#like i'm not sick but gosh i haven't been feeling top form
speakeasier · 8 months
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testing a new pen out for fun.
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 8- The Search For Mitsuba
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((Edit: I completely forgot a small recap so allow me to just add 😂))
In case it wasn't clear, this story does have its dark themes...
-Last time in the previous chapter...
-Yashiro accepted a missing case from Yako
-Hanako unexpectedly came into Yashiro's apartment with a fever and Yashiro took care of him
-Mitsuba got a visit from Tsukasa
-and Kou got missed calls from Mitsuba
-The story continues!
-The next morning
-Hanako slowly opened his eyes
-He hadn't slept that well and soundly in so long
-As his eyes adjusted to his surroundings
-He started realizing where he was
-That ceiling. This bed. And.
-He looked over to his side
-To what he was holding
-Daikon legs
-Which means
-He looked up to see Yashiro sleeping peacefully
-What kind of weird sleeping position did he take???
-No, that wasn't the point right now!
-He got up letting go of her legs, flustered and touched the top of his head
-His eyes widened
-Gone. His hat's gone.
-He patted himself in search of the jewel he stole during the heist
-That's gone
-He looked down at himself
-He wasn't in his clothes
-All the rustling and movements on the bed woke Yashiro up
-She stirred and got up, still slightly out of it
-As her eyes adjusted, she faced a flustered Hanako who looked at her in horror
-Yashiro: "Hm...? Hanako-kun?"
-Hanako: "Detective, what were you...??? What was I....???"
-He couldn't seem to form the words
-Yashiro snapped out of her sleepy state as she looked at Hanako
-Seeing him getting so flustered was making her blush as well
-They were both on the same bed
-Add that on top of him wearing some of Yashiro's clothes
-Yashiro sure was seeing a new side of him
-Hanako didn't seem to remember all of last night's events, judging from his reaction
-But Yashiro still did
-Yashiro: [flustered] "Nothing happened last night! You were just really sick."
-Hanako: "Oh..."
-He fidgeted
-Hanako: "Could I have my clothes back?"
-Yashiro: "Ah, right!"
-Yashiro gave him his clothes back
-Hanako quickly changed and regained his composure
-He didn't feel any jewel in his clothes
-He must have hidden it away somewhere like he did before
-Hanako: "Well I'd best be on my way"
-Yashiro: "Wait!"
-Yashiro grabbed Hanako on time to stop him from going out the window
-Yashiro: "You're not going to disappear again, are you? We still have that deal. A gentleman should keep his word, no?"
-Honestly at this point, the deal was an excuse so they could hang out more
-Hanako: "Heh~ You remember what I've said before. You want me to still visit?"
-Yashiro: "Yes!"
-There was no hesitation in her reply Hanako noted surprisingly
-Hanako: "...Very well then. I'll come by when I can"
-He doesn't seem to be so bothered anymore? Thank goodness
-Yashiro sighed in relief
-Yashiro: "Oh good. I thought I might have to resort to this."
-She pulled out the jewel which she kept in a box during the clothes swapping
-Hanako looked shocked
-Did that mean he came here immediately after the heist without a care?!
-Wow, he was not thinking straight at all
Hanako: "Oh god I didn't know you're such a savage. You got me"
-Hanako looked down and held his hand to cover his face
-He couldn't stop smiling
-Yashiro: "I can be when I want to! I shouldn't even be doing this but well..."
-Yashiro put the jewel in his hand
-Yashiro: "Here."
-Hanako covered his eyes with his bangs and looked away, turning his back
-Hanako: "Um....thanks. I'll see you some time soon."
-If Yashiro looked closely at him, the back ends of his ears were blushing bright red
-Yashiro: "See you"
-And with that, Hanako took off
-Yashiro got ready to go to Tsuchigomori's detective agency
-She just received a call from Tsuchigomori to come report
-She may still be investigating Yako's case but she should get back to the agency whenever she can in case she's needed
-She's an apprentice learning from Tsuchigomori after all
-Once she arrived at the office, Yako was sitting there annoying Tsuchigomori
-Tsuchigomori: "Don't you have anything better to do?"
-Yako: "I'm worried!"
-Yashiro: "Good morning, Tsuchigomori-sensei! Good morning, Yako-san!"
-Yako: "You're back! Any news? Good news??"
-Yashiro: "Uh I would still need more time to investigate. I'm sorry that I haven't found anything yet."
-Yako: "Ugh you're all useless! Misaki could be suffering at this very moment!"
-Yashiro: [sweatdrops] "Ahahaha...."
-Suddenly, the office door slammed open
-And in came a very worried Kou
-Kou: "SENPAI!"
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun?! What's wrong?"
-Kou: "It's Mitsuba! I don't know where he is!"
-Yashiro: "HUH?!"
-Kou: "He called me a few times last night and I didn't pick up but now when I try to call him back, I don't get a single response!"
-Yashiro: "Wait but this was last night, right? Maybe you're overreacting? He could be busy"
-Kou: "I thought that at first but then I thought about Yokoo and Satou. They haven't been responding to my messages either and they seem to have mysteriously disappeared from the traffic department for a couple days already so I'm worried."
-A bit of background:
-Yokoo and Satou were Kou's police buddies
-They trained together as novice police cadets way back
-Since they transferred to the traffic department, they gave Kou a traffic safety amulet, saying it suited him since it was a pun (The word on the amulet is pronounced "Koutsuu" in Japanese)
-Kou initially wore the amulet around his neck but now wears it on his right ear
-Kou's whistle was also a gift from them when he got promoted to a police officer
-Alright, back to the story!
-Yashiro: "What??"
-Yako: "Wait, what did you say? So, it wasn't just Misaki who disappeared?"
-Kou: "Huh? There's another person missing?"
-Yashiro was puzzled
-Were Kou's missing friends connected with the missing Misaki case?
-It was too early to conclude
-Kou: "Senpai, please! Could you help look for Mitsuba? I don't know about Yakoo and Satou but they're still part of the police force and they got each other so I believe they are able to take care of themselves. Mitsuba though...he doesn't seem to have anyone with him so I want to find him as soon as possible!"
-Yashiro: "Leave it to me!"
-Kou: "Thank you! I'll come along too! I feel responsible"
-Yako: "Hmph, if it's not about Misaki, then I'll just hang here."
-Tsuchigomori: [facepalm] "...I wonder how you're a policewoman"
-Kou and Yashiro left the agency in search for Mitsuba
-They started with places Kou believed Mitsuba would be at
-Then, they just looked around the city
-Kou had a worried look on his face the entire time that Yashiro couldn't help but worry for him
-She tried to think of a conversational topic to get his mind off the case for a bit
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun, I baked some donuts a couple days ago and I was reminded of you since you taught me how to make them"
-Kou: "Oh really? I'm glad that you like that recipe!"
-Well, he smiled a bit. That's good
-Kou and Yashiro ran into Teru in the middle of their investigation
-Yashiro: "Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "Nii-chan!"
-Yashiro: "What are you doing here?"
-Teru: "I'm patrolling this area. What about you two?"
-Kou: "We're looking for Mitsuba! He might be around this area"
-Teru: "Then, let me join you! I may be able to help."
-Yashiro: "Thank you, Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "Thank you, Nii-chan!"
-As always, Teru was so cool!
-But wait
-As Yashiro stared at him, she noticed that she didn't seem to feel as strongly attracted to Teru as before
-But why?
-Maybe because she spent the last couple days worrying her head off about Hanako?
-She did seem to think about Hanako a lot lately and when it comes to him, she gets flustered easily....
-Wait why does that sound like...?
-No. Perish that thought.
-It was stupid.....right?
-Oh gosh, maybe she should talk to Aoi about this
-Yashiro crushed on a lot of hot guys in the past and Hanako just didn't apply to that category in her terms
-So it was really strange
-As the three searched, Teru stopped them at one point
-Teru: "Maybe it's better if we split up to cover more ground. We could widen our search and then come back to a spot together when we're done. Whoever finds Mitsuba could bring him over."
-Kou: "Ah! Sounds good, Nii-chan! The city does have a lot of people so it should be alright. Senpai, what do you think?"
-Yashiro snapped out of her zoning out
-Yashiro: "Huh? Oh yeah, sure. We could do that."
-Teru: "Then, let's meet back at that statue over there in half an hour. That should be enough time to cover this part of the area"
-Yashiro & Kou: "Got it!"
-And so, they split up and Yashiro was left to investigate one part of the area on her own
-She found there were back alleys in some sections so she decided to have a look into them
-She's a detective's apprentice so she should be able to handle this
-As she searched however, she felt a pair of eyes watching her
-And they gave her the chills
-Yashiro: "W-who's there?!"
-No response
-She suddenly had vivid flashbacks to that time with Tsukasa
-She still hadn't gotten over that
-And before she knew it, she was getting a bit scared as she walked through the back alley
-She's got to pull herself together
-The longer she felt herself being watched though, the more scared she got
-She started running and she didn't know where she was now
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun! Minamoto-senpai!"
-Now, she was yelling for them
-As she turned the corner, she bumped into someone and fell down
-Yashiro: "Oof!"
-"Detective! Are you alright?"
-That voice. That nickname.
-She looked up
-Yashiro: "Hanak--"
-She immediately shushed when she realized Hanako wasn't alone and he wasn't even in his uniform
-Hanako was actually dressed up as Hana from before
-And nearby she saw Mitsuba
-Yashiro: "Mitsuba-kun!"
-Mitsuba: "Daikon-senpai!"
-Not so long after Yashiro found Mitsuba, Kou and Teru came running towards them
-Kou: "Senpai!"
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun! Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "You weren't at the statue by the agreed time so we--"
-Kou then spotted Mitsuba
-Kou: "MITSUBA!"
-Kou proceeded to tackle and hug Mitsuba
-Mitsuba: "Minamoto-kun?!"
-Mitsuba: "Ah...I figured you would be. I tried to call you before but you weren't picking up so I left a voicemail."
-Kou: "Oh. I didn't check that. Oops."
-Mitsuba: "Stupid."
-Kou: "But wait, then why weren't you picking up my calls??"
-Mitsuba: "I had my phone turned off! I may have also left it behind. Did it not click for you that I am busy? I tried to let you know that!"
-Kou: "Mitsuba...I thought you went missing"
-Mitsuba: "What? Are you worried that my cuteness would get me kidnapped? I hope you don't plan on handcuffing me and you together again!"
-Kou: "That was a misunderstanding! I thought you were a criminal! And I didn't know how it worked at the time"
-Mitsuba: "I was being an undercover journalist! I can't believe you didn't even have the key to unlock them and we were stuck together for some time. AH YOU PERVERT!"
-Kou: "That again?!"
-Yashiro: "Ahem...you guys could squabble about that later?"
-Kou: "Oh sorry. I forgot you guys were there. Thank you Senpai for the help! You're the best! And of course Nii-chan too!....Oh Hana! You're also here! We meet again!"
-Hanako: "Ah yes! It's nice to see you again!...."
-Hanako was sweating under Teru's glare who was eyeing him suspiciously
-Hanako: "Well I got to leave so I'll get going now. Bye bye!"
-Hanako left the scene, everyone watching him go
-Mitsuba was recalling their conversation earlier:
-Mitsuba: "You can drop the act now. We're alone. I know it's you, Hanako."
-Hanako: "Oh? Did you just figure it out?"
-Mitsuba: "No. I knew it was you the moment I inspected your face at Daikon-senpai's apartment. Minamoto-kun may be an idiot but you can't fool me. Don't underestimate me."
-Hanako: "Heh~ but you didn't say anything."
-Mitsuba: "I didn't say anything because I figured Daikon-senpai didn't want to reveal you. I do care for her, for your information. And Minamoto-kun...I don't know if I want him to know"
-Hanako: "So why did you drag me out here then? If not to arrest me?"
-Mitsuba: "I wanted to ask you something personal. I noticed it before but I didn't mention it."
-Hanako: "And what's that?"
-Mitsuba: "Why are there bandages underneath your clothes? In my photos of you, I could spot a glint of them now and then when the wind is strong enough to reveal more of your skin."
-Hanako: "Oh? Are you concerned for my well-being, gentleman?"
Mitsuba: "No. I do not care for you at all. If anything, I do not even want to associate with you. The only reason I'm even bothering is because Minamoto-kun is worried about you and Daikon-senpai seems to be protecting you for some reason."
Hanako: "In that case, I assure you I'm perfectly fine. No bandages here."
Mitsuba: "...Let me rephrase that. Why WERE there bandages underneath your clothes back then? Even if you say that, the times you had bandages were infrequent and unusual. There were times you did have them and times you didn't. They don't seem ordinary to me and I don't think you got hurt that badly during your heists. Those bandages seemed almost as if to say you got hurt...on purpose."
-An eerie silence followed
-Hanako: "Do you really want to know that badly?"
-Mitsuba felt some odd terror
-That's when Yashiro bumped into Hanako
-So, Mitsuba didn't quite get his answer but there was definitely something going on
-As he pondered while they walked out the alleyway, he felt like he was being watched
-He turned in the direction he felt them
-But then it was gone
-Was it his imagination?
-Hanako was back at his hideout where a bunch of Mokke were playing around
-He was in the middle of thinking
-While he noted that Mitsuba was quite a sharp and observant boy, there was also something else on his mind
-Yashiro was looking for Kou and Teru before she bumped into him
-And she seemed very close to Kou
-Hanako was wondering when Yashiro started calling Kou "Kou-kun" instead of "Minamoto-kun"
-It didn't bother him before but now suddenly, it did
-He thought of when Kou was being all cheery with Yashiro
-A sharp pain went through his chest
-Mokke: Something smells
-The Mokke started inching away from Hanako
-His heart was aching and he didn't get why
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