#hopper-hargrove family
hgrve · 1 year
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hopper is trying to be a good dad to billy but it's an adventure
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crashqueen-motorbaby · 7 months
headcanon that when hop adopts billy, billy doesn’t start calling him ‘dad’, instead he calls him ‘pop’ instead of ‘hop’ one day by accident and just sticks with it
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harringroveera · 3 months
For Father’s Day Billy gave Jim a hug (for the first time) for being the best dad ever to him and Jim immediately breaks into tears
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kennahjune · 7 months
Been having this idea so bare with me while I attempt to explain:
(Note: this isn’t exactly my “usual” content)
No Upside Down AU where like 37% of the human population are some kind of “mythologic” as they call them.
Hawkins is kind of infested with them, despite being— well— Hawkins.
The majority of the Party are mythologics.
Now, Billy and Max move to Hawkins from Cali as per usual in 1984. And they’ve heard of Hawkins. Of how it’s mostly mythologics despite the small human population not being very accepting of them.
So they move to Hawkins and all is well until they start hearing rumors.
Rumors about a werewolf pack that isn’t a werewolf pack. Apparently there’s a werewolf in Hawkins collecting misfits and others and simply— accepting them into his pack.
Billy doesn’t buy it for shit. Werewolves tend to be hella territorial and unwelcoming.
Or that’s what he’s been told by his dad. He’s never actually met a werewolf, being a vampire. Vamps and Wolves don’t really get along.
And so Billy and Max start school and it’s fine. Billy likes fucking with this one guy, Steve. It’s really easy to rile him up and funny to watch him try and rein himself in.
Max is in the middle school, always talking about this one vampire kid and how he’s an asshole but his friends are sweet enough. Billy doesn’t listen too much.
Until he collides into Steve in the high school parking lot. Steve’s in a rush, barely getting an apology out before running (inhumanly fast— Billy notes) down the road where the middle school is.
Billy, thinking “well what the fuck”, follows after him. They arrive at the middle school and there’s a fight going on in the parking lot.
He says “fight” but it’s really a bunch of kids ganging up on one scrawny pale kid and holding back his friends. Steve is rushing in immediately, yelling at the assholes to leave them alone and to scram.
That’s when Billy realizes one of the kids being held back was Max, with a minor busted lip.
He’s immediately at her side, trying to seem angry but not being able to hide the actual concern in his tone.
Billy turns to leave but watches Max run up to the other kids to check on them. That’s when Steve turns to Billy and seems to recognize his presence.
Steve’s pulling the 4 boys behind him immediately, his eyes flashing a bright yellow and he growls and—
Steve’s that odd werewolf collecting strays.
And idk Billy and Steve go through this whole thing where Billy refuses to be accepted into the pack even tho he basically already is cause no one else in the pack really has a problem with him.
But Max is in the pack (the Party, they call themselves), so Billy sees them all constantly against his will.
And there’s the bit where vampire Eddie also joins the pack eventually, after the kids kind of adopt him in Hellfire and Steve is weak for those kids.
And obviously Billy ends up joining the pack at some point but I haven’t thought that far ahead lmao.
Idk if I want it to be platonic harringrove or romantic harringrove but I’m lowkey leaning towards harringroveson to be honest.
But if you have opinions I’d love to know them!!
I kinda wanna write more for Billy, idk lol I’ve just been in a middle lately
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foreverautumn89 · 24 days
Every clue Lonnie was abusive Pt 10
Lonnie playing the role of the grieving father at the funeral with ease which we the audience know for a fact was an act and know Lonnie was only there to use Will's death to get a paycheck. Which shows hes used to acting and pretending to be the good guy.
Lonnie didn't care that his own 12 yo child was dead. No tears no nothing and its bad enough he didnt care, but also came back to pretend he did care so he could get money out of it. It also goes hand in hand with the abuse. He had no emotion about it, wasn't upset about it at all, Joyce is losing her mind and having mental breakdowns and Lonnie isn't even moved by anything thats going on.
Its his mindset/mentality about it that shows it that if he would have killed Jonathan or Will when abusing them he wouldn't have been bothered by that and not resisted holding back from abusing them in the first place. He sees nothing wrong with his own children dying a horrible tragic death at a young age. He isn't bothered by it at all. Not even a tear from him at all.
Even strangers have come to mourn Will's death at the funeral [in a town that hated the Byers family] and even they felt sad for what happened to Will and were out helping to look for Will. Because they're human. Because there is at least some redeeming quality about them. Compare Lonnie's behavior to theirs: He has no heart at all. He can't even be a little sad that a 12 yo tragically lost their life and died afraid and alone-hes not hurt by that idea at all-made worse by the fact that we are talking about HIS own son.
All right thats all the clues I got for now. Let me know if you find any more.
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jaegerisim · 1 year
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Had a stroke reading this. It's about an AU where Billy leaves to Lenora with the Byers.
Can't y'all hornygrove shippers leave my sons alone??????
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weird-an · 2 years
“I’m not like his dad,” Jim sighs. What he really wants to say is that he’s not like his own dad to hear Joyce agree with him. To ease that knot in his stomach. 
“I know.” Joyce squeezes his arm a little. “He needs time, Jim. I think you could be good for each other.”
Chapter 2, for @ihni
Have a lovely weekend. Read more on AO3.
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imeanwhynotbruv · 2 years
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Stranger things/Black phone crossover Au
(Call me family)
Ok so I absolutely adore stranger things / the black phone crossover au fics. Like I actually can’t get over it or stop reading them, I can’t seem to find all that much on it but when I do I absolutely love itttttt!. Like it’s to the point I can’t get certain HCs out of my head so here we are!
So I think one of my fav plots (I’ve found like one) is of Vance & Billy being related and I can’t get enough! Or Vance being related to Hopper (especially as his son but that doesn’t work for this so Uncle Hop!).
Also I love the idea of them having cute nicknames! Eg
Billy for Vance : Pinhead, kiddo, little guy, terror
Vance for Billy: Billy Bee, bubba
Ok so hear me out. Vance and Billy are half brothers, Billy’s mum left when he was like two years old (bc that’s more convenient 👀) because Neil is an abusive ass who is also very unfaithful.
So like maybe a month later Neil gets with Layla Hopper (Jim Hoppers estranged little sister) who he was on again off again with, she gets pregnant and voila! You have Vance Hargrove!
While little Billy is sad that is mum is gone he’s happy to have a new baby brother (he’s not an ass yet that’s later)
it just so happens little Vance is absolutely obsessed with his big brother. Like he looks at him like he framed the sky just for him and he follows him around like a baby duck.🐥. Even the kids Billy hangs out with just accept that his Lil bro is probs coming too.
At this point Billy takes his big brother roles very seriously. He’s practilly the one raising Vance bc Neil sure as hell isn’t gonna do it, Layla is young, like grossly young for Neil but still legal, and she doesn’t know what she’s doing and while she’s not that bad she’s not the best and kinda just leaves the kids to it.
So it’s Billy doing all the things Like:
• When Neil is being a dick Billy will keep is lil bro distracted so he doesn’t piss Neil off
•if Neil is getting violent Billy will intensionally set him off if he’s worried he might go after Vance
•if his lil bro is having a nightmare he will put him back to bed and keep him company, with promises to watch incase the monster comes out from under then bed.
• he’ll walk Vance to the beach after he finishes School
• he’ll take him to get Icecream /make his meals
•teaches him how to properly insult people and how to make comebacks(just general life things)
Unlike what Billy’s like with Max, he absolutely insists that Vance is his little brother not half brother.like he’ll fight you to prove it cuz he totally would.
Also I can totally see Billy being the one who first takes Vance to an arcade and shows him pinball. Little Vance is absolutely fascinated and it Billy who teaches him how to play the game. They always compete against each other at the arcade, and Billy’s not the kind to just let you win (most of the time) so Vance spends ages practicing so he can win.
Then on the day Vance genuinely beats Billy, he gets a high five and an “about time Pinhead” and from that day in he is affectionately insulted with being called Pinhead and he wears it like a crown!
But no one else can call him Pinhead (cuz Billy won’t allow any disrespect (plus that’s his thing)) so people start calling him Pinball Vance!
Eventually Layla has enough of Neil’s abusive controlling ass and decides to leave him (good for her but my poor babies) and takes Vance who is like 8y/o at that point.
Lil Vance doesn’t want to leave his big brother, lil Billy is sad but he know Vance is probs better off (that doesn’t mean he wants him to go)
So the brothers part ways and promise to call each other all the time but sadly that’s impossible as Neil changes their number out of spite and Billy doesn’t really know where they ended up.
So Layla changes Vances name and he becomes Vance Hopper as a kind of middle finger to Neil.
She marries a guy called George Howle two years later when Vance is 10, this guy is basically Neil again but super manipulative and Layla is too tired to run away this time.
Neil married Susan a year later (he blames Layla leaving on never being married to her)and she moved in like immediately with Max who was 8 (she’s a Year younger than Vance and three years younger than Billy bc I say so)
Neil forbids billy from ever talking about Vance or Layla so Max knows next to nothing about him, barely knows he exists.
Billy is resentful because he feels like Max is trying to replace Vance (which is kinda what Neil is doing) but she’s not she just knows that Billy doesn’t like her so she decides she doesn’t like him. Neil continues to be an abusive asshole.
Billy becomes an ass because he’s a kid with anger issues, no outlet, and abusive dad, a stepmom who willingly looks away when things get bad, an annoying redhead who gets him into trouble and is constantly missing his little brother.
Vance becomes an ass and constantly picks fights due to the neglect of his mother, abuse of his stepfather, anger issues, missing his brother and at this point is practically a learned behaviour.
Ok side note, the grabber has already killed Billy and Griffin (sorry babies 😭)
The grabber kidnapped Vance (when he was 13 bc I need that age), the grabber has to keep Vance drugged bc he’s still pretty big and won’t stop throwing punches. The grabber gets cocky at not being found and Kidnaps Bruce, Robin & Finney (they’re not really in this but that could change depending). Does some of his awful shit to them, especially Vance, because he thinks he’s pretty and the grabber is creepy af.
The Bboys get their chance and kill the grabber escaping, Bruce has to literally carry Vance, Robins arm is broken, they’re all messed up and end up in hospital. Most end up in comas (for plot convienece)
When Layla was going to visit the hospital, she was speeding bc she realised how terrified she was for her son and desperately wants to see him, she gets into a car crash and dies before she ever reaches him.
George refuses to take Vance in because he’s a delinquent and is now traumatised so after they can finally track down Jim hopper (bc Layla had put him in her will as who would be Vances guardian and just never changed that) by the time Vance moved to Hawkins season 2 is ending and Season 3 is starting.
So like he vaguely remembers Jim but not enough to want to go live with him in the middle of butt fuck nowhere.
This might just be referenced and not actually done bc like, it’s just the show mainly.
The Hargrove/Mayfield family move to Hawkins in 1984 (billy16,Max13, because plot and I say so) (season 2)
On the night when Billy is supposed to attack Steve, he gets attacked by a demo dog (not badly just enough to see it at maybe get a bit hurt) outside outside the Byers house. The kids come out and see Billy basically winning against this monster through the sheer will of not wanting to die.
Steve helps him kill it with the bat, Billy gets given all the details and after a minor breakdown and trying to not believe it finally goes along. (Part of him still hoping it’s just a dream). Eventually he joins the party when they go to the tunnels because someone needs to drive and apparently that’s Billy.
Demon dogs get torched. Basically the same ending just + Billy.
End of season 2/ beginning of season three
Vance gets to Hawkins and the fun can begin
(This is getting long so imma stop)
(If you want my other stuff for this au is under the tag= Call me family au)
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
This is what I wanted, right?
TW: Major character death.
Link to alt ending in comments.
If you asked anyone, they'd tell you just how much Max dislikes her asshole of a step brother, Billy. They'd tell you how she curses him to filth almost daily. 
Dislike was too weak a word, because she downright hated him, wished one day he would leave and never come back. 
God, she can't recall the number of times she laid in bed and prayed for him to just vanish. He was by far the worst person Max had ever met in her fourteen years of life. He made her life hell.
He blamed her for their move, he blamed her for the way Neil treated her. 
It wasn't like it was Max's fault that she was well behaved, and Billy was always getting into trouble. It wasn't her fault Neil was an asshole to Billy.
None of this was her fault, right?
The call came at almost four in the morning, Max remembers being annoyed with the shrill of the household phone as it pierced the silence that envelops the surrounding area. 
She could hear Neil's gruff voice as he spoke to whomever had interrupted their rest. 
He was about to lay into them, Max could tell, before he stopped short and the sound of the phone slapping against the wall echoed in the young girl's ears.
Her stomach began to twist itself into a knot as she slipped out of her bed and padded into the kitchen where she found both Neil and her mother with tears spilling from their eyes.
She didn't dare speak. She was too afraid to, because in the years she's known her step father, he's never been one to cry. Yet here he was, silently bawling his eyes out into her mother's nightgown while she visibly bit back sobs.
It was painfully obvious no one was going to speak, so Max softly cleared her throat and spoke, her fingers twisting into the loose fabric of her pajama shirt.
"What's going on…?"
Max was wholly unprepared for the way Neil's steel blue eyes fell on her, she could feel herself freeze up from the intensity, but even after looking directly at her, nobody spoke. 
The young girl wracked her mind for any inkling of what might've happened. It had to be serious for Neil to be freely crying. But, why wouldn't anyone just tell her? They both knew, but Max was in the dark. As always, she was on the outside of whatever everyone else knew. 
It was like the reason for leaving Cali all over again. No one had told her exactly why they had moved, all she got when she asked was a "ask your brother," when she questioned Neil about it.
With a frustrated huff, the red-haired girl crossed her arms over her chest, lips twisting into a frown. "What did Billy do this time?"
That question seemed to have done it, because a second later Neil was dropping to his knees and letting out an anguished cry. Her mom was by his side immediately, but her gaze found Max's and her eyes softened in a way Max had only seen when her mom was telling her one of her random pets had died.
But Max didn't have any pets...and why would a pet dying be connected to Billy—A gasp ripped through her as she furiously shook her head, the reality finally settling in as she connected the dots.
"M-Mom...is Billy okay?" There was no verbal response, only a tearful shake of her mom's head as she let out another round of tears.
Max could feel her heart plummet to her stomach as she yet again began to shake her head, this time in disbelief. 
It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. She was clearly misunderstanding. 
Billy was just hurt, right? Probably laid up in a hospital bed, giving the nurses a hard time while they fretted over him.
But one glance at the heap that was her mother and step father, she knew.
"Ma...Please, is Billy d—" she stopped herself from finishing, a startled sob sans any tears bubbling from her own lips. 
She felt so confused. Isn't this what she dreamed of? A world where Billy was gone. A world where he was no longer around to bother her and her friends?
She fucking prayed for someone, or something to take him away.
She had never shied away from telling her shithead of a step brother that she wished he would just die. He always cackled at that, and flipped her the bird like it was some kind of joke between them. It wasn't. She wanted Billy gone.
But, now he was. He was gone. She should be happy. She doesn't even know how he died. No one had said. Or maybe they didn't know just yet. 
There was no happiness, no relief. Just pure pain and guilt. 
She hadn't even cried over him dying, it felt unreal. Like at any moment he would come flying down the street in the Camaro as loud ass music blared from the tinny speakers. 
Neither thing happened. No tears and no Billy.
The days following Billy's death had gone by in a blur, Neil had jumped ship the morning after that God awful call, leaving her and her mother to grieve alone, to remain alone. He wasn't coming back, that much was obvious from the things he took with him, from the way he'd just seemed to vanish without even saying goodbye.
Billy left without saying goodbye too.
Max felt numb almost, like that night in the kitchen had drained her of any and all fight. When the news broke to The Party, they dragged her to Mrs. Byers house and ordered pizza. She wasn't hungry, but she picked at her two slices until just the crust remained.
She couldn't figure out why the pizza hadn't at least tasted good.
It tasted like ash on her tongue, and it wasn't until just the crust remained that it dawned on her.
It was a month after Neil and Susan's wedding when Neil had shoved some money into Billy's hand and demanded he take his sister out to get something to eat. 
Max hadn't seen the fear in her step brother's eyes because Billy had covered it with a scowl and dragged her to the nearby pizza shop. It was just off the beach, and they had the best garlic knots according to him.
Max was skeptical to try one, but once she did, she all but scarfed down almost half the order, Billy had simply laughed and dug into one of his slices of Pizza. 
(He made sure to order some more.)
However, instead of biting into it like everyone else would, the older boy simply ripped the crusts off and popped them into his mouth; leaving the slices otherwise untouched as he happily munched on them. Only now beginning to rip into a few garlic knots.
Max scrunched her nose up at that. She couldn't believe anyone actually liked the crust. It was the worst part of the pizza. She said as much and Billy had gasped in surprise at her.
"Maxine, are you telling me you actually enjoy the nasty ass tomato paste and gooey ass cheese?" It was Max's turn to gasp at the boy sitting across from her, "that's literally the point of the pizza, asshole!"
Billy for his part, just shook his head and snatched up her abandoned crusts before sliding his own plate in front of her. The girl just squinted at him, which prompted an eye roll from the elder, "If you're not gonna eat the crust and I'm not gonna eat the pizza, we can just trade off, Shitbird."
Max was satisfied by that and happily nodded her head as she tore into the now lukewarm slice.
From then on, Max and Billy shared pizza just that way. He ate the crust, she ate the slice. Even after moving to Hawkins, and the strain it'd put on their already weak relationship, they continued with the weird habit. Their parents didn't understand, but neither cared when the food was at least not getting wasted.
Max's stomach churned at the memory, she didn't have much of a chance to dwell on it before she was racing to the trash can, the barely settled contents of her stomach splattering the inside of it.
Her body was tense as she heaved, her grip on the bin was turning her knuckles white but she didn't right herself or let go until the last wave of nausea freed her entirely. 
When it had, she dropped her head between her legs and finally let out a loud cry.
It was as if once she started, she couldn't stop. The floodgates had finally opened and all Max could do now was cry. All she wanted to do was cry, cry, cry.
Mrs. Byers, at some point, emptied out the garbage can, but Max stayed perched beside it, her eyes unfocused and watery as her group of friends settled alongside her silently. 
It only startles everyone a little, when Max croaks out,
"he only liked the crusts, like a fuckin' w-weirdo…" No one had to question who she was talking about, it was rather obvious to all the teens; but still, they all seemed shocked at the confession. "Said the rest of the pizza was just a soggy triangle of bread."
She breathes out a humorless laugh, shaking her head at nothing in particular, "I think he just refused to admit he was lactose intolerant or something. He never ate cereal or used milk in his coffee. If mom made mac and cheese, he left it on his plate."
Neil would get upset with him, but there were only a few occasions Max could recall where he actually made Billy eat the pasta.
It was Steve who spoke up, his brows furrowed in confusion, his tone was hollow, but his face held a twinge of realization. "No fucking wonder he'd come into Scoops to just buy ice cream and throw it away..." 
Nancy turned to face her friend, her mouth opening and closing unsurely, but it was Will who beat her to speaking, shyly saying, "uh, Steve. I think he did that just to see you."
Max couldn't help but agree to that. She knew her brother was absolutely infatuated with Steve Harrington, though he would sooner die than admit that.
Which, bitterly Max notes, was exactly what happened.
Max tuned out the rest of the conversation, it wasn't intentional, she just couldn't keep up with the chatter. It felt pointless to pretend she was interested in anything at the moment.
Eventually, Jonathan offered to drive her home, even though nobody else was leaving, she agreed.
 Despite the dread that filled her stomach at the thought of returning to a Billy-less Cherry Lane, she let herself be guided outside. 
The feeling was persistent in a way it hasn't been since that night, but she let the eldest Byers boy take her anyway, she didn't really have a choice.
When she was getting out of the car, she noticed Neil's truck was missing, that wasn't surprising, but what did surprise her was that in its place was Billy's Camaro, but it wasn't there when she left earlier in the day.
Hopper must've brought it back for them. He was absent from the meet up today, which usually only happened because of work. El hadn't been there either, which was unusual, but Max hadn't dwelled on it.
He parked it as neatly as Billy always does...did.
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toxicpoisonedyouth · 1 year
so vance hopper is totally mungrove’s adopted/biological son right
i mean
billy was adopted by chief hopper, and then married eddie and now they are raising their hellion of a son, vance
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0aurelion-sol0 · 1 year
On that note...
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This is not the type of strangling I'm into personally... 😨
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Day 2 - Family
@disabledbillyandsteveweek A Stranger Things Spy x Family Au. Billy as Loid (with chronic pain and a cane), El and Max are Anya, and finally Heather is Yor. She is only mentioned at the very end though. This was not my original plan for today’s work but this is what my gremlin brain wanted last week so?
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Where Billy and Jonathan are settled into the Byers-Hopper home in Hawkins sometime post s4 (but everything’s alright actually)
"If you think it's the right move, I'm not gonna stop you."
Jonathan stands in the doorway to the kitchen, camera clutched in his hands as he shifts from one foot to the other. He taps his fingers against the plastic and chews the inside of his cheek.
He doesn't need to look to know that, just on the other side of the wall, their conversation is being listened to. The novelty of suddenly having adult responsibilities hasn't worn off just yet — whenever he and Billy argue, Hopper or Joyce always chime in with advice on how to navigate relationships.
As if they haven't been navigating it just fine by themselves for going on a year and a half now.
Jonathan wants to backtrack and ask Billy what he thinks he should do. Wants to ask him to just give him instructions, straight and to the point. To decide for him.
But Billy has this focused look on his face as he chops vegetables, the one that says that his mind is elsewhere, and Jonathan decides against it. One of the commandments that they agreed on was to never forfeit their own wants and needs for the other. Moreover, to not assume that the other person wants them to forfeit their wants and needs.
Jonathan sighs. Opens his mouth even though every fiber of his being is working against him doing so.
"I really want to," he says. Billy stops chopping for a beat, emphasizing that he's waiting for the but. "But I'll hold off until we can talk more about it. Maybe after work we can go to the drive in or something and just make a whole night of it."
There's a brief moment of anticipation, a second where it seems like everyone under the roof is holding their breath. Like the whole world is holding its breath. Only releasing it when Billy resumes chopping.
"Okay," Billy says.
There's a smile in his tone to match the gentle curve spreading on his lips. Jonathan's face flushes red, and he can't help it — he raises the camera and snaps a picture, earning a snort from the blond.
"Oh yeah, I can tell that's gonna be a keeper," Jonathan muses.
"Quit it," Billy chuckles. "Creep."
Jonathan snaps a few more. Finally lowers the camera when Billy hurls a cucumber slice at him, and the two are giggling as Jonathan steps closer to the counter.
He sets his camera down on the surface and sobers a little as he looks off to the side.
"I know it's hard for you here sometimes," he sighs. "I don't wanna force you to be somewhere you don't wanna be just so I can explore a career opportunity. This work can take me anywhere, and I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not gonna prioritize a job offer over you."
Billy sets the knife down once and for all and splays his hands flat on the counter, leaning against it as he drags his gaze up to meet the brunet’s eyes.
"I don't want you to feel like you can't explore career opportunities here because of me," Billy says.
"I know, baby."
"I mean— hell, it's hard for both of us to stay here sometimes." Billy huffs a laugh and shakes his head, biting his lip thereafter. "But I can't make you leave your hometown just so I can go back to mine. Wouldn't be fair, even if a bunch of fucked up shit has happened to you here. To both of us."
"Well, we could always settle somewhere in the middle, you know. Halfway happy?"
Billy smiles. Leans over the counter and flicks the top button of Jonathan's shirt open, which he'll have to remember to fix before he goes to work.
"Guess we have lots to talk about at the drive in," Billy muses. Hooks his finger in the collar of Jonathan's shirt and pulls him forward until they're able to tilt into a kiss. Then he's pushing him back just when he starts to melt into it. "Now get outta here or you're gonna be late."
"Yes sir."
Jonathan grabs his bag and pulls it over his shoulder, flashing his partner one last smile before he finally leaves the kitchen — and finds everyone staring at him with smug little grins.
His mom has never been good at hiding how she feels, but even Jim looks amused. And forget about Will and Eleven.
Jonathan just flushes deeper and ducks his head until he's safe and out the door.
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harringroveera · 3 months
Joyce: Jonathan, Billy, Will, El, and Jim, can I speak to you five for a minute? In the living room. Now
Billy: Oooh, someone’s in trouble!
Billy: It’s us. I don’t know why I did that
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dorkszn · 2 months
𝓋ℴ𝓁. six / 𝒾𝓈𝓈𝓊ℯ. steve harrington, billy hargrove, jonathan byers
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twitter p links ! / male & female reader ! / vol. seven !
01. in the break room of family video ( male reader )
02. fucking one of the “freaks” in an empty classroom ( fem reader )
03. taking you in his car during lunch ( fem reader )
04. he wants to get as deep as possible ( male reader )
01. he thinks you moaning and crying his name while your knees are pressed to your chest is the best thing ever ( male reader )
02. passenger princess ( fem reader )
03. him fucking you soft for a change ( male reader )
04. he wonders how many orgasm he can pull from you in one night ( fem reader )
bonus. this video is just billy vibes
01. everybody assumes you’re the top and jonathan bottoms. but both of you know that isn’t right. ( male reader )
02. riding him right after you wake up ( male reader )
03. letting you use him ( fem reader )
04. he’s been thinking about you nonstop ( fem reader )
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my first multi-character vers!! 😛 jason, eddie, and hopper next? do we want a girls vers? also i did this in like under an hour, motivation and energy were present 🙏🏽 can y’all tell im in my stranger things era again?
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fandom · 2 years
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If it's not canon, at least there's always fanfic.
Byler Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things
Steddie Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
Destiel -2 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Blackbonnet Blackbeard & Stede Bonnet, Our Flag Means Death
Ronance Robin Buckley & Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things
Buddie +2 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Lumity -5 Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Nandermo Nandor the Relentless & Guillermo de la Cruz, What We Do In The Shadows
Geraskier +11 Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Piltover's Finest Caitlyn Kiramman & Vi, Arcane
Hannigram -1 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Supercorp -5 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Ladynoir +10 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Huntlow Hunter & Willow Park, The Owl House
Adrienette +15 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Bakudeku -12 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Wangxian -3 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Ineffable Husbands +8 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Symbrock +12 Venom (symbiote) & Eddie Brock, the Marvel universe
Dreamling Dream of the Endless & Hob Gadling, The Sandman
Daemon x Rhaenyra Daemon Targaryen & Rhaenyra Targaryen, House of the Dragon
Marichat +11 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Tomgreg Tom Wambsgans & Greg Hirsch, Succession
Wolfstar -3 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Patpran Pat & Pran, Bad Buddy
Jayvik Jayce & Viktor, Arcane
Kathony Kate Sharma & Anthony Bridgerton, Bridgerton
Raeda +49 Raine Whispers & Eda Clawthorne, The Owl House
Merthur +7 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Stucky -19 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Harringrove +37 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Lumax Lucas Sinclair & Max Mayfield, Stranger Things
Narumitsu +9 Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Drarry -12 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Imodna Imogen Temult & Laudna, Critical Role
Jonmartin -18 Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Twiyor Loid Forger & Yor Forger, SPY x FAMILY
Catradora -29 Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Elmax Eleven & Max Mayfield, Stranger Things
Hualian +15 Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, Tian Guan Ci Fu
Percabeth +19 Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, the Percy Jackson universe
Cockles -15 Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles, actors
Jegulus James Potter & Regulus Black, the Harry Potter universe
Superbat Superman & Batman, the DC Universe
Villaneve Villanelle & Eve Polastri, Killing Eve
Nick x Charlie Nick Nelson & Charlie Spring, Heartstopper
Solangelo -6 Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, the Percy Jackson universe
Dreamnotfound -43 Dreamwastaken & GeorgeNotFound, streamers
Satosugu +41 Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
Thasmin Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan, Doctor Who
Drukkari Druig & Makkari, Eternals
Sasunaru +26 Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto
Suselle Susie & Noelle, Deltarune
Eddissy Eddie Munson & Chrissy Cunningham, Stranger Things
Sterek -11 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Tarlos -18 TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Spirk +14 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Fexi Fez & Lexi Howard, Euphoria
Jopper Joyce Byers & Jim Hopper, Stranger Things
Jikook -45 Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Chenford +38 Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford, The Rookie
Sambucky -59 Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Zukka -47 Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Obikin +36 Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
Ladrien +28 Ladybug & Adrien Agreste, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Dinluke -42 Din Djarin & Luke Skywalker, The Star Wars universe
Bumbleby -50 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Shadowgast -33 Caleb Widogast & Essek Thelyss, Critical Role
Sonadow Sonic & Shadow, Sonic the Hedgehog
MileApo Mile Phakphum & Apo Nattawin, Actors
Klance -32 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Kanej -38 Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa, Shadow and Bone
Yennskier Yennefer of Vengerberg & Jaskier, The Witcher
Sashannarcy Sasha Waybright, Anne Boonchuy & Marcy Wu, Amphibia
Loustat Louis de Pointe du Lac & Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the Vampire
Batcat Batman & Catwoman, The Batman
Codywan +7 Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Jancy Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things
Kiribaku -54 Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku No Hero Academia
Harlivy -11 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, the DC Universe
Kinn x Porsche Kinn Theerapanyakul & Porsche Kittisawasd, KinnPorsche
Soukoku Nakahara Chuuya & Dazai Osamu, Bungou Stray Dogs
Jargyle Argyle & Jonathan Byers, Stranger Things
Korrasami -52 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Stolitz Stolas & Blitzo, Helluva Boss
Damianya Damian Desmond & Anya Forger, SPY x FAMILY
Spideypool Spider-Man & Deadpool, the Marvel universe
Dramione -43 Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter universe
Zutara -61 Zuko & Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mileven Mike Wheeler & Eleven, Stranger Things
Marcanne Marcy Wu & Anne Boonchuy, Amphibia
Zelink -55 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Sasharcy Sasha Waybright & Marcy Wu, Amphibia
Griddlehark Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus, The Locked Tomb series
Tomdaya Tom Holland & Zendaya, actors
Johnlock -45 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Jily -9 James Potter & Lily Evans, the Harry Potter series
Calliette Calliope Burns & Juliette Fairmont, First Kill
Malex -19 Michael Guerin & Alex Manes, Roswell, New Mexico 
Serirei Serizawa Katsuya & Reigen Arataka, Mob Psycho 100
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last year.
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