#like just shut the fuck up franzi. just shut up.
die-schwanenkoenigin · 7 months
why am I so fucking......cringe. I swear to. God.
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daddywright · 3 years
I have only recently got into the ace attorney fandom, and this story was the first story I read, and I feel spoiled! I absolutely loved every chapter, so I'm gonna word vomit here and tell you everything I love about this!
"She offers him a smile. It’s small, tentative, but it possesses a strength that makes a hidden part of him twist and burn with quiet envy." the first time we see nick's wish to be as strong as mia!
Considering the fact that nick didn't have any prominent figure in his life, it makes sense that he would look up to gregory so much
"Phoenix looks up, and starts walking towards Mia Fey
He doesn't stop for two years."
"Larry’s arms wrap around him, squeezing almost too tight" People forget that Larry and Phoenix were good friends too, and Larry would help his best friend
"Nobody believed him, nobody but Mia" Maya is what Phoenix is to Mia and I adore that
"He wishes, desperately, that he’d said it while she was still alive. I loved you. For everything you did." Not you absolutely breaking my fucking heart
Also the first AA game felt unnatural in the sense of how seemingly unaffected Phoenix seemed at Mia's murder so I'm really glad you wrote it this way
Also quick break to mention how I absolutely fucking love your writing style and i wish I was literally half as talented as you cuz the last time I read something that made me feel this multitude of emotions was ocean vuong. And I practically worship Ocean Vuong. So now I worship you too
"You're a stranger to me // When will I stop hoping?" I never really realised just how badly nick musta been hurt by good ol' bratworth before this fic, but now that I have read it, it would have hurt him so bad
"Is this why you never answered my letters? Because I was a reminder? Because it hurt too much?" Honestly what happened to miles and phoenix's friendship hurts so much because it should have never happened, and miles didn't deserve that.
"Maybe Miles Edgeworth is not the man he thought he’d be, either." yo when I tell you this hurt I mean this huRT
Fun fact! My birthday is on the same day as DL-6 anniversary. Gregory Edgeworth died on my birthday. I feel horrible now
"monster. You were nine years old and he's a monster. " No one has made me feel this much emotion for what happened to Miles in a single sentence other than you. I commend you for that
"I love you," he says quietly. He has never said those words to anyone, except for Dahlia Hawthorne.
Maya sniffs in his ear, crushing him tight. "I love you, too."
He has never heard them back.
"Tell me everything. Every detail—" Miles is worried bout nick and why wouldn't he? gods you're so gay miles but tbf if I knew someone like nick irl i'd go ballistic too
"He determined the motive for his own assault...with amnesia. Naturally." My man's smart af and he is king
"Is that what she thinks of me? That I'm like that? That I don't care about who the bad guys really are?" Gumshoe noooo you're hella precious! Also this particular chapter was so well written! loved this soo much!
Also taking a minute to appreciate the pacing! Rarely do I ever come across an author who just hits that sweet spot of perfect pacing and you did! so thank you!
Alright so here are a few thoughts that I felt capcom needed to do which you did for us!
no. 1 - Address the trauma phoenix faced with not only dahlia but also with mia's death
no. 2 - Actually fucking flesh out a good relationship dynamic between larry and phoenix
no. 3 - actually! have! phoenix! be hurt! in bridge to turnabout! istg my man would not have dropped from a burning bridge to a freezing river only to have a cold
ok so I have a LOT of feelings for bridge to turnabout and HOO BOY BUCKLE UP
So I always thought that in this fic, miles must have felt fucking awful! I mean he very clearly hates who he was and what that has led to but that must have been doubled over with this case! Phoenix would have died if not for mia and it would have been indirectly miles's fault. I think about that alot
Like he said that he very much regrets whatever he did as bratworth in the phone call with gumshoe but i don't think he anticipated this. poor edgeworth
Also I think this was the final nail in the coffin for miles. Phoenix forgave him, after all the fucked up shit miles did, and that made that man go "how is this guy so fucking compassionate awwwww shit I'm in fucking love with this idiotic brave man".
my main thoughts were "holy shit phoenix must have been feeling awful." like to learn that you were in love with a person who turned out to be a murderer but then not a murderer cuz everything you felt about that was real and just...... it must have hurt. He never fell in love with dahlia. it was iris, always. and WHAT ABOUT MILES DURING THIS!!! Like to learn that the man you love was falsely led to believe that he was in love with a person he rarely met and then learn that his ex who is not murderous might still be in love with him because "that was real. that part was real." like damn. people just gloss over this
also I feel terrible for iris F in the chat for iris lads.
Dahlia literally haunting that courtroom scene. I felt mia's power. I felt her desperation. I felt everything and I am once again in awe of the absolute power your writing holds.
also godsdamn pearls had to go through all that shit huh. also FRANMAYAAAAAA THANK YOUUUU
I too, am a hoe confused as to what I should feel towards diego.
Ok anyways we jump to disbarment now
"He just winks at her and says Maya has other talents, and if Mystic Maya overhears, she puffs up at him like the fish from the aquarium she saw once, the one with all the spikes and silly eyes."
you know what constantly amazes me? your ability to change tones so effortlessly. When writing from edgey's pov, the language is sophisticated. precise. when writing from pearly's pov your language is simplistic, child-like. from phoenix's pov it's natural. grounded
"She never knew anybody who made faces like him, growing up in Kurain, and it’s one of the things that makes him special." Yo phoenix is the most amazing uncle ever and we all know it ok he's brilliant
“I think I did something really bad." trucy baby no it's not your fault
pearl and trucy bonding supremacy. my girls would fuck shit up
"She’d meant to do this properly, one day." Thank you for giving importance to maya's feelings. thank you for treating her like a real human being. thank you
“Everything that happened...for what? It’s only gotten people hurt. Pearly. Our mother.” Me. Me." I felt so bad for maya here. I wish I could tell you in precise words about how this exact framing of the sentence is what broke me. "me. me" maya deserved more, but mia did all she could
"What do scared kids need? ...Food." not you breaking my godsdamn heart again. phoenix just knows what's it like being a helpless child, and he'll be damned if he ever lets anyone face that again
“‘Course, Pearls,” he says reflexively, before frowning. “What for?” reflexively. if every man in the world could be like phoenix wright then the world would be worthy of the gods
"Another one?" give it 2 years edgey she'll be your daughter too
"after countless hours creating the man’s living space in his mind from the background snatches he’d seen in the man’s ridiculous video calls." NOT ONLY DO THEY VC FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON BUT ALSO MILES ACTUALLY SPENDS TIME TRYING TO RECREATE HIS ROOM?? BECAUSE HE WOULD ONE DAY LIKE TO BE IN IT??? good gods these bitches gay. good for them
"because just as day is light and night is dark, Phoenix Wright is an honorable man." damn straight. you love to see it (it being a 27+ year old man pining for another 27+ year old man)
also hey miles! how do you feel about the fact that the man you love changed his fucking major and degrees halfway through college just so he could see you again only for you to be incredibly rude to him and make him end up in jail! (i bully edgeworth cuz i love him)
"Wright finishes, shrugging like it’s nothing, like his commitment and belief isn’t the most extraordinary thing that Miles has ever faced." it's more than pining at this point. it's incredible faith and trust. Miles had someone who cared about him even after all those years despite him having changed so drastically, ofc he would be surprised. Miles loves phoenix and so do i.
Also the whole segment where they kiss is just !!!!! miles wants! it's beautiful! THEY'RE IN LOVEEE
receiving poisonous bottles which your ex tried to kill you with. My man can't get a break huh
Miles being chivalrous and protective and absolutely stealing my godsdamn heart (and phoenix's too)!
Klavier being the absolute king that he is we stan
The hostage situation section? gods miles must have been terrified.
Phoenix not being able to promise pearly that he'd always come back home and miles hearing it and like... ouch. my heart. you didn't need to do that (but i love your for it)
klavier baby I am so sorry
and thus my comment ends. I believe I have almost used up all of my commenting limits and i leave with these few parting words : HOLY SHIT YOUR AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU!
also I made a playlist on spotify for this fic! here's the link : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3k8lRHiO8ZXQDLpiTUL7SN?si=fc3b35b4ab064867
gods this was long huh
thank you so much for all the amazing things you said....i am crying on a Wednesday morning knowing my writing was appreciated this much. thank you!
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invaderzia1 · 6 years
Select some cute "imagine your f/o" for the squads and write some small drabbles about them would youuuu? ♥♥♥♥♥
hey hey click the ship names for the orginal posts!
🥰🥰 @shingeki-no-scenarios @wallsinner @eren-my-sweet @bakachanx3 😍😍
Upon entering her boyfriends home, Maddy was greeted the the soft strumming of a guitar. Placing her bag down, she followed the sound, smiling softly upon finding him in his living room, unaware anyone had entered the house. As she leaned against the frame of the door, she heard his soft voice singing as he strummed, making her face flush and heart beat fast. Bringing a hand up to her face, covering her mouth, embarrassed yet her heart swelling with love and admiration for the man in front of her. She continued to listen to him, making sure she was quiet as she appreciated him.
He began to finish up his song, smiling softly as he stopped strumming. He placed the guitar next to him, making sure it wasn’t close to the edge as he did. He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face and messing it around. It was sweet to see him inn this moment, seeing how he acted when he thought he was alone. How relaxed he was.
Maddy cleared her throat, breaking Jean out of his moment and causing him to jump back and fall off the couch, staring back at her. She laughed out loud, making Jean blush harder. Her laughter died down and she smiled softly at him, readjusting her pose to be more open and happy. Nobody said anything immediately, but Maddy took Jeans silent gawking as cue to say something.
“You have a beautiful voice.”
Jean blushed even redder, embarrassed at her words. He chocked out a response, sputtering as he tried to hide his embarrassment.
Maddy let out a few giggles as she watched her boyfriend flail on the ground, burying his face into the palm of his hand. Making her way over, she sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek.
While Jean was embarrassed to have been caught, he was happy his girlfriend enjoyed it. Especially since he had learned this song to play for her one day.
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Stevie was stressed. It felt like life decided to throw everything it had at her, all at once. She laid in bed, trying to relax and ignore the ever pressing feeling that everything was awful. The blanket was wrapped around her, providing her the warmth she needed.
The door to the bedroom crept open, letting in light from the hallway, before quickly closing and returning the room to its original darkness. Stevie felt the bed sink under a new pressure and someone pulling the covers off of her. She allowed the covers to be removed, letting whoever it was climb under them and join her.
“Hey,” he boyfriend spoke, softly, his breath hitting the back of her neck.
His arm fumbled over her body, blindly finding their way around her to her arms. He snakes them down to her hands, lacing his fingers around hers and squeezing her hand. Stevie sqeeuzed his hand softly, not having the strength to return his embrace in full. His thumb rubbed circles against the side of her hand as he pressed his body against hers.
“I know things might be bad right now, but things are going to get so much better,” his sweet voice spoke against the sheep of her ear, “You know, after a storm there’s always sun, or whatever that phrase is.”
Stevie smiles softly at his words, finding his misuse of the phrase pretty cute.
“I will be by your side until they do, and after that, I’ll still be with you. You aren’t alone, sweetie pie.”
Stevie leaned back into his embrace, finding comfort in his words and feeling slightly less stressed than before. She knew that even if it seemed plain terrible right now, Marco would be with her to keep her grounded and safe.
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Rena sat in her kitchen, watching as her friend finished bandaging her arm. She bit her lip, suppressing her urge to yell and curse at the pain. She knew it was her fault for injuring herself, her pride bruised at how poorly it had gone over. The sound of her garage opening and a car pulling in alerted her that her boyfriend was home, she stole a glance at her friend, who sent her an apologetic smile. Immediately, Rena froze, eyes wide as she heard his car door slam shut.
“You didn’t…”
Her friend shut the first aid kit, keeping it out on the kitchen table as she grabbed her bag. Her friend simply nodded her head as she made her way out the door, just as Eren ran into the house, rushing to his girlfriends side. His eyes were wide in anger and worry, staring at her injuries before looking at her face. Sweat was beading at his forehead, showing how quickly he ran over here.
“What the hell did you do?” His voice was sharp, clearly angry.
Rena laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head with her free arm. She diverted her eyes away from his.
“It’s not that serious, babe. Just a small injury-“
“You call THIS a small injury?!”
He pointed at her bandaged arm, making Rena flinch at his yelling. His gaze was wild, clearly worried. He walked closer to her, placing his hands on her shoulders, continuing to scold her.
“You need to be careful, I don’t want to get a phone call from your friends saying you fucked up and are in the hospital. God, you could’ve broken several bones if it weren’t for your dumb luck.”
The way Eren’s voice cracked half way through his words hit even harder. Rena looked down at the ground, feeling even worse at having worked Eren up this much. She could feel tears well up in the corner of her eyes, threatening to spill over.
“Please, god, promise me you won’t do any thing that dumb again. You mean the fucking world to me, please.”
Rena nodded her head, quickly wiping her tears away. Eren collapses into her, holding her tight as he buried his face into her neck, wetting her skin with tears he was hiding. She used her good arm to wrap around him, running her fingers through his hair as he cried.
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Franzi stood watching the young children and adults skate in the center of town, using the newly built ice rink that stood in the middle of their town park. She leaned against the railing, holding her cup of hot chocolate carefully in her gloves hands. The brisk, cold air around her made her nuzzle into her wool scarf even more to keep warm. She was bundled up in a large jacket in order to keep warm, along with a pair of boots with fur poking out from inside.
Colt admired her from behind, having returned from grabbing them a small treat. He smiled softly to himself as he saw the way she nuzzled into her scarf for warmth. He walked up behind her, placing a kiss on her cheek. He handed her the sweet treat he had gotten her, carefully taking her hot chocolate into his hands. Franzi smiled up at him, excited to see him again.
“Thank you babe!”
She quickly dove into the treat, eating it as she continued to watch the skaters twirl around the rink. Colt enjoyed watching her, seeing the twinkle in her eyes as she watched the skaters. As Franzi finished the treat in her hands, taking the hot chocolate from his hands, Colt brought his hand to her face, cupping her cheeks in his palms. Her focus was now onto her boyfriend, staring at her with intense love in his eyes. Her cheeks flushed, already red from the cold air.
“God, I’m so lucky to have you.”
Franzi grew flustered, especially after Colt leaned down and placed a soft kiss onto his forehead. She pulled her scarf up over her cheeks, a wide smile hidden behind it.
Colt just laughed, wrapping his arm around her body as he pulled her away from the rink and towards a warm looking cafe across the park.
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Erwin walked into his house, tired from a long day of work. As he entered the house, he could hear muffled music playing from deeper within. He smiled to himself, knowing Ji was home and probably having fun. Removing his shoes, he ventured further into the house, until he entered the living room.
Ji was jamming to some hot jams, dancing around in one of Erwin’s shirts. He found himself staring at her, eyes following her form as she moved around the room with out a care in the world. He brought his hand to his mouth, covering his laugh as he watched her attempt to coerce one of their cats to join her.
Erwin could feel his face flush as he watched her, feeling even more in love with her. He swore he could faint at how cute she was. He continued to watch her, until she spun around and made direct eye contact with him, making her freeze in place. Ji’s eyes were wide as she stared at her boyfriend, embarrassed to have been caught in such an embarrassing moment.
“No need to stop for me, I was just enjoying the show.”
Erwin smirked to himself, shooing his hands so she would continue to dance. Ji reached for one of the pillows on the couch, launching it at his face.
“Babe, how long have you been there? Oh my god, I hate you.”
Ji walked over to Erwin, pressing her hands against his chest as she lightly hit him, embarrassed he had just sat and watched her. Erwin laughed to himself, wrapping arms around Ji, effectively trapping her in his grip.
“God, you’re so cute. Especially when you dance.”
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neverendingparable · 5 years
Send 💞 for a awkward kiss // written for that only once previously mentioned AU where Stellan is an intergalatic officer trying and failing to catch the time-and-space criminal Neil de Grammont
The intergalactic prisons were his least favorite place inthe entire Universe. They were as sad as they were dreary, as dreary as theywere disturbing and Stellan hated every corner of the stuffy, foul scented jailcomplex. 
This one was particulary nasty.
It was loud too, prisoners yelling, begging, and cursing outguards who gruffly reprimanded them with harsh words or tasers if they got toorowdy.
Honestly, he couldn’t understand why his bosses couldn’tjust send a vehicle in to deliver the newest captive to the better, more securesister system a few galaxies away.
This needs to be apriority! He insisted to a bored guard, who gave Stellan’s capture astoic look like he couldn’t care less.
A newcomer perhaps, who didn’t understand the severity ofthe situation.
Either way it was infuriating - not only was he bringing ina dangerous and intelligent criminal who could easily pick his wayout of a cell block blind if someone wasn’t constantly watching, but everyone’shabits of blowing off the arrest was also undermining Stellan’s hard efforts oftrying to capture the infamous Cornelius de Grammont for these past few months.
During their little cat-and-mouse chase, Stellan became morefamiliar with the pirate’s tactics than he would’ve liked. They were exceedinglycunning - but apparently, as Neil lacked the intimidating vibes of bigger and moresenselessly violent prisoners here, the guards didn’t seem to care much,despite the crimes pinned to his name.
Sure he could just travel on, but it would take far too manyhours to get Neil to the other galaxy. And he was tired, which is why he didn’ttrust himself to fly alone with the pirate. (Not to mention after listening tothe smart-ass ceaselessly mock him the entire flight over, he was ready to dosomething drastic to get him to shut up. All in all, he was tired, pissed, andon edge. Something Neil would use for his advantage)
“I need the strongest cell you have free. We’re goingto be flying in the morning again and I need to put him somewhere safe until then.”Stellan insisted.
The guard grunted and half heartedly turned to check whatplaces were still free. His bored nonchalance and the feeling of Neil smirkingbeside him grated on Stellan’s nerves, but he bit his tongue.
“Floor C Cell 5G.” The guard muttered and slid theofficer a bundle of keys. He then picked up his comic book again and made aneffort to ignore the duo.
“Is it secure enough?” Stellan tried again, andgot another grunt as a reply.
“That sure sounds promising,” Neil taunted, thesmirk unwavering on his face.
“Shut up and get moving.” Stellan jabbed him hard in the sidewith his gun, ushering his captive off to the nearby elevators.
Of all the shittyprison complexes I have to be stuck in, he thought bitterly as they rode upto Floor C in silence.
Well no matter.  What’s important is that I finally have him. Let’s hope this shitty place can secure him for afew hours while I get some sleep…..
A creeping dread had crawled up Stellan’s spine and itsettled there comfortably when they entered the cell block Neil was supposed tostay in.
The protections were good, recently upgraded by the GalacticFederal Agencies to enhance security in the cells. The only problem was thatStellan had already placed Neil behind these models once and the pirate got outin under an hour, halfway to another galaxy before Stellan was notified. And hehad just been gone for a cup of coffee then.
He cursed angrily to himself, much to Neil’s amusement, butbefore he could make another comment on Stel’s inevitable failures, the officerhad shoved him in and handcuffed to the set of chains waiting there.
“Ouuch. Hey!”Neil complained, and there was a hint of aggravation in his voice, obviouslytired of being pushed and shoved around.
Stellan couldn’t care less at this point. He was annoyedhimself that he’d have to play babysitter and then risk flying on sleepdeprivation just to get this nuisance to a proper cell.
He sat down on the hard metal stool opposite of the cell sohe could watch Neil. The pirate shifted around, trying to get comfortable inhis terribly uncomfortable position. 
Fortunately, he didn’t attempt furtherconversation with Stellan for the time being. Perhaps he felt insulted after beingtossed around like a cheap toy. Not that Stel cared, any minute spentwithout hearing that smug mockery is a minute he could spend in peace.
The time passed by slowly, punctuated with occasionalscreams or bangs from inmates nearby. As far as Stellan was aware, this wasn’ta torture prison, but its inhabitants were incredibly unstable. Prisoners hadto be chained up to avoid hurting themselves or guards. It felt more like acliché mental hospital than a federal jail.
Another reason it was so out of place to be here. Neilwasn’t insane - unstable, yes, but not crazy. Stellan had caught him for shortperiods of time often enough to have sometimes found a high dosis of toxic substancesin his bloodstream.
These were the flipsides to Neil’s smug facades. SidesStellan liked even less than his I-know-things-you-don’tsmirks. Sometimes he seemed exhausted with the world, so bitter and Stellanwould wonder if there was some truth to his story.
He didn’t put it past Neil to come up with a heart wrenchingbackstory just to evoke pity in the people who meant to capture him, but therewere moments when it seemed too real to be a facade.
For the sake of his own sanity, Stellan chose to mark Neilas an extremely good liar and call it done. Maybe he had loved his partner-in-crime, Phobos. Maybe there was more to thewhole story than the police knew - but it wasn’t Stellan’s business. All he hadto do - and wanted to do - was to make the galaxy safer for the innocentcivilians who lived there. And Neil was a threat to that safety, making him fitfor serving time in a cold and smelly cell.
Stellan’s mood brightened a bit when he caught hold of afellow officer via his comms, Franziska Meier, who listened to his dilemma and thenagreed to fly out early in the morning and help Stellan transport Neil off. Atleast then he could catch some shut eye. And four pairs of eyes were betterthan one. Not to mention that Franzi was quite the capable officer, severalyears older than Stellan and with twice as much experience.
The sound of quiet rustling snapped him out of his thoughtsand he looked up. Neil was still behind bars, still tied up, but he wasshifting around.
“Quiet down over there.” Stellan snapped, placinghis communicator away.
“I can’t help it, Sommers,” was the response.“You try standing here in chains, it’s fucking uncomfortable.”
“It’s nothing to what you’re going to have to enduretomorrow. Maybe if you wouldn’t have threatened the safety of millions ofinnocent people with your time-breaking shenanigans, you wouldn’t be here in anuncomfortable cell.”
Neil was quiet. When Stellan spared a glance in hisdirection, he found the blonde watching him, an unreadable expression on hisface.
“Those millions of innocent people would be deadalready if it weren’t for me.” He said.
Stellan rolled his eyes. “Suuuure. You’re just misunderstood and poor and we’re all evilmonsters for chasing the Anti-Hero™ when he’s just trying to do good.”
“No,” Neil interjected. “You’re justmorons.”
“Whatever. Save your sob stories. You’re going to getwhat you deserve.”
Why did it always come back to these conversations? Did hebelieve his lies so hard or did he consider Stellan for so dumb to actually buythem?
“I’m not lying. Go on, pull out a lie detector,Sommers. See it for yourself.”
“You’re afraid of the truth, aren’t you~?” Neilshifted and now he was smirking again, a knowing look on his face.
Stellan wished he could reach through the bars and smack thatlook right off.
“There’s no truth, you’re not a damn victim. You’re a wantedtime-and-space criminal that not only put people’s lives in danger with yourjumping around, you also broke into several top secret bases and stole confidentialinformation-”
Neil snorted.
“-and you have been associated with several Rick Sanchezs,who are hunted just as well. Not to mention your apparent partner-in-crimePhobos.”
“We’re not partners.” The shift was instant, backto that cold tone Neil took on whenever that name was mentioned.
“And yet he seemed to think so,” Stellan shotback. “You two have a history together, that much I know.”
His phone buzzed and he glanced down to see another messagefrom Franziska coming in. Idly, he replied as he continued.
“Dimensions were destroyed because of you. He enslavedpeople and wanted you to be part of his reign. Don’t try to trick me with yourlies, de Grammont. I’m not as gullible as you think.”
Stellan’s blood ran cold.
“You kinda are. Dummy.”
The voice wasn’t coming from the other side of the room anymore.Too late Stellan realized that Neil’s ‘uncomfortable’ shifting and idle babblewas once again just a distraction tactic while he picked the locks.
He could kick himself for being so careless and reached forhis gun at the same time Neil grabbed his phone away from him.
A moment of confusion ensured. Stellan refused to let goinstead of just drawing his weapon and was tugged up with Neil, who at the sametime leaned in to yank the gun away as well.
Their heads collided painfully with each other. Stellan fellforward, trying to grab hold of something and ended up with a fist full ofNeil’s shirt instead.
They tumbled to the floor in a series of curses and onceagain, their heads banged together
The world stood shock still. Stellan lay awkwardly on top ofthe taller man, a fist curled in his clothes. One of Neil’s hands rested on thesmall of his back, the other still reaching for the gun, which lay a few feetaway.
Neither moved for the longest two seconds in theMultiverse.  
Neil was the first one to move and Stellan followed suit,but he was unarmed and before he could make another lunge for the weapon, hehad gotten a hard knock to his head, making him see stars and forcing him tohis knees.
Once his vision had cleared, the comms had been smashed andNeil was gone, Stellan’s weapons along with him.
Shit, shit, shit!
He struggled to his feet and stumbled out clumsily, yellingthat there was a prisoner free and on the run.
“Shut down all routes immediately!” He shouted tothe baffled guards. But before anyone could move to action, the last glimpsesof long blonde hair disappeared into thin air.
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wallsinner · 6 years
SCHOOL AU 1: I’m much taller than you but you have the locker above my mine. Now I have to awkwardly crouch underneath you twice a day, I’m sorry. | 2: You're the mom friend of the group and I'm the dad friend of the group, I think we should get together, y'know for the kids. | 3: You and I always get the same grades on tests, do we have the same brain or something? | 4: No one looks as good as you do in safety goggles. | 5: I fainted during the dissection and you’re the one who caught me.
Decide which squad couple is which prompt :-)
1. I’m much taller than you but you have the locker above my mine. Now I have to awkwardly crouch underneath you twice a day, I’m sorry.
Bertholdt can’t help but sigh as he see’s that Kai’s at her locker again, it’s not that he doesn’t like Kai… he does, quite a lot it’s just that he tends to literally go out of his way to *not* be around when they’re at their locker because… well, Kai’s short and he’s tall and gangly and gross. And every time he needs to lean down underneath her and a) it’s a pain in the arse because of his fucking slenderman limbs and b) it’s embarassing as hell.
“Oh,” Kai looks at him with a smile. “Hey Bertholdt.”
He musters the best smile he can back – which is not a very bright one – and just says the same thing he does every day. “I’m sorry.”
2: You’re the mom friend of the group and I’m the dad friend of the group, I think we should get together, y'know for the kids.
College aged Ji and college aged Erwin stand against the wall at the party, watching as their last-year-of-high-school friends Eren and Rena run around like idiots, chasing each other through the sprinklers that neither Erwin and Ji are sure are even supposed to be on. It’s pretty clear that they’ve had too much to drink and so they’ve come outside to keep an eye on them. Make sure they don’t drink anymore, or that Rena doesn’t accidentally get pregnant (turning the sprinklers onto hose mode would be a good thing to prevent that though). As far as they know, their other younger friends are fine – Bertholdt and Kai are sat in a corner inside, Colt and Franzi have attached themselves to the snack table and Marco and Stevie are… well, somewhere in the house but they they’re responsible so Erwin trusts them and Ji’s willing to go along with it.
Ji yawns, taking another sip of her red solo cup full of wine, unbeknownst to her that Erwin is more interested in looking at the way the dress hugs her curves and the smile on her face as she watches her idiot friends. “Hey…” he says.
“Hmm?” She looks up at him, smile curving on her lips.
“I’ve been thinking,” he runs a hand through his hair. “You’re essentially Wine Mom friend and I’m essentially Dad friend… so I’m thinking that you and I should probably go on a date sometime. You know, for the kids?”
Ji raises an eyebrow at him, smirk on her lips. “For the kids?”
“Uh-huh, for the kids,” Ji takes another swig of wine. “So where are you gonna take me?”
3: You and I always get the same grades on tests, do we have the same brain or something?
“So,” as he always does in English class, Marco turns to his assigned seat mate and pushes his glasses up her nose. “How did you do?”
Stevie shows him her quiz. “89/100, an A. How about you?”
He shows her his own quiz. “Exact same, how do we always get the same grades? Do we have the same brian or something? They’re going to start thinking we’re cheating off of each other.”
She shrugs and laughs. “I guess I’m psychic and I always know what you’re thinking.”
And Marco barks a forced laugh, because God, he really hopes she can’t bloody tell what he’s thinking half the time he’s sat next to her in this class.
4: No one looks as good as you do in safety goggles
“Ugh,” Rena groans, trying to get the shitty safety googles in Chem over her mass of red hair. “I hate this class, I hate these goggles and I hate the fact that every time I try and take them off at the end of class, they rip half of my hair out with them.”
Eren just sniggers next to her, pulling her hair back into a makeshift pony tail, helping her get the goggles over her head and into position. “There.”
“Thank you,” she smiles.
“Though at least not many people could say that they good as good as you do in safety googles.”
Rena rolls her eyes. “Shut up,” but she’s smiling.
5: I fainted during the dissection and you’re the one who caught me.
“Okay class, now you can make the first insiction.” Professor Zoe instructs the class as all of them look down with disdain at the sheeps eyeball on the tables in front of them. Biology class would be so much better if they didn’t have to dissect anything.
“So,” Franzi looks over to her lab partner, Colt. “Do you wanna make the insiction, or should I?”
“Uh…” Colt blinks at her, looking naseated by the whole thing “You can do it, it’s fine.”
She pulls a face at him and positions the eyeball so that she can slice into it and as she does, it releases a stream of fluid.
Franzi has never been more thankful for her cat like skills as she manages to grab Colt before he hits the floor.
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