#like i feel like i dont have effortlessly beautiful days so i dont take pics
heterosexistly · 2 years
Haven't taken a photo in forever
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poppy-metal · 2 years
i dont know if it makes sense but your pics have that nostalgic vibes of old photos, maybe it's the colors or the texture or simply you-- you know when you watch photos from when your parents were young and they looked so effortlessly pretty and happy and there's this sort of delicate ambience and warm mood that make them feel both close and far??? anyway this is me complimenting your talent in taking selfies i guess, and also you're so so beautiful and i love your confidence because i'm terribly camera shy and i envy you please teach me your ways and one day you're going to have the most amazing photo albums to look back to <33
oh this is so sweet :( i kinda go for that vibe like i wanna embrace the whole old beauty look bc that's the compliment i always get from people hehe
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You don't have to read all this, I'm just crushing. If you have experience, just let me know. Thank you!I work with a muslim girl. She's one year younger than me. We got to know each other working in the same area. She told me about her culture, I told her about mine (American) and we became closer. I can make her smile with a glance. The problem is I dont know how dating works in her culture. I have started reading the Quran. I haven't had faith for a long time (raised Christian). Can you tell me how she would date someone? She's Thai/Burmese. She invited me to her new years, and I helped her brothers slaughter the cow. Her aunt asked if I'm her boyfriend, I don't know if she can tell I like her.Her culture is so different from mine, I just don't know what to expect at all. She always wears a black hijab at work, but when I picked her up to take her to her brother's house, she had a floral blue scarf on. The next day when I went to her brother's house she wasn't wearing one, her hair was uncovered. She looked beautiful. We ate (She cooks amazing food) and we played with her brother's kids. His daughter fell asleep watching TV in my lap.This is turning into a wall of text so I'll get to the point. I feel very interested in her. She has a motherly air about her, she loves kids like me. Our conversation flows as effortlessly as possible. Her English is miles beyond my Burmese, even though that isn't saying much on my part. We stayed up late playing games on her phone, and sharing pictures. She has all these adorable pics of muslim couples hugging, smiling, kissing. We spoke low about how many kids we want. We chewed betel nut and I made her laugh with my jokes. She rested her hands on my arms. We found excuses to touch each other's hands. She likes my blue eyes, how tall I am, how hairy my arms are. She always calls herself ugly because she's heavier than the other Burmese girls. Her brothers tease her about it, but it makes me uncomfortable. She looks at me and I don't laugh when they tease her. She knows I think she's pretty.I can't tell if she is interested, or if the concept of us is so outrageous that she doesn't think twice about touching me. She was acting so much different than she does at work, though.Would her family expect me to convert to date her? I don't want her family to be upset with her. I need to learn more before I know if I would ever convert, and I wouldn't do it just so I could date her. Anything you can tell me will help, and thank you!TLDR: Forbidden love, this time with mild Asian stimulants. via /r/dating_advice
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