speakeasier · 5 months
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testing a new pen out for fun.
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fanfictilltheend · 1 year
You should see me in a crown - Chapter 5 (Y/N Grimes/Negan Smith)
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Chapter 4 // Chapter 6
A/n: Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want more. Also, I haven't written in this verse in literally years so I hope it feels cohesive. Let me know! I have one more chapter planned but not written yet so it may take a lil while. If you guys want more than that you have to let me know. Also, I have a Joel miller x reader in the works requested to me on tumblr. We have made it to 15 followers on tumblr lmao come join in the squad! Y/N is like 20 in this and Negan is whatever age he is in season 7 so if that’s too much of an age gap please turn back!
Warnings: 18+ smut do not interact if not 18+ afab!you, daddy kink, kissing, age difference, abusive!Rick Grimes, protective Negan, sexual touching, oral sex, multiple orgasms, cumming untouched, facials, attempted orgasm denial
Summary: Negan expresses doubts and things look grim for a while until they don't.
When I wake up the next morning, Negan is gone from the bed. I figure he's probably busy running an empire, so it makes sense, but part of me is still a little sad I'm alone. I have imagined waking up in his arms so many times it feels a little disappointing to be on my own.
So I put on my clothes then enter into the living room area and there’s Negan eating breakfast and reviewing some maps at the dining table. He’s wearing these black reading glasses that make him look very sexy in my opinion. 
He looks at me, lowering his glasses on the bridge of his nose, then back to his maps. He doesn't greet me. 
That’s strange. 
“Hey,” I say. “Are you mad at me or something?”
“What?” he asks breaking into a smirk, but his expression is distant. “Mad at ya? What makes you think that?”
Maybe I'm just overthinking things, but something in his vibe is definitely different. He's looking at me guiltily like he's my teacher about to tell me I'm failing tenth-grade English or something. Not like a guy who wants to fuck me.
“Nothing,” I mumble, forcing the thought away. “So what are we doing today?”
“I was thinking,” he begins, avoiding my eyes. “I think it’s time to get you back to Alexandria.”
“ What?” I spit, feeling like I've just been socked in the chest. I don’t believe this. “After everything I told you about Rick you think that's a good idea?”
“What? No, not like that,” he replies dismissively. “I’d beat the shit out of him first to get him to leave you alone and all and I’d always be there to reinforce the idea, but then I think you should get home to your family after.”
“Did I miss something?” I ask, thinking he’s kidding. “I thought it was cool to stay here for a while…”
I try to sit down in his lap, but he frowns and pushes me away lightly.
What the fuck?!
“Shit, do you not like me anymore?” I ask incredulously, so deeply hurt by his rejection I don’t even tear up. “I mean, are you embarrassed by me or something?”
“Listen, Y/N, I’m not one to beat around the bush: I'm ending things between us,” he says softly, avoiding my eyes. “It’s for your own goddamn good too, believe me.” He narrows his own eyes when he sees the disbelieving look on my face. “I mean we’re mortal fucking enemies for Christ sake!” 
“That can’t be the reason!” I nearly shout, absolutely flabbergasted at this turn of events. “You didn’t care about that yesterday!” I shoot back, still not fully believing him. “This is bullshit. I know you like me.”
“Do you?” he asks in amusement, but perhaps also cruelly. “Yesterday you thought there was a distinct chance I was a goddamn evil supervillain who was manipulating the shit out of you to get to your dear old dad. Maybe that’s all this was.”
I swallow, studying his face. Is he telling the truth? He can’t be, can he? I know what we’ve been feeling is real, right? I’ve never liked someone as much as I’ve liked him. But then something clenches in my stomach.
“Is that why you won’t all-out fuck me?” I ask, dejectedly, my heart now in my throat. “Or let me see your dick? ‘Cause you never really liked me?”
That would make sense. Maybe he really did play me. I’m crying now too, my lip trembling. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. That’s just fan-fucking-tastic. But it would explain why he’s been so slow to have sex.
“Hey, don’t fucking cry!” Negan exclaims, panic and guilt covering his features. And then his light eyes turn into an even worse expression: pity. “We’ve only had a thing for like a couple of days! You can’t like me that much. What about your merry band of Alexandria men? The ones who wanna fuck you and all. How about them? What do you have to cry for?”
“Fuck you,” I say, rubbing the tears from my eyes. “I made them up. There are no guys back at Alexandria who want to fuck me. I made them up to make you jealous. Because I like you, okay? You make me feel so safe and special. I don’t believe you could fake how nice you’ve been to me. But tell me right now it was all fake and I’ll b-believe you I guess. I’ll leave you the fuck alone. I respect boundaries…”
I am straight-up ugly crying right now like a little kid and I wipe my nose on my sleeve, sniveling. Be more pathetic! I think to myself. But that asshole really did hurt my feelings. 
“Maybe I happen to believe you’d be better off without me,” Negan begins slowly in his deep, gravelly voice, not really meeting my eyes. “Maybe I believe I’ll hurt someone as genuine as you.” He looks up at me. “I’m an asshole, Y/N, what can I say? I have five wives. And you’re just this kid with a shining light in her. I’d kill anyone who lays a finger on you and I’d never fucking live with myself if I hurt you or put that light out.”
Oh. So that’s what this is about. He’s scared of hurting me. I’m flattered, but he really is a fucking idiot!
“So then don’t hurt me,” I tell him. “It’s that simple. I mean, you asshole, breaking up with me — whatever this is — hurts so fucking bad. Don’t do it. And choose not to hurt me in the future. And then keep making that choice. You’re a smart and capable man. I think you can treat me right if you try. And what am I? Some of grandma’s fine fucking China? I can take a little heartache if need be. I’m not a pussy and you said it. And here’s the last thing I’ll say about this: you’re catching feelings for me. I know it. I see it in your eyes.”
He blinks at me funny and I know I’m right.
“Need to get your eyes checked then,” he mocks stubbornly.
“Fuck you, don’t push me away because you’re afraid,” I tell him.
“Fine,” he relents with a sigh. “Let’s just say, you may have a smart little brain in that hot fucking head of yours,” he admits, uncrossing his arms. “Maybe I am falling a little too fast. And maybe it fucking terrifies me.”
Aw, that’s actually really sweet! I knew the feelings I’m feeling weren’t one-sided. I wonder just how deep he’s fallen because I know I am head over heels. He just had to be a dick about it though…
“I haven’t felt this way since…” he trails off.
“Since Lucille?” I finish for him. 
“Fuck. How’d you know, kid? It’s like you can read my goddamn mind. But yeah, since Lucille. She was a real spitfire, same as you. Only you’re a bit softer and sweeter. She would have liked you…” he trails off again, looking distantly into the past and over his bat which is lying on the chair next to him. 
“I’m sorry for your loss, Negan,” I tell him honestly. “I bet I would have liked her too.”
He reaches out a big hand and ruffles my hair and I swat his hand away, grinning stupidly. 
“So now that we’ve got that angsty shit out of the way, you won’t try to send me home now, right?” I ask. “And you’ll kiss and touch me again ‘till I can’t breathe?”
He looks like he’s trying to resist, but pats his lap and I sit in it, my heart beating quickly.
“Maybe just maybe you’ve convinced me to let this shenanigan continue,” he breathes into my ear and I shiver.
“Apologize for scaring me,” I command, grinding down on his lap.
He grunts in surprise and starts to get a little hard. 
“I’m not big on apologies,” he tells me cockily. “Plus maybe you scare me a little.”
“In a good way?” I ask, grinding down on him again.
“In what I now think is a very good way. And maybe I’ll make it up to you right now for failing to see it from the start.”
He reaches his hand down my pants and starts rubbing my clit and I let out a whine.
“You know what would really hit the spot?” I ask as he works me, trying not to sound so absolutely wrecked by him. “And would prove your undying devotion to me?”
“What’s that?” he asks cockily, sticking a rough finger deep inside me and I moan. His finger is so big and fills me up so much compared to one of mine. 
“If I could see your cock?” I whimper as he begins to finger me at an earth-shattering pace, in and out.
He grins.
“How do you ask, baby?”
“Please, Daddy can I see your cock?” I ask nicely. 
He reaches his other hand down and undoes the button on his khakis and pulls out a very hard-looking dick. I may not have seen too many dicks in my day, but I do know a nice one when I see it. It is long and girthy and the reddish head is nearly purple. Goddamn. My mouth waters. 
“Can I touch it?” I whine eagerly, now soaking wet. 
“There’s my dirty girl,” he chuckles. “But not until you cum.”
“Well then get to work!” I challenge, grinding into his fingers, dripping down into his lap.
“With pleasure,” he chuckles. “Ride my fingers, baby.”
He rubs my clit some more with his thumb and then curls his finger deep inside me. I practically seize.
“Jesus,” he laughs, his eyes lighting up. “All this for just one finger?”
“And your dick,” I remind him, moaning. “How about another finger?”
“So greedy," he chuckles in approval. "But anything for you, baby girl.”
He does as he’s told and I feel so good and turned on I’m going to cum soon.
“Now, tell me what you like about old Negan Jr,” he commands, licking the shell of my ear, stroking his cock. “Since you were so goddamn eager to see him.”
“Do you mean your dick?” I snicker incredulously.
“At least I don’t call it my goddamned ‘meat wand’ or my ‘quivering’ fucking ‘manhood’ like I bet you read in some of those romance novels I saw in your bedroom. That could be arranged.”
“Shut up!” I snort, wanting to ask him how he knows so much about romance novels. “Keep fingering me, asshole,” I say because he’s stopped. He starts up again, hitting just the right spot. I let out a low moan. “But I’ll bite. Your cock is so hot and big, Daddy. I don’t know if it will fit in me.”
“You are very tight, princess,” he agrees, adding a third finger, pushing in and out of me so fast I see stars.
“And it looks like it will stretch me so well,” I whimper. “Can’t wait to suck it.”
Negan groans.
“Can I touch it now, please?” I whine, dangerously close to the edge.
“Not until you cum on Daddy’s hand. Go on, baby girl,” he tells me fondly. 
He fingers me so hard and so fast I lean back into him and cum with a small sob, and he doesn’t stop until I am an oversensitive, spasming mess. 
“N-negan!” I moan desperately, only a puddle of a human being at this point.
But even then he doesn’t stop, grinning a wicked grin, and I am riding over the edge again and I cum twice around his fingers as he hits that perfect spot inside of me, letting out a little scream.
“Jesus, sweetheart,” Negan grins in my ear as my body stops its spasming. “That was so hot.”
“That’s the first time I’ve cum from you,” I remark, panting. “But not the first time I’ve cum because of you. That felt so good, Negan. Way better than when I touch myself. Can I touch you now?”
“Anything for my dirty girl. Go on,” he teases as I look into his dancing hazel-brown eyes. 
I reach down between my legs and stroke his throbbing cock and the soft flesh is hard as diamond. 
He groans deeply, smiling at me stupidly.
“I’ve been waiting so fucking long for that,” he tells me. “Wanted it to be just right for you.”
“Me too,” I agree. “But it always would have been just right. Don’t you know?”
I spit into my hand and start working his cock and Negan moans appreciatively into my ear and my heart pounds deliciously.
“Feels so good, angel,” he whines in my ear. Precum is leaking down my fingers. The shaft and fat head are so swollen. I love when he calls me that.
“Can I put you in my mouth, Daddy?” I ask, reaching down to touch myself, even though I am so spent. Heat still surges between my legs.
“Are you sure, baby? Don’t wanna make you lift a finger,” he tells me seriously. “This is allegedly my apology to you.”
“Who said this was for your benefit?” I ask. “Plus maybe I like spoiling you too.”
“Well, aren’t you a goddamn sweetheart. If you insist…Fuck!” He groans as I get between his knees and bring the warm head to my mouth. “Shit, Y/N, I’m not gonna last if you keep sucking me like that. Taking me so well…” 
I am so wet between my legs. He tastes so good and those hot little moans and groans he makes against me are driving me insane. I take as much of his length as I can fit in my mouth which is about three-quarters. The rest I jerk with my hands.
“I’m close, baby,” Negan grunts. “God, just looking at you. Can’t remember the last time I was this fast to cumming. But watching you cum from my fingers alone, twice no less. That just tickles my fucking balls! Literally. Fuck!” he grunts. 
And just as he’s about to cum, I think, I pull off of him completely and squeeze his cock.
“Y/N?” he asks desperately, staring down at me, thrusting his cock into midair. “What the flying fuck—“
“Think you get to act like you’re leaving me and then cum? Dream on.” I announce, playing him at his own game, getting back at him from before. I let go of his cock. 
Negan starts to laugh, but then his face contorts into a look of utter reverence and he cums anyway, untouched, squirting cum all over my face. That asshole!
Looks like I fucked up the timing or maybe he’s just that in control of his body...Goddamn.
“Oh my god!” Negan laughs through panting, when he calms down a little, his mouth wide open. He looks awed, almost starstruck. “That wasn’t on purpose, I swear! You’re just that hot I couldn’t fucking help it I guess!” 
He throws his head back, snickering with laughter as I wipe cum out of my eye. 
“You’re so fucking adorable I can’t get enough of you. Literally. First, you give me an amazing blowjob, and then you think you can play my game? But you just weren’t fast enough, baby. I love it! I told you no one will ever be as bad as me. Oh, come on, lighten up.”
“Maybe I’m smiling under all this jizz…” I say. “You wouldn’t know though. Now, help clean me off, you complete motherfucker.”
His eyes soften down at me and he takes off his undershirt to clean me up. He pulls me up into his lap, against his bare hairy chest.
“You’re a sweetheart. Truly.” He tells me. I lean against him so tightly I can hear his heart beating, not wanting to ever let go. “That’s part of why you scare me so much. I’m sorry I was a dick, alright? That shit about sending you home was dumb of me to even suggest when I care about you as much as I do. I think I just don’t know how to deal with how I feel about you, Y/N. It’s new for me.”
“You’re also just a dick,” I point out. “But I appreciate the sentiment.”
“Haven’t cum like that in ages,” he tells me seriously, his voice vibrating through his body against my ear. “Just from looking at someone like that. You’re so beautiful, baby. Can’t believe you thought you could play me! But God, you looked so pretty with my cum on your face,” he muses. “That image is going in the spank bank for sure. Even if you ditch me for my dick behavior. It’s gonna be in the motherfucking spank bank hall of fame.”
“You’re so gross,” I inform him. “And a dick and a jerk and an asshole, but somehow I still like you. So I guess I’ll take you back.”
“Who said you ever let me go? I’ve got you fuckin’ wrapped, baby.”
He leans down to kiss me long and hard and I positively melt into his mouth and I know he’s right.
“Negan!” Simon suddenly calls from another room. I look up and sit up straighter and so does Negan. “Bossman, we have a goddamn visitor. You’ll never guess who it is…”
A/n: Can you guess who it is???? Feedback please or just leave a like or reblog if you enjoyed!!!!!! Chapter 6 will be coming soon but I have to finish writing it and know that people actually want me to post it.
Chapter 6
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evil emails
1050 words | canon-compliant | vio & shadow
Per our previous conversations, I would like to again emphasize the initiative and skill V has shown since swearing allegiance to our cause. I am contacting you today to follow up on my request to offer him a permanent position as my
Shadow looks up at Vio, whose stupid hat bounces up and down as he gesticulates wildly. He might not fully understand whatever niche historical event has piqued Vio’s interest this week, but Shadow loves to listen all the same.
as my assistant
as my companion
as my official right-hand man.
Author's Note: This is not my usual type of fic, but I thought it would be interesting to try some things I haven't before. This little moment takes place during the canon manga events and is not as clearly ship-oriented as my other work for this fandom. The line between platonic and romantic is up to you to draw.
read it on ao3 or under the cut:
It's an unconventional arrangement, but it works.
"...so the thing about attempting the trials on Master Mode, is that the enemies are all scaled up but the weapons remain mostly the same. An exception is an additional Iron Sledgehammer on the fourth floor, but it's not even useful on the miniboss because it's scaled up to a Luminous Stone Talus, which is the only kind of Talus that doesn't take four-times damage from that weapon. It's just another thing that makes the trials so fundamentally dysfunctional, not to mention how the durability..."
Shadow balances the laptop on his knees and elevates his legs onto Vio's lap. Half-listening to the blonde’s interest of the day, he clicks on the keyboard with freshly-painted purple fingernails.
Hey Boss,
Shadow shakes his head and backspaces. Writing emails will always be a chore, but it was ten times worse before he had Vio around for background noise. He can’t really explain why it helps him so much—logically, it should probably distract him from his writing—but it boosts his efficiency and makes Vio happy, and those are two of Shadow’s main priorities these days.
“…and the sneakstrike chaining is really essential because—Shadow, did you hear that, I said the sneakstrike is essential—”
"I did," Shadow replies, raising a thumbs-up. "Sneakstrike chaining is essential because you can exploit it indefinitely.”
"Well, actually, on the tenth floor it's harder to pull off, because the lizalfos are by water…”
Shadow rolls his eyes with a smile, returning his attention to the screen.
Dear Lord Vaati,
I hope this message finds you well.
Truthfully he couldn’t care less, but with the request he’s about to make he needs the hackneyed salutation.
Progress is going well on Death Mountain. The Fire Temple has been prepared for the heroes’ arrival with more than enough time to spare.
"Two silver lizalfos, Shadow, that's insane! It's like, impossible to beat."
Shadow hums and meets Vio’s eyes. “But didn't the Hero beat it?"
"That's what the legends say, but I still have my doubts. I just don't understand…”
Per our previous conversations, I would like to again emphasize the initiative and skill V has shown since swearing allegiance to our cause. I am contacting you today to follow up on my request to offer him a permanent position as my
Shadow looks up at Vio, whose stupid hat bounces up and down as he gesticulates wildly. He might not fully understand whatever niche historical event has piqued Vio’s interest this week, but Shadow loves to listen all the same.
as my assistant
as my companion
as my official right-hand man.
“One historian postulates that the Hero could have cheated the tenth floor using campfires, but frankly I think that's absurd."
“You're absurd,” Shadow teases, and is promptly flipped off. He sticks out his tongue and opens his file explorer.
I have attached a document outlining Vio Violet Link's contributions over the past few months, as well as statements from the head of HR (Hinox Resources) and Big Poe. Please share this information with Lord Ganon in preparation for next week’s board meeting. I would like to secure my associate’s role in the organization before the end of this quarter.
Shadow hesitates—here comes the hard part.  
As strange as it may sound, V’s allegiance is essential to our continued success. His capability for manipulation is far beyond what we had anticipated, and at this moment the lesser heroes still believe him to be on their side. With this deceptive advantage in mind, I believe we could potentially take over Hyrule before this quarter’s end. Of course, once we have achieved our goal, V’s original purpose in the plan will be fulfilled.
I humbly ask insist that V’s life not only be spared, but also protected indefinitely, by the forces of evil. Violet Link is our proven ally, your faithful servant, and my associate accomplice
“… may have lots of health, but they also die instantly when they hit the water, so of course the strategy is to knock them off the tower, and—hey.”
Shadow feels a hand on his shoulder.
“What?” Shadow asks, his tone more irritated then intended.
Vio frowns, meeting his eyes. He places his free hand on Shadow’s knee, holding him steady. “You just started looking really worried there for a second. Not an emotion I’d normally associate with emails.”
Shadow shakes his head, mustering a smile. “Then you must not know much about emails.”
Vio doesn’t appreciate his joke.
“I’m okay,” Shadow assures him. “Just trying to figure out the right word for something.”
“Oh. All right. Do you want help with that?”
Hylia, no he does not. Shadow places his hand over Vio’s. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ve got it.”
“Do you need some quiet, or do you want to hear more about…?”
“I want to hear it all.”
Vio seems surprised by Shadow’s response. “Thank you. I’m… still not used to hearing that.”
Shadow resents the world for ever making Vio feel unheard. It’s good, he supposes, that they’re going to destroy it together.  
So, he types:
Violet Link is our proven ally, your faithful servant, and my friend.
It may seen unprofessional to mention friendship in our correspondence, but I see it as assurance. I swear to take full responsibility for V’s actions—past, present, and future. I understand, of course, that there is always a possibility of his betrayal. In such case I
“…shock arrows in a treasure chest, but it might not be worth your—”
 “Vio,” Shadow interrupts, his hand hovering over the keyboard.
“Oh, sorry.”
“Don’t apologi—you know what, we can talk about that later. I just have to ask… I can trust you, right? You’re devoted to the darkness forever?”
Vio blinks. “Why are you asking me this now?”
“I need you to say yes, and I need you to mean it.”
“Then I say yes. You can trust me. I’m devoted to the darkness forever.”
Shadow nods, strangely unsatisfied by his satisfaction.
In such case I swear to end his life myself.
It’s his most compelling argument yet.
“So anyway,” Vio says, his discomfort getting the best of him. “The final boss is a Hinox, actually, and—”
I look forward to your response.
Shadow Link
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