#like i fear that someone will go up to me like “oh kaito from sekai? whos your favorite oc”
beananium · 2 years
the clown-like urge to start a vocaloid kaito itabag
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mymarifae · 2 years
AGFDNKJGNFG I'M GLAD YOU ENJOYED AND LIKED IT...... it's kind of messy like i wrote that while hiding in the freezer at work because people were yelling in the dining room and i said "hm... i don't want to be a part of this."
anyway. when i look at tsukasa's SEKAI, all i see are the dreams of a lonely, frightened, neglected child. it explains kaito's motherly relationship with miku and the plushies - that's what tsukasa wishes he could have had. he wanted someone to be there to wipe away his tears and soothe him. and out of all the lyrics in the world hasn't even started yet, this is the one that unsettles me the most:
There's too much noise, so much noise and it keeps getting worse
this is just me throwing things out there, but i think there's another layer to tsukasa's SEKAI. the fun happy joyful wonderland covers up something that looks a little more like mafuyu's. it's not as empty and bleak - i think tsukasa is more stable in the sense that he like... at least knows who he is. somewhat (but i mean... can he describe himself past the vague "rising star" and "supportive big brother" labels he has contorted himself around to cope?). but fears and insecurities don't go away just because you close your eyes to them.
and like, i don't think it's like. he doesn't actually enjoy acting or anything of the sort. if his smiles weren't real, emu would have noticed! i hope ._. he could be a better actor than mafuyu i guess like that Is his thing um... or it could be this thing where like, once upon a time he was simply acting, and it's something emu would have seen through if they had met a few years earlier. but at this point he's repressed everything sooooooooo bad that all he can remember is the act he was putting up, so he's like oh cool this is me :) and genuinely believes in it himself. and as he pokes more at his SEKAI and rediscovers those feelings, the wonderland facade will fall away bit by bit...
an interesting concept! idk if i'll be going Exactly that direction for the ummmm future of SEKAI project i'm brewing but i'm definitely playing with bits and pieces of it! (overall it feels a bit too bleak for my tastes and not true enough to tsukasa's character but it's something worth considering)
the way I see it is. i think he has found the thing that can save him and it's literally just like. this is his passion. his dream. what he likes to do. what makes him happy. his ISSUE is he's not acknowledging his deep, underlying problems and until he does, that noise - that Static - in his head is just going to get louder and louder and louder until it's all-consuming and he has a mental breakdown. he thinks just pursuing his dreams and ignoring his fears of abandonment and all those feelings that say "if you can't succeed, you're better off dead btw. so you better succeed-" is enough. to fix him.
i suspect we'll see something unusual pop up in his SEKAI sometime soon, just sort of... from what i understand of the current direction of wxs's story. a dilapidated, abandoned house perhaps. referencing the second most disturbing lyric in his song. as you get closer to it, the air grows colder and the bright colors of his world fade and everything sounds muffled and far away and like it's not for you - you are not a part of this world - and all you can feel is the overwhelming fear that everyone you love is leaving you behind.
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tsukasa FUCKINGtenma. he needs therapy. he will get therapy.
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ii-kanjiiiii · 3 years
A Crazy Day at Miku Expo
A Vocaloid shitpost story
Warnings: swearing, contains Kaito x Meiko
Chapter 1
It was a normal day in the Cryptonloid household, like always. It was 12pm and Meiko was already up because she’s a normal person.
“GET UP YOU IDIOTS WE HAVE TO LEAVE FOR MIKU EXPOOO!!!!” she woke the rest of the Cryptonloids up as she was a thoughtful person.
“OH SHIT I FORGOT!!” Miku screamed. Her hair looked like Chuckie Finster from Rugrats but had a much larger mass.
Miraculously, all of them had somehow forgotten that they had a Miku Expo concert in the mystical country of Hajarputa that night. Except for Meiko, because she was a responsible person.
Once they were done packing and getting ready, they went into their private Miku jet which was covered with Miku faces and had big words that said ��HATSUNE MIKU” because Miku is the best and owns the world.
Inside, ‘World is Mine’ was playing on loop and the wall was covered in Miku wallpaper and posters. Meiko sat on a Miku couch at the front, because Meiko is queen and is obviously the sexiest one. Kaito, being the simp that he is, sat next to her.
Luka went all the way to the back of the Miku jet and sat in a Miku chair in the corner, away from everyone else as she was tired of everyone’s bullshit.
Miku and the demonic twins were in the middle, just jumping around and throwing shit everywhere as they were still high as fUCK from the FRUIT loops they ate for breakfast.
Suddenly, ‘World is Mine’ stopped playing, and the pilot made an announcement through the plane intercom. Or whatever it’s called lmao I don’t know.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome onboard Flight Miku. We will be taking off from Sapporo to Hajarputa. I am Sonic the Hedgehog and I am your pilot for today. Just kidding bitch, my name is actually うんち(‘Jonathan Harris’ in Japanese). We are expected to reach Hajarputa in about 22 hours. I swear to God, PLEASE put on your seatbelts or you’re gonna fucking die. We also ask that you ensure your seats are in the upright position for take-off, if not you’ll fucking die. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, if not you’ll fucking die as well. Don’t smoke too, cause you’ll get lung cancer and fucking die. Thank you for choosing Miku Airlines. Enjoy your flight. I definitely will not crash this plane. I swear.”
'World is Mine’ was back playing on loop again.
“Well that was comforting,” Meiko said, being a sarcastic piece of shit.
“Lol what? I don’t remember hiring this man,” Miku said. “Lol, whatever,” she shrugged.
Some time after the Miku Jet took off, Kaito and Meiko started fighting over what they would name their non-existent kid that they would never have.
“If she’s a girl, Sakura is the best name!! It represents beauty and optimism,” Kaito said.
“It also represents death,” Meiko argued. “And who the fuck names their kid after a plant? Enaado is the best name!!”
“The fuck kinda name is Enaado?” Len, who was seated far away from them, muttered to himself. Meiko, who was somehow able to hear him, pulled a super soaker gun out of nowhere and squirted him all the way from the other end of the plane.
Some hours later, the vocaloids were bored as heck and ‘World is Mine’ playing on loop was driving them to insanity(except for Miku of course).
“Can you turn that shit off, Miku? I swear to God, if I hear “sekai de ichiban ohime-sama” one more damn time, my internal organs are going to explode,” Luka said, smashing her head against the wall.
“Geez, fine, Luka! You don’t have to be so mean about it, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to appreciate good art,” Miku rolled her eyes, then she changed the song to ‘Popipo’ on loop, which was probably 100x worse.
“YOU’RE my sekai de ichiban ohime-sama, Me-chan~<3” Kaito UwU-ed. She smacked him with a magazine.
Another time skip, Miku wanted to play truth or dare lmao. Luka, Miku and the twins sat in a circle and started playing.
“Oh yeah, by the way, Mei-nee and Kai-nii are in the game too,” Miku said.
“Wtf no thanks,” Meiko immediately said, not looking up from her magazine about self control & anger management.
“No, you can’t escape, Mei-nee,” Miku replied, staring intensely into her soul. She then got a piece of rope out of nowhere and tied Meiko and Kaito to their chairs.
“TRUTH OR DARE, MEI-NEE?” Miku asked, her eye twitching.
“Ugh, fine. Truth,” Meiko replied, as she had no other choice.
Meanwhile, Kaito was having Vietnam war flashbacks as Miku tying him to the chair reminded him of that one time he got kidnapped by Sonic the Hedgehog. (An event that happened in my other fanfic that I’m not going to post.)
“Do you want to make out with Kai-nii?” Miku asked with a stupid shitty grin on her face.
“What the fuck? Oh, HELL NO. I think I already know how this is gonna go,” Meiko muttered.
“AnSwEr tHe qUeStiOn!!!” Miku yelled impatiently, flipping the fucking table.
“Dare!” Meiko quickly said, sweating.
“I dare you to make out with Kai-nii,” Miku said, raising her eyebrows up and down like fucking Mr. Bean.
Upon hearing this, Kaito’s attention was caught and he snapped out of his Vietnam war flashbacks.
“GODDAMN IT!!” Meiko cursed.
“Oh my GOD, Kaito. Don’t give me THAT look,” Meiko said, terrified for her life as she noticed Kaito looking at her with considerable interest.
“Why the hell did you give that dare, Miku? Literally NO ONE wants to see that shit,” Len said, staring judgingly at Miku. He definitely did not have to see his parents smashing their faces together.
“Yeah, Len’s right,” Luka said. “Aight, Imma head out. Bye bitches,” she flipped her fabulous long hair and strolled out elegantly. Once she reached her seat at the far corner of the plane, she opened her laptop and looked at images of the Gingerbread Man from Shrek.
“Shut up Len and just watch the show!” Rin, who was just as delusional as Miku, scolded.
“MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT” the crazy girls started chanting.
I’m so sorry
I really have no idea where this shitty fanfic is going
It was nighttime and the Cryptonloids were sleeping in their beds with Miku blankets and ‘Popipo’ was still playing on loop. Suddenly, the Miku Jet started shaking really hard, then everyone flew out of their beds and hit their heads on the ceiling. After a few seconds, the Miku Jet stopped shaking and everyone fell back to the ground.
“Heh heh, sorry folks. Just a little air turbulence is all,” Pilot うんち announced.
“What the actual FUCK?? “A ‘liTtLE’ aIR tUrBuLeNcE” he said!! I don’t think we should be entrusting that guy with our LIVES!!” Meiko seethed. “I’m going to have a word with him.” she stormed off to the Pilot’s cabin.
“Wait Me-chan, I’ll come too,” Kaito said, and tagged along with her for extra support because he was a good boyfriend.
Once they reached the Pilot’s cabin, she slid open the door and shouted “LISTEN UP, MISTER, DO YOUR DAMN JOB PROPERLY!!”
“Oh, Meiko-san, hello!” the pilot spun his chair around and smiled. “Oh, Kaito, you’re here too! How’s it going, buddy? Has Sonic been bothering you any more?”
Meiko and Kaito’s eyes widened as they realised who the pilot was.
“FUKASE??!!!!” they screamed in shock. His Ronald Mcdonald hair was unmistakable.
“No, I’m うんち. Who the hell is Fukase?” うんち/Fukase said.
“Uh, no, I’m fifteen. Also, the age of consent in Japan is thirteen, sooo I don’t see any problem with it,” he replied.
“WHAT THE HELL DOES AGE OF CONSENT HAVE TO DO WITH FLYING A PLANE???!!” Meiko screamed, ripping her hair out. I really need to stop using scream.
"Umm… with all due respect, Fukase, are you even qualified for this?” Kaito spoke up.
“Yeah, DUH. I’ve had years worth of flight experience from Microsoft Flight Simulator on the Xbox!” he replied. “What kinda dumb shit would hire someone who ISN’T qualified??”
“oH mAN OH GOD OUR LIVES ARE IN THE HANDS OF THAT DUMB KID OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD-“ Meiko was hyperventilating in the corner and hugging her legs, sweat pouring down her face. It was unlike her to freak out like this, she was usually calm and kept her cool. However, this is Fukase we’re talking about, and any rational person would be freaking out and fearing for their lives.
“Breathe, Me-chan, breathe,” Kaito attempted to calm her down. “Don’t worry, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. Nothing bad will happen. Everything is okay,” he assured her, hugging her tightly.
“How would YOU know that???” she asked.
“I don’t,” he replied. “When things get rough, denial is all we have,” he said, giving his Stupid Bakaito Grin™.
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