#like gortash and ravengaurd
todderwodders · 11 months
Ahhh, If I Were You, a Faline song that lets us peak into some of her worst traits and preoccupations, chiefly: thinking she can do much, much better then the people already in charge taken to the enth degree.
It’s split between being genuine in its intent (wanting the world to run in fairer terms) but also rife with an ego trip a mile wide. She will be making decisions, it’s just a matter of biding her time and waiting for the right hand to fall - dancing on the edge of passivity and action as the city moves about its days and she goes from being a Baldurian upper crust source of entertainment to a real player in the Absolute game. Could she go without the head worm? Yes. Will she make it work? Oh, yes.
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Tl;Dr she wants to be someone sooooo bad. “I take things away from stupid, evil old men/women.”
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amysgiantbees · 10 months
I LOVE Wyll and I understand why they did the rewrites I think he's a wonderful character and wouldn't dream to trade him for his EA counterpart. However, since they chose to rewrite him the lack of material does a disservice to his character.
I love Gale and Astarion and would not change their stories for the world but they aren't really integral to the main plot. Wyll is though and yet Astarion especially has SO much dialogue he comments on EVERYTHING and Wyll barely has anything to say even on the stuff that's important to him, like Gortash's coronation.
It's just so heart braking that Theo, his voice actor, is so passionate about and loved doing his romance scenes so much but Wyll has the least amount of hours dedicated to it.
Scenes I would have liked:
Wyll talking to a child or an innocent post Karlach and he either gets hugged and gets to be surprised that people still see him as heroic. Or he's a bit too smug about it if he killed Karlach.
Wyll meeting up with a member of the flaming fist he used to know in Act 3- maybe they were trainees together when they were teens - and getting to talk about the old days like Karlach and her friend.
Wyll getting to be really surprised Florrick still wants his help in Moonrise after he's been transformed and she puts 2 and 2 together at his reaction and asks if this is why he left Balder's Gate and he tells her that his father asked him to leave. Florrick says that's BS and can become a pseudo parental figure.
The companions dialogue reaction to him braking his pact is fixed so everyone is more like how they react to Shadowheart killing her parents and aren't instead jumping down his throat like he's a power hungry maniac. It's clearly leftovers from EA Wyll when he was more power hungry but it throws his whole character off because clearly this version doesn't struggle with selflessness, he is nothing but! He needs to put himself first over his shitty dad for once in his life. Like the only one I even kind of like is Halsin's dialogue about how a plant sometimes need to strangle a tree to find it's own light. I'm wondering if that isn't something to do with Halsin being expanded upon later in development so it was easier to match it to the new Wyll. Like Wyll damning himself for eternity is satisfying if he's been selfish, but at present it's just him risking himself again and not even for someone we know yet (or *spoilers* someone useful like all the dragon tip does is give us a bit more info about the Emperor and give Wyll some confidence).
I think it's VERY bold of Ravengaurd to say he WILL make it up to Wyll. Not that he'll try but that he knows he can make it up to him. Despite throwing out the sweetest teen on earth even though he was clearly trying to tell him something. Despite likely hearing about the Blade of Fronteir's exploits and never reaching out. Even after being rescued by him to just be still so full of bitterness and hatred. Despite all his failings as a father and always putting his reputation and Baulder's Gate above his son he really thinks it'll all be water under the bridge soon. So, I would like it if your TAV was able to challenge this assumption.
I would like it rewritten so Wyll actually has it out with his Dad instead of tadpoling him what has happened post rescue. Let them actually talk finally. Wyll lacks so much agency and could really use a dramatic moment like everyone else get's in Act 3 to shine.
I would love if your approval is high enough or you're romancing him for you to be able to see his walls come down once. I think it would be so powerful if after this whole journey he's been so composed and careful and then whatever happens with the contract in Act 3 he lets you see how he really feels for once. Like you still have your talk and he's all composed and tells you he just needs some time. However, later that night when you've gone for a long rest you catch him on the roof of the Elfsong or something. He could be crying, or praying to Tyr to save his father, or screaming, summoning dark tendrils of magic and yelling about how he resents his power.
Also Florrick should not show up if you break the contract unless the Duke is dead. It screws up Mizora's dialogue and brakes it a bit. Like if Florrick didn't show up till after you killed Orin that would probably work because if you kill Orin first you probably aren't going to kill Gortash or go down to the Iron Throne. Or at least give it a long rest or two before she shows up.
There's also just dialogue that does not fit that's leftovers from EA I believe. Like after braking the pact TAV being able to tell Wyll he shouldn't be a duke because he's too power hungry. Or even the companion dialogue where Wyll is a bit of a playboy and flirts with Lazel and then Shadowheart immediately afterwards - it totally goes against his hopeless romantic nature. Not that I want them to take even more content away from him.
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sunflower-ozzy-online · 9 months
Wyll You Take This Man
Chapter 3 of
Where There's a Wyll There's a Way - Masterlist
Wyll (Baldur's Gate) /Reader - Enver Gortash/Reader (more a warning than a promise)
Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage - Angst
Spoilers for Baldurs Gate 3
It's the day of the wedding, will Wyll come?
Your conversation with Wyll yesterday was still on your mind as you were being prepped for your wedding. Dark makeup was applied as his words stirred your heart. Could you have ran? What would have happened if you did? Your town had survived without Gortashes protection so far. Although your family's reputation would surely be tainted and all trade may be stopped between Baldur's Gate. You were unsure just how vengeful Gortash would be. 
Yes, Wyll may have been able to protect you but there was no way to ensure your peoples safety. You had finally accepted your role, why did he have to show up now? Gortash was treating you well enough. At least when people were around, though you were rarely alone. One of the maids poked your eye lid with the brush. Your eyes were dark at Gortashes request. At least he was a very consistent man. Thankfully your gown today was mostly white. The golden embroidery was stabbed into it but it didn't look so gaudy on the nice silken fabric. You weren't allowed any input into your look, just like yesterday. 
You used to dream of your wedding. Back when it was going to be with Wyll. You had talked about basic color schemes with him as teenagers after your parents had made arrangements with each other. You were excited, he was dashing and considerate as well as an amazing dancer. Often you thought about your first dance with him. His strong arms would make you feel protected as the spins lightened your head. You would laugh freely knowing he wouldn't judge. 
There was no more laughter in your life. Besides forced polite laughter you made to please others. Your whole life was to please others. Put on a smile and say yes. You had no other options. 
When Wyll was disowned your marriage was no longer beneficial, even if you could still marry him he ran far away from Baldur's gate. Leaving both his past and you behind. Of course you heard of the blade of the frontiers. It wasn't hard to put two and two together and place the dashing hero as Wyll. He was thriving, and you were left alone with no prospects. Part of you was proud of him, he never liked the stuffiness of titles. Though he seemed to fit in no matter what situation he was in. A bigger part of you felt betrayed he had not even sent a letter saying goodbye. Your arrangement was not one solely on a political basis. You loved him. You fell for him everytime he snuck you out of stuffy ballrooms and took you to his favorite places in the city. Your heart would jump when he laughed wholeheartedly at your jokes not berating you due to their less than intelligent nature. You had thought he loved you back. He accepted the arrangement with gusto. It's hard to believe someone ever loved you when they leave you without a word. 
Years of dedication, devotion, and planning ruined as your parents got the letter informing them of the change in the Ravengaurds family status. It was from Wyll's father, only addressed to your parents addressing the sudden end of a contract. No explanation besides the date and a brief reason “Wyll has proven himself unworthy of his title and has been disowned after an incident.”  You waited for Wyll to come for you, throwing rocks at your window and whisking you away for a future free of titles and full of joy. You would stay up waiting for him. He never came. Never wrote. 
You were glad you did not love Gortash. It would be harder for him to disappoint you this way. You were both aware of what your marriage would be. Simply a contract beneficial to both parties. You would receive protection for your people and continue your bloodline in a worthy family and he would receive the legitimacy a marriage to a duke/duchess would bring to his new title.Your hair was put up with elaborate pins after you were enveloped in the gown. Your shoes seemed like an afterthought as they pinched due to being a size too small. He had planned a lunch wedding and reception that lasted until dinner. You had a small breakfast but prepared yourself to be strung out and exhausted by the end of the day. Most people would be exhausted due to all of the emotions of their wedding. The only emotions you had currently were negative. Mainly disdain for your groom with a hint of melancholy. You had a sneaking suspicion he would still be dressed in that gaudy v neck jumpsuit he has worn every day you've seen him. If you had any other choice that didn't doom you, your family, or your people you would run. 
Alas you found yourself in front of a pair of familiar doors. In a world full of gods he chose a venue that only worshiped himself. Fitting. You had no bridesmaids and you were going to walk down the aisle yourself. You held onto the bouquet of strange flowers you had no recollection of hoping they had thorns as you waited for the go ahead. One of the staff nodded at you to say it was time. 
As the doors opened you raised your head to look down the aisle. As you started to walk soft music played and people stood to watch. You searched the crowd for faces, spotting your parents towards the front. There was no sight of Wyll. You were relieved he had not come to stop the wedding but his newly revealed scarred face would have soothed you nonetheless. 
There was another face missing from your wedding. As you approached the altar you noticed Gortash was not waiting for you. You had no wedding rehearsal, at least none you were involved in, so you were unsure of if this was planned or not. You tried not to let the surprise get to you. If Gortash pulled out of the wedding that would save you both from the marriage and the consequences of running away. For the first time today you were excited. 
Then the music stopped. The door flew open and heads turned. There he was in that dumb jumpsuit wearing a golden head dress that matches the pins in your hair. He was followed by an entourage of flaming fists trailing behind him in perfect step. He announced there had been an attack by the Absolutes forces outside the gates but his Steelwatch had taken care of them. He told them how sorry he was for being late but emphasized how important the safety of his people was to him. Bullshit flew from his mouth as he approached you and loudly asked for your forgiveness while he grabbed and kissed your hand. 
“What do you say my dearest? Will you find it in your heart to forgive me on our special day?”
You could see it on his face. The insincerity in his eyes. The small smile playing on his lips. There was no saying no to him. 
“Of course my dear. The safety of our citizens comes before all else.” 
This you meant.
You would spend the rest of your life with this liar  if it meant your people would be safe. It was the only honest thing you said that entire day. 
You went through your vows, vowing to be with him and love him through sickness and health. To bring each other happiness through honesty. He was putting on a show, but it wasn't for you. The words that fall past your lips felt like a mockery of the dreams you once had. Dreams of a future with Wyll. If he had come back all those years ago and asked for your hand would you have been saying these words to him? 
As the officiant,  notably not Duke Ravengaurd, who had been acting strangely when you saw him yesterday, reached the objections part. There was not even a stir in the audience. 
Do you Enver Gortash take Y/N L/N to be your wedded love till death do you part?”
“I do.” 
“Do you Y/N L/N take Enver Gortash as your wedded husband until death do you part?” 
“I do.”
“Without further ado I now pronounce you archduke and archduke/duchess. You may kiss.” 
Gortash pulled you in by the waist and placed a surprisingly long yet chaste kiss upon your lips. 
As he pulled away he turned his head towards the audience and dropped his hand from your waist. Whatever he told them in his fake bravado hardly registered in your mind. The day that should have been a celebration of love became a funeral for the dreams you had buried. And you were the only one in mourning.
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