#like i tilt my head to the side for funsies and he says yes perfect!! i look up at the beautiful ceiling and he says stay right there
partyanimal167 · 11 months
Something is Up- Law x F!Reader
Hello fantastic people! I finally got hit with which prompt I could use for my Spy Event with Law. It's been awhile since I wrote his character, but the complexity of it as well as his knack for planning lends itself to this one. I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to check out the event list for any request you want to send my way.
✒️ A Not-So Secret Identity- Law x F!Reader
cw: sfw, fluff, witty/silly reader, author knows nothing about medical school
There was just something that was...off about him. You had a gut feeling about the situation, but you weren't sure if you were just sleep-deprived or actually right.
You stared at the stacks of papers you had just finished grading for your professor, and you nibbled on your pen as you held the last one. This particular student was just...different.
It was difficult to grasp the range and terminology of human anatomy and biology, but there was just an odd way about how this guy--Law--got things wrong on his tests and mistakes in his papers.
You had watched him in class. He looked to be around your age and didn't stand out too much. He didn't answer questions often--not trying to show off or brag about near-perfect scores like his classmates did. He sat near the back off towards the side. He took notes during the professor's lecture, but even the way he moved and followed along felt so calculated.
You had spoken with him a few times--gave him props for citing a recent medical journal with untraditional authors of women and military doctors. He only nodded and mumbled in response, but it had you thinking. You didn't know how he accessed that journal since it wasn't part of the school's main databases. You shrugged it off.
But then you realized that there were some inconsistencies with the information he seemed to retain and what he definitely knew. There was just a confident, knowing presence about him that you made you curious.
You marked up the paper in your hand, and just for funsies found a folder with old papers from earlier in the semester. You found Law's and skimmed over the marking notes which confirmed your suspicions. In the more recent paper, there were some errors and misuse of terminology relating to muscle fatigue and lactic acid. However, in the paper before, Law went into great detail about lactic acid accumulation and how it relates to muscle usage. It just wasn't something that the man would get mixed up or forget about weeks later. Of course, your professor had fifty other things to worry about and only wanted you to put in grades, but it got you thinking.
Law wasn't sure whether or not he was thankful to be seeing the traditional process of becoming a doctor (compared to his fast-track government training) or if he wanted to shoot himself. This wasn't the worse undercover job he could have, but at the same time, maybe it was just a bit too fitting to have him there.
Progress was being made though. There was plenty of evidence of money laundering as well as some hidden human research being facilitated by the university on public volunteers. Most of this was being handled by only a couple of staff members and a too-wealthy alum as the head. However, Law needed to see if there were any other cracks he could find on the campus. So he thought it was great when his TA reached out to go over some study material. He could finally confirm whether or not that anatomy professor was in on this.
Law thought he was so lucky.
Law is never so lucky.
He gawk at your smiling face and bubbling vibes as you beamed while taking a sip of your coffee. "What did you say?"
You giggled as if he asked the silliest question ever. "I want to help you with your investigation." you replied.
Law blinked dumbly. Yes he did hear that correctly, but there was no reason to panic yet. He had a cover to keep. He tilted his head and tapped his notebook--trying to seem nervous yet confused. "I- I don't know what you're even talking about... So um-,"
"Your actual name is Trafalgar Water D. Law; you came to this country when you were a child. There's some murky details about where you're from, but you were in a private, recluse school--which I'm assuming is some crazy classified government thing. Your specialty is in cardiology and have been a part of some public-funded studies." you seemingly announce your findings with a proud air.
We need to hire her. Law didn't know what to say. He hadn't planned a protocol for if his cover was blown because there was no reason it would--he thought. He blended in well-enough, and most research doctors weren't making public appearances. He avoided a lot of attention despite his findings because of his work affiliation. It was easier for people to assume he was some rich brat.
More silence. "Should I keep going? Your residential address is 54-,"
"Okay, okay, enough." Law let out a sigh and closed his eyes for a moment. He didn't want to push with how much you knew, but there wasn't a sure way to quiet you yet. He had to see if you were a threat. "First of all, what made you even think to question me?"
You shrugged as you finished off your drink. "The differences in your papers just didn't make sense. At first, I thought you paid someone off to write it for you, but I never see you hanging out with anyone. Then when I looked up some of the contributors from your resources, I came across a peer review you did with that same doctor. I must say I do enjoy your work." You laughed awkwardly.
Law wasn't sure what to say. You were smart; that's for sure. But you were just too giddy about your findings for it to seem like you were...bad. He would run a background check just to be sure later, but he had to handle this first. "I- okay thank you. But listen, this isn't something you can just tagalong in. There's a lot at stake."
"Awww, but Law," you whined and pouted.
"I commend you really, but a lengthy Google search isn't enough to-,"
"The school's medical supplier is on it too. They sometimes bring in real pills instead of the practice sugar ones which spread to others." you added on.
Okay, I did not know that. Law wasn't totally convinced. "And why do you know that? Why would I even trust you?" he argued.
"I was cleaning up a practice lab and saw a bottle. I didn't think anything of it until I googled the name and nothing came up--not even a trial. I didn't think about it too much but now..." there was a lot of hope in your eyes. "So can I help?"
Law only looked back at you slightly annoyed and conflicted. "No." then you hit him with the puppy eyes, and Law knew he needed back up on the situation. "Okay, look. Let's get you in and take a couple statements. We're going now."
You shrieked happily. "Ooo, going to HQ? Will I get a visitor's badge? You should totally let me see some of things you're working on. One of the ideas for dissertation is-,"
Law listened to you ramble on as he walked you guys out the building and through the parking lot. He had a solid plan laid out, and somehow, he was now dealing with you in the mix. You were an uncontrollable variable, and he had a feeling that he was going to be dealing with you more than he prepared for.
The reader kinda reminds me of Luffy lol. It's just fun to be silly. Also, this is a little reference to joke of how women need to be in the FBI because of how much information that can get. The dots were connecting for sure.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to check some other works out or shook me a message.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphibia Reviews: The First Temple or Bessie and Joe: The New OTP
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Hello all you happy people! Amphibia season 2 moves right a long and it’s time for some video game shenanigans as we enter The First Temple! Family drama, snail on bird action, and outhouses await you under the cut with a recap/review with full spoilers. 
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So we open with the Plantars having chocopillbug pancakes. Ironically my mom offered me chocolate chip pancakes after this and thank god for that. This is a rare treat to the point Anne didn’t even know they had choclate, and is suprisingly not strangling Hop Pop over this. Unsuprisingly he broke out the good stuff to try and make up for hiding the box and things are still VERY awkward between the two, with Hop Pop walking on Egghshells around Anne and Anne doing the same when he brings it up with both desperatley trying to avoid the subject and Sprig not helping by bringing it up a bunch. 
I like this a lot and didn’t really think about the series continuting any tension over his decision.. but should have. Partly because this is a modern animated show and most of this wonderful new wave of shows have a LOT of emotional nuance. ANd partly because this show dosen’t forget things even most nuanced shows forget: the fact the characters cause chaos and learn life lesons is outright RECOGNZIED by the show as a pattern and brought up quite often, as are the patterns that lead to it, like mostly being sprig and anne, anne’s impulsivness that sort of thing. It’s the kind of thing you just gloss over in most shows but this one lampshades to hell and back for funsies so when something THIS important happens, you’d better belivie it’s not just going to disappear. 
The tensions thankfully broken by a new arrival, as a massive sparrow shows up in the yard. “It’s a giant bird with.. books on it’s back.. what. “ Great delivery from bill there. Naturally it’s Marcy! 
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I missed this little goober. Such a joy to be around, and she of course marvels over the Plantar’s house before getting back on track: She’s found the first temple.. even though she sent a letter saying that and it’s not commented on that she did. It set off the whole previous episode Marcy... you okay Mar-Mar?
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That aside though it’s time for the first temple and Marcy asks for the Box, with Sprig trying to make a joke about how good thing she didn’t ask for it a week ago. 
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Polly rightly punches him in the ribs... do frogs have ribs? Hold on.. okay here we go
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Huh.. so they do not You learn something new every day. Well lack of ribs or no our heroes are ready.. while Marcy’s sparrow Joe is also ready TO GET IT ON. Yes really, he does a mating dance for Bessie, complete with an intersumental version of “Sylvia” from last season. God damn that bird’s got game. The only time i’ve seen more game is THIS. 
 Marcy tells him to knock it off. Look marcy your a pet owner now and as a pet owner, it’s your responsiblity.. to let your giant bird do horrifying things with a slightly smaller but still giant snail. it’s what nature intended. Nature was doing a lot of cocaine that day but we still honor her wishes. 
But anyways Marcy’s figure out something intresting about the box.. by winding it just right the gems pop out, which allows her to take one, we later find out it’s the green one, to use in the temple. So off we go with Marcy and the rest of the kids up top and Hop Pop.. screaming in Joe Sparrows claws. He’s fine. 
So while they get ready, Anne worries about the amount of puzzles and hazzards Marcy’s hyping for this but Marcy shurgs it off and gives her own big boast about how may RTS she’s beaten.. suspciously like Yuaan as one post on here pointed out. Not a huge suprise though, to Marcy she’d just be the grand hero out of one of her rpg’s and not think of how many people she probably killed or who she’s working for.. though you’d THNK given all the RPG’s both tapetop and on her switch she’s played, that Marcy would see that “the benevolent king turns out to be the big bad” trope coming. 
But Anne’s worry is not on the big bad of the show but on Marcy who has a tendency to get so in the zone she ignores the world around her, which goes from focusing on her game while helping anne get softserve leading to a mess, not letting Anne down in a play and.. Anne catching Marcy on tv as all the snakes escape from the zoo. 
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Regardless our heroes arrive and while the awkwardness between anne and hop pop continues, they find a majestic temple.. and what appears to be an outhouse. Hey we all gotta poop sometimes, even people making a majestic temple.  If you don’t it comes out like this. 
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So they head in and we get our first puzzle, a mysterious cube that lifts you into the air and allows you to tilt the thing around. 
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Those of you wondering why I have such a strong reaction have ever never played breath of the wild or played it with a pro controller, i.e. NOT having to tilt the very thing your screen is on because Nintendo has failed to grasp that MAYBE people don’t like that, that it takes you out of the experince and that it’s really hard to focus on your screen while having to move the fucking system about. And the plantar’s getting horribly jostled around as she moves it is EXACTLY how it feels to play a puzzle requring that shit. 
Next is a color based tile dungeon leftover from Link’s Awakening DX. As marcy figures out the reds do fire and the blues do crushing... but she reads the language (And as she put earlier “Guess who learned an entire dead language?” God she’s precious. ) and finds a green with envy pun (Which Hop Pop takes offense to.. several of his friends are green.). Which is curious as given several citzens of amphibia are green.. why would they make a green pun? So she gets on one tile and Hop Pop plans to take the risk of getting on the other green tile, but Anne does it instead.. and things get heated between the two as Anne reveals she no longe feels like family since he did what he did for polly and sprig and hop pop takes offense as she IS. Even if he screwed up with her. But Anne’s near death experince activates the tile. 
The final challnge switches us from Zelda.. to Harry Freaking Potter. 
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Now I used to love Harry Potter, with all of my heart. Then JK Rowling turned out to be a transphobic piece of shit who thinks she’s an ally, but is really a bigot who wants to “accept” trans people without giving them any rights. So yeah while I still love the starkid musicals, ore more accuratley the music from them, and own a copy of lego harry potter I got as a gift recently as both parties had no idea she was a monster when this stuff was made. Still a sore subject though, but if I didn’t bring up the similiarties I wouldn’t be doing my job as a critic and this was likely thought up long before JK outed herself as well...
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No no the great mighty poo respects all peoples.. and wants to take their heads and ram it up his butt. He’s an equal opportunity butt rammer. 
Anyways this is the frog equivlent of chess flipfrog, and just like with Wizard chess, our heroes end up as the pieces minus marcy.. and in a nice twist on that scene, Anne ends up on the other side. Marcy is a grandmaster at it though so after an hour or so of play she almost wins.. only for the king equilvent to refuse to be taken and the automatic board she’s up against to send Anne against hop pop, and with our heroes magically restrained and given stone weapons, this can’t end well. Eventually though Anne’s forced to hit HOp Pop multiple times and while he says “well isn’t this what you wanted”, she says no.. she didn’t want to phsyically hurt him it’s just complicated. So we get one heck of an emotioinal scene as Hop Pop just wants to help and wants this to stop and dosen’t knoow how to fix this which as someone who desperatlyt ries to fix most emotional situations right away this hit very hard.. and her response of needing time hit harder. The two while not reconciled, ar ecloser to it and Marcy realizes what she’s done getting so obessed with winning and forfits for thier benifit. Our heroes leave, seemingly having lost.. only to find glowing arrows to the crap hole, which turns out to be the pedistal. The temple wasn’t just an intellegence test but empathy.. and the temples are clearly built to specifically test each of the chosen three, our heroines, specifically. Marcy’s tested her intellegence.. but also her willingness to let go of cold clyincal thought to do the right thing. That earns her her gem recharged and a flash in her eyes and her gem starts pointing to the next. She needs time to triangulate and hop pop and anne are back on workable footing... though our heroes offer to take a break instead of going to the next temple. 
Back in Newtopia, Yuaan reports on the toads gathering.. but dosen’t get to mentioning sasha before Marcy’s letter interrupts and Andridas oddly and aburbly dimisses her.. and goes to talk to a watcher with a thousand eyes, his “master” who has plans to undo the prophcey and get their revenge. 
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Final Thoughts: This was a damn fine episode that gave Marcy some much needed character development, and gave the reveals of last episode some more emotiional fallout.  It also had some really great jokes as always. Top notch stuf. 
Next Time: Marcy tries to win everyone over through science and we FINALLY get an episode with the Frog Robot apparently. Horay
Next on this Blog: We go into final space yo! It’s unexpected births, ho yay, and horrifying zombie gary’s galore! 
Until then if you liked this review, follow me for more, join my patreon, comission a review if you please and i’ll see you at the next rainbow. Play us out jeff... and I haven’t done THAT bit in a while but eh. This song was too perfect. 
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illneverrecover · 5 years
3/21/22 (fine with any of them) Vampire Hunter AU, SeokJin (looking for something that is just pure crack. I need to laugh. Feel free to do whatever comes to your mind)
(for my milestone drabble game)
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Hurt Me So Good
➛pairing: vampire hunter Seokjin x reader ➛genre: vampire hunter!AU, crack, humor, smut➛word count: 1913 (how am I doing worse as time goes on why am I like this)➛rating: Mature/Explicit➛warnings: cursing, innuendo, some mild violence, unprotected sex (stay safe y’all), dirty talk, mild biting/marking➛prompt: “Well you certainly proved a point. I’m just not sure if it was the one that you wanted.” + “Your cursing just makes me giggle” + “Try something else if you want to be intimidating.” + Seokjin➛notes: If y’all have been round these parts awhile, you’re probably aware that Seokjin and Suzu are the same person. If not, let me explain - they. are. the. same. person. It’s fucking wild. I’m pretty sure if they ever actually fucked it would cause the apocalypse. Anyway, I had of fun with this - enjoy @suzuchim! Noodle & Co for LYFE.
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“And how is this supposed to help, exactly?”
Sweat was dripping down your back, your shirt sticking uncomfortably to your skin as you wiped at your brow. It was night time - as it always was when you trained - and yet it was absurdly hot, the air heavy and sopping with moisture. 
Seokjin was climbing a tree. He had a bag slung across his body,  his efforts drenching the nape of his neck, chest splotchy with heat. You weren’t sure how climbing trees correlated to learning how to kill vampires, but he was the expert. Supposedly. 
“Well-” he shouts, overexertion evident in his voice. “Once I get up here, I’m going to have you close your eyes. Then I’m going to throw these plastic shuriken at you, and-”
“Wait, what? That’s your plan?” you huff, blowing hair off your glistening forehead. “You’re going to climb your whole noodley ass into that tree and just chuck things at me?”
“Aish, that’s not what I said!” Irritation makes him sound whiny, and not in the way he probably intended. He narrows his eyes, darting back at you before quickly refocusing on the task at hand. “And you and I both know that my ass looks fantastic from this view.” 
Scoffing, your eyes roll back, a hand rising to your hip. You’ve been training under Seokjin for just over two weeks, and it had been going decently well, you supposed, if not a little slow. He seemed to be in no hurry to train you to fight, and some of his methods were definitely unorthodox, to say the least. But he was easy on the eyes and even easier to rile up, so you had complied - so far, anyway. 
“Mine would look better.”
Reaching his goal, he plopped himself down on a branch, sliding his bag until it rested in his lap. He was soaked with perspiration, gasping for air. Wiping his hands on his black joggers, he looked down at you expectantly, awarding you the vision of his white shirt clinging attractively to his broad shoulders and chest. 
“I’d love to see that, sweetheart. You going to give me a show later?”
Your mouth drops open (comically so, you’re sure), and you drink in his dangerous grin, the bastard having the audacity to throw you a wink when he notices your reddened cheeks. 
Sputtering, you swallow thickly. “You wouldn’t know what to do with me.”
“We’ll see about that.” His voice is so low you almost didn’t hear him, and your heart kicks into overdrive.
“I’m sorry, what did you-”
He clears his throat to interrupt you, gesturing broadly. “Well? You going to close your eyes so we can get started? Or did I just fucking climb a tree at 1 am for funsies?”
You try to cover your mouth before the laugh spills out, but you fail, grasping at your stomach to catch your breath. This seems to chap Seokjin’s ass in the best kind of way, the tips of his ears reddening as he attempts his best scowl. 
“Why are you laughing? Is there something about this that’s amusing?”
“Yes. Your cursing just makes me giggle. It’s like watching one of those wacky inflatable arm men flap in the wind.” Stifling your snickering, you wipe the errant tears from the corners of your eyes. “Feel free to try something else if you want to be intimidating.” 
Seokjin peers down at you, watching the way you attempt to quell your giggles, but clearly finding the whole thing too hilarious. Hell, it was pretty funny. Here he was in the middle of the night, up a tree, ass so sweaty he could feel the beginnings of a swamp - all because he was trying so damn hard to impress a pretty girl.
Trying, and definitely failing.
He wasn’t sure what it was about you that had him so flustered. He was normally the epitome of cool, calm, and collected - oozing charm and making women swoon for as long as he could remember. Sure, some of that had fallen to the wayside after the undead took over - fighting and killing vampires becoming priority over his playboy tendencies, but he hadn’t lost his touch. 
Had he?
It was you. It had to be you. The minute you had walked into his facility, all wide innocent eyes and blinding smile, he had been a goner. He was a sucker for a sweet face, and even more so for a beguiling personality (and if he was being honest, a smoking body) - all the things you possessed effortlessly. You had shook his hand, grinning up at him like you didn’t just take over his every waking thought. You did something to him, and it rattled him to his core.
He didn’t like it.
When you had finally calmed yourself, he took a steadying breath, twirling a shuriken in his hand. “Close your eyes, sweetheart.” 
To his utter surprise, you did as you were told without further sarcastic comment.  “Now, I want you to concentrate. Feel the way the air is hitting your face. Listen and take in your surroundings, all the sounds you hear - what’s normal, what shouldn’t be there,” he pauses, making sure you were following. The look of total concentration on your face was adorable, of course, and Seokjin allowed himself to drink you in for another moment. 
“You aren’t always going to be able to see. They will have the advantage. Which is why you need to be prepared.”
He poised to throw the weapon then, aiming for an invisible bullseye in the middle of your forehead. He bit his lip in anticipation, hoping like hell you had learned enough to be able to dodge, but knowing that you wouldn’t be injured if you didn’t respond in time.
“I’m aiming for your face, just so you know.” Before you could open your eyes to shout your objections, ruining the concentration, he hushed you. “Don’t worry. I’m always careful with the money shot, sweetheart.”
His words distracted you, enough that your breath caught in your throat, a single throb pinging low in your gut. You shake your head, attempting to recenter the focus. A moment later you could hear the movement of the air, the way it parted and settled around the object hurtling towards you, and at the last second you drop to your left. The shuriken sailed passed, striking the ground with a soft thud. 
Eyes opening in shock, you look up to Seokjin, cocky smirk on his face. He raises a brow at you, as if daring you to give him a sassy response - but instead you bark out a peal of joyous laughter. “It worked! I did it!” 
Jumping up and down, you allow yourself a quick victory dance, wiggling your hips while throwing your arms carelessly in the air.
You were so endearing, so fucking cute. Everything about you was made to suck him in, and he felt like he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. God, he wanted you. He wanted you to be his more than he wanted anything else on this desolate planet. The realization alone made Seokjin want to scream. In frustration or in lecherous desperation, he wasn’t sure.
Instead he scoffed, tilting his head to the side. “Now who looks like a wacky inflatable arm man?”
He dodged the rebuked shuriken just before it could beam him in the forehead, however falling out of the tree, shrieks piercing through the night.
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You winced as he pressed you into the cool tile of the private showers, arching to avoid it from touching too much of your bare back. His hips rut up into your own, a whine tearing from your throat as he began to lick and nip at the delicate skin there. Your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders for balance, though his hands were gripping your fleshy thighs tight enough you knew you wouldn’t fall.
“F-Fuck, Seokjin,”
The moan of his name only set his lust aflame, his mouth working over your collarbone until it blossomed in a pale violet. Your could feel his length against your core, eagerly seeking its entrance, and the need to have him buried inside you was overwhelming. 
You weren’t sure what this has to do with killing vampires, but you were nothing if not adaptable.
Lips suckling at your own, you opened your mouth into the kiss, letting his tongue explore and defile you until you were dripping for him. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart. We don’t have much time.” 
Digging your hands into the hair at his nape, you tugged hard, grinning when he replied with a raspy groan. “I want you inside me, Seokjin. Please.” 
He mumbled a soft ‘fuck’ under his breath, placing you back on solid ground to remove the last few barriers between you both. He pressed a final kiss to your swollen pout before spinning you, your chest now against the wall and ass bare, presented to him. 
“Anything for you.” 
Once again, your hand was too slow in covering your mouth before your cry echoed on the walls of the shower room, his cock now fully sheathed in your welcoming heat with one well timed thrust. Peppering your shoulder with soft kisses, he gives you a few moments to adjust before he starts rocking slowly, unable to help himself. You were too warm, too wet, too fucking perfect for him. 
His hips pivoted in a steady yet thorough rhythm, striking you deep and hard until you were pliant against him, keening and chanting ghosts of his name. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. I love hearing that smart mouth begging for me, saying my name. Just like that,” he cooed, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you to his chest.
Your eyes rolled back as his other digits found your slickened clit, rubbing it relentlessly in perfect swivels to have you clenching around him. His pants were becoming more rapid, his thrusts stuttering, and you knew neither of you would last much longer. 
“I’m- I’m coming, Seokjin-”
“Yes, that’s it. Come. I’m so close.”
He growls as he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, and it was your ultimate undoing - giving him one last shout of his name before you’re being thrown over the edge, your orgasm intense and dizzying. A part of you recognizes when he finishes as well, the warmth spurting into your quivering cunt with a whine of your name on his lips, his forehead resting at the top of your spine. 
Silence washes over you, both of you content to catch your breath with him still seated inside you, not ready to abandon the entanglement of limbs.
It was you who moved first, sliding forward to release him from your core with a small groan. 
“Well,” you reach for your shirt, sliding it back over your shoulders. “You certainly proved a point. I’m just not sure if it was the one you wanted.” 
He laughed then, a true, high pitched, squeaky sort of thing, one that had you giggling in return. “I’ll have you know that stamina is a highly revered training tactic.” 
Fully dressed, you hum as you step back within his arms, grinning when he circles them around your waist, fond smile on his lips. “Oh, is it? And what about the fucking? Is that a training tactic as well?”
He nuzzled your nape, pressing his mouth against you wetly before meeting your eyes once more. “Only for you, sweetheart.”
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