#omg i want to dye my hair so badly tho
kyuzuberri · 1 year
The joy that comes with doing something to your hair
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maochira · 1 year
Big brother Aryu crossed my mind and,, omg
Requests open! Masterlist
Tags: gn!younger sibling!reader, I love Aryu very much can you guys please request stuff for him
Big brother Aryu loves it when your outfits are matching!! You don't wear the same clothes, but you match the colours and style a lot.
Aryu would never do anything like bleaching or dyeing to his own hair. But if you ask him to help bleach and/or dye yours, he'll be super excited for it! A part of him would be worried about your hair getting badly damaged, tho.
Aryu likes western music, so he will show you new songs and artists every time he discovers a new one.
You paint each other's nails all the time! Aryu prefers his completely black, but he liked doing yours more colourful.
Aryu is a bit afraid to mess something up when trying something new on his own appearance, but because you're more open to trying new things, he gets to do those things on you!
Aryu loves going shopping for new clothes with you, because not only can you help him choose, but you can also look for matching clothes!
And in general, Aryu is lovely to have as a brother. He's super supportive of whatever you want to achieve! He also compliments you a lot (the styl/glam runs in the family.)
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celestial-astro · 2 years
Hey! I would like to join your game with enhypen and if you can also nct 127(if not two I would prefer enha ahaha)
Here some info: I’m a enfp, cancer moon and 6’ (really tall for a girl)
I would call myself an ambivert that tends to be more on the shy end with people that idk or when I don’t want to talk to anyone (also I have a really bad rbf) and when I’m with my friends and family I’m really extroverted a bit weird even to be honest and enjoy partying.
I LOVE skincare and doing my makeup so much it’s like therapy for me and with a coffee omg
Also love fall it’s the best season and it goes well with my girly girl aesthetic with my hair bows and cardigans>
Love dancing (been doing that since 2011) and singing>>
I used to love to dye my hair but destroyed it so badly💔 and now I’m trying to grow out my blonde natural hair even tho I miss having red and pink hair so much
-kiki 🩰
Hi! 😊
I ship you with: Yuta
Your cancer moon would do very well with his Scorpio energy. I also think that he would not mind that you are taller than him. I also think that Yuta has strong ambivert energy which would compliment yours nicely. He also likes to have a good time once in a while. That rbf is also something you share; he looks intimidating but is actually a sweetheart. He seems to also like dyeing his hair; this could be shared interest and something you could bond over.
I hope you like your reading! 💗🌸✨
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
hello red, first of all. wow i literally cried reading ur original piece abt the colours...wow is all i can say. i am speechless, u r amazing❣
ok so onto answering ur questions lol. my hair..how to i explain it? i cut/dye my hair myself, first of all. I have microbangs, the rest is short..maybe pixie cutish? but I have my sideburns(?) grown out and dyed blonde. the rest of my hair is half red and half brown. i really wanna dye it bright red apart from my blonde bits tho. (clown vibes, u feel me?)
I am sure the jeff makeup will look shmexy as hell. i mean if it's on u how could it not be? :>
Slenderman isn't like a father figure no...more like that strict teacher everybody was scared of in elemantary school. but he can be very caring to some of the creeps ig
dude being nervous around ppl u find attractive is normal tho?? and in my opinion it's adorable (○` 3′○)
ok thank u for the explanations... I think i experienced all of those holy shit- all of those definetly. my ex was more toxic than i thought. he did all of those things to me...
Your hair sounds so AWESOME! Short hair asf 😮‍💨>>> bro the CLOWN VIBES ARE REALLLLL and im so in love with that-
Yep yep sounds like a very horrible past relationship, im so sorry hunny. But youre in a better one now! How is that btw?? How is the thing that you go to and talk to and *sobs* fuck i want to get there so bad.
Unrelated but do you know Tamaki amajiki??? He was a megggaaa comfort character for me back in January before I got into CP and i literally am on the verge of him making a comeback. I read this actually over mediocre fic on watpadd where the reader started playing this vr kind of game and they fall for the top player (who is obviously amajiki) and then it’s jus them not knowing its eachother but falling for eachother in the game and now i want to love so badly. Well im already in love but it sounds so stupid when i say it cause it sounds so unattainable, im so touch deprived.
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
Heyoo, sorry for disturbing on whatever ur doing but.... Is it okay if you can do headcannons for any boy u choose, don't worry I simp for all of them, with a s/o who has fluffy hair and it's split dyed
Love ur writing and I luv u
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U R NOT INTERRUPTING ANYTHING MY LOVE! and omg a free pass to any character!!! so i did a few bc i couldn't decide on one, then i decided to do characters that so far have not appeared in my writing much, just on a whim, and split dyed hair is 100/10 i wish my current job lets me do that but no (;-;) here u go i hope this is what u were looking for!!! i love u too ♪( ´▽`) also that image is adorable ♡
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* honestly? he probably egged u on and helped u choose the colours
* after u finished doing up your hair he was like ooooooo ✨✨ lemme touch
* and suddenly he's totally addicted so fluffy!!! soft!!
* not worried about being rude or annoying will 10/10 just ruffle hair cos "it looked so soft?" rubs "how is this real?" rubs "it's so fking fluffy babe?!"
* from then on it's like a daily thing he will pat or ruffle hair whenever he meets you
* and whenever u say/do something cute
* and whenever you're sad
* and whenever you're angry
* and whenever he wants to, which is p much all the time (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
* u can use it to threaten him tho. teru i swear if you don't stop being annoying i'm not gonna let u pat my head anymore and he will straightaway just stop everything
* boy loves touch so if u take away any touch he will b sad (;-;)
* he likes to play with each half of the colours separately, then try to braid mess it up so that the colours "will mix? will it mix?"
* your hair will get all messy and knotted up and you'll b royally pissed
* he's no good at combing thru the knots tho
* make him do a boba run while u undo it
* he will not b messing with it in a long while (about 2days only LMAO)
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* tbh he has always wanted to touch your hair
* i mean look at this child u can't tell me he doesn't like soft things he is soft
* very in love with the fluff but very afraid to indulge cos it's invading personal space
* he only realised it was ok to touch when semi and tendou patted u on the head for a job well done (idk maybe u r shiratorizawa's manager or something) but even then he was like but they are third years is it rlly ok
* it was
* anyway even if you two are dating he will still have same resistance cos he thinks it's rude to touch other people's heads without permission* (idk about other countries but i've been told not to pat people's heads cos it's rude/condescending? idk if asian parenting in general or just my asian parents)
* you'll have to tell him explicitly that it's ok
* even so he will only do it in private and when he is feeling courageous/confident or when he really can't resist anymore LOL
* was surprised when u dyed it
* doesn't know what to think about the colours "i... er... it's pretty? what about work/school and like do your parents know r u sure i mean it's pretty but Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)"
* can't get used to it
* but he won't complain he thinks it's pretty he's just worried about what other people think he doesn't want them to think badly of u
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* he's got fluffy hair too you know
* it's almost a competition. whose hair is softer. fluffier. you compete to see how many people prefer whose fluff. spoiler: hinata wins, even if he wasn't supposed to be part of the competition.
* anyway! suga loves to just. bury his face in your hair
* nice smelling. soft. he can't resist
* a surprise back hug and then he will rub his face in the floof and b all like babe u smell nice today (♡-♡) pls don't move and let me live in your hair
* and u have to shake him off sugaaaaa you're heavy pls moveeeee /offended noises i am not heavy!!
* when u dyed it you didn't tell him
* impromptu decision maybe? he was a little surprised when he saw you after that
* chaotic baby loves the colours. will bring u out in front of daichi to watch daichi implode from shock (he can't explode cos it's impolite)
* a bit sad that u didn't ask him to help cos
* will 100% help to bleach/dye hair! "why waste money when we can just do it ourselves! ♪( ´▽`)"
* also bc helping u to do your hair means he gets to play with your hair for a whole day! objective achieved (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
* secretly he wants to match u but he's working now and he can't! (;-;)
* will ask if u want to do the same to your eyebrows. pls say no this boy is the epitome of chaos he just wants to see shit hit the fan
* otherwise why tell daichi? LOL
requests are open!~ send me stuff ♡
masterlist here (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
please save me they are all chaotic characters here and i cannot. deal. also chaotic suga needs more love y'all!!! anime sugawara is always so... calm and perfect senpai vibes but manga suga is chaos and anxiety and i love him so much ♡
likes and reblogs appreciated ♪( ´▽`)
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fairycosmos · 5 years
8, 30, 51, 72 !! 💖💖
8.who would you like to see in concert?
omg SO many people…………can i say mcr again even tho they’re not a thing anymore………also lizzo, adele, hozier, muse, mother mother, marina and the diamonds………..among many others !
30.what color do you really want to dye your hair?
blue/purple!!!! i want 2 so badly!! but it’s too long and i dont want to bleach it and i cant afford to maintain it fucking RIP
51.what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
he bought me roses, sweets and a massive teddy bear for valentines day hgjfkdlfkdl so cliche but my heart melted a bit even tho i didn’t like him that much
72.do you believe in soulmates?
like maybe not in the traditional sense but,, i think you meet multiple people throughout your life who you just instantly ‘click’ with on a really high, intense level to the point where it’s almost hard to believe……….whether it’s circumstantial or cosmic or coincidental doesn’t really bother me much, just the fact that it’s a possibility at all is really cool :)
thank you kora!! ur the light of my life!! and i hope you’re well, sending you all my love as always babey 💖💖
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xfallendaughter · 4 years
answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you would like to get to know a little better.
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nickname: honestly, i have so many and it really depends on who i’m talking to. mostly people just call me by my name tho. 
real name:  Alix. yes, spelled with an ‘i’, that’s my real name~
zodiac: sagittarius sun, scorpio moon
height: 5′2 (and 3/4!)
what time is it?: 11:37 pm
favorite musician/group: The Beatles, Leonard Cohen, Tori Amos, Amanda Palmer / the Dresden Dolls, Tchaikovsky, any sort of Disney song tbh, and so many more. 
favorite sports team: uhhhhh. i... don’t watch sports soooo yeah, no. sorry lol.
other blogs: @xsilver-wings​, @xrebel-princess​, @xof-dreamers​, & @xstarwalkers​ :)
do i get asks?: eh, on a good day i might get one or two. 
how many blogs do i follow?: 129 apparently. i should probably go through and like... unfollow dead/unactive blogs... but like... the effort.
any tumblr crushes?: i don’t think any of my tumblr crushes are... like... accurate tbh? especially since one of them is... meeee (xstarwalkers) and is getting 1% of my love (all the percentages are either 1 or 2 and that just doesn’t seem accurate especially since idek four of them? so yeah idk. 
lucky number: 20
what am i wearing right now?:  a soft grey leopard print robe
dream vacation: ICELAND (look i want to go so badly omg)
dream car: one that... idk... gets me from a to b in one piece and doesn’t break down and when it gets hit isn’t immediately totaled because it’s a pos? that’d be nice. (:
favorite food: mashed potatoes!
drink of choice: ice cold water bby (and hot tea, preferably red rooibos, but i also like earl grey and just plain black tea... oh and oolong, that’s good too. i just really like tea okay).
languages: english as a first, asl as a second, and the six years of french i took in school many moons ago (aka so long ago i can barely get by sooo yeah). i also know bits and pieces of other languages because languages are kind of a passion of mine, but not enough to be like “i know this language!!”
instruments: piano, tho it’s been a minute since i’ve played (and not very well because 1) i’m bad at reading music and 2) i have tiny little baby hands that can barely reach a full scale... fun~)
celebrity crushes?: Tom Hiddleston. I love him. That is all. 
random fact: I dye my hair a lot and tend to remember my years based off of what hair color I had versus what age I was (i.e. ask me about freshmen year and instead of being like “when I was 14/15″ i’ll be like “when i started off as a blonde and no one recognized me to when i changed it to bright red and some creep told me he better watch out for me because redheads are fiery!” currently i am a light blonde (with some brown shadow root thing going on because it takes me forever to get my hair done again) and surprisingly i’ve been sticking with blonde for a while now (with a small stint at having grey/silver hair. which was fun, but maintenance is a bitch tbh and it just fades to a blonde anyway). i usually don’t stay one color for very long (i.e. longer than a year), but at least i’ve been doing different variants of it so yeah.
tagged by: @bittersurvivor​ <3 tagging: i don’t even have 21 followers on this blog lol. so i’m just gonna be like YOU. YOU RIGHT THERE. IF YOU SEE THIS. YOU ARE TAGGED! <3
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rezilient-m3 · 4 years
Omg. A lot has happened since that first weekend... like A LOT. So, firstly I should tell you how court went. It was on June 26th, this past Friday, and it didn't go as I would have liked. Judge's decision was we get joint custody, I get every 2nd weekends (that were supposed to start July 3rd) and were to consult with each other on decisions, BUT he gets the final say. Like, wtf was that dumb ass judge on? I was pissed. But I thought that was how it was to be forever, like, we were officially done done. I was devastated. I cried. I was mad. Then, Alex reminded me of how James' stupid and will eventually fuck up and I will get my girls back. Blah, blah, blah. It kind of helped. We didn't know it would be 3 days later and how badly he would fuck it up.
Little back story of my weekend. Alex quit his job to go to his real job that started today. So, he was home for the weekend getting ready. I went to my sister R's for a graduation bbq for my nephew on Saturday and picked up my twin brother to come back with me. He was going to watch the dogs and my house while my son and I went to my parents house for the week. So, they were here when I got calls from James, early Sunday morning.
I wasn't answering right away, cuz I knew he was drunk. Only time he EVER calls me. So, I get out of bed, go outside and finally answer. Starts talking about how he's happy court's over (gloating), and how I can't do anything without his permission. Like a total asshole, "if you want to dye their hair, and I say no, you can't. Or if you want to cut their hair, and I say no, you can't. And if you try to take them North and I say no, you can't." Fuck whatever. But I kept my mouth shut, cuz our daughter T was still up with him, listening to us. So, fucken disrespectful, the way he chooses to speak to me in front of them. He doesn't give a shit. Anyways, I ask him what's the point in calling, about to hang up. Then, he suggests me taking them for the week, since "he gets final say", so he figured he can bend the rules to fit him. Whatever tho, I wasn't going to say no to a visit with my girls. Since I was going to get them on Friday, he says instead, to take them until Wednesday and then come back for them on Friday. Whatever again. I was on my way.
Now, it gets worse. It's like and hour and some minutes drive. I was calling and msging but no response again since I went put in gas. I was getting frustrated because my thoughts were what if I was going for nothing. I was msging Alex too, and he told me to just keep going and to report it if anything was wrong. So, I did. I called again from fb and my daughter answered. So glad someone picked up. She said her dad went pass out in K's bed (our youngest) and only her and S were up alone. So, I said I was still coming and to wake up her sister and get ready cuz I was only half hr away. I said I'd call her back when I was in the next town over and for her to keep her dad's phone. I did. We stayed on facetime until I got closer, they seen me pull up and were waving, and I told her to go wake up K and to say I was outside and we had to go. She goes downstairs, into the room, and flips out. She ran away crying and said to me, "Daddy's doing something to her!!" I immediately started shaking, yelling at her, asking her what. She and S come running all the way out and she was scared, I asked her again what she seen and what she meant, but she said she didn't wanna tell means to just go get her. Like wtf? I was choked. I go into that house, down the stairs, preparing myself and scared of what I was going to see. But I go to that room, she's laying there, James with his pants down to his ankles, but seemed to be asleep. I wave to K to come, she came and I whispered what he did to her. All she says is "Idk, I was sleeping." I just want to get out of there, fast. Before you're thinking, like, why didn't I do anything to him? I was fucken shook. I was afraid if he got up, he wouldn't let me take them, or something would have went really wrong. So, I told them to grab their shit and let's get the fuck going. (Not what I said, but basically).
We leave. It's quiet. We're all still pretty shaken. But I question my daughter T. I pulled over after that next town, told her to come outside and stand with me and said I need to know what she seen so I can tell someone. She was hesitant, but I start asking the yes or no questions. Was daddy touching her? No. Was his pants off? Yes. Was his underwear off? Yes. Then she said she seen him trying to put K on top of him and she was crying. OMFG. I asked, Did she have her clothes off too? No... Okay. I told her I need to now phone the social worker and tell her everything.
This is where it gets stupid (on their part). I call the on call worker, since it's Sunday. Same woman I spoke to about them being found alone. She informs me that they're not the ones that have assigned him a worker and his social worker is in the city closest to me. I didn't understand that part. She told me I have to find out who his worker is and contact those workers and let them know. Now, I have to wait until the morning to report it. I wake up 730 cuz their office opens at 8. I couldn't find the exact number to call a secretary or something to help me, all I could find was direct numbers to names of people who worked in the office. Dumb. So, I phoned to 1-800 number listed for reported neglected or abused children. Spoke to this lady and she says he wouldn't have a worker there because he lives in that reserve. Wtf? But she writes down everything that happened and said she'd forward it to the reserve's office. Okay. Gotta call them back. Same woman answered. I informed her that James has no worker in the city and they said that her people should have an open file with him since he.lives in that reserve, she fricken says he doesn't because our girls aren't registered to their band. I got upset. I said, "this is all just dumb. Like, who is supposed to be protecting my kids and who is supposed to let me know that I can keep them here safely? Cuz I don't want to take them back to their dad." I was on the verge of crying, I was so mad. She agreed though. She said she'd talk to her supervisor and talk to her and figure out what we're all going to do next. Finally.
I try get through the morning, just waiting, worrying, sad for my girls, hoping they're okay, wondering if I'll know how to get them through this. What a nightmare.
I get the call back while I was in the vehicle with my brother. I pulled over. She told me I can keep my girls here, that James was to not have any contact with my daughters and I don't have to talk to him either. That made me so happy. And she also advised me to hold off on making a police report and taking them to the hospital to get checked cuz she wanted to talk to her supervisor some more and I'd need a social worker to come with me. NO FUCKEN CALL BACK YET. So, I decided to call the cops myself in my little town. They told me it was out of their jurisdiction because of where it happened, and to all that detachment. Then that detachment told me these ones can do the interviews and take the statements because we were all here. Then, again, no fucken call back Monday. But she did call this morning, but couldn't do them today. So, I take in my girls at 11 in the morning to talk about what they seen and went through. Fuck my life. I hope they'll be okay. I'm scared for them. But I can honestly say, that they seem so strong. It's fucken horrible what they went through, especially by the hands of their fucken dad- but they seem to be okay.
Idk what the next steps will be, or what exactly is going to happen, but I do know, they're safe and they have me. We will get through this. I keep thinking about counseling. Talking to someone who is a professional might be what's best. I just need to figure all of this out. I'm just trying to catch up on things they haven't done their young lives, like eye appointments, dentists, and dr check ups. Did their eyes today, they all need glasses. 😳
But this is all I know. Pray for us. I hope for better days and for them to get through all this shit. My heart hurts for them so much. But I'm trying to be the best mum they need right now.
Until next time. ✌
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myvelouri · 4 years
Holy shit I snuck into her room
Ya I'm still bothered she actually was petty with me earlier
She said one of her friends died is why she was upset
Still tho
And I HAVE had girlfriends lie to my that a friend died and were actually cheating on me. Fucked up. I know.
Anyway she put her glasses on and said omg you look so clear now. And I said "uh good or bad thing?" And she said "I don't know..." And I said "WOW REALLY?" so mean. And she laughed and said not like that but it's clear she doesn't think I'm as cute... I guess
She said "you have so much grey hair" I said ya on the top but not the front wtf
But yeah we made out a lot and she was saying "weak" cause I didn't go hard on her neck. I didn't cause she was mad I left a hickey last time
Anyway her mom started banging on the door and she crazy, I bolted out the window and left my phone. Had to contact her through Instagram with my dad's phone. I'm surprised I remembered the way back to her house as well
So um
Yeah she said she unblocked her ex cause she's planned out a post to burn his ass
I'm like wow she's really... Really kinda messed up for that but... But not really, I guess if someone hurts you badly it's totally warranted
I'm getting a hair trim tomorrow cause it's wild
But now she's made me feel insecure about my grey hair that definitely has picked up in the past year.
I kinda wanna cry
It's like I'm the ugliest, poorest, oldest, smallest dick, useless guy she's dated. I feel so inferior
She showed me her jack skellington pen that I saw and then she fucking pushed a button and it was a flash light of Jack! I was immediately shocked and happy and my reactions are actually very cute, I've been told by many girls. I get happy oooe a cute kid for small things like that, or anything. I wish I could see myself react, cause apparently it's very cute. I've been told. And when I reacted to that my girl was like totally happy and looked at me like I was so cute and she's like "omg you're so cute, this is why I like you" haha
Okay ya I was on my way to her and I picked her up some fries and a drink. Cause I wanted her to be okay and not hungry. I snuck it into her window. Her parents are crazy so it's risky.
I feel ugly still. I'm actually 9 years older than her
How am I this old and still sneaking into girl's windows
Um, yes I asked her how old she thought I actually was when we met. She said 25ish
That sucks man
I've definitely aged. The gray hair really sucks and I said I want to dye it and her saying "yeah you should" kind of hurt me a lil bit cause I wanted her to say "nah that shit is sexy" or something like other people say
I feel like I'm not pretty to her
Like I used to be
I get a hair trim tomorrow, I'm nervous. I want it to look cute like it did when I met her. I looked soooo good.
I guess I still look younger than my age but I remember just 3 years ago I still looked like I was 20. Suddenly I aged like 6ish years in 1 year. That stress got me.
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the-kipsabian · 5 years
neon lights, warm tea, messy buns ~
neon lights: describe what you’d do at 2am with your best friendsanswered here ~
warm tea: what’s your favourite tea? if you don’t like tea, what’s your favourite drink?this changes a lot depending what im in a mood for, but recently ive been drinking black vanilla caramel tea and its ffffreaking amazing tho omg
messy buns: if you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?honestly at this point im mainly hunting for colors i havent done yet, and recently ive been suuuuper craving for silver hair tbh.. i just know its gonna be super high maintanence and probably stress out my hair too much to actually do that, but i want it. i want it so badly lol
aesthetic asks!
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