#like in the acrophobia one a creepy guy jumps out and pushes you off the tall building. they all have something like that
marklikely · 1 year
really love amateur Internet horror as a whole like its a great medium for passion projects and creativity but if there's one thing id like to never ever see in the space again its "legitimately good subtle story but we added a scary monster that runs at you BWAH!!"
#its absurdly common in adaptations of liminal horror like someone comes up w a great liminal horror idea#and then a bunch of people who don't know how to be scary are just like and then we put a monster in it ooOoOooh!!!!!#like what happened to the backrooms or some scp video games#or there are these really great tiktok videos i think they're called like. phobia videos or something#and they're a collection of 3d animated clips that genuinely do get under my skin like#thalassophobia *video of you in a creepy underwater place* acrophobia *video of you on an impossibly tall building*#but then they always always ALWAYS end the clip with like . a creepy guy jumps out at you#like in the acrophobia one a creepy guy jumps out and pushes you off the tall building. they all have something like that#and it genuinely makes me insane because im like well THATS NOT? the phobia?? these arent different fears its all the same thing!!#i have been around the block too long in internet horror spaces im fully immune to Then A Scary Monster phobia#avpost#and im not one of those people with a stick up their ass about jumpscares its just like. not every story needs a scary monster face#i promise you there are other ways to índuce fear in your audience#and this has been going on like. at least since i was a teenager. like its so played out and we clearly will never move on#hell even from before i was a teenager like those youtube screamers are arguably the precursor to this#but nowadays its more annoying bc the stories are genuinely really good! until the goofy face monster ruins it
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dylanxmin · 4 years
we were strangers | knj
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 part of ‘The Chronicles of Y/N’ Collab. - @heartsforbtsnet​
pairing; kim namjoon x reader
genre; fluff, humor, and angst, strangers to lovers au? high school au
rating; pg15
warnings; slight swearings, light angst where can be harsh for someone (but not THAT harsh)
word count; 10k
summary; y/n recieves a love letter in her locker
a/n; this fic suppose to be a ‘short’ one but, it turned out as 10k, and i don’t know how this is happened. it was out of blue guys i swear! lol,, i hope you are all can enjoy while reading this fic, and love it as well. thank you for reading, and feedbacks are always appreciated by me, just for the records! love you, all ♡
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You’re feeling the pressure of the hands as they met with your skin to hold you safe from not knocking off the ground, familiarly holding you up, pushing you until your feet’s lost the touch of the ground, as your back tightening with the tension, also with a little fear of from hitting to the ground, but you’d never admit that to yourself or anyone who knows you.
After the last push, while goosebumps taking over your body, frequent throbbing of your pulse hitting you by the neck, finally you were able to feel the ground on your feet now.
“Okay, I guess that’s enough for today,” you said before clapping hands for two times, and your gaze wandered on your teammates while panting in sweat, slightly dripping on your forehead. Your friends who were covered in white and red uniform, cheered up a little, imitatively clapped after you, all breathless under their wet uniforms. “I don’t know what possessed you today, but you were hard on us Y/N,” whiney boy, started to walk towards to you, as the others were walking the opposite direction from you, most of them were mumbling somethings you shouldn’t hear, but you could manage to hear all the curses for you, gossip about how strict you were today, and it was like they did it on purpose to be hearable by you.
“We need to practice more as the matches are soon,” you repeated the words that you said on the last practice, “Do you want to fail, in front of the other teams?” as you continued ironically, your friend’s eyes rolled at you, nodded his head for a couple of time. “Yes, yes. You said these words before Y/N,” he murmured under his breath, hearable enough as he was getting closer to you, but his attitude didn’t irritate you because this was his usual behavior towards you.
Yes, you were a little tight for these couple weeks, but it’s for the best, as you wanted to look good when you are going to present your moves and all. Maybe you were being hard on them, but it’s for the best, and they should be thankful for your efforts on this team, rather than hating you or, gossiping about you. At least, you thought like this, but the others were thinking that you were being a pain in the ass, as they were slightly right.
“Jungkook, I just want to be better, it’s not something bad, am I wrong?” your friend gave a response to you by nodding his head, as the meaning of an agreement. He was standing in front of you know, eyes were looking at you in irony, but you choose to toss it. “I don’t think it’s just because you want to be better, but okay, I’m not going to dig it up.” You watched him as he shrugged, holding his hands beside his body but in return, you rolled your eyes.
Jungkook was talking beside you as you were walking to the showers because you were in sweat and a little dirty due to touching the ground while practicing. He was talking about how he found ‘the one’, describing her, talking about her while you were sinking on your thoughts, and of course, you love to talk with him, but this wasn’t the first time that he thought that he found ‘the one’, which you were sure it wasn’t going to be the last one.
He always finds a new girl that he convince himself about that she was the one, but after a couple of weeks, they would split out, due to the news that she wasn’t ‘the one’, as always. It’s never changed because he was susceptible when it’s come to relationships and you never understand why or, how can someone be like this. You never had a first love or, anything like that. Yes, you had relationships and yes, you had crushs but love was something different, it was more serious than a little crush, and dating for two weeks.
Before taking a shower, you stop at your locker to take your little bag that includes your hair products, but Jungkook was still there, talking about his love, constantly. “I’m telling you Y/N, this time it feels right,” he was excited and talking with you while his eyes sparkling in happiness, brushing his hair for a couple of time, moving on his feet as smiling widely, and you couldn’t help but smile in return, nodding.
As soon as you opened your locker, little brownish paper falls at your feet, taking you by surprise as your friends shut his mouth while scowling his brows. “Is that a letter?” he implies, but you shook your head, kneeling quickly to take the paper before him, “No, no, it’s mine,” you reassured him, with a simple tone for not alarming him, but he was still scowling his brows at you.
“It’s mine Jungkook,” you slightly hit his shoulders as he was exaggerating the situation, but in the truth, he was right and it was a letter.
You didn’t know who put it in here or, why they did it, but still, the last thing you wanted to hear from your best friend that it was a sign for true love or, something close to that.
Luckily, he shrugged and distracted by your teammates as you put the letter at your bag, quickly before getting his attention to yourself. Now, you have to wait to take a shower to read the letter, but you know that it was going to be hard for you because even now, curiosity takes over your body. You couldn’t stop counting the time, as you want to read that letter as fast as you can, taking a shower never felt this long before in your life and you quit showering shorter than your normal routine and if you had to imply this, you didn’t even use your third balm for your face and yes, that’s how much you were dying to read that letter.
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Freshly combed hair of yours spreading on your shoulders, it was still wet and dripping water slowly, while you sitting on the bench in the locker room, eagerly taking the brownish paper from your bag, it was wrinkled on the corner and before opening, you tried to fix it but it was useless.
“Here we go,” you said. Panting in excitement, your cheeks already heating up with the feeling of this mysterious letter giving you, and you open the symmetrically closed letter, gently. You paused for a second, as the owner’s handwriting was obviously stunning, and it surprised you, but without wasting another moment you start to read the letter.
I don’t know how to start this, and I’m not even sure if I’m going to give this letter to you but, here ya’ go. 
Y/N, I really like seeing your smile, even if you are not smiling for me, your giggles that appears when you heard a good joke, even they are not mine, I love hearing it, and it fits you so good. Wait, is this getting creepy? I don’t want to sound creepy. This is supposed to be a love letter, not a creepy stalker’s letter.
I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable right now, but after three years I had to tell you about my feelings at this moment because I don’t want to graduate if you are not going to be my date on the ball. L/N Y/N, I love every little detail about you. When your eyes nearly disappear while you are laughing at something, pouting when you get mad at someone or, even something. And mostly, I love seeing you acting bravely, even though you fear from height, you go there and take that jump, while closing your eyes wide shut, clanging your nails to your palm.
As I said before, I love every little detail about you, and I want you to be my date, only if you want it of course, but please don’t just ignore me. At least, you can give me a change right? I’ll be waiting for you,,
Disaster. It was nothing but a disaster for you. Of course, it's not because someone gave you a love letter, it was a disaster because that person knew your fear of height, and it was unacceptable for you, as no one knows about this. You purposely hide this from everyone because let's be honest, who would let a girl into a cheerleader team as a leader when that girl has acrophobia. Even hearing it was ridiculous, and everybody would make fun of you.
Even your best friends didn't know this information about you. Who is this person? You needed answers, but have no idea about how to get them, but what if you reject this person, what if everyone learns your fear? This is highschool for sake, they would tear your reputation apart. The one you build in years. ''Fuck,'' you sighed, cursed a thousand times under your breath, but the pity hours come to an end, as your eyes reach to the end of the paper, which now you were able to see that there was one part that still staying unfold.
Your blood starts to quicken in your veins, maybe there is a clue about the person who writes this, so you cursed one more time but it was for you this time. How could you not realize that there is more to read?
What is this?
You cursed yourself for nothing, at least you decide to that as your eyes blankly stare the numbers at the end of the letter. Okay, you were not terrible at math, but it wasn't your stronger subject, you sighed in defied. You'll never know who wrote this, and everyone probably will learn about your fear, then they'd mock you all the time. Wonderful! Now you have to learn how to get through your last year without being a dropout.
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''-and then I broke up with her. Bro, I'm telling you, it was vicious.'' Jungkook start to laugh, violently shaking while laughing so he ends up kicking the table, bringing you back to the living's world.
''Aish! Can you chill a little?'' you whined.
''Not that you are not right about Jungkook, but what is going on with you lately, Y/N?'' Jimin's curious stares placed on you, while you try to steal his rice from his bowl but he cuts you off, you whined twice. ''I'm okay. There is nothing to tell.''
''I'm serious. The only important thing is Jungkook's break up at the moment, and how he is not devastated after this break-up, huh?''  you tried to change the topic, don't want to be in the spotlight right now. It was the last thing you want at the moment, but as always, your friends were persistent to suffocate you. ''Y/N, we are sitting here almost for twenty minutes now, but you didn't speak for once. Even when Jungkook stole your Kimbap.''
''What?'' you take your eyes from Jimin, furiously landed on Jungkook and his dirty mouth, the mouth that has stains of your food.
''Ahh! Did you have to hit that hard? Off,'' Jungkook, start to rub his arm, where you hit mercilessly, but he deserves that. It's not that you feel hungry, but hitting Jungkook makes you feel better, and honestly, you didn't have any problem with taking your anger on these boys because they had have done worse things than this, so it was okay. But Jimin was right about something that was going on with you.
One week had passed after you find that letter, but there was no progress on finding the one who wrote it, and you were freaking out every moment, fearing that someone will learn about your secret. Maybe, it wasn't a big deal for other people, but this topic was extremely important for you, and you were tense about it. 
''Uhh, come on Y/N, tell us already.''
''Okay, okay!'' eventually, you gave up and reach to your backpack for taking the letter. ''I think she is going to stab us?'' Jungkook whispers to Jimin, his eyes looking at his friend wide open, and Jimin replies to him with a simple head shake. Even though you heard his stupid question, you let it slide by your ears, and after finding the letter, you turn to them while pouting.
''Here.'' your friends stared the brown paper that you just throw at the table, their sights wander between on you and the letter, so you sighed before explaining them.
''Do you remember a paper fell from my locker, and I said it was mine?'' Jungkook nods, knitting his brows. ''It wasn't mine.''
''I know it!'' While Jungkook jumps on his chair, standing up while pointing you with his finger, Jimin's stares lands on both of you, confusedly looking at you two. ''Can someone explain this to me?''
''You, my friend, looking at a snake at the moment. She is smooth and would bite you in the right moment.'' With wide-open eyes you stare at him, brows raised in surprise but it didn't last long. You pull him back to his seat before starting to talk, as everyone was looking at you three, and you didn't want this kind of attention at the moment.
''Stop exaggerating the situation, idiot! Just read the damn letter.'' after you, they attack the letter. You just wished for the letter's sake, as you need it as one piece.
While their eyes go right and left swiftly, you take your gaze from them to land on your nails, taking your nail file in your right hand to amuse yourself when they’re reading the letter. Maybe you were exaggerating the situation, and nothing bad would happen if you can't find the one who wrote it, as this was a love letter and that's mean the one who wrote this loves you, so wouldn't do something bad, something that could bring your repetition down. Maybe, this was all your overly working imagination, and everything would be fine.
''What are these numbers at the end?'' Jimin sounds so confused as his eyes were reflecting it, looking with a wide gaze.
''This is the weirdest love letter that I ever seen.'' you nod as a response to Jungkook, even though it was your first love letter. You have no idea about how love letters should be.
''And you received lots of love letters?'' Jimin scoffs.
''Well, I don't think this is the importing thing at the moment, but if you need to know, I did send lots of love letters.'' Jungkook crossed his arms on his chest and landed his gaze on Jimin, confidently.
''Bro, this is not something you should be proud of,'' watching them while they are mocking, provocating each other always made your day better, and for one second, letter vanished from your mind with your anxiety. So you just waited until they finish roasting each other before getting distracted by the letter, and turning their eyes at you.
''Okay but seriously, do you know what are these numbers?'' you shrug your shoulds, taking the letter from the table in your hands, looking at the numbers with blank stares. ''I have no idea, and I need to find this person, but I have no idea about that either.''
''Wait a second. You afraid from height?'' Jungkook's voice echoed in the cafeteria once again, and you immediately shut his mouth with your hand, covered on his lips. Your eyes start to wander on the people whose eyes were landing on your table, confusedly looking at you three.
''Shout again and I will punch you.'' you threaten him, while his wide eyes looking at you, nodding swiftly before you take your hand from his mouth. This is why you kept it as a secret. You knew that he would spill it to everyone, and probably would think it was not something to be shy about, but it was exactly like that for you.
''Yes, I'm afraid of it, but I don't want to talk about that right now, okay?'' both of them nod in surprise but you appreciate it as they agreed with you. You didn't want to talk about it right now, both because you were tense about this topic, and you were at the school cafeteria, where someone can easily eavesdrop on your conversations.
''Okay, so I am heading to numbers, then.'' Jimin reaches to your hands to take the letter, knitting his brows while checking the letter. ''What if they are some kind of a code that reveals the one who wrote this?''
Oh god.
Why you never think of that before?
Actually, this is a good idea, and your heartbeat quicken with the tiny lead. If you could crack the code, then you could find the owner. But there was a little problem with cracking the code.
''Even if it's a code, how are you two going to solve it? I don't think you guys can do it. No offense.''
Jungkook looks at you and Jimin in disbelief, smiling at his own words. Even though he was right, he irritates you with his annoying attitudes.
''We can't do it, but you can?'' Jimin scoffed once again, and Jungkook's smile starts to fade, turning into a rage as he looks at him with slit-eyes. You clapped your hands while laughing, and it made Jungkook angrier, as he starts to pout. ''Who would crack it then?'' 
''Wait a minute. There is a boy in his senior years who understands computers and all these code things, right?'' Jimin's eyes starts sparkling, asking you but you had no idea. ''O-Oh! Yes, yes. The boy with good grades right? The nerd.'' Jungkook answered him in excitement, leaving his anger aside. Both of them nodded in excitement, but still, you had no idea about who they were talking about.
''Who is that?''
''What was his name? I guess it starts with N? Aish,'' Jungkook starts to scratching his head with knitting his brows, trying to find his name. While you were waiting for an answer from him, a loud voice echoed once again, and you jump in your seat. ''What the hell Jim-''
''Namjoon. Kim Namjoon!'' but before you can finish your words and yell at Jimin for hitting the table this loud, the name spilled from his lips.
Kim Namjoon.
You feel like you heard this name before but can't recall the boy's face. Fortunately, you'll see his face, as you are going to him desperately, and begging for him to crack this stupid code, or whatever this is.
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It wouldn’t be an exaggerating if you say that you could faint from nervousness, as it was true. As you were standing on the hallway where it’s covered with lockers, which you were laying your back to the particular one. The locker that belongs to Kim Namjoon. Your future savior or, you wished it would come out that way.
You hoped that he could crack the code, -which you even weren’t sure if it’s a code but still-, and find the person who wrote that letter. Because you need to find that person, as you need to know how that person learned about your fear. It was long forgotten that it was a love letter, which had been sent to you, basically asking you to be his date on the ball, but you didn’t care about it.
Jungkook and Jimin reassured you very well that boy named Namjoon was really good at with computers and cracking codes and even, making a code. They even said that he helped a lot of people with their problems with computers and all, as you surprised at how you couldn’t recall him. His face was a mystery for you, and after learning his locker from your friends -which they learned from his best friend’s, Jung Hoseok. Another person you can’t recall-, you immediately run here, after your practice with your team to meet with this boy.
While you were staring at his plain gray locker, students start to fill the corridors, noises start to reach your ears, and your heart starts to beat swiftly. You were one step closer to find that person. Your fingers start to wander on the locker, you feel the relief on your chest, as you are going to find the owner, and talk about your fear.
“Can I help you?” a thick voice, scared the hell out of you, as you jumped before turning to the voice. But while waiting to meet his face, you just met with the white school uniform. In shock, you look higher.
Okay, he was tall. Yes, you were tiny but of course, you wouldn’t except it so easily, and the height differences only caused because he was so tall. Not because you were the size of a bean, not at all.
“Ye... yes you might help, if you are Kim Namjoon.” you stopped staring at him and do the talk, as he was starting to look at you with furrowed brows. His light brown hair separated from the left side of his head, a tip of his hair falling on to his right side of his forehead, above from his darker brown brows, which they were raised in curiosity at the moment. His upturned nose, placed symmetrically above his plump lips, glowing in light pink.
“I am Namjoon but what do you want?” beside your estimations, he wasn’t kind or kind of a lame guy, as your friends called him nerd more than one time. So, automatically you assumed that he was a shy, introvert guy but, clearly you were wrong, as he didn’t look like it.
“Well, probably you know my name but I am L/N Y/N, and I need your help with something,” you said confidently, holding your chin up.
“Yes, I saw you a couple of times, laughing very loudly at the library, but no. I didn’t know your name.” he shrugged his shoulders, while you staring at him with an ‘o’ shaped mouth.
How disrespectful.
You were the leader of the cheerleader team, and he didn’t know your name? Everyone knows your name, and even though you sound annoying, it’s the truth.
“Are you sure that you belong to this school?” you ask in irony, but he simply scoffs while telling you to go back with his hand gesture, so you step back.
“The one you were staring and completely blocking me from reaching is my locker so yes, I belong to this school.” you gasp at his answer. Why he was acting so rude towards you and most importantly how? You weren’t a girl who looks down at people just because you were popular, but you deserve to be acted respectfully from others as you had dignity and reputation that you had build in years.
“I guess it’s fair,” you said under your breath, while he opens his locker, blocking your face as it stops inches away from your nose. Your brows furrowed immediately, couldn’t believe how he ignored you. You let out a tiny fake cough, as trying to get his attention on you, but he didn’t even bother to look at you.
“Don’t you going to ask me why I needed you?” you stretch out your head, before talking to him. Your annoyance could be hearable from your voice, but he only looks at you after taking his books from his locker and shutting it.
“I’m listening.”
“I... I heard that you are good with cracking codes.” you paused for a moment but he remained silent, staring. His eyes, looking into yours but you could swear that he sees more than that, and it irritated you. Unintentionally you crossed your arms above your chest, uncomfortably. “I have a code that waiting to be solved.”
“I’ll do it.” heavyweight lifted from your chest as he started to speak, a smile placed on your lips but it didn’t last long.
“You have to buy me dinner.”
“Wait, what?” you tried to speak but he raised his brows, starts to speak before you do. “I guess you don’t need my help after all.”
“Okay, okay. Dinner it is.” you grab his arm, as he tried to turn his back at you. His stares placed on your hand, where it’s standing on his arm, tightly that fingertips turn into white color, so you take it back quickly. Both of your cheeks go red, and you couldn’t understand why he starts to blush, as you were the one who made an awkward move.
His confident expression vanished in second, mouth opened and closed for a couple of times, as you stared him in surprise.
“Are you available at the moment?” you ask, but his eyes not looking at you, rather, placed on the lockers. “Yah!” you tried to poke him, but he takes a step back quickly that surprised you once again.
“I..I am.” he starts to walk, leaving you behind.
“Hey! Hey, wait!” after a moment of pause, you start to follow him, but he was acting fast and comparing your leg heights, it was hard for you to reach him so easily.
You start to speed up. You were almost running right now, and your homeroom teacher’s voice reached to your ears, as he was telling you not to run on the corridors, but you bowed a little without stopping running. “Sorry,” Normally you would listen to your teachers but right now, there was something more important than obeying the rules. One second you thought that you lost him, but after looking to the right and left, your eyes catch him, entering the study room.
You enter it after him, tried to speak but it was useless for a moment as you needed to gather your breaths. “Why are you running from me?”
“I am not.” he looks at your pointed finger, then takes a seat on one of the tables. 
“You asked for my help so I come here to help you.”  
“You!” you stopped as your voice come out louder than you imagined, but thankfully there were no other people which it was quite strange, as this place always filled with people who studies for 7/24.
“You did run away,” you speak with your normal voice now.
“Do you want my help or not?” one brow raised, threatening glance of his lands on you. You afraid that he wouldn’t help you with the code, so you start to shake your hand in front of his face. “Okay, okay. I want your help.”
His grin appears on his face, as you dropped the topic, in a way you let him win this round.
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''What do you mean it would take two weeks to crack?'' your voice came out louder than you think but you didn't mind that as you were feeling a bit of disappointment. ''Aren't you the nerd who solves these codes and things like that?''
''The nerd?'' his face reveals his annoyance of your words, which you didn't mean to hurt him, as you talk before thinking once again. The worst habits of yours, talking before thinking, not that you don't care about the feelings of people, but mostly because you were stupid, and had no control over your tongue.
''I didn't say it as a bad thing or, to insult you. I mean, I heard that you are smart and very good with this,'' you waved your hand, showing the letter, emphasizing your words with a gesture. 
''Yes, I am good with these things but it takes time. As you are not the 'nerd' one, you can't understand that, right?''
''Rude,'' you said as he was looking at you with a glance that challenging you. 
You had never been so insulted in your entire life, beside your friends but they didn’t count, as you insult them more than they do. Hence, you were surprised at his words, how he chooses to mock you and bother you, intentionally. He crossed his arms on his chest, shoulders doubled with the action, muscles visible now under his uniform, and you couldn't stop thinking how huge he is. You were not saying only comparing him to yourself, but as you think of your friends and every boy in this school, damn, he was huge.
''Are you trying to find a way to sneak up on me or, something?'' you jump on where you’re standing, distracted from your thoughts.
He scared the hell out you with his thick voice, mocking you and brows furrowed with locked eyes on your face. Heat starts to fill on your cheeks, hands sweating and you wish that he can't understand your situation at the moment while wiping your palms to the side of your legs. ''No.''
''Then stop looking at me like a creep and buy me a dinner.''
You did not look at him like a creep, of course. He is just one boy who exaggerates everything, and you could say that after knowing him in two days. ''Did you crack the code?''
''No? I said it would take two weeks. Aren't you listening?'' he scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief.
''You get your dinner, after cracking it.'' You are not some dumb girl who would spend her money on nothing. He has to learn that he could not take advantage of you or your money.
''I can't work with an empty stomach, right?'' his grin starts to appear on his lips, while yours fades away. This boy would be the death of you with this kind of bratty attitude, but he was the only person you could lean on about your problem.
''Fine!'' you gave up eventually, throwing deadly stares at him before turning your back to him, start to walk.
One dinner and your problem would be solved.
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It was just unbelievable how he could eat this much food. I guess the mystery of his huge body solved after seeing his eating habits. You start to scan the boy who takes a sip from his bowl, nearly finishing his Kalguksu, as well as your money. His appetite manage  to surprise you every time you bought dinner for him, as this was your fifth time. He always finds a way to trick you into buying him dinner, mostly he relies on you, needing him for that stupid letter.
You cursed yourself more than one time for taking your friend's ideas about asking for his help and agreeing with the dinner thing. As you were sitting at the study room, for the fifth time, waiting for him to solve this code, but every time he would say that he got hungry and couldn't work on the code, so you had to buy him food, sneaking it to the study room.
He would thank you with a big grin, and you would hold your eager to punch him every time, only smiling and saying 'it’s not a big deal'.
In fact, it was a big deal.
It's been almost two weeks now but he still did not finish solving the code or, told you how it was going. You didn't even know if he was close to solving it or, not.
You knew nothing, as your anxiety raising in you almost every day that someone would find out about your secret. You were afraid that the one who wrote this letter would get sick of and starts to tell about your secret to everyone, only to get revenge from you,  as he could think that you ignored his confession.
On the other hand, Jimin and Jungkook would tell you that you were so stupid, and no one would care about your fear, but little did they know that this was high school and everyone tries to tear each other apart?
Plus, Namjoon had surprised you in the first time you met with him, and never stopped surprising you with his attitudes. When Jungkook called him a 'nerd', you thought it was a piece of cake, but you couldn't be more wrong.
He always finds a way to trick you, mock you, and make you feel vulnerable around him. You always end up blushing, can't find the right words for giving him a good response the way you do it with your friends, and your heart would go crazy every time he stops what he was doing on that computer, and starts to stare at you. Goosebumps would surround your body, and you would end up yelling at him for him to stop staring at you. 
As you were staring at him while he was eating his food, you couldn't realize that he has already finished his meal and his eyes focused on yours, brows raises slowly as you start to get blush all over again. ''Is it fun to stare at me or something?''
''Uh-huh. So much.'' you shake your head, not looking at his smile.
How did he catch you while you are staring at him, again.
Well, maybe if you bother to stop staring at him, like constantly, maybe he wouldn’t be caught you all the time. You weren’t the only one who always yell at him to stop staring at you, as it’s obvious. To be honest, you got caught more than him, when it comes to staring. But you just couldn’t understand how he could be like this.
He was supposed to be a nerd that who would be shy around you, flinch every time he sees you and acts like a god damn introverted person, rather, he would be bossy around you, mocking you, and would look really good while smiling as his little dimples would appear on his cheeks, fills your heart with the familiar warmth, as you feel it every time you see him on the school corridors, study room, and while he was waiting for your practice to be done at the benches.
You couldn’t figure it out, why your heart flinched every time you see him or, you would try to ignore these feelings most of the time, but he wasn’t of much help with the ignoring plan while sitting across you with his stupid dimples. “Well, you are still staring,”
“I am not!” you take your eyes from him, cheeks filling with heat, getting red with the unbearable emotions, while his eyes widening, brows of him raising. You were completely in denial, but you are not going to accept it, not while getting red under his sight, silly grin standing on his face. “Are you not done with the code yet? Should I find another person for it? Because it looks like you are stalling me and-“
“I cracked it!” his voice caused you to shiver visibly. It it was louder than before, and his jaw twitches with his sudden rage. You couldn’t find a word to say to him, you wanted to yell at him, as he fooled you with this shitty games, told you lies all these days, but rather you couldn’t say anything, while his burning glares wandering on you. “I..you..”
“Why are you so obsessed with finding the one who wrote this letter?” just like before, your mouth opened only to be shut down once again. Yes, you were obsessed to find him and yes, it is all because of your stupid phobia and even though he knew about the letter and probably the phobia part, you didn’t want to say this out loud, but most importantly you didn’t want to tell him out loud.
Yes, you know that this sounds really childish but maybe he just skipped the part where all the confession happened and minded to look only to the code. So, if he didn’t read that part, which you were deeply wished for that, you didn’t want him to learn it. He was already making fun of you more than you can handle, and already makes you feel vulnerable around him, crashing your walls down, -which no one could ever manage to do that in years-, and if he learns this, he may say things that probably crash you, hurt you deep down, and you didn’t know why you were so afraid to look bad in his eyes, but you were.
“Did the code revealed his name? If it’s, tell me his name.” finally, you found the last pinch of strength in deep down on your heart, you tilt your head, brows raises in the excitement that you’ll finally learn something about the boy. While Namjoon remains silent, your mind starts to work about what would you say to him or, how would you turn him down and convince him not to tell your secrets to everybody in this school. It was something obvious that you’re going to turn him down, because you had no feelings for anyone, and you wouldn’t go out with someone that you feel nothing, as you promised yourself after your stupid relationships.
They ended very awkwardly, as you lost interest in them because it was nothing more than a silly crush, and eventually they would notice it, and it would get even more awkward for both of you. A text would ensue and you would become single again. So, it is clear that you are going to reject him, but you have to do it gently, as your reputation depending on this.
Not a long after you realized that you were sinking on your thoughts and Namjoon staying still ahead of you, chewing his bottom lip, and scanning your face. 
''So? Say it,'' you stated once again, his silence irritated you, but he just settle with licking his lips, where he was chewing before. ''Yah!'' you called out, rising from your chair to show him how serious you are, but it turned out as a lame move, when he slowly gets up from his chair, eyeing from very above you, and you felt so tiny under him.
''Come with me,'' he replied while starting to walk towards to exit of the study room, an empty box in his hands, eaten kalguksu's remains were still visible. 
''Where are you going? Hey, wait!'' you exclaimed as he continues to walk without looking at you for one second, and you hurried, catch the door before it closes.
You promised yourself that when this is all over, you're going to beat the hell out of him, but between in your thoughts, you start to speed up as his presence fades away with every step of him, and boy. How he could walk this fast, while you were nearly running to get closer to him. And this was another reason why you were going to kill him, as he always finds a way to make you run behind him, yelling at corridors, and scolded by your teachers. Ugh. You could even hate him if he wasn't helping you to find the boy you are looking for.
When you finally pass through the final door, cold breeze hitting your face with fresh air, your eyes landed on his body, standing right beside his bike and waiting for you to find him. You reach out to your hand to him even though he was standing far away from you, poking out your finger at him while your other hand resting on your knee, blissfully you remain in that pose for a while, as you tried to make your breaths go stabile from all these running, but at least you find him.
''If you do this again, I swear-''
''You should be thankful, instead of threatening me. I keep you in shape, you know?'' his grin gets wider in the same way your eyes do. You clench your fists, nails poking your flesh but your annoyance clouded the pain, rage starts to raise by your chest, getting away in your breaths, every time you exhale. ''Did you call me fat?''
''I..I did n-not,'' his grin fades away, letting its place to fear, his eyes twinkled more than once. Your anger starts to leave your body because he looked very amusing to your eyes, seeing him like this always made your day brighter. 
''Good.'' you stated with a smile on corner of your lips, it's amused you how things changed in a moment. How his confidence shrink, and he turned out as the boy who is blushed around you, and run away from you when you touch him on the arm.
One time after he made you very mad that you needed to placed a slap on his arm, and even though the slap wasn't hard enough to hurt him, all of a sudden his cheeks start to get pink, eyes of him wandered around everywhere but you, and eventually he just ran away from you, and you followed him while shouting at the corridors, just like today. It amazed you, how his moods can switch in a flash. One second, he is the boy who mocks you, insults you, but when you tried to get close to him, or simply touch him, he would freak out.
''I.if-'' he stopped after failing to speak, his lips flatten in jadedly. Meantime you start to chew your lower lip, you don't know why but this time seeing him like this did not cause you joy, moreover, you worried about him. His head looking down, eyes darted to his fingers, as he was playing with them. He looked like a lost puppy, which this attitude was very foreign to you. An itch starts to build in you to hug him, but as you know him, even a bit, he would flinch and start to run away, all over again. Instead, you choose to wait.
''I will tell you if you come with me Y/N,'' finally he manages to speak, his posture changed in a minute, straighten his back and look at you with furrowed brows, doe eyes met with yours, forcing you to say yes. Eventually, you replied with a plain yes, nodding your head and not looking at him, but you could take a peek at the corner of his lips curling up, giving a shy smile. ''Hope on,''
''Hah! No way.'' you mocked while his hand patting his bike's back, showing you where to sit.
''Can't you just say yes for one time?'' he groaned, shaking his head in disbelief. 
''Well, technically I just said yes to come with you.'' you rolled your eyes while emphasizing the very last conversation you just had with him.
''Just..get on, please.'' his exhaustion on his voice, keen on his big, bright eyes just poke something in your heart, so you decided to tag along with him, for this time.
''Okay. I'm going to 'hop on'.'' you teased but once again, you were happy to see his lips curled. You were sure about to regret this, all tagging along with him, but still, your heart felt softer than ever, while his dimples taking over his cheeks, making your stomach wiggle nervously. Ugh. Why would you feel this way you had no idea, but you let it slide from your mind while taking your place on the back of his bike, clenching your fingers to his uniform, avoiding to touch his back. Boy, it was going to be a long road. 
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Remember you saying that this road was going to be long? 
Woefully, you were right about that. He gave a ride for two of you, but after leaving the city behind, buildings were nowhere to be seen, and trees filled your vision, you two had to use your legs to reach the place he was taking you. The harsh wind continuing to sting your arms and your face while your legs were droopy, do not want to take another step to go further, but Namjoon kept saying that you were close.
''Aish!'' while worn out from all the walking, finally you decided to give up. You let your body take its place on the ground, leg muscles start to pound with the sudden relief. 
''I can't walk anymore. You have to say it right here because this body goes nowhere,'' you whined to the boy who can't be seen by your eyes, as your focus placed on the starry sky. It was getting dark and supporting your tiredness with the fact that you were walking for almost half an hour now. 
''Hey, don't be dramatic this much. We have been walking only for twenty minutes, Y/N. Get up.''
''No. More. Walking.'' you stated, emphasizing every word to make sure that he understands how serious you are. You had a rough day, okay? Practicing on the field almost for two hours, stressing over not to kiss the ground with your face and of course, dealing with this boy named Namjoon. Forget the two other factor for your tiredness, Kim Namjoon can make you feel lifeless after spending only one hour with him. He is gifted with this special ability to make you suffer and suffer more.
''Hhm. No more walking,'' he imitated, you heard something different in his tone, rather than participating with you, he was after something. 
After one second, his face covered your sight, his eyes darkly shined above his smile, contrast to dimples, his smile was never in the neer of being cute, but more likely appeared mischievously on his lips. Shit. You know that he was going to do something, and before you could protest, his hefty hands grabbed your wrist and lifted you without showing any effort. Before he could place you on his back, you cried out due to the rapid movement. ''At least, no more walking for you,'' he chuckles like he said the humorous thing in the world.
''What the fu...What are you doing?'' you yelled, try to pull your wrist from him, but his grab tightened around your wrists, and you protest against his ear.
''Just shut up and let me help you. I know you are tired because of your practice because you are always trying too hard, test your limits, and push too much. So stop kicking my legs and hold on to my shoulder, for god sake!'' a whimper slipped by your lips but you shut them firmly, tightened your arms around his shoulders, and tried not to choke him even though you want it badly.
''Thank you.'' this was the only thing you could hear from him for the next ten minutes. His right hand holds the bike while he was walking. Due to the sloppy road, the bike couldn't make it, and eventually, it's wheel gave up. So this is how you end up on his back, resting your chin on his shoulder, arms wrapped around him, all thanks to his bike.
The scent of fresh cocoa stirred in your lungs, easing your mind. You felt more relaxed than before, and unintentionally your nose gets closer to his neck, where his hair ends. You take a tiny breathe, as you didn't want to be heard by him, but the scent was too irresistible at the moment, so you had to do this. Soft fragrance, filled in your nose and lungs one more time, your lips curls up with the wiggle on your stomach. But your cute moment cuts short when he decides to drop you to the ground. ''Woaa...Be gentle you-''
''Did you just smelled me?'' he leered, brows of him furrowed snidely. If you had one wish on this lifetime, you would spend it to vanish from this particular moment. You moped the ground, trees, and basically everywhere other than him with your eyes. ''I.. did.. not?'' heat starts to fill to your cheeks, chew your bottom lips with uptightness. It was kinda funny how you two switching your moods, opposite to each other.
A couple of hours ago, he was the one who stuttered and gets all pink on the cheeks, but right now, you were the one who can't have a glaze on him.
Ultimately, you summon up your courage and eyed him, while he was being cheeky and your palm starts itching, in a need to punch him or at least smack him on the arm. You hate being like that, but no matter how hard you try, you always end up getting blush, and silent. You didn't know how he manages to rule over you, but you were pissed off so bad about this fact.
''I heard the little sound that your nostrils do, Y/N,'' he exposed, brows raised while tilting his head. 
''Did you like it?'' normally you would think that he was mocking you or, trying to fuck up your nerves, but he seemed sincere with his wide open, blissfully glowing brown eyes. You choose to believe him, for some reason.
''Well... mm... I like... it?'' you confessed, and his dimples appeared once again, under a firm smile. You could understand that he was trying not to smile widely for not to irritate you, and you were thankful for that.
''Imm... Okay,'' he mumbled, take a deep breath after clenching his hands to each other. ''As we started to confessing, maybe... uhm... you would like to do another one?'' he suggests, brooding over his words. 
''Do what?'' you hesitated, couldn't be sure what he was talking about or, asking. 
Your eyes widened, blinking in fear at what just came into the corner of your mind. The idea of him mentioning the thing you most abstain to talk over. 
''Look around. this place is very special to me. I only come here when I feel down or when I... need to shout out the things that I'm keeping as a secret. The things that I don't want anybody to hear.''
''No,'' you whispered. The only thing you can do at the moment, the only voice that could come out from you was whispering. You opened your mouth, dare to speak but it was useless for a second. ''Y/N, I know...I know that you have-''
''Stop!'' you growled at him, cut his words before he could say anything. You just didn't want to hear it from him, you didn't want his pity on you or, his stupid windy eyes staring at you. 
''I don't want to talk about this.'' your heart starts to pounding heavily on your chest, while tears filling your eyelids. It was none of his business and neither your god damn letter. Why did you include him in your life in the first place? Why did you listen to your friend's advice in the first place?��
''Y/N.. Y/N just look at me, okay?''
Namjoon's face comes out in front of you, but you couldn't see him clearly, as your tears were blurring your sight. You couldn't notice his closeness as well as your cry. When did he get so close to you, or when did he start to wipe your tears away from your cheeks. When your eyes met, warmth starts to fill in you from his dark brown eyes.
''I have a secret too, you know?'' he muttered softly with a husky voice. 
You shake your head slowly, as you didn't know what was his secret about. You start to ease under his warm breath hitting your face, passing by your neck. You shivered. 
''I came to this place, more than a couple of times, just to shout that secret out. Whenever I overwhelmed by the feeling that secret caused me.'' he speaks once again, thoughtfully looking at your eyes, sweet chocolates in deep thought.
You sized up his face, his expressions change the way you never see before. His brows softly raised, looking at you with his sweetly intense orbs, tracking every emotion that you put into your face. He wasn't the boy who always mock you, or irritate you out of blue or the boy who gets shy around you, abstain from you and run away, which you were still couldn't understand why he was starting to run away from you like that but right now, he was neither of them. 
''What is... it?'' you breathed.
His crow's foot appeared as well as his dimples, when he starts to smile, his thumb gently rubbing against your cheek. Under the soft touch, alarming your butterflies to move in your stomach, you blinked a couple of times before shutting your eyes. The only thing you could feel at the moment was his silky finger, caring your cheek above your throbbing pulse and his breaths that tickling your skin. You didn't know why, but for some reason, you felt too droopy to open your eyes, too afraid that he might be stop. You didn't realize until now that you want him so close to you, hands on your cheeks, chest panting hysterically just inches away from you.
And for god sake, you never noticed how bad you needed him in this way.
On the other hand, Namjoon starts to get closer, reaching your ear. You feel that you were getting tense, with every minute you get closer to your edge, while mind clouded, eyes were shut, and the only thing you could feel his warm breath, hitting your neck.
''I am the one... who you are looking for.''
Either the time has stopped running, earth stop turning or, you were feeling everything at full speed. You didn't know how to feel. Angry? Confused? Anxious or maybe even joyful? Once again, your eyes met with each other, unlike your brooding gaze he was observing your face, hearty eyes looking deep inside of you, soothing your nerves, but not enough.
''Y... you? Why didn't-When?'' your voice come out squeaked, and you just decided to stop. Even if you wanted to continue, you couldn't due to your lack of energy. You felt drained.
How could he say this, how could he plan all of this? Did he know that you would go to see him for his help? Did he want to mock you and drill your soul with every joke? Did he enjoy your suffering? All this time he knew that you were afraid of the idea of your secret wandering around, but he only stood there and watch you go crazy? So many questions starts coming to your mind out of blue and you start to feel trapped, anxious, but from inside of these questions, there was the only one that matter to you.
Did he really like you or, he just wanted to see your suffering?
''I know, you are probably want to kick me right now, and I swear I will let you do it, but before that please listen to me for just one time, huh?'' he begged. 
Fingers still caring your cheeks softly, pleading eyes giving you the hint of his sincere, so you just go with a simple nod. You couldn't find your voice to reply to him, anyway. His mesmerizing brown orbs relieved after you let him, he sighed before starting to talk.
''I put that letter in your locker, and I added that code because I knew that you would come to me for help. I did help your friends more than once, and yes, I know that they would suggest my help. And then you came. You really came to me and it all worked out just like how I wanted. I had some doubts that you wouldn't-''
''Did you meant those words or, after learning about my secret you came out with some kind of a plan where you can easily insult me? Did you enjoy how I was terrified with it? Someone out there knows my secret and probably would spread it to everyone. Did you enjoyed how I feel miserable and... and,'' while you trying to find the right words to continue, he groaned. Start to wipe the tears from your face, you weren't aware of them fallen through your cheeks, until now.
''No. Fuck sake, Y/N. Of course, I didn't send that only to mock you.'' he was pained with what you implied, brows furrowed. 
''I do like you, Y/N. I really do. I wasn't lying about having feelings for you almost four years now. I tried to find a way to talk to you, open up my feelings to you from the middle school, but I never had that courage. And how could I manage to do that exactly, look at you. You are beautiful, smart, and brightest girl in the universe. You are in the cheerleader team, everyone either loves you or wants to be you, Y/N.''
''Namjoon, stop-''
''And look at me. Who am I? The school nerd for you. I guess you can figure it out why I couldn't say it before. It's not that hard.'' he finished while panting. One of his hands left your face to scatter, pass through his hair. His words and his sullen eyes made your heart ache, itch with full of woe. You'd never imagined him like this, saying these words to himself, talking nonsense.
Yes, you didn't remember him right away or when Jungkook said that he was a 'nerd' you thought different things but looking at him, you couldn't be more wrong with your expectation of him, as well as him.
He has a large, muscular body where surrounded with broad shoulders. His brown, untamed thick hair fallen to his forehead, only to make him look more charming than already. Heart-shaped face, completed with almond-shaped dark brown eyes and plumpy lips, settled between his dimples. He could be a nerd, but he wasn't a smart one. Because no one could resist to fall for him, not to feel goosebumps on the neck and butterflies in the stomach. The one who can't resist falling for him was none other than you.
All this time, you tried to fight back with these butterflies, goosebumps, and heat on your body whenever you see him, but as one can understand you were very unskilful for this.
''Do you really like me? Me?'' you doubted. It's not that you see yourself down, or not good enough but it was because of him. You never imagined a scenario that he had feelings for you, as he always finds a way to irritate you with his mean comments and attitudes.
''I really do, Y/N.'' his shoulders slouched, lips pouted at the end of his words. He couldn't look cuter than this, even if he tries. Your heart merely starts to melt, the warm feeling filled in your stomach, as you lifted your chin up. ''You did plan all of this, knowing that I would come to you desperately and you knew that I would fall for you?'' you asked, knitting a brow.
''Y/N, I swear I never intended anything bad, how could I? I was going to say when the first time you came to me but I just couldn't, you know? I... I afraid that you would say no, and I waited for so long and I- Wait... what?'' you enjoyed while watching his face, lips taking an 'o' shape, staring bug-eyed straight at you. You tried to hold your smile back but, it was hard. 
''Wait, did you just say that you fall for me?''
''You are not a smart nerd, aren't you?'' while he was still looking at you with the same silly expression, your fingers take a track to his pants, landed on his belt to pull him, but the one who moving was you. His soft chuckle singed to your ears and you didn't mind looking stupid in front of him anymore.
''Is that means you are going to come with me to the ball?'' once again, your face was cupped inside of his palms, gently caring by his thumb. You act like considering something, while he was waiting for an answer. ''Maybe, I would... if you kiss me.'' your eyes focus on his sweet pink lips, eagerly waiting for them to meet with yours.
His body slowly leans on you, face getting closer and closer while you could feel your pulse on your throat, beating jovially. And your mouth dried, fired up by the idea of his lips, touching yours. Between in a heartbeat, his smooth, wet lips touched yours, sending a shiver on your stomach, white lights burst in front of your closed eyes, as his hands moved to your waist only to pull you closer.
Your heart nearly stopped with the idea of kissing the boy who tormented you for almost two weeks, and now, you were standing on a cliff where you could see the city lights clearly, kissing while hands on each other. In a million years, you wouldn't see this coming, but it was and you felt truly happy about this. Of course, you were going to beat his ass for lying to you, and suffering you for the past weeks, but before that, you wanted to taste his lips. And you knew that kissing him once or, two times would never be enough for you, as you want to kiss him more and more right in this moment.
Unfortunately, you had to separate from him as you both needed to fresh air on your lungs. You were both panting, but wide smiles hang on your lips, and the only thing in your mind was kissing him more, again, and again.
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