#like my favorite FAVORITE ride at Universal Orlando is the ET ride!
missmitchieg · 2 years
I've been trying to understand for years and I just can't make sense in my brain why some people think that wheelchair users are "trapped in"/"confined to" a wheelchair. Like
Having and using a wheelchair (and especially a really nice, comfy chair customized to your specific needs) is better and a lot more fun than being completely bedridden, or as you lot would probably call it, "confined to" the bed. In a wheelchair, we can get out of the house and go to the store, or the cinema, or a theme park if we so please*. Having a wheelchair is actually freedom, not "confinement".
This might come as a bit of a shock, but not all wheelchair users are full-time users. Like, some of us do have some amount of leg function and can and do stand and walk a bit, with or without an aid like a cane or crutches*. It's called being an ambulatory wheelchair user.
*Sure, with some occasional difficulties as the whole world is decidedly not adapted for accessibility, but we can do it.
*With VS without aid & cane VS crutches depends on the individual and their needs.
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creepykingdom · 5 years
Halloween Horror Nights Orlando 2019 Review
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By Grant Duval
Every year, and fortunately for us horror fans, earlier every year, Orlando is treated to Universal's Halloween Horror Nights.  Every year it seems to outdo itself, and this year was no exception.  This is a welcome change of pace from other Halloween celebrations in the area which seem to be the same thing every year.  Every house this year was different and exciting from previous years.  Even the one haunt that had been done last year was a complete change.  Also, this whole event was themed to the 1980's, which I absolutely love as a child of the 80's.  Unfortunately, these haunts don't allow photography, so I wasn't able to get nearly as many photos as I would have liked, but trust me, these houses are all intricately decorated and most are worth your time.
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I'd like to preface this with the fact that I bought the front of line pass for an additional $80.  This allows front of the line access to all mazes, but there is a line for front of the line, and you can expect to wait at least 10 minutes with the front of the line versus the hour plus waits that were occurring.  You also get front of the line access to many rides.  There are also 2 shows.  With this pass we were able to get to one show, two rides, and all 10 mazes with only 30 minutes less.  This is a testament to how invaluable this pass is, as I would have never made my way to all the mazes had I not bought this.  I suppose the easiest way for me to do this is to go through each item one by one and give my thoughts.
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Stranger Things was the most popular haunt of the night, and for good reason.  This maze went through each season and brought to life the greatest moments of the whole series.  The set design, especially in the upside-down, was top notch.  This also felt like the longest of all the mazes.  The characters were all cast well and it was great seeing them all battle the forces of darkness.  Side note, at Voodoo Donuts you can purchase a delicious Stranger Things donut before entering the park to really set the mood.  Also, there is an extremely large animatronic you must walk under to escape which is very convincing.  The scare level was a medium or so, but the set design was amazing.  9 out of 10.
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Us was the next maze of the night.  I was never a fan of the movie as I felt that the trailers gave away everything.  My mom, who was my traveling companion, had never seen it.  This was one of her favorite mazes of the night.  Entering through the funhouse in the movie sets everyone up for being chased by the doppelgängers and their scissors from the Jordan Peele movie.  The lab scene with all of the rabbits was neat, and the exit which involved going through a bunch of mannequins mixed with scare actors was a great touch.  The big problem though is that you really have to be acquainted with the movie in order to fully understand what was going on.  My mom had lots of questions, and as I only saw the movie once when it came out, I didn't remember everything.  Scares are high in this one.  7 out of 10.
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Universal Monsters exists almost as preparation for the highly rumored land in Universal's Epic Universe park which is being built.  Characters from classic horror movies, such as Dracula, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein's Monster, the Wolfman, Bride of Frankenstein, and the Mummy reside here.  Strangely there was a part with Quasimodo, and that felt unnecessary as the whole point of The Hunchback of Notre Dame was not to be scared of him (actually, that was the point of Frankenstein as well).  The sets were nice, but it felt kind of disjointed as we went from one character to another with no real transition.  This maze also felt short.  Scares were medium level but the high quality of the sets made up for it.  6 out of 10.
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Ghostbusters was easily the most hyped of all of the mazes.  This maze featured all of your favorite characters from the original Ghostbusters movie, and the sets were so realistic it felt like we were in the middle of it.  The haunt follows the same path as the movie, from the library to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man battle.  The character actors looked just like the original actors.  Every last detail was perfect.  The Slimer puppet that came out in a few scenes was a nice touch, as were the Zool puppets that stalked us.  Overall, I wanted to remain inside as long as possible but was disappointed that Ghostbusters 2 was ignored as I do love Viggo the Carpathian.  The scare factor is low, in fact this would be a great first haunt for those who are unsure if they would like this.  This one gets a 10 out of 10 though from scratching my nostalgia itch.
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Killer Klowns from Outer Space was hands down the most fun maze.  This movie was a staple of my childhood as I used to watch it weekly.  This is another maze that moved scene by scene and took us into the alien Klown world.  All of my favorite Klowns from the movie were in there, as were the characters.  The soundtrack of the movie, which by the way is KILLER, blasts through the whole maze.  This was my absolute favorite haunt and I may return just to do this one a few more times.  The scare factor is medium, but this is more of a funny house than scary house.  10 out of 10.
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House of 1000 corpses was my most hated house of the night.  I could never get into the movie series, and I understand that there are many people who absolutely love it.  The maze felt short, the set design felt the weakest, and strangely, it was in the same spot as my most hated house 2 years ago, which was the Horrors of Blumhouse maze.  Maybe the spot is cursed.  It had that awful haunted house smoke smell.  Also the characters weren't really too scary and the spots where they were coming to scare us at were obvious.  I didn't jump once.  Granted, as a person who is not a fan of the movie, I am likely not the best one to review this one.  Scare factor  was low (but the gross out factor was high).  3 out of 10 (but likely someone who was a fan will love this).
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Depths of Fear is another original house.  I find that Universal does great things with original houses and this one is no exception.  The gimmick of this one is that we are on a submarine about to detonate with creatures inside and we have to find our way out.  This one has a constant loud beeping which gradually gets faster and faster adding to the tension.  This reminded me of the movie Leviathan.  The set design was purposefully claustrophobic and the fear level was intense.  The only problem was that the creatures themselves weren't too scary.  The scare factor would be a medium.  7 out of 10 for great set design, but way too short.
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Graveyard Games wins the award for most boring idea.  Teens enter a graveyard and vandalize it causing the spirits and zombies to rise to wreak havoc upon the vandals.  There was a social media aspect as the teenagers have been sending videos of this to their friends.  The sets were amazing which made up for the pretty played out idea of zombies.  The scares were good and the effects were good, which elevated this maze beyond what I thought would be the worst maze of the night.  This maze is intense and is a joy to walk around.  The biggest problem is that the maze was really short.  8 out of 10.
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Nightingales Blood Pit was the most original idea.  I didn't know how a gladiator themed haunt would work, and boy does it ever.  Dismembered limbs, animatronic lions, and buckets of blood make this one of the true masterpieces of the whole event.  This felt like I was walking in an actual gladiator coliseum and couldn't get enough of it.  This is a bloody good time and the scare factor is huge.  10 out of 10.
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Yeti: Terror of the Yukon, is by far the best themed and scariest house of the entire event.  You enter through a snowstorm and enter a very realistic cabin.  You wind your way in and out of it and the temperature is kept at a very cold level to really sell the idea.  The yeti itself is absolutely terrifying.  My mom claims to have never screamed so much in her life.  Exiting the cabin you enter a forest and it felt like I was walking through the ET adventure queue.  The scares come from above as well which really intensified the whole experience.  Hands down my mom's favorite as well as my second favorite maze (but likely my favorite if I removed my nostalgia).  Yeti is long, intense, and takes no prisoners.  Scare level extremely high, set design extremely high.  10 out of 10.
Completing the mazes I need to talk about the scare zones.  The scare zones were the weakest aspect of the whole event and they felt shorter than prior years.  The Vikings Undead area had some cool costuming and viking tools.  The only problem was that it was too foggy to really see anything.  Zombieland Double Tap didn't connect with me at all.  I loved the first movie, but the scares were not there and it seemed like they went a little light on the theming.  Rob Zombie's Hellbilly deluxe is one of the two strongest scare zones, but definitely not the one to take kids to, as there are several dancing girls in underwear high above everyone dancing with fire.  This is also a very loud area as Rob's music is blasting.  The scare actors were also some of the best in park.  The Anarch-ade, themed to 1980's arcades, was the weakest of all scare zones.  The arcade machines themselves were nicely done, but the area was so small that it was hard to get a feel for it.  This is also the scare zone you first enter into, which sets everyone up for the 80's theme.  The best one though was the Vanity Ball area, which also happened to be the longest of all the scare zones.  This area was themed to fashion shows with a ghoulish twist.  The scare actors were incredibly disturbing looking, and the fashion show was fun to watch.  I could have spent an hour here.
I sadly didn't have time to see the Academy of Villains: Altered States Show, which is dance and fire based from what I understand.  What I did see was the Marathon of Mayhem show, which is a water projection show with projection mapping on the buildings behind it.  This is much better than their normal night show, and hearing all of the songs such as Killer Klowns and Ghostbuster blasted loudly was incredible.  I cannot explain how amazing this show is.  The fountains shoot very high, the lasers are neat, and the scenes on multiple screens gave us so much to look at I'm sure I missed a lot.  This show is one of the must dos.  10 out of 10.
Overall, the 2019 edition of Halloween Horror Nights is a marvel.  I loved it so much I intend on returning!  From scary houses, rides with shorter lines, fun drinks, and a killer fountain show, this is truly the best version I've been to.  
Creepy factor- 10 out of 10.  Come on, did you really think Halloween HORROR Nights would get a lower score than that?
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whatshehassaid · 6 years
Favorite Things
I’m bored out of my mind at.... hell, I don’t even know what time it is. 
Food and Drink
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? 
Umm, it really depends. I like Chinese/Asian type foods and pizza and a lot of things, so... I can’t really choose one? I really love Thai Express though.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
It’s a toss up between pistachio and mint chocolate chip. Chocolate chip cookie dough is really good too
Favorite Chocolate Candy?
Ferrero Rocher or anything with a chocolate/hazelnut mix
Favorite Fruity Candy?
Sour Skittles or wine gums
Favorite Flavor Starburst?
Either the pink or the red
Favorite dish at Olive Garden?
I’ve actually never been to Olive Garden.
Favorite kind of sushi?
Uramaki (California rolls)... I also like maki.. (oh boy, now I’m craving sushi)
Favorite Asian dish?
I’ve really only had Westernized type Asian food, so.. I love spring rolls, sushi (see above), chow mein...
Favorite Italian Dish?
There’s a lot to choose from there as half my extended family is from Calabria... so...  chicken parmigiana or angel hair primavera
Favorite food of all time?
There’s a lot to choose from there... I really love steak though. Like, a little too much. 
Favorite way to cook a steak?
Medium, sometimes medium well
Favorite pasta dish?
Angel hair primavera
Favorite cookie?
White chocolate macadamia nut
Favorite fast food french fries?
Favorite cereal?
Raisin Bran. Don’t @ me
Favorite breakfast food?
Mmmm, omlettes. 
Favorite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni, green pepper, sometimes pineapple.... sometimes olives.
Favorite fruit?
It’s a tie between strawberries, cherries and pomegranates. 
Favorite vegetable?
Favorite dessert? 
White chocolate cheesecake.
Favorite comfort food?
Homemade chicken soup
Favorite way to eat bacon?
On its own, honestly.
Favorite thing at a buffet?
I don’t really go to buffets..... 
Favorite pumpkin flavored treat?
Pumpkin spiced lattes........................ don’t start with me
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving?
Favorite cake?
Strawberry shortcake... or angel cake w/ strawberries.
Favorite ice cream sundae toppings?
Hot fudge, maraschino cherries and whipped cream
Favorite thing to cook?
I love making pizza..
Favorite soda?
Cherry coke.
Favorite alcoholic drink?
Vodka coke.
Favorite drink at Starbucks?
Skinny cinnamon dolce latte
Favorite flavor coffee?
I just.... coffee? and espresso... I love espresso.
Television & Movies
Favorite 80′s movie?
Um, toss up between ET, the Indiana Jones movies (Last Crusade has always been my fave), and The Shining.
Favorite Harry Potter movie?
Toss up between Prisoner of Azkaban and Half Blood Prince in the HP series... Crimes of Grindelwald (so far) in the Fantastic Beasts series.
Favorite Hobbit from Lord of the Rings?
Favorite Simpson’s character? 
Favorite cartoon cat?
Felix the cat. 
Favorite TV sitcom?
I Love Lucy. Does that count as a sitcom?
Favorite cartoon?
Peanuts (does that count?) or Looney Tunes
Favorite scary movie?
I’ve watched a LOT of horror movies, but Halloween (1978) hands down.
Favorite funny movie?
Hmmm... I don’t watch many comedic movies, honestly.. Bridesmaids? I don’t know..
Favorite celebrity?
Y’all really gonna ask this? We all know it’s Jude Law.
Favorite South Park character?
I never really got into South Park, tbh.
Favorite chick flick?
Um, The Holiday and maybe Confessions of a Shopaholic....
Favorite Pixar movie?
I’d have to choose three ‘cause I can’t choose one... Ratatouille, Coco, and Toy Story
Favorite Family Guy character?
Don’t really watch it. I watched the first season. Stewie, I guess?
Favorite Leonardo Dicaprio movie?
Aw, you gotta do this to me? Top 3: Titanic, The Great Gatsby and Shutter Island.
Favorite Actress over 50?
Do people who are dead count? ‘Cause I’d choose Marilyn Monroe in a heartbeat.
Favorite Marvel movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Favorite TV Show?
A tie between Hannibal and Twin Peaks.
Favorite cancelled TV series?
Hannibal. Definitely Hannibal.
Favorite show on the Discovery Channel?
I don’t really watch it all that much.... can I use a show from the History Channel instead? (Hunting Hitler)
Favorite classic movie?
Niagara (1953) or Dracula (1931)
Favorite Beatles song?
Golden Slumbers
Favorite string instrument?
Acoustic guitar
Favorite instrument?
Favorite band or music artist?
I have too many so, Neutral Milk Hotel, Nirvana and Lana Del Rey.
Favorite music genre?
Indie, alternative, whatever.
Favorite style of dance?
I love the way swing dancing looks.
Favorite boy band?
Oof, ya outtin’ me. NSYNC.
Favorite disco song?
Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson or Night Fever - Bee Gees
Favorite 80′s song?
I love a LOT of 80′s music so... I can give you a few (I can’t choose one, that’s impossible): Call Me - Blondie, Take on Me - Aha, Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Dead or Alive, A Criminal Mind - Gowan, Maneater - Hall & Oates, Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson (THERE ARE A LOT MORE)
Favorite cover song?
Byaginc’s version of Losing My Religion - REM and I also really like Lo-Fang’s version of You’re the One That I Want.
Favorite one hit wonder?
Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground
Favorite song you’re embarrassed to like?
Ummmmm.. if I have to pick one.. Irresistible by Jessica Simpson (also the version with Lil Bow Wow is a banger?)
Favorite foreign band/artist?
Catatonia (does that count, I mean, I’m not Welsh.. so). I also like Pink Floyd.
Travel & Recreation
Favorite state you’ve visited?
I’ve only visited one state in the US and it was Florida.
Favorite country you want to visit?
Italy or England
Favorite thing about America?
If you’re referencing the US, I live in Canada, so... I don’t know?
Favorite kind of vacation?
I love beaches... but I also love art and architecture so *shrug*
Favorite car?
1950′s VW Beetle. 
Favorite road to drive on?
I don’t drive.
Favorite way to travel?
Car, I hate planes.
Favorite beach?
I haven’t been to many honestly.
Favorite place to go with family?
Favorite vacation you’ve taken?
The first one I ever went on to Universal Studios in Orlando.
Favorite fictional place you’d want to visit?
Hogwarts, let’s be real.
Favorite ride at a carnival?
Those swing carousel things.
Favorite thing to do at the beach?
Favorite rollercoaster?
I do nOT do rollercoasters.
Favorite theme park?
Favorite thing about traveling?
I love nice hotels, I don’t know why that’s my fave part, but it is.
Nature & Animals
Favorite dinosaur?
Um, I’ve never really thought about that? T-Rex, I guess?
Favorite breed of dog?
Favorite season?
Favorite flower?
Favorite animal at the zoo?
Elephants... if they have them or pandas
Favorite type of bear?
Panda bears
Favorite natural disaster?
....what kind of question is that?
Favorite reptile?
I love snakes.
Favorite animal?
Tie between cats and sloths.
Favorite bird?
Favorite thing in the sky?
The moon.
Favorite thing about a rainy day?
Hearing rain on the roof.
Favorite sea creature?
Can I say the Loch Ness Monster? (haha) Jellyfish.
Favorite color rose?
Light pink or dark red.
Favorite small mammal?
Favorite big cat?
I love snow leopards. 
Favorite thing about spring?
Favorite wild animal you’d like as a pet?
A sloth.
Favorite sport?
Favorite extreme sport you're too scared to do?
Does snowboarding count?
Favorite Olympic sport?
Figure skating.
Favorite football team?
Don’t watch American football.
Favorite basketball team?
Don’t really watch that either.
Favorite hockey team?
I know I’m Canadian, but I’m honestly not that invested. I’d choose the Maple Leafs ‘cause I’m from TO, but they’re.... aw f ul.
Favorite baseball team?
Blue Jays
Favorite sport to play?
Favorite winter sport?
I do not do winter sports. I’m a klutz as it is.
Favorite sport you wish you were a pro at?
Figure skating would be AMAZING.
Favorite professional athlete?
Serena Williams, Evgenia Medvedeva
Favorite sport to watch in person?
Favorite nursery rhyme?
Didn’t really have a favorite.
Favorite childhood memory?
My grandfather. 
Favorite board game?
Monopoly or Scrabble
Favorite children’s show?
I looooooved Looney Tunes. I still do, honestly.
Favorite toy as a child?
I had a Barney the Dinosaur plush (I had Barney everything)
Favorite teacher?
My sixth grade teacher was a pretty cool dude.
Favorite thing about school?
Art class.
Favorite age?
Don’t really have one, maybe 4 or 5?
Favorite Christmas present?
My mom bought me a N64.
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Green Eggs & Ham
Favorite Halloween costume you've worn?
Technically I wore it as a teen, but the Silk Spectre II costume I wore when I was 17.
Favorite lunchbox snack?
Favorite Winnie the Pooh character?
Pooh & Eeyore. 
Favorite thing to do during recess?
Favorite superhero?
Wonder Woman.
Favorite video game?
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Favorite color Power Ranger?
Favorite fairy tale?
Does Beauty and the Beast count?
Favorite game to play outside?
Catch the flag.
Fashion & Beauty
Favorite department store?
Does Sephora count as a department store?
Favorite place to shop?
There’s a lot of places I love to shop. Mostly bookstores though.
Favorite store in the mall?
Indigo/Chapters (I love my books)
Favorite perfume/cologne?
YSL Black Opium or Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle
Favorite hair color?
On me? A mix of auburn and dark brown
Favorite makeup you can't live without?
Eyebrow pencil 
Favorite shoes?
My thigh high dark brown suede go-go boots. ;)
Favorite occasion to dress up for?
I’ll honestly dress up for anything. I love dressing up.
Favorite hairstyle?
Anything wavy/curly with or without braids.
Favorite outfit you have?
Right now I have a super cute wrap dress that I like.
Favorite soap scent?
I like the smell of Dove soap, is that weird?
Favorite article of clothing?
I love high waist mini skirts.
Favorite place for a piercing?
Upper ear.
Favorite piece of jewelry?
Right now I’m a dork for the replica pendant from Crimes of Grindelwald. I also love this bracelet/ring/hand jewelry thing I have.
Favorite thing to wear to bed?
Sometimes lace and silk stuff ;) Sometimes just huge t-shirts
Favorite luxury brand?
Favorite candle scent?
I love coconut scents.
Favorite extracurricular activity?
.....reading? (again)
Favorite day of the week?
Favorite holiday?
Does Halloween count as a holiday?
Favorite website?
Well, I’m on Tumblr QUITE a bit...
Favorite way to communicate?
Usually face to face.. I hate talking on the phone. Text message is a close second.
Favorite Youtube video?
I love this dork. [x]
Favorite kind of house?
Favorite car color?
Favorite baby boy name?
I don’t know...
Favorite baby girl name?
Charlie, Evelyn
Favorite thing to do when you’re sick?
It’s an odd habit of mine to watch The Mummy or HP or Spice World for some reason
Favorite person you’ve never met?
Famous? Bryan Fuller Person in my life? MY THREE BEST FRIENDS!
Favorite question you’ve answered so far?
I don’t know...........
Favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours?
I literally slept most of the day. Don’t judge me.
Favorite place to meet up with friends?
Kitty Cafes and.... cafes in general.
Favorite hobby?
Reading, making art.... listening to music
Favorite way to cheer you up?
Anything to do with Jude Law usually does the trick, bahaha
Favorite thing to look forward to?
Leaving this god awful small city to go explore other places.
Favorite kind of gift to receive?
Things that are heartfelt... things that people make whether it be handmade or... whatever... it’s really sweet.
Favorite crafty thing to make?
Does sketching count? Funny story, I used to get in trouble in art class in high school for sketching human anatomy (hands, collarbones etc) instead of reviewing art history notes, which I also loved by the way.
Favorite way to relax?
Reading, bubble baths.... other ways ;)
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optimumonprime · 7 years
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Another day that I ended in me crashing! It was Sheri's first time at universal so I wanted us to do it all--and we did, but boy did we work for it! We had express passes all day so we bounced from one ride to another. We hit despicable me and Shrek first and the prepared to die on the rip ride rock it, which may be the best rollercoaster I've ever been on. From there we met my metal husband and did he transformers ride, then race through New York and the mummy, which is one of my favorite rides in universal Hollywood (the Orlando one did not disappoint). And then it was time to get magical. Y'all. Harry Potter isn't even my jam but diagon alley is sick as hell. We both got butterbeer (mine frozen, Sheri's straight up) and after waiting to capture the gringotts dragon breathe fire on film, we hopped on the ride. Then it was time for the hogwarts express over to hogsmeade. It was also beautiful, but did pale in comparison to diagon alley. We were able to get through a ride on the dragon challenge before a lightning warning closed all the outdoor rides. Oh well! We climbed hogwarts castle to ride forbidden journey, which was more thrilling than I expected! The storm warning was still active when we left so we stopped for a snack of kebabs. We continued into Seuss landing afterwards and got photos with the grinch and the Lorax. As we headed to super hero island, that's when the rain actually began. No worries! We jumped on line for spider man and by the time we were out, the rain was done and the weather was clear. After a jaunt on dr doom death fall we finally made it onto the hulk. I think I like rip ride rock it better, but the hulk is also an incredible coaster. Then it was time to get wet! We headed up to toon lagoon to ride Dudley do-right ripsaw fall and Popeye and blutos bilge rat barge and boy were we soaked afterwards. To keep with the theme, we headed up to discovery trail to do Jurassic park river adventure before drying off and heading for skull island. It's a cool ride, but in typical universal style it's a lot of screens. Not sure I would wait the often more than an hour line for it. Back to hogsmeade! We got through a ride on flight of the hippogriff before taking the hogwarts express back to studios. It's a different experience in each direction! We rounded out the day with a few classics. First, MIB alien attack, and then the simpsons. Now at 8pm, we tried to go on the ride I cared the most about: ET. I actually remember a lot of universal from when I came as a kid, but most of what I remember--jaws, twister, the beetlejuice graveside review--has been removed and replaced. ET is the only one left. When we arrived we were told that it currently wasn't operational but it may be again soon. Concerned but not yet heartbroken, we decided to ride rip ride rock it again. It was right at twilight and it was a beautiful ride. We returned to ET to good news! It was up and running again. ET is far from the best ride at universal, but it does hold precious memories for me--and it's a beautifully themed ride. We got dinner at city walk and collapse into bed to prepare for our final day! We're here now at animal kingdom and we've already done the safari, expedition Everest, the maharajah jungle trail, and dinosaur, and were in the line now for primeval world. It's hard to believe it's almost over! But it's been a great trip.
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chloemarievaughan · 7 years
The Last Spring Break
Two days in Florida at Disney World and Universal! Bridget’s family does Disney Vacation Club and so let us use their stay at the Old Key West Disney Resort! Carol Anne and Bridget are still in Disney seeing the other parks and I’m flying home now after two days. 
Tuesday we went to Harry Potter World!! (Otherwise known as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter but that takes entirely too long to say). I’ve been to Harry Potter World before in 2012 with Flo- we stayed with her family in Tallahassee and took a 5 hour bus ride to Orlando, then a taxi to the Islands of Adventure, then spent a few hours there before having to make the journey back to Tallahassee. This time was a much more convenient commute- Harry Potter World being only about 20 minutes from our hotel. So we hopped in an uber in the morning and we’re waiting in line when the parks opened- we got in a few minutes early and we’re one of the first people in the park! We headed straight to Diagon Alley- we had all been to The older part of Harry Potter world but this was a new Harry Potter adventure! We immediately went to Gringotts to ride the ride- where I discovered a newfound hatred of 3D rides haha. I loved walking through Gringotts and waiting in the line and going through the vaults and seeing the Goblins- they were pretty magical for robots lol, and would make snarky comments if you took their pictures, etc. in line for Gringotts there is an “elevator” that takes you down to the ride- you don’t actually move, but there is a video that makes it look like you are going down, and I already was feeling motion sickness before even getting on the ride! I kept the 3D glasses on for maybe 30 seconds after the ride started and watched the videos in blurry double vision- so all the pictures of me from the day on the 3D rides looked funny since I was never wearing the glasses :) 
On the diagon alley side, we went around to all the shops, especially Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and Ollivanders- and then I got some hot butter beer at the Leaky Cauldron. All three types of butter beer- hot, cold, and frozen slushy- are very very sweet, but I liked the hot the best- though I think it could be improved with the addition of either making it a coffee drink or adding some alcohol lol. Then it was time for the Hogwarts express! I think I was expecting more of a ride, but it’s just a pretty short train ride with more videos that make it seem like you are moving through London/ the British countryside. You can see some characters outside the “window” and then some characters walk by in the hallway- annoyingly, Hermione was not voices by Emma Watson and it was Not a good impersonation lol. The Hogwarts express video was different in both directions so you have to go back and forth multiple times. I still love Hogsmeade/ Hogwarts the best <3. Nothing beats the nostalgic feeling of looking at the Castle up on the hill!
We went on the Forbidden Journey- loved waiting in line and going through Hogwarts, but again spent most of the time 3D glassessless or closing my eyes. Then we tried to go on the one real rollercoaster in Harry Potter world ( they have closed the other roller coaster and are constructing something else) and encountered our first issue of the day: we got stuck on the Flight of the Hippogriff when we had barely left the station! It was probably low 80s but Very sunny, and so I was reapplying lots of sunscreen for the 20 minutes we were stuck. We had some great selfie opportunities cause we got stuck right next to Buckbeak- and eventually they announced that we were getting evacuated! They had some guys come out with a ladder and we had to climb down, luckily we were on a really low to the ground section. Carol Anne has a fear of ladders so that was a little rough but she did in fact make it down the two feet to the ground in one piece ;) after our ordeal we ended up with two free express passes to cut the line with + a free bottle of water due to the 20 minute sun exposure lol. The express passes were great, but there were absolutely no lines at all for anything all day so we barely needed them. Universal was pretty empty! Bridget and I rode the Hulk ride three times in a row within 30 minutes total- which did not help with my motion sickness and I needed some time off to recover from. Totally worth it;) 
We then went on the simpsons ride- huge mistake! It was a motion simulator ride with a giant screen, my eyes were closed for the whole time and I hated it lol. We did a MIB shooting aliens ride, which Bridget was amazing at Unsurprisingly, it really brought out her competitive side cause it showed you how many aliens you were shooting. Then We rode the ET ride and got stuck AGAIN! This time, we were stuck in the pitch black for several minutes, and then they slowly had us go through the ride with the lights on so everyone could get off. We only got one free express pass from getting stuck that time, and no water since we were stuck inside. 
Bridget and I convinced Carol Anne to go on a tower drop ride- she hated it but again she survived <3 we tried unsuccessfully to get her to go on the big red ride that I forget the name of- which was my favorite non Harry Potter ride of the day! You can pick your own song to listen to as the coaster goes along and it plays out of your head rest, and I went on it will listening to I will Survive haha. It was an upside down ride so Carol Anne wouldn’t do it. Bridget and Carol Anne went on another motion simulator ride while I took a break to recover and then Carol Anne left to go to Epcot because she wanted to get her money’s worth out of her buy 4 days get one day free ticket at Disney ;)
Once Carol Anne left, Bridget and I went on the red ride again. This time, we were sitting in the very back and the ride was Terrible! We got on in a rush, so couldn’t pick a song, and then the back was so jerky, we were both beat up during the ride and had headaches after. You could watch a video of your face during the whole ride and we were both making seriously pained expressions the whole time. Bridget and I rode the Harry Potter rides one more time each, and Bridget got dinner at the leaky Cauldron where they messed up her order so she got a free Butterbeer Potted Cream in apology! The them of the day was definitely getting free stuff :)
We finished off the day back at Hogsmeade watching the light show at the Hogwarts Castle, which was the most magical feeling of the day. Bridget and I finished off the night in the hot tub at the hotel and the drinking a Mai Tai before going to bed early for Disney the next day!
Magic Kingdom Bridget, Carol Anne, and I have very different Disney World philosophies. Bridget is a serial Disney World vacationer, she’s already been once this year with plans to go again soon. she knows where everything is and has done every ride a bunch of times, so she above all hates waiting in lines. She will walk anywhere in the park to do any ride as long as it has a short line :) Carol Anne has been to Disney multiple times, though not too recently, and is most interested in making sure she rides every single ride and maximizes her time in the park. She also has a fear of real roller coasters (though we worked on that on this trip hehe) as well as water rides, and loves going on rides multiple times, but her theory is to go in order and go around the park in a circle, waiting in line as needed.
My theory of Disney World is that I’ve only been once, 13 years ago, and I probably won’t go for another 13 years, so I only wanted to spend time waiting for the classics and to meet characters and didn’t care about doing the little non ride activities or shows as much. Also I was still recovering from the day before and was absolutely not interested in Spinny rides hehe. (I rode the teacups once- without spinning at all- but Bridget and carol Anne rode the teacups like 4 times each. Bridget spun herself so fast that she gave herself nystagmus- where your eyes are shaking back and forth!)
So we ended up splitting up a bit but we mostly were together for the day. Bridget did end up waiting in a few more lines than she would have preferred ;) I like Haunted Mansion the best, followed by the Snow White ride and then Space Mountain. I didn’t realize how much less the characters actually walk around than I thought- we waited in line to meet Cinderella (plus Elena, who I don’t really know) Tiana, Rapunzel, and Ariel; Snow White was only there for a few minutes and by the time we realized we were too far away to meet her. Next time, Snow White! I forgot my autograph book, but we only met 5 characters, so oh well. 
At the end of the night I watched the castle show and saw tinker bell fly + the fireworks, which I loved. Bridget hates fireworks and Carol Anne really wanted a gluten free hot dog, so they ate dinner during the show. Then since we were Disney hotel guests, we got to stay in the park until 11- we rode haunted mansion, big thunder mountain, and the Snow White ride again with super short lines! I was happy that the last ride of the day was the Snow White ride since I didn’t meet her. 
I wrote this on my plane ride back to Nashville- where it is 35 degrees and kind of gloomy outside, yuck! Overall, Harry Potter World beats Magic Kingdom... and my last spring break ever was a huge success!
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Kate Upton Busts a Move in Dance Battle Against Jimmy Fallon on ‘Tonight Show’
With three Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers until her belt (or bikini, rather), Kate Upton’s clearly got the look! But on Thursday night she also proved that she’s also got some sick moves during a Dance Battle on The Tonight Show. WATCH: Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride In the funny segment, the supermodel was given several different “moves” that she had to invent. She masterfully tackled “Shoulders With a Mind of Their Own” and “Walking Into a Spiderweb,” while host, Jimmy Fallon, got a workout doing “The Elliptical.”
When Fallon was prompted to do “The Hashtag Dance,” he brought Upton and Hashtag the Panda out to do the crazy number. The sketch was part of Fallon’s special week in Orlando, Florida to commemorate his new Universal Studios ride “Race Through New York,” which made Upton a natural guest.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears “I grew up in Melbourne, Florida, which is just, like, 40 minutes away,” Upton revealed, adding that she’s obsessed with theme parks. “Islands of Adventures is my favorite!” For a behind-the-scenes look at Fallon’s new ride, watch ET’s exclusive sneak peek!
0 notes
onthegoinmco · 3 years
Make sure you tune into Orlando’s Evening News on WDBO tonight at 6:38 pm ET to hear about what you can enjoy as you are On the Go in the Parks!
Being on the Go in the Parks has been a ride this week full of new announcements at Walt Disney World, fan favorites returning to Disney Springs, and the return of Halloween Horror Nights at the Universal Orlando Resort.
©Disney, ©Disney/Pixar
Before we dive into the parks, I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party will be bringing its magic to Orlando’s Amway Center September 3-5, 2021! You can find out more information about the show here.
With so much to go over, what are we waiting for????
On the Go in the Parks: September 3-5, 2021
Halloween Horror Nights
Halloween Horror Nights has returned to the Universal Studios Resort Orlando daring guests and celebrating 30 years of fear on select nights through October 31.
For its highly-anticipated return, Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights is unleashing a legion of horror legends, pop culture greats, and haunting original stories – many from the event’s esteemed history – in 10 disturbingly realistic haunted houses, five nightmarish scare zones, and outrageous live entertainment, with diabolical surprises lurking around every corner…
Halloween Horror Nights is a separately ticketed event you won’t want to miss. This is my #1 Halloween event in Central Florida!!!!!
Great Irish Hooley Returns to Raglan Road
Central Florida’s only authentic Irish and roots music festival, the Re-plugged Great Irish Hooley, will return for the long Labor Day weekend at Raglan Road Irish Pub & Restaurant in Disney Springs. 
Never heard of a “Hooley?” It’s a Gaelic term for a lively party with music, entertainment, and fun for the whole family, and from September 3-6 guests can enjoy performances from top Irish bands alongside food and beverage offerings.
** LAST WEEKEND ** Electric Ocean at SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld Orlando’s award-winning summer event, Electric Ocean has returned until September 6th with more hours of fun featuring new daytime experiences and nighttime favorites. 
Electric Ocean brings longer park hours and allows guests to voyage into an exotic underwater world filled with dazzling lights, electrifying dance music, and brilliant evening energy that sparks as the sunsets. (Cause who doesn’t love fireworks???)
There are new shows, entertainment, food, and returning favorites to enjoy!
Visit Orlando Magical Dining
Visit Orlando’s Magical Dining is back to showcase some of Orlando’s best cuisine while supporting local restaurants and charities from August 27 to October 3.
During this year’s Foodie dream, more than 80 of Orlando’s fine dining restaurants will offer a $37 three-course, prix-fixe dinner menu.
On the Go in the Parks, you can find Magical Dining goodness at:
Universal Orlando Resort
Amatista Cookhouse – Loess Sapphire Falls Resort at Universal Orlando Resort
The Kitchen – Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando
Mama Della’s Ristorante – Loews Portofino Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando Resort
Islands Dining Room – Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando Resort
Walt Disney World Resort Area
Il Mulino New York Trattoria – Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort
Todd English’s Bluezoo – Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort
Terralina Crafted Italian – Disney Springs
Paddlefish – Disney Springs
Wolfgang Puck Bar & Grill – Disney Springs
Jaleo – Disney Springs
Deep Blu Seafood Grille – Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort Bonnet Creek
La Luce – Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek
The Venetian Chop House – Caribe Royale
Reservations are encouraged, and when you arrive at the dining location make sure to ask for the Magical Dining Menu as you are seated.
Halloween Horror Night Tribute Store
Halloween Horror Nights is returning next weekend, but you can get hyped with the Tribute Store that is now open at Universal Studios Florida!
Disney After Hours Boo Bash
This weekend’s Disney After Hours Boo Bash Dates:
Friday, September 10, 2021
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Disney’s After Hours Boo Bash is a special ticketed event that takes place at the Magic Kingdom on select nights until October 31, 2021, and like any new event, and I am sharing what you should know before you go to make the most of your Halloween fun!
SeaWorld Orlando Craft Beer Festival
The SeaWorld Orlando Craft Beer Festival is returning with more than 100 crafts brews, wines, seltzers, and cocktails Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays, plus Labor Day until September 12.
Guests can sample an unbeatable mix of domestic and local Florida favorites, plus savor more than 20 food items expertly paired to match their preferred brew.
And to top it all off, festive entertainment will keep the party going all day long. This is the one craft beer celebration guests won’t want to miss. 
Busch Gardens Bier Fest
During the fourth year of Bier Fest at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, guests can sip seasonal beverage offerings and savor new recipes featuring fan-favorite breweries.
Beer flows through the park on an all-new beer trail, weaving between iconic coasters, local live music, and fascinating animal habitats while incorporating fan-favorite restaurants and outdoor culinary stations, including the new Giraffe Bar.
This year, park guests can toast to new adventures each Friday through Sunday until October 31.
Food and Wine Festival is underway at Walt Disney World 
The EPCOT International Food and Wine Festival is underway at Walt Disney World with delicious dishes, fun for families, and entertainment for the entire family until November 20th!
The festival celebrates the best of food and drink with more than 20 festival-exclusive global marketplaces open now and even more coming in the fall!
In addition to all the classics and fan favorites, there are SEVEN new marketplaces:
The Noodle Exchange (Near Traveler’s Café)
Tangierine Café: Flavors of the Medina
The Rotunda Bistro (American Adventure Rotunda)
The Swanky Saucy Swine (Near Disney Traders)
Brew-Wing at the EPCOT Experience
Lobster Landing (Near Mission: SPACE) – Opening Oct. 1
Mac & Eats (Near Mission: SPACE) – Opening Oct. 1
Don’t forget to see EPCOT Forever fireworks at the close of every day!
Theme Park Reservation & Mask Policies
Walt Disney World
Walt Disney World has updated their mask policy for guests ages 2 and up
– Masks are required regardless of vaccination status – Masks must be worn while indoors – Masks must be worn on Disney buses, monorails, and Disney Skyliner – The new policy includes attractions & their queues – Masks remain optional in outdoor common areas
Walt Disney World has opened up more Park Pass availability for summer visits to the park. So while you still need a reservation to enter the parks, it is now easier to snag one.
SeaWorld Orlando
In accordance with updated guidance from the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) and the recommendations of local officials, face coverings are recommended to be worn in designated, indoor spaces regardless of the vaccination status of SeaWorld Orlando guests and employees.
The CDC has indicated that fully vaccinated people can be in outdoor areas without the need for a face covering.
The CDC still recommends that people get fully vaccinated and that unvaccinated people use preventative measures such as face coverings and social distancing.
For special interactions with certain animals, unvaccinated people will be required to wear a face covering.
SeaWorld Orlando and Aquatica are both no longer requiring reservations…if you are planning on going to Aquatica during the weekend GET THERE EARLY as parking is running out before noon each day!
Universal Orlando
The Universal Orlando Resort encourages all guests to follow CDC guidelines and local directives to wear face coverings while indoors across Universal Orlando Resort.
Face coverings are optional while outdoors.
All guests are ecouraged to keep a safe distance between travel parties.
Universal Orlando Resort hasn’t required reservations, but you’ll want to keep an eye one their official twitter – @UniversalORL – for any capacity or operational updates
Don’t forget you can keep up with us as we are On the Go in the Parks and more by following @onthegoinmco on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! 
Follow us for more updates:
The post On the Go in the Parks: September 3-5, 2021 appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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Kate Upton Busts a Move in Dance Battle Against Jimmy Fallon on ‘Tonight Show’
With three Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers until her belt (or bikini, rather), Kate Upton’s clearly got the look! But on Thursday night she also proved that she’s also got some sick moves during a Dance Battle on The Tonight Show. WATCH: Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride In the funny segment, the supermodel was given several different “moves” that she had to invent. She masterfully tackled “Shoulders With a Mind of Their Own” and “Walking Into a Spiderweb,” while host, Jimmy Fallon, got a workout doing “The Elliptical.”
When Fallon was prompted to do “The Hashtag Dance,” he brought Upton and Hashtag the Panda out to do the crazy number. The sketch was part of Fallon’s special week in Orlando, Florida to commemorate his new Universal Studios ride “Race Through New York,” which made Upton a natural guest.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears “I grew up in Melbourne, Florida, which is just, like, 40 minutes away,” Upton revealed, adding that she’s obsessed with theme parks. “Islands of Adventures is my favorite!” For a behind-the-scenes look at Fallon’s new ride, watch ET’s exclusive sneak peek!
0 notes
Kate Upton Busts a Move in Dance Battle Against Jimmy Fallon on ‘Tonight Show’
With three Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers until her belt (or bikini, rather), Kate Upton’s clearly got the look! But on Thursday night she also proved that she’s also got some sick moves during a Dance Battle on The Tonight Show. WATCH: Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride In the funny segment, the supermodel was given several different “moves” that she had to invent. She masterfully tackled “Shoulders With a Mind of Their Own” and “Walking Into a Spiderweb,” while host, Jimmy Fallon, got a workout doing “The Elliptical.”
When Fallon was prompted to do “The Hashtag Dance,” he brought Upton and Hashtag the Panda out to do the crazy number. The sketch was part of Fallon’s special week in Orlando, Florida to commemorate his new Universal Studios ride “Race Through New York,” which made Upton a natural guest.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears “I grew up in Melbourne, Florida, which is just, like, 40 minutes away,” Upton revealed, adding that she’s obsessed with theme parks. “Islands of Adventures is my favorite!” For a behind-the-scenes look at Fallon’s new ride, watch ET’s exclusive sneak peek!
0 notes
Kate Upton Busts a Move in Dance Battle Against Jimmy Fallon on ‘Tonight Show’
With three Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers until her belt (or bikini, rather), Kate Upton’s clearly got the look! But on Thursday night she also proved that she’s also got some sick moves during a Dance Battle on The Tonight Show. WATCH: Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride In the funny segment, the supermodel was given several different “moves” that she had to invent. She masterfully tackled “Shoulders With a Mind of Their Own” and “Walking Into a Spiderweb,” while host, Jimmy Fallon, got a workout doing “The Elliptical.”
When Fallon was prompted to do “The Hashtag Dance,” he brought Upton and Hashtag the Panda out to do the crazy number. The sketch was part of Fallon’s special week in Orlando, Florida to commemorate his new Universal Studios ride “Race Through New York,” which made Upton a natural guest.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears “I grew up in Melbourne, Florida, which is just, like, 40 minutes away,” Upton revealed, adding that she’s obsessed with theme parks. “Islands of Adventures is my favorite!” For a behind-the-scenes look at Fallon’s new ride, watch ET’s exclusive sneak peek!
0 notes
Kate Upton Busts a Move in Dance Battle Against Jimmy Fallon on ‘Tonight Show’
With three Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers until her belt (or bikini, rather), Kate Upton’s clearly got the look! But on Thursday night she also proved that she’s also got some sick moves during a Dance Battle on The Tonight Show. WATCH: Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride In the funny segment, the supermodel was given several different “moves” that she had to invent. She masterfully tackled “Shoulders With a Mind of Their Own” and “Walking Into a Spiderweb,” while host, Jimmy Fallon, got a workout doing “The Elliptical.”
When Fallon was prompted to do “The Hashtag Dance,” he brought Upton and Hashtag the Panda out to do the crazy number. The sketch was part of Fallon’s special week in Orlando, Florida to commemorate his new Universal Studios ride “Race Through New York,” which made Upton a natural guest.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears “I grew up in Melbourne, Florida, which is just, like, 40 minutes away,” Upton revealed, adding that she’s obsessed with theme parks. “Islands of Adventures is my favorite!” For a behind-the-scenes look at Fallon’s new ride, watch ET’s exclusive sneak peek!
0 notes
Kate Upton Busts a Move in Dance Battle Against Jimmy Fallon on ‘Tonight Show’
With three Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers until her belt (or bikini, rather), Kate Upton’s clearly got the look! But on Thursday night she also proved that she’s also got some sick moves during a Dance Battle on The Tonight Show. WATCH: Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride In the funny segment, the supermodel was given several different “moves” that she had to invent. She masterfully tackled “Shoulders With a Mind of Their Own” and “Walking Into a Spiderweb,” while host, Jimmy Fallon, got a workout doing “The Elliptical.”
When Fallon was prompted to do “The Hashtag Dance,” he brought Upton and Hashtag the Panda out to do the crazy number. The sketch was part of Fallon’s special week in Orlando, Florida to commemorate his new Universal Studios ride “Race Through New York,” which made Upton a natural guest.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears “I grew up in Melbourne, Florida, which is just, like, 40 minutes away,” Upton revealed, adding that she’s obsessed with theme parks. “Islands of Adventures is my favorite!” For a behind-the-scenes look at Fallon’s new ride, watch ET’s exclusive sneak peek!
0 notes
Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride
Jimmy Fallon made the opening of his ride at Universal Orlando a family affair on Thursday morning.
The Tonight Show host participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony for Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon, and had wife Nancy Juvonen and their two daughters, 3-year-old Winnie and 2-year-old Frances, there to support him.
Needless to say, the toddlers stole the show as they clapped, waved and wiggled in their parents' arms. At one point, Frances noticed that her grandfather was in the crowd and adorably yelled out for him.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears
Fallon made a small speech before cutting the ribbon, telling the crowd, "As a kid from upstate New York, I never imagined I'd even be a talk show host, let alone have my own ride."
The 42-year-old Saturday Night Live alum also included his wife and kids in Race Through New York, and told ET's Jennifer Peros that it's his "favorite part" of the ride.
MORE: Jimmy Fallon and The Roots Collaborate With Migos for an Office Supplies Cover of ‘Bad and Boujee’
"It looks like they're really there," he shares. "It's pretty cute."
Blake Shelton has already been on the ride and made jokes the entire time he rode it with Fallon. Check out the country crooner's quips and how he called out girlfriend Gwen Stefani:
0 notes
Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride
Jimmy Fallon made the opening of his ride at Universal Orlando a family affair on Thursday morning.
The Tonight Show host participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony for Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon, and had wife Nancy Juvonen and their two daughters, 3-year-old Winnie and 2-year-old Frances, there to support him.
Needless to say, the toddlers stole the show as they clapped, waved and wiggled in their parents' arms. At one point, Frances noticed that her grandfather was in the crowd and adorably yelled out for him.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears
Fallon made a small speech before cutting the ribbon, telling the crowd, "As a kid from upstate New York, I never imagined I'd even be a talk show host, let alone have my own ride."
The 42-year-old Saturday Night Live alum also included his wife and kids in Race Through New York, and told ET's Jennifer Peros that it's his "favorite part" of the ride.
MORE: Jimmy Fallon and The Roots Collaborate With Migos for an Office Supplies Cover of ‘Bad and Boujee’
"It looks like they're really there," he shares. "It's pretty cute."
Blake Shelton has already been on the ride and made jokes the entire time he rode it with Fallon. Check out the country crooner's quips and how he called out girlfriend Gwen Stefani:
0 notes
Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride
Jimmy Fallon made the opening of his ride at Universal Orlando a family affair on Thursday morning.
The Tonight Show host participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony for Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon, and had wife Nancy Juvonen and their two daughters, 3-year-old Winnie and 2-year-old Frances, there to support him.
Needless to say, the toddlers stole the show as they clapped, waved and wiggled in their parents' arms. At one point, Frances noticed that her grandfather was in the crowd and adorably yelled out for him.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears
Fallon made a small speech before cutting the ribbon, telling the crowd, "As a kid from upstate New York, I never imagined I'd even be a talk show host, let alone have my own ride."
The 42-year-old Saturday Night Live alum also included his wife and kids in Race Through New York, and told ET's Jennifer Peros that it's his "favorite part" of the ride.
MORE: Jimmy Fallon and The Roots Collaborate With Migos for an Office Supplies Cover of ‘Bad and Boujee’
"It looks like they're really there," he shares. "It's pretty cute."
Blake Shelton has already been on the ride and made jokes the entire time he rode it with Fallon. Check out the country crooner's quips and how he called out girlfriend Gwen Stefani:
0 notes
Jimmy Fallon's Adorable Daughters Help Him at Ribbon Cutting of 'Race Through New York' Ride
Jimmy Fallon made the opening of his ride at Universal Orlando a family affair on Thursday morning.
The Tonight Show host participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony for Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon, and had wife Nancy Juvonen and their two daughters, 3-year-old Winnie and 2-year-old Frances, there to support him.
Needless to say, the toddlers stole the show as they clapped, waved and wiggled in their parents' arms. At one point, Frances noticed that her grandfather was in the crowd and adorably yelled out for him.
WATCH: Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Go Undercover at Universal Studios, Bring One Fan to Tears
Fallon made a small speech before cutting the ribbon, telling the crowd, "As a kid from upstate New York, I never imagined I'd even be a talk show host, let alone have my own ride."
The 42-year-old Saturday Night Live alum also included his wife and kids in Race Through New York, and told ET's Jennifer Peros that it's his "favorite part" of the ride.
MORE: Jimmy Fallon and The Roots Collaborate With Migos for an Office Supplies Cover of ‘Bad and Boujee’
"It looks like they're really there," he shares. "It's pretty cute."
Blake Shelton has already been on the ride and made jokes the entire time he rode it with Fallon. Check out the country crooner's quips and how he called out girlfriend Gwen Stefani:
0 notes