#like if her exs new wife stood outside it was Specifically to Hurt main character girl
broodygaming · 1 year
I took the train to go back and forth to my friends wedding and on the way back decided to be cheeky and download the Girl On the Train audiobook. Didn’t know anything about it, hadn’t heard of it or the movie that apparently exists.
And ?? Are the straights okay? I could barely make it more than an hour or two. It’s exhausting and I don’t think I’ve even gotten to the first big twist. I think there’s a bloody scene and it’s on the plot description of the wiki page so it’s prob relatively early and I have not gotten to that haha so holy shit. Don’t think I’ll finish it. Ehh. It took so much effort to learn their names it feels like a waste to not finish it but also YEESH it’s exhausting.
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etherealreveri · 5 years
➶ Mrs. Kim ➶ Chapter Three
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Characters: You/Miss Oh (Main), Junmyeon (Main), Naeun, Baekhyun and Jongin
Genre:  Marriage/Romance
Chapter One  ⦁  Chapter Two   ⦁ Chapter Three  ⦁ Chapter Four (Coming Soon!!!) 
Authors Note // Extra long chapter since it may be a few days before I update again. Enjoy!
It was like the calm after the storm, quite literally. You sit in the garden behind the hotel in a simple outfit you bought before you left Phuket drinking a cold brew of iced coffee you made. You hold the cup in your hand and your thumb brushes the rim.
Last night you had a complete breakdown in front on Naeun on how you couldn’t comprehend what was going on. After crying the whole night, you didn’t get to talk much to Naeun and fell asleep, partially also due to the jetlag. Your parents had sold the hotel to Junmyeon without letting you know and you couldn’t have been more confused about why they didn’t tell you what was going on. You told Naeun about the situation with Junmyeon, every second of it, and how he could have found you anytime between those four years and yet he suddenly pops out of nowhere. You didn’t know what intentions he had or what he had planned. It was something that would happen in the movies, you meet your ex-boyfriend at the same time you lose your family’s hotel and he is the one who buys it from your parents.
“Hey,” Naeun’s groggily voice whispers from behind. She comes and sits next to you, rubbing her eyes. “You doing okay?” you shrugged. “I’m not quite sure. This a lot for just coming back from vacation.”
“What do you think you’re going to do? With Junmyeon specifically?”
“What should I do?” you sighed. “I am more concerned that the hotel was bought and it's more concerning that it had to be Junmyeon, and then last night before it began raining ….”
“You still love him don’t you?” you drop head and look to the ground. “I’m not sure. I mean we were together for four years, but he hurt me so much to where I had to eventually block him out, and now he shows up out of nowhere and is my new boss. Quite regretfully, there is still some care for him in my broken heart, but it's buried through all of the bad memories too … we spent so much time together that there are memories that are still left inside. I don’t know, I don’t know how I feel … I’m a bit conflicted you know. I still have feelings for him but it's masked with anger and confusion.”  
“He could have sought you out anytime, I wonder why he suddenly bought your hotel and show up in front of you like that. Maybe he really does miss you and couldn’t take it anymore,” she turns to you. “You know, I couldn’t get a good look before I left but boy does he looked dead inside.”
“That’s an interesting way to put it, but he had all these years to do so, why now?” She looked at you with a sigh, you lean on the table, “I don’t know where it all went wrong. We were so in love and I started to notice him shutting me out. I mean, he obviously forgot about me …” you take a sip of your coffee. “I mean look at all those articles of him and his multiple girlfriends through the years.”
After talking some more in the garden, you both walk back inside to find that Myungsoo was holding a box in his casual clothes. With concerned looks, you both run to him. Naeun’s louder and shouts for Myungsoo. He turns around to greet you both.
“What are you doing? You aren’t scheduled for a break,” he smiled and bowed. “Last night was my last night as an employee here,” he looks down in his box and hands you his badge pin. “It was great working here and getting to know you, I have watched the Grand Opera Hotel thrive in its best and worst days, and I have been given the chance to watch a bright young woman grow up with an equally wonderful friend.”
“You’re talking as if you’re not coming back,” you grasp the badge pin in your hand. “Since the hotel was bought out there have been many changes coming and many employees are no longer needed for modern hotels. I think my time may be here to finally retire and settle down.”
“Did the new boss do this?” your body heating up from rising anger. He nodded. “I didn’t plan on retiring yet but I guess things just turned out different from what you plan.”
“Who else did they let go?” Naeun asked. “Margie was let go as well … her last night was last night too,” you ball your hands in a fist and closed your eyes. Margie was like a second mother to you, she was the main cook in the hotel and you can remember sneaking out to the kitchen and finding Margie lecture you on not eating sugar right before sleeping. “It was her last night and I did nothing but fiddled with her food … her last meal and I didn’t even touch it.” Myungsoo had his wife and grandchildren to take care of and Margie was ………… Furious, you let Myungsoo know that everything will be okay and let Naeun know that you have to go take care of some business and walked to the parking lot to retrieve your car.
You parked your car in front of Kim Corporates Headquarters and stormed in, bumping into someone writing on a notepad. The man fell down and stood up, he walked over and tapped your shoulder. “Listen here miss, it’s not polite to bump into someone and just walk away like that. It-” you turn around to glare at him when you realize who it was. You both say each others name at the same time.
“Baekhyun, what are you doing here?”
“I work here,” he laughed. “This is funny, I was actually on my way to meet you,” he smiles awkwardly fades when he sees your face. “You okay?”
“I don’t know Baekhyun,” you give him a half-assed smile, “What floor is Junmyeon’s office?”
“20th, why-” you walk away and towards the elevator. ��Wait!” he yells out as he follows you, “He’s in a meeting in his office at the moment-” you ignore him and get into the elevator, pressing the close button the doors close right before he is able to get to you. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down a little bit.
You wall out of the elevator asking the first employee you see where Junmyeons office was and head straight towards it after you find it. Reaching for the doorknob you slightly jump when someone else opens up the door, you bow to the guy and then shut the door behind you. Junmyeon's focus on the papers that are in front of him and didn’t even look up, you walk towards him and stand in front of him.
“Baekhyun, I told you that I didn-” he looks up and drops his pen. You place the badge pin on his papers and point to it, “Why are you firing my people? Why are you changing the hotel? Buying the hotel isn’t enough for you?” you say on the verge of tears, he clears his throat and stands up, “I think you mean my people and my hotel now.”  
“Jun-” he cuts you off, “As the rightful owner of the hotel, I plan on rehiring all new employees and renovating the hotel for a more modern and sleek look.” You slump back and your anger subsides, you're more of just upset at the moment. These people mean so much for you and you’ve had a terrible past two days.
“Please,” you pleaded. “Please rehire back everyone you let go, especially Myungsoo and Margie. Y-you know how much this hotel and its people mean to me, you know the history behind it and that I wanted to run the family business and I had dreams and you knew about this, you knew when I told you … if you’re not going to let us-” You look up hoping to see his facial expression change but he has a stone cold face with no expression.
“I'm sorry to but I won't be changing my mind on this.”
“Why? Why do this-this my family's hotel and put people out of jobs? You have money Junmyeon, you could have built resorts on the beach and buy more modern hotels but why? Why my family's hotel?”
“Because... “
“Because of what?” you asked. He walks up right up to you, toe to toe, your noses almost touching. You take a step back but he steps forward right after you until you hit the wall. He hovers over you and stares down, he pulls a strand of hair behind your ear. Completely ignoring your speech to him, he changes the subject.
“Come have dinner with me at my house tonight,” you look away from his gaze. “I don't want too,” you started,” Don’t change the subject.”. He clears his throat and let's go, as he walks to the door he glances back and says with a low tone,  “I guess that means Hana has to go ask well, I'll let Baekhyun kno-” You walk towards him and grab his wrist.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Fine, I’ll come,” you grabbed his wrist. “Why?”
“Don’t question it ... I will have Baekhyun pick you up.”
You stare outside at the stars as Baekhyun quietly drives you through the streets and into a small area just right outside the city. He had been pretty quiet throughout the day, I guess my ruckus earlier threw everyone off today. He pulls into a closed of and gated driveway, he makes his way up and you see what looks like its a giant hotel of its own. “I-Is this his house?”
“I know right?” he gets out and runs to the other side to open your door. “Why would one man insist on living in such a big house? That is a great question.”
“Bye, I’ll come to check on him later.” Within seconds Baekhyun steps into the car and drives off, you knock on the door and a lady comes up to open the door. She smiles and leads you into Junmyeon’s ‘house’ As you follow her deeper into the house you couldn’t help but see how much was inside, piano’s, what seemed like thousands of rooms and hallways, intricate pieces of art and then the smell of food lingering hits your nose. You turn the corner and enter the kitchen, you could see Junmyeon at the stove top with his sleeves folded up and wearing an apron.
“Miyeon do you think she’ll like-” he turns around with a soft smile and purses his lips when he sees you. Miyeon bows to the both of you, “I will be in the main kitchen cleaning if you need me, sir.”
“There’s more than one kitchen?” you blurt out. Miyeon laughs and nods, “Junmyeon has 3 kitchens in this house.”
“Oh my god,” you whispered. “How many rooms are in this house then?” you set your things on the chair,  “12 rooms in this house,” you gasp. Junmyeon butts in and lets Miyeon know she is free to go. “Thank you Miyeon, once you are done you can leave for the night. Don’t forget to take the sweets with you for your grandchildren,” she nods and bids you both farewell for the night. He turns back and continues cooking, you awkwardly stand there but set your things on the chair at the table. While he cooks in silence you walk around the kitchen and into the small living area connected to it, everything in it looks like it hasn’t been touched … and it hasn’t been touched, everything looks new and like they just bought everything this morning. The house looked like no one even lives in it because it looked so new. You come across a photo of Junmyeon with his family, him, his parents and his younger brother … but it seemed like this photo was taken in the hospital. You make your way around the room and to Junmyeon setting the table.
“Can I help with anything?” he shook his head and brings out two glasses of wine. You look on the table and he had cooked all of your favorite foods, he brushes past you and sets the wine down. Pulling your chair, he pushes you in and goes to his side. “You remember all of my favorite things …” you look smiled.
“How could I forget?” he softly smiles as he pours wine into your glass. Remembering the first time Junmyeon ever poured you wine you suddenly chuckle. “What?” he stops. “Remember the first time you cooked for me and you spilled wine all over me? I didn’t have any extra clothes and was changing into your shirt then Baekhyun walks in on us and th-”
“Then I dropped my glass on the floor because we didn’t expect him home that night,” you both look up and clear your throats. He lets you know that if you need anything else he can cook it for you but you shook your head and it went quiet. For the rest of dinner you would notice that he would glance up every now and then at you and look back down, you made small talk but it was nothing more than casual gettings. You could sense he wanted to say something but couldn’t figure it out how to say it, he had a habit of wrinkling his nose when he was trying really to concentrate. It was quiet for the rest of half an hour when you and Junmyeon finished eating. You help him clear the table and clean the dishes. You felt like an old couple, and every time your hands touched while washing the dishes Junmyeon would clear his throat and apologize.
After washing the dishes, Junmyeon puts in a movie on the projector and comes sits right next to you. He grabs the pillow from you and lays his head on your lap.“Junmyeon what are you-” he shushes you and points to the screen, “Just for now,”  within minutes of the film starting you could hear soft breathing from him. Right at that moment Baekhyun walks in and almost shits his pants when he sees that Junmyeon is sleeping.
“Holy fuck,” he said a little too loudly. “Sh!” you gesture him to be quiet. He tiptoes to the other side and tosses a blanket on Junmyeon before sitting next to you. “How did you get him to sleep? Did he have his medicine?”
“I didn't do anything,” you asked confusingly. Baekhyun makes a face like he is contemplating or not to tell you something. “What is it Baekhyun, just spill it.” He sighed, “Ummm, nothing … be glad that he is a heavy sleeper when he actually decides to sleep because this movie is loud as fuck. Holy shit, I can’t believe he went to sleep without his medication.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“He hasn't been sleeping well for a long long time, that's why he always looks like he is tired. He has trouble sleeping and when I do visit, it's to make sure he takes his sleeping pills because he can't seem to fall asleep and if he doesn’t sleep he ends up in the hospital. I don't know what magic you did but I've never seen him sleep this soundly before, he looks like he is at peace.” You look down and unknowingly began to brush his hair away from his face. “He actually looks like a human being you know. Well since you're here I'll leave you to take care of him-”
“Wait no don't leave me alone with him,” you grab his wrist when he gets up. “What am I supposed to do with him?” Baekhyun reaches under your feet and pull out couch …. “Look, I know your history with him and I know you’re upset with him but please, just let him sleep for tonight, maybe he'll wake up and be less of a grumpy ass,” with this he leaves you both alone in the house. You look down and pull the blanket up so he’s covered, pretty soon you fall asleep.
You stir in your sleep as you hear someone whispering, you look down and Junmyeon seemed to be whispering in his sleep. You take a glance at the clock on the wall, 3:11am. Junmyeon suddenly sits up and begins hyperventilating, he turns to look at you and you could see that his forehead was drenched in sweat. He pulls you into a tight hug and you didn’t know what else to do other than rub his back because you were in shock, pretty soon he calmed himself down and fell asleep again, with tired eyes you soon fall asleep too.
You began to stir when the light hits you and you slowly opened up your eyes to find someone in front of you, you scream. “Wait! It's me, don’t hurt me,” he put his hands up and backs up. You rub your eyes and your vision adjusted, “Jongin!” you jumped and give him a big bear hug. “It's been so long, how have you been? Where is Junmyeon?”
“Oh you know, just the usual self,” you glared at him. “You better not have gotten into any big trouble mister,” he chuckles and tells you that he has been in and out of the country traveling but came to visit since he is settling back in the country. “... but,” he sits down next to you, “What are you doing at my brother's house? Have y’all-”
“No, I-its complicated to explain at the moment, I don’t even know why I am here,” he slightly leans and see’s the blanket beside you. “Did you sleep here with Junmyeon last night?” he grinned. You shook your hands, “No-I mean yes I did but I didn’t intend too, he fell asleep on me as we were watching a movie and I was stuck under him,” his eyebrows raise, and you gasp, “Don’t get the wrong idea, he fell asleep on my lap and I-I was stuck.”
“Hm,” he crossed his arms and leans back. “I guess Baekhyun didn’t need to come to give him his medicine since you spent the night here,” you sit on your side and lean in. “Jongin, Baekhyun did come last night, I didn’t intend to stay here last night, he cooked me dinner and then we watched a movie, Baekhyun mentioned something about medicine and now you have too, is he okay?” he scratched his head. “I don’t know if he’d kill me if I told you all of this-um,” trying to change the subject he shouts, “You’re the first girl I have seen him personally cook for in the past four years.”
“Don’t try to change the subject Jongin,” you glared at him. He chuckled, “Just forget we had this conversation and I didn’t come here,” he laughed. ‘Oh look at the time I need to go,” he stood up but you got up faster and blocked his path. “Jongin, are you hiding something from me?”
Authors Note #2 | Hey guys! If you have any feedback on this please let me know, I would love to hear comments on how the story is going so far. Thank you for reading!
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