#like how happy i am with my fringe regardless of crying for an hour after my mom wasnt talking to me after i cut my hair 🤭
freakywonbin · 1 year
The joy that comes with doing something to your hair
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kotolocke · 5 years
Entry #01: New Bark & Beyond.
God it really has been a week since I started this blog and I still haven’t updated it? Gotta stop being useless and post more regularly. I’ve made decent headway into the game so I have several posts I need to make about it. So let’s get started. I’ll save y’all from a long summary of the game events and stick with just mentioning important game-play stuff and how Lyra reacts to them.
First up: Elm’s request.
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   This whole little introductory quest that Elm sends her on is actually kinda meaningful to her perception of herself as a trainer. In blog cannon, Lyra immediately goes to collect her starter from Elm after having a massive argument with her Mum about leaving home, which ended with her Mum basically pushing her out of the door and telling her she wouldn’t care if she came back. She would. She didn’t mean it, she was just lashing out. But Lyra didn’t know that and she ran most of the way to the lab choking back tears.
   So she takes a deep breath, calms herself down and as soon as she’s in the lab, Elm’s asking her to act as a representative of the lab and complete an important task for them. At this point, Lyra’s already been helping out around the lab for some time so this isn’t entirely out of the ordinary. But being asked to take care of a “real” “discovery” one of Elm’s peers has made whilst she’s still highly fraught from a fight but is pretending that she’s totally fine? This is the basis of the person she becomes. Someone who thinks of herself as a highly important “chosen person” who cannot express her real emotions or else she’ll won’t be taken seriously or allowed to follow her goals. Because something tells me Elm wouldn’t be too comfy sending a crying eleven year old off into the wild world of Pokemon after a big fight with her parents.
Next up: Lyra’s starter.
   Meet Cabbage!
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   She’s an extremely sheltered Chikorita who honestly never thought she was actually going to end up travelling with a trainer. Surely she was just going to spend the rest of her life in the lab with the Professor? Lyra decided otherwise, and decided primarily because she was the only girl of the three Pokemon Elm was raising. Lyra was anticipating getting some flack for being a young girl on a Pokemon journey so she kinda projected some of this onto Cabbage. Moron boy trainers would probably turn their nose up a cute, female Pokemon so she should had to take Cabbage with her so she wouldn’t feel like she was anyone’s last choice.
   Cabbage would have been okay with that but unfortunately can’t tell Lyra how she feels. She’s just gotta learn to embrace all the terrifying Pokemon battles Lyra puts her through. Which happens surprisingly quickly; Lyra’s an impatient girl but she always gives her Pokemon the time they need to adjust. Speaking of adjust:
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Cabbage is legitimately confused and slightly irritated about her nickname. It’s the first of many little annoyances that eventually lead to her becoming stubborn and standoffish towards Lyra as she grows more confident.
Next: Mr. Pokemon & Professor Oak.
   In terms of character development, this whole scenario kinda bolsters Lyra’s ego even more. But I want to single it out because it’s the start of one of her three major plot threads:
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   This fckin’ egg. This egg is important and eventually hatches into one of Lyra’s core team members. This egg is also lowkey a symbol of everything early journey Lyra thinks about herself. She’s so unique and powerful and special, Elm can see she’s naturally good with Pokemon so he chose her to go on this dangerous quest to collect a mysterious egg! And better yet, during this quest the esteemed Professor Oak, advisory to the legendary Red, asks her if she can help him out with something too!
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   He gives her a high-tech Pokedex, an item so exclusive that only a handful of trainers own one? Wow she must be the best trainer out there, she’s only just got her first Pokemon and everyone’s falling over themselves to get her to do trainer stuff for them. Clearly she’s hyper naturally talented and all the smart Pokemon experts know it! She’s a dumbass child. I love her.
   Anyway, why’s the egg important you ask? Oh—
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—no reason.
And finally: Silver.
   Did you know: Lyra absolutely hates Silver’s guts pretty much until she sees he also hates Team Rocket? Because he kinda epitomises the older boys who would belittle her for being a girl who wanted to be a trainer?
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   It’s pretty clear to Lyra that Silver kinda knows some shit about Pokemon training because she hears him muttering shit about Elm’s lab being “famous”. Bitch, the only people that Elm’s famous to are fringe nutcase trainers who breed for something they call IVs because he’s basically lord high king of egg knowledge or whatever. That makes it doubly annoying when Silver tries to kick her when she asks if he’s getting a Pokemon there too and twice as satisfying when she knocks him over with a retaliation kick and stamps off righteously. She’s especially glad that she chose Cabbage at this point; just thinking of what he might say about her makes Lyra fume. 
   More evidence that Silver is a bog-standard shitface sexist kid:
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Whilst Silver would say this sort of crap to anyone, this hits a little too close to home for Lyra and she takes it as a misogynistic insult. Generally implying that she’s somehow not worthy of becoming a trainer is a surefire way to make Lyra go feral because she kinda thinks it’s the only thing she’s good at. And it’s just not true, look at what level Cabbage is at this point:
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Three levels above where she started and only around 3-4 hours have passed since they first met. Lyra is insanely good at training Pokemon. She has great intuition when it comes to assessing individual Pokemon’s strengths and weaknesses and encourages them to fight in whatever way suits them best. She doesn’t always have great long-term strategy in battle, but she knows exactly what her Pokemon can and cannot take and dish out and this is what secures her most of her victories.
   Also Silver’s “someone weak” comment  is 100% self-projection, just so we’re clear.
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   lyra vc: lmao yeah i am???
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   lyra vc: lmao no!!!
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   Queue Lyra getting Actually Mad™ because there is no way a dick like Silver could become a better trainer than her?? She’s gonna be the greatest, just you wait and see Tampon!!
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   If you don’t think she was holding it in the air just out of his reach then you have fundamentally underestimated how much of a petty little shit my Lyra is.
   Regardless, Lyra then runs back to the lab to see exactly why Elm called her in such a panic.
In conclusion: All cops are bad.
   A kind of recurring theme in Lyra’s story is her distrust of traditional authority figures, and it all starts here.
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   Okay, so obviously this exchange is so cartoonishly stupid that I cannot see it going down like this in blog cannon. But the cop that does come to investigate the lab in blog canon is pretty much as incompetent as this guy. Stealing a Pokemon is kind of not a big deal in Johto? Shit happens all the time, the cops are corrupt as fuck and they don’t care about doing their job. It’s the reason Rocket was able to regroup in Johto without anyone really making any attempt to stop them.
   So this guy is mad that he’s been taken really far out of his way to investigate some minor crime in a tiny town and now some brat kid is going on about how some other kid was rude to her? Yeah, he’s not happy and totally belittles her, calling her “girlie” and scoffing at the idea of her and her wimpy looking Pokemon could have defeated a criminal. It’s not until Lyra insists that it was the red haired boy Elm mentioned to the guy she battled that he starts listening to her, and even then he’s still extremely brusque with her. And Lyra cannot stand being talked down to so this drives her round the bend.
   A lot of terrifying things happen to Lyra during her journey, enough that she could easily qualify for police protection, but she never once asks for it throughout her journey. Because whenever she imagines walking into a police station, she imagines a bunch of wrinkly, balding, middle-aged men who will belittle and insult her the same way this cop did. And she’s not going to willingly suffer through that again.
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svtwish · 7 years
♡ ; junhui | animosity (i.)
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a/n: this was originally supposed to be only one part, but the plot was a little too long so i split it into two. this part is honestly pretty dry but i promise part 2 will be more interesting!!! oof i hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it ((: (i’ll get back to requests asap i just needed to write something for my bby)
≫ words; 2582
≫ genre; fluff
≫ au; royalty!au
≫ pairing; prince!junhui x fem!reader
↳ in which you’re supposed to get married but you hate each others’ guts so your parents have no choice but to interfere.
Junhui loved everyone, and everyone loved him. He’d never fail to give friendly smiles to the servants who worked in the palace, and bring colour to the townspeople’s monochrome lives with his odd sense of humour whenever he paid visits to the local market. He didn’t just have a pretty face; he had an amazing personality and top-notch manners to top it all off.
Jun also loved his parents. He deeply respected the King and Queen for ruling the country so brilliantly and bringing the country wealth and prosperity as well as happiness; a feat he doubted he would be able to do. He loved his mother and father for giving birth to him and showing him so many things he’d never known before.
What the second prince didn’t love, however, was the fact that he was denied of the freedom to choose his spouse.
He recalled being summoned into the throne room many years ago, when he was still a young boy ignorant of the world and the many problems around him. His father — the King — broke it to him that he’d have to marry a Princess from one of the neighbouring kingdoms. It was something about maintaining peace with the kingdom to avoid war; Junhui didn’t really understand at that time. He shrugged the news off, treating it as another piece of information he didn’t really understand.
It was only after he grew a little older and developed a crush on one of his classmates that he realised the true impact of his arranged marriage. He would’t be able to marry anyone he fell in love with, unless it was, well, the person he was supposed to marry. He grew to despise the idea of having someone choosing for him; especially when it was the person he’d have to spend his entire life with.
He grew to despise the idea of having to marry a Princess from a neighbouring kingdom; the idea of marrying you.
At one point, Junhui’s mother thought it’d be a good idea for him and his “future wife” to meet. He was only nine at that time, but he really didn’t want to see you. Or talk to you. Or play with you.
Unfortunately, your mother happily agreed to the idea of you going on a playdate with Jun.
So the two of you were pushed together, left alone to your own devices in a random room in Junhui’s castle as your mothers went off for high tea.
The boy crossed his arms and strode over to one of the corners of the room, sticking his tongue out at you. “I don’t want to play with you.”
You huffed in response, stomping your way to the corner right opposite his. “Me neither!”
“I don’t want to marry you,” the second Prince announced, throwing a sharp glare at you.
“You think I’d want to marry you?” You rolled your eyes, glaring right back at him. “Who would want to marry a stinky brat like you, anyway?”
“I am not a stinky brat!” He shouted, balling his hands into fists. “You’re the stinky bimbo! I don’t need a dumb princess as my wife!”
The next hour continued that way, the both of you throwing insults at each other with no mercy. It ended with you crying and Jun on the verge of doing so; the only reason why you hadn’t had a physical fight yet was because the two Queens rushed into the room just in time to stop things from getting worse.
Your first meeting only fuelled your hate towards each other, and your reluctance to get married to the other.
You both felt this animosity towards each other; it was unspoken, but everyone knew.
Ever since then, it became Junhui’s tradition to feign sickness on the nights your kingdom held special events, and vice-versa. Heck, it didn’t even need to be an event your castle held. It could be any event; as long as the boy heard you were going to attend, he’d make it his mission to miss out on it. It was the same for you.
Both your parents were getting sick and tired of your childish game.
In fact, it wasn’t just Jun’s parents; his servant and close friend, Minghao, was getting irritated as well.
“I’m not feeling well, Hao. I think I’ll skip this one,” Jun said, sinking comfortably into the sheets of his luxurious queen-sized bed.
Minghao let out a tired sigh, pinching his nose bridge. “Look, just quit it already,” he groaned, glaring at the prince. “There’s no escaping the fact that you’ll be married one day, so you might as well just face her now.”
Jun frowned, his eyebrows furrowing together. “After that horrendous first meeting? No thanks, I’d like to avoid talking to that rude girl for as long as possible.”
“You were just as rude, Junhui.”
The said prince let out a frustrated sigh, sitting up on his elbows to look at his servant, who was leaning against the door to his grand room. “I don’t want to meet her yet, okay? It just sucks that I have to be forced into this. And she clearly doesn’t want to meet me either, considering how she hasn’t been turning up for our events despite the invitations.”
Minghao mumbled a yes, your majesty before leaving the room, feeling extremely ticked-off.
Junhui sighed and threw himself back onto the pillow, praying he wouldn’t meet you anytime soon.
“Y/N! Get up and start packing,” you woke up to the sound of your mother’s high-pitched voice. “We’re going for a diplomatic meeting in a neighbouring kingdom.”
Still blinking your sleep away, you frowned. “Why do I have to go?”
“You’re nineteen, Y/N. It’s about time you got some first-hand insight on how things work to add on to your knowledge.” Your mother rummaged through your drawers and pulled out a white suitcase. “No more objections. We’re leaving in two hours.”
“Wait — how long are we staying there?” You rubbed your eyes, trying your hardest to suppress a yawn.
“Seven days, six nights.”
Now you were fully awake. “What the hell are we staying so long for? A vacation?”
With that, the Queen exited your dwelling, leaving you to pack one week’s worth of clothes and get ready for a royal meeting in two hours.
You groaned, finally kicking the sheets off you and stepping out of your bed. It’s going to be a long week.
The royal butler helped load your now full suitcase into the back of the car. You thanked him with a small smile before climbing into the black car and inserting yourself into the corner, leaning against the window. Your mother slid in next to you, immediately criticising your choice of dress. It was a long, light blue gown, and not as fancy as your mother would’ve liked. After all, it was just another diplomatic meeting — it’s not like you were going to impress someone.
“You should’ve worn the yellow one I got you the other day,” she chided, tearing your body away from the corner and making you face her. “You hair is a mess! You should’ve at least dried it!”
“You gave me two hours to pack for a week-long trip and to get ready, Mother,” you mumbled, sighing as she turned you around once again and worked her skilled hands along your hair to try and straighten the tangled strands.
“A princess must always look presentable, regardless of how long she is given to prepare,” your mother started lecturing you as the car started. “Especially when she is about to meet people from other kingdoms.”
Nodding your head emotionlessly, you blocked the rest of her lecture out, returning back to your corner when she was done trying to make you look a bit more presentable. When she was finally done chattering about her mother and the beatings she had to endure because she wasn’t up to standard, you asked, “Which kingdom are we going to?”
The Queen smiled, an excited look passing through her eyes. “You’ll see.”
You were busy napping for about ninety-percent of the ride to the oh, so exciting kingdom named ’You’ll See’ , so you didn’t realise the roads that were taken were the ones that led to a horrid memory you couldn’t erase.
It only dawned on you on exactly whose kingdom you were in when your eyes blinked open as you arrived at the castle front.
Immediately, you shot awake, any remnants of sleep instantly disappearing as you looked around, not truly believing where you’d arrived.
“Mother,” you gulped, turning to face the woman who wore a pleased expression on her face. “Isn’t this — Junhui’s—”
The said woman beamed as the car halted and the passenger door swung open. “Yes.” She stepped out of the black vehicle just as the door on your side jerked open, making your heart fill with dread.
Oh, dear lord, please help me.
You gingerly got out of the car, hastily wiping away the drool that was on your cheek. Hurrying to join your mother’s side,  you tried your best to straighten your slightly crumpled dress as she stepped in front of the doors, holding onto her purse.
Please, don’t open.
Much to your dismay, the grand double doors creaked open, revealing a —
You couldn’t help it when your eyes widened, taking in the sight in front of you. He was barely recognisable — half of his fringe was gelled up, and he stood devastatingly tall in a full suit, completed with a tie. Gone were his features that you’d criticised ten years ago— they were replaced by lips, eyes and a nose that were nothing short of perfect.
Wen Junhui looked gorgeous.
His eyebrows raised in surprise, eyes running up and down your figure. His mind was reeling, wondering as to why you were here, why his mother hadn’t given him a warning beforehand, and how you managed to look so stunning when he remembered insulting your bugs-bunny teeth in that damned room a decade ago.
If he were being very honest, Jun wanted nothing more than to stare at you all day and get to know you better over a cup of tea; perhaps even apologise for the snarky comments he’d made about your behaviour and appearance all those years ago. If he had known you’d transform into this beautiful girl, he would’ve treated you like a queen.
In that moment, he was more than grateful that you were going to be his wife.
Then he recalled your mean comments and constant death glares directed at him; Jun had to stop himself from pushing you out of the castle as the feeling of awe and wonder disappeared as quickly as it came.
A nudge from his mother reminded him where he was and what he was supposed to do, so he stepped forward to take your hand, pressing a light kiss onto the back of it. “Welcome,” he greeted with a charming smile, letting your hand go. Your breath caught in your throat when you realised just how more alluring he was up close, but you recovered quickly, turning the ends of your lips upwards to thank him with a small curtsy.
Your mothers exchanged hugs, and Junhui took a small step back from you. The silence was awkward as you fiddled with your dress, suddenly wishing you were wearing something fancier.
Once the two Queens had finished with their small reunion, a servant with cute elf-like ears led the four of you to the meeting room. You noticed how Junhui glared at the poor servant, and how the servant constantly shot the second prince apologetic smiles, mouthing something along the lines of listen, there’s more coming up.
Suppressing a yawn, you took your seat at the round table, bowing to the King. Junhui took his seat next to yours, clearly uncomfortable, as seen from how straight his back was.
The meeting went by depressingly slow, and you had half a mind to excuse yourself to the toilet and stay there till the meeting was over. Jun himself seemed to be dozing off, if not for the fact that his mother was constantly nudging him under the table, preventing him from falling asleep. You weren’t quite sure what the learning objective of the two-hour long discussion was, other than a. Junhui’s father was a terribly long-winded man and b. his servant with the cute ears went by the name of Minghao.
It finally came to an end when the King cleared his throat, announcing that he was to attend yet another meeting in about an hour, and that everyone was now dismissed. You stood up a little too excitedly, stretching your numb limbs after being in the same position for so long, eager to go home.
“Princess Y/N,” Minghao started, lowering his head politely, “Our butlers have already unloaded your luggage. I’ll take you to your room, unless you’d like Prince Junhui to?”
At that, your jaw slackened, the surprise evident in your face. You completely forgot that you’d be staying for a whole week. Blinking as you tried your best to wipe the shock off your features, you were about to answer him when Jun interrupted.
“What do you mean, take her to her room?” The disbelief was etched into his voice as he rose from his seat, walking towards you and Minghao. The servant watched as the taller Prince came to a stop beside you, the height difference between you two making you feel incredibly small.
“Our dear Y/N will be staying over for a week, Junhui,” the Prince’s mother explained, looking between the three of you with a disgustingly sweet smile. It made you want to puke as you took note of how forced it was.
“I wasn’t told of this,” the said Prince argued, clearly angry.
“That’s because you would’ve been completely against it, dear,” the woman’s smile stretched across her face as she gestured towards you. “How about you take Y/N to her room? It’s the one next to yours.”
Junhui looked like he was about to punch the living lights out of his mother before he caught his father shooting him a stern glare. Turning his head away, he sighed in resignation as he regarded you, the hate still evident in his eyes. It made you wince a little.
“Wait — then where’s my mother staying?” You asked, suddenly coming to realise that your mother hadn’t said a thing since the whole affair had started.
You shifted your gaze away from Jun’s and to where your mother was standing. She was visibly avoiding eye contact, and you could read her like an open book. She fidgeted nervously, guilt evident from her body language. The room was eerily quiet as everyone watched the mother and daughter.
She’s not even staying. Your confused eyes turned into furious ones as you tore your eyes from her figure, choosing to glare at the carefully polished tiles beneath you. She lied to me.
“Let’s just go,” you mumbled under your breath, knowing that you were inevitably acting like a spoilt brat in front of not only your mother, but in front of another kingdom’s King and Queen.
And your future husband.
Junhui seemed to catch what you said, leading you out of the tense meeting room as the both of you tried to brace yourself for the sure-unpleasant week to come.
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franeridart · 7 years
Would you ever consider uploading your Kekkai Sensen piece onto Redbubble? My friend and I are massive fans and I would love to own a print or tshirt with it on it!
Done! Just click on available products to see all the stuff it’s on! :D and thank you for liking it!!!
Anon said:YESSSSS qlu is such a good fic!!!! literally the writing is.... so good and so in char!!!! loved seeing art of it!!!!!!
YAH!!!! Asma’s one of my top favorite bakushima writers, she’s got such a good grasp on them and her storytelling style is always incredibly on point, I love reading her stuff so much !!
Anon said:I highkey love your art.
Anon said:Ahh I saw art of that scene before and thought I was content with that but OMFG YOURS IS FUCKING AMAZING
THANKS I’m super glad you liked it!!!! You shouldn’t make that sort of comparisions tho, anon :O 
Anon said:I honestly love the fatgum fam so much (they're actually the only reason I'm reading the series alongside Tsuchako; I saw your pictures of them, fell in love, and proceeded to speed through the manga in hopes of seeing them) and seeing your art of them makes my day.
OH BOY I’m happy you liked that one!!!! And I hope you’re enjoying reading bnha regardless of whether the fatfam or tsu and uraraka are on screen, anon !!!!
Anon said:I'm ganna scream if none of the bakusquad members end up running through those doors and tackle Kiri tbh, especially Mina considering we had a flashback to her during his fight
I would actually point more towards Kaminari being the most probable one to react on screen, since he’s always got something to say in scenes like this one - and in general towards Kami, Baku and Sero being the ones to... confront? Kirishima specifically about this mission, not because I don’t want Mina to be there too! But generally as far as past arcs go Mina seems to be more part of the girls group than anything, and since Tsuyu and Uraraka were there too she might be between the ones reacting to Tsu and Ura more specifically (like she was the one to fawn over the two of them after their first day of internship) while Sero, Baku and Kami were the ones to react on screen to Unbreakable AND the ones Kiri spoke to about his insecurities to begin with... then again, given the flashback I do hope Mina will be proud of him on screen......... aaaahhhhhhhh I guess we won’t know until Horikoshi will finally show us, will we? ;u;
Anon said:slides you one (1) dollar and half a corn chip, "so um tododeku?" ps your art is beautiful and soft I love
Thank you! And I guess I do have a tag for them? Tho it’s mostly old stuff.... ahhhhhh it is my fav Deku ship, so I might draw more in the near future! Keep the dollar and half corn chip for now haha
Anon said:hello! that food that you drew looks?? delicious??? i would gladly eat it,, anyway sorry for the weird message! have a nice day!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH it was seriously fun to draw too, I’m happy you like how it came out!!!!!
Anon said:YOUR HAIKYUU ART AAA I LOVE!!! 💕💕and also bnha just,, that tALENT MY GUY👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 kill me now pls 😍😍
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:pls draw some miritama!!!
In the future, for sure! They’re one of my favorite bnha ships, after all!!
Anon said:THE MATSUHANA!!! yes, bless that post, thank you for seijou third years
Anon said:I just wanted to say that when I am in a depressed funk your art always makes me feel a bit better :)
Ahhhh boi that does mean the world to me!!! I’m so happy I can help you out a bit, anon!! ;u;
I’m sOBBING thank Y O U ;O;
Anon said:I really miss ur haikyuu stuff but u have stopped doing 'em... draw something for me please?😽
Can I ask you to not, like, dismiss the fact that I have, in fact, been drawing haikyuu? Aside from the last one, since I got this ask before posting that, but in the past month as I have made present more than once in answer to asks exactly like this one I HAVE been drawing haikyuu again - you think it makes me feel good to have hours of work been treated as if they never happened? That it makes me want to draw more? Just to have even more people come in my inbox and ask me why I’m not drawing haikyuu anymore, as if the stuff I drew doesn’t even exist? If you meant this ask as in “you’ve stopped drawing only that”, then I’m sorry, but bnha is the fandom that’s making me the happiest at the moment, I’m not stopping drawing for it. I am willing to draw more haikyuu, when I feel inspired to do so, but only if you guys stop treating hours of work as if they never existed. It’s really, really not a good feeling, nor something I have the wish to feel any more than strictly necessary - if the stuff I draw has to end up ignored anyway, then I’m just straight out not gonna draw it anymore
Anon said:Bi i love your art a whole bunch
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!! ;u; thank you lots!!!!!!!
Anon said:I cry, everyone you draw is so pretty and the background in that bakushima pick you posted a few days ago was amazing (the starry one, where they're holding hands), I stared at it for hours.
BOI I’M SUPER HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE !!!!!!!!!! I was really unsure about it but seeing you guys like it is making me incredibly happy!!!!
Anon said:your KiriBaku Baccano AU is everything I never knew I needed mostly because I didn't think anyone else remembered that anime
You and me both, anon! The baccano fandom sure is a silent one, despite its name hahaha 
(..........................baccano means racket in italian, ignore me)
Anon said:can you draw bakugou finding out kiri's in the hospital? ily
I’ve drawn stuff sorta for that scenario thrice already (x x x) but for anything more specific I’m gonna have to ask you to wait for after I’ll know for sure if Horikoshi will give me a canon version of that or not! I really do hope to get that scene in canon, but if Hori will fail me I’ll most probs fill the void for myself again haha
Anon said:GOSH the way you draw kaminari is so CUTE
Anon said:we saw Kirishima recently being taken on that stretcher, how do you think bakugo would have reacted to Kirishima being that hurt (assuming they're in love at this point) ?
Again, I’m gonna answer this one once I’ll know for sure Horikoshi won’t give me the canon version! If we’re lucky we’ll know in a couple of days !!!!! ;u;
Anon said:AAAA THE LIL MUMMY KIRI!! The newest chapter ended me, Horikoshi owns my soul and he aiNT TREATING IT RIGHT!
Anon said:Is it me or is Kaminari's fringe slowly taking over his face? I love it!
If you’re talking about my art, then yeah, sorta! Thank you for liking it! Tho I have to admit I’ve kind of always drawn it like that, I don’t understand in a practical way how with his parting that far on the side his fringe doesn’t fall in front of his eye and that sort of subconsciously ends up showing in the way I draw him haha
Anon said:i praise lord yeezy everyday for how much kiribaku you draw, you're the real mvp 🙏🙏🙏
;O; thank you my friend, you’re way too nice!!!!!
Anon said:I have that headcanon that Bakugou actually uses LOTS of emojis in his texts. Kirishima is stunned when he first finds out (and no one believes him)
If you’re talking about emojis and not kaomojis then I’m with you on that lmao mostly cause I feel like Bakugou would be a really lazy texter but would at the same time be the type to dislike writing without capitals or proper punctuation and so on, so to avoid having to put actual effort into texting he just answers (when he answers) using one single emoji and thats it. It’s up to his interlocutor to understand what he meant with it. Up until now the only people who get it 100% of the times are Kirishima, Sero and surprisingly Todoroki.
Then again, I do think you meant kaomojis lmao
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Men’s mental health: How dad’s suicide helped me become a ‘real man’
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/mens-mental-health-how-dads-suicide-helped-me-become-a-real-man.html
Men’s mental health: How dad’s suicide helped me become a ‘real man’
IT WAS Saturday, March 28, 1998, when I received the news that would cast a shadow above the relaxation of my lifetime.
I was 16 decades outdated, and nothing would ever be ‘normal’ as I understood it, yet again. My father had killed himself and now, 20 decades on, I nevertheless have a father-formed hole in my coronary heart that won’t at any time be stuffed.
My dad and mom experienced break up up five many years before. Additional in truth, my father experienced walked out on us — my mum, my two young brothers and me — the day before my 11th birthday. It would be the initial of a lot of I would expend with out him.
We saw father on university holiday seasons. Most periods we invested a week with him, and most summers it was two months.
But in the summertime of 1997/98, I’d turned 16 and my brothers and I put in 3 total months with our dad — it was the longest extend of time given that he moved absent.
That summer season, dad and I connected as two individuals: it felt at the time like we were starting to be much more than just father and son — we were being getting buddies.
Dad promised to get me an old automobile for my 16th/17th/18th birthday offers and said we’d do it up together for the duration of faculty vacations. He was a auto guy and said I could have any kind of older automobile I wanted. The selection was mine … so lengthy as it was a V8 Holden Leading. What a option! I was content regardless, as it would type-of be ‘our’ motor vehicle.
My dad and I had our first beer together and our second cigarette … our very first shared smoke was when I was seven and requested for one particular out of curiosity and father obliged (1988 was a quite diverse time!).
I talked with father about my idea of shifting in with him following I concluded significant college, and my approach to go to uni in Warrnambool and enable with his fourth son, my substantially-young brother, who’d be school age by then. Father-and-son taking on the planet with our restored automobile. I could not wait around!
All my lifetime my father was my idol, my hero, even with him currently being moody and absent a ton, even in advance of he moved absent. Father was large and powerful at 6 foot 3, and as reliable as a brick s***household. He was a tough footy player and usually kicked luggage of objectives, obtained into a fight on the industry (he normally gained), and even took a grand remaining-saving speccy 1 calendar year, which I had on video clip and watched a ton.
Information.com.au is highlighting men’s psychological wellness troubles as element of its campaign The Silent Killer: Let’s Make Some Noise in support of Gotcha4Daily life and the Movember Basis.
In distinction with the hard male some others generally noticed him as, my normally-tender father overtly instructed me he liked me and hugged me no matter how old I was. His good stories at bed time experienced manufactured me huge-eyed with marvel. That really like of tales and open up expression of appreciate are also large components of my have character as a man or woman, specially now as a father, with three kids of my own.
So in 1998, to be connecting with my father as a mate and arranging a potential with him, was a particular dream that was beginning to occur genuine.
But … none of the issues my father and I prepared basically happened. Not 1 of them. Due to the fact 8 months soon after that summer time jointly, just as we’d started out to come to be the friends that I experienced extensive wished for us to be, my father wrote a be aware of goodbye, walked into his garage, and took his have life.
My father still left me. Yet again. And permanently. Why would a father pick out to leave his children permanently? My love for him turned clouded by hatred for what he’d completed.
I’ve puzzled given that on so numerous instances, why he didn’t just pack up and take off to the center of nowhere for on the other hand lengthy he essential a break for. Why not just disappear right up until he felt good again?
But he didn’t. He opted out of my existence in the most permanent and irreversible way.
In the 20 a long time considering the fact that father killed himself, I too have faced some major difficulties. Whether or not it’s from genetics or trauma from elements of my childhood, I’m not certain, but psychological ill-health has come really savagely for me, too.
My first key dim interval climaxed when I was 22. I was ingesting a whole lot at that time and not dealing with issues well. Following a single also a lot of setbacks (and significantly much too several drinks on this individual evening), I was in more pain than I felt I could tackle.
I walked out of the pub and jumped off a bridge. I landed on the road about seven metres below, and mostly due to the fact of how drunk and limp I was, I survived with only a broken pelvis and wrist.
3 months of bed rest, actual physical treatment and psychological rehabilitation followed. Through people prolonged and pretty bleak months I arrived to see just how pained my father must have been at the finish, and how helpless he should have felt. I experienced just about joined him, but a tiny flicker inside me hadn’t gone out, and I soldiered on.
I turned a father 10 many years ago and it was the most wonderful sensation to say the really the very least. Father’s Working day would be a joyful working day for me once again, just after a decade of crying on the initial Sunday of September every single year — on the lookout at the sky and cursing my dad.
My son Leo was afterwards joined by his brother Gus and sister Ada. I have a few great little ones who are all delighted, healthful, and good, and I’m so happy of them.
But as it so often happens for people who have battled the Black Canine, I’ve again been visited by mental unwell-wellbeing, even however my existence — on paper — was rather excellent. This final dark time period for me culminated in possessing a total breakdown just as my marriage to my kids’ mom ended a few of a long time back.
Just before my marriage ended, the producing was on the wall for a few yrs. My then-spouse and I had grown as well far aside and weren’t ready to bridge that considerable divide.
A couple of weeks just after my now ex-spouse and I both agreed we must separate, my GP forced me to choose a month off function so I could aim solely on surviving — it truly was that fraught.
I discovered a spot to are living, moved out, and fell aside fully. I was informed to just take one more month off perform, then one more, and at some point I resigned from my promising company vocation and uncovered my complete life altering all at the moment. And every working day due to the fact, without having exception, the risk of suicide has popped into my intellect as a feasible way to wipe away the damage and sadness and tears and despair that have virtually drowned me.
But the upside of losing my father to suicide signifies I know what it’s like to be the child left driving. And it’s definitely, truly, terrible.
My father did not talk to for any support. He did not speak to everyone about how bleak things seemed, enable alone see a experienced for healthcare help. And that silence intended he died.
I want the opposite final result for my little ones, and for me as a father. So in buy to achieve the reverse end result to my dad, I also choose the reverse techniques to him: I speak to folks, I search for and settle for clinical support, and I really do not considerably care what other persons imagine of me remaining so candid.
I am incredibly open up about my troubles with my psychological wellbeing. I am now pretty open up about my suicide try 15 a long time in the past.
It’s my love of storytelling that led to me sharing the tale of my father as a 1-man or woman ‘compassionate comedy’ exhibit, Humpty Dumpty Daddy. At fringe and comedy festivals all-around the nation, I have stood on phase and poured my heart out to audiences for an hour at a time, sharing every thing I have in this short article, plus additional.
The reaction from audiences has mostly been pretty heart-warming. Soon after I wander off phase, I wait around at the exit and thank men and women for coming together. And each solitary time, I have viewed one particular or extra burly males with quivering faces, or open up arms for a significant person-hug, or a pair of eyes that bore into mine with a declaration of camaraderie and shared trials.
Girls are much more verbally open up about what they believe and the raw heat and honesty they say they feel from observing one of my reveals. My audiences seem to be to be 2:1 women of all ages to males, but it’s the adult males who have more powerful and additional impactful psychological responses. Really a couple of have contacted me later on on and shared their personal story, and some have come to be people I still correspond with. It is amazingly exclusive, and I’m so grateful that by staying vulnerable and open, I feel related to far more individuals than I at any time have.
I know now it is not my fault, but I was not more than enough to hold my dad alive. He missing all hope wholly, and of training course I desire I could have completed some thing to end him. But I could not. I have the reward of dwelling in a more being familiar with time than my father, although there is a long, very long way to go, as the 10 for each cent maximize of suicides from 2016 to 2017 attests.
And even though it is taken me almost 20 several years to recognise, I can now see that the finest lesson my father at any time taught me was what NOT to do.
My father felt a failure at daily life and succeeded in dying. I failed at dying but am starting to come to feel a achievements at lifetime. Not a poor improve in 1 generation.
JC Clapham utilized to dress in a match to work each individual working day. He is now retraining as a mental health and fitness worker, does storytelling exhibits and writes about psychological well being and masculinity.
If you or someone you know requires guidance with their psychological health, remember to call just one of these support organisations:
• Lifeline 24/7: 13 11 14 or www.lifeline.org.au
• Suicide Get in touch with Back Provider: 1300 659 467 or www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au
• MensLine Australia: 1300 78 99 78 or www.mensline.org.au
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