#like i do think that it's going to feel unavoidably cheap lmao
starlit-mansion · 1 year
Okay when i say that the fnaf movie will probably be kind of bad... i'm not saying i'm not excited about it. But i do think that the effects are going to be extremely sparingly doled out and the movie is going to struggle to fill time and probably a handful of things from the trailer are not going to make it to the screen
Still excited tho. Still going to show up opening weekend, large popcorn, big sippy, wearing several pieces of merch. Thankfully i am blessed with high credulity for movies in theatres even if they turn out to suck ass. I even decently enjoyed the illumination addams family movie. And aquaman. And mario movie. I am not immune to beautiful face, huge.
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Back to work on my bookmarks!
- A folder of online news sources, which sounds alright except a few extra bookmarks accidentally ended up in there, including... you guessed it, a Sebastian Stan video, a 404 Not Found page, and a picture that means nothing to me whatsoever.
- an Italian online store that sells tea and spices... I buy my tea from a different online store but this one seems interesting too. They even have Japanese incense. Cool. (I create the folder THINGS THAT COST MONEY)
- Matthew Bourne΄s Swan Lake, 2012. I watched the Blu-ray though. But if you haven’t watched it, do. If you think you don’t like ballet, do.
- Pride beach towels they’re so pretty. They also go in THINGS THAT COST MONEY. I actually have purchased a cheap rainbow beach towel last year that I randomly found in a store, though, so I’ll probably never buy any of these.
- three different lists of Supernatural/Destiel/Cockles blogs made in 2016, probably 2% of these still post Supernatural.
- something?? that I don’t even know what is??
- Hey fanfiction writers, if you have a high hits-to-kudos ratio it’s because I will open that page seven million times before actually reading the fic. Don’t worry. It’s me.
- something Star Trek. I’ve never watched Star Trek.
- Arthur/Eames fanfiction that I told my Inception-loving friend I’d check out and never did...
- Human, a movie that looks very interesting
- Radiooooo the musical time machine. Where the f-- (I create the folder MISC, which at this point seems unavoidable.)
- multiple things that do not exist anymore
- multiple Destiel fic lists but I haven’t read Destiel fic in years and if I ever want to start again I’ll just ask my friends for recs lol
- a guide for learning Romanian from before Romanian was on duolingo (I haven’t started it yet, though. There’s just too many languages I want to learn and I am not learning lol.)
- more fic recs, more things that don’t exist anymore, more random stuff
- heck there’s even a fic rec list that includes Twist & Shout, just to give you the idea of how old some of this stuff is lol
- I’m getting bored so I can’t imagine how a person reading this would feel. Admittedly I’m the one doing all the boring work of clicking around. There’s a lot of delete action going on. One link led to an expired domain. How long even--
- Hillary Clinton’s presidential program 😭😭😭
- the website of my university department?? why do I even have the link submerged in fic rec bookmarks, while I was enrolled I was on that site every other minute
- resources about a referendum held in Italy in 2016 to reform the constitution (it didn’t pass, I can’t remember what it was about so I don’t know if for the better or the worse...)
- Tumblr tips that don’t work anymore because they changed the code seven million times
- that one famous Bucky Barnes essay
- LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History
- an Italian chocolate store online :3 sadly it belongs to THINGS THAT COST MONEY.
- Ew this is t//er//f stuff disguised as feminism resources. Away.
- More random stuff including slime tutorials. I am probably the only human on this planet that never managed to successfully make slime.
- Ooh I’d forgotten they’d made a Doukyuusei movie. I’ll need to watch it at some point...
- omg a list of tumblr memes compiled in 2016
- https://terriblerealestateagentphotos.com/
- there’s links so broken the browser just doesn’t do anything with them, not even an error page just refreshes the page where it was before
- wait I think I’m breaking Chrome???
- I’ll just close everything and then start again lmao
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What's your favourite type of bird? I...‘ve never really had a favorite bird. How many friends do you have on Facebook? Good for you, I’m not feeling lazy to check tonight. 629. What was on the last sandwich you ate? This question was also in another recent survey I took haha. Ham and cheese. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? It was punk rock that mostly carried me through high school, but I also listened to some pop rock and alternative rock from time to time. Do you prefer gold or silver jewellery? Silver. I reeeeeeally am not into gold.
Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? Yes. How far away is the closest store to your house and what is it? There’s a 7-11 and a drugstore just across the main gate of our village, but you have to take a u-turn to get there because it’s in the main highway.
What is your favourite Thai dish? Pad thai and green curry. How many contacts do you have in your phone? Too many. There was a time when I used Gab’s number to sign up for some stuff online so her contacts got synced to mine as well, so it doubled the amount of contacts on my phone. When was the last time you made out with somebody? Tuesday night. What month of the year was your mother born? September. Do you have any friends that seem to know all the hot gossip? Kate, but she graduated and she’s working now and not very gossip-y these days :’( Second to her would probs be Angela. Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? No, I don’t really spend on candles. What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? Just Friends. I want to continue watching Queer Eye, though. When was the last time you went to a birthday party? I’m not sure about birthday parties per se but the last celebration I went to was the birthday dinner Angela hosted at Frankie’s. How many apps do you have on your phone? Meh, I have quite a lot and now I’m too lazy to count. What pet names do you use with your significant other? I’ll take a pass at this question lol. Do you have to wear a name badge where you work? I don’t work but some college buildings are stricter about IDs than others, yeah. Do you have a dress code or have to wear a uniform where you work? There is no dress code in UP, which is one of the reasons it’s the best (and top) school in the country. What brand is your toaster, if you have one? We don’t have one because we wouldn’t really use it if we got one. Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? I guess I am dating one now. Gab started vaping recently and I hopped on the same train not long after. LOOOOOOOOOOL I am such a CLOWN Are there any movies you've seen so many times? Two for the goshdang Road. And the first Twilight movie. What was the last thing you purchased with cash? Pad thai and this iced drink called choco coffee at a Thai food stall in school. I don’t usually treat myself to that much food but it was my last day of school before the 5-day weekend started, I had just finished a brutal workout in PE, and I just felt like I deserved some kind of reward. Can you hear anything right now? The whirring of the electric fan across me. Is there anybody else in the room you're currently in? Nope, just me. What's the name of the store you usually get your groceries? We don’t have a permanent grocery but my mom would typically go to SM groceries or in a local grocery called Freshto that’s really near our village. Would you rather travel to Japan or Scotland? Japan. Does your house have a porch/balcony? It originally had one, but we refurbished the balcony and turned it into my brother’s room. We still kept a part of the original balcony intact though because it’s where my dog got used to peeing, and we didn’t want him to lose that space. We might’ve lost the balcony but we still have a rooftop if we wanted a view. What's your usual order when you go to a coffee shop? It depends, because the coffee shops I usually go to each have different drinks that I like; like I’d get an iced caramel macchiato in Starbucks, an iced mocha from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, an iced hazelnut drink from this other local cafe we go to, etc. But I think in general, my security blanket is caramel macchiato. Have you ever seen a theatre show? Not a professionally-produced one. I’ve seen many recitals and amateur productions, though. What was the last movie you saw and who did you watch it with? El Camino. I watched it alone. What is your mother's first name? Abigail. Do you like to dance? Only when I’m super super super tipsy, haha. And even until then it’s still a hit-or-miss if I’ll end up dancing. It’s just not my thing, overall. What's your favourite type of bread? Brioche. Do you receive catalogues and brochures in your mailbox? As far as I know, we don’t.
What colour is the sky right now? Black. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Nope, my parents didn’t do that to us. We obviously all have the same maiden names, though. Have there ever been any bushfires/wildfires in your area? No. Have you ever taken a ride in an ambulance? Nope, never happened. How would you label your sexual orientation? Demisexual, which is under the umbrella of asexuality. When was the last time you took a nap during the day? Just yesterday. What did you have to eat for dinner last night? I skipped dinner last night because of my toothache, so I stuck with the potato chips that my sister had bought that day but never got to finish. Have you ever been a member in a band? Nah, I never really wanted to be in a band. I wanted to learn the drums, but it didn’t mean I also wanted to have a band of my own. Are you double-jointed? I am not. What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee. Do you currently have any bruises on your body? Not right now, no. Or at least none that I know of. Who was the last message you received from and what did they say? “Impossibleeeeee” from Gab when I told her I saw someone selling AirPods for way cheap. They were selling it for P2,400 or something like $46 lmao it’s ridiculous. What colour are your eyes? Black. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No I can’t. Do you consider your goals easily achievable or are they pretty grand? They’re pretty grand. What's your favourite kind of accent? You know how Claire Foy speaks in The Crown? That’s my faaaaavorite accent. What time does the sun go down where you live at this time of the year? By this time of the year, the sun sets preeeeeeetty dang early. It’s completely dark by 5:30 PM. Do you prefer beer, wine or spirits? Spirits, def. I hate the first two, especially beer. When was the last time you ate Mexican food? A couple of weeks ago. My mom has loved this Mexican place for ages and so we went there for lunch. Have you ever watched yourself on video? Of course. I think that’s pretty unavoidable by the time you’re 21, lmao. What time did you wake up today? I woke up at 11:30, probably because I took two painkillers the day before. What time will you go to sleep tonight? I have no clue. I still have an entire cup of coffee to finish, so we’ll see how that goes. Do you have separate emails for personal and business? Kinda? I use my personal email for social media stuff, and my school also provides us with our own emails for more academic, serious-y, professional matters, but not necessarily business. Are you the eldest, youngest or a middle child? I’m the eldest. What's your favourite vegetable? Broccoli. What colours are you wearing today? A grey sweater that’s like 4x my size. Do you have a subscription to any streaming services like Netflix? I use Netflix and Spotify but I’m not the one paying for both. Would you rather eat Italian or Indian food? Indian. Are you sitting, standing or lying down right now? I’m sitting up on the couch. Have you ever missed a flight? Nooooo no no my parents would make sure that never happens. Are you someone who always needs a coffee before you can function? No. I can do fine without coffee. Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them? I’m sure some of them do, but seeing as I don’t really talk to our neighbors, I obviously have never met their pets. When was the last time you washed your hair? This afternoon. What colour is your bedroom door? Brown. Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? Yeah, I saw the super blue blood moon last year. Pretty fucking wicked. Do you know your significant other's passwords? I know the password to her laptop, but that’s it. What was the last thing you said aloud? “Nope, I’ll do it” I told my sister when she asked if I wanted her to turn off the AC in the living room. Do you know anyone who writes huge essays when they message you? Not really. People tend to type in short, quick messages when they wanna say something long haha. What's your favourite type of salad? Spicy tuna saladddddd.
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shitboy96 · 7 years
dark souls I bosses ranked by difficulty by my gay ass
easiest to hardest:
Gwyn lord of cinder - the most anticlimactic final boss ever lmao i took solaire with me and killed him first attempt pretty fast
Chaos witch quelaag - super straightforward i killed her in my first attempt, just like keep moving and dodge the lava lol
bed of chaos - again this penultimate boss was super anticlimactic just because of how differently it worked compared to the others. like im all for problem solving but the disintegrating floor and massive swipes just made this feel cheap. died like 3 times i guess
Pinwheel - idk why he was even a boss like he has like 200 hp, the only difficulty is getting past all the damn wheel skeletons to get to him
asylum demon - i think i found it difficult before i knew what difficult meant lol, probably took like 3 attempts
Taurus demon - again super straightforward with the drop attack method, but he did get a few kills off on me before i managed it
Four Kings - really easy to be honest, when i remembered to equip the abysswalker ring before dropping off the staircase aslgjjdklgjrd 2 attempts
Seath the Scaleless - very simple fight, the challenge is getting to him through that FUCKING crystal cave. which i hated with a passion. 2 attempts (the clam monsters could follow you in on the first go and fucked me up)
Centipede demon - a pretty lame and easy fight, he just kinda jumped up and down a lot, i didn’t see a lot of the eponymous centipedes and just jabbed at his legs til he croaked. 2 attempts i think
moonlight butterfly - eeehh a little difficult as i played a melee character and its ranged attacks pack a punch and are pretty hard to avoid, took me a couple attempts
Gaping dragon - gotta say this was my favourite boss just based on the design like if you don’t know what it looks like google it it’s fucking GROSS or better yet watch its introductory cutscene. having said that he’s pretty easy to kill as he tends to ignore you and charge across the room. he does have a nasty habit of jumping in the air and landing on you for a lot of damage however. like 5 attempts probably but entertaining
Gravelord Nito - this guys was actually really easy, the challenge was getting to him past all his minions, surviving the drop into his room, and dealing with his respawning skeletons when you get there. but the fight itself was simple. like 3 attempts
Demon Firesage - much like his lil bro the stray demon, he was a pain in the arse but didn’t take too long. the mini taurus demon in front of him was a nuisance though. like 4 attempts.
Stray demon - the upgraded asylum demon and less fiery version of the aforementioned demon firesage, this guy was a bit of a pain because of the huge range of his magic attacks. once i learned to stay well behind him it wasn’t too bad. the unavoidable fall damage is annoying though. like 5-10 attempts
iron golem - this fight was a pain in my ass mostly because of the knockback on his attacks and the tiny platform. maybe half a dozen attempts
Ceaseless discharge - this fight was dumb imo just because his attacks were all but impossible to avoid and the mechanic of him being an automatic kill if you retreat to the entrance just made it cheap. like 8 attempts before i looked it up
Sif the great grey wolf - besides her title being a mouthful, her sword attacks were a pain in my ass. 5-10 attempts maybe but a challenge
crossbreed priscilla - an invisible boss. an invisible FUCKIGN boss. with a respawning heavy knight in front of her. half a dozen attempts
capra demon - what the FUCK was with this boss arena. like that shit was smaller than harry potter’s bedroom under the stairs
bell gargoyles - multiple bosses in one fight are HARD. these took me a good while to deal with, and i couldn’t do it without a summon. not sure how many attempts but it was a lot
Ornstein and Smough - from the enemies guarding these bosses to the fact that i have to fight two fuckers at the same time, these assholes can fuck right off. i didn’t beat them for like 5 days and probably 20+ attempts
apologies i forgot to go do the DLC before i finished the game and it put me back on NG+, i will return to do it at some point in the future
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bisexualsugden · 8 years
I don't think people hate Rebecca because is the orher woman, but because she slept with a drunk man who was obviously heartbroken. Not to mention that she has pretended to be Aaron's friend. No friend would do that even if she thought they were broken up (which was said by a drunk man).
yeah i feel u on how gross it is to sleep with someone drunk and take a drunk man’s word at face value. i can relate to believing something, however unlikely, simply because you wish it was true, though. i think that’s what bex did. it’s absolutely what aaron did for the duration of the original robron affair. both bex and aaron are idiots to have trusted robert in those scenarios, and they couldn’t help but be idiots bc of their feelings. i get them. i sympathize with them. perhaps it’s why i’m protective of bex right now. it’s something i see in a lot of people in real life. foolish choices made because of foolish hope.  i’m lowkey giving emmerdale too much credit here–in truth they most likely exploited bex and rob’s history so they can get a cheap shock pregnancy SL
as far as bex and aaron being friends–well, i think she does like and respect aaron. i also think she made a grave mistake which disrespects him, and that is dreadful. friends do this to each other. it’s not a pretty, happy version of the world, but it’s a true version of it. she’s gonna owe him a hefty apology, and i thinks she’s the type of character to deliver on that. maybe she won’t deliver on that, though. even then, she’s just a girl who made a very dumb mistake about a boy in my book. it’s relatable. 
90% of what ppl are saying is akin to what a “bitch” (yikes misogyny alert) bex is for wanting robert in the first place (heaven forbid someone like a taken man lol RIGHT AARON?) tho, so i’m gonna go ahead and say that even tho complaints about her sleeping with a drunk man are valid–and thank god people are talking about this–that’s really not what most of the fandom outrage is related to at all. mentions of rob being drunk are such afterthoughts in most people’s analysis and are completely absent most of the time. i think you’re honestly giving too many people way way too much credit. probably makes me a cynic to say that. honestly, so many posts are just plainly people who are hurt by this sl and taking it out on the character who isn’t central to robron. it’s probably natural and unavoidable, but it’s also uncomfortable for me to witness. also, we can’t deny the social trend irl of crucifying “the other woman” in an unfairly intense way, and i’m not gonna play pretend that our fandom somehow managed to escape that pervasive social attitude.
anyway, people are gonna think what they’re gonna think. doesn’t mean i’m gonna like seeing it lmao
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