#like neither shinigami or quincy will ever trust one another enough to live together meaningfully
unohanadaydreams · 1 year
Finding out about the origins of Soul Society as we know it from CFYOW has made me insane. It like 70% of all my Bleach thoughts lately. (under the cut is just pure, unrestrained rambling)
I am lusting for a universe in which they just dropped the reveal in TYBW.
The fact that the singular world being suited to Quincy and the altered three worlds being suited to Shinigami sets up the shinigami to be this ultra-paranoid, insular power that sets genocide upon any race not their own in fear that their secret will get out and some new race (Vizards. Arrancar. Fullbringer.) will over take them and remake the worlds in THEIR image..... (unless of course they agree to be loyal to the Seireitei. But still only AFTER they try to kill them first, usually.) Let alone how they treat Quincy, who a reverted world would suit completely.
The hints they drop about the world being singular & belonging more to the Quincy are THERE. Even my dumb ass picked that up in my re-read I posted snippets of. But it is just so sad they couldn’t have the reveal be where it was most relevant--in the literal war between Shinigami and Quincy. Between the world as we were introduced and the world as it was created.
I also started re-reading the TYBW arc (again.....)  and even the Shutara scale is an inversion to hint that reaching singularity/understanding/Nirvana among all beings is disastrous for Shinigami. (Which strongly hints Shutara was brought to the Royal Guard for coming to understanding of just what she was protecting with her invention). I think maybe I posted about that before but I can’t remember. Other stuff like Komamura’s grandfather? I know I did. Because it still makes me incredibly feral and it’s so well set up but we NEVER GET THE PAY OFF.
The way this fully builds up the conflict of Shinigami vs Quincy to be a battle of who gets to benefit the world by winning the right to alter it to reflect their powers and who gets to be hunted down en masse.....Like what a bleak fucking conflict. What a fitting reveal for that arc.
I honestly prefer this reveal to most of the ‘don’t you realize revenge has consequences’ stand stills that took its place.  I think a system that’s endured and flourished by successfully remaking the world in their image and killing anything that they think could even possibly threaten them (including their own kind!) doesn’t get to say ‘): if you get revenge on me you’re not really winning, actually it makes YOU bad too. worse than me, even.’
Seireitei is a society created and kept in fear for a reason and at some point you have to put down the ‘revenge is bad’ and just show me the fucked up stuff that earned such an enduring vow of revenge from someone like Yhwach. Literally, he has been fighting the Seireitei for well over a thousand years. He is retribution incarnate. And those who know are TERRIFIED of him.
 And I find the ideas of ‘who is more Just--someone with everything to lose and afraid to lose it or someone with nothing to lose and unafraid to lose it?’ and ‘who is more Deserving--someone who can protect or someone who failed to protect?’ and ‘What is Sin--that which is admitted or that which is hidden?’  a lot more interesting and entertaining.
I just think its all so neat. Like, I think its horrifying for the main cast, especially the Karakura gang because the Hell Arc definitely seems like it plans on exploring the idea of that ‘original sin’ committed by Shinigami--for creating their own afterlife and forsaking the original Hell. Continually paying for the sin of thinking they could create the Pure Land and bungling it so, so bad.
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