#like louis was always pushed in the back 😪
pop-punklouis · 2 years
Hi darling ♥️
Sorry for the late reply lmaooo been busy with work and Christmas and being sick. How was your Christmas? I know you said it's been hectic so hope you get to chill a little now.
It does get cold! I live in England so it deffo gets cold though the weather has come back up from minus degrees so that's something. Winters really cold this year! All I wanna do in winter is just bundle up and stay inside and laze around too 😩
Re: shows. Yessss. If this last season doesn't focus on will or at least stop pushing him to the side I'll riot fr. Especially with vecna in the picture, there's so much potential for will to have his moment.
My Christmas was pretty chill too, just a family meal and gifts opening and then we just watched a movie and had wine jfjfhf. I like chill days, so I liked it like that. I always feel like the lead up and prep to Christmas feels bigger than the actual day.
Re: inspiration: that's so sweet. I love that honestly, little you would absolutely adore the current you. As for me, I'd say my mum. And also just Louis and Harry, they're really important people in my life, even if that feels silly to say.
For today's question: What is your all time favorite song?
Sending you so much love 💓
no worries bb! we’ve all been busy. and nooo you’ve been sick that blows are you feeling better? 😪
ah england! yeah it definitely gets cold there when we traveled to northern england at the beginning of this month it was super frigid and my bones were very 🥶 but it snowed this week for us!! which hasn’t happened in years so we were losing our minds over it. what’s your favorite food when it’s cold outside? i love a good soup ✨
christmas definitely feels much bigger and whimsical up until the day and then the day is very low-key but i’m glad you had a nice christmas. what movie did you guys watch 👁 we always watch home alone 2 and the holiday.
re: inspiration: that’s sweet 🥺 yeah i feel the same about my mom. not silly! i totally get it. HL and this fandom had a big part in me coming to terms with my sexuality when i was younger and accepting it and feeling comfortable within that space. so i will always love and appreciate them for being part of that era of my life especially. i just believe they’re such strong and beautiful souls too, so 🤍
re: question: i think vienna by billy joel is my favorite song of all time. that song has given me comfort ever since i was a teenager, and i listen to it every morning. how about you? 🌸
sending you so much love and light going into the new year!!! ✨
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eagleslouis · 7 years
That sucks :( none of my friends are going to the same Uni as me so I get it 😢 oh darling 💔 I'm so sorry 💔 but I think you make new friends 🙏 but try to hold on to that confidence! Like even if your friends are away for a bit they still love and support you! You know are awesome! Is always kinda hard the first day but keep in mind is everybody first day too don't be afraid to start a conversation with someone ✨ nooo :( I don't think you will 💔 like is hard to be alone but you will still
have your friends I'm sure they'll never let you feel truly alone don't worry they got your back 💓 yeah! I remember looking up how much I would pay for Uni if I had to go to private Uni and.... Fucking hell I think it was like 60k?? But like my dream was doing half of it in Italy (bc Italy is like pretty great if your going to law school ) and even half was like around 100k???Aww thanks ❤ I'm better now like I get anxious about different things (even BG tbh) but I'm handling it better now I'm also braver than I was before thanks to Louis haha I keep pushing my limits an even if I get really scared for a while generally is worth it 🙏 aw your dog seems so sweet 💖 when I'm down I barely talk I have no clue how my baby knows 😢oh god! What happened with the bird is so scary 😣 I think is possible the bird just made its way out 🙏 harries get so mad when they see people treating Louis like he deserves lol is so weird like... How can they be that nasty? 😷 I will try to find! He looks so cute!!!
youre sososo sweet lovely. my thing is like i have no inbetween for when i talk to people so its either i wont tell them anything about me for months or ill tell them everything about me in one day y’know? 🙈 im sure everything will be fine too ❤ its just me being stressed, like you said everyone is nervous their first day, its like i feel like most people are shy their first year? i am at least! but yeah my friends and i have been friends since elementary school (primary?) and we always keep in contact through text so itll all be good ✨ thank you honey!!! for college, 60k a year as well? i get its private and they have to fund it but.. come on 😩😩😩 if i want to go to medical school too, for all four years, thats like 200k, plus what i wouldve paid for college before that (where id study biology probably)!! so i guess my only hope is that i become one of those rich doctors really quick so i can pay it off quick as well 😎 (this is a joke ofc but if it actually happens 👀) college is obviously expensive and i know it gets cheaper when you include financial aid but still.. its crazy a lot for young adults to think about! anyway italy would be amazing for school like just to study abroad!! i was considering studying abroad (to study spanish) but ive never even been on a plane let alone out of the states, can you imagine? my school was sponsoring trips to italy (for the freshman class) but you still have to pay a couple thousand dollars ofc and my parents are just too nervous about it. have you been to italy? seems so beautiful 😭 
yeah anxiety is a thing that really no one can escape (not trying to sound insensitive here since i know some people genuinely have problems with it, im just talking about the general feeling ❤) so its totally normal to feel it occasionally and its great that you found a way to deal with it!! ofc its good to ‘face your fears’ for a lack of better words and i do think it makes you stronger tbh, maybe adds confidence? and AWW im so glad louis helped you with that like :’) thats why we’re all here isnt it really? thats why it always bugs me when people criticize us for loving him so harshly like? i dont know. 
i think thats why your cat would know!! since youre not talking, like if youre so affectionate otherwise, when youre not they probably know somethings off. arent they such angels? 😇💕 and yeah i think its a high possibility that the bird just made its way out haha, much happier situation. 
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