#like i dont know what i have to do with her apathy towards her mutuals(?) fetishes im not even mutuals with her i just follow her
thereisnofood · 2 years
hey idk if u know or if it bothers you but msogyny doesn't object to people having ageplay or incest fetishes
anon i know exactly what youre talking about and i really dont think its any of my business like i have the person with these fetishes blocked but its like. if youre insinuating i should unfollow msogyny for being kind of tangentially related to this its a little late i already bought 2 of her shirts and plan on buying more 🤷 sorry ig
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK Chapter 115 Poll Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1,585 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,471 responses
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Isayama’s winning streak continues. Overall chapter satisfaction was up almost 10% over last month with the majority of fans (57.2%) giving it a 5 rating. Less than 5% viewed the chapter unfavorably.
Isayama is ruthless, my god.
We got an amazing chapter this month which came out of the blue, in my opinion. So many answers were given as well as many more shocking questions. Definitely one of the best
It was definitely more eye opening  and you could just feel the tension through the different scenes.
I loved this chapter, it was definitely one of the most compelling
This is a candidate for the greatest chapter of the manga, the last candidate was chapter 112 followed by 104 and there are a lot of them. Isayama-sensei is killing it. Every single chapter is either great, or a candidate for the greatest chapter.
Honestly, just incredible. Everything I could've possibly wanted. These kinds of chapters are why attack on titan will be my favorite for a long time.
It was an interesting chapter. We got to learn more about the PATHS and some parallels to older chapters were cool.
A bit of a rollercoster of emotions but, I’m putting my faith in Isayama he’ll do what’s best
Loved it, everything's insane and pulling at nerves. Eren is the best, hands down. He's got to have the best poker face. Neither side even knows what he's up to!
Masterpiece. Wanna know more about the girl who seems to be ymir, and Pieck’s intentions as well. Cuz idt she can even stand a chance against eren, imo.
1,457 responses
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Yeagerbro conversation was the most desired flashback and nearly 60% of the fandom were excited to see it. In second comes Zeke’s reaction to learning his father survived and continued on. The third place spot goes to Reiner and Bertolt as fans of the warriors were happy to see them again, even if for only a couple panels.
I'm a simple stan, I see Reiner and Bert, and I cry. 10/10 scene its about time we got more uprising arc warriors scenes but Isayama pls give us Reiner outside of a flashback again thanks
Finally, Jaeger Bros talk.
While flashbacks are nice, I feel like a lot of it was filler-esque and had hopped for more progress on what happened to Levi and Zeke.
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Attack on Titan is known for its plethora of disturbing imagery, and this chapter was no exception.  The majority of readers, at 32.3%, thought that a titan shoving Zeke into its stomach was rather unsettling.  16.5% were especially grossed out by Levi’s fingers being several yards from the rest of him.  Coming in third, 15.4% were disturbed by Levi’s face.
It might be the most disturbing chapter of the manga to date.
Floch, his presence and face is rather disturbing.
Yelena rape face
Ymir's soulless voids for eyes
The titan that vored Zeke was made of Flex Tape
I dont think you know what mpreg means...
The behaviour of the yeagerists towards levi which was once considered the hero of humanity
As a big Levi fan, everything that just happened to him in general.
Is everything an option? Because I am going with All Of The Above.
All of the above, tbh
all of them
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Zeke’s rebirth wins by a small margin with the mystery girl coming at a very close second. At an equally close third, people were happy to see Hange find Levi and protect him from the Yeagerists. Following these was Pieck’s sudden reappearance, and Hange taking Levi and diving into the water to escape.
i honestly can't choose one. everything in this chapter was A++, one of my favorite ones in a while.
that path thing that ymir seemed to be experiencing too
Eren looking at pieck blankly 0.1 seconds after being shocked by her pointing a gun at him
Zeke's grief when considering the pain his younger brother must have suffered.
Levi’s wrecked face
Titan putting zeke into its belly
For myself personally, I found most memorable two events. Firstly, was the revelation of paths as being a physical plane on which one can percieve and exist, as opposed to a merely transcendental metaphysical force. Secondly, most memorable alongside that for me was the whole scene of Hange protecting Levi from Floch's band of Jägerists, in no small part due to my lowkey shipping of Levi and Hange.
Zeke's flashbacks + Zeke's rebirth + Pieck appearance
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While most people (almost 90%) agree that the mysterious little girl Zeke encountered is somehow Ymir Fritz, there’s no shortage of other creative possibilities regarding her identity:
I wonder if this girl could be Maria Fritz, the hair and hairband are similar.
It’s P A T H S, whose power is even more immense than that of the Devil of All Earth and Ymir Fritz. Paths can take the form of anything. Paths just happened to take the form of a little girl during that moment.
A new important character
The titan that resurrected Zeke was originally that girl. Because the titan was closest to Zeke, Paths compelled that titan to save Zeke, whether it wanted to or not.
Original inheritor of the beast titan
An asspull
I'm not sure maybe but it can be the girl "Christa" from Frieda's & Historia's storybook too
It seems clear enough to me that this is at least outwardly Ymir Fritz. As for it being I wonder perhaps if this girl being Ymir Fritz and the Devil of the Earth isn't mutually exclusive. I have no evidence to substantiate such a claim, but recently acknowledged the possibility on part of the historical misinformation in regards to her origins.
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We got a pretty full view of Zeke’s new bod this chapter, and it garnered love, hate, and apathy; as only Zeke’s body could.  Most of you wanted to get a full view of that Eldian ass at 34.7%.  On the opposite end, 22.3% would rather get freaky with the sand that turned into the bod in question; and 25.1% don’t have a strong preference either way.  6.4% aren’t in love with either the sand or Zeke, and 11.5% enjoyed the view but would like that titan smoke to stay right where it’s at.
A complete chapter, with brand new information coming to us... and lots of monkey nudes. Zeke is the fanservice character of snk.
Thicc thighs won't make me forgive his sins
Everyone is seeing zeke’s dick but me
@ isayama: release zeke's n00ds.
No more naked Zeke plz.
I feel for him and but he's a seriously underwhelming antagonist. He's really nice to look at though.
I love him as a character; his motives, his history, his personality and his character design (not just because he is a sexy hunk of Edlian ass).
I know only three things
1. Levi is not dead. 2. Eren does not agree with Zeke. 3. Zeke is hot as hell.
I suddenly feel very sorry for the SC uniform - it’s being worn by absolute pricks. Please don’t let them cover Zeke’s ass with the cape.
my heart goes to THAT DUDE WHO CAN'T STOP STARING at Zeke's nekkid crotch. i feel ya man. that shit is weird.
Zeke has the big PP. Pieck has the biggest PP.
I don't like him because of sexualization and shipps.
Zeke's abs tho
So much Zeke nudes, we need more chad Eren (don't even need to be Eren nudes, just him shirtless is ok).
I wanted to see Zeke's beastly c-ck.
Zeke is pure. Pure SLUT
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A slight majority of the fandom believes Zeke’s rebirth is evidence that Ymir Fritz needs Zeke alive. Close to 50% believe Zeke will see it as divine approval. While a quarter of the fandom thinks this experience has changed him, only 7% believe he’s changed for the better.
Zeke's reincarnation is bs but if Ymir does have more plans for him, I'd like to see how it all turns out for the best.
I hope Zeke learns that genocide is never the answer.
I just hope we get some specific answers soon regarding how Zeke was reincarnated like that. Felt pretty off seeing Zeke revived like that, but I can understand the theory that perhaps Ymir Fritz wants him to live to save the Eldians (and perhaps this is where the "To you, 2000 years in the future" comes into play).
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The largest portion of replies indicate that the conversation between Eren and Zeke overall went as expected. But there were also many who didn’t care how it went and were simply glad to finally see their first talk together. Smaller portions were either more than happy with the conversation or found it a total disappointment. Certainly that couldn’t be all they talked about, right?
I knew they wouldn't be on the same side but didn't expect it to be so obvious Eren is lying to and manipulating Zeke. Zeke tearing up when Eren called him "brother" is the saddest shit, but also kinda hilarious considering how many people Zeke betrayed. Also, I wonder if we'll get more since Eren talked about how he learned a lot from Zeke.
Finally got confirmation that Eren played Zeke like a fiddle. Happy to see that lil bro backstab.
I expected something more grandiose tbh, when i saw the panel of zeke standing in front of eren, i thought that was a perfect tease to just end it there
It feels like Eren has Zeke eating out of the palm of his hand and it hurt more than expected
People who latch onto the belief that Eren's goal differs from Zeke are in for a disappointment
I am disappointed that zeke cares for eren and eren doesn't seem to reciprocate those feelings, and that he was trying to play the tough guy, it's annoying and i want wholesome jeagerbros!!!!
I didn't expect to be so short, and I assume we'll get more in the future, but this time from Eren's perspective.
I think it is too early to say one way or the other. We only truly got one side of the conversation.
It was good, but I hope it's not the only thing we see. I get the impression it was merely an appetizer. When I think about the brothers talking I always imagined it will be a full chapter. This was just their first conversation. Eren said Zeke told him many things, like the info about the Ackermans, so I am expecting a hell of a lot more dialogues between them.
it wasn't what I had expected. I also can't say yet if it is better or worse cause so much about Eren's true motives is still up in the air. Like originally I had expected Zeke to be the one to convince Eren of something, but clearly that is not what is happening here. Which, on the face of it, doesn't have to be a bad thing, I just need more info.
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Over half of respondents agree that there’s no way in hell that Eren is on board with Zeke’s euthanasia plan. 23% believe that he is in partial agreement with Zeke’s plan, while 10% don’t want to say confidently either way whether Eren is on Zeke’s side. A small sliver of the fandom are certain that Eren is in favor of wiping out Eldia.
He just said what Zeke wanted to hear from 'his brother'. From the start of his speech Eren expressed clearly his purpose, bonus showing sympathy toward Zeke. The way that Eren said some of his points of view and plan fits to me in what he truly thinks about, but the way he said it was molded in orden to manipulate Zeke and get his confidence
Eren is getting influenced and this 'external influencer' is manipulating Zeke. Double manipulation.
He agreed with Zekes ideology at some point before Historia saved him
Zeke told him about his plan to euthanize eldians, Eren agreed that not being born into the world is salvation itself. We all know Eren thinks the EXACT opposite of that. he's manipulating zeke, only wanting his royal blood. Zeke might be the KEY to Eren's own secret plan.
I don't think eren is the kind of person to blatantly lie to someone, especially about the force that has driven him his entire life. There are some truth to his words, yes, but i think eren is going to use the fact that he thinks he shouldn't have been born to try and change the world into a safer place for his people, whereas zeke will use that same reason to eradicate his people, not giving them a chance to feel a sense of belonging in the world
He's using Zeke for some goal of his, but has gone way too far. Both of them are twisted, and perhaps share some points of their goals.
He understands and agrees with Zeke on a basic ideological level, insofar as the suffering that Eldia, and by extension Titans, bring to both the world and themselves by inherent virtue of being born. I believe, however, that this is where the agreement in actuality ends. What Eren disagrees with is the method to solve this problem. Whatever other solution Eren may have thought of, it entails the end of the titans and the elimination of paths, while sparing Eldian's lives and allowing them to continue on and have families. How this would be achieved, I do not know; this is merely my conjecture on where the story might go next.
I think he agrees with Zeke's goal of not having any Eldians born into the circumstances they are, but not his methodology of euthanasia. I think he has his own plan which will somehow stop/rewind/erase the Curse of Ymir/titanisation, possibly through altering Eldian DNA to make them unable to be turned into titans.
He's being brainwashed/manipulated by having so many memories that belong to other people, he's not being himself; not his true self
I don't believe he agrees, but I like to believe he isn't simply using his brother without any regard for him...though I can't really tell anymore with 'this' Eren :\
If Eren truly agreed with Zeke, all his development will be for nothing.
Maybe eren does actually agree that the best salvation is to never have been born, but when has eren ever wanted "salvation"?
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Zeke’s been getting a lot of focus lately, and this chapter was no exception.  45.7% of you enjoy his character but don’t support his schemes, and 21.9% don’t like the man but can sympathize with him at this point.  Not all are as warm however, as 19% would like to see him burn.  8.9% love monkey boi and want to protect him with all you’ve got.
He's a perfect Grey character a villain and a hero depending on view point.
I’ve always loved him. Now I love him more
His plan is batshit and I don't really like him but I think he's an interesting character but he needs to burn
His plan is unethical & impractical, his methods consist of war crimes. I hope he's taken down *ideologically* & realizes he was wrong b4 he dies
I'm not for Zeke's plan but I want him to go out feeling like his life wasn't a complete waste.
I feel sorry for all kids who have shitty childhoods, but I don't then excuse them when they project their own hatred for life onto an entire race and try to take away their right to life. It doesn't matter how righteous or merciful he believes he's being, it's undeniable arrogance to decide you know whether another person's life is worth living or not.
I hate him as a character but his plan makes him more interesting/sympathetic
I like him but don't agree with him. I'm going to be depressed when he is inevitably stabbed in the back by his beloved little brother. I am also extremely hype for that to happen.
I like his recent character development, however I don’t really like him. Very interesting character though!
Interesting, complex character. I can understand his plan too. Overall a well crafted character.
I'm so so sad for Zeke, the way he genuinely cares for Eren and trusts him, how he tears up when he called him "brother"...It will be heartbreaking when he'll realize Eren's just using him (because there's no way Eren agree with his plan), this guy's been used and craved affection and understanding all his life.
I feel like I'm crazy one here but I'm actually on Zeke's side and not at all mad at what he did to Levi
He is cancelled to me since Erwin's death.
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Eren recalled back to a disturbing action is father took, and gave his thoughts on it, but does the fanbase agree?  44.7% feel Grisha made the right choice, as without it things would have gone as Eren laid out for Paradis.  37.8% were unsure, and only 14.4% agreed with Eren’s conclusion that it was wrong regardless.
I acknowledge it as a necessary evil. It goes against many of my moral principles, but it was a necessary evil in the face of the worst case scenario.
He could have found another way to keep the children alive. He was lazy and chose the most convenient option.
He was neither right nor wrong, as in he had little choice.
I don't think there's a right or wrong in this scenario. Grisha did what he thought was for the greater good. No matter what decision he made, though, people still would have died.
It was a necessary evil, both logically right and morally wrong at the same time
Immoral but beneficial in the long run
there are two sides to the moral scale! For the survival of his people, of course! Every threat needs to be eliminated, but it is quite painful to know that in reality, regardless of the bigger picture, he still killed children.
For me, this is a much too complex topic to be reduced to a categorical choice of right and wrong. I can't choose between this two options ("I'm not sure" neither because it's in the same line of though) because I can't think his action in that terms.
It was not nice
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Nice try, Hange. 91% of us are pretty sure that Levi still lives, and that he was only pronounced dead in the hope that his life would be spared. Not even 2% of us think that he is actually dead.
Oh, please. It doesn't take a Levi fan to know that Hange would immediately let Floch feel Levi's pulse if he was indeed dead - it was only worth potentially upsetting her guards if she thought there was a chance of his survival. Hange is one of the smartest characters in this series - she wouldn't act that way for any other reason.
Well wouldn't be reasonable to jump on a river with a corpse so i guess is the second option
I think he's alive, but it feels like Levi is being milked for popularity at this point. If he truly did survive, then I hope Levi will somehow maybe fulfill his promise!
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In contrast to the widely-held belief that Levi still lives for the time being, there is less agreement about whether that will continue to be true. Almost half of respondents think that he will survive his wounds. The remaining half is split between thinking Levi’s days are numbered (25.4%) and being completely unsure of his fate (25.9%).
Man, seeing Levi suffering really got me, but I hope hange manages to bring him to safety, cause I think his injuries aren't fatal and the only threat to his life now are the yeagerists
he's still barely alive, but he'll die in her hands once they're safe and have swam the river, the death was slightly delayed since this chapter was focused on other things, levi will give his last little speech to hange next chapter and die
I think Levi survived his injuries and Hange is lying about him being dead, but I don’t think he will survive. Part of me hopes (for his sake) that he doesn’t survive
probably but I'm in denial so i want to believe he's fine
Levi is on the edge of death, he will die next chapter after revealing Zeke's true intentions to Hange, which will ruin Eren's plan for the moment. At least, that's what I hope happens. Levi surviving and coming back to fight doesn't make sense and Levi surviving only to be out of commission for the next of the manga and to open a tea shop is disappointing, I would rather have him die now.
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41% of respondents believe that Levi is permanently on the sidelines due to his condition while 37% are feeling optimistic that he will find a way to keep fighting. ⅕ of the fandom don’t want to say confidently either way. Will Levi surprise us in upcoming chapters?
Dead my ass! I can't wait for Levi to appear again out of nowhere with a badass face scar and kick Zeke's ass AGAIN
I hope we still see Levi in action, even if just once, cause removing him leaves everything in the hands of ‘god-like’ characters who can control people. Now it’s just like humanity’s doomed cause the ‘gods’ decided so and I don’t like it. There is still Mikasa, but with Levi humanity had a better chance in this ever so uneven battle.
I think Levi is out of the fight (thanks to those godawful fingers on the ground ugh) BUT I think he'll have one last move, one last action in the final battle that will somehow deeply affect the plot, before dying (think Erwin cutting off Eren from Bertholdt after his arm was eaten). I want to be wrong because Levi has always deserved better, but I also want to be right because he needs to rest and the ignominy of humanity's strongest taken out of the fight like that is just. Too much.
Levi has to live and fight bc he needs to show off his new badass battle scar duh
I really love Levi, but I don't want him to be disabled so I prefer him to be dead. If Isayama can make him okay as before, I hope the story wont become weak.
I want Levi' s scarred face to be the last thing that Zeke ever sees.
I'm wondering what's worse, Levi dead or Levi hobbled and injured so badly that he can't fight anymore.  Robbing him of his identity is perhaps even crueler than death.  How awful, to linger and watch the rest of the battle unfold, knowing he can't even help because of his own careless actions.
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We heard from several sources that this was the most difficult question on the poll. Maybe that’s why it had dozens more responses than any other question. It turns out that Zeke getting shoved into a titan tummy and having a sandcastle body sculpted by a mystery child isn’t the most unrealistic save in this manga. “Reiner surviving everything” followed by “Armin surviving his fall and burns” were the top choices.
Zeke's resurrection is the most bullshit ass pull of all.
Erwin and Armin were the two less believable survivors. I can turn a blind eye on plot-armors when it involve Shifters or even Ackermans, but Armin and Erwin were simple humans.
Erwin surviving all the way through serumbowl with a partly missing abdomen while bleeding out is just as worthy of being there, no one mentions it because he eventually died but it's almost if not on the same level as Armin living long enough through serumbowl.
I feel tired of the whole plot armor some characters have. Reiner, Armin (even if he is one of my favorites), Levi and now Zeke. I just feel tired of seeing them dying and then being magically saved. Yes, some dots are connecting together, but the whole armor plot makes the story boring and unnatural. A lot of great and interesting characters died, but there are some blessed ones who will not die even if a large bomb will fall straight at their heads.
maybe Zeke transferred his consciousness to other parts of his body like Reiner did in the Return to Shingashina arc? That's the only other idea I can think of how Zeke survived in the end.
I can't believe Levi narrowly escaped death because the monkey dingdong was too shiny and hypnotizing
I can't believe it, but Isyama finally topped the plot armor Reiner had back in RTS. Holy shit. The first thought was no one could have more plot armor than Eren did back in Shiganshina, then it was when Rod Riese became that hideous nightmare enduing faceless titan and didn't try and eat Eren, then it was Reiner's plot armor in RTS that stole it with notable mention from Armin, then it was Levi as a notable mention. This resurrected bullshit that saved Zeke can't be outdone. There is just no way in hell. Like, you just can't out do it. No one does plot armor better than Zeke!!!
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The irony of Yelena immediately instituting armbands as a classification system wasn’t lost on it. 44% thought is was horrible and a wrong choice, 28% recognized it as gross but understood the need to organize, while 22% had no opinion
As a sociologist, it’s interesting. The reality is that society/social classes often create symbols to communicate their social status so if it’s not armbands it’d be something else.
As expected of Yeagerists they are true organized shits! Congrats!!
Isayama is very big on the 'history repeating itself' thing and without a doubt this is one of those things.
I feel as if he is being kept out of the loop by the Volunteers, due to his befriending and fraternising with Eldian's (Hange especially), in much the same way as Niccolo was. This makes me inclined to think that Onyankonpon would side with the established Survey Corps if/when he learns the full plan, and that Yelena knows this.
it's ironic and though it's wrong, i think it's also clever how no matter how hard the yelena is trying to break free from marley traditions, those traditions still come naturally to her them whether she realizes it or not
I have a problem with how she's using people, not how she's doing it
People make a mountain out of a molehill, it's not something bad, it's just practical. They need to know who drank the wine and who didn't. Their actions are bad, but not their way of organizing.
Regardless of anything, I'd let Yelena tie me up any way she likes and I think deep down Pixis totally agrees
You boors know nothing of fashion.
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Only 12.4% of the fandom believe Onyankopon is fully aligned with Yelena, A percentage more (13.9%) believe he’s on the Survey Corps side. The remainder of the fandom is either undecided or think that he is.
boi is lookin mad confused every time he appears now tbh
He might be on Yellena's side but I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to play a different game.
His arms are crossed and he's literally side-eyeing Yelena. He is not all-in with Yelena.
He said that he dedicated himself for "Eldia". I don't know why, but I have that weird feeling that he would help Eren and his group (Floch etc.) to make the new Eldia empire great again
I think he will help Hanji, he was always showed with them more than with any other person
Maybe he is working for someone else entirely. We still don't know if we have all the chess pieces on the damned board.
I really want an insight into Onyakopon's motives at this point. You can see he's not as enthusiastic about the situation, and I thought he genuinely bonded with Hanji.
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Nearly half of the fandom believes that Eren’s goal is to eat the remaining warriors and gain their powers. About ⅓ of respondents think his goal is to negotiate with them, while smaller portions of the fandom think he may just want to get them out of the way or fully ally with them. Hopefully his chat with Pieck enlightens us! Meanwhile here are some write-in thoughts:
That boy is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, i have no idea what he is doing
Either to unlock a new ability with the Founding Titan that might require all the other Titan Shifters to be present or to kill them for the eventual rumbling.
I dunno but he clearly needs them for something. I'm leaning towards him needing to collect all their titans to do some sort of Curse Reset.
I am not sure whether he wants to eat every single warrior, especially regarding the convo he had with Reiner in the Marley arc. He wanted to chomp Porco tho, so I am not sure.
he can only do so much by himself, he has gained reiner's sympathy so having him as an ally seems like an option
I'd like to believe that Eren is luring the warriors so he can ally with them but realistically, he's probably going to eat 'em all. It started with the warhammer titan and he was about to do the same to Porco back in Marley for his jaws (which he would need to crack Annie's crystal open) but I digress. It'll probably happen in that order. He'll get annie after eating porco and pieck. Fuck. That part's gonna suck
I'm not sure, but he definitely doesn't want them trying to stop him doing whatever he's planning to do.
Like he said, he'll keep moving forward until his enemies are destroyed.
He wants them to connect and give the 9 elements to original Ymir. Maybe this way eldians will be free.
I laughed at the negotiation option, because if Eren ever was capable of comunicate with anyone in Paradise this mess wouldn't be happening. Actually if any character comunicated this wouldn't be happening.
Eren playing 4d chess
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The big chapter cliffhanger this month was Pieck pulling a sneaky on Eren, as expected of her.  About two thirds of you, at 65.9% are guessing she’s there to talk with him; while 31.2% think she has more aggressive options in mind with that gun.
Pieck is smart. If she wanted to kill or capture Eren, she would've shot him without a warning. Clearly she wants something out of Eren, probably information, before neutralizing him
For the moment she's probably more interested in rescuing Gabi than doing anything with Eren.
Get information from him then kill him
Pieck most likely would want to talk about the jaegerbros sudden "alliance" She wants to know why Zeke used and betrayed her and their comrades.
Idk for sure, but I'm 120% sure she has a plan. Everyone is underestimating Pikku.
No clue. I don't hate her, but she's still complicit in war crimes, so whatever she's up to, it can't be good
To talk, Pieck is smart and if she wanted to kill Eren she should know that she had to do so earlier.
Probably a battle of wits, since Pieck is always exactly right and 19 yo Eren became very manipulative
Something tells me she's going to want Eren to direct her to Annie first. I mean, it's the final arc, and they still haven't resolved the Annie situation. I feel like this how Annie's supposed return will kick in: One of the reasons Pieck is in Paradis on reconnaissance is because she want to retrieve Annie from Paradis and bring her back to Marley. Maybe, she wants to do it with minimal bloodshed without making a scene.
Have a baby with him to cuck Zeke
EREN & PIECK - WHO HAS THE UPPER HAND? 1,480 responses
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About ¾ of the fanbase at 76.3% lean towards Eren and his three titans having the upper hand here, and 23.7% think Pieck’s planning will pay off exactly as planned.
Pieck isn't stupid and it's quite obvious to anyone that she CANNOT kill eren. She isn't very strong as a titan compared to him, nor in human form. She doesn't stand a chance.
She knows he is powerful, I doubt she'd be stupid to try to have a fight with a man who holds three titans.
Pieck will fix everything
Pieck knows Zeke best of the current batch of warriors- I HOPE TO GOD THAT SHE IS NEVER WRONG WITH PLANS.
Pieck certainty cannot beat Eren in her titan form without her men and big guns, and doesn't seem to be in great form physically, as she was on crutches until a short while ago.
Kinda want Eren to absolutely demolish Pieck, whether it be Titan-form or not, just so Gabi can freak out even more.
I want Pieck to beat the shit out of Eren, but I know it won’t happen
I fear for Pieck's life :( Eren's gonna Warhammer her ass against the ceiling before she can say 'Wuh'
WHO’S WITH PIECK? 1,443 responses
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Is Pieck alone, or does she have support?  The majority seem to think Reiner and Porco are accompanying her, with 64.9% and 63.5% respectively.  34% think Colt tagged along to help find his brother, and 18.7% think General Magath is there as well.  2.1% of you are holding out hope that our Ymir is still alive, and with the warriors in fact.  Pieck might be by her lonesome though, with 18.5% of you choosing that option.
It's been a while since we've seen any of the Warriors besides Pieck and it is the perfect time for Eren and Reiner to meet again.
I presume Reiner and the others are close by, but I still cannot see how all of them would be able to subdue or beat Eren, as he beat them all almost single- handily before he consumed the War hammer titan.
I have a strong feeling that Reiner's going to be the one to find the 104th and the Braus family in the cell. It will make for an interesting meeting, especially with Armin.
Freckled Ymir keeps getting indirectly referenced while highlighting her absence.
OwO best waifu Pieck returns all is well.
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Hange’s heroics netted them a giant surge in popularity (1004↑) while Yelena (755↓) and Floch (898↓) each took a hit. Pieck’s confrontation with Eren was appreciated (737↑). Despite being unconscious, Levi’s approval was likewise up (701↑). The debut of Ymir Fritz had the majority holding off on judgment, although 514 respondents where inclined to view her favorably.
Hange is the best human in this manga
Hange, a real champ. Zeke is a dumbass. The more I see douchebag Eren, the more I want to kick him in the balls. Floch, Yelena & Co (exclude Oyankapon, he is a good boi) can go shove fucking thunderspears up their arses...the deeper their devotion, the deeper the penetration.
hange's great - zeke's wack - eren's angsty - press f for levi
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We have a lot of differing opinions regarding how much of this story remains to be told! The most popular option for the final chapter of the manga is chapter 130 with 35% of respondents selecting that option. More striking perhaps, is that 86% of respondents think that the manga will continue to at least chapter 130. 50% believe that 134 is the earliest possible chapter for the story’s conclusion.
WHY is 118 an option for the conclusion of the manga? No fucking way we've only got three more chapters, surely? Don't fucking do this to me y'all
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The majority of the fandom seem to have had their fill of Zeke and the Yeagerists and are ready to focus on other characters. Topping our wishlist is a continuation of Eren, Pieck and Gabi’s confrontation (70%), followed by the seeing more of Levi and Hange (60%). Armin Mikasa and the 104th (45%) and Historia (40.4%) are also on many minds.
Can't wait to hear what Pieck and Eren have to say. I think this chapter has allowed for some development between them.
I have been waiting years to learn all that was in this chapter and the end has me dying cause I’ve been wanting to know what it’d be like if Eren and Pieck met. So awesome chapter! Can’t wait for next month!
I really fucking miss Historia.
after having so much mikasa since 102 i’ve realised that i miss her presence a lot in the last three chapters... so i hope she’s in 116
I hope mikasa and armin are ok and Levi I feel so bad for 😢
Annie day now
I miss Reiner ;___;
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Thank you Reddit 😘
Loved the realisation that we’ve already been shown a paths “dimension” preciously in the manga and anime.
Fucking crazy, on one hand is like Yams, please, slow down and on the other hand is like, yes, keep it going, you crazy bastard.
It had a lot of emotional impact. I hated it and loved it at the same time.
Needed more Floch, I live for Floch.
I hate sand. It's coarse, rough, irritating and gets everywhere
Some interesting parallels that relate very well to the chapter's title "Support": Ymir Fritz puts Zeke back together, Eren "appears" to support Zeke's plan, Hanji grabs Levi and saves him from the "traitors" (how dare they use Eren's surname, they're not worthy!), and Pieck arrives to save Gabi and Falco!
I love Eren more with every chapter. He's so fucking cool. He was startled for two seconds, then went back to apathy and is just standing there with his hands in his pockets while Pieck holds a gun to him. What a chad.
With how many weird turns this manga is taking, you really don't know what to expect next. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if in the next chapter, Eren asks Pieck to marry him, Zeke shoots himself to see if he'll get revived again (and doesn't), and Hange injects Levi with titan serum, but rather than helping him in any way, it just makes him 3 inches shorter.
Holy crap the art was on point 👌👌👌 plus I've been lowkey itching for some more supernatural elements so I'm pretty happy with this development
It made me more excited to see the conclusion and what everyone's true motives are.
I love the suspense each panel gives, I feeling of worry and excitement
Can Floch die? I mean seriously, can he just fall off a cliff and get impaled? Or get hit by a stray bullet? Because his superior attitude is grating on my nerves. I’m glad Hange escaped 👍🏿
Great to see how the different characters draw motivation for their different goals and I am hyped that the reader is not told what Eren is really planning.
I just want Armin to play a major role. He’s been put on the backburner for far too long and he actually needs to be using his brain to fix the situation that Eldia is in. Even now, I still have faith that Armin is going to be the one to save the people in the walls. I predict that Armin does have some hidden agenda up his sleeve that he hasn’t revealed yet that will change the game entirely. He’s as intelligent if not more so than Erwin is after all. I still believe that Armin is the true savior of Eldia and that he is someone that Marley and the world should fear.
Zeke's resurrection was probably one of the most bizarre moments I've ever witnessed in this manga and I've got so many questions now. The chapter as a whole, however, was still enjoyable and very thought-provoking. Seeing how close we are to the end, though, I hope we get all the important questions answered before it's over because I hate when things are left unanswered.
To me it's clear that Eren is playing Zeke, but I wonder how he knew exactly how to play him so well? This is basically their first face-to-face interaction, I don't think he took the idea from Yelena, because actually I doubt Yelena understands Zeke except through her own filter, and Grisha definitively didn't understand him, so he can't even have been relying on his memories. Not to mention Zeke is a notoriously closed off individual in general, so what gives, Eren?
I absolutely love the direction of the story even though so much is happening against the interests of the party I want to win. Exactly how Return to Shiganshina felt like. And similar to RtS, I feel we will have a lukewarm conclusion that'll make us feel all the emotions in existence all at once.
Can't believe there wasn't a question about Zeke's junk. Did he get his wish or not? I swear, the quality of this poll has gone down dramatically this month.
I honestly don't understand Eren in the Jeagerbro talk. He seems to be making contradictory statements - ""We'll keep moving forward... But only until we practically erase our race's existence in this world."" Zeke's plan isn't a move forward, isn't a step towards freedom the way we know Eren / Attack Titan crave freedom. It is tying and blindfolding the people of Ymir to metaphorical train tracks. Which is far from freeing them, and which is why I think Eren has his own agenda and is only pretending to go along with Zeke. Now I'm not saying Eren has some noble plan that will properly save all the Eldians, for all we know he still wants to go ahead with the rumbling. I'm just saying Zeke's plan does not seem to align with Eren or the Attack Titan's ideologies (and yes, I'm talking about post Ch 90 Eren).
I really love where this is going and in just 2 chapters he made Zeke become one of my favourite characters, - if not the No1. Poor boi, needs to be protected at all costs. Also it is so horrible to see that he was used by everyone around him, his father especially and now it looks like Eren is about to do the same. Poor fella just wants a family member who actually cares about him as a person and he never really got that. Also, showing a more human side to him when he worries about Eren and then tearing up when Eren calls him brother? Give me more please.
Floch is still my favorite character. Fucking fight me about it, try it, I've got a hairstylists' nightmare on my side who isn't afraid to shoot (don't worry he can't aim very well).
Floch you fuckin piece of shit. Such a good character but such a fucking bastard. I really love to hate him. Fuck you Floch, you magnificient bastard
Can we safely assume that Annie is actually in the paths realm?
Could Pieck be Kruger's daughter?
if Levi gets oofed I'll get oofed with him.
Thank you to everyone who participated. We’ll see you again next month! 
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amourete-blog1 · 8 years
(( in which felide is a catalyst for this hell we call a relationship to actually work
tagging: @trolljacksparrow @hereticalsym69ls @roseredmutant
aberrantcadenza I'm trying to assume good faith here, so bear with me, but... did you ever have any intention of actually tolerating Lil?
trolljacksparrow i did/do my post wwasnt a judgment of him on a...it wwas not meant to imply that he is a bad person, because i dont think that, it wwas meant to state that he cant argue to savve his life arguing/debating wwith him is pointless because his analogies vverge into the barely-connected and ridiculous, not only the limeblood/tyfora thing but that time he compared pale assault to howw the signless tried to change alternia and he argues only about things he is emotional about, and hes got 10 vvioletbloods wworth of temper, wwhich just turns the arguement into yelling until he is physically separated from his devvice like nothing wwill get done???? its pointless, it wwill just bring stress to evveryone invvolvved and make evveryone upset??? givve people loww moodswwings?? wwhats the point im not dragging him to you - like, im not saying im any better wwhatsoevver lmao try havving an arguement wwith me about slavvery and see wwhere that wwill get you - i am saying wwhy i said wwhat i said. and i stand by it. sparks shouldnt havve engaged him because he sees evvery question as a deliberate antagonism instead of a misunderstanding/asking for clarification. wwas my remark timed badly? probably yes. could i havve done better? also yes. did i say it /solely/ because i disagree wwith him? no. thats wwhy i didnt just say 'ok ill stop' to xanthe, because he said im only doing it cause i dont like him and that wwas incorrect.
aberrantcadenza And yet everything you've said has had the same terse tone of malice? And you're here admitting that you're no better, and... making no attempt to change or help it? There are so many other ways to make the same point and I know Artifex says "Nadaya is a salt pillar," but I also know Nadaya as a kindhearted rebel who is trying his best to be the best lover he can, and for that reason I'm actually genuinely *baffled* that you would continue this, since it appears to be no accident. To outline exactly the implications of this situation: Xanthe has been sitting, totally unresponsive, for a full day and night, and yet another day. He won't speak. He won't express and he won't eat. You may not like Lil, and you're allowed that much, but if you think for one second that somehow takes precedence over your relationship with Xanthe then you and he need to have a serious talk about priorities. In a time like this I would ask you to consider how you would feel, if someone insulted one of your lovers, whether or not that insult was valid if delivered in that same tone.
trolljacksparrow wwhat the fuck is up wwith xanthe wwhat the wwhat the fresh hell caused this
aberrantcadenza Well, considering the only thing that impacted his rather good mood at the time was that entire thread of conversation... And considering, also, that like I said, he's not talking, I can only assume that's it.
trolljacksparrow really my grand total of 2 replies caused a /shutdowwn/ ivve argued wwith lil before and nothing like this happened are you sure
aberrantcadenza "Entire thread of conversation" - meaning not just you.
trolljacksparrow oh, wwhat other convversation? are you sure it isnt like....the thing the brain thing
aberrantcadenza He was with me at the time. Although Hellen did have some influence, that wasn't all that caused it. I don't think you're wholly at fault. I don't think Lil is either, nor Hellen, nor Artifex. I *do* think that your general attitude of apathy towards a rather important matter and your insistence to continue to make passes at Lil even after you've said you were trying to make peace is a relevant issue, even if it's not the sole cause of his shutdown. Which I never said it was, only that it had an impact.
trolljacksparrow to clarify - terse tone of malice wwas uninentonal, i wwas a bit  tired that he said i only spoke up because i dont like lil no i dont think it takes precedence lmao wwhat evven??? i /am/ trying to get better though, i dont usually engage things i knoww wwill make me mad, and i knoww howw to control my anger far better than he does - i only mentioned it so you wwouldnt think im acting holier-than-thou
aberrantcadenza Okay. That helps.
trolljacksparrow ......hellen????????
aberrantcadenza ... Fuck.
trolljacksparrow ???
aberrantcadenza *The brain thing.
trolljacksparrow OH ...i can check if its hellen, and removve ..her? influence, if i see him
aberrantcadenza You can do that?
trolljacksparrow yes rogue of hope i did it before im basically a buff/debuff support but for people's wwills
aberrantcadenza Although that title has no meaning to me, I recognize at least the um. Rogue? part as a "god" title(???) ... But if you can do that, yes. I think you should, and I'll invite you here to do it. We're on Alternia right now and no one can come here without explicit invitation* (*Or else their insides melt) But. When I mentioned "dislike of Lil taking precedence over your relationship with Xanthe," what I mean is that you'd rather hold onto that dislike in a kind of petty way than let it go in favor of letting Xanthe have longer than a week of peace. I know now that you said what you did because you were tired, but please... As your friend and as your metamour, I am *begging* you to think just a little bit more about this, to consider what you want and what you're willing to give for it. If this is how you get when you're tired, *please* clarify that. Where miscommunications happen and people are hurt there is still time to make amends and try to right unintentional harm done. If you want to write a message to Lil explaining that, I will ensure he gets it. I will go to the ends of this multiverse to make sure this relationship works because I care about you. All of you. ... Buff?
trolljacksparrow ...wwhats a metamour?
aberrantcadenza We have mutual lover. So, through Xanthe, you are my metamour, and vice-versa.
trolljacksparrow .......thats adorable okay that wwas a vvideogame metaphor basically i can sense people's wwill/hope and either take it or imbue it
aberrantcadenza :00 Damn.
trolljacksparrow alright howwevver, wwhat am i supposed to do wwhen The Shit happens again, as it inevvitably wwill? also - you think that getting him to unblock me just to read a message dressing him dowwn for his arguement skills is a good idea? really?
aberrantcadenza The point of this hypothetical message isn't to dress him down. It's to explain what you meant vs what may have been perceived, because whether or not you intended for it to be worded harshly, it came across that way. Disengage. If you see things start to go south, disengage. If you feel it's appropriate to do so, apologize and step back. If you don't trust yourself but things still need to be resolved, get me or Xanthe.
trolljacksparrow i mean...you knoww thats howw hell percievve it, especially coming from me "hey i didnt mean to be petty i just meant you suck at arguing"
aberrantcadenza As I said: I will go to the ends of this multiverse to make sure this relationship works. If clarification is needed, I will provide it. I'll help you edit your message to be seamless. I will ensure Lil doesn't take it the wrong way. I would vouch for both of you until the day I cease existing.
trolljacksparrow thats some serious determination oh, are you gonna invvite me or?
aberrantcadenza :??
trolljacksparrow to the alternia
aberrantcadenza Yeah. ... Just think about what I said, please?
trolljacksparrow yeah?
aberrantcadenza It doesn't have to be now.
trolljacksparrow i wwill i should probably send that message wwhen im /not/ solar-flare furious at him for upsetting my belovved though
aberrantcadenza I cordially invite you to come visit us, etc. etc. I don't think these invitations need a set format, but if they do, you're invited. -- [althivecoords.txt] --
trolljacksparrow aight omww
aberrantcadenza Lmao, *you're* furious? Keep your anger to a minimum. Do what you need to do to make that happen. We're doing this for Xanthe.
trolljacksparrow wwhy do you think im not engaging???????
aberrantcadenza Just making sure we're hardened-sediment clear.
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