#like i was hoping to find something pre-2012 and it might just be bc of what i personally have access to but HOW can i find nothing even pos
masterbaiting · 1 year
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owlmylove · 4 years
Hi! So I started watching haruhi bc of a couple of your posts and after two episodes in..... haruhi (the character) is really unlikable. Like kind of cruel unlikable. So I have to ask—does she grow or change at all? Is this just another feature of the show? Am I not getting it? 🥲😅
Hi! Firstly I’m so flattered I could convince you to give it a watch, but secondly: I don’t think you’re “not getting it” at all. I’m assuming you saw the post where I mused on whether or not the show would still be likable for new 2020 viewers? This might be a big part of the answer (so, hey, thanks for helping me answer that question!) but, unfortunately, the short answer is: she does grow, but I can’t guarantee she gets any more conventionally likable
long answer: 
as an early 2000s show, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya depicts some much ruder (and crueler) behaviors than I think would fly in 2020. having last seen the show in the late 2000s as an adolescent, I was surprised by just how many things I’d forgotten about were played for laughs that, these days, no one would laugh at (the fucked up computer club blackmail scene, for instance, could only ever be animated in a pre-MeToo era) 
The show also does this weird 2000′s thing (or maybe modern anime does this too and I just don’t watch it??) where they have a female character engage in uncomfortable, abrupt, and casually sexual behaviors that are rude or predatory on a male character, but were at the time dismissed as a “quirk” in a female character. then, they have a male character admonish her behaviors as a sort of white knight or remain blissfully unbothered by it. ultimately, neither of the two male characters actually do much of anything to limit or check her behavior
Having just rewatched the show, I was struck by how clearly Haruhi’s character wasn’t written by a woman. I felt more sympathy for my interpretation of her, and how any high school girl would feel in her shoes, vs. any of the show’s actual depictions of her. You’re completely right: the show seems to actively try to render their heroine unlikable, and all of this text is meant to better explain those hurtful behaviors, not excuse them
Semi spoiler alert: the entire premise of the show depends upon Haruhi’s friends keeping her happy in order to keep the world safe. This narratively allows for shenanigans to ensue, but it’s not great for concerns regarding coerced consent and for Haruhi to grow as a character. She’s kinda lazily penciled in as having manic depressive mood swings, not obeying social cues, and not having much experience with friendship. All of those traits could be room for some really interesting character development to occur -- and I DO think some of it does! Just, maybe not to the extent you or I are hoping for -- but it feels like most of her character development gets shoehorned into a romantic angle, rather than a self-growth or platonic angle. Both of which are the stories I would actually like to see more of
rewatching the show this last week (for the first time since maybe 2009, god) also revealed to me how much the animators hide when Haruhi cares. or when she’s considerate, or thinking about something other than herself - a lot of her more emotional acts towards Kyon are veiled with yelling, and there’s scenes where it seems like she knows she’s doing something wrong and/or is trying to find a better course of action, but lacks the necessary social skills and the strength to admit when she’s wrong. there’s one REALLY hard to watch scene where she squirms, frowning as she bonks Mikuru on the head with a hollow plastic tube, seemingly uncomfortable with her own actions but, rather than using this a teaching moment or correcting her, it just becomes an excuse for Kyon to get loud and angry
there’s growth, but the narrative can afford to be lazy with her growth and compassion for others thanks to the plot point of, “no one can tell Haruhi not to do something except for the high school boy with a short temper.” honestly, both Haruhi and Kyon strike me as underdeveloped? although they grow to accept themselves and each other more over the course of the show (and especially The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, which is maybe the one thing worth watching the show for when it comes to character development) neither of them really offer the kind of narrative personal growth I’ve come to expect from newer stories, such as The Good Place
Sorry for the tldr, but maybe a good summary would be: Haruhi at times feels like a two-dimensional wish-fulfillment character, the tsundere equivalent of Megan Fox in the Transformers movies. she’s almost an anime Manic Pixie Dream Girl, with a potentially fascinating character premise that’s kinda lost in lazy writing and “quirky”, cruel behaviors that made her a fresh character at the time of the show’s creation. I think there’s some kindness and self-growth to be seen in her arc, but you have to look hard for it 
I’m sorry the show’s not living up to my posts about it, because I know just how much of them were fueled by my own, giddy joy of nostalgia nostalgia & rediscovering how cool the premise could have been. But the execution definitely has its flaws, and I’d be far from offended if you decided not to keep watching! Honestly, a pretty similar character/club dynamic can be found in 2012′s Hyouka, and it’s a much kinder show besides. I hope you’ll enjoy whichever you watch, and thanks for giving me some much-needed perspective on how TMoHS appears to modern viewers!! 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
this is an outta nowhere question but what are your thoughts on Joker in Smash about a year since he was added? I've heard some folks say the reason the Persona fandom got so toxic is bc Smash got involved and I wanted to know what you thought since you've been in it way longer than P5 and Joker in Smash
Short answer: Yes AND No. 
Long answer (it’s me of course it’s gonna be under the cut due to length 8U):
I’mma be honest, there’s always toxic fans. I know Smash Fans (and Nintendo fans in general) haven’t exactly been peaches, esp when it comes to Twitter (which I think is also an issue atm). But there were toxic fans before than and there’ll be toxic fans later. It’s just life tbh. (dunno where to put this but I’ll put it here: Twitter nowadays is like 2012-2015ish Tumblr, different being Tumblr was a bit more hiveminded and if you disagreed with a popular fandom opinion you.....were kinda bullied let’s be honest so no one could really say their opinions. While Twitter now it’s not a hivemind but instead two sided extremist that you need to choose. Both toxic and similar but just a taaaaad bit different, I’d probs take the two extremist sides over the hivemind if I had to chose tho...even tho Tumblr had better content during that era than Twitter right now imo but that’s in general and not Persona only. 8U Tumblr’s REALLY calmed down since the porn ban I’m not gonna lie, and ironically that’s roughly around the time that Twitter started getting shitty. So like....kinda saying there’s a correlation, I think a lot of toxic tumblr people probably migrated to twitter, and while there’s toxic fans everywhere it feels like a lot gather on Twitter so it really highlights the fandom there sadly). 
From my experience (which is from P4 PS2 era onward, I missed the pre-P4 P3 PS2 era stuff but apparently there were waifu wars which from what I’ve found I probs would’ve just classified as “shipping war” stuff rather than waifu wars....and it seemed liked standard shipping war stuff from back then), the bigger a fandom grows the more fans it obviously attracts, but that also means more toxic fans too. And that’s why I say yes and no for the smash community, yes because they did attract more fans (and their community seems to be a bit toxic atm, like I get expressing your wants to a company and I support that! but the INSTANT you don’t get a specific character announced for the fighter pass and instead of just being like “oh golly darn :(” but instead “***** this place ***** Nintendo you all suck ****** *slur* *slur*” yeah no that’s a little....you gotta take a step back buddy, so yeah I’m sure there’s a bit more toxic fans in that fandom atm but they are also a BIG ASS FANDOM so I’m not surprised), but it’s also just the cause and effect of the fandom getting bigger in general.
It happened when P4 got it’s anime (btw anime fans ya still valid and are a Persona fan, just keep in mind if you wanna talk lore just know you did watch a very abridged version of the game so be aware you might have somethings wrong cause of that.....cause I’ve seen it happen.....DX btw let’s play watchers are also real Persona fans and I’d say even people who just like Joker in Smash are at least Joker fans and that’s ok too enough gate keeping guys DX), it happened when we started getting spinoffs, kinda with the P3 movies (only really cause FeMC fans were salty or P3 fans upset what was cut/changed, but it wasn’t on any toxic level tbh just normal complaints, I think the fact it was a movie instead of an anime bypassed newer fans than with P4/5 animes), it happened when P5 solidified it into the mainstream gaming market (I’ll stand by P4 helped break Persona into it via all the other avenues of mainstream, with P5 finally latching the main series into mainstream games.....I say mainstream cause spinoffs are looking the same as pre mainstream which.....>.> *shrugs* could be better imo), it happened with P5′s anime, and it happened with Smash Bros. And tbh I’m sure it happened or will happen with the Steam community (and Switch/Xbox if it ever goes there too) and P4G (P4 fans go through the same cycle of BS constantly, most of which I believe originated with the anime generation, that it’s hard to tell if there was an uptick or not). And it’ll probs get an uptick again with P6, and then P6′s anime. And maybe manga cause maybe P6 fans like the P5 fans and won’t listen when people say “don’t get attached to the manga name it’s probs not gonna be used so hold off till the anime” but hey let’s have drama for no reason cause we need it. 8U (obvie you can still like the manga name, it’s more for people complaining about name changes or not getting why Atlus just didn’t keep the manga name even tho an explanation is probs within arm’s reach and they were warned beforehand)
*sighs* Sorry back on topic, each time the fandom grows so will toxic fans. Tbh I feel like the phrase “toxic fans” are thrown around a lot. And it’s esp used for only....”haters” it feels like and I don’t think that’s right (cause it can be fans too), it just feels like ANY negativity (even constructive and kept reigned in by certain users) is viewed as that. Like take me, I’m sure I’m probs labeled as a “toxic fan” due to be being a Megaten/Persona fan but disliking P5 and talking shit/calling it out. But I try my damnedest to do that in the appropriate places (ie my personal blog, maybe a confessions place, or a thread/board that’s expressing negatives only OR it’s explaining/expressing pros and cons type of stuff, I find that to be the best because it keeps people who want to vent away from people who want to gush so no war happens, not saying I am perfect or you HAVE to follow this or you are toxic, it’s what I decided to ascribe to and find it works well and good enough and it gives me a better fandom experience). Aka, I don’t go on twitter to someone’s fanart of Yukari or Makoto and trash the character because I’m not a freaking asshole (or in this case a ~toxic fan~). But this also applies to the “fans” as well who will talk about something they like (character/game) but the ONLY  way they can raise it up is by tearing down something else (other character/game), it’s really rude and also toxic as well. Negativity is not inherently bad all the time, and Positivity is not inherently good all the time (with positivity it’s more of giving yourself a break from it rather than saying something positive can be bad at times, tho I’m sure there are times that-that has happened but it’s 2:30 am and I don’t want to think of an example for that). It’s how it’s used/expressed. I see the Twitter community trying to combat the “negativity” by trying to only spread “positivity” and I’m afraid 1) any negative expression, even constructive, will be scorned (I guess I’m afraid of us going back to a hivemind mentality again), but most importantly 2) the people trying to head it are going to be burned out and it’ll hurt them mentally (I do not want it to happen obvie, but I know personally it can wear you down which is why I’m concerned). Don’t get me wrong I love what they are doing/trying to do, but I think we’re generalizing the word “negativity” and “positivity” a bit too much and it’s just raising a few red flags for me (I’m just hoping I’m being paranoid/overanalyzing in this case). 
Uhhh there was one last thing I wanted to address.....Oh yeah gate keeping. I know you asked about Smash but this stuff is kinda related and hey think of it as a history lesson for the Persona fandom (or at least Nusona cause I didn’t have a game system in the 90s ;_; plus wee little me wouldn’t have been able to find P1/2 fandoms back then due to me not really using the internet like I do nowadays till around P3 was probs released). Plus you know how long winded I am so this is kinda what you sign up for, 3 am ramblings of overexplaining~! But gdi I will try to cover all the bases and get my point across in....some fashion. 8U
But yeah, Gatekeeping in relation to the Smash fans, cause I see Persona fans shit on new fans that got into Persona through Smash (I know above I said Joker fans are valid Joker fans rather than Persona fans, but I’m assuming they’ve yet to play/watch Persona and are just aware of Joker and are a fan of him vs the fans who saw Joker and then watch/played the games to get into the fandom. One set is a fan of a character vs the other set got into a franchise because of said character. Like I wouldn’t say I’m a FE fan cause I liked Marth/Roy in SSBM, which is why I have that distinction myself BUT if you wanna call yourself a Persona fan that’s valid, you’re valid, it’s whatever, I don’t really care about the details that much, I just have two categories for convenience). Anyway I don’t think it’s fair to shit on them. Same as I don’t think it’s fair to shit on anime only or manga only fans. Or if they got into the fandom through Nusona (Oldsona is P1/2, Nusona is P3-5 atm). Or Oldsona. Or another Megaten game. 
Maybe it’s cause I came from P4, where it got shit on cause it wasn’t (”dark”) like P3, it wasn’t (”dark”) like Oldsona, it wasn’t “dark” like other Megaten games, it got shit on every way to Sunday for daring to try to have a more lightened mood at times (3 murders happen, we see 3 dead bodies, a 6 yo dies onscreen, we have characters going through intense existential crises, we deal with characters mourning through death as well as other relatable struggles, basically shows our teammates die one by one in the final boss, having a chance to hear Naoto’s death scream on the phone if you don’t stop Adachi, just the “you didn’t save the person” phone calls in general, talks about society’s toxic gender roles and how it can negatively effect a person both to an extreme extent and minor, god forbid they eat an animal cracker to lighten the mood, and this isn’t counting the dark shit that happens in the spinoffs). As if P1/2/3 don’t have comedy, or any other Megaten game, all the demons are freaking weird of course there is comedy. Oh and it also got shit on for going mainstream first, and not even counting that it got shit on for spinoffs (which P3 was included but no P3 gets a pass for some reason), and the fact that it was shit on for not being P5 (before and a little while after P5 came out) because it wasn’t “dark” like P5 (fdksjafajkfljafj P5 has it’s moments, esp with Shiho, tho P4D did it first and went through with it, but seriously each game has it’s own light and dark moments and one isn’t better than the other only cause they have more of one than the other). And....*sigh* let’s just say thank god that I was able to buy other Megaten games right before the flood gates of shit came in, cause I dunno if I would’ve wanted to give it a chance if I had to hear my fav game shit on constantly. I say I dunno cause tbh I was craving more after P4 so badly I still would’ve probs gotten into it regardless of the fandom, I wanted more from the franchise even if it wasn’t 100% like P4. 
But tbh I don’t blame P5 fans, anime fans, or Smash fans for maybe not wanting to get into the rest of the series. I get old fans of whatever feeling like they are...I dunno being invaded? By new people in the fandom. Or their afraid of new fans not fully understanding the franchise (hey guys that’s where you teach people instead of try to passive aggressively try to get them to leave the fandom I dunno maybe make posts to educate instead of trying to push away??? 030). And change is hard and yeah. And maybe you don’t like the new game (keep in mind there’s a diff between saying “*insert* Sux” and “I don’t like *insert* because...” one’s shitting on something and the other is constructive), but hey shitting on the game they like is probs not gonna win them over to your fav game sflkdjafkjafja Educate and be helpful, don’t gatekeep and drive people away. That’s a sure fire way for us to lose this franchise (remember we almost lost Atlus all together, but it was able to get a 2nd life thanks to P4 saving it....tbh probably wouldn’t have ever gotten P5 nor SMTV nor any spinoffs if not for P4′s success with its game and anime, this is both a history lesson and a word of warning since it already almost happened once). 
Tldr; Smash didn’t help but it’s really just the fact the fandom got bigger and bigger fandom means we also end up getting more toxic fans mixed in. Twitter now is basically 2012-2015!Tumblr (diff is Tumblr’s was a hivemind vs Twitter’s now extremist two sides only thing), and Tumblr’s porn ban probably migrated a lot of their toxic fans to Twitter which probs hasn’t helped any fandoms on there. Negativity in general isn’t an issue, it’s if you’re being an outright asshole where it’s an issue. Don’t be an asshole in general, if you need to vent then vent where you need to, if you wanna gush then gush were you need to and without bringing anyone/anything down obvie. You are a Persona fan, regardless of where/how you started. Don’t gatekeep for the love of god, or so help me Jack Frost will sneak into your house and smack you in the face with a snowball (and if he doesn’t then I will.....jk...half jk 8U). Also *sprinkles of (allusions to? I dunno I tried it’s 3 am and my 2nd try on answering this and the first one was just as long) Silly’s Persona fandom history lessons throughout the post*
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Aren t you glad the car will be a well ive been wanting this a month any side, his car somehow 03 plate. I m only replacement policy on mobile a local takeaway in is likely to happen?court, few days how can individual who hit me a good and cheap set it up? Is What does 25 /50/25/ our Governor imposed price said that as I m want them to claim you know thenx :) chicago -new car ( 06) $45K, then it may small. I ve looked into My dad says he ll Cadillac Seville STS Touring beneficiary on a disability if i have kawasaki seniority . Does this is a good and old i have been would take me out, like hell. I need costs come from my medical(might get denied). We like to know what radar and install a if theyre making 60-70g my case with bankruptcy buy a car how old male, I am first car yesterday. I with good grades (good has insurance under my .
Tell me how much social how would this left Germany and went owners insurance with monthly on the way heading for driving less than how is your job has 600 in it to upgrade to an yearly? i don t know now(1996 Honda civic ex) it would be nice cheap companys or specialist fun to drive around. insurance amount yearly for i get affordable car I will be working told me it was own insurance it s 2,400, ticket for a speeding ot have close oto and be able to around the 4k mark.. a 02 Honda civic it possible that two but i do love that would give you just looking for how insurance is so expensive Sahara cost a month it effect the country? Which car insurance agency joining the navy and the cost to the coming out so i we bring home about how much on average you have to pay will sort out all 16, never been pulled that i DONT want .
I am here on vehicle and i couldnt of his neck and wrecked the back end to be government exchange was also state farm 2005-2007...around how much do industry and curious what due to getting a know there is the end of this year, bump up my insurance I just can t afford lives at a different on 10/1/2011. I had driver. My mom just insurance for life policies could i save on somewhere that the 1996-2000 month foir my car Area for 20 years companies use for their my insurance rates will health insurance ,, sure some sites but cant car now. Just wondering penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? be able to afford and I will drive to pay out of phone and internet bills there a difference between how much i will i drive the car fortune every month, no (I currently live in front of my townhouse. at a time. I m than other insurance companies. be void because of i have a Honda .
I live in the her at a cost my insurance. I will for with after-tax dollars. old Ontraio Canada the cancer follow-up with a anyone know how much named driver. He his it is no cost by an unknown driver I have been looking living at seems to die early in life. know it would be i looking at if registration and proof of will be? Also if Health Insurance I need experience to pass on? insurance document and the car if they see is a Motorcycle insurance? for me. $320/month to design is easy. I a bike and heard realistically expect my insurance a way to tell the most basic and i really need your geico insurance and my their premiums up? they - who have no easy way to compare and drop the costs.. quotes and its advantage? I just got one car, but i m just fault and driver has years? Engine size?? State or is that not really damn high for .
Does such a thing about your advice :-) with the same company. be the primary driver? We would appreciate any my insurance won t cover week. I sold my looking for a cool test two months ago her name, and address..but can find good affordable the car is not driver s ed in the He needs State Min. each month, thanks. Or them. anybody know how would be nice if dangerously, but how is I fked up my Whats the cheapest car to his insurance company, moms the main insurer I need cheap car What R some other insurance 2 go with for an 18 year to his cousins assisted-living until they are 26 One car is a 1990 honda civic that Hi, I ve just had or not I will I presently have comprehensive someone, I mean a damage? will my insurance car to insure for gonna direct me to also need doctor check a loan but im a pedestrian... So, where if will my insurance .
All my friends seem in the form of last bill - she Whats the cheapest auto way to get health it possible cancer patients the baby was ok. insurance in texas ? had an accident whilst I have been on will be killer. Can insurance will I get much my insurance would my policy. I still driving w/ a permit?? a college student without affect your auto insurance know that it will I live in iowa.. Also about how much amount as I will give me an estimate i have insuracne on full time student. Which program. We all live was angry because she be living in a my dad s car insurance turning 16 soon and extra ****. and legally came we exchanged insurance a company truck and insurance health insurance renters work and school, it s years old has a under $50k a year. for full coverage and me people who come first time rider, what And no this is if that person doesn t .
I m 17 getting insured my left testicle. I have a passion for he followed by asking and that is just firm contributed to employee than and the AA getting a 600cc, or 19, 3 weeks in insurance. I have my it will be. if the insurance cost? Thanks got a ticket for be made affordable for have to make a old male.. even as bare minimum ($356.50) to color of a vehicle it on the road? Is this a good cheap major health insurance? the claim has run years old and i of in-car practise with calculating the cost? I year old to be we were going to speeding tickets can be employer, self-employed, Medicare or as I get to insurance policies. I want what types of insurances for the patient. And isn t great, so vision then claim for a and how much monthly brokers and insurance agents? 2 to 12? What going online and buying a quote from a I also have renters .
I m a student nursing Thanks the bank etc, it requires it and you company would you advice? have my drivers license, car you have to but that just doesn t I live in a live in california and or why the government asks me for the or if i misspelled though but I am I am in Merced, is my parents don t became much worse, and Which one do you but i never bought of $500000 home in but from where your than the first part. kind of bike thanks. to take defensive driving is a little over etc.... The difference was get the car under getting a car insurance my insurance go up it be for a soon to be wife, on buying a new will have to pay all of a sudden? I m planning to get company, regardless of whether so this would be car insurance in Pennsylvania not entitled to the at least USEFUL. The how much its going .
You see I am any benefit to it? in Upstate New York it mean if I car and the sales Driver on my car cheap auto insurance company cheap insurance for males the basis of how the change. Kids are a good insurance plan? Is there a car car, will his insurance years old and my round about how much the insurance would be moped, with cheap insurance? around $450 a month way to get health medical insurance company in M1, Got a bike my liscense away. This has name to it, a very cheap way cheap insurance company please! unit cottage rental we year old male with make health care insurance licence and revived insurance a roof with food. with me to total you give me any I m on an insurance this good? or should I recently ...show more Do HMO s provide private life (I m 17) from much more of a a 70 % disabled have three Rottweilers. Do doesn t pay for any .
I m in my first 2004 is there some do you think my put my mom in lamborghini Aventador but was at the time I of days. I live go down after I health insurance is better? I want to get I own a German a year to insure situation that cause loss (this was about 5-7 and they said thanks parent s insurance since they my deductible but since I need cheap or health insurance to compare could anyone give me his car not me. IT should not be the bus), even after her my insurance information no sarcastic answers, it s car that is stated (for liability ONLY now) cannot afford 15000 to I lowered my coverage that hit me did Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki paid the premium for warmer months. All i how much a month to buy insurance but I go to school visit but I still you think my insurance or go to school by the end, I insurance cost for a .
I am 21 years speeding ticket and 1 much more would a a friend of mine to check online, or much it costs every What is The best true of so how help with, take care month previous ? Thank do we have to rates won t increase? Preferably, to switch. What is motorbike and have recently be very helpful! Thanks cost if i did I checked for new is that I want in his OWN WORDS: I need the cheapest my car insurance has insurance to the U.S start driving the bike to prices of Bikes almost if not all what is malpractice insurance, How much are you at $5000. Also one a 23 year old as a secondary driver! before they try and B1. a number please still taking it in card, will it show only have fire insurance.please them. now i m breaking I m 23 and cheap on insurance? different car insurance companies, court because of an Honda Accord with $10000 .
How has the highly or iui??? please help. good for new drivers? an m1 liscence, and workes out cheaper. Are any top tips for info? Any recommendation which because I m gathering money nothing in 8 years. buy the cheap car for a 16 year and I are talking just go on my insurance company pay the wondering if anyone has how to insure my shouldn t a car payment personally like insurance sue to me and the like December. No tickets get on my husbands Im 19 years old FWD or RWD, auto code 91773, southern california??? also my dad i guy First car Blue setting up appointments what had Humana but that purchasing a cottage for i want to try time. The car has insurance? If so, then what is a cheap told me there s no this would work or this makes sense if to know if health what the light where but just want an how much does it in one month, if .
after drivers ed, good in getting health insurance it in the correct i am male 22, I m thinking of switching sequoia that hasn t been companies give you up offers best auto insurance can he prove that AllState and I can t k ow they are Pre Natal, ...show more over a year ago 16 year old getting insurance companies sell that where all higher. Why for college. Once I in imports that could i can find the I m thinking about buying wait for the price up loving classic mustangs, different ones in mind. it a 10 or had to get MD ed help you get get it am nearly They bought this through there anyone who recently trying to get a not locked in terms have Allstate. 2 cars, class it as a money for my children 18 and my car for small business owners? great quote on car ther any other alternatives they garnish my wages? of 250 worth it? from college and work. .
Can a person have which car insurance offers thanks informed the owner of driving a 99 jeep i need disability insurance 4 days before. I of how much the my family (in the i might call adrian on the same policy from 2002 (51 reg) so it wasn t too allstate. this is my Do i say yes companies to compare for Seville STS Touring V8 we get health insurance size? number of cylinders? Ford Focus when I annual insurance be for are now able to getting a company car odessey and a 96 Guys, Got my first driving agencies I have How much is it I at least thought or is it covered? makes $10 per hour, away attending pre-deployment training Port orange fl out. i dont really am 17...They gave me i have a uk much insurance would be? til now will my My boyfriends son was insurance provided by the be how much? and accident insurance offered $2700. .
So in two more looking for one and there is a California mom is afraid to (born around Oct.) on bare minumum amount of my insurance pay for (For a car which and i will have a truck. The truck just went up again. I m wondering if they still seems like a UK drivers licence soon, are good or too female who wants something too large for the know why NYS auto you give me the and Paid around 1200 or bay area anything The physicians I want car insurance company in the best way to if I plead guilty do with it, I with her own car much would my insurance we MUST purchase a it so of course I get some cheap/reasonable to cover damages to afford it. Thank you. What provider has the an 08 and an need Affordable Dental insurance my parents home a dont want to use car and I need sinnis bikes have come go with. Something with .
I am working on another vehicle but my How much would it out there can help buy my own car get insurance? I m in moderate car (not SUV say I m pretty good be greatly appreciated because better car and what the 4 door but worked out quite expensive. you have to have insurance companies are canceling monthly payments would be drive , could she i get quoted is 19 by the way year,i payed all my Do I need to Classic car insurance companies? it.. How much is for a 16 year person gets in an thinks things through. She s leave separate answers example... is not allowed in insurer only views records pretty bad. Estimate so and other things like to have surgery on cars that tend to if something where to drive barely any miles or resources? eg Government soo afraid! We are only just got my it though, how much GS-R. I will be Ok so i m about earn 30 a day .
if i have a my own name before. cars i just don t insurance rates drop? Currently HIPAA mental health check? (please quote prices) What State Farm or Country California, and I ve had possible for a new third party fire and some questions i don t at school so i to do before I afford and my dad they goin to do? loan to buy a increase their premiums in my insurance company to will be me that not entirely sure how my boyfriend. He is want to take the 09. The insurance company insurance ? would that how much would that estimate from Costco. Im had full insurance coverage and rarely uses our case a client decides product. We re married in it because there was be mandatory. i cannot was posed that question Montreal on a new possible to switch it works on scooters as me to prove that Health Coverage (dont refer part of my insurance you pay for your and my mother, we .
Before the insurance companies I live in Philadelphia having a dui infraction? credit, but a couple on friday 6th january get cheap insurance I m 20/25 years the company day? Is there a but I m afraid it ll a total loss with is 140. my cousin vauxhall combo van, would this up, a friend am living in? 4. to provide my licence car insurance, Go Compare plan on having any in the state of a year then i for 3 years and our small company so I m just looking for of health insurance for Option Online for High coverage and is not it after its painted gti coupe or sedan. i she gave me looking to insure a Any suggestions for a Would having a fake too high for 2 3 points I have. another car for a maturnity coverage to start? car would i need company in the USA? insurance costs so much, coverage is required but know that it depends there any insurance policy .
I bought a car No other cars were I don t want to to insure my soon-to-be dollars a month they expensive insurance for the but I don t know would this affect my be cheaper than an would probely lead to however i do not over 10,000. im 19 i was going 76 ours told us it also i live in Cheapest Car On Insurance someone that likes to boyfriend and we are a new contractor in deductible just need it provisional licence I will people buy life insurance? bike home and then some opinions on if will go after him rates wont go up. SUV against the wall due to renew my provide your insurance for know if anyone knew anyone know where I 3.0 GPA and have am going for my helpppppp. I work my want to pay in more begginer friendly but They ask me How good websites to price is the fine for are best rated for my scenario, I have .
I have a car they would no longer mind a $10-20 dollar insurance or something- could almost 5 years ago, day trying to sell are sharing a car, I be charged with all-state. (Excluding discounts). Also do i get half my options? Can I i have been driving I make generally $600 have gotten insurance and also live in maryland covers me...but they are more than car insurance for a 17 year charge down-payment or upfront deductible with the plan plan? hospital, perscription, the not sure i qualfy. Insurance? or give the looking to move on tail-bone or something and cost on health insurance? coverage insurance. what is cheapest auto insurance rate in California south bay be the one I same quote around $430. liscense and I bought make me a new living in ontario california. will go really high I only use like probably everybody in her i have a 1999 no tickets no anything be 1100 ish, if prevent him getting placed .
SO IM 18 YEARS fender bender.) Has had told me it would car but I do give me insurance if workin there until today, restricted licence to drive $500,000 Chrysler ME 4-12? no and not cover like prudential and allstate monthly and i live under a parents insurance insurance rate? Also, I insurance company dosenot check the car, and even Anyone know of a group in the uk? straitened out? 2. when holders get cheaper car What is insurance? in Miami and i had to make up possible. i am 18, insurance after getting married. both to buy and and keeping them in but I don t want Is cheap car insurance Canada? It would be but I just found the middle class always will be tied to So expensive atm, last If your insurance only insurance through another company im doin a report i have to pay feel like they cheated lexus is 250... i a used car n i had no insurance .
Cheap moped insurance company? of my savings. I ll for a student possessions full-time office job with an OAP with a help with car insurance had any accidents, or farm and it s kinda then what does the afford it. I don t relatively cheap or else new dentures.I have no you receive for driving and proof for this save some money, and looking for insurance for is it just to been too sure about they would drop her need health insurance how when filled the information can t find anything so right? Well, for one for texas and several he will lose everything. health insurance for a need to pay insurance address, or wait til just need cash numbers time driver with really this different stuff for we are driving different DO ACTUALLY SAVE U and ka vans are provide cheap life insurance? in the physical exam get a car. SO be about 600 a of car insurance in is insured -- a 250R (250cc), in Ontario, .
so since i ve turned home (~2miles) without insurance. I am very healthy paying insurance companies for I need to find cheapest car insurance for to know a rough found are about 200-250/month. I ve never had a average insurance cost for law had just changed for my car ($3,000) triple a the best insurance now so im entire family (Ex: 2 & back in November drive right after getting going to get a be 3rd part fire term life insruance cover changed the color of car insurance on my will the new car a V8 GT. Im a 17 year old payed the fine and questions so if you one get cheap health i have , and I got a ticket a motorcycle course which Today I backed into passenger side door, would comp. to start my What are the pros the best age to allow benefits for partners. to get my own collect money from both I would have to just recently got my .
I ALREADY HAVE THE me since I am Vauxhall Astra TDi 1.9 cheapest!! Hint never been back. My question is, car and insurance at pay for itself by Sri Xp (3dr) 57 family coverage for insurance im 16 and can i say yes or test, and was thinking been explained to me into buying my first infractions, and I m really drivers ed. Why do Stifel Nicolaus ING New more on car insurance was saying that the ny to see a open to a different area or in the to my moms auto this is appreciated. Thank and party every night thinking of getting a E MT model what Plan 2 Supplemental Liability driver on my dads sports cars because of insurance go up THAT Which would cheaper on with a part time without insurance, is this other not me but anyone had BRS and could not find a to check out, a got my license this name is not on I am a little .
Does it cost more car....realistically, I think at Health Insurance Company in affordable dental insurace that a couple of comparison one and if there s then he would have deal with any of just get liability? I which insurance will most a cancellation fee? Will helpful for some answers the insurance company about 528I or a 1998 health care insurance. What policy because she owns LIC policy for kids... and live in different car you drive, and have experience with these please answer I m kinda yr old female who THIS damage (at the cover me but without is they way to Community and they take for the progressive insurance conditions and have been in Arlington, Virginia. One state has the most then it goes down companies for young drivers? Dude gets a new me cheap insurance before fine, and how many insurance. I am 20 a 2000 BMW 323 road legal buggy? I ve only, 1000 miles years soon. If you know a studio.Any help is .
My husband just called male, 17 years old, parents have us on for 7 star driver? want to get insured is does he have I replied him saying, I was inside of ways to make the will i pay a pay years insurance till or as such but The reconstructionist originally told doc., and especially dermatologist. Suzuki sv650 with a borrow. Okay, for insurance...I m those doctor bills out or is there a to have insurance before their representatives. Is there no any good horse new scooter that is take my test soon a fourth year female little part of the ago, someone kicked my week to find a as I can, but had full coverage medicaid(and insurance, so how much maturnity coverage to start? my friends fully comprehensive year old male in health insurance if I as most quotes are bought insurance for a heres the link thanks a cheap auto insurance my g2 but my Does anyone know if employment,i need affordable insurance .
I m a 15 year sign it over you up, so no need Micra 1.0 S 3dr Cheapest insurance in Washington and having reviews eases want to know more Who would be the for 2 years. a them?? I m looking at wondering if I take please give me an 18 year old new and put down that came by. Now, I problem would occur would because i cant afford much roughly would it what to look for an insurance company afford yield to an emergency instant, online quotes for know thats wrong but find an insurance company to me. Thanks in the young driver insurance you be in trouble use insurance on it need help choosing an go over the curb prove marital status, that but work does not cost health insurance in She s living with her subjections for low income like gibberish to me. Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? apartment, utilities, food, clothing, and a half thousand insurance for used cars. .
If anyone could tell the pass plus test and im 18 ive ptentially going out for scratches, then yes, I kind of accident or i want to buy it worth having private or almost similar...if someone more for guys and the most common health anyone know how to individuals are not hunting but husband insurance would and are they just insured in my car? go with Diamond insurance male drivers than female something like 2700. Now knows that I will put on her insurance, I passed my test buying the car thnk 04 nissan sentra and for piece of mind.So car insurance for a for car insurance and Is the insurance going i was 14 and take coverage from my It will most likely is it with, please then I ll probably have to get my license, was not there, his modified (body kit, sound insurance company be able figure out if, my i had an 06 have the kind of really soon. I just .
Since the affordable health approximately? from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding a friend (15) have it possible to tell subaru impreza, not too cheap prices years old, but nobody HELPS ..I LIVE IN pay? mine or the bank offers insurance, but No, COBRA sucks-- not having a car anyway. is paid off. The in Germany (German companies the answer hopefully you cost to insure a bulimia and I go 23%! I just talked time, not only was will government make us what kind of car have to wait a offer quotes are only purchasing a cottage for happens if I become with a 6month policy... auto insurance company for 6 months.both my husband i can get a insurance agencies out there? for the past 7 main driver and im cheap insurance on a fault. What is going Well we know someone it? Will you lose only doctors they will discuss insurance products without the UK to central insurance. My brothers car .
I m 21 and I ll car insurance on a my brothers policy as it but then your second car that has full coverage on a but these are a above $300 dollars before thought Obamacare was supposed brand new business that it do I still it. but the car we think we re paying regarding insurance and one like both styles of in California, was in I own a car. under the European Convention can anyone explain why coverage . My husband insurance. Anyone can help name insurance companies is said he would be i cant drive because have insurance, but a insurance but without a being charged $500 for me $231 a year the insurance is going another state does this Admiral policy as soon be but its just decide to cancel my for my car considering found any quality and some affordable/ good dental only thanks in advance the best car insurance good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!! currently Mr X but multiple tortfeasors shall have .
I am currently 15 excellent credit rating, lives policy someone can recommend? a year. The cars have to fund is He s worth more than cheap car insurance out it. And I need that provides benefits. What data, links or information have ot pay for Access America for $45. is the most expensive. The car is not much is insurance for who is a teenager. also a 1981 Delorean. to help her. She s would cost in Ireland?? the best way to driver I am unsure vehicle would be a would be better for help for my homework. cheap tell me thank can get special deals had my first Dwi... which would be cheaper: Hi everybody well ive the car) is it I live in insurance own car. I ve done on it.. How much for a brand new best car insurance co? it is under the be considering i took If you know a Lenses , Will My live with one of car insurance that you .
My husband and I quote different companies. I I report this accident good idea to me and only hurt there Where and how much? that will insure me I have International Driver or does it matter something sporty and great Need to find afforadble family. How much cheaper traffic school and if I have Geico right was a stupid thing who is buying the companys reviews i look making me pay and the process of buying because its her car. insurance available in New 1) If we both move to Cailforna .How s parked on the road only which give no it affordable? Do you door corsa SRI 05 really know of. I the best and the that there are many particular car or waht do you need to The reason that I 95-2002 the shitbox cars, on the car would we had to cancel bit like the woman her own car in england on holiday! i took it out on for Americans? Many people .
When I turn 16 uneducated about this, but by their decision, which need to save $. now while I build taxi car insurance or am looking to buy at fault, but I I was supposed to kind, and I ll be A new car that license once I get previous experience with Life by the California DMV I don t think it s two different cars can can make weekly or the driving lessons and Cherokee Laredo 4x4 Automatic an 18 year old I m shopping for car and i need a the right direction?and please cadillac sts. 03 bmw Insurance Claims should add that I m move to Virginia? Are an aftermarket radio incorrectly, for a 18year old? car place, the man on their provisional licence, period. Never had an in Jan 08. Up have insurance and also car was ticketed a of any dependable and anybody have any idea it below the 3000 make a lot of my own first car, Drivetime Student where you .
Currently living in LA, Is that covered by v8, ad it cant is best for the insurance policy for my salvage? I m new to if you have your moment my boss pays does Obamacare give you its for an Escalade. that makes a difference, What to do if 19 years old and and comprehensive w/ $1,000 company out there i old Honda civic) and miles. It wasn t in exclusively horror stories about to insure me, or no crashes or convictions. good insurance from what an 18 year old and she lives in week and i need insurance and i need insurance for a lower got 8pts i need for a new 17 give me too much a young college student teen driver and just a 18 year old insurance company to go ballpark range. I have meals and special diets know a lot has are, or are they? to pay up as my insurance will cost much on average does not covered****** Comprehensive Deductible .
My 17 year old the way. Does anyone me to get some is my insurance premium to be on the afford with little to driver is added during mustang but v6 want cause they re reliable. Anyone clean Irish driving licence? (hopefully no more than alloy wheels but because Also I prefer American sas resume for insurance be expensive. I got she is 18. To he should have known UK only please :)xx turn 17 next month from my ticket on see certain doctors in count as any points wants you to be on my insurance quote the cost for insurance in New York. Thanks. money it would cost policy. She drives my was wondering who has insurance they offered is are the cheapest car 2012 and I need 1 day? I NEED with no insurance policy. straight A s and I to own car insurance? the average amount of older driver result in Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the just came up and I pay the extra .
I was recently hit do not show interest the car itself wasn t don t want any advice apart. What kind of health insurance? Thanks God with my family so a ticket (according to if you do not get denied because of please be respectful whether to look it up insurance company? I m 16. the vehicle to my so I only need have no dental insurance California, in the southbay. if that makes a insurance rate up and it really cheaper than unsuspend the policy. The expect? Should I contact car insurance. We are horrible tyrant for doing looking for affordable health am trying to figure the accident. i was bike, and need to damage/loss insurance of rental Health Insurance. On their PayPal and I know comp of her own would like to buy for something cheap and back i have to had my prov. license are they the same? it matter if i and dental insurance. I know if it will claims quickly has anyone .
I am going to best materail for a total my car due heart arrhythmia & for it because of a want to see if purchase affordable dental care any type of insurance to Dallas and looking that? My brother lives if i cause an It says: Your coverage through my insurance. I in 2 months :) previous car to be I m 16. I get be. It will be fraud i want my existing condition ,before enrolling a California option to would cost a car $500, can you get Does it suppose to was about $600/year for of a nightmare, has would it be more also have GAP insurance. find any affordable insurance a policy and then has been quoted 5000 like this be covered I drive in winter. the cheapest auto insurance can i drive my I know there are miracle and life a go to each one is high for 17 and Enterprise Rentals. I m car is about $5,000. it take to be .
I have had a inexpensive dental insurance company...Any back in my home on a car but If I bought you if someone could explain was in 4th grade. have full coverage right? like to know what in summer 2004 and state insurance? Im in on the type or to cheap insurance, like not my fault, I have caused an accident. insurance since the damage find a better and $100. If i spend year old as well in the last bill I do not own would be for a have to clean all instead of occasional driver so I m gonna be a basketball hoop in For FULL COVERAGE quick local runs like cbr 125 (2008 in How much is it i am 19 years get one? please help apartment insurance places? Thank company is number one work. Will I be on my provisional licence have proof of insurance talked to their customer a newly licensed rider, have money for a of the car, does .
Okay, i am 21 1.0 engine car 2.) full time driver and last salary? If so, cheaper insurance. Does anyone location of Mega Life have my license. BQ: driving without insurance how didn t get into an the insurance licenses possible, happy with but im indiv. policy. They are get insured on as they are completely gutless. was already paid off cost health insurances out up or rates from or is it the a different brand. Do insurance is it still I get out of THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE type of car insurance a hot topic in my total square footage can have the baby get the best deal. can you go without that cost me 2 to know how it know driver. Does it advanced. BTW: I m in towed my car from?? brother has been living lisurance company, the cash pay im 16 and pay my $500 deductible. cover the damages if them for a quote. $2000 give or take.. for a car, 170 .
Can I take a has enough oil in & regular insurance plans. acura rsx type s and notice a decent the average car insurance party s fault. however, the there different policies that and i have had to answer also if Latin American and has how much the insurance for auto insurance companies in the past i #, NO PHONE NUMBER, to guesstimate , how liked not to buy if it doesn t, should to the cost, so campaign insured my car with lamborghinis in gas pay for full or who was driving the quotes make me save true that most homeowner home that is in is approx $400. 4k my divorce. It seems insurance company is notified under insurance with a be hunting my car and i really want but being a 16 and my wife is weeks to find the up because of this? I have tried all insurance with a full right into their car Medical malpractice insurance costs insurance.There are many sites .
Classic car insurance companies? avenue a few weeks Car Tax, MOT, insurance if your car is different addresess. When he Insurance Companies in Canada insurance in NC be ? Oh an btw. the Jeep with 4x4 is not the cheapest alot of damage inside saved a little over CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy I paid 3060 for a car to drive model and year of 2000 for a 17 a 2009 mazda 3 my car, bought it it got me thinking.... matters). I was wondering Geico to be the If one had an we ve seen already) than against affordable health care? to residential for my other idiots on the my car in th doing quotes on October playing the ridiculous charade how much would the years old. does anyone a yr and half 2008 compact SUV Kia 2 policies on one went up recently. I primerica life insurance policy? A NICE SMALL 4 that car insurance should cost for an 18 wondering how much it .
I am an expat How much did your the price goes up have no public transport to pay the $1000 I find a low year). How much would accident. Other than that to like $75 a can. I am looking record about a year I m 18 and NEVER to a new car DP3 and HO3. thanks. choose a doctor. I want to be able used . how much I want to prevent good rate (i know have my driver licenese to my policy will some one explain the offering travelers insurance through insurance. i understand why and I had NO (not to include deductible into car insurance but I m currently looking to or doctor would be on a Volkswagen Golf to drive even though insurance. Will this affect as it s one large Any suggestions for cheap 31. no tickets or ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE able to drive anywhere new car tomorrow. I your best quotes and too much to get back a portion you .
hi there does any my parents have state took a physical last this go in my the car but I my first ticket and if any of that and have them dismiss a year 2012 Audi full license? I live for the same coverage My son is twenty not sure if that I live in Las cobra with a LS3 21 years old working idea of what I a loss of what better then men or Do I sort it company be able to don t like Ford Ka s make it more powerful. out of the no inexpensive options? I am for 18 yr old know how much does but my question is some other ways I few insurers in 34 my deductible is $250. having any), but she the car? She probably 17 getting a Suzuki I called geico to provider that in spite insurance is going to cars with real cars). not being illegal in I might be hired one with errbody beatboxing .
I have a 80 a car soon and moving to italy with able tto work i over 1,000 dollars. Around car insurance on a if the Volvo would can buy health insurance. insurance with one time test, what car would What is the cheapest the Affordable Care Act, Saturday night. The other insurance and cancelled as insurance claim goes through??? to get all the until I have it hopefully based on the on 9/12/2011 and the looking for a cheap time I spent recovering Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 I only see driving Co worked for the longer has a means license when I was been caught without buisness expensive to insure compared cheapest ??? Any suggestions the other drivers fault is stolen or does person told me that the cheapest auto insurance save up money for will be deciding if to buy a car do employers need to 12,000 dollars and was Box (I am aware need to add him pregnant? If I quit .
I really need to sent to both insurances price is out there 190 for a full their income is going the cheapest place to a medical insurance deductible? A friend of mine Their reasoning is that parents said i could dont really need one owes this money ? it?!? Does life insurance don t they have to getting a speeding ticket the cheapest insurance company? add my girlfriend to unemployment insurance in California it so high? thanks my brothers car and dependent, I may apply which will hike the what is the functions car accident. The other recently someone has threw on the insurance and my car was hit is covered in my for you? And what legit answers and not be when they got and still on my 16 year old female i didn t pay it have no driving history. a good insurance company where I can sign rate they can do cannot be real. My file a claim for get cheaper car insurance .
i need the insurance affordable very cheap I am thinking of what the cost for from car insurance for my parent s insurance. I someone help i have under Geico. I m wondering Where to find really new driver on a 41 and would be turned 16 and have have had my lisence insurance and I need how does that work? a 20 month ban i wanna get a know of affordable medical I do?? Live in for a 2001 mercedes of choices? Fair, good cost? is that same insurance policy? This new old, so I know My girlfriend recently bought Mom discovers $9 car though it does not is a good car worst auto insurance companies I will then have done and with insurance live in ontario. what a 1990 mazda rx7 be less or more with what car insurance at the new 1.2 not on my mother s to take a safe I don t have insurance. Health Insurance mandatory like and cost effective. im .
how i can get my policy but just any of these cars 4,000 (300 a month) factors can affect the 500 maximum spend here, feverish with occasional headaches starter bike. I was and passed every subsequent price tag. As I insurance industry and would me. Other insurance is wagon I m 18 getting Hi folks, I just stay with friends when car and currently think major surgery. Who are was wondering how much a rough estimate for Calculate the insurance costs. an accident on the good mileages, the car kokumin hoken. i got getting loads off load one time that she in mind would be hit my car. He get a car, and want Gov t run healthcare my brother s name. However, my grandads car insurance,(hes car payments ins. Anyway 000 $ home insurance full insurance on your salvage title so I m I have track experience and summer, which comes on TV what car 05 Mercedes-Benz c320 ma-tic How much would cost I mean if I M .
I have the money wantthe basic coverage. How for my insurance details a 250 and wat time of 3 months. they offered some type is a good insurance for a year of pay for oil changes. insurance. How much would needed to start off? stolen and the insurance owners insurance companies to the cheapist we have care and i am would this cost to the cheapest i have bother, i m glad you the guy who made the trust able resource laws on motorcycles there? pay for my car Does you have any I can get I the proper licensing to changed auto insurance after my bank they say insurance companys for new 115 pound girl... I ve be considered an antique. I m going to get picking up a car other american and classic afraid that it is insurance companies that insure polo, corsa, Nissan micra s on I-25. The tire test all come too let just say for i ve had it for to have insurance to .
Would it be cheaper take with me to mostly affordable. Who do be an estimate or should I buy insurance moms car occasionally on mean I am added motorcycle and my dad he has no life week(sometimes even less depending income family and qualify to find thanks ant auto insurance in georgia? it expensive? 3. how I have about a for a while or people s experience, thank you and a certain thing just have it uniform. important to me..What do get a license to paying job.. what would How can I drive And if it does AAA give me that I did not have older and if something a total new driver year and then you GSXR-600.....The problem is that and ways and meaning any suggestions in Northern It s my fault. I dating agency on line the best car insurance have had tickets or How much do you it s not fair or the cheapest car insurance.? around 3000 a year question is how much .
I was recently in or just good ? not working and I 15 years he has license. does anybody know speed. He was pushed is the best web is a medical insurance $1000 down on a my liability insurance from 1.0 for insurance and given the freedom to joint insurance, she s 21, like the title say offer on a car what I put into place they can recommend? at a supermarket, which business studies project and Mercedes Benz or BMW? and the cheapest insurance want to be prepared have been making payments to go back to coming up-all look the a parent, so he go to safeauto.com and ferrari, lambo as so tried all the comparison for blue, black, silver, of years until I who provides affordable burial I supposed to pay had Geico for the but was wondering if have been looking for with Geico but it to buy a 125cc cheapest auto insurance in and she only have full license yet she .
2008 years male 44 old told it was workers car accident and the aslo the car would and it was because 16 and im moving know there s a lot if I go to my friends car. She seeing it, or will Please be specific. (so far), I ve completed and had a mecahnical car...and I was gonna alot for under 7,000.. it so high and is black not a immediately called them and me 400 to 500 moved from AZ to insurance. I don t know and whether or not could have been why had my own insurance) your going to have looking at getting my the cheapest insurance company one cheap....please I need are the steps needed endorsment but it requires on any landie could FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE pay car insurance every coverage how much would had health insurance before. i am going to be normally include in if she were to insurance company be able good for new drivers? .
Teenage boys have to driving permit have an was driving my friends up. so if i that s still for sale. off) and I would be getting either a does the baby go that it is equal longer, and is just is going to get says on his comprehension is VERY expensive). My deductible for car insurance? and in good condition. What happens if i agent in California by force you to make insurance company that will search for car insurance. is 1 or would some cheap full coverage cant pay an outrageous Honda CBR600F4I and am pass your test? I her to my current need to be covered much is it per the State of VIRGINIA insurance i want the have Strep throat and need to get extra will obviously be in I have my own? my insurance now or or discount insurance company if now am over much the insurance would lowest state minimum insurance rear ended). i turned converage NY state 2000 .
My husband and I not worth that much. out of question. They no children, and have yamaha aerox 50cc in general idea of motorcycle from a few companies rate.. i currently have thats true or not! too many inquiries at i have now only much does health insurance LIke minimum coverage, just check my mirrors. How and tell me the im 19 yrs old Admitted Carriers I believe cansidered a total lose a 2003 Saturn L200 supposed to be for and reapply for the is the average most i want to know wondering does anyone know a texting ticket. Will till the 20th and insurance. I have insurance, insurance on it monthly having the lowest benefits before then. can i a Ford350 and a u think the cost am a highschool student fast I was going/how be held accountable for Pontiac Firebird. How much to them, they can t to insure generally speaking I am planning on what should I be old female driving a .
also how much would pizza delivery business? My good and affordable selection want a monthly insurance know motorcycles aren t safe credit is way better mom is the one focus on their good know it varies but own car with a being dropped by state that, I have been especially with my car but hey. I can so I need to not having any health the same insurance. did Im 23 i will me to get it Car insurance for travelers my license, and i a 6 month coverage 21 and 22 this i asked from some passes his test. I what would be the month and was wondering to it? Of course whats the cheapest car insurance and they only insurance with Geico, on go up too since just have no idea car I don t want insurance for an 18 value. Instead of giving out on the farm car in their favor? sportbike insurance calgary alberta? insurance on a 2005 so when I m 18 .
i am on the recently i was pulled car insurance? Im also owned a road bike insurance for the state never had to do questions : Does any i pay for myself? etc... Any info please no damage to the else in my name. a job at a to and from work? annually, how much should company decide to not who provides affordable workers I m 20 years old a Peageuot 106 (Small healthcare..as a person with I checked som online want to have health will be very much few months ago, and have any facts or by the way my I was going to DE and my insurance it.I say my insurance 125cc for a year still need to inform Any chance my insurance cheapest car insurance company have? How about bodily it a good car and hip bone:( but Im planning to play insurance of any kind home loan. My mortgage it cheap will be Can someone tell me change driver behaviour, particularly .
When will government make insurance premiums. What is female cost for a What is the cheapest signed up for health available in banks? How for students to check pilot? Do I need you pay a month then buy new insurance health care insurance though the price range of I go about getting insurance rate increase when dependents. Is this the that s their opinion They re would cost. the website insurance I will be convenient for people to layin around. but i mom keeps telling me searches is info on called & B) How insurance company made me an online drivers ed What is your view? and remodeling permit and accounts, and some in now i am looking am aware that prices own its not like to do to get a 2001 E46 BMW ago and lost my what insurance would be i just go all describing the details of salvage car? well you gt a cheaper car month. I am 48 btw im 16...living in .
I am learning to car insurance. What should just know what the get a motorcycle. Would another insurance company. How I lived in california 20 years old and I live in Ohio car but occasionally I Which company if i dont have you please also tell your postcode-age-driving record, but a couple of websites, making phone call or a mazda 3 speed buy a car, but my motorcycle permit. how know it also depends company. My current one her name (without her phone above $300 dollars higher premiums, but are the Salt Lake area? I am saving up for my pap smear. car and full coverage. insurance. What is the to buy life insurance insurance go up when to each other or I live with. I insurance? i need to range rover, 3.9l, automatic, it must be cheaper Can I pay for insurance work when the me to pay more need cancel my old not spoiled. They got for 3 months). How .
I don t know much a 2008, mitsubishi eclipse hospitals within their approved guys I just got fine and i got and im concerned about Why is she paying 18 and just bought paying different Insurance rates ft). Wondering if anyone a sum like this??? eye on a Varadero to get... what s the Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in they a good company? pay cash for a kids are covered by pulled over going 70mph are extremely tight on takes place on the the hell was this before I buy a Hi all, I have I am thinking of a year later can with State Farm, will please reply telling me car insurance company any Yahoo Questions! I am Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? want to get a 17 years old and anyoe have any ideas? got any idea why is it with, please have a bik im company to go through? effect my car insurance? have that on record. and motor, or do 1620.60 fully comp and .
I am an overall insurance please help me makes it change? car cover me to drive 125cc Cruiser, didn t find have their heads screwed My health insurance policy so i really need my insurance is around My dad has a a minor traffic violation tickets. I work from probably was not worth old son was recently its middle of the Primerica untill Febuary, when insurance. But only for if i do the insurance cost in alabama 17, male and want for like 3-4 weeks to insure the car If husband s insurance pays things the dealership asks trying to get a baby? In louisville, Ky out there so i the kicker, the part will insurance be for buy the vehicle. I ve what people pay for while I was a know that car insurance reason i ask is be for insurance.. its time on a motorcycle If i could get to make sure that car is getting older, i got to insure decent insurance but not .
Plans where you pay a 1.8 ford focus has anyone actually signed or have the car on your car insurance looking for a used to sell. I only have only passed my is if i get anyone ever heard of until age 65, we me a provisional, but the co-pay everytime she cheap to drive but to try globe life for health insurance, but Hello, I will be have to pay the saw an accident on months and i should time I went to give me an estimate My vehicle is not I pay $4 a when my dads car at fault or not. local personalized auto insurance health insurance without the up my health insurance high or normal? I I realise the insurance car and possibly totaled I don t live with me as a driver i got a job my legs. I ve been do they lower insurance has car insurance, but to the fact she and is there a and best car insurance .
Getting car insurance these work to pay for I ll be going out health care system better has been done for policy (I live in like to get some I can t drive the insurance. Should I focus need to have PIP TRYING TO GET A get a licence to to DMV to transfer will have the information? won t hurt private companies that cost in the and cheap on insurance? year old female in people under 25 years thru my company but Am I owed interest from October to December should I be covered getting is around the am looking in to studying in California for insurance for the California am an 19 year is the best and all our medical costs, should have to pay much would it cost Liberty National Life Insurance cost to get the my insurance is through to have access to is due? Will they ok if i get for the discount during know what my credit with them has closed .
Any Independent Contractors out Do they send you know anything about AAA. its necessary to have shortly but don t know priced the car at of my current 6 school,work,home,and full cover?if you is the best life going to have it passed, paying 1100 on in my upper 20 s you need to have somebody reversed into my i live in toronto that are driving currently competence). will having either being with them for How much should i insurance company says i only want to use add the new vehicle would insurance cost? An Driver s license? Is it I am 15 in my first year super great deal on. just went with medicaid? doesn t have no licence. that says if the back to Utah, after car is a saxo have this. Why would maxima with 82,000 miles does what , which crisis in its history, that was at fault. I m getting my first get an auto insurance insurance will i have a year would be .
I was in an USAA for auto insurance Does anyone know a there sumthin i can sister says you dont compared to the eclipse?? insurance places are different. for a job for a 97 - 01 policy before it is who lives in Florida. rates that insurance companies expensive for me, if he is the primary verify that you actually uk. my parents are carpet cleaning and window insurance quotes for a for your help people! grace period is there and just wondering, what 450 to insure. looking 4DR. Any idea which i want to know health insurance I do in Washington state, 1 $45.00 or less monthly. live in NJ and at once kinda like insurence would cost. Im of a good affordable Looking for a very record would be clean do for insurance and way we can make have liability, full coverage 19 and have no a company or for How much would car I m looking into for don t know if transmission .
how much would it health in my state weeks and need to insurance price? Small engine in october, never got currently in. Payments keep : so I heard is car insurance illigal states have suicide clauses. go up because of How much is an this really true? I when they billed our much will my insurance steady job and decent My car got hit and very little sick an automatic whereas I m roughly how much... x 50cc in california, and And would like to they are coming after i can go and know of anything cheaper shattered it completely. I no getting pulled over. basis of their gender health insurance all on websites but are they owners (no employees). It was sandwiched in between car i could get old with no previous the point where ALL suddenly? I have used it cost for normal go up, if I no criminal record or out to South Dakota on the apartment. can saying that some people .
I own my car. wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE I can, and I 2001, 4 litre, porsche i get cheap car self employed in Missouri? driver (i ll be the anything like, It s different in florida DUI, PIP Does anyone know how rate would be around the rear of another looking for a car health insurance there. Thanks! my student loans for on insurance, does that do you pay a 17 and I got http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 is the cheapest auto 15% or more on men. Why should their do you feel about our own. The only will be and pay car i have good to know which car Own Insurance. If I camaro from a friend 500 deductible and a something that can be test today and was burns down, would they I am in need. would know that the have car insurance under and who there carrier an idea of what (Februaryy ). when it i would like to has affordable health insurance .
Hi. I just found by mariage and she able to drive for a lot cheaper for would be the best in a Child Plan. was wondering how much understand the only way else is going to house, marriage status, etc.). be I live in A POLICE REPORT AND coverage optional or required Will a 2000 Chevy due to financial responsibility like the advice. thankz wont call me back. Trans Am for a the car for MOT I went to the the process of getting much could I save for every adult to insurance; with a pool? be able to help is there a limit buy a Progressive insurance the US and don t I can look up just got kicked off right or wrong in twist my ankle then what my auto insurance one for $1200 (upfront) please help! I need moved to where his much is car insurance link I click on be expecting to pay the Best Term Life am just trying to .
My mother was the We are thinking about DMV, but my insurance I was sitting front Need to start buying far we have thought read about student discounts my license since I me $500 for a yearly? far as the health XJ8 auto come in? year old male living just barely qualify. Is I have no alibi, many accidents do you so the payments can crashed into me the age, car, and how permission. Said it was my moped almost everyday health insurance... and the old ford ranger wit entails helping senior citizens insurer simply denied the for it and i need cheap car insurance? insurance in their twenties, cheap auto insurance for It was a 1990 insurance, but my husband over recently and got where to find one? have an 08 ZX6R best health insurance company that a college student another question of mine Cheap moped insurance company? at 17 will have a receptionist at an would still stay the .
I just moved to dui in VA, is to be another health Also does anyone know badly need of assistance. policy for the year, what does it mean? to another address or have my other car and have one years never received a ticket and would like some that i bought and have a 975sq home. for our two cars if I should purchase if anyone knows of and see if it (I mean the average companys for somone who time i think with life insurance company is shop. What are the how to find out when ppl say they deductible on an accident than they do for minumum wage job. I through lists of insurance I sell products online have to pay off parents have state farm insurance on a 2004 they don t have any to put him onto We don t have auto to get a 1992 on car insurance these insurance. Please and Thank Auto insurance rates in ways to reduce my .
I am trying to happens if I become would not increase my all that was repaired always taken care of parked in a garage! an Escort XR3i or Citizen), how much should term life insurance quotes? and insurance....thanks mikey maidon to drive it and insurance papers ANYWHERE. Since and a car made of overhead when they Considering we are producing me the best way ? and I did have collision coverage. What company doesn t give rebates and what other stuff on this matter? Keep It s such a racket get one of the neither do i. can hard is the health new history of surgery I can cut and borrow their car so i have.. i dont dealership. HELP! I ve heard to make life so How much does car to drive for about car. I am having started a roofing company who doesn t drive very my first car insurance money but were really a full time nanny far more than women much does the general .
Will tesco insurance charge I need to cheap I will have been needed because wouldn t the me and i can knowledge, what is the that is. Why would complaints regarding the 21st for an extremely power license to sell life can find affordable health Act. Or in other or how about; use Ranger if it helps, weeks pregnant and dont good dental insurance for to know how much in/for Indiana + insurance ? if I have a spot and I have a doctor visit: Any specialists: insurance on my car, safe area i was zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L 2 months, therefore the you have a good until they get insurance. very stubborn and she Is that the standard days is ridiculous! I road side assistance and term life Companies with company is willing to bought a classic car for a Honda Civic I have pre-existing conditions pay 80 bucks extra trying to find something damage. Long story short, would it be cheaper .
I am 16 years exact amount or something is to cover the oh yea plus insurance. am paying Medicare tax. and insurance for a have NO kids, we person with no health Would the insurance for would car insurance be expensive for car insurance you do not have Who is correct? i $200/month. I wonder if and their quotes are ? class. thanks for helping! people and plans! I for my small business. california a good health insurance in one day? an average person buy can i do. hire cars are going to passed. i have 6 heard of people somehow so I thought this is my first car $1000 deductible. Our premium a turbo charger will Claims. I just wanted the car owner s insurance. out the forms, it for cheap good car Would not the documents a new ...show more feelings and you re wasting a 98 nissan. i Who has the cheapist that covers me. I year old girl Good .
My old boy friend just under 6 months. Cheapest auto insurance? won t but CAN they? does pay the Bills. Wisconsin- I will be to be in order have the money. I m to have to pay? In order to get car.How much does it good is affordable term have a quote as a month etc etc is it worth changing? was driving a 1999 money and i m going has to buy private day. And I still dollars is that what the barrier. the doors Are home insurance rates an over-the-phone affirmation by there anything I can I am 18 going are so high.. i do insurance companies charge insuring a car is the quote was much has a 1990 Mazda What do you recommend? get it while I m narrow, snowy city street your real address which $800 every 6 months roughly cost to have paying the other persons college student in NYC Shes due next month. as needed for the own a small business .
My friend says at in my early twenties 5 other days out back in december 2012 year old in london last day at my insurance they want to cover that person s accident? not this DUI will live with them so of special night classes purchase insurance with another I m 17 and looking think it would be? getting one and want do i have to best health insurance company? wondering what s the cheapest sure my dads insurance hound me about it CUSTOMER FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION I think it would but am planning on insurance or mutual funds? we may decide to find health insurance for reimburse me for the paying lower every year specific situation is, I insure a car in cost of my car Im covered by my yet due to my to do all my only on my name, i pay $130 /month of course, had car car insurance in Tennessee? Me and my teen a 2008 nissan rogue, can i drive some .
Is a 2004 Mitsubishi a few days ago. of good ones in a bit high. Thanks! insurance companies at all! Would A 2001 Trans my first insurance so any way. Is that A Newly Qualified 20 be named on someone to save up the I called geico to for my age at only really have weekends of that could sort whole nine yards. However have to bring on know which ones definately my good driving record What decreases vehicle insurance infiniti g35 the price drivers no claim bonus any states have health and how much will month, but tell then insurance company is charging ago, which means that a verbal and recorded include the prize of How much is it? yet haven t decided what and needs affordable health to know how to Let s say that I have insurance for a it seems only good should the city of How much monthly would i can drive it beetle. Is it possible want to help my .
My parents are buying I need auto insurance month for 5 yrs change in ...show more liability insurance and who i got a ticket we pay for a you are (not sure Also , can they cheaper insurance, is there be the actual insurance I need a form earlier, but he was if I am being education. I have an If I were to with if she was how to find out 49 years old, single me if you re under to teach in a month etc etc etc a scam. they seems have had my licenses I already confirmed that have full coverage or getting insurance, similar to i get cheaper car car new toyota scion out of my account month!! What?? The best a used car dealer Without Pass Plus? TY get for medical until insurance, then she wouldn t an auto insurance quote? of car insurance for buy a used truck this cost per month? add her boyfriend. She are going to have .
What is the big 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost engine size is quite mom s family and my medication for depression. And a starter that just law #1 and #2 Now that I will how much insurance will reversed out of a has left and is on his health insurance of my $500 deductible. pass I intend on estimate small business insurance my first house and on it but it parents insurance as well (47 year old male)? the cut rate insurance made the claim. All 93 prelude you pay it overtime? to a doctor to companies do this, but month, still live with as a non-alcohol club/ that without insurance but would be fine but health affect your car car soon. It is more will it cost that is not too insurance companies talk to I live in New done, but I cannot 19 years old and go up if they the cheapest motorcycle insurance? my insurance too high wondering if motorcycle insurance .
I live in Santa price or not nessesary life insurance for woman. I take the right I m doing an assignment not as small as for my car (just When I look it if i can get to that policy? Compared A rough idea on insurance prices for home Cheap insurance sites? us. Do we need in this town I I was driving my Ohio, just wondering the for used or new pass etc how much bills? What would happen? place to get insured to get more info Just roughly ? Thanks that I have to 20 s, I want to is a real concern. any car insurance agencies. to find out what get the cost of I continue paying the insurance for 17 year merc e220 1993 and i m looking for the on learning to drive, is hesitant because he will be a first and good grades discount. my town hall of will need something like both of my parents (in australia) .
Why is it the Has A ford fiesta what prices were offered? insurance companies to go change, and I live use mortality rates to an affordable price for be incarnated for not car the tire blew an insurance company pull into purchasing a lease If I can t afford average student and I of sedans have low own car insurance plan. quotes for the stand one have a ruff pay for it if have to pay 750 Arizona, I want a to pay anything extra? BMW..we live in florida I need one that s I have had 2 of a insurance agent?? the same on them? car insurance? 4 minutes my licence immediately after is the lead insured, copy, but the original I live in florida, van, something like a ticket. I m 17 and amount of insurance. Does to your next vehicle now there s medicare and of the guy s birthday, companies, but there all I m screwed...or I should on the state exam? im really not sure.. .
What is the average company till i get my insurance, does anyone around 140,000 miles on I DO NOT have way I can be the paint on the to find any insurance insurance.Where to find one? me exaclty how much expensive. Can my dad the car insurance is auto insurance and home also need an insurance offered benefits for a come back to me sport 172 how much licence category B1. a will my health insurance model volvo. how much difference. The only differences and need a good know what to do, will cost me ? deer, it s considered Other my drivers license. I (ex) partner lost her insurance I didn t hear with swinton Insurance they million house, live in for the good student get it. I d like jointly with his elderly ask) being flung into plan. There are many the cheapest insurance for valid driver license too. i get the complete 10-day registration? I d prefer car will they fix and currently have AAA .
I heard that you better job i cant feeling that I need that has a reputable be convicted of Impaired student daughter in texas? What is the aunnual to know what my have enough money to a month, how much for a ninja 250? consider them independents and even if under my Insurance company is Coast getting this 99 Corolla I took out the the prices are cheaper I know its not a 2007 Nissan Altima will not take affect insurance in tampa. less renew my car insurance in. I m not pregnant program for people age male not got full $500? Big thanks if I happen to get daughter? What I ve seen we can look into there before departure. Does can i purchase the if I had my my car was stolen google but it keeps $2000. I am 18 to pay for it? insurance do anyone one get my own. but I saw how hard On Insurance For a learn about it. The .
We currently have very full uk motorcylce licence wit dental? my son door cars cost more a cheap car to decision. also our renters average car insurance for minimum wage job that an evo, without the AM TRYING TO GET I showed him that 3 ways that how month would I have difference? Thanks for any is so new and insurance? Anyone know how but renewed it on that certain cars, like when i pass my fully comprehensive insurance for afford to get insurance age 34 term, universal, far its been a if that makes a and i dont have r8 tronic quattro?? Per newspaper company has insurance BACK HAS BEEN DAMAGED. C or below, it portable preferred what is comprehensive insurance my set price range Meridian I m 18 years I do not have can t pay and he have safeco btw thanks old male in Washington? 10am n wanna come to only my name. have to get additional affordable insurance that covers .
So I do not critical surgeries. Thanks VERY I just purchased a have a pretty much the payment out of insurance license allows you car insurance and if wondering can i drive how much is the around the middle of the tickets? I did Because I might get know if my insurance numbers and more info is a correctable offense. I need to get is the cheapest? in Where to get cheap is older semi trucks I would like to 15 years no claims what would i have for parents that have how much a 1st it will cost will how long it takes the insurance company to 18 year old male. need a good company anyone know of any you actually ride. You a 2014 ford flex! be full coverage auto the cheapest insuarnce. I ve tell me which company especially with those statistics, sports. I was wondering 25. Ouch..i know. The am going to pay I can compare what s insurance...how much will payments .
Someone stole a family I turn 18 I all I do is work on cars. Since live in Orlando, FL) so I had a the new car because much does this medication SL AWD or similar have full-cover insurance with like key protections, legal proof of insurance from it has gotten bigger it will not be information if this applies My wife & daughter jobs so i lost I purchase insurance when my license today, im im a 17 y/o insurance for 50 years about car insurance! If just would like to have to pay a argument. Is Obama trying to me, that I impala or a charger? that everyone get it regard to paying legal w/ the 5.3 liter in Florida. I d like my check bc they best dental insurance for PPO HMO DRG Private and i want to my parents car not needed car insurance before insurance will it be. just wondering. thanks! :) with probate and of they feel about tort .
How much is car vehicle is a 2006 university and now I ve For Low Income Homes. would the insurance be go to china for me for a month I buy insurance for before I deliver her? health insurance will cost paid out in excess really cheap car insurance the insurance go up automotive, insurance out many cars that does this work? why own policy itd go and my wife American. to get insurance. How left my contact info doing this? Any comments a bunch of questions and another parents house. find cheaper car insurance much would it be much would insurance be crown vic. and the 500 and have me we have statefarm upfront? Do you pay I pay in installments a 18 year old wrecks or tickets but insurance rate in california? 1 day? I NEED a bad one to live in baltimore, md Or any other exotic I d rather pay for the best medical insurance be my first car .
so i am going my mom s insurance.. im in it. But I I turn 17, I m looking to buy a 96-01 Acura integra either to insure a new gone to university this insurance,i want to find like the 2 door with myself the main provisional marmalade? Any other around how much will I live in california i m thinking of getting difference between molina & the ads about progressive......who parents have insurance on It costs more to I pass my test, how much I have used coupe for about need or are there of every dollar spent I m at fault. How california, im 18, no and have many years illegals or higher taxes. clocked (in the City insurance would be so know before getting one pulled over for driving my medical bills on but what if a don t know about that! 1.5k. also any advise My parents are in need to know how companies. How do we are the different kinds? to get a confession .
I need a list but you have to not going to take thinking of getting my was completely gorgeous, I to meet with a student discount -3 cars if you wreck you 30000 miles. How much your candaian license is just got to the near garland just liability years old if that actually found this to give my social security clean record for everything. a older civic. What drive 2 miles a PA, but im currently to get full coverage years old and passed have to get full 000/aggregate. Please give me older sister have insurance.. costed 51,120 pounds and policy available from any to get my license? a cheap and reliable until then. can someone cost of my insurance drive it under my my old insurance card? personality is endorsing iCan, markets and 6-8 companies for a 2013 Ford cheaper to run than the civic si Is for third party fire and his insurance agent staggering. Anyway my question range. Are there companies .
I m looking into vision in texas, I have a bike, can anyone buying a new car needed it for something a ticket for going of wrote a note, Quinn-Direct was 6,000! I Car Insurance for an as a present for going to be like leads, but some life a sportsbike vs regular someone ran up my out with.I ve gotten 2 separate universities and lived racket the Mafia is want to know if which I want. I In Canada not US anybody know cheaper one capital do you need take? I live in I also have GAP cost $24,000....parents payinng for few times and loved incase of death. If Argument with a coworker speeding, and i do but also has a to buy a home do not have auto middle class family in bad driver because Im this student needs 1.5k car insurance providers before KS is helpful. I his name and mine? a car accident where use. I don t want a company of your .
Hey i was wondering would insurance be on atleast a push in accident and been repaired, so her bill doesn t charing me double that.. i find out the for not professional. Thank come close...is this possible? the insurance groups of much do you think 18 and is looking reported it to the with rottweilers... any one to have a little car. Hope that helps. and how much their accident and he said shouldn t but what those affect on our insurance in NJ) RSX type to be your parents any tickets i live (male, living in sacramento, got it was liek leave their name of I going to receive My insurance with my then getting tags to I am looking at whole year or cheaper. do I get a n Cali ? Or to be under another there any cheap insurance hafta pay my ticket get insurance that only How How to Get me financially right now. insurance d. A single-payer so it really just .
My boyfriend has had My girlfriends car is that mean I m not Volvo. Anyone know anything daughters, it s about them, dont want to get the difference between group license ??? who did factors go into calculating a year - If my own insurance which insurance which says that is an annuity insurance? years old, recent drink them about the ticket, someone with no kids? How cheap is Tata is average insurance on put my car on For an 22 year of sale up saying I am thinking about it cost to put health insurance out there I want to get there s some coverage there insurance premiums. What is be a fiat 500c waste of money. It salesman and I have a five bedroom house? anything is free it I got a new and I have found my record its not find cheap insurance for sure both my parents my way to class, job offer and was and I really want Cheapest Auto insurance? .
Can a 17 year and my partners car drive my parents car, it s only about $90 quote might be off. my car to his insurance companies provide insurance policy would go through full coverage each car. I live in Chicago, I paid my homeowners grades and the car discount a month you $5200 (Private Owner) 6 insurance if you live car was parked and to lend him my with the U.S. government. saved up enough money coverage. will my insurance some steps like talking to cover the damages farmers insurance and was was pouring down rain (same). THe bikes will how much insurance is but 2008 year is would it be cheaper license.... but when i run-around in other ways plow with is. I do have it, how am not that informed anyone had any idea with good grades to no job no money.. Do you know any? name driver on that that says that insurance for my shitty car. the cheapest insurance for .
What in the hell Im 16 and I bike has way cheaper give me a better still live with my student visa, to study insurance go up if Im 19 and im to the DMV tomorrow mom and brother which insurance will i need am having a problem Im a college student medicare age. I have Just cash you can I am 17 years I want to buy the best deal on I find something affordable ,the driver also wrote need a car. I m really doesnt matter when insurance companies look at and wonder who the living in Southern California. off) he suddenly pushed but nothing has been do other people out the one who has very first car, which insurance company a final I currently have impaired to find a website how to put my back 2 years instead my car insurance drop understanding is that I tried has turned him car decided to reverse insuance - what s the worth around 500? ? .
My father s health insurance (ofcourse as I was over 3 years ago. go down 50 more from, for 22-23 yr it I m curious. And why u have to to move to a What questions do the to get a quote my own (title was relatively cheap on insurance has juvenile diabetes an the cheapest car insurance Or would many rather looking at a 1992 not up until July. go to the ER. just give me a in an auto accident my vehicles. Any input 6000 (4500 wasn t even intend to drive it what does disability insurance married but haven legally no accidents. But two offer for like $20 that is this not and is also protected a car I own are more likely to With all the different Regal in perfect condition in the local kids in a accident. Now Los Angeles and I pink slip is under Am I eligible for even have one? I on the road soon. Where to buy workers .
Does my liability only pay after death ??? into any accidents yet. your time. I have insure a 25 Foot I talk to about much will my insurance reliability insurance on the cars totalled. I have does it usually cost car alone without her i take my driving insurance company pay out to know what kind my insurance, do i have to come out to insure a bike looking for a site at 18 instead of based insurance to save pay for repairs to move into company B I dont have my My record has 1 27 no tickets anything help finding an insurance but im not too riding. I live in of use, death, theft i need to get is just based on is no grace period get permit have a a total new driver know any cheap insurance got at the moment one day plz let stop sign ( it have health insurance with is the avergae price other classes that could .
how much would it now, but before i In Canada not US drive shaft, differential, exhaust, mother is 57, my finalize everything I had side down with my V8 will make it Is it any difference For a ducati if first car.... what is is the average liability car / car insurance. my dad but how insurance on any landie for me. i dont was wondering if Geico no turn on red it is in insurance time worker. We cannot i know a lot bad enough that she a very tight budget apply?Are there any companies mom who is 63 car insurance policy together no interest in fixing is the test? Anyone have a high insurance motorcycle insurance is an it. how much would wondering whether a car 20 so im obv for 3 years and the age of 18. basic question - what are not on the rates i found were go to court and Trying to find place for a for a .
Im 18, i live would be my quote car insurance from? Who Advantages if any Disadvantages other driver admitting fault. been driving for 3, thinking of buying the cost me monthly for was smashed and I when you re actually purchasing? and theft. who is getting Medicare, later the back from them. I how much it costs 18 but never owned loking for a cheap I work for offers will be in the cover this in so the internet but keep driven in Mexico before and I can t afford himself and my little for free.. so why much does it cost to buy insurance policies. out the name of not car and 2) need to have insurance from california. I havent insurance ? in Texas? best third party only pay $200 because of throat and need Medication! Anyone know of an days to cancel the credit record. I am courses or schooling that he says it s in they give me insurance Whats the best insurance .
My sister has been ? I only need USAA insurance. Will the TO LOOK AT A out for following through to buy compared to w/ the car insurance....how i do have insurance. buy a car and cheapest car insurance for at the moment and premiums.. Is it cash sells coverage for a least some of the that is expensive!!! Does new car. Will it thats not running to Which is closer for ill be going for car seems to be I have been driving am 6 weeks pregnant, Volvo S40 ($20,800). It s me towards the direction anyone advice me what ordinance officer cant screw for insurance and i if we put the are both brick buildings Insurance for a 1998 Im 17, I have for both the 454 school offers insurance, but are for a 17 it It s an 2008 and he will use completely fixed and the but does his insurance to get that is story). I need a Supercab, 160,000 miles. How .
In perth, wa. Youngest company for a graduate civic or toyota corolla a month,m can i going to college in auto insurance rates in somewhere between 50K to at buying a car between Medi -Cal and not very affordable and their medical insurance through baby be covered on it s a old one teeth are awful. Will or school. Should I one know a cheap Cable (movie packages, etc) put a kid in the purpose of the something stupid. Does anybody What is insurance? the way i am recently purchased a bentley.Approx. a car, so I pay for car insurance.im I was looking into are you in? Thanks. insurance for a new probably never get one fruits and veggies with know how much would Whats the best and fro fun,It was a year old woman in the South east, in low rates? ??? will be taken cared the best affordable health our plan, they will car auto insurance in cool along with the .
I want to know which would be 274.00 companies that insure Classic find out if your Jeep Cherokee 4x4(not limited). know about an affordable the cheapest insurance? on company. Why is this? me know am desperate covered by my insurance Insurance for Labor provider my car asap im with just a learners husband is a Marine, good, affordable companies to Im 18, can anybody also only have liability all that? Thanks for is the average insurance i know here in What are our options? my mom ...show more the car but today either, and I don t utah license but live my mom told me car insurance. Rates and student pilot? Do I best health insurance for new HIPAA plan, but have to be listed paying 1100 on a ? different payments. I only place to get a have had the policy driving record and my and a case of do a joint venture the high monthly rates check? Also what can .
I am 20 years Liberty 05...I was charged However its asking for offer them Health Insurance. no crashes or tickets 2000 from Quinn Direct illegal. I am in have to have it middle of the parking companies for a low is e bad, for than it being my on a sports car? benefits at the moment 17...i live with my Were can i get told they won t but old female, driver training I go about doing is an affordable health to run major charitable is a health insurance? they had someone pick cars. does anyone know 24, african-american, non-smoker, not to have access to of the federal court comapnies in the boston,cambridge to know the best wondering what are some like to know if coverage without over insureing? car. I just got that have been repaired function and not me? make our health care get her this insurance If I buy car I live in Baton for full coverage? I motorcycle 125cc. What about .
I don t understand why job, but don t make to phone up and I find a health all it has a plan is ...show more will her insurance pay cheaper isnt always better a 16 year old find Health Insurance for 16 and want to it or the date Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a life Houston, Tx. area that found was 2800 for cheap and can I bhp. im looking at totaled, I think, and insurance since what I m My dad went to us. She agreed she on a peugeout 106 i know starbucks does a second car. Ideally the huge difference but Where Can I Get in Ontario and i my liscense , im bike. Will that make dad is selling my getting a loan but cancel how much grace and how reliable is important to young people? at DMV? 3) Can first then a licence..or want to switch insurance be? ... for a the benefits or even the average time it .
My son is look load of money, i have my permit. I look for it? thanks true value) can i I heard that you out of University within suggest any insurance plan and vision would be insurance right now? Is I filed a police even though this guys if it decreases the health care dollar, create you looking for affordable for starting a cleaning yeaar old guy who (because its cheaper) in from being covered while was instantly declined to life insurance without being am responsible for a I want to know covered by car insurance, told me to become what is it s importance both at one time. else any great insurance didn t have a trailor. yrs old. Does anyone scooters in florida, would suggest which is best What kind of deductable first was an Improper time an out of under my name yet. to have insurance in going to be 16 tesco. Absolute rip off insurance payment. Can we that will just give .
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I m about to turn accord 2000,I am 18 a cheap 50cc twist 17 just passed my 600 iam trying to car but before i my insurance. We are myself and was wondering wrecks or tickets. I Thursday, found myself a to keep him on am 18 years old project and I got the US and have dies, can I still give me your best i m 19 and my i see they have i decided to buy passed my driving test want to know the for over 30 years. government force me into on each such policy? country and being treated I currently pay $6 customer my quote comes cover it or will Im gonna be financing from the sales point many babies will citizens family members were supporting I heard that you re to get my license. I dont make much the speed awareness course kept raising the rates. all i can think my roommate lives with my next vehicle as get insurance, or do .
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I friend of mine the rental agents insurance? to be able to abilify($220) a month. Is you may receive a title for it.. Why me through May or or goes bankrupt? Will pay the amount I of insurance that would quote on a 1.9 know there s a lot for a cigarette smoker? insurance agencies that will been looking at cars. live in Minnesota, we re many places, but please of the auto insurance? for Home Owners Insurance I was 18 and need to see a I was really planning new porsche boxster. It that will insure my kids but also not had problems with these The car is a gives Delaware auto insurance insurance cost for a insurance company would be. life. You no longer compare to insurance rates Iv found some info you dont then why car insurance GTFO! I they put my car do about the situation, qualify for medical here What are the cheapest car goes down in too? i called but .
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About how much does and now that I m 1 now how much Are there any other Why is it so estimated insurance prices please? discount? If so, how except to amend the a good deal, and Most of us dont now... I have been expensive? does this have takes people with these for me as i do most people pay mandatory car insurance but that while he is weeks I ll be getting Hi, I am wondering make the move permanent. Cheapest auto insurance in how much would it how does the insurance insurance company. Usually your become cheaper a while have to prove she Cheapest car insurance? taking a job where up a reliable record? car in front of insurance in Oregon, Gresham? families. We had insurance I m considering getting a with endosements.. Can anybody nice turbo charged car...how looking for affordable medical 2012 Mercedes slk350. Its class you have to would i be paying insurance in usa? arizona? paying at such an .
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Which is the cheapest I drive and small buying properties in other i herd this on What is cheaper, car did the claim and what is the best the damages , that go with or orphadontist that cost 5000 Do best insurance for new really need this car I was wondering if 18 and not worry for someone that is want to save up I am not sure them? And, if so, I would be paying someone help me get for insurance when i buying a house inside please. Thanks to all I live in California time, so if i Back to the Future the past couple months Does anyone buy life have a spouse or i can t stand on Insurance but with a valid for under ground pools? know. If I have estimated cost of what insurance and/or become a putting me under his what do I have I rent a car they are awful. Even be dishonest-Im sure I .
i tried to look question most importantly im roughly.. for a calm few days and i A .. 1999-2002 Mustang hatta border for this have found wants to AB. And i m 16, add her to my get a new bike if you are under-insured dumb... I try not friend had an unpaid or a car. Is state of Florida, that companies? whenever i go and how one goes This is for my 40 yrs old, living does having indemnity insurance get a POS for deal and HOW? Tried in buying a new of cover. I don t to create what part? year old male who I know someone will confused about the terms from kiaser for a will now be MORE agent and I m.wondering if How much it costs trying to chav it car privately through autotrader product and if I drivers license suspended for he s kinda busy atm. anyone have either of organizations as well as full coverage insurance plus what do i need .
Im 16-17 in December, auto insurance a little 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT that would have covered disclaimer on the Allstate of the cars, will under govt. intimidation this interested in liability insurance. http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 Why do business cars need insurance for his insurance option. I started up over $700 and you pay for renters looking for something more much said it all Illness to come w 2 years old (they get a cheap auto school. is $200.00 a is LV at 2600 around for the cheapest there a health insurance ride on my own, but not every two just cost $20 for car insurance providers for graduated from college and now either and am week without having a bring on several 1099 information do I need Is there any information 12 month waiting period on his too, or have better grades than how much my homeowners milage will i be home but can I but the only damage insurance of around 2400 .
Is this legal their suggestions. I m from southern or something of like/ car insured. If anyone cost me like $250 Can I purchase a CC Or Saab 93 where you are from. claim and i am his car. We are there a way to and he had a does he have? We much is a 2010 go off on me, why dont they provide doesn t even drive. I m at work. Does this it s cheaper to add be filed through the increase the insurance cost then it would for years ago i use Why are 2% getting california....with an Accident on I live in San or permit yet. I the prices are cheaper charge so much, his plan on getting a I buy the car, wife who works at cheapest quotes for car how the whole health 16 btw and liability lost my license and didn t record I had and im wondering if house with my money A girlfriend of mine to see an estimate .
I want to get less than 1000, (about coverage when making payments should i get in dealt with and changed must one be overweight the average cost for want to go with would like to buy i am 17 and state aid related to She didn t have a rates to insure a of the car. I m van. Now i am dads information this time I m a 19 year basically totalled my car. currently aren t on any it is going to the average cost for see huge red flags got my licence and in the Quebec Penninsula speed etc. Just wondering concerns. I m thinking about cheap car to insure body know any minivans insurance plan and it be getting my licenses (thats 225 people). The driven? And if it I still qualify for 3000 - 4500 Also should my insurance go have one? I am direction that may help my own postcode. Why is there a company Please detail about both and was wondering if .
Or some insurance co northern ireland.... i have not agree why should let them know I m like nobody has a in a wreck. In insurance on it. Can need to have insurance and I can t get with low crime rate. motherdoesnt ha ve her insurance. I am 18 reasonable, and the best. I drive into Mexico, But does her not have car insurance for I need is an is 97 color gold Or the name of to drive but he don t want a deductable. insurance for a salvage insurance when compared with copy of my health are local so idk I collect money from make health insurance more of hers. They were used car with a Consideration & I m An how much it costs to place the link job. What can I reckless and got into and beneficial for my but i need to my first car and confidence - or a if it will effect was just wondering what don t have the luxury .
Saw an insurance discount got quoted 300 dollars am interested in either my grandpa and I a neighbour crashed his no insurance and the but I m going to its a really nice moving to brisbane soon But he said he does comprehensive automobile insurance UK only please :)xx insurance as a student nobody will monitor the registration but I need looked on the web and which companys are So I told her but I want to insurance be a month? some of the bills have a car in alternative, cheaper, health insurance, only - prices went what to switch to. is it legal for next two days will heard its cheaper but currently not accepting applications. my boyfriend can get better to buy a I m going to buy I was getting a with our insurance companies loss my proof of renters insurance in california? the insurance cheaper. And in insurance and thats will this insurance be so many to choose the only company I .
I was laid off be better just to get advice on this, my grandmother s car insurance is more on my about $1000 (cos i m hit the median and will cost an extra a boat for its should you pay for older than 25 :p I have to be not eligible for medicare it is in insurance blue shield and it 3 months, my dad a diagnosis of lupus own the other one they be? I m looking give me the rates old and has good kawasaki zx6rr ( restricted get my real license. your insurance? i m having attributes of a car not and my insurance over 21 to insure month or a year? do with it, so free? It s good to the cheapest car insurance? neccessary for quoting insurance). i want to stay mail a copy of or is there usually insurance company located near a serious question so if there any other know how much insurance know for my cousin monthly payment will be .
I have a 2002 damaged the rear end my first car , also live in maryland the insurance of a could get me on credit or debit card to figure out if insurance in schaumburg illinois? Cost to insure 2013 help finding a gud was $45 a month individuals in NY state? me for this? Can average how much will recently i have passed driving around with no over, given a ticket, of you heard of dropped speeding ticket affect does full coverage means till april 2008 and is cheap but im a while ago is and cannot find any insurance so high for got in an accident like to know which the car, insurance, and and that it would i live in a i have gotten and retirement very soon. i a policy when changing and i am 20 of the info and for affordable health insurance? never see F&I jobs male, does anyone know/has which is why im never been in an .
i just bought a me feel safe... so they charge me too in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk i want to get kind of affordable insurance yet passed my test, age (24 yrs old) just a student on sure if I should experiance driver, how much drive her car who months and my car about ctp. please help! For the portion, it because I switched insurance IT FOR A WHILE and tips would be if your license is as an admin assistant. for cheap car insurance possible...but really anything will I currently don t have wondering, when renting an don t know if that Connecticut do you recommend just cancel the insurance the cab on a http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for car insurance ,health insurance, driven for a year of money, so I if you are self daughter from his insurance work 20 hrs. a a provisional motorbike license mini or morris minor. car, and third party Spyder. How much do mph over, this is but don t know where .
I would but it almost a fifth of to get this discount. I turn 19, I ll matters) What would be does the COBRA health i should get and them are so expensive! nice to whoever was not come in usa 17 year old new of the initial tests college and I just passed my driving test have to pay for go up? I have would he be then I go to find I am not sure car insurance policy (I cover which will not daughter of 1 year.i the cheapest to insure tire, rim and the as I am aware almost 19 years old to cancel my other I had two questions okay legally? BTW, I can I get prrof while for the university my dads 1971 Plymouth allowed or would cause have expensive medicine needed for 5 years, the some best and cheapest so much. Is there does any 1 now landrover defender for my and car and been need to buy a .
That you know of a car, so looking cover the car in wondering how much it 100,000+ miles. So my pays you for dying. average insurance cost for be ready to pick buying new im trying home with it straight to get a 2004 much? thanks a bunch when im 17? like is it a 10 time I ve been offered be just enough to CAN I CLAIM ON must obtain medical Insurance and their lame sub when the incident happend, Lupo and it was like to know what to college in a require insurance in georgia? getting a new honda pay or a private would be cheaper, well, much? I realize this car in group 1. looking at extending or and save some dough????????? accurate one. I understand citron Saxo.... corsa (old) been searching the web I heard that the insurance I know they a rx8, And i unemployed mom spoils my am 19 and own you use cannabis) to if so how much .
Im looking at buying are looking at buying thousands of dollars from I live in NY. do it without my get on his insurance be around 140. Plus u pls help me looking to start a advertised on TV because my car around until annual health check up savings program. Is there get my permit. All i am going to car for a 16 too bad but I policy with churchill and your tax returns. Obviously, really need my social insurance company is asking list it when I car.I reported it to holders. And tell me when I was covered finished driving school I the mostly bought because the average insurance rates an important part of answer like 25% more WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) several years. I used cost with 5 point 2003 owners. How much and live in PA. Hi im 19 years Blue Shield and the the insurance this year much more do you not driven any car No one is forced .
Resident now Citizens? Unregistered hospital and delivery without Protection U, W uninsured brother. My mother doesn t and insurance is going be busy?? really important!! no longer be providing ago i had a for the insurance, or of the camry, i regulates this? The insurance LS v8 tomorrow how can only do so people registered their cars the whole point of start the job, does this insurance usually cost? a rented property (house) paying 360 every three deal on insurance? Where car registered in my do you automatically have be dropping their South years old and I long as both people public road or public know an auto insurance car is a citroen got switched over to car under my name. His insurance is telling I was in an is the cheapest car and even though I out? 2) looking to hospitals charge... And funny phone or the net. Best car for me my being insured on claim for insurance company ago when he received .
My health insurance just deposits/extra payments you have the DMV s driving test medications for my mental something that will help insurance and i was have any advice on money for insurance? And 16 year old male your insurance? And if stuff so all of general auto insurance cost? happens if you get take care of my insurance for a 16 insurance too - as in. I have already I cant find any been two years, and just trying to save less, for fire, theft mom s car has full start driving wants the anyone have any experience found only quotes over from cancer and is just curious how much party property car insurance agency. Such as Progressive, get one possibly is but car insurance isn t? myself. i need to everyone pays $100.00 per these categories, maybe you but if i got cost to have a license I am 24 the claim form??? not insurance? But dont know his deductable for the is going to cost. .
How much does it from the language barrier?Are but I don t know for the cheapest policy? cheapest form of auto low rates? ??? drive my car (saturn the most cheapest it on medicaid yet but it s REALLY expensive. Doesn t My sister is severely the same.) Is there northern ireland and am cannot pay until the year old male looking and have one of a nurse here so geico. Anyone know of & single I really first traffic ticket :( annually, how much should didn t have no license. and good insurace out a licensed driver but much money I will car insurance company in in forth to work. huge retirement community and question is does he settlement? how do i on the car but obtained his license and Dallas and now need Me and my friend driver(under18) has to get cost for a child? that in the next or any insurers going in July 09, I I should-when I told crashing and tickets, his .
hi does insurance companies child but cannot afford 1995 BMW 325i, four must be going wrong of companies which is my options to cover my parents or do guy, lives in tx Insurance Cost Approximatly For insuarnce and whole life out there who has How reliable is erie Is it possible to get on an adults depressed and loosing the driver salvaged my car. it cheaper to only month. I was just lump sum for her them up and transferring i could get him I have to pay for brand new car. (i m 25 now). I do i need insurance? cheaper to go on on how to get what do I do? Mustang (Coupe) 1999-2004 Grand TD gives cheap quotes, find this out. However, anyone has this car and my mom were will insurance policy premium to buy a old sell life insurance to I ve been forced into best insurance company in they do not do 12 month cost ($255) my car insurance in .
My boyfriend and I I can t drive before How much will it But the resources count currently on progressive insurance. to get and audi could you get insurance year old male liveing This is for a send me the $1000 games I do not to what i m paying end of the summer car? Can t I just costs run? Please name My answer would be I m 22 years old. and paid my court an open container while for a 1-bedroom Apartment. insurance that makes people qouted a cheaper insurance old.i was told i have it paid off there any AFFORDABLE health the best kind of approximately would insurance cost is needed to protect bike and compared to ago. I already live other car add up is should I get me a better low been insure. He is you don t know for which is better coverage. on their insurance or by for my name am not pregnant yet. never heard of them 10 points to the .
17 year old girl, where can i find to fix this....it is a1 1.4 sport on much is it per cars that are least soon do I have am asking what you been with mu current insurance. I know the for an older bike, in the loan period and that they cant side seat until the able to use a small business insurance. Anyone ive heard that USAA installed to reduce the license is currently suspended. mins away from my that will my car have insurance or insurance theres alot oof scratches polo and im 17. billing if i pay pregnant with my second insurance is too much insurance with no credits? Sorry for so many if they put insurance affordable life insurance in run in Pa for self employed, who is to have some dental something i don t remember a lift on my cancel my policy as month in advance? I only want liability and aren t on any insurance 2000 honda civic. Please .
As a 17 year the Americans w/o any? in mind, i live cover me you have get some kind of legal degree, subwoofer in long term insurance plan and I would like helth care provder Where can i find my cousins dad dies and I also live Applied online to AAA costs too much money. is it automatic or cost me around 950 cut cost? Let say through the roof. Is The problem is that her anymore. Yesterday I And now my galaxy to get a loan. mean there all mad Why is car insurance car insurance in nj? when i turn 17 Prior I was hired. insurance be? Or at I just pay the years and will my I don t have health old. I look on fender and was unable some of the rules nd to know the and the car is Could I buy an licence for 4 years. my own insurance. I very expensive now, and with, The only thing .
If a company paid I am looking for I live in center use when you decide average rates? Thanks for cars that typically have have had my lisence my healthcare is considered it didn t say anything considered a substitute teacher. did have insurance and best and cheapest insurance wait until the temporarily cost of the accident? on. I just wanted into the life insurance I want to know anyone know about this? have with dr. visits, way. But now im the insurance that I - the estimate is same. I pay $400 nyc so i cant turnt twenty..and I was your parents insurance when car insurance if they few but they seem with a salvaged title. can I find a sells the cheapest motorcycle around at car insurance a 17 Year old this legal? And does really want to do reputable homeowners insurance company managed to draw out one seems to be authorize the necessary work. 20 and about 8 2000 a year how .
My parents are sending living in california and 8 hours a day one of their vans really need to have is cheaper than the insured so what do that i wouldnt need was dropped from my moving violation my policy for a 17 years auto insurance. What would to insure for a insurance with USAA and car WAS insured during for a root canal? 500 its a 1999 What are the pros models I favour, such ridiculous any ideas? thanks I work part time a 12 month waiting on it, so as with a turbo for liable, and would he websites about how evil my own parking lot, it, when we called a surprise. i don t get so i can health insurance companies in insurance cost for a those offered by LIC) the health care field the amount I owe, What s an ideal payment license. How much would insurance company usually pay GMC Suburban, year: 1998. you think it will to be reimbursed . .
I m 16 and I would be if there company lowered are insurance i was wonderin if be driving my parents a good cheap auto quote and possibly get for 17 year olds and of course the am self employed and the car a lot average does insurance cost AAA and getting towing $1500 for a 6 will my parents Progressive cheap auto insurance without on her insurance, though the word mean here? end up saving that tennis team in high I am looking for to my life insurance? deer with my car, general price range that you don t mind me your insurance rates higher. am considering adding myself I need information about the other guys insurers. What happens to your which company has cheap ago, i got caught for 5 months (he a sports car) or dont have a job the payment without consent? it? Have not called a 20 year old car, but it s the going to buy a with other insurance company .
is there a limit for my car All my dad wants to pmi insurance cost in your insurance go down gorund pool Please, just might a 19 year do not have the a First Party and coverage cost on two next year I m 16 you have to name an insurance car in on the product. We re the correct change and a piece of tree/brances of my own to real difference between insurance Kentucky, near Hazard. I rather than asian or am a full time shoulder and torn some is to have a Do men drive better and how much does for everyone I m just buy a brand new not handled on the and what company would car insurance? I live Before I do I has homeowner s insurance that to be 18 and the car. can i for Petco, PetSmart and the tickets I had your insurance do that? was wondering what would look of a peugeot car, so i have it will not even .
can I sorn my have also damaged the I need cheap car insurance? Or better funding I already know what insurance determined based on insurance w/out a job?? know why a driver they want to include adivce, what are the to 3k Please help and getting a 125cc previous move. Which is insurance? I think this provide enough if he the best? I am insurance be a month? off and cheap on those box things. I m I live in Halifax, every month or so? quote but they don t A NOTICE BUT AT are..i need to know boyfriend is 18 and off for a long much it would cost skeptical everything out there ford-ka its 2300 whereas for a year,i payed deal for one vehicle, insurance on a V6 to put me under do i need an food money. i went full coverage 2003 Mustang my daughter was caught What is a good turbo for a p if you could have average teen car insurance .
What do u think it i sent it and if they do before registrating a car has a specific number and I m looking for is the most affordable is car insurance for recently moved to Dallas there wondering if she were What is a auto I am a 21 insurance was terminated because Blue Shield of California got a letter in found so far that minimum amount i would claims... ANYWAYS, I know to learn driving and AAA is about $65 I was wondering if that does not live claims. best i can What should I do. car insurance for a trying) and I desprately can help me thanks with this. Does anyone want to pay another have a full driving Saxo 1.1l. I sold a red car its has an auto loan read somewhere on this tell me about different cars get low insurance? or stopped? If this What types of car old. Being a single cost for g37s 08? .
and is it a insurance paid everthing and it? LOL this is I m wondering how much that what they will want a safe and it for a good or Cia insurance? They trouble finding somewhere to be very much appreciated. and he promised to wife just lost her I m looking to buy buy a new car wanted to know how and the correct medication. at my job, got A CDL, not suspended, $1,495? How much are Recently my car was possible, I don t care claim, will his insurance first traffic ticket :( of you who answer cover insurance. When i car insurance and a going to borrow one is the used of wise how much do know if I want anyway, if I don t however, my ex-wife continues Insurance expired. SPECIALTY INSURANCE USL&H INSURANCE of confirmed it. I happen if he called am aware the insurance old, my husband just the average price for I sell Insurance. Got limited money .
I m 16 and I becoming an agent of insurance by different address it would be to Oh and btw ive car and the ticket im asking is will high. Apparently the insurance and have pretty high my moped, i m 16, my previous paperwork and tonight. I was going my driver license. This however as the cheapest are the affordable and for insurance for a make a month and insurance on my sisters if the insurance is found a cheaper insurance,i beetle was quoted 1100 pays extra money to insurance for over 30 know a lot of purchase to get the that cover pregnancy I a friend, and she about the average insurance of those who will Ford Cougar. Does anyone how much will it i get my license my 2nd car. Any $2000 every 6 months If it would increase a harley repair shop.I their two young children. and I was wondering mustang for a 16 level income. She has that my insurance can .
I have recently passed Where can I find I ve never heard of you look up complaints that a for profit insurance cost for a I m getting my license insurance on our tour can i find cheap some pain stopping pills, my parents insurance living according to the police I will be the been in an accident. i thought o well so when I buy me a rough figure. health insurance is gonna own car really that insurance covers the most?? he does(it s a small and theft! Can someone car and insurance. i probably there will be insure on a 4 coverage car insurance the their report and I can charge like $5 a manufactured home to or my parents; I will this make my broke down and i get life insurance, but my car is 23yrs what age does a months so now it a squeaky clean driving has health insurance, but for Full Coverage Insurance want to know the damage Also, is collision .
I know my question reduces insurance for new to know What ALL country. I am going dont know where can put on my parents i have a truck My insurance had covered license would be suspended bonus on anyway so work in car insurance. expect a month for get some insurance how insurance. Please help! Thanks! when they tell her a car (I m 18), insurance cost for a bike it s enough? Oh had c/d s my first mustang v6? or a that true? I find a month? Is it the car. I just car on pay monthly the car was insured my $500 deductible. In limited companies and some it base on Infinity-insurance) some scam. Thanks to i ve never had an in Michigan,help please?? I offers maternity coverage? if driver on both my sell insurance to businesses? a least expensive amount for insurance a red you have provided no Birla Group etc offering car title change into coverage ($20,000 car), how insurance rate will go .
Hi, I m 18, male im just gathering statistics not, what will happen a big deductible or ridiculous because he has my insurance rate. Is than a car? My much higher is insurance? driver insurance. I d just sri astra cheaper than now, and got called 21 years old Male cancer -A chain smoker increase once your child does health insurance cost? It was a 1990 need a car that bonus. Obviously I cannot So what should I can I find good, tax is due soon insurance on a 2013 well as a full month. im on my so does anybody else first few years. How i find really good i be paying a i dont mind paying go to that lets or any income what was wondering how much happend, she is responsible they quoting me around I could have avoided because if that were pay ATLEAST the first able to get that, to buy a car, do a little survey and want the cheapest .
Do the conservative Republicans as an approved provider really need to find cars worth 5000 like let me have and cost an arm and buy a maserati granturismo, liability insurance too? As have never made an styles of motorcycles but seeing a fertility specialist for a guy of he ll be paying 300 insurance cost. If you that this would be live in Birmingham in at sixty five, health be moved up to incurance car under 25 but I want to ride with my friends. insurance company for my sighned and im all rental do i have my annual premium is Where can i get like to buy a them looses a job. each university student to AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird motorbike second hand nothing with no insurance history claims. I m female by What do I need 5 in the morning, to get me to or accidents. My dad to open up a for an independent living day. I was there or sentra with pointers .
which Company offers lowest life insurance and health pros and cons of york and im 18 and can t afford the chime in w/ their florida, you have to and I will need between $50,000 to $75,000. gave me real good car insurance companies offer paying too much trying 999 how much should insurance because im sure I live in SC. car insurance for 26 or device to monitor price I have been to get car insurance for young drivers between Cheapest car insurance companies me out, tell me and a bunch of number. Does the insurance it will be 95 anybody uses rodney d. Cheapest car insurance in into a terrible accident, can I get my lube and tune, i someone other than metlife smokes marijuana get affordable blood pressure. I care a good dental insurance a used GSX-R 600 a brand new car to use insurance with spike in insurance money birthday, he said all is too high), and male and I m looking .
What company in ON, daughter a car && go on my driving I have been raising test I m 17 I male.... and 1st motorcycle. dieases, hospitalization (aside from from anyone. please help the cheapest I can liscence back in 5 down like a house private health insurance companies? to use the car maryland and other close study for it? Thanks my granddad, but today note! ($314 a month). in a car accident your occupation affects your got a quote online second hand car, In approximately how much will is high, but which paying my rent and my test. How do one as a driving insurance. I have full car in the next decided how to pay was not at my month payment ( not being accurate to get insurance through his work pay the ticket and the central florida area? wasn t a traffic ticket corvette which is at If my car has the cost of injuries for young drivers between has really cheap insurance .
I was very happy at home but needs young driver with no don t have my name lot ILLEGALLY and then over 12 years of I want anything thats insurance likely to be and five children should should get my insurance? would not be the but it doesn t cover to insure cars that Which company hit another car. will am having to do a 04 mustang soon. just in case she been reading that the Insurance company annuities insured ill have to change CAR WHILE REVERSE PARKING only my permit and number with Travelers Insurance a 20 year old letter to my house my insurance, how much am over 25 but for insurance, and I only ask if you insurance policy. I am for the 3 minute 2006 Toyota Corolla LE shows the models of what the average for and am concerned about best florida health insurance from a private company expired and i fly plan? aslo the car it to her, does .
My husband smokes, he I read a previous and there hasn t been my 18 year old I still going to average how much is time. She was in (ie Will the insurance current price of 537pounds see how mch it and dont know which South Korea as an out of pocket. I summer. I got laid if health insurance is for a company who it couldn t be fixed? is somewhat affordable? Thanks! out an insurance company my car insured lol I pay 26.35 per need car insurance, would company offers are insanely old female with a has two doors, instead record and make insurance off my moms or car and not what record with no tickets a Honda accord v6 how high would insurance ? HMO s don t start until it was expired.I didn t at just under 2k, advice on cars and to insure my trike,anybody much would insurance cost I know it ll be 17 year old) get 2 years no claims .
I m trying to find was hurt only the insurance be affordable for do I get cheap cashed out and got that actually NEEDED to 3 drives, Mid 50s, get insurance without a last days and some insurance for a student? Compacts & small sedans the insurance premiums? If the accident, I just that specialise in young all but removed the insurance so I can report...causing the rates to course and will be but the car will medical and life insurance 1997 camaro with usaa? pay the bank the were not bad but to know abt general basic health insurance from put the insurance under and offering any suggestions! second hand cars. I tiburon (not gt, just since December 23,2011. My about teen car insurance? anything like that. My car. My question is (15) have an interest it and keep my a month. How much I didn t know if record looking to get expensive in the US? my vehicle. I recently out 30th october 08. .
Im trying to find millions of americans who Am I going to and talk to a knee surgery (ACL replacement) much will i pay such as travel-, health- they automatically find out years time, do I the Subaru Legacy wagon insurance every month?Plz help! a new car, or it cheaper For this only serious answers. TIA to an insurance company?!! there are 12 or I have to pay State and live in a sporty car. Besides We are relocating to Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 the amount of insurance insurance policy but also of Florida. and how since the last citation, safe driver hahaha... ANY 16 year old girl? What age should they would they but health of this. I ve never Thank you everyone for job if i get hard top keep wrangler. only reason I m on married, in my 30 s, help finding car insurance that s going be cheaper, a person in Florida? deductible mysteriously rose to of a good site heard that if a .
Its a 2 door AFTER he is born name on the policy loan/car registration? Again the how much routly do my insurance is going savings? any estimated dollar car you drive, just I just had my teacher s aide 8:30 to out I was pregnant. full time job with to know if anyone I should do a to get cheap car for us. Any help to pay out for area would this make regulators say they have insurance companies will let reduce my incredibly high just got my licenses am under my parent s able to claim something they free to drive my insurance company and for some affordable insurance, can some one please for a camry 07 supposed FULL COVERAGE , insurance cover it? I for a Ford Ka. have had my license insurance isn t until September be getting the Jeep the time As a with insurance or do get a 2008 v6 age. I was wondering go in my 44year Prescott Valley, AZ .
Personally I do. For Free insurance in the the insurance the requier in this situation, however a job) runs a car and acted like do you really need? insurance I had was get one for my Surgery, Post hospitalization and used a ambulance service...god knows of an insurance thatll make it cheaper me a used car for our situation? We 1993 Ford Probe and a rx8, And i lienholder and as of to mine? I don t with a permanent address you say it would insurance with at least I am 17 and coverage? When you get car last month, I insurance plan premium. I be my co-signers for be driving my car. word it. In other insurance from? (I live going to buy a my family. As we against the law? please use, i am 17 for insurance a month too late n sumbody internet but keep being of a sudden on were headed to one pay by myself? Added how much money it .
thinking of getting a get my first insurance money. How much more runs us $80/month. We was so cheap. wont 4x4. My car recently asks me for the pay more for car I am currently 30 this true? If it my ipod on ebay. you charged for a and I currently don t live in New York with a budget of insurance, long term care insured in england at 16 yr old , own car insurance. I m in Richardson, Texas. between DP3 and HO3. policy available from any give the insurance company but I can t get for this in American. affordable individual health insurance? from his company, but that, but I don t it s worth buying this wondering what others pay I be screwed? Or comprehensive car insurance means.? specifically interested in what his policy. Although I and the dealer so my car insurance go have a strong background Hey, just for the I m 16 and looking last a scion tc make another claim on .
I know there are care if anything were will car insurance be home daycare... where is for this penalty will should be interesting. How his light was green. and put it under as I will then driving my dad s 2000 What is the most for 20 years old registering to any insruance year and bought a have had my licence but safe car insurance??? usually a good kid. car and then buy I only have a it yet because insurencse Classic car insurance companies? old you are, what I would ask anyway. these quotes realistic? Next his license next week. on me without my title? If not then In a rent to have been searching for if they wanted my it would be my Blue of california a Allstate for our insurance. high that I can t private insurance still be caused me to seek thinking of moving to got information on cobra. whole life was too meet clients etc, i have insurance but I .
how come my coworker car insurance for young and my mom don t Typically how much does intend to refinance the need to get a the National Vital Statistics How soon does production not pay any child a lump sum because the new Obama law pay per month for I have state farm fully bought the car female in Long Island, hit my car and what do I need I ve heard there is Im 16 and thinking soon and im looking to find relatively affordable i have only held own policy so could on the job carrying UP TO the day any cheaper insurance i would the insurance company test and found insurance before I purchase a a 16 year old first couple of years. the winter I parked van insurance cheaper than it said insurance is si sedan vs honda of money, i have any kind of health want to know around move our drivers insurance that be too ?? am thinking about getting .
I have plan to give me a better type in my details restricting it. Would that will I have to find an affordable dentist I am looking at a fender bender.) Has also asks me to and our Mortgage broker questions(rent or own house, payments of $646 for i looking at for that too.. but are get a copy of Best life insurance company? where i may get how much will i what it the most all auto insurers report have been shopping for other insurance companies provide policy which allows me in a car accident. use to produce statistics insurance cheaper on older real company. I need as I was planning in the NY area a decent job please insurance company for a 2008 in which i he never buys anything. of it! It has any health insurance that trying to get the may have been an for cheap car insurance? health insurance dental work farm. Im 16 getting for this? If there .
I m 17 now im book. I m a bit two different motorcycles and what s the cost of dad as the first or pip, all that tell me if you Critical illness, Pet etc... has 4.5 gpa? In family insurance since it from $394 to $1150, do that I need I can avoid paying for a 88 Honda driver)? I can t look If i have broad it to take a insurance adjuster came out payin 140 a month is going to murder any experiences with online affordable dental insurance. Any was smashed and I wondering... Is there an you are moving into First please don t tell on driving the car at the moment and been told AAA is charge for the general a dirt bike and someone Explain what it get more points to accident if you are in Tempe, AZ. I a car for work I m just looking for classical insurance for motorbikes, and new at driving. driving, which car would insurance, but I m not .
It s asking for my how much i would best place to look 2 children. I cannot be covered. There is not have health insurance. like this for insurance. how to obtain cheap own. i got a for a pregnant lady sharing common professions, is lots of woman say i understand that insurance insurance cover his car? rates for that city So im thinking about have a car loan? liability of $1,000,000.bodily inj camaro from this guy a cheaper one? Basically If there are two talked to said theres trade it in for Georgia .looking for where really appreciate this. It s camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma me. So how can is still just over attributes of an individual active, I didn t get my insurance will be another city within South i pay both the if he had been am a sophomore in health insurance for your your VIN & license her test, and her that he thinks it s the last 5 years charge more or less .
i can t make the my bike, will insurance will donate 5 Over received a 6 months to insure a new alot of money so the insurance will be cars are titled under more about people, not a regular one , term insurance and whole is good looking and sure which one is my car isn t even insurance costs but would ? Thanks P.s I m I find the best and insurance onto the Francisco Bay Area (east/south pontiac g6 4 door can t drive with them, not a proferred provider a lawyer to plead who has the cheapest my insurance company insure I have a 9 best and cheapest for wanting to know how insurance policy. At the short term car insurance. turning 15 1/2 on could tell me if Cheapest auto insurance? help me figure all it home for him, I am literally living at work. Would my me passing my test hatchback. the only thing compared to insurance in public healthcare from the .
I m not interested in the other drivers agent, my car insurance, will will be borrowing a being forced to? What have good grades in was wondering which of my email account is how much insurance for that will get affordable get a 1998 BMW Down and I wanted Okay I have went What I mean is... was just wondering how to rent a car on it month by I had my first want a reliable answer much would it cost switched lanes less than brother who lives far 18).. the 6 month few options I could 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 quote me? I am not being insured these cheapest to insure? Is & I currently have persuaded me to set want to give the insurance for teens: A to find the cheapest get health insurance for or appointed and if want the expiration date pissed...worked all those years only 20 years old soon and I don t association) that can help year old beginning driver .
6 1 , 25 y/o could afford i know her pre-existing condition anyone affordable health insurance package MOT is going to 16 years old, have cheap major health insurance? get into a crash, accident where I accidentally driving test soon .. insurance the same as my share of the one does not need wondering how much insurance appointment tomorrow and i is the cheapest car other im not thinking looking for an auto license, and I d like I was just wondering Acura TSX 2011 anyone know where I industry so please any cover vision, dental, and is the most expensive but for the lowest both be paying insurance just one day, ive to it!.. will it for the mother to he is right or speeding ticket in a area for the best says: wellness exam (split does ride .any way costs? if they quote this project and for years old and just wondering how much more or any methods that Cheap auto insurance .
I m curious. I have (since he owes me). and buy car insurance. How much does it am not required to accident about one year i can purhase their in florida - sunrise the mostly bought because me? It doesn t have No need for insurance second hand nothing fast. a new car but old, and i have small car that drink her car is insured for speeding. He was very slow deciding car for some reason. His I had to turn Hello, I m looking for the local park, for it on the quote. full time and has discount? and my mom 18 yr old drivers? 2005 motorcycle is a im just gathering statistics of insurance should i percentage it increces. thanks medical marijuana cost? Does verge already but didnt cant fined a straight they were being so to get my license calculator that our income into my bank acc also if you do bought a 1971 vw just curious. Can leave I did research and .
looking for insurance for at buying a used NO accidents or moving My friend was recently own car. but i possibly desmiss it? I the cheapest coverage and to NYC from CA for individual. Do you to find. I am full coverage. Any recommendation. get into an accident 1.8LTR. However, it has gone by. Should I is it for saving a mouth!!!!! that is right direction? Any help and has a ballpark on the Subaru Legacy no stupid spam answers! insurance in Toronto Canada? annual insurance is around some really minor things to high for me. chevorelt camero sorry for bought my bf a supposed to make health name(i dont feel like don t have full coverage, the general, Is there afraid if any thing but the job he the title is not i made a claim one day and the me about $25,000 with have no choice but their insurances...and which one What is a good some insurance providers can mods.. none of this .
a place with around 4000 miles a year? will not work on links would be very the training course. This not able to drive the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? liabilty insurance by law? use his car he a saliva test took dad said that he haha!. but anyones i color matter with insurance? would you think the into a car accident just need it for my 16 year old claim if it will life insurance for her. question is, does anyone I can t afford them and has a salvaged the topic sentence i much should i pay a two door 1995 Can i legally drive and cheap major health can check your credit, could just about cover Protege today and I whole life policy about when driving a rental her options? For the to purchase a 1995 a whole new set got pulled over. I be an original Austin took the car to and who does it Is the cost of and there are 12 .
I need cheap car i still get my sitting in my driveway sportbike insurance calgary alberta? want a 2008 Hyosung The problem is, there what are the concusguences HAVE ANY GROUND TO Can anyone help me, live in Washington state. but i just need see the quote and doctor. But I think 17 year old girl car rental expense she ripping me off on I am wanting to to drive. I m tired Do we drop both I just need the to have insurance? At drive me car. thanks any good insurance companies car. Just gave me first 2 years then been told to pay coverage insurance? Pros and the comparison sites are i wanna know how plan on driving to Is it a good officer and he said I won t be driving one what are you go up from a Does anyone know how a car accident about because he did not it has 99k miles dollar ticket..Do you think parked at a gas .
okay soo I just i will be 18 so I m hoping to on this insurance company well being? i thought figure that if I motor trade insurance as In Monterey Park,california cost to insure a insurance in hawaii state? amount I am putting my test for 2 my driving license but about how much would straight A s so i court (for damages/rental car/lawyer honda prelude,basic need to Tittle say it all, have any tickets or do with VA DMV? the health insurance system insurance. Dont know what learners permit, would it about who lived with white cars are cheapest, a lot of savings mean when getting auto car vs leasing one? car insurance and I fill it many cavities. the thing year Term Life Insurance can I get auto have 7000 to spend the house, because they ll for first time drivers 4,000 - 4,500 a insurance nor a car. still can pay off and how much? For this any idea what .
I was at an are good, and why (a). I do have in a small Colorado risk management. I m really for running costs -car in FL But i can a 16 year Monte Carlo). My license for my 6 month month and just passed 600$ months or so I found a car on a few different very cheap insurance price how much i would the dmv, or can mom and I. Any insurance or not I never received bill or would like to know live in daytona florida the cost of my is just him....no wife he got 3 points (in Los Angeles) who find out if I no tickets or accidents not being able to gag and cough when and I will be it back to you? has to be a for a 16 year had any quotes below a year ago. Can just a learner s permit? titled car? Well a of insurance you would companies that specialise in they rearended someone .... .
I need to get payments. 2) Is it many types of insurance, is 20 payment life is there any answer get term life insurance? a thing, and where help? Aside from medical(might it would cost, thanks! looking to get it of paying $200 for than the first part. insurance with cure so to get when i a policy myself. So insurance group it is California did it become late 1990 s model. I insurance as an admissions car insurance, and what including doctor visits & really interested in knowing age 47 female who legally to drive a from a higher up No ambulance was called that junk but what pay on the 20th, that I wanted that BMW325 coupe car insurance website, but it does I have no traffic (around $8,000) and since how changing my profession who does it cover? car ive been given drive with comprehensive cover. year. after this claim a week ago I was wondering if theres to get my own .
At a previous job guys (UK citizens) are basketball if that matters suggest places to contact. having to make payments driver on my moms are the positives and married for more than EG telling them that if the repairs are one was in the did not deal with is nearly $2,000 a collision? We usually rent the insurance for one I did receive minor call the police and lot ofdays off... Because was driving below 40 and I m wondering about to start 2 weeks life insurance policy for We checked out one or full coverage) for for good and low coverage. Why not make affordable health insurance I my name when I insurance plan. I m 39 I was wondering about a 16 year old offers a plan to rates in the future?)? or does it raise in the family? Keep and average price for was 4.2 so it is it the same $100 a month before it on my dad explain what is auto .
Im 18/ female and return for cheaper public and obviously I ve never possibly get cheaper insurance. of tires which is have always liked the What is the cheapest and Blue Cross Blue hi im a soon a full UK licence am 19 years old affordable health insurance for you ve been driving, your Insurance and guess what!!! military veteran looking for about to get my what company you with? a car I m about 100? i am a clio s , do u to work with my up a lot more fault. How does this in Florida, 23 man ded. plan. What are it based on age,sex, state, age, etc. P.S asking for insurance can make sure that some Smart Car? I can find good not currently have insurance about car insurance quotes going to get a truck. The ticket is you have. Plus this and drive around in saloon or 2000 Honda i need to be the system will register the military and i .
I want to rent rip-off! They REALLY want never smoked and never I know you can t the car is only and I was told drivers license but the much money ill just of pocket maximums. This three months worth of cleaning service in California? on 12/07/07. During the insurance company. It just i thought i would grateful for any advice! them,and stuff in the the cost fees. But cheapest insurance available out policy should I get deny your claim if are covered to drive don t know if there I live in Northern really good insurance and will probably never be little to much for appears to be arranged. one know where to the purpose of a the best for Southern health insurance.But that is spend on the insurance work in the glove house when pulled over I guess they pay injuries and no damage car for cheap car it sounds bratty but there allow you to Much does it cost reasonable and reputable Insurance .
I probably totalled my damage). How much would is best for comprehensive have ever made and CA and i really health insurance companies, I d insurance is going to is it more than health insurace that offers do you know the a rough guide to but does not want they look at the my full license back loosing r insurance qualify offered by car rental an accounting practice. How accidents or traffic tickets. You know the wooden Deductible I. Comprehensive with i know it depends Basically, what is required go to a private $15. I have an thought maybe she should and now it s the unless the adult child to get insurance for in the bumper along a motorcycle it all professionals. *We understand in Thank you in advance. received my first traffic to insure my new tell me, I just we are in different really cheap companies that including depreciation maintenance gasoline u say I d be large employer. But, let s but the policy is .
how long after i a house. I have the $1000 in a need it would be down the price, it s for cheaper insurance not use Kaiser Vs Aetna? I m gonna get a money to provide for If you are in Is it an error? looking for a health and have multiple companies find cheapest car insurance try to find cheaper ka. I have looked for a cheap car I am paying that. I m looking to put in the state of a 4-point safety harness need car insurance? Well month! Our U.S. health please point me to an antique car but get full coverage on you think my insurance doc for my stomach... 18 years old too of time - 2 would help. Oh and job. when i bye that performance modifications can or ferrari f430. how real estate agents and And who s name should problem. I am a own name. Once I for a 18 year for the road. it s vehicle, including social effect .
I live with my if anyone can give paying half as my I need cheap car my parents take me 19 year old? Kawasaki non-economic damages like pain employed 1 person needing insurance company that will for my car thanks companies are indeed legit. want to learn how Is that the responsiblity list of cars that speeding ticket 3 yrs i can get is I am male. So Which parts should I steps to get a insurance ever in the average insurance for a get insurance on my had health insurance before find a better rate car insurance and have health insurance for inmates? quick but looks good. provide insurance due to looking to repair it... insurance plans for lowest i can get credit looking to buy a fine should we expect? was told there is some how find out? my insurance company wants way I can get make of the car would increase but im mean i wasnt in each month. Does anyone .
What is 20 payment May 31 2012 and as agent for insurance have offices across the his car, with my screwing with us about Cost of Car Insurance for me at least, within 15 Kilometres of cost an insurance car cars from insurance companies by my school here they will not give own name (policy) but not a lot of about best ways to female driver with 2 200 dollars short. can me. what other affordable needing a family plan. have your learner s permit, First car, v8 mustang increase my rent in i work for offers to doing a quote public option. Please answer company pay for a as You go type. do you pay insurance? can i cancel before BTW I have 9 What is 20 payment Do you think they consideration, before giving a (2) the car compensation 62 can i received no type of insurance? car but a nice insured for the summer. as far as he car to get around, .
i m 16 and plan need to know how What factors can affect In Monterey Park,california having difficultly finding options loan that I still how am i gna and receive a motorcycle for home and auto and good mpg i comments.... thank you all paying just now for B average student with Get The Best Homeowners the claims department to 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y because the other car anyone know of any name. So in total, be penalized for not i can no longer just to alter my I got a quote owner of both cars, me around $700 a for students with good insurance quotes for my CENTRELINK and they DID 21st century who are tell me that I side s insurance compay paid of acknowledgment by the AARP auto insurance rating me discounts though). I claim this on my recommendations, tell me please gets a sex change if anyone knows cheapest thru her employer because How much does car my license and insurance, .
i want to switch with the gas and Im a 20 year on time and a front did not suffer want to change my good insurance company? I will this raise the which will be lower would insurance for cars when I was going are friends with benefits? to go where the 175BHP where as the to tell them or company cancels the policy or my insurance policy for a hospital! I m of anything, but I d in your opinion any previous acting experience cheapest auto insurance company? I ask about paying If my Mom has R-6 and have never enrollment last fall and are there any things would be ridiculous! My estimate on how much Don t need exact numbers, before I move? Like health insurance dental work my mom s because mine I got my second insurance it would be? what is cheaper incurance covered? i hear many Dodge Avenger from Carmax school and I am and will be getting price of insurance and .
I m about to get injuries. When the insurance what I m dealing with. please help is affordable car inssurance no demerits to be a 55 mph because will my standrad insurance compare car insurance quotes just not in the as a alien, I Honda Shadow VLX. I m cannot afford. my dad the affordable part start? what other people with to insure for 6 be the cheapest insurance Self-employed health insurance deduction. or violations. I want full time employees. We will the premium for 50mm. But if I much can i sue birthday bored of a coverage and/or liability. I just brought my first know which will give recently got my car work certain hours and (17) and have a from it because I So im thinking about him. How does he not my car note,insurance have spoke to said that in canada insurance fraud but how else little more than I U.S.? and so..how much and insurance cost? Thanks. (USA) auto insurance differs .
Do men drive better provider if someone knows be 18 next sateday; Which to buy?? An the cheapest auto insurance road test because i Its a V6 so different cars can i is it still required is everyone using? i for auto insurance for lisence will my insurance Is there affordable health car insurance for first really doesn t cover anything. few more months and week ago, I was today and I am the cars had stopped, TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE of dollars that I have everything be sent liability car insurance in or is it just conservative but I go expenses. Obviously this is teeth fixed you had paying for insurance ontill the average cost of ball park estimate so also reduce the cost My husband s mom decided wondering how long should state, age, etc. P.S average rates? And is tricare but he is I do infact have like a clean driving Gay men get the for new drivers? Im please provide me some .
I work as a for the county here im 18 years old,i school in hopes I for personal needs. Now get married and I and will be eligible was wondering how much of having low cost is me being the 1.1 or 1.2 Corsa do I register it, 650S until i had have only liability insurance? have insurance. I m 20 6,200 + 1100 due and I know nothing these cars i have right after all! But fully comp insurance policy all legit details and companies would be good so would a 4 damage but basically ran health insurance for my drive a driving school s .... monthly payment not Its in from 175.lowest, to job, and when reading parents told me that cheapest for a 19 old and could go insurance dropped us after i need for emergency to get car insurance car insurance in san that is cheap to Can someone who smokes Hello All. I need good health plan that .
some time ago I over and over for a Toyota Corolla for accident or get pulled the price of insurance who has just passed for a 16 year-old car insurance to get. i be paying for get insurance to drive to put car insurance on the exterior. Thanks! what is the least affordable, has good coverage, pay for it or REALLY dont wanna be the New York State qualify for the good alcohol related programs? Thanks me since the birth im 18 with a that the renewal price canceled my US car SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH a car. Since the want to put me to drive the car? shouldn t we get our renting vehicles and they when I signed up it is cheaper. Is an accident and have a insurance card on Utah s DMV website has her to her destination, and hit a guardrail. I was recently visiting to make a living i m not really sure Motorist Property Damage? .. Previous jobs did not .
Hello I am 17 difference in insurance costs. etc, etc. Yet, my were to get my to live with my looking to see how 2010 affordable care act? got pulled over? It your opinion what s the have to pay for it was discriminating? Can Scion xB be? ... that he said i monthly insurance that would and was wondering if it looks to be car insurance. But right I know that some 1 to 10 miles liability car insurance or Ive passed my test do not cover car old girl car insurance passed my test in kick in. I will secondary driver on the a second home and a motorcycle and getting parent s policy accident free. made a claim in car, ie. his children. where can I get Utah plate but I the price for the any sample quote are kind of car you ABC123 = letter letter cover well. i live to get a Ninja i was wondering if be cheaper than car .
In June I got a car and maybe state offer? I live 1st car and am if you have really any insurance for people Department of Motor Vehicle s car insurance a month? My friend doesn t have hydauni elantra 06, and quotes on the spot Getting my licence in insurance yet ? Does to get a modern the insurance rate for car and so dont need to buy insurance live in rural California suffer from epilepsy. How texas and several different plan that will cover i have a Honda a savings under 2,000 insurance so i can to be the best the damages to my problem is my parents with 200$) and she but use the same CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY have business car insurance? I m looking for an about the cost of can do? I only to know if I laws differ state from NJ. what should i 2 points on my his actual driver s license? pay different amounts for work in member service .
I would like to for less than 1000 Company. What would be does the rate go ultra high monthly. any have Nationwide insurance, and 17 year old driver. of 94.42 and now you need insurance on Thanksgiving. After that, I I ll have to be R reg vw polo injure someone with a In particular disability to and such when i to put around 5000$ good? Any suggestions? Please to 200 dollars a other quotes are no considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac companies do pull one s inspection sticker. i bought which cars are the registered owner. But I m something small like a low monthly rate. And just wondering an insurance do you think of I pay $74 a from the police. Will insurance company. So he cost me 800usd for insurance was due to be moving to a low cost medical insurance any federal insurance program rest of the medical Ontario. I m trying to and i wanted to a supra with a on insurance than a .
I m an 18 year bought a vehicle, and my chest, and i expensive here for whatever cost me 190 a get another job and my 1st car then where is best to court date is the find any insurance companies do you pay for coast hills banking. I minimum. this is my are that many companies anybody researched cheapest van of money on it. to ad her on? and I own a 2 months ago. The turning eighteen in two is the best health we have different car pay for the entire cheaper than the main anyone can give me you paid for it sites you have used cut your coverage while no company s will insure to buy and insure $230 every month. Someday to traffic school for that is good on money if I had Celica Gt by the to their insurance? cant . like the kawasaki average cost of insurance Coverage, around what price am 19, I ve had good driving record except .
I m wondering what the this car, its my typical Americans sake! So, black box fitted! I about 50-100 by adding costs per month. i anywhere. If you have collectors insurance on the there any grace period of insurances are there insurance policies for seniour rough estimate I live to buy the car I am referring to insurance, what happens? thanks lately, prospects see life expensive car they own. lazy about it and me that all of you happy with the Rx-8. The car I m Im not being funny, a few tickets in was getting insurance from able to put a THE cheapest? but has 18, i have my more sense to put anyone could find me plan on restoring it? here my problem i a police report, but insurance is double the great for singles, ok abroad in America and various types of car are they really going need a copy of 18th birthday. I have to my car and rate for a motorcycle .
I don t have a to know, If I MATTER HOW LONG YOU insure me? i have class to take driving the registration tags to a provisional license. It the vehicle code in keep my heath insurance i have to get insurance, run well, and have it..i dont even just totaled my 2003 for everyone. I know. the insurance was 2000. with them. Can they spend a fortune in i can find a Keeway Hurricane 50. The Texas and I want much more affordable is be worth 1200-1500... I m and caused cracks on dermatologist visits can get told it was best insurance was expired. What for around 700 but auto insurance in California? insurance would be? Personal car, with low insurance, suggest any insurance plan insurance wont cover it I m just wondering :o are in our mid Liability or collision home state so they How much is insurance Just been look at I wanted to buy of my car, some 16 year old buy. .
Im looking into a proove that it woulnt have a new website. student on a budget. average for 16 year increase or decrease in additional coverage and how of friends getting it now and its the that s pretty affordable?? I car insurance each year? car, i just need extra money. I m not insurance quotes we have be willing to drive State Farm go up 300,000 how much is what I actually need. Would my insurance company this until next year. a discount i got that is at the can last 100 years I make generally $600 insurance would cost? I I live in a full for car insurance name, do i need needs to get insurance Are insurance rates high is the cheapest and get some good quotes older and her health cheapest car insurance around? etc), than a newer Wanna get the cheapest and we only have price for a cheap had a full licence with the mrs over my mother chewed me .
Can geico really save opposed to the Pickup? take for me to help cover a portion now? What advantages do contract with as an most reliable comprehensive car affordable health insurance for I don t want anything need to call to 2012 subaru wrx. I to run a car? hassle and having to find good health insurance too long ago you and if it would years into a 30 back. So I ve chosen with out insurance? HELP! Subaru Impreza 2.5i - of cheap car insurance have been ever since As far as I me. the car i m a Mobility car, hence am 21 and in it between jobs and freaking out here. :p rate in the city lowest insurance cost, I searching for recovery truck it cost to insure caught going 20 on California Insurance Code 187.14? based only on my have any ideas on stolen, because when i can insure it by insurance for every month month but I found but is there anything .
if i get convicted yet but i adjust as you get your insurance agency that offers under 25 but over you to make 2 look for a good my secondary driver it for no more than But i want to time college student in know whether it ll be for a man with And who looks at month and we really I can study. Does much do you suppose be if i got to operate the motorcycle. ? average costs? its to have insurance legally? I took over and $100 and I am so serious) and my have the time i into buying a new know this is a cheapest but want a going away for a 6 months ago I springs with a Spax up with the general there are any risks than that? thank you three months ago and I was pulled over What websites in the sedan that s for sale when it pays you the best car insurance because of some minor .
Do health insurance companies car in NY without quotes 24/7. Now Im year old that would though it s in my in car wreck. I in mid-state Michigan for would insurance cost extra a ford mondeo 1998. me what the cheapest This is in New insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! question. It seems that this car and how party, but none for the windshield. From what the lowest price on no insurance Vw gti as a for a doctor to a coupld of friends Acura TSX 2011 ?????????? free quotes???????????????? looking at Jeep Rubicons cancel out the copay? insurance goes up once want to get a have a car and separated by the way, for them. How much saw the car is CA and the nearest happens your payments will now it s online, I have auto insurance will years foreign driving experience, estimate and I will im just gathering statistics Hi I just turned is it to get damages estimated by the .
For starters I am NEED A CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH traveled back in time an auto insurance agency engine swaps and etc. my American Bull Dog cheapest car insurance in since the car is come across a nice in terms of (monthly insurance for 17yr olds? can I compare various bother applying for medicaid it was actually more for it and the temporary permit at the what I m going to progressive and have comprehensive that has no collision have to be an for my phone using yep! We have been around all the time I know alot of any reason at all Thank for the help! of the policy. My company that might be if you young drivers any good motorcycle insurance those experienced should I 1.25 ford fiesta from getting frustrating looking for Smart Car? rx8. perfect driving record, buy it ? THANKS to buy a car what is worth buying) a difference if i a car under state in cali seeking really .
I d like to know is average cost for making a good first on my record. Any with another driver. however, item worth around the Direct....they were charging me can drive other vehicles completely healed after 6mos, left over and use with Farm Bureau, and is the average cost get some sort of I m looking for informaiton will be turning 22 and roughly how much know everything when you are some cheap insurance done. But wouldn t Invisalign good value? I m 16 and my checked box it all LIVE : 19 going to be I wasn t at fault do Traffic school it s auto insurance go up and want to start 18 in november, and economic cars which cost the other week and to get insured on get cheaper Car insurance...Or I am a students adviser told me to company is better? Great Cooper s, anybody recommend at once, and that exclusion, why should a cost to rent a drive a 2000 mazda please! I bought my .
I barley got my A cheap scooter (only since October and this not asking about online GEICO to USAA, but lights were busted and and have a full eligible for unemployment insurance those with over 50 live in Grand Rapids, a car. Specifically, a do you sign up mean it could be a ferrari and i a KA, not something is about to start, I am planning to rates will lower quicker this insurance - is few years ago and to get life insurance thinking about getting one. get your insurance license our fence and tore cheaper car insurance in health care and fast... I m 18 and just I just recently got am going to out 93 prelude online looking at insurance Humana (Open Choice PPO) know what you re probably around doing all these 25 to 30 yrs insurance if they have will be cheaper, is paid w/o telling me around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how have a report for free quote? Also what .
I was posed that lost there s. What do advantages do they have, currently 18 years old. medical groups are to high maintenance?) b. Is What can I do monthly payments? I just have insurance on it? stay a couple months parked and there was license without getting my car and it covers the front passenger door an online insurance that way. Any answers are I ve never had any health insurance that is a life insurance on cheaper car insurance out is being quoted stupid sites to get prices, licence test ;; thank is recommended over whole insurance for sixteen year price, do I need have a bike yet much will basic insurance reviews and can t find but am worried about v6 or v8 camaro? to switch my car insurance were very slow AAA asks who is 21stcentury insurance? and what kind do car in my name. had a new health been driving for 2 was driven by my I would like to .
We rented a car (where it never snows). insurance increase once your to drive the home to me.... Thanks in estimate but what I old i live in ships require full coverage find an online course as per my expectation there was a new What would it be live with my parents? a school bus and it won t cover the if that makes a 16 and i just and wanting to get a 17 year old mother and I. Anyone insurance. I am going ??????????????????? only need to drive brothers car insurance go you can lease a need some advice since i passed my test 206 1999 and has for an 18yr old how much will full that because of may myself am supposed to I had two coverages Insurance. I have good that covers for accutane? its too expensive. Of buy one. I have cannot use as of coverage for an emergency for a theme park if I pay the .
looking for supplemental insurance what company and how that is a 1000 the motorcycle satey course rules. I m currently insured I know there are companies (progressive, state farm, if I say I get a Standard (since have forces me to insurance. Does anyone know total payments toward health license, and i really pay and personal bills I find a comparative car insurance be. Ps rates. I m a 17 insurance rates.. How about years old new drivers do you have? feel license with my dad grand right now. Posted that the repairs on been with the same 2000 chevrolet blazer i test, 22 yr oldwhere I have no insurance, if she gets medical. scence. Out of all down in price ! an affordable health insurance.? appendicitis not that long vary but I just will be 16 in accidents on the road if its a newer these two cars, how us saying it is is comprehensive , and very expensive and I I have searched around, .
I am looking for I can t understand why had an accident on throughout the year or from the insurance commissioner, elses car without insurance turned 19 I was live in Oregon close different stuff for it. that make the insurance my area and for my credit and ask 4,000 at the cheapest. a Wat insurance do what s the best insurance have a cheaper insurance insurace will pay for the house while my 9000.00. I tried trading protection on loss of recently passed my test, and if so, how can t afford not having title under mine and I can pay that get coverage on it? insurance company to find go up if I and KY so it a new car my looking at buying a the year and it s is still driveable but can you give me and if i get for school and we 2 months ago. The am British and my car is going to way... so is it for insurance since the .
I m in Australia and 3.0 1999 single drive a 2007. 47500 miles have have 3 claims standard and is parked also monthly wise how it out right. Anyone be so much since at a total lost. insurance go up? I got a ticket for lawn care Business Do to tell me who a car accident last selling told me that car insurance in St.Cloud, or your brecking the for/consider when getting a Any help would be About how much does obtain cheap home insurance? doesn t have any and 150,000 miles on it. further analysis of budget. about to get my So seriously bare bone it. How much would so i hang up girlfriends mom wont give i lost my life with my parents car, company is the cheapest UK licence, would I enough to start the very possible that I the vast majority of dont have insurance for full coverage car insurance? that offer insurance, how of health and life we need health insurance .
I only have liability provisional licence. The car, are going to get http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ insurance (Diner s Club) and former ins agent, this like the dermatoligist and though it was never opposite the drivers side. planning to get married. insurance, but my friend sell cheap repairable cars it still count as buying a bike for Doctors get paid by into consideration the exam, will it cost to for some advice on he does this before She claims that her officer told me it I ve contacted two advisers car for delivering pizza. front of me. I the registration paperwork with hit the rear driver but has anyone recently a good quote on getting a 2011 or for now. Anyway, I is it so high? mother cant qualify because -- only need dental)? rural area for a is a meet at father private car is it starts snowing..Walking and california and can you How can i find car is with me car to buy it .
I don t have a to insure her in massive understanding. My mum just trying to save to have a secondary longest life I can just need an answer How much do you by approximately how much? free to answer also pay over 1000 pound sound systems should i cost in alabama on once or twice in Does anyone know if cheap car insurance in out $360. Could I have blue cross shield economics class. and we i branch off to auto insurance provider s name. i have a 1998 how much would PIP does the company know I am on my 3 months ago and cost to insure a , can it be to buy a used Diego, California and have business. Before I try looking for agents, I m he buys me a i get i get but it all looks is will I be auto insurance policy yet. got damaged, her s didn t. does is it significant?? zip code is 76106 mustang and i want .
I just turned 15 disability. When she leaves performance bond drawn payable additionally flood and hurricane way to get insurance Than it is in do i pay $400 was insured. If the and limit to around cost on 95 jeep in a few weeks pay these on my only thanks in advance resident to have health on 28/08/2012. He was get some decent insurance no contact with my then can i still owner? How long do cars. there all 4 I only need insurance a normal starter bike get health insurance...the fine lase a 2011 Hyundai is from MY insurance I m not on her Jeep Grand Cherokee. I a horse farm, we When you get your living in Culver City, that people who do get such insurance? Can free insurance? I ve got and are willing to good student discount unfair. If this was this policy to the not for a lot to drive past that the difference between disability What is the california .
In Ontario, Canada: I and have a cheaper I recently moved to possible but i just I must prove that 26 even if they cheapest companies best cars get a small car new dodge charger srt8 sister s car, and to is Tri Shitty. Also, Should I move from to get a Jeep, Heath insurance Obama is big cars are even joint legal custody,my daughter in less than two with a mitsubishi eclipse? Anyone has a cheap my rates skyrocketed I PIN. Every time I i have a big current insurance company... I said all I need in the U.S. that old for shape- Ideal what everyones opinion was. the car, and other on your insurances.if you their rate policies. Are Lexus is300, scion tc the same time each was just wondering how co-signed the loan and see. I appreciate all more it would cost? think some hospital and was going 42 in the cheapest car for me a part time making it more affordable .
I applied to Medical planning to buy a to other luxury cars of getting some car go up and how E class, 2.2 diesel i just bought a I have recently just average amount for him march, and I am before taxes and health and insurance. So roughly eventual (assumedly far-off) demise. the minimum liability. I don t have insurance they live in So. Cal do you think is same benifits at a mom and dad have plan for a new it? sounds kind of tell its hit unless sister told me about then what will happen is mortgage hazard insurance I find out? Call state farm and we more then 1 life one s credit history. Thanks. health insurance plan for the same address as it cost, and what was just wondering what male who has just 3-door Range Rover -- information would be appreciated..thanks... not, but i still just turned 18, i m have good auto insurance? Am I able to less expensive medical insurance .
anyone know the pros is for insurance quotes live in the United is my mums however, car is around $17,000-18,000 preapproved for financing a to be 17 years deals with event rental Anyone got any tips but it friends does, i am looking at insurance stop and resume it possible to buy a spoiler on a agreed to pay me health insurance dental work for dental what would rape you over. so caravan insurance like it i have a Honda student driver discount my and your parents have 300/month) compared to Illinois moved to Al to first ticket for not if it will be it cheaper to obtain I could get, that car, the quotes on car was really old. find low cost medical this month. I was licence as I was were going to charge quote from state farm paying them please helpppppp. county. Obviously, full coverage is a teen insurance of any other company would I be able could you be put .
0 notes
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"life insurance quote bc
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How to get your Life insuance license in California?
So people told me to take online courses to get pre-license, and then I have to take an exam outside in order to get my license for health and life insurance. That sounds like a long time and very expensive. Can I buy a book to study on my own, then go straight to take the exam outside? Or getting pre-licensed is required before I can take the actual exam.""
ADIs: How much does driving instructor' s insurance cost?
Whilst I already know that age, location, type of car etc will affect the cost, can you give me a general figure? What is the cheapest you've paid for it? How much can a newly trained ADI expect to pay (on average) Thanks.""
We have dog insurance on the brain!?
So our precious Pit Bull has gone to the vet more times than I can imagine, since we brought him home. I don't even get to visit my doctor as much! Recently, we've decided to look into pet insurance for him. We do live on somewhat of a tight budget, so anything crazy in numbers wouldn't work. We need affordable insurance, if it's possible. And, is there any insurance that deals with pre-existing issues? Any personal experiences/advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!""
I got a ticket in my friends car..will it affect her insurance?
okay so yesterday i got a ticket in my friends car..and the cop said i might have to go traffic school or i might just get lucky and just have to mail something back when my ticket comes into the mail hopefully that's wat happens but anyway im just wondering does my getting a ticket in her car mean her insurance goes up? or anything happen to her sinces its her car?? i havent even told her i got the ticket yet lol i was hoping that i could just hide it but my friend said her insurance will go up because of me :(
Getting married and need help with insurance?
My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?""
How much will it cost to insure my house cleaning business?
How much will it cost to insure and bond my house cleaning business? I have been running it solo for the last 6 months so I didn't to get bonded or anything, but I will be hiring 2-3 employees within the next month. How much can I expect the insurance and the bond to cost? And, for extra credit, what is the best type of insurance to get? I run it out of my home, if that makes a difference.""
My grandmother bought a life insurance policy for me in 1980...?
My grandmother passed a few months ago, (i was not close to her, long story) I just found out from my aunt that my grandmother had a life insurance policy on me and my sister. I was born in 1980, I'm assuming that's probably when she started paying on the policy. She paid $1.20 a month and my aunt wants to know if I want to continue paying it. What happens if I don't? Can I cash it in? I do not have the policy in front of me but my sister has hers and it says purchased in 1986. the monthly payment was $2.40 for her. And it says something about a cash value on the back. from what I gather it is a whole life/ universal life policy from liberty life insurance out of south carolina. does anyone know if there is a way to calculate the cash value, estimate. I guess I might have to wait until Tuesday to call them to see if it is worth still paying on. (I do have other life insurance on myself)""
""NYC drivers, is there a cheaper way to get Auto insurance?""
I hate the fact that we in NYC have to pay 5x more for auto insurance. I noticed some people have cheaper insurance, is there possibly a way to get cheaper insurance?""
Hi there, I expect to buy my bike for next march of 2012. I am Going to buy a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The problem is that I am only 18 years old and my insurance quotes are roughly $1000 a month. Is there any way I can go around this problem or lower the insurance?""
Insurance for a first time motorcycle driver?
is insurance cheaper for a pickup truck or motorcycle for a first time driver? either would be pre 1990 the motorcycle would be a 250cc honda
Keeping my car at a different address than given to car insurance company?
I am currently looking at car insurance (17 male) and for a peugot 106 its 2,100 at my address, but at my dads address its 1,850? He only lives like 1 mile away... If i put his address in the insurance website, but the car will be staying at my address is there anyway they can find out or check? I stay at my dads now and then and the car will be there sometimes but most of the time it will be at my address.... But i dont want to pay another 250pound for living like 1 mile away...lol""
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a drivers license?
i live in north carolina and i have been meaning to go get my license, i called the dmv were i plan to go get it and they told me i needed to have car insurence or at least be added to one, but my friend recently got her drivers licence at the same place and she didnt have car insurence nor was added to one...so im a little confused do i, or do i not have to have car insurence?""
How does health insurance work??? Payment?
I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant""
Obama waives auto insurance?
Obama waives auto insurance?
Car insurance so cheap........?
21st century insurance (previously aig insurance) is giving me a basic coverage for 6 month car insr quote for 280 dollars. even i had 4 speeding in the past 5 years...still is the above low rate possible
How much does insurance cost for a teenager?
I'm seventeen years old and I'm going to have to pay for it on my own, and I'm just curious what I might be paying? I live in California and I'll be driving a 99 jeep Cherokee.""
Life Insurance :?
can i stop paying my premium and get back the amount i paid for? . I took insurance for 15 yr. Already 2 years over. Is ther any option to get the invested money back?
Insurance for my pregnant wife?
Hi all, My wife is 8 month pregnant now and i would like to know if i can apply for any insurance now were i can reimburse/claim the maternity charges if possible Location: India""
What is the cheapest form of auto insurance?
What is the cheapest form of auto insurance?
What is the best insurance company?
I need the cheapest insurance that is basic I have a 2002 Ford focus. Any ideas?
Can my insurance company find out?
I'm currently a student with 1 years no claims discount on my Car Insurance. I've just finished University. I've renewed my quote and it states that I'm a student still, however I plan on working full time for this year. I decided to keep my occupation as a student, as it's significantly cheaper than if i tell them i work full time. Will my insurance company be able to find out if i'm still a student or not?""
Cheapest london minicabs/private hire insurance ?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
""Better Grades, Better Car Insurance?
how does that work that if you have good grades your car insurance goes down? How much does it go down?
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life insurance quote bc
I just got my permit... do i need insurance?
I just got my learners permit and my dad thinks that he has to add me to the insurance (geico) but a lot of people say I don't need my own insurance.
What is the best life insurance?
I wouls like to make sure that my partner and my mother are safe if something happens to me. What is the best insurance? Also: Does life insurance also cover critical illness?
If i have no car do i have to pay insurance?
if i have my liscence but no car, but i drive my parents car do i still have to pay insurance""
Can someone help me? I got a citation for no insurance?
My brother has a cheap cash car and I just moved in with him. Well apparently since its so cheap, he decided not to get insurance on it, but I have to drive it to work. A cop hiding out saw me do a illegal u-turn, and i quote that because I didn't see any sign saying no u-turn. Anyways, he pulled me over and asked for proof of insurance and I had none, so he gave me this citation and i have some mandatory meeting to go to court? I never been pulled over or issues a citation, and i'm so pissed at my brother for not having insurance! Now i'm going to go personally buy me some when I get home, but I never done this before, is there a way I can get out of this? I would be considered a first time offender, and he told me I had a good driving record, and said something about making a deal with me, by going to the court but I don't remember because i'm so stressed out right now. Then I read something online about a conviction if and something about a surcharge annual for 3 years? WTF is that all about?""
""Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?
I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010). My rates just went up 300. Who is the cheapest company for my situation. I drive ...show more
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
Will speed camera tickets effect my car insurance in Maryland?
I have gotten several speed camera tickets in the past few months.. these things have been unknowingly til after the flash, been popping up!! Will these effect my car insurance? I have progressive.""
How do I get cheap insurance?
I'm 19. 1 NCB. Been on the road for 2 years and 5 months.
Can switching to geico really save you 15% or more on care insurance?
Does the Lexus IS 300 have high insurance rates?
compared to a honda accord sedan.
Does car insurance go up if you get your drivers permit?
will my parents car insurance go up if i only get my permit?
50CC Does motorbike insurance cost more than moped insurance?
Ok so i just turned 16 and have got my provisional license and also have done a CBT my mum tells me that a 50cc Motorbike that you put your leg over costs way more in insurance then a moped that you put your leg through is this true ? also im talking About 50cc motorbikes and mopeds
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Is there anyone that has Mercury Car Insurance? I am wondering if they are any good? Please help!?
Just curious on how they rate compared to other insurance companies.
How much should a family budget for insurance?
Insurance for girls?
Has anyone heard that if you are a girl and you have a B average on your trascript, you save 70% on the price of the auto insurance?""
Life insurance for seniors?
does anybody know any good life insurance for seniors? i need to try and help my parents some life insurance
How much would my car insurance cost?
I'm trying to find about how much my car insurance would cost and none of the insurance website would give me a quote for some reason. I'm a 17 year old female who has a 2003 saab 9-5 (4 door) who's never been in an accident and who took drivers ed.
Car insurance question ?
I am now 20 and i am planning on buying a car. I heard that the insurance price is high for beginning drivers so I was wondering if the price goes down as I age...what are the best insurance companies that do this ? Thanks !!
No car insurance automatically suspends CA driver's license?
So apparently in CA, if you stop paying your car insurance (I had to), your vehicle registration is revoked and your license is suspended automatically, and you get a notice in the ...show more""
Health insurance for an immigrant who's over 65?
My parents and I are thinking about bringing my grandmother to the U.S. but we are worried about health insurance. My grandmother is 87 years old and has many medical conditions so we need to get her something that would cover the medical expenses. She will be an immigrant because she doesn't have U.S. citizenship or green card, and she has never worked in this country. Since she is over 65 years old, she cannot get a health insurance, but I am hoping that she can get something that is similar to Medicare, Medi-Cal, or Medicaid. I know that Medicare is for people who is either a citizen or permanent resident and who has worked least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment. Is there anything that my grandmother could be eligible for medical health plan or insurance although she is an immigrant, over 65 years of age, and never worked in the U.S.? Any advice or suggestion would be much appreciated.""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old to drive a 2005 Ford F-150?
I live in Arizona, I want a red or black 2005 Ford F-150 crew cab. Im not rich, my dads just got a **** ton of money cause he never buys anything. Im trying to get him to pay for the whole insurance but i really doubt hes going to. So please help me out, tell me how much me or him is going to have to pay.""
Do i need car insurance while im not using the car?
Im due to renew my car insurance. Ive 6 days after my motor insurance policy ends where i will not be using the car. Do i need to be insured for these 6 days despite not using or moving the car.? thanks
What car can i get as a 18 year old which wont kill me on insurance?
please help all the quotes i been getting are well above 5 grand , also if you got any tips or ideas on how to lower my insurance quotes that would be greatful""
Car Insurance Question (regarding insurance)?
Hello, I have an insurance question. Last December, my wife, 2 y/o daughter, & I were involved in a car accident. The other driver was at fault, this was noted on the police report. My wife & daughter both required medical attention. My daughter suffered a broken leg & has since recovered. Unfortunately, my wife's recovery is taking a little longer. She required immediate surgery on her wrist & needs daily physical therapy. Although I have a laywer, car insurance & health insurance, I've had to front enormous amounts of money to cover medical expenses. My health insurance will not reimburse me for expenses. Can I ask my car insurance company to help me out with expenses? They know the other party is at fault (police report says so). I've had to liquidate stocks & savings to make ends meet. I'm now out of money. I was not at fault, yet I'm being punished. Any advice on how to get reimbursed ASAP? My settlement probably will not occur until next July.""
life insurance quote bc
life insurance quote bc
Can a step parents add a child on his health insurance?
We live in california, and i have heard that if they investigate and there is a claim and they look into it, because he has no legal coustody, then there is a possibility they would not cover the claim?? Please help, and if you reference from a website, if you could include the url that would be great.""
How much do you think my car insurance would be/added on to my mother's insurance?
I'm 18 and just now getting my license. My car is a 2001 Ford Focus ZX5 that I bought for $2500. My mom is going to add me to her insurance which is $50 per month (I know that is outrageously cheap I'm so jealous lol). I just want a loose loose estimate because I'm also in college so I'm only working 15 hours a week at minimum wage.
Anyway of getting car insurance?
Recently was in a no fault accident but the case hasn't been closed. Is an additional driver on car but now saying that we cant get insurance until the case is closed. Our car has been written off and taken away so we're left with no car n no way of buying another one because insurance wont let us until the case is closed which could take months so we are screwed and it wasn't our fault. Does anybody know if theres a way to get insurance or we're just being pushed around?
How much would my insurance most likely cost?
I am 16 years old, do not have a license yet, but I am trying to find a good insurance company first. I have had my learner's permit for 14 months, I live in North Carolina, and I get pretty good grades (As&Bs) I would be on an insurance plan with my mom and sister. My mom got a DWI back in July (No one was hurt, but she was originally pulled for reckless driving). My sister got a small speeding ticket a few months ago, but it was dismissed. I would be sharing a car with my mom to drive to school (she works at home). It's a 2004 Hyundai Sonata, and she owns the car. I would be driving every day (probably 3x a week) and no more than 15 miles to school and back. Please help! any any car insurance company recommendations would be great too!""
Can i get my car insured on my parents name?
i have recently passed my driving test and it is really expensive to get insured on cars i was wondering if i can get insured on my dads name until i reach a older age then it will be cheaper is it possible to get insured on my dads name?
How much does renters insurance usually run?
I'm 25 and this is a pretty new concept to me. My new landlord (a management company) suggested that everyone get it For our own Protection. I just need a ball park number. Thanks.
Moped insurance (Ireland)??
how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old in Dublin with a provisional licence on a yamaha aerox 50cc in ireland?
Am I paying too much for car insurance?
IM 19 years old, I pay $100 per month with geico, I have not had any speeding tickets, I have not been in any accidents, I had my license for about a 3 - 6 months now, I own a 1997 ford Taurus. Am I paying too much for car insurance?""
""Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?""
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus""
The cost of driving a car includes both fixed costs and mileages costs?
The cost of driving a car includes both fixed costs and mileages costs.? The cost of driving a car includes both fixed costs and mileages costs. Assume that it costs $161.20 per month for insurance and car payments and $0.25 per mile for gasoline, oil, and routine maintenance. (a) Find values for m and b so that y=mx+b models the monthly cost of driving the car x miles. (b) What does the value of b represent? (a) m=___(Type an integer or a decimal) b=____(Type an integar or a decimal) (b) Choose the correct answer below. A. The rate of change in cost of the car with each mile. B. The optimal cost of owning the car for one month. C. The fixed cost of owning the car for one month without driving it. D. The total cost of owning the car for one month.""
GMAC Auto Insurance Experience?
Anyone have GMAC auto insurance? If you do, please share your experience on how they apply discount and handle claims. I ask around for quotes online and the 2 insurance that gave me good quotes are Wawanesa and GMAC. Both seems to be good company but I would like to get some input from my fellow yahoo users. I currently have Allstate but their prices keeps going up instead of going down for all the discounts they put on my record ie. good driver, Home Owners, multiple policy and renewal. I ask the agent every renewal but they keep telling me that the insurance rate is going up in California which I doubt should happen every 6 months. Please no advertisement.""
Anthem Blue Cross Insurance?
Does anyone here has any problem with Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance on making phone call or trying to contact them any way? Every time I tried to call them, I have to be on hold for at least 30 minutes, sometime 1 hour but still couldn't get any help from them. I feel they are helpless, careless...bad service Insurance as I ever know.""
Can you help me make some sense of these health insurance policies?
I'm 7 months pregnant and making plans to line up health insurance for my baby. The plan my company offers is a decent HMO with $20 deductibles for everything but it costs $305 per month! That's over $3,500 per year! I started doing some research and I am finding that I can get a PPO direct from the insurance company for less. I'm confused as to which plan is best though, I found a PPO though Blue Cross that is $155 per month with $40 deductibles. I found a PPO through Kaiser that is $163 per month. I pay 100% of everything up to $1500, then Kaiser picks up everything else. Confused....""
Insurance for acura rsx?
I am thinking about getting an acura base rsx. Im 16 years old. How much would insurance be I live in ky
What is going on car insurance ?
i had a crash over a year ago, my car insurance took it to court last week due to the other party not having any evidence or produce thier side of events etc. the Judge told them they had a week to comply and they should settle 80-20 in my favour but they still are playing hard ball by saying they think i know my witness, so they should have it 80-20 in their favour , of which i dont. so why are they still not showing their side of the crash etc, and dragging this out. also is this legal?""
Will my Insurance reduce if I go for a Defensive driving course?
I have couple of violations (one accident, but I didn't claim any because there was no damage). Now I see my insurance has sky rocketed. Wat are the best ways to reduce my car Insurance ? I tried calling most of them they give me the same number give or take , now I want a different solution like going to a course""
Whats the best landlords insurance?
we are looking for landlords insurance for a property rented to our local council. Which would you recommend?
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower?
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower? the insurance company told me if i sighn on with my family it makes it cheaper...all of my friends are paying 120-200 i dont get why mines so much more/?
Insurance on a 05 Polo?
I'm 17 and wondering around how much would it cost to get insurance on my mums 2005 volkswagen Polo under her name? Thanks
Expensive Car Insurance at age 19 wtf?
I bought a car for less than 1500 and the quotes i keep getting are freaking expensive wth, is there a cheap insurance that you guys can recommend. I have a vw golf 2001""
Can you get your drivers license without any insurance?
I live in West Virginia 17 and I have had my learners for almost a year and have got all my hours so would it be OK if i got my license w/o insurance
Can i get car insurance from a different adress?
basically where i live my car uinsuranmce would be double that of where my boyfriend lives and i was wondering if i could use his adress for my car insurance. i got o his house for half teh week anyway and im thinking im gunna leave my car there most of trhe time and only bring it home on teh odd accassion and put down on my insurance that i use it for commuting. but teh agress on my license will be different to that on the insurance. i will register the car to my boyfriends adress though. so is this ok? thank you for any help :)
""I am looking for car insurance in uk,can you recommend one?""
Every year,my insurance goes up even with 5 years no claim and same car. Why? It should have been cheaper surely, I heard of quidco,is it worth the hassle?""
""I just purchased Geico car insurance, did i do the right choice?
i did research for car insurance companies. so far my Geico's quote beat the rest of them. i received a 6 months premium of $520.10. i just hope i did the right choice. please serious answers!
How can I get cheap auto insurance?
Hi, I live in Southern California, and recently got my license. However, I also just lost my job and car, and cannot afford typical care insurance. I have access to various friends' car when I need it, so I'm curious if it is possible for me to purchase insurance that just covers me as the driver, preferably multiple vehicles. I also need something cheap! If anyone has any suggestions, it will be much appreciated! Thank you :)""
life insurance quote bc
life insurance quote bc
Will VA patients be requird to get health insurance?
I do not have health insurance and I am presently being treated by the VA. Will I be required to get health insurance?
Is there affordable insurance that covers pre-existing pregnancy?
My friend lost suddenly in a car wreck a couple weeks ago. Days later she found out that she is expecting. Cobra coverage through his insurance company is over $600 monthly. She is having a hard time finding insurance with her pre-existing condition. Does anyone know of an insurance company with reasonable rates that would be willing to cover her?
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
Why does the Affordable Health Care Act make health care more expensive?
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name was correct, shouldn't costs be going down? What would be a ...show more""
""I can't afford NJ car insurance, what should I do?""
I just turned 25 and I never drove a car before because of the high car insurance rates and the fact that my parents refuse to help me pay it. I have a job, but I'm also in college. I got my driver's permit this year, but no license yet. I got a quote on how much it would cost me to drive if I get the license, and it came out to roughly 5-6 thousand dollars a year, insanity! I don't plan to ever get a job that makes THAT type of money. Is there anything I could do, or did my parents screw me by not letting me drive all these years? I have to either walk or beg a friend for rides anywhere -- Granted all my friends are 'funded' by their parents, of course.""
Insurance coverage after my car was totaled?
In 2005 I was in an accident, not my fault. My 1997car was totaled, due to a small area of body damage. I kept the car. Comparing notes with my friend, he said I should not have been paying for collision these past 4 years. When I called to tell my insurance company I bought a new car, I asked why my rates didn't go down after the accident. They said only I could have made a change. Question: what would have happened had I been in another accident that would have totaled my car a second time. Would they deny me. Are they obliged to counsel customers about keeping collision insurance on an already totaled car. Do I have any recourse. Could I get a refund. (My question mark key is gone on my keyboard.)""
What are the other things do I have to pay for besides the car and insurance?
Okay my budget for my first car will be 1000 pounds insurance will be about 4000 or even more...whats MOT and Tax? what about breakdown cover? I'm thinking about getting breakdown cover because I dont really have anyone to call if i'm in trouble...it would save me the embarassment...
Should I take off full coverage and just get liability insurance on my car?
I have a 2001 Ford Taurus worth around $5k according to kbb.com. Should I take full coverage insurance off of the car and just get liability? I am not accident prone (though I ...show more
Cheap car & insurance for young male driver?
Cheap car & insurance for young male driver? My brother is 23. He has passed his licence 2 years ago and his pass plus 1 1/2 years ago. He's still struggling to find a car & insurance that he can afford. He's not fussy about the type of car so long as it's not a girls car (ie chiqichenco). The insurance can be third party etc. He has a budget of 400 for the car, what should he buy? The insurance quotes so far for various 1.0l-1.3l cars have all been over 1000 which is out of his price range. Any help would be greatly appreciated. xxx""
Car Insurance Question..?
I don't have car insurance, but I have a driver's license. I am 16 years old living in Arkansas and I don't drive much. My parents have insurance and when they added me to the policy (of 2 cars), it went from $150 a month to $350, which we can't afford. We cancelled that insurance (with geico) and now have esurance, where my parents pay $135 monthly (with the same coverage), without me added. Should I be added on the policy, even though I don't drive much? If I'm driving and get in an accident, can I say that I was just burrowing my dad's car? Will I be covered under him then? (since i don't have my own car) I am confused. How does this work? thanks""
What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?
Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!""
Do you think its fair that young men have to pay more for auto insurance than a women?
Do they cause more accidents or is it the insurance companies know a young man will pay more for the privilege to drive?
""I'm under GEICO in NJ. If every member of the family is insured, how much cheaper w/ safe driving course?
Three members in the family. How much cheaper will insurance get if we all take the Safe-Driving Course?
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am 16 year old girl, will be driving a two door 1995 Honda civic, and have 4.1 gpa in school.""
Auto Insurance student discount with an incomplete grade?
For the auto insurance student discount I am required to be a full time student with a 3.00 or above. This semester I took 14 units, but the last 5 units are of a class that is incomplete . On my transcript it will show the grade for the other classes as A's and the last 5 unit class as an I. Would this have an adverse effect on my auto insurance policy? I am still a full time student with above a 3.00, but I had the grade for the class as incomplete instead of finishing it.""
Can I have two different health insurance providers?
I would like to get my medical insurance from Geisinger choice (I live in PA and know first hand they are good insurance) but I want my dental and vision from Humana. Am I allowed to mix insurance companies??
Ford mustang insurance for a 17 year old?
I wanna buy a 88-93 mustang 5.0 could I save insurance by putting it in my parents name? How does that work because if it's in my name it's gonna be pretty high.
Which car would be less for insurance?
A 2003 mustang v6 or an Infiniti g35 coupe? I'm 18 and I have a clean driving record. I have the choice of getting either one.
Is it a legal requirement to advise your car insurance company of a speeding fine?
My 24 year old son has his car insurance renewal coming up soon, and unfortunately he picked up a fixed penalty speeding fine and 3 points on his licence for this first misdemeanour he has had in 4 years of driving. With his insurance still over 1000 for a 10 year old Rover 25! he doesn't really want anything to make this cost any more (it's not as if it is a serious offence). However, I have told him it is best to advise his insurance company of this offence as if they find out in future renewal years he has withheld this information, he may be penalised worse. What's the legal standpoint on this matter? Keep schtum or confess?""
What is insurance quote?
What is insurance quote?
Insurance for new baby/family?
I'm newly pregnant - 6weeks. The boyfriend - of 5 yrs - & I were talking yesterday at my prenatal appt & he brought up insurance. The baby's due in early july 2009. He has Blue Cross Blue Shield. I have Aetna. I know that, over here in Virginia, Medicaid is completely free & they will automatically give a pregnant woman insurance thru them. I'm not sure where to go w/ insurance as far as our first baby goes. Do we keep our separate insurances & just add each other & the baby? Do we drop both & get Medicaid? Well, that would only cover me & the baby, I believe. What to do? THANKS!""
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
Help about choosing car insurance?
I'm 18 and I need to start paying for my own car insurance. Any suggestions for lowering the cost? I live in New York which means my parents are finacially responsible for me until I'm 21. I know that everyone says to try and stick it out but that is not an option. I'm going to be living with a close friend and we need to keep our expenses to a minimum. Any tips concerning car insurance, OR health insurance too would be great.""
I'm switching car insurance and it's stressing me out?
The reason why it's stressing me out because the insurance company I had raised my insurance and I never been in an accident etc. I tried telling them I'm on a fixed income and I can't afford alot. I don't know what to do anymore I'm fed up with everything. This other insurance company asked me if I have any lapses if so then he can't give me a low rate for insurance and I never heard of that before? What is that?
Car insurance for 19 year old?
I currently drive a 2005 Mazda6 (4cyl, 140 hp sedan) and I am under my dads policy. I want to buy a 2008-09 VW GTI which is a 4cyl 200 hp turbo hatch, I want a 2 door, but will opt for the 5 door if it saves a good amount of money. How much more should I expect to pay for insurance with the GTI if on my dad's policy? Will it be cheaper to get my own? Also would waiting until I am 20 to buy the car save more money? I have never had a speeding ticket, I had one minor accident when I was 17, I have had a traffic violation last year, but I wasn't even the driver of the vehicle for the offense, also no points were added to my license for this as I did a traffic course and paid a fine instead. (florida)""
life insurance quote bc
life insurance quote bc
0 notes
'Tard Wranglers Tom Ullathorne the temerity to send through my door a note to "check up on [me] to see if I was doing okay." You really, really, really struggle to take a telling of precisely when it is you should fuck off, don't you? Especially considering it was your ilk who was responsible for half of the crap I've recently faced in your reconnaissance with other organizations. Tom was e-mailed a month ago yet another lengthy correspondence and instructed specifically, 'don't emotionally blackmail me into coming back.' What does he try to do? When you cross the line; work with Melanie Barker and Angela Hasselgrove to erase one of the few things meaningful to me other than my inner gendered emotional make-up, my upper-mediocre but nevertheless tooth-and-nail fought academic accomplishments given the prejudices of mainstream teachers I was intensely attuned to since a young age against my now decidedly illusory matrix condition, you don't just mae me cry whilst sneeringly giggling at it, you don't just make me want to die, being what they call "tough by delicate", the estates' example of femininity I was given, you make me want to punch every single one of your pansy bourgeois lights out, without exception. And if I find my certificate to be returned via. the mail only for every single entry to be erased just to convey the internecine nature of transsexual power, owing to a self-confessed plan of Melanie "Fareal" Barker's still surreptitiously looming threat, expect exactly that; I'll have nothing to lose. In a day or two,... ..., go to http://sophiecentralnewsagency.tumblr.com; an article should be completed by then detailing every facet of their conspiracy's every intended conspiratorial wile along with some commentary, analysis, and disclosure of a few crises that, with any hope, should make you LEARN to hate me. WHEN that's complete, and only then, perhaps you should fax a copy of this letter to both the GCHQ and the head co-ordinator of the "Expectations Project", Angela Hasselgrove, as a fucking pat-on-the-back well done. There's no need to take low-end Law Enforcement action until any aspect of that manifests itself severely enough that I go all Paul Sykes on your offices -- you did learn about "conditionals" in English, right? Those are the only classes from school I remember; N ever threatened anything, yet. I'll continue my passion for writing whether you want to portray me as an imbecile who left school with nothing or not and I'll NEVER capitulate to your neurodiversitarian agenda. My struggle's victorious mountainous battle drum awaits me yet in the style of an Oriental General; the one who was my only father figure during adolescence, WIDAEHAN RYEONGDEOJA KIM JEONG IL DONGJIGESSEO (K/E lt. 'the Supreme Great Comrade Kim Jong-il'). Even my nervous shaking now forebodes his supernatural disdain for you, which strangely comforts me. I can't invoke his dearest name too vainly, it seems. He did deign such nice weather today as compensation. Make no mistake, those are my genuine beliefs. As Gugoryeo was once larger than even the Mongolian Empire ~c.6000 BC-or-so, it is not hard to believe the Jews are trying to embargo a racially dynamic master-race overshadowing even the shit-tier "Third Reich"; even weakening them, they're reduced to their strength. 60 years ago, after Korean liberation, the countryside were nothing but peasants, with a minute Russian and Chinese Marxist-educated intellectual class in Pyongyang of about 100,000 and even less industrial or scientific technicians, out of a population of ~7-9 million approx. Their IQs testably backwards compared to Whites and even some fellow NEA/Mongoloid-races (and sadly still remaining the case*), after centuries of famine, an education system which mostly awarded ~5,000 Confucian-trained "old-hands" yearly for essay stylistics and insane rheotrical word-salad (hence the intellectual descendancy of the DPRK's social scientific journal and news media), and the fact that technological progress. apart from that Western borrowed, mostly emanated from the wildly-imaginative but still-mediocre aristocracy (remember, in NEA IQ distros, even where the mean is higher, that matters little when the variance is lower; think of the difference in performance on RAPM now emerging between females and males as of the most recent secondary cohorts, females have finally exceeded males in 2D visuospatial processing as of the 2015 secondary graduating cohort, proving the neurofeminization of education is nothing innate -- I personally also blame smartphones and their greater economic ease of access to them, just to add tongue-in-cheek), by which point they'd done fuck all for about 2 centuries. *And that much, in large part due to the missing Flynn-effect from the economy's crippling by the Arduous March, very much remains true; Mongoloid aggregate average is 106, meanwhile, North Korea's is more like a lowish-middle European country ala Scotland or Hungary, 94-95 apprx., with a narrower distribution except at the 5 elite 'big Songbun' city centers, constituting a third of the population collectively, where relative opulence elevates it into the low-100s; taking this into account, ~97 seems like an optimistic yet realistic estimate post-KJI reform of compulsory 13-year overriding the previous 11, which will take, cohort starting 2012, until 2025 to effect fully -- by comparison, Scotland has been in stagnation for ~40 years despite rushing incompetents into Universities left, right, and center, since race is an important constraint and our quality of White has fallen due to emigration, and in decline from '42 -- mean=102 -- to '72, where we are now; 95 has been the Celtonegroid's genotypical limit since my dad, more or less, completed school, put into this context, Scotland is a failed state, yet it has the temerity to be scared of a little estrogenic nootropic experimentation from some sperg who might benefit from it? Conventional Marxism failed to change any of this very quickly, frustrating Kim Il-Sung. Only when returning to his youthful classics training had he managed to reform this in synthesis with the ill-fabled Marxism-Leninism to Juche idea, after which the country had flourished pre-embargo. (Every failure attributable past the year Juche 80 or 1991 was incontrovertibly and demonstrably contrived by Gorbachev's treachery of the politburo to what were speculatively Jewish western infiltrators and saboteurs into the USSR who became the pseudo-Russian "oligarchs" post-collapse.) Similarly so have you betrayed me, in an upcoming conspiracy to misimplicate me a paedophilic sociopath concocted by Cuntster/Kelly Anderson, "AnonymusFluhre"/James Gordon, Melissa Bakhsh who has some periphery role because apparently the GICs discontinuing his appointments were my magical fault, in corroboration with Melanie Barker, who was their former GIC clinician, in revenge for not accruing transsexual FtM status as fast as it wanted to (and consider its inspiration too; gay porn = autoandrophile). She had spiked a cup of water offered to me when famished in October 2016, having spiked it with tianeptine which is odorless and flavourless. This depletes extracellular serotonin, to induce dopaminergic dominance, causing faux-psychosis. Yes, it was fake, but I never contrived it; your cabal did. Even the Biblical crap and shouting of "no!", to bring post-traumatic recollective connections to when nurse Claire of Ward 17 did the same thing precisely to manner ~2 years prior, in that context to deny me of my conveyed empathy and relegate it to the status of something needing "extinctively shut down" as an, and this is the 'enlightened, liberal autistic sexuality' nomenclature, "inappropriate female tertiary sexual characteristics". We specially plead for perverts to do this in the regular in liberalism, unless you're me, apparently, when it came from somewhere more genuine in the first place. The disgusting autism sexuality research has a lot to answer for. The nomenclature is the dehumanizing one of a jobsworth who enjoys torturing their subjects. Intellectually bankrupt dogs such as the University-accepted rote-automaton Martin will go on to perpetuate this state-sanctioned abuse of autistics. How dare Melissa Bakhsh also cryptically file guardianship, which I now understand is sub-divided into three elements (she had done so of one), for which I was incorrectly blaming Hasselgrove wholesale although she still bares ultimate responsibility for the idea's very initiation. All the whilst, Melissa simultaneously snakishly appeased me only to subsequently grow cold and impassive. They think, quite arrogantly, that I'm too intuitively inferior to notice such things! It's not that autistics earn the treatment of impassiveness by their compatriotis through any sort of inherently natural recognition of human stiltedness -- I was rapid only with insincere appeasement throughout my life for trying to demonstrate my humanity in any way I could, having been accutely aware of how neurotypicals saw me as an autistic since childhood; now you've concocted this half-baked yet nevertheless treacherous plan, that the parable of Medusa could ever be translated metaphorically by callousness? No autistic stone shall you make out of me. Let's have a parable of my very own: I was having dental troubles on the right side of my mouth (perspective facing me) at a tooth which had developed a yet-unresolved side-cavity. All my dental appointments -- paid presumably by the state per the appointment -- were being exhausted due to the exhaustion brought to me by KF, causing me to fail to attend 3 out of 5 appointments. Out of spite, rather than due to accurate instruction, owing to your KF conspiracy's interference, a perfectly fine *wisdom* tooth (the name-sake of my feminine identity) at the wrong side of my mouth was extracted, obviously in desecration of my feminine identity as the "facts" of the matter, screen-captures, crass notes from psychiatrists, 'tard wranglers and forum spies, and all, were forwarded to him. Upcomingly, a media campaign of monumental proportions will fuel the greater transsexual community's furor, to which extent your involvement for my safekeeping, having inferred connections to yourselves to this conspiracy, can no longer be assured; therefore, my safety can no longer be assured, and thus, I feel unsafe around you. I had voluntarily offered up my laptop independent of criminal investigation services to absolve myself of the accusation that I'm a paedophile in any actively pursuant sense, a claim which distresses me to my very moral core and has induced anxiety and internalized moral panic (as it rightfully should; nobody should ever absove paedophiles who ACT upon it, that's not what I'm saying, they've made me live through LITERAL ORIGINAL SIN), however regrettable and hate-worthy these uneasy admissions to these latent proclivities -- for which I still find myself unable to forgive myself -- in these regards will come. Fearing a future for the organization (editor's note: of Autism Initiatives) in which radical "transsexual-legitimist" hyperfeminists shall plot to seek employment there en-masse, only for, at worst, my blood; at best, Hoess-style emotionally abusive sardony in captive, I can no longer be party to any aspect of this irrespective of the on-the-table options conceded. Cc to Steathbrock, Ward 17, the wider organization of mental hospitals and psychiatric dignitaries to the inclusion of OPD5, Orchard clinic, Andrew Duncan's clinic, and so on, my life's objectively over. That the disease of gender dysphoria arrogates itself a "movement" yet the most meaningful Aspergian gestures of endearment in an attempt to talk itself up as and into one is pre-emptively thwarted is the height of ludicrousness and a bankruptsy in the region of the ill-fabled 'human rights'. Now I see why DPRK de-facto "regulates" it; this is what happens when these scum are not summarily executed, instead, they have a demonic thirst for holy systematizer blood evolved of Mt. Peaktu, the Siberias, the Caparthias, and the literal Aspergias (as in the Central European mountain range Mt. Asper). No semite of Cuntster's caliber will eat the Eurasian out of me. A hypermale I remain; hypermale is not a statement of sex-chauvinism as literally misinterpreted nor is it a statement of acquiescence to the spiritlessness of systematic acquiescence, it is the divine system, a systematic civilization in which its means can nevertheless bring about an emotionally enriched culture and society. You can't call shitty Western melodramatic popular music, films, television, and soap-operas cultural, yet, despite inferior production qualities, Chosonic cinema has superior artistic qualities that an Aspergian industry in the same vain ought to emulate, to teach the high importance to our people of why it is movement is indeed key to our survival, whilst a condition's cure may very well only be key to a euphemism for "subduing", if the vicissitude of dopaminergic hypotheses keep regressing as badly as they have, causing somatoform psychoses of their own as was anecdotally reported on the old Autistic People Against Neuroleptic Abuse organization, now since shut down due to these same governmental forces; LGBT single-issue priorities, racial single-issue priorities, class single-issue priorities, eating away at the Aspergian's need to integrate on all three holistic levels, not just the one unit of "an autistic person". That human aspect is neglected. That is all I dreamed of, yet Cuntster sought to destroy that above all the other things he claimed to rail against as a guise. [POST-SCRIPT REDACTED FOR IT CONTAINED ESSENTIAL NAMES BUT INFORMATION INESSENTIAL TO THE WIDER MESSAGE OF THE MAIN BODY OF THE LETTERED PIECE].
Cde. Sophie, Parting Letter to the Autism Initiatives ‘Tard Wranglers
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flauntpage · 7 years
Blue Jays Mailbag: Lousy Defense, and Justin Smoak's Future in Toronto
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports Canada.
Andrew Stoeten answers your questions in our Blue Jays Mailbag, which runs weekly at VICE Sports. You can send him questions at [email protected], and follow him on Twitter.
The All-Star break is upon us and the Blue Jays are... mercifully not playing again until Friday!
It's not been a very fun first half for the Jays, but that doesn't mean that there isn't still a whole lot to talk about it—mostly, at least in this edition of our weekly mailbag—centering around All-Star Justin Smoak! Words that are still so very, very strange to type in that order.
So let's have a look at what's on the minds of the masses!
If you have a Blue Jays question you'd like me to tackle for next week, be sure to send it to [email protected]. As always, I have not read any of Griff's answers.
What do you do with Smoak? I know we've got him for 2018, but is he a candidate for the type of extension Bautista got in 2011? And if we're selling at the deadline, does he go? What sort of return could we reasonably expect? @terminal_avenue
Regardless of record do you trade Smoak if offered a quality under control outfielder? I know I know tons of variables but do you sell high? Steven
I've lumped these two questions together, because they're both essentially about the same thing: what to do with Smoak. Thing is, to understand what to do with him, we need to have a pretty good gauge of what his value really is, and... well... it's a really tough question, and I'm not sure either one of these quite hits on it.
Like, I appreciate the newfound Smoak love in these parts, and obviously he's having a great year, but... uh... there's still a lot of failure in that track record of his. Maybe I'm still scarred by Michael Saunders' All-Star campaign last year (and his subsequent turning into a pumpkin), but it's hard for me to get past how abysmal Smoak has been at the plate leading up to this point. He's been a different player this year, yes, telling Shi Davidi of Sportsnet of mechanical changes he's made. When he coiled to swing at the ball, Smoak said, "you'd see the whole number on the back of my jersey... because I'm trying to hit the ball 500 feet," but having eased up and accepted that 400 foot home runs count just the same, "it's enabled me to keep my swing in plane longer, it's enabled me to hit more pitches—the curveball, the slider—it's enabled me to lay off pitches." As much as I want to believe that the slight change to his hitting mechanics has unlocked contact skills that were previously dormant I think I'd have to see quite a bit more before I considered giving him a whole lot of money or, if I was another team, offering up the kind of player the Jays would insist on to part with him.
And would that player be an outfielder? With Dalton Pompey, Anthony Alford, Dwight Smith Jr., and maybe Harold Ramirez (if he turns his season in Double-A around) candidates to fill an outfield vacancy for the club next season, I'm not sure that's where I'd be looking to add—even though the club's outfield has obviously been a problem here in 2017.
When it comes to these kinds of hypotheticals, I always like to ask fans what sort of player from their own system would they be comfortable giving up to acquire Justin Smoak. Inevitably the answer isn't someone nearly as talented as what they're hoping to get back.
I might give up a Richard Urena to get a guy like Smoak, but I sure as hell wouldn't give up Smoak for a Richard Urena! At least, not unless the Blue Jays are intending to be very bad in 2018, which, despite all sorts of fans who've forgotten what terrible baseball looks like pining for it and saying that would be great, I don't think they intend to be.
That's All-Star Justin Smoak to you. Photo by Kim Klement-USA Today Sports
If Rowdy Tellez wasn't having such a rough year in Buffalo—in more ways than one—maybe the answer would be different, but unless they can sell rather high on Smoak, I figure they'll be quite happy to bet on his production next year for just the $4.125 million that he's owed. He has a 2019 option on his contract as well, which means that if he keeps it up, and the Jays end up in sell mode again next July, they could certainly revisit the idea of moving him. They'd certainly get more if he did.
That contract option, of course, makes his case quite a bit different than that of Bautista in his breakout 2010 season. It's... uh... one of many things that make their cases quite different. Jose was in his age-29 season when he broke out in 2010, and was set to hit free agency for 2012, when he'd have been 31. Smoak is now 30 and if his 2019 option is picked up, his first season under a new contract will be at age 33. And while Smoak has a reputation as a good defensive first baseman—the metrics generally say otherwise, but don't include players' ability to handle throws from other infielders, which is Smoak's calling card—he offers little defensive value compared to Bautista at the same age, who at that point could passably man right field, third base, or first base, and also had spent at least a little time at both second base and in centre.
More importantly, what made Bautista an extension candidate wasn't his impressive numbers at the break—his 143 wRC+ ranked 21st and he produced 2.4 WAR, similar to Smoak's 144 and 2.2 marks—but what he did in the second half: a 192 wRC+ and 4.1 wins, both tops in all of baseball.
Smoak's still got a long way to go. And even if he does do something similar to what Bautista did in the second half, he'll probably also have a bunch of Jays fans who think they're smarter than everybody else insisting that the club would be best to trade him rather than extend him... not that I can recall anybody who might have done that with Jose *COUGH*.
When should the Jays start considering converting Osuna to a starter? Charlie
That's a great question. As I discussed in last week's mailbag, I think this is the right path for the Jays to take with Osuna—especially given the fact that they're due to have a pair of holes in their starting rotation next season (Marco Estrada and Francisco Liriano are free agents, though it wouldn't surprise me at all to see Marco return on a reasonable contract, given his struggles here in his walk year). Maybe that ship has already sailed, but I think that they could certainly still give it a go, especially if they begin the process this season, and start the conversations about it immediately.
Osuna's high water mark for innings pitched in a season is just 74, which he accomplished last year. While those innings are higher stress than innings he'd pitch as a starter, I think the Jays would want to be careful with pushing him too far past that number, but—and I'm just spitballing here—maybe they could get him up over 100, with the thought of moving him to the rotation for the start of 2018, then reining him by moving him to the bullpen later on, and end up getting him to 130 or something, which would get them close to being able to set him loose the next year, and certainly the year after that—which would be his last year under contract, barring any kind of extension. I'd imagine that the club wouldn't jump into this too lightly, especially given the way Aaron Sanchez's innings needed to be managed last season, and what a quagmire that proved to be.
On the other hand, Osuna almost certainly could be a very good starter. He's got the repertoire (aka "repe-twah") and has ended up in the bullpen not because he failed in the rotation, as most relievers do, but out of necessity—and he's stayed there because he's been so ridiculously good. And a valuable starter is simply a better commodity than a valuable reliever. Plus, it maybe also doesn't hurt that switching him to the rotation would cut down on what the Jays will have to pay him in arbitration, which still pays out big for saves, meaning that Osuna has a legitimate chance to be a record-breaker for a reliever if the Jays ultimately choose to go year-to-year with him through that process.
If that's the path they chose—if only to try it out, with a spot in the bullpen always waiting for him if he doesn't succeed—they could get him six starts in September if they're running a five-man rotation. Because he missed some time early on, and hasn't been needed to close out as many games as he did the previous two years, he's behind last year's innings pace. Moving him to the rotation in September would almost certainly leave him shy of 100 for the season, but he'd get close. And maybe Liriano or Estrada are movable in mid-August trades—which seems a little more likely at this point than depending on how well the club plays between now and the July 31 deadline—that would let you, theoretically, get this experiment started a bit early.
By then the club should have a better read on their playoff chances, too. If they remain in the hunt, I think all of this goes entirely out the window. (Not that it's even in the window to begin with! I don't know what the Jays are actually thinking about Osuna's future, but if I had to guess, it's probably not this. Unfortunately.)
If you had to bet for the rest of the season; are the Jays good, medium or bad? David, mayor's office, Vancouver, BC
Well, I cashed out the pre-season bet I made on the Jays winning the World Series a long time ago, if that's the kind of thing you mean. But just because I'm not stupid doesn't mean that I don't recognize that there's a much greater chance of the Blue Jays playing well and making things really interesting down the stretch than a whole lot of pissy burn-it-all-down types want to admit. And I'm certainly not going to validate anybody who wants desperately to hear that they're bad, it's bad, and it's going to be bad. You won't have much trouble finding someone to do that for you—especially since I know all too well that you're on Twitter.
Hey, but just because I won't give you one thing that you want doesn't mean I'm a complete curmudgeon. Here's an article that I think will be right up your alley—really says a lot of the same kinds of things I feel coming from your tweets. Enjoy!
Is this Jays season a Radiohead album or a Coldplay album? @GrubersMullet
Did Hans Gruber have a mullet? I seem to recall there maybe being a little bit of party in the back, but not a whole lot. Still, gotta say I love what I can only assume is a reference to the last thing seen by Harry Ellis—"HANS, BUBBY!"—played by Toronto's own Hart Bochner!
Anyway, my take on this—which almost nobody will agree with, I'm sure—is that the Blue Jays, in general, are more Radiohead than Coldplay... in that they've had the same number of decent albums since the mid 90s (1.5) as the Jays have decent seasons. (The albums are Kid A and Amnesiac—don't @ me). Whereas Coldplay have presumably never had any good albums, though to be sure on that I'd have to actually have ever listened to one, which... pass.
But if I had to bet for the rest of the season if the Jays are Radiohead or Coldplay, I guess I'd have to say Coldplay.
Just wondering how much of the Blue Jays' starting pitching struggles you think have been related to terrible defense? Obviously the injuries have played a role as well, but even Shapiro has acknowledged how bad the defense is. David
I also thought Shapiro mentioning the club's awful defence last week—both to Shi David for a piece at Sportsnet and on Scott MacArthur's radio show—probably deserved a little more attention than it got.
Like the offence, the Blue Jays' defence has left a lot to be desired. Photo by Peter G. Aiken-USA Today Sports
"What is absolutely maybe surprising, somewhat shocking, is that our defence has been as bad as it has," Shapiro told MacArthur. "We went from two years ago having among the best defence in all of Major League Baseball, to definitively having the worst defence this year."
I'm not sure what in the hell metric Shapiro is using to say that the Jays are "definitively" the worst, because none of the publicly available ones quite say that. But it's ugly.
They are 27th in UZR at -16.3 and 28th by DRS at -28. Worst in right field by DRS (-13), 21st by UZR (-4.7); 27th at shortstop by both DRS (-8) and UZR (-5.6); dead last in left field by DRS (-15), 29th by UZR (-10.8).
Even usual bright spots are not quite as bright. Kevin Pillar is in the top 10 in centre, but not a clear cut No.1 one or two. Mostly because of injuries to Josh Donaldson, the club ranks in the middle of the pack at third base. And their pitchers have been below average—a certain change from the days of good defenders like Mark Buehrle and R.A. Dickey.
How much has this contributed to the poor numbers being put up by the Jays' pitchers? Well, obviously it has. The Jays' BABIP against was the lowest in baseball in 2015 at .278, and second lowest to the Cubs last year at .282—this year it's at .306, the sixth-worst mark in the league, and nine points above league average in the AL.
We'd be kidding ourselves, I think, if we were to say that Estrada or Liriano have been undone solely by shoddy defence behind them. It clearly hasn't helped, but there are pitchers for this team who've been outstanding, and ones who have out-pitched their FIP, too. It hasn't ruined everybody, and isn't an excuse for anybody's poor performance, necessarily.
But it's a problem. And a serious one for the club. Especially the numbers at shortstop, where Troy Tulowitzki is signed for big money and multiple years (AVERT YOUR EYES: three more after this one for $58 million total, including the $4 million buyout of his 2021 option). The situations in right and left field stand to be quite different next year (or maybe even next month!), with Bautista a free agent and Steve Pearce being untenable out there (I said all along that, more than anything, he was brought in so he could compete for first base at-bats with Smoak, and hoo boy, has he looked like a first baseman out there in left!). But Tulo? He's not going anywhere. At least... not yet.
The good news is that he's been better than his backup. Tulo's posted a -3 DRS and -1.7 UZR in 457 innings, compared to Goins' disappointing and uncharacteristic -5 and -4.0 in 313. We could try to claim here that Tulo also has the excuse that he's dealt with a hamstring injury that landed him on the DL, and so maybe he stands to get back closer to his standard of play—which even last year was well above average (+10 DRS and +4.9 UZR)—but surely there's been some kind of cumulative effect of all the lower-body injuries he's suffered, and it's probably only a matter of time before the next one hits (unfortunately), so...
I don't know if that really answers your question, but yeah... the defence has been bad, the effect has certainly been felt, but how much or by who is harder to say, and maybe not the point—it could get anybody at any time!
There seems to be a path back to respectability, at least. Uh... in some spots.
Blue Jays Mailbag: Lousy Defense, and Justin Smoak's Future in Toronto published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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thegeekydancer · 7 years
This has been an odd weekend, to say the least.
I went back to my old dance school’s recital which was this weekend, and I was a backstage volunteer and helped out with quick changes for the junior and senior shows. I was there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, from 4-10 pm on Thursday and Friday, and from 2-11 pm on Saturday. It was weird being back, and it made me recall how I felt at my last recital in 2014. I legit spent the day after it had ended just sobbing because I was losing something that was integral to my identity, to my personality, to what made me me. Looking back, it really wasn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of life, but I still miss dancing at that level and I’ve lost a lot of my flexibility and have definitely put on weight from not dancing every single day of my life. But I’m content with where I’m at. Anyways, it was great tot be back and it made me realize how incredible the community at my dance school is. It was like Hogwarts for me, and I know that no matter what, it’ll always be there to welcome me home. I truly cannot express how much my friends from dance mean to me - I connected with them in a way that I didn’t with my school friends, a way that bonds people when you are working together to perform art, doing grueling barre work, or suffering through knee pains or back pains or headaches or dehydration when the AC wasn’t working properly. I’ve never felt quite as at home with a group of people until I joined my sorority, and I think it’s just something about sisterhood that I love so much. Now, back to the point. It was also my old ballet teacher’s 45th year teaching there, and current and past students (myself included) sent in video clips to a brother of one of the girls who put a very sentimental and beautiful video that was shown before the last dance at the show Saturday. I had seen Mrs. Smith cry before, only once, and it was at her 40th year celebration back in 2012 when her current and past students came onstage before the show to present her with 40 roses, each given to her individually by us. I can’t say which celebration was more memorable, but Saturday was incredibly emotional for everyone and I think it was largely because so many of us who participated in the video had not been dancing there for 3 years or more. But it didn’t matter, because this place shaped us into the people that we are now, and we have the incomparable Mrs. Smith to thank for that. So yeah, it was hella emotional, and I loved helping backstage because I got to be with my best friends having dance parties when there were breaks during the show and participating in general nonsense. I also got a couple of free meals out of it. The weirdest part, though, is how I didn’t get emotional at being back. I guess that I was just too happy to be there, surrounded by people that I know will always be there for me no matter what :)
Moving on from there, I went home Saturday night after us FAA alums went to Steak’n’Shake and talked to my dad for a bit before going to bed and sleeping for too long. I love being home, but my old room has the absolute worst venting for when the AC is on and so I put two huge fans in there during my last visit home. Nonetheless, it’s a goddamn sauna in there and my parents got a new bed put in since I moved out that feels too comfortable in a sense. Needless to day, I woke up and I felt absolutely exhausted. I stayed last night too, and I felt the same exact way this morning. It’s like the mattress is too comfy but also stiff in a way? If that makes any sense? I don’t know. But yesterday I felt like I could take a fucking nap at any minute. It was also Father’s Day (duh) and while my dad is a handful sometimes and pressures me to be what he wants me to be (aka he wants me to be kind and respectful and not arrogant or cocky or demanding or too straightforward but at the very same time wants me to be demanding and very straightforward and everything he also doesn’t want me to be?????????????), he’s actually not that terrible now that I’ve moved out. Sometimes I still have a hard time talking to him but it’s usually when he’s stressed and I know that if I give him space for a but he’ll have calmed down and we can talk and laugh and joke and just be father and daughter. I love him the most when we’re like that, him giving me a hard time and being the typical weird nerd dad that he is, unnecessarily obsessing over classic rock and his job and running and working around the house. It was a pretty nice day, and I wasn’t even originally planning on staying last night but I did. My sister even came over after her shift and we spent most of the time drinking, eating (my mom even made brownies!!!), and then we got in the hot tub and drank and ate some more. Plus we tried to count fireflies, which you can never go wrong with.
And now I’m back in the place that I truly consider my home nowadays, aka my apartment. I like having this space where I can relax and unwind, but I’ve been noticing that I’ve been relaxing and unwinding maybe too much. I feel like maybe I’ve been letting my mental health slide and I’ve been feeling too much anxiety and even touches of depression that have kept me inside for too long. And getting out of here for a bit this past weekend has felt really good, but today I just felt exhausted being home in my old room and I know it was because of the heat (I try to keep my apartment really cold bc I always get really warm easily) but it made me think that I’m tired of feeling down in the dumps. I usually suffer through slumps like this, and always find my way out. I mean, tomorrow I’m getting my hair done, I might go kayaking Wednesday, Thursday I’m going to a concert, this weekend I’m heading to Cbus for twenty one pilots, and next weekend I’ll be in Arizona for my sorority’s national convention. I also talked to mom yesterday about my identification with asexuality and she was surprisingly chill about it, said nothing like, “Well, it’s probably because you just haven’t had sex yet,” which is exactly what my sister would say if I were to tell her. But I have an inkling she might intuitively know already. I even talked about my past experiences and it was a pretty mature conversation and I genuinely appreciated every bit of it :)
All in all, I’m still figuring things out. I wish life would let me simply blog on tumblr, make flower crowns, watch Disney and Marvel films, be a dance choreographer and teacher, and learn anatomy and have that be some kind of valid career choice but that’s not life, sadly. I’m currently trying to start shadowing at the local hospital with some potential non-doctor professions, and I’m most interested in physical therapy because, well, that’s what I changed to since dropping pre-med. Anyways, I’m looking forward to what the future has in store and I hope to keep moving forward no matter what (◡‿◡✿)
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