#like if it was blatent enough that FANS knew about it...
tiger-balm · 7 months
I just remembered that hockey player that married his stalker... who was that was that tyler seguin 💀
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prorevenge · 6 years
As I recall this story, I’m aware that some of the comments said by the perpetrators below will seem a bit straw-man in their delivery, but keep in mind that this was in an area considered very extremist.
So, this took place back in high school. This was 8 years ago in the Midwest. I’m 25 now, and While I don’t cherish all that lead to this, I do fondly remember its conclusion.
When I was in 11th grade, I went to a school that had a really heavy emphasis on School Spirit. And honestly, that part was great. It didn’t just focus on sports and other clubs like it, but also celebrated AV, Debate, Dance, etc. We had a pretty good football team and My boyfriend at the time was a first string running back. I wasn’t on the cheerleading squad, but I often helped with choreography for them, Dance and Flag teams. Mostly because I didn’t want the stigma of being the only boy on the cheerleading squad.
I wasn’t often bullied myself. I mean, there was the occasional slur tossed at me in the hall by your run-of-the-mill homophobes. But as far as anything extreme went, it didn’t happen to me. I figured it was mostly due to the fact that I was pretty important to 3 school squads.
However, my boyfriend, when he finally came out and started dating me, did not get the same treatment from everyone. Maybe it was because he was supposed to be Masculine, tough guy, football star but things got a lot tougher for him really quick.
His family and close friends were pretty cool with it all, but school was a different story.
His teammates were the first to turn their backs on him. Treating him like dirt where a week before he was their ‘best friend.’ Obviously not all of them were like this, but enough of them were and they outshined the good players who didn’t mind.
He seemed to take most of it in stride, as he knew what he was getting into when he came out. He told me a little name calling wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle and ‘if being honest with them changed their attitudes so much, then they never really were his friends.’
However, this is @prorevenge. Things never really stop there.
Apparently, this change in attitude didn’t just stop at his teammates. His coach wasn’t a big fan of having a ‘fairy boy’ on his team, and began pushing my boyfriend to the absolute limit.
He had to do twice as much work as everyone else for no good reason. And then, he’d get benched for ‘slacking off’ during practice. This was clearly taking its toll on him and it was hard for me to sit by. I wanted to confront them, and to figure out how his personal life had any connection with his ability to play. But, I was 5’8”. The shortest guy on the team was 5’11”. They were 20 in total. I was 1, maybe more than that if I could convince some friends to back me up. They lifted weights, ate steel and shat bullets. I was a dancer, ate normally and shat healthily. The point is, I wouldn’t have stood a chance in a confrontation with these guys. So, for the moment, I let it go and made the most of BFs time with me.
However, one day, he showed up to my practice, bruised and sporting a swollen eye. Aka, a very frequent black eye. He sits next to me and before I can even ask what’s wrong, he cries for what was the only time I ever saw him crack. I was furious and asked him to tell me what the actual fuck happened and told me something that still makes me queasy to this day.
Apparently it was weight room training day for the team. That room with all the weights and treadmills and such. And as usual, my boyfriend was told to run twice as much and lift twice as much as everyone else. Apparently Coach was having a shit day and decided to push him the hardest he’d ever been pushed. He couldn’t take it and passed out temporarily when he stopped. He said he was only out for a few seconds (thank god.) but when he came to, his coach was looking down on him both physically and metaphorically. He apparently told him that he wasn’t even fit to be on the team if he couldn’t even run without passing out like a ‘sissy’.
Then my boyfriend told me he shared a look with the other team members and left the room. And then several other members started taking turns wailing on him, kicking him and spitting on him. It didn’t go on for long before a few of the good teammates got them to cut it out and he finally managed to get out of the weight room and find me.
I consoled him, but I felt my blood burn from the rage I felt. I know people bullshit all the time about ‘blacking out’ and going all primal on a bitch, but I felt that feeling. Like all reason was gonna flood out of my brain and I was gonna find a bat and crack knees. But my boyfriend practically pleaded with me to not say anything. He said he didn’t want it to get worse, and picking a fight wouldn’t make it better. So I sucked it up but felt the wheels in my head start turning. Something needed to be done.
I couldn’t let this go on. So I started thinking and I figured out a way to get these bastards. To pin them with all of their shit and get some justice for my boyfriend.
I had quite a few friends all across the school. Cheerleading, Dance, Flag and, most importantly, AV Club (Since they recorded most performances for Dance and Show Choir.)
I got a few of my cheerleader friends in on my scheme and convinced our coach to let us practice near the team that day. It was almost playoff season so it wasn’t a hard push. Furthermore, I asked if my AV club friend, Ciara, could record our routines so we could review them so I could see if anyone needed work. She was a really chill coach and said yes to that too. Obviously we hoped to catch these guys on film, and use it as evidence against them... and hope something came of it. Honestly, it wasn’t the best plan but it was what I came up with.
When we got to the field that day, I began running through the steps of a routine we came up with while our plan was put into motion.
And it was a nightmare for me. I heard the coach and saw his treatment first hand. Screaming at my boyfriend to work harder, run faster. And his teammates heckled and pushed him around in their all-to-subtle ways. ‘Accidentally’ throwing passes at his head. Shoulder checking him when they lined up for Defensive Drills.
But I knew I couldn’t say anything yet. He’d be upset if I stepped in and the tormenting wouldn’t get better. So I bit my lip and endured.
I was beginning to think we weren’t going to get anything. If we showed our principal or administration what we’d seen, the Coach or the players could just spin it as harmless heckling and ‘seeing the potential in him’ as an excuse to push him harder.
But luck finally got on our side, and another pass came flying towards BF and hit him square in his black eye.
I flinched when I saw it. He fell to his knees and cried out. I ran over to check on him and see if he was okay. He said he was fine but I could see his ‘good’ shining with tears. It clearly hurt a lot. I heard them laughing. The coach chuckling and those assholes who hurt him in the first place.
I just couldn’t hold my tongue anymore. I wasn’t known for shouting or cussing but I turned, my nastiest snarl on my face and screamed “What the actual fuck is wrong with your asses?”
The football twats started ‘Oooh’ing at us and the coach shook his head. “What? Does he need his boyfriend to fight his battles now?” He said.
I told him that he and his stupid team was the reason he was hurt in the first place. This didn’t deter him. I don’t remember his exact words, but he said something to the effect of “You should be happy I’m even letting this faggot on my team.” And told me that he’d speak with the coach about my position with the Other teams. Get me kicked off so I had nothing.
I looked back at Ciara. Thank God she had the wherewithal to bring her camera closer to watch him. I stood up, taking BFs hand and leaving the field, middle finger raised as I left. When I finally met up with Ciara, she told me she got the whole thing. I still wasn’t happy, but I was relieved we finally had something on these bastards. She told me she’d have a friend get it ready and we’d go to the Principal that week.
We went to her a couple of days later with our evidence and she was almost as furious as I was. She informed us that she was almost ready to call my boyfriend into the office to ban him from the team because his grades had slipped drastically over the past few months. From honor roll to Cs and Ds. Now she knew the reason. She called in the Coach and had us stick by to corroborate our story. When she asked the question, he did exactly what I thought he would do. He spun it like it was some ‘great potential’ he saw in my boyfriend, but that if it was costing him his grades, he’d inform him that he’d need to get them up or be barred.
I almost grinned like a Cheshire Cat when she turned her monitor around and showed him the footage of him insulting and threatening me and my boyfriend. He was stunned silent, and I was on Cloud 9 with a grin only the fucking sun could hope to match. She asked us to go to class for the day and we did, and awaited the fallout.
And oh my God was it sweet. First and foremost, BF was offered a chance to complete his missing work, no penalties. His grades got back to their previous state. But the best part was the Coach’s immediate firing for ‘Blatent Discrimination and Encouraging violence on a student.’ He wasn’t a teacher so finding a replacement wasn’t difficult. The Principal sent out emails to various schools and the Superintendent of our district and explained the situation. No way was he getting any more jobs in this area.
Furthermore, the jerks who actually committed the act faced not only suspension, but also were kicked off of the team. Most of them had to spend their Senior Year watching Sophomores and Second String players win their playoff game. They didn’t win the Championship but they did make it into the top 10.
But most importantly, my boyfriend was able to resume a relatively normal life.
We broke up after high school. I moved across country for School and he went to our State College. But we maintain a healthy friendship to this day. We try to talk at least twice a year. And we saw each other at our 5 year reunion. He’s happily married to a new guy and I’m in a great relationship and we all hit it off.
I never knew what happened to those guys or the Coach after High School. But I like to think that losing out on what they did may have taught them a lesson. And if not... well may God have mercy on their hateful asses. I certainly won’t.
(source) story by (/u/Kayden_Pauser)
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thebigmystery · 5 years
So before I went to bed last night I was recommended a video on YouTube and nearly shit myself in surprise. A video of ProJared called "YOUVE BEEN LIED TO".
I gave it a watch. Even with the title itself being a fucking red flag on it's own. Now don't get it twisted, I followed Jared up until all the drama went down so I believed him to be an honest and decent person. The reason I dropped his channel and essentially him as a person because wether or not his marriage issues, or the cheating, or even the alleged sending nudes to kids is true, his conduct and how he handled things sent giant red flags to me. I know manipulative behaviors. I've experienced it first hand. When you deal with it yourself you can smell it a mile away.
So after watching the video, and my whole point of this post is, that no matter what the he said she said that went on, what he did was wrong.
Not only that, in his video he openly says that he knows that and is sorry YOU'RE upset by it. Not that he thinks it's wrong himself. Not that the mere fact that blatently being on a website where he KNOWS his fans might be on the younger side, said "SEND ME NUDES" on a constant basis under the guise of "sexual positivity" where in reality that's a lie. If it was that you could make it anonymous. But he knew full well that he was slapping his name all over it, and it was to draw fans in. It's. Disgusting. Theres no realizing later there's a "power imbalance", you can't at all not know what you're doing when you make a fucking blog with your YouTube namesake on it encouraging people to send nudes.
Now onto the second half of that. "But the kids who sent them lied! They said they were 18+! And he asked!"
1. No shit Sherlock. They're fucking horny teens who were encouraged by their idol to send nudes. They could be anonymous because everyone knows tumblr is, and so of course they did that. And where Jared becomes a disgusting person is that it's impossible for him not to know this.
2. Not only that the whole video is him blaming FUCKING CHILDREN FOR SENDING NUDES TO HIM. How the fuck does anyone think that's okay??! To put it into perspective:
Tumblr media
You know you're a celebrity with power but youre going to blame fucking children for your discusting behavior.
And 3. "He asked!" This is the most pitiful excuse. Apparently asking someone on the internet before you get nudes "are you 18+?" Is a go ahead. If your that naive about the internet oh do I have fucking news for you. The mistake was making a porn blog that is available to anyone and repeatedly asking for fucking nudes in he first place. Asking if someone is 18+ is not enough. Ever. And to think so is fucking stupid. He full well knew this was not an entirely safe way of asking for age (even admits it) and still asks from nudes who may or may not be children, and then got his rocks off on it. Period.
Oh and let's not forget that he blames kids for it, but says it might be due to ones head trauma and that they at the time experienced hallucinations and psychosis. While I can't say personally that it can work that way....I don't think it works like that. Not only that, his proof is blaming a child who had mental health problems in general. Pretty fucking sleezy.
Yes they could have lied. Yes there could be discrepancies with the story of his cheating. But his blatent regard for knowing or even fully acknowledging that what he did was wrong and then insults everyone for it is a fucking dick move any way you slice it.
Oh and also saying that the people who accused him of it used "illogical fallacies", saying that they presented negative comments or personal vendetta's before laying facts. WHEN HE STARTED ALL OF THIS. HE HIMSELF WAS THE FIRST TO POST ON TWITTER ABOUT THE DIVORCE AND SAYING NOT TO BELIEVE ANYONES STORIES AND THAT HE WAS INNOCENT AFTER BLOCKING HIS FUCKING WIFE ON TWITTER. Wow. What an actual piece of shit.
Point is. He's not innocent. Won't admit he was wrong and gross. And please. Please. If you're underage don't fall for this shit from awful creators, when they know what they're doing. They're using you, and you need to be safe.
And those apologizing for calling him out, don't. He knows what he did and he's actually suckering YOU this time. Don't fucking fall for it.
Jesus Christ.
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
sorry, love (fionn x fem!reader)
so I recently saw Dunkirk and freakin’ FELL IN LOVE with Fionn, had to do this. It might turn into a series… IDK :D
Warning- Drinking, language, mentions of rape, smut
Summary- After finding you wasted and about to be assaulted in a bar, Fionn takes you home. You two get in a fight the next morning, and it ends smokin’ hawt. Like, they have a great argument XD (jk there’s some smut)
Fionn put his earbuds in. He had just gotten back from the Dunkirk press tour, and was anxious to get home. Home to Y/N. He hated interviews. Hated fans randomly popping up on the street. Hated people trying to stalk him on the web, take pictures of him- it was exhausting. He wouldn’t kill anything if it happened, but he certainly wouldn’t be the happiest man in the world. He wasn’t used to it, though this is the path he chose. He just wanted to go home and watch a good movie with Y/N.
Y/N was an American director he met while doing a workshop with her on Hamlet a while back. He was instantly captured by her personality, it isn’t every day your director gets on stage and recites a Shakespearean monologue by heart beautifully before humbly stepping down and coaching him. He asked her out for a coffee or two to “look at scripts” and the rest was history. Fionn was really surprised when he found out Y/N was a lawyer and directed on the side. He couldn’t belive he found a funny, intellegent, and all-around great girl that was so bloody talented.
Fionn and Y/N had two flats, one in London close to his work and home, and one in New York close to hers. She had dropped by to spend time with him during the small two-week window they had before he started auditions again and she went back to work in New York. Fionn was even hoping his agent would let him audition in New York so he could stay with Y/N. Their flat in London was in one of the nicer areas of London. They loved to ask the taxi to stop a block, or even a mile, away so they could walk hand in hand down the street towards their home. The only rough spot was a pub about half a block and a corner away. Since Fionn is pretty tall, they’re able to get by without a hassle. Neither of them really drank regularly, they just had better ideas for Friday nights.
That’s why Fionn was so surprised he to see Y/N, slung over the shoulder of a pretty big guy with tatoos all over who was heading to the ally.
At first, he didn’t recognize her. Just another thug going to take advantage of a drunk. However, curiosity took ahold of him and he watched the man throw her down in the ally. The girl groaned and swatted the hair away from her face, giving him a glimpse of his girlfriend.
“You’re pretty drunk, ain’t ya, luv?” The man unbuckled his belt. “Bet you won’t even remember this tomorrow mornin’”
Y/N groaned and her head fell back. Her make-up was running down her face, and she looked terrible. As the man ran his hands up and down her, she flinched and tried moving away, but she ended up falling.
“Hey mate,” Fionn called without a thought.
“Huh?” The man turned around. “You want in? There’s plenty of her to go around.”
“Yeah. ‘Bout that,” Fionn pulled out the Swiss Army knife from his backpack Y/N had gotten him before he left to film Dunkirk.
“I’m not playing a Swiss, love,” he had said, smiling while he took it out of the package.
She shrugged. “They’re useful. Saw it online and it reminded me of Dunkirk or whatever.”
Fionn didn’t like threatening people, but his girlfriend was about to get raped. He felt like this was an exception, even if she was bloody drunk.
He casually walked up, knife enclosed in his hand. “Normally,” he said. “I would ignore this blatently disgusting offer and walk away.
“However,” the knife came out of his hand and pointed it at the man inconspicuously so the crowd on the sidewalk didn’t see it faster than he could’ve imagined was possible. “I’m ‘fraid you have my girl. So if you ‘scuse me,” Fionn walked to Y/N and started helping her up, all while keeping the knife pointed. “It’d be best if I get going.”
Fionn smoothly slid the knife back,into his bag and helped the stumbling Y/N back home to their flat. She was tripping and speechless, which was unusual. A drunk Y/N normally wouldn’t be able to shut up, especially not around him. This was the first time Y/N had gotten drunk outside of home. She was always so embarrassed by her drunk conversations that she would happily down a bottle, but only in security of their flat. Fionn just couldn’t believe she could be so irresponsible. Before they went to go meet his mates at the bar, Fionn made Y/N figure out her limit two nights before. She knew when to stop. They both did. He just couldn’t believe she almost got raped in a back ally.
Fionn leaned Y/N against the wall next to their door and threw his bags and backpack in the door before helping her in. She stumbled in, wristlet falling off her wrist before she fell on the bed, chest rising and falling from sleep. Fionn was annoyed, and honestly didn’t want to be around Y/N or he might take this whole situation too far. If anyone had a good explanation for this, it would be Y/N.
She hadn’t buttoned her wristlet shut, and her phone was lying on the floor a few feet away from it. He picked both up and his finger accidently hit the home button. They had put their fingerprints one each others phone not long after going steady. He turned it off and walked into their room to charge it when he did a double take. He unlocked the phone again and saw 52 calls to someone named [your best guy friend]. 52 calls. She doesn’t even call him that often. Was she seeing Y/B/G/F behind your back? Did he break it off with her? That would explain the drinking.
Almost like she was on cue, Y/N shifted in her sleep and muttered Y/B/G/F/N.
Fionn felt- he felt weird. He couldn’t imagine a reason for her to cheat on him, but he couldn’t find a reason for her not to. He tried grabbing a book, but thoughts circled his head until he fell asleep
Y/N woke up on the couch. She stared blankly at her still shoed feet until the memories of that night hit. She couldn’t believe she was such an ass to Fionn last night. From the call to the assignment to the news, she was so stressed the day before and bought herself a light drink. After four drinks she remembered a guy hitting her up and taking her outside the pub. After that she could vaguely remember Fionn helping her up and back to their apartment. She couldn’t believe she forgot Fionn was coming back yesterday. She was excited for him to come back for weeks, once the day came, it just slipped her mind.
Y/N quietly snuck into the room to Fionn sleeping soundly in their bed, book on his chest. She took a quick shower and threw on an old t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and one of Fionn’s sweatshirts since it was cold out. When she walked back in the bedroom, Fionn was gone, book resting on the bed. Y/N took a breath and walked out into the kitchen/dining/Britain’s everything room. He was there, sipping a coffee and writing something in his notebook, probably song lyrics or something.
Y/N tiptoed over to the kitchen and slowly opened the cupboard, trying to avoid the inevitable conversation woth Fionn. Sadly, Y/N isn’t the stealthiest, and the sound of the mug against the counter diverted his attention to her.
“Mornin’,” he looked back down and scribbled more.
Usually, he would end all greetings with “love”, but she couldn’t blame him for not doing so this morning. She quickly threw together a tea and sat across from him.
“Hi,” she said awkwardly, sweatshirt covering her hands as she raised the mug. “Um- thanks for last night. I- I can’t really express wha-”
“Sure you can’t,” he said, not meeting her eyes.
“Um,” Y/N was shocked. Fionn wasn’t exactly a morning person, but he never responded to anything like this. “Fionn, are you okay? You didn’t have to really wake up early, I mean, it is 4 pm, but we don’t have anythin-”
“Yeah, yeah Y/N. Get to the bloody point.”
Fionn slammed his pen down on his journal and closed it before standing up, hands face down on the table, brown eyes burning.
Y/N set her mug down and stood up so her head was above his.
“Fionn, I don’t know why you’re being so difficult, but you at least need to give me some context-”
“Context,” he stood straight, now several inches above Y/N. “Yeah, ye want some context, don’t ya? Huh? Gonna give me the “law’s eye” to get me to confess somethin’ aren’t yeh? Gonna get me to confess to seein’ someone behind yer back? Gonna get ME to confess to what YOU’VE BEEN FUCKIN’ DOING Y/N?“
Y/N stared at Fionn in shock. He’s never exploded like this before. Sure, they’ve fought, but they always ended with a kiss and embrace.
“Wha- How the hell did you eve-”
“Oh,” he scoffed and looked to the side before locking eyes with me again. “You need that context now, don’t you? Well,”
Fionn walked over to their room and unplugged her phone. Y/N followed, trying to match his stride.
“You see this? Yea? That’s your phone. Now, if you recall, we exchanged fingerprints and passwords after goin’ steady. Remember that? Now, I’m just going to put my thumb here and what do I see? My girlfriend has tried to call this- this guy 52 times before getting drunk at a pub. What? Don’t act innocent like that. Upset that ye- yer side guy broke up with ya, huh? I’m not enough?”
Y/N was covering her mouth and holding back sobs. Tears streamed down her face and she was shaking. He has never exploded like this, never hurt her so much like this before. How could he keep slamming her down like this with no room to take a breath?
“Damn,” he said, walking up to her, locking her between him and the wall. “You’re more upset ‘bout this than when your hamster died. I thought that was all you cried about was death? Well, it’ll definitely be the death of this realtionshup if you don’t spin a convincing enough story. Why are you wearing my fuckin’ sweatshirt, huh? That’s only for couples- healthy couples. Couples that don’t see other people-”
“STOP,” Y/N shouted above Fionn’s ramblings. “Shut up for three seconds will you? You think you know EVERYTHING. Guess what? You don’t. You don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what is wrong with you, but you need to stop all this-this”
Fionn’s eyes were still ablaze as he opened his mouth before clenching his jaw again, hands shaking by his sides.
“I told you I got assigned to a case yesterday. It was a drunk dricing case, drunk driver crashed and killed a family, youngest daughter at three years old in a coma. Guess what? I got assigned to defense.”
“Why didn’t you jus-”
“And get fired and discriminated in the legal world? I have an oath to fufill, I can’t break it in the eyes of the law.”
Fionn rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Y/N knew he was sick of hearing her talk about this. Either way, she was sure he would break up with her. She just had that feeling in her gut.
“S-So, before you come back and we start out two-weeks, I start research, and guess who was one of victims? Y/B/G/F/N. My best guy friend from theater since we were kids. So I’m put on defense against my best friend’s killer. I couldn’t believe it. So I called him, 52 times, and he didn’t pick up because he was, of course, dead. He- He’s dead.”
Fionn opened his mouth but nothing came out. She had ended on such a strong note, and she hoped he would just say that he was sorry, say that he-
“That gives you no excuse to do what you did, Y/N.”
Y/N was shocked. He’s still nagging at her? She couldn’t believe it.
“You know what? You’re right,” Y/N took off his sweatshirt and threw it on the bed and took her phone and wristlet with her as she headed over to the door. “You’re right, it’s a shit story, a shit reason to drink, as shit reason for you to believe me no matter how honest and real it is for me.”
She slipped on her shoes and opened the door.
“The hell do ye think yer goin’?”
“[Your best friend] is coming into town with her girl/boyfriend. We’re having dinner. Was going to introduce you to her, but-” you shrugged and left.
Fionn looked around at their empty flat and started humming a stray tune. It was meant to be happy, the story she spun was shit and she acknowledged it, but it drifted into a minor rendition of Imprint, which she loved harmonizing to.
Y/N really was one of the big things in his life. She made him smile, made his day, made his life better than it was before. He picked up one of Y/N’s binders from the coffee table and flipped through it. Sure enough, her story was there, all on official documents.
Fionn sighed. There was no getting her back now. He was such an ass to her, she was probably going to stay with her best friend that night.
His two-week vacation had just begun, and he didn’t want it to start with a break with the best girl in the world. There was one thing he had to do.
“Hi Y/N!” Y/B/F/N scooped you into a big hug outside of the cafe. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“I missed you, too,” Y/N said, pulling back from the hug and fiddling with her wristlet. “So, where’s your lucky boy/girl?”
“Inside,” her smile brightened. “Oh my God I can’t wait for you to meet her/him!”
“Well I’m excited,” she said, giving Y/B/F/N a big smile. “They need my stamp of approval,” she winked at her bouncy friend.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Y/N,” she smiled. “So where’s this Fionn guy I’ve been seeing all over your Insta for the past -well- forever? Still haven’t met him,” she pouted. “You’re meeting my bae, I should be able to meet yours.”
“Um,” Y/N twirled her hair. “‘Bout that. We kind of got into a fight, and he -uh- he’s not coming.”
Y/B/F/N gasped. “Oh. My. Freakin- I’m so sorry!”
“Oh, no it’s fine,” Y/N sighed. “It basically was my fault.”
“Stop putting yourself down [Your nickname].” She linked arms with her and guided her towards the door. “It’ll probably blow over soon. C'mon, [your best friend’s boy/girlfriend] has a table.”
Fionn grabbed the sweatshirt from the bed, his phone, keys, and threw on his glasses before pulling his shoes on and running out the door. He didn’t exactly know where he was going to, but he did know he needed to find Y/N.
After three stops at some of their favorite hangout spots, Fionn finally stumbled on Y/N. She was sitting across her friend and their boy/girlfriend. He took a deep breath before walking over.
“Hey,” he casually walked over and pulled out the chair next to Y/N. “Sorry I was late.”
Fionn pulled Y/N into a one-armed hug. “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered in her ear before he pulled away. “Did ya already order, or-”
Y/N looked down at her lap. “No, no it’s fine.” She handed him her menu and smiled slightly at him.
After ordering, Y/N’s friend held out her hand.
“I’m Y/B/F/N. This is my boy/girlfriend, [Your bestie’s bae’s name].”
“Hi,” he shook her hand and gave a smile to Y/B/B/N before casually slipping an arm around Y/N’s shoulder. “Nice to meet you.”
After dropping Y/B/F/N and [their bae] off at their hotel, Y/N spun around to face Fionn. It was chilly out, and she had slipped on his sweatshirt earlier. The night fell on the square and lights were slowly beginning to turn on.
“I thought you, I mean, I-”
“Yeah,” Fionn scratched the back of his neck. “I was fuckin’ angry, but I really am sorry, love. You have to believe me, right?”
“I- I do,” Y/N pulled her hair away from her face before letting it drop again. “I want to. A lot. You know I- I care about you a lot, Fionn. You scared me, and I-”
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry, love.”
Y/N and Fionn were almost to their flat and she stopped before opening the door.
“I’m sorry, too,” she said. “I shouldn’t have drunk, and it’s thanks to you I didn’t lose my virginity.”
“WHAT?” Fionn gaped at Y/N. He obviously didn’t know that.
“Shut it,” she said, smiling. “Neighbors can hear.”
“I-” he lowered his voice, “I know, but are you, really?”
“Do you honestly think I had time for that?” Y/N opened the door and he walked in, stilk facing her. She closed the door and took off her shoes.
“Damn, Y/N,” he said, tossing his shoes on the rack. “You shouldn’t have told me that. You’re in for one hell of a night.”
“That sounds gross,” Y/N said, setting her shoes the rack gently. “I was thinking a movie or-”
Fionn closed her mouth with a kiss. It was the first kiss they had since he came back, and it was innocent, just like their relationship normally was. Soon, his hands were tangling in her hair and she was on her tiptoes, arms around his neck. He picked her up easily and carried her to their bedroom, dropping off his glasses on the way.
He pushed her roughly against the headboard, her small frame pressed against his body. His hands were traveling up and down her sides, hers tangled in his hair. He slowly took off his sweatshirt she was wearing and dropped it on the side of the bed. Before he went back to kissing Y/N, he took off his shirt. They crashed into each other with a hunger neither of them had ever experianced before. Kisses grew passionate, and he straddled her against the bed. Soon, her shirt and shorts were off. She was wearing her everyday underwear, but Fionn never thought anyone could look so beautiful as she looked up at him with wide eyes, panting.
“Are you sure you want this?” Fionn pushed her hair behind her ear as she nodded. He gently sucked the spot below her ear as he cradled her lower back. As Y/N began moaning softly, his hand moved up to her bra clasp and began removing it. It was on the floor moments later, and his lips were starting down to her breasts. He sucked on her nipple as she dug into his lower back with her feet. He could tell she was holding back moans, and left her on the bed to search his nightstand.
He quickly pulled his pants down and threw a condom onto his enlarged manhood. Y/N had sat up on the bed, looking on with wide eyes. He took off her wet panties, exposing her clit and ran a finger over it before slowly sliding in. She was really tight, probably since this was her first time. Her eyes were shut and before he was completely in her, she yelped and pushed him back, shaking. Y/N wrapped her arms around her legs, taking deep breaths, head hidden in her arms.
“Y/N,” he said, crawling up to her and placing a hand on her back. “Y/N, love, are you okay? Di’ I ‘urt you? I’m so sorry. Are ye hurt, love? Are you okay? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that I’m so bloody stupid. I di'n’t hurt ya did I? Love? Talk to me, please?”
She looked up, hair covering half her face. “I- It feels so- I can’t- I’m so sor-”
“It’s alrigh’, love,” he pushed her hair behind her ear. “We don’t have to-”
“No, no,” she said, streatching her legs out around him. “I can do it. We’ve come so far, I can do it.”
“You sure, love? We don’t hav-”
She kissed him fiercely and soon she up against the headboard again. He guided his cock into her as she gripped his hair, knees coming up. Her eyes closed, head back against the headboard. He put one hand on her lower back to help her if she fell before he did and gently pulled the back of her head to rest on his shoulder. She buried her face in his neck as he slowly went in and out of her, gaining speed when he felt her fingers relax their grip on his back and hair. Moments after, she let out a moan, pressing her forehead into his shoulder. She was panting and shaking, probably confused at what was happening.
“S'ok, love,” he said, stroking her lower back. “You can let go.”
She exhaled and fell off the edge just then, him falling soon after. He fell onto her stomach, groaning softly after they both reached their high.
Fionn took himself out of her and peeled the full condom off him and thew it in the rubbish. She was taking deep breaths, trying not to notice the ruined sheets. He pulled on a pair of shorts so he wouldn’t be tempted to start it all up again and grabbed one of Y/N’s blankets from the couch, throwing it around her shoulders and sitting next to her on the bed.
“That wa'n’t so bad, was it, love?”
Y/N chuckled and rested her head on Fionn’s shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. “Suppose not. I’ve got nothing to compare it to.”
He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “You know I did it 'cause I love you. I love you a lot.”
“'Love you, too,” she said hesitantly.
“There ya go, love! That wa'n’t so hard, was it?”
“Not as hard as your cock,” she smiled up at Fionn, a mischievous glimmer in her eye.
“Shush, love. Don’t want to start it o'er again.”
She laughed and it sent butterflies up through Fionn. “Now,” he said. “'Bout that movie…”
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