#increased rare item spawns?
weregarurumon-x · 5 months
holy shit gonna be real. i would play the shit out of modded digimon world 4
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hey guess what. it's finally time for my Stardew Valley Loredump. i’m about to ramble about my farmer and yo-yo/yoba and shane in a probably long-ass, disjointed post because i have a problem ok. not expecting anyone to read it all of course—just want to finally write these brainstorming shenanigans down. the loredump will be below the cut below the image 👇 (WARNING: IT'S LONG):
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*samuel is 28 years old, pan, japanese okinawan (no im not self projecting hahaha), and goes by he/they. main thing is that they’re from “our world” where stardew valley is a video game, but he died and ended up in the stardew universe. because i think isekai tropes are fun and silly. as the player, samuel can do things others in the stardew world can’t do, such as: 
summon the in-game HUD that’s only visible to him, so he can see health/energy levels and inventory and all that.
speaking of inventory, it’s essentially a pocket dimension samuel can shove stuff in. the inventory doesn’t really care about size/weight/etc as long as it’s something the system considers an “item.” so like samuel can put a whole ass four poster bed in there but he can’t do that to a person or a whole house. samuel just needs to touch the item to make it disappear into his inventory. he can then summon it back out when he needs it. the game’s inventory limit system remains the same. samuel gets 12 slots on their own, but if they have a bag on them it increases to 36.
can access the player menu you can normally access in game. so like profile, skills, collections, relationships, etc are all there. no options or quit tab though. having the relationship tab is a nightmare for samuel, who has major insecurities about what people think of him. that tab is a quantifiable measure on how much people like him. it a real brain demon for him to know it exists and is right there for him to access anytime. 
can see the “stats” of food and healing items. hp/energy recovery amounts, buffs, etc. 
*funny thing is that samuel has never played SDV himself and only has knowledge based on what he’s heard and seen online secondhand. ironically he was planning on playing the game for the first time before the whole dying thing ruined it. they can’t even remember how they died, but it doesn’t bother them as much as they think it should. they didn’t leave much behind in that life.
*anyway, i’m talking a lot of game terms here, but don’t get it twisted. while samuel has all these game systems going on, the SDV world is very much a real one that doesn’t normally work by that logic. by that i mean time flows normally like in our world and there isn’t just 4 months in a year. things exist outside the valley. there’s a whole planet of places and people. 
*luckily samuel has help in navigating this new world in the form of yo-yo the junimo, who is the first living thing samuel sees when he first wakes up in that joja cubicle. yo-yo helps explain a lot of things and guide samuel around in its own abrasive way. he’s also there to be like, “hey i gave you a second chance at life so you kinda owe me actually. sign this contract.” and samuel, who is a pushover and also confused, is just like, “ok.” (yo-yo sounds like danny devito btw. because i think it’s funny.) 
*i call the contract a “magical girl contract” because that’s essentially what it is. samuel gets access to extra powers/abilities on top the stuff he can already do as a player. in return he fights monsters n shit for yo-yo and generally does things for them that they can’t do easily on their own. the extra benefits include: 
higher pain tolerance. which isn’t always a good thing. especially when you tend to not be great with self-preservation like samuel is. 
can heal most injuries by just eating/drinking stuff to regain hp.
yo-yo can teleport the both of them around as needed, but it’s tiring and it drains a lot of magic. distance matters too.
yo-yo can spawn items but it drains magic as well. the more valuable/rare the item, the more draining it is. spawning items is already a magic-intensive thing in the first place. also yo-yo isn’t creating the item out of nothing. they’re actually randomly taking it from wherever it already exists in the world. for example, say yo-yo “spawns” a jar of pickles. somebody in the world is going to open their fridge and discover their jar of pickles is missing or maybe a grocery store will have a sudden empty spot on its shelf. yo-yo doesn’t have control of where the items are taken from (or so they claim).
samuel and yo-yo’s magic pools became connected so they can both do more than they could do on their own before. this is one of the reasons why yo-yo wanted a contract with samuel, who has a larger magic pool than normal due to being from another world. but it’s possible for one side to use up all the magic for the both of them. 
*samuel’s personality can be summed up as Awkward People-Pleasing Tired Sad Garbage Dork. either he’s dressed like a grandparent in sweaters and turtlenecks or he’s wearing a button up shirt with the collar undone and jeans. they usually have their neck covered in public to hide the mark of yoba embedded there. he has a “resting bitch face” as some may call, but that’s just because his brain is busy over-analyzing 193828 different things. he loves being outside in the grass and dirt, looking at bugs n shit. he’s also a nerd who likes to play video games and ramble about the lore in them (he likes RPGs the most, but if the game’s got a good story and cool world, he’s into it). they like to do things with their hands like model building/painting. in their new stardew life, they get into woodcarving after willy teaches them the basics (he carves shane a little chicken). 
*samuel does NOT know how to say “no.” absolute pushover. their self-worth is based on how much they’re liked by others, which isn’t healthy obviously. he has a fear that the only way he can be liked is by being useful. he’s scared that he is inherently a bad and selfish person, because he can’t say for sure if he’s helping others purely out of kindness or because it just makes him feel better about existing. deep down there’s anger/frustration that’s accumulated over the years, anger towards himself and also others because he’s always doing things for other people—going above and beyond—but it never feels like enough. at the same time though, they hate it when these thoughts come up because they believe that you shouldn’t go into helping somebody expecting that you’ll get something out of it. he hates how much of a hypocrite he is. he hates how he bases so much of his self-worth on the opinions of others, but feels helpless to it. they usually just push these emotions down because samuel feels guilty about them. how can they be a good person if they’re thinking like this? how can they deserve to exist with this mindset? however they get a chance to let out the anger/bitterness/frustration through fighting monsters. kind of disassociating in a way. this also isn’t a good thing because his demeanor is much colder and scarier during combat. having someone who’s felt powerless for so long suddenly gain power is a dangerous thing.
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*this mindset when monster fighting shatters when samuel meets krobus and realizes that monsters aren’t just the simple enemy NPCs their brain had been automatically categorizing them as. guilt galore. he gets real depressed about that for a while but yo-yo, krobus, and shane are there to help him. 
*SPEAKING OF SHANE… it’s crush at first sight for samuel because hot damn is shane their type. i mean just look at him. mamma mia. haha anyyyway, they first meet at the stardrop saloon. samuel’s waiting at the bar for his to-go order near where shane is drinking. shane’s looking sad, so samuel gives in and decides they’ll start a convo to maybe distract him from whatever’s bothering him. samuel employs the “crack a dumb joke to hide the fact that i’m nervous because i’m talking to a hot person and then use that opening to introduce myself” strat. shane, being an asshole, is like, “oh so you’re the new farmer. here’s a tip: don’t bother me.” samuel takes 999 damage and their brain immediately goes “THIS IS MY FAULT I FUCKED UP like who wants to be talked to by a stranger when they’re sad goddammit why am i so bad at this?!!” it’s overall not a great first impression. after that, samuel tries to avoid shane out of embarrassment, but circumstances keep making them run into each other. for instance, samuel works a lot with marnie with her being a mentor figure to him in animal husbandry, so he and shane have a lot of opportunity to interact through that (plus marnie is secretly trying to get them closer to each other). through these meetings and shenanigans, samuel and shane get to know each other better until one day they’re friends. then good friends. then best friends. then kiss friends. then marry friends. :)
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*yo-yo is ????? years old and goes by any pronouns but most of the time it's it/they.
*yo-yo is actually THE yoba, but they’re not the completely benevolent creator-of-all-things humans have made them out to be. maybe they were in the past, but now they’re selfish and rude and swear a lot. but they do still care, even if they don’t admit it (tsundere-ass). yoba is currently stuck in the form of a little junimo and is substantially weakened because it gave too much of itself away to the world in the past and got burned for it. because the world kept taking and taking. and now there’s war and pollution and shit and yoba/yo-yo is maybe just a teensy tiny bit angry and bitter now. but it’s ok because now they got this human from another reality to help them reclaim the pieces of itself. and maybe along the way relearn how to love the world again.  
*oh also yoba didn’t create the whole planet like the creation story claims. they’re technically an alien that came across a young planet full of life and decided to stay and help it develop. 
*main reason yo-yo made a contract with samuel is because it needs help finding/reclaiming the pieces of itself. pieces can usually be found in strong monsters empowered by the piece. this isn’t always the case though. sometimes it’s in an ancient artifact. sometimes it’s in a specific place like a temple. sometimes it’s in a person. 
*samuel doesn’t have to deal with having an existential crisis about yo-yo, since he’s from our world where yoba doesn’t even exist as a god. yo-yo claims to be the one responsible for bringing samuel over into the stardew universe, but there are holes in their story. where did yoba even find the power to do such a thing when they’re in such a weakened state? mysterious. 
*the first time yoba reveals itself to shane is kind of chaotic. it’s in the middle of the night when yo-yo suddenly appears in shane’s room, grabs his face with its little stick arms and yells, “WAKE UP!!! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS IN MORTAL PERIL!!!” shane is like, “WHAT THE F–”     it was an act of desperation on yo-yo’s part, because samuel was in trouble and shane was the only one it could think of going to for help. essentially samuel meets something Bad in the deep mines, something that takes him out of commission and puts him in a trance state while draining his lifeforce. y’know, the classic kind of trance state where you need to figure out how to get the person back–how to snap them out of it. yo-yo tried and failed, so that’s where shane comes in. it’s the classic “love-interest-breaks-main-character-out-of-mind-control-with-sheer-power-of-love” trope. except shane does punch samuel during it. lovingly. in the face. hey it works ok.     after the chaos is over and everyone’s safe and gathered together, samuel and yo-yo explain everything to shane (well more like samuel explains everything while yo-yo wishes outloud that they had their memory erasing powers back). shane, who is canonically an atheist, learns that this talking pottymouthed jerkass apple is actually THE yoba and is just like, “yeah. this might as well happen.” and then he remains atheist because what else are you going to do when you learn that god is a talking pottymouthed jerkass apple who calls you a bitch and is also responsible for your partner having to go do dangerous shit. he and yo-yo have a rocky relationship at first to say the least. but once they both realize how much the other cares about samuel, things get a little better. 
*yeah, yoba may be a bitch and they may be angry and they may be bitter, but they really do care, even if they try to convince themselves otherwise. even though so much got taken from it, it still cares about humans and dwarves and shadow people and everything else on the planet. and when it eventually comes down to it, yoba will step up to protect what it loves, even if it means losing everything again. 
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*this post was technically supposed to just be about my farmer and yo-yo’s lore and stuff, but i gotta give some personal headcanons i have about shane… like for instance his last name is “finch.” because i thought the bird theme was cute. he’s 29 years old, bi, and half asian, half white (in our world that asian half is korean). i’m not being specific because i don’t know if korea even exists in the stardew world, since all we know in the game is that there’s a “ferngill republic” and a “gotoro empire.” i was thinking of just headcanoning that stardew’s planet is essentially the same as earth. so like most of the same countries/nations exist except the history diverged a bit along the way, leading to the ferngill republic and gotoro empire. OK SORRY for the tangent—back on topic.
*so shane is a trans man who started transitioning back in high school. he had two best friends who were very supportive and really helped him on his journey to figure himself out. those two friends were like family to him. it was good that he had this support because his parents were always pretty shitty and shane transitioning just made them act even shittier. the only good family member of shane’s is marnie, who was supportive, but she lived far away, was busy, AND wasn’t on good terms with her sister (shane’s mom), so shane didn’t get to see her much. 
*the moment shane became a legal adult, he got away from his parents, finding a place with his two best friends and moving in together. oh and his friends’ names were rosa and heath. should’ve probably mentioned that earlier oops.     shane, rosa, and heath go to the same college together, suffer student loans, graduate, etc. haven’t thought of what shane would get a degree in yet—most likely something “generic” because he’s unsure of what he wants to do himself (i feel u bby). 
*ok so rosa and heath were dating since high school, but they were so comfortable with shane and vice versa that things never got that awkward living together. however when rosa and heath got married (“yoba, FINALLY,” shane would say), shane felt like it was time to find his own place, much to the devastation of his bffs. the apartment ended up close to where rosa and heath lived of course—the couple made sure of it (“stop backseating my apartment hunting!” “MAKE US”). 
*rosa and heath get pregnant and have a healthy baby girl that they name jasmine. i headcanon jas as black (from heath’s side) and portuguese (rosa’s side). everyone is thrilled about the baby. shane was immediately offered godfather role and he happily accepted. jas was the cutest baby ever and he adored her. he babysat jas all the time. 
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*jas was 4 years old when rosa and heath tragically passed away in a car accident. they were coming home from a business dinner when they lost control of their car on some black ice and slid into oncoming traffic. shane was babysitting jas when he got the call. in the span of one cold winter night, shane and jas’s world shattered. 
*rosa and heath didn’t have any reliable relatives either. those relatives only came to take the money and belongings. shane was the only one jas had, so he adopted her. he tried his best to pick up the pieces. he really did. he lasted for a year trying to raise a kid on his own with the salary of a dead-end job, but he knew the situation wasn’t good with the money and how much his mental health was spiraling. he knew he and jas were in dire need of more support (“jas deserves better than this”). so he turned to the one person he had left to rely on: his aunty marnie. and that’s how shane and jas ended up in pelican town.
*shane’s joja jacket was actually originally rosa’s. rosa worked as an accountant for joja and would get free promotional items all the time from the company. the jacket was one of the only things she actually ended up using because “it’s pretty comfy for being joja bs.” she would wear it all the time, much to her more fashion-conscious husband’s chagrin (yet he would patch up any holes she’d get in it anyway). after rosa died, shane kept her jacket. there were a lot of memories in it. 
ok that’s it for now. if anyone actually read all that, thank you for even wasting your time to process my ramblings. i’m sorry it’s so fucking long like jfc.
*who is mr. qi?
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ivys-garden · 3 months
Hivy, This is Ivy!
Throughout my time on Tumblr one of my favourite things to do has been to create hypothetical Minecraft updates, I've done this twice before with The Pigeon update and The Pond Update, but a few weeks ago I let you lot chose what geographic area I should turn into a hypothetical update
Yall chose Celtic Europe (and Oceania but that's for later) AKA, Ireland, Scotland, Whales and Cornwall. I was very glad with this outcome as I myself am Scottish and I had a lot of ideas for this…..too many ideas…. So many ideas that I had to cut an entire section and now some stuff feels barebones….whoops. (but hey now I can work on a full portion update later…yay.)
But, enough of that, let's move on to:
The Fae Update!
New Biomes + Structures
There are 6 new biomes in this hypothetical update, each referring a different local found in celtic europe these are: The White Cliffs,The Glacial Pass, The Wisteria Forrest The Heather Moorlands/Peat Bogs (take your pick), The Highland Forests, and… you'll see ;3
The White Cliffs
The White Cliffs are a new coastal biome, consisting of grass topped cliffs, sandy bays and rock structures jutting out of the water. Suspicious sand and gravel generates naturally here and loot from it follows the fishing loot table, though with an increased chance to find nautilus shells and a rare chance to find sniffer eggs
This biome is based on the White Cliffs of Dover and the Jurassic Coast
The White Cliffs has only three new features:
A new passive abiant mob, they drop Feathers when killed. Instead of the normal birds nest (introduced in the pigeon update) puffins lay there eggs in “wall nests” grey nests that attach to walls, these can be used as a decorative block
A neutral mob who drops Feathers and fish when killed, they spawn both in the White Cliffs and on beaches and open Seas. Seagulls will attack the player if they are holding any food item in their hand, stealing it.
Seagulls serve no other purpose.
Chalk is a new stone block. It has the blast resistance of wood and is exclusive to the white cliffs, making up the cliffs themselves.
Chalk can be dyed any of the dye colours in the game, creating a softer, more Pastel variant of that colour (queers rejoice). Chalk can be made into slabs, stairs and walls in the stone cutter.
The Glacial Pass
A cold mountainous biome, the Glacial past is mainly made of stone and deeplate, with ice and snow also being common. Dipstone spikes can be found here as well as gravel structures resembling Eskers and Terminal Moraines (yes my favourite subject is geography how can you tell?). Suspicious gravel can be found here as well as suspicious snow, which can also be found in the igloo. Strays, Polar Bears, Foxes and Rabbits Spawn in this environment
This biome is based on glaciated uplands
Seals can be found in all cold environments. Seals will follow the player when they swim, upon coming on to land Seals will bob in the afternoon expectantly.
Seals can be fed fish, clapping after this is done
Seals drop blubber when killed. Blubber can be crafted into blubber blocks, when lit on fire these blocks burn light yellow. Blubber can be used to make torches, lanterns and campfires.
Blubber can also be crafted into a chest plate, the blubber chest plate reduces projectile damage and prevents Frost damage in powdered snow, but it slows you down while on land
The Wisteria Forest
A replacement for the old flower Frocester, this is a rare forrest in which all natural flowers spawn
Purified water (a type of water introduced in the pond update that can cure harmful status effects and restore hunger permanently for a short time) would spawn here too, as well as unicorns and kelpies (introduced in the pond update, will be discussed later)
Other Mobs that Spawn here will be discussed later
Wisteria Trees
Wisteria trees are a new wood type. The wood itself is a pale green with a purplish grey bark. Wisteria leaves are pale lavender. Wisteria trees also have hanging leave variants, much like willow leaves (pond update) that grow in the same way as glow berries
Butterflies and Moths
Passive ambient mobs that spawn in all biomes, though moths are most common in dark oak forests and butterflies are most common here. Both come in many colours, much like tropical fish. These mobs are as large as the bees (traditional dictates that all Minecraft arthropods must be massive, also yes bane of arthropods works on these, but do you actually care?)
Butterflies and Moths drop their respective wings when killed, these can be grafted onto the elytra (using the dragonfly carapace, an mob drop from the dragon fly as introduced in the pond update, speaking of that, the Toad from that update will also eat Moths and Butterflies) grafting these wings on changes the electable texture to resemble the wings of these Mobs (Note: despite both having many textures the electric will always adopt The Lunar Moth and Monarch Butterfly texture respectively)
Crann Bethadh Sprout
The sprout of a legendary tree, this is a two tall plant with ever changing leaf colours, shifting throughout all the pastel colour variants
The player can take a cutting of this plant using shears
This plant can only be dug up by the sniffer
Flower Crowns
By combining any 4 flowers in a circular pattern in the crafting table players can make flower crowns. Flower crowns adopt the colours of whatever flowers were used to craft it. Flower crowns can be worn on the head and serve no purpose other than to make people look pretty ;3
Wisteria Grass
Wisteria grass is a new grass type block that is pale lavender. It behaves the same as grass. It is only found in the Wisteria forest
The Heather Moorlands
Heather Moorlands are made up of water, grass, mud and a new block. No trees and few other plants spawn here, but cattails, reeds (pond update), sea grass and lily pads would be common here.
Bogs would spawn here
Toads, Frogs and Dragonflies would spawn here
Heather Moorlands are based on….Heather Moorlands.
Peat is a new powered snow-like block. It is brown in colour and makes up most of the ground in the Heather moorlands. Any plant can be planted on it.
Falling through peat takes notably longer than it does for powdered snow, players cannot freeze in peat, only suffocate. Peat can be safely traversed with leather boots.
When broken, peat will break into Peat Logs, peat logs can be burned in the furnace as an effective fuel
When lit on fire, Peat burns Bright Red, peat logs can be used to make peat lanterns, campfires and torches.
Combining 4 peat logs together makes a peat block, smelting a peat block creates Hardened Peat. Harmed peat can be made into Smooth Peat, Chiselled Peat, Peat Bricks, Cut Peat, Peat Pillar and Peat Tiles
The Gortach are a new Undead mob. They spawn in swamps and peat bogs and resemble Bog bodies. They hide in dirt, mud, sand, gravel and peat and jump out of the ground to attack.
Gortach inflicts poison with their attacks. Gortach can carry swords, axes, and spears
Gortach drop their weapon, peat logs or Rotten flesh when killed
Spears are crafted either with one iron ingot and two sticks in a diagonal pattern, or are dropped by the Gortach
Spears are weaker than the sword but have a better reach, can be thrown (though this isn't good for their durability) and completely bypass shields and armour, hitting the opponent as if they had nothing at all
Spears have all the same enchantments as the Sword + Loyalty
Heather is a new purple flower exclusive to the Heather Moorlands. It gives purple dye when ground up.
The Highland Forest
Made up of rolling hills and Birch trees, all normal passive Mobs can spawn here, but sheep, goats,bees and cows are most common. All normal hostile Mobs can spawn here
Loch Lurkers (a rare UnderWater horse-like mob from the pond update) also spawn in the lakes here
Birch Updates
Yep. This is a secret Birch forest update.
A new form of Birch tree “Silver Birch” that grows much taller and has yellow leaves can be found here. This form gets its own sapling
The Birch block would also get a minor update to make the black segments more like stripes and not ugly blobs
Leave Updates, Packed Leaves and Thatching
Players and Mobs can now walk and fall through leaves.
When breaking leaves with anything other than shears or silk touch leaf blocks will drop leaf items (except wisteria and Spruce, which drop Petals and Needles)
By placing 9 of these in the crafting bench the player can create packed leaves, a new solid version of the leaf block
Thatching is a new block of greyish colour that is crafted with 6 wheat on the top and bottom and 3 leaves of any type in the centre of the crafting bench. Thatching looks the same as a Hale Bale, only without the string holding it together.
Goosegrass, Nettles, and Thistle
Goosegrass is a plant that grows in any forest, but is most common in the Highlands. Walking through goosegrass results in it sticking to you, taking up one of your unoccupied armour slots and slowing you down. Walking through it at all also slows you down, much like cobwebs, making this plant dangerous when fighting mobs
Nettles can only spawn in Dark oak and Highland forests. Nettles stay low to the ground, if they are walked on by a player they are inflicted with Poison. Nettles can be collected and made into a healthy soup
Thistles are a new type of two high flowers. They can be ground into purple dye. They hurt the player if walker through
Deer are a new mob found in all forested environments, much like Wolf's they have different textures depending on the biome
When killed, Deers drop Venison, a new edible meat
Like Goats, Deers will try to charge the player. Also like Goats, after hitting a block deer will drop and antler
Fog is a new weather type, lowering the amount the player can see for a short time and allowing a few Mobs to spawn, particularly endermen
Shelf Fungus
A new decorative block that grows on trees
Wildcats are a new ambient Mob, they share a model with Ocelots and Cats and they drop string when killed
The Mushroom Grotto
Oh yes. A new forest of giant mushrooms and mycelium. This biome is very rare. The Mobs that Spawn here will be discussed later
Mushroom Wood
Much like the nether mushrooms, overworld mushrooms are now a woodtype. The mushroom stem can be stripped and converted into all wood blocks. Mushroom wood is white in colour.
New Mushrooms
Yep. There is now a mushroom for every colour of dye in the game. Mushrooms can also now be ground into dye
Here's what all those mushrooms could look like (minus brown and red of course):
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(Note: this is based on design, not colour)
Before moving on, sniffers don't just get the Crann Bethadh Sprout. They get a new plant for every dye type in the game
Plus, they can dig up two new mushrooms exclusive to them, when ground these mushrooms become two new dye types… Well, not quite. They Become Rose Dye and Spring Green Dye, the two removed wool colours. This is the only way to get these mushrooms and these dyes. This would make the sniffer more worth the work put in to get one and create a lot of more strange decoration choices
Here's what they COULD look like (note: again, colours don't line up)
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Mushroom bricks
Smelting the Mushroom blocks (not the stem, the block itself) creates mushroom bricks: multicoloured bricks taking on the patterning of the mushroom used to make them
Mushroom bricks can be made into stairs, slabs and walls
Puffball Mushrooms and Faerie Rings
Both exclusive to the mushroom forest.
Puffball mushrooms are brown in colour and are plants that stay on the ground, when walked over they release spores that inflict harmful status effects such as Poison, blindness, slowness, weakness, nausea, lethitatvia, and mining fatigue
Faerie Rings are Rings of mushrooms that take up one block on the ground (they also come in all colours)
If a player steps on one it is like they are walking through cobwebs, and upon getting out they will be inflicted with slowness.
If a mob steps in one they completely freeze and their AI is disabled until they are knocked out or the ring is broken.
This would help allow players to use Mobs as decoration without lagging there game
New Structures
A bothy is a public structure found typically in the Highlands, there small houses for folks to take shelter in.
Bothines can spawn in any woodland biomes, they'll appear as a simple wooden house. Inside Bothies will have a chest with low level loot and a bed.
Occasionally, suspicious sand,mud, gravel or snow will spawn outside the bothy (depending on the biome), these typically have low level loot but items such as armour Trims or record disks can be dug up
Stone Works
Based on the numerous palaeolithic celtic stoneworks,these are small abiant structures spawning in the Dark Oak, Highland and Wisteria forests, as well as Heather Moorlands, Snowy Tundras, Wetlands and Mushroom Grottos
There would be many variants of these structures resembling stone circles, stone henges, standing stones, stone portals and cobbled walls.
All of these are made from base stone blocks, though sometimes other blocks can be found like chalk flooring or trees/water spawning in the centre of a stone circle
Sometimes, though rarely, these structures could spawn with a “Stone Holder” a new block that holds a tool or weapon (similar to the myth of the sword and the stone) these can be moved with silk touch. The player can remove the weapon, which will always be made of iron (that's important for later) and could have some low-level enchamtmants
Occasionally, these can also structures spawn with suspicious dirt, which can be dug up with the brush. Pottery sherds are more common in these structures, but apart from that, they exist only as set dressing ;)
Castle Ruins
A more substantial ruin, Castle Ruins can spawn basically anywhere, but are most common in Highland forests.
Castle Ruins are winding structures, they have a Dungeon below with Gortach or Bog spawners in the cells. The main ruin itself is made up of narrow passageways, imagine a smaller version of the bastion.
There would be numerous loot chests around, but upon opening one, a new mob would be summoned called a ■■■■■■
This mob will be discussed later :)
The Beast's Lair
An underground structure most common under the mountains or Highland forests
Made up of narrow passages leading to open rooms filled with gold blocks, loot chests containing riches and even some new vaults. There's also a shocking amount of skulls littered around
And of course the new boss here: The Wyvern
The Wyvern is a draconic boss mob spawning only hear, it has 4 legs and two wings and is bright red (Note: no. Wyvern never meant a dragon with only 4 limbs. That is a modern addition. Wyvern and dragons were different because of what they breathed)
The Wyvern is very powerful up close and can attack from far away with its poisonous breath
Upon its defeat the Wyvern will drop copious amounts of gold and emeralds that it ate, perhaps even some diamonds if your lucky
Faerie Mounds
Spawning exclusively in the Wisteria Forests, Highland Forests and Mushroom Grottos, these are small dirt hills with a spawner inside and a handful of loot chests
They are essentially fae Dungeons
The mobs that Spawn here will be: you guessed it, discussed later
Clochan + The Dubnos Tunnels
Clochans are typically just an abiant structures common in the Highlands, small cobblestone huts with nothing interesting about them.
But occasionally, they lead to something greater. Some of them spawn with holes leading to a second structure made up of 5 rooms, oriented in this pattern:
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In the centre room are 5 stones, each baring a carving of one of the 5 element symbols (note: these are taken from the unused painting textures, with a new one added for wood), at the base of all these stones is a new kind of Vault “The Fae Vault” exclusive to this structure and the beast's lair
The carvings look like this:
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The goal of this structure would be to go to each of the challenge rooms, each of with have there own stone with a carving, right click on said carving to indicate you have completed the room, and once all 4 rooms are complete return to the centre room to click on the craving that was not represented by one of the carvings in the other rooms. Getting this right results in the appearance of 5 Fae keys from the stones. These keys can be used on the fey vaults to claim the structures loot
Failure to complete the structure will be indicated by the carvings glowing Red and numerous waves of Mobs spawning
The challenge rooms each contain a challenge pertaining to their element: the fire room is filled with fire, the water room is flooded, the air room requires parkour, the earth room is a Maze and the plant room is filled with Sweet Berries, Goosegrass, Nettles, Thistles, Puffball mushrooms and Faerie Rings (yes I know mushrooms aren't plants, shush.)
On top of that, there are several spawners for the fae in this structure, with various types appearing to attack you. Though these spanners will be deactivated upon completing a room
(Note: carved stones can be moved with silk touch)
They fae Mobs that Spawn in these will be discussed later.
These structures would create unique challenges for the player and would bring more life to these biomes, encouraging exploration.
(Part 1/5)
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oleanderfox · 1 year
Palia Tips
Some things I have learned that might help others. 🩵
Game Controls
You can put away your tool by pressing X.
If you get stuck, type /unstuck in the chat window and you’ll be teleported to the nearest stable surface.
Right clicking with a tool equipped will let you switch between different types of ammo (for bug catching and hunting).
You can cancel without wasting ammo after entering "aim" mode by pressing the Shift key or right mouse button (h/t @sharky857 ).
You can climb ivy in addition to cliffs. (Like inside the lighthouse..!)
You can cancel climbing/drop from a cliff face by clicking X. (h/t @lazyadmiral )
You can jump (space bar) while climbing cliffs to climb faster.
You can hold down the mouse key when mining, tilling, and chopping down trees rather than clicking for each chop.
Camera & Photos
Press K to enter camera mode.
There’s a 🔁 button in the corner if you want to swap to a front-facing camera/“selfie mode”.
If you want to see your photos while in the game, you have to save them to the album. However all photos taken, even if you don’t do that step, will be saved to your computer’s hard drive.
To find your photos, open Windows Explorer and enter %appdata% in the location bar. From there navigate to %AppData%/Local/Palia/Saved/Screenshots. You should be able to pin this folder to your quick nav/favorites to find it again easily.
One hour of real time = one entire day in Palia. That means an hour in Palia passes in only 2.5 minutes of play.
You only get "credit" (for building friendships) for chatting with villagers once per villager per day.
Many bugs, fish, and plants can only be found at certain times. Time in Palia is divided into: ‣ Morning: 3-6am (rooster crows at 3) ‣ Day: 6am-6pm ‣ Evening: 6pm-9pm ‣ Night: 9pm-3am (owl hoots at 9)
Time in Palia is the same across all servers. Midnight (a new day) will always be on the hour in real world time, so 6am in Palia is at X:15, noon is at X:30, and 6pm is at X:45.
6am is a "new day" for crops, but midnight is a "new day" for chatting with villagers. Midnight also seems to be when the furniture in Tish’s shop refreshes.
Gifting runs on real world time, not Palia time. You can only give a villager one gift every 24 hours in the real world, and "Weekly Wants" are valid for one real world week. The week currently resets on Mondays at 12am Eastern.
Once you get a villager's key, you can talk to and visit them even when they are "asleep".
Mail is delivered and picked up (shipping bin sales) at 6am and 6pm.
To find rare spawns, arrive in the area 15-30 Palia minutes before the start of its catch period and clear all the common critters/plants. This will make it more likely your rare will spawn when the clock chimes.
Inventory & House
Furniture does not take up inventory space!!
A gold star on an item's icon means it's "star quality." Starred items fetch higher sales prices and are required for some quests.
Starred items will not stack with normal items.
Only star quality food can be placed in your house/lot.
More storage chests = more storage slots, but you are capped at 8.
You can hang items on the exterior walls of your home - including wallpaper!!
When in placement mode, you can rotate items using Q and E. You can turn off “grid mode” by pressing z, which allows more flexible item placement.
Your character level is a combination of your level in each of your skills.
Eating food increases your "focus," which applies a percentage bonus that will make you level faster.
You can increase that bonus by visiting the Dragon and Phoenix shrines and spending Renown to increase the percentage (Phoenix Shrine) and the amount of focus you can accumulate.
You can only "carry" 1,000 Renown at any time. If you're not spending it, you're throwing away Exp.
Renown is also needed to expand your housing plot (by buying "Writs").
You can get "displayable" food from Reth and Delaila, but it's based on RNG. Just keep buying the item until you get a star quality one.
The quickest way to get Chapaa Chase tickets is by completing the Achievements; some require you to party with others.
The drums are not obvious, but you only need to go back and forth between a pair of them interacting as they light up. Eventually the big fireworks will trigger and you will get the achievement and reward. (Do this 2 more times for the second achievement!)
The event achievements are on the Event tab, not the achievements one.
Skill-Specific Tips
Fishing: If you don’t click in time and the fish disappears, don’t panic — the same fish will keep trying again! And if you change your mind, you can pull your line in/cancel and you won’t spend any bait. This means you can wait to be sure you’ve hooked the fish you want before reeling it in so you don’t waste all your precious glow worms! The one caveat is that sparkle pools (and the guaranty of a star quality catch) disappear if you don’t catch the fish on the first nibble.
Hunting: The Proudhorn Sernuk can teleport and the Azure Chapaa can make an illusion of copies of itself that disappear when shot. They're both very difficult to hunt until you learn to make Dispel arrows. If you’re still struggling to have enough resources for everything, learn the lowest quality arrow that can kill something in one shot and hunt with those. (Kilima chapaa can be killed with a makeshift arrow while regular Kilima sernuk require a standard arrow. Bahari chapaa need at least a standard arrow while elder sernuk in Bahari will cost you several fine arrows.)
Looting: For hunting, mining, and chopping down trees, everyone who gets one "hit" in gets loot, and the loot is not diminished by sharing. So working together to find pallium nodes or hunt rare critters rewards everyone. :) (Note that you need to have the required equipment quality to be able to share, though - if you get a message saying “sorry, you need to upgrade your equipment” then you won’t get any loot.)
Mining: On the topic of Palium, it’s not as rare as you think. It has very specific spawn points, which it only shares with stone - you’ll never find palium where you found iron before. This means you should mine all the stone sharing those points to encourage palium to spawn for your next visit. Palium can be found in the caves hidden around the perimeter of Bahari and in the Pavel mines.
Foraging: Purple glowing trees are flow trees, and require more than one player to chop them down. Again, everyone gets "full" loot, no matter how many people get a swing in. For small trees, let them heal after each hit if needed to make sure everyone present can get a hit. If you’re looking for a specific resource, say, sweet leaf, look up what it shares spawn points with (in this case, morels) and pick three as well so sweet leaf has a chance to spawn. Also, brightshrooms are typically found in ruins right up against the structures so they can be easy to overlook or mistake for glowing bugs at night.
Cooking: You can find recipes in villager's homes, by fishing them up in bottles, lying around the wilderness, and completing quests or bundles in addition to buying them from Reth.
Cooking together: Like with looting, everyone gets the full reward, even if you don't contribute any ingredients.
Lore & Fun Stuff
There is a mysterious beast in the Elderwoods.
The mine's haunted.
Sooo much queer rep: All the romanceable characters don’t care about the player’s “body type.” Sifuu, the Duchess (Kenyara), and Eshe are canonically wlw. Chayne was raised by two dads. The former lighthouse keepers in Bahari Bay were a gay couple. 🏳️‍🌈
Critters that have been mentioned but don't have in-game models or released concept art yet so we just have to speculate: ‣ Kitsuu: Sacred companions, according to Hassian. There is a kitsuu constellation which has "floppy ears" and horns. Possibly the "fennec fox with antlers" creature drawn in the Vault of the Waves? (Confirmed by the official Discord emotes!) No longer unreleased as of 0.3.6. :) ‣ Peki: Palian version of chickens, or at least they lay eggs and have feathers, and according to Nai’o “there are at least 72 unique color and pattern combinations for peki breeds.” ‣ Riffroc: Palian mounts. Nai'o has a beloved one named Sugarfoot; Kenyatta’s is named Sundrop.
Bug Reporting, Suggestions, and Help
Report problems here.
Give feedback and request/suggest features here.
If you're stuck on a quest or where to find an item, there's an "Official" wiki and an "unofficial" wiki.
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lowkeiloki · 17 days
been having a lot of fun with blockbench in the past few days, i made a few animals i wish were in minecraft (im not good at colouring in mc style so they remain flat coloured)
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some info abt the mobs under the cut
so we know minecraft is an enviromentalist game and has been prioritizing interracting with mobs without killing them and i feel like tumblr is the only safe space where i can say i agree with that, so no useful loot dropped upon killing any of them, youre gonna have to be nice
River otter
neutral (will only attack back once like pandas)
spawns in small groups in rivers
can be bred with eggs
sometimes spawns holding a nautilus shell which it will happily trade for some salmon
hostile to tadpoles, baby turtles and drowneds
definitively tied to an achievement that has a cheesy "otter" pun in its title
African penguin
spawn in groups on stony shores
can be bred with raw cod
will lay eggs as blocks like turtles, always lay two eggs
occasionally will dig through a gravel block if they find any nearby, pulling out an item, it's mostly something unamusing like sticks or flint, but rarely they might find pottery sherds or iron nuggets
out of the existing biomes, i think stony shores would be most fitting for them to spawn in, but i'd like to propose a new biome, cliffside (tall steep mountain right by the sea) it would look something like this
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also would like to propose a new fish, sandeel (might make a model of them) which can be fed to puffins to breed them
if fed enough raw cod or salmon, the puffin will sit on players shoulder
when sailing with a puffin on shoulder, the boat speed will increase, regardless if in water, on land or on ice (thought that might be a more practical version of the proposed penguin function)
Pine marten
a rare mob that spawns in old growth taigas
passive, will run away from the player on sight
can be made trusting by feeding them apples, trusting martens will not run away and will follow a player holding apples or either kind of berries (which they can also be bred with
bringing a trusting pine marten to a village will increase the amount of emeralds gotten in a trade (this may sound random, but its actually a reference to their cultural significance in croatia)
hostile to chickens, rabbits and baby turtles
Red panda
spawns in bamboo jungle
can climb bamboo and doesnt take fall damage
hurting a red panda near villagers will make them do angry particles like with giant pandas
can be bred with bamboo
by this point i had a hard time thinking of a function, but aparently they need to have one or else minecraft players get angry (because cuteness and whimsy is not enough APARENTLY /j)
will occasionally break a bamboo block theyre holding onto, but they never break the bottom block so the bamboo keeps on growing (could be used for bamboo farming)
spawns in small groups at treetops in jungles
hostile to any kind of illagers and scare off ravagers
can be bred with pumpkin pie
dance to music discs (i mean obviously)
spawn rarely over cold and frozen oceans
if fishing with an albatross flying nearby, the player will get a status effect that increases their chance of finding rare loot (it stacks with luck of the sea)
can't be bred
Whale shark
i can somewhat understand mojang not wanting to add sharks because they dont want to encourage kids to kill it by making them hostile, nor to encourage kids to interract with sharks by making them passive, but a whale shark is RIGHT THERE
spawn in deep warm oceans
will consume any floating item they encounter
after consuming a certain amount of items, they make kelp, seagrass and corals around them grow
can't be bred, but might spawn as pups
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wjbminecraft · 2 months
*bangs head on desk* Minecraft fishing/ocean update/mod concept again like what I did here but more in-depth (pun not intended) because I got up at like 3am and it's like 4 when I'm writing this title thing and I have nothing to do for several hours.
Anyone who makes "lol Mojang are too lazy to implement this stuff" comments will be thrown into The Machine™ for a week and forced to watch a video about the reality of multiplatform game development. Also like this is a pure hypothetical and more of a "what I would do if I still made Minecraft mods and could do something this ambitious.
The basics:
Cooked fish are now called Smoked [type of fish].
Some fish species can only be caught based on what biome you're in.
There are new aquatic mobs that can't be caught, but some can drop items that can be eaten. This includes Squid, which have a chance of dropping Squid Rings or a Raw Tentacle.
The ocean is now stratified, and also a lot deeper than it already is. It's separated into the Surface (basically just how Minecraft's oceans currently are, complete with more biome diversity), Abyss (much darker and filled with bioluminescent mobs, as well as only containing one biome), and the Darkest Depths (rarely generates and is extremely deep; contains a new boss and lots of hostile aquatic mobs).
Iron now rusts (over four stages, similar to Copper oxidising but a lot slower) if submerged for long periods of time; Rusted Iron is easier to break, but otherwise the same. Iron Golems can also rust, which makes them slower, weaker and less durable. Rust can be removed by using a Brush.
There is now a designated "ocean" village type, which uses wooden walkways (similar to how regular villages look when they generate on water), and has buildings made out of modified boats. The Villager textures look somewhat piratey, with eyepatches and stripey bandannas and stuff. There are also aquatic Illagers that use a more cetacean-like Ravager variety, live in towers that are connected to the seafloor by an underwater mountain. Also there's a new Illager variety, the Drillager (which wears a bulky diving suit with a giant drill attached, which it uses to break through blocks and to charge at its targets yes, this is a Bioshock reference).
Fishing has been slightly overhauled; while you still just stick your rod in the water and wait, there's now a Fishing Table that can be used to change what bait you're using, which increase the chances of finding rarer biome-restricted fish (more on that further down), as well as a "salvage hook" item that vastly decreases the chance of catching a fish, but increases the chance of finding treasure like Saddles, Name Tags and Nautilus Shells.
There are now Diving Helmets, which offer almost no protection (being a glass bubble-helmet) and require 8 Glass Panes to craft, but allow the wearer to stay underwater forever. If they're crafted with Stained Glass, then the player's view will be tinted the appropriate colour.
More in-depth stuff:
Sharks exist now; they're based specifically on the mostly-harmless Nurse Shark, and - being based on an endangered species - drop no items on death. They also attack small fish mobs.
Underground lakes now contain Cavefish (not based on any specific species), which are blind and swim away from (most) noises, effectively working like a sneaky "tutorial" for the Deep Dark's mechanics.
The Darkest Depths contain the ruins of an unknown civilisation, and are protected by the Ancient Guardian, based on the boss of the same name from Minecraft Dungeons (but without the shard in the top of its head). Also a variant of the Biomine spawns near Ocean Monuments.
Skeleton Sharks spawn in all ocean biomes at night; they're hostile, and move relatively fast. When on land, they don't drown, but being undead mobs they do eventually burn in sunlight. They can also spawn being ridden by baby Drowned.
There are three new types of Coral: Elegance, which is cyan and glows; Pillar, which is green and has Log/Pillar/Basalt-style rotation; and Maze, which is orange and can form Chorus Plant-like "trees" that are topped with blocks of other Coral varieties.
Biome-specific mobs (note that there would probably be more but these are just the ones I could come up with)
Icy biomes contain Seals (neutral to players, but hostile to fish; drop nothing on death have a unique baby design), Snailfish (basic ambient fish), and a new mob called the Iceshell (hostile; a creature resembling a giant Portugese Man O' War, with the "sail" being a giant chunk of ice, and the tendrils replaced by several dangling crustacean-like limbs).
Swamps contain Piranhas (hostile to any mob with 25% health or less remaining) and Electric Eels (electrify the water in a 3x3 area around them when attacked).
Beaches contain Giant Crabs (passive; can be tamed with Seagrass or raw fish, and ridden as a semiaquatic mount yes this is a Bionicle reference; their colours vary depending on the specific Beach subtype, with regular Beaches having red crabs, Stony Shores having blue, and Snowy Beaches having white).
Warm Oceans contain Frogfish (passive; come in eight colours that match up with the five vanilla Coral varieties and the new ones. They don't swim, instead walking on the seafloor; when standing on the Coral variety that corresponds with their texture, they turn invisible), Sea Slugs (passive; inflict Poison on contact) and Eels (neutral; spawn at night and attack smaller fish).
In the Nether, there are now Firefish (passive; instead of being cooked, the player has to right click on a water-filled cauldron while holding one in order to make it safe to eat), Basalt Floats (passive, but dangerous; function like floating platforms the player can stand on to get across lava, but can descend unexpectedly), and Magmateeth (hostile; giant lava-sharks that can set the player on fire just by biting them).
Abyss mobs include Anglerfish (passive), Octopi (neutral; much larger than Squid), Glowmouths (hostile; pale, shark-like creatures with no eyes and glowing mouths), Comb Jellies (passive; deal damage on contact) and Giant Isopods (passive; run away from the player).
There is probably more I could write but I have very few ideas.
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faefarm · 1 year
Patch 1.4.0 - Patch Notes
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Attention Fae Friends!
A new update has arrived! We want to make sure your experience in Azoria is as smooth as possible, so we’re sending out an update for all Fae Friends on Tuesday, October 17 at 10AM PST /  5 PM UTC. This is a hefty one, so please read more for full details on what you can expect from our newest patch. 
Fixed issues that could cause you to spawn in a black void outside the map, or in a rock near the starter farm, when loading a save.
The game clock will now pause when using the storage shed or mailbox while in single player.
Fixed an issue where using keyboard shortcuts to open interface screens that should pause the game clock was not actually pausing.
Fixed an issue that could block holding to plant multiple items from working as intended.
Fixed an issue that could cause fertilizer to be applied immediately after planting seeds on wet soil.
Fixed the chance of generating a sapling using a Propagation Hive being much lower than intended.
Improved the behaviour of the Blamp waves in dungeons, to more gradually increase their presence as you go through floors, and to help with performance on lower-end devices.
Fixed an issue where Cannots could disappear when in combat near dungeon walls.
Fixed an issue causing some potion effects (such as Jar of Sadness or Jar of Bees) moving at unintended speeds depending on framerate.
Fixed an issue where opening the construction menu on your farm could result in the camera zooming to another farm location.
Slightly repositioned a signpost near the starter farm that could interfere with the placement of, and interaction with, items very close to it when using mouse on PC.
Honeycomb can now be found in the Prepared Ingredients section of the Almanac and Storage; it was previously missing a category.
Fixed an issue that could block quest progression if for any reason a required story cutscene did not play. Players who are in this state should now be able to progress.
Fixed an issue where you could back out of or cancel the dialogue after accepting a quest, resulting in it not actually being accepted.
Fixed an issue where delivering an item for a sprite quest could not count if you had a shipping contract that was also asking for the same item.
Fixed a rare issue where the order of your tools could get set incorrectly, blocking upgrading them.
Fixed an issue where festival quests could sometimes take more items than they requested, if you had them in your inventory.
Fixed an issue where clovers collected using the Vortex spell did not count towards the achievement.
Fixed an issue where Magic job quest 10 could not be progressed as a client in multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where accepting the quest Fae Farming Evolved did not grant you a Bounteous Fertilizer as intended.
XP earned from harvesting Sugar Cane will now go to Foraging, not Farming.
Changed the behavior of relationship progress, based on player feedback:
Relationship points can still be earned by interacting with an NPC for the first time each day, by completing relationship quests, and by giving gifts, all at the same rate as before.
When you reach the points threshold for a date, you will still receive the mail inviting you on it, and you must read this mail in your mailbox in order to get the date option on the NPC.
You will no longer earn any relationship points from any source for this NPC, until you go on the date.
After the date, you can continue to progress again, up until the next date.
This will solve the case where players could get very high relationship progress with an NPC without ever going on a date.
For players who already have relationship progress, no progress is being reset or regressed with this change. However, if you already built a high relationship level with an NPC you had not dated, you may now get a number of date requests in a row.
A reminder that if (due to the previous behavior) you have a higher relationship level with an NPC than you would want, you can reset it in the Relationships screen.
Fixed an issue where an NPC could appear as your spouse without you marrying them. Following this update, only an NPC you have actually had a wedding with will show as your spouse.
Fixed an issue where quitting the game between paying for a wedding and it being held could result in the wedding not taking place and the relationship being stuck at “Fiancé”. Players who were in this stuck state will now correctly move on to the “Spouse” status with this NPC.
Added a fix-up to help with a situation where the day ending in multiplayer while in the wedding outfit selection screen could cause the wedding to not occur, and you to be stuck at “Fiancé”.
Players who were in this stuck state will now have their wedding automatically scheduled on the next available day, with the Fae outfit selected (although all three will be added to their inventory after the wedding).
Please note that the causing bug here can still occur (and will be fixed in a future update) but if you encounter it, leaving and reloading your save will now trigger the fix-up.
Fixed a crash that occurred if you reset your relationship with Pyria while in the Dating, Getting Serious, or Spouse statuses.
Fixed an issue where the view could be obscured if you initiated a date while sitting down.
Fixed an issue blocking clients in a multiplayer session from receiving date requests.
Fixed unintended symbols appearing in dialog when a wedding took place in a multiplayer session.
Fixed animals getting into a state where they no longer produced materials.
Fixed a number of issues that could result in breeding being canceled, and animals being returned to their coops.
Fixed an issue where sold animals could reappear in your barns after saving and loading the game.
Fixed an issue where animals from the first and second farms would appear at the most recently-placed Animal Lure, regardless of which farm it was placed at.
Removed the brush status icon from appearing in the ledger next to animals that cannot be brushed.
Fixed an issue that could occur where clients joining a multiplayer session did not correctly go through the join process, arriving as the default character (with no character creator) and missing key tools.
Alongside this fix, players who are detected to be in this bad state will be returned to the character creator to correctly set up their character as a new one - this will unfortunately result in lost progress for players who were able to continue despite missing key items, as we will reset their progress to get them back into a good state to play.
Fixed an issue where transferring items from the storage shed or crafting stations in multiplayer sessions could result in them being lost or overwriting an item already in your inventory.
Fixed an issue where clients playing on Switch would be disconnected after pressing the Home button on the system.
Fixed an issue where the game client could become temporarily unresponsive when accepting a multiplayer invite or choosing to Host Online in the Steam version of the game.
Fixed an issue that blocked clients of a multiplayer session receiving the "Interested in Dyes?" letter in their mailbox, stopping them from being able to claim the free dye set. Affected players should now receive this and be able to claim these dyes.
Fixed an issue where Eutats and Ember Eutats attacks did not damage clients in a multiplayer session.
Fixed an issue causing jumping/diving animations in water to not animate correctly when playing as a client in a multiplayer session.
Fixed an issue where the map tracker did not correctly point to other players if they were in a dungeon.
You will now receive a notification on the right of the screen when you receive a Phoenix Labs friend request, as well as if someone accepts one that you send.
Fixed an issue where an expired limited-time quest (such as a festival quest) could leave an unclearable notification in the Quest Log.
Improved the behaviour of the Graphics Settings screen, adding an Apply button and a countdown before automatically reverting.
Fixed an issue that could cause quest completion banners to appear as blank when appearing before a chapter completion banner.
Fixed an issue where the input prompt for removing players in the World Management screen was missing.
Fixed some unintended overlapping visual elements in the World Management screen.
Fixed an issue where the header of the Coordination Wheel's Build option was hidden.
Fixed an overlap between the "next day" panel and the scroll prompt in the End of Day screen.
The details panel panel of the Tools Progression screen can now be scrolled with mouse wheel on PC.
Removed a message that would incorrectly tell you that you can only sleep in your main house, when interacting with a bed in another house. As a reminder, you only get the coziness-based stat boosts if you sleep in the relevant house’s bed.
Fixed an issue that required pressing select/back inputs twice for them to function on PC on the first day of a new season.
Fixed an issue that could block selecting a body type in the Character Creator with mouse.
The current build version of the game will now show in the bottom of the Settings screen, to assist with bug reports and Player Support investigations.
Fixed an issue where too many items would appear in the Pinned Quest UI at once when playing in Japanese, Korean, or Chinese.
Improved handling of line breaking when playing with system language set to Japanese.
Improved the display of numbers, as well as the date, when playing in Japanese.
Fixed the "Expired Contract" text on the End of Day screen displaying in English while playing in other languages.
Fixed some text in the Coziness menu displaying in English while playing in other languages.
Fixed emote names showing in English when in a quest objective, while playing in other languages.
Fixed an issue causing the Copyright section of the Credits to not show when playing in non-English languages.
Improved Japanese localization.
Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect dye colours after dyeing one outfit, then switching to another.
Fixed a rendering issue that could cause some grass to show as the wrong colour.
Fixed a rendering issue that could result in some trees to show as low-quality versions during their regrowth phases.
Fixed an issue where resetting Graphics Settings to Default did not reset the Resolution option.
Fixed an issue where launching the game on one monitor and moving it to another did not allow for resolutions supported by the new monitor.
Fixed a number of typos in English and other languages.
Thank You
We wanted to give a great big Thank You all to the amazing people who submitted bug reports and are able to help us pinpoint these issues! If you spot any issues, please update us through our main support page.
You can also join us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Discord to share your experience with us in Azoria. 
We’ll see you in-game!
The Fae Farm Team
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corrosive-equilibrium · 11 months
General Ghost Lore
(All information is for the worldbuilding in Vitriol AU)
There are two types of ghosts: Natural and Limbo
Natural ghosts are ghosts that manifested from within the Ghost Zone, from a parental core bond, or from core duplication/asexual reproduction influenced by the Mystic Realm. Limbo ghosts are ghosts that manifest after their past life's death in the Living World. There is no outside factor that determines whether a LW being will come back as a ghost or not post death. It is a 50/50 chance.
Manifestation: Manifestation via the Ghost Zone can randomly happen depending on increase in energy of the environment. From there, a ghost can spawn in with any type category with or without outside factors.
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Manifestation via parent bond is when two ghosts create a strong core bond (romantic or platonic; no matter what gender identity as well) where they swap energies and properties from their cores and mix them together for one parent to carry in their core. From there, the new core forms and manifests into a ghost pup. After manifestation, the parents stabilize the little one's core in order for them to continue existing.
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*The same is applied for a single parent ghost wishing for a pup from the mystic realm. The mystic realm warps the core to duplicate by itself to create the ghost pup.
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One pup is common, twins are uncommon, and triplets are extremely rare. The max amount of ghost pups any ghost can have at once are three.
Core Types: Core types are secondary characteristics for ghosts. There are six core types: Common, Undefined, Ice, Fire, Electric, and Air.
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Common and Undefined types are the common general core types that many ghosts have. They are flexible in terms of additional skill types and powers, common typically reflecting the variety of the Ghost Zone while undefined are a mix of anything goes with more specific power sets. The core types with elemental backgrounds reflect on supernatural hauntings: ice cores being similar to the drops in temperature, cold touches, items being suddenly frozen to the touch; fire cores withing burning objects, people getting random burns, and items bursting into flames; electric cores with technology/devices going haywire, lost signal, static in TVs; air cores with fogs in locations, picking up winds, and random voices in the air. Core types do not have counters to each other. They are only there as secondary traits for the ghosts' powers, but one is not stronger than the other (depending on realm/world).
Maturity Point: Maturity point is when a ghost matures completely in terms of skill set and mindset. People who die as adults and spawn in as limbo ghosts are referred to as "younglings" where they're young ghosts learning the ways of the Ghost Zone. The same goes for ghosts that manifested via ghost zone environment. A sign of maturity point approaching is when signs of a core type begins to appear. From there, ghosts can begin to change their forms to fit their ideal appearance, many going from child to adult . A few ghosts could choose not to go through maturity point and stay as younglings/pups (i.e. Youngblood).
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Ghost pups are the ones that appear as baby ghosts, helpless and unable to do much on their own for the first few days. They can gradually age over time and reach maturity point depending on their pace in advancing skill and mindset. Limbo ghosts of young children can also be referred to as ghost pups.
Energy consumption: Ghosts do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe like humans; some limbo ghosts fall back into those habits due to still having memories of their lives as living beings and would typically drop those habits as time goes on. Halfas would keep these habits as they're half human. When a ghost is weakened, whether from battle, sickness, or stabilizing ghost pup cores, eating food or sleeping is the best way to regain energy. If weakness via battle wounds are too severe where the core cannot self heal, Vita Violets would be involved to speed up the healing process. Blood Blossoms would be used as a last resort if core failure is inevitable.
(Check the Index in the pinned post for more worldbuilding info)
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paleopinesofficial · 11 months
Steam Patch Notes Version 1.2.11
Freya now sells a cooking pot so you can cook on the ranch.
Fixed 'invisible walls' on the ranch after clearing certain types of debris or placing fenceposts.
Fixed broken cooking tutorials when loading saves from before 1.1.18.
Rarely, the game day resets to 0, causing the new-game fences and sleeping patches to spawn on top of your ranch. We're still trying to reproduce this but it's top of our list to fix.
Other updates under the cut!
Made steeds more obedient after dismounting. They'll now always resume following if they were following before, and they won't run away when dismounted on the ranch.
Award certain achievements retroactively in case they were missed by playing the demo.
Increased the respawn chance of logs which drop forest wood.
Harvest boosts now apply while mounted.
Stamina now slowly regenerates when sitting.
Changed the flute prompt layout used for controllers to make it more intuitive.
Fixed biome tiles on the ranch not updating/erasing correctly when modifying pens.
Biome tiles will no longer overwrite path tiles.
Mari's dino records are now sorted by species.
All 'weekday' dinos are now 'rare'. Previously most were 'uncommon' but one was 'ultra rare', which was incorrect.
Dinos discovered via tracking will now have an alert (!) to make them easier to spot.
Dino notes can no longer be so long the text becomes unreadably small.
Fixed Lucky only accepting 0 star mangoes for the 'cheer Lucky up with a mango' task.
Fixed Psittacosaurus getting stuck when interacting with cushions on the ranch.
Fixed Coelophysis cheeks staying visible when they sleep in an upgraded sleeping patch.
Fixed small dinos stealing extra seeds (one from each stack) from seed hubs.
Fixed an error causing dinos to be able to spray water infinitely outside of the ranch.
Fixed not being able to spray water outside of the ranch, except by dismounting.
Fixed ranch storage filters behaving strangely after adding items to the 'all' category.
Fixed Owynn's legs moving strangely after skipping quickly through dialog when meeting him and Mari on day 1.
Fixed errors and lost items when sweeping a trough or hub with the broom.
Fixed soil disappearing and/or duplicate seeds if you interrupted a small dino at work.
Dino tilling fixes - hopefully you should no longer be able to escape the ranch!
Fixed sometimes being unable to study desert dinos for a town board job.
Fixed a crash when loading into the ranch if the entire thing is one huge pen.
Improved performance when placing various objects on the ranch or picking them up.
Fixed infinitely respawning tutorial saddle when loading older saves.
Fixed distant LODs of the sandstone wall reverting to normal grey stone.
Fixed an exploit to get infinite items from compost machines and windmills.
Owynn's first visit dialogue is now triggered by interaction with him at his house rather than when you get near.
Changed Pippin's dino companion icon in the journal to the Dimetrodon.
Fixed the pear tree giving the player a pear rather than a sprout when dug up.
Fixed various dino toys where the dino was unable to reach the interaction point.
Fixed dino animations getting stuck if they were interrupted while interacting with a toy.
Fixed various misplaced characters in the Swamp Feast cutscene.
Marlo no longer appears near his house on Sundays while you're meant to be finding him.
The taming tutorial can no longer occur on Mari's budding day or a festival.
Slightly changed the Oviraptor friend call so it doesn't overlap with the 'follow' command.
Disallow stack splitting on non-draggable inventories (e.g. in cooking).
Improved the ranch house upgrade cutscene.
Fixed the "Memory of Mac" quest only taking 4 corn rather than 5.
Fixed floating items on a Wisdom Day picnic table.
Fixed Triassea Picnic food pile donations being lost when loading an autosave.
Fixed being able to access Mari's dino storage from anywhere, which either spawns the dinosaur far away, or causes an error (if you're not in Veridian Valley).
Fixed the Wisdom Day Master achievement not being progressive.
Fixed several typos and misattributed lines in dialog and the quest log.
Many other things too minor to mention.
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thralloftimegaming · 1 year
July Game Dev Progress
Pretty big addition was making it so you can add and remove things to NPC buildings!
I'm thinking Goblins with different Jobs will have different likes, so you can improve their happiness by putting those things in their House!
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Pretty chuffed I was able to reuse the existing Build code for this, just with a modified to check if a Building was being interacted with!
Also they now save too! This initially didn't work because I had no lookup data for the House Objects Build List, it was trying to use the Normal Object Build List.
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I thought this was going to be a total pain since the Lookup Code takes the objects name and grabs the list slot from a map and I already had those values being used for the non-house versions. BUT since it's a string I just inject and "h" beforehand in the load code, so now house and non-house objects have separate values even though the only difference is if the need a house to be placed!
Completely remade the Refund System for selling Buildings!
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It even works with the things placed in NPC Buildings!
I updated the sprites for Animals to be adjusted when moving on Flooring or in Water like the Goblins, but because I do some Squash and Stretching with their sprites things got messed up.
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Seems using draw_sprite_part or draw_sprite_general scripts resets the x/y origin point to the top left corner, so I had to adjust that manually by adding these to the x value.
var _xO = (-sprite_width/2); ///Puts us back to the middle) var _xSq = ((1-xSc)*(sprite_width/2));///Increases from 0 as we squish, keeping us centre
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Saw a tumblr post with a picture from SNES Harvest Moon where the character was fascinated by a mysterious Chicken Statue...
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So now my game has Frog and Wildboar statues. Might not always spawn animals...I'll probably just have them as decorations, but maybe I could set it up so you can donate something to them to increase that animals spawn rate?
Also lol, I forgot to disable the hat code. X'D
Added a new Item, Rainmaker. The Goblins have figured out how to Cloud Seed using a modify firework!
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Needs some work, but the basics are set up. The first batch of rain stopped because the hour ended. I've only got weather set to start on the hour, so I need to update that!
What if...Seedbomb???
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They plant random seeds in valid Poil/Plant Pots, I think I'll make them weighted towards being just Flowers with Crops being rare.
Minor Fixes/Updates;
-Updated a bunch of Item sprites to look better.
-When I made Roofing require a Wall/Floor/Door to be placed it broke with Loading Save files, so added a fix for that.
-Fixed the sprite offset when spawning Beds, so they no longer look like they're being formed from parts being brought together. X'D
-Fixed Watering Can always using charged mode even when just tapping the button.
-Fixed Plant Pots not resetting properly on Plant death.
-Added Apiary and Plant Pots to the Save file so they now persist between games.
-Made Apiary and Plant Pots work CORRECTLY when culled, previously they worked inconsistently and at the wrong rate.
-Plants now continue to grow/dryout/wither when Culled as they do when not Culled.
-Fixed Not being able to plant fully grown Flowers in Plant Pots.
-Updated how Weather effects the ground, made it do more at once with a random 1/3 chance.
-Updated Parade code, breaking it into parts so there's more variety for the Goblins.
--Goblins can choose to Spin Left or Right or not at all.
--Added randomness to Spin speed and wait, changes on reset.
--Split Jumping into it's own part and added a Jump strength modifier so they don't always jump the same height!
--Split Arm action into it's own part and made arms go up when Jumping.
--Split Emote into it's own part and made it happen on Jump and arm up.
Small thing just for myself really...
Updated the way Goblin names are chosen, this is just for testing purposes, but I thought it would be nice to have the people who've supported and believed in me hanging around while I test stuff.
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Thank you all so much for everything, it really means the world to me.
Please make sure you're all looking after yourselves, and keep being awesome! <3 <3 <3
Cross-posted from Patreon, please support me with as little as $1 if you can, it really helps me out a lot!
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jadeazora · 10 months
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The Adamant Time event has been announced and detailed! (And here I thought it would be Pokemon Diamond/Hisui-focused. Silly me.)
Runs from Dec11 at 10am to Dec15 at 8pm, local time
3x XP bonus for catching Pokemon
Wild spawns include: the Kanto starters, Vulpix, Oddish, Ponyta, Koffing, Krabby, Voltorb, Rhyhorn, and Goldeen. Dratini are rare spawns.
Voltorb, Vulpix, Ponyta, and Krabby encountered have an increased chance of being shiny
The number of guaranteed Lucky Pokémon a Trainer can receive in a trade has been increased from 15 to 25! And starting Dec11 at 10am, local time, if you trade a Pokémon that has been in a storage since 2018, it is guaranteed to become a Lucky Pokémon until the limit is reached! This change is permanent.
Ditto is featured and can appear as Rhyhorn, Goldeen, Oddish, and Koffing.
1⭐ Raids are Kabuto, Staryu, and Omanyte, and 3⭐ Raids are Chansey, Scyther, and Snorlax
Catch up with Timed Research
Seasonal Timed Research focused on catching up on XP and leveling up will be available starting with this event until the end of 2023. Complete the research tasks by reaching Lv10, Lv20, Lv30, and Lv40 to earn items and Stardust at each milestone! (Trainers can automatically claim rewards for a milestone they have already passed at the start of the event. The tasks for this Timed Research must be completed and their rewards must be claimed before Dec31 at 11:59pm, local time.)
More Timed Research focused on adding friends will be available thru-out the event! Complete the research tasks to earn XP, Stardust, and Ultra Balls.
Field task encounters include: the Kanto starters, Vulpix, Abra, Krabby, Machop, Voltorb, Geodude, Ponyta, Gastly,
Timeless Travels special research story
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sisteradelaide · 1 year
My thoughts on Palia
I've been playing the game since the closed beta and I've really been enjoying it. There are a few things I would like to see changed, just for ease of play.
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Get rid of the repair tick - At least on the watering can. The only way to make money in this game is to farm or annihilate whole herds of sernuk. Just let me water my damn plants in peace.
Disspell Arrows one shot all creatures in the game - It's a magic arrow that uses rare/hard to find materials. The fact that it doesn't insta-eliminate everything is disappointing. This to me feels like the most wasteful thing in the game. Unless you're all about hunting the magic creatures for the achievements, there's very little point to them.
Adjusted spawn rates for flora, fishing, and bugs - I swear I'll see an epic once before I'm dead, but I'm not too sure. I understand commons are meant to be exactly that, but it's disheartening to use twenty worms for fishing and maybe get a single rare out of the lot. If you're going to tie missions to hard to find items, then maybe make them slightly easier to find or catch. If anything make the common and uncommon available for the regular worms and the rare and epics available for the glow worms.
All recipes are available for purchase. - I'm tired of wasting glow worms trying to find the sushi recipe. Just let me buy it ffs.
Provide better ways to get Palium & Flow - Considering how difficult it can be to acquire either of these, the amount of stuff we have to build with them is just crazy. It would be cool for a future updates to get a mining sluice type device where we can process stone and get the more precious items out of it. Same type of concept for flow, except we can infuse wood with it.
Allow us to sell unwanted furniture pieces or recycle the materials in them for something else - My storage is full of furniture that I have no use for. I refuse to destroy it because the amount of materials in them is insane. Nothing would make me happier than to recycle the industrial stuff I had to make for Tish and get the iron bars back.
Recipe prices - Prices on things in general, but 2k - 5k gold FOR THE RECIPE. Not the item, the recipe to make it. Then I have to find the stuff to make it and then I have to maintain it because it has a health tick. Then I have to REBUILD it if I don't repair it.
Make character shops accessible when the characters are not available. - Please. There's cash registers. There's the other shops. Worst case, have Ashura/Jel/Kenyatta run a side business where they sell everyone's stuff because they're the only ones up at 2am. The other way is to adjust the general shop where everything is in one place.
Remove the cost for teleporting - You can spend gold or you can walk feels way too real world for me. I'm already choosing between sacrificing my tools for the sake of my house or vice versa. Can I have something useful that doesn't require me to spend money? Please.
Blueprints for structures - Once I spend money on the Blueprint for rooms and hallways, I feel like I should get to use it in perpetuity. Especially since the cost INCREASES every time you buy one.
Second floor for houses - This is not in the game, but I would like to see it go in at some point.
Cosmetic updates - Expanded cosmetics would be nice. They've said there is more stuff coming, but I would like to be able to do simple things like change wall or roof colors without the need for a wallpaper or purchasable cosmetic. Along this same line, please remove the furniture modification kit requirement and just let us adjust furniture as we want. It's a level of tedious that doesn't need to be there.
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videogametako · 7 months
indie stuff: boardland
cute dice board game. link here:
[this game is completely free]
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the music and art set the really cozy vibe of the game
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this type of tutorial is kinda great, works really well for a turn-based game. lacks a bit of flair and flavor but i like how straightforward it is
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cute sitting sprite
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oh hey, it was published on my birthday
boardland is a turn-based combat dice- board- game where you fight monsters. it's a pretty short game, i got through one run and credits rolling in 30~ minutes, but seems the monsters might be randomized for every playthrough? gonna check again just to be sure.
there's uh not really any story as far as i can tell, so let's just get to the
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combat takes place entirely on this board. you can upgrade it by using dice while on a tile, sometimes changing the base action of the tile (fire > attack, earth > defense, water > heal). it's got roguelite elements too so, it's what you'd expect, items and blessings. potions aren't too difficult to come by, and a playthrough is short enough that you can be liberal in using them
a player turn consists of you moving, then taking dice actions. you can only use multiple dice on a tile if they're in increasing order (2 > 3 > 4, for instance), otherwise, you have to move to use another action. you draw 5 dice every turn, and leftover dice are discarded. sometimes it seems you can use an action dice at the start of your turn immediately, but sometimes you can't..? i'm a bit confused but it might be dependent on whether you used an action last turn or not
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now, by using a set number of dice, you can level up a base tile to upgrade it (its 3 dice for the first level up). this gives you bonus actions, and synergizes with the elemental dice you can find sometimes. this gives you a way to customize your board depending on your playstyle and build.
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additionally, every other turn a random event occurs. you have to land on the tile to activate 'em. same goes with curses that enemies sometimes do. if something on the board only needs you to make contact with it, it'll say in the description (like enemy spawns)
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the game punishes you for taking too long by giving most (if not all) enemies a passive that increases their stats every 10 turns. this did not become an issue for me (except for that one tedious round where i got to 10 turns because i kept messing up my actions)
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you can get buffs and debuffs too. there was one where i was supposedly able to use two dice on one tile or smth, but it was either poorly worded or broken bc i could never proc it. there's a confusion debuff that sometimes makes you move backwards too. the main way to get debuffs on enemies is by using elemental dice on their corresponding tile
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OH i completely missed the reroll mechanic, you can spend gold to reroll one of your dice, kinda handy, i suppose? gold is rarely used anyway
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this game is pretty slow paced, not to say it can't get challenging, and while i'm more of a fan of faster games, i found this one to be relaxing to play. i'm gonna do one more run before finishing this up.
the music is extremely cozy. even when a bit frustrated, i couldn't find myself getting too worked up, i like it
i enjoy the artstyle as well, the monsters and the player character all have a soft and charming vibe about them (except that frog in berserk mode, pictured earlier, i like that too). very cute!
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gimmick fight, i respect it.
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another gimmick fight, the reroll mechanic is especially useful here if you wanna fight more efficiently, especially since the opponent just sits there until the tiles get locked (i died bc i didn't realize my health was too low (oh, you can load up the autosave and retry, neat))
closing thoughts
i could honestly see myself spending a lot of time on a fully fleshed out adventure mode for this game. i'm super engaged by the mechanics, and with a bit more content there's room for a lot of strategy in this kind of game. different board lengths, branching paths, character skills.
i already enjoy board-based games a ton (stuff a la mario party or 100% orange juice) and also dice as cards in games (die in the dungeon, is the most recent and only example to come to mind (i haven't played library of ruina yet) i should write about that, i enjoyed the demo and i need the full game) so this game is very much my thing
if the game sounded like fun, give it a try, it is completely free
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crossoverworldtree · 2 years
Ben 10 (Part 1)
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Name: Ben Tennyson Date of Birth: 1995 Motivation: Be a Hero Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 3, Dex 3, Con 4, Int 2, Per 3, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 14, Brains 12, Life Points: 38 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Jock, Delusions (Grandeur), Omnitrix, Reckless, Schmuck
Name        -        Score        -        Damage        -        Notes Punch        -        14        -        9                -        Bash Kick        -        13        -        11                -        Bash
Ben Tennyson only acquired his fantastic powers in the summer of 2005. He stumbled across an item that has been floating around the earth and related parts of the multiverse for almost fifty years. Originally called the H-Dial, now called the Omnitrix, it allowed the wearer to transform himself into different monstrous forms, be they extra-dimensional or extraterrestrial. Ben himself thinks this is the coolest thing ever and rarely realizes the implications of the creatures he becomes or the danger he faces. He has fought off Dr. Moreau, Cthulhu Spawn and Doppelgangers seeking his power, but so far, he still is, as his cousin would put it an arrogant doofus.
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Name: Gwen Tennyson Date of Birth: 1995 Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 2, Dex 4, Con 2, Int 5, Per 4, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 16, Brains 16, Life Points: 38 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Nerd, Magic 2, Honorable (serious), Hard to Kill 4, Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Cruel (-1)
Name  -  Score  - Damage  - Notes Punch - 16  - 8 - Bash Kick - 15 - 10 - Bash Sweep Kick - 15 - 6 - Bash, Trips Spin Kick - 14 - 11 - Bash Magic - 16 - Varies - By Spell Deflect - 16 - None - Magical Defense Hold - 15 - None - Magical Defense Dispell - 13 - None - Negate Ongoing Effect Volley - 10 - None - Spell Reflection
Name  -  Score  - Damage  - Notes Punch - 16  - 8 - Bash Kick - 15 - 10 - Bash Sweep Kick - 15 - 6 - Bash, Trips Spin Kick - 14 - 11 - Bash Magic - 16 - Varies - By Spell Deflect - 16 - None - Magical Defense Hold - 15 - None - Magical Defense Dispell - 13 - None - Negate Ongoing Effect Volley - 10 - None - Spell Reflection
Gwen Tennyson is Ben's cousin, but might as well be his twin as they share the same birthday. She often finds herself annoyed with her cousins reckless manner. Like her brother, she founder her own paranormal talents over the summer. A budding witch, shes putting her mind to research the subject the best she can. Shes a driven, smart and talented. As she grows, she will likely be a force to be reckoned with.
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Name: Max "Grandpa" Tennyson Date of Birth: 1944 Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 4, Dex 3, Con 5, Int 3, Per 3, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 14, Brains 14, Life Points: 46 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Occultism +4, Secret History +4, Contacts (Supernatural 4, Governmental 2, Military 3), Tricked Out Car ("The Rust Bucket"), Bag of Tricks, Resources (Well-Off) Name                -        Score        -        Damage        -        Notes Punch                -        14        -        11                -        Bash Kick                -        14        -        13                -        Bash Ray Gun        -        14        -        18                -        Bash
Max Tennyson is an Ex-BPRD operative who managed to reach retirement. As part of it, he wanted to treat his grand-kids to a trip across America in the summer. How it ended up was the furthest thing from what he expected. He still wants to complete the trip, but also finds himself helping them with their new-found abilities.
He doesn't mind the increased pace. He was getting bored in retirement.
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
Completed the game 100%(not counting/using DLC), so here’s some details and thoughts on Soul Hackers 2(PS4 version). Possible mild, contextless spoilers.
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Despite the title, you don’t need to have played Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers to pick up and enjoy/understand Soul Hackers 2, as aside from Soul Hacking itself, which I think functions differently the way Ringo uses it, nothing from that game really makes an appearance in this, nor is needed to understand the story or themes.
There's a Hint System that shows up on loading screens, but you can really just turn it off after a while once you get more used to the game’s mechanics, plus doing so makes the load times a bit faster.
Battles are semi-random(except for a few parts where Figue/Mimi is crawling through vents where they’re the normal kind of random battles) and spawn on the map that you have to run into to start. Before starting a fight, Ringo can slash the enemy to knock it down(except for Risky enemies) and either run into it to start the fight with a chance to get a first strike or run, as the enemy will disappear after a couple seconds. There are three types of enemy encounters:
Normal enemies, shown as a Red icon on the map
Rare, annoyingly agile enemies that drop items which can be sold for money, which are colored Gold.
Risky enemies, which appear as large purple/black icons, are always at a higher level than you, and also change every 10 levels you gain. The former two will always be the based on the dungeon you’re in, but these ones stay the same until you can another 10 levels, which means, for example, you could be fighting level 95+ enemies if they’re set to appear as such in Risky encounters, and you go to an early game area.
Each time you enter a dungeon, Ringo will send out her current Demons to perform recon in the area, which involves searching for items, money and Demons to possibly recruit. They will randomly appear at certain areas and can be spoken to to receive whatever they found/talk to the Demon they scouted. Some areas will have Key Items that can unlock conversations at Bar Heidrun, and some items from Requests are found this way, as well.
A little ways into the game, you’ll meet Madame Ginko at Club Cretaceous, who will give you Requests to fulfill as the game progresses. Only the first is required, but I’d recommend doing them. Some new ones will appear on NG+, as well.
Dr. Victor returns from past Devil Summoner games, this time taking the role of a circus master and theming the Gomaden as such. Like previous games, you can fuse Demons and Summon ones registered in the Compendium here, as well as Mitama Fusions, which raise the stats of a Demon by fusing one of the four Mitama Demons to another Demon. The prices here, and at other stores, though, seem to be rather higher than I’d expect, even after getting some discounts from Requests.
Other stores include:
De La Mancha, standing in for the Don Quijote stores, and Breaking Mart, which sell the usual healing items
Zefiro, which sells accessories
The COMP Smith, where you can pay in money and Demon Materials to upgrade everyone’s COMPs
Yang Yang Palace, which sells higher rank healing items, as well as stat boosters, both permanent and temporary, also having you pay in cash/materials
Ringo can increase her Bond/Soul Level level with the rest of the party via story events based on choices you make, with how much is increased shown, as well as from talking with the others at events at Bar Heidrun that become available as the story progresses, clearing Requests and finding specific items from Demon Recon.
Introduced very early on, the Soul Matrix is a dungeon that is connected to the three other party members besides Ringo that’s connected to them via her Soul Hacking them back to life. Arrow, Milady and Saizo each have a section that's 5 floors deep, with progress stopped by either story progress or how high their Bond/Soul Level is with Ringo, each floor getting more difficult. You probably won’t be able to clear any fully on a first playthrough, but the points you get are increased on a second run enough to make it possible to access every floor. Only part of Arrow’s is required for the story; the rest is optional, but I’d recommend going through it, since opening the gates that require a specific Bond level and finishing a floor lets you get a new Skill for the party members(Ringo can get these types of Skills, too, from a Ringo hologram at the entrance as her Bond level increases with the others).
At the group’s Safehouse, they can eat Meals, which has them talk about the food(each has their own likes and dislikes), and gives the party various effects, such as boosting stats, making Demons on recon find more items/money/stronger Demons, have rare/Risky Demons spawn more often, and so on. You get more meals from your party members and Figue giving them to you when going back to the Safehouse sometimes, as well as from store, vending machines and food stalls/stores around Karakucho.
In contrast to the previous Devil Summoner and other SMT games, where the Demons you have fight alongside you, here you instead ‘equip’ the Demons to a party member(only one to each), which affects their stats/resistances/weaknesses/etc. and lets them use their skills. Enemy Summoners, plus some enemy Demons, fight alongside their summoned Demons, however, and they’ll be desummoned if the Summoner is taken out. 
There’s no instant death skill like Hama/Mudo. While the Ruin element is kept, there’s no ‘light’ equivalent, with the ‘elements’ for attacks being:
Sword(Ringo and Milady's normal attack is this element)
Gun(Arrow and Saizo’s normal attack is this element)
Fire(Element favored by Milady’s Passive Skills)
Ice (Element favored by Arrow’s Passive Skills)
Electric (Element favored by Ringo’s Passive Skills)
Wind/Force (Element favored by Saizo’s Passive Skills)
A welcome difference from the majority of SMT/Persona games is that Ringo is fully voiced, having full conversations instead of just voice clips and not having to infer what she might be saying. It really helps show her growing personality, and makes the conversations more interesting.
Aside from through Fusion, Demons are recruited in a different way, as well; instead of talking to them in battle, sometimes your Demons will find one willing to join while on reconnaissance, and then you get one choice to recruit or deny them joining. Here, they can ask for money, HP, MP or an item(s). If your Demon Stock is full, they’ll leave but can heal you, or give money/items.
At the start, the Demons you get can only have 4 Skills, but Ringo can learn her own Passive Skills that raises the amount you can have up to 6.
There are Requests specific to the Soul Matrix called Aion Directives, each floor having new ones, though they’re all mostly similar: 
Defeat X number of Y enemy, 
Collect certain key items from Demons on recon all over the map
Defeat a strong enemy with added conditions.
Similarly to the All-Out Attacks of the Persona games, Soul Hackers 2 has ‘Sabbaths’ which have you can build up ‘Stacks’ in battle by hitting enemy weakness, as well as other ways once you get more of the party member’s Passive Skills, and some Demon Skills can add onto the amount you gain. As it rises, shadows of your Demons will appear floating behind the enemies, and they all attack at the end of your turn. There are also ‘Sabbath Skills’ that can activate during a Sabbath, which can range from doing more damage, lower stats, stealing money/items and more. As the maximum amount of Demons you can eventually hold is 18, that’s most likely the highest Stack you can get, though only 10 is needed for a Trophy.
Ringo can also learn several Commander Skills that can be used once a turn in battle. Several include letting you switch out your Demons, buffing everyone for a turn, granting an extra action to one party member for that turn, and changing  the Sabbath attack to focus on one enemy instead of them all for more damage. They all have a cooldown, so they can’t all be used on several turns in a row.
I’m not sure if it’s intentional, but the three party members beside Ringo feel like they slightly represent the usual SMT alignments: Arrow for Law(who works for Yatagarasu), Milady for Chaos(who works for the Phantom Society), and Saizo for Neutral, since he’s a freelancer. It’s not a 100% similarity between each, of course.
Another potential reference, this time to the first Soul Hackers, is Ringo’s main strengths on her COMP, Electric and Almighty, being the same as Nemissa’s if you picked the ‘Sexy defines her’ option to describe Hitomi Tono in that game.
Though some recurring characters from the Devil Summoner games are present, namely Madame Ginko and Victor, Dr. Thrill and Mary are absent, as is any cameo from ‘Kyouji Kuzunoha’, Rei Reiho or others(not counting the Nemissa DLC), maybe to have it stand on it’s own more.
If you’re going for all the trophies, you’ll need to grind to at least level 95, as that’s when you can fuse the highest level demon, Seth. It’s kind of a slog, but the only way to do this in a reasonable amount of time is to fight Risky enemies over and over.
The recent update that allows Ringo to dash at any time in a dungeon by pressing the Touch Pad without getting Milady’s Assassin’s Steps skill(which got reworked) makes the pace and exploring so much faster and more enjoyable, the latter being much more sluggish beforehand.
Some little details that I liked:
During certain boss battles, the characters may say unique lines when their turn comes around, or in the bosses case, when a skill they’re weak to is selected and the cursor is over them.
Dialogue portraits transitioning on the fly during conversations to better reflect the mood of what’s being discussed. This works really well with having Auto turned on for dialogue. This may make more sense to see in action than described.
All of the party members are adults(or created in the image of adults by Aion, in Ringo and Figue’s cases).
There are two endings, Normal and True. To get the True Ending(which is easier on a NG+), you need to:
Say ‘I do not’ to four certain dialogue choices in the final dungeon
Finish at least the fourth floor of each character’s Soul Matrix, at least entering the 5th floor, and have their Bond at 100+, then select the second dialogue choice at the end.
Something I don’t really care for in this is how the store’s prices and Summoning Demons from the Compendium, even when you get discounts from doing Requests, are all pretty expensive, so it felt like grinding for money is kind of a necessity. A couple Meal items, Skills and a late-game Sabbath Skill make this a bit easier, either making enemies drop more, stealing from enemies(which you keep even if you run away) or receiving more from Demons sent on recon, though. 
There are some parts I feel could have used some more screen time or work, though, such as for Arrow’s friend Kaburagi, R.S.(who I really wish had been a recurring boss, since his few scenes were fun, plus there was hinted to be more to him), and other characters. The dungeons, though having a few puzzles in them, could probably be better, both in design and number, two of them being in a subway system(though storywise, one makes sense to use). 
Part of me wants to buy and play the ‘Lost Numbers’ DLC scenario to see if it has anything important or interesting in it, but I’m not fond of Atlus making it DLC, and not part of the main game(which, to me, does stand on it’s own and can be understood just fine). Maybe I’ll change my mind in the future, but not right now. I also don’t plan on getting any of the DLC Demons that really should have been there to begin with.
I found a guide to making a couple OP Demons that, while they won’t make you completely invincible(there’s no way to block Almighty damage), they do make the game much easier.
OP Titania
OP Yoshitsune
Very useful Loki
While it doesn’t reach the highs of, say Persona 5 Royal, I enjoyed this one, and glad I came back to it after it got that update and saw it through to the end. Hopefully, the characters come back for another game, especially Ringo, since they were a big part of what I liked about it, having some moments for them I felt were well done. It also seemed like it was hinting at more stuff to occur in this setting and with these characters, as well.
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Stuff I Want in DbD!
I put a lot of thought into this.
Descrying- When the Obsession is Hooked for more than 20 Seconds, the Perk activates. All Survivors will see each other’s Auras for the next 90 seconds. The Obsession is Broken for 60 Seconds after being Rescued from the Hook. The Perk will only stay activated if the Obsession is Rescued from the Hook. If the Obsession dies on the Hook, the Perk Deactivates.
Foil- Whenever your Aura is shown to the Killer, the Killer's Aura is shown to the Obsession for 5 seconds. Significantly lessens your chances of being the Obsession. Deactivates when the equipping Survivor reaches Hook Stage 2.
Reduction- So long as the Obsession is alive, the Killer experiences an additional 3% Speed reduction in BMS when carrying an Injured Survivor within 10m of the Obsession. The Obsession is Exposed when the Killer is carrying someone. Exposed Status Effect ends when the carried Survivor is Hooked or wiggles off.
Locked Out- Whenever you are in the Deep Wound State, hiding in a Locker for 5 Seconds will end the Deep Wound State and the Killer cannot open Lockers for the same duration. If you exit the Locker in a Sprint, you'll gain a 5% Haste boost for 5 Seconds.
Shattered- When Hooked for the first time, the Perk Activates. In 10 Seconds, the Hook automatically breaks, freeing you and leaving you Broken for 60 Seconds. The Hook will re-spawn the next time you are hit by the Killer's basic attack. (Does not apply to Basement Hooks.)
Forage- 100% guaranteed Ultra Rare Item. Leaves you Exposed for 60 Seconds each time you perform the Open Action on a Chest.
Carpenter- Each time you stun the Killer with a pallet, you gain a Token. Sacrifice 3 Tokens to repair any Broken pallet or wall.
Down-and-Out- When you reach your 2nd Hook Stage, all other Survivors receive a 6% Speed Boost in Action until you are Rescued. When activated, you become the Obsession.
Skillful- Every Great Skill Check achieved grants a Token which gives you a 1% Speed Boost in all Actions for a total of up to 5 Tokens. If the Killer Hits you with their Basic Attack, you automatically sacrifice all Tokens to prevent yourself from losing a Health State. If you don’t have 5 Tokens, you will lose all current Tokens as a penalty alongside the lost Health State. (BNP skillchecks don't count.)
Hooked Up- To Activate this Perk, the Injured Survivor Equipping it must be within a 16m of a Survivor in the Dying State and press Active Ability 2 to Mark them. If the Survivor in the Dying State is Hooked within 30 Seconds of the Perk Activating, they will be able to unHook themselves. Can only be used once per Survivor per Trial.
Vitality- You receive a Token every 30 Seconds you’re in an active Chase. Each Token increases your BMS by 1%, for a total of up to 5 Tokens. You lose 3 Tokes if you get Hit by the Killer’s Basic Attack.
Alive & Kicking- Once per Trial, when the equipping Survivor ends up in the Dying State for longer than 30 Seconds, they will Recover to the Healthy State instantly. The Perk Deactivates afterward.
Rendezvous- When two or more Injured Survivors are within 16m of each other, they will begin to Heal automatically. 1 Health State takes 35 Seconds. When this Perk is activated, Healing Injured Survivors is 2% faster for each Survivor within 10m.
Outlast- When Activated, this Perk allows for a Healthy Survivor to take an additional Hit before they can enter the Injured State, but they suffer a 2% speed reduction in BMS with each successful Hit. (Cancels out Rancor if the Survivor equipping this Perk is the Obsession.)
Scamper- (To Activate you must be Injured.) When the criteria are met, Press Active Ability 1 and receive a 200% Speed boost for 3 Seconds. Has a cool down of 90 Seconds. Activating makes you the Obsession. Cannot be used in conjunction with Exhaustion Perks. (If Scamper is equipped alongside an Exhaustion Perk, both will be Disabled during the Trial.)
Analeptic- Stunning or Blinding the Killer grants you a Token. Press Active Ability 2 to consume 4 Tokens to administer a special drug to a Dying or Injured Survivor. The Survivor is immediately returned to the Healthy State. Has a cool down of 90 Seconds that can move faster when inside the Killer’s Terror Radius.
Hatch King- You become the Obsession. Every time the Killer hits you with their Basic Attack, you gain a Token. Consuming 5 Tokens allows you to automatically open the Hatch if it has been closed by the Killer. If you are Hooked, you looked 3 Tokens.
Astral Projection- Being in tune with your own spirit allows you to see the Killer’s Aura. Your Aura is projected 16m closer to the Killer than you actually are, if the Killer has Activated an Aura-Reading Perk. (Unaffected by Nurse’s Calling. If you are being Healed by or are Healing a Survivor while the Killer has equipped Nurse’s Calling, both Survivors can see the Killer’s Aura, and are projected 16m closer to the Killer.)
Invulnerable- Grants 7 Seconds of invulnerability to the Killer’s Attacks once per trial. To Activate you must have: been Hooked once, been Healed 1 Health State by another Survivor once, rescued another Survivor from the Hook once, AND have no Exhaustion Perks equipped. (If equipped with an Exhaustion perk, they will both be Disabled during the Trial.)
Second Chances- If you get Rescued from the Hook within 20 Seconds of being Hooked, the time you were Hooked is negated. The next time you are Hooked will officially count as Hook Stage 1. However, if you are Hooked a 3rd time, Hook Stage 2 only lasts for 13 Seconds before you are Sacrificed.
Do Over- When the Exit Gates are powered, the Killer can Activate this Perk on any Generator. As a result, 3 random Generators will lose power and automatically regress back to 0. The Exit Gates lose their power and one more Generator must be completed to power the Exit Gates once again. Can only be used once per trial. Not applicable if the Endgame Collapse has already started.
Not So Fast- Once at least one Exit Gate is Opened, Survivors must stay 10m outside its range for 60 Seconds. If any Survivors attempt to Escape in the next 60 Seconds, the Entity grabs them and places them in the direct center of the map, and removes a Health State as punishment.
Going Postal- Filled with rage, the Killer performs all Actions 6% faster once Stunned by the Obsession. Lasts for 30 Seconds and has no cool down.
Cut to the Chase- When in an active Chase, the Killer sees the Auras of all Survivors every 13 Seconds. When Auras are Revealed, the Killer's Lunge is extended.
Concuss- The Obsession starts the Trial Broken. If the Killer Hooks the Obsession within 60 Seconds of the trial starting, Survivors are Oblivious until the Obsession is Rescued. When the Obsession is Rescued, they remain Broken until another Survivor is Hooked.
Asthenia- When Hitting a Survivor with your Basic Attack, you Exhaust them immediately and force their Exhaustion timer to freeze for 60 Seconds. Has a cool down of 30 Seconds.
Kickback- When a Survivor touches a Generator within 30 Seconds of you damaging it, the Generator automatically explodes, regressing 20% of its total progression.
Trials & Tribulation- Anything that has a progression meter must be continuously worked on, or the meter begins to lose progress at 150% speed. Includes Repairing, Searching, Healing, Sabotaging, and Opening Actions.
Black Ice- The map is covered in a thin sheet of Black Ice that readuces the Survivor BMS by 2%.
Murder- The amount of crows that usually spawn in the map is tripled and their caws are twice as loud.
I had to delete so many perks from both sides cuz DbD managed to implement so many in the past 2 years! If I think of more Killer Perks I'll add them.
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