#and i want to finish too so i can move onto shippuden
achilleslyre · 2 years
i am SO close to finishing naruto classic and i don’t know WHY this last stretch of episodes has been so difficult to finish watching. i watched the beginning suuuper fast and i couldnt wait till i had time to keep watching but ever since about episode 160ishhh it’s been taking so longggg to get thru and i can barely sit down to watch more than one or two episodes
0 notes
jewels-writes · 3 years
kakashi x injured reader
You being a long term member of Team Kakashi were on a mission along with the rest of your team. You and Kakashi were partnered together while Naruto and Sai were another pair. You two worked flawlessly together having been on the same team for over five years. Not to mention, you were the only member with medical nin-jutsu. 
Sprinting through the trees, you went through the mission’s requirements again in your head. There were rumors of an Akatsuki member causing terror to a small town that wasn’t close enough to the inner city of the Leaf for Tsunade to send patrols. So it was up to Team Kakashi to get rid of the threat. 
“Hold on a moment, y/n.” Kakashi called, signaling for you to pause and you both landed on the same tree branch.
“What is it, Sensei?” You asked, taking the moment to stretch and take a drink. 
“We’re here. Look down there.” Kakashi pointed down and your eyes followed his finger to what was left of the small village. “We’d better get going, I’m sure there’s many people who need your medical help. We can rely on Naruto’s team to take care of the rest.”
“Got it, let’s go.” You answered, taking a deep breath. Soon you both descended into the village and Kakashi was right, almost every person you came across needed healing. Fortunately none of the wounds were fatal and you were able to fix everyone up. 
You had used a substantial amount of chakra when a boom suddenly erupted from a few meters away. In an instant, Kakashi stood in front of you, using his body as a barrier for whatever threat was there. 
“Y/n! Are you hurt?” Your teacher asked over his shoulder to which you responded with a no. It was a relief to Kakashi. “Alright, good. Go find cover, I know your chakra is reaching its limit.”
“But, Sensei-” You started and saw his shoulders drop and decided to not keep speaking. “Fine, but if you need me, you know what to do.” And with that you sprinted away from the commotion and into an alleyway, taking a deep breath. 
“Shadow clones are so useful, aren’t they?” A sudden voice came from behind you and you jumped hard, pulling out a kunai. “Woah, woah! No need to get so defensive. It’s useless anyways since you won’t be alive much longer.”
“Who are you? State your purpose before I destroy you.” You snarled even though you knew you couldn’t act on your words. You’d gotten such violent phrases from your teammate, Naruto. “Wait a minute.. Those robes! You’re with the Akatsuki!” You realized and began to panic. You only had enough chakra to perform one more jutsu at best. Definitely not enough to save yourself from a member of the Akatsuki.
“And you? By your clothing you look like a medical style ninja, am I right? And that headband, you’re from the Leaf right?” The stranger smirked and you got a shiver down your spine. He reached for a 3-bladed scythe which he carried on his back. In a movement faster than you could follow, he had already struck you, his scythe digging itself into the side of your stomach. You couldn’t help but scream in agony.
In another harsh movement, he yanked the weapon out of your side and you immediately collapsed. You knew who he was now. Tsunade had a book full of different members of the Akatsuki and you remembered reading about him. You knew how his jutsu worked.
The blood from your wound kept flowing, despite your efforts to heal it. Was it because you had used too much chakra already? Oh fuck, this was really, really bad.
“Let the ritual begin!” The man said, stepping into his blood circle. “Now, where would you like to feel pain?”
“S-stop..” You muttered, somehow managing to stand up. Your knees were weak and you knew you couldn’t take much more for long. “Even if you kill me, Kakashi’s gonna-”
You couldn’t get the rest of your sentence out. Well, the rest of it turned into more screaming. The man had stabbed a sword through his own thigh and you could feel it.
“Your screams are so immaculate! Yes, yes! Scream for my God!” He cackled, slowly ripping the sword from his thigh. “Again!” He smiled and sliced his stomach open. The same happened to you and you fell into a bleeding heap on the ground. You couldn’t even move.
Is this the end? There was so much more I wanted to do.. Kakashi Sensei.. I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better student. Forgive me.. 
“Y/n! What happened? Who is this?!” Someone’s voice said from above you. It was your teacher.
“Sen..sei..” You rasped, blinking open your eyes to see the worried eyes from Kakashi. You were surprised he had his Sharingan exposed like that. 
“Stay with me, you’re going to be okay. I need you to tell me about the enemy. My dogs are holding him off right now, it’s okay.” He muttered, brushing your hair out of your eyes. “I can take care of it, just tell me how.”
“Any.. any damage done to him while he’s in that circle is done to me too. But he can’t die.. He..” Your vision began to swirl and the edges of your eyes darkened.
“Hey, hey! Stay with me, y/n. Don’t you dare pass out on me. I need you here with me.” Kakashi’s voice had a frantic undertone to it. You could tell that he wasn’t his usual composed self. Cupping your face in one of his hands, he looked over to one of his dogs. “Go find Naruto and Sai and bring them here. Tell them y/n is injured. Go.”
One of Kakashi’s dogs who was preventing the Akatsuki member from getting closer to you suddenly bit on the man’s thigh. As soon as it happened you screamed as even more blood came pooling out of your body. 
“All of you! Back down!” Kakashi ordered to his dogs. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Get him.. Out of the circle.. Then.. chidori…” Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you slumped against Kakashi’s chest, unconscious. 
“Are they out of it already? How pathetic. Their voice is lovely when they scream, isn’t it?”
“You sick fuck!” Kakashi shouted after placing you down behind him. His dogs had already surrounded you and were to protect you with their lives. Composing himself, Kakashi made a hand sign before teleporting directly behind the Akatsuki member and shoving him out of the blood circle. Once both feet were out, the white haired man slammed every ounce of chakra into his attacks and eventually the man was reduced to nothing but ash.
He was panting but that didn’t stop him from running back to you. You were still unconscious, your breathing slower than normal.
“Kakashi Sensei!” That was Naruto. The blonde was suddenly at his teacher’s side and looked down at your form. “Hey.. hey wake up, y/n. We did it, wake up!” Sai stood wordlessly behind Naruto as he also looked at you.
“They’re critically hurt. We need to get them help right now.” Sai pointed out.
Kakashi suddenly began ripping up his clothes into strips. He began binding your wounds so you wouldn’t bleed out. He refused to let you die. Not here, not now. Naruto and Sai followed their teacher’s lead and began ripping up some of their own clothes.
The ‘bandages’ were snug and colorful but they’d work. The three looked at each other, soundlessly communicating. Kakashi gently lifted you onto his back, making sure you weren’t going to fall off before bidding his team goodbye.
“Come on, y/n. Just hang in there. We’ll be home soon.” Kakashi muttered, placing a firm kiss to your hand through his mask. 
Three days had passed and you hadn’t woken up. Kakashi had been staying at the hospital right beside you the entire time. Seeing you injured reminded him of when he was younger and couldn’t save Obito. 
His hand never left yours. He’d always be touching you for physical comfort even when he was doing other things. He didn’t want you to feel alone.
Naruto and Sai stopped by every once and a while but they were soon sent off on another mission and weren’t able to stay.
Your finger’s suddenly twitched under Kakashi’s hand and his eye snapped up to look at you. You weren’t awake yet but he could tell you would be soon. His hand held yours tighter as he desperately looked for you to open your eyes.
“Ugh..” You whispered, blinking your eyes open. Groggy from not being awake for three days made everything blurry. “Where’s.. Kakashi??” You immediately sat up straight, remembering the situation you were in when you were last conscious.
“I’m right here.” His smooth voice mumbled. “Take it easy, okay, kid?”
“Oh thank god..” Your face suddenly became wet with tears and you couldn’t resist the urge to embrace Kakashi.
“Oh! I’m glad you’re okay too, y/n.” Kakashi said, returning your hug with just as much longing as you did. “Everything’s okay. The Akatsuki member isn’t with us anymore. We’re safe and back in the village.”
“How did.. How did I get here?” You wondered aloud.
“I carried you back. Naruto and Sai took care of the rest of the injured villagers after we fought. The mission was a success.”
(lost the motivation to finish it and also lost the motivation to remember that akatsuki member’s name so deal with it if you watched shippuden you know him)
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Your Love is Deadly, It’s Like Fire
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Rating: Teen+ Word Count: 8634 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Gai gets wounded badly when out on an important mission. Instead of continuing with the mission, Kakashi decides everyone needs to head back to Konoha to get Gai treated. Kakashi worries, Gai tries to lighten the mood, Tsunade just wishes people would listen to her. Warnings: 
Canon-Typical Violence
Getting Together
Protective Hatake Kakashi
Author's Note: I seriously needed more Gai whump in the KakaGai fandom. There isn’t nearly enough of it (though the ones I have read have been fantastic!) This is partly inspired by zuotian’s fic, Somewhere Between Retribution and Recovery. If you’ve read that, then you’ll know what part I’m talking about (hint: it's the tent scene.)
I will admit, I haven’t finished Naruto Shippuden and I haven’t seen a single episode of Boruto (except for some of the KakaGai moments during their honeymoon vacation.) I’ve just recently started a rewatch and I’m still on just Naruto. So I might get some info wrong but I’m just going to claim artistic liberty. ;)
I really wanted this to be in Gai’s pov but then, as I was daydreaming about it, I realized that it wouldn’t work in his pov. So, Kakashi’s it is. Also, Kakashi and Gai are not in a relationship at the beginning of this. Their getting together is more subtle. By that, I mean they never actually state that they are starting a romantic relationship. It’s never made into a big deal basically.
I’m sorry for any ooc-ness in advance. It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve written these two.
Please enjoy!
It’s not like Kakashi didn’t think it could happen. He is very much aware of his and his team’s mortality. He knows it will happen eventually. He just doesn’t want it to happen. The thought scares him. Not that he will ever admit that out loud, of course.
This was supposed to be an easy B-rank mission that very quickly and dramatically turned into an A-rank mission. It was him, Gai, Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru. A weird combination but they were all that were available. Sai is on a different mission and so is Choji and Ino. Gai tagged along because Kakashi requested him. It had sounded like from their briefing that they would need a taijutsu specialist. Now, Kakashi is regretting that decision.
“Damn it,” Kakashi rips off a bandage and presses into the wound at Gai’s side, watching as blood oozes out. Gai groans but he looks okay and coherent so far, despite all the blood loss. “I need to find Sakura. It won’t stop bleeding.”
Gai’s hands are shaking when he reaches for the already blood-soaked bandage. “I’ll hold it,” he breathes out.
Kakashi shakes his head, raindrops splashing into his eyes. “I can’t leave you alone. We’re still in enemy territory.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
“Tt.” Kakashi bites his bottom lip. He looks around, trying to find something to conceal Gai’s prone body but finds nothing. With an agitated sigh, he turns his attention back to Gai. “I’ll be right back.” He rushes off, not waiting for an answer.
This mission.
This mission was supposed to be easy.
Their mission was to find a low-rank rogue ninja who was proficient in taijutsu and apprehend him, bringing him back to Konoha. They didn’t know nor did they take into consideration that he would have formed his own small militia made up of various strong ninja, with one of them having a kekkei genkai, according to one of the other men.
Once they had reached their destination and had realized what was happening, Kakashi put out the orders, telling Gai to focus on the one they came for since he would be best matched with him. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was when their target split off from the rest, Gai in pursuit. He had then gotten severely injured when their target met up with another person, the one with the kekkei genkai it seemed, from the militia.
Gai had gotten stabbed.
He had gotten stabbed because Kakashi got careless and didn’t stop him from following. Kakashi should have known better than to let Gai follow, especially out of sight. He knew there were accomplices, so why… why did he let Gai go?
Because Gai is strong, that’s why. Because Gai can handle himself.  Because Gai wouldn’t let something like this happen to himself.
Not unless he had been taken by surprise.
Gai never really has been that good with sensing others around him.
Kakashi bites into his bottom lip harder, drawing blood. He shouldn’t have allowed this to happen but the self-blame will have to wait until after Sakura heals him. Right now, he needs to focus. Quickly, Kakashi extends his senses, looking for Sakura’s chakra. He finds her on the ground, healing a wound on Naruto’s ankle.
He drops down beside her. “Sakura.”
“Kakashi-Sensei!” She stands. Perfect timing.
“Follow me.”
She stops him. “Shikamaru needs us.”
“Don’t worry, Sakura-Chan.” Naruto places a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll go help him.”
Sakura nods. “Be careful.” She turns back to him. “Alright.”
Kakashi nods and then leads her back to where Gai is, hyper-aware of the fact that the rain is slowing their progress. The limbs on the trees are slippery and though it’s no problem for him who is a seasoned Jonin, for someone like Sakura it would be much more difficult for her to change her chakra accordingly to stick to the branches. She’s always been a fast learner, though, and soon they are making faster progress until Kakashi spots Gai lying on the ground.
There’s a pool of watery blood surrounding his body and Kakashi’s heart immediately jumps into his throat to make its new home there. He drops down hastily, mud and water splashing up onto his shins. “Gai!”
He approaches quickly, noticing how limp Gai’s hold is on the bandage. It’s weird to see how pale Gai’s tanned face is but there’s a grimace there so Kakashi knows he’s at least alive. He kneels down at Gai’s feet, watching as Sakura wastes no time in her healing.
She peels away Gai’s limp hand and the bandage to look at the wound. Her face draws taut in worry and Kakashi’s stomach clenches. As Sakura’s hands glow green over the wound, Kakashi watches Gai’s face. It looks pained, something Kakashi isn’t used to seeing on the man. It worries him.
It scares him.
“Kakashi-Sensei,” Sakura’s calm and controlled voice snaps him out of his thoughts. She’s not looking at him, all concentration on the wound. “Naruto and Shikamaru are going to need help. We’ve already got Gai-Sensei out of commission. We can’t have you out either.”
He looks at her. Stares really. Does she know he can’t just leave Gai that easily?
Kakashi’s hands are shaking.
He swallows.
He knows she’s right.
His hands won’t stop shaking.
He gives Gai a glance, feels the bile threaten to rise up, and then stands, balling his hands up into fists. He hopes she doesn’t notice their quivering.
“Right,” he says. “I’ll leave him to you.” And then he’s off.
He helps Naruto and Shikamaru take down the last two of the accomplices but they’ve lost the target and the one with the kekkei genkai. He doesn’t sense them anywhere either. He could call up his ninken to hopefully find a trace of their scent but Kakashi wants to regroup first. He tells the two boys to follow him and they meet back up with Sakura.
“Sensei,” Sakura says in greeting, her face grim.
“Gai?” he asks right away, peering around her body. He doesn’t look any better but at least the blood has stopped.
“I’ve healed the wound but…” She trails off, not meeting his eyes. “He lost a lot of blood and there’s something else. I think he might have been poisoned. I’m going to need to analyze his blood but I can’t do that here.” She shrugs. “I’ve given him an antidote just in case but I have a feeling this might be a poison we’ve never seen before.”
Kakashi’s eyebrows furrow. “The kekkei genkai.”
“What?” All three of them say at once.
“There was a rumor when Gai and I were teenagers that there was a ninja that could make special poison inside his body. All he had to do was scratch you and you would be infected.”
“Gai-Sensei wasn’t just scratched,” Sakura exhales loudly. “He was stabbed.”
“Yes, but if the user had coated his blade in his blood…” he trails off, letting the others fill in the blanks.
“What should we do, Kakashi-Sensei?” Naruto asks.
Shikamaru speaks before Kakashi can. “One of us can go back to Konoha with Gai-Sensei while the rest of us go after our target.”
He knows Shikamaru is right but… Kakashi watches Gai, shaking in pain. “How much longer do you think he has?”
Sakura’s lips draw into a straight line as she peers behind herself. “It’s hard to say. A couple days, maybe two… maybe three.”
It’s going to take them at least a day to get back to the village. He looks at Gai again, feeling his stomach churn with unease. Tsunade is going to be mad at him. “No. We all will go back now. Report to the Hokage and see what she wants us to do.”
“Sensei,” Sakura starts, looking back towards him. “He needs to rest a little. Get out of this rain.”
Kakashi nods in agreement. “Let’s move away from here, set up camp and rest for a few hours. Then we’ll move out.”
They do as instructed, Naruto helping Kakashi carry Gai, one arm slung over their shoulders on each side. They move away from that spot and travel several meters before landing. They set Gai down by a tree, propping him up. His shaking has stopped and his skin color is turning back to normal which makes Kakashi’s nerves ease a little.
Kakashi helps Shikamaru set up the two tents. They’re lucky they even have them. Shikamaru had said that it might rain during their mission and so had packed them with his stuff. It’s not very often they carry them, even if it is going to rain, opting to instead take cover in a cave or alcove. Shikamaru’s excuse was that it’s too troublesome to find a place like that. When Kakashi asked him if it wasn’t “troublesome” to put up tents, Shikamaru just sighed and mumbled to himself tiredly. Now, he puts them up without complaint.
Sakura volunteers to bring Gai into one of the tents. He’s awake now, barely, and is able to lean on Sakura as she guides him into the structure. She claims she wants to check him over again. Kakashi’s nerves spike once more but relax when she steps out of it, not looking too concerned.
She goes up to him. “I’ve told him to sleep. He’s going to need as much energy and strength he can gather for the journey home.” There’s a crease where her eyebrows knit together. “He lost a lot of blood and is in definite pain even though he’s pretending not to be. I tried to get him to take a blood replenishing pill and something for the pain but he refused.”
Kakashi glances towards the tent. Of course, Gai refused. “Give them to me. I’ll get him to take them.”
Sakura scowls. “I’m technically not supposed to force these things onto anyone.”
“Then it’s a good thing you wouldn’t be.” Kakashi holds out his hand and with a reluctant sigh, Sakura drops the pills in it. “Get some rest, Sakura. Have Naruto take the first watch. We’ll leave in a few hours” She nods and walks away, peering back at Kakashi and the tent before reaching Naruto and Shikamaru to tell them the plan.
Taking a deep breath, Kakashi enters the tent. He finds Gai lying on the ground, covered in a blanket. Despite poison pumping through his veins, he looks considerably okay. He’s no longer pale and his shaking has stopped. Kakashi wonders how much pain he’s actually in. Gai has always been fantastic at hiding that sort of thing.
Gai is staring at him as Kakashi crawls over. “I hear you’re being stubborn.”
“You know I don’t rely on that stuff,” Gai says, sounding tired. That’s the first giveaway that something is wrong, Kakashi assumes.
“Well,” Kakashi drawls. “I can either add these to your food unknowingly and you will have to be suspicious of which one it’s in for the rest of the night or,” he smirks under his mask, “you can just take them.”
Gai stares at him, probably trying to figure out just how serious Kakashi is, and then finally sighs, sitting up some and holding a hand out. “Fine,” he mumbles.
Kakashi smiles in triumph and hands the pills over. “They’re just to replenish your blood loss and help with pain anyway. It’s not a big deal.”
“Kakashi,” Gai says in warning but it doesn’t carry any weight to it.
Kakashi ignores him. “What happened?”
Gai finishes chewing the pills and lies back down on his back with a hard thump. “I was following the target when another shinobi came out of hiding. She took me by surprise. It was weird, Kakashi. I couldn’t sense her at all.”
“Well, it’s never been your strongest suit.”
“No,” Gai says seriously. “This was different. I should have been able to dodge her but…” Gai’s face scrunches contemplatively. “Did you get them?”
Kakashi shakes his head, shifting to get more comfortable. “No. We’re going back to the village to find out what the Hokage wants us to do.”
“That’s not like you.”
“You’ve been poisoned, Gai, Sakura needs-”
“No, Sakura can bring me back herself.” He tries to sit up and it worries Kakashi with how much effort it looks like it takes. “Then you, Naruto, and Shikamaru can get the target.”
Kakashi shakes his head again. “I’m not abandoning you.”
“You’re not, you’re-”
“Gai, we’re all going back. I’m the leader, remember?” This shuts Gai up who stares at him again. “You need to sleep,” Kakashi finally says after a long pause of silence. “We’ll be leaving again in a few hours.”
Gai lies back down, pulling the blanket up to his chin. They stare at each other until Kakashi is sighing and shucking off his flak jacket. It’s soaked and heavy anyway, and he rolls his shoulders once it’s on the ground. Next, he takes off his Hitai-ate, throwing it beside his flak jacket. Gai is still staring at him and Kakashi can feel his whole body heating up.
He stands up as best he can inside the tent, pokes his head out to where Naruto is sitting, keeping watch. “Naruto.” He waits until he’s got Naruto’s attention. “I’m going to keep watch over Gai. He needs to sleep. No one is allowed in here for the time being.”
“Got it, Kakashi-Sensei!” Naruto solutes him and then turns back around to continue his vigil.
Kakashi slips back into the tent and zips the entrance up. He goes and sits back down next to Gai who is still watching him. Hesitating, Kakashi slips his mask off, ringing it out from the water and then setting it beside his flak jacket as well to dry. He can still hear the rain pouring outside when he lies down on his side, facing Gai.
“Stop staring and go to sleep,” he tells Gai.
A smile breaks out on Gai’s face before he, too, salutes him and closes his eyes. Kakashi shakes his head at his friend and watches him. He doesn’t know how much time passes, but at some point he falls asleep, despite wanting to keep an eye on Gai to make sure he was going to be okay. Apparently he had been more tired than he had thought. 
Kakashi startles awake by the sound of chirping birds. When he opens his eyes, the first thing he sees is Gai staring at him. He yawns and stretches. It doesn’t sound like it’s raining anymore. “How long have you been awake?”
There’s a faint sheen of sweat coating Gai’s skin. The second clue that something isn’t right. “Not long.” A small smile appears on Gai’s face, warm and soft. “Kakashi?”
“Thank you.”
Kakashi looks at him, confused. “For what?”
“For trusting me.” Gai reaches over and traces a finger down Kakashi’s cheek.
Kakashi looks away, his whole face heating up. “It’s not the first time, Gai.”
“Not like this,” Gai says. “This is different.” Kakashi meets Gai’s eyes, swallowing thickly. “You’re beautiful, Kakashi.”
Kakashi sits up, batting Gai’s hand away gently. “Haven’t I told you not to say that to me?”
“But it’s true.”
“This really isn’t the time.” Kakashi reaches over and pulls his mask back on. It’s still damp but nothing Kakashi can’t deal with. Next comes his Hitai-ate and then his flak jacket. “I’m going to go see if the others are ready.”
Kakashi can feel Gai’s wide smile as he leaves the tent. He shouldn’t allow Gai’s teasing to get to him so much but even so, his cheeks feel hot as he exits. He’s greeted by the sight of Shikamaru’s back when he finally gets back outside. The sun is bright and there’s a slight breeze. Should make the travel back home easier, even with an injured Gai. Kakashi walks up to Shikamaru, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Get Naruto and Sakura. We’re heading out now.” Shikamaru nods at him and heads towards the other tent while Kakashi goes back to the one with Gai. He kneels down beside Gai, hooking one of Gai’s arms around his shoulders. “You ready?”
“Hmm,” Gai hums and Kakashi heaves him up. They stumble a little awkwardly out of the tent but Gai can move mostly on his own for now, at least.
They have to wait for the others to pack up the tent but it doesn’t take them long. Soon, they are making their way down the main path back to Konoha. Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru walk ahead of Gai and Kakashi but the pace is still slow going. Gai leans heavily onto Kakashi and Kakashi supports him with an arm around his waist, gripping his hip tightly in order to keep Gai’s balance. It’s worrisome to see Gai in such a state.
Just a few hours into their journey and Gai is panting heavily, shaking with every step, and sweating profusely. He’s got a hand on his left side where he had gotten stabbed. Their pace has slowed significantly.
“Gai,” Kakashi starts, worried. He can feel his own heart beating in his chest rapidly with no sign of slowing down. “How much are you hurting right now?”
“I’m fine, Kakashi,” he answers stubbornly, gritting his teeth.
“Don’t lie to me, Gai,” Kakashi reprimands, tightening his grip. “How much?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
Kakashi stops walking, shifting so he can look at Gai but still keep him balanced. “Let me see.” Gai tsks but lifts the hem of his jumpsuit anyway. His entire side is black and blue, no doubt from the poison. Kakashi’s eye widens, heart now jumping into his throat to pound incessantly there instead. “Sakura!”
The group ahead of them stop and turn around to face them. Sakura is by their side in an instant, looking at Gai. Her lips are pursed and she touches the area lightly. Gai just barely hides a flinch. “How much does this hurt, Gai-Sensei?” She gives him a pointed look. “And I need the truth for an accurate reading.”
Gai rolls his eyes. “It’s really not that bad.”
“You have too much of a high pain tolerance,” Kakashi mumbles.
“Can you keep going?” Sakura asks, ignoring Kakashi’s comment and Gai nods, giving her a wide smile and thumbs up with the hand that isn’t wrapped around Kakashi’s shoulders.
“Of course I can!” he announces.
It irritates Kakashi when Gai pushes himself so much like this but when Sakura gives him a questioning look, all he can do is nod his head in defeat. Sakura straightens from where she was leaning over to look at Gai’s side, allowing Gai to lower his shirt. “Okay, but if you need to stop, tell us.”
“Nonsense,” Gai says, forcing a smile.
They continue on their way, Gai continuing to pant heavily. By their next hour, they’re practically going at a snail’s pace. Gai’s head hangs low, almost his entire body weight leaning on Kakashi. Kakashi adjusts his hold and Gai stiffens with a pain filled groan, causing Kakashi to stop his movements. Gai sways in his arms.
“Kakashi…” Gai says quietly, suddenly leaning his forehead onto Kakashi’s shoulder. He can feel the heat radiating off of Gai and the sweat through his jumpsuit. No doubt he has formed a fever.
“It’s alright, Gai, I’ve got you.” Once more he calls to the others. “Let’s take a break,” he says when they come back over to him. They all nod in agreement and Kakashi leads Gai over to a tree to lean against, with Sakura following. They’ll be out of the sun this way as well. “Here.” He helps Gai sit down on the ground and then sits beside him. Gai immediately leans into him, head flopping back onto his shoulder.
Sakura takes off one of her gloves and holds it up against Gai’s forehead. “He’s burning up,” she says to Kakashi, tone low.
“I thought as much.”
She digs around in her pouch, procuring a small pill. She hands it to Kakashi. “This will help with the fever… hopefully. Since it’s from the poison…” She doesn’t finish her sentence and Kakashi doesn’t need her too. “We at least need to try and get it down. Fevers can be dangerous.”
Kakashi nods, looking at Gai. “I’ll take care of him,” he says and means it. He won’t let anything happen to Gai. Not on his watch. Sakura watches him carefully and must find what she is looking for because she smiles at him and then gets up to join the others.
Kakashi nudges Gai. “Gai, I need you to take this.”
Gai lifts his head, peering at the pill with unfocussed eyes. “What is it?”
“You have a fever. This will help.” He places it in Gai’s weak, unsteady hand. He hates seeing how it shakes. “Don’t try arguing with me.”
“Wasn’t,” Gai mumbles and pops the pill in his mouth, chewing slowly. He then rests his head back on Kakashi’s shoulder. They’re silent for a few seconds before Gai starts talking quietly. “Hey, Kakashi?”
“You should try and get some sleep. We can’t stay here long.”
“Do you remember when I told you I could open all eight gates?” Gai continues, ignoring Kakashi’s suggestion.
Kakashi sighs heavily. Gai always ignored his suggestions. “Of course, I do.”
“You were really mad at me,” Gai complains. “Do you remember that?”
Kakashi nods. “Yeah. I didn’t want you to use them.”
“Because you thought I would use all eight and die,” Gai points out the obvious, not that Kakashi will admit to it. Gai chuckles. “You’re not as hard to read as you like to believe you are, my friend.”
“Maybe to you.” He sighs, shifting to get more comfortable. Gai is looking more and more tired. “We’ve known each other for a long time.”
“Hmm,” Gai hums in agreement, closing his eyes. “You’re not going to lose me, Rival.”
“Don’t say things you can’t promise,” Kakashi says, frowning.
“You won’t,” Gai says again, conviction lacing his tone.
Kakashi shakes his head in disbelief. “How can you say that?”
Gai takes a deep, shuddering breath, glancing up at Kakashi. “Our rivalry is eternal.”
“It is,” Gai says pointedly. “It’s eternal so you’ll never lose me and I’ll never lose you. Because I said it, it’s true.”
Kakashi peeks down at him, amused by Gai’s reasoning. “I hate you.”
Gai’s mouth pulls into a large grin, all teeth and sparkle despite the sickly look to him. It makes Kakashi want to kiss him. Instead, he leans his head down and touches his forehead to Gai’s, closing his eyes against the sting in his eye. He just hopes Gai is right. That they will never lose each other.
Kakashi pulls away. “Get some sleep, Gai.”
“Right,” Gai sighs out, closing his eyes again. It doesn’t take long for the man to fall asleep.
Kakashi watches him. He seems peaceful in sleep, which Kakashi is thankful for. He reaches up, cards his fingers once, twice in Gai’s hair. It’s soft. He doesn’t know what he would do if he lost him. If Gai, the one who has always been there for him, by his side, died. The thought instantly makes Kakashi feel sick.
Gai is his everything.
They rest there for about two hours, Kakashi never leaving Gai’s side and Sakura coming to check on Gai’s temperature every half hour. The pill hasn’t lowered it at all but, according to Sakura, it hasn’t risen either. Kakashi is glad but he knows now that Gai has a fever, the trek home is going to be even more difficult.
Kakashi is just starting to doze off himself when Sakura comes back over. She places her hand on Gai’s forehead, who hasn’t woken since he fell asleep. “Still no change but we should probably start thinking about moving again. The sooner we get back to the village, the better.”
Kakashi nods in agreement and waits for Sakura to walk away before he attempts to wake Gai up. “Gai.” He shakes Gai’s shoulder a little. Gai groans, face scrunching in pain. “Gai, it’s time to move.”
“Okay,” Gai sighs, sounding even more tired despite his rest. They stand, with Kakashi mostly having to actually pick Gai up to get him off the ground. He’s still sweating badly and he’s out of breath along with being unsteady on his feet. Gai takes a deep breath, lifts his head, and smiles. “Ready.”
Kakashi briefly thumps his forehead against Gai’s temple before starting to walk, going even slower than they were going before. It doesn’t seem to strain Gai all that much, at least not at first, but Kakashi knows him. He knows how much effort Gai is putting in to make it seem like he is okay, that he can do this. With every exhale, Gai’s whole body shakes. Kakashi pulls him closer to him.
Gai watches Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru who are ahead of them.
Kakashi watches Gai.
“Kakashi,” Gai pants.
“I’m sorry.”
Kakashi’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “For what?”
“I should be able to go faster,” Gai says, his own eyebrows furrowing in frustration.
Kakashi peers in front of them at the backs of the rest of the group. “You don’t need to apologize for that, Gai.”
“I can do better,” Gai complains. “I should be able to do better.”
“Your worth isn’t based on what you can and can’t do, Gai.”
“Isn’t it?” Gai looks at him, blinks slowly. “Wasn’t it?”
“When we were kids?” Kakashi asks, clarifying. Gai opens his mouth to answer but trips over his own feet before he can. Kakashi reaches out with the hand that isn’t already wrapped around Gai to catch him. “Careful.” Kakashi looks at him. “If you’re that desperate to go faster, I could always carry you.”
Gai laughs. “I wouldn’t let you embarrass yourself in front of your students like that.”
“You did when you carried me back from Suna,” Kakashi points out, continuing to walk. They’ve fallen farther behind now but he doesn’t mind. It just means the kids won’t be able to hear them talking.
“That was me embarrassing myself,” Gai comments. “I embrace it.”
Kakashi studies him, watching Gai’s expression as it turns sad. It’s not a look he often sees on Gai’s face and when he does, he knows it’s bad. “You’re not an embarrassment to me, Gai.”
Gai huffs. “Don’t lie.”
“You’re not.” Kakashi smiles at him, making sure Gai sees it. “I love you.”
Gai stares at him, not surprised but not knowingly either. He turns away, face turning red though Kakashi isn’t sure if it’s from being flustered or if it’s from the fever. “You’re an idiot.”
“Isn’t that my line?” Kakashi asks playfully.
Gai sighs again. “You and I, Kakashi, we had to prove ourselves when we were kids. In different ways but it was still always there. Trying to gain people’s approval. You were the genius who had to live up to the name. I was the loser who had to show I wasn’t.” Gai looks at him once more. “Our worth is based on what we can do.”
“You’re wrong,” Kakashi says plainly. “Everyone is worth something. Everyone means something, no matter what they can do.” He smiles at Gai again. “You taught me that.”
Gai watches him and Kakashi keeps smiling until Gai smiles back. “Thank you, Kakashi.”
“I told you, I’ve got you.” Kakashi lets his eye turn soft in order to convey the feelings towards Gai that he is feeling. “I always will.” Kakashi stops and helps maneuver Gai to behind him. “Now, let me carry you.”
Gai wraps his arms around Kakashi’s neck and Kakashi hoists him up onto his back, holding Gai under his thighs. “I’m not as light as I used to be.”
Kakashi adjusts his hold until it feels alright. “This is fine.” Gai presses his forehead into the back of Kakashi’s neck before shifting and letting his chin rest on Kakashi’s shoulder. Kakashi continues to follow the others once they are situated. “The last time I carried you like this, was when you opened the seventh gate for the first time.”
“You were really mad at me then, too.”
“Because you could have died.”
Gai laughs. “I knew it.”
Kakashi shakes his head. “Gai.” Gai hums to let Kakashi know he’s listening. “You’ve always been there for me. You’ve always been by my side and had my back. So, no matter your skill level or what you can and cannot do, I don’t care. You mean a lot to me, Gai.”
Gai is quiet for a long time, which is unusual and Kakashi almost wonders if he had fallen asleep, but then Gai finally says, “You mean a lot to me too, Kakashi.” He buries his face into the crook of Kakashi’s neck. Kakashi swears he feels a kiss being pressed there. “More than anything.”
A ghost of a smile threatens to appear on Kakashi’s face but he resists the urge, instead opting to say, “Get some sleep, Gai. I’ll carry you the rest of the way home.”
“Just like before,” Gai says softly, nodding off.
Kakashi’s face grows soft. “Just like before.”
It’s not hard to carry Gai back and their pace improves with doing so. They stop only a couple of times to allow Sakura to check his temperature which hasn’t changed and by the time they get back to Konoha, it’s already night. Kakashi brings Gai straight to the hospital, Sakura with them, and she gets right to work on finding out what type of poison was used and making an antidote. As much as Kakashi doesn’t want to leave Gai’s side, he knows he has no choice. He leaves Sakura to it, heading for the Hokage office where Naruto and Shikamaru should be waiting.
The two shinobi are already in Tsunade’s office when he arrives. She lets him enter, telling him that they were waiting for him. He apologizes but stands his ground firmly. The Hokage doesn’t look happy with him, as Kakashi had expected to happen.
“What happened?” Tsunade asks, looking to all three of them but giving Kakashi a pointed look. She wants him to explain and him alone.
He does as he’s told, not giving any hint to regretting his decision for all of them to come back to Konoha. Tsunade still doesn’t look happy and she asks him why he thought it would be a good idea to just let the enemy escape. When he opens his mouth to defend himself, Shikamaru beats him to it, obviously having been thinking of this for a while.
“The consensus is that  the kekkei genkai user can produce poison inside his body. If more of us got infected, then it would stem bad for the mission either way,” Shikamaru explains, looking bored. “All of us coming back means we can go after the target again once an antidote is made. That way, if one of us gets infected with the poison, then we can just take the antidote right there and then.” He shrugs. “It’s less troublesome.”
Tsunade is biting her bottom lip, looking at Shikamaru contemplatively. Finally, she tsks, sits back, and crosses her arms. “Very well. We’ll wait for an antidote to be made by Sakura.” She pauses, looking the team over. “I’m going to send different shinobi. You three, get some rest.”
“Eh!” Naruto immediately complains. “But baachan, we should be the ones to go back!”
Tsunade scowls and Shikamaru sighs. “Naruto, I’m not in the mood to have this argument with you. It’s better if you stay here and rest. It won’t do if I send you out there with only half your energy.”
“But I’m already rested!” Naruto yells, holding a fist up in a way to show he’s ready and pumped to keep going. “I have a lot of energy left!”
“Then go take it out on some training!” Tsunade yells back, standing up and placing her hands down firmly on her desk. “Now get out of my office.”
Naruto, shoving his hands into his pockets, turns and leaves as he grumbles under his breath. Shikamaru follows with a tired sigh, muttering, “How troublesome.”
Kakashi stays put and waits for the office door to be shut behind the two. He hears Tsunade sit back down. “What is it Kakashi?”
Kakashi turns back to the Hokage. “In the event of possibly angering you again, I have a request.” Tsunade’s eyebrow lifts in question. “I would like to be part of the team that goes after the kekkei genkai user.”
It’s Tsunade’s turn to sigh heavily, leaning forward to place her elbow on her desk and rest her chin in the palm of her hand. “You too, huh?” She tsks. “This is about Gai?” Kakashi stays quiet. If he admits to such a thing, she won’t let him. “Kakashi, you of all people should know that revenge isn’t the answer.”
“It’s not about revenge,” he says, partially true. “This was my mission that I failed.”
“So you want to make up for it,” Tsunade states. “And it absolutely has nothing to do with Gai.”
“Right,” he says and they both know it’s a lie but Tsunade just sighs once more, looking at him with piercing eyes.
“Fine.” She sits up. “Once Sakura has an antidote made and we find the location of the two targets, I’ll gather up a team with you as the leader. For now, go get some rest.”
“Thank you, Hokage-sama.” Kakashi bows and then turns to leave.
“I mean it, Kakashi,” Tsunade says, stopping him. He glances over his shoulder at her. “Rest. I need you at top form for this mission. Don’t go to the hospital and work yourself up waiting for results on Gai.”
She knows him too well and not well enough. He waves goodbye to her with a smile and leaves, heading straight to the hospital despite Tsunade’s warning. He asks the nurse at the desk if he can see Gai and she tells him he’s not allowed any visitors at the moment. So, he goes and sits down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. He sits there for hours as he waits for any news about his best friend. He’s so nervous and worried about the results that he can’t even focus on the Icha Icha book that he is carrying in his pouch.
He doesn’t know how many hours have passed but eventually Sakura appears in front of him with her hands on her hips. “I have a message from Hokage-sama.”
Kakashi guesses Tsunade knows him better than he had initially thought. “Oh?”
“She told you to go rest.”
“I am resting.”
“Not here.”
Kakashi shrugs, standing up and stretching his arms over his head. “How’s Gai?”
“I’ve come up with an antidote that will hopefully work.” She looks tired. “Only time will tell but I’m pretty confident in it. Anyway, Tsunade-sama wants you in her office. Apparently they’ve found the two men that got away on our mission.”
Kakashi nods. “So no time to see Gai, then, eh?”
Sakura shakes her head, face scrunching in disapproval. She gets more and more like Tsunade every day. “Even if there was, I wouldn’t let you. He needs to rest, Kakashi-sensei,” she reprimands. “Let the antidote do its work. Stop worrying.”
“I guess that’s it then.” He salutes her, feigning disinterest even though he knows Sakura sees right through it. “Bye bye.” He leaves in a puff of smoke, Sakura’s huff not going unheard.
When he enters the Hokage’s office for the second time, Tsunade glares at him. “I told you to rest.”
“I did.”
She tsks, knowing full well that he isn’t telling the truth but ignores it anyway. She turns her attention to the rest of the people in the room as Kakashi takes his place next to them. Neji, Ino, and Shino stand there, waiting for instructions. “This the team?” Kakashi asks.
Tsunade nods. “Ino is going with you for her medical ninjutsu. Since you said Gai couldn’t sense the kekkei genkai user, I thought Neji’s Byakugan would come in handy plus he is another jonin. Shino is going in case you need him to drain any chakras from either of the two.” Kakashi nods in approval. It is a good selection. “Here,” Tsunade places a small needle on her desk. “This is the antidote to the poison that the kekkei genkai user creates. Sakura unfortunately only had enough time to make two, one for Gai and one for this mission.” Kakashi picks up the needle and places it in his pouch. “We don’t have much time so you need to move out right away.”
Tsunade gives them the location of their targets. “We’ll get them this time, Hokage-sama,” Kakashi promises.
Tsunade’s mouth purses. “Don’t be reckless, Kakashi.”
Kakashi smiles at her. “I never am.” He then leaves with the rest of the group.
It would seem the enemy is headed towards the village, possibly to get revenge or wage a war on them for what Kakashi’s group had done to them earlier. Due to this, it doesn’t take them long to find the enemy, especially when using Neji’s Byakugan. They land out of sight and view the area that the two are resting at currently.
“Shino, Ino, you go for the original target. Neji, I want you to back me up with the kekkei genkai user,” Kakashi orders.
“Which is that?” Ino asks.
Kakashi gestures with his chin. “The man is your target.”
“Got it,” she says.
“So then that leaves-” Neji starts but Kakashi doesn’t wait for him to finish.
“Let’s go!”
They jump out of their hiding place, attacking immediately so not to give the enemy time to prepare. Despite this, the kekkei genkai user jumps up and produces a kunai to block Kakashi’s. They grapple with the kunai for a few seconds before jumping apart, the clang of the two knives loud.
Kakashi glances over to Ino and Shino who are in the midst of their own fight. When he confidently sees the two are holding their own, Kakashi turns back to his target, revealing his Sharingan. The woman in front of him laughs.
“Oh? Pitting me up against two eye users?” She crosses her arms. “How unfair.” She glances over to her companion. “Are you sure those two will be okay on their own? Kenji-san is pretty powerful.” As if to punctuate her point, Ino screams and is flung back quite a ways.
Kakashi doesn’t even flinch. “They’ll be fine,” he says, hoping he’s right.
The woman smiles at him. “If you’re sure.” She then does a couple hand signs and disappears.
Kakashi tries to find where she is using the Sharingan but can’t sense her anywhere. This must be what Gai was talking about. “Neji.”
“Byakugan!” Neji is quiet for a few seconds, the only sound being heard is the fight that is happening between Ino, Shino, and Kenji. Finally, he announces, “She’s over there!” He points into the woods. Kakashi still doesn’t see her but trusts Neji’s eyes.
He’s about to follow when he hears Shino grunt in pain and Ino screams again. He stops and looks over at them. They are both on the ground, wounded but nothing life threatening. Still, they look like they may need some help after all. “Neji, you stay here and assist them.”
Neji seems alarmed by this. “But-”
“I’ll be fine. Help them.” And then he’s off in the direction Neji had pointed in. It doesn’t take him long to get to a small clearing. He’s not sure why this woman wanted to be separated from her companion unless she didn’t want to risk having to fight all of them at once.
He looks around the clearing, suspicious as to why she hasn’t attacked him yet. He can’t sense her at all and-
Kakashi grunts as he just barely dodges an attack from the ground, a kunai slicing through his side. If he hadn't moved in time, he’d have been in the same predicament that Gai had found himself. He backflips out of the way, holding a hand to his side once he’s on the ground.
The woman laughs in front of him. “I can conceal myself perfectly. For you to dodge that attack… you’re good. A lot better than that loser in the green.”
Kakashi grits his teeth, resisting the urge to say anything back to her in irritation. He eyes the kunai. There’s blood that is dripping from her wrist down onto the kunai, covering it. The color of her blood is off, darker and more purple. So, that’s how she gets the poison onto the knife, as Kakashi had suspected. Which means, he’s already been poisoned himself.
She’s laughing again. “Do you know who I am?”
Kakashi meets her eyes. “I don’t really care.”
“Well, aren’t you rude.” She scowls. “I am Tadame and I possess the kekkei genkai that allows me to change my blood into poison.”
Kakashi sighs, feigning boredom. “Why do you people always feel the need to explain yourselves?”
Tadame huffs, annoyed. “Fine, let’s get this over with then. Shall we?” She disappears once more, the only sound around Kakashi being the wind.
He lifts his hand from his wound. It’s bleeding profusely with no sign of it clotting anytime soon. Kakashi thinks back to how much blood Gai had lost. The poison must prevent the blood from clotting, keeping it thinned out to speed up the process of the person bleeding out and for the poison to travel through the body easier. It’s an interesting way of doing things, considering bloodletting is a common practice of extracting poison from the body. Either way, Kakashi doesn’t have time to dwell on it. By the way Gai, someone who has a high tolerance for many things, reacted to the poison, Kakashi’s only got a few minutes before the poison starts to take effect. He doesn’t want to use the antidote quite yet, just in case he gets cut again.
“You know,” Tadame’s voice carries to him in the wind. “It’s not just my blood that will poison you. I can just scratch you and get the job done. Though less effective, I must confess.”
She appears in front of him suddenly, swiping her kunai down to cut Kakashi in the face. He brings his own kunai up just in time, blocking her blow. He understands now why Gai couldn’t dodge her. He can barely keep up while using the Sharingan. Without that, he’d be hopeless. She goes to swipe him in the face once again, but this time with her long nails. He jumps back before she can, his back hitting a tree. At the same time, he throws three kunai, each with an explosive tag on them.
They blow up on impact and Kakashi waits for the smoke and dirt to dissipate in order to see if he got her. He has a feeling it won’t be so easy. His side is on fire and he’s now panting, starting to feel the effects of the poison and blood loss. There is no body when everything settles.
Tadame giggles and Kakashi searches for her. “You really are hopeless. I’ve heard good things about the Copy Ninja. Is this all you can do?” She strikes at him from behind, causing him to duck. The blood soaked kunai cuts some strands of his hair. Gai isn’t going to like that. “I’m disappointed!”
She keeps striking at him, causing Kakashi to continuously dodge. His vision goes blurry for a second, making Kakashi stagger and Tadame gets a hit on him, slicing through his arm. Kakashi groans in pain, reaching up to the wound. His blood immediately covers his hand. He needs to find a way to end this quickly or else he’s not going to last.
Tadame laughs, twirling the kunai. “Pathetic.” She charges and Kakashi jumps away, throwing more kunai with explosive tags. As they fly through the air towards her, he does the signs for his Chidori. He staggers as he lands on his feet but keeps his footing, immediately going into a charge of his own as the tags explode around them.
“Chidori!” he yells as he approaches. Tadame is already in the process of escaping the explosion and, Kakashi having anticipated that, lunges at her, catching her off guard. His chidori clips her in the right shoulder as she tries to dodge, splattering her blood over Kakashi’s arm and rendering her arm useless. Doing so, however, gets Kakashi close enough for her to grab a hold of his arm with her good hand and dig her fingernails into him, holding him in place.
“You bastard!” she screams, leaning in to bite him. Kakashi kicks at her stomach, making her go flying and dragging her fingernails across his arm as he is ripped free of her grasp.
Tadame staggers to her feet, blood pouring out of her shoulder. Kakashi pants where he stands, stomach lurching with nausea and eyesight going blurry again. He was close. If he can just get close to her again then maybe…
“I’m going to kill you!” she howls menacingly and charges.
Kakashi leaps into the air, feels the world spin around him, and reaches into his pouch. He doesn’t have much time left. At this rate he’ll… he digs out the antidote just as Tadame changes course and jumps after him, an angry scream leaving her mouth as she aims her kunai. He doesn’t have the strength or the reaction time to dodge her attack this time. He has to rely on this.
He plunges the needle into his thigh just as her kunai stabs into him. She grins as they fall to the ground but Kakashi wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer to him. It digs the kunai into him more, causing him to flinch, but he needs to keep her still long enough to do his last move. They land and she tries to pull away but Kakashi can already feel the antidote working, restoring some of his strength. He holds her there, refusing to let go.
“What?” she asks in surprise, still struggling to pull away. “How are you-”
Kakashi’s eyebrows furrow in anger, his nose scrunching, and mouth turning into a scowl under his mask. “You hurt the one person I am the closest to.” Kakashi lifts up the hand that isn’t holding her in place, lightning crackling all around his palm. “The person I care about more than anything else.”
“What?” Tadame’s eyes widen, realizing what is about to happen.
“And you’re going to die for that.” He drives his hand forward.
“No!” Tadame screams, eyes staring at him in pure fury.
Kakashi ignores her and thrusts his hand through her chest. Her blood splashes up onto his face but he pays it no mind as he watches her take her last breath and the light goes out in her eyes. When he knows for certain she is dead, he drops her body and pulls out the kunai from his side, groaning in pain. He looks down at his wounds. The antidote must be doing its job. His cuts and scratches are starting to clot now.
Pressing a hand to his side, over the stab wound, he sits down and waits for Neji, Ino, and Shino to join him, hoping that they won’t need his assistance. He wouldn’t be any good to them in this state. He looks up at the sky. The sun is starting to set.
He wants to go see Gai.
The sound of rustling in the bushes catches his attention and he’s on high alert again until Ino comes rushing out and to his side. “Kakashi-sensei!” She kneels down beside him and starts to heal his stab wound.
Shino and Neji look around the small clearing. “It’s done then?” Neji asks.
Kakashi nods. “Kenji?”
“Dead,” Shino answers and holds up a bag that Kakashi presumes has his head in it.
Kakashi looks towards Tadame’s body. “Let’s take her too. We’ll want to study her body.”
Neji and Shino nod in understanding. It takes a few more minutes before Ino stands, having finished healing his wounds. “Are you alright, Kakashi-sensei?”
“Hmm,” he hums, standing up. He stumbles a little, getting a bit dizzy, but Ino steadies him with a hand on his arm. “I took the antidote. I’ll be perfectly fine soon.” He looks back to the sky. It’s almost dark. “Let’s get home.”
Kakashi wraps Tadame up and then lifts her body onto his back. They walk home, all four of them feeling exhausted. When they do get back, they head straight to the Hokage’s office, Kakashi dropping Tadame’s body on the floor next to her desk and Neji dropping Kenji’s head onto her desk.
She scowls at Kakashi’s appearance. “You’re getting blood on my floor.”
Kakashi shrugs nonchalantly. “Eh, it was a bit tougher than expected.” He turns more serious. “Some of this is Tadame’s, the kekkei genkai user, blood. I thought some could be collected and analyzed. I’m not sure if the blood in her body turns to normal after she dies.”
Tsunade stands and approaches Kakashi, looking contemplative. “So the kekkei genkai user was a female?” Kakashi nods in confirmation.
“Only Gai saw her so it makes sense only he knew,” Kakashi comments.
Tsunade hums, staring at the purple blood on Kakashi’s mask. She waves her hand and an ANBU member appears. “Take a sample of this blood and send it to a lab to be tested and analyzed. Take the body and Kenji’s head with you.”
“Understood!” The ANBU member does as told, disappearing shortly after with Tadame’s body and Kenji’s head.
The four of them then go into a debriefing, Tsunade looking displeased at learning that Kakashi fought the kekkei genkai user by himself, but pleased with the results nonetheless. She sighs when they are done. “Alright, the four of you get some rest. You’ll have a couple days off.” Ino, Shino, and Neji all nod and turn to leave the room. Kakashi turns to follow but is called back by Tsunade. “Kakashi.”
“Before you go to the hospital, go home and at least clean yourself up.” Her eyes soften and she leans her chin in her palm, not unlike earlier in the day. “I’m sure Gai would appreciate you not having blood all over you when you see him.”
Kakashi’s heart starts beating fast in his chest and he can feel his ears heating up. He supposes he underestimated Tsunade if he thought he could hide his feelings from her. “Understood.” He leaves the office then, heading back to his apartment to take a quick shower.
Once done, he heads straight to the hospital. Visiting hours are over already but it’s not too hard to figure out what room Gai is in. He jumps up to the window and opens it silently, slipping into the room.
Gai is asleep, resting on his back with his limbs flared out. Kakashi smiles warmly down at him, reaching out to brush some hair out of Gai’s face. It causes Gai to stir, his breath hitching and he slowly opens his eyes. “K… Kakashi?”
Kakashi sits down on the edge of the bed, pressing into Gai’s side. “Hey, Gai.”
Gai smiles up at him. “I didn’t die.”
Kakashi runs a hand through Gai’s hair and down the side of his face. “No, you didn’t.”
Gai’s grin is growing larger, blinding in the dark. “We’ll be eternal rivals yet!”
Kakashi nods, leaning closer. “Yes, we will.”
“Plenty of competitions to still do.”
“Kakashi, I lov-”
Kakashi pulls down his mask and kisses him.
A/N: This ended up being super long… oops…
I wasn’t actually planning on it turning out that they would have to go back and defeat those two enemies but the story kind of drove its own plot forward, taking control of my writing.
I hope I made it clear enough in the story that Gai using she/her pronouns while everyone else used he/his pronouns for the kekkei genkai user was on purpose. It’s another thing I wasn’t actually going to explicitly say in the story, but I didn’t want people to think it was a writing mistake so I added in an explanation anyway.
I hope you all enjoyed this story! Thank you all for reading!!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: 7 Times Anime Busted Out Pro-Wrestling Moves
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  If you watch enough anime, you’ll begin to see that a lot of shows like to reference professional wrestling by having characters utilize various moves on one another. Sometimes, that will make sense within the context of the show, but other times, it might seem a little random. Regardless, it’s always a fun time when an anime decides to add in a touch of pro-wrestling into an episode. Two years ago, I wrote about six wild suplexes that were featured in a variety of anime, so let’s take a look at seven other instances where anime decided it needed a flair of pro-wrestling.
  Naruto Shippuden - Liger Bomb
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    There’s something amazing about the Raikage using pro-wrestling moves as a way to fight against people using wild and ridiculous jutsu. There’s the intense double lariat he does with Bee against the clone of Kisame, and then him pulling out a Liger Bomb against Sasuke. This utilization is somewhat strange because it’s technically not the same Liger Bomb that Jushin Thunder Liger uses in real life (it’s more in line with a Batista Bomb/sit-out powerbomb in terms of powerbomb variations), but also creates a reference within a reference.
  Does the Raikage using this maneuver mean that Jushin Liger the wrestler also exists in some form in Naruto or is it Jushin Liger the manga by Go Nagai? Maybe it’s both, similar to how things happened in our reality? Now that’s a non-canon arc I’d be interested in seeing! Either way, the Raikage’s Liger Bomb is incredibly effective since not only does he cover himself in lightning, it’s a move that no one else had survived until Sasuke had to pull out one of his big techniques just to make sure it didn’t kill him.
  The God of High School - Stunner
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    Seeing the most popular move from the US boom period of wrestling being done in an anime is still a wild sight. You know it’s a great move when it’s utilized in the opening as well. Mah Miseon utilizes pro-wrestling as her martial art in the confines of the tournament, which is the best. Perhaps my favorite bit about her character is when she goes up against Yoo Mira and tells Mira that using a weapon on her would be ineffective because she’s used to being hit by those kinds of items thanks to being a pro-wrestler and taking bumps regularly. That’s just brilliant!
  Mah Miseon’s version of the stunner is exactly what you’d picture if you ever saw Stone Cold Steve Austin do the move. She sets it up with a kick to the gut and grabs her opponent's head and sits down, jamming their jaw into her shoulder. It was effective enough to help her move onto the preliminaries, but maybe she should’ve pulled it off in her fight with Yoo Mira. Who knows, maybe that could’ve been the path to victory instead of defeat.
  Love Live! Sunshine!! - Crossface Chicken Wing
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    Yoshiko at various points throughout Love Live! Sunshine!! will put other members of Aqours into an abdominal stretch which she’s effectively dubbed “Fallen Dragon Phoenix Hold.” In Season 2, Riko begins an unlikely friendship with Yoshiko, which sees some of Yoshiko’s fallen angel schtick rub off on her. We see this when Riko applies a crossface chicken wing on Yoshiko and calls it, “Silent Cherry Blossom Nightmare.” 
  The crossface chicken wing has been a staple in pro-wrestling for many years and became popular in 1994 when Bob Backlund utilized it as his finishing move in his heel run to capture the WWF Championship ten years after his last reign as champion. The move is also utilized today by multiple-time WWE Women’s Champion, Asuka, who redubbed it the Asuka Lock. What makes this utilization in Love Live! Sunshine!! humorous is there really isn’t any other indication that pro-wrestling exists in this universe. This makes me want to see a school idol group that acts like pro-wrestlers, or does pro-wrestling on the side, similarly to the idol wrestlers in Tiger Mask W. However, idols and wrestling being combined isn’t something that’s too surprising since back in the early '90s, companies like All Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling were trying to do something similar by having certain wrestlers also do singing performances at shows as well. 
  Naruto - Canadian Destroyer
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    Earlier we discussed when Sasuke was on the receiving end of a pro-wrestling move, but over 200 episodes before that, he was giving one out. In the midst of the Chunin Exams, Sasuke is able to grab a disguised Orochimaru, flip in midair, and then hit a devastating piledriver. Given that the episode this was featured in aired in 2003, this was just about when Petey Williams was beginning to popularize his front-flip piledriver known as a Canadian Destroyer. It’s certainly not like nowadays where it’s become a much more common move in pro-wrestling, so seeing it this early in Naruto is a bit shocking.
  Now, some people might say this is supposed to be just a regular piledriver, but Sasuke clearly is able to turn Orochimaru’s body 180 degrees to land in a piledriver position, so it totally counts. There was probably some old-timer ninja that got in a huff about Sasuke using it, but he shouldn’t listen to them. I still find it wildly entertaining that in the midst of this big fight early in Naruto, one of Sasuke’s key moves is a piledriver. Given the danger associated with that move, it’s smart since he’s able to smash Orochimaru’s head from quite a big drop. That should be an incredibly devastating maneuver. Too bad Orochimaru is a slithery one and won’t be put down that easily. 
  Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- - Dragon Suplex
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    Hey, wait a minute. I was told this was a dragon suplex! Okay, yes, that is a dragon, and it is getting suplexed. I think we’ve been bamboozled here. In all seriousness, seeing a dragon get suplexed is such a bizarre sight, but a great one. I don’t even think you could utilize an actual dragon suplex — a move invented by Tatsumi Fujinami and currently utilized by Hiroshi Tanahashi and Kenny Omega — because how are you going to lock up a dragon to perform the move? They’d just slip out easily, and then you’d be in some serious trouble! Plus, even being able to use a normal vertical suplex on a dragon would be difficult since they’re so bottom-heavy, meaning you’d really have to use some strength to lift them up and slam them. So, while this is just a regular suplex, it’s still pretty impressive, and maybe one day we’ll get to see an actual dragon take a dragon suplex.
  Ahiru no Sora - Shining Wizard
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    Guys in a sports club performing pro-wrestling moves on each other just makes the most sense, especially when you have a group of dudes like the basketball club in Ahiru no Sora. A group of mostly former delinquents who are used to having some knockdown, drag-out fights. Although, I don’t know if I would consider utilizing a Shining Wizard — a strike where you step off an opponent’s knee and slam your knee into their face — in an actual fight.
  The move created by Keiji Mutoh/The Great Muta that’s now used by basically everyone in pro-wrestling is fun to see used in a scuffle between brothers Chiaki and Momoharu early on in the series. Everyone that sees it gets really excited when Chiaki pulls it off as well, and he does so quite effectively. Since we see later on that those two would constantly get into fights growing up, this means the two of them throwing out pro-wrestling moves at one another is probably a common occurrence. The one downside to this is that using a Shining Wizard in an actual basketball game would be a very terrible idea and not something you’d want to try.
  JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure - Argentine Backbreaker
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    Apparently Rubber Soul was really into pro-wrestling when he disguised himself as Kakyoin to try and take down a thief. That poor thief didn’t know what was about to happen when he got put into an Argentine Backbreaker Rack — otherwise known as the Torture Rack — to, well, torture the thief. It’s kind of surprising there’s not more random pro-wrestling moves in JoJo given the ridiculous nature of the series and that fact that everyone looks like pro-wrestlers from the 1980s.
  In the world of JoJo though, this move looks absolutely devastating because it looks like Rubber Soul is about to snap this thief’s spine in two just by the amount of torque and pressure he’s putting on his body. That’s probably what would’ve happened if it weren’t for Jotaro coming over to be like, “Hey dude what are you doing?!” Since this is the episode where this imposter Kakyoin does some very weird stuff, it’s safe to say that pro-wrestling is responsible for the famous meme of Kakyoin getting very into licking a cherry.
  This is but a small sample size of various instances where an anime has thrown in some pro-wrestling to shake things up, and I’m sure this will be by no means the last time it happens. As long as pro-wrestling remains popular in Japan and around the world, you’re certain to see at least one of your favorite characters pull off some wild and ridiculous wrestling move. The more that happens, the happier I’ll be, so let’s hope we get to see more pro-wrestling integrated into anime in each upcoming season.
  What are some other instances of pro-wrestling in anime that you believe deserve a shout out? Let us know down in the comments below!
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      Jared Clemons is a writer and podcaster for Seasonal Anime Checkup where he can be found always wanting to talk about Love Live! Sunshine!! or whatever else he's into at the moment. He can be found on Twitter @ragbag.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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soft-icha-icha · 4 years
The Hokage’s Niece: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
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Description: Tsunade's niece has just arrived to the leaf village and is already making big impressions on the people. After being in a completely different village all of her life, she was able to come back after her Aunt Tsunade became Hokage. The only condition she was asked of to return back home is to train as a ninja and help protect the village. To help her train, she's assigned to Team Seven and starts making friends, doing teenage things which may or not include having a schoolgirl crush on her sensei.
Info: Kakashi is about 22 years old here, you will be 18 years old. This does take place during shippuden so the other characters like naruto, sasuke, and Sakura will be 17 years old. This will contain sexual content (student & teacher), violence and swearing. That is all.
Chapter One: Stranger Walking the Streets
Feet hurt.
I was so close to arriving at the village, but my whole body ached. Maybe I should take a quick break, I can't handle having anymore sweat get caught in my eyes, that burns! After making my decision, I quickly head to my right to the big tree with a lot of shade to offer. I nearly cried at how cool and refreshing getting under the tree was, I made the right choice, any longer and surely I would've passed out.
I slowly inhale and exhale as I let my body cool down, even with minimal clothing couldn't battle this heat. I really should have taken up aunt Tsunade's offer, maybe having someone escort me wouldn't have been so bad. But too bad me and my pride got in the way after imagining being paraded into the village, and letting it be known I was Lady Hokage's niece. I'd probably be painted as a spoiled brat. I would hate to be only known as the Hokage's niece and having nothing more to my name. My stomach growled as I lamented over the scenarios I imagined when arriving to the village, the leaf village that is. Might as well eat my lunch that I was saving, it sure as heck sounds delicious.
I grab my backpack, and open it to find the container that I put my food in, I decided to pack myself some riceball, and luckily I wasn't dumb enough to not forget to put an ice pack to keep it cool. I slowly take out the items, I had my rice balls, and my drink, both sure to satisfy me of my hunger and thirst. I only packed three rice balls, but I'm sure they were enough to keep me tamed for a while, and I can always get more food at the village restaurants.
As I was taking time to eat my food, I heard some the leaves in the tree rustle and see the birds fly away in the distance. I wonder what that's about? I continued to munch on my rice ball, enjoying the afternoon in the cool shade as I suddenly heard clashing nearby. I'm going to hope that what I'm imagining isn't actually going down. Whatever it may be, I wasn't going to stay and stick around to find out. I quickly pack up my things, and leave out my riceball to eat while running away from here. With a piece of rice ball in my mouth, and me sprinting as fast as I can, I hardly pay attention to my surroundings as I hear the clashing die down.
I looked back at where the noise was coming from originally, that must have been a fight going on. Thank God I got out of there when I did, I chuckled to myself, that would've been bad if I was caught up in that mess. I wince when I felt myself hit something, damn, I must have run into a tree were my initial thoughts. Laying on my butt and rubbing my head and shoulder as they were in pain, it took me a minute to register what happened as I couldn't focus.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing here?" I hear a very deep and ruff voice say. I guess I spoke way too soon, and reacted way too late.
Before I knew it, the man grabbed my arm and pulled me up so fast that I couldn't even catch a glimpse of his face. He put his arms around my waist, making sure to not leave my arms unattended, I struggled against him but he was too strong, I didn't stand a chance. I wouldn't even be in this position if I were a ninja, and hopefully my training at the leaf village will help me. That is if I even survive this disaster, I thought to myself. I looked down at his legs and noticed the belt of weapons he had around his thighs. This man was a ninja himself, and did not come here with good intentions. Crap, what am I suppose to do? I can't fight him—hell, I can't even get out of his grip! I was helpless, you wished that someone would come to your rescue and hopefully this guy's opponent was still around.
I started to scream for help, as the man forgot to cover my mouth, he tried to keep my quiet but my screams got louder, no way I wasn't going to at least try. I kept screaming for the life of me and thrashing myself around to add to the noise from my screams. I beginning to lose my voice, getting desperate, I knew the man could hear my voice falter as he began to laugh to himself. I felt something fly past above my head, and hit at the man's shoulder. That stopped both my screaming and his laughter, he started groaning in pain. I quickly see what cause that, and notice a clean slice through his clothes at this shoulder, he was bleeding. Finally someone else was here.
"Who did that?! Come out!" The man demanded.
In the distance, I could see a glowing red eye? The person who threw the knife came out from the tree. As he slowly approached, I noticed his features. He had silver hair that literally looked as if it defied gravity, he was quite tall and had a mask covering half of his face, he screamed mysterious. I quickly took notice of his clothing, the symbol on his uniform caught my attention. He was from the leaf village! Which made me even more worried because we're in leaf village territory. What is he doing here fighting the ninjas of the village? He must be really bad. And here I was, being held by that same man who's most likely going to kill me.
"Let her go," said the gray-haired ninja, he never broke eye contact with the man.
I felt a chuckle come from the man's lips, and slowly put a knife towards my throat. He didn't answer the leaf ninja.
"I'm not going to tell you again! This is between you and me, leave her alone!" He yelled.
My kidnapper essentially responded back, "Why should I let such a pretty girl go? Besides, I'm quite more interested in her than play fighting with you."
His answer seemed to piss off the ninja even more. In a blink of an eye, I felt the man lose his grip on me as he groaned in pain, what just happened? He lowered the knife and proceeded to fall onto the ground. I didn't even see anything happen, he just seem to lose his stance and strength. I looked between the ninja and the man, the ninja was still in the same spot, he didn't even move. I noticed his red eye again, and it seemed to glow more than when I first noticed it. The ninja walked over to me, adjusting his headband to cover his eye. I stood there frozen as he approached.
"Well looks like I won't have to deal with him for while," he said. He the kicked the guy, he was out cold basically.
He noticed my lack of response, "Are you alright? Being in that type of situation is never fun."
"Yes, I think I'm alright. Thank you," I say finally finding my voice again.
I quickly dust myself off and get myself together. I run over to where my backpack is, thanking the Lord that I didn't lose it. My stomach growled even louder than before, almost being kidnapped sure makes you hungry. I sit down, put my backpack in my lap after retrieving my lunchbox, I had two rice balls left at least. I sigh over the fact that my first rice ball was done for once I felt the man grab me, making me toss it to the ground, I look over to the remaining pieces on the dirt. I hear footsteps approach me, and it startled me slightly but then I remembered the leaf ninja, I should probably thank him about a hundred times more for saving my life.
"Got any extras?" I look up and see him pointing at my lunch.
I nod slowly, and extending out my lunch box to give him my remaining rice ball. He takes it, and turns away to eat it. He probably didn't want to show his face to a stranger, understandable. We both eat our food in silence before I break it.
"Thank you again for saving me, I didn't stand a chance against him," I say.
"It's not a problem, I had some unresolved business with him anyway, he just gave me more of reason to kick his ass," he chuckled, and I could hear the slight munching of food coming from him.
"I'm assuming you're from the leaf village?" I ask, maybe he can show me the way there.
"You are correct, I was taking a stroll outside the village when I found him lurking around," the ninja says, gesturing his head to the man on the ground.
He finishes eating, pulls up his mask and turns to face me. As I look at him, even with the mask on, I can tell he's quite attractive. I wouldn't mind having a cute ninja escort to the leaf village.
"Is there any chance you can continue to be my knight in shining amor? I really need to get to the leaf village quickly," I teasingly ask.
The ninja looks visibly flustered as he was not expecting that, but he nodded in agreement.
"I was heading back there anyway." He starts beginning to walk away.
I pack my things, and put my backpack on. As I get up, I feel a sharp pain in my thigh. I wince and grab my leg, the ninja looks back at me worried. I look over at my leg, and see a cut there at the side. The man must have accidentally cut me when he fell down, and I probably didn't even notice since I was terrified and confused during the whole altercation. I put pressure on my thigh and the ninja softly touched my shoulder.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He questions.
"I think the guy cut me and I didn't even notice," I say in pain. I try to walk it off but I can barely walk.
The ninja stops me, and places me on his back, "Don't strain yourself, I'll take you back like this," he assured me.
I don't say anything in response but just wrap my arms around him, as he starts heading towards the village. I softly rest my head on his shoulders as he passes by the trees in the forest. It shouldn't be that long until we reach the village, especially since this silver-haired ninja is quite fast. He felt warm and cozy, so hopefully we didn't arrive too quickly.
The silence that fell upon was soon interrupted by the ninja speaking.
"You know, I'm quite curious... what's your name?," He asks me.
"Oh, it's (y/n). What's your name since we're asking questions now?"
"Kakashi Hatake, from the Leaf Village as you know," he said with a smile.
His first and last name had a nice ring to it. I liked it, I decided. I pulled myself closer to him as I felt myself slowly start to slip, as I did so he tightened his grip on me.
"Got anymore questions, Kakashi Hatake?." I hear a soft stifled laugh come from him.
"To be honest, I'm wondering why a girl like you is  going to the Leaf Village—" He quickly stops the words flowing from his mouth, probably noticing the flirtatious tone he had. "—You know for safety reasons, in case I have to fight you now instead of later."
"My family wants me to learn how to be a ninja," I sheepishly say.
It was a bit embarrassing that I was eighteen years old, when most beginner ninjas aren't even teenagers yet!
"Ninja, huh? So you're going to be training at the Leaf Village?," he questions.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how long the process takes but I hear that it's a long process."
"That you are quite right, it's rigorous. Sure you're up for it?" Kakashi asks me worryingly.
"Well sadly, I can't always have a cute silver-haired ninja randomly show up and save me all the time," I tease some more, and I see him face the other way. He was blushing I knew it!
"Who knows, maybe I can always be available for you," he teases back.
Now it was my turn to blush, I let out a quiet chuckle. I was not expecting him to flirt back.
"Maybe I would very much like that," I softly whispered in his ears.
Kakashi was going to respond to what I said before, he started slowing down and informed that we have arrived at the Leaf Village. He carefully puts me down, and we walk together as we approached the gates. I noticed two men guarding the place. They waved at Kakashi but soon had a confused look on their faces as they saw me.
"Who's the girl, Kakashi?" The one with a toothpick yelled out.
Kakashi sighed, clearly not wanting to answer but did anyway, "She's here to train."
They both nodded, and waved their hands to let us know we could pass the gates. I was soon greeted with how the Leaf Village looked like. There were a lot of shops, and I saw little kids running around playing, older people were taking strolls and shopping, and overall the atmosphere felt warm and cozy. It was very welcoming, you usually didn't feel this with every village, I was starting to like the village already. Although Kakashi and I didn't speak as we walked through the streets, I could tell he wanted to keep me in his presence and I felt the same way, he had this inviting feeling towards him.
We soon began to have small talk, and I noticed that people were staring at us. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy but maybe Kakashi is a big hot shot here in the village, I definitely wouldn't be surprised if he was, he seemed pretty amazing to me. But the stares, as the more I noticed it, the creepier it was. Maybe I should ask him.
"Kakashi, are people staring at us?" I bluntly ask.
"Yeah they are, they've been doing it since we've walked past the gates but I don't really mind," Kakashi says calmly, this clearly didn't affect him.
"Do you know why?"
"Probably because you're the first girl I've been seen with who's not been arrested," He answers.
"Oh." It was all I could say.
We still walk, and then it dawns on me, I'm suppose to meet up with Tsunade as soon as I got to the village. Shit! She's probably worried, I was already running late before I almost got kidnapped but she's most likely panicking inside if I don't show up anytime soon! I'm sure Kakashi wouldn't mind taking me to her.
"Um, Kakashi—" He looks at me. "—Is there any way you could bring me to Lady Hokage's office, I really need to see her."
"I was needing to head over there anyway, I need to fill out a report about that man we encountered outside the village," Kakashi explains.
Before I knew it, he's picking me up once again and is running by everyone. All I see are quick flashes of people's faces as they notice what Kakashi is doing. I wasn't expecting my first day at the village to be like this. I can smell food in the air as he passes by a ramen shop, and my stomach growls a bit. I hope he didn't hear that.
Soon enough, we're at the building where Tsunade is. He lets me down once again, and I give him a puzzled look about why he gave me another piggyback ride.
"Your cut." He points to the cut on my leg.
I forgot about that, I should probably get it checked out by Tsunade when I see her. At least it doesn't hurt as much as it did when we both noticed it.
"We should probably go together... since you know, you need to see her and so do I" Kakashi says quietly.
"I like that idea." I smile at him.
Kakashi softly blushes at that and so do I at his reaction. I wouldn't mind if he stuck around. We both began to walk inside. Hopefully Tsunade does not kick my ass for being late, or for being stupid enough to almost get kidnapped.
Next chapter will be up on Friday (04/10) or earlier, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Word count: 2828
- korina
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misharuu · 4 years
All You Had To Do Was Ask ; Part One/Four
Fandom: Naruto Shippuden (you only need basic knowledge of the fandom to enjoy this story; only the subplot mentions the canon!)
Pairing: Jiraiya x Naruto
Warnings/Tags: NSFW ; yaoi in future chapters, sickfic, emeto, depression, mental illness, self harm/suicide attempt in future chapters.
Summary:  Naruto and Jiraiya have set out on another training journey together. Jiraiya returns from a recon mission to find Naruto sick and injured, slipping deep into the grasps of depression. Emotions are kindled and their dynamic begins to shift and change; can Jiraiya save Naruto before it's too late?
Word Count: 11,218
A/N: so this fic follows the canon storyline up until when Naruto begins training with Jiraiya for the second time, before learning sage mode. rather than having a second, shorter spurt of training they set off on another two year long journey. Naruto is 19 and Orochimaru took on a different vessel which gave them more time to prepare while the Akatsuki focused on the other tailed beasts. Naruto is being tormented by the Nine Tailed Fox and slowly falls into a pit of crippling depression. he stops taking care of himself and has to deal with the consequences once Jiraiya comes back from a 'research' session. drama ensues and eventually Jiraiya and Naruto realize they might need each other more than they had ever expected.
please like, comment, or reblog if you enjoy this fic c:
AO3. FF.
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"You're weak. You're a monster. No one could ever love you. Not after what you've done. Not with what you are. You're a fucking disgrace. Jiraiya is just using you. He wants your power. Why do you think he's always off 'researching'? You disgust him. He can't stand being in the same room as you. You killed his prized student. You're a murderer," the Fox snickered, chakra glowing a deep dark crimson. Naruto sat in the shallow water, his hands pressed over his ears. He wouldn't listen. He wanted to tear out his eardrums so he couldn't listen. Even now he knew he was dreaming, but it stung the same because he knew the words were true.
Naruto's eyes snapped open, waking with a start. A dull throb formed behind his eyes and he let out a shaky breath. A cold sweat coated his body and a chill seeped up his spine. He shivered and pulled the covers closer to his neck, wrapping himself up tight. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the pressure in his head away. Suddenly a sharp pain spread throughout his stomach like a wildfire, deep and twisting. He winced and rolled onto his side, but the sudden movement caused his vision to swim. He groaned and fought back the bile rising in his throat, swallowing hard. Just as he thought he was about to lose control the door slammed open. Jiraiya cheerily walked into the room, loudly dropping his pack next to the door. He stomped through the room and stopped at the window next to Naruto's resting spot. He flung the blinds opens and spun on his heels to face his student. "Rise and shine, kid! It's nearly noon!" he beamed, giving Naruto a light shake with his foot. Naruto pulled the covers over his face as the sunlight assaulted his eyes.
"S-Sensei -" he started but his voice betrayed him. He cleared his throat and tried again, "Sensei, I don't think I can train today."
Jiraiya let out a hearty laugh, "come on kid! I didn't think you'd quit that easily!" he made his way to their closet and pulled out Naruto's clothes, spreading them on the bedspread over his feet. "You've been resting all night, time to get a move on!" he smirked, looking at the lump under the blanket. "Plus!" he added happily, "my research is done for now. I'll tell ya what; I'll watch you train," if that's what it'll take to get you out of bed, he finished in his head.
Naruto perked up at this. He'd been begging Jiraiya to watch him train for weeks. Months, even. Before he even started his sage training. Truth be told he was starting to feel hurt. He'd been alone his entire life; shunned and outcast like trash due to the fact that he was the Nine Tailed Fox’ vessel. That wasn't anything new. But Jiraiya filled a spot in his heart that had been missing. He made Naruto feel like he wasn't so alone. But as soon as they left to train for the second time Naruto felt like Jiraiya quickly grew tired of him. Naruto wound up spending most of his time training alone, and Jiraiya was usually off ‘researching’. Sometimes he'd train so hard that he'd pass out and his teacher wouldn't even notice, leaving him out overnight in the cold and rain. Naruto was beginning to feel more alone than ever. His heart constantly ached, but he kept pushing himself. He wouldn't stop until he was strong enough to bring Sasuke home. But the current pressure and stress was taking it's toll. The Nine Tailed Fox chakra was healing him slower and slower; at this point he felt like he was healing even slower than a normal person would. And his mental health was struggling. He felt himself slipping into the void of depression and anxiety, desperate for some real human interaction. He wasn't going to let a stupid headache ruin his chance to make Jiraiya proud.
Jiraiya watched as a puff of yellow hair began to emerge from the blanket. His smile faded slowly as he got a full view of Naruto. He was as pale as a ghost; his hair was limp and stuck to his forehead with sweat. His red rimmed eyes were glazed over and unfocused, and he looked much too thin.
"Really? You mean it?" he asked weakly, pulling himself up. He staggered a bit but was able to steady himself. He couldn't let himself ruin this. Not now. Not for some stupid cold. Jiraiya was prepared to tell Naruto to get back into bed, but with the way he cheered up at the mention of watching him train he knew he couldn't pull the rug out from under the kid. Jiraiya huffed, tossing the clothes on the bedspread into Naruto's hands.
"Yeah, I mean it. But first we're going to get some food. With all the growing you've been doing you're starting to get a bit thin, you look like a twig," Jiraiya masked the worry in his voice with a joke. Naruto let a small smile grow on his face as he gripped his clothes in his hands.
Jiraiya looked around the room nonchalantly. He admittedly had been quite busy lately; he told Naruto he was 'researching,' but in reality he was trying to gain intel on the Akatsuki. It had been at least a week since he'd slept in on actual mattress, let alone checked up on Naruto. He knew the boy always pushed himself to the limit but his optimistic nature and sticktoitiveness kept him going, and tough love was Jiraiya's signature teaching method. He was starting to think that method wouldn't be as effective for someone like Naruto, but the kid needed to grow up. He was almost twenty and was still constantly seeking approval from anyone who would give him the time of day. He had to learn how to satisfy his own needs. But as Jiraiya looked around the room he didn't see the usual litter of snack wrappers and ramen containers that he'd become accustomed to. All he saw were scrolls, blood stained clothing soaking in a soapy basin, and... was that sake?
Jiraiya let out a heaving sigh, "c'mon kid, lets get some food into you."
The thought of food made Naruto's stomach turn. He had to fight down a gag that threatened to escape his lips. He covered it up by clearing his throat and plastering on a hollow smile. He gripped the clothes in his hands tightly and made his way to the bathroom to clean up. He let the door click behind him as he gingerly lifted his night shirt over his head, wincing as the dried blood on his ribs stuck to the fabric of his shirt. He knew he was training too hard, pushing himself to the limit every day. Each day he seemed to have less and less energy, and it took less and less time for him to become exhausted. He had started to become sloppy, getting injured more often than not. He let out a shaky sigh as he turned to face the sink. Naruto almost jumped when he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. He had dark bags under his eyes that were accentuated by the pale sheen of his skin and he could see his ribs beginning to poke out. He frowned at himself, looking away with shame. Naruto discarded his shirt into the corner and pulled on his fresh one, zippering his jacket slowly. As he bent down to pull up his pants a sudden wave of dizziness threatened to knock him on his ass so he quickly leaned against the wall and slid down, allowing his head to rest on his knees. He took a few shuddering breaths, trying to steady the clenching pain in his stomach. 'Useless. Dirty. Unclean. Monster,' the voice in his head teased, sending his heart rate skyrocketing. Naruto bit his lip in an attempt to stop the tears. He was sick and weak. Usually he could keep the intrusive thoughts in his head at bay, but in his weakened state he was having a hard time suppressing them. He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled himself up using the bathroom counter, turning on the cold tap. He splashed his face with water, allowing his mask to slip back on, cementing his mental walls firmly in place.
While Naruto was in the bathroom Jiraiya took a moment to do a more thorough search of the room. He couldn't find any evidence of food wrappers or take out boxes, but he tried to humor himself by thinking that his student was just eating out a lot. The scrolls spread across the floor detailed some advanced techniques; additional chakra natures and expert chakra control. Techniques Naruto should have waited for Jiraiya's help with. The older man frowned as his eyes slid over the sake bottle. He quietly picked up the bottle and gave it a gentle shake; empty. As he stood in the empty room curiosity got the better of him. He sneakily padded over to the bathroom door, hovering his ear against the cool painted wood. At first he only heard silence, but suddenly he heard short, shallow, uneven breaths followed by what sounded like a choked off sob. Jiraiya's heart jumped into his throat and he raised his hand to knock on the door to check on Naruto. Just as his knuckles were about to rap against the door he heard the sink turn on. He leapt back from the door in time for it to swing open, having just enough time to spin on his heels and act as if he was thumbing over a scroll.
Naruto glared at Jiraiya suspiciously before slipping on his sandals.
"Alright, kid, lets go," Jiraiya swung the door open and held it for Naruto as he exited. Naruto looked up at his teacher and gave him one of his trademark boyish grins. Jiraiya felt taken aback about the fact that Naruto was able to hide his emotions as well as he could; after he cleaned himself up he almost looked normal, if not for his puffy eyes and lean physique. Normally he'd brush that off as a long night of training, but today, this time, he knew that thinking that would be wrong. Something was up, and he wasn't going to give up until he got to the bottom of it.
Lunch was uneventful. Naruto tried to act normal but with his watchful eye Jiraiya noticed him expertly pushing his food around on his plate to make it look like he'd eaten most of it. 'How often has he done that without me realizing?' the guilt and worry were eating away at him inside, 'and when did I start to care so much?' So lost in his deep introspection Jiraiya didn't notice Naruto sneaking into the bathroom until a few moments had passed. Naruto's plate was already gone and his utensils sat neatly on his folded napkin. Jiraiya narrowed his eyes and waited a minute before trailing him, trying to be sleek. He pushed the door open slowly and was greeted by the sound of Naruto coughing; a dry, deep nagging cough that sounded painful.
"You alright in there?" Jiraiya asked from outside the stall, trying to hide the concern in his voice.
Naruto cleared his throat and forced out a nonchalant laugh, "y-yeah, just allergies! You know me, sensei, nothing can keep me down for long."
He flushed the toilet and staggered out of the stall, joining Jiraiya at the sinks as they both washed their hands. As much as he wanted to take the kid back to their room and drill him about his odd behavior, he wanted to give Naruto a chance to come to him on his own. He didn't want to pry; in reality it was none of his business. He was Naruto's teacher, not his dad and not his best friend. But something about this was different and Jiraiya couldn't quite place his finger on it; all he knew was that the sudden concern he had for Naruto made him unseasy. He wasn't one to invest so much into his student's personal lives, let alone their mental health. But the alarm bells were going off in his head and he couldn't quiet them. He needed to get to the bottom of this; whether Naruto wanted to do this the easy way or the hard way was up to him.
"Lets get a move on! We only have so much sunlight left," Jiraiya placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder as they headed towards their training spot.
Naruto had certainly been training hard. By the amount of fallen trees, scuff marks, and rasengan impact points in the area Naruto had certainly been training hard in Jiraiya's absence.
"Been busy I see! Happy to see you haven't just been slacking off while I've been away," he jokingly elbowed Naruto in the ribs, gauging his reaction.
Naruto winced but tried to play it off as a chuckle, "well yeah sensei, I couldn't just sit around waiting for you to get back. Besides, I'm used to training alone since you seem to have little interest in helping me train anyway!" he glared up at his teacher with a smirk on his face, "plus, Ero-sennin, I've been doing just fine without you!"
It was Jiraiya's turn to glare at Naruto, "I thought I told you not to call me that. And I'm here now, aren't I? So show me what you've been working so hard on." Jiraiya dropped his pack onto the ground by a tree and rolled up his sleeves. He needed to feel for himself just where Naruto's skills had increased to, and what a better way to do that than sparing?
Naruto rolled his eyes as he jumped into position, "you sure you really want that old man? I don't want to hurt you," he giggled childishly, reaching into his pouch for a kunai.
"Just come at me," Jiraiya chided, watching for Naruto's move, his patience wearing thin.
As usual Naruto didn't try to make a calculated move, he ran straight for Jiraiya while pulling the kunai from his pouch, throwing the knife as a distraction while raising his leg for a kick. Jiraiya easily dodged the kunai and grabbed his foot, giving it a light twist to throw off Naruto's center of gravity. He noted the ease at which he was able to dodge him and throw him off balance, something which was usually quite hard with Naruto. The twisting of his leg made Naruto divert his attention, but he took advantage of the movement by reaching out his hands towards the ground. He used his palms to redirect his energy, pushing up off the ground and aiming a kick straight at the back of Jiraiya's head. Jiraiya bent forward a bit, causing Naruto's foot to just barely graze his mane of silvery hair, and he reached out his arm and gently pushed Naruto's hip while he was still upside down trying to regain his footing. The move made Naruto stumble a bit, giving Jiraiya time to spin around and grab his student by both arms, getting him in a headlock.
"C'mon kid, is this really the best you got? If this is how you've been training then I really haven't been missing much," he teased, trying to rile his student up enough to bring out the fight in him. That pissed Naruto off. The first time his sensei comes to watch him train in weeks and this was the best he could do? The pain in his head slowed him down and made him see double, while the unending stomach cramps made it difficult for him to stand up straight.
He took a moment to catch his breath and will his stomach to settle. He smirked, "I was just warming up!" Naruto jumped back and prepared his hand signs.
"Shadow clone jutsu!" he called out, spawning ten clones of himself. A few ran forward to engage Jiraiya in combat while he hung back with the rest, preparing a rasengan. He focused his chakra on his palm, finding it exceedingly difficult to draw enough out to make an adequately sized ball. The change in chakra form was enough to almost completely exhaust him. The feeling of disappointment rose up and crashed over him in waves. Talentless. A waste of space. A waste of air. A waste of life. He growled and sprung into action, launching himself into the air to gain some speed and momentum. "Rasengan!" he snarled, aiming straight for Jiraiya who was able to easily dodge Naruto's attack. Naruto landed on the ground and felt the shock waves of pain ricochet up his arm as his hand collided with the ground, a deep indent scarring the earth. The pain seemed to go straight up to his temples, the dull roar of his headache spiking up to a splitting pain. He winced and rested on his knee for a moment while Jiraiya grinned down at him.
"Come on Naruto, how do you plan to get Sasuke back with that crap? You can't even put a scratch on me! When did you get so weak?"
Weak. The word bounced around his head like a boomerang. You're weak. Naruto's face scrunched up into a sneer. He got up to his feet so quickly that all Jiraiya saw was a blur. The only still image he was able to catch was Naruto's eyes slitting dangerously. In his state Jiraiya knew Naruto couldn't handle a surge of the Fox's chakra - he was trying to avoid hurting the boy but he needed to put a stop to this. Naruto snarled as he launched himself into the air and quickly descended upon Jiraiya, a harsh blow landing across his teacher's face. Jiraiya slid back a few feet and had just enough time to block his head before Naruto landed another blow. Before he could get a defensive hit in of his own Naruto was already spinning around, dodging Jiraiya's first while also aiming a hit of his own at the older man's ribs. Jiraiya jumped up and dipped behind Naruto's back, moving quickly enough to slide Naruto's feet out from under him. The younger man hit the ground with a thud, all the air in his lungs painfully rushing out in a whoosh. He gasped as the pain shot through his body like lightning, setting every nerve ending ablaze. He managed to turn onto his side as he fought to regain the ability to breathe, coughing and spluttering. Jiraiya narrowed his eyes, 'he should have recovered from that by now; I've seen him get flung halfway across a forest and get up as if nothing happened. This isn't good.' He sighed as he reached down to offer Naruto a hand, but quickly jumped back when he saw clawed fingers swat his hand away. 'Shit, the transformation has started, I need to end this before he takes on the Nine Tail's cloak.' Jiraiya balled his hands into fists and watched as Naruto struggled to his feet, pausing for a moment with his hands on his knees.
"You alright over there?" Jiraiya asked cautiously. All he got in response was an animalistic growl, red cat eyes meeting his gaze.
"Stop going easy on me, old man. I'm not a fucking child!" Naruto snapped, jumping into action.
The two spared for a moment, hands and feet flying in a blur. Naruto caught Jiraiya in the jaw, sending his teacher gliding back. Jiraiya spat out blood that was gushing from his bottom lip as he waited for Naruto to make his next move. The boy dashed towards him with a snarl, clawed hand raised and ready to strike. 'This needs to end. Now!' Jiraiya balled his fist and hit Naruto full force in the stomach as soon as he was about to get slashed. The blow sent Naruto flying back, a crack echoing around the clearing as his back connected with a tree. Jiraiya held his position as the dust settled, waving his hand back and forth in front of his face as he attempted to get a glimpse of Naruto. He took a few hasty steps as Naruto's silhouette began to come into his line of vision. He saw Naruto struggling to stand, using the tree trunk to steady himself. Once the dust settled and Jiraiya was able to get a real look at his student he noticed that he was shaking all over, strong tremors rocking his whole body. He back was pressed against the tree and his hands rested on his knees, his face blocked by hair and shadows. His claws and fangs had retracted so Jiraiya felt comfortable getting closer.
"... Naruto?" Jiraiya asked gently once he was about halfway across the clearing. Naruto's face slowly turned up towards his teacher, a stupid grin plastered onto his face, but the tremors revealed his true pain.
"I-I'm fine, sensei; that was a good hit you got in but it won't happen again!" He reached up and brushed a hand through his hair, freezing when his fingers reached the back of his head. Something slick was coating his fingertips; something warm and sticky. Blood. He shakily pulled his hand away from his head and stared at the blood dripping from his fingers, snaking it's way down to his elbow.
"Naruto!" Jiraiya sprang into action as his student's eyes went wide with shock before rolling into the back of his head. He reached his arms out just in time to catch Naruto's limp body before he landed in a heap on the ground.
Inky darkness spread around him, swirling like smoke. He felt the uncomfortably warm waist deep water surrounding him; caressing his skin, it's putrid odor making his stomach turn. Somewhere close behind him he heard an insidious chuckle and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. 
'Weak. You're still so weak,' the voice boomed. Naruto shuttered as a rotting smell reached him; a smell of death and decay. The air was thick with it, assaulting his nostrils whenever the voice spoke. 'You're pathetic. Why do you even try? Just give up. Give in to me. I can make you strong.' A cold chill ran up his spine as he pushed himself up onto unsteady feet. He looked around frightfully as he tried to get his bearings. He reached his hands up to try to wipe the sweat off his forehead but somehow it made his skin feel slicker, stickier, warm... Naruto looked down at his hands and gasped, falling backwards into the water as he realized his hands were covered in blood. He desperately tried to scrub the blood off his hands as another snicker exploded into his eardrums, 'see what you've done? See what you've become? You're a monster, whether you give in to me or not. I will overcome you. I will wipe out your village; I'll kill each and every friend you've ever known while wearing your face. You'll feel their bones break beneath your fingers. You'll taste their blood.'  Images of death and chaos flashed before his eyes; The Hidden Leaf Village burning to the ground, all of his friend's bodies scatted over rubble, Kakashi's decapitated head on a stake. Naruto sobbed and squeezed his palms onto his eyes.
"No! That won't happen! I won't let you!" he cried, whipping his head back and forth trying to find the source of the voice. Finally he saw an ominous crimson smoke billowing from the darkness, a pair of gigantic red eyes peering at him from the void. The voice laughed heartily, causing the walls and ground to shake. 'Don't you see, you stupid boy, you already have.' Naruto plunged his hands back into the water, struggling to see through the tears in his eyes.The blood wouldn't budge; each time he tried to wash it off it just grew and multiplied, coating his arms up to the elbows. And then he saw it; the water he was sitting in was a river of blood. Fresh and hot. Naruto sobbed, broken in half and hollow. 'Why am I alive?'
'Naruto. Naruto!' A voice was calling out to him from the darkness, a pinprick of light appearing above him. He stood, wanting to reach out and grab it, follow it out of this Hell. But he couldn't move, those eyes had him paralyzed. 'Naruto!' The voice called out again as the beam of light grew. Naruto reached up his hands, jumping into the beam of light and letting it envelop him. The ominous voice screeched ferociously and Naruto felt a clawed hand try to grab him, but the darkness was already receding and he was pulled fully into the light.
Naruto awoke from his nightmare, colors and sounds rushing back to him in a blur. He felt hands on his face, rough and calloused, pushing back his hair and gently slapping his cheek.
"Fuck, you're burning up!" a voice growled as he felt his body being shaken. "Naruto, wake the fuck up!" the familiar voice barked. Naruto seemed to come back down into reality as he heard his name. The voice was Jiraiya sensei! A sick groan escaped Naruto's lips as he attempted to roll on his side, but he found himself firmly held in Jiraiya's lap. "Naruto! Stay with me now," Jiraiya exclaimed, his forehead creased and his mouth pressed into a thin line. Naruto went to rub his eyes but caught a whiff of something metallic - blood! His eyes flew open and he stared at the blood coating his hand. He wriggled free from Jiraiya's grasp just in time to roll to his side off his lap, landing on the ground hard, a pain surging through his chest from the impact. His fingers clenched into the dirt as he gagged, a rush of stomach acid burning his throat. A wave of vomit splashed onto the ground as Naruto choked and retched, involuntary tears spilling from the corners of his eyes. Suddenly he felt a hand on his back, rubbing in circles. 
Jiraiya helped Naruto to his knees so he wasn't laying in a puddle of his own vomit, leaving a strong hand on the boy's shoulder to help hold him steady. Naruto hissed in pain as his body betrayed him, spluttering and heaving over the ground as his stomach refused to settle. He coughed up a dribble of bile, a long string of saliva hanging from his lips. Jiraiya pushed back Naruto's hair, hushing him and gently whispering reassurances and encouragement; you're good, I've got you, I'm so sorry. Jiraiya's heart broke in two as he watched his student struggling. The back of  his head was coated in blood and dirt, 'because of me,' and Naruto was puking in a field - 'even though I knew something was up and decided to push him to his limits instead of forcing him to take it easy,'  Jiraiya thought to himself bitterly. He wasn't used to the feelings he was feeling. He wasn't sure if he should stick to his old ways or model and change his tactics to Naruto's needs... to his own needs. He felt Naruto's breathing change below his grip; quick and unsteady, gasping, hyperventilating. He gripped Naruto's shoulder and smoothed the boy's hair back. "Breathe, kid, you need to breathe. Steady, now. You're okay. I'm here," Jiraiya murmured, letting his fingers linger over the back of Naruto's head, trying to gauge how bad his injury was.
The gash was deep with ragged edges but the bone was undisturbed. Naruto dry heaved one last time before sliding his feet underneath him, settling his ass on the ground, arms cradling his head against his knees. He broke down into tears, gasping for breath between sobs, his chest clenched tight. "It's all my fault!" he finally managed to choke out. Jiraiya scrunched his eyebrows together and reached out to wrap an arm around Naruto's shoulders, but the boy quickly flinched away. His head whipped up as he held an arm in front of him, "g-get away from me! I-I'll only hurt you!" he sobbed, delirious with fever.
"Naruto... what are you talking about?" the older man murmured as he tried to approach Naruto again, letting a hand rest on the boy's knee.
Naruto hiccuped and coughed, shrinking away from Jiraiya's touch, tears streaking his face. "Their blood," Naruto cried, holding up his hands as if to prove his point, "the blood of The Village is on my hands. I'm a monster - there's a monster inside me. If you don't get away - i-if you stay here... I'll kill you." Naruto pitched forward involuntarily as his stomach clenched, forcing up a painful dry cough. He struggled as he dry heaved repeatedly, his entire body shaking violently.
"Easy, easy..." Jiraiya soothed, slipping behind Naruto and placing a hand on his back, rubbing in light circles. Naruto's body was utterly exhausted; nothing left to throw up and no energy to resist the unending sickness in his stomach. Once he was done Jiraiya pulled the boy closer to him to examine his wound. His powers of healing were rudimentary, but he had picked up a few pointers from Tsunade over the years. He concentrated his chakra and held his hand over Naruto's wound. The healing was slow and painful, the Fox clearly wasn't even attempting to heal Naruto this time around. 'That explains why he's so sick. In all my years of training with Naruto I've never seen him have more than a slight sniffle. The Fox isn't healing him; whether he's unable to or just rebelling is something I'll need to figure out,'  he thought to himself as Naruto's gash finally started to knit back together.
The boy sat in his lap, sniffling and coughing, shaking miserably from the pain coursing through his body. As soon as the cut was healed Naruto slumped backwards into Jiraiya's chest. Jiraiya sighed and scooted Naruto fully into his lap, using his sleeve to wipe off his face. A move like that would usually have Naruto calling him a pervert, but for now it brought him comfort. Naruto's hands clutched onto the front of Jiraiya's vestments, snuggling his face into the fabric. 'He must be sick to be acting like this,' he frowned, sighing as he began to push himself up, cradling Naruto to his chest. The sudden movement made it feel like he had the spins, wincing as he squeezed his eyes tight. "Just hang on," Jiraiya adjusted the heap of a boy in his arms before leaping off into action, rushing them back to their room.
Jiraiya placed Naruto onto the couch, keeping one hand firmly planted on his student’s shoulder so he wouldn’t fall over. Naruto was slipping in and out of consciousness; his high fever intermingling with his concussion, creating a deadly combination. Jiraiya unzipped Naruto’s jacket and gently slid the sleeves over his shoulders and down his arms. He slid his pants down and then removed his undershirt, leaves his boxers for dignity’s sake.
“Alright, up ya go,” he muttered as he picked Naruto up from under his arms, carrying him into the bathroom so he could get him in a cool bath. Even without being a medical ninja Jiraiya could tell Naruto's fever was reaching the danger zone. He flipped on the taps and then settled onto the floor, cradling Naruto’s broken frame in his hands. Other than his blatant sickness and concussion Jiraiya was able to detect multiple cracked ribs in various states of repair, multiple strained muscles, a snapped ligament in his left knee, and a litany of bruises and cuts. How Naruto even managed to pull himself out of bed that morning was a miracle.
Once the tub was full Jiraiya turned off the taps and gently placed Naruto into the tub. As soon as he was in the water his eyes flashed open.
“C-cold! L-let me out of here!” he struggled to get out of the tub but was too weak to put up much of a fight. Jiraiya grabbed both of Naruto’s wrists and tried to hold them down, so Naruto used his feet as leverage to try to slide out of the tub.
“Damn it Naruto, stay still! If I don’t cool you down your brain’s gonna fry!” Jiraiya exclaimed, struggling against Naruto’s constant wriggling. Finally he heaved a sigh, “shit, you owe me one, kid,” he glared at the boy as he stood up and stepped into the tub, a quick shiver making its way up his spine as the lower part of his pants got soaked. He slid down into the lukewarm water, wrapping his arms around Naruto’s chest, forcing the boy’s arms still as he straddled his back to keep him from bucking out of the tub. For a moment he just held him, waiting for the harsh shivers to stop shaking Naruto’s thin frame, and especially for him to stop resisting.
As soon as Naruto relaxed Jiraiya took the washcloth from the towel rack and wet it, squeezing out the excess water. He wiped the dirt and blood off of Naruto’s body and neck, pressing gently as to avoid hurting him (even more than he already had). Naruto’s head lolled back into the crook of Jiraiya’s neck, snuggling his face into the crazy mane of silvery hair, seeking warmth. Once Jiraiya was done with the washcloth he rinsed it, squeezed it, and folded it in half, laying it over Naruto’s forehead and eyes. Jiraiya grabbed a cup from the side of the tub and filled it with water before dumping it over Naruto’s hair, gently massaging the dried blood and dirt from it. As he massaged his scalp he couldn’t help but notice Naruto’s toes curling, a barely audible moan deep in his throat. The older man couldn’t help but chuckle lightly.
“You’re never gonna live this down, and you’re never gonna call me a pervert again,” he smiled to himself as he washed the last of the blood away. It was the first time in weeks that he’d seen Naruto actually relaxed and he felt guilty taking it away so soon, especially after he’d injured him so badly, so he kept massaging his scalp. He grabbed the shampoo from the rack above him and squirted some into his hand before lathering it in Naruto’s honey yellow hair. He noticed Naruto begin to shake again and he stopped, reaching to grab for the cup so he could wash the shampoo away and get them into some warm, dry clothes.
But as Naruto spoke he froze in place; “p-please don’t stop.” He wasn’t shivering, he was crying. Naruto had never been shown this amount of affection. He didn’t have parents to take care of him as a child, having to rely on trial and error, mostly error at that. The most he’d get was a side hug from Sakura every now and then, a ruffle of his hair from Kakashi, maybe an arm around his shoulder. Whenever he was injured or sick he’d be healed and that would be the end of it - once his physical problems were gone no one was there to clean up the rest of the mess; no one to comfort him or make sure he was coping well. He was always the one being relied on for the comforting. It was taxing, Naruto constantly was the one who needed to swoop in and save the day. No one ever considered that he was the one breaking apart and needed saving. To be honest, Naruto had never felt this sort of closeness with someone; he’d barely had any physical interactions with people period.
Jiraiya frowned deeply, his heart breaking for the boy. “I won’t,” he whispered, continuing to rub the shampoo gently into Naruto’s scalp. Naruto tried to pull himself together as his fever broke and he was pulled back down into consciousness, but he was overwhelmed with anxiety and gratitude. No one had even attempted to show him this amount of kindness. It had been so long since he’d even imagined being this close with someone; he’d blocked even the possibility of feeling this way out of his mind. Now that it was actually happening he was stuck in a stunned stupor, not even attempting to fight back the tears on his cheeks. He wanted to thank Jiraiya but a part of him was terrified that speaking would break the spell; that Jiraiya would realize what he was doing, who he was doing it to, and leave him again just like all those months ago after their first training session when he wouldn’t even give Naruto the time of day. So much had changed since then. No matter how much he felt like he pushed himself he felt like he’d just wind up taking two steps back. He perfected the rasenshuriken and then had it banned from his repertoire due to the collateral damage. He was quickly running out of time to get Sasuke back, only a few months remaining until they’d set out again, and he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror. He knew he’d fail. Jiraiya must have known too considering the fact he wouldn’t even be in the same room as him.
Jiraiya rinsed Naruto’s hair and placed the cup on the floor, pausing for a second as he waited for Naruto to move. But he didn’t. He couldn’t. This might be the last time he’d feel like this again. At that thought Naruto broke. He ripped the washcloth off his face and replaced it with his hands, sitting up in the tub in a feeble attempt to distance himself from Jiraiya. He couldn’t handle being rejected again so he figured it would hurt less if he did the rejecting. But he was too weak to run and his attempt to get up ended in him slipping back down into Jiraiya’s strong hands.
“Naruto, stop,” he demanded a bit harder than he meant to, “you’re going to get hurt,” he added more gently, getting a grip on Naruto’s upper arms to hold him firmly in place. Naruto gave up his struggle and pressed his palms into his eye sockets.
“It already does hurt,” he cried, allowing himself to collapse upon Jiraiya’s chest. Jiraiya stayed silent for a moment, letting Naruto cry, fighting the urge to soothe him because he needed the kid to talk. He could feel how tense he was, it hung in the air like an all consuming smoke.
“You need to talk to me, I need to know what’s going on,” Jiraiya pressed, hugging the boy close to him. It took Naruto a minute to regain his composure.
“I-I can’t, you’ll just leave... You’ll just leave like everyone else...”
“I’m not going anywhere. But we do need to get out of this tub. I’m turning into a prune,” he joked, trying to lighten the tension.
Jiraiya helped Naruto up, wrapping a towel around his shoulders before guiding him back into their room, sitting him on the couch as he went to retrieve their clothes. They both dressed in silence - Jiraiya contemplating his next move as Naruto just wished he could disappear; get as far away as he could before he was rejected. Naruto sat on the couch sniffling, trying to ignore the pain exploding in his temples, exacerbated by his stuffy nose and tears. Jiraiya grabbed the blanket from his futon before wrapping it around Naruto’s shoulders.
“You’re my comrade; we eat together, fight together, live together, train together... I need to know what’s going on with you. You need to let me help you,” Jiraiya took a seat next to Naruto, staring at him patiently. Naruto just shook his head, hiding himself beneath the covers. He couldn’t face him; not while he was bearing his soul.
“If I’m honest you’ll just leave... N-no, you’ll leave regardless... just like everyone else. I’ll serve whatever purpose you have for me, and then I’ll be discarded with all the other things that have lose their usefulness,” he started, “I’m just a tool. Just a stepping stone in everyone’s journey. Once I serve my purpose I’m thrown aside. I save the girl, then she’s gone. I train with Sasuke and then he leaves to pursue power I can’t offer. I make promises and can’t keep them,” Naruto cried, shoulders shaking, stomach twisting into knots. "I-I'm a monster, people just use me for the power that I have and then they leave. I'm disgusting. A reminder of a past that everyone just wants to forget. A reminder of death," Naruto felt anger starting to bubble up in his chest. "I took so much from everyone... from you... the Fourth Hokage... All I do is cause pain... I shouldn't be alive," the last part of his sentence was said in a whisper so quiet that it was barely audible, but Jiraiya felt as if it was screamed directly into his ears.
"Don't say that. That isn't true. You aren't a monster. And you didn't take anything from anyone. You saved the village. The Fourth Hokage did what he needed to do to protect the Village and he was damn proud to do it. Don't tarnish his name by saying that he was murdered; he sacrificed himself to save his people. To save you also, Naruto," Jiraiya clapped a hand down on Naruto's shoulder, trying to comfort him. "Fuck what anyone else says, what anyone else does, I need you and that isn't going to change. I need you to be alive. You're my student and I'm going to protect you with both arms. I'm not going anywhere, and that's a promise. You're the strongest, hardest working, most incredible shinobi I have ever had the honor to train. Even stronger than the Fourth," Jiraiya tried to get a peek at Naruto's face but he was so tightly wound up in the blankets that all he could see was yellow hair. "Fuck those girls, fuck Sakura, fuck the Village, and honestly, fuck Sasuke," Jiraiya spat angerly, "what matters is you. You're incredible, and you're going to be hokage one say. I swear on my life. I will help you reach that dream. You aren't a tool and you aren't worthless. The village needs you. I need you," Jiraiya started to pull the blankets away. "I'm not going anywhere," he promised, finally finding Naruto's face among the duvet. Naruto looked up at him with his tear stained face, all puffy and red, but he could see the hope glimmering in his eyes for the first time in weeks. Naruto couldn't find the words to speak, he just threw his arms around Jiraiya's neck and allowed his teacher to hold him as he cried, short bursts of anguish and anxiety purging from his body. He sniffled weakly as the tears finally stopped, allowing himself to rest against Jiraiya. He wouldn't admit it, but Jiraiya's arms felt safe - they felt right.  He didn't want to move, not yet. He needed to relish this moment as long as he could because he knew he'd likely never feel this safe again.
Jiraiya just sat there, thoughts zipping through his mind too quickly to really hold on to any of them. He'd never let anyone bring out this side of him, let alone one of his students. Not even his old girlfriends had seen this side of him. But something about Naruto was different, especially when he was in such a state. For someone so optimistic and strong to fall this hard, something must seriously be wrong and it broke Jiraiya's heart. He needed to do whatever he could to help Naruto. He wasn't surprised that he'd pushed himself hard enough to break his own ribs, but he'd never expect a mental breakdown of this magnitude. However, with the way Naruto had been treated his whole life, he knew it shouldn't have come as a surprise. He knew he should have been helping him train mentally as well as physically, and he cursed himself for not noticing the signs sooner. 'And now he wants to die,' he thought to himself bitterly, subconsciously gripping the boy to him even harder. 'That won't happen, not to him, not while I'm around,' Jiraiya promised himself, allowing his eyes to close for some much needed rest.
They sat that way for a while before Naruto started to stir, swinging his legs over the side of the couch, his elbows resting on his knees, head in his hands. Suddenly he groaned, shivers traveling along his spine, a cold sweat breaking out on the back of his neck.
"Naruto...? You alright, kiddo?" Jiraiya asked lightly, placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto groaned again, an arm wrapping around his abdomen defensively.
"I-I’m so nauseous," he choked out, wincing as his stomach felt like it was being stabbed by white hot stakes. Naruto had never really been sick like this due to the Nine Tailed Fox's healing abilities, so he wasn't coping well. The pounding pain in his head was blinding and he didn't know how to handle it, his stomach joining the revolt. He didn't know how to ease the pain, how to help himself to make it end. Naruto fought back the tears forming in his eyes, astonished that he even had any tears left to cry. Another searing cramp shot through his stomach and he gasped, bending forward into his knees over the edge of the couch to try to subdue the pain.
"It's alright, I've gotcha," Jiraiya soothed, gently rubbing Naruto's back.
"M-Make it go away," Naruto cried, fingernails digging into his side, trying to claw the pain away.
"I would if I could, kid. You just need to ride it out. I'll get you some water," Jiraiya offered, getting up from the couch to fill a glass with water from the bathroom tap. Naruto took the glass from his hand but just held it for a moment, contemplating.
"If I drink it I'll just throw up again," he muttered.
Jiraiya frowned and sighed, "that may be true but you need to try. You're definitely dehydrated and that'll make the pain worse," he plopped back down on the couch beside Naruto. The boy eyed the water suspiciously before taking a small sip. The water soothed his abused, dry throat and he started chugging large mouthfuls. "Not too much!" Jiraiya exclaimed, grabbing the cup from Naruto before he downed the whole thing. Naruto jumped a bit when Jiraiya took the cup from him, but he quickly understood what he meant. He felt the water flow into his empty stomach which promptly clenched, sending a torrent of pain through is abdomen. Naruto winced, folding back down into his knees in an attempt to squeeze the pain away. "Told ya," Jiraiya said sadly, pulling the blanket up around Naruto's shoulders to try to ease his shaking. Naruto felt a cold sweat breaking out over his body, his mouth filling with saliva.
“Ugh, I’m gonna puke,” a hand flew to his mouth before he gagged emptily over the ground between his knees.
“Shit,” Jiraiya sprung into action, grabbing the metal garbage can in the corner of the room with lightning speed, shoving it into Naruto’s hands as he dry heaved. Naruto swallowed compulsively, fighting the bile attempting to crawl up his throat. He groaned sickly, trying to avoid the unavoidable. “Don’t fight it, you’ll only make it worse,” Jiraiya coached, “just let it out.” Naruto coughed and gagged, holding the can in a death grip as a stream of water and bile splashed into the can, the unmistakable sound of liquid hitting metal. “There ya go, I’ve gotcha,” Jiraiya soothed, brushing Naruto’s hair out of his eyes. Naruto’s stomach kept twisting, seemingly unending dry heaves wracking his body. He retched before burping up another wave of water, gasping for air between gags. Jiraiya waited a few moments for Naruto to calm down before reaching out for the can, “think you’re done?” Naruto spit into the can and then reached up and wiped his face on his sleeve, sniffling miserably.
“N-No,” he choked out before retching painfully.
“You’re all cleaned out, there’s nothing left. Sitting over it won’t help; I’ll wash this out, the smell is definitely not helping,” Jiraiya stated as he took the can from Naruto, carrying it into the bathroom. He emptied the can into the toilet and then washed it out in the sink. He reached for a washcloth and wet it with cool water, squeezing out the excess water so it wouldn’t drip. He placed the can next to Naruto on the couch just in case he needed it again and took back his spot on the couch. Jiraiya pushed Naruto’s hair off his forehead, sticky with sweat, and placed the washcloth on his fever-hot skin. Naruto signed in relief, allowing himself to sink into Jiraiya’s lap as he tried to rest his exhausted body. Naruto fell asleep in Jiraiya's arms, nestled in his lap on the couch. 
Jiraiya held Naruto for an hour, trying to last as long as he could before his shoulders ached and his legs were cramping. His body was begging to move but he didn't want to disturb Naruto. He held his breathe as he started to lift himself up off the couch, sliding the boy onto the cushions. Thankfully Naruto didn't wake up and he was able to replace his lap with a pillow. Jiraiya sighed as he made his way over to his futon, grabbing the blanket from Naruto's half of the room as the boy was currently cuddled up with his. He laid down and began to let his mind wander. The way that Naruto was talking shook him to his core. The last person he knew who was talking like that wound up sacrificing themselves on a mission. 'Over my dead body,' Jiraiya hissed to himself, squeezing his eyes shut to try to make the thoughts stop. 'I need to do something about this, I need to help him.' With that he started drifting into a dreamless sleep.
Jiraiya woke up some time later with a start, his eyes snapping open as some unknown noise awoke him. Something was wrong, alarm bells were going off in his head. He laid silently as he scanned the room for any danger. They were still alone but something was clearly amiss. “Naruto...?” he whispered sleepily as he glanced at the couch he’d left the younger man on; it was empty and the blanket and pillow were gone. He looked to Naruto’s futon and saw that empty as well. Instantly on high alert Jiraiya jumped up, prepared to put his shoes on to go looking for the boy. Just as he was about to throw his scroll onto his back he noticed the shine of light under the bathroom door. He padded over to the door silently, gently knocking against the wood. All he got in return was a series of violent dry coughs; deep and hacking, tearing and searing. “I’m coming in,” he announced as he turned the knob, taking in the scene in front of him. 
Naruto had made a makeshift bed on the bathroom floor, his pillow and blanket sitting on a few laid out towels. Naruto was on the ground in front of the toilet - his legs were bent on either side of him, sitting on his feet for leverage, one arm draped over the toilet seat as the other clutched his stomach. His head hung over the bowl as he struggled, so exhausted he could barely hold himself up. Jiraiya’s heart jumped into his throat as he stared down at the boy, wishing he could take away his pain. Just then Naruto let out a choked off sob, grimacing as a tearing pain ripped across his abdomen. He subconsciously pressed down a hand over the pain, crying out as the pain increased. Red flags were waving in front of Jiraiya’s eyes; ‘a regular upset stomach shouldn’t be this painful. I’ve seen him break almost every bone in his body and still pull himself up, this isn’t right.’  Naruto glanced up at Jiraiya, his big deep blue eyes were glassy and filled with tears, his pupils slit like cat eyes, desperation obvious on his face as he clenched his fanged teeth. ‘The Fox is clearly trying to heal him but it doesn’t seem to be working, this isn’t good,’ Jiraiya thought as he knelt down next to Naruto, one hand pressing back the sweaty hair on his forehead to gauge his fever as the other went to his stomach. As soon as his fingers pressed down on Naruto’s stomach the boy cried out in pain, rolling up onto his side to escape Jiraiya’s hand.
”Where does it hurt?” Jiraiya pried, letting his hand linger over Naruto’s too hot forehead, trying to comfort him however he could. Naruto groaned, struggling to straighten out his legs, his hand lingering over his left side.
“M-My stomach,” he hissed.
Jiraiya’s brows furrowed as he examined Naruto, concentrating chakra in his palm to prepare his basic medical ninjutsu, “that’s not your stomach, that’s your rib cage.”  Jiraiya hovered his hand over the lower left side of Naruto’s ribs, quickly pulling his hand back. ‘All that coughing and puking must have disturbed his healing ribs; the bone is fractured and piercing his stomach,’ he thought to himself, the situation instantly becoming dire. “Naruto, this is going to hurt like a bitch. Please try to stay still, I’ve gotcha,” Jiraiya murmured, concentrating his chakra to his hand again. His medical ninjutsu skills weren’t advanced enough to fix all of the damage that had been done but he could at least try to correct the bone fragment piercing Naruto’s stomach. As soon as he laid his hand down on Naruto’s rib the younger man yelped in pain, shaking violently as he tried to restrain from moving away from Jiraiya’s hand. Jiraiya cursed to himself as he healed Naruto; it was taking way too long. Normally it would take only a few quick moments to heal Naruto due to his natural healing abilities but now he was healing even slower than the usual person would, slower even than a person without any chakra control at all. “I’m so sorry, Naruto, just a little longer,” he promised, gripping his free hand down on Naruto’s shoulder to try to help hold him still. The pain was blinding, like his ribs were being shattered with a hammer as his stomach twisted into knots, it felt like his entire abdomen was being filled with liquid fire. ‘The bone is back in place and the hole is closed but I can’t do more. The bone is still broken and I can’t heal viral illness or heal the damage that has been done to his stomach other than repairing the tear, he’ll need to heal in his own time,’ Jiraiya sighed with exasperation as he pulled his hand away.
As soon as Jiraiya removed his hand Naruto quickly shot up from his spot on the floor, grabbing the toilet seat with both hands. He retched violently and then followed it up with a painful fit of coughing. His stomach rebelled and clenched, forcing Naruto to gag up a dribble of bile. He sobbed silently as he clung onto the toilet seat, waiting for the next round of dry heaving. Jiraiya stood and grabbed a cup from the counter, filling it with cool water from the sink. He knelt down next to Naruto, placing the cup beside him as Naruto got sick. He rubbed the boys back gently. “I know you’re going to hate me for this, but you need to drink this water. It’ll hurt less to have water in your stomach when you get sick rather than  leaving your stomach empty. You’re going to hurt your ribs,” Jiraiya said seriously, picking up the glass and holding it out for Naruto. The boy reached out a trembling hand, carefully taking the glass. He held it to his lips and slowly took a few sips before setting it down on the floor. He laid his head down on his arm over the toilet seat, waiting for the inevitable. His body allowed him to have a few moments to rest before it forced him to pitch forward, violently vomiting up the water. “You’re okay, I’ve gotcha,” Jiraiya encouraged for the nth time. Naruto coughed and retched miserably, feeling like his stomach was being torn to shreds, a string of saliva clinging to his lips. He heaved forward as another rush of liquid splashed into the toilet. Naruto coughed harshly as the heaving started to ebb. He spit into the bowl and then reached up to wipe off his mouth and stared at his sleeve with shock; blood. “Fuck,” Jiraiya spat out as he glanced between the blood on Naruto’s sleeve and the bright crimson liquid in the bowl.
Naruto stared at his sleeve, unable to move his gaze, his eyes frozen wide. “Naruto? You with me?” Jiraiya asked at the boys sudden silence.
Blood. Blood on his hands. Everyone’s blood on his hands. All the people he couldn’t save, all the people he lost, all the people he killed. Visions of death and destruction flashed before his eyes; the Nine Tailed Fox taking over his body, absolute chaos, killing everyone he had ever cared about, chewing on a dismembered arm. Naruto screamed, hyperventilating, eyes wide with panic. Everything went red, drowning in the metallic liquid.
The next thing he knew he was laying on his futon, a cool washcloth over his forehead and eyes. He groaned as he reached up to remove the cloth from his head but his hand was quickly swatted away. He shifted the cloth higher up so he could see, immediately coming face to face with Jiraiya who was sitting on his bedside. “You scared me there, kid,” he forced a smile, “you had internal bleeding from your rib piercing your stomach. I’ve fixed you up as best as I could but you need to stop puking so much; you’re gonna kill yourself!” Jiraiya tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but Naruto didn’t find it funny. He winced as he rolled onto his side away from Jiraiya.
“Yeah I wish,” he muttered, closing his eyes, wishing himself asleep.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Jiraiya spat, gripping Naruto’s upper arm and forcing him to face him.
Naruto looked down ashamedly, “nothing. Just forget it, it doesn’t matter...” he whispered, ripping his arm out of Jiraiya’s grasp.
“What are you talking about? Of course it matters. We’re going to talk about this. Now,” Jiraiya demanded, moving to the other side of Naruto’s bed to force the boy to face him.
Naruto sat up with a wince, “no, it doesn’t matter. What do you care? All you care about is me doing my job. Well I’m done doing what other people want me to do. Just leave me alone,” he hissed, wrapping his arms around himself defensively.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Why do I care? Why do I care?!” he said harshly, anger boiling inside of his chest. “If I didn’t care would I have been sitting here all day playing nurse? Does that seem like a role I’d usually play? I’ve been up here all day taking care of your sorry ass. Look at the position you’ve put yourself into; you need to take better care of yourself. You need to get your shit together. After everything we’ve worked so hard on you want to just give up? Throw everything away?” Jiraiya noticed his voice rising but he was too angry to control it. “And what about Sasuke? Let me guess, fuck that too, right? The Akatsuki? You’re just going to ignore them and let them take all the other Jinchuriki? Like Gaara? You’re just gonna drop everything so you can wallow in your shit? Not gonna happen. Not while I’m around. When did you get so weak?” Jiraiya hissed, seething with rage.
Naruto laid back down, pulling the covers high up around his neck. “Yeah, fuck Sasuke. Fuck the Akatsuki. Fuck you,” Naruto growled, hiding beneath his covers. Jiraiya couldn’t help but scoff, a sneer spreading across his lips.
“Alright, fuck me. Without me here you’d probably be dead, bleeding out in the bathroom, or puking yourself to death. No rasenshuriken. No sage training. No work on becoming hokage. No nothing,” Jiraiya felt his hackles rising, his hands balled into fists. At this point he was standing, towering over Naruto’s small frame. “What the fuck is wrong with you? What happened? When did you become like this? What happened to that optimistic, energetic, head strong kid I used to know?” Jiraiya asked sadly.
“He grew up,” Naruto stated blankly.
“Yeah well if this is what growing up means to you I don’t like it. Since when have you been fine sitting by as people died? What about Sasuke? You’re just done trying to save him?! You’ll let Orochimaru use him as a vessel?! And what about the Akatsuki!” Jiraiya growled, “and you’re just done with your dreams of becoming hokage? You make me sick.” Jiraiya turned on his heels and plopped onto the couch with a huff, crossing his arms with anger.
“Join the club,” Naruto’s voice was muffled by the blankets. His complete lack of emotion and nonchalance really pissed Jiraiya off. He stood back up, face red with rage.
“I can’t with you. I’m done. I can’t speak to you when you’re like this. I... I just don’t get what happened to you,” Jiraiya scrubbed a hand over his face, preparing to grab his pack and leave the room.
“What happened to me? What happened to me?! What happened is that I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. Why do I need to stop the Akatsuki? Why do I need to save Sasuke? Why do I need to save everyone? Why does no one give a fuck about me - ?” Naruto’s voice cracked as he choked back a sob, curling up under his blanket. He cleared his throat and tried again, “I just... I’m just so tired... I-I can’t do it... I can’t save Sasuke. I can’t stop the Akatsuki. I’m too weak. I’m useless. The Fox... the Fox is just going to wind up taking control of me anyway. He told me - “ Naruto sobbed, sniffling, “he told me he was going to take over my body and kill everyone I’ve ever cared about... he’d kill you while wearing my face, making me watch... he said he’d make me feel your bones crack.” The confession had Jiraiya floored and he felt guilt sweep over his body. “If I d-died... if I died he wouldn’t be able to... it would be on my terms. I can’t deal with the constant nightmares and flashbacks.. I-I can’t do it anymore,” at that Naruto broke, squeezing his eyes closed to try to stop the tears. He quietly sobbed, digging his nails into his palms. He was uncomfortable; he didn’t want to talk about this with anyone. It was his own issues, it no one else’s job to fix him. He didn’t want pity. He’d had enough pity growing up. He just wanted to be left alone. Jiraiya was stuck in a stunned silence; he felt like a complete piece of shit for what he had said. He had no idea how deep the issues went. All he knew was that something had to be done about the Fox. He knew the seal was weakening, but for the Fox to have this much control the seal must have been at its breaking point.
Naruto’s sobs quickly devolved into a round of lung burning coughing, his ribs feeling like they were set ablaze. His hand flew to his mouth as his coughing turned to gagging and Jiraiya quickly crouched beside him, “let me help you,” he urged but Naruto was too upset. Naruto jumped up and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it before falling to his knees in front of the toilet. Jiraiya just sat on the floor stunned, his heart aching and racing. He stood up and followed Naruto to the bathroom, frowning when he found the door locked. He knocked gently, “Naruto, please, let me help you,” Jiraiya urged, talking about both his current illness and also with the torment he was dealing with inside. The only answer he got in return was an awful, painful sounding retch followed by the sound of liquid hitting the bottom of the toilet. “Naruto, if you don’t answer me I’m going to assume you need help and kick this door down,” Jiraiya warned, anxiety spiking high. He heard Naruto sniffling before flushing the toilet.
“J-Just... just l-leave me alone...” Naruto’s voice wavered, unsteady from the tears threatening to stain his cheeks.
“Naruto...” Jiraiya started gently, but he was quickly cut off.
“No! J-Just leave me alone! Just get the fuck out!” he spat angrily before hissing as the pain flared up his side. He scooted backward and leaned against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut against his racing thoughts.
”Fine,” Jiraiya stated, turning on his heels as he reached for his pack and scroll. Just as he was about to leave he heard the bathroom door creak open. He turned around as Naruto stumbled out of the bathroom on shaky legs. He couldn’t hold up his weight anymore so he sunk to the ground, feeling like a helpless child. He stared up at Jiraiya, his face red and his eyes puffy, hair sweaty and disheveled, but all Jiraiya could see was his sad deep blue eyes, making Jiraiya's heart skip a beat. Jiraiya dropped his pack and stood next to Naruto to offer him a hand, but instead Naruto reached out and clung to his shirt.
"P-Please don’t leave me,” Naruto squeaked out, staring up at Jiraiya desperately, “not you too.”
Those eyes staring up at him, so sad and tormented, searching his own for some sense of comfort; craving a connection and love. That was it. That was all it took. Jiraiya knew in that instant that his heart belonged to Naruto. He vowed to himself to never let Naruto hurt like this again. He was going to take care of him regardless of the cost; they would get Sasuke back, they would defeat the Akatsuki, and Naruto would become hokage regardless of the sacrifices he'd have to make along the way. A sad smile spread across Jiraiya’s lips as he hugged the boy to his chest.
“All you had to do was ask.”
Jiraiya took Naruto’s hand and helped him to his feet, guiding him to his mattress. Naruto slid under his covers, shivering violently as he pressed his face into his pillow. He wanted to apologize but he couldn’t muster the words. He felt the mattress dip next to him, turning his face up to see what Jiraiya wanted. Jiraiya slid under the blankets next to Naruto, wrapping his arm around the younger man’s waist. Naruto bit his lip and froze, afraid to move.
”I’m not going anywhere,” Jiraiya whispered into Naruto’s hair, holding him close as they drifted to sleep.
part two.
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sushiobsessedwriter · 5 years
He Asks You To Move In- Akatsuki
Request: No
Fandom: Naruto Shippuden
Character(s): The Akatsuki
A/N: I love love loved writing this!! Who doesn’t love some Akatsuki fluff??
Pein: He planned the entire thing before you got home. It was a long day of missions and all you really wanted was the have a bath and just relax for the rest of the night. That was why, when you walked through to your bathroom to find your bath occupied by your pierced boyfriend. A blush covered his face and chest as he noticed you standing in the doorway. You raised an eyebrow but stripped once he gestured for you to get in the bath.  "What's all this about?" you inquired. You stepped into the hot water and leaned against his toned chest. His arms circled around you and he rested his chin on your shoulder. "I wanted to ask you something." Your entire body tensed and you tried to put the pieces together. Nothing came to mind so you focused your breathing and tried to relax. You felt rather than heard him chuckle behind you and he kissed your shoulder in reassurance. "How would you feel about moving in with me?" If you were drinking you would have spat it all over the place. With your heart thrumming in your chest you turned so you could lock eyes with him. He was completely serious so you pressed your lips firmly against his and nodded. A smile spread across his face as he asked if you were saying yes.  "Yes, I'd love to move in with you, Pein." He kissed you harder this time, water and bubbles flying out of the bath but neither of you noticed as you started planning and making mental lists on what to buy and where.
Itachi: He wanted it to be special so he treated you to a fancy dinner at your favourite restaurant. It was after the appetisers that he finally asked you. He was so excited and nervous about it, it wasn't like he was proposing or anything but he wanted you to know he thought moving in was a big step and big deal so he kissed your knuckles and stared you right in the eyes. "Y/N, I want you to know I love you very much," you blushed at his words, "so I wanted to know if you would move in with me?" You stopped chewing your bread and blinked at him not once, not twice but three times before you swallowed your food. After finishing your mouthful you smiled at him and gave him you answer: "Of course, Itachi." Kisame: He was a blushing mess when he asked you. He stumbled over his words and even fell into the pool. He'd asked you to meet him by the water later that day and when you arrived, you found him dangling his feet in the water. You joined him on the edge of the pool with a kiss on his cheek. That caused a wild blush to cover his cheeks which was odd for Kisame considering all you did was kiss his cheek. Since the two of you got together his mad blushing had decreased so you found it reasonable to ask him if he was alright. "I-I-I want t-t-to um..." He trailed off as you stared at him expectantly. "Yes?" "Will you move in with me?!" He asked it so quickly and loudly that you barely caught it. Luckily for the both of you, you understood what he asked you and you agreed. His eyes widened and it was when you repeated your answer that he fell into the pool, splashing you in the process. He swam back to the surface to find you laughing, causing him to do so as well. Hidan: You groaned as you nearly slipped on one of his shirts. A curse flew from you mouth which made Hidan -who was face down on the mattress- raise an eyebrow. You picked up said shirt and held it between your fingers. "How can you live like this? If I lived here I'd probably break my neck anytime I wanted to go to the bathroom." He turned his face in your direction and watched as you placed the shirt on his chair.  "Maybe you should live here," the comment was so innocent that it took you a moment to register what he said.  You asked him to repeat what he said, which he did. Your breath caught in your throat and a smile climbed onto your lips. You pounced on the Jashinist's back and peppered kisses across his shoulders and back of his neck. He hummed under your actions and you pressed your forehead to his back. "You're really asking me to move in?" "Yeah, dumbass." Kakuzu: It was over a drink that he asked you. The two of your were winding down from a long bounty hunt and were just talking about random things. Although, it mainly centred around the bounty and how much money the two of you earned. You knew there was something on his mind when he bought your drink without complaining about the price. You inquired as to what it was and he said he had a query to run past you. You chuckled at his phrasing but gestured for him to go ahead. "There's this woman that I want to ask to move in with me, but I don't know how to. What would you suggest?" Your heart stung for a moment, he said it with such a troubled voice that you believed it to be another woman.Perhaps even a new recruit. However, when you saw the mirth in his eyes and his mask lift up with a smirk you refrained from strangling him. You then pretended to think before you turned to him with a smirk of your own. "You should buy her another drink and ask her properly." He chuckled and ordered another drink for the both of you, "Do you want to move in with me, Y/N?" "Yes, Kakuzu, I do." Sasori: He wrote it on a note and left it in his office. It was when you went looking for him that you found the note. It was simple, there wasn't even a question mark attached. It simply read: "We are moving in together." You were more frustrated than shocked. Was it too much to ask that he tell you in person, or even ask!? You found him in the living room and confronted him about it. You held the note in front of his face and cleared your throat. he stared at you blankly. "Please explain," you tried to keep calm. "What is there to explain. It is written in the note." You rolled your eyes and handed him back the note. "Ask me then." He stared at the note then at you. He handed it back to you with a confused expression. "We are moving in together... Unless you do not want to?" You sighed again and placed yourself in his lap, "Of course I want to, I just wish you'd have asked." He nodded and you grinned up at him before giving him a slow kiss. Deidara: He knew it was cliché the moment he thought of it but he knew it would make you smile. He took you to the cliff where you first met and told you stand at the top. You giggled and complied. The sun set a few minutes ago and it was clear night. With one arm around your shoulders the other threw a couple of clay birds into the air. They exploded to reveal beautiful colours and letters. Those letters arranged to say, "Will you move in with me?" Another giggle escaped you and you turned into his arms, your own draping around his neck. You hummed in thought, making him shift on his feet whilst his hands were on your waist. You glanced between his hopeful face and the beautiful fireworks. "I suppose I can move a few things around..." He grinned at you before crushing you in a hug. You pulled back and pecked his lips which turned into a longer, deeper kiss. "You're such a tease, unn." Tobi: You weren't sure that he was serious when he mentioned it. He didn't exactly ask you, nor did he demand it was happening. It was more of a suggestion, a hint that it would be okay to do so. It was whilst you were watching a movie and Tobi was giddy from all the sugar he consumed. There was a scene where the newly established couple were moving in together and you sighed happily. "Could you imagine living in a house like that?" He was silent for a moment before answering, "Tobi would like to live with Y/N!" You nearly choked on your popcorn. When he said nothing else you brushed it off and returned your attention back to the film. It was near to the end when Tobi spoke once again. "Does Y/N think it would be fun?" "Think what would be fun?" Your eyes were still glued to the TV. "Living with Tobi!" You brushed the cobwebs from your brain and turned to face him. He patiently waited for your reply and you opened your mouth a few times before finally asking, "Tobi, are you asking me to move in with you?" He chuckled, "that took you a minute." You sent him a half-hearted glare, "Then, yes, I guess it would be fun." "Is Y/N saying yes?!" You winked, "that took you a minute." Zetsu: It was a good thing it was a nice day lest his plan not work. He arrange your flowers and other smaller flowers and leaves in the perfect order. He took pride in his small creation and waited for you to join him. He knew if he asked you outright he might make it sound strange or not do it correctly so he let his garden do the talking. If he were a teenage girl he would have squealed when he saw you walk through the garden gates. You waved at him with a smile and he composed himself. He told you to close your eyes which you did with a giggle. He moved you over to his creation and told you to slowly open your eyes. When you saw the beautifully arranged sentence in front of you tears threatened to fall. His black side demanded to know why you were crying whilst his white side was worried. You waved him off and laughed.  "I'm just happy." That statement stunned him into silence. You read it once again, ‘Move in with me?’ "Oh," you turned back to him and kissed his cheek with a blush, "I will."
If you liked this then please think of buying me a coffee.
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winterbites · 5 years
Remembering Naruto
So I've been meaning to get back into Naruto Shippuden since I never actually finished it. I was close to the end, just waiting for the rest to be dubbed, and then wanted to move onto Boruto but I never got around to it.
Now, I love the old Naruto series, it's fun, has a lot of awesome fight scenes and is genuinely enjoyable due to all the characters (and amazing character development e.g. Gaara who will forever be my fav character).
I'm not sure why but yesterday I remembered one scene where the anbu are interrogating Naruto but all Naruto talked about was... ramen! Kid loves ramen, can you blame him? Anyway, it gets so tiring that one of the anbu asks, "Is all this kid ever talks about is ramen?" I absolutely love that scene, but for more reasons than one.
First of all, it's hilarious; these are supposed to be the guys that literally LIGHT THEMSELVES ON FIRE should they be compromised. A comment like that was unexpected and never fails to make me smile. Second of all, and more importantly, it's an honest bit of world building. It makes you remember that the anbu have a life of their own too, complete with friends, interests and hobbies. That specific anbu was probably friends with all the other anbu in that room, otherwise he wouldn't have made that comment. It makes sense too, those are the people he works with and lays his life down with.
This is further backed by Itachi's memories from when he was a part of the anbu. If I remember correctly, they told him he doesn't need to be uptight or worry so much about formalities. No matter the job, it's still a workplace and you still make friends, just like Itachi.
Maybe it wasn't intentional but I've always found it to be a really good moment in the Naruto franchise
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myaekingheart · 5 years
80. Laid to Rest
🎶 Silent Song - Naruto Shippuden OST
               Rain pattered on the windowsill as Rei stared up at the ceiling, drowning in her own thoughts. Konoha felt so empty and quiet now that Naruto was gone, almost as if a death had swept over the village. She couldn’t get the day he left out of her head, the way she watched from afar as he and Jiraiya disappeared down the lane together. In a way, it all felt like the final scene of a movie where the screen would quickly fade to black and you would be left feeling as if nothing would happen in your life ever again. And yet there was something else, not quite an ending but the hint of a beginning. She closed her eyes and saw Kakashi gazing back at her the way he did that day and heaved a sigh. This was the beginning of a new era. Everything was about to change.
               When she sat up, she approached the windowsill and ran her fingers along the dried-up leaves of Naru’s chakra plant. It had been nine months since she had died and yet Rei couldn’t bring herself to let go. It was too much to bear. Now, however, a feeling of true acceptance had begun to take root. She had incubated her grief long enough. The time had finally come to birth that lump of self-hatred and sadness, rid herself of it once and for all. An emotional metamorphosis. Naru was gone and no amount of over-watering was going to bring her back. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting” she whispered, a sad smile touching her lips. “You’re probably so sick of me clinging to you like this. But it’s okay. I’m better now. I promise. And I’m finally going to give you what you want. I’m finally going to let you sleep.”
               The cemetery felt so empty, the ground still soggy and soft from the rain. She could feel the earth squish between every heavy footfall. Everyone else had already arrived by the time she reached Naru’s grave and a part of her felt guilty for having made them wait. The other part, however, knew she had a valid excuse. What lay before her required immense mental preparation. Just as there was a procedure for tethering chakra, there was a procedure for breaking it, as well. She had never severed a chakra bond before, let alone in the context of a death, and while she was confident in her technical ability, her emotional strength was questionable. How could she ever truly let Naru go? Rei tightened her grip on the little flower pot in her hands and sucked in a sharp breath. The entire world moved in slow motion.
               Sensing the uncertainty in her gaze, Chikara broke the stillness and strode forward. She placed a gentle hand on Rei’s shoulder and coaxed her nearer to their little group. “You know, you don’t really have to do this if you don’t—” she started but Rei immediately cut her off.
               “No” she insisted, perhaps a little more aggressively than she had intended. Shaking her head, she then added in a much quieter tone, “No, I-I have to do this. She deserves it. Really.”
               Chikara backed off then with a single, understanding nod. She hadn’t been sure what to say when Rei approached her with this whole idea, equally touched and torn. Missing Naru’s true funeral was something she could never forgive herself for, and every day since she cursed that awful lengthy mission that kept her at bay. Why did she ever think it was a good idea to leave? She should’ve known it was nothing more than a bad omen. And now she would never see Naru again—sweet, docile Naru, always so full of light and positivity. Chikara was certain she would’ve been heartbroken if she knew her own sensei had been absent at her funeral. At least this way, laying her flowers to rest, Chikara could finally say a proper goodbye.
               Rei dropped to her knees slowly before the tombstone, placing the flower pot between her thighs. She could feel the hot tears threatening to spill but forced herself to remain strong.  She glanced up to her audience, landing on each of their faces, and wondered to what degree they shared her pain. Chikara, of course, stood resolute but Rei could see the tiny cracks in her decorum. Beneath it all, however, there was an ounce of gratitude. This was a favor to her, too.
               Beside her stood Sekkachi with arms crossed, refusing to look at anything but Naru’s name etched onto the stone. That afternoon they shared here so many months ago still burned in Rei’s memory, the confession from Sekkachi’s lips as anger and resentment bubbled up from her core. The pain had dulled with time but never completely vanished. Rei knew she would never be forgiven, no matter what. It was just something she had to force herself to accept, in the same way she had to force herself to accept that Naru was truly gone. A pang of pain struck her chest, threatening to rise out of her throat like vomit, and Rei feared that perhaps she couldn’t do this after all. She moved on to the next face in the crowd before her resolve could dwindle to zero.
               Mikazuki watched on with modesty and composure. When their eyes locked, she fed Rei a small, encouraging smile. It was probably awkward for her to be here. She had no real ties to Naru other than the ANBU, but in the moment Rei had assumed that that was reason enough. Tenzo stood beside her with head bowed in respect. She had invited Yugao, as well, out of courtesy but work prohibited her from attending. Work, and perhaps the fear of revisiting her own grief for her dead lover, Hayate. It was a valid enough excuse.
               And then there was Kakashi. So much as a simple glance at him stirred up far too many extra feelings for her to manage at a time like this. Even when she wasn’t looking at him, though, she could feel his presence. It was calm and comforting and while it terrified her, it also fed her an unexpected strength to continue on. A reassurance that if she was to fall, he was guaranteed to catch her no matter what.
               The luminosity of the chrysanthemums before her had since shriveled and faded, flopping forward as if begging to be put out of their misery. She squeezed her eyes shut tight with pursed lips before wrapping her hands around the strong, thick stem. She could feel the weak pulse of Naru’s residual chakra beneath her palms and a yelp escaped her lips. Kakashi immediately started forward but Chikara whipped out an arm to block him, shaking her head minutely as a silent command to leave Rei be. This would take an incredible amount of concentration, especially in reverse, and as much as Chikara hated to see her own student in pain, she knew that once Rei began it was best to let her finish without interference. Kakashi tried to restrain himself but inside, his heart pounded. He could not lessen the tension in his muscles as he kept his eyes locked on Rei. She willed the trickling energy up the stem like a thick milkshake through a straw. Chakra was always easier to funnel into objects as opposed to out of them. A weak blue glow enveloped her hands as she siphoned the chakra into her body, disrupting her own chakra network in the process. It wasn’t enough to cause an overload but the chakra itself was clearly old and rotten, like the taste of spoiled milk sliding down her throat. Once she was certain all of the chakra had been purged from the plant, she rested her palms on the tombstone and released the energy in a slow, steady stream, returning it to it’s rightful owner. A twinge of anxiety punctured her as she felt her body empty itself of the foreign chakra, something malicious lurking beneath the relief. For a moment, she was desperate to cling to even the tiniest ounce of Naru’s energy, anything to keep her alive within her body, despite knowing that the presence of rotted chakra would undoubtedly make her deathly ill. But it would be such a small price to pay for a memento, wouldn’t it? Before she could further consider making the mistake, it was all gone. Her own chakra was cleansed, the flow returning to normal speed. Rei pressed her hand to her mouth, stifling a sob, as the consequential emptiness in the pit of her stomach overwhelmed her. She ripped a kunai from her holster and in one swift motion, severed the stem so that the blossom was officially disconnected from the roots. The dried-up petals fell to the ground slowly like snowfall.
               Rei’s chest heaved, clenching her fists atop her thighs, before she forced herself to her feet. She did not look anyone in the eyes. In a voice small and unstable, she announced, “It’s finished.”
               Mikazuki bowed her head in respect as Chikara leaned down to rest a hand atop Naru’s grave. A sad smile touched the woman’s lips as she whispered, “Sleep now, sweet girl.” She could feel the weight of her remorse disintegrate from her neck and shoulders, the sadness and regret washing away in the wake of Rei’s compassionate memorial. Chikara glanced up at Rei, then, only to find her eyes glazing over and her balance faltering.
               Kakashi surged forward to capture her in his arms before she could collapse. He cupped her cheek and tilted her face up to meet his gaze, asking “Are you alright?” She could hear the undercurrents of panic in his voice. There was hardly a hint of brightness in her eyes.
               “I’m f-fine…” she murmured. “I just…doing that takes a lot out of me.” Kakashi gave a single nod before Chikara rose to her feet and approached. She placed a gentle hand on the small of Rei’s back and in that moment, Rei could see she was fighting back tears.
               “Thank you for doing this” she whispered. “I can finally be at peace.” She brushed the long bangs out of her student’s face then and kissed her forehead like a mother to her child. And that was when Rei felt her shoulders shudder, her throat tighten, and the monstrous tears silently spill down her cheeks.
               This was all so melodramatic, Sekkachi felt uncomfortable just watching it all unfold before her. Perhaps her lack of ninjutsu made it hard to understand the implications of Rei’s chakra abilities, but either way no amount of well-intentioned homage was going to fix this. None of this was made Rei a martyr if that’s what she was after. None of this was going to change the fact that she was at fault for Naru’s death. If this made her feel at peace with her mistakes then fine, but she didn’t need to drag everyone else into it to validate herself. Granted, Sekkachi could’ve opted out of this. She didn’t care about hurting Rei’s feelings with a declination. And yet she felt obligated. She could stand to insult Rei, but her absence would in turn also be an insult to Naru and that she could not stand to do.
               “I’m sorry for your loss” a small voice then said, snapping Sekkachi from her ravenous thoughts. She whipped around to face Mikazuki standing beside her, eyes on the ground and fingers fidgeting. “I know you two were close. I can only imagine your grief.”
               This was all too much. All Sekkachi could manage to say was a half-hearted “Thanks.”
               “She really was something special” Mikazuki continued. “She was extremely talented. Whenever we worked together in the ANBU, she was always on top of things and knew exactly how to make us all feel confident in our abilities.”
               “Yeah, that’s great” Sekakchi scoffed. She rolled her eyes and increased the distance between them, hoping it would lessen the unnerving electricity pulsating between their bodies. It was that same sensation she felt the day the Akatsuki attacked, but she could tolerate it then. Now, it was inappropriate and unclean. Now it was a disservice to the grave right in front of her. If only it was possible to erase Mikazuki from the universe, to sell her timid little soul to the devil in exchange for Naru.
               Mikazuki’s face fell, recoiling in defeat. She tried to stammer out a response but to no avail. As she inched further from Sekkachi, however, she bumped right into Tenzo. A small, surprised sigh escaped her lips as he smiled softly at her as evidence that he was not perturbed. She saw in his eyes something warm and understanding, something she had perhaps instead hoped to find in Sekkachi. “She really was something special” he said. His eyes drifted back to the tombstone but she could still feel him focusing on her in his periphery. “She always had a way of making everyone feel welcome no matter what. She was a friend to everyone in the ANBU.”
               With wide, dumbstruck eyes, Mikazuki nodded slowly and uttered a soft, “Mmhmm.” She truly hadn’t expected this much from Tenzo. She knew him, of course, but not intimately. Not like this, outside of the required work interactions. In a way, though, he put her at ease. “I remember that night she invited me to the big sleepover in the dormitories” she then chuckled softly. “I was so unsure, but she made me feel like I was wanted there. And she always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better when you were sad.”
               As she overheard the conversation, Sekkachi seethed. How could they have anything to say to begin with? They hardly even knew her. Not like she knew her. They could likely name her favorite color (baby blue) or her favorite jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique), but did they know that her mother used to brush her hair one hundred times while singing her lullabies every night before bed? Did they know that one time, on an espionage mission as the Tomiko Trio, she slipped onstage and her sandal flew off her foot and hit a man in the face? Or that on the rare occasion that she laughed far too hard, you could get milk to spew out of her nose? No, they were not privy to the most intimate details of her life and therefore had no place to reminisce about who they thought they knew.
               The sound of Rei and Chikara’s crying nearly made Sekkachi’s ears bleed. She couldn’t take any more of this. As she turned to finally leave, she met Chikara’s tearful gaze for only a moment. There was an inviting nature to her expression, a silent beckoning for her to join their mournful embrace. Sekkachi merely pursed her lips and kept walking. It was pointless. She did not need to wail and blubber and lean on anyone else like they did. Public displays of grief were only pleas for sympathy, and Sekkachi was not an attention-seeker. No, she would just go home to stew in her own bitter depression by herself like a dignified person. She glanced at them one last time over her shoulder before disappearing and couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous they all looked. Especially Kakashi.
               Normally, he would’ve felt awkward caught in the center of two wailing women like this but comforting Rei felt as normal as breathing. He rubbed small circles across her lower back and held her close, Chikara hugging her from the opposite side. For Tenzo, this was certainly a side of his comrade that he had scarcely seen before. He hadn’t expected Kakashi to be quite so warm and gentle but it was clear through his presence just how much he truly loved Rei. When Kakashi caught him staring, Tenzo dropped his eyes quickly but not before a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. As he turned, his hand lightly brushed against Mikazuki’s and a small static shock surged between the two of them. Her cheeks burned red as she turned away, then muttered, “We should probably head out.”
               When things had finally calmed down, Kakashi brushed the hair out of Rei’s face and whispered softly “Let’s get you home.” She did not protest and together they slowly made their way back to her apartment.
               Once in the hallway, he watched her struggle to unlock the front door but refrained from helping her. He didn’t want to make her feel stupid or incapable. Besides, he needed to honor her desire for independence. When they stepped inside, the room felt cold and empty and Rei’s eyes immediately landed on the vacant spot where Naru’s chakra plant once stood. It would take a long time to get used to its absence, and the thought of it left her on the verge of yet another breakdown. Kakashi sensed her distress and placed a hand on her shoulder, guiding her toward the bed and wrapping her up in a warm blanket. Without speaking, he turned and started some tea. Dirty dishes piled high in her sink and laundry was strewn across the floor. As the tea brewed, he opened a cabinet and pulled down a half-empty box of senbei crackers he knew she liked and poured some into a small bowl he recognized from when she was young. She murmured a soft thank you when he approached with the food and drink, watching her nibble and sip idly. A few minutes passed before she then asked quietly, “Kakashi…?”
               “Can you do me a favor?”
               “What is it?”
               She sucked in a deep breath, pursing her lips, before shifting on the bed and requesting, "Can you, um…do you mind laying with me? For just a bit?”
               A small smile touched his lips as he scooted backward and curled up beside her, wrapping his arms around her. She wiggled her way out of the blanket just enough so that Kakashi could join her inside, and he obliged only because she seemed to want him to. He could feel her chest heave slightly and hear the quiet little whimpers of her crying and his heart broke for her. He rubbed her side and nuzzled the back of her neck until eventually, she drifted off to sleep. Passed out, she looked so sad and peaceful. He sat up and watched her for only a moment and his heart swelled. God, he loved her. He loved her so much. He glanced to the clock on her nightstand and knew he should probably head back home himself, but he didn’t want to think about his other obligations. He didn’t want to think about the mission he would be assigned in the morning or his own laundry needing to be washed. Right now, all that was important was this very moment here with her, watching her eyelids flutter and her fingers twitch. He wanted to cling to this scene for as long as possible so that nothing else could swoop in and ruin it. So that he could spend the rest of eternity by her side, just the two of them comforted within this liminal abyss.
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remotecontrolchuck · 6 years
Toonami Night Review: Pop Team Epic Debuts on the Block!
Last week’s run was quite a ride, going crazy in the beginning while winding down in the end. And while I wasn’t able to see the entire run because of a bad headache at the time, I stuck around until the new and ongoing shows ended, and the old repeated shows began which I have already seen and talked about. But I digress, last week was the premiere of Pop Team Epic, an anime that many have compared to Adult Swim’s Robot Chicken, and it’s not hard to see why considering the amount of pop culture they referenced and parodied!
So far some of the other live bloggers I follow liked the new addition, while others not so much. As for me, I liked Pop Team Epic and found it hilarious, though hard to live blog about with its fast paced humor and sketches. And along with the quick jokes, hearing voice actors portray Popuko and Pipimi differently and in their own way was far more entertaining. In the first episode it was Ian Sinclair and Christopher Sabat voicing the two rude and crude, and then Justin Briner and Colleen Clinkenbeard in the second half, all of which were both fantastic and funny as hell!
I could go on about the new show, but I want to keep this review from being too long. Moving on to the next topic about last week’s run, the penultimate episode of FLCL Progressive! And boy did things escalate like crazy! From an amusement park turned into a giant robot to fight Medical Mechanica’s giant iron, to Haruko getting pregnant and cranking the insanity to eleven, which of course resulted in Hidomi overflowing and becoming a terminator on her ass. Again, so much to say, no idea how the hell to summarize it all in short.
Onto the third and final topic, we continued on with the new long running shows. My Hero Academia concluding an excellent but dramatic day of school, with the villains making an appearance in the ending credits. Was wondering when they were going to show up, can’t have a bunch of heroes without some foes for them to fight! And from our other recent addition, Black Clover, gave up some laughs in its latest episode on the block, involving a dating event going not so smoothly. And lastly, while we get ever closer to the end of Stardust Crusaders, it’s been recently announced that Diamond is Unbreakable will be coming to the block once the former finishes it run.
Yep, that’s right! Along with Vento Aureo getting an anime adaption, Part 5 of JoJo’s Bizarre adventure will be coming to the block in August! Perfect timing for when Stardust Crusaders ends, and giving us another long running series on the block, which gives time for Part 6 to be completed and then dubbed in the coming years. In other words, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will be on the block for a good long time, and we couldn’t be any happier about it. Gotta love it when things work out well!
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Well now that I’m done with discussing the major points of last week’s run, it’s time to wrap this review up with the recap of last week’s show!
On Dragon Ball Super, Goku and Vegeta end up facing a new challenger in episode’s guest star, the early 80′s gag manga robot girl Arale! Long story short, she easily defeats Vegeta, and gives Goku a run for his Zeni! In My Hero Academia, Deku recovers from his injuries and makes new friends, while Bakugo’s ego takes a bruising after seeing his classmates’ quirks. And then in FLCL Progressive, it’s an insane trip to the amusement park, where it takes us all on a ride to the climax! 
The resistance group Marurao, Eye Patch, and Tonkichi are part of make their move, using all the students and visitors to collect N.O. energy to power up the park and turn into a giant weapons platform against Medical Mechanica’s giant iron. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have much effect on it. Meanwhile, Hidomi overflows once again, transforming into a monster/robot, while Ide gets turned into a deflated human shape balloon with speakers. 
Oh, and after inflating and going into space, Ide gets picked up in a space station where he gets eaten by an alive again Canti. While whether or not Ide’s dead or not is left for debate, at least Canti’s alive again, and as a sort of robot puppy to boot! And last but not least, Haruko’s continues to bring the madness, even while pregnant! Oh, and Atomsk shows up at the end of the episode... WAIT, WHAT?!
Yeah, so while we tried to take all this in, we had a nice comedic break with the premiere of Pop Team Epic! Unfortunately like I said before, it was all too fast paced to explain, so like Popuko I’ll just ask “Are you upset?”. Joke aside, our feels then went on a bizarre adventure with Stardust Crusaders! And oh man did shit hit the fan in this one! After figuring out younger D’Arby’s Stand’s abilities, Jotaro beats him in his own game, or rather him and his grandpa! Apparently Old Man Joestar was at the controls the entire time, while Jotaro fooled D’Arby into thinking he was facing him. Anyway, Kakyoin gets his soul back, and Jotaro’s Star Platinum gives D’Arby some good old ORAORAORA! 
However despite this battle being one, another one begins soon after, and already a crusader has died. That being Avdol again, but apparently for real this time thanks to DIO’s loyal and deadly assassin VANILLA IC- er, I mean COOL ICE and his deadly void Stand CREAM! (Like some of the others, his name had to be changed for the English dub). With Avdol reduced to just a pair of dismembered arms, Polnareff and Iggy are left to face DIO’s most loyal and deadly assassin!
As we tried to recover our feels once again, we dove right into Hunter x Hunter, where our feels also took a plunge near the end. After sparing Ikalgo’s life, Killua soon finds himself in another battle with Chimera Ants, this time the fishy humanoid Ortho Siblings! And to make their point across, they use dart-like Nen to hit Killua repeatedly like a game of Darts! However, Killua gets the better of then and rips them to shreds. But after losing a lot of blood, the young Zoldyck is on the verge of death. Fortunately, Ikalgo arrives to rescue him, and the octopus-like Chimera Ant rushes to take him to a hospital. Meanwhile, Gon has lunch with the chameleon-like Chimera Ant, Meleoron.
Moving on to Black Clover, we watch Finral take Asta and Luck to a mixer party with some girls, though it doesn’t go well. While Asta did have a good time with one of the girls and become friends, things between Finral and Luck and their dates didn’t work out. Also Noelle was hilarious when stalking Asta during the mixer! After that we jumped back into Naruto Shippuden, as “Madara” took care of Danzo’s bodyguards, before bringing forth Sasuke to fight the man himself. Oh, and meanwhile Sai delivers the news to Kakashi about the Five Kage Summit, and their decision to promote him Hokage!
After that, Space Dandy dies and goes on a somber journey on Planet Limbo, meeting all sorts of bizarre ghosts and a lonely girl named Poe. Then in Cowboy Bebop, Faye cleans out the Bebop’s safe and runs off to Jupiter’s moon of Callisto where she meets a sax player named Gren, with a secret and a grudge against Vicious. And speaking of Vicious, Spike soon confronts him while looking for Julia on Callista, and is left lying on the snow after being shot by Lin. The Toonami run then ends with Lupin the Third, with Fujiko Mine stealing the spotlight in the end, as well as our hearts!
And that’s it for the recap, as well as this review. While longer than my usual Toonami Night Review, but enjoyable to write nonetheless. Tonight we start the next run of Toonami, and I can only imagine the feels and excitement that awaits us, especially with the finale of FLCL Progressive! Just how will it end? WHO KNOWS! Anything goes when it comes to FLCL, so leave your expectations behind, and prepare yourself for a wild ride!
Until tonight’s run, see you guys later and Stay Gold!
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mrm64 · 3 years
hello! i know it's a bad idea to engage in any shipping discourse but for the sake of constructive criticism, i asked an sns shipper if she thinks there's atleast potential in ss if ever sakura had that capacity to stand up to sasuke and if she wasn't as much fixated on him during shipuuden and the war arc. i even brought up the wasted opportunity of sasuke vs sakura that was shown in the game. the sns shipper gave a very structured and well-versed answer and i do agree with some of her points. i'm not even anti-sns and i understand the support this ship gets. but this person really hates sakura. so her answer to my question if ss has potential is straight up NO. hate is an understatement. she explicitly said she DETESTS sakura and ss xD. granted, her hatred is valid since sakura's writing is very flawed and inconsistent. what i didn't like was when she said why am i trying to change sakura's personality (her standing up to sasuke whether physically or verbally) when "she's constantly on heat when he's around". gosh, i really wanted to retaliate here and say it's called freakin character development. i mean, that's what she's mainly hated for right? the fact that she's obsessed and a pushover when it comes to sasuke. having that change especially during the war arc doesn't mean she's out of character, it means development. but gah, sakura haters are really hard to argue with so i just stayed silent.
to briefly summarize, her main point of argumentation is that sakura was toxic to both naruto and sasuke. sasuke's relationship with naruto is more defined than whatever he had with sakura. she brought up ss's pt.1 moments and said that sasuke would do the same to naruto, if not even better. as for naruto's case, sakura was a mean bitch and was so unfair to him throughout the series. simply put, even if sns has questionable elements, they are more organic and healthy than sasusaku.
this got me thinking. between sasunarusasu and sasusaku, despite both having toxic elements, i think the reason why there are relatively more sns shippers is because there's balance. compared to sakura, sasuke has shown more consideration towards naruto and we all know naruto cares for sasuke just as much and he isn't afraid to stand up to this guy.
idk what i'm even trying to ask here. i guess i'm just ranting lol. i've always seen your comments in youtube vids defending sakura and ss and i know you have an extensive knowledge of the naruto manga in general. you could only imagine how shocked i am when i found out you're a male. it's really rare to find someone like you. :)
anyways, i just feel so disappointed and pressed lmao. ss shippers couldn't catch a break from haters. like yea, some of us know it has shit writing in the canon and explanations regarding their relationship in the series is very limited. i already accepted the fact that they are underdeveloped and was borderline toxic. but then, between kishimoto's pitiful inability to write female characters properly and SP's biased treatment towards sasusaku plus the manga's main narrative focusing on naruto and sasuke, i just feel like it's kinda unfair for antis to shit on ss shippers when in reality, most of us just hold onto it because of nostalgia. most sasusaku shippers came to be when they were very young. i even found comments saying they started shipping them when they were 6 or 7. in my case, i was 12 lol.
it's kinda unfair since sns has the upperhand bcoz the series is mainly about them. naruhina has retcons and SP and what does ss have? small pt.1 moments, headcanons, fanons and to top it off SP's biased ass shitting on it. the ss fandom isn't perfect and has its fair share of immature stans as well, but i'm still glad that didn't stop authors and artists from making content. ss has got some of the best fanfictions, fanarts and doujinshis. i just wished antis won't attack them as much.
anyways, i'm not even asking a specific question. i just ranted. i just needed to get this out of my system. sorry for that 😅
Hey! It's been a long while since I got asks like this lol! Once tumblr went all anti-nsfw a few years ago, we all kinda migrated to Twitter for our SS/Anime cravings tbh but I'm glad and flattered you decided to ask me on my thoughts! :)
I won't write long as again, tbh, I'm kinda retired from debating/arguing with antis on things of SS/Naruto/Etc (unless I'm simply too triggered to let it go lol. You've already probably seen my long Sakura video so I won't go too much into details of what I already covered with Sakura's character. But to answer you, I'll keep it to the point.
It's ok of course to say Kishi's writing is flawed, I mean he is human and we know Naruto has holes. Every manga/story does of course. When it comes to SS, I personally bring it to this: Sasuke and Naruto's relationship is NOT Sasuke and Sakura's relationship. And that's (imo) ok. Sasuke and Naruto obviously have a bond only they have. Both lonely and orphaned, rivals with each other, haters to brother, you know it all. But Sakura is different. She's simply a normal, head-strong and caring girl. Kishi wanted to write a normal girl, and he did a darn well good job, because just like normal girls (or people in general), they're imperfect. That's why she first appealed to me.
Anyway, to the point, SS is pretty easy to follow. Sakura likes Sasuke....what's the problem? Where's the toxicity, lol. Sure she fangirls over him as a 12 year old girl, but again, Sakura is normal. Most girls I knew that age did the same thing. Most BOYS I knew were super...*cough* ready to be with girls (*cough cough*, puberty, everyone, *cough*). Sasuke is cool and confident. Sakura lacked confidence, so naturally she was drawn to Sasuke. Sasuke at first found her annoying (as he did with Naruto too) but as the became a team, she bonded. SS' bond is NOT NSN's bond. SS's bond is built upon a simply caring basis. Sakura always cared for Sasuke, and Sasuke always was protective of Sakura. Forest of Death, Sand Invasion, etc...add in the angst of Shippuden (nobody can tell me one was better than the other during Shippuden, Sasuke was 'bout to axe everyone while in darkness lol), blank period bonding, and then Boruto. There it is in SIMPLE terms.
As far as "standing up" to Sasuke...not sure where this person is coming from....again, NSN is NOT SS....Sakura has stood up to Sasuke at times. In the FOD where she indirectly called him a coward, when she pleaded with him to not fight in the Prelims and threatened to tell the proctors of the curse mark, trying to stop him from leaving Konoha., etc. If she was a "doormat", she would have said "Ok Sauske, you do whatever you want, it's all ok my love!" That was chapter 3 Sakura. A LOT of haters can't move beyond that chapter tbh...moving on. The main thing is, she wasn't STRONG enough to stop him by FORCE. She wasn't written to. Sure I woulda liked some angsty moments of them fighting, TRUST ME, you already know. But Kishi wanted the fighting to mostly be between Naruto and Sasuke, as most battle Shonen go. It's Goku and Vegeta, Deku and Bakugou, you name it. She was written to LOVE him unconditionally. And despite Kishi's misses here and here, it's clear as day to many people that they do indeed, love each other. Sarada is a product of years of redemption, forgiveness, and understanding between SS (which is....literally some of the themes of Naruto....Zabuza...Haku...Gaara...Pein...Obito....list goes on...).
And of course Naruto and Sasuke's relationship got more spotlight. They're essentially the Shonen "duo" like I explained before with Goku and Vegeta. It's a common tope which can be a bit annoying imo since other characters get shafted, but they're gonna be seen more by the public. At the end of the day, Kishi modeled NSN after his relationship with his BROTHER....that was one of Naruto's main story plots. AGAIN, OF COURSE it's gonna be pushed and seem like it's more "balanced"...it's a battle Shonen, not a love story lol. The love stuff is sprinkled in. This isn't a Shojo. If it was, SS would be the main focus (or...I guess NSN if Kishi WANTED to go that route).
So to finish off, you're right with the SP thing. But it can't be helped. If people wanna say NSN has more "development", let them. At the end of the day, they're shown more to the viewers because they're the Goku and Vegeta of Naruto. They push the narrative, not a romance. They're Kishi's go-to boys. They're the essential main character and rival. It's nothing new. But you know what else? They're. NOT. A. COUPLE. SasuSaku is, and again, romance is SPRINKLED in. It's N O T a Shojo and not the main focus. Honestly...the arguments that NSN shipper used are a bit weak knowing full well that SNS represent Kishi's brother and himself.
I mean...tldr, I could just say "Kishi and his bro are Naruto and Sasuke. SO nah bro, NSN has no romantic development. I wasn't meant to lol."
Typed longer than I thought, but I hope this helped! At the end of the day, ship SS in peace. We have an amazing fandom for the most part with wonderful content and we ain't stopping anytime soon :)
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recentanimenews · 4 years
WWE's Sasha Banks Talks God of High School And Connecting With Fighting Anime
  The God of High School tells a story that's centered around a massive fighting tournament and tells a story that's mostly driven by combat. And what other business does something similar? Pro wrestling, of course, which constructs its narratives based around body slams, headlocks, and dope finishing moves. So, seeing how well they tag team together, Crunchyroll reached out to some WWE Superstars to get their thoughts on GOHS and anime in general.
    The first was Sasha Banks, former NXT Women's Champion, four time WWE RAW Women's Champion, and two time (and current) WWE Women's Tag Team Champion. She's a long time anime fan and her pro wrestling personality, "The Boss," may as well come from anime considering how wonderful it is. I wrote up some questions for her and her answers, much like her matches, did not disappoint. 
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      So, what came first for you: An interest in anime or an interest in wrestling?
  Anime for sure!!! Sailor Moon came into my life around the time I was five. Back then I had no concept of what time was, I just knew that when Sailor Moon would come on, it was still dark, and when it was over, the sun would be up. So, I would literally stay awake from around midnight until after I watched Sailor Moon, and then I'd go to school lol. Thinking about it now, I guess it came on at 6 AM every morning.
  Were there any anime characters that you saw and thought "I want to be like THAT guy or girl?"
  Usagi (Serena for the English dubbed fans) from Sailor Moon always reminded me of myself as a kid. I was always late to school, kind of clumsy, just a meatball head in general. But I always wanted to be the best and do good things. She was my superhero.
  Sasha, your very fitting nickname in WWE is "The Boss," but if you had to pass that title onto an anime character, who would you give it to?
  Ryuk from Death Note ha-ha. He's a character that doesn't give a damn. He thinks it's funny when he has other people's lives in the palm of his hands and does whatever he wants. Plus, I also love apples lol.
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        If you had to replace your entrance music with an anime theme?
  I love Asian Kung-Fu Generation, so I'm biased towards "Hakura Kanata "from Naruto Shippuden. But I also love ShingO2's" Battle Cry "from Samurai Champloo. Also, from Death Note "what's sup people" by Maximum the Hormone. I really like that band as well.
  Okay, so the owner of WWE, Vince McMahon swaggers over to you and growls "Sasha, I've discovered this anime thing, and I want to know what show I should start with." What anime do you recommend as the starting point for Vince McMahon?
  I think I'd tell Vince to watch Death Note. Something about him tells me he'd love Light Yagami lol
  Y'all work for a HUGE majority of the year, and when you're not entertaining millions of fans in the ring, you're working out and traveling. How do you fit in some sweet, sweet anime time?
  Before I couldn't find time to watch anything on the road. It was always the same routine. Wake up, gym, eat, wrestle, repeat. But now, having more time at home, I'm able to discover new anime again thanks to Crunchyroll. I'm also itching to go back a rediscover some old favorites. I think I may rewatch Case Closed again.
  If every anime character got into a fight, who comes out on top?
  Probably All Might from My Hero Academia. He's got his One for All Quirk and that could take out anyone.
    What anime character do you think would flourish in the WWE?
  There are way too many. What makes anime so cool is the Uniqueness of the Characters, So I'll choose 3 different ones. As a villain, I'd say Vegeta, because he's such a jerk that you kind of want to see him get beat up, but then he's so cool that you could see yourself cheering for him. Then there's Kenzo Harima from School Rumble. He's just a misunderstood guy who has a lot of layers that I think people would get behind. And lastly, Killer B from Naruto Shippuden. To me, he's what R-Truth would be if he were an anime character lol.
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      What about God of High School is appealing to you?
  I love the tournament aspect of it because it allows for a lot of variety of characters, which gives me more opportunity to connect with a specific one. I'm curious to see what the 3 wishes are the characters use, if they win the tournament, and in what way they apply them to their life.
  Do y'all have any favorite characters so far?
  None yet, but I'm still early in the story. I need to get more familiar with them all before I stan anyone lol.
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      God of High School uses the backdrop of a huge fighting tournament to tell its main story. WWE uses constant matches to tell their stories. What makes this such an effective form of storytelling that people love to get behind?
  People love to root for an underdog. They love seeing their favorites overcome the odds and rise to the top. I think people connect with it because in a way, they can see themselves in a character's struggle. It's easy to tell someone that a character is hurting. But to see that pain on their face, one can't help but think back to a time when they were in pain, and that allows them to step into a character's shoes. Plus, I think everyone at one point or another has fantasized about hitting their boss.
  If you had to enter the God of High School tournament, what would your strategy be? Would you use a weapon?
  My strategy is to win no matter what. I always put in the work and make sure I'm prepared for any type of battle. I could definitely use my boss accessories to help me get an advantage. Maybe a Chidori with my legit boss rings.
  What would you say to anime fans that are thinking about watching God of High School?
  Go ... watch it ... NOW! Watch anime like a boss and argue with your friends about who you think is the best. That's what makes it fun.
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      What WWE Superstar would you watch an anime about? Are there any wrestlers that remind you of certain anime characters? Let me know in the comments!
    Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features! 
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