#student drama
Ok, who’s ready for me to spill some ✨tea✨
Setting up the story. I work at a Lutheran school, as an afterschool care teacher. I’ve got these 2 students, for the sake of the story, we will call them Bree and Alex (not their real names).
Bree is an older seventh grader. She starts drama. Last year she tried to sell ibeprofin and her adhd meds to other kids. She claims to have had $ex multiple times.
Alex is a young fifth grader. Three years younger than Bree. He’s a bit immature, but what 5th grade boy isn’t? He is also a person of color (this is important to the story.
So, this year, Bree and Alex start dating. First week, Bree is all like “oh he’s so sweet we’re so in love”. Week two, Bree has a second bf and a gf and none of her three partners know about the other two. Week three, and this is a DIRECT QUOTE, she comes up to me “I’m breaking up with Alex, he’s too immature and needs to grow up.” Keep in mind, THREE YEAR AGE GAP HERE
so she goes, and breaks up with him. And then she TEACHES THE SECOND GRADERS TO CALL HIM THE N-WORD. They don’t know what it means. She *obviously* gets in trouble once we figure out she taught them to do it.
Fast forward two days, it’s a Wednesday. Alex is trash talking Bree to his friends, saying she’s ugly and he shouldn’t have dated her(which, typical 5th grade behavior) . Bree overhears. So she decides to tell Alex to GO BACK TO AFRICA.
I cannot make this sh!t up I swear.
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"simon riley!"
your voice calling out to simon was what snapped him out of his relaxed state in the living room.
simon loved it when you call his name. not ghost. not lieutenant riley. just simon riley, or simon or si. your sweet voice calling his name sounded like a wave of melody in his ears.
but just now when you called his name loudly and it echoed in his flat, he felt the alarm bells ringing in his head.
he tried to act nonchalant when you stepped in front of him with your arms on your hips. your face was cool but simon could feel the anger behind your eyes.
"yes, love? wha' is it?"
"did you eat my pudding?" you glared at him, crossing your arms.
simon internally winced at that. yes, yes he absolutely did. but simon can't just admit it or else he would be the receiving end of your fury (he already did). he had to protect his pride as your loving and considerate boyfriend no matter what.
you looked at him, unimpressed. there were no words exchanged but the moment simon denied it, his fate was already sealed. your stare said it all.
you're sleeping on the sofa tonight.
and when you walked away, simon's brain frantically tried to come up with excuses and apologies.
goodluck, simon. you needed it.
happy 300 i love you guys (^_^)♡
— masterlist.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 7 months
people who don't study history will simply never understand the joy of reading historian beef. there's nothing like it
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amid-fandoms · 5 months
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pov your boyfriend got unfairly punished 20+ years ago
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orionchildofhades · 9 months
you ever think about how there might have been some college athlete living in he tower who had to hear Andrew and Neil's convo late at night on the roof cause they were on the last floor and opened their window
imagine hearing the 'youre a pipe dream' or stuff like that while you're brushing your teeth or putting together a late night snack or trying to fall asleep or something
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waterghostype · 9 months
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crusty kid
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months
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Jon just like me for real (neither of us can sit properly in a chair)
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alderaans · 6 months
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Why are you worried about me? Because I want to protect you. Lovely Runner (2024)
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nunafilms · 15 days
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The day the ice cream was sweet, and cherry blossoms flew in spring when we were immature twenty year olds.
LOVE NEXT DOOR 엄마 친구 아들 (2024)
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smallidarityfan · 4 days
smallidarity highschool au
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came up with this au like actually 2 years ago where it's mainly empires 2 smallidarity centric, with Jimmy as a student council member and Joel as an honours student who doesn't like the way Jimmy runs things around the school.
As payback for the regulations Jimmy put up that Joel thought was stupid, Joel does these elaborate 'The Office' style pranks on Jimmy (specifically) while Jimmy retaliates by trying his best to dig up dirt on Joel. This banter goes on for a while— however Joel ends up doing the pranks less as a statement, and instead more just to see how Jimmy would react... with his comical, cartoony villain yells, and... weirdly cute face....? (YAOI YAOI YAOI YAOI)
very very old au drawings below:
from July 2023
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😭😭 joel does NOT look like a highschooler here 😭😭😭😭 (i also wanted to draw angst in the first two ig idk a year later it's pretty cringe [i am still cringe]) (also partially inspired by when I read "Go for it, Nakamura!" and the mc reminded me of joel for no actual reason. or maybe i was just thinking about that manga while drawing smallidarity. idk)
from November 2022:
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I think these doodles were genuinely the first instance of me converting from being against mcyt shipping to for shipping LMAOO
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ok but imagine being a random student and watching the crown prince come back from winter break and instantly start shit with his prefect cousin and then you spend gym class watching his kinda-maybe boyfriend get pissed off and hit him with a dodgeball
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peanutseagle · 1 year
Aged up Damianya in a play (as extras, Becky is probably the main character)
oh yOU BET
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athousandbyeol · 25 days
starting the episode with "it's up to you / it's down to you," debate/discussion and ending it with sheng wang saying, "the moment jiang tian said that, my world was upside down," is peak cinema to me
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red-hibiscus · 7 months
Why is he of all people the voice of reason here
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pharawee · 10 months
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Pon Thanapon as JEFF and Sailub Hemmawich as ALAN —PIT BABE THE SERIES · Episode 2
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
I love masquerade ball trope, specially when you have anonymity when comes to romance.
Can I have number 6?
For Deuce, Malleus and Silver. I would like to know about theirs.
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6. Crowley has decided to put together a murder mystery for the whole ball and you've been the first one "killed." Whoever is playing detective seems really upset about that.
My favorite part of romance anything is the pining and masquerade's are great for that (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ I guess they could be good for drama too but eh I am not a huge fan of miscommunication related angst. Unless it's that one route in Tailor Tales... and even then not by much.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, you have to be a special kind of stupid to "hurt" Yuu in front of Malleus, the rest of the event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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This is bad. Bad with a capital B- during finals week, House Warden Riddle finds out about. And now that he has thought up his angry House Warden, he can add fear to the list of emotions he's feeling, right underneath self-doubt and hatred of whoever decided to pick Yuu off first.
"Wait seriously, you're the detective?" Ace looks as oddly panicked as Deuce feels, their attention firmly on the playing card tight in Deuce's shaking hands.
"I just don't know where I should start." Deuce says nervously, but it is clear he has determination if nothing else. "But you're way better at reading people and I need to know if you saw anyone acting weird." Ace makes a show of looking around the ballroom, the other students are more or less just mingling as they had before. It makes Deuce angry, he settles into himself in a manner that suggests he is about to flip.
"Hey hey look," Ace has both his hands out like he's trying to soothe one of the flamingos, which grounds Deuce only slightly as the back of his brain begins to turn towards an idea without his notice "I would totally love to help you out. No really! It's just don't you think you actually want me to-"
"Of course I do!" Someone shushes Deuce to his right and he glares in way of an apology. No one else has died yet which is a relief, he has to be doing something right. "Aren't you upset that someone decided to pick Yuu off first?" For some reason Ace doesn't respond, if anything he looks a bit crestfallen but Deuce is too caught up in his mixed bubble of emotions to fully notice. "They're already singled out so much, and you know how they always say it doesn't bother them but I know better. I mean not to say you don't- I just. I worry about them so much already and now they can't even enjoy a school dance without someone trying to pick on them-"
"I think you miiiight be reading too much into it Juice." Ace has begun to back away from him now. "And while I would like to help, isn't that against the rules? Wouldn't want to be you when Riddle finds out you didn't win us the game in a card soldier like wa-"
"It was you." Ace stops. Deuce stops to drop into a stance that has Ace really wishing he was not such a slacker on track days.
"If I had known it was you I would have knocked off Jack or something first!" He yells over his shoulder as both boys ignore the established rules of the game in favor of sprinting through the ballroom, a determined officer in pursuit of an only slightly embarrassed knave. "I just thought it would be funny! And jeeze why are you acting like this over a little crush!"
"See I told you." A wise little grey sage nods next to you as you survey the scene. "It's a total race to the bottom between those two.
It was not a dark and stormy night until Crowley announced you were the first one out. You don't remember anything in the forecast calling for rain, or NRC students being so afraid of it. The green lightning flickering across the sky suggests a... degree of magic might be involved in this particular turn of events and you do your best to stamp down the tension headache that causes.
"Perhaps it would best if we take a brief recess to let the weather clear up before we continue with our game?" Crowley doesn't wait for anyone to agree with him before leaving, maybe never to be seen again, forcing you to contend with the looming shadow peering over your shoulder.
"You do know I'm not actually hurt, right?" You try to bring Malleus back down to earth, you swear you see smoke curling from his exhaled breath as beady green eyes look you over.
"Of course." He almost sounds like he's pouting, the longer you stare the more his lips purse and cheeks puff, you are surprised he doesn't break eye contact or cross his arms. "But threatening to hurt you in my presence is an insult."
"It was not an actual threat," you carefully take his hand in yours, guiding it to your neck so he can feel the steady thrumming of your heart, politely ignoring the way even more people scramble away from the ballroom. No doubt intimidated by the touching display of intimacy and not the way Malleus's eyes flutter like a blushing maiden as the storm slows to a drizzle. "Crowley just thought it would be a fun game for everyone to play, and since we are all wearing masks there's a good chance the killer-" Another lightening bolt splits the sky with a crack and Mallues's arm tenses. You gently kiss his knuckles and try another approach. "The person pretending to be the killer picked me at random. They don't want to hurt me, I'm not going anywhere." The rain ceases for now, the outburst seems to have rendered the game largely forgotten, with Crowley pointedly refusing to return to start it up and Malleus refusing to move. The band, at least, seems to take the que and starts up the music and Malleus moves to dance with you, making sure to keep you extra close in case anyone gets any ideas of really hurting you.
"I did understand that it was a game." He tells Lilia, even as the old fae shakes his head clearly unbelieving. "But human life is so fragile, theirs more so than most. I can't risk anyone getting any ideas." He won't loose them, not to anything other than time, and even then, if Malleus finds it within his power he will defy fate itself.
"And now that our first victim for the night has been announced, you may return to your mingling until our killer selects his next prey." Crewel is having way too much fun laying out the dramatic scene before him, even if he is disappointed with the first choice of victim. Silver appreciates his dedication if nothing else, it is always impressive how much attention to detail the Professors at this school put into the small things in events like this.
But he is stalling focusing on that, his purple eyes move to scan the perimeters, Idia is lingering in a corner too focused on his phone to really be playing, besides his first pick would probably have been Azul to save himself the headache. Satisfied he walks (though the people around him part as if he is stalking) away from his position at the entrance to survey the other guests. His hand twitches close to his baton when he senses someone coming up behind him, but relaxes once he notes his father.
"My, my, just what has my sweet boy so worked up?" Lilia seems to be in a very good mood, which relives Silver even if he had expected him to enjoy this game a lot more than he was. "I almost mistook you for Malleus with how severe your face looks." He pauses, gently touching his face as if he will be able to tell just what's so strange about it without a mirror and Lilia's conspiratorial grin grows wider. "Look, even our dear prefect is concerned." Silver's eyes snatch up to the balcony where Yuu sits, leaning on the railing to look at the guests below, mask set to the side lazily as they relive some of his stress with the clear boredom on their face.
The sight catches with the breath in his throat, confusion wrapping him in it's familiar embrace with a strange twinge to it he wants to say he is unaware of but knows he has been feeling more and more in your presence lately.
"I am trying to win the game." He tries, unable to look back at his father not out of fear of his judgement but desire for you to look his way just once. "I don't want this to reflect poorly on Malleus." Lilia laughs, forcing Silver to look at him empty handed with a look of disappointment his father knows he also is completely unaware of.
"Are you sure you aren't worried it will reflect poorly on you?" He watches as his son shifts, torn between wanting to spend time with him and return to his task. "After all, it isn't Malleus who is auditioning right now, is he?" And Lilia spares him the choice, flying off to said Lord as Crewel once again brings the band to a pause to name a student Silver is not sure he knows, and is surprised he does not care nearly as much about.
"Watch me." He silently promises you, bowing towards you just stealthily enough it is barely noticeable. "I will keep you safe prefect, I promise."
"You should give him a kiss when he wins." Lilia whispers into your ear and you nearly fall over the railing with how badly you start.
"L-lilia! I am not sure what you-"
"Or maybe a handkerchief with some perfume?" He is having too much fun at your expense to stop now. "That would suit the aesthetics much better don't you agree?"
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