#but bc billy wants to hang out he just follows hopper and it turns into them just moving from room to room over and over
hgrve · 2 years
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hopper is trying to be a good dad to billy but it's an adventure
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lesbianlovelanguage · 4 years
hi!! u asked for prompts!! how about experiment!steve nd the party and billy finding out? u chose his abilities:-)
Hey nonny!! I had SO MUCH fun writing this, thank you so much for the awesome prompt. I hope you like it :)
Also putting in a cut bc this is like over 3k 
Nancy and Jonathan-
Steve was so, so tired as he rolled up to the Byer’s house. The entire three hours he had spent erasing that stupid ass graffiti, he had thought about how to make it up to Nancy. He realized that the first move had to be apologizing to Byers. Besides that, what he had said really was fucked up, no matter how much Nancy had hurt him. It definitely wasn’t his place to say anyone else’s family is screwed up either, not with his history.
With a huff, he clambered out of his car and hustled up to the front door. Something didn’t feel right, but he shrugged that off to the fact that it was so dark outside. He reached the front door, and began pounding.
“Jonathan! Are you there man? It’s… It’s Steve! Listen, I just wanna talk.” He heard some shuffling as he continued to pound on the door, but pulled his fist away as he heard the chain lock being pulled. 
“Nancy?” This was going to be so much harder if she was here, shit. 
“Steve. You need to leave.” 
“No, no I’m not trying to start shit, okay?”
“That’s not important Steve. I don’t care.” Fuck, he really fucked up didn’t he? 
Nancy began to close the door, and with it he saw any chance of apologizing and making up for his actions disappearing.
“No, no, no, Nanc, please, I-” He pounded on the door both in frustration and to try and get her to stop closing it. “I messed up, okay? I messed up, and- and I’m sorry. I just want to make things right.” He took a deep breath and looked up into Nancy’s eyes. All he saw there was sadness and anxiety though, and he quickly looked away.
And noticed the thick Ace bandage wrapped around her hand. 
“Wh-what happened to your hand?” He reached to grab it, but she pulled away.
“Nothing! It was an accident,” she tried to explain, but Steve had been with her long enough to recognize when she was lying. A terrible thought dawned on him
“Did he do this to you? Nance, let me,” he began pushing on the door, “let me in, Nancy.” She tried to fight, but with one final push he barged into the darkened living room of the Byers’ house. The only thing he noticed was a fucking baseball bat with nails, and then Jonathan was in his face, yelling about how he needed to leave. They were in the middle of scuffling when he heard a click, and Nancy pointed a gun in his face.
“Steve, get out,” she said, tone deadly serious.
All of his instincts were screaming to run, but he couldn’t just leave Nancy behind, he loved her. 
“Thi- this is a joke right? Nance, put the gun down.” 
“You have five seconds to leave. I’m doing this for you,” and then his instincts really began going haywire. She was counting down slowly, Jonathan was screaming at her, and the fucking christmas lights began flickering. It was as if they were some sort of signal, as Nancy stopped counting and Jonathan dove for the baseball bat. They were looking for something, but all there was were the damn lights. 
“Hello, will someone please explain what the fu-” Before he could finish demanding answers, a thing straight out of nightmares began bursting through the ceiling, and Nancy and Jonathan were booking it down the hallway. There was nothing he could do but run after them.
They all piled into a bedroom at the end of the hall, but there still were no answers as Nancy and Jonathan stared at the door waiting for that thing to burst through. 
But then the flashing lights stopped and the house went silent. 
For the first time since he burst through the front door, Steve said nothing as they all crept out of the bedroom into the dark hallway. They made it all the way back out to the living room, but the house was empty except for them. 
“This is crazy,” Steve whispered at first, but continued to repeat with more franticness in his voice as he lunged for the phone he saw hanging on the wall. He had just managed to dial 9-1-1 when Nancy ripped it out of his hands and threw it away from them. 
“It’s going to come back,” she shouted. “So you need to leave. Right. Now.” Steve took a deep breath and looked between the two of them. 
“No,” he said, trying to hide the shakiness of his voice. All he got for his defiance though was the two of them physically pushing him out the front door. Not wanting to be caught outside in the dark with that monster, he booked it to his car, but just as he was climbing into the front seat, he saw the lights in the house begin to flicker again. 
It was coming back. 
He charged back towards the house without a second thought, but as he ran, he felt something stirring within him. A feeling he had long ago pushed away, ever since the Harringtons decided to buy him from the lab. 
Between one step and the next, he found himself shifting. By the time he burst through the front door, he was no longer human, but rather a lion acting on instinct to protect his pride. 
It seemed that he had arrived just in time too, as Jonathan lay prone on the ground and Nancy was backed into a corner. Acting on the howling demands of his hindbrain, Steve lept at the monster, bearing his teeth in a fearsome growl, and knocked it away from her. He tumbled with it to the ground and began blindly swiping at it with his claws. He forced it down the hallway, where he vaguely remembered a bear trap lay waiting, and with one final leap, pushed it into the jaws of the trap. He turned back and growled at the two people standing behind him, looking confused and scared, but a fearsome scream from the monster kicked Jonathan back into motion as he rushed forward and chucked the lighter at the gas puddle by the monster’s feet. All three of them watched in awe for a moment as the thing burst into flames, and then Jonathan was running to grab a fire extinguisher and the ball of flames was doused with a cloud of chemicals that irritated Steve’s sensitive nose. The house was filled with coughing and panting as they tried to look through the fog and see if the monster had been defeated. 
All that remained was a pile of bubbling ooze coating the closed bear trap. 
All three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the sight. It was over. They had won. 
With the danger gone, Steve felt the same sensation roll over him and then he was once again standing on two feet. He winced as he heard two shocked inhales behind him and turned to face the two other teens. 
“Tada,” he said weakly.
“What. The actual. Fuck.” Jonathan panted, but Nancy simply stared at him with her mouth agape. 
Steve shifted awkwardly on the balls of his feet, still trying to readjust to the sudden shift after five years of trying to push that part of him away, and then realized he was naked. 
“Could I- uh, could I borrow some sweats?” He asked Jonathan.
The Party-
“Nance, I’m still not sure about this. They all hate me.”
“Steve,” Nancy sighed. They had been having this argument all morning. “They don’t hate you. They don’t know you, there’s a difference. But you helped us defeat that demogorgon and that makes you part of the group.” 
“But Nanc-”
“No but Nance. Now c’mon, we’re gonna be late.” They both piled into Steve’s BMW and headed to the other side of town, where the Byers lived, and where the party decided to hold a little Christmas party.
They got out, and Steve offered to grab the presents out of the backseat while Nancy went ahead to say hi to everyone. She agreed reluctantly, shooting him a look. 
He opened the backseat and took a shaky breath. He couldn’t believe he let Nancy talk him into this, but once she found out that he would spend the holidays alone because his parents decided that a beach resort in Aruba was a better choice, she wouldn’t budge. Everyone would be there, she had promised as if that would make him feel less nervous. Even the girl who Mike had apparently been hiding in his basement. 
After taking a few breaths and grabbing the basket they had decided to put everyone’s gifts in, he headed into the Byers, still feeling his stomach roil with nerves.
The first person he was bombarded with was a short kid with wild curly hair and a wide smile.
“I heard you helped Jonathan and Nancy take out a demogorgon! They said you were wicked killed with a baseball bat.” Steve looked up and made eye contact with Nancy. That’s the story they went with? 
“Yep,” he chuckled. “That- uh, that’s me.” The curly haired boy’s eyes widened.
“That’s awesome!” He crowed, turning back around to run and tell the other children gathered around the coffee table. He recognized Nancy’s little brother, Mike, and he had a vague recollection of the other two younger boys, but then he saw the only girl in the middle of the boys. That must be the girl Mike had been hiding. She looked up at the curly-haired boy as he went charging over, but Steve couldn’t get a good look at her as he was pulled away by Nancy into the kitchen. He dutifully followed her in to meet Joyce Byers and Chief Hopper. Joyce then pulled him into helping her finish up the dinner as she rambled about helping to save their house and how thankful she was that he had shown up to help Nancy and Jonathan. 
Eventually, dinner was finished, and he was tasked with gathering the children as Joyce and Chief Hopper set the small kitchen table. He walked back over to the living room, and was finally able to see the girl’s face. 
Not only was it a face he recognized, but one that haunted his nightmares almost every night. Granted he hadn’t seen her in the five years he had been free, but he would always remember the wide, brown eyes that had stared up at him with so much innocence and youth, so exotic within the labs.
Eleven. The girl he had considered a younger sister, only to have abandoned when she needed him most. Of course, it hadn't been his choice, but the guilt of leaving her alone in that place had weighed on him for years. 
Memories flashed before his eyes, shared meals and playtime, big trusting eyes looking up at him as he soothed her after a particularly terrible nightmare, the screams as she was dragged down that damn sterile hallways towards whatever hellish trial they decided to put her through that day. All of these and so many more terrible memories flooded the forefront of his mind and he started to cry. Fell to his knees and spread his arms wide. Feeling El throw her thin too thin body at him only made him cry that much harder, but it also felt as if a weight had been lifted from his chest. His sister was safe. 
After a few minutes he finally calmed down enough to register the fact that El was running her small hand through his hair and murmuring happy little cries of “Six, you’re here. I found you.” 
It was another few moments before he realized he was whispering back, broken apologies and platitudes as he squeezed her as tight as he could, as if when he let go she would disappear. 
Finally, after what had felt like seconds and centuries all in one, he loosened his hold and pulled back. He first looked at El and took a second to wipe a stray tear from her cheek, before looking up around the room. 
Nancy and Jonathan, seeming to have put two and two together, stood looking heartbroken for the two, while everyone else gathered in the ruined living room of the Byers house looked confused and mildly concerned. 
Hopper, who had appeared when Steve had first begun crying, was the first person to step forward. He cleared his throat before speaking.
“I- uh- I think I’m missing something here, but I think I also speak for all of us when I sa-”
“What the fuck is happening?” the curly-haired boy from before interjected. Hopper glared at the boy, but then turned back to stare at Steve. Before he could figure out what to say, El stood up from his loose embrace and turned towards the group.
“Six,” she said determinedly, “big brother.” Then, as if that solved everything, she turned back around and sat back in his lap. 
If anything though, her three word explanation brough even further scrutiny from the people surrounding them, so Steve cleared his throat.
“So, um, five years ago the Harringtons decided they wanted a kid, an heir to the business dynasty or some sh- thing, but Mrs. Harringrove didn’t want to go through pregnancy. Mr. Hargrove happened to hear whisperings of ‘special children’ and after some heavy lawyering, they ended up with yours truly. Then of course, they found out that ‘special’ meant ‘lab-rats’ and wanted nothing to do with me.” 
As he finished the quick and easy version of events that drastically changed his life, silence swallowed the living room and made Steve feel like he was suffocating. And then it was broken by a loud yell of “We have two superhero friends?” 
As if a spell had been broken, life flooded back into the house as the kids surrounded Steve until Joyce called out that it was dinner time. 
Dinner was a small, casual affair. All of the kids were too busy inhaling the food to ask more questions, and the adults seemed to be biting their tongues. After the food had been cleared away, Steve excused himself, and stumbled out the front door to sit on the patio and have a smoke. 
He was halfway through his cigarette when he heard the heavy wooden door swing open and thick boots trudge up behind him. Hopper was then sitting next to him.
“Not the best habit there.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed, offering nothing else. Hopper sighed.
“Listen, kid,” he started before sighing again, and doing something Steve never would have expected in a million years. 
He pulled him into a hug. A short one for sure, but still a hug. 
“You’ll be okay.”
Maybe he would be, maybe he wouldn’t, but finally, Steve felt that maybe, just maybe, he had finally found a family.
Steve was five seconds away from screaming. 
Not only was he stuck in a house with four middle schoolers who were just as anxious as him, but he also had to ignore the fact that El was in imminent danger. She was out there risking her life to save the world, and he was stuck on babysitter duty. Of course, it had made sense when they were all brainstorming a plan of attack, but the reality of what it would mean hadn’t set in until El and Hopper were already far away. 
He had been in the kitchen, trying to prepare a snack to hopefully relieve some of the anxiety when he heard Lucas.
“Mike, would you just stop already?” 
“You weren’t in there. That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.” Steve tried to ignore the way his heart raced at the reminder of where El was headed and stepped into the living room to diffuse the mounting tension.
“Listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it, right?” He tried to reason. 
“Okay, first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game,” as if he needed a reminder of the absolute shit situation they were all in, “and second of all, we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.” 
Steve tried to rebound, but what do you say to that? How do you comfort a small gaggle of preteens? 
“Right, we’re on the bench, so there’s nothing we can do,” he tried, feeling it fall flat even as he said it. 
“Actually,” Dustin chimed in, “That’s not entirely true.” Then they all gathered again to plan a hair-brained scheme that would end with them all dying, and Steve couldn’t get a word in edgewise. 
“Hey! Hey! This is not happening,” he said, putting every ounce of authority he could muster in his voice. Once he finally had all of their attention, he continued. “This is so not happening. I promised to keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what I plan on.” Mike just rolled his eyes and continued planning, but Dustin turned to Steve.
“Steve, buddy, don’t you want to help El?” Steve winced, and at the sign of weakness, Dustin went for the jugular. “We could save her. You promised to protect her. So, protect her.” 
He opened his mouth, unable to put together an argument, when they all heard the loud roar of an engine revving outside. 
The new girl, Max, ran to the front window in a panic, muttering about how ‘he can’t find us here, he’ll kill us.’ Well, shit. 
Steve pushed his way to the front of the window and watched as a blue camaro pulled in next to his BMW. This night couldn’t get any worse. 
He pushed the kids out of the window and went to confront the biggest douche in Hawkins.
“Am I dreaming, or is that you Harrington?” Billy smirked as he blew out a big cloud of smoke. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t cream your pants.” They squabled back and forth, Billy waving his cigarette around obnoxiously, and then he saw his sister in the window and all hell broke loose. 
He charged forward, pushing Steve out of the way and charging through the front door. Steve scrambled up after him, and followed hot on his heels. For some reason, Billy targeted Lucas, and Steve saw red. 
“You’re dead Sinclaire.” 
“No, you are,” Steve said from behind him and then swung. He felt his knuckles connect with the hard bone of Billy’s cheek. He came back up, laughing like a maniac.
“You got some fire in you after all! I’ve been waiting to meet this King Steve everyone’s been telling me so much about,” Billy sneered, blood pouring out of his nose. 
But then they heard an ungodly squelching sound, followed by snarling. 
A demodog burst through the open front door and lunged for the huddle of kids by the door, and without a thought as to how Billy would react, Steve yelled at the kids to duck, and then shifted. He leapt over the group and landed on four golden paws. 
With a mighty roar, Steve charged the demodog and began to fight it, scratching and biting blindly as he tried to kill it. He felt its own claws dig into his side, leaving dark, deep gashes. They were a pretty even match, every attack met with an equally feral response, and Steve could feel himself wearing out. He needed this to end, soon. 
As if she had read his mind, suddenly Max was standing next to him and trying to swing the nail bat at the fucker. Steve managed to disengage long enough for her to raise the bat and bring it swiftly down on the monster’s head without himself getting smashed too. Black blood splattered everywhere, matting Steve’s fur and Max’s hair. 
It felt as if everyone held their breath as they waited for the demodog to rise again. Moments passed in complete silence until finally, Billy felt safe enough to call out. 
“So King Steve is also king of the jungle?”
tag team: @lostnoise @gideongrace @stevefuckingharrington @a-magey @trashmouth-hargrove @catharrington @trashycatarcade @myboyfriendsteve @thesummerof84 @lightsupinthenorth (lmk if you would like to be added/removed from the list!)
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
okay but imagine this: billy has been living with hopper for a while now but hasnt come out to him yet, one day steve drives billy home and kisses him goodbye on the porch, suddenly hop opens the door and yells "what the fuck do you think youre doing?!", billy is terrified bc hes sure hes about to lose his new family but it turns out that jim was actually talking to steve and starts giving him a shovel talk
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Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I had to look up what a shovel talk was and i feel so dumb but) I 100% feel this in my soul and i’m cackling at it. (also these are basically the same so i’m gonna lump them together if that’s alright! ~♥)
Okay i think we can all agree there’s often a double standard w/ daughters dating vs sons dating but i also think that Hop is just Protective Dad ™. Like, Hop is antisocial, yes, but he has kids again and these kids have been broken and beat down in the past and he has made it his absolute Life. Goal. to protect them from literally anything. Like…. I totally think Hop used to be the kind of dad to say shit like: “Roll them around in the mud as a baby, it’ll help their immune system.” 
But now after Sara (and every shitty thing that has been happening in this town) he’s like: “You have a stomach ache? We’re taking you to the hospital.”
and yeah maybe some people would call it paranoia but to Hop it’s just good parenting, alright???
So anyway, Hop fucking hates when Mike is over w/ El, we all know this, the man was having a borderline breakdown the entire last season over it, but holy shit when Steve comes home with Billy?? OOF.
It’s on a calm and quiet night when Hop and El are in the house eating dinner, not having waited bc Billy told them not to bc he was “gonna be late tonight.” and that confused Hop bc he knows Billy doesn’t have a lot of friends that he doesn’t think are absolute assholes so who is he hanging out with, exactly??
But we all know it’s Steve. Bc Steve and Billy have been hanging out for a while now (they fought monsters together tHEY FOUGHT MONSTERS TOGETHER if i say it enough maybe it’ll become canon) and Hop knows they know each other but Billy never really says where he is when he hangs out w/ him bc Billy is 110% afraid that he’s about to lose this Very Good Thing he has going. Just bc he’s gay. Because Hop doesn’t know and while Hop has given him absolutely NO reason to be scared, that scares Billy the absolute most bc he’s just waiting for it now. Like waiting for the straw that’s gonna break the camel’s back and get him kicked out. It just feels inevitable to him bc all he’s ever known about home is to be afraid of it. To always be on edge and hyper aware.
So Billy was more than a little nervous about taking Steve’s car instead of his own when they went out but Steve insisted this time. And honestly, the evening was so soft and intimate and it was a little overwhelming for Billy bc they hang out a lot, yeah, they’ve messed around w/ each other a bit, sure, they’ve kissed a few times, totally. But all of it was pretty drunken/high and in the heat of the moment and tonight was absolutely none of those things. Tonight was near pure and Billy feels kinda funny. Kinda blushing and bashful and he really tries to ham up that machismo everyone thinks he was born with so he can get rid of these pesky emotions except it’s fading away real quick bc Steve is legitimately walking him to his fucking door. And you know Billy’s heart is racing for a number of reasons (a couple of them being inside the cabin) and once he reaches the porch he turns around quickly and leans his shoulder on the banister next to him, looking down at Steve who’s eyes widen a bit at the sudden change of plans here. Billy gives him a cocky grin, doing his best to hide his nerves.
“I think I can make it from here, Harrington.”
“You sure?” Steve asks, shoving his hands in his pockets and giving a confident and amused smirk. “Ya never know, out here. Y’know, I heard a rumor that there are some… monsters running around or something.”
Billy chuckles low, shaking his head.
“You’re a dork, Harrington.”
“You’re beautiful, Billy.”
And shit, if that doesn’t catch Billy off guard. He blinks a little harder for a second, looking down at Steve with knitted eyebrows but the boy is looking up at him from the lower step like Billy put the fucking stars in the sky just for him. And that last lick of sunlight is making everything glow golden and Billy just kind of stutters bc whatthefuck, and Steve takes that last step onto the porch, all of the confidence in the world basically living in his eyes as he places his hand on the side of Billy’s face and whispers what Billy thinks might be goodnight? But it’s lost against his lips and-
And little do these sweet boys know that there is 1 (one) Chief Jim Hopper standing in the window, peeking out through the curtain (bc he heard the footsteps on the porch and immediately went to see who it was) going absolutely red with anger.
In a second he’s in the doorway, the door slamming against the wall and Hop’s voice booming out: “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
And holy fucking hell if they both don’t nearly jump out of their skin bc goddamnit they just got caught!! By the Chief of Police!!! Biggest, most intimidating man of Hawkins!!!!! Billy’s fucking dad!!!!!! Billy can’t imagine a worse scenario and honestly he’s doing the mental math on where he can go after he gets kicked out again bc he doesn’t know anyone else in this town and yeah, Steve’s parents aren’t home a lot, but what about when they are??? is he gonna be able to charm them enough to let him stay???
Billy is shaking like a leaf and Steve is looking at Billy so worriedly, super un-fucking-sure of what to do bc he knows Billy admires Hop so damn much and if he loses Hop he doesn’t know what Billy will do. So he’s watching Billy’s sweet, scared face as heavy footsteps get closer to him and-
“Oh shit!”
Steve is the one who’s collar is getting grabbed and whose weight is suddenly a lot lighter now bc he’s being lifted. There’s a harsh snap followed by a big finger being pointed in his face and a threatening grumble of:
“What are you doing touching my son?”
And Steve is about to flip his shit because holy hell he’s about to get snapped in half by Jim Hopper. And he’s not even questioning it at this point, honestly. He feels pretty damn sure he’s about to get snapped in half. Bc Hop doesn’t hate Steve. He really doesn’t. He actually even kind of likes Steve more recently bc El likes him a lot. He babysits the kids or something and he stopped being annoying. But Hop does hate Steve’s family. He thinks his parents are rich douchebags who look down on everyone for no goddamn reason. He knows they leave their son home alone all the time. He also knows Steve vandalized the local theater a couple years ago and was an overall cocky menace for a good majority of his life.
Jim doesn’t hate him, but he definitely doesn’t think he’s good enough for his son.
“Uhm, I-! I was-! I wasn’t-!” Steve is stuttering, a little confused as to how this turned so quickly. “I didn’t do anything!”
“Right, and you putting your greasy paws all over him was ‘doing nothing’, huh?” Jim growls, grip getting tighter.
“Uh-!” Steve doesn’t know what to do and hell neither does Billy. He’s going through multiple waves of emotions over here, from the relief of not being kicked out, to confusion over if it’s okay that he’s gay?, to a kind of very real terror bc wait a second he’s about to murder Steve
“Dad! Stop it! What are you doing?”
“Billy help-!”
“Dad, seriously! Put him down, holy shit!”
Hop loosens his grip only because Billy is calling him dad, but he’s still got a hand on Steve’s collar. He whips his head around and looks at Billy.
“Do you like this punk or what?”
“What?” Billy chokes.
“I said, do you like this punk or what?”
And honestly, this is kind of too much for Billy. Like, he briefly considers letting Steve just get snapped in half or something rather than admit to whatever feelings are blooming inside of him for the boy. But Steve is looking at him with those (albeit very scared) doe eyes and he’s melting and everything is bubbling up and it really, truly feels like he’s about to hurl or something.
“Yeah. Yes! Yes, I like him, just let go of him!”
“Right.” Hop nods. “Alright then.” He turns back to Steve. “You.”
“If you hurt my boy in any way, shape, or form, you’re going to answer to me. And I mean it. You hurt him and i break every single one of your fingers. Got it?”
And Steve kinda just wants to be let go now thanks and honestly couldn’t think about ever hurting Billy but he also can’t think of anything at all while his heart is beating so fast so he just nods and runs to his car once he’s let go.
Billy is just in absolute awe at the scenario, confused as he watches Steve speed away, feeling just about every emotion possible all at once… before he smacks Hopper’s shoulder.
“What the hell was that? You almost killed him.”
Hop sniffs. “I still get a weird feeling about that kid.”
“You barely mention him.”
“I’ve never liked him before.”
“You were just telling El yesterday that you think he’s a good kid.”
“Yeah, that was before I found out you’re dating him.”
“Oh my g- we’re not dating!”
“Did you eat?”
Billy pauses. “Well uh…”
“He didn’t even feed you?”
“We got distracted.” Billy crosses his arms.
“See,” Hop grumbles. “If he was a gentleman, he would have made sure you ate.”
“God, shut up!” Billy pushes at Hop’s chest lightly before walking into the cabin to make himself up something real quick, hoping with all his might that his brute of a father didn’t scare away this boy that he maybe possibly really likes.
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shadowcodexx · 5 years
What if— Billy Hargrove
(Edited/added on)
As soon as his body died, the real billy wakes up in the upside down, connected like will had been. The mind flayer made contingencies this time and billy was his most prized puppet.
Hopper had jumped through the portal in the underground lab in hopes of having some chance of getting back to Joyce and El someday. He didn’t expect to find a scared billy Hargrove trying to hide from the monsters.
They bond and hopper tries to help this traumatized kid deal with all of this. They share hoppers remains pack of cigarettes and he realizes this kid has gone through much more than being possessed by an evil entity. His dad is beating him. He only knows this because billy jolts awake from a nightmare and makes a comment. Hopper pieces it together.
“Your dad again?” “He’s not my dad.”
Then they start to see the Demogorgons getting attracted to something. It’s a new portal. They take their chances. They get through the portal and they’re in a Russian base in Siberia. Better than that place.
Somehow, they get out and they’re both scarred. The Russians had figured out that the creatures reacted to Billy’s presence and experimented on him. They put him in fighting rings and whatever was left in him from the mind flayer gave him extra strength. They tested that too. Made him take on some Demogorgons themselves. He had won. Every time.
They find themselves back in Hawkins for whatever reason—idk how they get there—but it’s Christmas and yknow snow. When max sees billy stumbling up their driveway she runs and hugs him. She’s wearing his leather jacket. El runs out a moment later with his denim jacket on like they had been reminiscing. The sleeves are all rolled up. Then she sees hopper. She starts crying and he has just enough strength to hug her. Joyce, will and Jonathan has come up so they could celebrate Christmas and see some of their old friend. They ended up getting one of the best Christmas presents yet.
The people that had been in change of Hawkins lab come back when there’s news of the chief of police and a young man presumed dead, are found. They’re so worn out from the journey and strain they’re passed out for days.
When hopper wakes, mostly everyone is around his bed. Steve has been up from college, so he decided to visit. They all did. He hugged and greeted all of them and they told him of everything that had happened and so forth.
When billy woke up, max was asleep next to him. No one else was there. Hopper made the nurses move him into Billy’s room with him. Billy quietly appreciated that. Steve patted him on the shoulder and el sat on his other side and he educated her on the vending machine snacks.
“What’s....a powerbar?” Billy raise and eyebrow. He looks over at hopper who’s smoking a cig even thought he’s not supposed to—“you have not done this kid justice.” He grabs the bar and opens it while saying, “it’s quick meal—“ Steve walks in saying, “no it’s not Hargrove.” He glares halfheartedly and responds looking at el, “yes, it is.”
Billy father barges in with Susan one afternoon and stands silent and angry. Susan asks how he’s doing and tries to grab his hand, but Neil won’t let her. Then he goes on, very menacingly, how Billy’s a no good son who just decided to up and leave—“with a whore no doubt”—and that all this Russian business is a coverup mean to put him in a good spotlight so he’ll get sympathy etc and hopper just, yeets the curtain separating them away and in his ‘hopper’ voice goes “you ever talk like that again to him, I’m going to have an officer remove you indefinitely from this room.” And Neil leaves in a fit dragging Susan, and trying to force max. But of course she doesn’t budge. He raises his hand and sees hopper in the background. He turns it into a pointing-in-her-face gesture and leaves.
After they get to leave from the special wing of the hospital, billy had to move back in with his dad and Susan. Hopper and Joyce are going steady. She rents back their old place and they all live there for the time being. By then Billy’s missed half the school year, and goes to Nancy’s (who won’t ask questions because she knows) and gets help with tutoring.
Mrs wheeler opens the door and has a look of shock on her face. He gives her a half smirk and says, “this time, I’m looking for Nancy.” She has him wait in the kitchen, asking how he’s doing, she heard they found him and hopper in he woods and that everyone who knew them were overjoyed. But she notices Billy’s not quite himself. He’s not giving her innuendos and his shirt isn’t as unbuttoned. He looks like he just got a haircut. His mullet is shorter now. He’s got a quiet sort of contemplation like he’s grown up too fast. Nancy comes in and is surprised to see him. She agrees to help him.
Christmas Day, billy is beat up again by his father. He hadn’t even said anything. He had just grabbed the remote and Neil slammed him into the wall. And it had to be the worst possible time, too. The doorbell rang. Neil opened it and sees the re-appointed sherif Jim Hopper and his daughter, El. He says they brought a gift for billy and max. Neil tried to take them but el says she wants to give it to them. Max comes out and hugs eleven and whispers one word— “help.”
El looks at Neil and shoves her way past with max leading the way. Hopper notices the blood on his knuckles. He follows. He walks in slowly, surveying the area. Max leads el Into the kitchen, where billy sits, his face bleeding. El grabs his face and makes him look at her. Max grabs some ice and he accepts it. Hopper comes in a few seconds later. “What happened?” Neil answers. “He got in a fight with a kid a few hours ago. Disgraceful to do it on Christmas Day if you ask me.” “I didn’t.” Hopper walls closer. The bruises are fresh. Billy just looks at him.
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“See the funny thing about that mr. Hagrove is that your knuckles are bleeding.” Hopper steps closer to Neil, towering over him. “Billy if I take him in will you testify?” Billy looks at him. “Yes.” Neil trues to lunge at him, cursing him out but hopper catches him. He calls it in and shoves Neil into his car.
It turns into a news story and Billy’s at the station a lot. Susan won’t testify, of course. She’s too nervous. Neil tries to use all of Billy’s mistakes against him like his poor school conduct and the speeding tickets. Hopper knows better. He’s stuck with that kid for half a year and he knows him better than anyone. Reminds him of himself in some ways. They tell billy they have to call his mother bc he needs a legal guardian to finish high school. He argues he doesn’t but a little part of him wants to see her. Hopper says he’s sorry, he knows it’s soft spot but it’s good to mend old wounds. Susan tries to take max with her but max refuses. She wants to stay with billy, el and hopper. They have an argument and max throws out, “Your not stupid mom your just a push over! You’ve watched him get beat up every week and didn’t do a thing. I’m staying with him until all this blows over. If you need me I’ll be staying with Hopper and Joyce.”
Billy also lives with hopper and Joyce for the time being. School starts up and he dreads it. Hopper tells him his mother was contacted and she’s coming up from California to see him. Billy starts to lash out because he doesn’t know what else to do and Joyce calms him down. They have a cigarette out on the porch and she talks to him and he starts to break down and she just holds him. And he can’t remember the last time a mother held him like this.
He often gets up in the middle of the night because of nightmares and he finds will in the kitchen. They talk about it and eventually talk about their crappy dads and billy tells him he likes wills mother and that he’s got a good mom. Will mentions he saw some bands that billy had on vinyl and tape and says he likes them. They talk about music until will falls asleep on Billy’s shoulder. Joyce listened to the whole thing from the living room and couldn’t help but smile.
Billy find that his life is much more peaceful in the hopper-Byers household. In the morning, Joyce makes them all breakfast. Max and el share a room so they’re usually the last ones to the table. Billy and hopper both drink black coffee. Billy and Jonathan have a silent respect for each other after Lonny tried to visit one day out of the blue. Billy helped Jonathan get him to leave. Will sits next to billy because there’s always something on his plate he doesn’t eat that billy silently takes after he’s done. The two Hargrove kids have practically moved in. Hopper got two extra beds and max eventually brought everything she owns to the house via the window to her room. Billy moved everything out weeks ago. Jonathan and will share a room and el and max share one. Billy is the only one who doesn’t share a room.
The first day of school, billy takes el and max to school. By now everyone heard of billy Hargrove, the kid who came back to life. Or was captured by the Russians. The facts were a little fuzzy. His cronies and fake friends hound him pretending they were affected by his disappearance. Billy’s tired of high school. He understands why Steve stopped being king. It didn’t really matter anymore. Life has hit him straight in the face and it was time to grow up. And now he had some people who were gonna be there for him. By the end of the day he had so much makeup work, he had to find Nancy. By then, they were easy acquaintances. Not friends per se, just bonded experiences. Tommy started making fun of him, acting as if he were trying to get in Nancy’s pants but he ends up slamming him into a locker.
Tommy and carol and all the other jerks hang around billy as usual, but there’s an air of wariness like they’re waiting for him to do something. And honestly, if it weren’t for max or el, he would have. El understands what makes him, him and she can tell when he’s about to snap. Max is like a similar version of him. Not quite the same, and less corrupted. The middle schoolers have a field trip, or something that causes the high schools to have the same lunch as them. When they come running in, everyone gives a collective grumble. Most of the gang sit with Nancy and Jonathan + Robin. El taps billy on the shoulder and his friends sneer at her. But el asks one question. “What’s a Hershey?” Carol starts laughing but billy silenced her with a look. He looks over at max, a little ways behind and smiles. He jumps up and pulls out a few cents. They follow him to the vending machine and he buys one. This leads to many days of el quietly sitting down and whispering s question in his ear. Billy would then answer.
By the end of the week he was sitting with Nancy and returning student, Jonathan because he was so tired of all the bull. One day he was walking into the middle school to check max and el out early , (because he wanted Mexican and he knew el didn’t know what that was, and he figured he could give her some world experience) he saw max beating up some kid. He shoves in and pulls her off. The kid had called will and el a freak and other slurs she wouldn’t repeat. Susan has to be called in, and it was a mess. She blamed billy but max said the truth and she didn’t seem to want to accept that. Neil had already been put in jail for 20 years so Susan was considerably panicking. Joyce came by after being called and calmed her down. The rest of the gang had been involved bc they wouldn’t stand by either so all of the mothers were called. The ended up supporting Susan and helping her find a place for her and max and finding her a good job she liked and all that.
Billy’s tired of sleeping around. Part of him did it to show that he could and prove he was top dog. But now all the girls except Nancy and robin annoyed him. They always tried to fix him, get him to meet their parents, etc. now it was oh poor billy and pity pity pity. he didn’t get as drunk at parties. He didn’t like not being aware of everything around him anymore. If he were wasted he wouldn’t be as alert. Can’t stand the sound of fireworks anymore.
The next day billy gets called out of class. He’s told his mom is here to pick him up. He kind of freezes up and numbly asks if it’s Joyce and the secretary says no. He refuses to go up and instead leaves and goes to the sheriffs station and barges into hoppers office. “She’s here.”
Hopper calms him down and offers to be there with him. Billy says no he can do this. He walks out and she’s sitting in the waiting room. He hurriedly looks away and sits down near her. She nervously looks at him and asks what he’s here for. He says something about seeing hopper. She says the same thing. She’s looking for her son who moved here with his dad. She says she’s here to see her little boy again. He looks at her and says, “that little boy is gone. He died when you left.” She’s shocked and follows him out and begs him to listen. He turns around and yells “you left me with him!” Tears are streaming down both of their faces. She hugs him and he buries his face in her blond hair.
She rents a place in town and gets to watch him graduate high school. He passed with good grades thanks to Nancy. After the graduation ceremony he picks up Nancy and spins her around, thanking her for the help. He pats Jonathan on the back and messes with wills hair. He and Steve do a fist bump handshake thing. Dustin can be hheard muttering, “not as cool as ours.”
He goes to Cali and brings max and el with him. He teaches them how to surf. Hopper and Joyce come, because, reasons and the entire gang ends up coming. On a completely random chance, their buying snow cones on the pier and he hears his name. It’s his mom. He awkwardly hugs her and she invites them to dinner. She’s married. He’s not too happy about it. The guys nice though and he can’t blame her. He’s just wished she’d taken him with her. Then maybe he’d have had a better father figure, like John. (The guy)
On the beach, he crashed into a girl carrying an icebox. (Courtesy of max) he helps her pick up the spilled drinks and the breath is stolen from his lungs. She’s a knockout. He smooth talks her and she see through the bull. His charm—king billy Hargrove’s charm turned off a girl. He’s internally yelling at himself. She picks up her board and walks to her friends. He asks if she surfs—“duh” and holds up her board. Max is quietly laughing behind him. He asks is they wanna catch some waves. She gives him a long look and says sure.
Her name is Avaline, or ava. She mentions her and her friends are road tripping and she mentions their route. Their going through Hawkins. He tells her they live there and that she should visit. She gives him a brilliant smile and agrees. Max and el love her.
Joyce and hopper ended up buying a house together and Susan got a house coincidentally, near them. It was a street or two over from will and Lucas and a straight shot to Dustin’s. The entire club was back together.
Aveline visits at the most inopportune time. She knocks on the house at the address billy gave her. No response. A crashing sound echoes through the house and she jumps. She tucks her beach blond hair behind her ear and leans in to listen. A beat of silence. She gets thrown backwards with the door. A Demogorgon has flown through the door due to elevens telekinesis.
They all rush out fighting a pack of demodogs. Aveline groans as she touches the blood running down her head. Billy calls her name and hits a demo dog with Steve nail bat. He throws it back to him and Nancy throws him a shotgun. He loads it and shoots one coming behind her. He helps her up and she asks if their being invaded by aliens. Robin comments that she likes how this girl thinks.
Joyce nurses her wound and and they all explain. Ava knew billy was some kind of trouble but she didn’t know he was trouble with a capital T. They load up and try to lead the creatures away from Hawkins. Joyce has to hurriedly call all the kids parents saying their staying with will for a sleepover and she’s sorry about the inconvenience.
“I knew it.” Aveline says holding the ice pack up to her head. “Knew what?” Billy asks, while Duran Duran plays, his hand tapping along to the beat. “You’ve slept with every girl at you high school, haven’t you?” He huffs a laugh and looks at her. “Not all.” She shakes her head. “You can let me out.” “What?” She repeats. She tells him she’s not about to get in a relationship with a guy who has a rep. He says he’s not the person he was when he came to Hawkins. They’re out of the car at this point yelling and arguing and he kisses her. She melts. She hits his chest and jolts back. “Sorry” he says breathless. She pulls him back and hugs him. “You’re frustrating.” He huffs. “That’s a first.”
Of course the Russians weaponized the Demogorgons and all that jazzy stuff and they go on this big adventure and cue a scene where they all end up at s gas station to restock and get a game plan. the cashier just looks at hopper and all the teenagers behind him and raises and eyebrow. Him and Joyce look at each other and Joyce says “our kids” gesturing weakly begins her. He shrugs because he’s not paid enough for this and checks out the tons of stuff they buy.
Steve and billy bond over trying to babysit insane children and Steve is trying to keep them from doing dumb stuff and billy is yelling at them not get killed. Much betting is involved. Robin and billy actually become buddies and it freaks Steve out. Aveline just watches it all.
And after all the fiasco stuff is over, everyone is royally freaks out when Steve Harrington shows up to bring lunch to all these kids and then sits with billy freaking Hagrove and they start chatting like their old buddies.
Billy gets a job at the sheriffs station because he actually has a good head for telling people what not to do and just generally bossing people around. Hopper takes him under his wing and they patrol and keep the weirdness of the town under control. He regularly takes el and max to eat at different restaurants because he’s determined to give el some ‘worldly knowledge’
His relationship with ava is one of his longest they’re going steady. She moves in with him and they go back to Cali every summer to see her parents and his mom. They get married on the beach. Lucas makes a comment on how they’re going to have kids and when el asks billy how they have kids it’s the one question he won’t answer. Hopper was standing next to him when she asked and he gave her the Look. Billy re-evaluated his answer.
The kids think billy is kinda cool now and he keeps them in line while Harrington is off getting a degree. Billy finally has some peace when Harrington gets back and takes them off his hands.
And most importantly billy is happy.
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616 notes · View notes
tropicalsuki · 5 years
Ugly Needs - Billy Hargrove x Hopper!reader
request: “One where the reader is Hopper’s daughter and dating Billy, and he starts getting abusive? Like maybe it starts with her coming home and him and El notice the bruise/s but she lies and then EI, and Max and the rest of the gang figure it out and try to help her bc she’s in denial bc she loves him. I was just thinking some girl power and maybe some protective Hopper haha” - anon
warnings: fem pronouns, cursing, lots of angst, abusive relationship, physical assault and implied sexual scenes, making out, slight fluff (between reader and family)
word count: 3,640
A/N: I really loved this request! Despite the not fun subject, it was fun to write. I’ve seen up close the denial that comes with abusive relationships, so it was interesting writing about Billy from that point of view. I got a few other Billy request but I decided not to do them because they painted him as a good dude. Also, the title is based on the song Ugly Needs by Miniature Tigers. I highly recommend giving it a listen!
Update: PART TWO
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The lights were still on when you got home.
You hoped that meant your dad fell asleep watching tv and forgot to turn out the lights. 
You feared it meant your dad was up, waiting to make sure you got home safely.
Making your way onto the porch of the small cabin, you slowly turned the knob and pushed open the door, cringing as it creaked loudly. Hopper was passed out in his reclining chair, snoring loudly. You let out a sigh of relief, closing the door behind you and tiptoeing to your bedroom which you shared with El. 
El was up, reading a comic book under her reading light. She glanced up as you entered and gave a slight smile before quickly returning to her story. You walked over to your dresser and pulled out a t-shirt, glancing at El to make sure she wasn’t looking before attempting to strip off the dress you had on. 
It hurt to lift your arms high enough to take it off, so you struggled with the fabric for a moment, catching El’s attention. As you tossed the dress onto your bed, El eyed the giant bruises on your arms and back. It wasn’t the first time you’d come home like this. 
“You’re hurt.”
El’s words made you freeze.
“What? Oh, it’s nothing. I just fell off my bike on the way here,” you said quickly. 
“I think you’re lying,” El narrowed her eyes. You mimicked her expression, “I think you’re nosy.”
“Where were you?” 
“I told you and Hop before I left. I was out with Billy.”
“Did he hurt you again?” 
You were starting to get upset with all her questions, “again? there never was a first time! And seriously, Eleven? You sound like Dad. You hate when he asks about you and Mike, so just let it go? okay?”
El realized she had made you mad and just nodded, silently going back to her comic book. You sighed, pulling a large t-shirt over your head and collapsing on your bed. Sleep didn’t come easy; your mind replaying what happened with Billy earlier in the evening.
You followed Billy into his house, laughing at something he said. He closed the door behind you, cloaking you both in darkness, before pulling you into a kiss. 
“Is any of your family home?” you asked quietly, letting him back you against the door.
“I don’t know and I don’t care,” Billy whispered in your ear, making you shiver. Despite how you felt, you knew it was a bad idea to do anything while his dad or sister was in the house and most likely still awake. 
“I should head home. My dad doesn’t want me out too late,” you said, gently moving him away, but he came right back, trailing kisses down your neck. 
“Can’t you stay a little longer? I’m sure no one will mind,” he said. 
You let out a breath, trying to control your thoughts. “I really can’t, Billy. But I’ll see you first thing tomorrow,” you assured, going to move past him, but he suddenly grabbed you and roughly shoved you against the door.
“Billy-,” you winced as a pain shot up your spine. 
“No. You’re staying. And don’t try to argue with me,” Billy stated in a hushed tone, his breath hot on your neck. 
“Please, I need to go,” you spoke lightly, trying not to upset him. 
Billy’s grip on your arms tightened and it felt like he was crushing you. “You want to stay, Y/n,” he said, “don’t you?”
You decided he wasn’t going to change his mind, so you stayed, and let him drag you into his room. 
The next morning, El was at Mike’s house, the entire party hanging out in his basement. Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Mike were arguing over something involving Mortal Kombat, but El wasn’t listening. 
“Max, can I ask a question?” she asked. Max looked over at her and nodded, “yeah, what’s up?”
“It is about Y/n. She came home last night covered in bruises. She says she fell off a bike but I think she lies,” El told Max, who listened carefully. 
“Was she with my brother last night?” Max asked. El nodded.
Max sighed, “I don’t think it was a bike accident. She’s probably just too embarrassed to tell you the truth. If she was with Billy, then don’t worry about it. It’s normal,” she answered, hoping El would understand what she was trying to say. 
“You mean Billy hurts her?” El looked upset. 
“No! I mean, not like that. Uh, you remember when I told you about happy screams? Well, there’s happy pain too. I hear Y/n and Billy in his room, like, all the time,” Max explained awkwardly. 
“Happy pain?” El frowned. 
“Yeah. Um, I’ll explain it better when we’re alone,” Max said.
You woke up to the smell of pancakes. It was uncommon your dad got up early enough to make breakfast, so you jumped out of bed and changed clothes, doing your hair and makeup as fast as you could.  You passed by the mirror and froze, realizing the dark purple marks on your arms were very noticeable. Looking around quickly, you threw on the closest sweater and walked into the main room. 
“Hi Dad,” you greeted, walking past him to grab a plate.
“Hey. What time did you get home last night? I tried to stay up but you took so long,” Hopper replied as he sipped his coffee. 
“Around 12... where’s El?” you asked, realizing she wasn’t home. 
“With Mike,” your dad answered grumpily, making you laugh. 
“Of course she is,” you smiled and sat down across from him with your plate full of pancakes, “so what made you decide to be a good father and cook for once?” you teased.
“ouch,” Hopper acted hurt, “well, it was El’s idea, actually. She told me you weren’t feeling well when you got home, so I hoped this would cheer you up.”
You wanted to smack El, but unfortunately she wasn’t around. You forced a smile on your face, “that’s sweet, but she’s overreacting. I was just tired.”
“You sure?” your dad eyed you carefully. 
“I’m sure.”
Hopper just nodded, watching you finish your breakfast. You got up, dropping the plate in the sink, “well, I’m going to the mall to get Billy a present, our one year anniversary is tomorrow,” you reminded your dad happily. 
Hopper did not share in the happiness. “I see. Have fun,” he nodded simply. 
You sighed, knowing he disliked Billy even more than he did Mike. 
“I’ll see ya,” you patted his head as you passed, quickly grabbing your bag and heading out the door. 
Since is was the opening summer of the Starcourt Mall, there was rarely a day when it wasn’t packed with people. You pushed your way through the crowds towards the clothing stores but stopped when you saw Steve behind the counter at Scoops Ahoy. 
“Steve!” You smiled, walking into the shop. 
Steve returned the smile, “Ahoy, Y/n! What brings you here to our voyage of flavor?” he said jokingly, making you laugh. 
“I’m here getting a gift for Billy. Our anniversary is tomorrow,” you explained. Steve’s smile dropped, “oh, right. You’re still dating Billy... the guy who beat me up.”
You rolled your eyes. “That was ONE time,” you teased. 
“Whatever you say... what are you gonna get?” Steve asked. 
“I don’t know yet. What do you recommend?” you asked back, leaning against the counter. 
Despite his loathing towards Billy, Steve loved being around you, and so he milked this opportunity to tell you all about his favorite stores, throwing in some jokes to see you laugh.
“Alright, that was actually really helpful! Thanks, Steve,” you smiled and said goodbye before heading out and towards the escalator. 
You always felt bad whenever Steve or the kids brought up what Billy did to Steve. You didn’t understand why they hated him so much for just one mistake. Underneath the hard exterior was a kind soul, and Billy was never violent towards you. Well, not until recently. He had always been physical, but that was just how he expressed himself. Over the past two months, Billy had gotten worse; he would hit you when you made him mad, and would force you to do things you didn’t want to. But you still loved him... he was just going through some things. 
Your friends called that a bullshit excuse, but it was the truth; he wouldn’t hurt you for no reason. 
After an hour of walking around the mall trying to decide what to get, you settled on a new Walkman and a few cassettes of a band you knew he loved. As you headed to the front entrance of the mall, you glanced up at the giant clock and realized you were supposed to get lunch with Billy at 11. It was currently 11:45. 
You knew he had probably left the restaurant by now, so you ran to the closest phone booth and dialed the number to his house. It rang for a few rounds before you heard his voice, “hello?”
“Billy! It’s Y/n. I’m so so sorry... I lost track of time at the mall and I truly didn’t mean to stand you up,” you explained quickly, scared he would be upset with you. 
“Hey, calm down. It’s ok, I understand. Why don’t I come pick you up?” Billy said through the phone, making you smile and lean against the wall with relief. “Yeah, that would be great,” you answered. 
You waited for Billy outside and quickly stood up when you saw his Camaro come around the corner.  He stopped by the curb and waved to you as you ran over and dropped into the passenger seat. 
“Hey! Thank you for picking me up, I really am so-,” you started with a smile but was cut off by him slapping you hard across the face. You let out a small noise, your hand flying to your cheek. It stung like mad and you looked at Billy with wide eyes. 
“That’s for making me look like an idiot sitting at the diner for half an hour,” Billy stated simply as he shifted gears and sped away from the mall. 
You just nodded, not wanting to anger him any further. A few minutes passed before Billy glanced over at you and sighed, reaching for your hand and making you involuntarily flinch. He frowned and grabbed your hand in his, “hey, look at me.”
You slowly looked over at him as he stopped at an intersection. Billy turned to you, “I love you. You know that right?”
You nodded, “I know.”
“Come here,” he shifted closer and leaned in to kiss you. You hesitated before meeting halfway and pressing your lips to his. 
The light turned green and he pulled away, not letting go of your hand. You watched him for a moment with a small smile, the pain in your cheek ebbing away, “I love you too.”
The following evening was your one year anniversary with Billy. Your father was out working all night and El was at a sleepover with her friends, and so you invited Billy over to your place for the evening. 
You set up a fancy dinner with candles and a playlist you made for the occasion, as well as your favorite movie waiting in the VCR. There was a knock on the door at exactly 9, and you ran over to answer it. 
Billy was waiting on the front porch, leaning against the post with a cigarette between his lips. You couldn’t help but admire how good he looked. “Billy,” you breathed with a smile. 
“Y/n,” Billy smiled back as he pushed himself off the post and over to you, “you look beautiful.”
You blushed at his words, “thank you... come inside! I made dinner but I suck at cooking so we could always just order pizza,” you rambled as you pulled him inside. 
“I’m sure it’s amazing,” Billy replied, setting a small box down on the table.
You closed the door and turned to him, “but we don’t have to eat right now. In fact, I’d rather not.”
Billy smirked at you, “what would you rather do?” 
You just made your way over to him and backed him against the wall, “whatever you want.”
Billy immediately pulled you into a passionate kiss and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He lifted you up and set you down on the kitchen counter, not breaking the connection. 
“We can go to my room,” you suggested between kisses. Billy shook his head, “there’s no reason. We can stay right here.”
And so you did. 
El was with the party at Will’s house, hanging out in his living room. The six kids were sat in a circle, a piece of paper with a list of names placed in front of them. 
“Are you ok with this, El? We don’t have to play,” Mike worried as Dustin spun a pen and watched as it landed on Mr. Clarke’s name.
El nodded, “I’m fine.”
“Mr. Clarke?! He’s so boring,” Lucas complained. “Yeah, spin it again,” Will said. 
Dustin spun the pen again and it landed on Billy. 
“Uh, we don’t have to do him. He’s no fun. Plus, he’s with Y/n right now so you might, like, see something gross,” Max said quickly, not wanting to know what her brother was up to. 
“Come on! It’ll be fun to see what they’re doing!” Dustin insisted. The other boys echoed their agreement. 
Max rolled her eyes, “whatever, go ahead, but don’t blame me if El sees something weird.”
“It’ll be fine,” El assured, grabbing her blindfold and tying it around her head while Dustin turned up the static radio. 
They all watched her carefully, waiting for her to tell them what was happening. 
El opened her eyes and was surrounded by nothingness. A couch appeared a ways away and you and Billy were sitting in your underwear and talking with one another, both sweaty and tired.
“They’re just talking,” El said, unaware at what had just taken place. 
“About what?” Lucas asked. El shook her head, “I don’t know. I need to get closer.”
El walked closer and their works became more clear. 
“I can’t believe it’s been a year,” you said happily and kissed him before getting up to retrieve the hot chocolate you made out of the microwave.
“The best year of my life,” Billy smiled, watching you carefully and taking in the view. You grabbed the two mugs and started back to the couch, but as you got close, your foot caught on the rug and you tripped, sending the scalding hot chocolate to spill all over Billy. 
“Shit!” Billy yelled, jumping up and grabbing the closest blanket to wipe it off, his face going red from either pain or anger. 
“Billy, I’m so so sorry! Let me get you some water,” you started quickly towards the kitchen. Billy suddenly picked up the mug and chucked it in your direction. You ducked and the mug shattered against the wall behind you, making El flinch. 
“What? What happened?” Mike demanded. El didn’t answer him. 
You slowly stood back up, turning to Billy and backing away as he started towards you. You backed right into the shattered mug, stepping on the shards.
“Billy, please, I’m sorry!” you pleaded, cringing at the pain in your foot. 
Billy grabbed your arm roughly, “look at my chest! I probably got third-degree burns from that shit!” he said angrily. 
You looked up at him, scared, and tried to pull your arm away but he dug his nails into your wrist, making you cry out in pain. Tears were building up in your eyes, “Billy, please.”
Billy lifted his other hand and El ripped off her blindfold as soon as he made contact.
“What happened?!” Mike asked again, worried by El’s scared expression. 
“See, I told you they were gonna be doing something gross,” Max started but El shook her head. 
“He hurt her!” She said angrily, wiping the blood from her nose. 
“What?” Will and Max asked at the same time. 
“Billy. He hit her. Threw things at her,” El told them, getting up off the floor. 
“Woah, slow down. You need to tell us everything that you saw,” Lucas got up with her and the others followed. 
El quickly told them everything that played out, and soon the whole group was just as pissed as she was. 
“I don’t understand. You said she’s been coming home with bruises for over a month. Why hasn’t she told anyone?” Mike asked, not getting why she would lie about it. 
“Maybe Billy threatened her,” Max suggested. 
“We need to tell Hopper,” Dustin decided. 
“No! Absolutely not! Hopper is batshit insane and we need a voice of reason,” Mike said quickly, knowing Hopper would freak if he found out. 
“What about my mom?” Will spoke up and Lucas nodded, “Ms. Byers will know what to do.”
The six kids ran to Joyce’s room to wake her up and tell her what happened. 
An hour later, Max and El showed up at Hopper’s cabin with Joyce waiting in the car. They decided it would be best if just the three of them went, and so the boys stayed behind. El opened the door the find you sitting alone on the couch, watching a movie in a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. The room was exactly as it was before El left and nothing seemed out of place. The dim lighting made it hard to see the black eye growing on your face.
You looked up and frowned at the two of them, “El? What are you doing home so early?” 
“Where’s Billy?” El demanded. 
“What? He left like 15 minutes ago. Hop said he couldn’t stay past midnight,” you explained, not knowing why they were all here. 
El reached over and turned on the lights, making you wince at the sudden brightness.
“Your eye,” El said, looking at you sadly. 
You quickly tried to think of an excuse but Max cut you off, “we saw what happened.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” you stood up, eyeing the young teens. 
“El spied on you and saw what Billy did,” Max stated. 
You turned to your adopted sister, a mix of fear and anger washing over you, “you WHAT? You spied on me! Are you psycho?!”
“Billy hurt you. He’s been hurting you,” El said, ignoring your raised voice. 
You looked ready to cry, not prepared to face what was happening, “you have no right to spy on me like that!”
“You’re avoiding the real point, Y/n. Billy is abusive. I know what it’s like,” Max said softly and you shook your head, backing away.
“We want to help,” El said, walking towards you but you held up a hand to make her stay away. 
You were at a loss of words, not knowing how to explain to them why you didn’t need help, and so you said the first thing that came to mind, “please don’t tell Dad.”
El and Max didn’t respond to that. “Why didn’t you tell anyone? Why did you lie?” Max questioned. 
“Because... because I love him! I love him so much, and he loves me. And I know he wouldn’t hurt me for no reason. He’s just struggling with some things and he needs me,” you explained, fighting back tears. 
Max couldn’t help but be annoyed, “bullshit! Billy doesn’t love anyone. He’s manipulative and cruel and he doesn’t love you!”
You glared at her, “yes he does! You two have no idea what it’s like to be in a serious relationship! You can’t say shit!”
El had made her way close to you during the conversation and placed a gentle hand on your arm; you flinched at the touch. El frowned, “what has he done to you?”
You pulled your arm away and froze when you heard a car pull up to the cabin, fear evident in your eyes. 
“Please, please don’t tell Dad,” you begged, running to the window and watching as Hopper got out of his car and was stopped by Joyce. 
“What is Ms. Byers doing here? What is she telling him?” you demanded even though you already knew the answer. 
“Y/n, you need help,” Max said gently. 
You saw your dad glance towards the window and nod at something Joyce said before started towards the door. As he entered, you looked at him with wide eyes, scared he would be mad at you. 
But instead of being, Hopper just quickly made his way over to you and pulled you into the warmest hug you’ve felt in a long time. He didn’t say anything, but the way he held you tight made you feel so safe, and all the tears you’ve been bottling up for the past two months came out at once. 
You sobbed into Hopper’s arms as he hugged you close. It was hard for him not to drive directly to Billy’s house and beat the shit out of him, but Joyce insisted he went to you first. 
“Hey, we’re here now. I’m here,” your dad said gently, not knowing what else to say. 
You clung to Hopper, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. You don’t need to apologize for what happened to you,” he assured. El came over and laid a hand over yours, saying nothing. 
Hopper felt like it was his fault for not noticing the signs earlier, but looking back on it, everything made sense, and all he could do now what comfort you.
And beat the shit out of Billy, which he was definitely going to do.
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biillyhargroves · 5 years
oooo can we get a part two to the fic thing where billy can't sleep bc he has night terror things about demodogs? bc that was superb!
ohhhh boy you most certainly can my sweet friend!!!
you’re a canary, i’m a coal minepart i: “do you have room for one more troubled soul?”part iii: too tired to be fighting(fic requests open)
“Walk me through this again.”
Joyce Byers is pacing the length of her living room- back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Her hands are on her hips and her eyes are downturned as she scuffs her sneakers against the floorboards. She bites her lip, thinking hard. 
Steve arriving at the Wheelers with Billy in tow had caused something of a commotion. The kids all scrambled outside, Max rushing to Steve’s car and demanding to know what the hell was going on. “What’s wrong with him?” she asked. “What’d you do?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Steve said, exasperated, and he launched into everything that Billy had told him. He told them that Billy hadn’t been sleeping, that he’d been having nightmares, that he was seeing demogorgons in his sleep. 
“But,” Max said, “he’s never seen one before.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asked.
“You drove us home, dumbass! He was out. He didn’t see anything.”
“So how does he know what they look like?” Steve demanded. “How is he seeing them now? If he hasn’t seen them for real, how is he dreaming about them, huh? Answer that.”
“You think he’s tapped in?” Dustin asked. “That he’s seeing-”
“-something real, yeah,” Steve finished. “I mean, how else does this make sense?”
“You’re sure he was talking about a demogorgon?” Mike asked.
“He described the fucking demodogs,” Steve said. “And he’s scared shitless.”
“Billy?” Max said, brows raised. “Scared?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “I had to force it out of him, okay? He doesn’t even want to talk about it. And he thinks it’s just, like, nightmares, right? It’s just nightmares to him and he’s terrified.”
Nancy and Jonathan and come home then, the latter dropping the former off after a date, and they wore concerned looks as they approached the group and Steve caught them up, too. Nancy face fell more and more as Steve when on, and she frowned as she ducked toward the passenger window of Steve’s car to get a better look at Billy, still asleep inside. 
“We have to do something,” she said, determination edging each word. “Don’t we?”
“If this is real?” Jonathan said. “Yeah.”
“Can you do anything?” Max asked, her attention now on El, who had been silently watching Billy while the others talked. She looks at Max with wide eyes, and then looks to Steve, who watches her expectantly. She fiddles with her sleeves.
“I can try,” she said. “But not here.”
And so the decision had been made. It was too late for Dustin and Lucas rode home to collect their walkies, and Mike retreated inside promising to man his- they agreed it wouldn’t be fair to crowd Billy, but that communication should stay open for backup calls. Max slid into the back of Steve’s car, and they followed Jonathan, Nancy, Will, and El to the Byers’ house. Once during the drive, Billy had stirred, and Steve fought to keep him calm as he trailed after Jonathan’s taillights. 
“You okay?” Steve asked once Billy was asleep again and when he caught Max’s worried eyes in the rearview mirror. He thinks he saw tears welling in them, but she blinked too quickly for him to be sure. 
“I just…” She trailed off, and then sighed. “It’s nothing.”
And now they are at the Byers, Billy settled on the couch after some very careful maneuvering by Steve (with some help from less-than-thrilled Chief Hopper, whose date night meal with the woman of the house sits abandoned on the dining room table - there had been some slight protests from a groggy Billy, who had settled again with some quiet reassurances from Steve and Max alike). 
Steve sits one arm of the couch and Max on the other, twin pillars guarding Billy as he sleeps. Hopper leans against the wall, watching Joyce as she paces the length of the living room for the umpteenth time. Jonathan, Nancy, are all crowded in the doorway, and El hovers nearby, her eyes on Billy. 
“He’s seeing demogorgons,” Steve says, “in his sleep.”
“And you’re absolutely sure he’s never seen one before?” Hopper asks.
“We’re sure,” Max says. “Never.”
“What does that mean?” Nancy asks. Her arms are crossed over her chest and her jaw is set. She is nervous, but she is fighting to hide it. She leans against Jonathan, who leans into her as well, and she fiddles with her necklace as she talks. “It has to mean something.”
Joyce is about to say something when a noise from the couch draws everyone’s attention. Across the room, El stiffens as Billy groans and rolls onto his side, his arms curling protectively over his middle, his hair falling over his face. Steve, too, tenses, and he drops to a knee beside the couch. 
“Wait,” El says. Steve stills, and he looks to El as she approaches the couch with careful steps. “Don’t wake him up. Not yet.”
“You sure you want to try this, kid?” Hopper asks. He, too, is now on alert. 
“I want to try,” El tells him. Steve moves out of the way. Max lingers on the couch, hovering near Billy’s head, as El lowers herself beside him. “I need-” El starts, and Will is already in motion, digging through El’s backpack until he finds the blindfold she keeps just in case. He pulls her portable radio out also, a Christmas gift from Hopper, He hands it to her and she thanks him before securing it around her head. He turns on the radio, always set to static, and sets it on the coffee table. 
The room goes quiet. 
El takes Billy’s hand. Billy whines, perhaps even whimpers, and attempts to pull away, but El keeps a tight grip. She exhales slowly. Billy’s eyelids flutter. El’s brow creases. Billy writhes, attempting to roll over but held by El’s tiny hand. El’s breathing quickens. 
“What is it?” Max says, voice pitched. 
“Can you see something?” Steve asks.
“Back off her,” Hopper says at the same El says, “I see them.”
Her voice is small and strained. She sounds like she’s trying to keep her cool, and judging by the way Billy is squirming, his breath growing ragged, Steve things she’s mimicking his energy. Steve’s own heartbeat quickens and he hovers over El, desperate to help but unsure of what to do. Before he can decide, Billy wakes violently. He startles first, then he throws himself upright, throwing El away as he does. She gasps and tumbles backwards, caught quickly by Max and Nancy and Jonathan and Will come from her other side, attempting to put distance between El and Billy. Hopper and Joyce drop to their knees, each of them fussing over El as she tugs off her blindfold and stares, wide-eyed, at Billy. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Steve says, the only one to move toward Billy. Max watches him, watches both of them, but Billy seems unaware of her and of Steve as he attempts to right himself. His hair is hanging over his eyes, and his eyes are trained on Eleven. “Billy,” Steve says. “Hey, come on, you with us?”
“Billy?” Max tries, and this time Billy looks at her. He stares at her for a moment before turning to Steve, brow creased in something like frustration and something like betrayal and something like fear. 
“You…” he starts, but no words come after. 
“Hey,” Jonathan says. Billy’s head snaps toward him, and as she slowly realizes how many people are in the room he sinks into the couch cushions and leans toward Steve. “You can take him into my bedroom. Give him some space.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Billy asks. Steve looks at everyone- at Will and at Jonathan, Nancy and El, Hopper and Joyce and finally Max.
“We have to tell him,” Max says.
“Tell me what?” Billy demands. When he is answered with a lengthly silence he repeats his question louder and with more force. “God damn it, tell me what?”
“They’re real,” El says. Billy’s eyes land on her for a second time and this time there is recognition there. Steve can feel anger rising with him, but when he speaks in is mixed with confusion and perhaps a bit of desperation. 
“You were-” he starts, and El nods. She was there. She saw it, too. 
She tells him, “They’re real.”
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nancykali · 7 years
Another Chance
A continuation of “Undercover” a.k.a. What really happened between Jonathan and Nancy in 2x06
ao3 link
Established polyamorous Stoncy, canon compliant
bc I know and you know what drunk!Nancy said and how Steve reacted was a misunderstanding between two poly individuals both in a relationship with Jonathan Byers. Because they were both going through a lot of shit. Also Jonathan and Steve are hiding their relationship with each other from everyone. These teens are under a lot of stress. Plus underage drinking. Plus monsters from another dimension attacking them.
Jonathan wordlessly picked up the dozing Will from the backseat, his brother’s warm weight in his arms the farthest thing from a burden after what they’d all been through.
Joyce climbed out of the backseat on Will’s side, unwilling to let her son out of her sight. Even though Nancy had told them how the mind flayer had disappeared into the night sky, Hopper contacting them through the walkie talkies to tell them El had closed the gate.
Jonathan couldn’t blame her. As he walked toward their house, he kept looking down to reassure himself Will was still breathing.
Nancy had her hand on his back, walking beside him, his mom immediately behind him. Hopper’s truck was already parked out front, and a car they didn’t recognize parked next to it.
“Is that Billy Hargrove’s car?” Nancy said, looking toward it in confusion.
Before any of them could answer, the front door banged open and Steve stood there, Hopper close behind him. As he stepped onto the porch, Jonathan could already hear the sound of many smaller feet running to the front door, echoes of “Will! Will! Will’s back!” becoming louder at the party’s approach.
Steve was breathing hard, as if he’d run to the door from the back of the house. “Is he…?” he said, his eyes glued to Will.
Jonathan gave a half-smile. “He just dozed off on the ride back,” he said, stepping inside.
“Steve, what happened to your face?” Nancy cried, the three of them finally seeing his cuts and bruises and bloodied face in the light of the living room. Nancy stepped up to him, her fingers hovering over one of the rainbow bandages on Steve’s forehead. He opened his mouth to answer, but his expression seemed frozen in some odd combination of surprise and relief.
Before Steve could answer, Will’s friends were upon them, clamoring around Jonathan, all speaking at once.
“All right! Everyone sit down!” Hopper yelled, his arm going around Joyce’s shoulders.
Will stirred in Jonathan’s arms at the noise, his eyes blinking open. This only made Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all begin speaking at once again. Jonathan swiftly walked to the couch and set Will down, backing away so his friends could crowd around him, all of them giving Will a group hug he gladly accepted. Mike hugged him the tightest, and Jonathan noticed the other boy’s eyes were already red from crying. Jonathan’s heart squeezed in his chest, as he remembered how Mike had been with Will in that lab, by Will’s side ever since his brother had gotten possessed.
He was dragged out of these dark thoughts by a voice behind him. “Jonathan.”
He turned and it was Steve, that look of relief now mingled with worry. He was rubbing the back of his neck, glancing at Hopper standing beside Joyce, then back to Jonathan.
“I have to show you something,” Steve said, sounding embarrassed.
Steve turned to lead him into the kitchen. Jonathan felt Nancy’s eyes on them, from where she stood near the couch, all but hovering over Mike, but she didn’t move.
Jonathan stepped into his kitchen to find it no less chaotic than it had looked before he left. The one difference being that near the back door was the unconscious form of Billy Hargrove.
“So, those tranquilizers you guys were using on Will, um,” Steve began. Jonathan looked at him to still see Steve rubbing the back of his neck, looking at Billy with a mix of sheepishness and…was that pride?
“Max, well, she stuck her step-brother with one to stop him from killing me,” Steve said, putting his hands on his hips and turning to Jonathan with a crooked smile. Jonathan found himself smiling back.
“So what do we do with him?” Jonathan said.
After a discreet conversation with Hopper and Max while Joyce got Will settled in bed, the other kids getting out blankets and pillows to stay the night, it was decided Steve and Jonathan would follow each other out to the Hargrove’s house with Billy, and Hopper would call Max’s mother.
Max, relieved to be allowed to stay the night at the Byers’, quickly went back to Will’s room.
Hopper, rubbing a hand over his mouth, looked between Jonathan and Steve, before saying, “Get back here as quick as you can, we don’t need his parents asking questions. Leave him in his car for the night if you have to.”
“No problem, Chief,” Steve said, and Jonathan nodded. After Hopper walked away, Jonathan could all but hear Steve sag with relief.
“How do we get him to his car without your mom noticing?” he said.
They ended up carrying Billy out the back door and around to the front. Jonathan helped Steve shove Billy into the backseat, and headed to his own car.
They got Billy back to his house without incident. Jonathan kept his car running while Steve played ding-dong ditch, sprinting to Jonathan’s car and jumping in the passenger seat before anyone came to the door.
During the drive, Steve filled Jonathan’s customary silence by telling him what had happened while Nancy and Jonathan had been gone. Drawing the demodogs to the junkyard, fighting Billy, leading the kids through the tunnels.  Jonathan had a feeling Steve wanted to keep talking just so there wasn’t a chance the subject of Nancy would come up.
They pulled up in front of Jonathan’s house, and Jonathan cut off the engine. He almost decided against saying anything, turning to open the driver’s side door. But he stopped himself.
“Hey, Steve,” Jonathan said, putting his hand out to touch Steve’s arm.
Steve was just about to open the car door, but stopped at Jonathan’s touch. There was a cautiousness in his face, but also a tenderness Jonathan had gotten used to. The quiet seconds passed and Jonathan thought how long it had been since they’d been able to just be together, alone without worrying about the other kids at high school, their siblings, their parents. He couldn’t even remember the specific day.
“You know Nancy, she wants to talk to you. About what happened on Halloween,” Jonathan said, finally dropping his hand from Steve’s arm.
Steve looked down, his hair hanging into his eyes. “I can’t imagine why. She knows you took her home, that I just left her there.”
Steve raised his head, but didn’t look at Jonathan, instead staring out the windshield, the droop in his shoulders an unnerving contrast with his hands, gripping his knees until his knuckles turned white.
Jonathan took a slow breath. “I didn’t tell her you left her there. I told her you asked me to take her home.”
Steve’s head whipped around to look at him, his eyes wide on Jonathan’s face. He said nothing, so Jonathan continued.
“She was upset, Steve, about a lot. She doesn’t want to leave it like this. She—” Jonathan broke himself off, wanting to say, she still loves you. But it wasn’t his place to say. Steve wouldn’t believe him anyway. He had to hear it from Nancy.
Steve was shaking his head, looking away from him again. “I told her it was okay,” he said.
Jonathan froze, wanting to think he didn’t hear right.
Steve looked at him, his eyes sad. “You know it’s okay, right, Jonathan? She chose the better guy.”
Jonathan was already shaking his head before Steve had finished speaking. “You know that’s not true. And what did I chose, Steve, huh? When we started this, I thought it was just about our feelings for Nancy. But it’s not anymore. You know it isn’t. I care about both of you.”
He couldn’t say love. He had, before, and Steve wasn’t able to say it back. Jonathan knew he wouldn’t now.
Steve was shaking his head, looking down at his lap, his hands running restlessly over his thighs. “It’s better like this, Jonathan. Me and you…it can never work.” And he gestured between them, without looking up. “And Nancy, what if she thinks that, too? Maybe that’s why she couldn’t say anything until she was shitfaced,” Steve said, a humorless laugh following his words.
Jonathan’s heart was pounding in his chest, and he couldn’t find words, only fear. So he reached out and pulled Steve to him, grasping the back of his neck and kissing him hard.
Steve gasped into his mouth, and to Jonathan’s relief, began kissing him back. Jonathan’s hand fisted in Steve’s hair, and Steve’s hand came to rest against his face. Jonathan tasted the blood already on Steve’s lips, and it only fueled his frustration.
All the fear, the guilt, the frustration Jonathan had buried, again and again for days, over Will, his mom, Nancy, Steve, he channeled all of it into the kiss. He kissed Steve until they were both struggling for breath, until Steve felt Jonathan’s tears on his hand and pulled away.
“Jonathan?” Steve whispered, his thumb running beneath his eye, almost pressing too hard. Steve’s hand was shaking.
“We’re not leaving it like this,” Jonathan said, his voice coming out a ragged whisper.
Steve looked into his eyes, the sadness still there. But he nodded.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Imagine Max having a fight with Neil because he doesn't want her to see Billy, and she goes to the Hopper family's new house asking if she can stay for the night because she doesn't want to go back home to her stepfather. And then imagnie Neil coming to knock at the door to take Max back, also scaring Billy. And maybe Hop and Joyce will put him in his place.
Hey hun, are you trying to kill both me AND Neil??????? And I say Neil bc Neil is gonna die at the hands of Hop & Joyce if he keeps doing this BULLSHIT. fuck neil.
(i swear you’re all trying to kill me and put Hop in jail but i love y’all for it so it’s fine ♥)
okay so it’s almost dinner time and Billy is walking past the front door to go to the kitchen and help Jonathan get some plates down when someone knocks on the door. He detours the couple of steps it takes to get to the door and swings it open, face unamused until a flash of red is rushing towards him, aimed straight for his chest and making solid contact. It catches Billy off guard, throwing his hands out and fully prepared to push the incoming attacker off when he realizes how small this person is and how warm and are they hugging me? And…
“Can I stay here?” She asks, voice distant and muffled in Billy’s chest. He doesn’t know what to say, just takes another step back so he can close the door and keep the cold out.
“What’s wrong with you, brat?” He asks, patting Max’s shoulder while also lightly pushing her away. He loves her, yeah, but they were never like… affectionate with each other. They never hug or anything, it’s usually light punches and playful shoves.
“Can I say?” She asks again, pulling away and catching eyes with Joyce, who’s standing in the doorway to see who just walked in.
“Hello there, sweetie! What’re you doing here? Would you like to stay for dinner?”
“Yes please.” Max says, rolling her board underneath her foot and over to the corner. Billy didn’t even notice it when she first walked in.
so she skated here.
She smoothes her hair down a little bit and walks over to find Will and El and tell them dinner is almost ready.
Billy doesn’t trust it.
Bc he knows his kid sister. Knows she’s never this frazzled. Knows she only avoids answering when the answer is gonna make Billy mad and that’s a problem bc… Billy’s calmer now. At least, he’s getting calmer. And the only things that would make Billy really mad are things that are serious and if something serious happened he needs to fucking know.
He forgoes helping Jonathan with the dishes to follow Max down the hall.
“Max!” El yells, wrapping Max in a hug and pulling her into her room in a flurry of giggles.
“Max is here?” Hop calls from the front door, where he’s shucking off his coat and hanging his hat.
“Yeah, I dunno why though.”
“Does there have to be a reason?” Hop asks on a chuckle, heading over to Joyce to give her a kiss.
Billy shrugs, looking down the hall unamused.
“Something’s wrong. She skated here in the dark.”
“Wait a second, she skated here?” Joyce asks, pulling away from Hop to give Billy a serious look.
“Her board’s in the corner.” Billy nods over to it. “And she left in the middle of dinner.”
Hop looks confused.
“Dinner is always at 6:30. On the dot.” He nods to the clock, which shows it’s barely 7. “Why’d she leave in the middle of dinner?”
Joyce gives Hop a serious look, prompting him to call the girls in. They come running in a flurry of little feet and humming.
“What’s up kid? Something wrong?” Hop asks seriously.
Max’s brow furrows.
“No. Nothing’s wrong.” Her energy falls. Billy sees it; crosses his arms.
“Sure about that?”
Max hits him with a glare, but it falters. She’s guilty- she’s never been able to keep her glare when she’s guilty.
She nods through a pout. Billy sits in his other hip.
“Really?” Billy asks again. “Because we made a promise when I moved out. You’re not breaking it, are you?”
He leans down a bit to look her more square in the eyes. He can see it- she’s nervous.
When Billy left he made her promise, absolutely promise, that if Neil did anything to her, she’d tell him and he’d get Neil put in jail. (“I’m living with the Chief of Police now.” He had said, swiping at a tear on Max’s red-with-anger cheek. She had swatted his hand away.)
“No it’s fine.” Max says, growling just a bit before pulling El with her to the dinner table to set out the plates.
Joyce looks nervous, Hop exhausted, Billy frustrated to high hell as he watches Max work to get the seat next to him.
And dinner is normal- pleasant even. It usually is with Max. Everyone in the house likes her. She’s funny and she has good manners and she’s good company.
But then-
There’s a knock at the door.
Billy pushes his chair back to get it, being the closest to the door.
“Wait!” Max calls, worry in her eyes that settles a pit in Billy’s stomach.
“Uh… don’t. You shouldn’t-”
“It’s fine, sweetie, it’s just the door.” Joyce assures as Billy heads over, each step feeling like he’s walking to his grave for some undefinable reason. He reaches for the handle with some kind of strange worry in his heart, like he already knows who’s on the other side. He thinks he might. He thinks-
He swings the door open to find a man with a square jaw and a heavy brow.
Billy’s heart lurches. It takes all of his strength to stand still, pissed as hell to see this man at the front door of his new home. He squares his shoulders, ready to tell the man to leave and shut the door on his face when-
Neil takes a heavy step forward, buttoning the intimidating gesture up with a crack of his right knuckles and Billy-
Billy’s scared. He takes a step back and feels his face flush red with embarrassment that he may never be able to stand up to this stupid man.
Heavier footsteps tell him Hop is coming up behind him.
“Hargrove.” Hop rumbles, putting a large, warm hand on Billy’s shoulder to pull him back behind him. Neil doesn’t let his eyes off Billy until he has to. Billy takes a few steps away, heart racing in anger and fear and embarrassment and anger goddamnit anger.
Joyce rubs his back and pushes him gently towards the dining room where Max is curled up in El’s embrace before she runs to Billy.
“I’m sorry Billy I’m sorry I tried to tell you not to go to the door I didn’t…” She hiccups, dry heaving. “I didn’t think he’d come here I- I…”
Billy pulls her in hard, crushing her in a hug to get rid of all of this feeling bubbling up inside of him.
“You brat.” He mumbles, hitting her shoulder slightly harder than friendly. “I told you to tell me.” He pulls her away by her shoulders and bends down to look at her. “Now what happened.”
Her face is switching back and forth from fear to anger to sadness and back again.
“He… he told me I couldn’t come here anymore. He said he didn’t want me seeing you because…. And… fuck him.” She buries her head in his chest again. El and Will come to her side, hugging her from behind to try to soak up the sadness and all the anxiety.
And over by the front door is an angry Neil standing in front of an even angrier Hop and Joyce, Jonathan standing in the doorway to the dining room to make sure the kids and Billy don’t come out or even see the man standing at the entrance to their house. He’s livid inside, seeing Billy’s father but hearing his own.
“You’re not welcome here.” Hop growls, arms crossed, looking big.
Neil chuckles something menacing.
“I’m just looking for my daughter. Do you know where she is?”
Joyce is boiling, ready to strike.
“She’s safe.” Hop assures.
“That’s not what I asked.”
Joyce is going to punch somebody. Hop takes a step forward, pushing Neil back out of the doorway.
“She’s safe. That’s all you should be asking.”
“I don’t want her here. Is she here.”
“Look.” Hop growls, stepping forward again, Joyce joining him at his side. “That little girl is like family to us, and if something happens to her or she feels unsafe for any reason, then I can guarantee I’ll be the first to know. I’m the Chief of Police, and being Chief of Police and living here my whole life, I have a lot of knowledge that I like to use. Like laws… regulations… good places to hide bodies.”
Jonathan chuckles quietly from his spot in the doorway.
Neil is shrinking, jaw set in something that’s probably supposed to be intimidating but looks more like a child.
“Do you understand me?”
Neil is red with anger.
“She’s my responsibility.” He grumbles and that’s what breaks Joyce.
“Then act responsible! And acting responsible means taking care of kids, not scaring them away or treating them like objects! That little girl is a good kid and so is that boy you tormented for years and you don’t deserve either of them! So until you don’t stop acting like a jackass and start acting like a good, responsible parent, that child is going to want nothing to do with you! And I swear, if you so much as lay a finger on her head or that boy’s head you’re going to wish Hop had got to you first after I’m done with you!”
Joyce is shaking with fury, glaring up into the square face of a man who looks more scared than he does irritated now. He sends a glare to Hop, who reaches down onto his belt to finger at the pocketknife he always keeps attached to his belt, and turns around to get in his car and head back home.
Hop shuts the door loudly as Neil drives off, him and Joyce out of breath from their anger.
They turn to see Jonathan with a proud look on his face.
“Fuck that guy.” He says, and earns a stern finger in his face for it.
“Language!” Joyce chastises him.
Jonathan chuckles and throws his hands into the air in defeat. “Sorry mom.”
And Max is allowed to stay, sticking by Billy’s side for most of the night as the family watches TV and eats dessert. And Joyce hugs Max real big and loudly, telling her she’s always so happy to have her here. She hugs Billy a little later, more subtly and quietly, telling him she’s glad to share a home with him. Billy’s heart falters as he hugs back.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
What would happen if Billy accidentally hurt himself but he was trying to hide it from Hop because he doesn’t want to go hospital but he finds out anyways ☕️
duuUUUUDE OKAY YES bc Billy is Reckless and Steve is a dumbass, really, and Max is Done and just wants to go hang out with Lucas or El or hell even MIKE but Steve didn’t believe Billy when he said that he taught Max how to skate so Billy asks Max for her board and tries to show Steve some tricks.
Problem is… Billy hasn’t skated in YEARS. So he’s a little rusty.
“Come ON Billy, seriously?”
“You owe me for how often I drive you around.”
“Uggghhhh FINE, just don’t break it!”
Max kicks up her board and hands it to Billy grumpily. Billy pats her head and Max swipes at his hand as he puts the board down and skates back to Steve. He’s a little wobbly, Max notices, but she just walks herself back to the curb and sits down with a huff. It’s after school and they’re off near the library exit where no one hangs around so that no one can see Billy and Steve being handsy.
Will walks by, having hung behind the group to check out a book from the library, and notices them.
“Hey Max, what’s up? Lucas was just saying he was going to ask you to hang out but he couldn’t find you.”
“Yeah, because my stupid brother wants to impress his stupid boyfriend!”
“Hey!” Billy and Steve yell back at her simultaneously, Billy trying to do a trick on the board. Max sticks her tongue out, but Will is looking at them and smiling shyly. He thinks Billy and Steve are so cute. He wants to find a boy who will look at him the way they look at each other. They make him feel like being gay is totally fine.
He sits on the curb next to Max, watching as Billy skates circles around Steve and Steve just has his hands on his hips, cheeks a little pink.
“Did you wanna come play some D&D tonight with us?”
“Yeah sure, if they’re ever done skipping circles around each other. I don’t have a ride otherwise.”
“I’m sure Jonahan will drive you. He’s already planning to see Nancy and your house is kind of on the way.”
‘Yeah alright. What book did you check out?”
“Oh it’s gonna help me with-”
The two kids look up to see Billy’s ankle is… not where it should be.
“OhmyGOD Billy!” Max is screaming and up and running towards him, Will a little behind. Steve is bent over the boy where he’s lying on the ground, grimacing hard and near wailing any time a sound comes out. “You absolute idiot! When I said don’t break my board, I didn’t mean your bones were a good substitute!”
“Shut up, Max!” Billy barks, accepting Steve’s help to get up.
“We’ve gotta get you to a hospital, babe.” Steve’s voice is filled w/ concern but Billy has an INTENSE fear of hospitals so he just grabs Steve tighter and rasps
“Babe, I think it’s broken!”
“It’s at least sprained…” Will says, no color in his face.
“NO. Promise me, alright? No hospitals.”
and Billy does the only thing he can think of, which is give an incredibly dizzying kiss to Steve and wrap his pink around the pinky of the hand that Steve’s not using to hold Billy up and he pulls away with a “Promise?”
“Yeah promise~ wAIT, no, Billy!”
“You already promised, pretty boy.” Billy says, before putting as much weight on the ankle as he can. It’s clear he’s forcing himself through the pain but after walking in a few circles he looks at the group like: See?? I’m fine!
Will and Steve are the dictionary definition of concerned but Max just rolls her eyes and calls him a dumbass who “at least needs to ice it” before she skates to the front of the school to see if she can catch up with Lucas.
And Billy tries to hide it for fuckin’ DAYS my dude. This boy walks around on a sprained ankle and limps a bit and the first night Hopper is Tired and doesn’t notice but El does and tries to get it out of him but he’s real good at keeping it straight.
The next day Hopper notices at breakfast.
“Somethin’ up with your paw there, kid?”
“My what?”
“Your foot, kid, your foot. What’s wrong with your foot?”
and Billy gets defensive as fuck which honestly, NOT gonna help in making himself look fine but it hurts and he’s just a little on edge over here.
“Nothing’s wrong with my foot, see?” He stomps on the ground and somehow manages to not flinch at it. Hop eyes Billy disbelievingly over his spoonful of cereal.
The day after that, Billy asks Hop to drive him to school.
“You want me to do what?”
“Drive me to school, what, can you not do that?”
“I can, but I have no idea in hell why you’d want me to.”
“Because I’m sick of putting gas in it and I forgot yesterday and I don’t wanna go get gas right now because I’ll probably be late if I try right now and Steve is working right now and-”
“Alright, alright, I get it, I’ll drive you!”
Hop eyes Billy oddly as he favors one foot.
And it’s not until the third day when Hop gets a call at the station that Hop really finds out. It’s the coach of the school’s basketball team, telling Hopper that he needs to get Billy’s ankle checked out bc “he’s been unable to practice for 3 days now.”
And when Hop sees Billy next, he just crosses his arms and nods to his truck and says: “Get in the car, kid.”
“Where we headed, Disneyland?” Billy snarks, irritated as all hell bc his painkillers wore off an hour ago.
“The hospital, you brat.”
“What? Why would I need to go to the hospital? I’m not sick or anything-”
“Cut the crap, your coach called me at the station today.”
“Fuck him.” Billy mumbles as Hop puts a calming hand on Billy’s shoulder and guides him back out the door. (Joyce took El in for dinner bc neither of them felt a hospital would be a good place for her to be hanging out in, even if she was with Hopper.)
“Look, I’ll be fine.” Billy tries in vain.
“Steve said he thinks it’s broken.
“That bitch” Billy hisses. “Dad I-” he catches his breath. “I hate the hospital.”
“Yeah, I’m not a big fan either, but I don’t need medical school to tell you walking on a break isn’t a good idea.”
Billy grumbles and pouts the whole way, whining like a kid when they finally get there.
“Please, I’ll… I’ll just wrap it up or something.”
“Don’t think I won’t carry you in there, kid. In fact, maybe I should carry you in there.”
But Billy glares him down and says he’d rather die than have someone see him get carried in, so Hop just helps him in.
KAY now, with all that said, I just need us all to imagine a nervous Billy, body language making him look small as he sits on the middle of a little examination table and picks at the paper on it and jumps a bit when the super sweet doctor comes in and tells him he needs a cast bc his ankle is broken.
And then Billy hobbling out w/ a boot on his ankle and mouth pouting around a cherry lollipop as the doctor follows him and tells Hop: “Your boy was very brave!” with a super sweet smile that Billy wants to slap off his face.
And EVERYONE signs the cast!! Like, everybody. All the kids, Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy- even Tommy and Carol (although Tommy totally draws a dick on it to which Billy has to smack him and turn it into a flower or something bc “fuck you, dude, my sister is gonna see that!”). Steve signs it like, fucking 5 times, drawing little hearts and stuff all over it and even writing “I love you” and kisses Billy’s cheek after writing it and Billy’s face is blushing hard as he pouts about his foot being in a fucking cast.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
What if Billy and El decided to team up against Hop and they have a prank war
LOVE. IT. DUDE. Hopper doesn’t stand a fucking CHANCE, my guy!!!
Bc El and Billy are such an Iconic Duo! esp in terms of pranks bc Billy is Devious as Hell and El is Just Devious Enough to go along w/ it and not only that, but she has the mind powers that are able to bring all of Billy’s terrible thoughts to fruition and tell me he doesn’t get such a kick out of that bc he so does.
and before they team up, El will often get super fed up and irritated w/ Billy bc he’ll do that dumb thing where he pretends she has something on her shirt so he can flick her chin up (to which she just uses her mind to flick his chin up) or he’ll put a fake spider in her room (to which she’ll throw it at him w/ her mind and innocently say she was just “returning” it) or he’ll put whipped cream on her hand while she’s sleeping and make her scratch her face (to which she’ll wipe the whipped cream off of her and send it flying towards Billy but….
It gets Hop instead.
Hop wipes his face, jaw tight but eyes with a hint of amusement.
“Alright alright… cut it out, you two.”
and El nods, twisting her mouth up a little bc she doesn’t like to disobey but she’s irritated and when she heads back into her room, Billy follows her and closes the door.
“What do you say we call a truce?” Billy asks quietly, closing the door.
Billy bends a bit to explain the meaning and then his reasoning. And El is a little hesitant bc a “prank war” sounds dangerous and she doesn’t wanna upset Hop but Billy is adamant about how it’s “all in good fun” as he ruffles El’s hair. They brainstorm a bit and Billy decides to head to the little pop-up Halloween store to gather some supplies.
And in a couple of days, there’s a bat flying around the cabin and a very shaken, very spooked, very loud Hopper running around trying to shoo it out with a broom.
“It’s over here!” Billy yells from where he’s sat at the their little dining table, trying for all the world to not smirk or laugh as Hopper stumbles over the couch to get to it. When he eventually smacks it out of the air, it falls to the ground lifelessly and Hop takes tentative steps towards it, leaning over it and about to touch it with the broom when-
It flies up into his face and Hop shrieks, smacking at it before Billy and El are busting out laughing, El from the doorway to her bedroom and Billy at the little table next to Hop and Hop realizes… it’s fucking fake.
He gives harsh looks to both of his kids, throwing the fake bat down.
“Oh ha ha.”
But the kids are basically gasping for air at this point with how hard they’re laughing, El even flopped on the couch and tapping her feet on it as she laughs and Hop drops the fake bat onto her.
“Eek!” she shrieks as she uses her mind powers to fling it away from her and straight into Billy’s face, who gives a very similar shirek.
About a week later, Hopper walks into a completely dark cabin, and gets a little nervous for a second bc El really doesn’t like the dark and his kids should be home on the couch watching TV and ruining their dinner??? So why so quiet?
It’s just then that a flashlight turns on, illuminating a large, floating figure that looks to be wearing a cloak of some sort. It spooks him, making him jump and putting him immediately on edge. Suddenly it’s laughing a deep, rumbling chuckle and then it’s flying towards him, rushing and Hop has his hands up and is punching strongly into-
The blanket that once seemed like a cloak falls over Hop’s face and he’s still punching when he hears the laughs. He’s struggling with the blanket over his head, pulling it off and flicking the lights on to reveal tiny feet kicking in the air from behind the couch and a curly head of blond along with crinkled blue eyes peeking over the top of the couch.
Stupid kids.
“What was that????” Hop demands, hands on his hips and anger in his voice. El pops up then, nothing but amusement in her face.
“Prank!” She shouts excitedly. Billy is still laughing when Hop turns irritated eyes onto him. Hop’s too tired for this.
The next time, they get Steve involved. Steve is not happy about it.
“Look, guys, you’re both very cute and very intimidating but this is Hopper we’re talking about here! We can’t… he’s gonna kill us!”
“No he won’t.” El is adamant as Billy pulls out the bucket full of water from the quarry that they’ve been hiding all day.
“Okay, he won’t kill you guys because he loves you guys. He doesn’t have any attachment to me! He’s gonna murder me on the spot!”
“Stop being so dramatic.” Billy says, straightening up and walking towards the window to see if Hop is coming.
“Hey!” Steve whines. “I’m not dramatic!”
“You are, and it’s adorably irritating.” Billy says as he kisses Steve soundly. “Now go out there and distract him.”
And Steve does. He stumbles over words and keeps Hop from coming in until Billy gives the signal that El has the bucket in place, which is just to open the door and let Steve in slowly so that Hop stays just past the doorway and Steve’s face is stressed and Hop isn’t an idiot, he knows something is up.
“If this is another prank…” he looks up and-
The bucket tips over and water pours down over his head.
Billy and El are laughing hard as Hop wipes his face and Steve is terrified. Hop starts taking heavy steps in the direction of the trio.
“I’m sorry Hop!” Steve is fumbling. “Uh, Chief! Sir! I’m so sorry, I was just used as bait, I promise!!”
“Come here.” Hop grumbles threateningly.
Steve is shaking like a leaf.
Hop extends his arms out. “And give me a hug.” He says it menacingly.
El’s eyes go wide and she giggles as she tries to run to her room. Billy holds his hands up in protest to the incoming Hopper.
“No no no, this is my favorite shirt.”
But none of them are safe, even as Hop chases Billy around the couch. He scoops all three of them into a very big, very damp bear hug, faces smushed and whines loud as they complain. Steve is…. Confused. But glad he’s not dying at the hands of the Police Chief so he guesses this is…. Fine….
And it’s ON at this point. Hop starts by only buying sugar free cookies and sweets but then realizes that affects him too so it’s a bit of a failure. He takes Billy’s car to get “serviced” but really he just gave it to a buddy of his down at the auto shop to hold it for a bit so that Billy has to be driven to school by Hop for a whole week. He buys only whole wheat Eggos. El hates them and pouts every time she picks up the box.
They table the Prank War so El can get her Eggos back.
But once Hop gets together w/ Joyce, Billy starts the prank war again w/ a renewed vigor. This time they have Jonathan and Will on their side, against Hop and Joyce. They all feel a little bad about doing anything mean to Joyce, but it’s still fun to watch her jump and shriek when Will’s stuffed puppy starts running around her feet. Or when they switch out all of the groceries to frozen pizzas. Or when Will and El sweetly tell her that they ran her a bath and then lead her to their bath tub full of the Jell-O they all 4 spent all day making.
Joyce and Hopper are ON IT though. they’re the fuckin dream team and were probably totally partners in crime in high school whenever they’d hang out together. They replace Billy’s hairspray w/ water. They hide all of Jonathan’s records and switch them out for old stuff from the 50’s. They let the Party come over and then embarrass the living daylights out of Will by sitting and pretending to try to understand DnD, purposefully getting everything slightly wrong and making Will want to pull his hair out. They let El go out on a date w/ Mike, but they insist on being there and they actually start dancing w/ each other in the middle of the ice cream parlor. El is mortified.
But the real straw that breaks the camel’s back is when Joyce helps Hop turn all of the kids’ clothes pink.
On picture day.
Like….. Billy is standing in the middle of their living room in a pink button down bc his clothes are fucking tinted pink now and he’s not happy.
“I can pull off anything, sure, but are you serious???”
“It was an accident.” Joyce says as she smirks over her cup of coffee.
“Let’s just get this over with.” Jonathan sighs, walking out in a pink short sleeved button down and a pout.
Will hops out, smiling a bit bc he really doesn’t care that much that his t shirt is pink. He’s a little worried about bullies but Mike helps him w/ those and he’ll be fine. El waves bye to them happily and totally not perturbed in her big pink-ish sweater with pink-ish shorts underneath.
Jonathan is pouting as he heads out to his car. “The prank stuff is over, Billy.”
“No, we can’t let them win.”
“We’re wearing pink for picture day, Billy. It’s over.”
Billy huffs in angered defeat.
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