#like he gave us a list of popular superheroes with different traits and we were supposed to pick two and figure out their kids traits
nexus-nebulae · 5 months
thinking abt the time our middle school science teacher made us write superhero fanfic for a genetics project
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traincat · 5 years
you really enlightened me about spider-man that seeing a tweet like this twitter(.)com/tylerllewtaing/status/1124384316870414336?s=19 got me pissed because now i know better. the worst part is i would have agreed to it months ago. why are so many spider-man opinions so bad
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Yeah, these are bad tweets and bad arguments. First off, I’d argue there’s no such thing as a “blank canvas” superhero character meant to represent the “current reader” -- that’s a ridiculous idea that fundamentally misunderstands what storytelling is. What would that even look like? A superhero comic featuring a main character with a blank face you can paste your own portrait onto, featuring a blank slate supporting cast vague enough for you to project any sort of relationships onto, with blank word bubbles? The idea of a blank slate superhero character isn’t just ridiculous, it’s unsustainable. Nobody would 50 years worth of comic books about a character who’s personality was “completely malleable to the audience’s whims.” Obviously characters evolve with the times, and you have to take that into account, but to suggest that a character who has survived in such pop culture prominence since 1962 has done so because he doesn’t actually have his own personality is mindboggling and disrespects both storytelling, superhero comics as a medium, and Spider-Man as a character. That’s not a character; that’s a Mad Lib. I’d strongly recommend these guys get some lessons in critical reading and a long box or six full of Spider-Man comics to mull over, because Peter Parker very much does have his own personality and it’s not whatever these two think it is. 
Second off, let’s argue about what “relatable” means. I hate this term when it’s used to talk about fictional characters and if I could strike one word out of the English language, it would probably be this one, because it’s lazy. What is relatable? Who is it relatable to? It also perverts, I would like to suggest, what the audience was originally supposed to relate to about Spider-Man. Stan Lee and Steve Ditko gave Peter a set of problems when they introduced him that were decidedly unglamorous: he came from a family that had very little money. He had to step up upon the death of his uncle, a death he felt responsible for, to help pay the bills. His classmates misunderstood him and he felt alone. He didn’t have friends with similar interests. The popular girl didn’t want to go out with him. When he got a girlfriend, suddenly the popular girl did. His girlfriend had jealousy issues and her own personal problems. His boss was a jerk. And to quote Rodney Dangerfield: he got no respect. Those were the problems the audience was supposed to relate to, the ordinary struggles of the average person magnified by the fact that Peter also had a secret identity to protect and amazing powers beyond the scope of the average schmuck. He was relatable in that the audience could relate to him and to his problems, not in that he was a mirror held up to reflect each and every reader who glanced at the cover of Spider-man comic. 
I’ve argued this point before, but I think “with great power, comes great responsibility” is actually a deeply unrelatable concept. Look at the world and the people who have great institutional power -- there’s very little responsibility being taken by the people who have that power to protect their society and their communities. Peter Parker doesn’t have great institutional power; he’s a guy from a poor family who grew up in Queens, heavily Jewish-coded within the text of the comics, who frequently feels like the underdog. But with Peter’s specific brands of great power -- the super powers he got from the spider bite and the fact that he’s a supergenius (super relatable, right, aren’t we all just incredible scientific supergeniuses) -- he could certainly take that institutional power. But that wouldn’t be responsible. Peter’s responsibility is the protection of his community. I think a large number of people who argue that Peter’s foremost trait is that he’s “relatable” without clarifying what that even means would act in a very un-Spider-Manish way, should they magically be granted superpowers. Taking responsibility is, in and of itself, a distinctly unrelatable trait for many people, especially, and not to generalize but let’s be real here, an extremely large portion of the male population. By claiming that he’s relatable beyond all else is to essentially throw the concept that defines him -- responsibility -- into the trash. 
This is also twisting the “anyone can wear the mask” message in Into the Spider-Verse, because that’s not a line that’s about Peter at all. He doesn’t deliver that line: Miles Morales does. It’s a line that’s about Miles realizing he can be Spider-Man, he is good enough, he is ready, and embracing that confidence. Anyone can wear the mask referred to the fact that Spider-Man doesn’t have to be Peter Parker -- it can be Miles Morales, it can be Gwen Stacy, Miguel O’Hara, etc. And I think that was a very empowering statement for the kids in the audience who looked at Peter Parker and didn’t feel represented by him, but who did feel represented by Miles, and by the concept that Spider-Man doesn’t have to be a white guy. To use it to say “actually Peter Parker never had a set personality and was whatever the audience wanted him to be at the time” is stretching it pretty far when it’s about saying that, while Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Spider-Man doesn’t have to be Peter Parker.
Here’s another problem with the “Spider-Man: the relatable superhero” figure: the sweeping generalizations. “Modern teenagers” because all modern teenagers are grown in pods and their only personality trait is “youths.” Not everyone is obligated to like the same thing, and not everyone is obligated to see things the same way, especially not because they happen to be contained in a generation with each other. To claim something is relatable to an entire group of people is ludicrous -- now, to say something is marketed towards a specific group is completely different, and I do agree that’s very much what is happening with MCU Spider-Man. I think there’s very little that’s relatable about getting a high tech suit from a billionaire superhero who came far before you, or about having to stop a stealth jet from being stolen, or about going on a European vacation with all your friends after you were snapped out of reality. These things are all pretty far removed from the typical Spider-Man problems I’ve listed above, and let’s be honest, most of us are far more likely to be able to understand and relate to the money problems than the European vacation with all our friends, or becoming a billionaire’s protege. But Marvel Studios has a lot of money, and they’re very good at marketing. You don’t have to relate to a story to enjoy it, but you also don’t have to relate to it to be sold the idea that you do. And I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but it’s a whole different ballpark away from the hallmarks that originally marked Spider-Man as relatable. There was no batcave. No high tech armor. He had no butler. There was just a guy in his bedroom in Queens, mixing up his own chemistry experiments, wondering how he was going to save up enough money to pay the bills and have enough left over to take his girlfriend out for dinner. It was the ordinary that made Spider-Man an extraordinary character at the time, and what kept him so vibrant and easy to relate to. To, and not from.  
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howtohero · 5 years
#267 Getting Another Hero in a “what superhero are you quiz”
We all know about online quizzes right? They’re like school exams except they’re on the internet and they don’t actually mean anything. They’re stuff like “Which of these potatoes that kind of look like Steve Buschemi are you?” or “which color paint would you drink if you became the kind of person who drank paint regularly?” They’re meaningless drivel. Do not put stock into the results. Certainly don’t go about changing your entire life because of your results from one of these quizzes. (Deep breaths.) That being said... it has come to our attention that a number of superheroes have been taking online quizzes that claim to be able to tell you which superhero they would be. Why they would take a quiz like this I’ll never understand. If they want to know what superhero they would be all they need to do is just look in a mirror (be careful not to look into the Mirror of Altharaz which steals and traps the soul of whomever gazes into it). Yet, time and time again these heroes take these quizzes and, lo and behold, sometimes they don’t get the answer they were expecting. They get a different superhero. So let’s have a frank discussion of what to do if this happens to you. You stupid stupid people.
First, it’s important to remember, and I’ll probably repeat it again, these quizzes do not mean anything. The people writing them do not necesarily have the expertise needed to accurately determine which superhero you would be if you were a superhero (which, by the way, you are). Think about it, have you ever been interviewed by somebody who makes quizzes? Of course not. Quiz makers are not allowed at superhero press conferences. Not since the incident. (You know, the one with that guy who loved riddles and games and quizzes and also parlaying those loves into a murder-spree?) These people are either just completely guessing, or else, they’re going off of interview you’ve done with other people. Interviews that we told you to lie in. You should honestly take this as a victory. Getting the wrong superhero in a quiz like this just means that your secret identity is incredibly secure (assuming your enemies put in only exactly as much effort into learning about you as random quiz creators do.) So good for you! You did it. (We just got 17 more emails from readers asking about this issue.) Oh for the love of!
You know what, fine, if you want to overhaul your entire life based on an online quiz, fine, that’s fine by me, and you know what else it is? It’s fine! I can help you do that sure, might as well. Which superhero did the quiz tell you you would be? Professor Paleontologist? Sure, let’s say they said you were Professor Paleontologist. After taking 30 or so multiple choice questions about everything from your favorite ice cream flavor (of which the options were: “chocolate”, “vanilla”, “hat flavor,” and “dinosaur flavor”) to your favorite way to fight bad guys (”kicking”, “punching”, “hat-themed vehicles and gadgets” and “summoning dinosaurs from the past to do your bidding”) the powers that be have determined that you would be Professor Paleontologist, if Professor Paleontologist wasn’t already Professor Paleontologist. Sorry, I guess the quiz people think you suck. I don’t make the rules. 
So, now that you know that on some level you were meant to be Professor Paleontologist before somebody, somewhere (probably you) messed up and you became a different superhero, there’s only one rational thing you can conceivably do: Steal that person’s identity. If you’re lucky, Prof Paleontologist will have also taken the quiz and the all-knowing AI that is the quiz will have determined that he should be you. That would be very convenient, all you’d need to do is meet up and trade lives. Easy peasy. Just as the quiz willed it! If they haven’t taken the quiz though, you’re going to have to take matters into your own hands. Track down Professor Paleontologist (we have reason to believe he lives inside the life-size brachiosaurus statue on the Superhero School’s campus, but that has not been confirmed) and steal his clothes at gunpoint. Just break into his home and threaten him with a gun until he agrees to hand over his costume and the magical talisman he uses to rip dinosaurs from the homes and families to bring them to the future. Who even cares anymore. Clearly it is some failing of the universe that you did not become Professor Paleontologist that only you have the stones to correct. You’re a superhero, you should be looking to bring the universe back to functioning order by any means necessary. It is not possible that this quiz was wrong, it is reality that is wrong, and it is your job to correct it! 
Reclaiming an identity that was never yours from a person who always owned it is, I guess, just about the most valuable use of your time. Sure, you’re already a superhero with your own powers and heroic character traits, and sure, you’ve got dozens of enemies who would just love for you to have an identity crisis so they can finally terrorize people like they’ve dreamed since they were kids, but a quiz said you were meant to be a different superhero and surely that must take precedence. If you are (for some weird reason) concerned with the vacuum you’re going to be leaving in the superhero community by vacating your role in it and forcibly stealing someone else’s possibly through acts of extreme violence that you can never come back from... Well, don’t be. We’ve got a solution for that.
Have you ever heard of an email blast? That’s where you send everybody you know an inconsequential email and then hound them until they’ve looked at it and given you some kind of feedback. Maybe it’s a cute video of a rabbit wearing a tuxedo and eating some celery. Maybe it’s a list of deep and thought provoking questions like “why do we park in driveways but drive on parkways,” or “ok but why are trees like that?” Or, maybe, it’s a fun internet quiz that can determine which superhero you would be with 100% accuracy. Send the quiz to every single superhero who you can think of (or who gave you their email) and encourage them to take it. Then, once every superhero in the world has taken the quiz, you can all swap identities to make sure that everyone is who they were always supposed to be. As determined by an infallible internet quiz. 
If you think about, you’re actually performing a great service for the entire superhero community, if not the world. No, definitely the world. In fact, after the quiz-creators see how popular their original quiz was they’re surely get right to work on their newer better quiz that determines which superhero you really would be with 200% accuracy. This is really good news, because this way you can all be sure which superhero you’re really supposed to be! Huzzah! With any luck, they’ll keep producing more and more accurate quizzes and you guys can just all keep swapping identities all day every day while the world crashes and burns around you! Great news! Ok! (Do you feel better now?) No!
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
We think that if you were to ask anyone in the world to name a superhero or a comic book character, 99% of them would say Batman. Whether you’re a comic book fan or not chances are that you not only know about The Dark Knight but you also think he’s cool, and to be honest he is. Since his creation Batman has been stalking the streets of Gotham City, taking care of the bad guys and doing it with style. He’s easily the most famous hero in the DC Universe and he doesn’t have any super powers because Batman doesn’t need them. He’ll always save the day, he’ll always win, and he’ll always be the hero DC needs and the fans will love him for it. Batman may be great but if we step across the comic book pond to Marvel, their poster boy and face of their vast MCU is Iron Man. Not having the long history that Batman has hasn’t stopped Iron Man from becoming one of the most popular heroes around. The two share a lot of similarities but it’s their differences that make them unique and their differences, we’re afraid to say to Batman fans, is what makes Iron Man always likely to come out on top. It’s time for the Dark Knight to step aside as the king of the superheroes and let Iron Man take the crown, so here are 15 reasons why Iron Man is better than Batman.
#1 Iron Man Is Better Prepared  Our first entry looks at what made our two heroes put on a suit and try to save people. Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne actually do have similar backstories – they both lost their parents (Although Bruce was a lot younger), they’ve both spent time in captivity and they’re both sons of billionaire businessmen. However, while Batman spent most of his young life traveling the world to seek out all the ways he could train himself to the peak of human physical condition, Tony Stark didn’t need to. Having been held by terrorists for a few days, Stark put his best muscle to good use, his brain, and came up with a weapon that can do everything that Batman learned to do and so much more. While Wayne trained for years, Stark took a weekend to out do him, and let’s not forget that Stark did all of that under threat of death by the terrorists and with his heart about to give up and explode. So not only did he create a super suit but he basically performed heart surgery on himself too.
#2 Iron Man Doesn’t Need A Sidekick It has to be said that our next entry is one trait that Batman has that’s been annoying us for years and that’s the fact that he constantly surrounds himself with help. Batman is the ultimate loner and vigilante crime fighter and yet he is always taking people under his wing and creates a Bat Family. We don’t have a problem with that as such, after all, hero team-ups are awesome. But Batman is constantly telling everyone that he doesn’t play well with others and that he does everything better by himself. In other words, he surrounds himself with people in order to tell them he doesn’t need or want people. Iron Man, on the other hand, is far better by himself and he knows it. Yes, he plays with The Avengers and other heroes a lot, but more often than not he chooses to save the world single-handedly. Whether that’s his ego taking over or not is a different subject but Iron Man doesn’t need a string of sidekicks to aid him in his mission.
#3 Iron Man Knows His Weaknesses  Some people out there may say that this is a strength of Batman’s while others will find it a weakness, but Batman doesn’t seem to have many, if any, weaknesses. Which is very strange considering that he’s just a rich kid who learned some fighting skills. If you think about all the heroes in both DC and Marvel, they all have some flaw or weakness, even The Hulk and Superman do, but not Batman. Yes, he gets his butt kicked from time to time and even had his back broken by Bane, but Batman always gets over it which is a lot to ask for the fans. We have to suspend belief and reality a lot when we follow The Dark Knight. Iron Man on the other hand is a much more rounded and relatable character. His heart provides the weakness for Iron Man while Tony Stark is full of flaws such as alcohol issues, womanizing, and his vast ego which often puts people in danger. We’re not saying any of those are good traits but it makes Stark, and Iron Man, a much more rounded character with a lot more conflict in his life to tell great stories. Batman, on the other hand, is just Batman and Bruce Wayne is just what happens when he’s not in the Bat suit.
#4 Tony Stark Is A Better Businessman It’s fair to say that both Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark were handed the silver spoon when they were younger. Being the children of rich and successful businessmen certainly gave them some advantages in life. But it’s what they’ve done with that advantage that counts and Mr. Wayne has pretty much wasted his. Since donning the Batsuit, Wayne has let Batman take over his life, his father’s company is pretty much run by a board of directors, and he only uses  Wayne Enterprises to get the weapons and gadgets he needs to use as Batman. His father might be proud of what Batman has achieved, but as Bruce Wayne? He’s pretty much a failure. Tony Stark, on the other hand, knows the importance of money, business, and keeping his business going in order for Iron Man to be effective. Not only has he always had his hands firmly on the reigns of his company, except for the odd time when he let someone else run it, but he uses his company to push forward the world in technology and energy.  Tony Stark really would make his dad proud.
#5 Iron Man Sees The Bigger Picture This is one strength that Iron Man has in bucket loads and yet it’s something Batman always seems to be a bit short-sighted about. As well as pushing his company into the 21st century and trying to help the world with its energy crises, Stark also sees the importance of Iron Man in the world. Not content with just stopping the bad guys or cleaning up the streets, Iron Man is constantly tackling the world’s bigger problems from terrorists to alien invasions. Whether that’s by himself or as part of The Avengers, Iron Man wants to save the world and make it a better place for everyone. Batman on the other hand is only interested in Gotham City. While it’s true that Batman considers himself a vigilante and a crime fighter, he is still a hero and therefore should step out of the streets of Gotham once in awhile to help his fellow man. We know that Batman is a key member of The Justice League, but even then he likes to stay in the background more and let the big hitters take the lead. His intellect and gadgets should be put to a better use for everyone.
#6 Iron Man Has Better Gadgets It’s fair to say that when it comes to gadgets, Iron Man has Batman beat hands down. Just before all the Batman fans out there start shouting at the screen, let’s just look at the facts. Iron Man is all about protection and fire power. Admittedly this is because Tony Stark spent a lot of his early days as an arms dealer, but once he saw the error of his ways, he put that knowledge to good use and created everything he needs to save the world. Then of course there is Jarvis, the computer interface that can do anything, which Tony built, and then there is the sustainable energy from the Arch reactor that powers pretty much everything. Batman, on the other hand, has a few Batarangs, grappling hooks, and gadgets that a 10-year-old boy would think are cool. Admittedly, the Batmobile is great and an icon but that’s it really. The other thing is that Stark builds everything with his own two hands whereas Wayne has people do it for him and we haven’t even gotten to Iron Man’s suit yet.
#7 The Iron Suit Is Pretty Much Invincible So, our next entry is about the suits that the two heroes wear. Batman looks amazing, there is no denying that Batman’s outfit is cool, stealthy, and flexible enough for him to bust his ninja moves. It’s pretty much bulletproof and can take a lot of damage but it’s nothing compared to Iron Man. Tony Stark’s crowning glory is not only one of the strongest pieces of technology, after all, it can survive in space, but it’s armed to the teeth, it can fly, it gives him super strength to rival The Hulk and Thor, and is pretty much indestructible. When Tony Stark designed his Iron suit, he saw one thing that Batman fails to see and that’s sometimes bad guys might shoot you in the face! With all the criminals using machine guns, super powered beings, and aliens, Iron Man doesn’t need to train his body to its ultimate physical condition, what would that do against the likes of Thanos? No, Stark understands that in order to beat or even match these people you have to make yourself indestructible and the only way to do that is with a suit.
#8 Intellect  Okay, so we know that both Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are pretty much geniuses but just who has the bigger intellect? Tony Stark, without any doubt. Yes, Bruce Wayne has a great brain when it comes to the art of detection and strategic planning, he’s one of the best in the DC universe and possibly even the Marvel universe as well. Not even Captain America’s military training could compare to Wayne’s tactical mind. But that’s all he is. Those skills are great in his vigilante role as Batman but Tony Stark’s mind is far superior in so many ways. Not only is Stark a scientific genius; we’ve already mentioned on this list how Stark creates and builds all his own gadgets and pretty much defies the laws of science and physics on a daily basis, but Stark also knows how the rest of the world works. Money, politicians, government, the list goes on. Stark knows all worlds and knows how to use them to get what he wants whereas Batman shuns everything, hides in the shadows and then wonders why everyone either hates him or is scared of him. Stark uses everything to his advantage and if he doesn’t know something, he finds someone who does and uses them.
#9 Batman Acts Like A Whiny Child…  So we know that Bruce Wayne had a very hard and traumatic childhood; after all, his parents were gunned downed right in front of him! So given that fact, we know why Wayne wanted to do what he did and rid Gotham from its criminal element as the vigilante Batman but we also think that because of this Wayne never had a real childhood and therefore constantly acts like a child in his adult life. Every time something happens Batman essentially goes off on his own to sulk. That’s the adult equivalent of running to your bedroom, slamming the door, and screaming that everything is so unfair. Admittedly a lot of people go for the brooding type but Batman has taken this too far for far too long and enough is enough. It’s about time Batman realized that you can be The Dark Knight without having to resort to tantrums or always living in the past.
#10 …Whereas Iron Man Doesn’t  Iron Man, on the other hand, is completely different. Okay, so he may have lost his parents when he was a lot older and they weren’t killed in front of him. But the fact is that he is also an orphan like Bruce Wayne but even more than that, Tony Stark had to live under the enormous pressure of his father’s legacy, not to mention that his father was obsessed with Captain America, another impossible mantle for Stark to live up to and another thing that takes his father’s attention away from him. So it’s fair to say that Stark had an unhappy childhood too. However, whereas Wayne lets his childhood define him, Stark does not. In fact he embraces everything that’s bad and his long list of flaws, to which there are many, and doesn’t let those things stand in his way. He wants the world to know that he’s Iron Man, after all, if you’re saving the world then why not have people know about it. As well as this, Tony Stark knows how to have fun and relax, he can save the world one day and then enjoy it the next, which is something Batman has failed to realize.
#11 Iron Man Has A Clearer Moral Code  Now we come to the very core of what makes our superheroes tick. Batman is a crime fighting vigilante that stalks the streets of Gotham to rid it of the criminal scum that makes peoples lives terrible. A very noble act, however, what he does is illegal and more often than not Batman is no better than the criminals he hunts. Except for one thing: in order to keep himself on the right side of the law, he never kills people. That’s always been Batman’s one rule. He can do what he likes, or what is necessary, to get the criminals but he must never kill anyone. That is until the writers decide it’s okay for Batman to do that. These days, Batman’s moral code is a lot more murky and his number one rule has been broken a lot. Iron Man however has a very clear moral code. He does whatever is needed in order to save the world and protect the people. He never goes out of his way to hurt or kill people but he understands what needs to be done for the greater good. Whether you agree with Iron Man’s code or not, it is a lot clearer and therefore more focused than Batman’s.
#12 Batman Gets Upstaged A Lot We all know that for many, many decades Batman has been the ultimate and most famous hero ever but more often than not The Dark Knight often gets overshadowed by someone else. We’re not just talking about the times when Batman crosses over with other heroes such as Superman and the Flash in The Justice League, but even in his own comic books and movies Batman plays second fiddle. Whether it’s by The Joker, Bane, or even his ever growing Bat family, a lot of the times the characters, storylines and actions by other characters become more famous than the exploits of The Dark Knight and the only reason we read or watch them is to see it play out rather than for Batman himself. Iron Man doesn’t suffer from this. Whether he is working with The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, or out saving the world on his own, Iron Man is always centre stage. Ok, so some fans out there may say that Iron Man doesn’t have the wealth of characters and villains as Batman does. After all, there is no Joker in Iron Man’s world. That may be true but we still think that Iron Man would outshine any character that was pitted against him.
#13 Robert Downey Jr.  Throughout this list, we’ve actually tried to stay away from movies and focus more on Iron Man and Batman in the comic books. After all, there is so much more to these characters in the pages of the comic books. But we would be foolish not to mention the movies, especially with the MCU and DCEU being so popular right now, so we have put all of that into one entry. It must be said that Iron Man, and in fact the entire MCU, is no doubt as popular as it is because of the perfect casting of Robert Downey Jr. Although Batman has had many TV shows and movies about him, none of them have been as perfect as Iron Man. Yes, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton, and even Ben Affleck have done a great job with The Dark Knight but Robert Downey Jr. IS Tony Stark/Iron Man. This is another reason why Iron Man is better than Batman. The Batman movies may have been better than Iron Man’s over the years but no amount of casting will ever be as good as Downey Jr.
#14 “Because I’m Batman” Is Not A Reason Our next entry has become a crazy trend that started to happen to the character of Batman and it’s that he can do anything and everything and the only explanation we get is “Because I’m Batman!” If you talk to any true Batman fan about the Dark Knight and say anything remotely putting him down or ask them how he does half the things he does, they’ll say to you “Because He’s Batman.” This has become such a big deal now that Batman has actually surpassed the pages of comic books and crossed over into folklore and mythology. Batman’s recent adventures and storylines have almost become a joke. Batman is a man, albeit a man in perfect physical shape, but he was still a man. That’s what made Batman so popular because he didn’t have superpowers and he could only do what a human could do but now his legacy is so blown out of proportion that Batman is a borderline god which undermines the character and makes him a lot less than he ever was.
#15 Summary  To summarize our list: Iron Man and Batman are very similar heroes with very similar abilities, drive, and resources, but whereas Batman is stuck in the past, Iron Man is the superhero for the future. He lives in the modern age and uses everything that the world today has to offer, while Batman is stuck in the dark with outdated technology and no clue about the world outside his city. Iron Man can handle himself against superpowered beings and gods with his intellect and gadgets while Batman has to use tricks and sneakery in order to be able to stand with these superpowered giants. But whatever our views are, they are just that, our views. That’s what we all love about the artistic nature of society, the fact that everyone can have an opinion and everyone’s opinion is justified. There will be many hardcore Batman fans out there that will have nothing bad said about their precious Dark Knight but the simple fact is, that from our standpoint it’s time for a new king of the comic book superhero and that king is Iron Man.
Source: TheRichest
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