#like he's high in command. and that has the benefits of. yknow. staying alive. but all of friezas men seem expendable.
skeletalheartattack · 11 months
About that tag in the commentary...I definitely agree with you there. Like sure MAYBE (a very big maybe) Frieza and Zarbon do have a chummy moment in good days. But people forget at the end of the day, it's all conditional, especially in Frieza's hands. Idk Zarbon's possible prince status could have leverage that, but he's no bestie to Frieza.
honestly you took the words out of my mouth, that's basically how i see their relationship.
everyone seems pretty scared working under Frieza, and rightfully so, and i can honestly see Zarbon feeling the same way, atleast when he's the one having to watch after Vegeta after beating him unconscious. like, him being higher up in Frieza's force only gets him so much i think.
i think you can really feel Zarbons panic after Vegeta escapes, and i feel like it even clouds his mind when battling Vegeta for the last time, because if he doesn't do something about, then Zarbon's on the chopping block... though i definitely have a feeling that even if Zarbon had succeeded in taking care of Vegeta, that things still wouldn't end well for my man.
that said. i kinda wish there was more lore for Zarbon, since the only extra lore we get from him are games and spinoff movies, and it's hard to really know what's true to the actual series, given some movies don't fit anywhere in Dragon Ball's timeline.
#ask#anon#i know the wiki mentions him being the prince of his race in the games. which i think makes sense.#and that his home was conquered by frieza#although i cant seem to find where i read that friezas army wiped out most of his race.#like theres a mention that the remnants of his race were added to the frieza force but. i guess thats close enough#okay the trivia does mention that Zarbon is the strongest of his race. which lines up with my memory.#and that frieza wiped out planets and kept the strongest warriors of said planets.#which. might be where i got that from.#but yeah. like in my mind. if frieza did kill a lot of his race. i cant see zarbon being in the position to be buddy-buddy with frieza#like he's high in command. and that has the benefits of. yknow. staying alive. but all of friezas men seem expendable.#thats just how i see it atleast. its what makes sense in my mind.#i know tenkaichi 2 has a ''what if'' storyline of Zarbon doing what he said he would when Vegeta had him in the end.#although that storylines kinda... weird#mostly in terms of how Zarbon is written. like he does what he told Vegeta. in turning on Frieza.#but then they kinda write Zarbon as if beauty is the only thing that matters to him#like yes he refers to his normal form as his beauty. and his monster form as the beast.#but thats all i ever imagined it ammounted to. he loves how he looks (understandable) and he's self conscious about his monster form.#to me he was never flanderized to the point of wanting to wish away his monster form. or that beauty was his number 1 goal.#idk maybe me being absolutely furiously gay for him dictates that thought process in me.#im not the best at analysis but. idk Zarbon never felt like he was a personification of vanity. like yes he's vain but. not to that extent#he's pretty. he's self conscious about how his monster form looks. and he's afraid of Frieza in the end.#thats kinda my estimation of Zarbons thoughts. within the show and manga.#sorry followers if this looks gay. <- drud youre attracted to a dude named after a fruit. you are the fruit dude.#sorry anyway. thank you anon :) its nice to kinda analize Zarbons perspective in dragon ball#cause ive never really seen him as like. the type to be like ''god fuck yes sir i loooove my boss''#''what do you think about TFS's interpritation of Zarbon in the abridged series'' i pretend it doesnt exist#like the joke in that is that he sounds gay. makes innuendos. and turns out to have a girlfriend.#i get its a parody but i dont care for it#anyway anyway. thank you again for the ask anon :)
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radramblog · 3 years
Every Boros Commander, Part 1
Every one of these rambles is going to be longer and nerdier than the last, I guess. We’ll see how long I can keep that up for.
If you aren’t or haven’t been at least a casual fan of Magic: The Gathering, this post is going to be completely lost on you, sorry.
Oh also I’m having to split this in half since it took basically all afternoon to write and its still juuuust not done.
Boros gets a lot of shit for being bad and having bad generals for EDH until recently, and seeing as its my favourite two-colour pair I felt like exploring, well, every option we have for the combo. I’m excluding the new Commander Legends partner commanders in this, since I don’t have all day, and I’m also not covering Akiri and Bruse Tarl since no-one ever builds just Boros with them, and I’m not including 3-5 colour decks that just happen to have red and white in them. That’s not Boros.
Boros’s strengths are in manipulating combat, in tokens, and with Voltron strategies. It is the best pair for Equipment decks and top tier for Aggressive decks, to the point of being arguably shoehorned by WOTC into such strategies for a long time. Its weaknesses are mostly to do with card draw and ramp, possibly the most important things in a casual game of Commander, but the former is alleviated by many of red’s recent card draw options and the latter easily supplemented with mana rocks- if you have enough money, any deck can have good ramp, but enough budget options exist these days that it isn’t too bad even for the “worst colors”.
Anyway, enough beating around the bush lets get into this. Going in Chronological order.
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Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran (29th most played as of writing)
…It seriously took until Ravnica to get a legendary RW creature? Heinous. Cool as Agrus is as protagonist of the Ravnica novel, his card simply does not hold up in 2021, let alone beforehand. He’s a Glorious Anthem style commander, except he works best only with creatures that are both red and white, and not nearly enough cards produce multicolored tokens for him to boost. Oh, also he’s a 5 mana 3/3 with no protection or evasion that has to attack to get his effect. Save it for the novel.
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Razia, Boros Archangel (30th most played as of writing, the last place finalist)
Speaking of Ravnica. Razia is fucking cool, between the art and unique, if underwhelming, activated ability. She is also 8 mana and not green. She is the only commander to my knowledge that can redirect damage to opponents’s creatures, so if that’s the deck you want to build, go for it, though enjoy the distressingly small cardpool. God, they couldn’t have given her an extra power, could they?
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Brion Stoutarm (6th most played as of writing)
Brion is the first actually viable commander of the bunch, being a pretty decent head to either a Fling deck with Ball Lightnings or Acts of Treason, or just Giant Tribal with his Lorwyn compatriots. I don’t think I’ve ever seen or played against Brion yet, but I’d be interested in doing so. Having lifegain in the command zone with a deck that likes throwing damage around is pretty nice. It’s surprising that he’s still so high, especially considering EDHREC (my data source) only now pulls from the last 2 years of decks, but I’m certainly not sad to see him there.
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Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer (19th most played as of writing)
Spoilers: Jor is actually the best Anthem commander. +3/+0 is huge, and when most of your ramp and some of your draw is artifacts you’re not going to have a hard time getting metalcraft. 5 mana is a fair chunk for an aggressive deck but he turns the damage output up enough notches that I think he’s pretty good. Underrated in my opinion. How are there more Tajic, Legion’s Edge decks than Jor Kadeen decks?
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Basandra, Battle Seraph (24th most played as of writing)
Basandra is the head of my current Boros deck, being a pillowfort/combat manipulation deck. She’s, uh, not ideal in that even, since she stops even you from casting removal and such during combat. Having an extra must attack effect in the zone is nice, though, and a flying commander can be nice for closing games out. Basandra at least has the gift of being fairly open-ended, but also, she doesn’t really do anything, so that’s probably got something to do with it.
On a side note, fuck you Terese Nielsen for turning out to be a cunt. No-one else seems to have drawn this character, so I can’t even make an alter. Fuck.
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Gisela, Blade of Goldnight (10th most played as of writing)
Gisela has a lot of very attractive words on her. Unfortunately, 7 mana and that ability means that as soon as you drop her out of the zone, you better use her quick because she isn’t sticking around long. Obviously lends herself to group slug or Earthquake decks, but the former paints an even bigger target on your head and the latter is even mana hungrier than normal. I prefer her in the 99.
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Aurelia, the Warleader (5th most played as of writing)
Aurelia was the “best” Boros commander for a long time, and it’s easy to see why- haste and an extra combat trigger add up to a lot of damage very quickly and it’s not like there was much competition for a while. She’s actually the only one of the top 5 Boros commanders that wasn’t printed in the last 5 years, so I guess she’s stood the test of time, much like Brion.  I’d argue she’s pretty boring though, seeing as she has the one thing she does, but she does it well and there’s no faulting her for that. She’s the closest we have to r/custommagic’s favourite “double combat triggers” legend. A lot of people seem to run her as Angel Tribal too, which of the available Angels in the zone I’d argue that’s a pretty good shout. The Red/Boros Angels are fun!
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Tajic, Blade of the Legion (20th most played as of writing)
The first on this list I’d consider playing as Voltron, Tajic’s first card is indestructible which as a former Sapling of Colfenor player is fucking excellent in the zone for when you have to play defensively. He does, however, require other creatures in the deck to truly shine, and you do have to have those creatures attack, so it can be awkward to get the most out of him. He’s a cool dude though, much better than his other card imo.
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Anax and Cymede (23rd most played as of writing)
The first draft I ever played was a Born of the Gods draft in which I splashed Anax and Cymede. Clearly, I had no idea what I was doing. Anax and Cymede look a lot like Tajic in deck, to be honest, since they’re creatures that like having buffs but also want other creatures around to benefit. Heroic is kind of an awkward requirement, however, and I suspect you’d be spending more time just having it as a buff for the royals themselves. Its nice to see a loving married couple as a Magic card, though, I’m sure things will be good for them always.
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Iroas, God of Victory (9th most played as of writing)
Somehow despite it being common in the 99 of aggressive decks, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Iroas deck in my local metas. I think it has the potential to be pretty powerful, since if you can meet his (admittedly harsh) requirement he’s an indestructible evasive commander with that magical 7 power making commander damage a 3HKO. And when he’s not ready to rumble, he’s nigh impossible to kill on account of the limited targeted enchantment exile people tend to play in the format. Otherwise, he makes attacking free and bountiful for other creatures, and so is just kinda good to have around- I can see running him for that alone.
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Munda, Ambush Leader (27th most played as of writing)
Somehow more people are playing Munda than Razia or Agrus, despite being just the worst commander with Ally in the text (outside the type line, love you Zada) and not doing actual anything outside of that. Why the fuck doesn’t he draw the cards? Why does he just stack them? God, Munda sucks. Also I have like 3 of them, since I drafted a lot of that deck in that environment and people just pass him around. Anyone want one? Be my guest.
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Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas (11th most played as of writing)
Precon face commanders always get a bit more love and a bit more power than the average legend, and Kalemne is no exception. Double Strike in the zone on a creature that gets bigger is just nuts, and it means she kills people astonishingly quickly. Even my non-voltron Kalemne deck that just wanted to play big idiots had her as a huge threat since even if she gets killed she stays big. Kalemne also happens to be probably better for Giant tribal than Brion, though he does at least get to yeet those removal magnets if they do get removed.
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Anya, Merciless Angel (26th most played as of writing)
I didn’t think Anya would be this low. While she is another indestructible commander, it is conditional, and her abilities are self-sabotaging- if someone is in range of being killed by her, you’re probably not going to want to attack them just so you can keep indestructible and buffs, but you also, yknow, want to kill them. I can see her being political in this way though- keeping someone alive with her swords at their throat can have some fun implications. I think shes underrated despite her awkwardness.
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Archangel Avacyn (14th most played as of writing)
(Her colour identity is RW since her other face is a red creature. It’s a bit odd, I know)
Avacyn was fucking unbeatable in draft and obnoxious in Standard (though one of my favourite magic stories involves her, so,), and since I never managed to get one for Kalemne when that deck was around I have no real love for her. She’s generically powerful without leading in a particular direction, but her flip ability is pretty cool as is her story in the set. It’s OK. Also why do people keep putting her in Angel decks? You know she doesn’t flip off those, right?
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Adriana, Captain of the Guard (22nd most played as of writing)
Adriana, Adriana. I didn’t dislike Adriana as much as I did until I actually did the math on her. Typical commander games are 4-player, so she is a +3/+3 anthem at maximum assuming you have good attacks on every single opponent and that none of them are dead yet. I’m really not sure why you’d play this over Jor Kadeen, and it looks like people aren’t, so. Melee was a fun mechanic in draft, but I completely understand why it hasn’t crossed over, ever, to other formats, seeing as there are 7 total cards with it and most of them are draft chaff. CONTINUED IN PART 2...ANOTHER DAY. PROBABLY SOON SINCE IT’S 2/3 DONE ALREADY.
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