#like maybe his English va thinks he should sound more sassy
inavagrant-a · 1 year
I love how Wanderer’s Korean VA always sounds like he’s pissed off about something as he should, awraxa.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 27 days
LMAOOOO my b my b no isagism here!! I saw your other posts and I was also confused on why the little Easter egg cameo scene had everyone except Karasu basically LMAO like where is he….maybe they figure the audience can’t handle his beauty so they gotta wait for s2….
FR!! I think that was one of my main bird gateway moments the ost also slapped lowk….
SO REAL slow cooked aged fine dining dishes not lunchables LOL the rise of Karasu nation truly is upon us
That reasoning is so prevalent in the manhwa scene like as long as they look pretty the plot could literally be all over the place LOL and yes the closeted sweetheart trope >>>>>>
OOOOH I’ve personally only ever heard it when I saw people posting Isagis dub scene when he outsmarts Rin in the 4v4 LOL wait I know exactly what you mean for Karasu….i remember specifically looking him up too…something about his voiced felt too strained/almost grainy to me? Like it feels like a voice that might be given to a relatively lanky, disheveled villain of a show like I’m imagining dry crusty villain here it’s not deep enough and almost has some like high strung texture to it (this was such a bad explanation and I’m also going based off memory so excuse me if I’m remembering wrong as we know remembering is not my strong suit LMAO)
Ok but wait….not a new fav…Nagi…?? My other guess was gonna be Reo based off your earlier post but I can’t tell if when you said “haven’t written in awhile” you meant like a specific work for the character (which rules out Reo I think unless I read your masterlist wrong) or in general (which works with Reo via peregrine cameo) but I’m curious to see what it actually is LOL Safely avoided isagism I see LOLL
- Karasu anon
NO BECAUSE ATP IT’S TARGETED??? like wdym we only get a blurry shot of his chin in the season 2 opening…what do you mean he’s consistently not shown in the background w the rest of the characters…i’m convinced it’s smth to do with his hair like 100% they just can’t figure out how to do it or smth because why else do otoya and yukimiya get sm focus but not him???
the rio ost is so good and the animation too!! ugh maybe i need to rewatch and get some more bird inspo KFNDKSS
manhwa community is insane truly the things people will read because of an art style sometimes is like 😓😰 come on now are we not better than this 😭 i feel like i typically only start manhwas if i like the art style but that won’t be the reason i KEEP reading ykwim like it still has to hook me and all the art style is just a prerequisite!!
SWEETHEART ASSHOLE FOR LIFE!! i just think it’s so funny to see this guy who’s lowkey a major jerk become all fumbling and emotional in front of a girl he likes…plus making characters like that be secretly in love with a girl for YEARS is so appealing to me like it’s just so them 😭 smth abt the sweetheart asshole type fits so well with major league pining idek why
NO I COMPLETELY AGREE it just sounds odd?? according to one of my friends he has the same dub voice as BAKUGO from mha which not that i rlly know much abt mha but from what i’ve heard bakugo and karasu do not have much in common 😭 and just going off of looks they do NOT feel like they should have the same voice LMAOAOAA but apparently he’s also connie from aot and i did like his voice there (even though it’s too high for karasu but at least it doesn’t have that weird gravelly quality??) so maybe he’ll surprise us…anyways karasu’s japanese va is rlly rlly good though maybe i’m just cursed to only like characters w weird dub voices (although i will say dub nagi is cracking me up he is 10x more unserious and sassy and a lovable asshole in the english version…his arguments w barou are actually funnier in dub somehow??)
YES IT IS NAGI BROOOO I MISSED HIM SM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 to be fair it might also be recency bias because he’s such a huge part of s1 and most of the other characters i like aka tabieitaken don’t show up until the manga but like…nagi 🥹 LMAOAAO i think part of it is the dub opening my eyes to the fact that he is also in fact lowkey a lovable jerk just in a less obvious way than karasu and barou 😩 the way he would literally be undefeated in s1 if he stopped shit talking his opponents during games is SO FUNNY like he directly leads to isagi developing his direct shot in team v vs team z, chigiri developing his no-stop dribbling in nagi barou isagi vs chigiri reo kunigami, and bachira’s awakening in the 4v4 ALL BECAUSE HE CAN’T KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT 😰 like bro genuinely cannot lock in and stop trash talking even though it’s the difference between winning and losing half of the time 😔 also i do love reo but he’s like so emo in season 1 that i can’t be attracted to him until season 2 i fear (although him in team v vs team z >>>)
I ALMOST FELL TO ISAGISM it was rough at first but lowkey seeing how short he is next to nagi and barou made me be like oh nvm…like yes he is still several inches taller than ME but he looks like a pocket sized child next to those two 😭 also while he has some good shots in the show he also has some crunchy ones icl meanwhile nagi is definitely the animator’s favorite because they yassified him SO HARD in the anime (he’s still cute in the manga but in the early chapters he looks so silly tbh)…wish they would’ve given barou that treatment fr i feel like they make him look goofy almost up until the 4v4 😩💔
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son-fuori-di-me · 3 years
"I had no idea I could change someone's life."
One Shot. Word Count | Around 3300. Description | <French female pov> you're visiting Rome for the first time, and you casually meet Damiano David the day before the Circo Massimo concert. The conversation takes a unexpected path.
Content | Real talk. No romantic development. * Expect French idioms and italian approximations from automatic translators
"Bordel, c'est immense !" ("Holy cow, that's big !") I said, looking at the Circo Massimo.
It was my first time in Rome. Knowing Italy a bit, I expected a hell lot of sun, a delicious bunch of ice cream for each meal, and tons of pretty things to snap with my phone. Well, that was the plan for my first two days there. Cause Saturday would be a very different day. Saturday would be Måneskin day.
I've been waiting for so long to do this trip. And what a blast it has been for now. Took only a bag, my external battery, some makeup and my favourite clothes to finally discover this astonishing city. This was my first solo trip. I've always travelled with my family or my ex, but never on my own. For once, I could decide what I wanted to see, what I wanted to eat, when to take a break. And as there are plenty of things to see in Rome, i wanted to enjoy every second of my trip. I could focus my last day there solely to the Måneskin concert happening that Saturday night. But as I didn't want to leave anything to chance, I decided to precisely organize my last day, so I could visit a bit more - a get a last fantastic meal before the concert.
I got myself a gold pit ticket. I guessed that would mean I had a special queue. So on Friday night, as I was back from a late tour in town, I decided to watch more closely the Circo, to check for the entrances, and see how I could sharpen my organization and schedule for the next day.
"J'espère que je vais pas avoir à poireauter toute la journée, avec la chaleur qu'il va faire." ("I hope won't have to hang around here all day tomorrow, the weather's gonna be hot as hell")
It was almost 10 pm. I was getting closer to the Circo, trying to read the boards, but all was written in italian and didn't seem to concern the concert. And a year fangirling over Måneskin clearly wasn't enough to become fluent. I saw no sign mentioning "gold pit". So I decided I would ask around, with Google translate ready in my phone in case I couldn't find anyone speaking English.
I saw a guy sit on a bench, smoking. He was dressed in an ugly dark sweater, with the hood over a cap. He was either a drug dealer or a hobbo. My instinct as a girl living in Paris got the uphand and I decided to ignore the guy and try to find a woman instead, or maybe a group of locals, to get me the information I wanted. Unfortunately, after a good 20 minutes walking around and asking people, no one could tell me how to make sure I find the right queue for the concert. I was about to give up and head back to my airbnb and I saw a silhouette still sitting on a bench, near the Circo. It was the same guy from earlier. "Bon, je tente, s'il est trop chelou, je me barre." ("Well, might as well take the risk, if he's too much a weirdo, I clear off quickly.")
"Scusi, do you speak English ?" i said, getting closer to the guy, but still from a good distance in case it turned wrong.
"Pretty good. You need something ?" He was searching something in his pockets and reached his pack of cigarettes. His voice was deep, but gentle. He did look funny but didn't sound dangerous - i still didn't get too close as I hate the smell of smoke.
"Do you know well il Circo Massimo ? I'm going to a concert here tomorrow and I want to make sure I find the right queue, but they haven't installed any sign yet". I asked, showing the structure of the stage behind me.
"Cute accent, where are you from ?" he answered, completely ignoring my question.
"Well, I'm French. So, do you know il Circo ?" I preferred to quickly repeat my question to let him know I wasn't interested in whatever he was trying to.
"Ah, Bonjour ! I speak a little French !" He said, now reaching for his lighter.
"Yeeaaaah cool, but how about the Circo ? I'd like to be here early enough, but I don't know wh-" I froze as he lighted up his cigarette. It was brief, but with the spark, I saw his face for a second.
"Hm ? You don't know what ?" He asked, with a smirky voice.
"Mais naaaan ?" ("Dont tell me -") I let out that typical French astonished sound without thinking. "You gotta be kidding me !"
He laughed as I was getting a little closer, staring at him. With one hand, he was putting his lighter back in his pocket, with the other, he lifted a bit his cap. It was him. It was Damiano.
I felt my spine shiver with that uncomfortable sensation of being around someone famous. As a journalist, I had my lot of interviews, so I knew there's no point in changing behavior around such people. But I still was flabbergasted to see him.
"Sorry, I didn't recognize you. Well, gotta say you're not dressed in your best outfit !" I chose the strategy of sass, to hide how impressed I actually was.
"That's my favourite sweater you're seeing me in, and I'm smoking hot in it" He said with a smirk, getting into the sassy game.
"Time off before the big day ?" I asked, completely forgotting about my initial request and switching to my interview mindset when I'm super focused about the conversation. "Shouldn't you be having a great night of sleep, to recharge your batteries ?"
"I don't feel like going to bed" He said, having no idea how the conversation would soon turn. Fortunately for him, I wasn't working in the music media industry. "That's quite a stage we're gonna play on."
I didn't know why he was talking to me about all of this. I didn't dare to ask him either. I just enjoyed the moment.
"Well, the Eurovision song contest was bigger, wasn't it ?"
"Hm, don't tell me about it, I still don't know how I managed that."
He suddenly had a strange tone in his voice. It didn't sound like the radiant and confident Damiano you see on Instagram stories or on TV interviews. I remembered where I heard him like that. In the 2019 documentary "This is Måneskin", the making of Il Ballo Della Vita album, in the sequence he's arguing with Vic on a train, as he tells her how anxious he can be get sometimes.
"Well, you did, didn't you ?" I put on a more serious voice. "And you had a ton more of pressure, representing your whole country ? So how a concert here in your home town could be worst than performing in front of all of Europe - not to say the whole world ?"
He was still smoking, listening in silence.
"Or maybe it isn't about how big the performance is but about performing in itself ? Why are you performing ? Why are you putting on a show ? All those fancy clothes and that makeup, who is it for ? For people to love you ? Or for you to love yourself ?"
Mais qu'est-ce que je branle ? Il va se barrer dans deux secondes, là c'est sûr (What the fuck am I doing ? He's leaving any second now.) I got a bit too excited about being able to share a few words with him. What's gotten onto me ? Well, let's go then.
"What is it you're running after ? Or running from maybe ? Some complex to compensate ? With all that smudge and confidence, that wouldn't surprise me."
He sat back on the bench. As he inhaled a deep breath of smoke, I saw a smile on his face. But I also saw his hand holding the cigarette shaking.
"Are you a psychiatrist or something ?" He simply said, as if he was trying to keep his voice as steady as possible.
I hesitated to tell him the truth. I was sure he would walk away the second he would know my actual job. Et puis merde, autant tout dire. (Well, fuck, might as well be honest.)
"Nope, I'm a journalist." I admited, as he looked right back at me with a surprised look. "Pretty much the same. We get appoitments with random people, listen to their life, observe their body language, and tell them our whole opinion about all of it, which might very well shape how they perceive themselves from now on."
"Only difference is that you don't have to keep anything secret. Right the contrary."
There. This was it. He was gonna leave now, for sure.
"Before you go, did I hit any truth ? Don't worry, I'm not in the music media industry, I won't write anything from our conversation." I hoped this information would save me a few more seconds with him.
He didn't answer right away. He didn't leave either. He kept looking at me, still smoking his second cigarette in a row now.
"Whatever it is you write about, I guess you must be good at it" he finally replied. "Cause you did score a few points."
Another short silence broke. As a fan, I was obsessed with his music, lyrics, and attitude. But catching a glimpse of what lied behind the glamour definitly caught my interest. I wanted to know more.
"Why are you here ?" I slightly deepened my voice, getting back to my interview tone, and kept on going with this as if that was usual business for me. "It's half past 10. You play on Rome's largest stage tomorrow. You surely better should be in bed, or be about to, before the big day."
In that moment, I had the upper-hand in the conversation. He was sat on the bench, I was on my feet in front of him, and therefore above him. Not the best approach to get someone's trust for an interview, but with a personnality like Damiano's, you gotta put your own show.
"I actually don't sleep much before big events like these" He finally answered, accepting his condition as an interviewee. "I don't sleep much at all."
"You're tend to insomnia ?"
"Not really, I just got used to 4-5 hours of sleep, that's it."
"Even during tours ? Cause this all sold-out European tour for Teatro d'Ira must have been exhausting".
"You have no idea, bellezza."
"So tell me." From there, I decided to change my strategy and sat on the ground, still in front of him, but giving him the upper-hand, to put on a more trustful atmosphere. "How are you doing ? And I don't mean, like casual 'yay, fine', I mean : how are you doing ?"
I still have no idea of my tactical move of giving him more space to express himself worked, or if he understood right away where I was leading him, but in the end, he still didn't seem bothered by this conversation we were having. In fact, it looked like he was enjoying it.
"I'm... content, I'd say." He paused, and I didn't interrupt him with another question this time. "I know I'm going through the life I wanted. The music, the tours, the praise. It's all I could have ever asked for."
D'accord, très bien, mais ? (Okey, very good, but ?) I stayed silent, but I couldn't help anticipating what he was saying.
"But surprisingly, sometimes it's still... unfulfilling. Like I can never be satisfied".
Repressing some Hamilton's lyrics from my mind, I innocently pretend I didn't fully understand what he meant - another journalistic technique, to get someone to repeat themselves with other words in order to get them deeper into their reflexion.
"What do you mean, "never be satisfied" ? You're on top of Spotify chart list, your albums are now platinum successes, you're winning awards. How is this not satisfying ?"
"It's just... What are all those things for ? Money ? Fame ? Yeah, I like those but..."
"Typical Capricorn" I muttered, to slide in the conversation that I actually knew pretty well my subject - my subject being him. He chuckled.
"Damn really ? Let me guess ? Aries ?"
"Pisces+Taurus, actually. So what, you don't like being famous ?" Getting back quickly into more questions - another technique to keep control over the rhythm of an interview.
"It's not that I dislike it. It's just... not always as fun as I thought it would be."
"What part of the job ? The writing and composing ?"
"No, that's the best part." He reached for a third cigarette. It was almost 11 pm now. "Vic, Thomas and Ethan. Måneskin. They're the best thing that ever happened to me".
"Then what, you feel like a fraud ?"
"Hell, no ! I'm exactly where I should be." He claimed, with a light pride tone.
"So, if you're proud of what you create, and if you love the people you create that with, then what is the matter ? If life is about getting the Bare Necessities, it seems like you got it all." Hitting with a universal - and musical - reference. Shoud do the trick.
"Hahaha ! Lo stretto indispensabile, si ! But life isn't that easy." He said laughing, as I felt he started to let go of the tension. "In real life, you get judged all the time, and people try to dismantle you, and spread rumors."
"I didn't think you'd be one to listen to people's comments about you".
"I'm not. I stopped giving credits to those. But it's still here, you know ?"
"From what I see, you're keeping it real, with lots of wisdom. I can't quite grasp what seem to bother you."
He paused, looking at his feet for a few seconds.
"I'm afraid it won't last." He finally confessed. "I'm afraid it all ends as quickly as it all started. I'm afraid people get bored. I'm afraid I become a caricature of myself. I'm afraid I can't write new songs. I'm afraid to be a shooting star, you see ? Very bright, but gone in a flash."
"Like, to be an Icare ? Or may I say "Ykaaar" like on your Instagram ?"
He chuckled again.
"Huh, I'm that obvious ?"
"Yeah, even a bit over-the-top, if I may dare say so."
"Well, I've always related so much with this mythological figure. I mean what's wrong with aiming for the Sun ?" He said, pointing a hand to the dark sky above us. From his attitude, I could tell he was way more relaxed than in the beginning. He even took his cap and hood off, so I could now see his face more clearly. His eyes were glittering. "Burning your wings... What's that morale supposed to teach us ? Be modest ? Be moderate ? Che noia !" (How boring !)
"Well don't be !" I felt almost like scolding him. "There's nothing wrong with seeking big dreams. As there's nothing wrong with this feeling of being outrun by your life. Savour the moment. Every second of it. It's because you can't know how long it may last that it tastes so good, so thrilling ! And you actually already are ten steps ahead ! Writing songs like ´Torna a casa' or ´Coraline' at, what, 19-20 years old ? You're the real deal, dude. And even if later on, you get blank page anxiety or write just good-enough songs, it's okey. You got plenty of time to make mistakes. Take the leap of faith. Failing and being a failure aren't the same. You learn, you grow from it. It's okey to doubt yourself, but please, don't ever doubt all the love and support you get."
I paused, hoping I didn't do too far and missed my point. But in a way, I could also feel I got it right. He was looking at the Circo, his eyes even more sparkling than before.
"I..." He got up, standing on the bench, looking as tall as a statue from my perspective. He came down and took a few steps. I got on my feet, starting to feel concerned about what I just said.
"I didn't know I needed to hear that." He finally confided. "I always wanna reach perfection. I'm aware I can be authoritative, sometimes even harsh, on the band. I can't accept to be a failure. But love and support, that, I can't get enough of."
I didn't respond. There was nothing to add. This instant felt like an hour. The wind was slightly blowing through the length of the Circo in front of us. His hair reflected the gentle light of the moon, only showing her first quarter. He broke the tranquility of the moment, turning and taking a few steps in my direction.
"Grazie mille" he said, his arms opened, calling for a hug.
"But, you're very welcome" I said approaching him, softly putting my arms on his back as he put his over my shoulders. The second before his face disappeared from my vision, i noticed a tear on his cheek.
"You've completed reset my mind. I feel like I can start all over again. I was anguished, trapped by my anxiety. But it's all gone now. You've changed me. Thank you, thank you so much" He affirmed full of hope, his voice shivering.
"Wow, well. I had no idea I could change someone's life." I answered, trying to hide how moved I myself was from the conversation.
It was almost midnight now. We kept talking for a while, comparing life in Rome and Paris, exchanging what was our best concert experiences. But he still needed to get back home to rest before the concert, and I didn't want to arrive too late at my airbnb - even if I could have spent the whole night talking with him. Yet, to enjoy our last few minutes together, he offered to walk me back to where I was staying. It was just a 15 minutes walk, along the Tevere river bank.
"So tell me." he asked with a smirk. "How does the Bare Necessities go in French ?" He started to muffle the melody.
"Oh no, you don't expect me to actually sing it ?"
"Hehe, you got me into a therapy session, so I can get a little song from you, no ?"
"Damn, you. This is blackmail !" But drunk on the moment, I took a deep breath.
"Il en faut peeeeeeu pour être heureux, ("Look for the baaaaare necessities,") vraiment très peu pour être heureux, ("the simple bare necessities") il faut se satisfaire du nécessaire !" ("Forget about your worries and your strife")"
I started dancing along, if I had to be ridiculous, might as well utterly be. But he actually followed my lead, clicking his fingers.
"In fondo, baaaasta il minimo, ("I mean the baaaaare necessities") sapessi quanto è facile ("Old Mother Nature's recipes") Trovar quel po' che occorre per campar ! ("That brings the bare necessities of life !")
We kept on singing Disney songs for a few minutes as we walked at a slow pace - I was shocked he never saw Tarzan and immediately made him promise to watch it as i told him Phil Collins recorded all the songs in five languages, including Italian. When we finally reached my destination, we exchanged a last timid hug as farewell.
"Well, I'll see you on stage tomorrow." I told him as I crossed the street.
"And I'll look for you in the crowd !" He shouted with the brightest smile on his perfect face.
** the end **
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