#like my mom spent so much money on the shit YOU'VE BEEN EATING and WE'RE POOR
queridaz · 2 years
my roommate saying she’s paying for college w/o her parents help bc it’s her money, but that money is her 529 college fund and stocks she owns like...
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twicesserafim · 9 months
Forbiddingly Yours [2]
I'm yours.
"chouu" "hello, hellooo. whacha playing?" "a shooting game and the people have like super powers or like special abilities" "ooh" "yeahhh" "what's your character's special ability?" "money" "what?"
"he's so rich that he used money to buy special equipment and like machines made out of pure gold that no one else has, like each character has 3 abilities and then their strongest one that they get once they reach a certain amount of point in the game"
"that's interesting.." "yurpp" "what are you abilities?" "i have 2 teleporting machines, 2 machines that slow down the enemy which is really good because if the other team are trying to go into like the main battle ground, we have time to take up more of it then they do"
"oohhhh" "and then i have a one shot one kill typa gun thing" "that seems like.. you need a lot of aim- shit. hold on, give me a sec. someone's knocking on my door." You nodded, turning off your camera and muting yourself.
"yes?" "who are you talking to?" "oh, i was mumbling to myself to get ideas for my characters in my writing project" "oh? is it just freestyle writing?" "yeah" "ohhh that's nice" "it is" "did you shower yet?"
"yeah" "okay, mom and dad are on their way home" "okay, bye" Her brother left and closed the door as tzuyu let out a sigh of relief "he's gone" "you have a brother?" "yup"
It's been a month, almost two months since the two of you started talking, you've gotten closer and talk every day, laughing, joking and tzuyu felt herself falling for you harder everyday.
She didn't want to accept it, but she knew it was true, she knew she was falling for you, and nothing was stopping her from falling deeper.
Slowly, you guys started hanging out in person instead of only on the phone, eating ice cream and just talking, although you had to hide. Because you guys knew, if anyone saw you and they told your parents.
You guys are dead.
"im so sleepy" you mumbled to tzuyu, she nodded in agreement. "my brother is on a break and went with my parents to their cabin for the weekend.. do you wanna stay over?" "can i really?" "yeah"
You smiled and agreed, tzuyu held your hand, taking you back to her place. You spent the night just watching some movies, joking around and ending up sleeping, but you woke up in her arms.
Her lips slightly parted, soft breaths leaving them. Her chest rising and falling slightly as she looked so peaceful. She was stunning and you couldn't deny it.
You couldn't deny that you were falling for her too, that she interested you so much, you wanted to spend every minute with her, you really enjoyed tzuyu's company.
Oh and how you wished every morning could be like this.
You felt your heart race slightly and a light blush covers your cheeks when your heard tzuyu left out a sleepy whine in her sleep, wrapping her arms around you tighter.
You held back a smile by biting your lip, but with the comfort of her holding you, you fell asleep once more.
"y/n?" "tzuyu, what's up?" "we started like talking.. 4 month ago, right?" "right, why?" "i have something i have to say" "okay, go ahead?" "i love you." "i'm sorry?" "i love you, okay? i fell for you."
"oh..?" "i know we're not aloud to, but i really did fall for you, and i don't know if i can get back up, i fell really hard for you." "you don't have to get back up because.. i fell for you too." "huh?" "are you that clueless?"
"well.." You chuckled, kissing her cheek as tzuyu smiled, "you missed." you raised an eyebrow, you cupped her cheeks and she grabbed your waist, your lips connected as your heart started racing. Tzuyu's heart doing the same.
You pulled away with a small laugh and she let out a giggle, "i wanna be with you all the time, i wanna be like this all the time.." "me too.."
"I want you to be mine, Lu."
"Then i'm yours, Chou."
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Maybe an angst blurb about Eddie and his gf have officially graduated and maybe moved out together. But Eddie’s still in his immature phase and still goes to the school and plays D&D all the time and his gf is really wanting him to grow up and get a job and start focusing on life not a fantasy game. Get into a big fight about his being immature and still playing games with kids when he’s turning 21 soon etc I love your writing so much by the way
Please reblog this if it comes on your feed; Tumblr isn't showing my blog in search or tags. Thank you!
Warnings: language, angst, not a happy ending, gn!reader
WC: 711
A/N: This is sad. I'm sorry. One of my pet peeves is fics where someone messes up really badly and it's unrealistically fixed at the end, so I didn't want to do that. Pls forgive me <3
7:30 pm. Dinner's been on the table for 45 minutes, stone cold at this point. You would heat up your portion in the microwave and eat without him, but you've lost your appetite.
After a long week of work and classes, Friday nights should be your time to decompress. So much of your "free" time was spent poring over your notes or writing essays, wishing you could just watch TV and snuggle up with Eddie. You'd also had to pick up extra shifts lately, as Corroded Coffin's gig weren't enough for Eddie to cover his portion of the rent. Long story short, you're utterly exhausted.
At 9:00, Eddie bursts through the apartment door. "Sorry, sorry," he mutters, purposefully avoiding your glare. "The campaign went on longer than I anticipated, and then Wheeler needed a ride home because Nancy had already left for her date, so--"
"Save it," you snap, eyes welling with tears. "I'm so fucking sick and tired of this, Eddie. I cooked dinner for us, and you're lucky money's so tight, or I would've just thrown it all away." You turn to your bedroom but stop before you get there. "And do you know why money is tight?"
Eddie's eyes graze the floor, unable to meet yours. "Because I don't have a job," he mumbles under his breath.
"Yes, Eddie. Because you don't have a job. And any time that you could spend finding one, you choose to plan campaigns for a club at a school you don't even go to anymore!" You wince as you feel yourself yelling. Shouting was how your mom maintained her control over the family, and you promised not to do the same. Well, look at you now.
"They're still my friends," he offers lamely. "I thought you liked them, too."
You scoff. "Don't try that manipulative shit with me. You know I love your friends. What I don't love," you add pointedly, "is you waltzing in here at whatever time you want, missing dinner, and throwing some pathetic excuse at me, week after week."
Eddie's silent, chewing on a lock of his hair, so you continue.
"You promised me," you say, choking back a sob, "that we would be a family. Give each other the love and patience we didn't have growing up. How are we supposed to be a family if you won't even put in minimal effort to support me?"
He reaches out to take your hand, but you pull away before he can grab it. "Don't," you hiss. "Just leave me alone. Go sleep at Wayne's."
You've never kicked him out before, but you can't even bear to feel his presence right now. Your heart sinks thinking of the love and energy you've invested into this relationship: the sleepless nights helping him study so he could finally graduate, cheering him on during gigs when you really needed to crash, staying in Hawkins so he could be near his uncle when all you'd ever wanted was to hightail it out of this town.
"C-can't I just sleep on the couch?" he asks softly. "We can talk about it in the morning."
You shake your head. "No, Eddie." There's finality in your tone. "All we ever do is talk about it, but nothing changes. Until you get your shit together and start acting like an adult, I'm done. We're done."
"We're done? Are you...breaking up with me?"
You bite your bottom lip, willing your body to stop shaking. "I need an adult relationship with an adult boyfriend. I've given you countless opportunities to be what I need, and I've realized..." You take a deep breath before continuing. "I've realized that I can't make you do this for me. But I also can't run myself ragged trying to save our relationship."
Eddie's crying now, tears streaming down his face. "I fucked up so bad," he says, though you're unsure if he's talking to you or himself. "I'm so sorry." But he goes into the room and pulls out a suitcase, haphazardly throwing in an assortment of clothes.
As he leaves, dragging his bag behind him, he turns back to you. "I love you."
You just nod, and he closes the door behind him. You love him, too. But sometimes, that isn't enough.
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