#like if u don’t have executive dysfunction u cannot comprehend how hard it is to get work done w it
lesbianlenas · 2 years
one thing i really do hate is that like. the amount of work i have put in to be where i am academically does not translate so apparently in my transcript for ex. like yes i have a 3.81 gpa & i graduated w the highest honors at my school but like. i did that while also having severe depression and undiagnosed adhd for the first 3 yrs of college but it’s like. that doesn’t matter ykwim. like i am judged on the same level as someone who did those things w/o having severe mental illness at the same time & it’s frustrating to me bc i know that if i didn’t have mental illness i would have done even better. unfortunately the education system says fuck you if u have mental illness so like 😩
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endgameexecutor · 6 years
So my wife, @crazygingerlady, wanted to see how much I’ve changed over the years. So here’s an ask meme I answered ages ago with updated answers. The old answers can be found here.
What was your:
Last drink: Cranberry lemonade, babey!
Last phone call: My wife. OvO
Last text message: (From my sister about a crab she caught): Could be a girl.
Last song you listened to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJAvPsSeXvg
Last time you cried: Bitch I wish I could cry. It would prolly help me get out all these bad emotions squatting in my body, not paying their dopamine rent.
EDIT: My wife informs me I was crying over how cute baby snakes were last night.
Have you ever:
Dated someone twice: Does dating my wife constantly count?
Been cheated on:
Kissed someone and regretted it: Only once, when I poked Jayde’s eye with my nose.
Lost someone special: I lost my grandmother when I was a child. I couldn’t even comprehend what was going on back then. It hit me like a truck a phew years later and I felt like shit when it did.
Been depressed: Been?
Been drunk and thrown up: Still don’t drink. Maybe if I had something blue and fruity...
In the past year have you:
Made a new friend: Lot’s of them in my college classes. Right now they’re on Discord shitposting about Seto Kaiba.
Fallen out of love: That’s an emotional roller coaster I plan to never ride again.
Laughed until you cried: Every time my wife says something funny. Unless it’s terrible terrible terrible.
Met someone who changed you: See: “My wife.”
Found out who your real friends are: I can trust no one in this filthy world but my cat, Arby.
Found out someone was talking about you: Are they? ...Are they saying nice things?
Kissed anyone on your Facebook list: Jayde were we Facebook friends before or after we kissed?
EDIT: She informs me it was before.
How many people on your FB friends do you know irl?: I’m in a long distance relationship with my wife so that one’s a technicality. All my other IRL friends use Discord.
Do you have any pets?: Four cats. One with anxiety, one doesn’t like me, one’s a sweet angel, and one’s Arby.
Do you want to change your name?: Can I add titles like “Duke”?
What did you do for your last birthday?: Get a surprise visit from my wife who I proceeded to hug for a solid three minutes.
What time did you wake up today?: Nine-thirty. Or at least I’m hoping I woke up. I’ve got errands to run.
What were you doing at midnight last night?: Binging Criminal Minds way past bedtime.
Name something you CANNOT wait for: The fall of capitalism.
Last time you saw your mother: About a week ago. I’m the man of the house for now. Those plants you see outside? I watered them. Yeah, I’m a big deal.
What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself: Hi I’d like to return this depression with the executive dysfunction that came with it.
What are you listening to rn?: The dulcet tones of Jayde’s AC because I’m Skyping her while I write this.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: I was on the highschool math team with one but let me ask this; why Tom? Why is that such and important name to you? Are you looking for a Tom? Did he break your heart?
What’s getting on your nerves rn?: The loneliness that comes with being the only person in this house.
Nickname: My wife calls me Bingus.
Relationship status: In a long-distance relationship, with my wife, @crazygingerlady.
Zodiac sign:  ♉
Pronouns: He/him
Favourite tv show: I am fickle man, but right now the first two to come to mind are Criminal Minds and Star Vs.
High school: No thank you I ain’t reliving that. I think I was even more depressed and self-destructive back then.
College: Actually really enjoying my current degree in graphic design!
Hair colour: Still brown. Also why the “u”? Is this questionnaire some sort of data collection means for British spies? Or did I change it back then because I thought it made me look “cultured”?
It really just made me look like a twat.
Long or short: It was long and curly but then Jayde gave it a trim when I last saw her.
Height: Taller than you’ll ever be and that’s all that I need to say.
Do you have a crush on someone?: Golly gee whoever could it be?
What do you like about yourself?: Apparently I look real good in button-up flannel.
Tattoos: I have a plan to get “ARE YA NASTY” penned right on my cheeks before the year is out.
Righty or lefty: Righty.
First surgery: After a cursory check I have confirmed all my organs are in their proper places.
First piercing: One time I had this really bad splinter does that count?
First best friend: I think it was actually this kid who hit me in the face with a shovel. I don’t think we were friend for too long after that.
First sport you joined: Soccer when I was a kid. Went through a child league or something of the sort and stopped. I was not very good at it and am no better as an adult!
First vacation: Seattle as a kid, pity I can’t remember a lick of it on account of being baby.
First pair of trainers: I still have no idea what the fuck this means. Maybe the OP really was from the UK.
Eating: Currently digesting a Taco Bell quesadilla.
Drinking: And a Strawberry Icee from the same place.
I’m about to: I’m not sure, I might go to France’s many vineyards and sample their finest wines. Or I might just finish up this questionnaire. I dunno.
Listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAbNynH35pw
Waiting for: My family to get home and also dreading it a little as well. Sure it was lonely, but it was also quiet.
Want kids: I already have baby names lined up.
Get married: Jayde’s grandparent’s have been looking at rings for us already.
Career: Remember when it seemed like I was going to be an accountant? Me either. Let’s keep going with graphic design like my wife was right about.
Which is better:
Lips or eyes?: If you’re asking what I like in a partner then I’ve gotta ask why exactly you’re making me choose!
Hugs or kisses?: Excuse me while I fucking embrace my wife.
Shorter or taller? I love my short, fat wife.
Older or younger? Older. My wife has a whole year on me! Grandma.
Romantic or spontaneous? I feel like there’s an overlap but I definitely need to plan more dates to surprise Jayde with...
Nose, stomach or nice arms? This still sounds serial-killer-ish but if I’m to set that aside, stomach.
Sensitive or loud? Bitch Jayde’s both. And I love it.
Hook up or relationship? I’m so happy with the one I’m in now. I ain’t ever gonna stop loving her. Bitch.
Troublemaker or hesitant? I dunno, I guess that would depend on trouble for who? Though given the bad ideas I suggest I’m really glad Jayde doesn’t do any of them.
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger? Only when I pretend not to know who Jayde is.
Drank hard liquor? I’m not sure how to put a funny spin this. Next!
Lost glasses or contacts? I can’t wear them lest they reduce the beauty of my stunning hazel eye-things.
Sex on first date? That one is gonna be a nada for good.
Broke someone’s heart? I have, I still feel fucking terrible about it.
Been arrested? Nope, my record is clean aside from those traffic tickets.
Turned someone down? Yup, I had to tell Arby he wouldn’t get more food because he’d already been fed.
Cried when someone died? Not immediately. I think the “losing a loved one” covers that pretty well.
Fallen for a friend? Story of Jayde and I’s relationship.
Do you believe:
In yourself? On good days, yeah I do. I also might be too confident in my graphic design skills though.
Miracles? Yes, his name is Sirius and he’s Jayde’s baby boy.
Love at first sight? With my wife, but at the time my dumb-ass didn’t realize it. I’m as dense as lead.
Heaven? I’m not sure how to answer that. I mean I won’t fight against it’s existence but I ain’t but all my chips on it either.
Santa Claus? That was explained to me years ago but like hell I’ll ruin it for my kids. How much do red suits cost?
Kiss at first date? I’m not sure so I just kiss Jayde a lot to cover my bases.
EDIT: Jayde says our first “real” date was at the aquarium, and we kissed a lot.
Angels?: Have you seen my wife?
Speaking of I hope this gives a better idea of how I’ve changed over the years. I love you sweetie<3
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