#like new digivolutions + weapons + abilities?
weregarurumon-x · 5 months
holy shit gonna be real. i would play the shit out of modded digimon world 4
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Digital World X Lore #1
How Digivolution Function with Reploids:
When it comes to reploids, being robots and not humans means that they don’t usually have a digivice as they themselves are the Device themselves. Meaning that reploids act both Tamer and digivice at the same time leading to…interesting developments how Digivolution works as they are actually different varieties two of evolution. While it requires a level of bonding between the reploid and the digimon, another is…less than pleasant to perform.
Standard Evolution: Normal Digivolution that we all know and love, it requires a level of friendship between reploid and digimon. Their energy is used to speed up a digimon’s digivolution, the higher the level the more stamina and energy that it consumes. So most of the time it has a time limit of how long the digimon stays in that form. Normally like humans, if the Digimon have a strong bond with their reploid partner the time limit extends and it consumes less stamina than the reploid provides. It can possibly create an energy feedback between reploid and digimon if their friendship is strong enough. The limit reploids Digivolve their partners is the Ultimate level, but there are cases where the reploid can Digivolve their partner to Mega or potentially Ultra level. But leaves to be determined as records show that a few reploids and their Digimon can achieve such a high level without consequences.
Symbiosis Evolution: A uniquely powerful evolution that is essentially a pure fusion between the DNA Soul and Digicore coexisting together as a new being. This is where the bond between reploid and digimon has transcended into new heights, of their souls working and existing together with no harm with each other. Despite being a new being it will inherit aspects of the reploid’s armor integrated into the form it self. But if this form is pushed to the absolute limit, there is a chance that both souls can either be damaged beyond repair. It’s an extremely rare and powerful process to perform, to trigger it this transformation must happen if the digimon and reploid have an extremely powerful bond. Only a very few and select individuals can perform this evolution without difficulty. Essentially Symbiosis is a combination of DNA evolution and Biomerge evolution, due the DNA soul and Digicores being incredibly similar and yet different.
Side note
The constant use of symbiosis evolution, can cause unexpected Mutations on the reploid’s DNA Soul to somehow obtain traits and abilities of their digimon companion and vice versa. It is unknown what this phenomenon can affect their health. But it seems that both parties are not negatively affected by their mutations. But is advised that the use of symbiosis evolution must be treated with caution.
Amalgamation Evolution: A uniquely horrifying transformation of a forced fusion between the reploid and digimon. A parasitic version of Symbiosis Evolution. Where both cores are in a constant battle of control and the body tearing itself apart into a chimera like form. It’s destructive and unpredictable, it’s commonly formed when a digimon is desperate to consume data from reploids to become stronger or a reploid forcefully fuses with a Digimon to obtain more power. It can often lead them into a state of endless agony, having one goal in mind: destroy, consume and survive. Or in a more rarer case the Digimon forcefully assimilates the reploid’s DNA Soul into their data to be their new armor, weapon or a new Digivolution. If it’s the other way around the reploid gains a new transformation that makes them even more destructive than ever.
There is a possibility to save the digimon or reploid, but the separation would also lead to irreversible mutations or worse if their souls are not extracted safely. It is strongly advised to approach these types of beings with utmost caution.
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