#like imagine thinking the man who ruined your life was trapped in a decaying rabbit suit
driftingvoid-155 · 7 months
Henry who wasn’t all that close with the Aftons after Charlie’s death or really before either. He worked with William and knew he had a family consisting of three kids but rarely ever saw them, especially not after his own child’s passing. So least to say, when he sees Michael show up to apply for the position of night guard in fnaf 6, for a brief moment, he thinks it’s William from the past back to haunt him again. This zombie version of his old friend here to put an end to him once and for all.
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jgamecartoonfann · 7 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
Most, if not all, are SyaoSaku, some are family/friendship. 
(Beginnings (K+) [One-Shot].Thinking about the way they met has Syaoran worrying over the memory. Sakura finds a way to lift him out of the mood.
Butterfly Kisses  (K) (A bit AU) [One-Shot]. Syaoran hates Valentine’s Day. Unless he’s bleeding heavily and stuck in a gym with Kinomoto Sakura, in which case the day doesn’t seem too bad … 
Can They Really be In Love  (T)(AU) [One-shot].The town never believed that these two were together, questioning their motives with every possible explanation. But in reality, it was truly that simple. 
Family Photos (K) [One-Shot]. Syaoran and Sakura are staying in Hong Kong for the winter holidays, and Syaoran's sisters are determined to embarrass Syaoran one way or the other during their stay!
Gonna Have a Baby (K) [One-Shot].The most harrowing nine months of Syaoran's life. Sakura Syaoran goopfic. 
Hanami (K) [One-shot]. It has been one week since Syaoran's returned from Hong Kong, after completing his formalities. After being together, officially, for a year and a half, it is finally time for their first date! S&S 
Here Goes Nothing (T) [One-Shot]. Shortly before a Very Important Date, Li Syaoran stops at home and encounters someone completely unexpected sitting in his front parlor.
I’ll See You Soon (K+) [Oneshot]. "I can't stay your kaijuu forever. All little monsters grow up." - The day Sakura moves out is harder on Touya than he thought it would be. SxS on the side
In Line (K+)  [One-shot]. Sakura wants to do a little something for Syaoran. Kerocentric. Short and sweet, no plot.
Jasmine (K+) (Kinda AU) [One-Shot]. As he did so, he caught a whiff of jasmine – like a faraway perfume he had once liked on someone.
Kiregire  (T) [Multi-Chapters]. A collection of fluffy SxS drabbles, using the names of the Clow Cards as the themes. Mostly set postcanon. 
Landscape (T)(Kinda AU) [One-Shot]. What good is strength, or power, or blood, he wonders, if she must face the abyss on her own? SS. Good for Syaoran fans.
Man to Man (K+) [One-Shot]. Sakura and Syaoran have just announced their engagement, and Touya's not terribly happy about it. So at his sister's begging, Touya decides it's time for him and Syaoran to have a little man-to-man talk. Non yaoi.
Mother’s Intuition (K) [One-Shot].  Yelan knew something was off with Syaoran. Sakura/Syaoran
Not Perfect (K)(AU?) [One-Shot]. He wasn't perfect. But he was Syaoran, and she wouldn't have it any other way. SxS Fluff. 
One Perfect Moment (K) [One-Shot].Cerberus has never cared much for the passing of time. That's why in some ways, it hit him much harder.
One Week (K+)(Complete) [Multi-Chapter]. He knew the girl behind the counter … but she didn’t know him. Short fic set in a world where The Void has taken Sakura’s love for Syaoran.
Reassurance  (K) [One-Shot](No Romance). After being practically used and abandoned by someone you care about, sometimes it's nice to have some reassurance, and on a few nights after Sakura completes Eriol's trial, Yue needs some.
Stuck  (T) [One-Shot]. A past traumatic experience of Syaoran evolves into a deep-seated fear, culminating one day when he and Sakura are trapped in an elevator. Luckily , Sakura's an expert on phobias. (formerly titled "A Growing Fear")
Syaoran’s Surprise  (T) [One-Shot]. For Syaoran, it starts off being a typical Sunday morning. However, this day is far from typical. It is Valentine's Day and Sakura has prepared a little suprise.
The Dare He Should Have Not Consented (K+)(Character Death)[One-Shot].It was but a simple dare Sakura gave. Syaoran never imagined what dire consequence it contained. Then right there and then he now knew: his life would never revolve the same way again.
The Rabbit And The Moon (K+) (No Yaoi)[One-Shot].  Syaoran is back in Tomoeda to stay. Yukito offers his help setting up house, but Syaoran suspects that the silver-haired boy's motives aren't Yukito's own
Three Feet Radius  (K) [One-Shot]. In which Sakura is amused about a particular little detail that always happens when Syoaran's around. All guys - except those she and Syoaran knows well - couldn't get within a three feet radius of her. SxS
Twelve Years of Christmas  (K+)(Completed) [Multi-Chapter]. Tsukimineshrine LJ Christmas challenge. Twelve short stories of twelve years of Sakura and Syaoran's Christmases
The Void (K+)(Uncompleted) [Multi-Chapter].  She doesn’t know this stranger who is so insistent on helping her. But he could be the key to saving her soul … An SxS fic set in a world where the Void has taken Sakura's feelings and memories of Syaoran. Sister story to 'One Week'.
Would You (K+) [One-Shot].  SxS It was an important question. And each silent second that turned into endless minutes just had his heart brittling and decaying. "I'm sorry, it was stupid of me to ask that question." oneshot, angsty, fluff, canon... takes place after 2nd movie
Your Turn (T) [One-Shot].  Syaoran and Sakura play a game. Tomoyo watches, camera in hand, and plans for the future. Kero wishes he didn't understand.
And some Tsubasa Chronicle Syaosaku!:
Kissing It Better (K) [One-Shot]. Syaoran finds out that history has a pretty persistent habit of repeating itself.
Memories Not Recalled (T) [One-Shot]. The memories of the past haunt Syaoran's thoughts, even as he sleeps. But he's never alone in his misery, as Sakura sleeps there beside him. Clones post-reincarnation. 
Pounce (T) [One-Shot].  Pre-manga oneshot. Syaoran is always gone, excavating the Clow ruins, but Sakura is always there to greet him when he gets home. Still, this greeting ended up a little... different than usual. Rated for one slightly steamy bit, but nothing too risque occurs
Second Chance (T) [One-Shot].  Never in a thousand years did he expect to open his eyes again. [Twelve Shots of Summer]
Suitors (K) [One-Shot]. Touya thinks it’s high time Sakura made some new friends. His plan backfires when Sakura decides to take refuge in Syaoran’s bed. SxS fic set PreTsubasa.
Check out @littlewolf-cherryblossom recs if you want to read more fanfiction!
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