.... like if vld had a “main” character, i always kind of felt that it was slightly keith.... so i’m sad that he didn’t really get much of an ending.
and that being said, i guess this is just a negative, but i feel like keith and shiro’s relationship just didn’t matter anymore??? that was so weird to me?? it was such a focus for SO LONG, it didn’t feel good to just never address them ever. 
there was this really awesome momentum going in the first half of season 8 for this theme of “not holding on to the past / letting the old give way to the new” and they just….. totally lost it. Like, it just never came up again by the end, lol. But i liked it a lot while it was initially there. Just.... wish these writers knew how to stick a landing, jesus. 
like, that older olkari woman that pidge was trying to call out to? she probably had one of the best speeches of the season when she was telling that little olkari girl to go on and be a part of the future. that’s what i’m saying. it had good momentum. they just didn’t fully realize it :/
i think where they started to lose the narrative was in the two part episode, the knights of light ones. going into honerva’s mind seemed cool and i appreciated them trying to do a few interesting things with it, but bringing back the old paladins didn’t feel right. For some reason, I didn’t enjoy allura reconnecting with like, the spirit of her father. I felt like it was a loss that should’ve remained a loss. and yeah, just in general, having them bring up the idea of the benefits and power behind “the old making way for the new” just wasn’t supported by bringing the old paladins BACK... it felt counterproductive. i didn’t like it.
Anyway. I feel like i’m still forgetting stuff and I’ll probably go back and edit this post but yeah. Enjoyed a decent chunk of the final season. Cannot..... even believe how dumb some of the writing choices were. Will forever be slightly confused. Canon is whatever. I’ve still enjoyed this show and its characters and a lot of the amazing content fans have created for it, and it is what it is and at least it’s over and done with :]
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bpd-seishi · 5 years
What do you think about the plot/spoilers of drrbv?
okay i wasn’t sure when i was gonna answer this but i got all worked up and upset again so i guess now’s a good time as any lol 
not sure if i’m allowed to post the spoilers doc so if you wanna see it just dm me and i’ll send you the link 
putting this under a cut cuz spoilers and also this gets kinda venty and long 
okay first off, disclaimer. nothing against the voices team, even though i am really upset. please don’t send this to them, or harass them, or anything like that. i trust all of you not to do that anyway, but i felt like i should say it anyway given my,, feelings. also second disclaimer i’m just going off what i remember reading because i refuse to look at the doc again, it genuinely makes me nauseous. 
so, uh, i guess that answers your question, lol. i hate it. i really, really do hate it. 
there’s just,, a lot here to be honest. i guess i’ll go ahead and start with the obvious source of upset here: seishi’s whole character arc. we all know how i feel about him i mean it’s pretty obvious that his fate would come into play here 
it’s not even just the fact that he dies, it’s.....well, there’s a lot here that i fucking hate. first off, i straight up refuse to accept the fact that marin killed him lol. even if it was just an accident, like,, marin isn’t stupid. why would she put her hand over his mouth if he was suffering from poisoning? and even then, wouldn’t narumi technically be the killer because she was the one who poisoned him in the first place? i dunno if that’s the point like marin was just supposed to be a scapegoat or something, but either way it’s fucking bullshit. and....mikoto?? cutting his head off?? to hide evidence??? unless i misread that???? first off, why the fuck would she do that, and second off, that’s just....too much. i don’t think you could show that in an actual danganronpa game, ffs. they had one character who was dismembered, and he was a robot, for god’s sake. now, i will admit to not finishing v3, so forgive me if i’m mistaken in assuming this, but still it’s just. yikes?? 
and onto another thing with seishi, they really said fuck seiyumu rights here, huh? ngl i guess this is pretty biased since it’s such a huge comfort ship for me but i really do think it’s shitty, manipulative writing to tease the ship like this and then suddenly yank it away and have him try to kill ayumu anyway. even if it wasn’t a ship i cared about so much i still would be upset about them doing that it’s such a cruddy thing to do, like. they evidently were going to share a kiss scene and everything, and didn’t they even confirm seishi had romantic feelings for ayumu?? i don’t understand why they would have all that and then continue with the assassination plot unless it was just to make the whole plot more “edgy” and/or like,, try to show how evil and bad seishi is. which is honestly pretty stupid when they wrote him to be the biggest dork ever but what the fuck ever i guess none of that actually matters in the scheme of things. fuck characterization, who needs it? 
IN SPEAKING OF THEY REALLY SCREWED OVER A LOT OF CHARACTERS HERE, HUH. i really thought they’d let saiji live because i remember seeing that miwashiba originally wanted him to live in their version until his va dropped out, but they decided to toss all that out the window. and, hey, his death/arc could’ve been interesting anyway, i would’ve been sad but not this upset if they actually did something with him, but they instead decided to make his whole fucking arc rely on maiko which. just isn’t fair to either of them. maiko deserves better than to be “fridged almost gf that causes saiji to kill” and saiji deserves better than to be “guy who only thinks about maiko and his guilt over her death to the point where it overrides every other bit of his characterization”. that whole murder plot/chapter motive didn’t make a lick of sense anyway. just. fuck. 
i also really think they screwed over mikoto in having her be a killer, to be honest. her whole character in miwashiba’s original version was that she hated needless killing, and, idk, it just seemed weird to me that they decided to completely ignore that. and they made her spoiled and bratty like??? i don’t know it just rubs me all the wrong way. i also take issue with narumi being the mastermind to be honest. i feel like it could’ve worked, if they’d set it up better, and i dunno, maybe it would’ve been if they’d been able to continue, but her reasoning for doing it is just......it’s another thing i take issue with. that whole backstory is convoluted, and i can’t get through the exposition part of the doc without getting a headache. you can say what you want about miwashiba’s version, but it’s at least cleaner, and it makes more sense. and i don’t even wanna talk about akira’s involvement here i still don’t understand it. 
i’m starting to run out of steam and i’ve probably gone on long enough anyway (lord knows me and my friends gone on extensively about this) but it basically for me boils down to a lack of awareness over their own characters, too convoluted of a plot, and a lot of pointless edginess and what feels like twists for the sake of shock value (like what is the point of changing the pot as a weapon in chapter one to an acid squirt gun???? who asked for that????), and i know a lot of my friends feel the same, too. i really wish i could find something to be excited about for it, i mean, apparently they were going to have an arc about kazuomi being gay and i guess that’s neat but like. fuck. everything else kinda spoils it for me. 
most of this probably won’t affect the way i interact with the series much since voices is just an au of the og rebirth and i tended to prefer the original anyway when writing fanfic for it but,, the whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. reading the epilogue bits made my stomach sink, and not in a good way that i think they were going for. 
and of course, it’s fine if you disagree with me, but it really upset me and i had to get it off my chest and i’d really like it if we didn’t discuss it too much on this blog, please. i can’t even pretend to be excited about it, it’s got me that fucked up. 
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Week 14: Alt-GAMING
Elisa!!! :) 
GSI elisa’s focus has been on internet art and making work on and through the internet 
her work explores gender, sexuality and labor in relation to technology and internet 
taught at RISD and Brown before she came to Berkeley! 
some problems: free labor, big data, etc. 
did the MFA program at RISD 
Archive Fever: night before midterm, she took all her browsing history until her computer crashed, and then link after link is plaid back in chronological order.. there was soothing music in the background 
-she trellised there were different trends and the cluster of data was able to give herself and others and idea about herself… at the time she was very interested in the narrative qualities of video montage but now it reads in an entirely different way… its interesting how the project and the way people read it drastically changes depending on the political climate 
- she’s still selling her data on a flash drive online because she was interested in the whole idea of selling your data on line just like companies like Facebook do today 
-started to receive warning from eBay about how she was putting herself in a “vulnerable” position 
 need ideas!?! PLZ!!
just a bunch of videos of youtubers talking about how they don’t know “what to do” or about how they need “video ideas” and then the youtube ask their viewers what to make… like whether or not they should sing, what they should talk about, whether or not they should make make up vids… they also ask viewers to “subscribe, comment, follow, etc.” 
Labor of Sleep, Have you been able to change your habits? (2017) 
touches on how sleep has been a new behavior from which data and other things are exacted…. basically sleep used to be something that was the last known method of shutting down and being unproductive but now sleep apps allow our sleep to produce something fruitful! 
continuation of archive fever project in the sense that it examines how we are more and more viewing humans and things that produce classes of data… we are perceiving ourselves in a more quanitifiable way
-if you are on the whitened website during the time or sunset/sunrise in new york, the website is interrupted with her art project 
techonologies of care- the projective is documenting how effective labor (a time of immaterial labor that effects and modifies emotions of consumers/ viewers) is being outsources to computer… i.e. workers on line can perform micro tasks like designing loiece was censored in the backgos/labels, pretend to be bf/gf online, 
-workers on these platforms are usually from non-western countries with problematic economics and inflation (so maying low amount of dollars may look good to them), very cheap labor, etc…. most importantly for elisa, most of these works were produced by women… elisa interview 70-80 workers and selected 10 for the final projects. they all wanted to be anonymous so elisa abstracted their images with geometric shops 
when the towel drops- project done by a collective that elisa is in with one ugandan artist and one indian artist  called radha may 
the research started in italy, next phase in india, last phase in south africa 
she visited the national censorship archive of ital- all films in italy are first reviewed by a state review board. 
-they did a montage of all the censored scenes and presented in italy.. at the same time someone read why the clips were censored... ex “women showing pleasure 
Wednesday: Porpentine Heartscape 
Porpentine Charity Heartscape - “Oakland based new media artist, video game designer, writer and curator primarily a developer of hypertext games and interactive fiction mainly built using Twine. In conversation with artist Elisa Giardina Papa”
sticky zeitfeist-the game is about girls who are animals and girls who are robots… collaboration with her friend from canada. there is a lot of music from transgendered artists. she gets bored with one thing, so the game is constantly changing, 
glitches are the second best part of making a game.. the best part is not having any glitches lol 
she also made another game for a contemporary art museum in chicago, very simple game 
she’s interested in repetitive, pattern work 
-foldscape = a game made out of posters 
she’s also really interested in how the speaker/presenter in a game can mutate the entire game 
another game asked people to draw things, for example. “a symbol of the new year  
this world is not my home- collaborative project where her collaborator added music &  where they turned their game into a portal like exhibit 
tiny bubbles exhibit in SF-> 
to her, feeling always matters more than physical form 
I’ve been in Elisa’s discussion section all semester and I had no clue that she went the #1 design school in America, and that she’s already had her work shown at various famous museums like the Whitney! I’m not surprised but I was surprised she never talked about her work in discussion before. The first piece she shared with us was Archive Fever. It was pretty funny to see what peoples’ reaction were when she tried to sell her own information on line. She got messages warning her about the risks of sharing her personal information online, which is ironic since most individuals use still such s Facebook, which we’ve just found out might not be as safe as we think! I also really loved her second piece, titled, “need ideas!?! PLZ!.” I’ve never been a huge user of any social media asides from twitter, which mostly consists of 240 character tweets that make me laugh, so it’s interesting to me that kids really care about the number of likes they get online. When reflecting back on the piece, I couldn’t help but feel sad about the direction of where this so-called form of “art” is headed. When I think backk to some of my favorite presents, like Barbara Hammer, Chip Lloyd, and Lynn Hershman-Leeson, I remember being amazed at how many ideas they had lined up in their head and ready to bring to fruition. Call me old fashioned, but I really enjoyed these presenters, not only because of the amazing work they produced, but because it was genuine and they’d truthfully believed in the whole project from beginning to end. For example, Chip Lloyd had to literally jump through hoops and get so many random permits just to blow up a bunch of TV’s! I feel like that takes real passion and self-realization that those kids will not learn if they are already taught at such a young age to just sit online a wait for people to tell you what’s cool instead of exploring/experimenting and figuring it out for themselves!! Lastly, my favorite piece was When the Towel Drops. I loved the idea of creating a montage of all censored scenes and reading why they were censored, just so people can understand how ridiculous it is that something like “showing pleasure”  is ok with the Italian government for men, but subject to censorship and considered too taboo to be shown on screen for women.
Porpentine Heartscape is a well-known, tumblr famous gamer and writer who is in conversation with Elisa. I’m actually really curious to see what both of them will collaborate on because they both have such different styles on interacting with audiences and working! I really admire Porpentine because she seems very sure of the direction she’s headed. I felt like her presentation gave a very holistic view of her work, but I didn’t learn much about her and her motivations for doing what she does. In fact, halfway through the presentation she just started putting up different games without really saying anything. But, she did indicate that he believes feelings matter a lot more than physical form. This definitely rings true in her work and it seems like the closest thing she gave as a theme or motivation behind her work. For example, one of her game, foldscapn, was made entirely out of postcards.  It was really cool how much she lit up when she found that boy that was obsessed with her game, and its really obvious that she loves what she does. She said that the ideal way she pictures someone playing her game is sitting in a messy bedroom with a box of pizza, and this seems like exactly the environment that some her fans would be in.
READING NOTES: Not much to say about this reading since its just archived reviews of A1 from different people, but I will say that these reviewers seem incredibly animated and loyal. It’s also very interesting how their ratings are in jibberish letters that seem like 
This links you to a game created by Jason Rohrer called Passage.  Passage was one of the first experimental games to really change peoples’ prospects and persuade them to decontextualize video games as an art form. Elisa and Professor Skoller have both probably already heard of Passage because It’s apparently one of the most famous and influential experimental games, but I thought it was one of the coolest things I’ve played. In fact, in 2012, it earned one of the 14 coveted positions in the MOMA’s permanent video game collection. The game is unique because there is no tradition plot. Hopefully this doesn’t spoil the game, but the game is supposed serves as metaphor for the human condition. Players LOVE the game, and many people said they were very emotion and/or they cried afterwards. 
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