#like i think i have somewhere around 20-30ish episodes left
achilleslyre · 2 years
i am SO close to finishing naruto classic and i don’t know WHY this last stretch of episodes has been so difficult to finish watching. i watched the beginning suuuper fast and i couldnt wait till i had time to keep watching but ever since about episode 160ishhh it’s been taking so longggg to get thru and i can barely sit down to watch more than one or two episodes
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Hello, hello! I read your dead ringers fics, they were amazing!! I love the twins in all their facets, I'm on my third rewatch. I don't know anyone who watched the show though, so I thought I'd ask you, since you seem to have grasped their voices, and I did agree with various 'headcanons' and ideas you wrote about. I was wondering how old do you think they are in canon? I remember reading that the real twins the characters are based on were found dead at 42 together in their apartment, and considering Rachel's age and Beverly's issue with pregnancy, I don't think they'd be any younger than late 30s. On a similar note, I kept thinking how odd Elliot's insult about Genevieve's age was (the daddy issue line and her being Beverly's pubescent five-minute gf). Then I found out the actress who played Gen is an early 90s baby like me. I didn't think Ben and Gen looked like they had a significant age difference, physically at least, but I also have to say the twins were kinda not very mature, emotionally but not only that, so that does check out. What do you think? Plus, when Beverly said her sister never liked any of her crushes, especially when they left the mere infatuation stage, it made me think these two never truly had any big change or emotional distance before Genevieve.
Why, hello! Thank you for your kind words! Much appreciated!
Oh boy, this is going to be a ramble! Brace yourself. You made a huge mistake asking me to talk about Dead Ringers hahaha.
Well. I have to ask, before I move on to answering my (very personal) ideas. What headcanons did you like? Out of sheer curiosity. You obviously don't have to answer. I just like hearing nice things about my writing :)
Okay. Let's get down to business.
Main question being how old do I think the twins are? I find it to be a tricky question for several reasons.
First reason being: I don't care. I mean I know it's interesting but how does it really contribute to the narrative? How does it change the twins being a beautiful, demonic, dysfunctional due? They are magnificent and them being thirty or fifty doesn't change anything.
That being said, I think they are somewhere around Rachel Weisz' age? That's how I see them, anyway. Beverly having trouble getting pregnant and Elliot's comment will make more sense that way. Because even if Genevieve is about 30ish, Beverly being 10 years older doesn't really vatant such harsh response. Right? But if they have more like around 20 year gap between them, it will make so much sense. Not because Elliot's comment will be any truer, but because it will sting more, which was what Elliot was aiming for I think.
But also. I've listened to a podcast with Alice Birch (the bloody genius) and she said that Elliot and Tom were in university together. Michaek Chernus (who plays Tom) is forty five years old, and given that people in university don't have to completely match in age (at least, from my personal experience) it makes sense Elliot and Beverly are somewhere around 50ish? Maybe a little younger.
Rachel Weisz is a goddess on earth and so she desn't look her age (or maybe she does) the point is we're so used to hollywood's standard of people in their 50's looking like our great-grandmothers, it doesn't always match reality. In real life, people in their early 50's look dashing and fresh. Especially today. And people in their 30's look like bloody children. It's unnerving and exciting.
Moving on.
One thing I think everyone who paid attention to the series (those who watched I mean), can definitely tell Beverly and Elliot's relationship are so involved one in the other, they never had the space for anyone else to stay for more than one night's shag. Right? Elliot was sort of warning Beverly about Gen in the first episode, on their way to the Parker's meeting. Remember? I think Beverly wanted to get away a bit from her sister's suffocating presence, but I also think (it's a headcanon I assume) that if Beverly really wanted to distance herself from Elliot, she would have found a way. And the fact that she literally preferred to die and not move away from Elliot (there definitely was more than just that but I strongly believe she couldn't live without her sister being too close) it never happened.
The twins preferred to have each other up their arses and not try and make their relationship more separate, and hence, more functional. I don't know if they could. I don't know if they wanted to.
Did I answer any of your questions, gentle anon? probably not. Did I ramble as hell? Yes. A lot of bollocks, but I did warn your about my rambling and you don't have to really read every word.
Hopefully I didn't wear you down with this answer.
And again, deeply thankful for your kind kind words <3
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