#like i know i put her at 5 feet and i guess guzma is like at least 6 ft so like thats at least A FOOT of height difference but still
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Team: "Mess with Sana and that will be the last mistake of your life"
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imaginegladions · 7 years
Wake Up (It’s Time to Die)
Chapter 5: Interview
Note: I rushed this too. Bc I’m only allowed until 10PM. -.-
Pairings: Hau x Lillie and Gladion x Reader.
As you sit in the stool, Burnet hovering and styling your hair, you contemplate all the choices you made that led up to this one moment when everything has really started to suck. The dark corset was killing you slowly under the second layer of fairy dress and the mechanism that was supposed to set fire to your dress was heavy and warm at the small of your back hidden by a wispy bow.
“I can’t do this, I’m going to throw up. This dress is killing me.” You mutter darkly as various backstage hands and Burnet’s miscellaneous staff start fanning you. “I can’t do this.”
“Hey, look at me.” Kukui turned your face to look at him, his eyes hardened by determination and lit with the fire of passion. He believed in you. District 11 believed in you. You won’t fail them when everyone is so close to peace.
You nod and stand, walking confidently even with Burnet’s constant stream of dialogue next to you. Lifting your chin up, every tribute parted for you with harried whispers of Ten and Career. “I am the guardian of Mele Mele.”
Lillie and Hau sit together, each munching on a big malasada as the shop owner batted at a machine in the corner. Hau looked at Lillie critically, there was a lot no one knew about Lusamine besides the fact that she took over her company after her husband’s mysterious death. As the grandson of a Kahuna, Hau feels he should be interrogating her, asking her questions and extracting information. Instead, he finds himself wanting to get to know her.
“Were you close with your brother?” He asked, he’d seen Gladion when he was reaped and the way he hid his sister behind him speaking of a bond that went as deep as any brother-sister bond ever went and more. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
Lillie smiled kindly, finishing her food and patting at her face with a wad of tissue. Like this, she looked too elegant and pretty to be sitting at a run down malasada shop with Hau.
“Gladion is…” She struggled to find the words, smiling fondly down at her hands. “He’s the closest thing I’ve had to family in a long time. He protected me, until he was reaped.” She cleared her throat, downing a glass of water. “You don’t have siblings?” She asked in return, resting her elbows on the table.
“No, no.” He laughed, suddenly remembering you. “[Y/N], that girl that was reaped from our District, was like a sister to me, I guess.” His expression turns serious as he bites his lip. He shouldn’t tell Lillie this but he trusts her. She ran from her home to help her brother and damn if Hau isn’t willing to go just as far if not longer for his best friend.
He breathed in. “We suspected this year that they’d go after the kids of the most influential people in Alola. We got the go signal from an inside source that it would happen again this year. It’s called the Culling.” He explained and Lillie’s expression went from serene to horrified. “I’d been training with [Y/N] since we were kids to enter that arena. And when we got confirmation that Virdis was on the queue to be called my mission was simple. Earn yours or Gladion’s trust before entering the arena, enough to get Aether’s secrets out of you. And get out to inform the Rebellion.” Hau looked deeply ashamed and Lillie couldn’t do anything except listen.
“Is that what she’s doing?” Lillie asks so softly Hau almost doesn’t catch it. “Is she planning on getting close to my brother for our secrets?” She says low and angry.
Hau stared into Lillie’s eyes and shook his head. “No.”
“Why are you telling me this, then?” Lillie asked, anxious and in need of clarity.
“[Y/N] has always been against killing you and Gladion. She has a bad habit of putting people’s worth above her own.” Hau explained.
Lillie sat back, running her hands up and down her shoulders for warmth. “What does this mean for Gladion?” She probes.
“I don’t know. Her orders were intel. Whatever happens in the arena is her problem.” He grit his teeth, displease with the detachment in the Rebellion. “But, I have a feeling she’d rather your brother leave that arena unscathed.”
“Why is that?” She tilted her head.
Hau smirked. “She always likes to watch when you and he were on TV with your mom.”
You sucked in a breath, fiddling with the ribbons crawling up your wrists like vines that bound you to the eternal slavery that was your Interview Dress. So far, you managed to keep everyone away with your quiet but confident mask. Only one tribute saw through it to what you truly felt. Anxiety.
Gladion stood ahead of you in his own line next to Grunt, who had opted for a Spartan tunic and a spear, the only person to know what you’re feeling. “Restroom.” He says to Guzma and Plumeria, raising a hand when Aurelis tries to stop him.
“You’re on in five minutes, brat.” Guzma looked at him and then at you, nodding. “Make it count.”
Gladion doesn’t grace them with an answer, just pushes back to where you stood a little unsteady on your bare feet. “Breathe.” He says and you laugh a little frenziedly.
“Tell that to the person who designed this.” You smile kindly but it was strained and even Gladion knew it. “It’s just chilly.” You admit.
The blonde clicked his tongue disapprovingly and nudge your bare feet with his clothed ones. “Put your feet on mine, the floor is below freezing.” He insisted.
“You’re up in a few minutes!” You stage whisper, letting out a light shriek when he pulled you forward lifting you so you were stepping on his feet and his hands were at your waist like a father teaching his daughter how to waltz for the first time. “People will talk.”
Pulling you closer, he smiles when you give in and wrap your arms around his shoulder. “Your anxiety-” He started, not having expected to make it this far. “As long as you focus on the person you have to be in front of that crowd you’ll be fine.”
“I know.” You bite your lower lip and nod leaning away from him. For the first time, you notice his white tuxedo and strange spikey hoodie. “Which 80s rock star did you kill to get this outfit?” You jibe and you both smile.
“Well, they were all out of Steven Stone cosplay, so I digress.”
You lift your hand to your mouth, pleasantly surprised at the wit of the joke.
“District 1!” Gladion’s head turned and Guzma gestured for him to follow. “That’s my cue.” He turned to face you but was shocked to find you leaving a kiss on his cheek. “What was that?” He asked.
“Thanks for straightening me out.” You smirk a little and hop off his feet, pushing him towards the rest of his entourage. Guzma took one look at Gladion and smirked, nodding to you in thanks. You nod back and with a short wave, you send him off and turn your attention to the television. “I won’t let them take you out.”
 The moment Gladion stepped onto the stage he was met with voracious cheering particularly from the women of Aether. This was slightly bewildering for him but he didn’t let it bother him as he took his seat next to Wallace. The man himself was dressed in sea foam green and white and for some reason it worked on Aether standards. He’d never understood Aether fashion even when he lived there which was probably why his dress style completely obliterated any social norms.
He’d set himself apart, now it was time to sell the part of a man of money and power who can contribute to the government if he would be spared by the games.
“Well, who gave you that impressive smacker?” Wallace asked.
Gladion found himself immediately flustered, unknowingly gaining the sympathy of the crowd. It was like seeing the inner workings of the boy. Underneath, he was a regular teen who should be having fun instead of fearing for his life.
Guzma and Plumeria high-fived each other, the bait had been planted now it was up to Gladion to play it to his favor.
“Can’t say I know, it was quite a surprise to me too.” He said, nonchalantly wiping it off. He’d thought back to you, standing inches from him in that dress that made you look like part of a fairy tale. The fondness and absolute awe in his expression gave him the aura of innocence which made the audience sit up in their seats.
“Uh oh, so we have a secret admirer, then. Ladies and Gentlement, ladies man, Gladion Virdis!” Gladion stood up and gave them a turn, blowing his bangs off to the side with a wink. He’d recovered from the innocent act and now he was steeling himself for the next most inevitable question.
“I understand your father, Mohn Virdis, was a researcher of the games.” He mentioned.
Gladion nodded, formulating the answer a future leader would make. “He was. Little did I know I’d be guinea pig to his research.”
Everyone laughed lightly.
“Your sister was also reaped but your fellow Aether citizen volunteered for her.” Wallace continued. “Your female counterpart, Grunt, volunteered because of her Career status and now your sister is safe at home probably watching this.”
“She did.” Gladion nodded, realizing he’d never properly thanked her for that. “The games are supposed to teach us that we’re stronger alone. Or to force us to be alone.” Gladion said and he knew, he just knew Guzma would kill him for this, but it felt like the right thing to say. “I’ve felt more alone with each passing year there was a chance my sister would get reaped. It was togetherness and unity that saved her.” He continued.
Gladion’s steely gaze pierced through every person in conference. “It’s unity that will save this country.”
Gladion’s speech sends you reeling.
He’d never been a boy of many words but you’d always thought he’d be the one. That he’d be exactly the person the Rebellion needed to lead. That he’d be the perfect substitution for President Nihl.
And now, here he was making speeches about unity that will surely shake the very foundation of the Aether Government.
It was awe inspiring, to have been part of his transformation into the man he was always meant to be..
“Ten! You’re on!” Joey said as he passed by you. You struggle a little with your dress but you spread it around you, breathing in and waiting for your cue. “Good luck.” You hear him add and you smirk at that.
“I don’t need luck.”
“District Eleven!” Wallace announces, twirling around, his cape waving everywhere.
You step out and people start gasping and gossiping, some about your dress, others about your lack of shoes, and others still wondering where the heck Mele Mele was that they would wear clothes like this.
“That is a beautiful dress! You look like a Fairy!” Wallace clapped, smiling widely when you shifted to show him the dress from both sides.
“It’s not just any Fairy.” You spin around, the heating device behind you burning up extra layers of dress and revealing a warior in black corset and tattered skirt. “I am Tapu Koko, Mele Mele Island’s Guardian!”
The moment your clothes stopped being on fire the audience stood up giving you a boisterous applause. You crouch down, slamming both feet on the ground and extend your arms like Hala taught you to. With a determined face you rip off the flower crown revealing a crown of leaves and wood in different colors.
“Everyone give it up for, [Y/N][L/N] also known as Ten everyone! The Guardian of Mele Mele!”
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