#like okay fuck the vinsmoke brothers for what they did but have you considered that
beanghostprincess · 7 months
that scene of the vinsmoke siblings saying goodbye to sanji and helping him one by one to get away from different threats has my heart and my soul and my everything and i will cherish it forever thank you very much
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Yaay! The ask box is open!! Can I request some SFW/NSFW requests for Ichiji, Niji and Yonji Vinsmoke? Thanks and lots of love
(I tried to keep these in-character, and as a result these are...not the fluffiest headcanons you’ll see. I can’t find a way to romanticize them too much; I mean, the Vinsmoke brothers are canonically just terrible people with no sense of empathy or sympathy so...yeah)
Potential TW: mildly unhealthy relationships, possessiveness
Okay, so these three are...difficult...to have a relationship with, to say the least. They’ve been genetically/neurologically modified to not feel emotions, so you’d think it’s impossible for them to feel anything like love or romantic attraction. Still, I like to think that there’s something they can feel, but it’s incredibly muted and almost doesn’t really register to them. But it’s still there.
Ichiji is possessive, but not as much as Niji. He’ll constantly have an arm around your waist or over your shoulder, just to display who you belong to. He’s a bit like Doflamingo, where he views his s/o as more of an object/shiny toy than an actual person with like...thoughts, and emotions, and all that shit. He practically buries you in outfits to parade you around in, and he likes it the most when you wear red so you two match.
If you were to somehow get him to experience a semblance of love outside of physical attraction (which the brothers clearly can feel, given that first scene with Nami), he’d be weirded out to say the least. He doesn’t understand why he feels so strange whenever you’re kind to him, and at first he assumes you’re manipulating him somehow. He’ll confront you about it and tell you to stop doing...whatever it is you’re doing to make him feel so strange. When you reply that you have no idea what the hell he’s talking about, he tries to explain the “symptoms” you’re giving him and gets annoyed that you’re lying about doing this to him. You’d have to explain very slowly that he might be feeling something akin to love, and he’d just be like “...Oh. Gross.”
Despite his distaste for feeling something like “love”, he can’t deny that he almost likes the weird way you make him feel. Maybe he can channel this whole “love” feeling into something productive and make him more powerful; plus, he’s also smug about being able to do something his other brothers can’t do, even if they view love as a sign of weakness. He’ll prove that even if he can feel something like this, he’s still the most powerful member of Germa 66 (as if being the eldest brother wasn’t enough of an ego boost)
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Niji is definitely the most possessive of the three Vinsmoke brothers. Everywhere you go, he’s there next to you. Like Ichiji, he views you as more of an object or toy that an actual person; it doesn’t matter that you only met him a few days ago, you’re still his and he gets to do/say whatever he wants when it comes to you.
Like Ichiji, he gets you clothing that’s blue. Unlike Ichiji, that’s the only color you’re wearing. He wants people to see you two together and instantly know that you’re off-limits; the wardrobe just helps get that across. What can I say, this family has a thing for color-coding. 
He would be the hardest of the three to get him to develop any emotions, much less something like love. The closest he might get is briefly considering your perspective when he does something awful and then ignoring it because your opinion doesn’t matter, especially not more than his. Though over time, he’d start considering how you feel more and more, and may try to apologize by giving you gifts whenever he sees you’re upset by something he did. But material goods aren’t a replacement for a genuine apology in a healthy relationship. Honestly, I really doubt he can develop love; the closest you’d get is him misinterpreting other feelings and actions as a sign of love. And that is not the same, regardless of what he feels. 
He’d be the first of the three to actually say “I love you” and genuinely mean it, but that’s because he’s misinterpreting his possessiveness as love. When he’s possessive and refuses to leave you alone, it’s because he “loves” you and wants to protect you, etc. The “love” he feels is a hollow facsimile, closer to the way a child has a favorite toy than anything close to the real thing. 
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Yonji is a bit of an anomaly, compared to his two brothers. He’s a lot louder, more boisterous, and he’s not as possessive as Ichiji or Yonji. Unlike them, he doesn’t really care much for making you wear outfits, except for maybe wearing his scarf or his jacket sometimes; as long as it’s sexy or revealing, he’s cool with it. 
Very grabby and handsy with his s/o, and is definitely the brother that’s the most comfortable with PDA. He’ll make out with you at the dinner table and give zero fucks to the way Judge glowers at him for acting so “unseemly”. 
He likes it if his s/o is a little feisty, and he thinks it’s fun to push their buttons to get them annoyed. He’s kind of like that kid in school who would poke your back and then pretend like he didn’t do anything when you turn to glare at him. But instead of it just being an immature asshole classmate, it’s your immature asshole boyfriend.
He’s an ass, but he’s the most likely of the three to actually listen to you (in his own way). If you’re upset, he’d ask why you’re pouting and whining so much, even if you’re talking normally. If you vented about what was wrong, Yonji would just offer to beat the shit out of whoever was giving you trouble regardless of the situation. 
If you asked if he loved you, he’d immediately say yes and look at you like you’re an idiot.
“Um, obviously I love you, dummy. I’d kill anyone who made you upset and I make out with you all the time; can’t get any more loving than that!”
As you can see, his concept of love is very...different from actual love. If you tried to explain what love actually is and how to express it, he’d just cock his head and say that his way of expressing love is better. Still, he’d try every so often to do it “your way” and treat you with a modicum of warmth and respect. It’s weird to him, but eventually he starts to like it because of how cute you look when your face lights up after he says something genuinely kind. Plus, whenever he shows his love in a way that’s healthy, you’re a lot more receptive to having your ass grabbed and having his tongue in your mouth afterwards; he starts to associate “love” and expressing love healthily with the reward of extreme physical affection. It’s not the healthiest thing to do (you should love someone without the extrinsic reward of getting to make out with them or grab dat ass without them complaining so much about it), but it’s the closest thing to a good relationship that you’d ever get with a Vinsmoke brother.
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Ichiji (NSFW)
Dominant, and prefers to be on top most of the time. If he’s feeling lazy, he’ll have you ride him though.
Right after the whole “I might be able to experience love” realization, he only wants to have sex with his sunglasses on. There’s something about having his eyes covered that gives him a sense of security from whatever weird thing you’re doing to make him feel so strange, and he feels like if you’re looking into his eyes without something to shield him, he’s too vulnerable. And Vinsmokes do not like feeling vulnerable. 
He likes it when you’re rough during sex (scratching, biting, etc.), even if the marks don’t show for long due to his armored skin. It doesn’t even really hurt him, it tickles more than anything; still, he likes seeing this feisty side of you in bed.
Niji (NSFW)
In addition to buying you plenty of expensive blue clothes, he buys a bunch of different sets of blue lingerie. He doesn’t mind if he accidentally tears or rips whatever you’re wearing during sex; he’ll just get you another one. He has a special thing for stockings and pantyhose, and he also likes it when you wear jewelry he’s gotten for you during sex.
Despite his nature, there are times where he’s surprisingly gentle with you in bed. It’s a part of that misinterpretation of love; he thinks that if he’s affectionate and soft with you in bed, it’s a sign of love and makes up for every other horrible thing he’d done to you that day. He likes to hold you afterwards and play with your hair, and fall asleep with you in his arms.
Tends to switch between being on bottom or top, but he’s always the one in control. If you’re riding him, he likes to have a leash on you so he can pull you close against his chest. 
Yonji (NSFW)
He’s got the highest sex drive of the three, and he’s got no problem with initiating something with you in public. If you wanted to go somewhere private, he’d pout (he likes it whenever everyone can see you getting fucked by him, it’s a great confidence-booster!) but he’d drag you to closest empty room and fuck you against the nearest surface.
Despite how selfish he can be, he always wants to make sure you cum. He likes hearing you moan and cry out his name as you writhe in pleasure from how well he’s using his mouth on you. He’s constantly bragging to his brothers about how well he knows your body and how good he is at sex (as if it’s a competition to him. Though as a Vinsmoke, everything is a competition, so he isn’t that far off)
Unlike the other three, he doesn’t mind you taking the reins sometimes. Since he likes it when his partners are feisty, he likes seeing you try to take control; it’s just so cute that you really think you can dominate him. If you ever wanted to try something like tying him up, he’d think it was hilarious and agree to it (even if he could easily break through some flimsy ropes, it’s funny to pretend you’ve really got him in a bind)
He’s usually wired after sex instead of tired. He’s also usually hungry afterwards, so he’ll have a servant bring a bunch of food for him (and you, since he’s trying to learn how to be considerate). Has no problem hopping out of bed when they knock at the door, and grabbing the tray out of their hands while buck-ass naked. He also eats in bed with you afterwards, with one arm slung around your waist while he eats with the other.
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nico-robin-official · 4 years
Straw Hat backstories ranked by tragedy:
Luffy (a): 3/10 - honestly, not THAT bad. Luffy is broadly shielded from direct consequences of his actions, and the loss of Shanks’ arm didn’t really seem to have much effect - he still became a goddamn Yonko a few years down the line.
Zoro: 4/10 - a bit better, actual character death, and directly motivating Zoro to this day, but it’s (imo) waylaid by the “she fell down some stairs” explanation for Kuina’s death, which instantly sends me into “wild conspiracy theorist” mode and distracts from the emotional impact
Usopp: 4/10 - undoubtedly tragic, but in a very mundane and almost frustrating way. Like, seriously, NOBODY took this kid in after his mother died? No one acknowledged the blatantly obvious coping mechanism? Not a soul?
Sanji (a): 8/10 - JESUS CHRIST. The gradual loss of hope, the absolute lack of restraint in portraying how bad Sanji would look after starving for that long, ZEFF’S LEG..... what the actual fuck Oda, forreal.
Nami: 7/10 - point down from Sanji’s due to being less horrifically visceral, but still, YIKES. Not only in what happens during the backstory, but the fact that the “tragic backstory” essentially just KEEPS GOING until the current events, that Nami is STILL dealing with That up to present day... Man, fuck Arlong.
Chopper: 6/10 - the fact that his life was rough from the start adds points, but once he found Hililuk.... Hiriluk? Hiriruk? Hiliruk? Crazy Doctor Dude, things kinda settle. While Chopper was TECHNICALLY responsible for CDD’s death, it didn’t make too big a difference overall, and he found safe haven with Kureha not long after, so that’s nice. He obviously still had hang-ups by the time the Straw Hats got there, it wasn’t really an ongoing situation.
Franky: 6/10 - starts rough, directly and significantly responsible for shit going bad later on, but did later move on to his own business, what with the Franky Family and all. Also, undermined by the inherent hilarity and wtf-factor of Franky’s existence
Robin: 9/10 - NOW I MIGHT BE BIASED, BUT CONSIDER: Horrible from the start, bullied by kids and worked like a slave by her family, finally starts making some friends and then loses everything, and perhaps worst of all, is forced into continuously horrible situations for the next TWENTY YEARS. Robin’s Tragic Backstory lasted for MOST OF MY OWN LIFETIME. That is dark.
Brook: 8/10 - LOST his found family, AND trapped on a boat with their corpses for the better part of 50 years. Yiiiiikes. Bonus points for Binks’ Sake of sadness.
Luffy (b): 4/10 - a bit rougher, since it includes actual character death... from Luffy’s perspective, at the time at least. Honestly, it’s more Sabo’s tragic backstory, but unless he wants to join the Straw Hats, that’s none of this post’s business 
Jimbei.... Jinbei? Jimmbles. : 2/10 - his early life isn’t THAT bad, and it loses points bc it’s not really fixated on HIM. Jimbo’s tragic backstory is also Fisher Tiger’s tragic backstory, and Arlong’s tragic backstory, and Koala’s tragic backstory, and Kizaru’s... okay, there’s nothing tragic about Kizaru’s role, but he is THERE for some reason. This is why you aren’t allowed to stick with the crew Jim Bean, you just haven’t suffered enough.
Sanji (b): 6/10 - as if this kid hadn’t been through enough..... criminy, bad dad, dying/dead mom, bullying older brothers, Man in the Iron Mask’d at a young age... only saving graces are that he was still being fed decently while Mask’d, and that his dad was willing to just. let him leave. So, the Not As Big A Jerk As You Could’ve Been medal goes to Judge Vinsmoke, I guess.
...bettin on a Zoro (b) sometime, but maybe not.
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sanjisock · 5 years
ao3. aoharu/hungry days-verse. warning for referenced child abuse
Zoro doesn’t see it, until he does.
Sometimes it’s just as simple as that. Like flipping on a light switch — one moment you didn’t see it, and then you do, all happening in the blink of an eye.
One moment everything seems normal — Sanji meeting him at the back of the gym building, passing Zoro his bento before the Kendo club starts like usual — and then Zoro sees it, the way Sanji stands with a weird slouch on his shoulder, his back leaning to the side, like he’s favoring his left. Zoro always thought the slouching was just an act, a way for the stupid Love Cook to look “cool” and impress the girls in their school, but a different thought crosses his mind for a second.
A different, terrible thought.
“Wait,” Zoro blurts out as Sanji is about to turn and make his way out of the school grounds. “Did you get into a fight?”
Sanji scowls. “Yeah. With you , two days ago.”
Well. They did get into a fight over some mundane shit Zoro can’t even remember anymore, but they both know their fights are more playful than anything. Neither of them intended to hurt . Sanji is still wearing their standard uniform, the long sleeves of their school blazer covering his arms, but Zoro would swear Sanji is —
“You know what I meant, Shit Cook.”
“Actually, I don’t ,” Sanji dismisses, clearly refusing to meet Zoro’s eyes, and the gesture makes something in Zoro’s chest feel heavy and uneasy. “So if you don’t have anymore bullshit to spout, my shift at the Baratie is starting in an hour —“
“I said wait ,” Zoro grabs Sanji by the arm, and Sanji winces. There’s a flash of pain in his eyes, and Zoro’s stomach churns at the sight.
“Let me go,” Sanji says, trying to tug his arm away from Zoro’s grasp, but it’s weak, weaker than Zoro would expect from the Cook.
“Your arm,” Zoro says, slowly putting two and two together. “I know you got hurt — I know you . You’ve barely moved your right here this whole day. What I don’t get is how, because you wouldn’t — you don’t fight with your hands —“
“I said let me go ,” Sanji hisses, clearly desperate, “Marimo —“
“And I didn’t have club yesterday,” Zoro ignores him, his heart pounding in his ears, this can’t be how he thinks it is, it can’t be — “We walked home together, and we didn’t walk past anyone, didn’t get into a fight with anyone. I saw you got into your front door —“
“ Zoro —“
“Then who could’ve done this to you —“
“I SAID LET ME FUCKING GO,” Sanji yells, snapping Zoro out of his train of thoughts.
That finally gets Zoro to release his grip, and Sanji quickly pulls his hand away, shrinking into himself like a wounded animal. Everything about it is so unlike the Sanji Zoro knows — foul-mouthed, confident Sanji, who could stare Zoro down without a hint of fear in his eyes.
The person standing in front of him is an entirely different person — Sanji is breathing erratically, his other hand absentmindedly rubbing his injured arm, and his voice shakes as he says, “I didn’t get into a fight, okay? This isn’t one of your Kendo matches.” He grits his teeth. “This isn’t something I can just fight .”
Like a flip of a light switch. In that moment, Zoro understands.
The Vinsmokes .
Zoro could feel his heart sink into anger, so visceral that he suddenly can’t see straight. He looks down to see his hands trembling with inarticulate rage, a thousand questions running through his mind — how could he have not seen this before? The way Sanji rarely, if ever, talked about his family; the way Sanji works in the Baratie even on the weekends, like he would rather be anywhere than back at his house. How did Zoro not notice that something was wrong?
How could he let this go on for so long?
Zoro fucking walked him home almost everyday. Like leading a lamb to slaughter.
All those trainings and after-school practices, all that talk about becoming the strongest, and yet he cannot protect those important to him still. He thinks of Kuina — remembers the feeling of hopelessness that gripped him like a vice the day she died — and feels like he has not taken a single step forward ever since. Nothing more than a mere child throwing a temper tantrum.
Zoro looks away in shame. “Have you told anyone?” He asks. Even if it wasn’t me, please, let there be someone who has reached out, who has helped —
Sanji shakes his head. “They’re the richest family in the whole city — hell , probably the whole prefecture,” Sanji points out, and Zoro doesn’t miss the word they , in third person; Sanji has never considered himself to be part of the Vinsmokes, how did Zoro not notice this before, how could he be so blind — “even if I had spoken up, they would’ve easily swept it under the rug. Can’t risk having the black sheep of the family ruin their reputation.”
There’s something in Sanji’s voice that reminds Zoro too much of desperation that he can’t help reaching out again towards him; softer, this time, mindful of Sanji’s wound under the sleeves, a light touch against Sanji’s upper arm. Sanji can pull away if he wants to. He doesn’t.
Zoro takes a step closer. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Sanji makes a face he usually does when Zoro says something particularly stupid. “Because you would think I’m weak , obviously,” he scoffs at that, bitter, and the sound rattles against Zoro’s ribcage unpleasantly. “I bet you’re thinking that now, right? Finally realizes that I’m just a weakling who can’t even stand up against my own brothers —”
Before he can stop himself, Zoro steps into Sanji’s personal space and wraps his arms around the Cook.
Sanji’s sentence dies in his lips.
“Cook,” he says, pressing his lips against the side of Sanji’s temple, willing the words to sink in, “ Sanji . Listen to me. You’re one of the strongest and bravest men I’ve ever known, and the fact that you’re still standing tall in front of me right now is proof of that.” He tightens his embrace, his hand instinctively burying itself in Sanji’s golden locks. “These wounds do not define you.”
He can hear Sanji’s breath hitch at that.”I know this isn’t my fight,” he continues, mostly because Sanji needs to hear this, but also because it’s true: “but you’ll always have me, in any way you want to have me. This is your fight, but I will always have your back.”
He can feel Sanji finally — let go. Sanji slumps against his body, the taut muscles of his shoulders visibly relaxing. They stay like that for a while, Sanji’s face nestled in the crook of Zoro’s shoulder, Zoro’s hand buried in Sanji’s hair, and Zoro can’t help thinking how it feels so right , being with Sanji like this. They’ve never been tactile with each other — open displays of affection like hugging are more of Luffy and Usopp’s department — but this is… not bad. Not entirely terrible. Zoro could even say he likes it.
Zoro pretends he doesn’t see Sanji wiping his eyes as they break apart, and it’s another moment before Sanji says, “I — I haven’t told anyone this, but I’m planning to move out.”
Oh. Finally, a piece of good news. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Sanji nods. “I mean, we’re not adults yet, so I can’t do that immediately, but as soon as I turn eighteen…” he frowns, suddenly embarrassed. “I haven’t worked out the details yet, like where to live and all that. I’ll probably ask Zeff for a raise? I will have to pay for rent, and —”
“Live with me.”
“ — that is on top of daily needs, and,” Sanji pauses. Blinks. “Wait. What?”
It takes a few seconds for Zoro to realize the words that have come out of his mouth, and when the gravity of his request finally sinks in, he can feel his face heat up. “I mean — I was —” he clears his throat. Fuck it. Roronoa Zoro does not back down from a challenge, especially one he started himself. “It means what it means, Shit Cook. Live with me. That way you don’t have to worry about rent.”
He watches Sanji’s face turn deep red in record time, and he would burst out laughing if he wasn’t sure that his own face was equally as red. “Are you — what the hell —” Sanji sputters, “are you proposing , Marimo?”
Zoro suddenly feels like swallowing his kendo sword. “No, shut up!” Shit, how did it come out so wrong? “I was just thinking — there’s a spare room in my apartment, and Koshiro’s the one paying, I just — I thought you wouldn’t have to pay for rent, and we can make a home for you.” Holy fuck, that sounds even worse , and Sanji looks like he just washed his face with a tomato sauce now —  “We as in — I’m talking about everyone, shut up. Me, Luffy, Nami, Chopper, everyone. They can come over and do stuff.” He looks up and meets Sanji’s eyes. “We can make a home for you.”
Zoro thought Sanji would kick him in the head for spouting all these nonsense, but Sanji laughs instead, the kind that’s bubbling all the way from his chest. “You just — do you even hear yourself?” Sanji teases. “You should at least take me for a date first, Mosshead.”
“Shut up!” He yells, and absolutely does not pout.
Sanji smiles at that, a small and quiet thing, and it is his first smile of the day. It is as heart-stopping as it’s always been, Zoro thinks, and feels something bloom in his chest at the sight.
Zoro doesn’t know what this feeling means yet, but —
He huffs and turns to walk towards the gym building. He has a club to go to. “Whatever. We’ll figure it out,” he says, unsure if he’s talking to Sanji or himself. “Together.”
Sanji catches up to walk beside him. “Yeah,” he agrees. “Together.”
The smile stays on Sanji's face for a long time. Zoro counts it as a win.
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Finally someone who posts about the Vinsmoke Brothers 🥳 Your Blog is amazing 💖 Can i have hc for the Vinsmoke Brothers + Sanji after they find out that their s/o has a very abusive family, who beat her up even to unconscious please ? :) Thank youu
Okay, am I the only one who feels a bituneasy upon reading a request about domestic abuse with smileys in itxD? But, yeah I’ll put this under a cut because this request inclusedTRIGGERING CONTENT that might upset someone. Proceed with caution.
Finding out you have an abusive familyheadcanon
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two words: silent. rage.
look, Ichiji isn’t a good person himselfand probably wouldn’t consider doing anything about it if it was justthe usual insulting/being a bit mean to you
BUT upon hearing that the abuse is alsophysical, he gets mad. REALLY. MAD. How dare they touch and damagehis girlfriend?!
he’s not even going to say anything toyou until he returns with the heads of your family in his hands. Dowith them whatever you want, burn them or slice them up, whateveryour heart desires.
„What did you expect, (Y/N)? You toldme about what that filth did to you, so it’s only logical for me toget rid of them so they won’t bother me or you ever again.“
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now that is one shocking revelation hedid not expect to hear from you
and… he’s also a bit mad at you, tobe honest. Why did you keep this a secret from him until now?! Howcome you didn’t tell him earlier?
Niji will listen to every little detailyou tell him and makes sure to memorize it. Why? Oh, because he isgoing to do the exact same thing to your tormentors. Only with evenmore pain.
…don’t even try to hold him back, he’smade up his mind already and now there is no going back anymore.
„No, (Y/N), there is no way you canstop me. I will make sure they regret everything, even being born.I’m going to make them pay back for what they did…“
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as someone who also grew up surroundedby abusive family members, Sanji completely understands how you feeland why you didn’t tell him earlier
he needs to take some time for himselfonce you tell him about it though. Maybe he’ll smoke a cigarette while thinking about a way he can helpyou deal with the aftermath of your abuse…
…however, that does not mean that hewon’t do anything about your… „family situation“
Sanji is definitely going to ‘pay avisit’ to the people who did this to you, and although he won’t killthem or cause them permanent harm like his older brothers, he willmake sure that they pay dearly
„(Y/N), I… What can I do? How can Ihelp you? …Please, remember that I will always be there for you,and if you’d allow it… I’d like to begin a new life with you as family.Let’s create the best memories ever together, and forget about yoursuffering with me.“
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„Hold on- hold on now, (Y/N)… theydid what to you?! Give me their adress. Come on, tell me where theylive!“
what. THE. Fuck. Where is this comingfrom all of a sudden?! You know, for a moment there he will thinkthat you’re joking… but then he sees the expression on your faceand immediately knows that you’re for real
first of all, why would anyone dosomething like this to a babe like you??? Is your family stupid and blind orsomething?!
of course he wouldn’t want any furtherharm to come to you, so he’d start to think of a plan to… 'help’you
…dang it though, he has no idea onhow he could make you feel better… Yonji doesn’t know how tocomfort someone, so he will do the one thing he’s best at- beat themto a bloody pulp.
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