#and im not one of those people with a stick up their ass about jumpscares its just like. not every story needs a scary monster face
marklikely · 1 year
really love amateur Internet horror as a whole like its a great medium for passion projects and creativity but if there's one thing id like to never ever see in the space again its "legitimately good subtle story but we added a scary monster that runs at you BWAH!!"
#its absurdly common in adaptations of liminal horror like someone comes up w a great liminal horror idea#and then a bunch of people who don't know how to be scary are just like and then we put a monster in it ooOoOooh!!!!!#like what happened to the backrooms or some scp video games#or there are these really great tiktok videos i think they're called like. phobia videos or something#and they're a collection of 3d animated clips that genuinely do get under my skin like#thalassophobia *video of you in a creepy underwater place* acrophobia *video of you on an impossibly tall building*#but then they always always ALWAYS end the clip with like . a creepy guy jumps out at you#like in the acrophobia one a creepy guy jumps out and pushes you off the tall building. they all have something like that#and it genuinely makes me insane because im like well THATS NOT? the phobia?? these arent different fears its all the same thing!!#i have been around the block too long in internet horror spaces im fully immune to Then A Scary Monster phobia#avpost#and im not one of those people with a stick up their ass about jumpscares its just like. not every story needs a scary monster face#i promise you there are other ways to índuce fear in your audience#and this has been going on like. at least since i was a teenager. like its so played out and we clearly will never move on#hell even from before i was a teenager like those youtube screamers are arguably the precursor to this#but nowadays its more annoying bc the stories are genuinely really good! until the goofy face monster ruins it
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shotorozu · 3 years
hellooo i saw this tiktok video and was wondering if you can please do this for shoto kaminari and bakugou
‘i got a big fat 😳🎂’
character(s) : todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, crack (x reader)
note(s) : LMAO ANON YOU LITERALLY READ MY MIND?? I WAS GOING TO DO THIS EVEN WITHOUT A REQUEST— great to know that i have the same thinking process with you 🤩
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todoroki shouto
you know shouto’s always willing to do tiktok challenges with you— he might be clueless when it came to social media (because of end**vor)
but! he’s gotten used to your antics most of them anyway
but he’s sort of confused when you show him a video of a couple uh.. walking?? he can’t tell what they’re doing exactly
“what,, are they doing?” is what he asked when you showed him the tiktok, brows furrowed in confusion
“they’re uh.. kekeing how do i explain it— nevermind that! just do whatever i do, shouto!”
he’s still confused as hell 🧍‍♀️ but he decides to not ask any questions, and push through with it, just by seeing the excited look on your face
and the audio 😳 i mean, it’s not,, wrong. to him, your cake is some fine ass cake :))
you lead him out of the frame, and you hit play— not giving shouto time to ‘rehearse’
it might seem to be that shouto has no reaction to the audio, but if you look closely— the corners of his lips are tugged upwards slightly
and he follows your every command, when you gesture for him to copy you.
now, shouto’s got the dance steps down, but man’s terribly stiff 😭 he also kept looking at you (specifically your ass) to see if he was doing things correctly
afterwards, the two of you take a look at the video. and, he asks you if the tiktok needs to be filmed once again by your silent reaction
but he’s appalled when he sees you literally driven to tears from pure, unfiltered laughter
you assure him with a kiss that you’re fine, and insist that the tiktok is fine as you upload it— and you cuddle with shouto for the rest of the day, letting the tiktok marinate
the next day comes by, and tiktok BLEW UP. like.. blew up, really. they should be honored that they’ve witnessed shouto strut to nicki minaj
the comments being well, absolutely hilarious. you could read through the comments again and again, and not be bored
“mann your boyfriend 😭 he’s staring too hard” “YUHH GET IT, I GUESS” “go hot couple go ‼️”
needless to say, he didn’t hear the end of the conversation when bakugou found out about the tiktok
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kaminari denki
if denki had a list of tiktok challenges he desperately wanted to do at some point in his life,
this would be in the top 3, for sure
so, luck seemed to be on his side when you approached him first— wanting to rope him in on another tiktok you wanted to do with him
hopefully one that doesn’t center him as the poor unfortunate victim
“you wanna do another tiktok?” he beams when you nod, and when you show him what the prank is— he’s excited!!
you can clearly tell that it didn’t take that much convincing
the blond’s also thankful that it’s not another tiktok that needs him to ask bakugou if he can say pegasus but without the pega 💀
“alright! tell me when we can do it,”
“right now.”
so here he is, standing beside you, as you set up your phone— absolutely confident on what he’s going to do
the tiktok starts running, and denki might’ve underestimated his eagerness, when the camera captures his eager expression 💀
there was no jumpscare warning
and you didn’t even have to say ‘c’mon‼️’ for him to follow your movements. as soon as you turned your back, he started moving along with you, and the music.
he was watching your movements, and he tried copying them to the best of his sloppy, hyper and exaggerated abilities
denki was so excited about being in the tiktok, to the point he literally crashed behind you— making the both of you tumble to the floor, laughing
and the tiktok’s results are pretty much unknown to him— minus the fact that you laughed HARDER when you re-watched the tiktok
“can i see?” he asks eagerly, but you swiftly reject— shoving his head away from your screen with a hand.
he pouts when you say “the results are a surprise!” a bummer, but he chooses to trust you, and the rest of the day is spent on the floor in pure enjoyment
you upload the tiktok and slowly but surely, it attracts people’s attention
because of denki’s eagerness— he,, did a fantastic job with the walk! you can even say that he did better than you, minus the not so graceful fall
even the comments agree with you “MAN HIS CAKE IS THANGING‼️” “he did awfully well omg 💀” “oh to have this relationship’s energy 😔 when can i find a dude like that?”
and when denki finally sees the tiktok’s results, he’s left in tears from laughing— reduced into wheezes
safe to say, his wish has been fulfilled, and he can pass away at any given moment, satisfied.
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bakugou katsuki
bakugou katsuki will never admit that he does enjoy doing tiktoks with you
plot twist : he enjoys it a lot more than he expects
but he knows where the draw the line, and the line was at the new tiktok you’ve showed to him
“fuck no— if you wanted to twerk infront of a camera, go ahead by all means, just don’t rope me into it.”
he does have his reasons. one— the bakusquad will make fun of him, and two— if the tiktok were to blow up,, he wouldn’t live it down.
and it always does— he knows that tiktoks do particularly well if he makes an appearance.
“if i didn’t post it, would you do it with me?”
but katsuki seemed to be fine with that. with a roll of the eyes, he sighs— looking at the tiktok once again. he gets up from his seat when the tiktok’s over
“let’s do this fucking thing.” he says with determination, even though no one was going to see the tiktok anyway or so he thinks
the tiktok’s video timer starts counting down, giving the both of you guys ample time to get into position
a smirk couldn’t be held back when you state that “i have a big phat 🎂” it’s anything but lies, and it would be the only time katsuki would smile on camera
you go forward, and you gesture for him to follow on beat— with a focused glare, katsuki starts strutting with you like no one’s business
it’s at a slow pace, and people would’ve guessed that he had a stick up his ass, sure— but damn‼️ he has those moves.
and before the video actually ends, he’s seen turning around with a glare— to see if the camera’s not filming it’s still running, and the camera captures his expression
“not bad.” he can’t help but smirk at the results, when you replay the video “i’m referring to the both of us. and, didn’t know you could move like that.”
“katsuki, your pace was like a grandfather’s—”
“shut the hell up!”
but little did katsuki know, when he wasn’t looking, you published the tiktok online, for everyone to view (basically, 3M people have seen him strut to nicki minaj)
the comments were having a blast “we’ll disregard the pace, buT DAMN‼️WHERE DID HE GET THOSE MOVES?” “LOL HIS FACE AT THE END WAS LIKE👹🤨” “y’all catch that at the beginning? woooh he’s lovesick.”
when you woke up the next morning— you can hear the boom of his quirk outside of your room, and you can practically hear his not so happy voice
fly high 😔🕊 you will be missed
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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artisticdagger · 6 years
Alright boys. Time to feel some Halloween finally tonight.
Boogeyman: what’s your weirdest/most irrational fear?
I. am so fucking terrified of Balloons. I love them but i never want one near me or within my field of view. Party Stores are so much fun but i spend the whole time thinking about the balloon blowing station in them
Candy Corn: what’s the best Halloween candy? the worst?
The best are those fucking Jolly Rancher Sticks hands down, the fact you get a plank of hard candy gets me, but I wont say no to any of those small packaged sour patch kids either. Something about them being in small doses that just. Warms my soul. Worst? Tie between Licorice and pretzels for sure. Thats just radiating I Hate Fun. 
Crow: do you believe in omens? which ones?
Yes but more obvious ones. Like a black cat ain’t scaring me off or nothing. But for example. I was driving home from a late night class. My windows were fogged up no matter how much i tried to get them cleared up, meaning it was hazy as hell. It had been pouring rain, so the streets were flooded up, Vultures cover my campus. Merging onto a highway with foggy smeared windshield, reflecting puddles all over the place trying to determine what was headlights and what was reflecting, my fav radio station, which only EVER plays hard alternative music, suddenly started playing this slow, soft, sad song about someone dying in memory of the radio host’s dead dog? And all i could think was that this is how tragic backstories start where the movie flashbacks to how this important person died. Needless to say. I took it real slow going home. 
Exorcist: do you believe in demons?
Oh fuck yeah. Maybe less in a biblical sense, although still stemming from a place of that for sure of like. Evil Entities probably from Darker Dimensions. Probably get confused as Evil Ghosts which i think dont really exist honestly, i think most Evil Ghosts are probably demons here to fuck your shit up. Souless lil fuckers here to be piss babies. 
Ghost: have you ever encountered a spirit or haunted place?
BUDDY. MY OLD HOUSE WAS HAUNTED AS FUCK. And im sure everyone says that but Do I Have Some Stories that include me asking my parents if “The Man Is Gonna Follow Us” when told i was going to go to Disney when i was like five or six. Freaked the shit out of my parents but they kinda already knew the house was haunted cause a lot of just. Freaky shit happened. It was a very old house. 
Haunted: do you like haunted houses (or corn mazes, hayrides, etc.)?  if so, what’s the scariest one you’ve participated in?
UHhhhhh no? I’m. I dont like jumpscares i have Anxiety. and most of those are people you pay to just jumpscare you. I did enjoy a few Haunted Hayrides back when i was Very Little but only the parts where people didnt come out of the forest to chase the ride with chainsaws. 
Mothman: do you know of any local urban legends, or is there an urban legend that really freaks you out?
I am not really freaked out by them but i think it’s cause the only Urban Legend that is local is the Jersey Devil? And I dont know why people are scared of him? Because he only attacks people who have a Blackened Heart? So he’s like… a good guy? The only reason you have to be scared of him is if YOU are a bad guy?
Mystery: what’s the strangest unsolved mystery that you’ve heard of?
oh shit uhhh. Strangest? God I dunno. Roswell. Maybe not the strangest but i think it’s just fucking WILD that like…. FBI people themselves have come forward to say shit about it. 
Scream: favourite horror film?
HM. horror films don’t really do it for me. I’ve watched so goddamn many. I once watched the entirety of the Saw Franchise, all like, what, 8 movies? In three days? My favorites have to be The Strangers films. Hits close to home of my weird fear of being broken into. Also my younger mind remembers watching Girl ON The Train and loving it but i’d have to rewatch it again tbh. It’s got some dark ass themes though, i do remember, so be careful if you ever check it out. 
Spell: do you believe in magic, or any sort of otherworldly powers?
Mmmmm. I dunno. Yes? I think? I believe there are people out there with them for sure but i also believe in the power of human brains and belief to just be that fuckin weird sometimes. 
Trick or Treat: do you have any plans for Halloween this year?
It fell on a wednesday when i dont have classes so i couldnt dress up to go to class. Im Too Old to go out trick or treating. I have no friends and therefore No Parties. I went out to brunch and had a therapy sessions today. Press F.
UFO: do you believe in aliens, and do you think they visit Earth?
Werewolf: what cryptid or monster do you think could actually exist?
Witches: are you going to dress up this year? if yes, as what?
I went to a lil costume party this past Sunday! I dressed up as a Warlock! Kinda? I dunno! You got discounts for wearing a witch hat at this lil town event thing so i went too ham. I’d post pics but I took None of myself. and all the others have friends who dont want their face Out There. 
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cowboy-garfield · 7 years
im sorry i have to yell about that ep to someone. it was so crazy/?!?
Ok strap in we gon talk. about this episode.
and it will be long. and full of typos. and cursing. because im hyper.
No gifs belong to me, but the screenshots do
OK to preface this; omg obviously i somehow channeled tartakovsky in my sleep and saw wolf friendos and KNIVES like the cringily pain filled knife scenes are a given to happen he got friggin stabbed but the WOFL SCENE?? BITCH i GOT THE BLOOD THE SNUGGLES THE CAMPFIRE EATING JUST. WHAT. like am i some medicine cat shaman lookin ass or.. Like i was sure that dog was dead but im not patting myself on the back its just weird to me.
ANyway, on with the analysis bible of Skit with absolutely no planning or structure :^) I’m just gonna hop from one thing that stood out to me to the next so, yeet
So this episode opens cheerily enough; with Jack drifting limp and unconscious down the river bleeding like a stuck hog.
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Cheery. Anyway the next couple minutes focus entirely on the show’s favorite subject, and that is making jack as miserable as possible by not only having him stumble through a forest bleeding out and hallucinating Death(yes I officially headcanon the Horseman as Death now btw but thats for another post)
So after a frog hallucination jumpscared me he passes out some more and wakes up on the shore disoriented and obviously with a damn knife sticking out of him
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So, not only does he miserably stumble around, bleeding out all over a forest, but he does so with sad cello music to drag him along.
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And then this.
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(pause for agonized growl of pain)
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b ti ch ta ke y o gr im rea p e r s hi ti ou tof this hou se
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Shit now it’s stalking him ok. BUT THE LOOK OF TERROR THAT;S DEATTHH I SWEAR. its probably not but why else would it seem like it holds such a prescence? HHHghghh, different post skit different post…
Okay though lets chat about the gore in this one, since it is something i love dearly. It was
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I love how they didn’t skimp out on any of the more “eeew” scenes dealing with jack’s wound. When he felt pain, you knew damn well what he was feeling at that moment. I’m sure 99% of this fandom has never had a dagger wedged in their gut for hours on end, but with his agonized expressions, pained body movements, and those noises people make when you know they’re in some serious shit probably got a lot of sides tingling and faces going (0~
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(ps. that pained gasp ouch my heart)
I like gore that makes you believe that what you’re watching is some miserable shit, and gore isn’t just some anime character going .n. with some ketchup on his clothes. This show specifically is one where I love to see gore and so far it’s been done beautifully and makes me want to both give jack a hug and draw him getting stabbed 50 more times lmao. although let me tell you it has been SUCH a breath of fresh air that does that for me anyway I mean he was spilling the stuff all over the damn place. So much so he left a whole damn trail to follow. Also this:
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is p a i n f u l. to watch.
I MEAN-? Tjhe man i s shuddering and making the most awful sounds of agony until he yanks and just gu h the noises. I was cringing the entire time.  Like bitch I would pass out too
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did i mention that just this bit takes forty long, drawn out seconds full of sound effects I can only describe as “squelch”
Oh and if that’s not enough, you get to see him string it up later with some tree bark strands and a damn chicken bone.
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watch this with headphones it is quite the experience
(I’m sorry but I love how he literally sewed up his stab wound -which was open for 2 days caked in river water, dirt, and sweat- with dirty bones and stick sinew for string, and he has a fever for like. one night. no long term infection, no blood poisoning, nothing. I know this man has suffered enough but my inner biologist is screaming rn.) 
And then, the fever dreams. Yeah it’s not gangrene but he definitely has some kind of infection what with all the sweating, passing out and shaking happening after that
Suicide Jack™ is back with- OH FUKc
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obviously,, jack is slipping big time at this point, either that or too much of his brain is trying to fight the onslaught of fever and 6 staph infections to even piece together a clear image of himself.
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am i the only one who thinks …?
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Jack is also pretty torn up about killing girl #4 too as the smurf ass goblin constantly reminds us, oh and more seppuku and suicide talk because i love death and dying
“What happens when the others find you? You will have to kill them too. Can you?”
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“Maybe they will kill you.”
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“Or is that what you want?”
Honestly Phil Lamarr should voice villians more because jack is very soft-spoken in this scene but so steel-voiced and menacing it really is creepy.
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well this looks relatively nice-WhOA SHIT WAIT TIME FOR ATTEMPTED ASSASINATION
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yeah go fuck em’ up, baldr
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Still rocking that look of utter trauma 68 years later 👌 at least now we know why he never killed humans damn
So the next scene is the doggo friend scene i already flipped out about my Lana Moonblood tiny hand powers it cleared my skin and paid my taxes
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Jacks dad gives him the all clear on murder go kill to ur hearts content jack. Also yay for nice moments and bomb ass color/lighting. You can really identify the mood here and smol jack’s expressions looking between the bloody sword/gi and his dad are spot on where kid behavior is concerned. Still shocked and confused but scared to say anything
I love how everyone thought The Daughters are Fucking Pissed™ but not reAlly they just drag Girl #4s damn corpse outside and leave it there without a word except “death is failure.” in the coldest, driest bitch voice like “AIGHT ASSHOLES THERE GO ALL YOUR SISTERLY LOVE FANARTS, BYE. YOURE IN AU LAND NOW”
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also you could just like,, walk on the edges of the river like a sane person,, also how do you know it’s “sAmUrai blood” specifically,,
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Im with everyone else this better not be foreshadowing any love interests the only ship is Jack/Pain
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Speaking of which, congrats jack you straight up bled em a sidewalk right to you
Jack quotes his dad on the whole ‘leave or die’ thing which really made the episode feel like the original show. Basically anything with his parents is like a punch in the gut to me because I have a strong relationship with mine. I’ts nice to have a show that appreciates parents especially with jack being a warrior and all. It really humanizes him
“So, I guess you’re saying. Perhaps I was unclear..” Damn it he wants so badly not to fight them still. The regret in his voice hhhhhHH
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J A C K .
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o shit cool, creative & dynamic
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Ashi sounds like such a whiny bitch here and i love it like her whole fam just got nixed and she’s just like “dIE YA WHORE”
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mmmblockin out the haters
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oh wait shit u arent done
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Welp. That’s it then i mean ashi is most definitely alive still, but shit. there goes 85.7% of the Daughters of Aku so I guess you’re all goo-
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i cant believe this will be the 2nd episode in the series where he gets vored by some monster but shit genndy i trust you.
Wow, this was long! You see why I don’t do these for each episode lmao. Overall I really loved this one! especially the first half because suffering. Jack has to be the most miserable character on the planet and it really was difficult to watch some of those scenes :(
The wolf and knife scene are still blowing my mind, but there is one thing still bothering me. This.
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Still don’t know what this is. It was from the premiere. I didn’t go but apparently this was there. We’ll have to see ;)
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