#i just wish i could fucking understand that and get it into my goddamn head.
die-schwanenkoenigin · 7 months
why am I so fucking......cringe. I swear to. God.
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dredshirtroberts · 25 days
it is not slacking off to write or create it is not slacking off to do things that are fun i am not slacking off or procrastinating right now i'm allowed to do things i enjoy doing for fun including playing games and writing and such
#if i say it enough i will remember it's true#can you guess which aspect of capitalism i'm struggling with today?#it does not help my bones are somehow WORSE than yesterday even after all of the rest i took so that's Super Fun:tm:#so i've got that on in the back of my head#ugh#i... am putting off calling my grandma - i meant to do it last week but i got too in my head about it#and uno reversed myself into forgetting to do it at all until the Worst Times Possible#(generally around Normal Fuckin Meal Times)#i want to call to wish her a belated mother's day and check in re: grandpa but also...#also i don't want to have to do a phone call i don't want to talk to them about anything at all#they stress me out to talk to and it makes me super uncomfortable to be on the phone in general let alone with a Heavy Topic over our heads#like.... i'm comfortable with where i'm at acceptance-wise with Grandpa's whole situation#and i know i am late for a better relationship with the pair of them in general#like i'm not going to repair a relationship that wasn't built to collapse down to this point this is as far as it got built up to#i'm not building more relationship between me and someone who i know is passing soon when they didn't take the opportunity either#like they had just as much chance as me to improve our relationship after i became an adult and they chose to use my mother as#an intermediary which has stunted their connection to me and that's not my fault#i admittedly did not reach out but i was not taught i could safely do that to anyone#because my parents badmouth literally any person they know for one reason or another#i regularly fuck up in conversations with my grandparents because i'll say somethign that is a holdover from my understanding of them#through my parents and it's like. kind of really insulting! and i've been doing it my whole life and i know as soon as i get their reaction#and i can't recover because i don't actually know them at all#so i can't be like ''oh my god i know that's inaccurate i have no idea why i said that'' because i *don't* know until after i've done it#every goddamn time it happened the last time i got a call from them too#like... my bio fam/family of origin is just not good at keeping in touch and i know i'm a product of that#and i know theoretically how to adjust for it but it does require work on the other end of the line too#and unfortunately i know my bio family too well and know they won't do their part#i grew up in the group project everyone hates#and i'm on my way to deciding they can show up to the presentation day without me#i've started a new family project over here with blackjack and hookers
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princeinsomniavoid · 1 year
Rant post please ignore
Tfw its been like over 2 months since you've sent in requests to x reader blogs and they still haven't fulfilled them/at least given updates about their request status
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#void's immortal musings#Biting and snarling and hissing#vent tag#I feel like such an asshole#Because like#I am a writer- hell I am currently going through writers block#So its not like I dont understand that writing takes time#But like....#Out of every single one ive requested#Two blogs have finished them#One blog was nice enough to update me in DM as to why it was taking such a long time#which i appreciate#But like#Other blogs will just post about other stuff or ramble on with anons in their ask boxes#Which is fair! Its their blog they can do what they want and have a right to refuse requests and what not#But like- at least dm me about not wanting to do my request i do my requests for the most part unanon#And again they can post whatever they want whatever but its doing HELL to my RSD#Whenever they answer rp anons/general anon messages it never fails to hit me over the head with a fucking concrete slab#Like i get it you're having fun i support you i wish people would message me on anon and i could goof around too#BUT LIKE AUUHGGHADAGGZGSHUAGSHAGGD FUCKING GODDAMN IT#Its literally so stupid#I dont even really have a right to be upset by this#I fucking hate it here#brb killing myself#In the case of one blog in particular i sent in a request#And like- a few weeks later they make a post updating their current satus AND THEY JUST#They just stopped writing for the fandom i requested for like RIGHT after I requested#What if#What if i were suicidal?#Again this is so fucking stupid im a petty fucking bitch of a man
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bitten-fruit · 4 months
you re-enlist
And Captain John Price absolutely doesn't want you to. He begrudgingly takes you to his office to sign the paperwork - and shows you what your decision has brought you.
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18+ MDNI - 5k words
tags: John Price x f!Reader, power play, oral and vaginal sex
a/n: To get some content on here I've pulled this from my longfic Licking Wounds on Ao3. Trimmed/tweaked it a little to make them tumblr friendly :)
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“Just... let me sign what I need to.” You breathed, exasperated.
Captain Price sat behind his desk, leaning back insouciantly in his chair, bouncing his knee in irritation. His cautious and tired eyes flitted between yours, considering his words before he spoke.
“This is your last chance to change your mind.” He grunted.
You sucked your teeth frustration. “I’m not changing my mind.”
“You should.”
“Why? Will my presence really be that fucking draining for you?”
He quickly absorbed your sudden anger, mirroring it as he stood from his chair, leaning against the surface of his desk on white knuckles.
“You know that’s not what this is about.”
His tone was by turn seething and pleading, glowering at you with gruelling severity.
You scoffed. “Oh, so it would be.”
“For fuck’s sake, don’t be childish.”
Evidently fed up with your petulant bickering, his head dropped from his shoulders as he grunted in frustration. “I just... I can’t understand why you’d come back to this.”
“You can’t?”
“You had the chance to get away from it. You got out.”
“Got out. You think I got out, do you? That once I got shipped back to London I was done with it all?” You groaned, impatient. “Just let me sign the goddamn paper."
There was visible dispute burgeoning behind his lips, but he stayed silent – leaning forward to tug open one of the drawers of his desk. He pulled out a pad of blank paper forms, hesitantly but methodically tearing one sheet free along the perforated line. He flipped it, placing it down on the wooden surface and twisting it so it faced you, pushing it towards the edge in your direction with his fingertips.
He plucked a ballpoint pen from the steel mesh cup on the edge of the desk, before dropping it on top of the paper form with a quiet clack.
Crossing his arms, he stood upright with a huff and watched you scrutinisingly; glare challenging yet reluctant.
You quietly swallowed, stepping abashedly towards the desk and leaning over it, holding the pen between your fingers and pensively clicking the end of it with your thumb.
Jaded eyes scanned each word, the tip of the pen trailing each line as you read. You checked box after box, writing down the answers to probing questions as though you were completing an exam under the shrewdly watchful eye of your professor. Existing health conditions, current medication, family lineage, previous rank, promotable status. It would almost be nostalgic, answering questions such as these again, for the first time since you were promoted to sergeant four years ago – if it didn’t carry such painful weight, and weren’t so rife with sordid history.
The nib of your pen met that dotted line, finally, at the bottom of the form. Your eyes looked at the conditions and implications of your signature, that thick paragraph above the box, though not a single word was absorbed by your busy mind. It didn’t matter – you knew the consequences of that pen meeting the paper. Even if the Captain wished it, signing your life back into the hands of the SAS was not something that could be easily revoked.
He seemed to relish hopefully in your hesitation, his breath slowing as he watched you consider, pen hovering cautiously over the paper.
You briefly glanced up at him, from under your challenging eyebrows, meeting his eye. His stiff gaze wordlessly pleaded with you, his mouth in an austere line.
Steadfast, you ignored his silent dispute.
You signed the dotted line.
No backing out now.
A soldier again.
You were astonished at the adrenaline a mere signature could pump from your heart, quivering with it, as you dropped the pen to the desk and stood upright.
His steely eyes did not leave you, face replete with a medley of discernible emotions; ire, anxiety, remorse, solemnity. Arms still crossed firmly over his chest, you listened as his heaving lungs drew in a deep, exasperated breath.
He licked his teeth before he spoke.
“That’ll be all then, Sergeant.”
He dismissed you bluntly, coarse voice dripping with derision. A crease formed in your forehead, taken aback by his sudden dismissal, breath hitching at his use of your rank instead of your name; sergeant, a title he hadn’t referred to you by in two years.
It was as though he was satisfied, doing his best to show you what your decision had brought you, to make you regret it. You were his subordinate again. Just his sergeant.
“I knew you’d enjoy it in the end, Captain.” You seethed, tone draped in sardonicism, an immediate retaliation.
His brow furrowed as he looked down his nose at you. “Enjoy what, eh?”
“You finally get to order me around again, don’t you?”
“Am I dismissed? Or are you going to command me to drop and give you fifty?” You growled pettishly, scowling up at him. “It must’ve been hard, not being able to command me to do your bidding while I was a civilian. But that didn’t stop you from trying, did it?”
He grunted, an increasingly enraged sigh escaping his chest. “I didn’t want to be giving you orders again.”
“No, I didn’t. Just because you don’t know what to do with yourself when you’re not being commanded to do it, doesn’t mean I’ve been waiting for the chance to.”
A kick to the stomach, you worried you’d lose your balance with the blow.
Grimacing at him, you stepped your weight onto your back foot in reaction to his venomous accusation.
“Fuck you.”
You hissed it through your teeth, unable to conjure up any intelligent rebuttal, only lashing out with the reprisal that your frenetic emotions scrambled together.
He sniffed irately, adjusting his arms over his chest.
“Can’t talk to your captain that way, Sergeant.”
Your jaw hung loose in disbelief, overcome with a cold rage that made your body quake as it flooded your arteries.
“Fuck you,” you repeated wryly, daring. “Are you going to order me not to talk back to you, sir? You prick?”
He glared at you with challenging contempt.
“You want me to give you an order, do you?”
“I want you to get off your fucking high horse.”
“Yeah? Am I too honourable?”
“Honourable? You’re a sanctimonious p–”
He put his hands on his hips, brashly sucking his teeth before he interrupted you.
“Take off your shirt.”
His hoarse command pierced the thick air like a bullet.  
The wind was viciously sucked from your lungs, then, your racing heart jolted under your ribs with such voltage it felt as though you had been shocked by a defibrillator. You could only stare at him, stupid, waiting for him to relent, to take it back, to say that he was kidding.
His expression, now, was unreadable. You weren’t certain whether he was purposefully keeping his countenance devoid of emotion – or, if, you had abruptly lost any and all ability to understand him or his intentions.
He was a stranger, but a familiar one. A captivating one.
Before you could stammer out a semblance of a response, he continued.
“That’s the sort of order you’ve been wanting from me, isn’t it?” He goaded darkly, seemingly smug at his ability to render you flustered and wordless with one short sentence.
Dumbstruck, still, you could only swallow a pointed breath as you desperately tried to read any clear objective in his shrouded blue eyes.
“Go on.”
He’s not kidding.
“You wanted an order, I gave you one.”
You were completely staggered by the whiplash. Your distended heart thumped so vigorously in your chest you thought it might crack a rib.
There was a conviction within you, somewhere, to question him. To question if he was being serious, to ask him if this was some kind of sick joke to make you regret your decision.
And while you believed that was the case, that it was a derisive retribution, a game to get back at you – there was a stronger urge to play along. To meet his challenge, to execute his dare.
Meeting his indignant gaze with yours, you tucked your fingers under the hem that sat between your waist and hips, peeling it up your torso and stretching it over your shoulders, then past your head. Sweeping your loosened hair out of your face, you held the thin black fabric in the other hand before dropping it to the linoleum floor. You shivered a little in the cool air of the room, your stiffening nipples concealed by the cups of your rarely-worn grey marl brassiere – practical and unsexy.
But the look on his face was telling; he hadn’t truly expected you to comply.
That surprise waned quickly. His dark eyes tried their best to hold your stare, but they failed him – raking over your torso, jaw clenching as his gaze stuck brazenly to your exposed cleavage.
Trembling with adrenaline, you waited for him to say something. Anything.
You expected dispute; you anticipated he’d say, I wasn’t serious. And that would be a satisfying reaction – your effort to make him uncomfortable would prove a success, a victory, you’d have the last figurative word.
He wiped down his face with an open hand, rubbing his beard anxiously as he wrestled with what to say, how to react – maybe some attempt to restrain himself. He leaned against the surface of the desk, resting his weight on his knuckles.
Through gritted teeth, he uttered his next command.
You swallowed timorously.
It was surreal, really, you worried you were hallucinating – you imagined that in reality he was shouting at you to stop, but you were unable to hear him over your carnal psychosis.
But it was too late now, to stop yourself. You were driven to finish what you started. Changing your mind now, pulling your shirt back over your head and running out the door – would leave you questioning whether any of it was real. You wouldn’t survive in that oblivion, between reality and dream, fact and fantasy.
You needed proof.
You reached behind your back, contorting your shoulders to allow your fingers to grip the clasp against your spine. Your breasts pillowed out of the top of the soft cups as you stretched the band to unhook it, before slipping the straps down your shoulders. It slid from your chest, down your arms, gently – it, too, fell to the floor; you dropped it on top of your abandoned t-shirt.
You drew in a quivering breath, the skin of your breasts tingling as the goosebumps elicited by their exposure trickled across their soft flesh.
He sucked in a heavy breath, deep and slow, rugged and rasping. He took a step, and you retracted slightly; but you watched like cautious prey, as he walked around from the far side of his desk, to the front of it. He leaned on the very edge of the surface, not quite sitting on it, as he insouciantly crossed one boot over the other. His lascivious eyes did not leave you, absorbing every feature, every curve, like he was admiring an artwork.
Despite the metre and a bit of distance from him, you felt the dense heat that hung in the air between the two of you, radiating from him like he was a fucking oven.
A brief conflict almost escaped you, but he quickly smothered it.
Whatever reluctance that lingered melted away, then, dripping off of you like a layer of sticky ice cream – by virtue of the unwavering sternness of his command. And that, you realised, was where your comfort lay; where there was no ambiguity, no remorse for a poorly made decision, no culpability for your actions. If you were following an order, the onus was on him.
So you followed it.
Your kittenish fingers went to the button of your grey cargo trousers, popping it undone, slyly pulling down the zip of your fly. You flayed back the open waistband, pushing them down your hips, struggling briefly to pull them past your ass; its recent plumpness made your pants a touch too small. The polyester fabric loudly shuffled in the distended silence as the trousers fell down your legs, into a puddle at your feet; you stepped out of them as though out of a pond.
By the time you looked up to meet his gaze once again, though, he had already charged at you; quickly taking the base of your head with large hands and pulling you towards him. He forced his eager lips against yours with a ferocity that left you breathless, such an aggression that your first primal instinct was to resist him with claws against his chest.
But you were quick to surrender to him, relishing in the taste of him, his tongue, his breath hot in your mouth, you sucked it deep into your chest. Your starving hands coiled up and around his neck, scratching at the tense muscles in his heaving back through the fabric of his uniform jersey; hooking into him in some feline effort to make sure he was real, to prevent his escape, to keep him from being stolen away.
His mouth wasn’t on yours for long, though, dragging wetly across your jaw to your neck, the crook of your shoulder; he chewed at your soft, fervid skin, teeth skimming and barely digging into the tendonous flesh. His vicious hands gave you no reprieve, clutching at any part of you that could force you closer, tighter against him – ensnaring the meat of your hips, your waist, kneading at your sensitive breast with the other.
He separated from you only briefly, though his possessive hands didn’t leave you. Crouching slightly, he hooked his arms behind your thighs, under your ass – deftly hoisting you upwards with no visible effort. You clutched the back of his neck, wrapping your legs around his hips to maintain your balance as he lifted you, turning on his heel and carting you towards the desk. He quickly used a free hand to sweep aside the papers, flinging them to the floor in a confetti; he put you down hastily, keeping you close, the cold surface of the varnished wood biting at your bare skin.
He gave you a transitory respite, carefully checking your face before he went any further; likely ensuring you weren’t crying this time, that he hadn’t crossed an unspoken boundary. Whatever look you gave him in return was outside of your control or perception – but it was an invitation, evidently.
He dove down to kiss you again, but fleetingly – his savage lips trailed down from yours, biting their way along your jaw, down your neck, across your collarbone. You leaned back slightly on the desk to allow his avid venture, his ravenous mouth biting and suckling wherever it landed; drowning momentarily in the softness of your breast, cupping it with his wide hand to push the pillowy flesh against his face.
That wasn’t his final destination, though. His mouth only brushed over your nipple, sloppily kissing down your tensing stomach as he lowered himself to one knee, clutching your waist with both hands on his journey downward to hold you still. You felt your heart in your throat, in utter disbelief; you could only suck down jagged breaths as his lips grazed against your lower belly, just above your hip, teasing the elastic hem of your underwear. He gingerly kissed your mound through the thin cotton, controlling hands holding your hips by the bone.
Too rapacious to taunt you for long, he tugged sharply at the hips of your panties, leaning back so he could pull them down your thighs, over your knees, off your ankles. Your foot rested gently on his collarbone as he paused in apparent admiration, your exposed, spread pussy mere inches from his face; his breath despite its heat was cold against your wet, feverish skin. You felt embarrassed at his close inspection, his unashamed reverence – but his murky gaze broke away from your intimacy, instead meeting your eye. He wore an expression of unassailable pride, though cloaked in an avaricious hunger; he stared at you cruelly from under his brow, daring you to deny him.
Hitching your legs over his arms so that they rested on his shoulders, he clutched the side of your thigh with his mammoth hand while he pushed his lips into the inside of your leg, high enough, close enough, to make you quiver in desperate anticipation.
Piercing eyes still locked on yours, peering up from your eager flesh, his husky voice murmured deeply into your skin.
“Is this what you wanted?”
He jibed, almost a growl, as though teasing you for your recent behaviour – scolding you for acting out instead of asking for it, causing a scene instead of using your words like a grown-up.
Another kiss, higher, closer, teeth grazing the supple meat of your inner thigh, coarse beard prickling against the burning skin of the edge of your cunt.
You couldn’t think of the right answer, if there were such a thing, to his question – your head was by turn empty and running a million miles a minute. Really, you didn’t even know the answer.
Was it what you wanted?  This entire time? Has it been what you wanted since the last time, in his barrack in Urzikstan? Since the gala? Or, even, since you met him?
Your answer left your wet throat before you had the sense to question it, or rationalise it.
You breathed, a whisper, barely, almost a squeak. You weren’t certain that it was the truth, either – but it was what you wanted now, so it was honest in some sense.
With firm hands he adeptly tugged your hips so you perched precariously on the very edge of the desk, allowing him ease of access to you.
He cruelly denied you still, placing maliciously soft kisses against the slit of your pussy, torturing you with only a light pressure while you willed him to dive deeper. An ardent whimper fled your chest, quiet and pleading.
Whatever carnivore he was doing his level best to restrain escaped its prison at your sheepish sound; his monstrous hands dug deep into the flesh of your hips, maw lunging forward and pointed tongue parting your slick folds like he was searching for water. It dipped into you only briefly, a momentary taste of the dripping syrup he seemed to take pride in inducing from you – before he used it to glide up to your clit where it was nestled. With ravenous lips he suctioned it into his mouth, devouring you; dextrously chafing your sensitive bud with a flat tongue, maintaining a vacuum that made a dangerously loud and needy moan escape your throat.
He only hastened his torment in response, drinking you like he might die of thirst, breathing heavily through his nose so as not to allow you even a second of relief from the unbearable suction. Feverish claws clasped at the top of his head, running through his short hair and scratching at his scalp, holding his head where you wanted it. Your head hung back off your shoulders, briefly staring at the panelled ceiling before your eyes unwittingly fluttered shut, doing your best to swallow the choked cries that threatened to make the whole army base aware of your depravity.
Your constricting legs inadvertently tried to push him away, your body overwhelmed and desperate for a break from his ruthless consumption, almost too oversensitive to be pleasurable – but not quite. He restrained you tightly, though, not allowing you to flee from him for even a second; his firm hands controlled your hips with an alarming strength, head moving with you as though predicting the direction of your attempts at escape, mouth not separating from you once.
One hand retreated from your side, but to quickly prevent your bucking his constraining arm slithered over your lower stomach, clutching the far hip and using his elbow to hold you down to the desk. His free thumb, then, crept to your cunt under his chin. Despite how slick your skin was, drenched in both your clear sap and his saliva; the clenching muscles of your vagina were squeezed so tightly he had to push his thumb into you with effort, almost popping as it broke past your resistant entrance.
That seemed to weaken his resolve, the tightness of your muscles clamping around him rhythmically, in tune with the burgeoning, forcible orgasm that threatened to crash over you like a tidal wave; he released a ragged, resigned exhalation into your skin. You felt yourself beginning to drown in it, that swirling ocean. The floor, the desk, the room sunk in it, slipping away from you as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, only him keeping you afloat.
But he stopped, then, thumb begrudgingly slipping out from inside you, suddenly releasing his merciless suction and separating his wet mouth from your yearning pussy. You groaned in dispute, cut short, a sharp rush of air escaping your overwrought lungs.
“Not yet.” He grunted hoarsely, barely audible.
Brows twisted in pleading frustration, you looked down at him, meeting his frightening glare as he pushed himself to stand; beard glistening with the wetness of you, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“What?” You whined breathily, panting as you watched him tower upright, looming over you in licentious authority.
“I’m not having you come yet.”
His injunction was authoritarian, uttered darkly, his rumbling voice so hoarse it sounded animalistic; a growl, a threat. He stood between your legs, still, you watched in quiet, anticipating obedience as his livid hands tore at his belt. Ferociously unbuckling it, as though it would fight against him – he tugged open the button of his trousers, ripping down the fly and unsheathing his rigid cock from his straining boxers; menacing, it dropped heavy out of the elastic waistband, the solid shaft landing against your ravening cunt with a hard, wet slap.
You winced slightly at the sore impact, and his humanity seemed to return to him momentarily; softening face inches from yours, his attentive blue eyes scanned your features for reluctance.
“Tell me no.” He urged throatily, “tell me no, and I’ll stop.”
A shaky breath seeped through your lips, your delirious gaze flitting between his eyes, lashes fluttering as you processed his promise.
“I don’t want you to stop, Captain.” You uttered weakly, entreating.
His careful eyes darkened quickly at your bashful plea, watching your lips form the syllables of his rank like you were stroking him with it. His dominant hands returned to your hips, then, clutching at the bone and lifting your pelvis so it was angled right, just where he wanted it.
His clouded glare didn’t leave yours, his fingers dipping into your saturated pussy as though scooping the viscous fluid that dribbled from you; you watched, beguiled, as he rubbed your juices up the thick shaft of his cock, coating the head in it, briefly unable to stop himself from fucking his fist, huffing carnally, while he was lubricated by your watery come.
With a tug of your legs that were coiled around his hips, you grounded him, impatient; his sinister gaze met yours again, watching your wanton expression as he obliged you and dragged the soft head of his cock down your slit, the cruel pressure against your agitated clit making your body twitch. He restrained your spasm with his free hand your waist, keeping your pelvis still, as the tip of his length nestled between your lips, pressing against your clenching entrance.
Gripping himself by the stiff base, he pushed past your tight opening with his full weight; stretching it tautly around the girth of his cock as he stuffed you with it. You let out a pained squeak as it abruptly filled you, ramming against your cervix with a pressure that made you flinch.
The sharp soreness briefly frightened you – you had been deprived of the sensation of that angry thickness inside of you, ever since…
You didn’t let your mind go back there, not for a second; your eyelids shot open, desperate gaze sticking hurriedly to your Captain, his riled and yet gentle expression bringing you back to him, rugged but soft hands holding your hips as he impaled you on the length of him. You clutched the fabric of his jersey tight over his chest, gripping his arms, his shoulders; keeping him real, corporeal, there with you. He let out a strained grunt as he pulled you down onto him, as deep as your insides would allow him to go, to the hilt; he held you there, forcing you to squirm.
Your delicate hands held his warm neck, leaning forward as you pulled his head down to kiss him; mouth open and tongue desperate to taste him again, to feel his hot breath against your face, the soft scratch of his beard on your chin. He returned your kiss, tender, compassionate – a stark juxtaposition to his ruthless incursion; rutting into you powerfully but methodically, slow but hard, deep enough to be painful.
But the hurt was translated by your aroused nerves into a bestial pleasure, using your goading legs to pull him further into you, you felt his cock push against your aching organs. It raked against your sodden walls on its way out, a slight sting as it dragged along your taut opening – before filled you again, abrupt, sharp; it forced a sweet cry from your fevered chest into his mouth. He grinned arrogantly against your lips, a ragged, breathy chuckle taunted you in response.
You separated from him, then, lying back over the surface of the desk; you arched your back, angling your hips so that his length beat your walls more viciously, wrapping your legs around his waist and clutching at the edge of the desk above your head with straining claws. Exposed to him now, on display, his thrusting only increased in vehemence, speed, depth; carnivorous hands digging into the meat of your hips as if you might slip away from him, forcing you down on him with each rut.  
Eager for release, your fingers glided down your stomach, navigating diffidently to your clit; you drew wet circles over it, letting out a soft whine as you pleasured yourself with the rhythm of his accelerating thrusts.
He groaned huskily at the sight of you fucking yourself on his cock, his face twisted into an exasperated rapture, forcing himself to slow down slightly so as not to push himself over the edge too quickly.        
He stopped you, hastily; a stern hand tightly ensnaring your wrist and tearing your fingers from you. He pulled your arm upward, pinning it firmly to the wooden surface underneath you, holding your hand by your head. He leaned over you, then, making you watch as he held his free hand to his lips, spitting lecherously into his fingertips; they found your clit without needing to look, stroking the oversensitive spot inexorably, the pressure cruel and unrelenting. His head hung from his shoulders, mouth landing against the hot skin of your shoulder, placing gentle kisses along your collarbone as he ruined you.
The union of the two sensations – his cock, hard as stone, fucking into your stomach, and merciless fingertips tormenting your swollen clit; it surged within you, frayed nerves electrocuting you as your inevitable orgasm loomed, its delay rendering it incensed and sorely overpowering.
He must have felt the muscles of your walls clamping down on the length of him as it dawned on you, the change in the music of your sounds; aching whines growing louder, crawling from your labouring throat.
“You gonna come on me, are ya? Beautiful thing?”
He growled into your skin, only increasing the severity of his torture, relentless in his goal to finish you.
Your delirious tongue was unable to form a word in response, only releasing a high-pitched and arduous cry as your unforgiving orgasm collided with you, waves of carnal heat pulsing from the base of you, the muscles of your bullied pussy clenching tightly around his avid cock.
“That’s it.”
He grinned against your neck as he kissed you there, moving with you, allowing no escape.
“Good girl.”
With no apparent intention of slowing down to offer you a reprieve, he instead began speeding up, forcing you to squirm and shriek in dispute at the overstimulation. Your desperate, animal fingers clawed at his wrist, struggling to tear his stiff hand away from your cunt – but he relented, eventually, falling victim to his own pleasure as he shifted his focus to fucking you harder, deeper.
He scooped an arm under your back, lifting you just slightly from the surface of the desk as he hovered over you; the other hand holding the bone of your hip tightly, keeping it steady while he rammed you. You listened in rapture to his grunts of ecstasy, gentle hands clutching the back of his neck, nails grazing his hot skin as you coaxed him to chase his own release.
You pressed soft lips into his bearded cheek, comforting, reassuring him; and that seemed to do the trick, bringing him too close.
He groaned hoarsely in begrudging pleasure as he paused, for just a hesitant second, before reluctantly tugging his cock out of you and slamming the wet shaft of it it against your mound.
You panted heavily, holding your forehead against his, relishing in the sensation of his hot come shooting over your stomach, painting you; it dribbled down your sides, down the creases of your hips, dangerously close to your cunt. He winced against you, twitching involuntarily as he pushed the last of his semen out of the head, drooling onto your febrile skin.
You kissed him, again; he tenderly pressed his lips against yours in return as he took the moment to catch his breath. His mouth left yours after a moment and landed in the crook of your neck, his heaving body hung over you, propped up by his elbows on the desk under you. You felt him kiss under your ear, his warm breath and prickling beard sending a shiver down the nape of your neck.
You wanted to say something, anything – but there were no words you could think of to offer him. Gratitude? An apology? Your brain was fried, fucked into pliable mush.
Instead you lay in silence, embracing him for as long as it would last, doing your best not to consider the consequences that lay ahead of you as a result of such an unbelievably foolish lapse in judgement.
He’d been your captain for only a few minutes, and you had fucked him already.
And yet you wished the moment could last infinitely; savouring his gentle lips as they planted drowsy kisses on your neck, tired hands caressing your waist in what felt like wordless praise, a silent gratitude.
Despite the reservations, the guilt, the doubts that stormed around you, deafening; your thoughts encircled only one thing, one source of comfort.
He was your Captain again.
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lawsfuckasshat · 2 months
✙ ✙ ✙ olive branch. 🕊️🫀
gn!strawhat!reader, pre-dressrosa.
warnings: swearing, brief death mention, pre-relationship, law’s perspective, very short and hopefully sweet. not beta’d.
a/n: first time posting my writing ever… i hope it’s alright! i don’t think there’s an official reason for why law dislikes bread, but i like the headcanon that it’s because corazón doesn’t like it either :))
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“so, is it like, a yeast thing?”
law rolls his eyes, face painted with his typical scowl. as cool, mysterious, and annoyed as ever. he crosses his arms, leaning back against the mast.
“no, __-ya.” he utters. you nod sagely, like you’re studying the guy under a microscope, and don’t seem deterred by his attitude in the slightest.
“then… is it a texture issue? ‘cause i totally understand that, i really don’t like-“
“i’m finding it difficult to understand why you want to know so badly.” law wishes that his intentionally curt answers would make you stop pestering him, would make his heart stop skipping beats every time you tried to pry open his hard outer shell. ‘mind over matter’ works well in every other aspect of how he presents himself, but the blood rushing to his face refuses to cooperate with him. great.
“i just wanna understand you,” you reply earnestly, “and what goes on in that pretty head of yours, is all. ya know?” for a split second, law is afraid that his heart has failed, if the free-falling drop in his chest is anything to go by. how could you say something like that so easily? right to his face, like you were talking about something as simple as the weather?
he tries to carefully pick his words, running through dozens of possibilities in his head, brain scrambling to say something, anything that’ll get you to leave him alone to wallow in his thoughts (…you think he’s pretty?) you wouldn’t really leave him alone if you left though, would you?
instead, he chooses to ignore you. head tilting down, one of his crossed arms coming up to tug the bill of his hat further down his face, shoulders slightly scrunching in. he feels like everything his body is doing is absolutely, incredibly, extremely obvious to you. his palms sweat uncomfortably and he’s so goddamn aware of your presence next to him, it’s driving him up the wall. he wishes he wasn’t so awkward, so scarred by all the loss in his life.
you don’t say anything, just turn your body and lean back against the mast with him. he briefly thinks his stonewalling worked.
“that’s okay.” you utter. there’s no rejection anxiety, no hurt in your voice. law’s shoulders and hidden scowl don’t relax, but he huffs out a hushed sigh. he stays quiet otherwise and waits a long minute before chancing a glance at you.
you’re leaned back against the mast, body language lax and open, although your arms are loosely crossed. your eyes are closed, skin sun-kissed. gentle sea breeze brushing across your clothes. you look warm, he thinks. he wishes you would reach out and touch him, but he also doesn’t 100% know if he’d like it. maybe he would.
law hates taking risks. he needs everything carefully planned out in his head before he makes a move, especially with the fruits of a thirteen year long effort coming to fruition in the next few days. he’s prepared to die kicking and screaming, fighting tooth and nail. he can’t fuck a single facet of his plan up.
then again, he’s dealing with the straw hat pirates here. a crew known for miracles. law steels his resolve and takes a calculated breath.
“someone i cared about a great deal didn’t like bread.”
the way you grin at him makes risking the olive branch worth it.
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@ lawsfuckasshat 4.2.24
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iizzeee · 9 days
Guys, I am begging you. Please please please please please PLEASE do NOT vote 3rd party, or not vote at all.
I get it. I really do. Biden’s handling of Israel has been, not gonna mince words, dogshit. Abominable. Unspeakably bad.
But we cannot afford to protest like this.
We don’t need Biden as president. We do need to keep Trump out of office. And to those who respond “well, I don’t want just the lesser of two evils,” please, for the love of god, grow the fuck up.
For one, why wouldn’t you want the lesser of two evils. It is, by definition, LESS EVIL.
“Why can’t we just have no evil, why isn’t that an option.” I really wish it was. Just as much as you. But it’s not. These are our cards, and we have to play our hand to the best of our ability.
Which brings us to two.
Trump is more evil. Like, so much more evil. We’re comparing apples and oranges here guys.
I understand that a lot of you might doubt that. The largest demographic of people advocating for third party or non-votes are in the 18-26 range. New voters, with one or no elections under their belt.
So they don’t remember.
Most of us (I myself fall under this age range) don’t remember 2016. The election, that is. They don’t remember how so many people protested Hillary vs Trump by going 3rd party or writing in joke votes, because they saw the two as equally bad. And Trump won.
Half of us don’t remember the Trump presidency. We’ve heard he was a weird, bad, bigoted president, but don’t fully grasp the scope of how bad.
So off the top of my head, here are some highlights of real things Donald Trump did while he held office.
- threw toilet paper at hurricane victims like he was trying to shoot a 3-pointer
- fired the man investigating him for election fraud
- called African countries “shitholes”
- appointed members of the Supreme Court who would go on to overturn roe v wade
- stole classified documents from the white house to hide at his resort
- tried to instate a Muslim Ban
- incited a insurrection to try and keep himself in office, and maybe hang his VP if there was time
- looked directly at an eclipse. Like no glasses, full on.
- fueled covid conspiracies. Also told people to “drink bleach” to fight the virus
- withdrew us from the Paris Climate Accord
- cofefe. Remember that? What a fun, normal thing for the president to tweet at 2am.
- employed literal white supremacists
- called Nazi’s “very fine people”
- got endorsed by the KKK, and refused to condemn David Duke
And that’s just what I can remember right now.
So if you’re angry at Biden about Palestine, please please please do not think for a fucking second Trump would be better. He would almost certainly actively be worse. He would give Netanyahu the green light. If you think Biden has used a loose leash, at least it’s some kind of leash. Trump would be all in. Full chips, flying to the Middle East to send in the bombs himself.
If you’re still hesitant, consider this last plea.
Things are bad. These shouldn’t be the only two choice we have, but they are. You can’t look at the menu, which is offering either bland soup someone spit in or actual rat poison and go “could I have some steak”.
You can order the soup and live to write a one-star review on Yelp, maybe call health inspections on the restaurant or contact the owners and say “you guys know your menu has only two options and they’re both dogshit. If you don’t add more, you’ll be unemployed soon.”
Or you can order rat poison and die.
If we elect Donald Trump in the fall, we will be eating rat poison. He has repeatedly said himself to be in favor of a dictatorship. He quotes Hitler. If he is put in office, the change we all want and so critically need will not be fucking POSSIBLE. Because with Biden, it’ll be hard, and tedious, and long, and exhausting, but at least it will be goddamn possible.
So, come November, please don’t order the rat poison.
Please just eat your shitty ass soup so we can live to get really angry about it.
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beanxiv · 11 months
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waiting ; nagi seishiro ✩࿐
warnings: hurt/comfort (im so bad at writing hurt/comfort so pretend this is good), petnames, nagi being mean (at the beginning), communication issues :/, established relationship
notes: nagi is definitely the type to bottle in all of his frustration and then take it out on you unintentionally, but its ok i can change him.
wc: 1.9k
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"sei, can we watch a movie together?" you sit on one end of the couch while nagi lays on his stomach next to you (feet by your thighs and head facing the opposite arm rest) taking up the rest of the couch. his nose is buried in his phone screen, explosions and other video game sounds blasting from the speaker.
"uhhm, 'kay. lemme finish this round." your boyfriend mumbles, not bothering to look over his shoulder at you.
you sigh, but decide to stay patient. "okay, baby." you fiddle with the tv remote as you wait. when a couple minutes pass you tilt your head to glimpse at nagi's face. "done yet, shiro?"
"no. wait."
you frown, "okay.. but you've been playing for an hour before i asked you to watch a movie and you said you'd finish this round fifteen minutes ago."
"oh, my bad. i accidentally started a new round. i have t'finish the round now, can't pause an online game. just gimme a few more minutes." he still barely acknowledges you, nothing more than a slight shrug of his shoulders.
when another ten minutes pass your patience starts to wear thin. "seishiro, do you want to watch a movie together or—"
"i said wait a few minutes. the round is still goin— ah, fuck! you made me die.." nagi clicks his tongue in annoyance. pushing up off his elbows to sit up and angrily tossing his phone on the carpet. "goddamn, y/n. you're such a pain sometimes."
you blink, an ache building deep in your chest. "what?" you swallow the lump in your throat away. "i asked you if you wanted to watch a movie. you said yes and told me to wait. i waited fifteen minutes and asked again. you told me to wait. i waited again. i stayed patient for thirty minutes. now you're calling me a pain? after barely even looking at me today? you haven't talked to me since you came home from practice three hours ago!" you scoff in spite of yourself, "..really, seishiro. if you wanted space, you could have told me."
you see the weight of nagi's words start to process in his eyes, "shit— i didn't mean that, y/n. wait—"
"i'm tired of waiting, nagi." with that you slide off the couch and walk into your shared bedroom, slamming the door shut before nagi can see tears of frustration threaten to spill over your eyes.
when the door shuts loudly nagi flinches but doesn't move from the couch. he sits there, swearing under his breath and running a hand down his face. "i'm such a fucking idiot.." he wishes he could kick himself for his stupid mouth. the image of your face completely falling into bitter sorrow when he called you a pain replays in his head. regret freezes his veins, and his own heart starts to ache each time your expression fills his brain.
he swears at himself again before jumping off the couch and rushing to your shared bedroom. he hesitates but manages to knock twice on the door.
"y/n, baby. i'm so sorry. please," he chews on his lip. please what? he doesn't even know what he's asking for. please open the door, please forgive me, or please talk to me? he doesn't know. he'll take any option at the moment.
he hears you shuffle to the door and sniff. are you crying? his heart breaks a little bit more at the thought of you hurt because of his idiocy.
"nagi, i meant what i said." you still haven't opened the door. but talking through the wood is better than nothing. "i'm tired of this. it's not the first time this has happened. you've ignored me a lot before. i understand if you want time for yourself, i do too sometimes. but don't tell me you're going to do something with me and not mean it."
"i know, y/n. i'm sorry, i just.." nagi isn't known for his way with words. he's not used to voicing his every thought. but he's willing to make the effort to fix his mistake and make it up to you. "practice sucked today. i was in a shitty mood after and i took it out on you when i shouldn't have."
he hears you sigh. the lock on the door clicks and you pull the door open. nagi searches your face for any indication of your reaction. his heart drops at the sight of your red, puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
he wants to pull you tight against himself— kiss the hurt away— but he holds himself in place. he doesn't want to push his limits until you completely forgive him.
"why didn't you just tell me? we've been dating for so long now, do you still not feel comfortable enough to tell me things?"
"no! i do. i just— today was so stressful, i just wanted to lock myself up in the house and play games to get my mind off of it. i didn't realize i'd been ignoring you all day, i'm sorry."
you let out a laugh that doesn't quite reach your eyes, "see? nagi, you could have told me all of this hours ago. none of this would have happened." you have a bitter look in your eyes that tells nagi you're still upset. "it would've been that easy. just a simple 'hey, y/n i had a rough day today, and i'm not really in the mood to do anything today.' and i would have respected that and moved on."
he steps forward and takes your hands in his, "angel, i'm sorry. really sorry for calling you a pain. i swear i didn't mean it. it was— i was projecting my frustration onto you when i should have just communicated it and found an output a different way. you're the farthest thing from a pain. you're— you're honestly the reason why i'm living my life," nagi breathes out a laugh. "if it weren't for you my routine would just be wake up, football, games, eat, sleep, repeat. and not only that, you're beautiful, inside and out. and you make me laugh, and you make really good food for me, and you help me take care of choki. actually, not only that— you help me take care of myself too. honestly, i don't know if i could survive without you, y/n. so please, please forgive me, angel."
you chew on your bottom lip, "nagi—"
nagi winces, "and please stop calling me that."
this pulls a ghost of a smile onto your lips which sends a flutter through nagi's heart. you think to yourself for a moment and the smile fades slightly. "seishiro, a relationship works two ways. you know that. for it to work you have to talk to me. tell me everything— if practice went well, tell me. if it was absolute shit, still tell me. if you feel like doing something, tell me. if you don't, tell me again. i didn't start dating you just for the title, sei. i want to be with you. i want to know what makes you happy, what stresses you out— i want to know everything you'll allow me to. in exchange, i'll trust you with my heart too."
nagi presses his lips together in a tight line, "i trust you with everything. you know i do. fuck, i trust you with some things more than i trust myself." nagi sighs through his nose, his eyes a window of rare vulnerability. a window that opened only for you. "i can tell you anything, y/n, i know i can. i just don't know how. it's not something i do. i mean before you moved in with me, i lived alone during high school-- until blue lock-- and i didn't talk to anyone except reo in school. i'm not used to talking about myself and what's on my mind. the only thing i ever spilled my thoughts to was choki— my cactus for fucks sake," nagi laughs dryly. he felt pathetic telling you something so stupid. it reminded him why he kept his heavier thoughts to himself. but...
"well, you have me now. ah, and choki too if it helps," is that a smile? you're smiling— only slightly, but a smile nonetheless.
does that mean you've forgiven him? no... even if you do forgive him, he still owes you a proper apology. he wont let you walk away without it.
"i think you're a better listener than choki," nagi admits. when he expected you to scoff in his face and turn away, you stayed and continued talking with him. "i just took to long to understand that. and i promise to work on it. i'm sorry, angel. i never want to hurt you, i only want to see you happy."
"thank you, 'shiro." you murmur, finally looking up at him. nagi searches your expression for any remnants of pain and he sees none, as soon as he sees the soft look in your eyes he exhales, all of his worry leaving his chest. you smile slightly, squeezing his hand a bit. "i accept your apology. and ill try to be patient too, i understand it takes time to completely share all of your thoughts and feelings, so i won't push if you don't want to tell me anything, but at least tell me that much if you don't feel like talking."
nagi nods, "i will. i promise, i swear i'll work on it. thank you, yn. thank you for forgiving me." he can't help himself anymore, and pulls you snug to his chest, his arms right around your waist as he buries his head into the crook of your neck. "i love tou so much.. i would beat myself up if i lost you because i'm a moron."
you giggle a bit, your hand coming up to card through his hair. "mhm, you are kind of a moron."
"yeah?" nagi chuckles back, sighing softy. you feel his breath fan against your neck and pull him from the crook of your neck to look at him.
"yeah, you are. but as long as we both work on communicating, we'll be okay." a grin tugs at your lips as you look at your boyfriend.
nagi nods, his soft white hair swishing a bit as he does. "i promise t'communicate better, angel. or at least i'll try my best for you."
"and that's all i'm asking for," you murmur, the grin still on your face as you lean towards nagi to plant a kiss on his lips.
nagi returns your kiss before pulling away to look at you, "you wanted t'watch a movie together earlier.. right?"
"are you sure?" you chew on your lip, looking at him with a furrow between your brows that he wants to kiss away. "if you're still not feeling up to it, it's oka-"
"i want to," nagi interrupts, pulling you in by your waist to kiss between your brows. "so let's go cuddle and watch something."
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taglist : @astruosie @saesins @dreamlessimp @hanmasdolly
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©beanxiv — all rights reserved. copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is not allowed.
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Nothing but a babysitter - Steve Harrington Smut
MDNI! 18+ Content ahead. This is my like first ever time writing smut so... pls be nice. :)
Edit: Oh I am so so so going to hell. 
Word Count: 5.4k
You and Steve are getting on each other’s nerves. After dropping the kids off, Steve begins to drive you home and you make a snarky comment to him about how he’s “Nothing but a babysitter” and Mr. Harrington does not like that. 
Dom Steve x reader
Warnings: Uh smut, piv sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), handjob, edging, overstim, orgasm denial, creampie, squirting, mean steve, language, reader has a praise kink, i think that’s it? 
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You had been pissing Steve Harrington off all goddamn day. You had recently been “inducted” into the group due to being Robin’s other best friend and quickly became close with Nancy. Steve on the other hand? Couldn’t stand you. He couldn’t understand how Robin, a band-geek who works at Family Video could be friends with a feminine cheerleader, but Robin swore you were cool. And if Robin was friends with someone, Steve had to be too.
But now, after spending the entire day with you keeping the kids safe from the newest baddie in Hawkins, Vecna of course, with no Robin or Nancy to help, he was absolutely fed up. You had done nothing but make snarky comments to him and he was thiiiiiis close to making you shut up.
“Geez Harrington, how many kids do you have?” Dustin laughed from the backseat where he was seated next to Max and Lucas. 
“There are three more of us, actually. Steve is just such a great mom.” Dustin’s comment made the other two teens laugh and you stared wide-eyed at Steve. 
“Three more children? Wow, I hope you are getting child support.” Steve rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles beginning to turn white. 
“Shut up Henderson.” Steve’s handsome face was red which made you smirk. You enjoyed getting into his head, riling the perfect boy up. “I’m a pretty damn good babysitter.” Steve’s tone was harsh as he pulled into Dustin’s driveway. “All right, get out.” He put his hand on the back of your seat to face the kids in the back, something that made your heart flutter and your stomach tighten. 
You’d always thought Steve was hot. But you knew he liked Nancy and besides, it was fun to mess with him, even if he drove your fantasies wild. 
The three in the back got out of the car. 
“Thanks Steve!” Dustin said and the other two waved. Steve’s fingers flexed off of the wheel as to say “You’re welcome” as he watched them get into the house safely. You glanced at him. 
“You good, Stevie? You really are nothing but a babysitter. Don’t worry so much. Your kids didn’t leave for college...” You giggle and his knuckles turn whiter as he backs out of Dustin’s drive, his hand back on your seat to look out the window. You can’t help but glance at his arm. You can see his veins, his strong muscles gripping your headrest for dear life. Your stomach flutters and you blush. Why is this turning you on?
You are on the road again and Steve is fuming. He is going 50 in a 35. 
“Steve, slow down.” He laughs darkly. His foot presses the gas pedal harder. “Steve!!”
“Shut up.” He doesn’t look at you. You stare at his hands, veins popping out, his long fingers clenching the wheel so so hard. Fuck, you wished he was gripping something else. You were majorly turned on at this point, Steve’s normally goofball demeanor out the window. This new, glare-y and fuming Steve was sure to leave in imprint in your brain, sure to haunt your dreams. “I don’t know what the fuck your problem is.” He slows down to make a turn down a street with larger houses. “I’ve been trying and trying to be nice to you but you just keep making these fucking comments about me.” He swerves into the driveway of a large house and parks. “Get out of the car.” He turned the ignition and the car stopped. You fumbled for the handle to open yours and heard Steve’s door slam. You got out of his car and followed him up the drive to the front door. He unlocked the door and let you go inside first and locked the door behind him.
You stood in the entryway of his house, while he stood behind you. You felt his presence as he walked towards you. 
“What did you say I was in the car? I just wanna make sure I heard you correctly.” He’s right behind you, his hot breath on your neck. He moves the stray hair that has fallen out of your ponytail off of your neck, his lips lightly touching you. Your whole body tingles. You can’t believe he’s touching you like this. “Y/N. What the fuck did you say to me? Don’t make me ask again.” His lips brush below your ear and you quite literally shiver. His hands skim up your bare arms, his fingertips touching you ever-so-slightly.
“I said you-“ you can barely think. “I said you were n-nothing but a ba-babysitter.” He places a small kiss right below your jaw. You sigh, melting into him.
“We both know that’s not true, right?” His hands travel down your body, his touch feather-light. Thank God for him being behind you or else you are sure your knees would have given out. “Answer me sweetheart...” Steve’s breath is back on your neck, and the heat rushes right down to your core. 
“No. No it’s not.” Your voice is barely audible. You don’t think you have ever been so turned on by such simple touches. 
Steve turns you around and grabs your jaw, forcing your chin up. You meet his eyes and what greets you are the eyes of a positively feral man. His usually kind eyes are dark with fury and lust, a combo that made you feel things you definitely shouldn’t be feeling for Steve Harrington. 
“Go upstairs.” His slight glare both terrifies you and turns you on even more. You take a deep breath and walk up the stairs, Steve trailing behind you. “First door on your left.” You do as you are told and open the door to Steve’s bedroom. It’s clean, which surprises you a bit. His large bed looks nice and soft. You glance around the room, jumping when Steve’s hands wrap around you. “Turn around.” 
You do.
His hand travels up your arm to your neck, his long fingers wrapping around your throat. Your breathing hitches and Steve smirks. 
“Don’t get all shy on me darling. What happened to the little bitch from the car? You had so much to say then.” You blush. What you had said in the car made him react like this?? “If you act like a brat, you’ll be treated like one.” His words make your cheeks flush even redder. It made your core swell and you were sure your underwear was soaked through at this point and you’re pretty sure Steve would see it dripping down your thighs sooner rather than later. You’d never been so turned on before. Steve met your eyes, his devilish smile making your thighs clench. He leans forward, dropping his head to your neck, breathing in your scent, before finally kissing your throat. You let out a sigh, dropping your head back whilst his grip on you tightens. His free hand travels down your front, reaching the top of your skirt. 
“You gonna be a good girl and let me touch you?” Your breathing quickens. His fingers dip into the waist of your skirt. 
“God yes. Please Steve.” You grip his arms while he sucks your neck, right below your jaw.
He grins and glances down, his hand releasing your throat and wrapping around your waist to unzip your skirt. You push your head into his chest as it falls, embarrassed for him to see your body’s reaction to his words. His fingers ghost over the hemline of your lacy pink underwear, making you shudder. You stare in disbelief as Steve moves his hands to rest on your waist, dropping to his knees in front of you. You blush so hard at the fact that he is blatantly staring at your arousal. His famous smirk returns as he looks up at you. Your hands are over your face, too embarrassed to make eye contact. 
“Look at me.” He commands as he hooks his fingers into your soaked underwear. You force yourself to meet his eyes as he grips the sides of your panties. “Grab onto my hair, sweetheart.” Your hands thread into his perfect hair, so soft even Franchesca Stephens, the leader of the cheer squad would be jealous. Steve smirks before ripping your lace garment off of you, the torn fabric searing your thighs. 
“Ow! Stev- oh shit. Fuck.” Steve is everywhere all at once. His head is between your thighs, rough hands and fingertips soothing the smarted areas. His kisses are hot and rough on your inner thighs, making you grip his hair. He groans, sending vibrations through your body. 
“Baby, I’ve barely touched you and you’re soaked.” His words make you more red, if possible. 
Steve Harrington on his knees between your legs getting ready to devour you whole was everything and more you needed in life. 
“Lie on the bed for me pretty girl.” He watches you do as your told, lust clouding his eyes. “Such a good girl for me.” Your hips roll into the air as he praises you. His strong hands roughly push your thighs apart, grinning at you with the devil in his eyes. “If you come, I will fuck you so hard you’ll beg me to stop. But I won’t because I know you want this. Or else you wouldn’t have pushed me till I lost it, right? This is what you want, right?” You are too flustered to respond. He blows air right on your throbbing core. The groan that leaves your mouth is inhumane. 
“Do you understand?” You nod frantically, desperate for his mouth, his fingers, anything. Steve seems to read your mind and just like that, his mouth is on you. Your hips buck off of the bed and he disconnects his mouth from your body, glaring at you from in between your open legs. His forearm clamps down on your hips, forcing you back down. “Don’t fucking move. If you do, I’ll stop touching you and just leave you here, to finger-fuck yourself to an orgasm you’ll never reach because you’ll be thinking about my tongue on your pretty pussy and how you can’t make yourself feel the way I’m making you feel. So stay. Fucking. Still.” Before you can even breathe, let alone reply, Steve’s mouth is on you again. Your body is shaking from the pleasure he his giving you, from the fact that Steve Fucking Harrington is eating you out. You can barely think. His mouths clamps over your clit, sucking hard. 
You gasp. 
“Oh fuck. FUCK Steve.” Your hands tangle in his hair, making him moan into your dripping heat. 
“Do that again.” You hear him mumble. He continues to devour you. 
“What?” You aren’t thinking correctly, the pleasure he’s giving you going straight to your head. 
He bites your clit which makes you moan his name so loud you’re sure his neighbors will wake up. 
“Do that again.” It’s more clear this time. He dips his tongue inside of you, and to keep yourself from being left alone to fend for yourself, you grab at his hair, pulling so hard Steve has to bury himself into your cunt to contain the noises coming from his throat. His hand finds its way to your core, pinching your puffy clit between his fingers. Your hand clamps over your mouth to keep quiet. Steve suddenly stops, earning a groan from you. His hand that was previously holding you down grabs yours and places it on his head. 
“Let me hear you.” Your wide eyes meet his, your arousal evident on his beautiful mouth. He is back on you in a second, sucking and sucking at your clit, fingers dipping into you. A moan rips through your throat and to Steve it is the sexiest sound he’s ever heard come out of a woman. He groans into you, something you’ve grown to love. “Fuck. Fuck. Such a good girl. for me.” His index finger finally slips into you, so easily since you’ve been wet since he placed his hand behind your head in the car. 
“Steeeeve.” You manage out. He’s making you feel so so good. So much better than you could make yourself feel. He adds a second finger, moving in and out of you so, so slowly. “Steve - faster, please, please.” 
“Honey, I’m the one in charge here. I’ll decide when I go faster or harder.” He removes his mouth, traveling up your body, the hand that was previously holding your hips to the bed slides up your stomach, rubbing your soft skin. He’s right above you now, licking the rest of you off of his mouth. Your breathing is scattered as his fingers slide in and out of your dripping cunt. His fingers increase their speed as he slides back down your body. Steve adds another finger, going deeper each time they slide into you. His mouth latches onto your clit again, making you groan. You feel your orgasm coming but his earlier words flash into your mind. 
“Steve- Steve please. Steve I’m going to-” 
“Don’t you fucking dare.” his movements slow and his fingers still, remaining inside you, your inner walls clenching around him. He licks slowly at your clit. Steve had always wanted to edge a girl but he never had the chance. His tongue meets your body again which causes you to groan and clench around him once again. He stops, grins and looks up at you. Your eyes are squeezed shut, one hand still tangled in his hair while the other is fisting his dark blue bed sheets. 
“Steve...” You breathe out, your chest heaving. Suddenly, he curls his fingers inside of you, hitting a spot inside of you that makes you see stars. “Oh my fuck- Steve.” He looks at you while he lowers his head back between your legs, licking a long stripe up your cunt, collecting the cum leaking out of you. He can’t get enough of your taste. His tongue swirls around your clit once again, your orgasm racing back, the pleasure too much. You come so hard, you’re sure you get your arousal all over Steve’s face. Fuck. You weren’t supposed to do that. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He is going to ruin you. You shut your eyes tight, trying to calm yourself. Steve had just rocked your fucking world. Your chest heaving, your body shaking. Steve’s look could kill. 
His voice is by your ear, sending chills straight to your still-dripping pussy. “What did I say?” You don’t respond. His fingers dip into you once again, making you gasp. “What did I fucking say?” His legs were on either side of yours, his jeans rubbing your skin. You could feel his hard-on. Fuck. Was Steve Harrington really about to fuck you senseless? God, you hoped so. “Y/N. What the fuck did I tell you I was going to do to you if you came?” You opened your eyes to find him right above you, his eyes dark. His breathing was staggered, breath fanning your face. “C’mon baby, I wanna hear you say what I’m about to do to you.” Your face flushed. 
You tried to focus on your words and not on his fingers pushing in and out of you. 
“You... You said you’d fuc-k...” His fingers curl to that spot again, “me so hard that I’d beg you to stop.” You breathe heavily, looking into his eyes. His thumb presses down onto your clit. 
“That’s exactly what you want, isn’t princess?” The new name has you clenching around him again, making his grin widen. He presses harder. “Answer me darling. Be a good girl for me.” Steve has caught on to your desires. He’s found out your secret. “You like that, don’t you, pretty girl? You like it when I praise you.” His fingers increase with speed, plunging deeper and deeper inside of you. 
All you can do is nod. He laughs and kisses your throat. 
“Just ask me and I’ll give you what you want.” He leans back, stilling his fingers again, but keeps the intoxicating pressure on your clit. “Y/N.” Harder. You moan, flexing your hips off of the bed. “I’m waiting.” You force yourself to look at him. He looks beautiful. His perfect hair messy, his lips swollen and pink, his mouth wet, cheeks flushed, heavy breathing, he’d never looked better. 
“Steve. P-please fuck me...” You breathe. “Please fuck me until I beg you to stop.” He grins. 
“Anything for you, princess.” 
And for the very first time, Steve kisses you. Your hands grab for his hair, pulling him closer. He moans into your mouth. 
“I’ve been holding back all day. You’re lucky I’m playing nice.” He growls into you before reclaiming your mouth with his. His hands return to your legs, wrapping them around his torso. They travel up your body, unbuttoning your plaid blouse from the bottom up. His kisses travel to your neck as he pushes the shirt off of your shoulders. Steve glances down your body, letting out a low growl that turns you on impossibly more. His fingertips gently trace the lacey edge of your pink bra. Your chest is heaving. Steve glances at you, the smirk returning before angling his head down to kiss the base of your throat, your collar bone, your shoulder, and...
“Steve...” He laughs. “Feels s’good.” His ego grows and he grins into your skin. He reaches behind you to unhook your bra and slides it down your arms, his eyes taking you in. You can’t help but blush, seeing him looking at your naked body while he is still fully clothed. He leans you forward, setting you back down on the bed. 
Steve leans forward, a different expression on his face.
“If I...” He wets his lips. You can see he is trying hard not to lose control. “If I hurt you or if I’m doing something you don’t like, stop me.” His eyes are trained on yours. His expression is dead serious. Your lips part and you nod. “I’m serious, Y/N. I don’t want to-” You can’t take it anymore. Steve had promised that he was going to fuck you hard and if he didn’t uphold, you were going to be pretty pissed. 
“Steve just fuck me. Please.” Your eyes are pleading with his. “Please.” You say again. “You’re in control, you always are.” You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. A dirty thought pops into your head. “If you don’t I’ll just go find Jason and-” His hand is on your mouth, his glare piercing through you. 
“What the fuck?” You can’t help the smirk that crosses your lips. And Steve can’t help but notice it. “Oh, you think it’s funny, do you?” His head dips down, his lips brushing yours. “I don’t think Jason could fuck you half as hard as I could.” His face is unreadable but you know for a fact that he is turned on - the evidence straining through his jeans. “Do you think Jason could do this?” His thumb brushes over your clit, making you gasp. “Or this?” His fingers plunge into your heat, making you groan. You are oh so overstimulated but Steve shows no signs of mercy. Your hands grasp his arm, desperate to slow his harsh movements but he pins them above your head with his free hand. You can see his veins again, sending another wave straight to your wet core. “Could he make you as wet as you are right now?” He looks down to where his fingers are plunging in and out of you at a feral pace. “Answer me.” Your brain is melting as you feel his thumb return to your clit, rubbing it in small circles, his fingers thrusting into you faster and faster. You scream his name as you come around his fingers. “Could he make you cum as hard as I just did?” His gaze is on your worn-out form. He leans forward to catch your right breast in his mouth, biting the peak. 
Your hands fly to his hair, breaking through his strong hold. 
“Fuck, Steve. N-No. He couldn’t.” You look at him and the sight before you is unholy. Steve’s fingers are covered in your slick and he puts them right into his mouth, sucking every inch of you off of him. You are sure you could come from the sight alone. 
Steve realizes that something is very wrong about this scenario - he is still fully clothed. He sits up, letting you catch your breath and pulls his shirt off over his head. He too is out of breath. You make eye contact and you see his self/restraint snap. He surges forward, attacking your mouth. His mouth is feverish on yours.
“Fuckin’ hell, Y/N.” He rests his forehead on yours. “Look what you’re doing to me.” You look down, his bulge very visible through his jeans. You look into his eyes, a slight blush across your cheeks.
“Then let me fix it.” For a split second, Steve is shocked at your words. 
“Y/N I-” Your hand is unbuttoning his jeans, shutting him up. His eyes are wide, his pupils blown. His brown eyes almost blackened by his pupils. His breathing is labored. 
Your hand slips into the waistband of his Calvin Kleins and his lower body rolls into yours, eliciting a moan out of both of you. His head drops to your neck, kissing you. You debate on letting your hand go further but Steve’s husky voice interrupts your thoughts. 
“Fix it.” His mouth on your neck makes you shiver. “You caused this. So fix it.” His tone is harsh. His head moves away from your neck and suddenly he’s right above you. “Fucking fix it.” Your timid hand reaches further into his underwear, grazing him. Steve lets out a guttural moan as you touch him. “Fuck baby, that’s so so good.” You wrap your hand around him, not applying pressure, and Steve hisses. “Fuck. Stop fucking teasing me.” His hand grabs yours, tugging it further into his pants. Steve’s dominant demeanor is crumbling at the touch of your hand. 
You smirk, and slowly slide a finger from the base to the tip of his length. Steve shudders above you and then gasps as you take him in your hand and squeeze. 
“Steve...” He looks into your eyes, a new fire lit inside them. “Don’t make me do all the work...” You lean forward, planting a kiss at the base of his throat and whisper, “I want you...” Your comment has his head spinning. He’s running the show and he needs to take back control. 
“You asked for it.” Steve is off of you in a flash, tugging off his Levis and Calvins, leaving you panting on his bed. You don’t dare to look at him, you are far to nervous about the events to come. 
Steve laughs. “Darling don’t get shy on me. You want this, remember?” He climbs back on top of you and you feel him. All of him. 
“See what you do to me?” You blush, his praise going to your head. “It’s alright princess, you can look.” 
You wonder how he can say such filthy things in such a sweet tone, but Steve Harrington has a way with words. 
You lower your eyes down his body until you get to-
“Steve...” Your heart rate quickens. “It’s so... big.” He laughs before kissing you. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll make it fit.” He lines himself up with your entrance, slowly pushing into you, his mouth covering yours and swallowing all of your pretty noises. 
You pull away, looking down to see that Steve isn’t even halfway inside of you. He grins at you before slamming himself in the rest of the way, a scream ripping through your throat. 
Your walls stretch deliciously around him and he’s already so deep. Your vision is spotty and Steve is occupying your thoughts. He’s everywhere all at once. He lets you settle for a moment before taking your hands in one of his and bringing them above your head once again. The feral look in his eyes is back and you can tell he is enjoying ruining you.
He pulls out of you agonizingly slow, which makes you whimper, desperate for more. 
“Ste-Steve.” You sputter. “More, more.” He pulls back just enough to where his tip is the only thing inside of you. He slams back in, much harder than the first time and you moan his name. He shuts you up by shoving his tongue in your mouth, kissing you with such a force you are sure your lips will be bruised tomorrow. His free hand is around your throat, giving you a warning squeeze.
“Tell me what to do one more time. I dare you.” His hand grips your throat just a bit harder, making you gasp for air. He slides out again and just looks at you. A panting, whimpering, beautiful mess beneath him. And he wasn’t even finished yet. 
Steve barely gives youq time to even think of a response before he’s ramming into you, over and over again. The hand on your throat makes its way down your body, his thumb making the tiniest circles on your clit. The sheer force of him plunging inside of you makes his headboard hit the wall. 
“Princess, you’re so wet I’m practically slipping out of you.” You’re leaking out around him. “Is that all for me?” His finger stops its ministrations on your clit to gather some of your wetness. “Is this all for me?” You are moaning over and over beneath him and can do nothing but nod as he slips his fingers past your lips. Steve doesn’t even has to ask before you are sucking his fingers clean. “Oh fuck baby, so good for me.” He kisses you, tasting you once again which makes him want more. His fingers are back between your legs, collecting more of you on his fingers, putting them into his own mouth. 
You can’t help but stare. This man, Steve Harrington, a man who you thought hated your guts, fucking you into oblivion while sucking you off of his fingers? It was a sight to behold. 
His thumb was back on your clit in an instant, pressing down hard enough to make you scream his name fore the 10th time that night. He could feel you clenching around him. He could tell you were close. So he fucked you right through your orgasm. Your hands were desperate to hold something, pull his hair, but Steve’s grip on your wrists wouldn’t allow that. You came harder than the first time and you thought he would slow down. 
He didn’t. He looked at your disheveled form below him and smiled, letting your hands go as he continued to fuck you through your high. He had done this. He had made you feel this way. But he wasn’t finished. He hadn’t come. Yet. He moved your legs to the outside of his so he could push them open further, allowing him to go deeper inside of you. With the new angle, Steve could hit the spongy spot inside of you and more. Your hands flew to his hair, pulling hard, making him moan. Suddenly, he stopped. 
“Look down darling.” You could barely function but not wanting to piss him off further, you did as you were told. His hand was placed on your stomach, right below a bulge. “Baby I’m so far inside you, see?” It’s true. His dick is in your tummy. “I told you I’d make it fit, didn’t I?” He grins at you and without warning, slams back into you, his hands pressing your thighs down to keep them open. Your abused little cunt pulsating around him couldn’t take much more and your third but not final orgasm was approaching.
“Steve...” You manage out. “Steve, I’m cumming, cumming.” Your words are almost inaudible through your breathy tone. You wonder how Steve isn’t tired.
Then you realize, he hasn’t come. His brutal force is earth-shattering and you come again. Steve lets out a groan. His is rapidly approaching his. His hands leave your inner thighs and land on the bed on either side of you, the bed frame groaning against the force. You clench around him so hard, pulling him towards the finish line. His movements slow. As Steve tries to regain a normal breathing pattern, all you can do is stare at him. Not only had he given you the best orgasm ever, but also the best sex you’d ever had. Your hands brush through his hair. 
Steve sits up abruptly and you can see a new idea forming in his mind, the devilish smirk returning to his pretty face. 
“Ya’ think you got one more in you, pretty girl?” Your eyes widen. Another? He had just given you three mind-blowing orgasms and wants you to cum again? 
He’s lowering yourself between your legs again. He’s going to eat you out, again. Taste the two of you mixed together. You can’t think. His hands rest on your inner thighs, so close to your core, and you clench around nothing at all. Tears form in your eyes. His fingers brush over your heat, the mixture of the two of you leaking out. Two of his fingers gather as much as he can and pushes it back inside you. The sudden contact makes you cry out. Steve chuckles. 
“Yeah, you got another in you.” He places a kiss right above your clit, your hips rocking up, desperate for friction. He reaches up to grasp one of your hands as he lowers himself down to where you really need him. You get the idea and thread your fingers through his hair, latching on for dear life. Steve’s tongue dives straight into you, licking up all the extra cum. Your thighs clamp around his head as you moan. His palms flatten on your inner thighs, forcing them back down. Your hips roll into his face. He takes in a deep breath, reveling in your scent before diving back in. He devours you like a man starved, tongue in and out, licking up everything leaking out of you. You had heard rumors that Steve gave good head, but God fuck! Someone get this man a trophy because Harrington was a legend. His nose brushes against your overstimulated clit and you can’t help the animalistic sounds coming out of you. You tug harder at his hair which makes him dig his fingers into the sides of your thighs. You were definately going to have handprint bruises on your thighs tomorrow. His lips attach to your clit, sucking harder than before, fingers immediately slipping inside you. 
You can feel it, the orgasm, and you are sure Steve knows it’s coming. His hands push harder against your thighs, fingers thrust deeper, and his mouth biting, sucking, anything to get you to the end. Your vision goes white as your body spasms. It’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had. Steve’s fingers haven’t stopped. 
“Holy shit baby. You’re squirting.” You blush hard and try to close your legs in embarrassment. “No, keep them open pretty girl.” His mouth is on you again, collecting you in his mouth. You can’t believe this. You are so completely fucked-out and he is still going to town, intent on sucking every last drop out. He just can’t get enough. 
Eventually, Steve stops, your breathing turns normal, and your heart rate decreases to a normal pace. 
“That’s what happens when you piss me off, princess.” He kisses your neck before flopping down on the bed beside you. His arms wrap around you, pulling you into him. His breath fans your neck and you can’t help but smile. 
Steve’s soft voice breaks the silence. “Are you ok? Did I hurt you?” You turn your body to face his, kissing him. 
“Steve, I’m fine. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. I may not be able to walk tomorrow but I’d say considering the circumstances, I couldn’t care less. 
A beautiful smile crosses his face. You kiss him again. 
He pulls you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. You trace the freckles on his arms, taking in what just happened. 
“I can’t believe you squirted.” His obscene comment breaks the silence.
There may be typos ahhhh. 
Uhhhh I am so so sorry and I am so so going to hell.  
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the-froschamethyst4 · 4 months
Body Addict
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Gaz x Curvy Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, implied smut, language, kissing/making out, addicted to someone's body, biting, praising, touching/groping, teasing, eating out, fingering
𖤐Summary: Gaz is a bit obsessed with his wife's body, and I mean obsessed. He loves her boobs, how they fit perfectly into his hands. Her ass, how it recoils when he slaps it. Her tummy, he loves kissing it and laying on it. Her thighs, he loves to squeeze them any chance he gets. And her hips, he loves grabbing them.
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Gaz was leaning against the headboard of the bed he shared with his wife. Y/n had just gotten out of the shower, towel around her body and she was just putting her up in a towel.
She opens the door to let the steam escape from the bathroom and opening the window that was in the bathroom.
She drops the towel that was around her body and started to get dress.
Gaz watches her. He bites his bottom lip and moves to the edge of the bed to look at her.
Her panties hugging her lower half just right, her bra hugging her breasts. He wishes he could be the bra, hugging her breasts like it always gets to do.
She lets to towel holding her hair fall.
He stares at her hips wanting to pinch them, kiss them, suck on them, wanting to BITE THEM drove him insane!!
She puts a shirt on covering up her breasts, so he focuses on her ass. Seeing it slightly bounce when she walks around the bathroom trying to get her blow-dryer.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Have you seen my heat resistant spray?" she asked.
"No, thought it was under the cabinet like it's suppose to be," Gaz says.
"I can't...find it," she goes farther into the cabinet and gave him a full view of her ass.
"Goddamn," he mumbles.
"Did you say something?" She asks, finally finding her spray.
"Nope...did you find it?"
"Yeah," she brushes her hair and spray her hair, rubbing it in her hair and brushing it one more time to get it all in through her hair before blow drying it.
Gaz finally gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom, his hand going to her hips and moving on the other side of her, grabbing his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth.
His eyes were only watching her.
After a while once Y/n's hair was completely dry, she fluffs it up a certain way. Gaz watches and when she lifts her head back up, her hair was bouncy. Gaz was...amazed, no not amazed, speechless.
"Goddamn," he mumbles again.
She looks at him and her arms go around his neck. His hands immediately flew to her ass, gently squeezing her.
"What? I'm just touching," he smirks and kissed her lips. His dog tags sending cold chills down her spine and goosebumps on her skin.
His hands then went to her hip pinching so lightly, his lips going to her neck and sucking on her neck so lightly, giving her a small bruise.
"Gosh..." he moans.
"Aren't you going to the gym?" She asked him.
"It can wait, I'm sure Price and Ghost will understand," he smirks, pushing her against the sinks marble counter.
Her ass just barely sitting on the edge, but soon was picked up and placed on the counter. Her legs went around his waist, his hands went to her hips.
She lets out a soft moan when feeling his hands grip at her fleshy thick thighs.
"I can't fucking tell you how, turned on I am," he says.
"I think I can tell," she smirks and touched his shoulders.
"Oh can you?"
"Yes, because I can feel your dick against me," she says, kissing his lips and laying on her elbows and looking up at him.
His hands held her waist and started to kiss her neck and collarbone. She gives him a small moan, her hands go from his shoulders up his neck.
His hands traveled down to her thighs forcing them open. He moves down and kisses her inner thighs and starts biting the fleshy thick thighs.
"Guess who's calling?" She asked.
Gaz groans knowing it's Price. He looks at his phone and answers it, as he placed his phone to his ear he went back to kiss and biting her thighs.
"What?" He says. He kissed and sucked on her thighs, earning yet another moan from her. She leans back on her elbows, one hand over her mouth to muffle her moans and the other gripping Gaz's hair.
He starts getting closer to Y/n's panties. His fingers gripping the top of her panties and pulling them down. His tongue then went between her folds as he hummed in his response to Price talking well bitching at him for not showing up to the workout.
His free hand started to push in two of his fingers, middle and ring finger. He licks between her folds again and moved his finger in and out her quickly, her thighs wanted to shut but she didn't want to hurt him.
The vibrations of him humming sent shivers down her spine and she squeezed around his fingers. Her fingers tightened his his curly hair.
"Ahhhh~" she moans and then came in his mouth.
He licks his lips and licked up her mess. He licks his fingers getting the cum off his fingers but he loves the taste, he sticks his tongue back into her lower half, forcing it to go in and out of her.
Her head goes back hitting the mirror behind her.
"I get it, Price," he mumbles sticking the two fingers inside her again, he starts slow and then moves faster. Her hand grips his wrist feeling his veiny wrist and forearm.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there soon, but I have a mess to clean up first," he smirks looking down at Y/n, licking her folds and his fingers.
He licks the corner of his mouth and cleans up her white cum. She moans and finally squeezes her thighs together around Gaz's hand.
"Fuck," she moans out.
Gaz smirks, he forced her thighs back open moving his phone from his ear for a few seconds.
After a while of Gaz cleaning up Y/n, she looks at him and smiles at him. Gaz got his workout clothes on as Y/n was still in bra and underwear. She looks at Gaz from the bed.
"Like something you see?" He asked.
"Duh," she says, rolling on her back and grabbing her phone and looking at her social media.
"I'll be back, baby," he says, kissing her lips and heading out.
"Well, it's about damn time," Price says.
"Sorry," Gaz moans as he placed his bag down.
"What were you even doing?" Ghost asked.
"Oh I know what he was doing," Price teased. "Oh Gaz, ahh~ ahhh~" Price mocked Y/n's moaning. Ghost laughed and Gaz's face was all red.
"Fucking asshole," Gaz punched Price's arm.
"Oh you think that hurts me," Price put Gaz in a headlock.
"Knock it off, can we start the workout, now?" Ghost asked.
"Fine," Price lets Gaz go.
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hyuckilstan · 1 year
Make it up to you -P.Sh
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Pairing!— Seonghwa x afab!reader
Genre!— Angst, smut, fluff if you squint?
warnings!— cunnilingus, protected sex, a whole lot of apologizing and petnames, make-up sex but its soft, possessiveness more like over protectiveness, kinda toxic ngl.
Summary!— Your boyfriend wants to make sure you know how sorry he feels, and how could you reject him when he was being so genuine.
Wc!— 2.1+k words
a/n!— oka I’m back lol and I thought why not make my comeback with a hwa fic (also there might be some typos idk 💀)
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Right now, You’re fucking done with everything.
You’re done with Seonghwa, your boyfriend, you’re done with yourself, heck you feel like you’re done with the relationship.
“I can fucking take care of myself Hwa!” you shout back, feeling frustrated, you know Seonghwa loves you, so much so that he loves to pamper you, sometimes too much that it feels like he thinks of you as a mere child he wants to protect.
Just like tonight, you had peacefully told him that you would be fine if he left you alone at the bar while he goes to chat with his friends, since they were celebrating Hongjoong’s big day as a producer after all, although you’re pretty sure you've ruined the night for him.
Seonghwa just couldn’t resist when he saw some guy hitting on you and even swung his fist at him, resulting in you both standing outside after getting kicked out, arguing.
When you told him once again that he shouldn't have been so protective he blurted out something along the lines that you said that cause you do love the attention, or something like that.
You don’t really remember.
You don’t want to remember.
“We’ve been over this Y/N, I do this because I care for you,” he still refused to admit that what he had said and done were wrong, maybe you were dramatic about him being protective, but what he had said after hurt you more than you wish it did.
“Am I like a goddamn child to you?! I am an independent person Hwa, I can make my own choices and protect myself too, I don’t need to be dependent on someone to do that for me!” You think you’re screaming, you’re not sure, your ears are still ringing because of the loud music, and you feel like your senses are numb and your tears won't stop falling.
Seonghwa hates seeing you like this, more so that he is making you feel like this, but he just wants you to understand that he does it all because he loves you, without a second thought, he says some words he immediately regrets.
“So you call allowing that fucking man to throw himself at you independent? Maybe you are a fucking child Y/N.”
You think you can hear your heart shatter into a million pieces, you don’t respond, mainly cause you are physically unable to, you just want to scream and cry, and you do.
“Stop. I- I’m heading home, and don’t you dare follow me,” you sob and Seonghwa stands stunned when he realizes what he has said and done.
You can hear him calling your name but you choose not to, still sobbing and tears flowing like a river, you open the door to Wooyoung’s car, who had told you before you and Seonghwa left that he could drive you home, almost as if he knew that you would want some distance from your boyfriend.
Wooyoung doesn’t question you, instead he drives to your home, he does tell you that it will be okay every now and then. You wonder if your relationship with Seonghwa is in a critical position, you wonder if you would ever make up.
You do know the amswer to whose questions when you do reach your home and Wooyoung gives you a tight hug, “Don’t worry Y/N, you’ll work things out, Seonghwa loves you nd you love him, arguments happen once in a while, I just know that you guys are made for each other,” he says and you nod, wiping your tears, bidding him goodbye as well as thanking him.
Once you enter your home, you feel like the place is colder, is it because of the feeling of dread you have for when Seonghwa will return home or just because of the weather? Either way, you decide to wash up and immediately head to bed.
Its currently a little past 1 in the morning and it seems like you have cried yourself to sleep, but your ringtone wakes you up, you decide to bot pick up seeing that it was Hwa, but when he keeps on calling you finally pick up.
You don’t say anything, but you can clearly hear Seonghwa sniffing on the other side of the phone, “Y/N... Please, let me in, I’m so sorry, please, ” his pleads are pathetic and Seonghwa knows it.
You hang up without saying a word but you do get up to open the door, after mentally preparing yourself to face him of course
When you open the door, you see Seonghwa, possibly in the most hopeful yet miserable state you’ve seen. He looks stoked to see you, he starts crying, and you are about to start crying too.
He lets himself in, locking the door behind him, “Hwa-” before you can say more, Seonghwa’s soft lips are pressed against yours harshly, you both need this.
He effortlessly hoists you up so that your legs are wrapped around his hips, he doesn’t stop kissing you, instead he makes the kiss deeper, more intimate but you don’t complain.
He somehow managed to stumble into the bedroom and he gently lays you down on the bed, he pulls himself away and you almost whimper, “I’m sorry baby, are you okay with this?” he asks, his voice is full of hurt and regret, you can feel it, because that is also the same case for you when you speak out.
You cannot exaggerate how good he looks right now, his soft skin illuminated by the moonlight and his eyes that are glistening as they look up at yours.
“Hwa don’t stop, please,” you plead and he nods diving back in the kiss, his hands are all over your body now, your body is burning up, he feels so fucking good against you.
His lips leave yours but they start trailing down your neck, sucking and nibbling it, “Is this okay?” he asks for your assurance when his fingers are pulling at the waistband of your shorts, you nod, tugging at the hem of his shirt, Seonghwa nods as well, taking off his shirt in one swift movement and now you’re staring at him, observing his every next movements.
He slowly pulls your shorts down along with your underwear, your breath hitches when you feel his hot breath against your now wet core, “You don’t have to...” you say quietly but Seonghwa shakes his head in disagreement
“No baby, let me make it up to you, please?” he asks innocently, and who were you to say no to him, when you give him the green light he wastes no time in taking you in his mouth
He wets your already wet folds and starts flicking his tongue at your clit, “Fuck!” you groan, Seonghwa was always skilled with his tongue and that makes you feel intoxicated, he always looks so pretty between your legs.
Your fingers rake his hair, tugging his hair slightly to pull him closer, Seonghwa doesn’t complain, rather he loves it when yiu chase for your pleasure.
Your moans bounce off the walls of the bedroom as your boyfriend alternates between giving kitten licks to your cunt and flicking your clit with his tongue, Seonghwa softly moans when you tug his hair harsher, he was growing rock hard at this point.
He sucks at your clit making you gasp, “I’m so sorry baby, I love you I love you I love you,” he says between his sucks and licks, he continues repeating the words “I love you” and “I’m sorry” every now and then, and before you know it, tears are staring to fall again, this time not only because of hurt, but also because of pleasure.
He fucks his tongue into your wet hole while his nose brushes against your clit and Seonghwa feels contented when he hears your moans getting louder, but he wants to hear more from you.
So he wets his fingers in his mouth, fucking two digits into you, you moan out loudly when he starts curling them, the pleasure was starting to get really intense.
“That’s it baby, take it all for me, just want you to feel good,” he says and resumes on fucking you with his fingers and sucking your clit, “Hwa, I think- I’m going to cum soon-” you inform him and he hums, fucking his fingers into you even faster.
Curses leave your mouth as you buck your hips while the pleasure Seonghwa was delivering to you remained constant; you feel your climax arriving dangerously close and before you could warn him, you had came all over your boyfriend’s face.
You gasp at the sight of seonghwa’s face smeared with arousal, feeling more aroused when he licks it all up, “Fuck baby that was so hot,” he chuckles, he gets up to take off his clothes that were still on and crawling back up to the bed, staring right at you.
He gently cups your face, it feels nice and warm, “I feel so fucking stupid baby, will you forgive me?” he asks and you stare at him for a little longer before you hum, he’s still hesitant so you decide to speak up, “Hwa, I just want you to fuck the pain away,” you tell him and it causes his cock to twitch.
“Shit baby, you have no idea what you do to me,” he growls and Seonghwa, being the best boyfriend he (almost) always is obliges, he quickly grabs a condom from your nightstand and rolling it down along his erect length, he then aligns his dick to your hole after wetting it with your arousal.
He easily slides himself in, and you both moan in unison, you frantically reach out your arms to pull him closer, noticing this, Seonghwa starts kissing you again, and you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
He starts to slowly rock his hips towards yours, fucking in and out of you deliciously, “Yes, right there Hwa,” you moan when his length hits just the right spot, Seonghwa hums and continuously abuses that spot.
He swallows your moans as your tongues danced together, his hands are back to cupping your face and right now, you feel so loved, Seonghwa was making love to you.
“You feel so tight,” he groans, fucking even deeper into you, his lips are now against your neck again, this time peppering it softly, while you moan out without a single care, all your frustration leaving as pleasure arrives.
Your second climax is arriving and you need more, “Hwa, please- harder,” you ask, Seonghwa responds obediently to your request, he was now slamming his length into you at a fast pace, to which he loudly curses.
You reach your hands down to your clit, gently rubbing then, Seonghwa smirks amused, “That’s it baby, rub that clit while I fuck you so good,” he pants and you nod frantically.
When Seonghwa notices that your moans are getting more choked and louder he speaks up again, “You’re gonna cum for me again my love?” You nod and his groans follows your response, “Me too love- fuck- let’s cum together.”
You cannot form words, or at least coherent ones, you just take the pleasure you’re receiving, you can also tell that Seonghwa is close to the edge when you feel him twitch inside of you.
He places his hands at your hips tightly and pulls your hips and fucking into you, your choked out moans, the sound of skin on skin and his pants are the only thing you can now hear.
“Shit I’m cumming” he says and you do too as he continues to fuck into you while he empties his load in the rubber, once you both reach your climax, he rests his forehead against yours, you’re both breathing heavily at this point.
He lays himself next to you, softly kissing you, he brushes a portion of your hair behind your ear and sighs, “Y/N, I’m so sorry, I promise to never do or say those things again,” he apologizes again for you don’t even remember how many times but could feel how genuine Seonghwa was being.
You smile softly at him, which further reassured him that you have indeed forgiven him, “It’s okay Hwa,” you snuggle onto him, “Arguments can break out often, we can only do so much as grow from them,” you tell him.
Seonghwa cannot describe how happy he feels as well as how proud, he does realize now that you are a grown up who is capable of handling themselves and that he had been pampering and babying you too much.
“I love you so much,” he says pulling you in tighter against his chest, “I love you too,” you reply with a faint smile.
Wooyoung was right, you would’ve come up with a solution one way or the other, as weird as this may be, you managed to work things out.
You were made for each other.
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©hyuckilstan. All Rights Reserved.
Taglist!— @yeo-hehet, @hwanchaesong, @enivivs, @alphadisaster, @zen626, @whatudowhennooneseesyou, @amangooo, @riboism (feel free to inform me if I had forgotten to add you or you wanted to be added in the taglist!)
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aaron-m-geist-ff · 3 months
hiiii! dunno if the zodiac matchups are still happening but incase, i’m a leo sun and moon, aquarius rising :) i’m 5’7 and plus sized! my wish is for someone to take me (not in a fight). i always feel so huge compared to everyone else :( my pronouns are she/her!
toji is my fav always hehe
Hey there :)
You sound so cool! I love plus sized ladies and Toji does too 😤🩷 I am here to deliver! 💅🏻
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You got…🥁🥁🥁
Toji Fushiguro!
“What do you mean you feel big?” Toji was standing there with his arms crossed against his muscular chest. His tone sounded unbothered. He was never the kind of man to be warm and reassuring. He could be quite cold and seem to lack emotional depth.
“…I just…I always feel so huge compared to everyone else.”
You averted your gaze when you said that, unable to make eye contact. Your boyfriend was extremely attractive and strong. He had bulging muscles and handsome features. Sometimes you would get worried because you were so insecure. You couldn’t understand how Toji could like you when you didn’t like some parts of yourself.
“I don’t give a fuck about anyone else,” Toji scoffed. He was staring directly at your face even though you still refused to look in his direction. Your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. You couldn’t even remember how this subject came up.
Toji grumbled when you remained silent. He stalked over to you, grabbing ahold of your waist and hoisting you up. He didn’t stop until your back was pressed against the wall.
You squeaked when you felt Toji’s hands move to grip your ass for leverage. You had no choice but to wrap your legs around his waist. Your eyes were wide as you stared up at him. Did he really just pick you up like it was nothing..? He wasn’t even panting. His face was entirely calm.
“Ya feel big now?” He asked gruffly.
Your cheeks burned with a mixture of arousal and shame. You couldn’t stop the butterflies from swarming in your stomach. You shook your head at him. Even if you considered yourself to be big, you definitely felt small with Toji.
“This is what you wanted, huh? You wanted me to fuck you, little girl?”
Toji practically growled the words into your ear. He sounded heavily aroused as he pressed his cock into your special spot. You keened from it, making the cutest high pitched noises as your boyfriend used you. You always loved when he would go feral like this.
Toji grabbed a handful of your breast, squeezing it gently. He was trying not to hurt the sensitive skin with his strength. But he clearly loved how full your breasts were.
“Goddamn…Love these tits,” Toji breathed. He rolled one of your nipples between two fingers as he fucked you good.
“T-Toji,” you whined. Your whole body felt sensitive all over. You had your face scrunched up in pleasure. It felt sinfully good.
“Come f’r me,” he groaned from the heat of your tight pussy. “Gush around this cock, babe.”
134 notes · View notes
leonsfiancee · 7 months
stress-free. - leon s. kennedy.
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summary: you give leon a back massage while he talks to you.
tw: fluff, slight angst, some sadness, scars, swearing, etc.
leon kennedy x female reader
Leon had his eyes closed as you gently rubbed his tense muscles, the warm air blowing through the room in a relaxing fashion. The TV was playing, but Leon was hardly listening to the movie that was playing, your massages working wonders on his aching muscles. He would let out a groan or two every once in a while, the sound music to your ears as you worked your fingers against his bare back.
"You okay?" you quietly asked, running your fingers against his back and tracing the outlines of his many scars. He opened his eyes and looked at the wall across from him, his hands were folded together on his lap. He sighed softly.
"Yeah," he replied. "Just… thinking, I guess." You frowned at his response, and leaned down to press a kiss on his neck. “You can talk to me if you want to, y'know?"
Leon hummed. "I know," he responded. "I just...don't know where to start."
You paused in your movements, your hands stilling against his back. You were silent, allowing him to think and collect his thoughts, you were interested in what was going on in his mind.
"I watch people die all the time," Leon suddenly stated. "People I have no idea who they are, people I have no connection with. And when it happens, I can’t help but feel horrible."
You were quiet.
"I think about their families, their friends, the people who care about them. And how their lives were cut short. How they had so much potential. And they're not here anymore. It's...a lot. All of the death, the loss. Ever since Raccoon City, I’ve been surrounded by it. Death. It's just a part of my everyday life. I hate it."
"It's hard," you whispered, knowing exactly what he was going through. You both were in the same position, having been there for each other during your darkest times. “And I understand it's not something you can easily get over. It never is."
"Yeah," he murmured, turning his head and resting his chin against his hand. He had a tired look in his eyes, his lips were turned down into a frown. “I’ve lost so many people, you…you don’t understand. How do you move on after you've seen people being eaten by zombies? How can you continue your life when you've seen someone being blown up to bits right in front of you? When you've had to fight to survive against a goddamn tyrant that has no fucking limit and just keeps coming..”
You bit your lip. "I can’t imagine, Leon..”
Leon was silent. "I just...don't feel like I deserve this. Any of this. The people who died didn't get to live their life to the fullest. And yet, here I am, alive and living my life. When I shouldn't even be alive."
"That's not true, Leon," you whispered, pressing another kiss against his neck. “You are very important to me.”
He swallowed. "Sometimes, I wish that it would have been me who died instead of the others," he said. "The world would have been a better place if that was the case.”
“Leon. Stop.” I say sternly, my hands going around his body to rest against his chest. I lean against him, holding him close.
He sighed and turned his head away from me, looking off to the side. His gaze was clouded and far away. He was lost in thought, his mind probably going a mile a minute. You were silent, waiting patiently for him to speak.
"Is this..," Leon began, pausing for a moment. He licked his lips, hesitating. "Is this my life now? Do I just keep going through life, pretending everything is fine when it's not?"
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Am I just gonna have to keep watching people die? Keep living this nightmare that never seems to end? Is it always going to be like this?" Leon questioned. "Is this what the rest of my life is going to be?"
“I..I don’t know, Leon..”
He sighed, looking down. His expression was unreadable, but you could see the sadness in his eyes. You felt your heart break at his expression. You didn't know what to say to him, or what you could say to him. “I’m sorry you have to go through so much, Leon. It’s crazy and terrifying..I’m really sorry..and I wish I could help you..”
He glanced at you, before closing his eyes. There was a long silence between you two. You rested your chin against his shoulder, feeling his breathing calm down. After a few moments, he broke the silence.
"I love you," he murmured. "I really do."
"I love you, too, Leon," you whispered.
His mouth twitched slightly.
"Can you promise me something?" he asked, opening his eyes and staring ahead at the TV.
"Of course," you responded, moving your arms from around him. "Anything."
"Promise me that no matter what happens, you won't leave my side," he requested, glancing at you. "No matter how fucked up things are. Please."
"Leon," you said softly, cupping his face and pressing your lips against his forehead. He leaned into your touch, placing his hand over yours. “You know I would never leave you. I love you. No matter what. I promise."
He nodded, closing his eyes again. "Okay," he whispered, his voice breaking.
You held him tightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You’re going to be alright, Leon," you whispered.
He swallowed, looking at you. You gave him a reassuring smile, hoping to convey how much you loved him and how much you cared. “Thanks for listening…I feel like you’re the only one who really understands me..and the only person who can help me out of this hole. I really do appreciate it."
"I'll always be here for you," you said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and hugging him tightly.
a/n: it’s okay..
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lovingperfectionsblog · 8 months
For What It's Worth - Chapter 5
Max Verstappen x Reader
Chapter 5: Why would you ever get flowers?
Chapter summary: Lando confirms your fears of no one being interested in you and Max learns a hard lesson from Daniel.
Warnings: Swearing. 
Word Count: 3613
Authors note: So, this chapter was weirdly difficult to write, so hopefully the next one is easier and I get it out faster than this one but yeah, inspiration was lacking here. But next chapter is with Carlos and I’m excited to see how Max handles seeing his girl flirt with a Ferrari driver. 
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Lando was scared. Between the message he had received from Max last night and you now walking up to his table at breakfast, looking like that in a sundress, he knew he was royally fucked and something was going on. 
“This seat taken?” Lando took an embarrassingly long time to answer you, the entire time screaming at himself to keep his eye-line above your neck. 
A second later Lando was stumbling up and out of his chair to grab your own and pull it out for you. His nerves flared up as he stumbled out of his chair in order to pull out your own and they only got worse as you placed your hand on his chest and whispered a thank you with a smile attached that might just be criminal. 
Max was going to kill him. 
Lando, rather ungracefully, made his way back to his own chair and as he sat down, he realised that he had yet to say a single word to you. Which he assumes you had picked up considering the look you were giving him. 
“You look beautiful.” He wished that it hadn’t come out as flirty as it had, but you did and Max wasn’t around, so maybe he could let you know. 
“Oh, thank you, I just threw this on.” Your giggle had Lando blushing. 
“Yeah, well, uhm, no it looks good. Max must love it on you.” You cocked your head and gave him a confused look, no doubt wondering why he had mentioned Max, but Lando wasn’t taking any chances when it came to the girl Max loved. 
“Max isn’t the one I’m hoping to impress.” Lando was fucked. The silence that engulfed the table was palpable. All that could be heard was the clinks from the cutlery and chatter from the neighbouring tables surrounding them. 
“Oh, you're not? Who then? Do I know them?” Another giggle, but his confusion was genuine. Since when weren’t you Max’s girl?
“The driver who got me the beautiful flowers.” Your voice was soft, almost seductive and Lando was missing it all. 
“What fucking driver is stupid enough to get you flowers?” He hadn’t meant it as an insult, but he heard it as soon as it came out his mouth, immediately attempting to explain this without telling you why he had said what he said, “Like, no, not like that, but, it's just, it’s complicated.”
“Oh, so I guess you agree with Max and think the drivers only like pretty girls then.” You were now leaning back in your chair, arms crossed over your chest, looking away from Lando in an attempt to hide your hurt. 
“No. Don’t put words in my mouth, I didn’t say you weren’t,”suddenly what you had actually said caught up with him, “Wait, Max said you weren’t pretty?” This conversation was about to take a turn if Max had said that to you. Maybe they were all wrong, maybe he could make a move on you. 
But then what did Max want to talk to him about? 
“It’s not important.” The look in your eyes was murderous. 
“It’s a lot more important than you think.” Silence took a seat at your table once again, a simple stare down happening between you and Lando, both of you trying to understand exactly what was happening in this conversation. 
You were the first to break the silence, “Look, did you send the flowers or not.” Lando had resigned himself to not understanding a goddamn thing in this entire conversation. 
“No, I’m not a fucking idiot.” Once again, it was the wrong thing to say. 
“Why? Is it that awful to think about being with me?” Lando felt himself immediately shaking his head, because no, you were definitely someone more than one driver had thought about being with, himself included, but he couldn’t very well just say that. 
Lando chose to stop and think about his next words carefully, not something he did often. 
“Look, it’s not like that, I just can’t explain it to you.” There was no way you were just going to accept that explanation, it didn’t stop Lando praying that you would. 
“And why not?” Of course you weren’t just going to accept it. 
“Because none of us want to die.” Lando dropped his head, elbows on the table and hands collapsed above his head, he questioned whatever god happened to exist why he had been born with the inability to say the right thing. 
“Why would any of the drivers die because they sent me flowers?” Nothing Lando had said had made any sense throughout this conversation. 
“You keep mentioning these flowers, what are the flowers?” Lando needed to change the direction of this conversation quickly, before he ended up spilling that Max was in love with you. 
“Oh,” finally there was a smile back on your face, “yesterday morning, my favourite flowers with a note was delivered to my room, but it didn’t have a name.” 
“So you’re trying to figure out who sent them?” Max, it was so obviously Max who sent it, how didn’t you know that?
“Yeah, me and Max came up with a list of all the drivers who it might be and so, yeah, I guess I’m just trying to figure it out,” you suddenly looked down again, face red with embarrassment, “but so far it isn’t going so great.” 
“I have a list of questions.” Lando had officially all but forgotten his breakfast, “First, did you just say Max is helping you figure out who sent you flowers?” You simply nodded in return. 
Lando often joked that he thought he was dumb, but he didn’t think he was that dumb, although, trying to piece together whatever was happening here was giving me a headache. 
“Okay, secondly, why isn't it going well?” Your blush deepened. 
“Well, between you and Daniel,” Lando spat out his drink. 
“Daniel?” You nodded as you wiped a few splatters of juice from yourself, slightly disgusted, “You flirted with Daniel? And Max knew about it?” 
“Yeah, of course, Max was super supportive, up until he told me Daniel only went for pretty girls.” All the neighbouring tables turned to look at you and Lando as he burst out laughing. Suddenly this was all starting to make a lot more sense. 
“Okay, okay, and this apparent list?” Lando had swung between terrified of what was happening to desperately needing to be involved in any way he could. 
“Well, the note was definitely from a driver,”  Of course it was, it was from Max, “but it didn’t have a name on it so me and Max came up with a list of drivers it could be.” Lando waved his hand in an attempt to urge you on as he continued to eat his breakfast, “so far, I’ve spoken to you and Daniel.”
“And nothing happened with Daniel right?” Lando needed to know where he stood. 
“Nope, rejected me, was nice about it though, but he did mention it might not be someone I expected, so I think he knows who sent them.” Yeah, so this confirmed it for Lando, Max was the one who had sent them, but why then hadn’t he said anything to you about it. 
“Okay, and the rest of the list?” You shoved a spoonful of muesli in your mouth before you continued, aware that Max would probably be heading down anytime now, so your free time was short. 
“Yeah, so i've checked you and Daniel, next is Carlos,” Lando’s eyebrows shot up, aware of how dangerous this was becoming for Max, “Then Yuki, George, Lewis, Charles and Pierre.”  
“No Max?” You laughed at the question. 
“Max? He’d never be interested in me” Oh, so it suddenly made sense to Lando, you were dumb and blind, no wonder this was so difficult, considering Max was just as dumb, “Although, Daniel did say the exact same thing.” 
“Interesting, and are you even interested in any of us?” The blush on your face indicated yes, so this then threw a spanner in the works, “I’ll take that as a yes, why not go straight to him?” 
“It’s complicated.” It was the only explanation you offered, so Lando had no choice but to accept it. 
“Need help?” He desperately wanted to see the shit show this was going to become. 
You nodded vigorously, “Please! Daniel knows all about it too, so if you maybe hear anything in the paddock, you’ll let me know?” 
“I’ll let you know everything I can.”And there was no way he was allowed to tell you about how Max felt. 
Seriously, how did you not know? 
With that you got up, stating you had to grab some stuff from your room before you headed out to the track,”Oh, when are you going to chat to Carlos?” 
You turned back to Lando, “Well, today? Why waste a perfectly good sundress?” 
Lando beamed at you, thinking he was excited for you and encouraging you to go for it, but in truth, Lando was just excited to see exactly how Max was going to handle all of this, especially when you looked that good. 
Maybe Lando could even out qualify him today?   
Just as Lando turned back to his breakfast, he was faced with both Max and Daniel pulling out chairs of their own, rather aggressively getting comfortable where you had just been. 
“What did she say to you?” Max was the first to speak. 
”Did you send the flowers?” Lando was starting to realise the power he held. 
“Obviously he sent the flowers, now what did she say to you?” Daniel this time. 
“Why didn’t you sign your name?” Lando could physically feel the pain Max was feeling from the sigh that left him. 
“Because he’s an idiot.” Daniel again, although this time with a massive grin, like he was enjoying this just as much as Lando was. 
“But it’s good because she said it’s creepy when your boss hits on you.” Max quickly corrected Daniel. 
“It’s a little different when you’re in love with each other.” Daniel nodded along to Landos comment, both looking at Max, an unspoken ‘I told you so’ floating on the air. 
“Has she said that she likes me?” It was meant to be a re=hetorical question from Max, because no, you hadn’t told anyone if you had feelings for anyone. 
“Well, she blushed when I asked if she was interested in any of the drivers, so there’s that.” Both Max and Daniel sat wide eyed at the information Lando had just casually dropped, seemingly unaware of both the devastation and the hope that simple sentence had held. 
“One of the drivers or one of the drivers on the list?” Daniel was dominating this conversation, Max seemingly too shocked to speak. 
“One of the drivers I presume.” Max was trying to process this information, this could either be really good or really bad for him. He was running through all of the information he had been presented with, vaguely aware that Daniel and Lando were speaking amongst themselves, no doubt thinking Max was a part of the conversation before Daniel startled him back into it, snapping his fingers in order to get his attention back to the conversation at hand. 
“Look, maybe that whatsapp group isn’t the worst idea, just me, you and Lando, that way we can keep tabs on things.” Daniel was already making the group as he spoke, a ping coming from the others phone with the notification. 
“Is Lando going to help?” Max felt like his brain wasn’t catching up with what was happening in front of him. 
“Of course I’m going to help.” Lando couldn’t stop smiling at how his weekend was suddenly turning out. 
“You want to see the shit show?”
“I want to see the shit show.” Lando affirmed exactly what Daniel had thought, “but considering I’m close with Carlos and that's who she’s going for next, well, I am a good person to have on your side.” 
“She’s going for Carlos next?” Max had returned to his natural panicked state this weekend, there was no way he could compete against Carlos. 
Oh god, if this is the driver you liked, Max was going to cry. 
“Yep, good old Carlos, with those spanish looks and charm and flirting skill and she’s wearing that sundress,” Lando prattled on as Max became more and more nervous. 
“You want to comment on her in that sundress again?” Max looked deadly and Lando’s smile only got wider. 
“Well, you did call her ugly and she did wear that dress for me.” Both Max and Lando were out of their chairs in seconds, the former chasing the latter as Lando ran away from him through the dining room laughing, Daniel quickly trailing after them. 
Next moment Lando had stopped dead in his tracks, Max shortly behind him as they both came crashing into you as you had re-entered the lobby in an attempt to find Max. 
“Whoa boys, what’s going on?” Lando quickly let go of your arms once you had both straightened, fully aware of Max standing behind him. 
“Nothing, just realised how late we all are, we should probably get going.” Again, Daniel being the voice of reason amongst them all.
 Lando quickly said his goodbyes and made his way back to grab his stuff, but Max barely acknowledged him, keeping his gaze on your arms where Lando had previously held you. 
“Max will meet you at the car now, just give me a second with him won’t you?” Daniel stood behind Max, his own eyes grazing down your body, knowing how much Carlos was going to enjoy this. Him and Max needed to come up with a plan that somehow now involved Lando too. 
“You guys sure everything is okay, you’re acting a little weird?” You eyed the two of them, Daniel smiling away, Max with a scowl on his face, not letting the nerves go. 
“Yeah, just pre-season jitters, we’ll see you at the car.” It wasn’t a question, Daniel was telling you to leave and this all felt like drama you did not want to get involved in, so you turned on your heel to make your way towards the entrance, stopping only momentarily when Max grabbed your bag out your hand, like he always did, always making sure to carry your belongings. You nodded a thank you and then you left, leaving the two drivers to hash out whatever they needed to before the first quali of the season. 
“Did you seriously call her ugly?” Daniel was standing in front of Max now, livid with his friend was an understatement. 
“It’s not what you think it is.” Internally Max was cringing, not wanting to have to explain the full story to Daniel. 
“Then what was it because man, that is not how you get the girl to like you.” Daniel wasn’t budging on this. Max was frustrating him more and more and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be helping him any more beyond this if Max wasn’t even going to try. 
“I might have said that I didn’t think you were interested in her because you only go for pretty girls.” The expression on Daniels face was unreadable. 
“You decided to use me as a way to knock her self esteem down a peg?” Dniels face might have been unreadable, but the tone of his voice indicated something very different. 
“I panicked! It just slipped out. I didn’t mean to, like, fuck, I didn’t mean to.” Daniel wasn’t buying a word Max was saying and he knew it, “I can’t lose her mate.”
“You’re going to if you don’t get your head out of your arse and start treating her fucking better. You understand? And I swear to god, if you use me as a way of insulting her again, Liam is going to be you racing in your place for the rest of the season. I am not the villain here mate, and I refuse to be made into one, you’ve already fulfilled that role.” The words stung, but he was right and everyone knew it, most of all Max. 
“You ready for the first quali of the season?” Max had barely taken his seat in the car before you had started a conversation, your usually chipper self. A mood Max couldn’t reciprocate, not after what had just transpired between him and Daniel. 
“Yeah, it should be good.” His answers were short and clipped, not that you noticed though. 
“So it was a bust with Lando this morning, weirdly said that no driver would ever get me flowers so guess that's another hit to the ego.” You laughed along, hoping it would hide any real hurt you were feeling, but Max could pick it up from a mile away. 
“I didn’t mean you weren’t pretty, you know that right?” It was the first time he had really looked at you this morning and it was a mistake, because you sitting there, he felt his breathing hitch and it was as if he couldn’t peel his eyes away from you even if he tried. 
“I do, you’re too good to me Maxie, plus, you’re definitely a driver who gets me flowers so I guess there's that.” How did you not realise, how were you literally saying it yourself, but it still hadn’t clicked for you. What more was Max meant to do. Other than the obvious of just coming clean. 
“Yeah, I am.” Again, short, clipped, angry, but still you didn’t get it. 
“So, just a heads up, Horner wants a meeting with you first thing when we get to the track, so the second we get there, you need to go to him.” He nodded along, uncharacteristically quiet this morning. 
“Just me?” You snuck a glance at you, and there was that damn blush again. He watched you tuck your hair behind your ears, giving yourself  a moment to think before you replied. 
“Yeah, well, I thought that maybe I could go and chat to Carlos if he’s free.” The blush deepend and despite Max thinking earlier that he might potentially be the driver you were interested in, his hopes were suddenly being dashed looking at your response. Was Carlos the one? 
On top of it, if you went and spoke to Carlos first while he was in a meeting, then that gave him no chance to find him first and he wasn’t going to make the same mistake he had with Lando. 
“First thing this morning? Why not give it a little while until I’m done with my meeting? We can find him together?” That was the dumbest idea he had ever come up with  but he couldn’t concentrate between what Daniel had said to him, you sitting next to him in that goddamn red dress, the fact that he was about to lose you to one of his rivals in his sport and now his fucking phone was blowing up with messages and if things didn’t just calm down for a second and stop, he was going to lose his fucking mind. 
“You’re getting messages from some group, Max fucked up? Why do you have a group called Max fucked up?” He hadn’t been paying attention to what you were doing and completely missed it when you grabbed his phone, so used to organising his life for him. This action further proved to him just how much he trusted you, how easily you fit into his life. 
When his brain had finally caught up with what you were saying, he realised that this was the group Daniel had just set up, this entire group was about you and him. You could never see what was being said in that group. 
Max lunged towards you, grabbing his phone to prevent you from seeing anymore than you already had, “It’s a joke, a silly joke between me and Daniel, it's nothing to worry about it.” He watched you lift your hands up in defence, showing you were backing off, instead turning to the window, offering Max a moment of privacy as you sensed the urgency in his tone. 
BigRicc: Lando, how quickly can you get to Carlos?
NoRizz: I can be at Ferrari the second I get there?
BigRicc: Good, do that, grab Carlos, get him away from the garage and make sure Y/n can’t interrupt you. 
NoRizz: Okay, on it, then what?
BigRicc: Explain it all to him. Tell him what’s going on and tell him he needs to like, reject her, but nicely. 
BigRicc: Can’t have another driver damaging her self esteem. 
NoRizz: Why aren’t you or Max doing this? 
BigRicc: We have meetings. 
BigRicc: I thought you wanted to help? 
NoRizz: No! I do! 
NoRizz: Do I tell him everything?
BigRicc: All of it. 
BigRicc: Like, all of it. 
BigRicc: Full Explanation. 
BigRicc: Especially the parts where Max fucked up. 
NoRizz: Should we add him to the group? 
BigRicc: As soon as you explain it, add him. That way he can keep us updated as the day goes. 
NoRizz: Yes Sir. 
BigRicc: Remember, you have to beat her there, so just, run. 
BigRicc: The fate of this season rests with you Lando. 
NoRizz: Me?? Why me?
BigRicc: You want to race against an angry Verstappen for the rest of the season?
NoRizz: Fuck. 
NoRizz: I’m Running. 
Maxie: Don’t tell him I called her ugly. 
NoRizz: Daniel said all the times you fucked up so... 
BigRicc: Fuck you Max. 
NoRizz: Yeah, fuck you Max. 
Maxie: Yeah, fuck me, 
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insomniacirl · 6 months
JRWI Riptide episode 115 spoilers !!
I have so many thoughts about this episode dear lord.
Jay being the 'child of the sun' WAS SO FUCKING REAL MAN.
Finding out about Lizzie was actually heart-stopping
Chip leaving the room and Gillion following out after him- the conversation that follows- Jay and the rest of the crew being left in this horrible silence after they leave- I can't.
Gillion with the, "Chip, it's not your fault." (Dead. Dead on the ground. No survivors.)
Chip's 'how did you know I was gonna go off alone?' and Gillion's 'I know you.' (Violent sobbing)
Gillion telling Chip to let him and Jay handle it, telling him to try and get some rest; Jay and Gillion talking about how to split their crew, Gillion explaining that he was trained for this. As a soldier. Knowing that this is the worst situation they could've been put in- because he's been the one to put people in the same one before. Jay admitting (as much as she hates to) that she knows. She already knows as much. Because she too was trained for the same exact situation. She doesn't want to admit to herself that she knows what's coming- she knows the odds aren't in their favour- she knows that she might not be able to save them- but she has to try. She just wishes she didn't understand what's going to happen.
"Go set some fires, demigod."
I merely cannot.
Chip and Jay's tearful goodbyes- the most sibling coded to ever sibling ever.
"I love you Jay."
"I love you Chip."
"Better get moving, Sureshot."
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I could go on about them forever. We don't talk about like- anything that happens after Jay leaves- we do not mention... the book.
Gillion casting deathward on Chip (an undead man who can technically never die again). I'm insane???
The two of them almost instantly dying without Jay LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Gillion arm wrestling a literal titan sized- giant of an enemy.
Chip. That's it. Just Chip 😭
Gillion almost 360 spin-kicking the guy's head off and Grizzly being like, 'He's not a bad guy btw' AND CHARLIE SPITTAKING I WAS PISSING MYSELF THAT WAS SO GODDAMN FUNNY.
I'M INSANE PT1029381929138102948831201291209???
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lesinquietes · 8 months
P-possessive Reiner smut for your consumption, kind patron? 🥺
Tw; domestic dubcon yandere smut // Yandere!Reiner x reader
“Hey sweetheart. I missed you today.”
Reiner is a kind boyfriend when you two are out and about. Your home life is calm, too. It consists of him going to work and you staying at home. The life of a warrior isn’t easy, so your duty is to ensure he can keep a peaceful mind on his off time.
Although initially intimidated, by now, you’ve fallen into your tasks. You cook. You clean. You do his laundry, washing his blood-stained and ripped clothes so he doesn’t have to relive his battles. And he appreciates the work you do. He likes coming home to a kept house. On occasion, he even helps you with the chores — if he’s not too exhausted.
“Hey… lemme help with those.”
When you find yourself with little to do, you sit by the window with a book. As soon as you moved in, he bought you a whole shelf full of them. He likes it when you exercise your brain. Being cooped up all the time can’t be good for you. He wishes that he could let you out for a bit of fresh air — that he could trust you to be safe on your own. He can’t, though; not with the state of Marley. Your existence here is tranquil, especially when compared to the lives of others Eldians. He wants to keep you protected.
But that’s the downside of Reiner. He’s too goddamn possessive. You grew up in Marley all your life. You were good and keeping your head down and hovering beneath the radar. Since Reiner took you as his, you understand there are more challenges to your survival. There are people here who want to hurt your boyfriend and his colleagues; you’re positive they would harm you to get to him if they had to. You don’t think that doesn’t mean you should have to compromise your way of being.
“Please don’t be upset with me, baby. I’m doing this for you — for us. I couldn’t keep living if something happened to you.”
The hulking blonde does take you out of the house on occasion. It’s usually when you’ve cried and begged for long enough, or dropped the “u” word — unhappy. He gets frantic when he hears that. He knows you don’t have the capacity to leave; nonetheless, he doesn’t want you to feel forced to be with him, either. He wants your organic love, even though it was never natural to begin with. You two were newly acquainted when the government announced his request and had you move in.
When he brings you into the public sphere, people understandably stare. It’s not necessarily because they’re attracted to you; it could also be due to you being a novelty appearance. Unfortunately, he doesn’t see it like that. He inevitably sees it as others trying to steal what’s his.
“Keep close to me. Less stares that way. And don’t leave my arm. I don’t trust those fuckers by the store.”
Everyone is a threat to his happiness. He’s never at ease. He’s constantly on edge from having to defend you from opponents that don’t exist. You feel his fist tighten around your smaller hand when he stops to chat with a colleague and they gawk at you for a bit too long. Porco is a fine example of this. You suppose he only does it to get under Reiner’s skin, but he tends to make you uncomfortable with his prying eyes, too. The blonde actively tries to avoid the shorter male when he brings you around these days.
And no matter how many times you tell your possessive boyfriend that you’re not a trophy to be won, or goods to be accumulated, he reacts the same way.
“You know I don’t mean it like that, sweetheart. You’re just so fucking special to me.”
That’s why he fucks you so hard when you two get home, pent up and frustrated that people have the audacity to ogle his piece of heaven. He’s a soldier, for fuck’s safe; he puts his life on the line for these bastards, and they dare trace their hungry glares up and down your figure. He wants to teach them a thing or two, and he fucking hates it. He shouldn’t be so brazen with his protectiveness — you shouldn’t make him want to maim everyone who looks at you.
His teeth sink into your flesh, leaving marks on your neck, shoulders, and breasts. It doesn’t matter how light or dark your skin is, he finds a way to leave the deepest, darkest blemishes on your body. Subtle, perhaps; but not to those exploring what you have to offer. The next time he takes you out, he’ll make you wear outfits that show them off. With his arm around your waist, keeping you glued firmly to his side, there’s no room for ambiguity. You’re very much his, and that will never change.
“Want you forever honey… oh fuck… wanna stay inside you forever.”
You claw his back as he slides deeper into your hole. He doesn’t slow his pace. He doesn’t retreat to a shallower length. He continues to pound you until you’re begging him to have mercy. And he does; he does! It just takes him a moment to process what you said.
He doesn’t intend to harm you, he merely gets lost in his mind sometimes, when he’s super stressed. You understand, right? Of course you do. He kisses and licks on you until it makes sense, until you recognize that he loves you, until you know — without a shadow of a doubt — how much you mean to him. Even if you had concerns prior to him making you cum, you don’t after.
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ren1327 · 5 months
"Loser Baby" frame analysis (1/3) (With lyrics)
I feel obligated to do this with all of my ships. So! With the power of two sugar free redbulls, skinny pop and the homoerotic audacity the makers gave me!
Lets do this!
Red = Husk Pink = Angel Dust Purple = Both Normal = My commentary
 [HUSK] So things look bad, and your back's against the wall Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall Can't face the world sober and dopeless You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked Well, let me just say you're correct
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So, Angel just let lose he wants to self destruct to the point of being too broken for Valentino to want him. He has a outburst and Husk is the only one there to see it. So what does kitty boi do? Sing a song, of course. But where Charlie would sing something encouraging and positive...Husk wants reality. He knows Angel plays a role to deal with all the messed up shit he's in. He showed Husk a sliver of his true self. And Husk knows he cant break that wall, Angel has to. So he engages by slapping him with that reality, snapping him out of his funk.
[ANGEL DUST] Wait, what?
[HUSK] You're a...loser, baby
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Angel gets into Husk's space often to flirt/piss the bartender off. So why not return that energy to Angel when he's vulnerable and unassuming? Angel often grabs his face, making Husk face and look at him by force. Husk doesn't go that far. Just his finger on his nose. Just enough contact to get Angel's attention and make sure he's paying attention to his words.
A loser, goddamn baby You're a fucked up little whiny bitch
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Husk needs more of a reaction, so why not casually insult him? Angel often thinks this about himself; but Husk says it out loud.
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And Angel is full on reactive, listening and giving Husk his full attention. It worked.
[HUSK] You're a loser, just like me
[ANGEL DUST] Thanks, asshole
[HUSK] You're a screw's-loose-boozer An only one-star reviews-er You're a power-bottom at rock bottom But you got company
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Husk is successfully shifting Angel's sadness out, but also getting on his level, however, notice how his head is lower than Angel's. Angel often sees himself as powerless. Looked down upon. And Husk takes a moment to look up at Angel, showing him he doesn't see him as lower, he sees him as an equal. "You've got company." His issue wasn't Angel being a porn star or promiscuous, like others and even other hotel staff/patrons do. It was him putting on a mask and not being himself towards Husk. Fun thing about cats, they show thier belly to only those they trust. So Husk laying on the filthy ground with his belly to Angel's back, he's allowing himself to be vulnerable right back. (My cat did the same before biting the shit out of my hand, the little demon spawn.)
[ANGEL DUST] This supposed to make me feel better?
[HUSK] There was a time I thought no one could relate To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged But lettin' walls down, it can sometimes set you straight! We're all livin' in the same shit-sandwich
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Husk then sits next to Angel, closer and on his level. They're in similar situations. Not just being in Hell, but signing themselves away.
[ANGEL DUST] I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak
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Angel angrily points out the obvious, but to him, its more than a fact. Its a shameful truth he hates. Husk laughs because "same!"
[HUSK] Haha! And you think that makes you unique? Get outta here, man!
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He holds a hand out to Angel to help him stand, but its more than that. It's understanding. The loss of control under someone, to one's vices, to ones self destructive wishes.
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