#like in the sour patch kids commercial
imogenkol · 9 months
tagged by beloveds @socially-awkward-skeleton and @inafieldofdaisies thank you 💕💕💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @statichvm @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree
It’s a Cal and Imogen week I guess! (some Survivor spoilers implied)
“Who are you trying to be, Imogen? A protector? A bounty hunter?” Cal paused, knowing the next word out of his mouth would push him closer to a very steep ledge. “Inquisitor?”
Imogen suddenly directed her glare towards him as her entire demeanor shifted to that of a predator who grew weary of their prey’s game. “Watch your tone,” she calmly warned, her muscles rigid.
Cal made no defensive movements. He bravely held her intense gaze and kept his shoulders relaxed. The little droid perched on his back, however, cowered behind him like it was afraid to see whatever happened next. “I still sense the Dark Side within you, but you haven’t tapped into it in a while. How long has it been?”
Imogen did not have to think hard to come up with an answer, but she remained quiet for a prolonged, tense moment before she indulged him with a response. “Since the uprising on Ferrix.”
“How long until you let yourself give in again?”
“Whenever it suits me, Jedi,” she snapped bitterly. 
Cal never reacted to the word Jedi being utilized as an insult. To him, it would always be a source of honor. Yet, Imogen noticed the faintest wince at the edges of his green eyes when his gaze dropped for half a second. “And you aren’t afraid that the next time you do, it will completely consume you? What if it twists you into something even more unrecognizable than before? What if you hurt the only people that mean anything to you?” 
Imogen's eyes narrowed. She took a step closer and reached through the connection to the Force between them. If he felt her prodding, he did not react. Almost immediately, she sensed something familiar – a slight waver in Cal. It resembled the shame and fear she once experienced as a Padawan who struggled to resist the call towards greater power. Just like that, she understood this seemingly random interrogation. 
“My anger and my hatred has been there much longer than yours, Cal,” she said in a low tone, each word methodical. “I have wielded the Dark Side far more successfully than you have. So do not disguise such questions by directing them at me when it is clear that you are asking for yourself.”
And also have a little bit of Haelheart cause I’ve been in bg3 land a lot lately and I really loved Shadowheart’s comments about the Underdark
Hael found herself at the furthest edge of camp where even the firelight could not reach her. She stared off into the endless chasm before her and reminisced about what it was like to stare up at the clusters of glowing fungi as a child. They stretched so high up around the stalactites that the ceiling could have been considered a sky of its own. Hundreds and even thousands of mushroom stars to make wishes on. If only she had spent them more wisely. 
“Is it strange?” a soft voice asked from behind her. Hael turned to see the source of her growing affections. Shadowheart smiled sweetly as she sidled up beside Hael with a goblet of wine in her hand. “To be home again?”
Home. The word felt like a hard blow to her chest. Hael never thought she’d return to the Underdark once she made her pact. She made peace with it and released the idea of this place being a home to her. Or so she thought. As she stared back out into the distance, a wistful ache twisted her insides. Maybe no one could let go of their home — not truly. 
“I suppose it is. I had not realized how much I missed it,” the drow admitted bashfully. “The sunlight above is so harsh. This darkness is gentle. It makes me feel safe.” She smiled crookedly at the cleric. “I know how ironic that must sound to you in this wretched place.” 
Shadowheart shook her head. “I think the Underdark is beautiful, Hael. I envy you to have grown up with a sight like this. It’s unlike anything you’ll find on the surface.”
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boydepartment · 1 year
Dating him
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✉️Jeongin would’ve never asked you out if Han wasn’t stupid enough to accidentally tell you that you had a crush on him. The second Jeongin knew you liked him he was giddy and ready to start bumping up the charm. He’d be super dorky but in the most charming way possible. Jeongin ended up asking you out when you two were already eating lunch together.
“What if this was a date. What would you say to that?”
“You heard me.”
✉️Jeongin is a total sweetheart but also a total gremlin when it comes to being romantic. He’s like those sour patch kid commercials. At one point he’s teasing you over how you got your new shoes dirty, then he’s giving you an extra pair of his wild ass shoes.
✉️Whenever he’s playing video games with the boys and it ends in an argument, he usually relies on you to take his side. Even if he’s wrong, just to get on Felix or Seungmin’s nerves you’ll agree with your boyfriend.
“Okay and? I don’t have to agree w him.”
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✉️Your photography skills have DEFINITELY improved after dating him. He asks you to take photos for him and with him all the time. You absolutely love it. It even led you to doing photography on the side :,)
✉️Sometimes you do have to reassure him though with how amazing he is. Jeongin is really hard on himself especially with who he has around him, so he’s thankful he can relax around you. He doesn’t have to constantly be on top of himself around you. Jeongin loves that. He loves you.
✉️You don’t usually sleep at the dorm however, he does love going on overnight trips to random places. Whether it be an amusement park, or waterpark. He loves to walk with you in public and admire you.
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✉️One time you wanted to try out a new hobby. So you tried to start crocheting! You made a ton of ugly beanies and a ton of ugly bags. Jeongin was your #1 fan tho, anything you make, he will wear. And he WILL show it off
“My partner made this!!! You can’t have it.”
✉️You would’ve thought that he wouldn’t want to share his clothes. Since they’re all fairly unique and expensive you thought he wouldn’t let you touch them. YOU WERE SO WRONG. Jeongin’s favorite thing to do is style you in different clothes. In HIS clothes.
✉️Quiet times involve you guys building little models together and sometimes legos. You really love the Lego sets that are themed, like the Star Wars or Harry Potter sets. He likes messing with them when you’re not looking so it works out
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💌Jeongin’s love is special, it’s youthful and filled with banter. It’s sort of like the color yellow. Yellow is loud and can be annoying but it’s so warm and reminds you of summer.
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melissacove · 1 year
Homicidal Liu headcanons
Liu is the human re-creation of what those sour patch kids are in their commercial.
he has a raspy voice, and talks in very low tones, like he’s whispering. This is because his throat consistently hurts when he talks because of Jeff cutting it up. They hurt when they get suddenly bumped, so he wears his scarf to protect them.
him and Sully fight often.
as you may know if you follow my Ask Homicidal Liu blog, Sully once tried to trade Jeff’s life for a Twix bar. Liu stopped him.
Sully’s a total drama queen. Like, legitimately textbook definition. 💅💅✨material gurl💅✨💅✨
he doesn’t like Jeff, but he doesn’t hate him either. He just wants to find him, talk to him, and understand why he did what he did.
(Warning child 4buse mentions) jeff has religious trauma because his parents were super strict on “either you’re religious or you’re going to hell”. They meant well, but they ended up doing a lot more harm than good. This, eventually, pushed Jeff over the edge. His parents used to use Christianity as an excuse to physically 4buse him, and Liu never found out. (No hate to religious ppl btw, most of them are great, there’s just a few bad apples on every tree, you know? Goes for everything, sadly.)
liu is very Christian, but he respects other beliefs. Since his beliefs have ties in s3x and marriage tho, he only dates other Christian people, or at least people willing to have no s3x before marriage and stuff. He prefers Christian people though, he just feels safer and more accepted.
I changed my mind from my last post on Liu like last night when I say EJ x Liu, he’s bisexual he just mainly leans towards women. He has a crush on EJ change my mind lol:)
(tw eating disorder) he has anorexia. EJ, his best friend, is the only one who knows and tries his best to support Liu.
ok that’s all:) I need to go finish my Penny speedpaint now also remember you can ask Liu questions if you want on my second blog @askjeffsolderbrother , asks open for both Liu and Sully:) ok now I need to go finish my Penny speedpaint ok ok bye have a cool day or night or evening bye:)
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arukou-arukou · 7 months
Trick AND a treat pretty please!!!
Well, then! First a trick for you!
I am 6'4", but men are intimidated enough that they always guess 6'0".
In high school, my family adopted a cat and named him Draco, but we only ever called him ten thousand other names including Gollum, Darth Vader, Destructo, and Fat Bastard.
I studied Western-style calligraphy for a year, though my pens are sadly languishing.
And now a treat. (Kind of like those Sour Patch Kids commercials, huh.)
The first time Tony saw Steve in slacks and a T-shirt, his knees nearly gave and he had to grab onto the kitchen countertop for dear life. “Are you okay, Iron Man?” “Fine! I’m just fine! Better than fine.” It was almost worse when Tony was in his own civilian persona, because he very quickly realized that Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, was not exactly playing for the opposite team. In fact, he was almost completely sure that Steve was flirting with him. Across the table in the mornings, his cowl shoved back, his hair in perfect disarray, he smiled up at Tony from beneath his white-blond lashes and let a blush ride high on his cheeks. Tony had been flirted with a lot in his lifetime. It came with the territory of money, and even more so with a modicum of notoriety, and generally speaking, he was immune to the most embarrassing effects of such attention. Supermodels could bat eyelashes at him all day long, but he, while he enjoyed the occasional fling, had become virtually untouchable since the installation of the chestplate. Now if he managed a relationship at all, it rarely progressed beyond a great deal of heavy petting with his shirt on, which he found left him time to fall head over heels for his paramours instead. But even that didn’t move him anymore. Now, it was only Steve, sweet blushing Steve, Steve’s storybook complexion and mile-long legs, and perfectly flexed thigh muscles, which seemed to get a rise out of him. And boy was it a rise.
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imanipulate · 6 days
No. 12 from the weird asks
12. favorite tv commercial?
the early 2010s commercials with old spice “the man your man could smell like” or the sour patch kids “first they’re sour, then they’re sweet” ones
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
you know we don't know about chris's evans wife and arlie's mom, reader! we need to know facts about her please! :D
Very true!!
I do have somewhat of a vision for Momma, tbh when I write my fics I really try to let the reader make their own vision for her, I would love to try and write more inclusive or learn how to do that, so if ANYONE wants to help that would be fantastic!
So as for my version of Momma:
Birthday: August 2nd
Appearance: Soft brown eyes, her hair is more of an auburn brown with slight hints of red!
Height: Momma is 5’6 on a good day she says 😂
Favourite Shows: Yellowstone (her and Chris watch it together) Defending Jacob (She says that’s how Arlie was made😂) The Crown, and she also love’s documentaries too! 🤍
Favourite Snacks: Berries like her little duck, loves watermelon, anything that’s super summery she loves, sour patch kids and fuzzy peaches are her go to candy, her favourite meal to make is Nana’s Vesuvio al Ragù di Salsiccia a family favourite for Chris too 🤍
Career: Momma is a District Attorney for Middlesex County in Massachusetts! 🤍
Dislikes: Mornings, when Chris misses the laundry hamper, seeing Arlie cry, animal shelter commercials at Christmas because she wishes she could adopt them all, arguments, yelling, and lack of communication 🤍
What Momma Likes: Iced Coffee, Cuddles with Arlie and Chris, Lavender scented anything, Chris says it’s like her drug of choice, watching Arlie grow and become independent, family movie nights, quality time with Chris, and spending time with friends and extended and close to home family 🤍
Additional Facts:
- Momma and Chris have been together for 11 years, and married now for 3 🤍
- Momma grew up in New York City, so meeting Chris and eventually moving to Massachusetts was a nice shift for her 🤍
- She graduated from Columbia Law School with the highest distinction and honours 🤍
- She loves all things fashion, food, loves flowers and botanicals, Chris made her a little greenhouse for their 8th anniversary 🤍
- Momma is starting to teach part time at Harvard Law School as a Criminal Law Professor 🤍
- She has a small C tattooed on her rib cage under her left breast for Chris and a small yellow duckling for Arlie beside it 🤍
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lankyledlights · 1 year
every episode of house is like watching a 40 minute long sour patch kids commercial
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xylophone-p · 2 years
my ocs
so, i have several (8 to be exact)...
Neil, Charlotte, Ross, Abigail, Felix (i just love this name), Evelyn, Lexi Otters, Dana-Roxanne.
you will get basic personality and appearance info about all 6, and their sexuality and gender identity, what pronouns they use, and their age (or approximate age/lowest age they could be).
Neil: he/him. Brown hair, blue eyes. 5'4". Really pale. Gay. Cisgender. His hair is long-ish, and he has a slight beard. Highly intelligent but can be rather dense at times. 29 years old.
Charlotte: she/her. Neil's twin sister (brown hair, blue eyes). She's 5'5". Bisexual (leaning towards women). Cisgender. Shoulder length hair. Charismatic little shit. Would probably dye her hair purple if she could. 29 years old.
Ross: he/him. Ginger hair, green eyes, 5'9". Really pale. Trans man. Bisexual. Short, fluffy hair. Could possibly be described as a himbo but can be really sarcastic at times (but only VERY rarely). 27 years old.
Abigail: she/her. Ross's twin sister (ginger, green eyes). Bisexual. Cisgender. Long hair, to her ass. 5'11", so she's kinda tall. Is both a bitch and a sweetheart. 27 years old.
Felix: he/him. Brown hair, green eyes. 5'3". Pale. Little brother of Neil and Charlotte. Bisexual? Maybe? He's unsure. Clingy. Cisgender. Medium length hair that is styled in a "messy" way. A chaotic little man, he's kinda like the Sour Patch Kids in the sour patch kids commercials? 25 years old.
Evelyn: she/her. Felix's twin sister (brown hair, green eyes). 5'2". Heterosexual, Cisgender, but really supportive. Probably has her hair in a pixie cut. Doesn't really talk to people. Intimidating, but nice. 25 years old.
Lexi Otters: she/her. An only child. Auburn hair, hazel eyes. 5'5". Bisexual? Cisgender. Hair tied in a messy bun. An absolute sweetheart who WILL cry if someone yells at her. Age unknown, but she is for sure at least 21 years old, and at most 28 years old.
Dana-Roxanne: She/her. An only child. Blonde hair, blue-green eyes. Height varies. Biromantic, Asexual. Cisgender. Hairstyle varies. Sarcastic but nearly just as kind as Lexi. Can't die? Age is somewhere from 21 to 29 years old.
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dylanadreams · 2 years
Houdini will have a day where he's an absolute little demon where he'll be doing naughty thing after naughty thing and will play too aggressively - like he'll just randomly throw his whole body at my face with absolutely no provocation, and then the next day, he'll be just the sweetest loviest baby boy. He's like a sour patch kid. You remember those commercials? Lol
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13uswntimagines · 2 years
Promises We Make. It’s like on of those Sour Patch Kids commercials, sour then sweet!
Like I love that the reader showed they had learned from past mistakes, and grown emotionally (“right person, wrong time” is one of my favorite tropes). The fact that they were able to slow it down and not jump into the relationship just because ‘they’re soulmates and they have to’.
Any good relationship is built off trust. If you don’t take the time to build that trust with someone, then the relationship will crumble at the first sign of stress.
Beautifully written! I absolutely love it
Thank you so much! And yeah, right person wrong time is one of my favorites too! I was hoping that it showed through.
I wanted them to work through everything, because if bugs me when something bad happened and then everything is perfect again. The build back is super important.
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raiiryuu · 7 days
[text]: sometimes all i think about is–sour patch kids. bet you thought it was you.
⚡︎ text message prompts ⚡︎ - @halphcs
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It takes him a second to register that's a type of candy.
| she-demon |:
[text] only sometimes?
[text] you act like the ones in those commercials so i kinda figured it was a 24/7 channeling kinda thing
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twallarts446-001 · 4 months
Package an Egg paper
When I first learned what this project was, I was very excited and eager to start. I wanted to do something super “out there” and initially might have gone too far. Somehow, I got to the thought of a gas station even though looking back it wouldn’t be quite right for the project. When I got home, I started looking but couldn’t find anything that was just right. As I was explaining the project to my friend, I used one of my Christmas candies as an example but then I had ideas swarm my head. I plan to Repackage and Design Sour Patch Kids for both commercial use and a special package for the movie theatre. I think the main problems with the current design are that the box is mainly Yellow and doesn’t really portray watermelon clearly and the watermelon text at the bottom doesn’t help much. It has a lot of distractions and text making it hard to understand what it is if you are walking down a store isle. Growing up these were one of my favorite movie theater candies to have and the worst part was the packaging. Inside is a loud plastic bag that holds all of the candy which made me embarrassed whenever I wanted another piece and made noise during the movie. Now that I am older, I don’t care to eat the whole box and don’t have a good way to reseal the box to bring it home. The main audience for this candy is mainly people that go to the movie theater but also includes kids, holiday gifts, adults, or anyone that likes candy. Most of the consumers will most likely be spending their money on other candy, movies, toys, and the usual day to day supplies. Sour patch is owned by mondelez international, who also owns many big-name brands. Oreos, chips ahoy!, belvita, ritz, Cliff, Cadbury, Triscut, Toblerone, Tate’s bake shop, and many more. However, Sour patch kids is the only sour candy brand that they own. That means Mondelez international only had one brand to make a profit off of sour candy. Last year they made $223.6 million and when I did the math it is roughly 45 million boxes, family packs, and shareable size packages sold. Sour Patch kids’ largest competitors are war heads, troli, sour punch, air head xtreme, juicy drop, and sour skittles. While some of the other brands might make good profits, sour patch is the highest ranking out of them all. Since there is such a large customer group currently I feel like changing the design won’t be a big problem since most people are already buying for the brand anyways. Mondelez international’s mission statements are “empowering people to snack right” and high quality ingredients, in a way that enables people and the planet to thrive.” I see mondelez as a Creator archetype since their goal is to create the perfect product our of quality ingredients. Sour patch kids is their most playful brand so it tends to slip away from the professional side of mondelez, Which is why I feel like sour patch itself if more of the Rebel archetype since they break norms with their goofy and playful marketing. 
My plan of improvement:
In terms of the packaging, I think it would be smart to reorient the box vertically so when the box is being used the design still shows easily. I also think that would help with my idea for the resealable end. If I add folds into the sides of the box it makes it where the box can fold closed. I want to take it one step farther and add a zip lock end for people to carry it around without spilling or getting stale. The box dimensions would stay almost exactly the same but come together at the top, this would allow for me to make deeper boxes for family size or shareable packs. For the Movie theatre If we remove the plastic bag inside and instead insulate the inside of the box with plastic, it would both remove extra steps to enjoy your candy as well as making it quieter for the movie theater. If I make the package a cylinder it would be able to fit inside a cup holder and even have a lid that comes off making it even easier to grab a piece during the movie without the hassle. The design of the packages needs to be simplified and more watermelon oriented. I think changing the outside of the box to a green color for the watermelon packs and having the inside of the box red would be a nice touch. Adding a die cut through the front of the box for consumers to see the candy could make it seem like a more special candy. I am very excited to see where this project goes and how it changes along the way!
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mctives · 5 months
@popularmxnster // continued from here
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Stu had always liked the idea of Christmas, even if the reality sucked. He liked seeing the families in the commercials, with loving parents and grandparents spoiling the kids, and even the pain in the ass kid was forgiven for fucking something up. Everybody just laughed instead of getting weird and quiet while the kid kept saying he didn't mean it. The kid never even had to apologize in those commercials.
"Aw fuck yeah," he said, plucking out the Jumanji tickets; a movie he was pretty sure he could actually sit through without losing interest. And then he immediate tore into some sour patch kids. "Di'nt wrap mine a'all," he said with his mouth half full as he handed over a bottle of something he knew Billy liked that was maybe a little expensive for an everyday basis.
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He swallowed before talking again. "You got plans with your girlfriend yet?" The tone was childishly mocking, with just a little of the underlying anger he always felt when he thought about her.
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theartisticcompany · 7 months
How To Start A Candy Brand?
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Looking to start a candy brand? This blog will guide you through the step-by-step process of starting a well-researched and organised candy brand. The confectionery business is one of the greatest ideas for a low-cost and highly profitable startup as candy serves as a delicious treat for both kids and grownups.
But before starting any brand you want to ensure that you build it well. Proper branding is the most important way to grow your brand as it helps you receive the recognition you need and develop relationships with your customers.
Turning your idea into a complete brand is Brand Invention. Begin by deciding what type of candies you want to make and why. From hard candies to gummies and sour patches, there are various varieties. You might even consider focusing on areas like protein candies or health supplements.
For instance, let’s look at the difference between Alpenliebe Juzt Jelly Bears and Biotin Gummies. Both are gummy candies, but Alpenliebe focuses on a general audience, especially kids, while Biotin targets adults focusing on health supplements, specifically for hair and skin glow.
After finalising your type, start your market research, find out your competitors, collect details about confectionery trade growth, popular types of candies in and around the area, confectionery import and export details, pricing details, tax rates and regulations for candy in the region.
Through market research, develop buyer personas and analyse customer data for segmentation. Create your strategies accordingly. For example, let’s take Lotte and Cadbury’s Dairy Milk as Lotte targets kids, while Dairy Milk’s Silk is aimed at teenagers and couples. Knowing your audience ensures your brand is effectively built from the very beginning.
Define your brand’s purpose and position. A few things that could be overlooked in the process are your brand’s mission statement, vision statement, and your core values. Build a brand personality, voice, and story. Your brand voice and personality should reflect your product and brand, it should personally connect with your audience. Plan and create your strategies in accordance with market research.
Find a brand name that aligns with your product. The brand name should be captivating, unique, easy to remember and identified in the market. And create a brand style guide for consistency across platforms. Visual Identity serves as the most important process of brand building. Design your brand logo, make it attractive and recognisable. Use an appropriate colour palette that resonates with the product.
The main marketing strategy lies in product design and packaging designs. Make sure your product design is unique in the market and the packaging cover should be as attractive as possible. Remember it is important to legally safeguard your brand and your creation. Register your brand and your brand identity officially.
After finalising your product type, purpose, audience, visual identities, product design, and packaging design the last part of the brand invention is to manufacture your product.
Start by setting up your production unit and work on your marketing capital. Begin by making a list of equipment that is required for production and note down the raw materials required for manufacturing.
Hiring management staff and employees is a vital process. Build individual teams for testing, development, and quality check processes. Before starting your production don’t forget to instruct and educate your employees about your brand and the whole process. Run a few product tests, try it out, get feedback and this process goes on until you are satisfied and confident about your candy. Now it’s time to produce it for the masses.
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Brand Launch and management
Create a catalogue of your products along with the pricing details. Identify the platforms where you want to sell your products such as offline distributors and e-commerce platforms. Consider TV commercials, social media ads, and other mediums to reach a wide audience. Launch the product in the market by making sure it finds a place in the audience’s heart.
Finally, Brand management is an important process after launching. When your brand hits the market, track and gather feedback. Adapt to changing trends and continuously update your strategies.
To sum it up, building a brand from scratch is a process that needs more care and attention. Even a minor error may have a big impact and reflect upon your whole brand. There is no one formula, method, or strategy for building a brand, but incorporating the stages described in this blog will be a great place to start for your candy brand. Our team here at The Artistic Company is passionate about building your business by exclusively creating strategies, promoting your brand and making it thrive in the industry.
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welcometothevale · 9 months
It's 'I just realized Rose is literally just a sour patch kid' o'clock right now. Boy oh boy is my brain like those 'this is your brain on drugs' commercials with the fried egg in a pan.
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keyoutfit · 1 year
Best $1 Candy: How to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth on a Budget
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How to Buy the Best $1 Candy Online?
Looking for a delicious and inexpensive way to satisfy your sweet tooth? Just look at the $1 candy bar! This article explores the world of commercial candy and shows you how to find the best deals on your favorite sweets. From classic treats to gummy worms and sour treats, we've got you covered.
What is $1 candy?
$1 candy refers to various candies priced at $1 or less. These candies can be found at various retailers, including convenience stores, grocery stores, and online stores. While $1 can be more affordable than other types of candy, that doesn't mean the quality is lower. Many of these treats are just as delicious as their more expensive counterparts.
Where can you find $1 candy?
There are plenty of places to find one dollar candy. Your Nearby Candy Store offers you a selection of candies priced at $1 or less. Grocery stores like Walmart and Target also have a wide variety of inexpensive candy. Plus, you can find $1 candy online at retailers like Amazon and Candy Warehouse.
What types of $1 Candy are Available?
There are many different types of candy for 1 dollar available, including: - Chocolate bars: Popular brands like Hershey's, Nestle, and Mars all offer candy bars that are priced at $1 or less. - Gummy candy: From gummy bears to gummy worms, there are many types of gummy candy that are available for $1 or less. - Hard candy: Jolly Ranchers, Werther's Originals, and Lifesavers are just a few examples of hard candies that can be purchased for $1 or less. - Sour candy: If you love sour candy, you're in luck! Many brands like Warheads, Sour Patch Kids, and Trolli offer sour candies that are priced at $1 or less. - Novelty candy: In addition to traditional candies, there are also many novelty candies available for $1 or less. Examples include candy cigarettes, wax bottles, and pop rocks. Check $1 Candy Available on Amazon
How to save money on $1 candy?
While $1 candy is already affordable, there are ways to save even more money on your sweet treats. Here are a few tips: - Buy in bulk: Many retailers offer discounts when you buy candy in bulk. Consider purchasing larger bags of candy and portioning it out yourself. - Shop sales: Keep an eye out for sales on candy under $1. Retailers like Walmart and Target often offer discounts on candy around holidays like Halloween and Valentine's Day. - Use coupons: Check online coupon sites like RetailMeNot for coupons and promo codes that can be used to save money on candy purchases.
1 dollar candy is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth on a budget. With a wide variety of candies available at affordable prices, you can indulge in your favorite treats without breaking the bank. Whether you prefer chocolate, gummy candy, or sour treats, there's a $1 candy option for everyone. So go ahead, and treat yourself to some delicious candy without the guilt of overspending!
Is $1 candy lower in quality than other types of candy?Not necessarily. Many $1 candies are just as delicious as their more expensive counterparts.What types of $1 candy are available?There are many different types of 1 dollar candy available, including chocolate bars, gummy candy, hard candy, sour candy, and novelty candy.Are there any health concerns associated with eating $1 candy?Like any candy, candy for $1 should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. It's important to be mindful of the sugar and calorie content in these treats.Are there any vegan or gluten-free options for $1 candy?Yes, there are some vegan and gluten-free options available for one dollar candy. It's important to read the labels carefully to ensure that the candy meets your dietary needs.Can $1 candy be used for party favors or gift bags?Yes, $1 candy can be a great option for party favors or gift bags. You can create your own custom mix of candies or purchase pre-made bags or boxes of candy. Read the full article
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