#like i'm trying to envision a version of this evening where the event is exactly the same but the audience is on fire like
comediakaidanovsky · 1 year
man, i’m still kinda in awe of how mid DoN was, and how much the audience sucked
(though still have to give them some cred for coming alive for jade v taya v kris, and the turtleneck chants)
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3, 4, 9, 15: currents :3
for: undeniable you (the currents pulling me onward)
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
oh this is. so hard. there is so much narration in this fic. I think I'm going to go with:
And oh, but Apollo’s heart aches to think of how lonely Klavier had been, how disbelieving of the idea that Apollo would fly halfway across the world to defend him, as if he hadn’t been deserving of it! How even the slightest indication of friendship from Trucy or Athena had seemed to shake him, betraying the cracks in his polished rockstar façade. He promises, silently, that he’s going to make sure that Klavier Gavin knows exactly how many people he has to rely on.
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
again!! there is so much dialogue to choose from!! but hilariously, the lines that i think about the most are right at the end, from a point where i was really trying to finish the final chapter and yet couldn't get klavier and apollo to shut up:
“Ach, I knew it, I am a trophy boyfriend and nothing more!” He hesitates, then, stilling as he considers what he’d said. But Apollo isn’t going to let him worry for a second longer than he can help it, pulling Klavier closer, winding an arm around his waist. “Well, one of us has to be—and I’d make an awful trophy boyfriend, myself. Nowhere near glitzy enough. I know it’s a lot of responsibility, but I’m sure you can handle it.” Klavier relaxes against Apollo, laughing breathlessly. “Perhaps I shall retire from prosecuting to pursue my true calling—full-time decorative asset. Prop me up in a corner and I will dazzle all your guests with my glamour!” Apollo shoves him. “What are we even talking about anymore? You’re so dumb, why do I like you?” “You just said. My hair.”
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Nothing that I actually wrote--I had pretty much all the major plot stuff planned from the start and stuck to it. In an early planning phase I think I considered having Sebastian Debeste be the prosecutor, though? The main thing that I'd consider an alternate version would be if I actually had bothered to write a few trials preceding the events of currents. The trial in currents is actually something I'd envisioned as being the final trial in an AA7 focused on Apollo--that takes place at the same time as a parallel-structured AA7 focused on Athena. So I guess hypothetically there's an alternate version of currents that either starts several months earlier and follows Apollo in Khura'in, or an alternate version that follows Athena's trials.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
I learned so much oh my god. For one, I learned how to plan out a casefic, and how to figure out what evidence would be left, how it would be noticed, etc. I also learned that there's a lot of inconsistency in the canon AA timeline surrounding the Gramaryes (the section with Thalassa was a nightmare to outline), and that if you're writing lengthy trial chapters, you've got to include enough extra detail about what else is going on in the courtroom so that it doesn't just feel like you're reading through a transcript.
And--to get sentimental for a moment here--I learned that there are a good handful of people who will follow my chapter updates for 10 weeks straight and come up with theories about what might happen in the next chapter!! and that's astonishing!! genuinely, reading currents comments after having posted a chapter was the highlight of my week.
(ask some questions about things i wrote, maybe?)
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