#my dad was a construction worker and now a stay at home dad
queridaz · 2 years
my roommate saying she’s paying for college w/o her parents help bc it’s her money, but that money is her 529 college fund and stocks she owns like...
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rainbowbarnacle · 1 month
WHEW I did a ton of traveling over the weekend and I got home yesterday evening and I just now finished catching up with my dash
I went with @vastderp to Nebraska to attend the life celebration of his deceased brother.
We stayed with Luka's sister, who has this wonderfully chill apartment with two adorable goofball chihuahuas living in it. The three of us had amazing fun talking and watching youtube videos and being silly, it was awesome. <3 And she gave me some of her gorgeous handmade jewelry. My dresser is approximately 300% sparklier now. The life celebration was really nice. We gathered in a park. There was lots of food and friends and loved ones, and lots of folks brought their dogs with them, and I just kinda wandered around and listened to people share memories and stories and catch up with each other.
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also something sort of hilarious and wonderful happened--while we were packing up the food to leave, we kept seeing guys in suits showing up, and it turns out they were planning on using our bit of the park next in a wedding reception
buuut there were also construction workers around, I guess, and apparently the father of the bride was so determined that they get to use the park on this day (which was admittedly very cool and nice out, especially for August) that he bribed the construction workers and hid all the construction tools in the forest so the workers had no choice but to leave
(he also informed the construction company, so everyone knew what was going on, they just couldn't do anything about it)
and the construction workers were absolutely FINE with that arrangement, they were like "hey this guy just gave us beer money for the rest of the week, we're good, happy reception everybody!" and Luka's sister was like HEY WANNA HELP US EAT ALL THIS CHICKEN? and they were like YEAH GIMMIE)
and when we were putting stuff in the car, we saw more people in fancy clothes show up (there was one guy in a tux who was walking around with a lint roller, and I dunno why but I thought that was adorable) and then we saw the briiide and she looked gorgeous and one of luka's relatives was like "hey your dad's a badass, have a happy wedding!!"
I never knew Luka's brother, but judging by all the stories I heard about him, I think he would have gotten a kick out of that.
After the celebration, we got to go to @shunted5934's place! (it was SO GREAT finally getting to meet you! :D) I was delighted to meet several sheep, some chickens, some horses, two kitties, and a 90 pound mastiff boxer mix named NALA who was the biggest sweetheart in the world and shed all over me. <3
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And, yeah, overall it was just this big wonderful busy three days. I don't think I've talked so much or met so many people at once in... I dunno, at least a decade. X)
I think Beabea has finally forgiven me for vanishing.
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flammingnachos · 11 months
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏(topper thornton x fem!reader)
𝘚𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴; opposite attract they say, well that’s the case for you and topper your the embodiment of a person that makes choices without the fear of judgment or criticism and then there’s topper
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨; Pogue!reader, abusive topper, controlling and manipulative,cursing, slight forced marriage, SMUT, (1/2)
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Something that I’ve always been called as a child
I’ve never really paid attention to what anyone had ever about me since I’ve never really cared too much about people's opinions why worry about something that doesn’t make a difference in your life rather than just stress about it
My Perspective on people's opinions however changed during my teen years after my parents went bankrupt and were forced to slave themselves for the cooks on the other side of the town, my father worked for Judge Thornton as his personal construction worker.
My father became great friends with judge Thornton through out the years occasionally bringing me over during my teens years to meet Mr Thornton only son Topper.
During this time Topper didn’t even spare a few glances or a few words other than “hi” and “bye” from the times I’ve been over at his home as “play dates” as my parents liked to call it. He was busy hanging out with this best friend rafe and started talking to Sarah cameron
It was when I turned 16 my life had really changed, mom was home for a few days of the week while dad was barely ever there after my 15th birthday. It was then that same day a few knocks where heard on my front door
I looked over at the broken chronograph that was slanted on the wall seeing that it read 8:00 PM
“Who could be coming this late” I wondered
I hesitatingly walked over to the door slightly peeking through the door seeing that it was Sheriff Shoupe and another male officer with him, he looked up at me
“may I have a word with you Cassidy” He asked taking off his hat and resting it upon his chest
“Uhm my mother isn’t here at the moment you’ll have to come back another time,” I said looking around the house a bit
“Well, there’s no need what I need to talk to you about is about them” he sighed out
My eyebrows furrowed
I opened the door fully and gestured for them both to come in
“I didn’t want to deliver this kind of message to a young person as yourself but your parents have been arrested” He said calmly
It went silent after he said that, my whole world felt like it was gonna go crashing down after that, I didn’t know what to do or how to feel. I just kept feeling daggers go straight through my heart and my vision blurring a bit
I wiped my eyes slightly
“W-what do you mean sheriff” I asked
“They’ve been arrested for theft, your father has been stealing money from judge Thornton bank and hiding it with your mother”
I stayed silent waiting for him to continue holding in my breath silently
“Judge Thornton was going to press charges but he made a deal with your father for his repayment, it involved you” he finished out waiting for my reaction
“W-what about me?” I whispered out
“He made a deal that you’ll be living with them from now on and you’ll be married off to there son Topper to repay the dept your father owed them” He said
That’s it right there.. when my whole word fell apart and crashed down right on me, the air seemed like it was suffocating me and the feet felt more heavier than they usual are and my body felt so hard to be still
I felt like passing out
The sheriff noticed this and held me slightly seeing my body about to stumble over and fall right onto the floor
“I understand how you feel Cassidy but right now your parents requested me take you back over the station to see them before they are put in jail” he said walking out the door slowly and guiding me over to the police car as he opened the door and I hesitantly got in frozen in place as he slammed the door and got in the drivers seat taking off
I was frozen in place unable to think or move a bone
This had to be a dream
The car moved up and down slightly as the sheriff drove through the bridge that separated the cooks from the pogues. The flashing lights from the street lamp post illuminating slightly over my face as he drove in the darkness
Without noticing more tears started slowly crept up into my eyes and right down on my face continuously as I wiped them trying the hardest for it to stop raining on my face but it didn’t.
The sheriff heard my sniffles and whales of cries and glanced at the rear view mirror.
I didn’t notice we reached at the station until I felt my door being opened and the cool summer air gushing on to me.
“C’mon Cassidy” he whispered out putting his hand out for me to grab onto it
I slowly looked up from the floor and looked over at his with glassy eyes slowly inching my arms to his and getting out the car
He closed the door guiding me into the station and down in the interrogation area, my head being dipped down and focused onto the floor the whole way there
He opened the door and there I was faced with my father and mother sitting side by side staring right at me with guilt in there eyes. I couldn’t bare to even look at them for what they had done and the situation they had now put me through
The sheriff pulled out the chair infront of my mother as I sat down chewing the bottom of lip
“Well I’ll leave you guys to it, you have a few more minutes left with your parents before there transit comes” he announced and then looked back over at them before taking his leave
The room stayed quiet
“Look sweetie what your father and I did was all for you, we didn’t mean for this to happen w-we just wanted you to have a better future” my mother spoke putting her hands over the table and rubbing the dried tears off my cheeks slightly
“Y-you’ve set me up to get married to some guy I barely even know a Cook at that” I sniffed
“It was the only way doll, it was either that or have you work for Mr Thornton off the debt that I made, I couldn’t have you slave behind me for something you didn’t even do” My father spoke back
I looked up at him with nothing to fury
“THEN WHY!? why do this shit if you knew you would have been caught and your poor old daughter would have to take all your consequence” I half yelled at him in frustration
This shocked both of my parents as there eyes both went up at my tone not to mention my cursing my mother removed her hands from my face
“Sweetie what we did was for you, for your future for your college for you fucking life-!” My mother started to yell but my father interrupted her trying to call her down
“louis!” he yelled
“Cassidy what your mother is trying to say is that this may seem like what we did was reckless of us because we didn’t think of the consequences but we did and we knew we would pay the price but we didn’t think that they would use you as the price we would be paying” My father explains in one breath
I stayed silent again
Right on cue the door opened we all turned to look over at who it was seeing it was another police office
“Times up, your transit is here Mr and Mrs Ryder” the man announced opening the door more wider as two other officers came in handcuffing both of my parents
“Wait wait, I didn’t get to-”I flinged up in a rush to stop them from handcuffing both of my parents
“I’m sorry ma’am but there transit is here to take them to the county prison” he tried to reasoned out
“It’s okay Cassidy, we deserve this” my father softly spoke out
“We’ll be fine, take care of yourself baby” my mother croaked out, water falling down on her face as she shut her eyes to stop herself fork crying even more than she already was
At the sight made me cry to seeing my other cry
“Noo mom please” I cried out blinded by the water spilling out my eyes
I grabbed my hands out for my mother as officer backed me up off her as I continued crying
“Well always love you Cassidy” my father said before he disappeared out the door and so did my mother, her cries still heard bouncing off the walls
The officer used his walkie talkie calling in for sherif shoupe
I sat back down crying into my arms
“I’ll take it from here officer”shoupe I recognized his voice nearing over towards me
“everything gonna be okay Cassidy, you can always vist them” he tried to cheer me up
I only cried out more
“C’mom cassidy we can’t be in here much longer, it’s getting late and you’ll catch a cold from the way you’ve been crying” he whispered out slightly picking up my arms
I sniffed whipping my eyes to stop the tears as I got up following shoupe to his police car passing by the rest of the officers as my continued wiping my eyes to stop the water from running back down my face some more
Sheriff shoupe opened his police car door as I slowly got inside the car buckling my seatbelt, the car taking off once I did so
I turned my head to the right looking thru the window watching as the trees passed by and by all the street lights that were now on
“It’s not my place but try to give Mr and Mrs Thornton a chance before you can judge” I heard Sherif shoupe spoke out making me turn my attention towards him driving the car
“Yeah”I whispered turning my attention back outside until we reached to my destination
We arrived in the next 10 minutes as the car came to a halt infront of there lawn, he got out walking springing to my side to open the door for me
I awkwardly smiled and got out as be slamed the door shut and started walking to the front door as I followed along
I examined my surroundings seeing their lawn perfectly mowed per usual and their front porch always looking effortlessly perfect, I stopped walking behind Sheriff Shoupe as he knocked on the door waiting for an answer
It took a minute for Mrs Thornton to answer the door, she smiled seeing Sheriff Shoupe but that smile faltered a bit seeing me there
Just great
“Sheriff it's nice to see you here with Cassidy” She cheered on with that plastic smile of hers
The sheriff smiled at this
“The pleasure is all mine, Cassidy didn't get to pack anything at all since her parents wanted to see her before they were transported to county prison” he explained as to why I just showed up empty handed with nothing but my phone
She nodded her head
“It's alright there's nothing like a little shopping won't fix for her” she chuckled out
He smiled while I stood there awkwardly
“Well, I should leave you guys to it then..Cassidy..enjoy your time with them and please don't stress over your parents there in great hands” He informed me, Turning to me as I nodded at his response
The sheriff nodded walking past me and right into his car, at Mrs Thornton opened the door more widely and gestured for me to walk in
“Come in please do” She said
As I walked in she the slammed the door shut, locking it making her way into another room in which I followed right behind her
“Mr Thornton or Topper isn't here at the moment which is great so I can just have a talk with you before I show you to your room and then you'll be meeting Both of them after they come in”she explained while taking a seat in her living room I'm guessing
“Sure” I croaked out unsure of what to really say to her
she smiled straightening her posture on the seat
“Okay good, as I'm assuming you already know you'll be the future wife of my son..”she paused looking for my reaction
I nodded pressing my lips onto a thin line looking around for a bit
“Good, there aren't many rules here but for you to always be with Topper outside, there aren't any restrictions or anything in the house…and you can't be out too late now” she finished off
“Okay” I said
“Alright, nice and obedient.. You truly are perfect” She smiled at me as I thanked her for the compliment
“Now I'm gonna show you to the room you'll be using until you and Topper graduate and you can move out and live somewhere by yourselves,” she said getting up and walking up the stairs and then making a left then up a smaller stairs in the corner where I saw three doors lined up next to each other
“that's Topper's room, Your room is right next to his, and The bathroom at the last corner” She explained using her hands
I hummed as she walked to the middle door opening it while walking in, following after her I got inside the bedroom and was amazed at what was infornt of me
It was bigger than all the rooms in my old House combined, I actually had a closet and not just a basket where I fold all my clothes and put them in and a big window scenery. Where I could sit and watch outside
I continued staring around the room twisting and turning as I inspected everything with my mouth agape in shock
“I know right, took my maids a few hours to get room cleaned out and changed into a girl room which was a guest room at first” She explained smiling at my reaction
She took a seat at the edge of the bed patting right next to her for me to sit down beside her, I listened sitting right down next to her
“I’ve never really had this type of experience before, since I've only grown Topper since he was young and his father and I were too busy to even try again” she sighed looking a bit sad
“I get that” I sympathized
She gave me a little smile pulling me into her embrace a bit
“Well, the boys is gonna get here in a few more hours so you have enough time to be alone in your new room for a bit before you meet your future husband” she cheered getting up and was about to leave before I halted her
“Thank you again..i’m sorry for what my parents have caused your family” I apologized
She only smiled at this
“Your parents actions aren't you faults, whatever they did doesn't correlate to you” She said, and then taking her leave shutting the door half open half closed a bit
I rested for a bit laying down on the bed before hearing some voices downstairs after a couple of hours just staring at the ceiling
“I still don’t get why where doing this mom” It was topper
And his mother arguing once again but it seemed like there voices were getting nearer to my room door
I squealed getting up and making myself look at least presentable and straight inform of topper and his father
Right then the door swinged open revealing all here of them Mr and Mrs Thornton and Topper himself all looking at me
My breathed was nearly taken away by the sight of Topper, he still looked perfect from when he was younger
I say frozen unable to say a word but watch mindlessly as Mr and Mrs Thornton continued to argue some more
“Your wasting your life mopping behind that Sarah girl when you could be finding yourself a wife to continue the family legacy” his mother grumbled out angryly
“But mom” topper tried to reason out but his mother huffed out walking away from him as his father followed along
He stood there lost in silence
My crush on Topper never subsided even when he used to be jerk with rafe to me and John b and jj I still liked him even after his situation with the cook princess
It seemed like he’s examining me head to toe
We stood there in silence once more
“Enjoy your stay” he said in monotone voice before taking his leave and slamming his door right next to mines
Well that was just great
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222-justfornow-333 · 3 months
We don’t have a home anymore, despite the signed contract agreement that made the house ours. We had an attorney that was supposed to halt the eviction, but suddenly disappeared and left us out for the birds. It’s really the landlord’s son who ended our stay at the house. He had the workers stuff our belongings in black garbage bags and toss them out to the street, breaking some things in the process, despite the officer telling me to my face when I was in panic, “We are professionals and will be careful with your items.”
One of the things that blew me away is that my dad (now battling cancer) volunteered as a first responder during our time here, and yet many in the neighborhood stopped by with comments or made fun of us, and what I think I understand is that because they know that we are artists and were always making the exterior of the house look pretty and well kept, they felt high enough to insult or make fun of our situation.
From overnight to the next day, frantically hustling and carrying/dragging our belongings, even bigger than us such as furniture and whatever was left of our stuff into a couple of moving trucks, the landlord’s son also called the cops on us multiple times since we had our “trash” on the property. He did this anyway even after watching us in the direct sun, going without eating, or taking breaks for several hours, desperate to collect our things and bring them off the property to safety in the midst of his request for the Town Garbage to dispose of our belongings. Literal blood, sweat, and tears were shed that day. He destroyed a lot of furniture that I remember taking a few years for my parents to save up for. I will never forget the sound my grand piano made when I watched it be lifted into the air and drop, shattering inside that larger dump truck. We suffered bruises, scratches/cuts (due to anonymous sharp items we couldn’t see in many bags), bug bites, poison ivy, and sunburns. We are even getting sick (such as testing positive for covid) due to going and sleeping at hotels to motels, inns, etc.
In November, the landlord’s son sent workers to remove/destroy our own plants, rare shrubs, self-built wooden planters, and other of our wood framing to “clean up” the yard. He also had them destroy and take down our fence that we built too, which was supposed to enhance my brother’s safety, as he can’t help himself suffering from Asperger’s/autism. The house was poorly constructed, in which my Dad (battling cancer), has been making improvements and repairs to the house throughout the years. The lease shows that we were on a “pay to own” plan, which we've already invested for around 15 years... We paid out of pocket and were very rarely compensated to fix any issues with the house, but kicked out anyway…
At this point, I am not looking to cover the cost to replace what was ruined or lost, but we are running out of resources, going from motels to hotels, while struggling to pay for storage, as well as any other form of shelter.
Unfortunately, we live in a relatively expensive part of New York, and it would be a lot of gas to inspect houses and meet with real estate agents, including bringing our things from the storage units to the new location even if we found a more affordable, well built house in another state. I would especially like my little sister to continue her education here as well, but the market for homes here aren’t in a very sparing range.
Since middle school, it was always my biggest dream and concern to buy a house for my family; in fear that something like this would happen. I have tried so hard to find ways to make it happen, but around where I live, these corporations are either not hiring, or I am believed to be inadequate for the job, even though I applied to many fields I’ve had experience and felt confident in.
I would like to secure a final place for my family. FULLY paid off. No longer needing to worry about the greed and control from heartless and unconcerned landlords, like the many years ago growing up, and now.
Your help and contribution is abundantly appreciated.
-Rachel ( aka MW ) ❤️❤️❤️
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fruit-teeth · 3 months
Chronicles of Love and War (chapter 32)
The woods were surprisingly dark for the late afternoon, but Nita didn’t seem bothered. Sniper watched her move effortlessly around rocks, brushing aside dead leaves, and wondered how well she remembered this path.
“How’d you lose your wings?” he couldn’t help but ask.
Nita paused for a moment to fix her long blonde hair. “I didn’t lose them. I gave them up,”
Sniper blinked a few times, processing this. “Oh…why?”
“I…” she sighed, continuing down the path. “It was a long time ago. I was in love with someone, and I traded my magic for him.”
“Wait…” Sniper slowed his steps down so he could keep up with her. “That someone wasn’t…my dad, was it?”
“No, no!” Nita assured quickly. “This was quite some time ago. It was a different man – his name was Stewart.”
Sniper nodded, taking this in. “So…what happened to him?”
Nita seemed to hesitate, before answering. “He was a construction worker who I fell for. I wanted to be with him, so I gave up my wings and magic to chase him. We were happy for years, but my decision was a stupid one – without my magic, I started aging, like a normal woman would. He didn’t like it, so…he left me, for a younger woman.”
Walking close behind and overhearing this, Spy frowned and felt the need to speak. “I find that hard to believe. If you don’t mind my saying, Nita, you’re quite beautiful.”
Nita smiled faintly. “Thank you, but not everyone thinks so,” she looked back to the path and continued on. “I gave up after that, and I just tried to blend in with the humans here. I worked as a waitress, but that was where I met Bill…” she paused and corrected herself. “Bill-Bel. That’s his real name, right?”
Sniper nodded, looking away. “Yep.”
“I didn’t know much about him,” Nita explained as she instinctively followed the path. “But he came in for coffee and he seemed nice. He liked me, very much, and he said he thought I was the prettiest woman he’d ever seen.”
“He hasn’t been around many women,” Lar-Nah pitched in suddenly, catching up to walk near Nita. “He saw nobody but me for years. You’re really much more youthful than me.”
Nita frowned a little. "I see...” She briefly looked back at Sniper before turning her attention back to the walk. "He never told me he'd been married before—or that he had a child, for that matter. He lied about a lot of things. Back when I had my magic, my wings, it was easier for me to tell when somebody was lying. Fairies pick up on these things, you know. But now I had no way of knowing. I got pregnant almost right away, and he proposed to me when he found out. I was so happy to find a nice man who thought I was still beautiful…I said yes.”
Pyro walked up behind Nita and patted her shoulder, muttering something reassuring. Nita jumped, but smiled a little. “Thank you…”
Sniper watched Nita’s expression for a long moment, trying to think of something to say. Finally, he said, “You know…we can try to find a way to get him back to normal. He hasn’t…he wasn’t a good person to me at all, but…if you really loved him–,”
Nita suddenly spoke up, “We’re here.”
Sniper looked up, stopping. When all the others looked up, they saw a tall, rickety, abandoned home covered in vines and moss.
Scout took a step forward, letting out a low whistle. “Jeez, this place is creepy! You sure the pixies live here?”
“Fairies,” Nita corrected him, a bit annoyed. “Yes, of course I’m sure. Just stay behind me…they can be a bit unpredictable.”
Nita stepped forward first, pushing open the door to the house. It looked dark on the inside, but Nita turned around and gestured for the others to follow her.
Upon entering, Spy looked around and squinted into the darkness. “Where are they?” he whispered to Nita.
The door slammed shut, sealing the group inside the house before Nita could react. Pyro whirled around and tugged on the door, trying to open it, when the room filled with a bright light. A chorus of high-pitched screeches filled the air, and everything went black.
Upon the eventual return of light, Spy, at first, believed that he had entered an antique European royal portrait. Yet the more he studied the elaborate and intricate wallpaper adorning the walls, the more he realized that it didn't actually resemble any real-world design.
A loud voice cut through his thoughts: “Human intruders! How dare you!?”
Spy blinked a few times and looked up, astonished at the figure in front of him. It was a woman – well, not exactly. Clearly a fairy, with her pointed ears and wings, but these wings were huge despite being folded. They looked to be almost as tall as she was, touching the ground where she stood. Her hair hung in long ringlets, and her eyes were such a piercing electric blue that it made her face uncomfortable to look at.
“Who are you?” Spy managed to ask.
The fairy scoffed. “Who am I? Who am I!? What a question the human asks! You enter my domain, yet you do not know me? Insulting! You and your deformed face!”
“Deformed–?” Spy blinked in confusion, before realizing what she was referring to. “This is a mask!”
“A likely story!” the fairy scoffed again.
Spy looked down, realizing his wrists were bound in some kind of twine. He looked around the room, seeing the others had also been trapped the same way.
Nita elbowed him in the ribs. “That’s the Fae Queen!” she hissed, before looking back at the Queen. “Your excellency, its me, Nita! Don’t you recognize me?”
The Fae Queen narrowed her eyes. “Nita…? Oh! That’s right, you became human.” She leaned in and looked Nita up and down, and then scanned the others with her eyes. “What are you doing here? You said you would never come back.”
“That’s what I thought,” Nita explained, straightening up. “But…listen, something’s come up– I’ll let them tell it,” she turned, looking expectantly at the rest of the group.
Spy cleared his throat. “Well: you see, we have a problem. Some demons have been summoned, and they’re destroying our town and–,”
The Fae Queen rolled her eyes and put up a hand to stop him. “Silence! I won’t hear this human nonsense!”
“Listen to us!” Scout shouted at her, tugging at the twine around his wrists. “This crazy demon shit has been attacking everyone and everything, and we gotta stop it!”
“You listen to me, child!” The Fae Queen hollered back. “The only way demons typically end up on this plane of reality is if a human summons them. And do you know what it is fairies don’t do anymore?”
When no one answered, the Fae Queen answered for them. “Fairies don’t meddle in the affairs of humanity! A human summoned this demon, a human must be the one to send it back!”
“What!?” Sniper asked incredulously. “But…why?”
The Fae Queen looked at him with contempt in her eyes. “You don’t remember? Did they really never tell you?”
Nita let out a long sigh. “Oh, I forgot – years ago, fairies and humans made an agreement that they would stay out of each other’s business.”
“But…” Spy struggled to make sense of this. “Who did they make that agreement with!? How long ago was this?”
“How long?” the Fae Queen repeated. She started to answer, but stopped herself. “Oh, dear, I forgot that humans do have have the same sense of time that us Fae do. Hmm…” she looked around the room, spotting Lar-Nah. “You! Come closer,”
Confused, Lar-Nah stood up and walked over to where the Fae Queen stood. “What?”
The Fae Queen turned back and said, "You seem like an aged human." She then removed the cushion on a gilded chair behind her, which was likely her throne, and took out a worn black-and-white picture of an elderly man. She held the photo down to Lar-Nah’s face. “Did you know him?”
Lar-Nah squinted at the photo for a long moment before answering. “I have no idea who this is.”
“Let me see that,” Spy stepped over, and the fairy showed him the picture as well. “That’s Arthur Conan Doyle, the man who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories – why do you have a photo of him?”
“That’s the man we made the agreement with years ago!” the Fae Queen explained. “In exchange for him staying out of our business and us staying out of humanity's, the other Fae Queens and I signed a deal with him. We have kept this agreement ever since!”
“Arthur Conan Doyle was an author, not some kind of ambassador for humanity!” Spy exclaimed. “Not to mention that he died decades ago!”
The Fae Queen scoffed. “I don’t care who he was, we made a deal! Now, you must leave, or else I will have to punish you all,” her eyes landed on Pyro, and she added, “Except this one. I like this one.”
Pyro muttered something and walked up to her, holding up their bound wrists. The Fae Queen just patted their hand fondly. “Look at how polite…” she observed, as if she were studying some kind of zoo animal.
All of a sudden, the doors to the throne room burst open. “Your excellency! Wait!” a familiar voice cried. Another fairy entered, this one smaller than the Fae Queen.
With a start, Spy looked up and saw that the fairy they had saved in the hospital was the same one that had just entered the room. Her appearance had changed since their last encounter; she had more color, more lifelike eyes, and her wings flitted as she entered the room with grace.
“It’s you!” Scout exclaimed, having recognized her as well.
“It’s me – hello, everyone,” the fairy smiled a little as she looked around the room in fond recognition. She then looked up at the Fae Queen with a pleading expression. “Your excellency, you must let them go!”
“This isn’t your business, Hazel,” the Fae Queen scolded, frowning at her.
“But it is!” Hazel insisted. “These are the humans that rescued me!”
The Fae Queen paused, looking back at the group, her demeanor suddenly shifting. “You’re the ones who rescued Hazel?”
“Yes!” Spy confirmed. "Some very evil men took her wings, but we got them back to her," he turned to smile at Hazel, but then remembered something. “Wait a minute – what they did violates the agreement, doesn’t it?”
The Fae Queen raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
Spy approached her, hands still bound. “You said the deal required humans and fairies to stay out of each other's business, correct? Well, these men captured Hazel in order to take her wings – that doesn’t sound like staying out of one’s business, does it?”
“I suppose it doesn’t…” the Fae Queen rubbed her chin in though, eyes narrowing. “What are you getting at?”
“Since we saved Hazel,” Spy began. “It’s only fair that you help us get rid of the Corrupt. Do you agree?”
“Yes, its only fair!” Hazel chimed in. She turned and began to undo the bounds on Scout’s wrists. “Please, don’t keep them as prisoners! We should help them!”
Scout stared up at Hazel, mesmerized. “You are literally a goddess to me,”
“Scout, you can’t flirt with a fairy!” Sniper hissed at him.
“Enough!” the Fae Queen exclaimed. She paused for a moment, and then conceded, “All right. We will help you, humans…”
Relief swept through Spy. "Thank you, truly," he said, pausing as Hazel pulled the bindings from his wrists. Once they were gone, he shook his hands out. “We heard that the light magic fairies possess can defeat demons, is that true?”
"You heard correctly," the Fae Queen said as she sat back down on her throne, her broad, colorful wings billowing out behind her. “Tell me about this demon.”
Simultaneously, in the town, Medic crouched in the soil and gazed at the banishment circle he had spent the previous hour or so trying to construct. He wasn’t one to give up easily, under normal circumstances, but this was different. Sure, he had experimented with witchcraft, demonology, and other paranormal matters over the years—in fact, he believed that a competent physician ought to be at least somewhat knowledgeable about them—but this felt incredibly foreign to him. The Corrupt was no normal demon, all of the research he’d been doing so far indicated that much.
The hot wind whipped around him as he looked up from the dust and at the damaged town. How on earth was this ever going to be solved? The others had gone to see the fairies. He didn't know anything about fairies or anything like that; it had just never piqued his curiosity. A fairy might be good to study, though, he mentally noted. He didn’t harbor on that thought too much.
All of this was a lot to take in, even for him, but he didn’t know if he could ever admit that. No matter how hard he tried, his thoughts seemed like they were buried in thick muck; he was unable to extract them, articulate them, or take any action. All he could do was flick his gaze between the abandoned town surrounding him and the unmade banishment circle in front of him. He was aware of the worried people's voices and the beeping of cars, but nothing could shake him out of his mind.
That all changed, though, when a certain voice caught his ear: “Doktor?”
Medic blinked a few times, turning around and looking up, seeing Heavy standing above him. “Oh, there you are,” Medic murmured, though he didn’t get up from where he sat in the dirt. “I thought you said you would be caring for your sisters.”
“They are fine,” Heavy eased down beside him, sitting in the dirt as well. “You make circle to send back demon?”
“Erm…” Medic made a face, looking down at the circle he’d been trying to make. “A little.”
“Little?” Heavy repeated, trying to make sense of this.
Medic paused, took a deep breath, and admitted, "I may have overestimated my abilities, just slightly."
“Oh,” Heavy frowned, but his shoulders relaxed. Medic had been in over his head with some undertakings before, and this was no exception.
Heavy put his arm around his lover, giving him a tight half-hug. “I understand this. But we will figure this out.”
Medic leaned against Heavy's shoulder, the strain in his brow lessening with the warm, familiar touch. However, his brow furrowed a little. “You’re being awfully calm about this…”
Heavy let out a little chuckle. “I must be, sometimes.”
“Hmm, yes,” Medic cleared his throat and looked up a little, eyes darting towards the woods. “I hope Merasmus has been able to hold that awful beast off…and I hope Demo is all right.”
“Little girl, too,” Heavy hummed.
Medic glanced up. “Which one? Lucy or Oilvia?”
Heavy paused, and then clarified, “Both.”
“Yes, I agree…” Medic thought about Lucy, and he shuddered. He remarked, "It's hard enough being a child; I couldn't imagine growing up with some kind of...demonic power living in me. Although, I suppose that isn't too far off from how I grew up."
“Doktor never talks about childhood,” Heavy pointed out, giving Medic a slight nudge.
Medic gave a little laugh. “Now isn’t exactly the time to talk about our childhoods, my love,” he gestured to the town for emphasis.
Just then, Miss Pauling came bounding towards both of them. “Guys! Guys!”
Heavy stood up right away, going to meet Pauling. “What? What is wrong?”
Miss Pauling came skidding to a stop, catching her breath. After a moment, she managed to say, “Helen called me. She said she found something that could stop The Corrupt!”
Heavy and Medic exchanged glances, and Medic asked, “What did she find?”
“A unicorn horn,” Pauling explained. “I-I know that sounds crazy, but Helen said Saxton Hale had it, I guess!”
Medic rolled his eyes. “Of course he would…yes, it’s true that unicorn horns possess light magic. I studied a unicorn many years ago, but I'm not sure how powerful it would be; the horns don't have much force on their own. It works best when the unicorn is alive and wielding it, from what I heard.”
“That’s the thing,” Pauling took a long breath. “Helen said the horn only seems to light up when Olivia touches it. Do you have any idea of why that might be?”
“Olivia?” Medic thought about it. “I’m not sure…although, unicorns tend to appear to children the most! Very rarely do they appear to adults. Perhaps something about the childlike energy triggers the magic of the horn,”
“Yeah…” Pauling rubbed her eye, and then adjusted her glasses back on her face. “If the others can’t get those fairies to help us, we might have to use the horn to defeat the Corrupt. But Olivia has to be the one holding it…”
“We will think of something,” Heavy said firmly, placing a hand on Pauling’s shoulder. “Little girl has been through so much. We will not make her fight this demon.”
Pauling nodded, placing her hand over Heavy’s. “I know. I know, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
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newyorkmylife · 6 months
What is it like to be a man and a father?
I haven't written in too long. It's 2am again.
Beautiful, beautiful things have happened. I was in Japan for 2 months and I ought to write a beautiful, long blog post about it - soon. I wanna tell you all the adventures, big and miniscule moments of life in Japan and what it felt like to make a dream come true.
Also, some bad things have happened. Luckily, I'm physically ok and I'm immensely grateful for that. I just have to deal with helping my dad from across the world. As I go through the 25th year of my life, I realized that he is just like me. Truly. When he was around my same age he lost his dad. He mourned and suffered a lot. Born in a socialist country that shattered into pieces. Alone without a brother or a grandfather, left by himself to contemplate what has remained of his life.
A brilliant mind that searched for refuge. Who worked as a sailor, construction worker and warehouse worker for many years. Always holding close his inner child, pursuing the whimpering flame of his dreams. He tried to launch a few websites - including online shops and funny ideas - but could never turn that into the job that would free himself from a life sentence of labor.
I can only imagine what he feels like. What did he feel like to lose your dad and national identity? What did he feel when he moved to a new country before the internet with the hope of a better life but finding himself in trouble? How many things has he withstood and witnessed in more than 50 years?
I can't forget the first time he had psychosis. I was only 12 and although I felt that he was a bit more stressed out than usual, I still believed he was himself. I knew that he was still the dad that I know.
I wonder if I had the knowledge and capacity that I have now - how would I have helped him? How would I have prevented the start of a cycle of ups and downs, depression, drugs and psychosis, that has repeated itself for more than 10 years now?
My aunt blames him for taking drugs. But can I? Can I blame my own father for seeking refuge from a world that has no mercy for those who wish the walls were a little softer and the harsh winters a bit warmer?
Yes, drugs are destructive. Despite that, I feel I understand him.
What can I do to help him now?
He brought me to the beach when I told him I wanted to see the sea.
He brought me to a small town when I told him I wanted to meet a girl from an online app.
He brought me to another city a few hours away when I wanted to see the Iron Maiden's concert - even though we didn't have money to actually buy the tickets. We listened to the open-air concert behind a metal mesh. We stayed up the whole night sitting at a bench in front of the train station because we didn't have money for accommodation. Yet, we were there, and that's all that mattered to me. I had seen Iron Maiden perform live.
He brought me chocolate bars and peanuts when he returned home in the night at 10pm after a long day.
He always supported my anti-establishment views and my desire to seek a greater meaning for myself.
Even though he's not perfect, even though sometimes he put himself first. I know he was working hard every day. A brilliant mind trapped into repetitive, heavy jobs. Gasping for a better future but never quite reaching it.
Now that I'm 25 - now that I'm wiser and older - now that I'm a man. How can I save my dad?
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chaerisoda · 1 year
hello hello !!!
i'm mey ( she/her ) and bringing to you my lovely girl chaeri ♡︎ (somewhat bare) informational links below and a quick summary of her life so far under the cut - i'll update a bit more when i'm not on the go. leave a like if you'd like to plot! either through here or discord. so excited to meet and write with you all!!!
stats. / plots.
important details first: kim chaeri, 23 ('99 liner), working at isanghan thrift for the past three years
background (tw death)
chaeri was born as a single daughter into a working class family: dad working construction jobs, mum picking up retail positions. happy childhood, even if money was always a bit tight.
moved to daegu when she was 12 to live with her grandparents because they badly needed help around the home. she settled in quick but had trouble making friends initially and mostly kept to herself.
grandpa died when she was 14. following after, her mum and grandma had a falling out, the details of which she wasn't privy to. over the next few years, chaeri loses contact with her parents.
chaeri goes on to become her grandma's primary caregiver, a position she resents despite her love for the woman.
she grew a bit more into herself in her later years in school, began to pick up a few hobbies and the odd job here and there for extra pocket money.
graduated school and immediately signed up for uni. one year into that, her grandma dies. chaeri's the one to organise the funeral and sell all her stuff. her parents don't even show.
uni sort of gets put on hold afterwards, and she's still slogging through these last few credits to earn that degree now. if there's nobody kicking your ass, you're mourning, and you need to find somewhere new to stay it gets a bit difficult to juggle everything (not to mention financial problems). she really wants to be done already, though.
somewhere in there she gets her job at the thrift shop. maybe not the best paid position she could aim for, but they let her write her papers on the clock, so she's been sticking with it ever since. wishes she could stay working there but she does want an actual career one of these days.
despite all that, she's a happy gal! she's worked through her issues and isn't grieving anymore. her arc is more so about figuring herself out and finding her place !!
quick and dirty summary: chaeri used to be a bit shy and isolationist, but she lost that streak as an older teen (though she's no extrovert by any means). somewhat blunt and direct, quick to pick up on social cues, decently emotionally intelligent. she's the person who will take on most of the work in a group project, but will resent you if you don't pull your weight. avoids crowds, but really enjoys smaller group hangouts. rarely communicates her feelings (actions over words). true ride or die. doesn't get embarrassed much and sticks to her opinions, but can be stubborn. when she's in a funk she'll ghost you, and she might've skipped out on a few shifts before (sorry co-workers!)
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ferdiesnini · 11 months
Happy 64th birthday Daddy!
I’m a day late posting this year. I didn’t get to buy a cake yesterday. The thing is, my body clock makes it so that I’m awake in the wee hours, and asleep during the day.
I talked to Meann from 12 midnight up to about 3:30 in the morning. It started with us greeting you a happy birthday and then reminiscing about the past. Remembering the cake you got her for one of her birthdays as a grade schooler and how you barred her from going out the front door because the cake was outside. How you allowed me to go through so that I can light the candle and how you carried the cake inside afterwards.
How you’d always say “mukhang masarap yan ah” when you see us eating something to signify that you want some, and how you’d say “di masarap!” after finishing a plate of food, even if nasimot lahat.
I got to sleep for about an hour and then woke up to help your son in law get ready for the day. After he left for work, I looked through the cakes for sale on the food app in the but not a lot of options since it was early and so I decided to get back to it in the afternoon. I fell asleep afterwards. So when I woke up, it was almost 5pm and the only thing I could think of is dinner. Remembering I still have a salad bowl which I purchased the night before, I was covered for the night and was completely disoriented and forgot that I was thinking of getting a small cake for you, or maybe even a slice. Since it’s only me and my husband at home, cakes usually don’t get finished unless I eat most of it, which at this stage and in my age, wouldn’t really be a good idea. I’m trying to get back to eating healthier. Remember how stick thin I was growing up even when I ate like a construction worker? I’m still a foodie, but after passing 30 I started gaining weight. It is very hard to get back to how I weighed before. Can you imagine, I’m at 70kgs right now. That’s me after losing 2kgs Dad. I hope to go back to at least 56, hopefully 52.
Should we just share the cake I’ll surely receive for my birthday in several days? Unless I lose my fight with cravings later and ultimately purchase a slice, or a small cake— we’ll share that one, okay? Anyway, if you see the cake I’m sure you’ll say “mukhang masarap yan a!” Hehehe.
Oh, also… I’m not 100 percent sure but the baby girl who lives across from us, Lily— I heard it was her birthday last night (she was talking to her grandpa). So you might share the same birthday. Even with that my brain didn’t compute to remind me that it was November 9 and I was supposed to get you a cake. But anyway, what’s important is that I remember now.
We love you Dad. Still waiting for you. Happy 64th birthday Daddy!
November 15 Update
It’s my birthday today. It’s 7:20 in the evening and from our side of the family, it seems only Meann remembered it’s my birthday. Mom sent a picture of Tita Jane’s only daughter’s wedding but forgot to greet me. It’s alright though.
I woke up this morning with the sounds of activity in the kitchen. I realized it was my husband preparing his birthday surprise but decided to stay “asleep” to allow him to proceed with his plans. At some point, something fell so loud that I can’t just ignore it and had to wake up. By the time he approached with the cake, I turned my head towards him and he protested that he wasn’t ready yet 🤣 cos apparently, there’s still several things he haven’t set up yet.
He then proceeded to go back to the kitchen and handed me two bouquets of flowers.
And then brought in a sturdy paper bag with the word “switch” on it. Under it is an apple with a bite.
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It’s an apple product. I wondered if he got me an apple watch because it’s the only thing in the apple store that I can think of that I don’t have yet. Although, I never really asked him for one or hinted at it, especially since I very much prefer the cheap version of it that I can get online for like, a thousand peso. If that breaks I wouldn’t feel so disheartened. But a watch that costs almost as much as an older version of an iphone or macbook— I don’t really think it’s worth it.
I opened the bag and I found a box for an iPhone 14.
He bought me a second phone because I whenever we go out, I would have to switch my simcard out of my iphone to get internet connection. Now my second sim has a new permanent home.
He also played some birthday music on TV via Spotify
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And at some point we slow danced to it together. Not specifically the song on the picture but some other song in the playlist— that is also about birthdays.
And as promised, I share with you my cake Daddy.
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It is a mocha chiffon cake with some buttercream frosting. Do you remember how I would always bake a mocha chiffon cake on everyone’s birthdays when I was a junior and senior in high school?
My husband asked me to lunch this coming weekend to celebrate my birthday. We’re inviting Mom and the siblings. David asked me to also invite my friends but I’d rather not. I realized one of them, the one I was closest to in senior year— never really appreciated the amount of affection I have for them, and my efforts to help them by sending information when they need it, were basically made to look ridiculous. Imagine how much effort I placed on writing them long letters back in the day after graduating high school, and her talking to one of our male classmates, you know him, the one I used to have a crush on, to basically make it seem like I just have a lot of things to say for no reason. Based on what she told us that she said to him— when the guy asked why I “was like that” when I sent a message to a group chat to tell him off after questioning her sexuality and surmising that maybe she was a lesbian, she replied that she doesn’t know, that I just write long things and it’s just that I’ve always been like that, I write paragraphs.
When the truth was, she complained to me and our other friends about him commenting on and questioning her sexuality. I basically defended her. And she knew hours before I sent that message that I will defend her, that I’ll take care of it— just like I always did for all of them cos they couldn’t confront people unless I start it. Anyway. I’m just tired of them at the moment. I told my husband I’d just see them next year.
Sorry for complaining to you on our birthday week hehe. Anyway, that’s where I am now.
I love you Daddy. I thank you and Mommy fo having and raising me.
My hopes are always the same. We still wait for you. Happy birthday to us, and Cha.
Nov 16 update:
Apparently Mom sent me a greeting yesterday which I didn’t receive. So I told Meann to have it resent to me tomorrow since it’s still my birthday anyway (my Chinese calendar birthday, that is.)
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newsworld-nw · 11 months
TikToker 'so bored' with 9-to-5 job 'I don't have time for anything.'
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A TikTok user has obtained practically 2 million views on a video he posted expressing frustration about how little time he had left after his conventional, in-person 9-to-5 job with an extended commute and an eight-hour workday. "I do know I am in all probability being too dramatic and boring; however, that is my first job," stated TikTok person Brielle, who solely wished to make use of her first title as a result of privateness issues. video. "I haven't got time for something!" Brielle, a 21-year-old current school graduate who works in advertising, defined that after working days and commuting two hours every means between her house in New Jersey and her workplace in New York, she was shocked and “very upset” by how little time she had and that he had the power to train, meet his associates, and even cook dinner. "How's your pal? How's your time for courting?" he stated within the video, posted on October 17. “There is not any means I can afford to stay within the metropolis proper now... I want to stroll to work; however, I am not.” The video obtained practically 15,000 pieces of feedback, with many from customers expressing sympathy for Brielle's sentiments and their very own criticism of the standard workplace schedule. "The 40-hour work week is outdated and your emotions are completely legitimate," learns the highest remark, with more than 39,000 likes. "The 40-hour work week was designed with a housekeeper to care for the home tasks," one other person wrote in regards to the conventional work week. "There isn't a time for something." One other commenter was extra blunt: “That is so repetitive and irritating. I feel you are a lady."
People are questioning the standard work week
The response to the video signifies how rapidly people have turned in opposition to the five-day commute to the workplace that was as soon as thought about as the default mode of labor. For instance: 81% of People who work full-time would favor a four-day workweek, according to a survey from Aug. Bankrate It was discovered that almost all of the respondents stated they might sacrifice something to make this small hour an actuality. A study of 61 firms within the UK that attempted a shorter working week discovered that these firms reported greater revenues and fewer worker turnover, whereas most staff within the trial experienced much less burnout and more satisfaction with their work-life steadiness. Commuting remains an enormous downside for commuters. In 2023, research discovered that workers who earn a living from home save an extra 72 minutes a day. Non-commuters devoted 40% of that additional time to their jobs, 34% to leisure, and 11% to caring for their kids or others. New York Federal Reserve researchers additionally discovered that individuals who work remotely and do not commute have extra time for leisure and sleep. However, some people see nothing unsuitable with the standard means of handling issues. An article about Brielle's video revealed by Insider obtained dozens of comments on Facebook. -4.17%, Lots of the customers joked in regards to the declining work ethic of the youthful era. One person wrote, “Welcome to the true world.
'I can not think about working dad and mom on the market.'
Brielle instructed MarketWatch that the protection and commenters appeared fast to criticize him, as an alternative to inspecting the difficulty he was attempting to boost within the unique video. "A whole lot of the information proper now could be about portraying me as a spoiled member of Gen Z, slightly more than calling for a reevaluation of insurance policies," he instructed MarketWatch by way of email. And responding to the Insider article in a video Tuesday, Brielle stated she's grateful to be employed in any respect—and that she's not the one employee fighting the inflexible construction of a conventional workplace job. "I cannot even think about working dad and mom on the market," she stated. "I give them loads of credit scores because, in America, it is extremely tough to be emotionally and mentally steady when your days are structured like this." "What I am saying is sure: America's 9-to-5 schedule must be reformed," he continued. "It isn't truthful that the ones benefiting are those that both run firms... or who're extraordinarily rich or influential and do not work on an everyday schedule." See extra: Why does TikTok hate the 401(okay) a lot? #TikToker #bored #9to5 #job #dont #time Read the full article
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Y'all thought you'd finally gotten a break from hearing about my real life woes?
Shit's been going down!
Last time I wrote anything it was about being out of money and nowhere to stay. We got a donation, it helped us a lot, and coupled with the ladies at the front desk of the hotel keeping this room at $65 a night for us, we've managed to extend our stay.
The problem:
Step-dad got the knee surgery. He had to get a bunch of 'fragments' removed from his leg, and a few other things, but overall not much work was done. He still needs a total knee replacement. He was whining about his pain for days and refused to wear the brace thing they gave him which has compartments for gel packets.
A few days ago he called his son like he does every damn night, to bug him about shit, and found out he was working on a house with one of step-dad's former employers. A guy who notoriously doesn't pay people, never does things over the table, and spends his days on the go so cops can't track down a specific location of his. Dude lies through his teeth.
Suddenly, step-dad is able-bodied enough to drive back up to PA and now help out on the construction of this house? Like 8 days after knee surgery? Where he claimed he couldn't walk and was in too much pain?
He's been gone for almost a week. The van is gone. We have nowhere to go, no way of know when he's coming back because he's avoiding making calls, and the occasional $20 he has his son send over every other day isn't enough to feed three people who have to order delivery from the local supermarket. Legit, it's too far for Bethy or I to walk, so we'd have to get food delivered, but there's a delivery fee, and now a gas fee because of rising gas prices. And he somehow doesn't get that?
"I gave you a total of $40 in 7 days, how can you not make it work?"
Half of that goes to paying fees and tips for the drivers! That isn't enough!
So he called this morning demanding mom cancel his upcoming appointments. The bypass and the other knee surgery he's got coming at the end of April and beginning of May. He's not coming back for who knows how long now. Had a whole list of excuses on why. Step-bro's wife has had no problem narking to mom about him on the side.
He's acting like this situation is just too stressful for him to be in and he can't take being here anymore. HE'S THE REASON WE'RE IN THIS MESS! Mom and I had a stable home for almost two decades. His big mouth is what fucked that up for us. He is continuously the reason for why we haven't had stable residence in almost 6 years.
Yet he acts like this.
And the icing on the cake! The money he's been getting is what he's bummed off his son.
The employer who never pays people and dodges cops all the time? He hasn't paid them for anything despite all the work they've apparently done on the house. And now both are making excuses for him despite how this is what the man does.
So we're stranded now. We have no guarantee of money or lodging. No way of leaving if we have to leave. He's not coming back for his doctor appointments so they have to be cancelled. I scheduled my own doctor appointment that is very needed and now that has to be cancelled. Bethy has bloodwork scheduled because they have to check for a history of cysts before they can give her some kind of medication, but that's got to be cancelled. And now none of that can happen.
If Bethy's case worker comes around again and finds out that he's not here and he's been gone with the van, off working, when he told her to her face that he can't move and therefore can't work, we're going to be in so much trouble. She spent the last 4 months bothering him about working and now he can do it? For apparently no payment?
He doesn't realize how bad it looks to be stranded with no money and no transportation when you have a state case worker watching your every move? Someone who is meant to make sure your daughter is safe in your hands and you can be trusted to keep her while you are battling homelessness?
I complain about him constantly but have always tried to maintain his few good qualities as not totally terrible and him as still better than my sperm donor as a person. Yet what can I defend in this? How are you almost 60 and this fucking dumb? It's hard for a outsider to not see this as malicious. I can't talk this down of make it seem less bad.
I'm sick of trying to make it seem less bad.
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“Hey Kyle, here’s your beer. Now I know you are nineteen, so don’t tell anyone that I gave it to you. Enjoy it. Kick back. Relax. Look, you are always welcome in my home; I’m no longer your boss. I’m just a friend who’s old enough to be your dad. You excited?… To go to California?… I bet. Have anything lined up there once you get there?…
"No? Really? Place to stay?… Oh you’ll sleep in your truck. OK. You’ll be on your feet in no time. You can always get a construction job; I’d be happy to give you a recommendation. You were a fine worker. There before everybody, and the last to leave. Yeah I paid attention to you. Another beer?… Look spend the night here, and you can leave first thing in the morning. You have all the time in the world. Want a cigar?… No, don’t smoke? Well, I am not going to pass up this good Cuban I’ve been working on, to go with my bourbon…. Oh yeah. Does that smell and taste wonderful! Life does not get better than times like this. So, you plan on hitting all the rest areas and vista points between here and Cali to see if you can score trucker cock?...
"No. no. no. Don’t act like you’re not a cum guzzling faggot. I know you are. I know the reason why you stayed late on the site is so that you can go over to Ruby’s bookstore and suck cocks through the gloryholes in back. Don’t fucking lie to me. I saw you go over there. When I walked in you were nowhere to be seen and there was only one booth occupied. I went in next to you and you blew me. You are a natural faggot. You sure know how to swallow. You not only blew me, but you cleaned out my smegma. You cleaned me out again on the second time. On the third time—yes you blew me three times—after I shot my wad in your throat, I decided I needed to piss. And faggot you drank it. Remember? You are a goddamned pig.
"That’s all I needed to know. I was bound to claim you, and here you are ready to be claimed. That’s right, you ain’t going anywhere except my basement. Those beers you drank were laced with a drug that pretty much immobilizes you. You can still move, but it is exceptionally difficult. Your mind is fully active for a few minutes more, which is good. Although, your eyesight may start to get out of focus. So I will tell you what your life with me will be. You will be my possession. I will fuck both your holes whenever I want. You will continue to drink piss, every drop from my dick. The piss will wash away the foul taste in your mouth. In case you were wondering, and you probably are, you mouth will be my ashtray for starters. Your cunt will be my cigar butt disposal. In fact let me reach in your sweat pants and shove this one in there. Notice how difficult it is for you to move to stop me. See! Now,…
"What the fuck? You’re hard? The drug is not supposed to let you do that,… unless,… you were hard before. Wait a minute, you had a hard on for me? You should be able to nod even if it is a small one. Well that’s a fucking surprise, and I hate fucking surprises. That changes everything. Um,… no it changes nothing.
"You are going to pass out in a few moments, and when you wake up, you are going to be caged in my basement. That won’t change. Your cunt will be a giant gape. I plan on fisting you to my shoulder as you are passed out. It’s easy, your cunt offers no resistance. That pretty little ass of yours will be destroyed. That’s not going to change. Finally, when you wake up you will see the underside of this…. In my hands is my favorite rimseat. You will be locked under it, with your balls wired up. You will be my toilet, a full-service toilet. Your mouth will long for my shithole to worship. Fag that’s what you are, and that’s what you will be from now on. Ah-ha! There! Even with the drug kicking in full gear, I can see the look of terror and helplessness in your eyes. Good good. I would be too, knowing that this is your new life, until you are no longer of any use to me. Nighty night. I see you’re starting to drift off. When you wake up, I’ll have a hot meal waiting for you.”
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griffintail · 4 years
The True One
Summary: Reader learns the truth.
Pairings: Parental! Tommy x Teenage! F! Reader
Warnings: Mother Fluffing Angst. Death. Mentions of Exile. Swearing. 
Part 2
A/N: This is not canonical to Lost Ones! It has elements from the storyline but it’s not canon. And yes, I’m dying on the inside because of the stream. That’s why I wrote this.
Ps: (F/L) means first letter of your first name. I forgot to put this original.
        (Y/N) was thirteen when she first thought her father died.
        Dream wouldn’t let her stay with him. Tommy had to serve his punishment.
        But being told no was never in an Innit’s vocabulary. She snuck into his exile every day she could, avoiding the likes of Dream and going behind her Uncle Tubbo’s back, who had taken over her care.
        At first, everything was fine and Tommy always enjoyed her visits. Then something changed…
        She had begged anyone that would listen to go with her to her father’s exile. He had begun to worry her. All of her life, Tommy had told her to never trust Dream. He often cursed Dream’s name to the wind and his face and she often cursed his name in the wind with him. Now, he called Dream friend.
        No one came though, not even Tubbo, always claiming they were busy.
        She never relented though and tried to make her visits more frequent; unfortunately, being so desperate made her sloppy. Tubbo caught her sneaking into the Nether and followed her.
        This time though, he listened! He went with her, saying only because he was free and they were already here.
        She had rejoiced as she practically skipped down the path to Tommy’s. Stepping out of the portal, her heart dropped though. Logstedshire was smoking and in ruins.
        “Daddy!” (Y/N) screamed as she ran towards the dying embers of the fire.
        Tubbo was frozen by the edge of the path over, looking at the hastily built pole.
        “You wouldn’t Tommy,” Tubbo whispered. “Not with (Y/N) …”
        “Daddy!” She screamed again, tears in her eyes, snapping Tubbo out of his shock.
        Tears were in his own eyes. He had lost his best friend…
        “(Y/N),” Tubbo muttered to her, going over to her carefully.
        (Y/N)’s mind was racing. What had Dream done? Tommy couldn’t have done this. He wouldn’t leave her here…
        Dream did this, but it could have been stopped. He…
        Tubbo put a hand on her shoulder but she whipped away from him, glaring daggers at the older male. Tubbo was surprised, having never seen (Y/N) give anyone such a look.
        “You didn’t care.” She spat out venomously. “I TOLD ALL OF YOU! HE NEEDS YOU! I TOLD YOU!”
        “(Y/N), I—”
        “IT’S YOUR FAULT!” She shouted before running off into the woods.
        Tubbo had stood frozen, unable to process what happened before it was too late. He shouted (Y/N)’s name for hours in the woods but she had, had a good teacher. Tommy taught her everything he knew and while he wasn’t the stealthiest man, it was enough to hide from Tubbo.
        She stayed at the ruins of Logstedshire, unable to leave or accept her father was gone. He wouldn’t just leave her, he’d come back.
        That’s where Technoblade found her and she most certainly could hide as easily from him. But luckily, he didn’t take her back to L’Manberg, she brought her to the one thing that mattered.
        (Y/N) followed behind Techno quietly, intimidated by the man that told her to just be quiet and follow. They got to his base and he opened the door to the lower level before going down the ladder.
        “Tommy!” He called, making (Y/N) freeze from where she was watching him go down.
        “What do you want?” Tommy groaned, coming out from his base in the floor.
        (Y/N) grabbed the sides of the ladder and slid down. She hurt her feet at the bottom but didn’t care. Tommy was startled by the other person present before grinning widely.
        “Little (F/L)!” He threw open his arms. “Sorry I haven’t gone to see—Ooof!”
        He became winded as she slammed into him with a hug.
        He was back.
        Life went on again as (Y/N) went back to the belief; nothing could bring her father down on his last life.
        She was sixteen when the final battle occurred. She lived with Tommy once again in their old home.
        She woke up and stretched only for a note to fall off her chest. Frowning, she picked up and read her father’s handwriting before sprinting up.
        It was a possible final goodbye from Tommy and Tubbo.
        She had her sword and axe clipped on her belt as she was hastily putting her armor as she went out the door. She was at the Nether portal when said pair came out, Tommy’s arm around Tubbo’s shoulder grinning.
        “WHAT THE FUCK?!” (Y/N) screamed at her father and he winced.
        It took a lot to calm (Y/N) down that day…and the next.
        She had really become a lot like him in her sixteen years of life. She often spoke her mind and was not afraid to hold back. Her swordsmanship wasn’t half bad, having been taught by both Tubbo and Tommy. She, of course, also had a passion for rare discs as well. (Y/N) was her own person, but people often called her small Innit as she resembled her father so much.
        She was so much so like him, when she calmed down after the final battle for the discs, Tommy gave her a gift.
        “Here.” He smirked, holding out a (F/C) piece of fabric.
        “What’s this?” She questioned, taking it.
        “Your own bandana, I was going to get you a red one but, thought you should try to be your own woman.” He shrugged.
        She stared at it before hugging her father tightly, making the man laugh as he hugged her back.
        “Thanks, dad.”
        “Eh, you’re my kid, I kind of have to be nice to you.”
        She punched his shoulder before putting it on as Tommy laughed.
        She wore it every day with pride.
        She was visiting Tubbo when it happened.
        She didn’t need her father to survive, but he had “important business” and said he’d come to get her from Tubbo’s after to celebrate. At the time, she thought he was just improving the hotel.
        The day ended though and there was no sign of Tommy. She was worried but Tubbo assured her that Tommy could have lost track of time or his business took longer than he meant. She stayed the night in Snowchester and went home in the morning. When she got home…there was no Tommy.
        “Hey dad, you there?” She called on their channel.
        No answer.
        She shifted nervously, before going to the construction site. Sam Nook might have kept him busy.
        When she got there, Jack was putting up a large, cloth sign with hastily written words painted on it over the main sign.
        “Jack, what are you doing?” She frowned.
        Jack whipped around, before grinning. “I’m putting up my sign for my new hotel!”
        (Y/N) blinked once. Then twice.
        “What did you say bitch!” She shouted.
        Jack rolled his eyes as he came over, his hand twitching towards his axe. “I’m the last worker here. Tommy’s not going to be needing any more, so now it’s mine. So, get off my property.”
        (Y/N) had noticed his hand and watched him carefully as she put a hand on her sword handle.
        “What do you mean he’s not going to be needing it?”
        Jack grinned wickedly. “Tommy’s been thrown in jail.”
        What? No, he didn’t do anything!
        “You’re lying.”
        “No, he’s in there…”
        “Stop lying.”
        “And he’s not getting out…”
        “Stop lying!”
        “He’s done some pretty horrible things.”
        (Y/N)’s sword hit his as he reacted quickly in shock at the teen’s rage.
        “I said stop lying you fuck!”
        Jack’s eyes had darkened and he went to strike the girl when a new body went in front of (Y/N) and a shield blocked the attack.
        “Get off the property or I will have to dispose of you.” Sam Nook told him.
        “This is my—!” Jack started shouting.
        “This is my property!” (Y/N) shouted, sword at her side. “It’s the Big INNIT Hotel. As an Innit, I demand you leave.”
        Jack growled and left the property. Tommy was taken care of; it’d be her turn next.
        “Sam, where’s dad?” (Y/N) asked Sam Nook quietly.
        “I’m not sure. I’m sure he’ll be back soon though!” He tried to encourage her.
        “Yeah.” She muttered. “Keep Jack away ok? I’m going to…go see if anyone knows where he went.”
        “Ok. Be careful Miss (Y/N).”
        She nodded as she went home, taking deep breaths before going on the public channel.
        “Hey, does anyone know what Tommy was doing last?” (Y/N) asked, pacing the room.
        “He was visiting Dream last I heard,” Foolish answered her call.
        She stood frozen in the middle of the base. Tommy had gone and…
        “Did something happen when he came back?” Her voice was more frantic.
        “Not that I know of, yesterday was the last I heard from him.”
        (Y/N) felt her chest tighten as she remembered her fear when she was thirteen. The fear she felt when she read Tommy’s note. All the pain the two of them endured to try and finally now live happily. She needed to see Sam now.
        Just like she had a few months ago she scrambled to put on her gear and ran out the door towards the prison. The effects of the area tired her, made her feel weaker, but she didn’t care as she stood at the entrance.
        “Sam!” She called, knowing the man could hear her. “Sam! Answer me please! Sa—”
        “I figured you come.” Sam said stepping through the portal, hands behind his back. “(Y/N), I need you to leave.”
        “Where’s my dad?” She demanded.
        “There was a security breach when he was in the main cell. I can’t open it until I have it figured out.”
        “He’s…He’s in there with Dream?!” She shouted.
        “Yes, but Tommy’s tough he can…”
        “Daddy!” She screamed, going for the entrance but Sam took her arm to stop her.
        “(Y/N), I need you to leave until I have this figured out.”
        “No, while my dad is in there you stupid bastard! Let him out!”
        “I can’t open the cell—!”
        “I don’t give a flying fuck!” She roughly pushed him away and sprinted in before Sam could stop her. “Dad!”
        “(Y/N)!” Sam shouted as he followed after her.
        She went to run but Sam easily caught her, more used to the effects of the prison.
        “Let me go! I have to save him! Daddy! I’m going to save you this time!” She screamed into the building. “I won’t leave!”
        “You’re only prolonging how long he’s in here!” Sam told her. “I need you to leave so I can work (Y/N).”
        “I can’t leave him. I can’t lose him again. Please, Sam. He—That box and—Dream—and…” The teenager was in tears as she pleaded with the creeper hybrid.
        Sam sighed sadly. “I know. I know. I will fix this as soon as I can. Please, go home. I’ll fix this and get him out, I promise.”
        She couldn’t do anything, but she had to do one thing even in hopes he’d hear.
        “I LOVE YOU, DADDY!” She heard her voice echo. “I’LL MAKE SURE YOU GET OUT OK!”
        She couldn’t do anything more. Sam wouldn’t let her. Instead, she went to the hotel and stayed there as it was even just a few miles closer to where her father was trapped.
        For days, she didn’t leave the room, just staring out the window at the building looming in the distance. Sam Nook tried to get her to eat but she couldn’t. Tubbo had come to try and help her once but that didn’t help at all, only reminding her of before. Her mind couldn’t even think about doing something like that.
        All she could think about was her father.
        Sometimes, as she stared at the building, she sat on their channel on the walkie and just talked like he’d hear her. He had to hear her…
        She was sitting by the window when her door opened, Sam Nook looking at the ground as Sam stood tall behind him.
        “What are you doing? You need to be—” (Y/N) started, her voice strained as she stood up.
        “I’m sorry,” Sam muttered.
        “What? What do you mean? Why aren’t you looking into your security breach?” She asked.
        “I’m so sorry, I was too late,” Sam whispered.
        (Y/N) stood there, taking in his words. “What the hell are you talking about?”
        “I tried (Y/N) and I wish I could have…” He came in but she shook her head.
        “You’re fucking with me. You lying piece of shit, this isn’t funny.” She pointed at him, as she stepped back.
        “I’m not…”
        “You’re lying!” She shouted her throat hurting, but she took off her walkie.
        She needed to prove them wrong! But…
        Tommy Innit was slain by Dream
        “No. No. No. NO! IT’S WRONG!” She screamed to the wind. “IT’S WRONG! HE’S NOT GONE!”
        She collapsed crying, hugging the walkie close to her as Sam came over, hugging her tightly to him. Across the ocean, Tubbo was running for the nearest boat to get to the girl he considered a niece, but nothing would comfort her now.
        “DADDY!” She cried out, her bandana around her neck fluttering lightly as she cried at the true death of her father…
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andreafmn · 3 years
Running In Circles - Chapter 2
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Word Count: 2,663
Characters: Female Reader Rossi Character, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ”Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia
Story Description: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Criminal Minds, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and CBS Network. The only thing I own is Arden Rossi, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 2/?
Chapter Description: The team goes back to work as Aaron Hotchner considers retiring from the team and spend time with his son. (Y/n) can’t help but provide emotional support for the Hotchner boys.
A/N: I enjoy angst and slow burns way too much XD. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 2
Once it was over, the interviews came. We knew the story. We lived it. The case was open and shut. They could try and make us pint it all on Hotch, the easy way out, but we knew better. And we would stand next to our unit chief whatever the price.
Haley’s funeral was no easier than being at the scene. It was a somber day and the sadness was imprinted in us. We all walked with dropped shoulders and a tight chest. I stood between Derek and Reid, using Morgan as support because I felt that my legs would give out at any moment. My father stood behind me rubbing circles on my back to comfort me. As we laid the roses on top of the casket, we laid to rest the life of Haley, a woman I only knew through the loving words Hotch spoke of.
The group did not know what to do to help the heartbroken man. It would take time to heal even just the smallest bit of his heart. All we could hope for was that he would come back to the team.
At the worst possible moment, the phone rings. No other team available and someone in need, we had to go to work. We all rolled our eyes or shook our heads; this was the job. But would it be the same without him?
I went to Hotch before we left and gave him a hug.
“Call me if you guys need anything,” he said.
“Just take care of your son,” I smiled, and he softly returned one of his own. I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly and left to join the team.
On the plane, we were caught up with the case. We stored all our feelings and got the machines running. We needed to finish this quickly and perfectly.
Two women, both brunettes and young, high-powered executives, murdered in their own homes, the floor around them decorated with flower petals. After Emily and Derek visited the crime scene, we had another part of the puzzle, the unsub was stalking his victims. Everything just seemed so perfect and staged, there was no way he was not prepared.
I stayed with JJ in the station working on the announcement and trying to figure something else from the details provided and the crime scene photos, but JJ could see my head wasn’t in it completely for the first time.
“Hey,” she said, taking my attention from the piece of paper I had been eyeing for the past five minutes. “What’s on your mind? Talk to me.”
“Is it wrong that I feel bad for being here?” I sighed. “Working like nothing’s happened.”
“Of course not, we all feel a bit guilty,” she smiled. “I know you most of all.”
My eyes opened in shock.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N). Everyone knows you have a not-so-secret crush on Hotch,” she laughed. “The only one that can’t see it is him. And probably your dad. Parents can be quite oblivious to their children’s feelings in this way.”
My head flew into my hands to cover the embarrassment that was flooding my cheeks. It was one thing to assume the whole team knew, another was to have it confirmed.
“It’s okay, (Y/N), we’ll see what comes of it. What I can say is that you can’t let this stop you from doing your job.”
She smiled one last time and it was all I needed to push Aaron Hotchner to the back of my mind and bring the case forward.
“Find anything?” My father asked entering the small room at the police station, Reid following behind.
“Several people had access to each home,” I said rubbing my temple. “Housekeeper, gardener, pool cleaner, dog walker…”
“Each with their own key and an alibi to match,” JJ added, an annoyed tone rolling off her tongue.
“Any crossover?”
“None. We even vetted delivery people and utility workers.” I sighed.
“Garcia, do you have anything?” Reid said, sitting down.
“There’s no hits at the prints at all. But I did what Sir Derek there asked, and I created a paper trail,” Penny explained. “There’s no cross-over between the two victims themselves in the weeks leading up to their murders, but they did run in similar circles.”
Penelope continued to explain how both victims lived quite a lavish and high-class lifestyle as Emily and Derek joined us. We figured this man would fit right in this crowd. Educated, intelligent, a gentleman. What we had yet to pinpoint was how the unsub entered the homes with no signs of forced entry. It was clear we were not going to make any headway tonight and Derek knew it too. So, he decided we should be done for the day and we would come back tomorrow well-rested and with fresh eyes.
That night I laid in the bed of my hotel room staring at the ceiling. All I could think of was Hotch and everything he was going through. I could only imagine.
And as if by fate, my phone rang. Aaron Hotchner.
“Oh,” Hotch said surprised. “Did I wake you?”
“No, I haven’t been able to sleep.”
“How come?”
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I guess I’m just worried about you.”
He chuckled softly. “You really shouldn’t.”
“But I do, Hotch.”
He stayed silent, only his slow breathing was heard through the phone.
“Did I fail her?” He asked after some minutes of comfortable silence.
“Absolutely not.”
“I promised her that I would catch Foyet and spend the rest of my life making it up to her.”
“And you still can.”
“But” he exhaled loudly. “How?”
“By being the best father you can be to Jack and continue living your life in the best way you can.”
“You know, Dave told me that I had to figure out what kind of father I wanted to be and then I’d know what to do. But I have no idea what that is.”
“I’m serious,” he interrupted. “I don’t know what kind of father I am. I catch killers. I save lives. I’m a hero until my key hits the front door, and then I’m just the father who’s never there. Haley was raising Jack all by herself and that was my support blanket. I was able to do my job because I knew he was cared for by another parent. A better parent.”
He sobbed softly as the last words escaped his mouth.
“I’m going to stop you right there,” I said, trying my best not to sound angry. “To that little boy, you are the only real hero that exists. He knows that when you’re not home it’s because you’re out here catching the bad guys like Foyet and making the world better for his sake. He knows that everything you do is out of love for him.
You know, when I was little my dad was absent quite a lot because of this job, but there was one thing that I knew for sure, that he loved me more than anything and that he worked better and faster because he wanted to come back home to me. And never ever have I resented him for leaving and catching the bad guys. He’s the reason I became an FBI agent.
You are an amazing father and anything you choose will be the right thing for Jack.”
After a minute of sobs, Hotch started to calm down.
“Thank you, (Y/N). You have no idea how much I needed that right now,” he cleared his throat. “How’s the case going?”
“Nope,” I laughed. “Not going to talk about the case.”
“Really?” He chuckled.
“Yes, Hotch. Take a breather. You deserve it.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, and I could hear his smile through the phone.
We had been talking for about an hour when I heard him yawn.
“Seems you’re getting sleepy there, Hotchner.” I laughed. “We should both get some rest. If it’s 3 am over here it must be 2 am in Washington. So, good night and see you soon.”
“Good night, (Y/N). Again, thank you. Sweet dreams.” And he hung up.
And finally, I drifted to sleep.
The next morning, we were up and ready for business.
“We believe our unsub is already with his next victim,” my father started. “If he matches the patter, she’ll be a successful woman, probably brunette, early 30s to mid-40s. She’ll be at home in Nashville’s upper echelon.”
“This means that he fits in,” I explained. “He drives the right car, he wears the right clothes, he’s highly intelligent. He probably comes from a place of status.”
“This guy’s sociable and he’s endearing,” said Morgan. “You would never suspect that this man is capable of murder. But he will do whatever it takes to protect the fantasy that he’s trying to relive.”
“It’s this fantasy which fuels his drive. He’s reliving a romantic evening and recreating it with each of his victims.”
“He most likely had a relationship taken away from him,” Derek crossed his arms. “So, look at men who have lost loved ones or have gone through a messy divorce.”
After finishing with the profile, we set out to establishments that fit the criteria to possibly get a suspect. As we worked, we got a call. Another crime scene, but this one was different.
A male victim. Overkill on the female. Something made him change his M.O.
Out in the garage, Reid and I looked for any sort of clues and I noticed his sight direct to the car. There may be another way we could connect the victims and how the unsub made their way into their homes.
Finally, Garcia had something with the hunch Spencer had figured. She overlaid all the geographical routes the victims had taken against the geo profile to show what we were missing with any paper trail. Although it was not a clear answer, Erika Silverman was the only one that did not fit the extravagant lifestyle and she only went and came from her work or her home. Except on Tuesday, where she went to the Botanical Gardens, what was she doing there? JJ, Reid, and I left for the gardens to find out.
And just as we had suspected, there had been an event to which Erika had attended. And a puzzle piece revealed itself.
“An event up here would be a hard sell for women in heels,” JJ commented.
“Well, most of our private events hire valets to drive the cars down to the base of the park so they don’t have to hike it up the hill.”
“Who had access to your keys but goes unseen?” Reid asked.
“And to your GPS,” I added.
“Dealerships program your home address into the navigation system before your car even leaves the lot.”
“He had turn-by-turn directions straight to her front door and the keys to get him inside,” I pointed.
We now had how he got his victims and how he entered their house without force. Now, all we had to do was pinpoint his next victim and see who he was.
JJ was instructed to get dad and Prentiss to pick up the owner of the valet service used in the event, and Derek, Reid, and I stayed behind to canvass the employees. We could catch this guy in action unless he had already gotten his next victim.
Joe Belser. That was our unsub. With the profile, the owner was able to point out the suspect quickly. And off we were.
JJ, Reid, and I headed to the venue and the rest of the team went to Belser’s house. He wasn’t in the apartment, but they had found the meaning behind the roses and universal garage door openers. In the venue, Reid called Garcia to see which of the VIP guests could be the next potential victim.
Ann Herron was the next victim, and he was already at her house.
“FBI! PUT IT DOWN!” Derek screamed, blinding Joe with his flashlight. I walked in from behind Derek and kneed Belser’s stomach. He fell to the ground groaning and Emily grabbed the man by the throat to immobilize him.
“Fantasy’s over,” she spat. “Is that what you did to them? You hit them to shut them up and then forced them to play along with your sick delusion?”
 “I love them,” Joe said sinisterly.
“You’re finally gonna meet your soulmate, Joe,” I added from behind Prentiss. “In prison.”
“Only you’re not gonna be able to push him around like you did those women,” Emily continued. “And when he comes for you in the middle of the night, when you’re least expecting it, you do me a favor. Play along.” 
She stood the man up forcibly and put him in handcuffs and I went outside to check on the victim.
“How is she?” Derek asked walking out of the house with my father.
“She’s strong,” I said closing the ambulance door. “She’ll make it. But you don’t survive something like that without scars.”
“Scars remind us where we’ve been,” my father commented. “They don’t have to dictate where we’re going.”
He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head as we walked back to the SUVs, finally on our way home.
The next day, I called up my dad so he would accompany me to Haley’s grave. Something told me I had to go. At the cemetery, I saw what the pull was. Sitting in front of the headstone less grave was Hotch. I walked up to him first, my father close behind. Hotch lifted his head and stared into my eyes, sitting up slightly.
“I had a feeling I’d find you here,” I spoke softly. “Have you told her yet?”
“Told her what?” He mused.
“That you’re coming back to the team,” my father joined his left side. Hotch looked at him. “That fighting the bad guys is who you are.”
Hotch lowered his head and shook it. “I don’t have to tell her. She already knows.”
I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly and gave him a soft smile. My father did the same and walked to my side, so we’d retreat, giving Hotch some space.
“So, do you want me to drive you back to your house?” My father asked.
“No,” I smiled. “I’m gonna stay with Hotch for a bit and then I’ll go home.”
“Okay, darling.” He kisses the top of my head. “I’ll pick you up on Monday then. Ciao, Mia Bella.”
“Bye, dad.”
Once my dad left, I sat down on a bench and waited for Hotch.
“(Y/N), you’re still here?” Hotch questioned with a smile on his face.
“Yeah, thought you might want some company.”
“Truthfully,” he chuckled. “I do. Thank you.”
“How about this, we pick up Jack, you guys come over and I crack open a present I had for Jack.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he motioned me to his car. “Let’s go.”
We drove quietly to his apartment, only the low volume of the radio and the sound of our breathing could be heard. It didn’t take long to arrive at the complex, where he opened the car door for me and led me upstairs. Inside apartment #121, was Jessica Brooks, Haley’s sister, and Jack playing a card game.
“(Y/N)!” Jack screamed as soon as I walked through the door, running to give me a hug.
“Hey, buddy!” I hugged back.
“Hotch, you’re back,” she exclaimed. “Good to see you again, (Y/N).”
“Good to see you, too,” I smiled. “How you holding up?”
“As good as I can be.” She answered as she began to gather her things. “Well, I’ll see you soon. Bye, little guy.”
“Bye, Aunt Jessica.”
“Bye, guys.” She said as she left.
“Hey, little man,” I directed to Jack. “I’ve got an idea.”
“What is it?”
“How about you to pack a go-bag and you and dad come over so we can open a present I have for you?”
“Yes!” He exclaimed as he sped off to his room to pack.
“I think you should go help him,” I smiled at Hotch. “If I have any memory of being a kid, they’re not very good at packing.”
“Yeah,” he grinned. “Maybe I should.”
I waited for both father and son to pack for the night asking myself why I was putting myself in this position. Growing closer to a man I had a 0% chance with. But I couldn’t help it. All in all, he was my friend, and he needed all the support he could get.
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A/N: if you wish to be tagged for the next parts, please let me know. I’d be happy to. <3
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onebatch2batch · 3 years
Heyo, dialogue prompts: 14 or 30? 😊
HI THIS WAS FROM FOREVER AGO BUUUUUT that's my m.o. so here we are. Hope you like it!!
And no, I'm never going to stop writing different versions of Frank and Karen getting together, you can't make me :)
14. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
Frank can practically hear David scheming, and he’s proven right when an anthropomorphic mop of hair bends into his line of sight and he says, “Hey, remember in the bunker, when we were still on the run?”
They’re both standing in David’s front yard. Frank’s van is in need of an oil change and a replacement filter and since he’s not keen on anyone else working on his getaway vehicle, he called up David to request use of his paved, suburban driveway. It’s been a few weeks since he’s managed to get over here, and David had instantly agreed on the condition that Frank stay for dinner. It’s a beautiful summer day, even if it’s a little hot, and he’s feeling a little off-kilter from the sounds of children playing all around. It’s so painfully normal that for a moment he’d regretted asking, and then David had offered him a drink. The taller computer genius doesn’t know shit about cars, so he’s alternating between fetching more beers and talking Frank’s ear off. It’s been about an hour now, and Frank has slowly relaxed into the background noise.
“Yeah,” Frank responds dryly around the flashlight between his teeth. He’s elbow deep in grease and not really interested in where this line of questioning is going to go, but David has other ideas.
“Uh huh. You know, when you got yourself on the news after that kid held Karen hostage?”
If Frank is affected by the name, all David notices is a sharp glance. “Yeah.”
“And how you freaked out and begged for my help and said she was family?”
Frank straightens and sets the flashlight down on the bumper of the car. “You got a point, Lieberman? I’m busy.”
“Yeah, I have a point. Was that all just bullshit, or what?”
They stare at each other. Frank’s jaw ticks.
“Thought so.”
“No, what?”
“Well you made this huge declaration and then almost got yourself killed trying to rescue her so--”
“God damn it, Lieberman, you’re never going to let that go, are you--”
David shakes his head, exasperated. “I mean, we haven’t even gotten to meet her yet and it’s been six months since Madini used her government wiles to give you a new identity--”
Frank scowls. “It’s none of your--”
The other man cuts him off quickly, hands up. To Frank’s immense displeasure, the other man looks less cowed and more placating. “I’m just saying, invite her to dinner next week. What harm is there? Maybe something good might happen to you for once, god forbid.” His friend stares him down, using every couple of inches of height to try and look intimidating. Of course it doesn’t work, but Frank is too busy thinking about having a family dinner with Karen, with his friends, like a normal person. Like a couple. He realizes too slow that David is leering at him, pleased.
“David, shut the hell up.”
“You’re blushing. Is that a yes? I’ll tell Sarah.”
Karen doesn’t question it when Frank calls her up after half a year of radio silence. She asks if it's a casual dress dinner and what kind of wine to bring, and then announces she’s got to go and she’ll see him Friday at six sharp.
He doesn’t know if that’s better or worse than her just telling him to shove it.
Friday creeps up on him, and by the time he parks outside of her apartment it hasn’t really sunk in that he’s about to take Karen Page to a domestic dinner in the suburbs. Because it’s definitely not a date, even though it kind of is. It’s the stuff he used to do with Maria and the kids all the time when he was on leave; double dates and cook outs and all that crap. He’s rusty as hell and usually shit company, but they keep asking him back. And now, he’s throwing Karen into the mix.
It’s a feeling similar to being shot in the head and waking up in a hospital room. Disorienting and uncomfortable as hell.
He picks her up in the van, leaning against the side of it as he waits. The Lieberman’s neighborhood is outside the city, about a twenty minute drive. It’s going to give them plenty of time to talk, and he’d barely restrained himself from looking up conversation starters online before leaving his place. He doubts there’s any suggestions for a vigilante-cum-construction worker who’s picking up a date he’s spoken a handful of words to for the first time in six months. He’s just considering cancelling the whole thing when the door to her building opens and she steps out.
He’s seen Karen a lot of ways. He’s seen her in pencil skirts and heels and blouses, in tshirt and jeans, bruised and bloody. He’s never seen her in a sundress with her pinked shoulders bare to the world and strappy sandals on her feet. Her hair is in a long braid over her shoulder. She looks fucking resplendant. Absolutely divine. Fucking poetry in motion.
He’s fucked.
“Hi,” she greets, coming to a stop in front of him. She’s got a bottle of wine in her hands. Her eyes punch little, individual question marks into his skin when she searches his face.
“Hey.” He inhales, bracing for her reaction. His throat closes up when he gets a whiff of her perfume. So familiar from the handful of times he’s been close enough to smell it--something soft and floral, something that makes his head swim. He thinks back to that moment so many months ago, swaying together in the elevator, her skin against his, her perfume subtle under the metallic tang of blood.
Karen doesn’t immediately go for interrogating him. She only lifts the bottle in her hand. “I brought a white, is that okay?”
Wary relief loosens the knot at the top of his spine. He nods, pushing off the car to open her door. “Sure.”
When Karen climbs in, carefully arranging her skirt around her, the dark interior contrasting with the soft yellow of her dress, Frank thinks about a conversation with Curtis all those months ago. Wonders when the kick is coming.
They spend the first ten minutes looking out separate windows and listening to the radio. After that, Karen starts talking like she’s made her mind up about the evening is going to go. She asks him how he’s been, if he’s gotten a job, how Dinah is, what the Liebermans are like. Nothing is accusatory. They could be old friends passing one another on the street, the way she’s talking. Almost like she’s talking to a scared dog. Coaxing it out of a corner.
Guess he deserves that.
By the time he pulls onto the appropriate street, it almost feels normal. They’ve fallen into a familiar back and forth that’s easy to keep up with, and when he opens her door she gives him a small grateful smile, accepting his hand on the way down.
He’s not disappointed when she lets go to straighten the fabric of her dress. He’s not.
As always, the Lieberman household is an explosion of domesticity. There’s shoes on the stairs, a sweet smelling candle burning on the coffee table, toys and books strewn over the floor. Pictures line the walls. When Frank knocks on the door, Zach opens it like he’s been waiting for them.
“ Hi, Pete!” he greets excitedly, and then his eyes land on Karen. “Who’s that?”
“Hello, I’m Karen Page.” She crouches down to look him in the eye and smiles. “You must be Zach, right?”
He flushes, twisting his fingers nervously. “Yeah. Are you Pete’s girlfriend?”
They’re saved from answering by a sudden, high pitched shriek. “Frank!!”
Karen manages to stand out of the way just in time for Leo to come barrelling down the stairs directly into Frank, hugging him tightly around the middle.
“Frank, Dad says you were here Saturday but you were gone before I left Ann’s house!!” she pulls away and waves a book at him. “I’m reading the book you told me about!”
He grins down at her. “I waited around for ya, but your mom said you wouldn’t be home until later. How’s the book, huh?”
She scrunches her nose. “I don’t know yet. I’ll let you know. Are you Karen?”
Karen laughs. “I sure am. Leo, right?”
“That’s me. Come on, my mom is in the kitchen.” She nudges Zach and then four of them head into the other room. Sarah Lieberman is standing behind the kitchen counter, chopping up a head of lettuce. When they walk in, she beams at them.
“Hey guys, welcome! Hang on, let me finish this. Pete, David’s out in the garage trying to fix the sprinklers. Can you--?”
Frank rolls his eyes. “Say no more.”
He lifts his brows at Karen, but she gives him a jerk of her head. Frank huffs and stalks off after kissing Sarah on the cheek, Leo trailing after him talking about sprinkler systems and tools. Zach joins his mother behind the counter and peers at Karen curiously. She sets the bottle of wine down.
“So Karen!” Sarah exclaims, dumping the lettuce into a bowl. “Let’s get you a glass of wine and chat. How’s that sound?”
They end up on the patio furniture. After completing the salad and sides, Sarah turns on the grill and then ushers them to the corner of the patio, refilling their glasses.
“So,” she starts, and peers at Karen over the rim of her glass. “I’m going to be forward, but I get the feeling you’ll appreciate that. What’s the deal with you and Pete? Sorry--habit. Frank.”
Karen could have guessed this was coming, even if she expected a little more subtlety. And Sarah’s right, she appreciates the bluntness. It gives her a chance to answer in kind.
“I don’t know.” She runs a finger over the rim of her glass, frowning. “I haven’t--we haven’t spoken in...a while. Six months, actually. And the last time I saw him..well, it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I thought I scared him off, actually.”
“How so?”
And the story falls out of her mouth, in pieces. She hasn’t spoken to anyone about Frank, about her feelings for him--the good or bad--or about that afternoon in the hospital. “--and I thought...I thought maybe he would finally kiss me.” She runs a hand through her hair, frustrated. “And then he pulled that I’m not a hero bullshit and that’s the last I saw of him. Until he called this week.”
Sarah rolls her eyes. “That sounds like him. Honey, did you know when we first met he was gathering information on David?”
“Ah, yes. I was the one who found David for him.” She grimaces. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be! We’re lucky he came looking. Without him…” she shrugs. “I would still be a widow. And my kids still wouldn’t have their father. I’m just trying to say he may do things backwards, but he ends up doing things for the right reasons. Even if it takes him time to figure that out.”
Dinner goes well. Dinner goes really, really well. Not that Frank was worried--there isn’t a person alive who can sit down with Karen Page and at the very least admire her. The Liebermans fall in love with her immediately. The kids demand that she stay for a board game after dinner. Leo brags about her science project. Zach shyly asks if Karen likes football. Sarah drills her with questions about her job. David keeps her laughing while stupid jokes and send Frank knowing glances throughout dinner that makes Frank want to throw peas at him.
Karen is charming, sweet, and great with the kids. She gets along with David and Sarah, and sends him warm, unsure smiles until dessert.
They play Apples to Apples, and the kids decimate. Karen is a close third. Frank loses terribly, but he’s still busy ruminating over the warm feeling in his chest at the cacophony of noise that surrounds him as everyone submits to another peal of laughter to notice.
“Frank,” Leo says innocently once they’ve put the board game away and Sarah has told the kids it’s time for bed. She stands in the doorway to the kitchen and looks at him sternly, hands on her hips. “Please bring Karen around more. It’s not fair that you get to hog her and we’ve just met.”
“Leo, that’s Miss Page to you.” Sarah tries for sharpness but ends up laughing. “Off to bed. Don’t forget to brush your teeth.”
“Bye Miss Page!” the kids chorus, and then it’s just the adults.
“Great kids,” Karen laughs. “Smart, too. You’re in trouble.”
Sarah sighs and pats her husband’s cheek fondly. “Yeah, we know. Somehow both of them got his brain.”
David chuckles, turns quickly to press a kiss to his wife’s palm. “At least they didn’t get my hair,” he jokes.
Karen sneaks a glance at Frank, then quickly looks away. He catches it, just briefly, as does David.
“Sarah, we should probably make sure the kids are actually brushing their teeth. I’ll tackle Leo if you tackle Zach, tag team it? We’ll be right back, guys.”
It’s quiet in the kitchen after that. Karen takes a sip of her wine and taps her fingers. There’s something on her mind, he can tell. When she doesn’t say anything he leans forward to capture her gaze. “What is it?”
“Why now, Frank?” Karen asks.
The conversation he’s been dreading. A feeling of shame bubbles up so suddenly it nearly knocks him off his chair. He scratches his neck for no reason other than to expel the nervous energy building in him.
“I didn’t want to…” There’s no use pretending like they’re talking about something else, not when she’s staring at him like that. Like she's been waiting all night for this conversation while he’s been tricking himself into thinking it may not happen. His finger dances restlessly on the table top. “I didn’t want to get you sucked back in.”
“Into what?” She arches a brow. “You?”
“Me. My life. My goddamn baggage. I know you deserve better than me.” He clears his throat. “So I wanted you to have a chance to live your life without my ghosts hanging around.”
“Frank Castle,” Karen sighs, exasperated, “please don’t tell me you’re making decisions for me. And that still doesn’t answer my question--why now?”
His expression tightens. “C’mon Karen. I’m just tryin’ to keep you safe--”
“How many times do I have to tell you--”
“As many as it ta--”
“Frank--” David steps into the kitchen, Sarah in tow. They pause, looking between the two people seated at the table awkwardly. “Oh, are we interrupting something?”
“No, David. Thank you both for tonight. I think I should be going.” Karen stands and looks at Frank. “I have loved you for two years, Frank. No amount of avoiding me or trying to protect me is going to change that. Excuse me.”
And then she walks away.
He catches up to her just down the street. As soon as he sees that familiar head of blond hair he pulls the van over and hops out, jogging to catch up. Karen glances at him and then pauses, as if waiting for something.
“Let me drive you home,” he asks. “Please.”
He doesn’t take her home straight away; she doesn’t ask. Frank drives until he finds a spot overlooking the water. The heat has finally broken and a cool breeze comes in through the open window, stirring Karen’s hair. He shuts off the engine. They sit in silence while he tries to decide what to say.
“I guess I should start by apologizing,” he says finally, tapping the steering wheel. He’s past nervous, he just wants to fix his own screw up. “I’m sorry, Karen. I don’t want to make any decisions for you. I should have--I should have talked to you about it. I should have started this conversation a long time ago.”
“So, start it.” She’s watching him, waiting. There’s a tense expression on her face--like she’s either trying not to cry, or trying not to smile. Or tell him off. He’s not sure which, yet.
Frank clears his throat. “Okay. Uh. I’m not gonna make excuses, I’m just gonna tell you what I know. I know that I have done some shit, and I’m going to continue doing that shit. I’m not ever gonna be normal. I know that you’re smart as hell, and you check me, and you’re a fucking force of nature. I know that I have been telling myself that you deserve more than some--fuckin’ vigilante who wakes up to nightmares more than he doesn’t. I know you deserve to be safe and happy. You deserve more than I can give you. But uh,” he takes her hand cautiously, waits for her to pull away, relaxes when she doesn’t, “...I wanna try.”
“You gotta mean it, Frank,” she says, voice watery. “You better fucking mean it.”
“I mean it. I swear to Christ, I mean it.”
She pulls her hand away and for a millisecond, he thinks he’s said something wrong. Then she’s unbuckling her seat belt and clamoring over the armrest into his lap. It’s not the most majestic first kiss he’s ever had (of which there are few) but her breath is hot on his lips and her fingernails scrape gently over his scalp as if entreating him closer. Frank makes a low groan that he hasn’t heard from himself in a long time--too long--and then Karen shifts and his breath catches in his throat. The heat of her, all wrapped up in his arms, her hair falling over one shoulder as she peppers his mouth, his cheeks, his jaw with the tiniest of kisses.
He could have ruined this without even knowing. He almost ruined it before it even happened.
“I do want you, you know,” Karen murmurs against the skin of his jaw, fingers grasping his shirt. “All of you.”
“I know.”
“Does that scare you?”
He pushes gently until he can look her in the eyes. “A little,” he admits. “I don’t wanna fuck this up.”
“You’re doing okay so far,” she says, smiling. “Now that you’ve pulled your self-deprecating head out of your ass.”
“Took me long enough.” He cradles the back of her head in one hand, drawing her closer until their lips meet again. They’re both uncomfortable at the weird angle but it’s not until the horn beeps once, gaining the attention of a woman walking her dog, that Karen reluctantly returns to her seat.
They work to catch their breaths, watching the water.
“The Liebermans aren’t upset I left so--...abruptly, right?”
“Nah,” Frank chuckles, grasping her hand. He finds an indescribable amount of comfort in brushing his thumb over the ridges over her knuckles. “Actually, I think they like you better for it. Sarah almost chased me out of the house with a goddamn spatula.”
“I knew I liked her. Take me home? I’ll make coffee.”
“It’s a date.”
Frank’s phone lights up that night. If he were to reach an arm over and hold it up to see, David’s text would read, WELL?? Did you get the girl, Lloyd Dobler?
But he doesn’t. He tugs Karen closer and goes back to sleep.
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claybefree · 3 years
Seeing as it's the twentieth anniversary, I guess I should post this again
September Third, Two Thousand and Nine
For years whenever anyone asked me when my son Henry was born I’d start to say September instead of August 25, 2001. Sunday he had his eighth birthday party at his mother’s house, and I stayed here. Most of his mother’s friends don’t care for me much. The feeling is mutual. Tonight coming home from work I started stitching what I’m about to write together in my mind and suddenly got very afraid. I thought for a moment that I was about to go get drunk, which might very likely be death for somebody like me. I was sure I was going to change direction of the truck, that I’d drive the same route I always did back then, that I would stand by the register and stare at the bottle in my hand without really knowing I where I was. I think it has to do with the weather finally changing and perhaps that Henry’s mom and I are no longer together. I sat on the porch of my little house and called a friend and told him all this. He listened and after a while I felt better, which is exactly how these things should go. When we decided we were done he told me I should go in and write all this down.
I worked on through that whole day. Most everybody else on the job had stopped and listened to each of the radios on the different floors or cried. The asshole Turks I was framing a bathroom for wouldn’t let me quit. They had tile to run. I found it made me feel better to keep going anyway. The laborers cussed me when I asked them to move so that I could use the table saw, a natural gathering spot on any job. They seemed to think I was calloused or hard-hearted and it was because I was from Tennessee. It just now occurred to me that maybe they were right.
That afternoon, when it was determined safe to walk across the bridges, most of the job, the other carpenters and trades-people, wandered home to Brooklyn or Queens. Me and the two left to close everything up had it different as we lived in Jersey. Anthony, the boss, was big and red-haired, red faced and lived in Hoboken. Duane was in charge of demolition and waste, was a little shorter and darker, and lived in Secaucus or maybe somewhere west of that I think. They squared off on each other frequently. It always reminded me of two walruses going at it on a beach.
Whenever we went out to the bar afterwards Anthony would have a Bud tall boy in each hand at all times, the waitress would come up with four for him whenever we sat down. On the job we liked to yell at each other, I once told him I was doing him a favor by giving him such an easy target, and he never missed an occasion to oblige me. Duane was a single dad, dark haired with deep sunken yet kind eyes that always seemed to have bags under them. One of the black laborers told him once he was the most Uncle Fester looking motherfucker he had ever seen. I tended to agree.
We locked the job up at four I think, humped it across the park through the smoke to the A-train. There was smoke forming a mist around the trees of central park that day. There were no flower children loitering at Yoko’s “Imagine” monument to barge through. Our thinking was to get downtown to the Path train. We had no idea that two of the stations had been destroyed. It didn’t matter, we were underground fifteen minutes before Anthony vetoed the idea. People were running wild through the stations, on the trains, everything was panic and Oh Fuck and Anthony had no intention of being underground. He had a funny look on his face that I couldn’t figure out. It wouldn't occur to me until later that the big man was very afraid.
In the years since I have always wondered why people have reacted so strongly from that day. Later we would go to war because of a something that happened one day in New York City and this has always seemed really strange to me. I guess what I mean is that I was there and never wanted to kill anybody because of it. Most of the time I just thought it was very strange and sad and mostly just very interesting. I only remember ever crying about it twice. The first time was a few months afterward, I had quit Anthony to stay home with Henry. Part of our routine was to watch Sesame Street. One day in the winter there was a skit where Elmo got very scared because of some smoke and noise that was never identified. I suppose in this case it was a nameless fear. A New York City fireman came on screen and hugged him, told him it was okay to be scared, Elmo, and that everything would be alright. I remember little red furry Elmo hugged the fireman tight. I held Henry in my lap and cried into his fine blonde hair.
It was the fireman that did it. I still get upset when I think about the firemen. I have had a lot of trouble with cops in different times in my life, but I never had a problem with any fireman I ever encountered, drunk or otherwise. They seem to me to be a different animal entirely.
Anthony, Duane and me ran into two firemen on the deck of the cruise boat that carried us across to Weehawken. They came in and collapsed on the painted metal floor, shedding boots and letting their helmets roll away. Some people applauded weakly, others asked questions, they just stared at us and said nothing. It didn’t occur to me until much later they were probably the only ones from their station who lived. Other men that for years they worked with, ate and fought with, got drunk with were dead. There was a bar I frequented in Jersey City a few blocks from our house where a couple of weeks later I saw three firemen in dress uniforms. One was between his partner on a stool and the third who was older and may have been a captain. The captain was clearly upset, swaggering and poking the other two in the chest. Everybody else was trying hard not to pay attention to what seemed about to develop into a fight. I think later I saw the old man leaning against the bar and weeping openly, he must have been sixty at least.
I got drunk in this bar Sept. 10th while my wife and kid slept back home. She’d start nursing and pass out with him and I’d head out to roam. The thing I liked about this place was the Sinatra on the jukebox, so that night I loaded it up and sat at the bar listening. I think it was the first time I’d ever heard “Summer Wind.” The tattooed brunette tending bar must have thought it was cute because she serenaded me, singing along with a couple of the songs. There was another man with a mustache further down the line who was putting the blast on her and didn’t seem to like me much so I got the fuck out early. By “early” I mean I didn’t close the place.
I won’t tell you what we saw on the boat ride across the Hudson, you’ve seen it already. We unloaded at Weehawken and everyone, thousands of high end refugees really, started walking south towards Hoboken where we had been told there were buses waiting to take us home. I noticed that even wearing boots, the three of us walked faster than the others. We were construction workers living and working around Manhattan and we were very good at walking. I remember being comforted by walking with them. Hundreds of buses lined the streets of Hoboken and the three of us walked the length of that town. Anthony broke off about halfway to head home. A couple of weeks later I showed up having laid out drunk for two days and told him I had come for my tools. He looked at me and didn’t say a word. He mailed me my check. I haven’t seen the man since.
Duane and me trudged the rest of Hoboken together. I heard that not soon after I left he was let go to cut costs and that not long after that he got into a bad time with a prostitute on rt. 1 & 9. The smoke in Hoboken was thicker than in the city and the fumes from streets filled with idling buses finally got my hangover to officially kick in. I told Duane about how I’d had “Summer Wind” playing as background music in my head all day. He laughed and began singing the song, each line perfectly. We got through the crowd easily, after hours of walking together we had finally hit a stride together. We were marching, really. There was the giant blue sky of the day broken intermittently by smoke and there was the roar of diesel noise and Hoboken and Duane singing Summer Wind to me; some punk kid from Tennessee who had no business being there.
The only other incident I remember having to cry because of some assholes who decided to fly planes into tall buildings was coming across the Manhattan bridge one night after carrying my sister-in-law home to Park Slope. She would come over most nights to hang out with the baby, and around eleven or so and in various states of sobriety I’d be asked to drive her back home. I never hated the terrorists for invoking a War of Terror, I hated them for causing enough terror that it fucked the roads up. Shit got closed for what seemed no fucking reason whatsoever. One day coming back from the pediatrician’s office, Henry got stuck howling in his car seat for four hours because the Holland Tunnel was handling too much traffic and we were too afraid to take him out of it because of the cops everywhere. My sister-in-law and I spent a lot of time in the Saturn together on the nights I drove her home. I can’t remember what we talked about, probably everything. I haven't spoken to my sister-in-law since I moved out last summer.
This particular night the Brooklyn Bridge was only operating east-bound into Brooklyn so after I dropped her off I was diverted back across the Manhattan Bridge in order to get back into the city and eventually home. The Manhattan Bridge back then was still under renovation and I guess has always been the ugly, cross-eyed cousin of the Brooklyn Bridge. I got stuck on it, moving slower than shit, and staring at trash and old faded plywood encasing the little bit of wrought iron and Neo-Classical elements that were left up by the arch. Off to the left t seemed as though the entirety of Downtown was illuminated from the work lights that were set up down by Ground Zero. Downtown glowed with lights that were set up to look for people that weren’t there anymore. The DJ on WFMU that night was playing a super slowed down cover of the B-52’s Song for a Future Generation. If you’ve heard it, you’ve probably laughed, it’s a ridiculously chirpy pop song. I’ve always loved it. The lyrics go a little like this:
Wanna be the ruler of the galaxy
Wanna be the king of the universe
Let`s meet and have a baby now
In between each stanza, the different members give spoken-word tidbits of information about themselves. For example Ricky, the original guitarist, was a Pisces and “loved computers and hot tamales.“ Ricky also died from AIDS back in 1985 when people still had no idea what the disease was.
The version I heard that night had slowed the tempo to that of a blues song. The dip-shit ironic hipster that sang it reflected this. Stuck on the bridge it felt as though I was listening to a lament. What reduced me to tears, smoking Winstons in my little Saturn station wagon, was the feeling that whatever was left of innocence had recently been or was about to be brutally murdered by pig-face, ignorant men. Wanna be the first lady of infinity. Wanna be the nicest guy on earth. Let's meet and have a baby now.
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cashmeremars · 4 years
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 || 𝐚.𝐚
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: archie andrews x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: reader gets attacked at Fred’s construction site and is severely hurt
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, violence (you literally get jumped so..), fluff, set in season 1
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.3k+
𝐚/𝐧: the way this was requested in 2017 oof 
Tumblr media
The crackling of the fireplace was subtle as the mellow flames dimly lit the room. The stars outside were almost completely visible through the slightly frosted windows of the warm building. Soft music played in the background as the sound of gentle chattering fluttered throughout the room. Off in their own corner of the room was a young couple exchanging whispers and gazes to one another. Anybody could tell they were in love with one another as their hearts melted like chocolate under the sun.
“Hey, thanks for helping out today. It really helped in moving things along. I think my dad likes you more than me now.” Archie laughed softly as he held your hand in his. Archie looked across the small brown table as he stared lovingly into your eyes. Two cups of warm coffee sat between the two as Archie wrapped your fingers around his.
“Thank you, Archie. You know I’d do anything to help you and your family out.” you smiled, steam blowing lightly away from your face as you spoke. You smiled up at Archie when he started to rub your fingers with his.
“I’m just glad it took a lot less time than it usually does. Things have gotten so stressful this year and it’s nice to have another pair of hands helping, especially if it means I get to spend more time with you” Archie spoke with a small smile. You felt your heart flutter lightly at the words. 
“Easy win-win for you then. It’s getting pretty late isn’t it?” You asked as you turned to look at the old clock hanging on the wall
“Yeah. Do you wanna get a ride or something? I can drive you back to my house or you can stay at my place tonight?” Archie spoke
“Archie, I live like 3 seconds away from you, and I have my own car” 
“Sorry, I guess I was being a bit of a clingy boyfriend” Archie nodded his head downwards with an awkward chuckle and what seemed to be a light blush.
“Don’t apologize. It’s cute that you care so much for me” you smiled as you got up and grabbed your things. As you were about to walk away, you felt a slight tug on your arm that forced you to avert your attention towards the boy
“Hey, be safe okay? I’ll see you tomorrow” Archie spoke softly. You turned towards him and gave him a quick peck and two gentle pats on his cheek before turning back towards the door as you gave your goodbyes to everyone else.
You shivered as a cold air lingered up your spine, rattling your bones one by one as you took your first step out of the cabin. You wrapped your jacket around yourself tightly as you looked around standing on the porch of the cabin. It was dark, which was expected as it was nearly midnight. The cold air had left signatures of your own breath fluttering around your head. Leaves scattered the ground as autumn was among them, along with something much darker. 
You sighed once more as you made your way down the creaky cabin steps on the way to your car. Just as you were making your way to the parking lot, a twig snapped in the distance. You whipped your head towards the noise, squinting as you looked into the gathering of trees behind the cabin before turning around. You figured it was just another construction worker in the background. You continued to make your way to your car before stopping. It was almost as though an ominous silhouette had been shifting behind you on the path. You shuffled your feet slightly to turn once more before an abrupt rush of pain made its way to your forehead. It was as if 100 baseball bats had been battered against your head. You sharply cried as you fell to the ground. Blood started to rush down your forehead as you clutched your head in pain. Through the gloss of your eyes, you were able to make out multiple feet gathered around your body. A swift kick to your stomach stopped you from yelling for help. Then there was another kick, and then another, until it felt like the kicks would never stop. Your blood mixed with dirt as you could do nothing but cry.
“Help! Someone help me please!” You managed to croak.
“You’re on your own, darling” One of the attackers said before spitting on you and cackling along with the others. 
Fists connected with bones as feet were rammed into flesh. You couldn’t move, and you certainly couldn’t fight back. One final kick to your face had sent you into the depths of unconsciousness, you could faintly hear the cabin door slam open before the voice of your boyfriend was heard. 
It was funny how fast circumstances could change. One second you were surrounded by an atmosphere that screamed love, and safety. A place filled with comfort, a place that was warm, a place that was kind. But it was all just a blanket of security. A blanket that was ripped out from over your body, exposing you to the trouble that lurked just around the corner. Now you were on the ground in a puddle of your own blood. Nothing to protect you, forced to face the harsh realities of life on your own. The harowest of realities. You were in the dark. 
Streams of harsh light filtered through your eyelids as you began to regain consciousness. The blood rushing rapidly to your head and the abrasive thumping of your brain had caused you to wince and shut your eyes once more. You let a quiet groan as you felt your eyes welling from the pain once again. The aching and pain prickling at your body had hit you all at once. Every bruise, scratch, and cut could be felt simultaneously, almost knocking the breath out of you. You flinched slightly as your tears slid down over the bruises on your face. 
“Darling?” a soft voice spoke in the corner with a sniffle
“Archie?” you whispered as you attempted to turn your head towards the source of the voice
“Oh my god, you’re awake” Archie sighed as he frantically moved to your bedside, quickly placing your hand in his
“How did I get here?” You ask with a squint. The white lighting in the hospital room was not easing your pounding headache.
“Some guys almost beat you to death when you were walking to your car, when we finally got to you, you were passed out so we drove here as fast as we could”
“Right” you spoke, your eyes welling up with tears as you remembered the utter fear that submerged your body
“It’s my fault” Archie spoke quietly before turning his head away from you
“What are you talking about?” you ask, trying your best to get him to face you once again
“If I hadn’t let you stay with me that late at night, you would’ve been home. Safe. From whoever the hell was trying to hurt you” Archie explained as a tear fell silently from his face and onto the white blanket draped on your body
“Archie-” You whispered
“No. It is my fault. I should’ve walked you to your car, or taken you home myself. But all I did was tell you to be safe, and let you go. Then the exact opposite happened” From the corner of your eye you could see Archie’s fist turning pale as he tightly gripped the side of your hospital bed.
“Archie. Please don’t blame yourself. It really wasn’t your fault. I’m also not in the condition to comfort you anyways” You said as you weakly reached your hand out to him
“Right, sorry” he said before quickly wiping a tear and dragging his chair closer to your bed
“It’s fine” you said as your eyes began to flutter closed again
“Gosh, I just hope we find those assholes that did this to you so they can rot in prison” archie said as he roughly dragged his fingers through his hair
“It just happened so fast, Archie” you said after a beat of silence. The slight waver in your voice caused Archie to glance up at you immediately
“What?” He asked as he leaned in closer to you
“One second I was just walking out of the cabin, and then I got punched in the face. Then beat to the ground. I felt helpless, Arch. I couldn’t do anything, I could barely even yell for help. I’ve never felt so weak and useless in my life, Archie. At that moment, I felt like I was going to die, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I just had to hope that it would be over soon, or that someone would come and rescue me. I hate that I couldn’t defend myself, and I had to wait for someone to find me. What if it happens again, and I’m completely alone? I wouldn’t be able to do anything. Do you know how quickly they could just kill me, Archie? I wouldn’t have a choice but to accept it. I can’t do anything for myself. I’m hopeless.”
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t say that. It’s okay, you’re not weak. Quite frankly, there isn’t much people can do when they’re literally being jumped by several strangers. Don’t feel bad because you couldn’t defend yourself, and please don’t feel bad that you “needed saving”. You’re not going to die, alright? The only thing that matters is that you’re alive, and I will do anything to make sure this doesn’t happen again, to you or anyone.” Archie said before planting a soft kiss on the back of your hand. At this point you were nearly sobbing as you couldn’t stop the tears from falling. You finally got to take a good look at Archie and saw that his eyes were a vicious red, indicating that he had been crying the past few hours. Archie gazed at you softly as tears of his own began to slip down his cheeks.
“Thank you, Archie. I love you” You whispered, continuing to gaze into his eyes.
“I love you too” Archie uttered back as he softly caressed the back of your hand, just as he had earlier today.
The door opened slightly before a concerned head peeked through.
“Is everything okay in here, Archie?” Fred asked before diverting his attention to you,“Oh, you’re awake?” He said before lightly slipping into the hospital room.
“Yeah, I was just asking how she was” Archie explained, looking back at his father quickly before returning his attention to you
“Do you mind if I have a minute with her, Archie?” Fred asked timidly as he shoved his hands into his pockets 
“Yeah, sure” Archie replied hesitantly before getting up to leave.
Fred watched as Archie left the room, only turning his attention to you once the door had shut.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, taking a seat that Archie had just occupied
“Fine” You muttered before pursing your lips together and staring up at the ceiling
“Really?” He asked, raising an eyebrow in concern
“It hurts. A lot. That’s all I can really say about it.” You spoke once more
“Listen, darling, we’re gonna do everything in our power to find whoever did this to you, and make sure that they face the consequences they deserve. There will be no mercy for whoever harmed my future daughter in law” Fred said sternly, contrasting the worried look that engulfed his features.
There was a long pause of silence as you processed what he had just said to you.
“Daughter in law?” You asked meekly, finally turning to face him.
“Oh, right. Too soon?” He asked with a slight chuckle
“Not at all. It has a nice ring to it” You said with a fond smile
“Good. I’ll make sure you stay alive long enough to make it official” He said in an attempt to lighten the mood. You laughed softly before you spoke once again, “Thank you, Mr.Andrews”
“Anything for my future daughter in law” He replied with a wink before heading out of the hospital room.
Archie entered the room almost immediately and headed straight towards you. 
“What did he say to you?” He asked as he noticed the warm smile adorning your bruised face
“Oh, uh, nothing” You said, trying and failing to hide your bliss.
“Really? He walked out of here with a weird smile on his face. Seemed a bit smug.” He explained with a brow raised in suspicion.
“It was nothing too important, Archie. At least not yet.” You said before turning your head to the ceiling once again and shutting your eyes.
For as long as you were in the dark, Archie would be the light that would guide you.
a/n: sorry if this was weird but i don’t even watch riverdale anymore lmaooo. i might have been a bit detached writing this lol.
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