#like maybe he scares billy or that billy is just super watchful around older males bc of neil
hgrve · 1 year
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hopper is trying to be a good dad to billy but it's an adventure
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luxshine · 1 year
Ok. So we start Stranger Things season 3
I write this as I watch, so basically, it's real time watching with me only in just one post.
And we start of course with the most idiotic team of scientists that has ever lived on a tv series. Because SERIOUSLY, what were they expecting, opening the door again? Carebears? Rainbow Brite? No, of course not. Death and destruction, that's it.
Also, I hope the general dies painfully. He has that look of a main villain that I usually hate so yeah, death. Pleas. Soon.
And OH! They're russians. So they're ANOTHER team of very stupid scientists, not OUR stupid scientists. Of course. The Eighties and the cold war and the Red Scare. So... HOW did they get a gate?
(And no, seriously, Scientists in fiction are always the stupidest smartest people around. I'd be more annoyed by it if it wasn't because in RL we have Scientists making cloned mammoth meatballs so... yeah)
Mike is still an idiot I see. But those kids are not JUST one year older. No way.
Also, someone get Hooper a parenting manual and a hobby. And get El some standarts. Mike is way below her level.
Good to see Lucas and Max are still going strong. And that Max is now part of the party.
AWWW... Steve's coworker knows the kids as "His Children". And he lets them in to Rated B movies that they SHOULD NOT be watching. SO sweet. And Will is SO in love with Mike it's painful. Really, Mike, Eleven, GET some standarts. There are much, much better boys than Mike out there.
Also, I had seen Steve in the Scoops Ahoy's outfit before (hard not to in Tumblr) but NOTHING prepared me to the actual thing in action. He looks SO ADORABLE.
I see the series is now cribbing Resident Evil 2's homework.
I like Robin. She takes none of Steve's crap.
SIgh... Will should NOT be seeing a zombie movie. And hey, the Mind Flayer is back. This is not going to be a good summer for poor Will.
Will, get some taste. Seriously, Mike is trash.
Oh, I see Nancy fixed her polycule issue with the DUMB solution of just having one boyfriend. Well, that leaves Steve free to be a good Single DAd. And good to see that Super Bob is still remembered.
Nancy is still the most selfish girlfriend in the universe I see. Jonathan should also get some taste. I can see that in general the Wheelers are trash people.
AWW, Dustin was away. I really hope his friends didn't forget him because if they did? I am writing the whole group off. YEs, even Max. You don't diss my fave boy.
WHO THE FUCK gave Dustin THAT Monkey Cymball toy? Like, seriously... WHO?! Because you know what toy is? That toy is the cover to Stephen King's Skeleton Crew's short story collection first edition and frigging scary as hell. I can't see monkeys with cymbals thanks to that short story and THAT one is... like the worst of them all.
And AWWW, they just wanted to surprise him. I love them and their friendship so much, even if Mike's an idiot.
WHO THE HELL gave Billy a job as a lifesaver? That man is NOT equipped to care for anyone except maybe his mullet. And he needs to die. Like now.
And it is REALLY creepy to see all the moms lusting after him. ESPECIALLY mrs. Wheeler. She like totally needs to get a life. I want all the Wheelers to move. The only one I don't hate is Mr. Wheeler and that's because he's a non entity.
Hooper's actor was getting ready for Red Guardian, right? His weight is fluctuating weirdly. Also, seriously, get Hopper a parenting manual, and while I agree that Mike is a terrible boyfriend, but he was a lot more sensible in seasons 1 and 2 than in this episode. Sure, he is now a single parent of a teenager, but he didn't use to be this... Alpha male toxic.
Ok, If Nancy goes postal on her coworkers, I won't blame her.
Mike is an idiot. I think we have established that.
DUSTIN HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!!! OMG, Someone tell Steve that his child is growing up.
I agree with Steve. The hat ruins the hair.
And I love Robin.
Ok. Joyce giving parenting lessons to Hooper should be sweet but... it is a bit cringy. Since... uhm. yeah. HARD second hand embarrassment for me here. Also, she has no daughters so... it's weird.
Plus... he TALKED to Eleven last season. Heart to heart talks. Sure, sometimes they ended up in screaming bouts, but they talked. HE knew how to do that!
Like, seriously, how hard would it be to say "I don't want you kissing with tongue under my roof, El, you still need to get a bit more socialized before jumping on a relationship!"? Hopper could do that.
And I see that the Joyce/Hopper ship is sailing.
Mike is an idiot. Will needs a better crush, and Dustin needs better friends. I mean, Lucas and Max ALSO are in a relationship, but they are not just dumping everyone just to go and suck face.
And we're still cribbing Resident Evil's notes. Oh, and Vermin, from Marvel. Anyone remembers Vermin? VERY gross villain. Also Parasite Eve. Cool.
Someone kill Bill, PLEASE.
Seriously, we lost BOB so we could see one of the GROSSEST examples of male gaze and bad flirting with a woman who could be his own mother?! And Is MARRIED! And said NO.
Oooh, trouble in paradise for Max and Lucas.
No, seriously... Dustin needs better friends. He just came back from a month away, is VERY excited about his new girlfriend and how many things he learned over said month. And none of them believe him or want to hear about that and... it's sad. Really sad.
He should've gone to Steve. Steve would've listened, be happy about him and give him a ride to the hill so he wouldn't have needed to take five hours to get there.
I miss Bob.
Ok, seriously, the way the situation of Eleven with Mike around Hooper is being presented really doesn't work for me. He is a father, an adult, and he KNOWS what Mike is thinking because he WAS an hormonal teenager too. And he was the one who let El go to the dance last year. So this whole... I sleep listening to their radio romantic songs is... WEIRD.
ANY parent would go "hey, you can't have your door closed when your boyfriend is here" and it would be OK. Yes, Kiss and all, but open door because you guys are not ready for being parents yourself, you idiots.
Sigh. Hooper. I like your plan of killing Mike. But you are the adult, and the responsible one. So don't kill him. But yes. Mike SHOULD remember that he is dating the Sheriff's DAUGHTER.
Poor Dustin.
At least Will DOES want to hang around. But then, Will is the other single kid in the group and the one who will NOT get a girlfriend.
And of course now Dustin gets RUSSIAN radio. Kid, you need to stay with Steve. When you're with Steve you don't get in that much trouble. Or at least you have someone with a bat ready to defend you.
I NEED a reunion of Steve and Dustin. I mean, yes, the Russians opening the gate again is important and creepy and they shouldn't be doing it, but I REALLY need more Steve and LESS Bill and his creepy relationship with a married woman.
MRs. Wheeler... I don't like you. But seriously, going out with Billy is a mistake. BIG ONE. Don't do it.
Oh, hey. He FINALLY is going to Die. So happy about that. Pity that takes out the chance for Mrs. Wheeler to do the right thing, but I've wanting to see Billy die since, well, since he was mean to Steve. And his kids. So yeah, bye bye billy, you survived like 5 chapters too long for me.
Also, great horror reference at the end.
Strong beginning season 3. Even if you are mistreating my Dustin. Do better, or I will be sending Steve with a bat to your offices.
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msmoonlighter · 6 years
Piper’s Snakes! Because I Feel Like They Need Attention (Also Gorgon Biology?)
So! Piper has twenty snakes total when I draw her (usually?)
She’s named all of them after musicians, artists, mythological characters and book/comic characters that she likes. 
For Gorgons of the Greek kind, I feel like they’d grow or develop their snakes since, in mythology, Medusa started out as a normal woman, and then was transformed into a monster. So maybe when Gorgons are born they have human hair and skin and eyes and then as they grow older they develop more monstrous features. Like by three or four their snakes start coming in and by age ten they’re fully monsters? Or maybe they come in around puberty? I dunno, that’s not my decision to make, just some ideas. 
I feel like Piper would’ve been born blonde with blue-green eyes or brown eyes. (Brown eyes are a dominant gene. I’m half Mexican and I got em. But they’re monsters so different genetics.)
Here’s all of them in order of which they sprouted. 
Greenie (Came in at age three. She was three, did you really expect a good name? He’s the only one without a themed name. Poor guy. He’s pretty mellow, and likes to hide behind his siblings when there’s danger. Because of his skittish, laid back personality, he wasn’t a very good companion for Piper, and ended up not bonding as closely with her as his twin. However he is very affectionate and will comfort her until she’s no longer crying.)
 Bowie (Greenie’s twin brother. Named after David Bowie. A whole king. We stan. One of the more opinionated snakes. Much more flamboyant and has a big personality. Very protective of Piper. Not good at comforting though. Usually he just bumps her cheek with his nose. Pierce helped name him. That’s the only reason he’s not called Greenie II.)
Wiggle (Okay, look. LOOK. She was three years old. She liked The Wiggles. Don’t judge her. Wiggle is, as implied, very wiggly. She likes to move, and is the most energetic of the bunch. She likes to meet new people, but is known for accidentally biting people who smell like food.)
Lady (Named after Lady Gaga. Prissy. As. Hell. A huge diva. She’s another big personality. She gets into moods where she doesn’t want to deal with anyone but Piper and if any of her siblings try to mess with her she’ll snap at them. Piper sometimes braids her in with Greenie and Frida since they’re at the back of her neck, and Lady tolerates Greenie and Frida.)
Frida ( Named in honor of Frida Kahlo. A bit strange to be honest. Kind of a goofy snake. Daydreams a lot. Sometimes doesn’t respond to stuff going on around her because she’s so caught up in her own little world. Piper says that if Frida weren’t attached to her head, she’d be dead in a day, being zoned out all the time and vulnerable to predators.)
Danny (Named after Danny DeVito. Lazy. Not much else to him. He likes to eat, though. And he likes rain.)
Spiderman ( Piper was five. She liked Spiderman. So she named her newest snake Spiderman. He’s cool. He likes bright colors. When silly bands were a thing, he liked to wear all the bands possible.)
Prince (After Diana Prince, Wonder Woman. Not, in fact, after Prince the singer. Would’ve been named Wondy or Diana, but turned out to be a male snake so. He’s exactly what you’d expect from a pet named Prince. To an extent. He’s a little moody and arrogant, and does think highly of himself, but he’s loyal and loving and very much a good snake.)
Billy Jean (After that Michael Jackson song. Really enjoys old eighties shows. Actually a big Star Wars fan. Sometimes she’s really dramatic, and Lady gets annoyed with her on a daily.)
Thriller  (Billy Jean’s twin. Likes horror movies, unsurprisingly. Everyone else on Piper’s head, including Piper, however, does not. So he hardly ever gets to watch them. He’s chill usually. Sleeps a lot.)
Vinnie (After Vincent Van Gogh. A lot like Frida, but sometimes he’ll snap back to reality at weird moments, like right after something happens, and THEN react. Also he’s really emotional. If snakes could cry he’d cry at every movie.)
Han Solo, or just Han ( Literally just Han Solo but as a snake. Not much of a leader, actually, but his ego is big and his patience is small. Very agressive towards people who he senses Piper doesn’t like. Not as much so as Perseus.)
Robin (Pierce wouldn’t let her name him Dick Grayson. He acts real tough and macho, but in reality, he’s super skittish, and often hides when startled instead of striking.)
Artemis (If she were a person she’d be a boss ass bitch. She doesn’t take nonsense from any of her siblings, and tries her best to keep them in control. Piper employs her to wrangle them up when they’re rowdy for extra treats.)
Draco (After Draco Malfoy. The emo one. Likes the night sky. Used to snap at stars and try to eat them when he was first born.)
Baby Spice (Piper really liked the Spice Girls as a kid. Baby’s Just a smol child. Likes to eat flowers the most out of everyone. Either wear the flowers, or eat the flowers, sometimes both. I imagine if she were human she’d be this little tiny blonde kid with a teddy bear and a curious expression all the time.)
Guns (An agressive bean. Acts like she’ll bite you but won’t.)
Roses (Gun’s twin. The punchline of the joke. Guns n’ Roses. She and Piper think it’s clever. Roses is the funny one.)
Buttercup ( After Buttercup the Power Puff Girl. Is not like her name sake AT ALL. She’s small and shy and likes to curl up in the sun at the beach. You know that you’ve gotten to know Piper when Buttercup decides to let you touch her. If she touches you first, then you’re the chosen one. Don’t dissapoint her.)
Perseus ( Best boy snake. Not just a good boy. The best boy. Piper named him Perseus out of rebellion. Her mother was a hardcore believer in the ‘all humans are trash’ thing and always told Piper that if a human ever saw them, they’d take the first chance to kill them. Piper met a human when she was ten, right before she and Pierce ran away, and the kid wasn’t scared of her at all. He was curious and in awe and wanted to touch her snakes. Perseus, who was newly born and hadn’t been named yet, was the only one brave enough to let him. Piper, who’s eyes had recently turned red so she had to wear sunglasses, and who’s skin was green, and who had fangs, was shocked that this boy wasn’t afraid of her. She talked to him for a while, until a man she assumed was his father walked around the corner, spotted her, and screamed. Piper ran home and read up on the Medusa myth.  She found she felt bad for Perseus. He hadn’t chosen that quest. He didn’t want to kill anyone. He had been challenged to. He was doing it to save his loved ones. His mother. Piper understood doing things she didn’t want to do for her loved ones. She’d done things she wasn’t proud of for Pierce. She’d stolen things, lied to people. She’d even turned her first person to stone for Pierce. Her new snake was much like Perseus from the myth. Brave, honorable, quick thinking, fiercely loyal to Piper. So she decided, in a lightning fast decision aimed both bother her mother and to make amends with the history of her kind, she named her snake Perseus. He’s by far, the closest to her out of all her snakes.)
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