#like i wouldnt feel comfortable getting a music degree and trying to get into music cuz im not some virtuoso
roseband · 6 months
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Megan thee stallion and astrology ⭐️
Credit: @insertlanasong
(Im in no way blaming dv on where the stars were in the sky. the gremlin and all these other male bullies are accountable for their OWN actions)
*Lilith in 1st: I’m not gonna stfu about this placement. When I say men are intimidated by us and we don’t even have to speak. Megan constantly gets told she’s acting like a man and trying to play a man’s game for being openly sexual. These same people lust after her all day long. It should be noted how many men online and in the industry seemed to gang up on her for someone nobody gaf about all like that and who had a history of violence. With Lilith in 1st people are waiting for your downfall and you have to be mindful of who is around and why they’re there. 
*her aqua sun she’s definitely been very giving and she’s been promoting charities for cancer, I think she’s trying to open some hospitals, organized a clean the beach event, and advocated for victims of abuse esp black women.
* Megan has a Leo mars and people have compared her performance energy to Beyoncé who also has a Leo mars. I do enjoy this placements ability to put on a show
*Shes a good representative of Taurus rising women as she can go into multiple spaces. She’s recently visiting the White House and her classy Venusian energy fit in well.
* megan stated in a live that she can’t stay away from Virgos and her ex friend Kelsey was one also Moneybaggyo. She has Virgo in her 5th which could explain her gravitating towards them because of the fun and excitement that house brings.
*Megans bf Pardison has Venus square Lilith (which represents his relationships w women and she’s Lilith prominent) his mars in her 7th/8th house cusp and hella 10th house synastry. She’s known as the hot girl coach and was introduced to the public as looking for a fun time and not taking men seriously. But of course 10th house synastry makes you wanna go to show that person off esp Venus.
*I love Nickis music so barbs pls don’t come for me (idgaf) but nicki has been arguing w herself. She’s a sag sun and Venus so these placements are likely In Megan’s 8th house. People like to debate what the planet person feels but it’s alot of mutual energy. Megan seemed to be a fan of nicki and they seemed to get along. Then something clearly happened and nicki started throwing shot after shot at Megan since 2021. And to this day *in my tiktok voice* nicki is arguing w herself in the public eye coming after Megan HARD. I’ve had an 8th house stellium with this guy and it’s gone very similar it’s a love-hate until it’s straight up hate after a certain point. It’s been weird to see this considering nicki has never so overtly came after somebody this much esp somebody she co-signed and collabed w. And nicki is a sag Venus (aka a bisexual which Megan is as well) so I wouldnt be suprised if this could be a scorned lover situation.
Torey Lanez’s pluto squared Megan’s sun, moon, and mars. His Lilith conjuncts her sun plus his mars in her 1st house. That man was obsessed w her and he already had a clear anger problem that he admitted to during an interview. My cousin has sun square pluto w her bf and he’s very controlling and insecure when it comes to her.
7th house synastry though very comfortable Can also be be open enemies. For ex: Megan thee stallion after that gremlin shot her you had numerous MEN coming to attack her (Of course with Lilith in 1st) . I would like to name three of them. Drake, Joe Budden, and Dababy all Scorpio placements. Megan is a Taurus rising w unconfirmed degrees but I bet she has 7th house synastry w all of them. Drake has Venus, sun, and mercury in Scorpio. Joe Budden has a Scorpio mars and Dababy has a Scorpio Venus. They all came for her at one the most difficult times of her career just to drag her down even more. Drake and Dababy publically lusted after her and Joe budden was drooling in his seat interviewing her prior to his comments about her. Im a late Aries rising and I’ve had issues w many Scorpio placements because they had some underlying issue w me for no reason. Scorpio In the 7th is very difficult because if our enemies don’t know if they wanna harm us or literally f*ck us it’s insane. She even said something similar in a freestyle.
I hope she keeps glowing cause her vulnerability and strength is inspiring🫶🏾🫶🏾
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waterparksdrama · 2 years
regarding this era, idk maybe were all getting concerned for nothing like, it seems to me like despite the mainstream influences (and the complaining due to pressure awsten has aided, which he “works himself to death/takes on every little thing you hand him”) he still really cares about the quality of their stuff. i think he does a lot from a business standpoint these days but at the end of the day he values his art too.
even with people shitting on how forced the new song sounds, i dont think hed put out something he doesn’t genuinely believe in to an extent. i do think hes Playing The Game of the industry a bit heavily, but i sincerely doubt he derive any pleasure or motivation from just pumping out shitty generic song after song so he has to feel like hes being genuine and producing something worthwhile to some degree. a similar lyric to this songs theme came up in easy to hate from fandom, which that album still had tons of creativity and depth. also like his family does still go to their shows sometimes or at least catches wind of what theyre up to so i dont think hes gonna put out anything he wouldnt be comfortable with them even passively knowing/hearing (meaning like this persona can only go so far before theres lines even he isnt gonna cross)
hm i do agree with you anon but i feel like despite his whole hearted belief that he is making the best music he can for the band i think his own deluded ego and yes men along with constantly seeing things from a business lens has affected what he sees and writes now. like he may let himself believe that now, but it’s likely the combination of all those things + the pressure and fear of failing affecting how the music is now and how he’ll try convincing everyone that they’re moving forward for the better - iz
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vanillann · 3 years
Hi! Could I please have a Marvel and Criminal Minds ship please (male)? You give me big vibes that you’d go well with Luke Alvez and Peter Parker btw💖 I’m Veronica, 20, 5’0, super pale, long black hair, green eyes, law student, alternative style, curvy, really into true crime, comics, music, makeup and partying! I’m a Capricorn, infp, Slytherin and I’ve been described as “stand-offish” until I know you then (I hope) I’m funny😂 thank yooouuu✨x
ahhh thank you for my ship, my friend told me that me and luke would be the best crime fighter once so!!!
i ship you with bucky barnes!!
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when he first meet you he kinda like you were “stand-offish” cause he was too
so i liked he could be in a room with you and not HAVE to talk or something
you 100% we’re friends with sam because ITS SAM
and same mention something about a case that went cold
like one that was kinda big but also not
and bucky was kinda amazed at how much you knew
because who wanted to know what much about crimes?
but the way you talked about it didn’t feel like crimes
he 100% made a joke about pleading the 5th when he didn’t want to talk
but you kinda informed him on how that actually works
and steve was about to combust
his best friend who use to get every lady was literally being informed of his rights
so slowly bucky who makes comments when you were in the room instead of sitting in silence
because silence kinda sucks
and you’d slowly start cracking more jokes
and then one day you made a comment about sam and he followed up with something
so then you both just were super super close
you’d show him comics about steve and he found them hilarious
“he never did that! i did!”
and everyone is so happy you both have someone to open up too more now
it’s comforting
and y’all 100% pair together for missions
witty banter always
ugggh i can’t
i ship you with aaron hocthner!
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okay he definitely liked your ambition, like he thought it was so refreshing
and y’all had a really professional relationship until he was trying to do something
and you were like i don’t know i think it’s a bad idea
and he wasn’t really paying attention
and you just held your hand up and was like “ACTUALLY SIR”
and after that he always kinda wanted your opinion
because you were right about the first case and you seem to be right about the rest
penelope found this to be the craziest thing ever because normal hotch wants all filed agents in work attire
but he never mentioned your band tees
also anytime you need to hold off a lawyer for the 72 hour mark, you both jump in because of the law degree
like a negotiation team you both are
you’re one of the few people he smiles with
like it’s shocking to rossi when you made a joke and hotch covered his mouth from laughing
he was so confused
100% do it whenever hotch has to stay late
he always like watching you and reid bounce true crime facts off each other
like he just sit backs and watches
and he’d turn to you and be like “go home, gets so sleep”
please enjoy and send in a ship!!
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mouse507 · 5 years
I Want To Be Your Man Ringo X Reader part 2
Hey, this took a while to upload I'm sorry. I'm in the process of opening a show and dealing with midterms in highschool.
Warnings: some kissy kissy
It was around 5 pm the next day. "Maybe I should get dressed now..." You stood up from your bed, and walked to your closet. You wanted to wear a nicer shirt today. Not to impress Ritchie or anything, but you also didn't want him or his friends to think you were strange.Some mascara wouldnt hurt either you told yourself. Or lipgloss. By the time you finished picking out a nice outfit and putting on makeup it was around 6. You couldn't remember if Ritchie was picking you up at 7 or 8, but it's better to be ready than wrong.
You walked downstairs to grab a drink and and some money. After grabbing a glass of water, you sat down at the kitchen table. Your mom looked up from her coffee and newspaper to look at you. She had a big smile painted on her face, "So, Y/n. who's that boy you hung out with yesterday?" She asked.
"Oh, him. He's new to his neighborhoodd, and I wanted him to feel welcome here. He and I, and maybe some friends, are going to the movies later today. I-if that's alright, I mean," you asked looking down into your glass of water.
"Of course! Just make sure you're home by 10." Mom said.
"Thanks, Mum," you finished your water and
"But no funny business, make sure you stay safe."
"Yes Ma'am "
I waited in the living room until he arrived, it wouldn't be for another hour or so. You read a bit more of the book being read in class, trying to catch up before school started back up. You were touching up your mascara when the door was knocked on.
"Bye Mom I'm leaving!" You yelled from the living room as you grabbed the money from the counter, and shoved it in your pockets.
"Bye sweetie, be safe!" she yelled after me.
"I will!" You stopped to take one more look in the mirror before opening the door.
Ritchie pulled up with his friends and they were jokingly pushing him out of the car to go knock on your door. "Go get the doll then won't you?" said Paul as pulled his collar up around his neck. John lit a match and put it to his cigarette, "Yeah hot shot, go show us this girl you've been talking about. Work your moves," He laughed at their foolishness.
"I will, I will. But promise don't be stupid,"
"Yeah, that'll be hard for 'em," a high pitched blonde girl spoke to him. This was Paul's girl for the evening, her name was Chloe, or Katy, or lilac, something of that manner. Paul sighed and rolled his eyes.
John and Paul had been friends with Ringo for a few years, and usually dragged him around to all kinds of things. Tonight, they were seeing a horror movie, with Paul and his newest lucky lady for the night, and you.
Ritchie walked up to your door, took a breath, and slicked his hair back. He checked himself in the reflection of the glass in your front door, then finally knocked, putting his hands in his pockets. You opened the door and stared up at him, "Hey love, ready to go?" He said. He looked at you up and down. You looked stunning to him, you thought you just looked nice, but to him you were gorgeous.
Your clothes made you seem so bright and lovely, and your hair framed your face so well. Your eyes sparkled from your porch light, and your hands looked so soft and delicate. You thought he looked good aswell, really good. His hair was slicked back, he had a black jacket on, really tight pants, and a smile that was so warm and inviting. You thought he glowed in the dark, and he thought you were a ball of light.
"Yep, ready to go," you broke the silence, it was a nice, comfortable silence though, so you almost felt bad for breaking it. You closed the door behind and walked with him to the car. "Y/n this is John and Paul. And uh, Katy." He said opening the door for you. "It's Lily!" The girl in the back shouted. "Right.. he mumbled. John and Paul waved at you, "Right how are you love," asked John as he started up his car.
"I'm lovely, thanks" you said watching Ritchie open the door for you.
You slid in, and Ritchie cane in after you. John had one of those typical no-roof-black cars. All three of the boys seemed to be your average greasers: black leather jackets, cigarettes, slicked back hair, and a really nice car. You felt out of place, everyone was wearing all black and seemed so, cool. Here you were, wearing something bright and childish.
Ritchie thought you looked lovely as the odd one out. You seemed to be the only one who put any thought into what they were wearing. He appreciated the effort you put in. He started thinking to himself, did you think this was a date? He didn't know if it was or not, he definitely liked you. He learned he liked you ever since you took him around the neighborhood. He likes how you care about things, you make everything seem personal to you.
"So, Y/n, how long have you known Ringo?" Said John.
"Ringo? Ooh Ritchie! Just for a few days. By the way, I really appreciate you letting me come with you guys."
Paul started laughing and mocked you "Ritchie" he said very quietly. John hit him in the arm, "You're welcome Y/n, we don't mind it." You couldn't hear him mock you, but you felt bad that he was laughing at you. Ritchie whispered to you, "Ignore them, they're pricks at first. They wanna see if they can scare you off." Ringo leaned back into the seat and lit a cigarette.
"Thanks," you whispered back at him. The car ride had been so long, that you hadn't noticed Ringo's arm ending up around your shoulders. He felt warm, it made you forget that is was 40 degrees outside and windy. We pulled up the drive in, and you sat up. Ringo moved his arm from around you, and straightened his back up some. Suddenly the silence wasn't comfortable anymore.
You remembered that this wasn't a date, this was just you getting a chance to meet Ritchie's friends. Well Ringo I guess, however that name came about. Ringo threw his cigarette butt on the ground as John pulled into a spot near the back. Ritchie coughed, "I'm gonna go get some snacks, want anything Y/n?"
"Oh, a Coke would be lovely actually," you reached in your pocket and handed Ritchie a dollar.
"Oh don't worry about it, I'll pay for it," he stated pushing your hand back.
"Are you sure? I'll feel bad,"
"Honestly Y/n, it's fine, you don't need to feel bad. I want to pay" he chuckled.
"Fine, but no more, I'll pay for my stuff from now on." You didn't want him buying you your food, this isn't a date. Unless he thought it was a date, then it's definitely a date. But he hasn't said it was date, so you declared that it wasn't.
He laughed "Alright alright, just let me get this," he turned towards the snack booth and walked off. Paul and Lily had left and we're arguing over something. John turned around to you.
"Well, enjoying yourself so far?" He spoke up Turing himself around in his chair.
"Yes actually, thank you for taking me" you said and leaned back against your seat. You were tense from the awkward moment before pulling in.
"So Y/n, I heard you like rock and roll?"
"Um yeah actually, how'd you know that?" You seemed dumbfounded, you only listened to music in your room. And with Ritchie.
"Oh god, Ringo Doesn't shut up about you. Your favorite band, what book you're reading, even what the hell you wear," he turned back around as Ringo came back with a glass bottle of coke for you, and one for him.
'He talked about me' You thought. You smiled to your self and looked at Ringo, "Thanks, 'Ringo'," you said as you opened your bottle.
He chuckled at you, "You're welcome,"
"What kind of movie is this anyway," you asked him.
"Oh eh, one of them scary ones. I hope that's alright, I mean if not we can leave!" He looked at you. He hit him self mentally, he didn't know if you liked scary movies or not. He should've asked you if you wanted to see that kind of movie, before you left with him.
"Oh yeah that's fine! I love scary movies," you smiled and took a sip of your drink. Ringo sighed in relief.
The lights around the drive in began to go out as the screen turned a bright white. You and Ringo sat in the middle of the back seat watching the movie start. Paul and Lily gone to another friends car to go talk for a bit, and ended up staying there to watch the movie.
The intro seemed very long, and it made you begin to really notice your surroundings. Like how cold it was, it was a fairly windy might and it had snowed the night before. You ignored it though, it would go away eventually. Ringo, on the other hand, noticed your shivering.
"Y/n are you ok? You're shivering. Oh, want my jacket?" He asked as he grabbed at his leather jacket.
"Um...yes actually. I'm quite cold." You rubbed your arms to create some heat.
He took his jacket off and wrapped it around you. You curled yourself up in it, and enjoyed howe its warmth. It smelled like him, cigarettes and cologne, and was fuzzy on the inside. Ritchie was left in a tight white T-shirt, that fit his arms very well, and black jeans. He looked, really good. You just wanted to lay in his chest and fall asleep, taking him in. You caught yourself staring," Um Y/n you ok?" He waved his hand in your face.
"Oh yeah, but um... aren't you cold?" You asked pointing at his lack of a jacket.
"No I'll be fine, it's not that cold for me anyways." You focus went back to the movie. The movie itself had a pretty ok story, but it also had you average bad actors and special effects. Once again, you isn't noticed Ringo's arm make its way back around your shoulders. You didn't mind it, it was still cold to you, and you leaned into him to get warmer. He liked your being close to him, he was a bit chilly and you being next to him warmed him a bit. He played with your hair, twirling bits of it in his fingers, he also rubbed his hand on your arm and leaned his head on yours.
"I'll be right back, gonna go get something to eat." said John. He got out of the car and walked away, leaving you and Ritchie in the car by yourself. John noticed how close you two were getting, so he left to get food and hangout with Paul for a bit.
"So, Y/n what do you think of the movie?" Ringo asked you.
"Oh well it's got your basic special effects, and the actors are just god awful. But it's nice nonetheless." You smiled at him. You sat back up, making your hips touch. Ritchie laughed.
"Yeah it's not the best. But I'm glad you're here," he smiled at you. That smile could make you do cartwheels if it asked you to.
You noticed his lips, soft and light pink. You bit your own as looked at him. The two of you had slowly leaned into each other, you could feel his breath on your cheek. His breath was warm, which was a nice contrast to cold aie around you He leaned in and closed the space between you, it was warm, and his lips felt like clouds. You moved your hand to the side of his face, and he put his on your hips.
The kiss was ended quickly, as you pulled back and looked at him. "That was um...nice," you hut yourself mentally, could you not think of anything better to say.
"It was..." You leaned back into him under his arm, and closed your eyes. There was since for a long time, about 20 minutes. The entire time all you thought of was the way his lips felt on yours, and how warm he was. He made you feel light inside, like a ball of fuzz.
Ringo thought about how his lips fit yours, like a puzzle piece. And how cold your hand felt on his VERY hot face. You couldn't see it but he was lit up like a Christmas tree, and your cold hand calmed his blush. He thought you under his arm, wrapped in his jacket made you the most precious thing to him.
"Ritchie?" You spoke up.
"Yeah Y/n?" He looked down at you, and rubbed your arm.
"Is this a date?"
He thought about it, was it? It didn't start out as one, but he guessed it was now.
"Yeah, it's a date."
You smiled to yourself, you worried over nothing. This was your first date and it turned out fantastic. At the end of the movie, John dropped you and Ritchie off in your neighborhood. Ritchie had talked to John to dropped you off ways from your house so he could talk to you a bit before leaving you for the night.
As you walked down the sidewalk, you pulled the jacket close around you. "Thanks Ritchie..." You looked at your feet as you walked.
"What for?"
"For a very nice first date," you looked over at him and stopped in front of your house. "and for walking me home."
He smiled at you, and looked at his feet. "You're welcome...Y/n can I um. Can I kiss you again?"
You chuckled and stepped towards him, "Yes, you may," you leaned in and kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neckas he put both his hands on your hips, pulling you closer. After he pulled back, you leaned your forehead on his, and smiled at him.
"Thanks love... I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Of course," you separated and walked back into your home. It was barely 10, a little past that. You mom was already asleep, so you locked the door and made your way to bed. You were still wearing his jacket, as you laid down in bed you used it like a blanket. Taking in Ritchie's scent, making you feel comfortable and warm.
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school-n-jazz · 5 years
Your Under A-rest!
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Fun fact! The action expressed above by Eddie Redmayne is actually a part of a vocal warm-up and technique. By grabbing your tongue, you are forcing the muscle to drop at the back of your throat; and in turn, releasing tension in your soft-palette. Once you do this action enough, it will become muscle memory to sing with a relaxed throat, and you will strain your vocal cords to a lesser degree.
Boom. One easy vocal technique learned.
(Make sure your hands are clean when you do this one though, lol)
Now as great as puns and vocal techniques are, it is best to apply them after you do a fairly decent warm up - which is probably why you are here in the first place.
Worry not, fellow vocalist! For on this post I will be going over:
6 Things to Include in a Vocal Warm-Up!
Now keep in mind, some of these exercises may seem weird, or make you self-conscious when you do them for the first time. But let me tell you this.
I have been doing them for four years now, and they truly work. Just push aside your doubts and go with them. Have fun with them. So without further ado, let us begin!
Number One: Proper Posture.
Proper posture, without a doubt, is one of the most important things to have when you exert yourself vocally. Having a fully supported diaphragm is key to keeping good vocal health, utilizing your breath to it’s fullest, as well as lessening any back problems you may have in the future. (lol)
Let me explain how you can get, and make sure you have, proper posture.
To start, if you’re standing have your feet shoulder-width apart. Have your shoulders back, but relaxed; and have your chest comfortably lifted to allow air into your diaphragm. We aren’t birds, we don’t puff our chests. Make sure your knees aren’t locked (straight), as this may cause your blood to flow improperly and you may pass out.
Most points mentioned above still apply when you sing while sitting - the feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back, and your chest comfortably lifted - just add into your sitting posture feet flat on the floor and yourself sitting on the edge of your chair, and you’re golden.
To make sure your feet are shoulder width apart, clench your hands into fists. Place your fist together with your thumbs touching, and then place them in the space between your feet. If they fit snugly, then you’re the perfect space apart. If not, adjust yourself.
Number Two: Breathe Support.
Fun fact! Singing is just glorified exhaling; and due to this fact, it is important to learn how to inhale and exhale in a way that utilizes your breath to it’s fullest.
Also breathing is good. You should learn to do it well.
So, I’m going to start by bashing a breathing myth straight in its face. Bouncing bellies does not mean deep breaths. 
I was personally taught in elementary that having my stomach move was a sign of deep breathes. A moving chest was bad, and moving shoulders even worst; So it was a shock when my ninth grade vocal teacher straight up told us to forget that lesson within the first week of school.
Turns out, forcing your chest to be tense and your stomach muscles to work when they shouldn’t causes the diaphragm to have less space to open and close. Wow.
It also turns out that its okay for your chest to somewhat lift, as it is your diaphragm that moves it while your lungs expand it.
As shown in the only good gif found below.
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As gross as you may find it, try to watch the lungs as they expand.
At first, it may seem that the muscle swells in all directions; however, if you continue to watch you may find that it doesn’t. In the beginning the lungs swell out, then you can see that they rapidly expand in the front part of the lung, followed by them flopping up in the back.
Thus your stomach shouldn’t move THAT much, it should only move a little - The muscles are still fairly close to one another after all! Same applies with your upper-chest area.
Make sure when you breathe, your chest doesn’t lift too much, and that it’s your back that expands more. That is proof of a proper deep breath.
To make sure you breath deep, sit up straight. Place your finger on the bottom front part of your ribs, and your thumbs on the back; similarly to how one places their hands on their hips. Now take a deep breath, feeling the air on the tip of your tongue to the back of your throat.
Do you feel your thumbs being moved? That’s your lungs expanding fully. If not, try to adjust how you breathe, and where you feel the air. Once you find the perfect position, just breathe like that for a couple of minutes if you wish to commit this breathing pattern to muscle memory.
Some teachers also consider this breathing a warm-up in itself, as it stretches the diaphragm and lungs.
One last thing before we go onto the other warm-ups. Jolting shoulders mean tense and sudden breaths. Try to avoid it.
Now that the basics have been covered, onto the verbal and physical warm-ups!
Number Three: Shake Down
Fun Fact! This exercise is done by both theater people and vocalist!
The shake down is just that, you shaking out multiple parts of your body. You start with one hand and shake it eight times, then shake down your opposite hand eight times; then your one foot and then your other foot. After that you repeat the process starting at seven; then six; then five and so forth.
Now you may be wondering, why exactly this is considered a vocal warm up you should include? Wouldn’t doing proper stretches be just as effective?
Well, you are partially correct. Stretches are super effective, and great for your posture.
I just haven’t explained the vocal aspect of this exercise - you see, we’ll be giving every number a pitch, and descending from do. The best way to explain it to someone new to music, would be to do this exercise on a piano in the key of C major.
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Shown above are all the notes and solfège (do, re, mi, etc.) associated to each note in a C major scale. What this image does not include however, is that the white key beside ti (the last labeled key) is also a do or C.
Fun fact! C always comes before the two black keys, and the notes in music only includes letters A through G.
As to not complicate things, I’ll assign the pitch (letter) to the number you will be singing in a legend below. Starting from left to right of the labeled keys we have:
Do = C (lower) = 1
Re = D = 2
Mi = E = 3
Fa = F = 4
So = G = 5
La = A = 6
Ti = B = 7
Do = C (higher) = 8
Great! Now I want you to play the high C, and try to sing it to the word eight. Find the note is too high or low? Just go to the C above or below!
Remember! When singing, you should always hold the vowel in a word for as long as you can, and only articulate your final consonants at the very end of the word.
Once you’ve sung eight, sing the B on the word seven; the A on the word six; the G on the word five; the F on the word four; the E on the word three; the D on the word two; the C on the word one.
Done? Congratulations! You just sang what is known as a descending scale. All that’s left for you to do is apply the earlier explained hand-foot shaking pattern to the note-number pattern and boom. You have a vocal shake-down as apposed to a theater shake down,
Note! You will be singing the descending scale four times, as you are shaking out four separate limbs; and you will be starting a note lower each time, as you count down from seven, six, five, and so forth. Also, if you want you can remove the numbers and only sing saying the solfa syllables (do, re, mi, etc).
Number Four: Tongue Twisters
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Now everyone should be familiar with tongue twister, which are just sentences full of similar sounding vowels and consonants. You may remember doing some more commonly known ones such as Peter Piper, or She Saw Sea-Shells when you were younger; but fun and games aside, these sentences help you with deciding on where to put articulations in a word, or how you should spread the vowel shape. I’m going to share with you two that we commonly do in my class - Maybe My Mummy and A Big Black Bug. 
The following tongue twisters go:
Maybe my mummy may go to Miami or maybe my mummy may not.
A big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled blood
Simple, right? lol, maybe not But now that we got the words down, lets get to the notes.
As we previously went over notes in the shake-down warm-up, I’ll be placing the notes on the piano above the words instead of completely typing them out - similarly to how most guitar chord to lyrics guides are. However, I’ll also be adding in timing.
For this to work best, pull up a metronome (on the web if you don’t have one), and set it to be 4/4 time, with a nice 65 BPM. Click play and listen to where the beats fall. Refer to the table below to the timing of each note in connection to the words.
When ever the words or numbers are bold, it means that that word or number lands on a beat.
If there is a dash between the two numbers, it means you hold the word above for that number of counts
The numbers between the beats are what the beats are subdivided into. They are as follows
               -“...1 2 3 2...” mean three syllables fall under one beat
               - “...1 2 2...”  means two syllables fall under one beat
In the case where the count does not start on one, just start from that count and follow the beat to bold pattern given
The final consonants of the final words always go on the end of the last beat
Note! The timing and notes were done on pc, and therefore lines up best on that platform.
I’ll start with the easier one, Maybe My Mummy.
   C   C    C   C      C   C    C   C  C  C C  C  C     C   C      C   C     C     C   
May-be my mum-my may go to Mi-a-mi or may-be my mum-my may not.
1       2    3     2       2    3   3              4          1                   2                    3-4
Yup. The entire thing is one note. Once your done playing that note, you go up to the next note (which in this case is the black key directly beside c), and even remove the metronome are put the BPM to a faster setting.
Note! The distance from one note to the note directly after that is known as a semitone. A whole-tone is made up of two semitones, and a certain pattern of while tones and semitones is used to determine whether a song is major, minor, natural, harmonic, or melodic.
A Big Black Bug is not as easy as Maybe My Mummy, and consists of multiple notes. In C major, it can be sung/played as follows:
  C   C    C       C    C  C   C     E      G     G    G    G    G        G      E       C
  A big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled blood
42    1     2       3    4   2  1      2       3      4     2    1       2       3     4        1
Number Five: Bing
Bing is a super beautiful exercise that focuses or vowel shape, proper breath support, and resonance (the way your notes ring in the air). 
Note! If you’re warming for more classical pieces (opera and musical theater), you generally want to have a very open registers during this exercise. For something for modern such as pop, focus on having a more nasally sound.
Now like Maybe my Mummy, this entire exercise is sung on one note and you ascend in semi-tones; however, that’s where the similarities end.
For this one we start on the by singing the word Bing on a C; then, without taking a breath or leaving a space (unless you’re about to faint), we transition to sing i, e, a, o, u. The pronunciation of each vowel is given below.
i = [ee]
e = [eh]
a = [ah]
o = [oh]
u = [oo]
Now try it out again, this time focusing on one point of the room your in - or on the gif provided bellow.
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Focus on your point of attention. This time when you sing, gently open the back of your throat, and imagine the sound coming from behind you and over your head, going directly at your point. Shoot the sound it towards it. 
Now adjust the way your mouth and throat feels to get a greater ring, and play around withe the placement until you can almost hear the overtones.
But remember! Being resonant doesn’t always mean being loud!
Number: ... Done?
By this point, you should be warmed up nicely enough to do some gentle singing of songs; which will further warm you without other people questioning what’s going on, lol.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and stay tuned for any more I may make!
(also it’s 1am - so peace!)
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cb-143 · 6 years
XENO-T reaction: Their s/o covers their mouth while smiling/laughing because of insecurities
Anon:  Can you please make a reaction when their s/o never really smiles or covers their mouth when they smile/laugh and when the boys ask them why they do that they confess that they're insecure about the gap between their front teeth (with jenissi please) (I hope this isn't too weird or too specific haha and I hope you unterstand what I mean:') )
Thanks again to @kindasouta for l’inspiration :D
He was out in a small café with you. You only had a cup of tea, but he had a latte, with lots of milky foam cream stuff. It looked delicious. You barely took any sips, not wanting anyone to see the gap in your teeth as you felt so insecure.
Sehyuk took a sip of his latte, the foam leaving a white moustache above his upper lip. However, he didn't mind it, and, wanting to make you laugh, he didn't wipe it away, but accompanied that new moustache of his with a goofy smile. You couldn't hold back, but laughed loudly at that, showing off your teeth in the process. It warmed Sehyuk's heart to see you laughing like that, so freely, loudly, and without holding back. He didn't want you to feel insecure, and if he could fix that by appearing like an idiot, then he would do just that.
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He didn't mind if you wanted to hide. Of course, he loved everything about you, and he knew that it wasn't good that you felt insecure, but something like that couldn't be fixed so easily. You were allowed to not be comfortable with something. Still, he'd throw in a compliment every now and then. He'd not only compliment your smile, but everything else he loved about you, whether it was your outfit that day, your hair style, or something you made for him. He was going to take little steps to make you comfortable with yourself and make you appreciate that part of your body as well. He didn't care what other people thought of you, or that gap, he wanted you to like yourself.
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He knew how insecure you felt, but he didn't really have any ideas on how to convince you of the opposite. Still, he tried his best. He suggested taking selfies with you, or of you. It might make you uncomfortable, or you still hide your face, but he means well, he really does. He compliments you, too. One night, you were out camping. You looked at the stars, seeing how pretty they were. “You know about constellations?” You asked him. Hojoon nodded, but looked at you, instead of at the stars. “I think there's.. that belt thing? But there's one missing in the middle.” You pouted, wanting to see it fully. “Just because there's a.. gap in a constellation.. doesn't make it any less beautiful. Makes it more unique though.” He still stared at you. You, realising his metaphor, looked back at him in shock. You blushed, seeing that the real stars weren't up there, but in your boyfriend's eyes. How much you must have hurt him by thinking so badly of you. In Hojoon's eyes, you were so beautiful, much prettier than any constellation could be.
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His solution would be photos. You'd wake up one day, finding a post-it-note on the pillow, right next to your head, reading “What is beauty?” But that was only the first step. You were alone in the house, as Sangdo had to leave early, but everywhere in the house, there were random Polaroid pictures. The first one was on your dresser, the next one on the kitchen door, then one on a window sill, one at the front door, at the TV.. so many pictures. One of them showed a field full of flowers, one of them showed baby kittens, one of them showed a scene at the beach.. the last one you found, that was stuck to the mirror, had the answer to Sangdo's initial question. It was a picture of you, smiling wide, without hiding anything, the gap in your teeth was on full display. Under the picture, on another post-it-note, it read “To me, this is the most beautiful thing”.
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It was an accident, a mixture of his awkwardness, and your clumsiness, that had you laugh in embarrassment. Still a bit insecure, you his your mouth behind your long sleeves. Yooncheol couldn't do anything about it either. He found you so cute, and looked over at you with a crooked smile. He loved you so much, and it always became obvious in the way he looked at you, so much love in his eyes. He laughed at what happened, apologising. He took one of your hands away from your mouth, and you let him, even trusting him enough to take away your second hand as well. He intertwined your fingers, still smiling his cute smile. “I hope you know that I love you, no matter what you might do, or break, or what you look like.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead. “You mean so much to me. You're so beautiful, love.”
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You're his best friend, so at first he'd take offence in you hiding your mouth, just because of that gap. But of course, he'd understand to some degree that you were insecure about it. He knew what it was like to struggle with something, maybe be insecure about it. But he's overcome those things, and accepted himself for it, and he'd make it his mission to make you accept yourself for who you are, and to make you comfortable smiling around him. When you two were alone, he'd try to be funny, pulling silly faces, telling jokes, dancing funnily, anything to try and make you laugh more.
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He knew exactly why you hid your pretty smile, and he didn't like it at all. The next time you laughed at something, and hid your face in your hands, he'd jump on you, attacking you. Screaming out a powerful battle-cry, he'd start to tickle you all over. Luckily for him, you were very ticklish, and started laughing immediately. You tried to reach out to him to hit him, kick him, anything to get him off of him. Your mouth was now free, and Byungjoo saw that pretty face, that pretty smile, that he loved so much! He stopped soon, and leaned down to kiss you gently. He whispered into your ear, to please not hide; he confessed how much he really loved you, and your smile.
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(getting ready to attack;;)
Watching him dance, you felt insecure. He was so good looking, his hair was on point, and his teeth were white, shiny, and they didn't have a gap, like yours did. After the song had ended, Jiho finally realised that you seemed sad, he smiled at you, trying to cheer you up. You weakly smiled back, not showing your teeth, as always. At this, Jiho turned on the music again, walked towards you, and grabbed your hands in his. You didn't had the chance to ask him what he thought he was doing, when he started dancing weirdly with you. Pulling your arms back and forth, leaning you down dramatically, all while singing the lyrics of the song with dorky, cheesy facial expressions. Without any possibilities of hiding it, you started smiling, before finally breaking out in laughter. Jiho was so happy to make you smile; he loved and cherished every moment that he got to see you so happy.
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As someone who thought of himself as the most handsome member, you always felt more insecure around him. He seemingly didn't have any flaws, but he must notice all the flaws you had, right? He has to see the gap in your teeth... and obviously he'd hate it, right? But little did you know, to Sanggyun, you were more beautiful than he could ever be. He didn't tell you enough, he never did. This night, he arranged a date, leaving you a note and a new outfit. He had picked out the clothes for you, bought them. He knew you'd look dashing in anything.
When you finally arrived at the place he told you you'd meet up at, he couldn't help himself but to stare at you. Embarrassed, and thinking you didn't look good enough, you hid your face again. “Hey, no, no. Y/N.” Sanggyun walked up to you, and took your hands in his. He brought them to his mouth, and one by one, pressed little kisses to their backs. “You look so beautiful. You don't know how pretty you are, how much I love you.” He kissed your forehead. “I want to prove it to you tonight. Will you let me?”
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Sangwon would be all pouty if you didnt smile or laugh for him, or if you hid. Hed do the same to you; he wouldnt smile any more either. Hed even go as far as to straight up ignore you sometimes. Of course this would annoy you and make you mad, but it would also show you that something was up, something bothered Yano, and this was his way of telling you that. Once youd ask him about it, hed admit the reason only shyly. He would apologise for his behaviour, but hed also tell you that having a gap in your teeth was in no way related to whether youre pretty or not - at least not to him. Hed want you to change your attitude towards yourself, and he would find a way to help you with that 
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nachobra · 6 years
hey i did nothing productive today loool i needed a day to recharge after bein around a lotta ppl for 2 days. my plan was to finally finish a dk64 speedrun because its like at least a 6 hour time commitment & i never finish bc adhd :shrug: i got about halfway but lost momentum so RIP, some other day....
i really need to like, devote my free time to things that arent playing the same games over & over trying to beat them in one sitting, i need to like, be productive. i wanna draft the next few bitgirl pages. ive been wanting to experiment with watercolors bc i really love them & have just never taken the time to really learn how to use them well. i wanna record music, like start writing songs. im reluctant to start bc idk ive never been able to write lyrics that dont embarass me. but thats just how it goes, yr first attempts at a new art form are gonna suck but if you take the time to develop the skill & keep workin it eventually it sucks less. theres prob a whole tangent i could get on abt feeling self conscious about my voice but w/eeeeee
& yknow i have like new games that ive bought & just havent played yet. like i have the new metroid & a hat in time & i got mario odyssey for crimbus but i dont know why i forgoe (sp?) playing interesting new games in favor of playing something ive played a million times. i guess i just enjoy that moment of just kinda zoning out watching youtube, running through a game, sippin coffee, on a ritalin high & everythings interesting & cool. idk idk idk
2018 i really need to actually think about my future career wise. i cant afford to go back to school (i know loans exist but im not touching that shit) & i only see myself willingly moving back home if i was in dire straits. i need to figure out A) am i dead set on having a job doing artsy stuff or would i be willing to learn how to code & do some of that, B) do either of these fields absolutely 100% require a degree for any job, or can i get a foot in the door by honing my skills & making a good portfolio and C) if its the latter, will i have the dedication to do those things or will i be lazy & play video games & act like things will just fall into place. if its the former, do i take back what i said & move back home or take out loans & go back to school even though i know i wont enjoy a second of it, or do i just work retail indefinitely & hope one day i get lucky & become Internet Famous & can somehow make money & connections that way???
im a little scared for the future, but a lot of things happened this year i never wouldve expected going into it, & all these things happened from me pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and each time its gotten easier. im assuming this post is p incoherent since its like all stream of consciousness but thems the breaks. i guess its just easier to sort through my thoughts when its all in text & im not suddenly jumping from like job decisions to hey isnt the internal numbering of simpsons episodes goofy? i guess im just writing this bc when i try to journal i write so sloppily trying to keep up with my brain that it all becomes illegible. anyway, hey emily in the morning; maybe set some goals for the next year! just a suggestion!
postscript: wouldnt it be fucked up if i just turned this acct into like a normal blog (aka web log) & just wrote about my life. like whomst does that lmaooo
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swampgallows · 7 years
i have been in a stasis for over four months since quitting my job, and before that i was stuck even longer. I sent in for my health insurance so it’s just a matter of being contacted by those assholes to see if i can stay with my HMO despite being unemployed. if i had just been less of a coward and came forth saying “i am going to kill myself on site if i dont leave” and cited that as a reason for my departure i might have been let go or able to be on unemployment or redirected to some kind of support program but from everything i’ve read and heard i’d essentially just end up in the same spot i’m in now with a dose of added shame.
i have to just move forward. my next chapter isn’t as long as i want it to be and i feel like it isn’t moving the story forward as much as i’d like but i have to just cut my losses and move forward. i am struggling with the last of the commissions that i accepted back in april; if it isnt my body giving me trouble then it’s the computer itself or it’s my family obligations or my surroundings etc. i should be better at tuning stuff out by now but i’m not.
playing video games is becoming increasingly difficult. my computer feels too dark and too bright at the same time, and i’m having a lot of other sensory issues as well. my music will be too loud and i can’t hear it at the same time. im generally hard of hearing, like my parents, like i tend to hear background noises louder than i hear things in front of me. i’ll open a video game and it’s hard to even look at it. sometimes i am reading and i forget how. writing is okay but sometimes words stop being words and become shapes. it doesnt make sense to say i am overstimulated because i have had nothing going on and generally no obligations except to walk the dog. but i am paralyzed with shame because i know i am not being productive and any time i try to relax i just dissociate. i need a kind of “active meditation”, if it’s possible, something where i can be  in the moment and alive but also not occupied by all of the thoughts in my head. time is either screaming at me or is deleted. i would like to keep a schedule but i cant. even at my job, reinforced by other people, i couldnt. sometimes i would go into the bathroom and completely detach from everything. i found myself ‘detaching’ even on the job. i would forget where i was and what i was doing and what year it was. i would forget who i was. i wouldnt get to see my friends etc for so long that i would forget they existed, or that i existed among them. 
typical fucking pisces i guess, floating between fiction and reality, between worlds, between life and death. i’m struggling to keep grounded. 
i personally feel i am using tumblr too much but i do not have an ‘exit strategy’. i do not know what to do if i stop using it or if i become disconnected from the internet for too long. i guess i’m technically addicted, but a lot of other factors are involved, as it is with addiction. my environment is shit, my self is shit, i dont have a job to go to. but even when i did and wasnt on tumblr etc its not like i was thinking about ‘when can i get back to tumblr’. maybe im addicted to wow again, i dont know. i think about warcraft a lot. when i had quit and it wasnt in my life anymore i was also experiencing major depressive episodes but it wasnt because of wow. i had broken up w my boyfriend of 3 yrs, i had entered college, i had lost some major friends and was involved in a series of abusive relationships. my curriculum was gutted with the recession and budget cuts so i didnt get that “college experience” everyone had been crowing about since the dawn of time, and i dont think anyone has gotten it since. did not get the degree i was working for, did not get to study abroad, did not progress even close to the amount that i wanted to. 
but maybe i am an agoraphobic. i remember “hanging out” with a bunch of the animation students, eating food with them, and fucking freaking out, just itching and prickling to leave. I knew that i wanted to be “normal”, i wanted to be able to just chill, but i felt like i had to get home, like i was wasting time. but then i would get home and do nothing. i just wanted to get away. people would ask me to hang out all the time and i just wouldnt want to go. i dont know why. i dont know why i felt like i was “wasting time” or felt fearful. im comfortable with very few people and even then i dont necessarily dissociate but im allowed to just be quiet or to listen. i guess with those groups i felt like i had to come in and always be resident funnyman. i got so sick of “haha youre SOOOO FUNNYYY I LOVE YOU” like it’s no wonder so many comedians are actually just mentally ill depressives. it’s sickening to be a fucking clown for people. and i felt like that at my job too, just some novelty, a doll. my WACKY!!! coworker with her green hair and a pet snake!! bizarre!!! all of her outfits look like costumes!!!! like i know im not normal, i know how i look to people, i want to be able to just dress comfortably and align my identity with my comfort zone. if my hair could grow out of my hair green i would sign up for that. i dont dye my hair for attention. i dont think anybody does, really. it’s too much fucking work to do it for other people.
god im fuckign shivering and freaking out just typing this. i have to come back to this later.
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Why Bianca Spender is skipping Australian fashion week
I dont think I can capture everything I want to in a traditional show format, she explains. My runways are never straight.
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Cut from the same cloth ... Bianca Spender (right) with her mother, designer Carla Zampatti. Last year, Spender staged one of the standout shows at Fashion Week, featuring a diagonal series of catwalks that snaked through the crowd. The critics loved it but photographers hated not being able to capture the perfect front-on shot. Over a shared meal of grilled whiting fillets, a dish of fregola with seafood that is like a more chewy risotto, and salads, we discuss the front, back and sides view of fashion, as more people explore fashion through two-dimensional images, often on their smartphones. Spender believes social media, specifically Instagram, has had a huge change on the way people can market ideas. I feel lucky because my clothes are better in movement. When online shopping first came out and everyone was straight front, back, sides, I was like, You dont have any idea how that skirt floats or feels, and I was really struggling with working out how to translate my ideas. Movement is at the core of how Spender designs and produces her clothes, joking that skirts must pass the Martin Place test, named after the notorious wind tunnel in the Sydney CBD. Since becoming a mother to two sons, now aged seven and 10, those tests have expanded to include the carrying the baby test to determine dress lengths (Spender doesnt own a pair of jeans).
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Costume collaborators ... Spender with Sydney Dance Company's Rafael Bonachela.Credit:Louise Kennerley Spenders obsession with movement was put to the ultimate test recently, when she designed the costumes for the Sydney Dance Companys 50th-anniversary production of Cinco, under artistic director Rafael Bonachela. Some of the dance movements were so physical that three costumes ripped during rehearsals, and there were many repairs required. Each [costume] fitting, the scope of movement was amazing and even if I had mimicked it I couldnt mimic what would happen to the costume when it was on [the dancers], she says.
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Fregola, calamari and mussels at Totti's.Credit:Wolter Peeters Spender said the project, even if it has forced her to sacrifice other work this year, was a dream come true for the one-time ballet student. Every family photo from the age of five to 11, I am in my ballet costume. I loved it so much I wouldnt take [my costume] off, she says. I call myself the tortoise. My mum loves running fast and loves winning. Bianca Spender Spender's gazelle-like physique and flowing strawberry blonde hair means she could easily pass as a professional dancer, although she admits age and the way she moves has taken its toll on her body. I only recently realised at the physio when he asked how I move everything is always very extended, I am not holding my core very much," she says while demonstrating how she would pick up a vase off a table, arm outstretched. "I love how everything looks when its long but then you dont protect your body.
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Grilled whiting fillets at Totti's.Credit:Wolter Peeters Spender grew up in Sydney the middle of three children to fashion icon Carla Zampatti and John Spender (her parents separated in 2010). She recalls living in big, spacious houses where classical music was often playing and small talk was non-existent, the family preferring to tackle politics or business at the dinner table, sometimes to the bemusement of Spenders classmates. At school she would demonstrate her eccentric fashion taste on mufti days, but it wasnt until Spender reached adulthood that she truly understood her familys notoriety in Sydney's cultural scene.
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Bianca Spender has formed a reputation at fashion week for her non-linear catwalks.Credit:AAP Only years after I left school and I [reflected on] certain conflicts with certain kids that Id never understood. People would say, Well your mum is Carla Zampatti, and I was just like, Oh.
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The Zampatti-Spender family on the steps of their Sydney home in 1986. Clockwise from left: John Spender, Carla Zampatti, Alex Schuman, Allegra Spender, Bianca Spender. Credit:Ian Charles Cugley/SMH My mum is pretty normal, shes a postwar immigrant. What that means to me is you have to finish all your food, you live in a beautiful house but you understand the value of money. For a pre-teen Spender, that meant school holidays spent working at her mothers inner-city office, doing every job from tea lady to banking clerk. I am the most ridiculous jaywalker because I have been walking around the city since I was eight, Spender jokes. A firsthand apprenticeship in the Carla Zampatti offices, coupled with her familys work and social ethic, meant Spender had quite a feminist upbringing. I never felt the need to answer to a man, dress for a man, or been dependent on a man for anything. They dont have to approve of how I talk, what I wear, what I earn, what I spend my money on. Last year, Spender reached another milestone when she and Zampatti divided their businesses into separate entities, including a new head office in Rushcutters Bay for Spender. The pair are clearly close, often travelling together overseas or to fashion shows in Australia (both brands are carried at David Jones, for example). But when it comes to their work practices, Spender admits they are quite different. Loading I call myself the tortoise. My mum loves running fast and loves winning. She has racing car blood in her family (both Zampattis brothers were race-car drivers) but I am about the journey. Its not that I dont want the end result to look great. You can get a good result and have a terrible journey but that doesnt mean the same to me. I am [about] the long game. Which comes back to Spenders Fashion Week dilemma. She has a big vision of a project involving 10 women who have influenced her, dressing 10 other women, using her carefully archived collections. Its still morphing but she knows it wont be ready by mid-May, when fashion week takes place. I am probably being too ambitious in what I want to achieve out of it. But at least if I am pushing myself to strive for something. I wont do what I expect and Ill find that new form. (A week after our lunch, Spender phones to say she has decided to sit out of Fashion Week and will instead stage a solo, more intimate event in early May.) Recently, Spender has experimented with salon-style showings, where she revels in getting up close with the clothing and the customer. As someone whos more comfortable at a dinner party for 10 than a cocktail function for 300, Spenders aversion to big-production shows is understandable. At least if I am pushing myself to strive for something. I wont do what I expect - and Ill find that new form. Bianca Spender At a big party, my partners wings will get bigger. Whereas if you have me at a dinner party, I am passionate put me around lots of people and they are asking, Whats wrong with you? I am so not a show pony I find shows an incredible creative process but the way you only get eight to 10 minutes to present your world I remember once saying 12 [seconds] to [stylist] Mark Vassallo and he said, No, 12 is way too long. And I said, That dress took 12 weeks to get right and I cant have it on stage for eight seconds. I want to challenge that.
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The bill at Totti's. One point on which Spender and her mother are in lockstep is on the retention of Australian fashion talent (Zampatti funds a scholarship for a UTS graduate to study overseas, with the intention of them returning home). Unlike some of her peers, Spender, who worked in France and Italy in fashion for four years after completing a commerce degree, has resisted aggressively chasing sales or the limelight overseas. We know we [Australia] are leaders in sport compared to our population ... in fashion theres still a, Whats everyone else doing? attitude. New Zealand has a very strong vision for its fashion with a small population but Australia is often very outward looking. We need to find a bit more confidence in ourselves and our own vision and our own style. Our need to be revered by overseas comes from our lack of supporting ourselves and our culture Whenever [a journalist] writes on a designer, its X is stocked on [e-tailer] Net-a-Porter. Do they need to be stocked there for you to love them? A lot of people go bankrupt trying to catch the overseas dollar. I am focused on building my Australianmarket. If my international market comes quicker, great, but I am not running after it. I dont need it to prove to myself that what I do is unique and has a strong vision. THE BILL, PLEASE Totti's 283 Bondi Road, Bondi 02 9114 7371 Open: Mon-Sat 11.30am-10pm, Sun 11.30am-9pm Melissa Singer is National Fashion Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Most Viewed in Lifestyle Loading https://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/fashion/why-bianca-spender-is-skipping-australian-fashion-week-20190410-p51csm.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_lifestyle
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pikapepikachuu · 5 years
How Josh Wakely landed the Beatles, Dylan, Motown and more
Could I please have a knife and fork, he asks the waiter as we take our seats in Mr Wong, a bustling, upscale modern Chinese restaurant in a converted warehouse in Sydneys CBD. Even as the words are leaving his lips, he knows theres a good chance theyll end up in print. I knew the risk I was taking, he says. He pulled the same stunt on his first date with the woman who was to become his wife. Shes a human rights lawyer and I was a semi-employed screenwriter and I went for the knife and fork. And how did it turn out? I got a second date, but it still burns her, he says. At least it wasnt a spoon. Wakely is quite happy to tell stories against himself. Hes proud of what he has achieved that his success allows him to order the spectacularly good salt-and-pepper Balmain bugs at this restaurant whenever hes in town, for instance and he has ambitions to achieve a lot more. But as a boy from Newcastle, he also knows it doesnt do to get ideas too far above your station. His parents were, comparatively speaking, quite posh his mother was a social worker, his father a teacher but the town in which he was raised was dominated in every sense by the steel plant, at least until it closed in 2000. Everyone was employed in BHP and then everyone wasnt, he says. It was a very working-class world and thats still the world I feel most comfortable in. And yet the one thing I could do was write, though I didnt really know what to do with that.
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The salt and pepper Balmain bugs are a highlight.Credit:Louise Kennerley He lasted just five weeks in an arts-law degree at Newcastle Uni his brush with torts was cut short when he rocked up to class dripping from the surf, only to have his tutor tell him, I dont think youll be a lawyer before decamping to Sydney with dreams of making it as a writer. Some good reviews for his 2002 play Woomera in which he also starred as a young detention-centre guard helped earn him a place at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, even though acting wasnt his primary interest. So I rang up the head of WAAPA and said, Ill come to your drama school, but I want to be a writer and director, he recalls, laughing at his own chutzpah. He says Im the only person whos ever rung up and negotiated. The tyro writer did all the acting and dancing expected of him even though he wasnt particularly good at it. Then he would go home and write for four or five hours, every night. By the time he left he had enough work under his belt to convince a series of producers to pay him to write screenplays none of which ever made it to production, he says, because they were just too ambitious for Australian budgets.
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Beat Bugs marries the songs of the Beatles with computer-animated critters.Credit:Netflix Thats why his credits pre-Netflix are, to put it mildly, rather thin. But if he was guilty of thinking too big back then, Wakely has zero regrets. There is great power in being wildly naive, he says. Unquestionably, though, his most pie-in-the-sky idea was to go after the rights to the Beatles catalogue with an eye to turning their songs into an animated childrens series.
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The bill, pleaseCredit:Karl Quinn Beat Bugs has recently produced its third season for Netflix, won him a screenwriting Emmy, and spawned three albums of Beatles covers by the likes of Sia, Pink, Rod Stewart and The Shins. Next year, a live version is set for an 80-city tour of the US and Canada. It's fair to say it's been a hit. But for a long time after Wakely and his wife moved to Los Angeles about a decade ago, it was just another wildly ambitious plan seemingly destined to go nowhere. One day, Wakelys worried father-in-law, visiting from Australia, tapped on the door of the garage where he wrote and asked what his back-up plan was if he didnt manage to land the Beatles rights. Ive got a good idea for Bob Dylan, came the reply. His father-in-law closed the door, shook his head in despair and walked away. Now I look back on it, he was the sane one, Wakely says. I was insane. When he finally got a chance to put his idea to Sony/ATV, which holds the publishing rights, Wakely rocked up with a demo recorded for $200 by his old mate Daniel Johns in one hand and a pitch document hed put together at a local printing shop in the other. The meeting didnt go well. For some reason, he was made to stand on a cushion, and its very hard to keep your status on a cushion. Then one of the executives fell asleep while Wakely was talking. Worst of all, when he hit play on the stereo it didnt work. And I just remember thinking, I am f---ed. It could have been a fatal blow, but as I left one of the guys there said, Hello, Goodbye would be a good song for children. That was enough. For Sony/ATV, the appeal of Beat Bugs lay in exposing the music to a generation that might otherwise never hear it. It refreshes their catalogues, it keeps them pertinent and present, Wakely says. If you refresh it, it stays in the culture. Presumably there was the small matter of a significant sum being handed over too? To be clear, I think the Beatles were fine without me, he says. I dont think it was ever about the cash. They made the cash long ago. Once he had the rights, everyone wanted to talk to Josh Wakely. In the weeks after, it was all expensive cars coming to take me to meetings at Disney and Dreamworks, he says. But while being feted was nice, he realised that if he signed with one of the majors hed get the bungalow and the credit but he wouldnt be making the show himself. So instead he went with Netflix and the Seven Network in Australia. I came back to Sydney to set up an animation company, which was its own epic journey. It was as hard, really, as securing the Beatles rights. Wakely is a restless spirit, though, and long before the first season was in the can he was onto the next thing. I kept saying to them, You know when I get the Beatles rights then Ill ask for Motown, because that will be electrifying for children. They just thought that was part of my stand-up act. And then Beat Bugs had success and I went back and reminded them. [embedded content] He landed the Dylan catalogue too he even spent a couple of hours in the presence of the great man, an experience he describes as sacred and Universal has given him access to its entire repertoire as he looks for ways to tell stories about the songs, or the stories behind the songs. Because that, really, is his thing. For now at least. When he got the go-ahead to do Beat Bugs, he says, Id never directed a frame of animation and Id only written one childrens script. But I get how music works with storytelling and I took a lot of confidence out of that. Now his slate also includes projects with Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, and a project called 27, based on the mythical age at which so many rock stars have died. What if one of them survived, and you get this alternative history, he says. You can watch it linear or you can watch it interactive.
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The dining room in this converted warehouse is buzzing.Credit:Louise Kennerley Despite his success with Beat Bugs and Motown Magic, Wakelys main interest is in adult-oriented drama and comedy. He wants his company, Grace, to develop into a fully fledged production house, ideally based in Australia. The creative talent is here, he says. Its just a question of whether the resources and infrastructure are here and if youd get the blessing [from the studios in LA] to do it here. Theres no knowing how much of this he will be able to bring to fruition, of course. But on the evidence to date, youd be mad to rule out the possibility that he might just pull it off. At any rate, all he can do is ask for the chance to try. The odd power I take into those rooms is a sense that I shouldnt be there anyway, the kid from Newcastle says. So what have I got to lose? Follow the author on Facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on twitter @karlkwin Karl is a senior entertainment writer at The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. Most Viewed in Entertainment Loading https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/how-josh-wakely-landed-the-beatles-dylan-motown-and-more-20190408-p51c3z.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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Joe & Ronnie
Toe dip
Joe: I'm back in town, you about? Ronnie: Bored of playing with yourself or just playing happy families, yeah? Ronnie: Fuck off Mckenna Joe: S'not an answer, is it Ron? Ronnie: mummy dearest ain't funding my jetsetting Ronnie: there's your answer Joe: Nor mine Joe: Thank you student loans Joe: Are you coming over? Or we playing hide and seek? Ronnie: snap your fingers at me again and see what happens to 'em Ronnie: fuck off you're better at that like Joe: Not like I wanted to Joe: Needs must Joe: Which is what I'm saying, obviously I'm good for it, not like I think you missed me or anything Ronnie: bullshit. you love it golden boy Ronnie: if you didn't wanna be there you'd have been here Joe: Love it so much I moved countries to breathe Joe: Love it so much I found you Joe: It ain't that simple, I can't get out their clutches that easy Ronnie: 'cause you're a sadist. just pay for some bitch to whip you or some shit like normal pervs who love the torture Ronnie: don't come crying to me about it Joe: Ain't like that either Joe: always got by on self-inflected tah Joe: you know I need you Ronnie: liar Ronnie: you need them Ronnie: and to fuck me as a fuck you to them Ronnie: it ain't about me Joe: no Joe: i HAVE them Joe: obligation Joe: and if that were it i'd have done it once and rubbed her nose in it Joe: more than sufficient to fuck her up, no? Joe: who knows if they'd even flinch, my brother and bea are basically married and that was family endorsed Joe: i'm fucked up, that's why i want you so bad, its as simple as that, you've always known that Ronnie: like i give a shit Ronnie: you ain't found any the bastards your da's bound to have dropped Ronnie: makes me the lucky one Ronnie: keep your crying that side of the plane ride, yeah? Ronnie: I'm not here to comfort you Joe: if you like Joe: even if they existed, doesn't mean they're gonna be the same as me Joe: more carbon copies of him, like the rest of 'em Joe: i don't want you to Joe: already got that covered, remember? Ronnie: i ain't the same as you Ronnie: different species baby Ronnie: you got everything and I got fuck all, remember? Joe: yet we still both ended up here Joe: its in our DNA Joe: both her parents were junkies Joe: rest is just circumstance Ronnie: Fuck you I make my own choices Ronnie: and it's not that deep Ronnie: It feels good, I do it Ronnie: blame her all you like but don't expect me to join the party Ronnie: nothing any of you do affects me, got it? Joe: You're old enough to know better than to give such a baby junkie cliche answer Joe: giving to charity and going for a daily constitutional 'feels good' too so I hear but I don't see you out there seizing life by the balls on those scores Joe: There are reasons we chose heroin over life, wanna rewatch seeing as you're feeling really basic about it today, like Ronnie: what i know is that nothing feels like heroin does, soft lad Ronnie: end of Joe: and there's reasons you know that by experience and not hearsay Joe: everyone knows that but everyone else is too content in their happy little lives to find out properly for themselves Ronnie: nobody's that content they're just that pussy Ronnie: scared they'll lose an arm or get riddled and whatever else they've seen on their tv Joe: Whatever Joe: same sin different name Joe: i'm not in your inbox to philosophize Joe: Someone got #deep in my absence Ronnie: take it to church Ronnie: a priest'll be happy to suck you off Ronnie: if you don't like what happens when you go stop leaving Joe: ha, i'm not that young, you know? Joe: my prime is behind me Joe: want me to be the cliche now Joe: say never again? Joe: 'cos I wish it could be true but you know, no broken promises Ronnie: just a crybaby, yeah? I know Ronnie: I don't want to hear any of your bullshit Ronnie: grow a pair mckenna Joe: then stop talking Ronnie: step up and make me Ronnie: you know where i am Joe: are the others about Joe: charlie, mainly Joe: i can't be bothered to be fake to or for my fam for another second and you know he loves them Ronnie: that cunt's down the job centre he'll be longer than I can stand you Joe: just mad 'cos your six-month ban is still in effect Joe: just come over ron Joe: please Joe: i don't want to risk seeing anyone else, i only wanna see you Ronnie: you begging now? Ronnie: that's why you gotta stay away from that lot Joe: thought i'd try it this way before going straight to kidnap Joe: gotta give a lady options Ronnie: try scoring you owe me Joe: done Joe: wait 'til i'm past security don't fancy the cavity search Ronnie: don't knock it 'til you've tried it Ronnie: they might take the gear but they'll show you a good time Joe: of course you'd endorse it, already know you're all about them good feelings Joe: like i said, only got time for you Joe: hopeless romantic Ronnie: hopeless twat Ronnie: trying to make me vom again like Joe: can't blame a boy for trying Joe: get you off your A game=more junk for me Ronnie: still a selfish bellend then Joe: 'Course Joe: you'd never do the same, like Ronnie: if i had gear or money for it i wouldnt be wasting my time on you and this convo Joe: N'awwh Joe: nice to be needed Ronnie: you can try begging for it again Ronnie: worked so well before Joe: knew you loved it really Joe: pretty please with smack on top, hey Ronnie: fuck off Joe: so soon? Joe: just landed baby Ronnie: you left me for dead baby im not gonna wait there rattling a sign Joe: don't Joe: i gave you money, and told you to ask for more if you ran out Joe: what more could i do? Ronnie: not fucking choose them over me Joe: i didn't, haven't, won't Joe: no choice involved, until i literally fucking off myself i have to keep them in the loop i'm still breathing, they won't be satisfied 'til then, like Ronnie: you don't care if that I ain't. good thing the dealers a better fuck and provider than you 'cause my pain's nothing for theirs Ronnie: all such fucking momma's boys Joe: bullshit Joe: you get me every other day of the year Joe: whenever you want me Joe: it was one weekend to show i've got a heartbeat and bounce, that's all it is to me, i don't care if it makes them feel better, just secondary Joe: i'm thinking about you and how you are the whole time Joe: i can't think about nothing else Ronnie: bullshit Ronnie: you're never around Ronnie: uni and orchestra and whatever the fuck else Ronnie: stop acting like you give a shit Joe: gotta get money somehow and music keeps me as sane as i've ever been, it's all i had before i had you so I'm not just going to drop it, 'cos you get that too Joe: you just want to be proved right but you're not Joe: you can't push me away and shut me out Joe: sorry about it Ronnie: you're the one who's wrong about everything Ronnie: trying to make this something this ain't Ronnie: a fucking love story or some shit Ronnie: I hate you and I'm not sorry about it Joe: understandable Joe: not the only one Joe: you rather it was a sob story? Joe: don't think so Ronnie: I don't want any story I just want you to get the fucking picture Joe: i'm not very visual, sorry Joe: pick up a guitar Ronnie: You'd love that. a love song. get fucked Joe: looks like you're stuck then Joe: you think you'd try harder if you hated me THAT much Joe: hmm Ronnie: you're the try hard that ain't me Joe: glad you think so Joe: it takes all of me to be this subpar Ronnie: Shut up and get to your place I need my hit Joe: in the taxi Joe: pray you've been good enough to warrant no traffic Ronnie: you sound like your catholic dad Ronnie: is that meant to turn me on? Joe: rather it didn't frankly Joe: but that'd just give you reason to say it did so Joe: you do you Ronnie: sick fuck Joe: no arguments here Ronnie: I'm gonna kick the door in if you're not here in 5 Ronnie: your neighbours are nosey cunts Joe: did you lose your key again? Joe: they're mostly students...so they're either green and wouldn't say boo to a goose let alone you, or stoned enough themselves not to care Ronnie: fuck's sake Joe: kick the door down if you wanna, love keeping the locksmiths in business, you Joe: lost that deposit months ago anyway Ronnie: moneybags mckenna Ronnie: should've done uni like Joe: not to late, job centre will pay for it Joe: good on their books, good on your wallet Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: can't get a degree in dope Joe: nah, but you can get a degree in almost everything else Joe: music, whatever Ronnie: prodigy privilege Joe: you don't have to be 'good' Joe: you are anyway Joe: just a thought Joe: not working on commission here Ronnie: I know like 3 chords you daft cunt Ronnie: flattery is fucking useless Joe: they teach you most of it, half my class couldn't play a triangle, you could do theory or producing anyway or set design...list goes on Joe: i'm not aiming for flattery, just how i feel Ronnie: there's easier ways to fulfil your schoolgirl fantasy Ronnie: keep your feelings to yourself Joe: sure, you offering? Ronnie: yeah if you beg me Joe: won't even stop to say hello dearest Ronnie: fuck it then why not Joe: hooray Joe: missed you Ronnie: prove it Joe: on it
0 notes
submissivedjberry · 4 years
Final Project
Tagging: DJ Berry & Kirin Rhodes ( @kirinrhodes )
Date: August 3, 2020
Location: Breadstix
Summary: Final Project
DJ hadn't been sure what to expect about getting paired with Kirin. She knew virtually nothing about him as a Dominant and so the questions reflecting those things had not gotten the greatest responses. The only reason she knew his age and birthday were because she just happened to be rooming with his sister; so she was looking forward to working out some of the right answers throughout their conversation that evening. Waiting at the front gate, she bit down on her bottom lip. She was a tad nervous about the paparazzi, but she would simply focus on the task that needed to be completed and hope that would help.
Kirin took care to pick out very mundane clothing, well, as mundane as he owned. For good measure he slipped a rather plain hoodie on and then some sunglasses and a baseball cap. But looking in the mirror he couldn't' stand the sight of himself in a cap and tossed it aside. "You can do this," he said to himself, nervous of what the paparazzi would make of this outing. He put on his mask of a face and met with DJ. "Hello," he said, looking her over. She seemed presentable enough. "I apologize that this night could be interrupted and that I have to preface it at all ,but I am going to insist that if someone comes up asking questions or wanting pictures that you do not comment what so ever. Even if they provoke you. Can you agree to that?"
"Hello, Sir. I hope that you've managed to have a good day today. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me so early in the month." The submissive offered, a kind smile forming on her face. She hadn't worn anything particularly fancy, but also hadn't chosen her comfiest pair of sweat pants either. "Yes, Sir. I can agree to that. I won't make any comments to anyone asking any questions or anyone wanting photos. You have my word." DJ assured him. She didn't really want to talk or have pictures taken with people that she didn't know anyway and so that worked out well in her opinion.
Kirin looked her over again, trying to make sure there was nothing that would draw attention negatively or in any other way. After a long moment, he nodded and went for the door. "Good. Thank you," he said again, very stiff. As they walked towards the parking lot he considered just walking into town, but decided that a car would be idea for a speedy get away should they need it. He hit the fob and his way-too-fancy-for-Lima-car beeped. The doors opened automatically for them. "I'm not sure I'm entirely clear on what we're supposed to be talking about," he admitted as they drove the short trip to down town.
"You're welcome, Sir." DJ expressed, not wanting to say or do anything that would frustrate him more than he already appeared to be. Her eyes widened at the sight of the car that they would be driving in, but she didn't comment, simply slipping inside. "From what I've read, I think we're supposed to just be getting to know one another. So that at the end of thing, we can answer the questions better than we answered them the first time around. I don't know if they intend for us to get it all correct...but at least have a better idea." She mused, glancing over at the Dominant as she spoke.
Kirin had read the directions but with how distracting his life had been he hadn't really felt them sink in. "That makes more sense actually, thank you. Well, ahem, I guess we should get to it then. Where do you come from?"
"I'm from Brooklyn, New York, Sir. Born and raised. Followed my brother here after I finished my business degree. While my family isn't rich, this small town was definitely a bit of a culture shock when I first arrived. Still getting used to if in some respects, but I like it. Where are you from?" DJ questioned, feeling a bit more comfortable in the moment. Easy questions were smart to start with.
New York was a respectable place to be from, in his opinion and he was quite surprised to learn she had a business degree. "Interesting. And do you intend to open a small business," he asked,always interested in what other people did with their busines ventures. "I'm from Texas, though we traveled a lot for different events and whatnot. I've spent time in New York, lovely place. My sister loves it there, but then again, there's shopping and people to dote on her, so why wouldnt' she?"
"I'm honestly not quite sure. I think that would depend on where I go and what my requirements from my Dominant are." She mused, thinking about the small plans that she had Jo had started talking about if things between them continued to work out the way that they had been. And she sincerely hoped that they did. "I'd at least like to help run some sort of business. Whether that's opening my own or helping one already established remains to be seen." She listened to the words spoken from Kirin and smiled. "It is a wonderful place. Where was your favorite place to travel?"
"Oh yes of course. It's rather hard for a submissive to actually own any business. But there have been some that co-own with thier Doms and do alright. But no particular passion towards a product or service yet? Not that passion is neccessary. I certainly don't have a passion, per se, for paper prodcuts," he chuckled. "I'm not dreaming of new napkin designs in my spare time." He considered her question as he pulled into a parking spot down town and peered out the windshield, looking for anyone with a camera. It seemed clear for now. "I've travled many places, but oddly enough, the camp we went to last year for a school outing was one of my more fond memories. Despite the fact that we were all convinced we were being stalked by a mass murderer."
"Not really. For a long time I thought I would find myself in production for plays, but life led me here instead. Though as of recent...running a hotel has sounded pretty good to me." DJ said honestly, while keeping any mention of Jo out of the equation right now. "You were convinced of what? How in the world did that happen?" DJ questioned, her eyes wide at the thought of something like that happened. She enjoyed horror movies, but she wasn't sure how much she would enjoy feeling like she was in one. "I'm glad you liked the place but that sounds like a nightmare."
"A stable business with opportunities to move up, and improve status. Hotels are a good investment. A solid choice," he agreed, impressed all the more with the sub. "Oh it was another little trick of Miss Sylvester. The camp was lovely, but apparently was the camp from those horror movies? The Friday the 13th ones,I believe. In the middle of the night all the doors locked and alarms went off. People were banging on the windows and basically terrifying us all. Outside of that, however, it was a very freeing and relaxing vacation. I met a man who I fell in love with, and even had sex with a sub I barely knew in public. I was rather a bit more adventurous when I first arrived. Now...it feels a bit like I'm some kind of rat in a cage," he sighed as they walked down the block to the restaurant. The host greeted them and led them to a table, but Kirin caught the host eyeing someone sitting alone at a booth and he worried it was a papparazzi. "Do you have something a bit more private?" he asked, but the host only shook his head and explained that this table was the best he could do. Kirin sat so he could watch the man in the booth. "Did you travel often?"
She wasn't quite sure that the hotel that she was planning to help out with would create any situations of expansion, but that's not really what she was looking for anyway. In any case, Kirin seemed somewhat impressed and that would hopefully make for a better conversation and a better outcome when she had to answer the questions the next time around. "Oh wow. That's...some of the stories I hear about this place make me a little bit worried to be here. Not that I'm sure that any other institute would be any better at not horrifying their students." DJ mused slightly biting down on her bottom lip. "But that certainly makes sense, Sir. The freedom of no one watching you and if they do come across you, not having stakes in what they say or do." She mused softly, having received the email asking for pictures of the family. She claimed the seat that Kirin didn't take but shook her head in response. "No, Sir. Mostly spent a lot of time watcing Broadway shows."
Kirin chuckled. “Well, I do think Ms. Sylvester is one of the more ‘creative’ headmasters but yes, every institute has their one brands of torture.” He settled into his seat and looked around once more to make sure the coast was clear. “Yes... precisely. I had rather hoped that coming to the middle of nowhere America would make for an easy disappearance from the headlines, but it seems the media are ruthless and have an undying interest in the most mundane and ridiculous things. I honestly have no idea why they care about me or my life. I’m quite boring.” The waitress approached just as DJ answered and he tucked away the broadway knowledge for the future. “Waters please, and two menus,” he told the server who provided both and left. “Anything you’d like,” he said, gesturing to the menu. “Don’t be shy about price, I assure you I can afford anything here, and I will pick up the bill, obviously.” He perused the menu but kept glancing up every time a new table was seated. “So.. Broadway? A big fan of musicals then?”
"From what I've seen and heard about her, I think that you are probably right about her uniqueness." She said with a soft shake of her head. "People seem to find enjoyment in the weirdest of things. And unfortunately do not seem to care about how that effects the object of their interest. I'm sorry you are forced to deal with things like this." The submissive said honestly. "Thank you, that's very kind of you, Sir. I appreciate it a lot." DJ expressed honestly as she perused the menu. "Definitely a big fan of musicals, Sir! I feel like it's in my blood honestly. My fathers love musical theater and so do my siblings as well. Though they both prefer to be on stage rather than producing the show. That's more my thing. I've lost count of the amount of shows that we've seen. Do you like musicals?"
“Yes well wait until she gets a chance to punish us all again. Her creativity really shines through,” he said with heavy sarcasm in his voice. “No. They do not. Do you speak from experience?” He perused the menu and decided on pasta before setting it aside. “Oh? We’re they in anything I’d know? No, musicals are not ‘my thing’ but I’ve been to a few shows. Cats when I was young and Wicked, although we were thrown out half way threw so I’m not sure if that counts. Why haven’t you considered a career in production then?”
"Not really from experience. But you sort of see things when you live in New York. Or you know...all the tabloids and stuff are hard to miss, so it's clear that they'll look for any bit of information they can get." DJ mused, biting down on her bottom lip. "No, no...they haven't been on Broadway yet, but they've been in school production and just other random things. Broadway is the goal though. Especially for Rachel." She hummed when he said that he wasn't big into musicals, knowing it wasn't for everyone. "It's always been something that I've mostly done in order to spend time with my siblings and then grew to be something that I enjoyed as a pass time. But I don't see me going back to New York to live after graduating from her...at least not if things go the way I'm hoping they do, Sir. And so I'm quite happy with the business degree I got before coming here...it'll help a lot." DJ expressed with a smile.
"Ah I see, yes. It does pain me to see others go through what I struggle with. I'm surprised to hear that someone out of the spotlight has that kind of empathy. I tend to think of everyone who doesn't deal with it as one singular entity who enjoy the gossip and don't understand that cost of their entertainment. I suppose that's something I should reconsider." The waitress returned and they both placed their orders and thanked her for their drinks. "I see...so where would you like to live? Or are you keeping options open depending on your dominant?"
"I try to have empathy for others. Might not always succeed...but I try." DJ mused softly. "Just keeping my options open. Where I go doesn't really matter right now. I have no specific wants about where I live. Right now I do enjoy the idea of moving to Alabama." She breathed out slowly with a shrug as she took a sip of her drink. "Where do you think you would like to live, Sir?"
Kirin frowned, “Alabama?! Why there,” he asked with obvious distaste. “You seem classier than that.” He sighed a little but tried to keep a pleasant smile. “I’ll be moving back to Texas. That’s where my fathers company is based, so I don’t have a choice, as I’m to take it over so he can retire. I was supposed to be graduated by now, but, well, I’m not.”
"The place has more to do with the person I would be going there for, Sir. And less about the actual place." DJ explained honestly, being a bit morw open. "I see. Are you excited to go back to Texas, Sir?" It seemed more like he was playing a part that he was told to play, but she could be wrong.
“Ah so you like an Alabamian then? Is it one of the Lynn’s?” They were the only Alabamians he could think of. “Not particularly. I don’t enjoy the weather or the people there. I’d much rather be in Paris or somewhere with some class and decent art. Art is Texas is about how big or bright something can be, and not my tastes at all.”
“Not a Lynn, Sir. A Fabray." DJ explained, unashamed of the person that she liked and wanted to continue with. She nodded her head slightly when Kirin explained his thoughts on things, biting on her lip. "Well, I hope you find something about it that you can connect to." She paused. "Are you comfortable with you mark, Sir?"
"Ah yes. They grew up together, I believe. I always found it a bit odd to think about Nate and Ryan knowing each other since they were small and now being in a sexual relationship." He wasn't being completely honest. He didn't mind Texas itself that much, but the idea of going back there and having to live the life his father laid out for him, made the entire place miserable sounding. "Yes, well hopefully Hunter will be there and anywhere he is is more comfortable." He smiled as he spoke of Hunter and she could see softness behind his stoic facade. "I ...It's better than the other choices. I don't particularily want a claim at all. I do believe in the systems merits, but for me, personally, I don't enjoy the idea of being connected to someone for the rest of my life in that way. I'd be happy with a husband. What about you?"
"They did. And they seem to be doing well. Not that I know either of them too well." She couldn't help but smile when the Dominant spoke about Hunter. She hadn't spoken to Hunter at all, but the look on Kirin's face made her feel like there was something special for him. "Well I hope that things with Hunter work out if that's what you'd like, Sir." DJ said honestly, she really hoped everyone found someone that they fit with. "I feel pretty comfortable. Sometimes I find it difficult to keep my mouth shut, but I haven't been punished yet, so I guess you could say I'm doing pretty well." She paused. "And as long as I find a Dominant I fit with, I know I could be really happy."
Kirin simply nodded along. He was glad this wasn't as tortours as he'd invisioned it, but he wasn't sure he was getting information he was going to need. "I'm going to steer our conversation toward kink, if you don't mind. As we'll have to know this to fulfil our questionaire. I'm a sadist at heart, but I also enjoy denial, teasing and humiliation. I had quite a bit of fun humiliating that new Shea boy, who thinks he's a girl. What about you?"
"Of course, Sir! I don't mind that at all. I've enjoyed getting to know things about you, but it is important that we get to the point of this whole get together." She took note of the things that he expressed, already feeling a scene for him coming to her. She would have to write it down as soon as she got home so that she didn't forget. "That sounds very enjoyable, Sir. In the time that I've been here I've taken a real liking to bondage and impact. And recently I've realized that the idea of being fucked by more than one person is extremely enticing."
Kirin was happy to get down to business. "Ah the classics," he said approvingly. "I feel like bondage and impact are crucial to a proper D/s relationship. Of course, what do I know, I didn't even want a submissive," he chuckled. "Have you had a threesome? I find some people find the idea attractive but the actual act as intimidating and jealousy inducing."
"I think you can have those beliefs...especially with you now having someone you want to be with for the long haul." DJ disagreed. "I have had a threesome. With Nate and Mateo. I found it very enjoyable. But I do wonder if I would find it different if I felt like I had some sort of claim on one of the people I was having a threesome with. I guess I won't actively know until I try. Have you ever had a threesome?"
Kirin agreed. “When feelings and emotions get involved it always complicates things. That’s the main reason I have no interest in a romantic claim. I’ve had my more adventurous moments, but not here no.” He visibly tensed when asked to talk so explicitly about sex. Scenes and kink were one thing, but pure sex was something a bit too personal for him.
"Yeah exactly. I' sure I'll do it one day but it can wait. Miss Jo is nice about caring about what I'm comfy with." She winced slightly when Kirin seemed to shut down slightly. "Sorry, Sir." Things had been going well. She didn't want to make things tense or upset him.
Kirin shook his head. "You have nothing to apologise for. I'm just not overly comfortable sharing about myself. In my experience personal information gets used against you, once it's been revealed." He composed himself and tried to convince himself that DJ seemed a safe and reasonable person who wouldn't betray him. "To your point, I think I wouldn't mind a non-sexual claim, at least as my second. To me,claims are...unimportant"
She hummed softly and nodded her head. "I get that, Sir. I won't tell anyone anything you say, but I understand that you might not believe what I'm saying." Especially from the start of their conversation, she knew that it could be difficult to believe. "So you think you'll claim two people, Sir? I thought it best to prepare myself for the possibility of being one of two submissives."
"Yes I most definitely will claim two people. If I am to run my father's company, and be successful, it's required. It's a status symbol and I intend to be successful." Kirin ate a bit more then pushed his plate away. "A smart plan. I think all subs should be prepared for that. Any respectable dom capable of claiming two, should. ...Are you finished. This cafe is getting a bit too crowded for my tastes."
She smiled softly at his words. She wasn't quite sure that it was true that every dom should feel like they had to claim two, but she did think it was smart of her to prepare for the possibility. "Yes Sir. I'm finished and ready to go." She finished off her drink and then wiped her mouth before standing up from the table.
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