#but yes! you dont have to go out searching for the picture but if you do see it!
the vitriolic hatred most people have for things that look weird is so upsetting to me sometimes :(
#update in my search for bristleworm names i came across a newscast from a few years ago where#some fisherman pulled up a big bearded firewormnin their net and shared a video of it#and the whole newscast was ppl being like 'ewww what is that thing' 'if i pulled that up in my net id kill it'#'im never going in the water again ew ew'#like. guyes. its a fucking worm#and its. not even that big. AND its not even native to texas one just got washed thru currents from the Mediterranean (supposedly)#like. shut upppppppppp its just a worm#i see that SO much w ocean stuff specifically snd its like.... its not actually that scary. come onnnn.#its sooo much more fascinating than anything else. and lo and behold the ONE (1) scientist they talked to#was immediately like wow thats incredible and started asking questions. like. aaughrhrghh idk.#its only 8am ive been up for like 3 hours im rlly tired i dont have words yet.#but can we stop immediately wanting to kill every sea creature that gets pulled onto land by mistake. can we stop. youre so annoying.#youre not cute for going ewwwww gross youre just. ignorant and frustrating. head in hands. theyre not some alien monster.#its literally a worm#its a worm! thats all it is! its a worm with unique adaptations to help it survive in a harsh environment#and just because you think it looks weird doesnt mean it deserves to die#ARUGHGHGHHH ppl that dont listen to scientists make me insane. ppl that blatantly ignore science make me SO isnane.#go read a book. go look at a picture of a worm.#GO TO A FUCKIGNGG AQUARIUM FOR CHRISTS SAKE. do u KNOW how many of these bitches ive pulled out of tanks??? theyre everywhere.#and yes we killed them but like. not bc theyre ugly and gross but because too many of them become a pest species#and will literally kill all ur fish. its a balance. like literally everything else in nature. we kept a lot of them!#becasue when a fish dies theyre one of the most efficient decomposers and theyre an incredible help wirh water quality.#we had a tang die in a place that was completely inaccessible to us without breaking a huge coral colony so we couldnt get to it.#letting a dead fish sit in a tank is a death sentence for that tank usually. but we had enough bridtle worms to eat it#thay thing was gone in like a day. with only a minor spike in ammonia. it was insane.#anyway. sorry. got heated abt worms.
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It's a Match! || 141 x reader
[ Chapter 1 ] || [ Chapter 3 ]
Pairing: Soap x Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1K~ cw: a bit of dirty talking/innuendos Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you?
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Chapter 2: Johnny
“Oh, hello…” You remarked to yourself as your eyes locked into a stunning pair of blue eyes on your screen, stopping your mindless right-swipping. “...Johnny.”
“You’re 29… A soldier… Scottish… Are you friends with Kyle?” You mused playfully. “Let me guess, you’re a gym bro, aren’t you?” You asked sarcastically as you tapped your finger on the right side, skipping through his pictures. The first one immediately after was him lifting while wearing a weightlifting belt. “Yup… Mandatory gym pic.”
Chuckling to yourself, you snap a screenshot of his profile to the girls as well, sending it quick.
leah: @/mia Whatever good energy you sent its working. second hot guy in the last 5 minutes! mia: i lit a CANDLE for this!!!!! leah: there weren’t any handsome guys like this when i was on tinder?! 😫 UNFAIR. 🙄 you: blow it out then cause this is the 3rd actually. leah: 3rd??? Where’s number 2??? you: didn’t think to snap a screenshot. hasn’t matched me back yet. mia: has he posted a shirtless pic? you: kyle did and this one idk but probably. need to check. leah: Don’t forget to send it over.🥴
Shaking your head and laughing in amusement, you went back to Tinder, checking on ‘Johnny’. The mandatory gym pic was there… a couple of them in fact! And then the mandatory shirtless selfie. Or rather… The mandatory shirtless SELFIES. Plural.
Three of them… The first one was him just straight up wearing just a towel… And the next was him in a kilt… And the next was him with a button-up very much so unbuttoned. 
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“Oh, my, Johnny-John-John… You sure know how to woo a bird…” You joked to yourself.
You dragged your finger down to check his bio and immediately frowned. “Of course…” You trailed off with a disappointed frown as you snuck another spring roll into your mouth.
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He might be stupidly attractive, but his personality… Gosh, he doesn’t know how to sell himself. Boring, boring, boring. “I work out and like video games!” You quipped mockingly and scoffed a bit.
“Artist.” You remarked when you reached the last of his profile’s tags, spotting that word in the hobby section. “An artist? You?” You asked your phone screen as if Johnny would come alive in it and answer you. 
You’d admit, him calling himself an artist was intriguing enough, but normally that wouldn’t be enough to make you Swipe Right on him… But you’re not under normal circumstances. You promised your friends you’d Swipe Right on everyone so…
Your phone almost dropped out of your hand as soon as the ‘It’s a Match’ screen showed. “Of course… He’s probably swiping right on everyone as well…” Rolling your eyes, you go to click off the screen but accidentally enter DMs.
Johnny: ye have any scottish in you? you: not that i know of. Johnny: would ye like to? 🫦 Johnny: wait. wdym not that ye know of??? Johnny: i was trying to be filthy and now got me curious bonnie
“Fuckin’ hell…” You said as you set down your phone and covered your face before breaking into a fit of giggles.
The fact you had accidentally ruined his pick-up line and succeeded in stumping him got you very, very amused. Okay, maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as boring as you thought.
you: story for another time. you: i walked right into that one tho. good job. Johnny: no ye cant do that Johnny: gotta tell me all about it now you: i mean werent scottish people everywhere in the uk at one point? you: i might be 1/370232103484320th scottish. Johnny: would ye like some MORE scottish in ye then? 🫦 you: solid attempt again. you: if you keep trying you might just get there. Johnny: i intend to dont worry you: soooo… Johnny: so? you: were you wearing underwear under the kilt? Johnny: no Johnny: why want a peek? 😏 you: i’m good you: so ur an artist? Johnny: i am Johnny: ur fast at typing fuck you: what kind? you: keep up then! Johnny: drawing Johnny: im trying 🥴 you: can i see some? Johnny: hanging with my mates difficult to text fast 😤 Johnny: idk if ull be in the mood to see anything after im done with ye you: why? 🤨 Johnny: might be too tired and need to be cuddled to sleep 😏 you: oh fuck off. Johnny: u just cursed me out Johnny: i think m in love 😫 Johnny: gonna tell my mates i just met my spouse 🥴🥴 you: don’t give them any ideas. you: haven’t even agreed to meet up with you. you: haven’t been invited in the first place. Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏
Your eyes widened at his enthusiasm and persistence. Okay, he was definitely not boring… It was actually kind of endearing and funny!
you: jc r u copypasting that? Johnny: yes Johnny: are ye going to or not you: can i get back to you on that? Johnny: ill wait for ye you: sure you do that johnny Johnny: ow the sarcasm burns
Concealing a chuckle, you clicked off the DMs page for the second time tonight… but, this time, you closed the app and focused on eating dinner.
Sure, this whole dating app thing was stupid, but at least you were enjoying yourself. 
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthoney , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe
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mysicklove · 8 months
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"Well look at you! Say, "meow", Lord Sukuna!"
Said curse blinks at you a couple of times, before using his hands to touch the white, fluffy cat ears placed on his head. "Is...this what humans do for entertainment? Pretend to be animals? I think it would be more appropriate for you to dress up as cattle, considering-"
"Yes, yes I know, you hate humans, i've heard thousands of times," You cut off, quickly smacking his hand away and fixing the ears. "Now look cute — I am going to take a picture!"
Sukuna doesnt move from his position on the bed, just staring at you with a blank face. He crosses his upper sets of his arms and waits for you to be done, slightly amused by your actions, but not enough to give you the satisfaction of his change in facial expressions. Still, you coo at him and tell him to get in different poses for you, but he just continues to stay in place and stare. You arent very suprised, considering it was rare for him to actually listen to your demands, the stubborn thing.
"You arent acting cute at all," you pout, and Sukuna just shrugs, raising his eyebrows. His lower hands trace the skin on your upper leg, and he continues to watch your antics.
"Have I not been taking care of you appropriately?" He asks, slightly narrowing his eyes. "I give you food, water, and even sex. I thought that is all your species needs to live happily?"
You cock your head to the side, blinking at the way he seemed to be in deep thought. "What are you talking about?"
"Uraume!" Sukuna interupts, pulling you closer until the white ears nearly graze your skin. His servant appears less than five seconds later, walking into the room. "My Lord," they bow, before waiting for a command.
You can see the way they look appalled at the cat ears, and are burning daggers into your skin for daring to put him in something so degrading — your class as a human meant that you were the lowest on the totem poll in Sukuna's domain, but still you managed to have the master of it wrapped around your finger.
"Bring me something from a feline descent."
"Of course, My Lord."
"What? No!" you pipe up, but Uraume is already gone. You turn back to Sukuna who was taking the cat ears off, discarding them at his side. Then he pulls you into your lap, ignoring your struggles.
A large hand pets at your hair and Sukuna says, "You should have asked if you wished for a companion."
You cover your eyes with a groan, pulling gently at the skin on your face. "I dont want a companion, Sukuna," you complain, accidentally dropping his title. But, he doesnt seem to mind, continuing to trace your skin with his palms. "I just thought it would be funny to see you in something cute considering who you are."
He blinks at you for a second, before frowning. "I didnt find it funny."
"Yeah, obviously. The only jokes you find funny are about murdering people. Now look, Uraume is out searching for a kitten."
Sukuna doesnt seem to care, instead picking up the cat ears and asessing them. Then he places it on your head, while you narrow your eyes at him. But, the curse cracks a grin, scanning your face. "You are right, this is entertaining."
A breathless laugh escapes you and you shake your head with a whine of complaint. "This doesnt help the "Sukuna's pet" rumors."
"You are my pet human."
"We are dating."
"You can be my lover and my pet."
You push at his chest in complaint, and he rumbles out a laugh. Then you take off the ears, and put it back onto his head. Suprisingly, he lets them remain there, only looking at you with amusement.
A minute goes by, and you hear a familar voice. "My Lord, the cat as you requested."
You immediately twist your body to look for the kitten, excitement getting the better of you. But, much to your suprise, a full grown tiger stands in the middle of Sukuna's chambers, unusually tame.
Your eyes widen in shock, but Sukuna meerly chuckles, before leaning down to your ear and saying, "Is it cute enough for you? A pet for my pet, how humerous."
And after that, you decide to never bring out the cat ears again. Nor mention anything relating to pets — your pride couldnt take the wicked teasing from your lord.
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paper-mario-wiki · 7 months
you do such a good job passing! any tips?
thank you, i appreciate that! i dont have a ton of tips since ive only been at it for a little over half a year, and im kinda flying by the seat of my pants cuz i dont have a lot of people i talk to day-to-day about presentation. pretty much everything ive figured out by myself and with youtube tutorials. regardless, heres a few i can think of:
don't be afraid to go to a makeup store and ask for advice. i brought a picture of myself i put through faceapp to give me makeup, and i showed it to the ladies at sephora, who were able to get me exactly what i was looking for. theres a world of difference between a face full of makeup, and a face full of makeup that's slightly the wrong shade, and it's good to get the opinions of experts.
try to look at the other women in your family and see how they style themselves, or do their makeup, or even how they speak or carry themselves. finding a look that works isn't somethin that you can fall into super easily, you have to go searching for it. try to model yours after the people who literally share your genes and therefore your features. (note, the opposite is equally usable for transmascs, look at your brothers, fathers, and uncles)
spend time in the mirror seeing what looks right. comb your hair in different directions, part it in a different place, put a clip in, dye it a different color, etc. put on makeup and then take it all off, then put on way too much and only take half of it off. learn the muscle memory of holding a liquid eyeliner pen in your non dominant hand and tracing it across the eyelid on the opposite side of your face without twitching your eye. nobody will see you, you're in your own bathroom. with the resources you have, treat the Bathroom Fit Check like you're customizing a character in a videogame.
look for your angles! i wish i could look good at every angle, but i don't, and vanishingly few people actually do. i spent a lot of time looking at myself in my front-facing phone camera from different directions and thinking "fuck im never going to pass, i really dont look great. is this even worth it?" and no matter how much doubt i had, in the long run the answer ended up being yes, it is worth it. that's kinda how hard things are: they suck until they don't anymore.
this one is really simple and may not apply to you, but fix your posture. seriously. when i started standing up straight for a few weeks i noticed an change in how i looked and carried myself (and my back doesnt hurt as much now)
come to terms with the fact that a lot of women look like men, and a lot of men look like women. the idea that all men look one way and all women look the other is an propagandstic invention of the state that should not be taken seriously. (note: this tip works only inwardly as a facet of self actualization. no matter what, you will always run into people who buy into the propaganda. to the best of your ability, pay them no mind.)
im sorry i cant give you anything more, but thats kind of a big question to answer, so i hope this helps!
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notjustjavierpena · 3 months
I dont know if its Father’s day where you are but Happy Father’s day to Hubby Javi!!
Father's Day (Drabble)
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: It's not but he sure appreciates you reminding me! In other words, I threw this drabble together just for you. Spot a little reveal in there!
Summary: Join Hubby as father's day comes to an end.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: Domestic, pregnant reader, fluff, allusions to smut, Javier being called Daddy
Word count: 725
Father's Day
As the day is coming to an end and the weather starts cooling down outside, Javier drags his favorite garden chair into the center of the back porch so he has an overlook of the garden. He settles into the chair with a contented sigh, feeling full from the fantastic dinner you served half an hour ago, and in his hand, he twirls and rereads the card he received during his breakfast. 
It’s a handmade card full of glitter and dollops of messy glue, each of his children contributing a drawing but also a joint message telling him that they love him. Lucas has drawn a picture of them all, complete with a depiction of the growing belly on you as you carry his twin girls, while Inés has drawn a heart with a stick-figure family inside it and one of her famous butterflies. Javier’s eyes had practically sparked at the realization that even Sebastian had added his mark with a few colorful lines and squiggles.
He looks up with a smile and observes Sebastian babbling in a kiddie pool that you’ve set up next to him. His one-year-old is splashing happily in a swimming diaper, trying to figure out how things seem to stay afloat despite his efforts to drag them under the water. 
Javier’s two eldest children are playing tag on the lawn. They’re barefoot, speeding across the grass until their pant legs are covered in green stains and dirt but they look so happy as they take turns to chase each other.
Lucas pauses for a moment and decides to hide behind a bush when he sees Inés is distracted by a ladybug on one of the trees and seems to forget that she has to run from him. He pants with excitement and exhaustion at the same time, waiting patiently for her to start her search for him. 
“Got you!” He shouts triumphantly when she runs past his hiding spot, jumping out and capturing his baby sister with a grin. She squeals with laughter as she tumbles to the ground, the sound echoing through the garden and settling in Javier’s chest, warm and comforting. She regains her composure, animatedly dusts herself off like she’s seen in cartoons, and then she’s off again and Lucas adapts his speed to match her. Lucas is so good at making her feel confident and seen, Javier thinks to himself, if only he knew that being an amazing big brother is paying off because you’ve looked at a dog for his birthday in August, a two-year-old beagle from the local shelter. 
You step out onto the porch, immediately bending down to check the temperature of Sebastian’s water, and only when you’ve made sure it’s not too cold make your way to your husband. You lean down to kiss him, a hand on your pregnant belly as you do it, and Javier stretches his neck to meet your lips in a soft peck. 
In your free hand, you carry an already-opened Corona beer. You hold it out for him and he carefully sets the card down on the side table to take it from you. 
“Thanks, baby, you spoil me,” he says gently. He sits back and takes a long sip in the scorching summer heat. Then he rests the bottle on his thigh, “Still don’t think I look like him… the guy in the commercials.”
“Yes, you do. Happy Father's Day," you say fondly and kiss him once more, this time a little longer and enough for him to want to wrap his arm around your waist. 
"Thank you," he replies, placing a gentle hand on your belly instead as his eyes are filled with love for you. "I can't believe how lucky I am."
“Just wait until you realize what I have planned for later,” you tease with a knowing smile, “It’s going to be all about Daddy tonight. I’m showing you how much I appreciate everything you do for me and the kids.”
“Tell me more?” His interest is definitely piqued. 
“Not in front of the baby. It’s not appropriate,” you tease.
“Come on.”
“Use your big brain,” you laugh softly, “I’m giving you a blowjob, you idiot.”
A grin spreads across his face and while still staring into your eyes, he shouts across the garden, “C’mon, mijos (my children), it’s time for bed.”
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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lovable-liar · 7 months
Schlatt watching y/n with the kids and just loving how they interact with them. Like Y/n hitting Schlatt over the head for teaching them about Andrew Cuomo and the kids laughing...
...I have baby fever.
...as do I, and it's his fault.
I also went very off task with this, I'm sowwy 🥺
When you got a message from Ludwig asking if you would like to be a contestant on a new game show of his, you were honestly very excited!
You were a huge streamer on the platform, but it wasn't often that you were called upon to compete in real life games!
You were a fan favorite on Name Your Price, for your style and your ability in the game, so after Ludwig pitched Unpaid Intern to you...
You were hooked.
And you were reeled in even further once you found out who you would be competing against!
Daniel Thrasher, a man of many talents and one you found yourself quote tweeting about a lot on your alt to "thank" him for his "service" in "aiding" you to "learn piano"
Lily Pichu, a lovely little lady that (when you ever encountered her) had only ever been the kindest thing to you
Kyedae, a friend of yours that you frequently streamed with and raided!
And jschlatt, infamous, Jonathan Schlatt.
A personal friend of yours!
You and Schlatt first met during the days of the Lunch Club, dark days, sure, but Ted, Charlie, himself, and yourself pulled each other up by the boot straps and created salvation!
Chuckle Sandwich was is that salvation.
And through salvation, you two had formed a strong bond. You created inside jokes for your communities, inside jokes between you and your co-hosts, and inside jokes that only the two of you would ever come to understand.
But, to say you were just friends is an understatement.
To be honest, neither of you really knew what you were.
But you both liked that!
Sure, it became a pain when trying to figure out if you could go out on a date with someone, but it was also nice because technically nothing was happening, you didn't have to hide anything from viewers.
But, Schlatt was always one of the first people you turned to if ever something happened, which, something had happened! You were competing against each other soon! You had to text him-
jslut: yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
toots💙: wat
jslut: ur on upi?
toots💙: upi?
jslut: unpaid intern
jslut: luds thing?
toots💙: ah yes upi
jslut: r u?
toots💙: yes...? 👀
jslut: kk
toots💙: ur so dry over text wtf?!!?!
jslut: i love you too, sugar tits 💙
jslut: how long r u gonna be in texas for?
toots💙: couple days prob
toots💙: im trying to find ppl to film/do stuff with bc i dont wanna fly over just to do one thing and then just fly back
toots💙: productive, you get me?
jslut: film with me
jslut: ill find something for us to do
toots💙: alr but ive got a lot of bitches on my roster so be grateful im spending my time on you, slut
jslut: shut the fuck up, you're the slut here
toots💙: that's blatantly (racist/homophobic/sexist/etc.)
jslut: bye
toots💙: bye bye bbg, daddy can't wait to see you again <3
WHEN YOU GOT TO TEXAS (swear to god if you interrupt me again-)
You texted Schlatt a picture of you in the airport, stood in front of a promotional poster that had the american flag on it, saluting.
You shoved your phone back into your pocket in search of some good fucking food, but you couldn't quite focus on reading the menu while your ass cheek vibrated with fifteen (you counted each vibration) messages.
jslut: first of all, ur supposed to put ur hand on your heart, not fucking salute
jslut: second of all, what airport r u at?
jslut: i'll come get u
jslut: don't order an uber, they're shitty
jslut: i'll be ur uber
jslut: ill bring u a red fucking carpet
jslut: toots
jslut: toots
jslut: babycakes
jslut: did u order an uber?
jslut: did u get kidnapped? wtf
jslut: answer me toots
jslut: send me ur location
jslut: as soon as i see u im downloading a fucking tracker onto ur phone
toots💙: can you stop vibrating my ass for two seconds? im getting food
jslut: vibrating ur ass?
jslut: i wish
toots💙: food acquired, im at dfw
jslut: kk omw
toots💙: where should i meet u?
toots💙: r u kidding me?
toots💙: fuck u
You hunkered down in the food court to wait of the arrival of your beloved uber driver while you ate and played on your phone
You were expecting him to text you back any minute now since he never left his messages unanswered for too long (that's not entirely true, he never leaves *your* messages unanswered, ever, but he'd never tell you that, ever.)
But as 1:00pm became 1:26pm, you began to feel a little anxious
How long have you been sat here for?
Does that man want to sit here?
Should you move?
Are people staring?
Okay- just, stay seated, he'll be here soon.
Where are your headphones?
Where are your bags?!
Oh- okay, it's right there... where you left it.
And your headphones are around your neck.
Do you have your wallet?
Yeah, it's in one of your bags.
"Heeey, toots! 'S good to see you again." A deep, familiar voice calls out, he has your bags too!
"I got you a baggy of fruit from seven eleven!"
"Aww, you shouldn't have!" He twirls his hair around his finger.
"Gotta feed my baby girl right."
"Alright, you're done." Schlatt announces, before bending down to grab a handful of the meat just above your knees before throwing you over his shoulder and tucking your bags under his other arm.
"Jonathan! You put me down right now!"
"People are staring!" You whisper shout.
"You called me 'baby girl' 'n the first five finger-fuckin' seconds of our first face to face conversation in three months instead of kissin' me, 'm not puttin' you down."
The walk back to his car consisted of kicking your legs, lots of people staring, a surprising amount of awing, Schlatt having to readjust your clothes every two to three seconds just so you'd keep a semblance of your dignity, and a security guard even opened the door for him!
I mean- this man could have legitimately been kidnapping you, and nobody even *attempted* to help you!
But, then again, you weren't really putting up *much* of a fight.
Once you reached his car, he opened the trunk and shoved your bags in before sauntering round to the passenger's side.
After he so chivalrously opened the door for you, he plopped you down into the seat from your perch on his shoulder, making sure to hold your head so you wouldn't bang it before he placed one hand on the dash and the other on the head rest.
He leaned you back slowly, playfully, before finally accepting his kiss from you.
It was nice.
It re-awoke the butterflies in your tummy that seemingly crisped up and died whenever he wasn't around.
After the extraordinarily drawn out kiss, you embarked on the scenic drive to Schlatt's house, where you found yourself having the first 'argument' with him in the months you hadn't seen each other.
"Where're you stayin'?"
"I booked a hotel-"
"Bull-fucking-shit I'm lettin' you stay at a fuckin' hotel, hotels are good for nothin'. You sleep in my room."
"But I paid money for that hotel room?"
"Ok? I'll pay you back."
"Anythin' in these bags ya don't want me findin'?
"I'm unpackin' for you, sweetheart."
"No, wha-"
"Ya jet lagged, go sit on the couch, watch somethin', I don' care."
Schlatt then proceeded to haul your bags upstairs and into his room, where, promptly, he shouted for you.
"Toots, I thought you said there was nuthin' in here! I've seen one of these before! 'S a.. fuckin' 'rose' vibe, or some shit?!"
"Don't touch that!"
"Whaaat?! Like I haven't seen your toys before! Like I haven't *been* your toy before."
He also found your outfit for Ludwig's video.
"Heeey! This is cute! Gonna look like a little 50s detective more than an intern, but shit, are you gonna look adorable. 'S this your perfume? Shit, that smells good..."
He absolutely douses his own clothes in it
ONTO THE MAIN EVENT! (If anyone's still reading, anyway.)
You and Schlatt arrived together at 9:44 (which ended up giving you 2 points, whereas it landed Schlatt with 1)
After being presented with your first task, keeping a trio of toddlers entertained for fifteen minutes straight, you went straight into action.
You managed to find play dough, bubble wrap, a box of legos, some cardboard boxes, and some coloring materials!
You were the first of the bunch to entertain the kids.
"Helloooo everybody! Who do we have here?"
"Elijah!" "Rooney!" "Caleb!"
"Hey guys! I'm Y/N. Can you spell that? Let's see your handwriting, huh? On the board, can you guys write your names and then my name?"
Overall, you have an absolute blast with these guys.
First, they wanted to pop as many bubbles on the bubble wrap as they could while your phone counted down a ten second timer.
You laid out a sheet of the wrap before you all stood on your own section of it and danced, bounced, and rolled on it until the alarm sounded.
Then, the kids wanted to decorate their own boxes as cars that you pushed them around in!
A chorus of giggles and squeals could be heard emanating from the conference room from all the way across the building, even your own chuckles!
After that, Rooney, Elijah and you sculpted with the play dough while Caleb built with the lego.
Rooney made a dinosaur and Elijah made a lion, but you all gave extra props to Caleb who built all of you!
You were a little disappointed when the fifteen minutes were up, you gave each kid a high five and a ruffle of their hair before you stepped out of the conference room and closed the door (but the interaction truly ended after you pulled a face at them through the window.)
(That face definitely ended up as Schlatt's home screen.)
Next up, you were burdened with having to ensure that your backward speech is coherent and understandable!
Your key phrase was "Can I hold it while you pee?"
Surprisingly, VERY HARD!!!
You managed to get 'hold it' and 'pee'
But the rest of it?
"Do people actually wanna hold guys'... you know... when they- pee..?" Daniel asked.
"Well- surprisingly, yes!" Ludwig, oh so helpfully, replied.
You immediately turned to Schlatt
"No, you cannot hold my dick while I piss."
Everyone erupted into laughter.
At this point, you were tied with Daniel in first!
For the map task, you were paired with Schlatt.
You two made a fucking powerhouse of a duo.
With his drawing skills and your knowledge that there was a map on the wall right to the left of you? You were UNSTOPPABLE.
And, with the last and final task, you immediately had to opt out.
The simultaneous, wet chewing sounds of EVERYONE in the room?
You were not gonna be in that room for another *second*
But you didn't have to be!
You had already surpassed everyone else with flying colors.
Lud even gave you extra points for opting out because he needs a 'well-behaved employee who won't blow bubbles and stick gum to the underside of the desks.'
Schlatt did offer you some of his gum though, and when you stuck your hand out for, i don't know, a pristine, unchewed piece still wrapped in it's packaging, you got the complete opposite!
Just a glob of fluorescent pink, wet and chewed gum in the pit of your hand.
But, that's also how you found yourself here, in Schlatt's car after a long day, waiting in a drive thru.
"Today was great! You were real great with those kids, toots."
"Hell yeah!"
"I kept the lego figure Caleb made of me."
"I wanna fuck a kid into you."
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andy-wm · 2 months
I don’t think this is what he meant especially because Namjoon said he gets how he feels and shook his hand after. We all know Namjoon is single for a while now after going through a nasty breakup. Jimin and Jungkook’s bond is precious even though it’s now clearly not romantic.
He also said “Although I feel this way it’s not sad…” when speaking about Who. I think Jimin is strongly indicating that he has been single for a while. We should really take his words for what they are rather than trying to twist them into a narrative that makes jikook romantic. In the context of everything he said earlier in the video up until the Who talk it seems that he created Who to have the direct message of searching for his person. He was speaking about the song when he said that he felt this way. Not having those butterflies is what he is referring to when he says he feels flat, not sad but not exciting. Even if currently platonic jikook have a precious bond.
Imo these three sentences sums up MUSE and WHO perfectly instead of those essays wanting to connect it to jikook because we want them to be real :
This is exactly what he told, meant and going through when he created this album. It's sad Jikook is not involved romantically but they still have a great bond given their trips and now enlistment but if Jimin is saying he's single without even feeling butterflies to fall in love then we have to accept that guys.
Hey Anon, thanks for this ask. Its so great to interact with someone who disagrees with me but doesn't have a huge chip on their shoulder about my views.
And honestly i can see that there are many ways to look at this situation.
Nobody can without a doubt claim they are romantic partners, just like nobody can without a doubt claim they are not. You and I have differing perspectives based on what we see and how we interpret it. We probably have different ways of seeing the world and different experiences of love.
And if one day we all find out that they were really just friends, I’ll shake your hand and, without screaming or crying, I'll accept that i was wrong. I hope you would do the same.
But right now, I don't think I am wrong on this.
Looking at the whole picture it seems to me that they are very much still romantic partners.
More like an old married couple with complicated and busy lives, but
Clearly still very focused on each other.
Clearly delighted with each other.
Clearly care deeply for each other.
Clearly spend a lot of time together despite being so busy.
Clearly attracted to each other.
Clearly physically comfortable with each other.
That's how i see it.
Am i prepared to die on the hill that their relationship is romantic? No, because I can't possibly know for absolute certain. Same reason i dont believe in god (although i think Jikook is more plausible than an old guy sitting in the clouds watching humanity like he's playing The Sims, just quietly... and yes bring on all the anon haters who are gonna want to thrash me because i'm an atheist).
But on the balance of evidence I'd say ...
they're still together.
Lets talk about MiniMoniMusic.
As for the Minimoni video, Jimin was there to talk about the album. It wasn't a conversation about his personal life.
He talked about not having excitement in his life, about his life being bland, and empty after suspending group activities. They hadn't been active as a team, and he was working really hard. It was a long time since he felt excited about something.
That sense of excitement was compared to having a crush and confessing his feelings. He said he can't remember the last time he felt that way, and the journey of MUSE was to make him feel excited again.
Tracks 1-5 were exploring the exciting emotions, like you would have when you're crushing on someone. That euphoria, the fizz in your belly, the high energy etc. That's what excitement feels like.
The crush conversation... This is the part that's throwing everyone.
He said he couldn't even remember the last time he had a crush, and Joon says I know how you feel and he and Joon laughed about that.
If it was because they've both come out of long term relationships (and we know Joonie's breakup was traumatic) why would they laugh?
They weren't laughing about being single, they were laughing about being OLD.
Remember what came next ... Jimin says the youngest in his band is really young so Jimin asked him about how a crush feels:
"Give me something since you're the youngest"
Because having a crush is something teenagers feel.
Jimin and Joon feel old, like they are a bit past having crushes. I believe that's what they're saying. And honestly, when was the last time you heard 30 year old men talking about their crush?
A crush and a long term romantic partner are two very different things.
At no point did he say he wasn't in a relationship.
Edited to add a better translation of 'crush' , being one sided/unrequited love.
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I'm not deleting what i originally posted because the reason jimin asked Evan is based on his youth.
One more thing i need to add...
In my experience, it's very difficult to go from being in a long term relationship to being platonic besties with your former romantic partner. It takes a LOT of work, and it requires energy, effort, and very carefully maintained boundaries.
Jimin & JK don't look like they're maintaining boundaries to me.
Based purely on the recent footage - the Are You Sure teaser they released - I see no sign of clear boundaries. Even in the Minimoni conversation Jimin says they drink and talk for 3-4 hours and it gets DEEP. That's a recipe for disaster with a former lover.
It also usually requires substantial time apart - YEARS maybe - to reset the relationship so you can be best friends without falling into old habits. We aren't talking high scool boyfriends who get the odd hour alone together here. We're talking months and months abroad in hotel rooms with nothing to do except listen to Lana Del Rey and... eat bread (apparently) 🤣🤣
Ok look, that last part was a tongue in cheek joke but they have spent YEARS under the same roof with zero reason not to be in each others bed, pants, shower, and anything else that sounds fun.
So honestly I don't buy the 'used to be lovers but now good friends' argument.
Those boys are comfortably intimate to such a level they don't know where one of them ends and the other begins.
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bruhnze · 2 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 8 - Lucy Bronze x Reader
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Summary ''Apple tarts and tiramisu'': Lucy just moved to Barcelona, you offer to teach her Spanish. Reader gets into a relationship with Lucy Bronze who she met while she served her an apple tart.
Chapter inspiration by the ask from this anon.
Other parts: masterlist
SMUT - MINORS DNI , warnings: explicit.
Wordcount: 8k (a big one!)
-> When i was writing this i accidentally deleted my draft 😭 so yeah i had to re-write,, and i was very anoyed about it bcs my brain is a sieve (i had to google sieve bcs i didn't know that you write sieve like sieve, huh!?) anyways i couldn't remember some pieces, so yeah i had to rethink, enjoy pt. 8. it's writen with blood, sweat and tears and dedication 😭.
-> But thanks for staying tuned and i hope you enjoy reading it xx
(mostly written at night so maybe it's crap xx)
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 8
It was monday, you had a teaching job, having to teach english to some rich parents' kid who was appearently failing at the subject in school. Usually this type of job, a spoiled kid, wouldn't be your favourite, but this kid was quite alright so the time went by quick enough.
You hadn't seen Lucy since wednesday, as your sceduals had both been full. Saturday she had had preparations for the sunday game and in the afternoon and night you had a planned hangout with your friends at the beach. On sunday you went to the game with most of the friends that'd been also at the barbeque, and the day had unfortunately gone in such a way that you had not seen each other one on one.
You had texted and called, you had suggested to meet Monday morning before you had tutoring, but Lucy said she couldn't.
You had wondered what she was going to do but didn't want to come across as nagging, after all you had agreed to have dinner at your place that evening, she deseverd some time for herself aswell.
It was late afternoon and you were on your way home when your phone buzzed.
''hey Luce what's up''.
''hi bub, im at yours, but you're not home yet, aren't ya?''.
''i'm about to be, sorry didn't know you'd be so early''.
''oh-'' you heared Lucy's dissapointment ''i just- i knew we were gonna cook together, but-''.
''no! i meant i just.. didn't know... i like it luce, i missed you''.
''ahh'' she sounded relieved ''good, i missed you too''.
''look behind you'' you said as you turned around the street that bordered yours.
You saw Lucy turn and search around, you waved at her. When she spotted you a big smile crossed her face and she waved back.
She hung up and walked towards you, as you were still walking towards her, or rather your front door.
''hi baby'' Lucy said excitedly.
You frowned as you eyed up the bag she was holding and the backpack she was wearing ''moving in?'' you joked.
Lucy laughed ''yeah, would you like that?''. ''no im kidding, i brought some stuff to cook together, and in my backpack are some clothes, because someone told me we wear different sizes'' she chuckled thinking back about last week.
''i think you could pull it of'' you grinned ''maybe i can put you in one of my dresses?''.
Lucy laughed ''i have worn dresses you know''.
''really?'' you said, not being able to hide your suprise ''i want to see pictures''.
''oh you haven't googled that?'' Lucy asked genuinly surprised.
''no i haven't googled you'' you laughed ''should i?''.
Lucy frowned ''hmm, i dont know there's some weird stuff out there''.
You grinned ''uh yeah, like those video's, i don't know what they're called, yfs/n showed me".
"What was in it?"
You blushed "well, uhm, basicly it was a compilation of your abs and stuff..''.
''thirst trap?''.
''AH YES, thirst trap was it, i saw one but then we put the phone away again because it was a bit strange''.
You opened the door as the two of you had arrived at the front of your building.
Lucy was quietly chuckling as she walked to the elevator and pressed the button ''you're cute'' she said as she turned back to you.
''you are too'' you said as you leaned in to kiss her ''i missed you''.
"Next time just watch a thirst trap" Lucy said laughingly.
"Maybe i will" you teased back before kissing her.
Lucy broke the kiss when the elevator had opened and you stepped in ''i missed you too'' Lucy smiled ''i love you''.
''i love you too'' you said as you followed Lucy into the elevator.
You now you noticed she was quite dressed up, not having seen it before because of the bags ''why are you dressed up so nice''.
Lucy chuckled ''would you rather i came in my kit?''.
''hmm'' you thought back at how hot she had looked on sunday ''well i wouldn't be opposed to that'' you wiggled your eyebrows.
''by the way, you are looking very good yourself'' Lucy moved on from the subject.
You rolled your eyes, you were wearing a long skirt and a white tucked in blouse ''profesionalismo, for my estudiante''.
Lucy grinned ''you can teach me some lessons''.
''are we there already'' you chuckled at Lucy's cheesy line as the elevator doors opened.
''no i'm sorry'' Lucy said as she put her hand on your back when you put your key in the door ''first our culinary date''.
You opened the door and let Lucy pass you, as you gave her a kiss on the cheek you whispered ''well im not sorry''.
Lucy grinned as she walked straight to your kitchen ''i have some things to put in the fridge''.
''you know i just got my groceries this morning'' you said loudly so Lucy could hear you from the hallway ''so we could've cooked up something from that''.
''yeah i know'' Lucy said back ''but i didn't know if you had things to make a salad and that's the only thing we still have to make''.
You were now also in the kitchen, after getting of your shoes and putting your bag and laptop away in your small office room.
''hm'' Lucy acted innocently ''don't you like salad?''.
''yeah i do'' you came closer to Lucy and hugged her ''but what did you bring then?''.
Lucy smiled and looked down at your face ''it's a surprise''.
''but we're going to eat it right, so how long wll you keep it a secret?''.
''that's true'' Lucy chuckled
''it's got to do with this morning doesn't it'' you frowned.
''how did you know'' Lucy laughed ''are you a detective?'' she said while tickeling you slightly.
''no'' you chuckled and tried to escape from Lucy ''stop Luce!'' ''babe''.
''you are so ticklish'' Lucy grinned ''sorry, i'll stop'' ''and yes it had to do with my activity today''.
You waited eagerly for her to continue but she didn't, instead she got a tupperwear from her bag.
''pasta'' she said triumphantly.
You could recognise that plastic container everywhere ''my parents?''. ''you went to my parents?''.
Lucy grinned ''yes, Elena and i gave eachother our numbers the other day and she invited me''.
''she gave you food for our date night?''. ''is that why she wasn't at the bakery this morning?''. You asked confused.
''she didn't just give it to me, well.. she did.. but we made it together''. Lucy smiled ''she told me this was your favourite, well.. she asked me what i wanted to learn and i asked what dish of hers you liked the most''.
You smiled ''a cooking lesson?''.
''si'' Lucy said ''and i think i might have learned some more spanish''. she gulped ''your dad is...''.
You chuckled ''yeah i didn't know you were going to meet him otherwise i would've warned, he doesn't know a word of English''.
´´yeah´´ Lucy relaxed a litlle more ´´but he is nice, just like your mom´´.
´´i can´t wait to meet your parents´´.
´´they´ll love you´´ Lucy smiled ´´just like i do´´.
´´so if we don´t have to cook we still have a lot of time to pass, i mean it´s not even 5 o´clock yet´´ you said ´´what do you want to do?''.
''maybe we can watch something?'' Lucy said ''i would say a walk or something but i need to put my legs up for a bit, i've been standing all day''.
''yeah sure'' you said ''maybe you can pick something, i am going to put some other clothes on because these clothes are not really comfortable''.
A few moments later you were laying on the couch with Lucy, it felt nice, it felt domestic. Lucy had picked a movie and you were laying in front of her, you felt her chest rise and fall against you and every now and then a little stream of air came rhythmically into your neck.
You shuffled further back against her and Lucy put her arm around you tighter ''you comfy?'' she asked quietly.
''mhm'' you hum happily and reached to hold the hand that was infront of you before bringing it to your mouth to give her a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.
Lucy returned the favor by planting a soft kiss in you neck.
After a while, when you were actually getting quite invested in the movie Lucy had put on, you felt her body relax and her grip on you loosen. Her breath became shallow and uneven for a minute before it settled on a deeper more even pace.
You imagined she was probably very tired and you knew she had seen the movie before so you decided to let her sleep.
Even when she, at some point nearing the end of the movie, starting snoring lightly, you figured she needed the rest and just tried to tried to focus on the subtitles. You didn´t want to move to put the tv louder and you actually found the little sounds quite endearing.
The movie had ended and the subtitels came on, appearantly the sound was a little different or more loud, because Lucy started to stir behind you. You heard low but soft grunts as she burried her face against you and held you tighter again.
You turned around below her arm ´´good sleep?'' you chuckled as you saw Lucy's sleepy head ''or are you still tired''.
Lucy had her eyes still closed but smiled ''msorry'' she murmured ''you're just so comfy''.
You kissed her forehead ''ready to make some salad?".
Lucy burried her face against you ''mhmm, one more second'' she murmured.
While heating up the pasta and making a salad Lucy had insisted she'd get everything out of the fridge, as she had something in there for after dinner.
You thought it was adorable how she wanted to make everything a surprise, you guessed she'd probably made a dessert with your mom aswell, but you were curious what it would be, if she'd also asked what your favourite would be for that, it would be tiramisu.
While eating the pesto pasta with chicken, parmesan cheese and pine nuts, with the side salad of arugula, goat cheese, dried tomatoes and walnuts, Lucy and you were talking about your past.
Lucy had lived in England, where she had grown up, then had been to America, England again, France, England and now Barcelona.
Your story was a bit more boring, Barcelona, ​​born and raised and further than that English teacher and barista. You had once been to England for 3 weeks at university, with a host family. It was fun to talk about it with Lucy for a while, to share your cultural experiences.
Before you two knew it, it was a lot later ''time for dessert?'' Lucy asked when you started to clear the table.
You smiled ''yeah let's see what you made, the pasta was really good by the way'' you said as you leaned in to grab Lucy's plate but also to give her a little kiss.
Lucy also stood up from the table and helped to carry some stuff back to the kitchen.
As she pulled out a glass tray she beamingly said ''your favourite''.
''awww Luce'' you cooed as you recognised the tiramisu ''i love you''.
''i love you too'' Lucy said ''that's why i had to learn how to make your favourite dessert ofcourse''.
''you're perfect'' you said as she put the tray on the counter and searched around for some little plates and forks. You loved the way she was so comfortable in your place already, and you couldn't believe she had met your parents behind your back to surprise you.
''want to eat this on the couch?'' Lucy asked as she plated two scoops of the dessert.
''mhm sounds nice''.
The dessert was as perfect as always, just how your mom made it. You had given Lucy many compliments and when you two had both finished you had climbed on her lap to give her a proper thank you for the surprises.
''thank you Lucy, your such a good girlfriend to me'' you said before giving her a kiss.
Lucy hummed in the kiss and pulled away ''you make me want to be a good girlfriend and you are such a good girlfriend to me too, i loved seeing you in a Bronze shirt yesterday''.
You chuckled ''yeah you liked our outfits? we went to the fan store before the game and everyone wanted to wear yours so i couldn't stay behind''.
Lucy looked at you surprised ''you didn't want too?''.
''you hadn't scored yet'' you teased Lucy ''we made a bet remember.. but i guess clearing those balls from the goalline are even better then scoring so i thought i'll see it through''.
''oh how generous'' Lucy chuckled as she went in for another kiss ''but seriously, it suits you, maybe you wear it even better then i do''.
You rolled your eyes and kissed her back.
Slowly the kiss changed into a make out session, while sitting in her lap you cupped the back of her neck and Lucy´s hands started to wonder around on your body.
After a while the kiss slowed down and you could tell Lucy's mind was elsewhere, as her hands were no longer roaming your body and you led the kiss.
You pulled away smiling ''speak up'' you say nudging her on.
She seemed to snap back in to reality and blushed ''uhh, what?''.
''your mind is somewhere else'' you said.
Lucy shook her head in disbelieve "you really are a detective aren't ya".
You chuckled ''come on share your thoughts'' you cheer on, but Lucy didn't say anything.
You grinned as she stayed quiet ''no appropriate thoughts hm?''
Lucy blushed ''ehrm, well, i have a pressent for you, but now im second guessing myself and im kinda nervous''.
You looked at her suspiciously ''a gift? why, and also how could that be bad?''.
''maybe we should kiss more first'' Lucy tried.
''you can't focus because your thinking about a gift that's maybe bad'' you evaluated the situation.
Lucy's blush grew darker ''well'' . . ''yes''.
You chuckled ''i won't think it's weird or bad or stupid Luce, try me'' you said as you went to sit next to her, rather then on her lap, to give her space to go and retrieve the gift.
Lucy stood up from the couch and went to fetch her backpack.
''Clothes?'' you ask laughingly as she comes back.
''well, i said there's clothes in here, yes, but there's also a few other things''. she said as she zipped the bag open, she handed you a wrapped up box, another wrapped up present and a slightly smaller box.
''wow, it feels like my birthday'' you laugh as you took everything from her and layed it on the couch.
''when is your birthday actually?'' Lucy suddenly asked, realising she doesn't even know that.
''July, just before i met you'' you smile ''and you?'',
''ah okay, we haven't missed eachothers birthday yet'' you joked.
''this is just a present for you, a special present, i hope i made the right decision and this isn't weird'' Lucy she said, stuttering over her words.
You patted the place next to you for her to sit back again.
When Lucy sat back on the couch you climbed back on her lap and gave her a kiss before whispering ''it's a sextoy isn't it''.
Lucy's cheeks flushed even more and she nodded quietly ''i-is that okay?''.
You laugh about her nervousness ''babe im sure you picked something great''.
She chuckled nervously ''well why don't you open it'' she suggested.
She grabbed the biggest box first and handed it to you.
You eagerly ripped the paper and was met with a abstract image of a dildo, you chuckled as you recognised it as the same one Lucy had.
You looked at her surprised ''why were you so nervous for this?''.
''well i thought i'll buy you your own, so we-
You finished her sentence ''so we can fuck regardless of the appartment we're in''.
Lucy seemingly regained some of her confidence ''yeah, as you seemed to like it a lot, and so do i, so i thought, you know, might aswell'' she wiggled her eyebrows.
''Might aswell'' you chuckled ''well how thoughtfull'' you said, giving Lucy a little kiss.
''mhmm'' Lucy grinned ''but it's a slightly bigger, an inch'' she said pointing at the box.
You blushed "well i think we can work with that hm?".
"I'll make sure you're ready" lucy said in a tone sounding both caring and fucking hot, you couldn´t help but imagine Lucy wearing it.
You were curious at the other things Lucy had handed you and quickly unwrapped the other two presents too.
One was a copy of the leather harness and in the smaller box was a vibrator, just like the one you had seen her put inside the harness last week.
''hmm, you went all out didn't you?''.
''uhm, i'd say this is the basics'' Lucy chuckled ''i mean, i rebought- she stopped and looked at you.
You chuckled ''you can talk about exes Luce, i thought we cleared that up''.
''uhm i haven't heared about your exes yet'' Luce said ''and you only know one of mine''.
''Yeah okay, but i meant like the fact we can talk about it''.
''right'' Lucy said ''well, when Keira and i broke up i trew away all.. the things .. and i just rebought the things you saw in my drawer, as that were the things i liked the most''.
You were curious now, as she had already had the toys when the two of you had met ''did you use yours on other people?'''.
Lucy blushed ''well, no, but i'll be honest and say i did buy them hoping to use them on someone, if i had met someone cute, luckily for me i met a realllllyyyy cute cutie and now i'll never have to rebuy anything''.
You grinned ''you do realise you just bought new things right?''.
''yeah, but that's different" Lucy rolled her eyes lighthearterdly "it's an add-on to the collection, we're building a little collection together''.
''sooo cute, our sex-toy-collection'' you mock.
Lucy grinned ''you seemed to love it'.'
''hm'' you acted undisturbed ''it's more about the person behind the toy for me''.
''oh reallyyy?'' Lucy's grin got even bigger ''thanks for the compliment''.
''yeah you're really good in bed''.
''hmm, say more''.
''i've never been with someone who made me ... you know''.
''what?'' Lucy looked smugly at you ''made you what pretty girl?''.
''squirt'' you say quietly.
Lucy groaned ''hm, then it's a good thing i gave my pretty little girlfriend a strap of her own so she can tell me when she needs it used on her... then we can make that happen more often, hm?''.
You nodded.
''yeah you like that mh" Lucy grinned "and did i guess right with the harness, you liked this one better hm?''.
''y-yeah'' you said with your voice cracking from being so turned on.
''what do like about it?''.
You blushed ''ehrm, your butt l-looked very good and the leather''.
''hmmm, your butt also looks so good'' Lucy said as she ran her hands over your ass ''oh by the way they didn't have the same one as me, so its also another colour'' Lucy said as she looked at you narrowly ''do you want to see it?''.
Lucy pulled open the box and in it was a blue rubber dick, and like she said it was a little bigger then the one Lucy had.
You liked the colour maybe even better than the purple one Lucy had.
''it's pretty'' you cooed ''i like the colour''.
Lucy chuckled ''good, blue suits you too''.
You blushed and stated ´´and it is a little bigger''.
''wel.." lucy said "in the store there was one that was the same, i just can't with that colour, so i thought i'd buy this one, a little bigger'' Lucy admitted.
''hmm, what colour?'' you asked.
Lucy looked at you with a disgusted face ''like realistic''.
You laughed out loud ''not a fan?''.
''no'' Lucy shook her head ''it weirds me out''.
´´so a bigger one´´ you giggle.
She looked at you with her eyes investigating yours ´´only if you are okay with it´´.
´´im okay with it, but im amuzed at how you don´t like a realistic one as you did like .. uhm .. me to .. you know´´.
Lucy arched an eyebrow ´´what''.
''suck it'' you say quietly as you lost eyecontact with her and looked down.
''did you not like it?''
''uhm.. well.. . i did.. but i dont know if i did it right? it was my first time actually''.
Lucy gently got you to sit back on her lap and look at her again, you saw an amazed smile on her face. ''that was your first time doing that?''.
''yeah'' you blushed ''i always thought it was kinda rediculous or something, but with you.. it was.. hot, i mean for me it was, but i dont-
''hey'' Lucy said as she grabbed your hands ''you are incredible, everything you do is hot'' she gave you a gentle kiss ''but i now realise we might need to talk about everything a bit more, hm? i mean consent is one thing, but maybe we should talk about our experience as well" she smiled "but i know i find it dificult sometimes... i mean... exibit A , this whole present thingy'' Lucy said as she briefly waved over the box with the toy ''but the other night when we set some ground rules worked quite good right? maybe we can try to talk about more things like that, but.. like.. with more even dynamics'' she chuckled at that last bit.
You laughed back ''i think that would be good, and it can be hot to talk about it, no?'' you said looking at her.
''i think we can become even better at sex together'' Lucy grinned as she cupped your face and caressed your cheeks with her thumbs.
Again you chuckled ''you know there's no trophies to be won right''.
Lucy grinned ''i feel even better from making you feel good''.
About three hours had been spent talking trough ex-partners, previous experiences, preferences and after that it had headed towards a detailed evaluation of the things Lucy and you done and what both of your feelings were about it.
At one point you had admitted to like the more dominant Lucy the most, as you had told her you'd imagined her like that since the first time the two of you had slept together.
Lucy had said she liked the control, but that she also desired to love you and take her time.
That was when she admitted to hold back with you more then she'd ever done with other partners, as she was hesitant about hurting you.
You had said that with good communication the two of you could probably ease in to that more.
The whole time you had been sitting next to Lucy, with you legs swung over hers. Gentle touches had been shared throughout the night and the ocassional kiss had found place.
Now Lucy leaned over to you, giving you gentle kiss, this time on your lips, you answerd the kiss eagerly as the conversation topics of tonight had been very hot and steamy at some points.
As Lucy was still in her blouse and slacks, you had changed into a jumper and shorts earlier, you hadn't cared to put on a bra below it.
Lucy pulled you on her lap without breaking the kiss making you shift and you realised your underwear was ruined.
All the talking had had quite the effect on your body, as you were an visual thinker, and some of the things Lucy had said had sparked a heat in your body that you needed answered.
Your hands find their way to the buttons of Lucy's shirt and you unbutton them quickly.
When her blouse is hanging open, you break the kiss and slightly shift backwards starting to kiss Lucy's jaw to under her ear, back to her jaw and going to her neck, eventually trailing you way down her torso.
You nibble at the skin at her collarbone, kiss the part of her breast that isn't covered by her sports bra, and slowly work your way down to her abs. As you do so, you climb off her lap and gently sit down on the floor between her legs.
Lucy groans as she looks at you littering her body in kisses, you made eyecontact while rubbing your hands along her thighs, from her knees to her hips.
Her breath hitches in her throat.
You hands find the button of her pants and Lucy lifted her hips from the couch to give you space to pull her pants down as you had unzipped her fly.
Your head was burried between her legs now, first you had peppered her skin with more kisses and had taken your time until Lucy had whined for you to use your mouth on her.
Your hands find their way on Lucy thighs as you burried your head between her legs.
It didn't take long for Lucy to come undone and you had heared a little moan coming from her while her fingers were tangled in your hair, which had sadly prevented you from taking a look at her face while she came.
When Lucy's hand had freed itself from your hair and you had cleaned her with your tongue, you climbed back up, pushing yourself from the ground using her legs.
She looked hazy, you asked ''are you okay?''.
''Mhmm'' she said smiling ''you're good with your mouth''.
You giggled.
''You are!'' Lucy egged on.
You blushed and went in for a kiss ''y tú'' (hear who's talking) you whispered.
Before you could try and take place on her lap again she was standing too.
''let's get to the bed'' Lucy said as she nudged you gently ''i'll be right behind you''.
You went to your bedroom as you saw Lucy taking the toys she had gifted you. You thought she was probably going to clean them.
The thought of her going out of her way to a store like that to pick something up for you made you giddy.
A couple of moment had passed before Lucy came to join you in the bedroom, You hadn't known what to do with yourself so you had just plopped down on the bed, laying against the headboard.
She walked in carrying the toy, but already wearing the harness. She still wore her blouse. The visual of her wearing the harness combined with the sight of her abs on display, poorly covered by the unbuttoned shirt, was hot.
She grinned at you, raising one eyebrow, she asked ´´still dressed?''.
''Didn't know you told me to undress'' you said honestly.
''hmm, you need directions'' Lucy walked closer to you ''please undress for me pretty girl''.
You eagerly pulled your shirt of as you were shuffling of the bed to get your shorts off too.
''so beautiful'' Lucy cooed as she trew the dildo on the end of the bed and closed the remaining distance between the two of you.
''you also look very good'' you said with you hands on Lucy chest, slipping underneath the fabric of her shirt and slipping it of her shoulders ''do a spin for me?'' you asked Lucy.
The way you asked Lucy made her chuckle, but she did as you had asked her and turned her back to you.
Your eyes travelled down to inspect her ass, which as you had suspected, looked very good straped into the leather harness.
You ran your finger along one of the straps and couldn't resist giving a squeeze to one of her cheeks, before Lucy turned around again.
''like it?''.
''yeah'' you said blushing.
Lucy smiled as she gently cupped your face ''good'' she said before kissing you.
While kissing Lucy carefully walked you back against the bed laid you on it.
As the two of you were laying on the bed, she started grinding down on you with her leg ''i missed you'' she panted as she broke the kiss.
Chuckling you said ''you mean sex'' and your hand travelled to her neck, guiding her deeper into your neck as you looked up with closed eyes from the sensation when she sucked on a sensitive spot.
Lucy stopped and pressed herself a bit higher look at you ''no i missed you''.
''we have seen eachother yesterday'' you said rolling your eyes ''it's fine Luce, i missed our sex too''.
Lucy grunted ''i missed touching you then''.
''mkay'' you chuckled ''well better go on then''.
''no i need you to understand this is more then just sex for me'' Lucy said as she sad back on her knees.
You shot up to sit aswell ''Luce, i get what you meant, i missed being this close to you too'' you say as you rubbed her thighs.
Lucy smiled ''i love you''.
''i love you too'' you said as you leaned over to retrieve the dildo from the end of the bed ''now let's try this, hm?''.
Lucy nodded as she took it from you and skillfully attached it to the harness ´´little impatient?''.
Your cheeks flushed as you traced your hands along Lucy's body ''well we've had quite the build-up didn't we''.
''My pretty little impatient girl'' Lucy said as she took your hands from her and redirected them to behind her neck, scooting closer to you.
You pressed yourself against Lucy and while kissing, you tried to push her back on the bed and climb on top of her.
Lucy grinned in to the kiss and easily flipped you on your back.
You chuckled as she broke the kiss and started burrieing herself in your neck, licking, biting and sucking at your skin making you ticklish.
She stopped and pushed herself up from you, she grinned ''what''.
Your hands squeezed her biceps ''you tickled me'' you chuckle.
''Oh'' said Lucy nonchalantly ''you mean like this?'' and started ambushing the other side of your neck, making you squirm and laugh below her.
She stopped again and smiled at you.
You were still laughing as you leaned up and captured her lips for a kiss.
The kiss deepend as Lucy leaned forward and you wrapped your legs around her.
The kiss slowly became a rhythmic mix of movements and with every grind you felt her rubber dick against you. You were desperate for her to enter you.
“Please Luce,” you sighed longingly.
She sat up back on her knees and looked at you enamoured, caressing your chest ''what do you want baby?''.
''i want you'' you said while trying to strangle her with your legs again.
''mhmm'' Lucy hummed as she traced her fingers along your inner thighs. She held your ankles and gently guided your legs apart.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you anticipated for her to enter you.
But she didn't, instead, she climbed down the bed a bit and lowered herself inbetween your legs.
Your legs twitched as you felt her sniffle ''que carajo?'' (what the fuck?) ''Luce?''.
She looked up from between your legs "sorry, you smell so good" she said as she pressed soft kisses against your legs.
You pushed her jokingly against her head ''you're crazy'' you said semi weirded-out semi laughing about her weird compliment.
Lucy acted as if the push on her head forced her to your core, she licked along your lips and groaned ''hmm, and you taste so good too''.
You moved your hand a bit to have a better grip on her head and this time you did push her deeper against you. You groaned as she flattened her tongue against you.
She was working magic with her mouth but you needed more ''Luce'' you pleaded stroking her head.
Lucy looked up with a smug grin ''more?''.
You nodded ''y-yeah'' and she traced two fingers along your core.
Lucy slid her fingers inside and you moaned as she slowly started pumping in to you.
She watched you observingly as you dropped your head onto the pillow, focusing on the feeling of her thick fingers ''you still want more hm?''.
You arched from the bed at her words and a hoarse moan slipped from your troath as you tried to speak while losing Lucy's fingers.
Just when you wanted to protest you felt her lining herself up with your entrance.
You widened your legs eagerly for her and looked at her, Lucy was looking down as she shuffled a bit to position herself better.
She looked up and met your awaiting eyes. She leaned forward to kiss you again and you moaned into her mouth when you felt her rubbing the dick along your pussy.
She guided the head of her strap along you entrance and collected your wetness, spreading it along your centre, gently rubbing your clit.
When your eyes met with hers you nodded, you were desperate for her to slide in, you had never felt more ready.
You saw her looking down with a concentrated face as she slowly slid in, you closed your eyes as you concentrated on the slighty longer and slightly girthier dick that entered you.
When she was probably half-way in you felt her stop, you opened your eyes and saw her looking at you ''are you okay?'' she asked sweetly.
'''mhhm Luce, so good'' you say as you hands reach for her hips and your tried to pull her closer.
She smiled and leant down to kiss your neck as she let you guide her hips into you.
You helt her against you when she was completely inside you, wanting to get used to the feeling, you felt full, but you felt really good.
Lucy pushed herself up a bit to look you in the eyes as she slowly started thrusting, she pulled back a tiny bit before she bottomed all the way back in, she kept this on for a while until she pulled out again completely.
You whined at the loss, but she slid back in carefully before you could think about it any further. With the tip of the dildo she gently fucked you a few times before she jolted her cock all the way in again.
You moaned as she carefully built up her speed and grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to her.
The way she grinded against you while fucking you, with rythm and measured precision, made you see stars. Lucy reached down and started stimulating your clit as she kept her pace up and looked at you. The fullness of the new strap, the way it gritted alongst your walls and the way she looked on top of you, made you sure you wouldn't be able to last much longer.
The familiar feeling that Lucy had brought up in you many times now was back, it was building in your lower belly and if Lucy kept going like this it would soon unravel and the orgasm would travel through your entire body.
Your walls clenched around her as you moaned her name ''fuck, Luce'' ''i-'' ''almost''.
She slowly slowed her pace again ''want you to ride me'' she asked panting.
You nodded and she pulled out to lay besides you.
Damn, you thought, usually Lucy would sit up when you would ride her, but now she was laying down completely, her head wasn't even on a pillow.
You crawled on top of her and sat on top of her hips, feeling the strap between your legs.
As you stabilized yourself with your hands on her abs you grinded down on the rubber dick before reaching down and guiding it back inside after you sat up a bit.
Closing your eyes you slowly lowered yourself back on her cock and you groaned the moment it was completely inside again.
With two hands on her stomach you started riding Lucy, with a few struts you had found a position that stimulated your clit and angled the dick inside perfectly.
You opened your eyes as a sighed moan fell from your open mouth and you saw Lucy looking at you with lust, you felt that her hands had found their place back on your hips.
Keeping up your rhythm you took one of Lucy's hands and placed it on your breast, her other automatically followed suit and you balanced yourself on her stomach again with both hands, it was hot how you felt her abs under your hands, every now and then they twitched and you imagined the vibrator working really well for Lucy this way, with you now on top.
You were surprised when you saw Lucy close her eyes and heard a soft moan ''fuck, y/n, you're gonna make me cum'' she grunted as she rolled your nipples through her fingers.
Your head flung up at the sensation ''wait for me Luce, almost'' you panted as you grinded down harder on her.
''im so close''
With a few more strokes you felt Lucy's muscles spasm below you, but you kept up a few more seconds until your own orgasm washed over you.
A loud but breathless moan came from your mouth as you tumbled over the edge and slowly grinded out your high before getting of her fake cock and collapsing on Lucy.
Weakly smiling she pulled you closer against her as you rested your head on her chest.
You felt her heart beat freakishly fast and her breath was uneven, just like the way her chest rose and fell.
It took a moment for the both of you to recollect yourself, when Lucy had caught her breath again she gently caressed your hair ''that was amazing'' she chuckled ''i don't know what got over me, i've never come like that from doing that''.
You laughed as you looked up to her ''you came quicker then me''.
''i know, i was already on the edge when i was fucking you, but it seemed like you riding me was even worse''.
''worse?'' you chuckled
''i mean, i didn't want to come so quick'' Lucy chuckled back ''so i thought we would switch positions, but the sight of you'' she groaned ''fuck, when you took my hands'' ''and the way your hands were on my stomach''.
You trailed your fingers along her stomach ''hard not to''.
She laughed, making her belly shake beneath you ''well cherish them while they are still here, I am eating so many treats now, they will surely be gone soon''.
''nah'' you shook your head ''you run it off everyday''.
''there's only so many tiramisu you can run off in a day''.
''okay, well you do more then just running''.
''mhmm'' Lucy said ''i have a great cardio partner''.
''or boxing, or weights''.
Lucy hummed as she rolled the two of you over ''i have this really really great cardio partner''.
After the two of you had taken a bath together and Lucy had made the bed again, the two of you laid down back in bed, talking about the past days and the comming week.
''it's sad you have to leave so early tomorrow'' Lucy sighed.
''yeah but you have to train aswell'' you chuckled.
''true, but we would've had a few more hours'' Lucy pouted.
''well that's real life''
''i know'' Lucy said ''oh, by the way, you haven't been on insta have you?''.
''no why?'' you said as you turned around looking for your phone, but realised it was still in the kitchen or at the couch maybe.
''you haven't accepted me as a follower'' Lucy said pulling a sad face.
''we are following eachother on that one account right? or did you follow me with your real one'' you joke.
''yeah'' Lucy nodded ''and i posted something this afternoon''.
''now im curious'' you said getting up from the bed.
After a second of looking around you found your phone, it was on the kitchen island. You took it and went back to the bedroom while opening the app.
You weren't much of a social media person, you had an account for the caffee and your mom's bakery, but your personal account wasn't really active.
You saw the bakery and the caffee had been tagged in a post with a lot of likes but you would check that out later because you first wanted to see what Lucy had been on about.
You opened your own account and you accepted Lucy as a follower.
In the meantime you had reached the bed again and crawled back on it, to lay back on Lucy. You positioned yourself so that Lucy could watch with you.
You clicked on her account and saw she had posted a 'photo dump' today. You saw a photo of a glass of macha and a apple tart, with the caffee tagged. Then a picture of Narla at the fountain you had recommended, then a picture of your mom's kitchen with the tray of tiramisu, where she'd tagged you mom's bakery on her hand, then a picture of her training, a picture of some scenery and another few pics from that month.
The caption was ''Apple tarts and tiramisu 🤎☕🐾⚽''.
''Aw Lucee'' you said while turning towards her and dropping your turned of phone on the bed to burry your head in her neck.
You rubbed your nose against her ''are you sure about spoiling your coffee spot to the public?''.
''well i already did, so no going back'' Lucy chuckled ''i was just thinking that you would get a few more costumers probably''.
You smiled ''yeah probably, so nice of you to use your account to help my mom, my family''.
Lucy kissed your forehead ''yeah i thought maybe if the shop goes well, eventually your mom can hire more staff, right?''.
''how did you know she-
''you told me you quit teaching because you wanted to help her''.
''ahh'' you said as you remembered ''well yeah, but also because i like working at the shop, but yes, mainly because it's difficult and expensive to hire people''.
''well i shared mainly because your moms work has to be tasted by others, she's just amazing at anything doing with food'' Lucy said smiling.
You sensed there was more she wanted to say ''yeah go on?''.
''but if Elena could hire more people.. you would have more time to teach again...'' she placed a kiss on your head ''and you know, maybe for me a little bit'' she quietly added.
You grinned and poked her side ''awww do you feel like i'm to busy for you'' you mocked.
''hey'' Lucy yelped as she tried to hold your hands, but she failed as she was squirming and laughing ''stop.. stopp'' she said inbetween laughes as you were tickling her.
You put your hands up ''okay i'll stop, only because you have spoiled me so much today''.
''mhmm'' Lucy grinned ''what did you like best?''.
You chuckled ''you want me to say the present, but no, i loved that you went to my parents and made food with them'' you said as you gave her a kiss ''the tiramisu was sooo good''.
Lucy smiled ''good'' she said as she gave you another kiss ''next time i'll make it myself, so i hope it'll still taste like your moms then''.
''well, you can always make up with a present'' you whispered in her ear ''you have proved to be very good at gifts''.
You saw Lucy's grin was back on her face when you faced her.
''i'll be sure to remember that'' she said before kissing you again.
The next morning you quickly stilled your alarm and quietly got in the bathroom to freshen up before walking back to the closet in your room. You stood naked infront of the closet to pick out some clothes and underwear as you heard some shuffling in the bed behind you. You glanced over and saw Lucy was laying on the bed in a way that she had a perfect view of you standing infront of the closet.
''Hi beautiful'' she said in her low morning voice.
''goodmorning Luce'' you said ''sorry i tried to be quiet''.
''nu-uh'' Lucy shook her head ''you could wake me up like this anyday, at any moment''.
You rolled you eyes ''sure''.
Lucy sat up in the bed, putting your and her pillow behind her ''im so sure'' she cooed.
You grabbed some underwear and clothes and put them on before walking back to a pouting Lucy on the bed ''what?'' you said frowning at her.
''you were too quick, i missed it because i blinked'' Lucy said.
You chuckled ''maybe next time don't blink''.
''maybe next time more slow?'' Lucy said challenging you.
''when do i see you again?'' you asked as you sat down on the bed next to her.
''uhm, i have training but after that nothing so i can come back this afternoon if you'd like, i would like that'' she stated ''uhm, wednesday and thursday wil be quite busy and i'll be very late, but friday i'll be off quite early, like 1 o'clock, because saturday morning i have to travel and i'll be back home on monday''.
''so today and friday?'' you summarized.
Lucy looked back at you sadly ''yes unfortunately i have to fly to south Spain for a match this weekend''.
''You love playing football''
''yeah but i wish you could come with me''.
You chuckled ''smuggle me with you in a suitcase''.
Lucy laughed ''yeah i bet you'd fit too''.
''maybe another time?'' you suggest ''what are the coming matches?''.
''oh'' Lucy shot up ''at the end of October my brother and my mom are coming here, i almost forgot to tell you''.
''really? to watch a match or will they stay longer?''.
''they have autumn brake, so they'll stay like five days'' Lucy said, obviously happy, ''and i was thinking... but if you don't like it you should tell me''. she looked at you expectantly.
''yeah go on''.
''maybe i can stay at yours? and i can offer my place to them.. so they have less costs.. hm?'' she said carefully.
''yeah ofcourse'' you cheered ''would they all fit at yours?''.
Lucy thought about it ''my brother, his wife and my niece and nephew and then my mom and dad...'' ''well i have a room and a guest room.. so probably i have to get an airmattress for my nephew and they always bring a bed for my niece, because she has like this really little bed still, they set it up next to them''.
''sounds like a plan, i would say they were welcome here too, but i only have a couch to offer, because the office is so little i think there would just about fit one airmatress''.
''maybe if my nephew wants to sleep over one night?'' Lucy said cheerfully ''but i'll suggest that when they're here because we will have to see how comfortable he is first, if he's tired or something he needs his parents''.
''you love your family hmm?'' you smiled looking at her talking about her family.
''yeah'' Lucy said ''i wouldn't have been able to do all this without them''. ''i'm happy you like the plan, i'll call Jorge later to tell him''.
You smiled ''can't wait to meet them, but i've said that often haven't i''.
''yeah but it's fair, i mean, i just took the liberty to go meet yours myself, but you can't because they're very far'' Lucy chuckled.
more parts
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c1oud999 · 9 months
i just wanted to come on here and talk about my experience with spirituality. warning: longggg post ahead.
basically ive been in the spiritual community for YEARS now. ive had existential crisis since the age of 11 and ive gone through many phases of many different spiritual trends. from law of attraction, to witchcraft, to religious devotion, to law of assumption and now finally non dualism. i read books, meditated for hours and hours, talked to spiritual ppl from all walks of life and watched all the episodes of ganga upanishad (a show i still highly recommend, you can watch on youtube). all this childhood trauma and mental illness made me crave for sweet relief. but nothing really made sense until law of assumption. i thought that that would be it yk. i thought i was done searching but i think that was when i was searching for things the most. i do know i have it in my 4d, when will i see it? i thought i would get all my desires but did not meet success. and then the non dualism trend began and i hopped onto it like pretty much everyone else. i was bewildered at the stuff teachers kept saying. what do you mean everything's an illusion? there's no way that's true. my very real surroundings are causing me VERY real pain and suffering. oh no no there must be a deeper meaning behind all this. and so i read all the books in 4dbarbies drive, but nothing clicked. yes it made sense intellectually, but i didnt want to believe it bc where is the materialisation satisfaction here? also i felt none of the euphoria that was supposed to come with self realisation. which means i must not be a realised being. and then i cried and cried and cried, isolated myself, literally stopped going to school and just lay in bed all day. but ofc, i continued to read the tumblr posts like i had been doing for the past several years. and yesterday i read 4dkelly's post about giving up. it made sense. by the time i had finished reading the post i had truly given up on everything. on wanting, hoping, fearing, striving etc etc. i was SO tired. so i gave up. fell asleep. i woke up really late as usual and missed the school bus. i ate breakfast in silence, switched the tv on and lied down on the couch like always. and like always out of compulsion and force of habit i reached for my phone and looked up non dualism on twitter. and then i came across a tweet that said a simple sentence only- "nothing is ever actually happening." woah. that kinda drove me to the edge of the cliff i desperately wanted to jump off. i turned on some dnb background music and turned the shower on. i stood under the boiling hot water like some dramatic bitch and started piecing together the "puzzle". it all made so much sense now. i got out of the shower and left the house for the first time in months with a cute outfit and makeup on and everything. i went to the mall, bought candles, stickers, eye masks, coffee, and a doughnut with absolutely no social anxiety at all. i sat by window, read some poetry on my e-reader, cried, peered down at the floor below me and cried some more at the sight of little kids sitting on santa's lap and taking pictures and marveled at all the christmas decorations around me. it was insane. i decided i was going to be neutral towards everything but im in love. maddeningly so. in love with this dream that i thought did not love me back. but love is all there is. I AM ALL THERE IS. and i need you to take this literally. there is nothing happening. there is nothing here except you. nothing to fear, nothing to desire. ik a lot of people are going to dismiss this post because it's not a "materialisation success story" but i honestly dont think i can ever want anything physically bc in all its true essence, what is there to materialise? i am already whole and complete. i am lying on this cold hard floor, but i have never felt warmer. also ik there may be a lot of things ive written you might not agree with but again, this is NOT REAL. I AM. i hope this post helps you.
thank you to all the blogs ive come across and all the pointers they have shared: @se1f @realisophie @itgomyway @4dkellysworld @4dbarbie-backup @infiniteko @iamthat-iam and many more i cannot thank enough.
lots and lots of love (more than you can ever imagine), and good luck.
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if...they wanted to propose to you!
dsmp if... series goes wild  anyway
dream: - he’d put himself out there with a poise of confidence and strategy - like bro is prepared . he knows when where what why and how all this shit is happening  - but is also kinda like “ill just wing it and we’ll see how it goes lol” - get this man a schedule - he doesnt want to do a whole public thing so in my head i see him proposing to you in like a restaurant but like a fancy one - hed splurge for sURE  - one of those guys who had like 50 million meeting with ring companies to design the perfect one - asked his mom for help on designing a ring  - he had the blueprint for a speech in his head but when the moment came he went with the flow  - but when hes proposing hed remember his speech so hed be like - “i had this speech that id written, but looking at you made me forget it all, will you marry me?” or some shit like that LMFAOOO - pays sapnap money to come eat the place too so he can take pictures 
sapnap: - okay sapnap is a family man in my head - hed also want to do a destination proposal - maybe greece? rome? somewhere not in america is what im feeling - or hed do it in a fucking ranch in texas or like down the street from the dream team house either one - EITHER WAY he would want your parents and his parents MINIMUM to be there - searches up “best wedding ring designs 2022″ in google and hopes and prays - hed have one or two meeting to plan the ring but i think he’d be confident in what you like  - even if he has no clue - like “so sir, do you think your future fiance would like a rose gold band or gold band?” “rose gold for sure” *has no idea what you like * - would not try to plan a speech, he knows he’d forget it and wouldn’t even use it - saves all that material for the vows - so confident you’ll say yes that he starts calling ahead to look at venues to tour - LMFAO IMAGINE YOU ANSWER HIS PHONE AND THE GUY IS LIKE “hello yes we’re calling nick because he had interest in touring our wedding venue! congrats on the engagement!” - and youd be like “tf” - so you know - but dont tell him you know please it would make his year 
george: - is nervous - “dream what if they say no idk” “bro youre a fucking idiot” - def doesnt want to do a public proposal, he likes the private aspect - so he does it at home or some shit and his phone up to record cause bro knows youd be mad if you had no memento - but he doesnt do it secretly - hed press record and set it up so you can obviously see it - and youre expecting some prank - but then he gets down on one knee and youre tearing up and shi right in the middle of your kitchen - get mad at him for not letting you dress up and look nice for it - has a speech planned out in his head. word for word. and recites that shit back to you like its fucking drama class - once u say yes hes on discord like “SHE SAID YES” and sapnaps like “no fucking shit” - he’s the type of guy to make a ring that he likes and hopes that you like it too - luckily you do like the ring so it all works out - if not just tell him he wont be mad hell just go make a new one
quackity: - asks you like a few months earlier if you want to get married - “do you wanna get married” “sure” - so he knows youre locked in and ready to go LMFAOO even if you interpreted it as light hearted at the time - because of that theres a little suspicion that goes on in your mind when you see him go “i gotta take this call” or “no im def not looking up wedding venues 2023 what do you mean” - but you being the great s/o you are just ignore it - is he proposing or did he take you on a late night drive to an outlook thing - is he proposing or did you catch karl in the bushes with a camera - is he proposing or did he say youre beautiful - is he proposing or did he get down on one knee?? YK WHAT IM SAYING - bro just stares at you and you stare at him like - “babe” “babe” love - youre nodding ur head yes before bro gets a chance to speak - which is good cause he didn’t know what he wanted to say - not that he doesnt know what to say its just - he has so many words for you that he cant put them into words - was ready to blurt out a mixture of spanish and english and hope u caught his drift
karl: - enlists the help of his friend - “hey tina take y/n to get their nails done” - “hey brooke take y/n to get a new dress” - “hey sapnap give me money to buy y/n a ring” LMFAOFMOA - no hed be saving up that shit for AGES - started a proposal dream pinterest board the minute he knew you were the one - subtly ran ideas by you over the course of the years you were together - you didnt think of anything. blissfully unaware - “look at this picture on pinterest!” “oh its sO PRETTY!! imagine getting engaged there” - *saves it to the board* - BUT AS A RESULT he cant make up his mind on where to propose - so he just picks one enie-meanie-miney-mo or however you spell it  - wherever it ends up being its so sweet - mr beast or someone tricks you into coming to the location under the guise of a video  - and you show up and its karl in a suit - “lets go on a walk love” “okay?” - you get an idea of whats about to happen
wilbur: - stalks your pinterest stalks your moms pinterest stalks your ex friends sister met someone at the club and he kissed her’s pinterest - is SO CONFIDENT he’s got everything right because all his information is form you directly - plans that shit out to a T  - “okay phil at 11:02 am you call y/n and say good morning any plans for the day then tommy at 11:34 am call y/n and ask her if she wants to join you for a vlog at [location]” “dude wil we know lets just get on with it” - chooses somewhere with ambience with music perhaps by the ocean or a river or something - meticulously listens to all of spotify for the perfect song to play in the background - hired james and ash (professionals) to film  -  public proposal wants the world to know that he is wilbur and he loves you -  isnt nervous about proposing but is scared something is gonna go wrong -  the whole build up to the proposal is a blur to him  - he wants it to be perfect - hes mentally checking everything off in his head as it happens - “okay so we arrived on time, check” “we’re standing in the right direction check” - when the time comes to propose he blanks - cause everything went right and now its showtime - says whatever is on his mind and then gets on track - “oh my god everything i alright this is amazing! but i love you dear like a lot and...” - cue cheering from tommy (and a lot of soft smiles from random people) when you say yes 
please send me requests it took me days to figure out what to write about here
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- 18+ words and themes overall, cussing, mention of death, mention of sandors death, joss and Podrick being cutie pies,
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
Previous chapter here
Chapter 22
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You hold your son in your arms walking around the room as you rock him and hum too him. He coos in your arms he holds onto your finger. You smile down at his little face admiring his feature yet to come in your excited to see him grow into his fathers looks. 
There’s a knock on your door. 
“Enter.” You say the door opens and joss enters. 
“Your grace.” You says bowing slightly. You smile at his persistence to come in and check up on you once in a while. Its been just over a month since you gave birth to Joss, and the recovery has gone smoothly and being fully healed your back to doing the normal things relatively. 
“The lady Sansa is looking for you. She’s by the wearwood.” He speaks 
“thank you. Ill be right out. Leave the door open” You say he nods and exits leaving it open as per your request. He dosnt leave he just merely stands to the side to wait for you. with your newfound talent of doing things one handed you lay out the fur blanket on the bed before laying your son on top. 
You turn and pull on your cloak and gloves before going back to your son. You swaddle him in the furs before pulling him back into your arms and heading out holding him close to you and walking out to find Sansa joss follows close behind you as usual. 
“Joss?” You ask him on your way over. 
“Yes?” He asks 
“may i task you with something this evening?” You ask.
”of course your grace.” he answers. 
“Will you go into the town and fetch some new furs as he grows i will need more.” You say. 
“Of course your grace.” He says and smiles before trailing away from your side to the stables to collect a horse for his ride. 
You see Sansa red hair before herself. 
“Sansa.” You call. She turns around to face you her face lighting up as she sees you holding joss in your arms. she holds out her arms asking for permission to take a hold of him and you happily ablidge as you both move to the stone carved bench and take a seat. 
“You were searching for me?” You ask her once seated. 
”ah yes. John sent word through raven about the success with the dragon queen. She will be joining us in the next coming months, John will be arriving home soon to prepare…and he says he’s bringing a friend.” She says breathlessly. 
“You dont sound pleased to have another royal arrive.” You say she chuckles and shakes her head. 
“Her father was the mad king…shes a targaryen they are, to say the least, the more so crazy of the rich royal families.” She speaks bouncing joss slightly. you snort at her rude comment. 
“Do you think she actually has dragons?” You ask she nods. 
“John drew a picture.” She says about the ravens scroll that was sent. You nod and sigh looking at the tree. 
“May i ask you something?” She asks. 
“Hmm?” You answer mindlessly. 
“Do…hm..” she trails off thinking on how she wants to word the topic that could either piss you off or make you cry. 
“When…you look at, joss…” She says signalling to your son and not the squire. 
“…is there any part of you that may have resentment, or pain for the death of sandor?” She asks. You sigh and look at her. 
“No..i miss my husband dearly and every night wish that he were still here to see his son grow but..i have a part of him and i'm grateful for that. Although I do sometimes remind him of how much pain he caused me. When he’s king I hope he goes out of this world just as stubborn as he wanted to come into it…with a fight.” You smile looking at your sons blushed face as he sleeps in Sansa’s arms. 
“I wish to have a babe of my own, whether it is born from me, or im to come upon one that needs care.” She says and smiles. 
“I would’ve liked to give joss a brother so he’s never lonely but I refuse to give myself to another man. when the time comes i want to visit the orphanage.” You say. Sansa smiles and looks to you. 
“I shall join you and we can give two children the rightful home they deserve.” She says happily you nod, brushing your finger against your sons cheek. 
“Speaking of…joss. Where is he. It seems he never leaves your side.” Sansa jokes. 
“Ugh can you believe it? I sent him away to get more furs but i know he’s going to have a hard time determining which length or color to pick.” You say as Sansa hands your son back to you before you both get up deciding to head back into the halls to warm up. 
Standing in the shop joss looks at the furs just a suspected he struggles with choosing the type of furs asking the store clerk a thousand different question about them. The front bell attached above the door rings making Joss double take at the arrival of the other squire sent out. 
“Joss.” Podrick speaks enthusiastically as he sees his fellow looking frantically at the selection the clerk has shown. 
“H-hello.” Joss gets out before running his fingers through the furs now testing the feel once deciding on the color, granted it should’ve been the first thing he does as now he regrets choosing the type and he begins the process all over again. 
“What are you doing?” Podrick asks. 
“H-her grace has asked me to gather furs for the next coming years for the little prince but i dont know if she sent me away to torture me for I cannot choose the best.” He huffs. 
“For now he is a baby no bigger than forearm so he will only need long furs for the next 2 years and the life spans of furs is four. Six if taken care of properly. So you can get him 2 of the long gray. It has soft enough fibers that it will not cause irritation and prevent choking for the prince. You cal buy six other pertaining the length as as he grows older they are most likely to be worn as a cape to there's no need for a backing it can stay as the Hyde, also better for insulation.” Podrick educates your squire as well as telling the store clerk what is to be bought. 
“When have you become an expert on furs?” Joss asks genuinely although it sounds more like a mock. Podrick scoffs. 
“My time spent with Tyrion lannesister wasn’t just golden roofs and armor plating, i took his orders and lists and he had a collection of fine furs.” Podrick answers. 
“I apologize i mean no ill intent for my question it was genuinely a skill i need to learn for her grace.” Joss replies reassuring. He pays the correct amount for the fur selections of one of the guards that went with him taking some in his hold as theres quite a few. Podrick quickly grabs the fur hes chosen an pays before following joss outwards. 
“I could… teach you if you’d like about the difference in fine things.” Pod offers. 
“Take these back her grace I will be alright.” Joss instructs the guard you puts the furs in the saddle bags of his horse before nodding, mounting and riding off. 
“I would enjoy that very much.” Joss says looking at podrick who puts the single fur pelt under his arm smiling back at the other. 
“I was a soldier once. All my superiors thought I was brave…I wasn’t. I mean i never ran from a fight, only because I didn’t want to see who i thought were my friends to see me a coward. And no matter the orders I would do them without a blink. Burn that village im your arsonist, steal from the village, fine im your thief, kill those boys, i'm your murder.” Everyone sits around as Brother ray speaks out on the past he wishes to re-write. He takes a seat looking at everyone who’s listening, including sandor. 
“I went to a village, much like the one we are building, and slaughtered those within, I heard a boy away from his mother as i slit his throat. That night the screams of the mother calling out for her son haunted me. And they still do to this way. And will so for the rest of my life.” He sighs standing up once more. 
“We cannot undo what was done in our past, however we can mold our future to be braver, better, happier, kinder. We can use our wits and our strength for the goodness of our next life.” Brother ray speaks looking directly to sandor. 
Before he begins to speak again the sound of horse hooves trods closer allowing the view of three men to ride up to the group as everyone stands. 
“Good Morrow friends.” He speaks. 
“Whats your business here?” The one in the middle asks looking around at everyone. 
“Building a new civilization my lord.” Ray answers. The man chuckles lowly before speaking again. 
“Have you any more spots? Or steel?” He asks. 
“We are welcome to anyone who wants to help with the thrive, but we’ve no gold, no steel. Your welcome to join us for supper however we’ve many hungers mouths here.” Rays continues to answer kindly. 
The man takes another look at the small crowd before backing his horse up a it. 
“Stay safe then. The night is dark and full of terrors.” He speaks before nodding to the other men. 
“Seven save you friends.” ray replies before the three men turn and ride off. Ray turns to the crowd taking a breath reassuring everyone. 
“Now then let us do some more work and supper shall be prepared.” He smiles. Sandor continues to look at the men who ride off recognizing the symbol in the chest plate. Ray gives him a look before sandor turns and heads back off to his station of chopping wood since he's the strongest and does not tire easily. Brother ray however does not go to his of supervising, he follows sandor watching him pick up the axe and begin easily splitting the large logs. 
Sandor stops a second before turning his head seeing ray walking to him. He scoffs rolling his eyes. 
“Seven blessings, fuck that.” sandor huffs as he goes back to splitting logs. 
“Im a fucking septon what was i supposed to say?” brother ray sighs back to sandor. 
“They dont believe in your seven god shit, theyre from the brotherhood, they serve the redgod…Fucking cunts.” sandor says putting down the axe breifly to talk to ray. 
“Anyway weve got nothing for them.” ray speaks, sandor scoffs at his comment. 
“Sure you do…youve got food, you’ve got steel, even if you say you don't, and you've got women, a man like that whos been out on horse back for long enough is gonna want a women no matter the cost.” sandor retorts back to brother ray. 
“Not you? Youre a man, youre around women?” ray suggests. 
“No not me. I dont need another woman.” he huffs turing back around and picking up the axe once more. Brother ray walks around sandor to face him to continue the conversation. 
“Another? Hm?” ray prods at sandor for mentioning the slightest of you. Sandor huffs and continues to chop. 
“When i found you i thought youd been dead for days. When you were stinking already and covered in bugs, and bone was coming through your leg right there. But youre all healed up apart from the little limp.” brother ray chuckles as sandor looks up at him stopping his chopping yet again for a moment to talk. 
“I was gonna give you a proper burial but the you coughed, Ha, nearly shit myself…i thought, you would die by the time i got you back here, but by that time you didnt. And i reckoned you’d die a dozen more times over those next few days but you didnt…what was it that kept you going?” ray asks. Sandor glances at the ground for a second before taking a breath and letting it out in a sigh. 
“What is her? ‘The Woman’?” ray asks once more. 
“Shes pregnant, with mine, might have given birth by now its been about a year. I made her a promise that i would come back, find her. And i would like to keep it.” he says looking brother ray in the eyes for once. Brother ray nods and walks around sandor beginning his walk back to the village area. 
“Come on now get some supper.” he says. 
Sandor picks up the axe and begins swinging once more. 
“It’s gonna be a cold night. You’ll need firewood.” sandor says chopping and splitting the wood. 
“Ill save you a bowl. Might even have some ale hidden away” ray smiles to sandor before hading back to the village plot. Sandor chuckles and continues chopping although his math is slightly off and with in the next new chops he’ll have to go into the forest for a moment to collect more.
Next chapter here
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
hi!! i love your fics 💞
i was wondering if you could made a yandere platonic morales family fic with a reader who's been sneaking out to go on dates?
(of course you don't have to make this if you don't want to)
(Yas 100%)
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Late Friday afternoon you looked over yourself in the mirror tucked away in your room. You were proud of your look and especially proud of youre makeup, you looked good and were excited for your date with Helia he was tall, broad and sweet, and said he would pay!
You packed your bag, juts with a phone, keys, perfume and emergency charger and headed for your front door, rushing past your Dad Aaron, and your cousin Miles.
Aaron: "Ay, where you going?"
Y/n: "On a date?"
Miles: "With who?"
Y/n: "Helia, I told you"
Aaron: "I don't remember you telling me"
Y/n: "I'm certain I did" And you had, like 3 times. You showed him a picture of him, gave him Helia's number and told him where you were going and he had said yes.
Aaron: "Why you dressed like that?"
Y/n: "Its a date?"
Miles: "have I met him?"
Y/n: "No I don't think so"
Aaron: "have I met him?"
Y/n: "No but I gave you his number, and showed you pictures!"
Both Miles and Aaron raised a brow at you.
Aaron: "You can't go out with a boy I haven't met in a dress like that"
Y/n: "Are you serious ?"
Aaron: "Do I not sound serious?"
Y/n: "it is a long length body con!" You gestured to your covered legs
Miles: "How do you know he won't try something?"
Y/n: "baecuse he's not like that, he's nice"
Miles: "uh huh" He said, rasing an eye brow/
Aaron: "I don't remember buying you that dress"
Y/n: "Yeah you didn't, I did"
Aaron: "And with who's money?"
Y/n: "My money?"
Aaron: "Why you wasting your money on clothes? You already have to many"
Y/n: "I'm 17, Dad. Clothes is what you buy when you have cash"
Miles: "Where you getting money from?" He asked susbiusly as if maybe you were stealing.
Y/n: "My weekend job? The one you pick me up from beacuse your so damm paranoid!"
Miles: "I don't see anything wrong with wanting you to be safe"
Y/n: "Miles, my coworkers think youre a stalker"
Miles: "Did you tell them I'm your cousin?"
Y/n: "Yeah, that just made it worse"
Aaron: "maybe Mile's could come with you on your little date"
Y/n: "Are you serious?"
Miles: "Yeah why not?"
Y/n: "Miles, It Is A DATE, I can't have my cousin just hanging round!"
Miles: "I could vet him out, make sure he's safe"
Y/n: "Miles, not every man on the earth wants to hurt me"
Miles: "yeah but they might"
Y/n: "Helia is a good guy, I know him through Flora, he's like a passafist of something"
Aaron: "or something?"
Miles: "So you don't actually know him?"
Aaron: "ummmhmm" He hummed in agreement.
Y/n: "He's friends with Flora, you really think Flora is the type to hang out with bad men? Ive' hanged out with him before with others, Ive slept over with him at Floras house and he's never tried anythin-"
Aaron: "You sleeping at other's peoples houses behind my back?"
Y/n: "No, Its not like that, you knew where I was!"
Miles: "what do you mean you slept over with him?"
Aaron: "I didn't know there were boys over though, did I?"
Y/n: "Nothing bad! Just he'd sleep in the same room and never tried anything!"
Miles: "I still think maybe I should go aswell"
Aaron: "I agree"
Y/n: "Miles' why can't you just be a normal cousin?"
Miles: "If you act right maybe I'll consider it"
Y/n: "So you agree it's weird? That you follow me, stalk my friends, my work and socials like a mad man"
Aaron: "Y/n that's your cousin, he's just trying to look out for you"
Y/n: "And it's not even just him anymore! Auntie Rio is obsessed with my sex life, that I don't even have by the way, always trying to scare me, giving me condoms I DONT NEED or trying to dress me, going through my wardrope and throwing out clothes she dosen't like!! like a normal auntie, right?"
Aaron: "Calm down Y/n"
Y/n: "And Uncle Jeff, sending him, a POLICE OFFIECER to run after me when I'm not even doing anything wrong, searching my fucking bag an-"
Aaron: "Enough!"
Aaron rose form the couch, your father looming over you.
Aaron: "Get to you room"
Y/n: "No, I'm going out"
Now Aaron, or Miles wasn't above physically stopping you, but they wanted to see your resolve.
Aaron: "If you leave now, you won't be welcome back in"
Y/n: "what?"
Aaron: "Go on and stay at one of your little friends houses"
Miles: "Or this Helia guy"
Y/n: "Okay"
Aaron: "I'm serious Y/n"
and with out saying another word, you simply left. And once the door shut behind you, Aaron was genuinley stunnded.
Miles: "Oh my god she left"
Aaron inhaled slowley, before sitting back down on the couch and inviting Miles to do the same.
Miles: "Should...Should I go after her?"
Aaron: "nah man, let her do her thing"
Hours since then had passed, at at this point Aaron assumed that you would come back, apologise, have your phone and laptop taken away and not allowed to leave the house for a few days, but you hadn't.
It was now 23:33 And Aaron was begging to freak, pacing back on fourth calling you over and over to no avail, while Miles eletred the family chat.
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Unknown to you, Miles actually had a Notes page dedicated too the names, birthdays and addresses of all your main friends.
Musa Harada, sep 11th 2005, Malcoms Road 119th street.
Tecna Petrov, Sep 17th 2005, Opens Road, 100th street.
Ayesha Layla Andros, August 9th,2005 Greenway road, 88th street.
Flora James Rosie Hernandez, Oct 9th,2005, Red Reid Road, 33rd street.
Stella Marks Solaria, July 8th, 2005, Solarian Estate, Celetail's field.
Bloom Smith Jamie, September 11th 2005, Red Reid Road, 33rd street.
You know, normal cousin things.
Meanwhile, you and Helia were having a picnic date, he had prepared a lovley spread of tiny sandwhiches and fruit, along with a bottle of wine, was it underage drinking? yes but really who cared. Certainley no one in this park.
Helia: "You look really nice by the way"
Y/n: "Thank you, you too but i'm sorry in late, My dad had a thing"
Helia: "Oh, Is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Oh yeah, totally!"
It's 1000% not. Once this date ends, what are you going to do, where are you going to go? You half exepected your stuff to be in boxes once you got back, and the front door locked, and if he did let you in, he would take your phone, your laptop, your sketch books, have your Auntie Rio go through your wardrobe to throw away all your nice clothing, put bars on your windows put a outdoor outside lock on your door and whenever you would be allowed outside, it would only ever be with Miles, leaning over you, following you round shops and choosing wether if you stopped to talk to friends.
So you began to ponder the idea of staying at a friends house for a few days, though that may just make it worse for a few days, avoiding your family for days at a time would only make them more upest.
Who would you stay at? Musa's home wasn't really safe, Ayesha's Mom wouldn't let you stay, Flora's house was ran by her loud annoying siblings that she hated, but maybe you could stay with Tecna? Her parents were nice and they had a guest bedroom.
Meanwhile, Jeff was driving over to Flora's house, and once he finally pulled up outside, he knocked on her front door to be greeted by her Mom.
Mrs Hernandez: "Oh! Hello officer, How can I help?"
He huffed in the hallway, consuming the doorway.
Jeff: "Hello Mrs Hernandez, I was wonder if your daughter, Flora was here?"
Mrs Hernandez: "FLORA, THRES A MAN HERE TO SEE YOU" She basically screamed into the house, drawing her down the stairs case to see Mr Morales.
They didn't know each other well, but initanlly the Morales side liked her as she was the only one of your friends that spoke Spanish, butt Flora knew why Mr Morales was here, posing all normal like a normal officer.
Flora: "Hey...Mr Morales"
Mrs Hernandez: "You know this man?" She whispred to her daughter.
Flora: "it's Y/n uncle"
Mrs Hernandez: "Oh..."
Jeff gestured for Flora to follow him into the living room which he welcomed himself into, sitting down on the blue crush velvet sofa, Flora sat infront of him.
Jeff: "So, Flora..."
Flora: "Yeah..?"
Jeff: "Have you heard about Y/n?"
Flora: "Uhhh, nooo?" She knew what this was, she had heard the storys of your cousin breaking into Blooms house to drag you out late into the night, or your Uncle putting out APB's just for you, or your Dad simply not letting you out the house a few days at a time.
Jeff: "She's had another break down, and ran out the house...with a boy"
Flora: "oh..." She also knew that whenever your family would band together to find you, they would tell friends you were 'having a break down' or a 'crisis of mental health'.
Flora: "I'm sorry but is this police, or you?"
Jeff: "Excuse me?"
Flora: "Are the police, or are you looking for Y/n?"
Jeff: "Listen Flora, I don't want to create problems for you or your family" He said, leaning over the table between them.
Jeff: "But I just wont to know where she's off too...with this boy Helia"
Now Flora didn't want to rat you out, but she also didn't want problems with your family...
Flora: "Helia is a good guy Mr Morales"
Jeff: "We just want to know she's safe Flora"
Flora: "He said he'd take her to the east park"
Just as she said, Jeff sweeped out the house and simply left .
getting in his crusier, he drove off to the east park to go on walk about for you, he thought about what he would say to you once he got you back in cruiser, lecturing you, maybe even the boy, Helia too in order scare him off.
Whilts he was driving in the direction of East, you were ringing Tecna.
Tecna: "hey"
Y/n: "Hey, its me, do you mind if I come over for a few nights?"
Tecna: "Can I ask why?"
Y/n: "My Dad's back on his bullhshit"
Tecna: "Ah, I see"
Y/n: "So, do you mind if I come over?"
Tecna: "I'm sorry I'm not at home right, but I'll be back tmorrow, you can come them I'm sure"
Y/n: "Ah, okay I understand"
Tecna: "I'm sorry"
Y/n: "Don't worry about it"
You hang up, what are you going to do for tonight? You can't go back, you'll he hulled to your room and trapped there if you do.
Helia: "Is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Not really, I'm a bit stuck"
Helia: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "I can't go home tonight, I need somewhere to stay"
Helia: "What's wrong with home?"
Y/n: "My Dad's got problems, I don't really know"
Helia put his hand's round your waist.
Helia: "You could stay with me for the night?"
Y/n: "Sure"
So you And Helia began to walk out the park, on the way to his house while across the park, your Uncle Jeff was scoping the area, he called Miles:
Miles: "hey, You good?"
Jeff: "Come round The East Park, She's round here"
Miles: "M'kay, coming"
And so Miles entered The East Park from the exit, that unfortunaltley you and Helia were heading for concurrently.
Meanwhile Your Dad, Aaron was pondering on the couch what to do with you once your brought home, while Rio was making Coffee in his kitchen.
Rio: "I keep telling you Aaron, Y/n may be a clever girl but she need's more supervision, I mean she go's out the house for days at a time to sleepovers, or sneeks out for parties and come back the next day hang over!"
Aaron: "Yeah I know but...What else Can I do to watch her? Like I already go through her phone every few days or so, and her laptop but she's real sneeking now, I look under her bed, through her closet just to find nothing"
Rio: "She's just hiding it from you...I used to be a teenage girl, let me see?"
Aaron: "Be my guest" He gestured to your room, Rio swiftly entered your room, leaving the door open as she began to rummage through your stuff, after about twenty minutes she had found a diary, a bear full of cash and a book full of phone numbers.
Aaron: "oh..."
Rio: "Hasn't been that long since I was young"
Aaron: "Why the bear full of cash?"
Rio: "Probablly emergncy money for what ever she's doing when she runs out"
Aaron: "uh huh"
Rio: "You need to do something about that door"
Aaron: "what do you mean?"
Rio: "Like, maybe take it off the hinges for a few months, show her your in charge"
Aaron: "Bit much"
Rio: "No! She's sneaking out, seeing boys, drinking! You must stop this while you can!"
Maybe she was right, Aaron thought.
So he went to collect his tool kit, where he began to unscrew the door from its hinges one by one, leaving it bare.
Whilts you and Helia where beginning to approach the exit gate, you saw someone familiar in the distance, looking down at his phone while walking in your direction, not noticing you...Its Miles.
Oh shit
You grab onto Helias arm.
Y/n: "How about we go on a de tour?" You giggle nerveoulsy, pulling him out into the bushes.
Helia: "hehe, is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Oh yeah! Just want to see more of the trees" What a batter way of saying 'my family is mad and are hunting me!'
Helia: "...okay?"
And so you and Helia, poor Helia who didn't understand what the hell was happening began to walk back deep into the wooded area of the woods.
Miles called his Dad.
calling Dad.
Jeff: "Hey"
Miles: "Hey, I'm entering the park, where are you?"
Jeff: "Near the fountain, Its where most the teens hang out"
Miles:" okay, So I'll-"
Jeff: "Wait, wait hold on"
Miles: "Okay?"
Jeff had stoptted you, just for a second walking through the bushes, with a guy, tall lanky fellow with long black hair, following you.
Jeff: " I think I see them"
Miles: "Y/n?"
Jeff: "Yeah...with the guy"
Miles: "Near the fountain?"
Jeff: "Yeah...in the bushes"
Miles: "I'll be right there"
Miles said hanging up, and sprinting off into the wooded area inorder to find you.
And in the distance, he saw you in that black dress you left in, and you heard him coming, you heard his footsteps, you saw him rushing over.
Miles: "AY, Y/n!!"
Fuck Fuck Fuck
you turned to Helia.
Y/n: "Start running"
Helia: "What?"
Y/n: "Run!"
You screamed begging to take off into a sprit, not getting all that far in that damm dress, as Helia was already so far ahead of you, looking back at you trying to get you to keep up and you heard the yelling again,
Miles: "Y/N!!"
Up ahead, you heard another yell, It was Helia, having been grabbed by your Uncle, Jeff taking him down.
You felt Miles hand grab your forearm while running and pull your back into him.
Miles: "Gotcha"
Y/n: "get the hell off me!"
Miles: " Calm down, we got you"
Y/n: "GET OFF ME" You screamed as you struggled against his grip, you knew he was spiderman, you knew his strengh was something you couldn't quite shrug off.
Jeff was holding Helia by his forearm, tightly, Helia, clearly not knowing what the hell was happening began to hyperventilate.
Jeff walked Helia to you and Miles, where he looked down on you being held tight by Miles, again trapped by your family, Jeff leant over you and whispred over to Miles.
Jeff: "I'll take Y/n home, you talk to this Helai guy, M'kay?"
Miles: "Okay"
And So Miles let go of you, only for you to be immdedialy grabbed by your Uncle Jeff whom began to pull you out the park, now it was just Helia, and Miles.
Helia: "Do I know you?"
Miles: "How do you know my cousin Y/n?"
Helia: "Oh...She's your cousin I see"
Miles: "I asked you a question"
Helia: "uhhh, I'm sorry but what the fuck is happening?"
Miles: "Are you fucking deaf or something? I asked you a question, how do you know My cousin?"
Helia: "I know her through Flora, jeez"
Miles: "And How do you know Flora?"
Helia: "Uh, I know her through a class I took"
Miles: "Uh huh"
Miles approched Helia slowly.
Miles: "Listen man, I can't have you hanging round my cousin like that, m'kay?"
Helia: "I don't understa-"
Miles: "Listen, just stay the fuck away from her before I take you out, you understand?"
Helia: "...Okay"
Miles nodded at him, and simply walked off out the woods.
Meanwhile, Your Uncle Jeff was shuffling you out the park and into the police cruiser.
With Miles short behind, he followed you into the car, sitting next to you in the back with Jeff in the front, boxing you in the car.
Jeff: "Care to explain yourself?"
Y/n: "Not really, no"
Miles: "Are you serious?"
Y/n: "Did you hurt him?"
Miles: "What?"
Y/n: "Did you hurt Helia?"
Miles: "No, just gave him some words of encourment"
Y/n: "oh my fukci-"
Jeff: "Don't swear in my car"
Y/n: "Then let me out the car!"
Jeff: " Y/n, all Iv'e done today, all Miles has done today was run around trying to find you"
Y/n: "I didn't ask you too!"
Jeff: "Let me finish, We bend over backwards trying to find you when you go running round town, doing God knows what and all you do once we find you is give us flac"
Y/n:" Yeah, beacuse it's weird! You, a grown man and your son go hunting for me whenever I do anything"
Jeff: "We are trying to protect you Y/n"
Y/n: " From WHAT?"
Miles: "Y/n, You don't understand what goes through a man's head"
Jeff: "Exactly"
Y/n: "That sounds like a self report to me"
Miles: "Excuse me?"
Y/n: "You heard what I said"
About a half hour later, you pulled up outside your building where you were basically carried up to your apartment, when the door opened revelaing your Auntie Rio, and your Dad Aaron waiting for you on the couch, while your Uncle and Miles stood behind you, creating a human wall for you to get past.
Aaron: "I see you came to your sense's"
Y/n: "Not really, I was brought back here, by your Brother and his Son, again"
Rio: "Don't be rude Y/n, your just digging yourself a bigger whole"
You see your stuff laying on the table, your cash teddy, Your diary and your phone book.
Miles flicked through it, looking confused.
Miles: "Why do you have a phone book?"
Y/n: "In case Aaron takes my phone, I can call people since no one remembers phone numbers"
The room fell quite.
Aaron: "...Aaron?"
Y/n: "...is that not your name?"
You saw the colour in Miles face drain out. Rio and stood and stepped to you.
Rio: "How DARE you! GET TO YOUR ROOM!" She pointed to your doorless area of 'privacy'
Aaron: "I think you mean my door, beacuse this is my house, and you are my daughter and until you start acting right I'll be keeping my door out the frame"
Y/n: "There is a rectangluar whole in the door!"
And as you sulked over to your room, you went to slam the door,Only to remeber, it was gone, you looked back at your family staring you down as you turned the corner.
Rio: "Adios mio that girl"
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It's a Match! || poly!141 x Reader
[Chapter 26] || [Chapter 27]
Pairing: 141 x gn!Reader Words: 500~ (in the video + picture) cw: accidental exhibitionism/voyeurism, good natured teasing Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: This chapter is **different**. You can read it OR watch it live! So sorry btw that the video is not embedded 😭😭🙏 a/n #2: Also this chapter is 100% inspired by this fanart by @ramvur but with Simon, instead of Price.
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Chapter pre-27: Away (UPDATED!)
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If you'd rather watch their text convo: CLICK HERE
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It's 6 A.M. when your phone start buzzing repeatedly on the night stand next to you.
You paw at it languidly, blinking away the sleep as you attempt to unlock the phone and rub the sleep out of your eyes.
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johnny: baby guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 johnny: baby johnny: babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy johnny: if ye dont answer my texts 🙄 you: jesus christ johnny its 6am what are you doing up??? 😑 johnny: good morning love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! johnny: weve got training today 😙 johnny: guess what happened you: what simon: Good morning sweeheart. johnny: WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING ANSWERING? you: good morning si 🫶 you: wait what do u mean u were calling for me no? johnny: I MEANT SIMON HES IN THE INFIRMARY HES NOT MEANT TO BE ANSWERING johnny: HOW DO YE EVEN HAVE YOUR PHONE you: i feel like u need to stop asking how he does things you: uve known him for longer than me and im not surprised anymore you: also IN THE INFIRMARY? johnny: thats what i was coming to tell you!!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄 you: why did u frame it like its a good thing?????????? johnny: because he got put there by Kyle during training johnny: we were practising chokeholds and he passed out you: I STILL DONT SEE HOW THATS A GOOD THING JOHNNY johnny: HES FINE YE DON'T UNDERSTAND johnny: HE GOT ROCK HARD WHILE KYLE HAD HIS LEGS WRAPPED AROUND HIS THROAT you: WHAT??? you: tell me more 👀 johnny: 😏😏 johnny: he was wearing shorts and his cock just popped out you: LIKE OUT OUT? johnny: out out 🍆 you: wow 😮‍💨 you: did u get any pictures? 👀 johnny: i did bonnie do ye want them? 😏 johnny: even caught the look in prices and kyles faces when it happened you: send me send me send me you: wait it happened in front of them???? johnny: worse happened in front of everyone 🥴 we were training with other units you: oh shit you: that has to have been embarrassing you: is he okay though from passing out? you: johnny? you: wow imagine ignoring me kyle: johnny's a little occupied at the moment lovie! kyle: good morning btw! 😚 you: good morning ky!! 🫶 you: occupied? kyle: ghost's chasing him for telling you everything and johnny's running for his life 😭 you: 🙃 you: normal day then? kyle: normal day 🥴 you: okay then well hope the training went well kyle: it did! 😏 anyway got to go kyle: pls go back to sleep need you well rested lovie you: i will i will.
Sighing a bit, you set your phone down on the charger again and attempt to go back to sleep... unsuccessfully so.
After half an hour of tossing and turning, you find yourself grabbing the phone again and your thumb clicks on John's name in your contacts.
You don't text him often, the last time having been nearly a week before, but, right now, you felt like you should.
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you: the lads just woke me up you: johnny more specifically 🙄 you: now i cant get to sleep again john: if it's any consolation john: I told him not to john: need help? you: how would u help? john: can call you and sing you a lullaby? you: pls dont john: then I'm out of ideas darling you: u could help in another way john: and what's that? 😏 you: remember how u said u had a house of ur own you: and if i ever needed a break we could go there? john: i see 😏 john: want me to take you away for the weekend darling? you: yes please
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @cod-z , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @xxshadowbabexx
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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three-dee-ess · 4 months
Sending some tips I've learned, so other people can learn it before making the same mistakes I have!(I figure you have better reach than me!) Pictures of 3ds as payment, one with the splasg screen and one with the home screen!
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Now, onto the tips!
If you are going to buy replacement/spare styluses, make sure you look for ones For Your Model!!! I bought a 4 pack of styluses only to learn later that they were made for the old normal sized 3ds, and so wouldn't fit in my 3ds! While this isn't a HUGE inconvenience, it meant I kept losing them! (Side note: replacement styluses are very cheap to get! I now have 5 on my own, and I gave one to a friend and lost another!)
You don't have to buy the traditional grey brick chargers. Listen. We are in the modern age. You can get USB to ds adapters instead. Like the kind you use for your phone. They feel MUCH more durable than the old ones. I've gone through 4 of the old ones and I'm a bit tired of it. Plus these take up less space on the extension cord!
I highly recommend learning how to virtually access your 3ds SD card using FTPD! This makes it a lot easier to get non-3ds roms onto your system, especially with systems where you have to use a screwdriver to get to the card. It also makes it easier to make backups! You CAN access it remotely with official methods if it's a new 3ds, but honestly ftp transfer is a lot faster to me.
Join the 3ds hacking discord! I highly recommend searching any questions you have there as well as the Internet! Things are often changing, and unless it's a very popular site like the 3ds hacks guide, it's probably not going to stay up to date for long! Best to double check, and it can save you some hassle!
When in doubt, ask! Hacking communities tend to be very friendly and open to help, as evidenced by the blog I'm sending this too!
red o3DS
honestly I don't need the payment pictures but I'll happily take bribes in the form of them. >:3c
#1 if you have access to a 3D printer, all of the styluses have readily available free 3D models online so just get some printed!
#2 I've used those in the past! mine is currently missing but yeah it's huge. Super nice to have an extra long cable and everythin.
#3 thank u!! i didnt know that. I'll have to try it out.
#4 h u h. is there a perm url I can link to? (I dont like joining public servers myself but i'm willing to link to it!)
#5 yes yes yes yes!
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klxudykai · 2 months
my guide to making scripts ☆
i’ve had my fair share of making scripts (cause i'm obsessed) so i thought i’d share how i make them (with examples)
btw i make my scripts on notion^^
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general things to add
- so first, choose the aesthetic you want. it can be something like “black and white grunge” or “green forest”. i get most of my pictures from Pinterest cause that’s where most high quality photos are ofc. so for the icons i always put “icons” after whatever aesthetic im going for because the search shows square photos. if you don’t want to add a photo for every page you have, you can just look up smth like “solid black background” (specifically solid cause if not it’ll give you a photo instead).
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- for photos to add throughout the script i highly suggest going to tumblr cause you'll get higher quality photos. you technically could use pinterest, too but you might not find a decent quality photo. you might have to scroll a bit depending on what you're looking for but you shouldn’t have a problem finding what you need 🤷🏾‍♀️ (keep in mind that depending on how small the photo is, it might turn out with bad quality)
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-this part is optional considering your scripts will still look pretty without it, but if you want to, you can add dividers. not just the ones that are on notion but a colorful one once again those can be found on tumblr (if you intend on sharing the script make sure to give credit to who made the dividers!!). i haven't quite figured out how to make them hence why i dont add them to every script cause they dont always have the color i want
(i personally prefer the solid color once for aesthetic reasons, but its totally up to you which divider you want to use)
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-next that i like to add are symbols. you can easily find those by searching up "copy and paste symbols" and something should pop up. try to refrain from using language characters cause from what i've heard it can be offensive. go for something like a heart or a star (stars are my personal go-to)
-i usually add the symbols in the title and on the toggle lists (yes my safe word is “back to the ghetto” LMFAO)
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so my scripts are always set up like this:
personal: basics, appearance, personality, wardrobe, backstory, house/car
relationships: family, friends, partner, pets
media (this part is optional depending on what year you're shifting to): phone, tiktok, instagram, twitter, youtube
extra: safety, first day, scenarios
depending on the dr it is, i'll usually add an extra section. so for example if i'm shifting to a dr where i go to school ill add a section labeled "school" and have the class, dorms (if you have any), backpack, and whatever extra stuff about the school.
if i have a dr where i have powers or something then i would add a section for that with the pages named combat (where you can add how you fight and what abilities you have), how you inherited your powers (you can also add to this section if you're a hero, villain, vigilante,etc), if you are a hero or something then you can add another page with what your suit looks like and then add the extra gadgets you have along with it
(i'll use my spiderverse and mha script as an example so you can see what i'm talking about)
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details i had throughout the script
colored texts: so when im highlighting something important like my dr name, nicknames, mbti, etc
dividers: im telling you dividers make everything look sm more neat. it doesn't even have to be a colored one it could be the notion divider
bold texts: i feel like this just makes things look more aesthetically pleasing idk
a hint i learned: you can put texts right next to each other
anyways i think that's all the tips i have to give when it comes to scripts, if you have any questions pls lmk ^^
i also made a script that you guys can use for reference and if you plan on using it as a script make sure to duplicate it (the option to do that is on the top right of the screen)
(pls don't let this flop i worked so hard)
pookie also wanted to be tagged so @lovebvni
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onskepa · 10 months
Syawn ch 5: skxom hunt pt 2
Syawn series
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“Tan Jala, make our clan proud. You will be against a strong warrior, but you are our very best. May Eywa guide you to the grand reward” the Olo’eyktan of the Tipani clan spoke. 
Tan Jala, a mighty warrior and the best of the best in the proud Tipani clan. Atan has learned much from Tan Jala, which resulted in skilled athletic attributes. 
The young prince sees the conversation happening but not really focusing on the words. 
“My son, are you still deep in thought?” his mother asks as she places a hand on his shoulder. Atan nods, “yes. I promise I will tell you what it is but for now…”, “I understand. There are many things in our lives we can't seem to figure out. But, don't rush it. Take your time, let Eywa assist you in ways that I cannot. Know my son, your father and I love you. Any doubts, or questions, please dont be afraid to seek help”. 
“Yes mother, I promise” atan replies, a hopefully smile grows on his young face. 
“It's time to go” atan hears his father say, and all follow. 
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“You got this, let this be the final hunt to settle everything once and for all. Don't let anything distract you '' Jake tells neteyam. As to motivate and encourage his son. 
Neteyam nods, firm and sharp. Highly focused. 
“And don't do anything foolish. Remember your training, the sky is our territory, make use of the winds” Neytiri adds. 
“And PLEASE for the love of Eywa, be careful. Even if things might not go the way you want, your safety is more important than the hunt” Syawn finished. 
Neteyam hugs his parents and syawn, giving one last look at them, he makes his way towards Tan Jala who was waiting for him. 
O’ame, being the loud spokesman again, does she speak for everyone to hear. 
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“Oh great, loud mouth O’ame will be presenting” Lu’lafyon says, which caused Syawn to smack him at the back of his head. 
“Be nice, she likes to be heard,” Syawn mentions. 
Lu’law was again holding the camera, capturing her dad and Tan Jala shaking hands firmly. “Oooooh there is heavy tension between them” she narrates. 
Neteyam and Tan Jala hops on their ikrans and both roar out, ready to begin. The Tipani and the Oamtikaya roar out with them. As to show support for their fellow members. 
The ikrans take flight, and both soar into the sky, arrows ready to strike. 
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Lu’law handed the camera over to Lu’tstunwi as she was currently occupied searching for the Tipani prince. Hard to look when there is many in similar clothing. 
“Looking for someone?” 
She turns to see lo’ak eyeing her a bit suspiciously. “Oh he better not…”. 
“Just looking for a good reaction from the crowd uncle loki. Cant I do that?” Lu’law asks. They have a slight stare off before tsireya turns to see that. She makes a slight face, “ma’lo’ak stop. Leave your niece alone. Look, neteyam is in the lead”. 
Lo’ak gives one last look at lu’law and focuses on the hunt. 
The young girl sighs quietly and continues to search for Atan. Ever since their little hang out, she was tempted to see him again. Preparing to go directly to him after the round. And hopefully do more flights with him. As friends of course. 
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“AND THE WINNER IS NETEYAM SULLY OF THE OMATIKAYA!!” O’ame shouts in glee while raising neteyam’s hand high in the air. All of the omatikaya shouted his name, happy and proud he completed his hunt. 
“THAT'S OUR DAD!!!” the triplets shouted as they aggressively shook each other. 
Lu’law looks over and sees Tan Jala walking towards his clan, there the olo’eyktan console him while atan was beside him. The prince didn't look happy. Secretly she felt bad but, how can she go over there and say “hi, sorry my dad beat your best guy” or something like that. 
“Lu’law! Come on! Let's take a picture!” she heard tuk shout for her. Taking one last look at atan, she heads over. 
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Night reached, and many have na’vi have settled for another night of resting. But for some, adventure just begun. 
After having a nice dinner, Lu’law was quick to leave her family’s tent and in search of Atan. There is a long list of things she wants to talk about with him. He was like a breath of fresh air. Something new and interesting to her. And hopefully, they can continue to talk ever after the hunt. 
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“Ahahahaha!! So for the whole day you just scared them like that?” Atan asked while trying to calm himself after a fit of laughs. 
“Hahaha! It was easy back then since we were little and our voices were identical. So fooling anyone was just utter fun for us” lu’law answers in glee as she recalls a fun memory from her childhood. 
“Being a triplet has its merits and great ideas to fool people. I love my brothers very much, but sometimes it is nice to just, you know, have your own identity. Be someone you can be ya know?” she goes on. 
Atan looks at her before looking down at his reflection from the waters. “Being someone that everyone recognizes is good. Yes. But sometimes it is also good to be someone that shares the same face as everyone else”. 
“Oh…being the son of the olo’eyktan and tsahik does make you stand out” lu’law says while looking at Atan’s overall look. “But arent you special in a way?” Atan asks her. The girl humms at the thought. “Well, a tiny bit, yes. But our people treat me and my brothers the same as they treat everyone else. As equals.” 
Atan’s eyes sparkle at the thought, “must be nice”. “Alright then, what is your life like” lu’law asks. Atan rubs his arms a bit and shits slightly from where he was sitting. 
“Everywhere I go, people treat me like someone fragile. Someone that has to be protected, and given high expectations to meet. Like I am some miracle blessed upon them. Anything I do or say is often judged, Which results in me not having friends” Atan confesses. 
“Oh…well then…can I be your friend?” Lu’law asks with a playful wink. Atan blushes and looks at her with soft eyes, “yes…I would like that”. 
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A gentle hum is heard in the main Tipani tent, where the tsahik is making more healing items. Letting the cool air tingle her smooth skin, she halts for a moment. The flaps of the tent open, and it welcomes an Atokirina. In its floating grace, the atokrina lands on Atan’s treasured bow. It stays there for a few seconds and off it flies into the night sky. 
The tsahik looks at her son's bow, the little scene replaying in her mind. Processing and trying to understand what the message means. Collapsing her hands together in prayer, she speaks to her great mother. 
“Ma’eywa, What plans you have for my son, I trust you with my heart. May his path be open for you”. 
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“And then you twist and go under the third string, and repeat the process” 
Lu’law was teaching Atan a specific weaving pattern as means to hold liquids. He looks at her work in fascination. “The pattern is far different than what my clan weaves. Your clan are clever” he comments. Lu’law blushes slightly. 
“Oh this pattern isn't from Omatikaya, it's from the Metkayina clan. Grandfather tonowari personally taught me” she happily states. 
Atan blinks at that, “you mentioned a few clans now, how well involved are you with them?” he asks. Curiosity at its peak. 
“Well, my family is really close to the Metkayina clan, my uncle loki permanently lives in Awa’atlu with my aunt tsireya. But often he comes to visit. Or during warmer times, we go visit them, especially when the tulkun returns. Oh! And the Tyrangi clan are just as close as the metkayina, of course because of their olo’eykte, Ikenyi. She is a great leader and would visit them from time to time. Or them visiting us. There is also the Olangi clan, but only on special occasions do our clans meet. But the Kekunan clan, we are really close with that clan through our love for our ikrans. They have a nice sense of humor” lu’law closes her explanation with a happy smile on her face. 
“Wow…you are lucky. I never met other clans unless I came to this hunt. It must be nice to have connections with others' ' atan says while grabbing a stick and swirling it in the water. 
Lu’law scooted much closer, their shoulders touching. “Well,  start with me and my family. The Omatikaya. And who knows, we will see who is next”. 
Atan felt warmth in his heart. Lu’law truly is someone unique. Despite knowing him for a short time, she is ready to open a new experience for him. And he will treasure that forever. 
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The following night, Atan was setting his things before leaving to see lu’law again. This time more excited, as it means to meet new people, she will start by introducing him to her brothers. Eager to get there faster, he shoves things in a rather messy way. 
The tsahik notices his urgency, and gets closer to her son. “Ma’itan, what has gotten you to be in such a hurry?” she asks. “Sa’nok, I wanted to wait a bit but, guess what? I made a friend” Atan answers with such happiness and glee. 
The tsahik gasps and hugs her son tightly, letting a bit of laughter escape her lips. “Oh ma’itan I am so happy! Your smile is more radiant than before. Is your friend a good person?”. 
Atan nods fast, “oh more than good! She has shown me many new things I never knew before! Sa’nok, she treats me like any other na’vi, doesn't treat me anything special, just another person. And I have come to enjoy that. Forgetting who I am when I am around her” he confesses. 
This brought tears to his mother, bringing him in for a hug she says, “atan my precious child. Words can't express what I am feeling. Your prayers to Eywa has finally been answered. I am glad”. 
Atan blushes at his mothers and hugs her more. May Eywa grant him the true bliss of friendship. 
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“Ok you two, try not to make a fool out of me, our clan, or out of yourselves” Lu’law warns while pointing at her brothers. Lu’lafyon shrugs. “Come on sis, you know us. We won't do anything embarrassing in front of you” Lu’tstunwi says. 
“Mhm” lu’law eyes her brothers in suspicious manner. “Whatever, don't overwhelm him. Oh, and try not to mention a lot of human technology, or anything in general”. 
Lu’lafyon and lu’tstunwi looked at her in slight confusion, “why not?” they both ask in unison. 
“He is from the Tipani clan” lu’law answers as a matter of fact way. 
“Yeah. He already expressed his opinions on them. So try to limit it on it” she adds. “Sis, even though that clan has clearly expressed their disinterest with anything human related. How did your new friend accept you? Since, you know, got human blood in you, in all of us” Lu’lafyon asks. 
“I think he was willing to push past that. At least what I suspect, but I won't push him on that” lu’law says. 
The three walk further to the meeting spot lu’law and atan agreed. And speaking of which, he was there, ready. 
“ATAN!!” lu’law shouts to get his attention. Atan turns around to see her and smiles happily, he makes his way towards the triplets. “Hope we didn't make you wait long” lu’law says as she greets her friend. Atan shakes his head, “not at all”. 
“Good, well, Atan, these are my brothers, lu’lafyon and lu’tstunwi” lu’law introduces. The boys each greet the tipani prince. “Nice to finally meet you. Our sister here wouldn't shut up about you” lu’lafyon teases. This made lu’law blush, as well as atan. 
“Shut up!” lu’law shouted.  Lu’lafyon only stuck his tongue out to her. 
As the siblings bicker, Atan took a good look at the three. And indeed they were three of a kind. Same eye shapes, eyebrows, identical blue stripes, 5 fingers and toes, down to their manners. All identical. Truly amazing, at least to atan. 
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“My love, have you seen the triplets?” Neteyam asks as he enters his tent. Syawn was in the middle of weaving when she stopped to look at him. “Yes, they left to meet a friend,” she answers. 
This piqued the interest of neteyam. “A friend? Who?” he asks. Syawn just smiles, “a friend” she repeats. Neteyam sits behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Both snuggling in each other's warmth and comfort. 
“They didn't tell me anything about a friend, '' Neteyam says with a slight pout on his lips. This expression made syawn giggles a bit. “They were in a hurry as they told me, they wanted to fly their ikrans with their friend”. 
“And who is this friend? Someone we know?” neteyam asks more. “I am not sure, they didn't give me much details before running of” syawn says as she continues to weave. Neteyam hums at her words, frowning a bit. “They are being secretive then. I am not sure if I am alright with that”. 
Syawn stopped her weaving to turn around and face her beloved mate. “Have you forgotten what we were like at their age? Sneaking around, keeping secrets, and doing our own thing?” She reminds her husband. 
Feeling nostalgia, he pulls his mate closer. “Yes, how could I forget, but at that time we were-”. Neteyam stops himself, coming to a realization as his eyes widen and tail swaying. Syawn quickly catched on, “no! No no no no! No! They are not doing what you are thinking” she quickly said. But that didn't reassure neteyam. If anything, it only made him more suspicious. “Syan, it is like you said. What if they are repeating the same things we did? Have they found someone? My sons? My daughter? Who out there is even worthy to be near lu’law? What if-” 
“Sssshhhh…” Syawn silences him with her finger on his lips. Her warm smile slowed his panic, “A friend, they are going to meet a friend. Nothing more, and nothing less” was all she said.
“Trust in our kids, especially lu’law”.
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“Are you sure about this lu’law?” Atan asks, a bit unsure. Lu’law pats him on the shoulder, “positive” she answers. 
They were near the mountains that hosted all of the ikrans. 
Three identical roars were heard. From the starlights, three ikrans flew towards them, each landing in front of the triplet. Atan stood in amazement. As if things couldn't be more amazing, the three ikrans were exactly the same. Same colors, same pattern, same everything. 
The triplets were welcoming their ikrans, petting them and giving them kisses. “Interesting names your ikrans have. I never heard names like those before” Atan says. “Thanks, we got the names from watching godzilla-OW!” lu’lafyon shouts in pain as lu’tstunwi elbows him hard in the stomach. 
“Ignore what he said, my brother can be very yappy at times” lu’law says. Atan nods at that and calls for his ikran, srew. And the four took flight, letting their ikrans dance together as they get to know srew, their new friend.
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After some time, the four young na’vi departed as it was getting late. Atan returned with a wide smile that might as well be permanent. Being quiet while sneaking back inside, he lays in his hammock. The night was fun! The triplets were very kind and considerate of him. Especially lu’law. 
Just thinking about her makes him blush. She has done much for him, it is only fair he returns the favor. Perhaps a gift? Yes, a gift will do wonderfully. 
Atan drifts off to sleep, thinking what can be good to give his new friend. 
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“You three are late” neteyam says as soon as the triplets made it home. The three stood still, not expecting their dad to confront them. Syawn was behind neteyam, her face remaining neutral. 
“How was your time with your new friend?” 
Syawn’s face wasn't neutral anymore. 
“Traitor” The triplets thought. 
“Sorry dad, we were caught up in some games and other stuff that we lost track of time” Lu’law explains. “Oh really? And who is this friend by the way?” Neteyam pushes more. Syawn placed a hand on his shoulder. “Nete, we talked about this. Dont pressure her or any of our children” she says. 
“If you have to know, my new friend is kind, respectful, fun, and very open minded in new things. Hell, lu’lafyon and lu’tstunwi where with me. They met my friend” lu’law explains, hoping it was enough to satisfy her dad. 
The brothers nod in unison as to confirm. 
Neteyam sighs, finally letting it go. “Alright, as long as they are not hurting you, or mistreating you, then I am fine with it”. This made lu’law smile and hug him. 
“Yeah, he is super cool” lu’lafyon says. 
Oh shit. 
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“Sooooo….” Ti’ong trails. 
“Soooo….” tuk add. 
“So? I look ridiculous! I can't go anywhere with this thing on my head!” Lu’law yells in frustration. Behind her, she could hear the laugh and cackles of her brothers as they take her embarrassment to their amusement. 
On top of her head was a taped camera stuck to an old military helmet onced used for avatars. “And what's worse, my dad is looking at everything! Fucking hell!” Lu’law curses out. A slight beep was heard from the camera. “Language lu’law” neteyam says. 
This made her brothers laugh even harder, to the point they fall down on their backs while holding their stomachs. “Oh you think its funny huh?” Lu’law growls. Tuk got closer to examine it. “Well it seems he made sure it was stuck for good. I'm sure he had help from your grandpa” tuk says. This made lu’law groan in misery. 
“What am I going to do? I am going to hang out with atan in an hour! I dont want him to see this junk on my head. Especially with dad seeing everything I do”. 
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“Was it really necessary neteyam?” syawn looks at her husband with some disappointment in her eyes. The man in question was smiling rather proudly as he fist bumped with lo’ak. “Yes, very, that way I will know what she is doing, where she is doing, and make sure that no man will-” 
“Neteyam. I think you are overreacting, they are just friends” syawn states. “With all due respect syawn, this isn't overreacting. Lu’law is a young girl, while strong yes, but she is vulnerable” lo’ak says. Sighing, syawn sits in front of them. “Lu’law isn't a little girl anymore. She can stand her ground.Heck, the boy isn't even courting her. Just because lu’law has a male friend doesn't mean anything. Jake didn't stop kiri and spider being friends for a long time”. 
“Yes but look where that led to” lo’ak answers quickly, with neteyam nodding. Syawn rolls her eyes and shakes her head.` `Nothing good comes out of it. I am sure of that!” lo’ak says.  “You two are so stubborn” with that, she left them alone. Perhaps more evidence should prove them wrong.
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Atan paced back and forth in a nervous frienzie. Srew shakes her head to see her rider acting like such a nerve wreck. 
In his hands holds a gift he was to give to lu’law. In his mind, so many made up scenarios Each one more worse than the last. 
“No no, she will like it. I know she will. Wait, but what if-” 
His thoughts were cut by the sound of lu’laws voice. Seeing her in view made Atan feel better all of a sudden, His inner thoughts gone, and relief came over him. Holding the gift firmly in his hands, he walks over. 
“Hey, what do you wanna do”
“I brought you something” 
Both lu’law and atan spoke over each other. They chuckled at the funny moment. Lu’law gestured him to speak first. 
Still feeling nervous, he handed the little package to lu’law, “I brought you something. As a thank you for last night”. 
Lu’law gasped a bit, not expecting such a surprise. “Atan, you didnt have to give me anything. Just being with you is more than enough for me” she says. This made atan blush a deep purple. 
“S-still, as a token of appreciation. For helping me meet other clan members, like your siblings” he says while trying to keep his cool. Lu’law giggles at that, “oh trust me, they were just the beginning. I plan for you to meet more”. 
Atan’s ears and tail twitched at the idea. 
“E-either way! Take it, I hope it is to your fitting” he says. 
Lu’law rolls her eyes, “alright, if you insist. Thank you” she takes the gift in her hands. Unwrapping the carefully woven leaves, it revealed a marvelous bracelet. This made her gasp at its beauty. 
The bracelet was woven in the Tipani style, colorful beads carefully embedded along with a light pink feather in the center under the beautiful beads. A style that she hasn't seen before. So she places it above her head, letting the sunlight shine among the beads, revealing their beautiful colors. 
“Oh atan, it is beautiful! I promise I will forever treasure it and never take it off!” Lu’law declares as she puts the bracelet on her wrist. It fitted like a glove. 
Atan was so happy! To see lu’law smile was truly a blessing. The curves of her lips when exposing her pretty white teeth was something. The view made his heart thump like never before. 
“I am so glad, I was worried that you wouldn't like it,” he confessed. “Like it? Atan, I LOVE it!” lu’law replies with glee. Hearing his name come out of her voice was pleasuring. Atan wishes to hear more of it. 
Lu’law grabs his hand and leads him somewhere, to start another journey together.
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And for days it has been like that. Everyday lu’law and atan would meet in a specific area and go on an adventure. And every day, Atan would gift lu’law something new. Each gift more extravagant than the last. 
And for days Atan’s feelings grow more clear and more strong. Too afraid to confess to lu’law, in fear that she will reject him. And so far, Atan hasnt told anyone about his feelings, not even his mother. 
Until now that is. 
Laying on his hammock, Atan gazes at the sunset, the orange and purple hues painting the sky. 
His mother noticed his odd silence and walked over to him. “My son, will you go to meet your friend?” she asks softly. Atan turns to her and nods with a little blush. “Yes, in a bit but mother…there is something I have to ask” he says with hesitance in his voice. His mother scoots closer, all ears on him. 
“How did you and father fall in love?” he asks. 
Oh this turned more interesting. 
Laying beside her son, and gaze at the sky, a smile crept up to the tsahiks lips. Fond memories play back in her mind. 
“Where do I even begin?” she asks. 
“From the beginning” Atan replies as if it was the most obvious thing. His mother giggled and pinched his nose. “Very well” 
She takes a moment and begins to tell her story. 
“Your father and I were arranged. We just passed our iknimaya and your grandmother saw potential in me. While I did strive to be a good healer, she saw beyond. And proceeded to train me. At an early point I met your father. He was a bit hesitant but never rejected me. And I didn't reject him. Skeptic yes, but I wanted to see where it would go” . 
Atan’s ears peaked up, he had his full attention on her. 
“It was a bit odd and strange for us to be together at communal dinners, and certain celebrations. However, not once did your father mistreat me. In fact, he respected me. If I wanted to hunt, or create my own weapons, he didn't stop me. If anything, he searched for the best materials for me. It was his way of showing he sees me as someone more than just a potential mate. He courted me, gave me unique yet simple gifts. We would even hunt together. And I of course began to show him the same level of effort as he did with me. I made sure his weapons were well maintained, made batches of healing materials should he come to me with wounds. And learned what he liked best in his meals. Love didn't happen overnight, my child. Love takes time to grow, develop, and explore. And love is something to be nourished and tended to. The love your father and I have is blissful. And I can't imagine a life without him”. 
Atan looked at her with great amazement. Yes, their love story isn't unique or one of a kind, but it was honest and pure. 
“What made you so curious ma’atan?” the mother asks. 
Atan looks down, afraid to tell the reason. But it didn't take long for the tsahik to figure it out. 
“My son, do you perhaps have feelings for someone?” hope hinted in her voice. 
“W-well…I am still trying to figure that out myself. You see….she is kind, sweet and very caring. Very open to express how she feels and isn't afraid to try anything new. And she shows me so many things. Taught me methods and learn new ways to go around in the forest, and fields. I have seen things that isn't seen often in our forests. And I like that. I like how she introduces me to new idealis, concepts, and skills. *sighs* and everytime I am with her, my heart beats faster, my words tangle, and my mind can't be focused. And I think I-” 
“Might be in love?” his mother finished. 
Atan nods shyly, “yes…I really really like her mother”. 
The tsahik hugged her son and squeals in happiness. “Oh my son! My heart skips in joy! Oh we should should tell your father!”. 
“No! Not yet at least, I want to confess to her first, before anything is set…I will try to confess and if she accepts me, I wish to court her” Atan says with determination. His mother blinks at this news. 
“Ma’atan, are you certain?” she asks. 
And atan nods, more confident. 
“Very well, tell me. Who is the one who captured my son's heart?” 
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Lu’law was humming in glee as she helps her mother and Tsireya prepare dinner. The two women noticed her high spirits and smiling constantly. For days Lu’law was in a good mood constantly. Wasn't talking in a loud voice often, being more calm and docile. She didn't even try to hide it as everyone knew the obvious change. Especially her brothers who knew the reason behind it. 
Tsireya and Syawn shared a look and turned to Lu’law. “You certainly have been very joyfull these past few days, my child. Any particular reason?” Syawn asks in a teasing manner. The sudden question made Lu’law become silent for a moment, a blush creeping to her cheeks. 
“Nothing special. I just enjoy being here, much like everyone else. Nothing wrong with just being happy” Lu’law says, albeit a bit defensively. Trying to be calm as she chops pieces of meat. 
“Are you sure it's not because of a certain Tipani na’vi~?” Syawn asks. 
Lu’law almost chopped off her finger. 
Tisreya giggles but surprised, “a Tipani? My, they are a very reserved clan” she comments. “Not all of them! There are a few exceptions…” Lu’law defends while rubbing her arm. The two women smiled at her little manners. Oh they know the behavior very well. 
The women stopped what they were doing and huddled closer to Lu’law. “Sweet one, it is ok to be honest. Especially with your feelings. Hiding your feelings will get you nowhere. Believe me”. 
Lu’law pondered at her mothers words and hummed a bit in thought. Tsireya pushed a bit of lu’law hair back, tucking it behind her ear, “can we at least know the reason behind your bright smiles?” she asks. 
Taking a deep breath, Lu’law mentally prepares herself, “it is my friend. And yes, he is from the Tipani clan. You see, ever since I met him, things have been fun. More fun than usual. He is a bit shy, and hesitant but he is a good person. When I am with him, life is more calm, still adventurous yet the pace is slow in a good way. When I show him things, he responds with his gratitude. I don't ask for anything yet he insists. That is something I have come to admire. I give him something, and he returns the gesture. He is just…..kind. And every time I am with him, my brain turns into tv static, my heart jumps, and my focus isn't focusing”. 
Syawn and Tsireya listened very closely as they shared a look. They knew very well where this could lead to. 
“Little one, it seems as though…you are growing feelings for this Tipani boy” Tsireya says with a hopeful smile. Lu’law blinks rapidly, processing her words. “What? No, no that can't be right” Lu’law says, a bit in denial. 
Syawn pulls her daughter into her arms and gently rocks her back and forth. “Ma’Lu’law, it is ok. It may be confusing, a bit scary even. But having feelings for someone you are close to is alright as well. Normal”. 
“But I have only known him for almost a full week now” Lu’law says. Tsireya then adds, “even if it is for a short time of getting to know them. It is normal. Our emotions can be unpredictable at times but if it is something that our hearts desire, feelings will grow for that special someone”. 
Lu’law slowly nods, taking her mother and aunts words. 
“I think I get it now” 
“Wonderful! Um, if it is alright, who is this friend of yours?” Tsireya asks gently. 
“His name is atan, the Tipani prince” 
“Oh shit-”
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The following day, Atan was once again preparing some items when his father walked up to him, “Atan” he calls with his stern voice. 
The boy quickly turned to face his father, all his attention now turned to the olo’eyktan. The man in question looked up and down at his son, taking in every detail of his son. “These past few days you have been absent after the trials. Where do you go that is more important than attending to your clan duties?” he asks. 
This was something Atan was afraid to confront with his father. To explain the reasons behind his constant absence. 
“Father, any service I offer is of no use as many have no need for it. I would be wasting my time doing nothing when I could be doing something else more useful” He claims. 
The olo’eyktan then asks, “and what is more important than being with your own clan?” 
“Do I tell him?” Atan thinks to himself. 
The leader frowned even more as he continues, “You have done nothing in my eyes, have you done any training since we arrived? I think not, you wander around like some arrow deer. I brought you here to-” 
“I made a friend” Atan blurted out. 
There was a moment of silence, a moment that felt longer. 
“What was that?” The olo’eyktan asks, his voice calm but not pleased. 
“I m-made a friend, we have been friends for a good while. She is kind and good to me, and I have learned so much-” 
“A friend? My son, how many times must I tell you? Any and all young na’vi will only use you to gain recognition and have any form of status. Which is why I appoint who is worthy to even be by your side” Atan’s father says, dissuading what atan said. 
The young prince shook his head, “no father, my friend, she is kind. She has shown me things that I could never see again in a lifetime, we rode our ikrans together, introduced me to different clans and their people. I learned more from her than I will back home” Atan states. 
His father hums quietly, from being dismissal to now being interested he asks, “and who is this friend you praise so much?”. 
There was a moment of silence before Atan reveals the name. 
“Her name is Lu’law Sully, the famous triplet of the Omatikaya…and is the grand daughter of Toruk Makto”
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This time, Lu’law was waiting for atan at the agreed area. Her tail sways in a playful manner, playing with her hands as her heart makes leaps. After talking with her mother and aunt, lu’law has come to the conclusion of her true feelings for atan. She has fallen for the Tipani prince. And did she fall hard after the realization. 
There were many things running in her mind at once. 
Will she tell atan? If so, how? Now? Later? Never? 
So many scenarios play in her mind like quick flashes of every possibility. Yet none seem more plausible. 
She can only hope, and pray to Eywa that everything can go smoothly. That whatever happens, it happens well. 
And massive support from her brothers of course. 
Never had she turned her head around so quick before. Her eyes meet Atan’s lovely amber eyes. They share a smile as he gets closer. 
“Lu’law, I have something for you” Atan says with happiness and love in his voice. Holding a wrapped package. Lu’law playfully rolls her eyes but smiles nonetheless. 
“How many times do I have to tell you, Atan? You don't have to give me anything, just being with you is enough” Lu’law tries to reason with her dear friend. But if anything, it only made atan fall deeper for her. 
“I know but I can't help it. This one however, I really want you to have it” Atan says, he can't help but let out an awkward smile. The nerves getting to him. 
Lu’law couldn't help but smile at him, inwardly sighing as she accepts the gift. She noticed Atan’s tail was swaying in a specific manner. Like he is anticipating her reaction. Raising an eyebrow she starts to open her gift. 
And upon reveal was a beautiful necklace, the colors chosen were of reds, oranges and yellows. All woven in the Tipani style. Each colored bead made a perfect blend of the three colors. With hints of dark green in the fiber, it was quite well detailed. More extravagant than all of the other gifts. 
“Oh Atan…this…this is beyond what you usually give me. This is more, far more detailed and more complex” Lu’law lists as she takes in everything. 
“But do you like it…?” Atan asked, his nerves going crazy. 
“Atan, you know I always love your gifts. Even this one, let me put it one” Lu’law says as she carefully puts on the necklace. A light hearted giggle escapes her lips and she does a twirl. 
“How do I look? Does it suit me?” Lu’law asks in a playful manner while doing a small pose to display her new gift. 
Atan could die happy, to see lu’law wearing something of his clan makes his heart thump in joy. This is different from all the gifts he made for her. This one was different. This gift was the start of courting her, officially. 
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Lu’lafyon and Lu’Tstunwi were assisting their mother in gathering some herbs to ground for spices near a lake. There was a calm silence between the three as they work together until Lu’lafyon decided to open his mouth. 
“Sa’nok do you think lu’law would find a mate here?” 
Syawn almost fell into the water had not Lu’Tstunwi catches her on time. 
“Bro!” he calls out, slightly annoyed. Lu’Lafyon shrugged, still waiting for an answer, 
“A mate? Here? Well we are already half way through the Skxom hunt, I don't think there is enough time to get to know someone enough to proceed courting. Why would you ask that?” Syawn says with a concerning curiosity. 
Lu’Lafyon looks past behind her to see Lu’Tstunwi giving him gestures to not say anything, Looking back at his mother with some slight hesitant in his voice. 
“No reason, just wondering,” He replies. 
Syawn huffs out a relief and continues doing her task. 
“Lu’law finding a mate here. It would be quite a shock, especially with your father. He would lose his mind”. 
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“I am about to lose my mind with this!” Neteyam says in a frustrating way. He, lo’ak and jake were carefully making their way through a small field of cloud spitters. Jake chuckles in amusement, “I am surprised it's not lo’ak losing patience”. 
“I find it a bit relaxing honestly” Lo’ak responds. 
“Too bad there isn't a shortcut, but we are almost there '' Jake tells his sons as he views the Omatikaya section. 
“Better be worth it, gathering those sunflowers” Neteyam states as he carries his own weight of the sunflowers. 
“Trust me, this will give the pali’s great source of nutrients and energy. At least that is what Nefika told me” Jake says. 
Finally making it, they can see syawn with her sons, making neteyam smile for a moment. 
“Lu’law isn't anywhere near here” he says to his brother and father. The due take a long look at their section, and true, lu’law wasn't at the omatikaya section. Slowly they make their way to their main tent as they still keep an eye out for the sister triplet. 
“Perhaps she is recording other areas' ' Jake suggests. Lo’ak had a different thought, “Maybe she is off to meet some scrawny skxawng and sneak around”. Jake was quick to hit him in the back of the head. 
“Shut it boy, don't talk  about that kind of stuff” Jake warned him. He looked to see neteyam who was standing frozen still. Way too still for anyone's liking. 
“I was joking!!” Lo’ak was quick to claim as he walked up to neteyam. 
Neteyam himself was in his own mind. So many thoughts running through his mind. 
What is lu’law doing after leaving breakfast? What makes her spend so many hours alone? Who is she with? Is she safe? Who is constantly getting her attention? Who could be more important than her family? Is lu’law being deceived? He wouldn't hesitate to-
Neteyam’s train of thoughts were broken when he heard his father’s voice. Looking towards Jake, he can read certain expressions. 
“Your daughter is fine. Remember what norm asked her to do? Record everything. And most likely that is what lu’law is doing. Recording everything there is of the hunt. It is only natural she goes out and perhaps talk to other clans. She always comes back either way”
Jake's words comforted neteyam. Yes, he forgot about the camera. 
But for better measure, asking where lu’law is going everyday wouldn't hurt. 
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“Cant you stay a little longer? You were getting better” Atan whines a bit, almost begging lu’law to stay with him. The girl can't help but smile at his small antic. 
“I wish I could, but the longer I stay, the more worried my family will be. And it's only so long can my siblings keep my parents distracted '' She answers. Lu’law grabs atan’s hands and intertwined her fingers with his. She looks up at his eyes, golden eyes staring at each one’s soul. Bright and glimmering. 
“Your family, I am interested in meeting the rest of them. I have met your brothers, but I am curious to meet your parents and your uncle Loki, '' Atan says as a small chuckle escapes his lip. Lu’law however, she chucked but more in a nervous manner. 
“My mother might welcome you. But my father, uummmm not so much. If anything, he might try to scare you” Lu’law explains. Worst neteyam could do is skin atan alive. And that is something she doesn't want. 
But for atan, he sees it as a welcoming challenge. His father did say it is the fathers that are the the forefront of the families and not every father out there is more than willing to accept a potential mate for their daughter. 
“Then how would you suggest I approach him?” Atan asks, if he wants to make peace with lu’laws father, anything is open for suggestions. 
Tapping her chin, lu’law hums a bit. “Well…that is a bit hard to say. I dont want you to fake anything, he can sense it. Oh! Approach my mother first, if she accepts you then my father would tolerate you more”. 
Seems easy enough. 
“But we have to pick the right moment. My father and uncle already suspect my absence” Lu’law warns. 
“Then how about tomorrow during communal dinner? Would that be enough time?” Atan asks, the sooner the better. There is only so many days left before the hunt is over. And it seems it satisfied lu’law. 
“Alright, tomorrow at omatikaya grounds” Lu’law says. With their final goodbyes, each left to their own grounds. Already looking forward to tomorrow. 
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Atan made it back safely to his grounds, where he greets his mother and father. The tsahik welcomes him in a warm hug and quickly serves him a warm meal that was recently cooked. Thanking his mother, he takes a bite. The flavors dance on his tongue, increasing his good mood. 
Yes, all will be good in the end. 
“Did you give it to her?” his father asks, a bit too eager. Matching the same level of eagerness, atan nodes. “Yes, and she accepted it. Tomorrow, I will meet her family” he announced. 
Ths tsahik squeals in joy, hugging atan again. “I knew it! Eywa has truly found the one for you my son. Time is now your only enemy. They will accept you. And we already accept her”. Taking a bit more food, Atan leaves to prepare for tomorrow. Leaving the olo’eyktan and tsahik alone to talk once more. 
“Are you sure this is the right way to approach?” the tsahik asks, a bit concerned. Her mate nods confidently. “Yes, with the omatikaya as his mate, it will tie the tipani with that clan. With their skills and knowledge, we will be stronger than we have ever been”
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Lu’law opens the flap of the tent to see everyone sitting down just in time for dinner. The smell of the good was very enticing, making her more hungry. Making her way, she sits between her brothers as her parents begin to fill the bowls. 
“How was your day my sweet? Had another adventure?” Syawn asks while smiling adoringly. Lu’law couldn't help but blush a bit. Accepting the bowl full of yummy stew, she begins to eat. 
“That necklace is new, did you make it lu’law?” Neteyam asks, cutting to the chase. Syawn hissed at him lowly, but it was evident neteyam had something on his mind. 
“Yes, but I didn't make it. A friend did” Lu’law responds a bit cautiously. Glancing at her brothers who share a worried look. She forgot to take it off before going in. 
“May we see it?” Syawn asks gently, stretching out her hand. Gulping down her nervousness, but cant fight down the tension rising. Untying the necklace, she hands it to her mother who accepts it gracefully. 
Neteyam leans closer to his wife as they both inspect the necklace in great detail. “My my, this pattern of weaving is very fancy looking. Certainly not omatikaya or metkayina…no…” Syawn does her best to guess. Neteyam recognizes the pattern all too well. 
“It is from the Tipani clan” it was a matter of fact statement. 
Both parents turned to look at lu’law. '`Who gave this to you lu’law?’ Neteyam asks in a stern voice, his anger slowly growing. 
Oh how lu’law wanted to hide behind her brothers, To hide and forget all of this. But even lu’lafyon and lu’tstunwi are helpless in this situation. Any wrong move and they will be in trouble. 
“Ummmm….w-well…..” she tries to say. 
“Sweetie, please tell us. This necklace…my sweet girl do you know what this means? What this necklace signifies?” Syawn pleads to her daughter. Hoping that she has a slight clue. 
Neteyam slams the necklace down, unable to control this boiling anger. “For Eywa’s sake-IT IS A COURTING GIFT!” 
Silence was there is in the tent. No eyes blinking, no movement, only silence. 
Lu’law was slowly processing what her father said, “courting? No no, it was just a gift of appreciation. He would have told me”. She shakes her head, trying to reason her father and also herself. This isn't right. This wasn't how she wanted it to go. What has she accepted? What did atan do exactly? 
“I will ask you one more time lu’law sully, who is the na’vi that gifted you this courting necklace?” Neteyam asks, eyes burning in amber. Heat flowing in his body, and it is not from the cooking fire. 
“Sis…it is best you tell him. They all have to know at some point” Lu’tstunwi pleads with his sister. So, taking a deep breath, she answers. 
“Atan Afyawusìntxu, son of the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik, prince of the Tipani clan” 
Syawn can only place her face between her hands. 
“Here we go again�� 
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Far from camping grounds, on the holy grounds where the hidden Sarentu tree of souls resides, Nefika was there, feeling the energies around her. 
As she was connected to the tree with her queue, she senses a form of disturbance. Looking up at the tree with adoration and love, she smiles. 
“It seems there is storm to come before paradise grows” 
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Taglist: : @quirkyhero , @theunfortunateplace , @moonchildxoxx , @galactict3a , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @cloudyw1ndzz
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