#like he had the perfect hostage in wwx. lwj and jc are instantly useless. and they're his only real threats before corpse!jue shows up
lgbtlunaverse · 9 months
Wangxian are great and all but i find that i find them so much more entertaining when i'm writing them from an outsider pov like. These characters have their own personal drama and bullshit going on and Suddenly There's Those Two having the romance of the century just. A little over there. And the other characters just have to be like "alright well they're insane. Moving on." It's SO funny. Like they can't just be a little normal lovey dovey side ship to me they have to be weirdly intense about it. Even in the most normal fluffiest coffee shop au they should have deeply genre-incongruent drama and be uncomfortably ready and willing to die for each other.
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