#like have you ever considered people just want a little more variety in their transgenderism Sometimes
mla0 · 3 months
i wish transfem headcanons were as common and respected as transmasc ones, not just in slenderverse but in fandom as a whole. the only time i see transfem headcanons is when people say someone could be either (which is true, but when there's such a lack of one, it can be frustrating), or it's put on maybe One girl character, which i've noticed most people don't really care about to begin with, and is its own problem. at the same time, i don't think i'm really smart enough to delve about the complexities of the entire issue, and even if i did the last thing i like to do online is start any kind of skirmish or conflict
like i completely understand maybe people don't want to change a character's personality or appearance, but i also need more people to consider why they feel like a character being a girl would change anything about them in the first place
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strawberry-milktea · 6 years
As a gay, trans Christian, I believe you need to reconsider the way you speak to gay and trans Christians. If you reread the Bible, you'll realise that there's no trace of the biological essentialism you've quoted, and if you look at the Hebrew behind the classic clobber verses, you'll discover that most of them are about either underage sex, prostitution, or relationships after a spouse's death. I really hope you'll change the way in which you follow our welcoming, open, and affirming Christ!
I actually have looked at the original language regarding verses about homosexuality to see how they align with the English translations. Your message is not the first time this argument has been brought up, please consider taking a look at this previously answered ask where I went into more detail about this. This ask discussed New Testament verses that address the topic of homosexuality:
Since you specifically mention “Hebrew” I’m assuming you are referring to the two Leviticus verses mentioned in the Old Testament:
“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” - Leviticus 18:22
“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” - Leviticus 20:13
(And as a side note, before anyone comes on anon accusing me of supporting violence against gay people because of what Leviticus 20:13 says, I do not. Under Mosaic Law, the death penalty was assigned to a variety of sins such as engaging in homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, making sacrifices to other gods, and committing murder, to give some examples. Christ’s coming as Savior in which He died on the cross as an atoning sacrifice and resurrected makes it possible for us to be set free from the death penalty that sin brings. An example of an account where we see this illustrated is in the case of the woman caught in adultery who was about to be stoned. Under Mosaic law, she deserved that punishment, but Christ stood between her and her accusers. He protected her from death and told her to go and sin no more, painting the picture of Him standing in our place, saving us from our rightful punishment, and His expectation that we will not return to and embrace the sins He died for)
Moving back to the original discussion, what is being said in these verses is very concise and direct.. there is no mention or hint whatsoever at underage sex, prostitution, getting remarried after one’s spouse died, etc. in either of these verses. You’re basically saying something is there that isn’t, my guess because you read an article or discussion from someone who wants to justify homosexuality and claim it’s not a sin, so they’ve contorted scripture and tried to add context that isn’t there. And because you are gay and trans, you want to believe this to be true.
If you want to use the “mistranslation” claim, even taking a look at a Hebrew text analysis of the verses in question shows consistency with the English translations.
For Leviticus 18:22 -https://biblehub.com/text/leviticus/18-22.htm
For Leviticus 20:13 -https://biblehub.com/text/leviticus/20-13.htm
The order of the phrases is a little odd because it’s going between Hebrew and English, but the meaning is still clear. I am by no means someone who is a scholar in the Hebrew language, but you don’t have to be one to see that the meaning of each word and the meaning conveyed by stringing these words together is directly referring to engaging in same sex relations. Click on each word in the verses in the links above and see the meaning/analysis if you don’t believe me.. in fact, I urge you to do so. Don’t just take my word for it.
I understand how hard it can be to overcome sin. Homosexuality or transgenderism aren’t my struggles, so I can’t personally understand exactly how you’re feeling and how painful the idea of giving those things up must feel to you. But I struggle with other types of sins, so I know how your flesh tries to convince you that sin will fulfill you and the enemy will do all he can to make you believe that something isn’t a sin, when in reality it is. One of the ways he commonly does this is by leading people to jump through hoops to find “alternate” meanings in verses that describe what God defined as sin in an attempt to convince themselves that they can be Christian and continue embracing a particular sin. I’ve seen the same pattern done with the sin of witchcraft from people who claim to be “Christian witches”. And whenever I see this, there is so much reaching and contortion to claim a verse is saying what it isn’t when it makes far more sense to accept the verses for what they actually say in a direct and simple way. But people reject this and come up with involved contexts that don’t exist and claim “it’s a mistranslation” because it’s easier to convince themselves that these spiritually dangerous lies are true than it is to accept difficult truths that require sacrificing sin.
I really hope that you understand that I say all of this out of care for you. I’m genuinely worried for you because you’re accepting deception for the sake of holding onto sin. Engaging in homosexuality is mentioned as a sin in multiple places, throughout both the Old and New Testaments. It would be both false and unrealistic (as well as reaching extremely far) to claim every verse about homosexuality conveniently has a hidden context and that the verse isn’t actually saying what it’s directly saying. We can’t contort what His Word says and how He defined sin to suit ourselves. What you’re doing is the same as if I were to claim verses talking about anger being a sin aren’t really saying it’s a sin because I struggle with anger and I want to continue being angry without feeling there’s anything wrong about it. Or like me trying to claim that as an unmarried heterosexual person, I can have premarital sex and that God was really referring to “something else” when confronted with verses making it clear that sex outside of marriage is a sin, simply because I experience desire for sexual intimacy at times and I want to feel okay about acting on it. It’s a wrong and dangerous approach no matter what sin is in question.. We can’t pick and choose what is and isn’t a sin based on what we think is “acceptable” according to our standards. When you decide to follow Christ, it just doesn’t work that way because His standards become yours - including what constitutes sin.
We can’t control what sins we are weak to, but we can control whether or not we act on them. In your case, you most likely didn’t choose to experience same sex attraction or the desire to be the opposite sex, but you can choose whether or not to act on these desires. And I hope you can come to realize that no sin will ever fulfill, but only serves to spiritually destroy and separate us from Him. A relationship with Christ and eternal life is worth the temporary sacrifice of leaving behind any type of sin.
I appreciate the respectful way you approached me with this message and I hope my words were conveyed to you in the same way. Feel free to message me again if you have any questions or wish to talk about about anything.
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