#like how does this seventh grade girl have more rizz than me
Ok, who’s ready for me to spill some ✨tea✨
Setting up the story. I work at a Lutheran school, as an afterschool care teacher. I’ve got these 2 students, for the sake of the story, we will call them Bree and Alex (not their real names).
Bree is an older seventh grader. She starts drama. Last year she tried to sell ibeprofin and her adhd meds to other kids. She claims to have had $ex multiple times.
Alex is a young fifth grader. Three years younger than Bree. He’s a bit immature, but what 5th grade boy isn’t? He is also a person of color (this is important to the story.
So, this year, Bree and Alex start dating. First week, Bree is all like “oh he’s so sweet we’re so in love”. Week two, Bree has a second bf and a gf and none of her three partners know about the other two. Week three, and this is a DIRECT QUOTE, she comes up to me “I’m breaking up with Alex, he’s too immature and needs to grow up.” Keep in mind, THREE YEAR AGE GAP HERE
so she goes, and breaks up with him. And then she TEACHES THE SECOND GRADERS TO CALL HIM THE N-WORD. They don’t know what it means. She *obviously* gets in trouble once we figure out she taught them to do it.
Fast forward two days, it’s a Wednesday. Alex is trash talking Bree to his friends, saying she’s ugly and he shouldn’t have dated her(which, typical 5th grade behavior) . Bree overhears. So she decides to tell Alex to GO BACK TO AFRICA.
I cannot make this sh!t up I swear.
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